WMJ THE OMAHA DAILY HUE : RIITO11DAX JUNE 10. 1893. SPEG1RL NOTICES- KOH TIIF.SK COM'MNS AnVKIlTISHMKNTa IJ30 ; p. m. for the ntonlnu 1 end until 8 .10 i > , in , for tlie morning find Knndnr dlttnns. . . AiJTrtl s , bf toqnflntlnir i numbered ehr-ckrun liave tholr answers kddrcsned to n numbered le ttnr IncnroofTllK ttr.r. . Answem no addri > s cd will bo iinrtd n.on presentation of the chock. WANTED MALE HELP. IlMos , me n word first Insertion. In n word there nflor Nothing taken lor loss limn S..o. * n WANTKI ) , 1HAVKMNIJ HA1.K8MKN TO JJdoll baking powder. Wo pill our goods In glass rolling pins. tiO monlli salary nnd oiponsns , nr 25 tier cent commission. Bond stamp for reply. Chicago llaklng 1'owdor Co. , 707 Van llurc-n St. , Chicago. ' I * Vj-TWO ACTIVB BAI.K9MKS.CITr IHMI.NK99. l\J > stniidy employment nnd well paid. Apply nt l > 1MB Hougla . Mfc * 10 , I1 -WA.NTniffitAVISUXn8 AJ .IC9MKN K.XPKIII- I Jionccil III stock food trartnt reference required ! oed mono ? lo good men Address Wilbur Spoil Meal Co. , .Mllwnukoo , WIs. ) - iv roi' WANT A HOOD PA VINO .m WHITE ) the Hawks Nursery Co. , Milwaukee , WIs. "n-WASTKII. TKAMRTT.HH KOIl HltKHIDAN , . J > Wyo. , on the II. A M. Hy. intension to Mon- tnnn. lluoil wniioi. Fri-o pass. Kramer , V O'ttmrn Labor agency BUI ? olh lit ! ) street. M74 ( 10' > WANTKI ) , TKAMSTIIHS FOIt HHKItlDAN , JW.vo.1 l.'ft per month nnd hoard. Free pass. t 'lloun'trco A Co. , labor ngonts , II2J Fornnm street < in 0- - - NO. 1 Alil.-ltOIJNI ) HAKKIt ; young sliiKlo nmni steady lob for the right nmn. AddrctsC. W Harris , Atlantic. In. TOTS' - . ) , FIHST-CI.ASS TAI.KKII FOH street medlclno selling. Lock llor CM , Council niufts. M78J 10 B-WANThl ) , A MAN FOH I.IIIHT WOHKl good pay nnd permanent position to right party , M Vtentet block. .M771 1U > WASTKIt. HOVfl TO WOHIC IN UAUDKN , I2U en BL , North Omnhn. 780 10 * TJ-WANTI.I > . MIJNTOTIIAVKI * J.W TO f 100 Pl'.H Onionth. Stone * Wellington , Mndlson , WIs. WANTii ) , IjADOllKHd ON TIIKO. A N. W , lly. Inlown. ( lood wagui. Fron pa . Kramer fcO'llcnrn , Labor ngoncyB03 South IIlhtri.pt B-ltU ) ( ) HAI.K8MAN WANTni ) , OF (10OI ) stnndlng with the trade to sell ( sldo line ) nn article In Kront demand. Will pay f J5.00 margins perwcok ; samples nmnll nnd neat. Only men already trnvollng nooil apply , Address Wnrd A Co. , Clovelnnd , O. M837 10' "n WASTSI ) , COM PKTBNT. fiOMKIl IIAKIIU TO i Jjgotu Hhonamloah. la. Marrlod man preferred. Anply tuiluy. J , U. llulfmayor , City Holler mill , Council muffs. M8I1 IU B-WANTKI ) , THIIKK THAVKI.INO HAI.US- men , lown , Kansas nnd Ncbrnskn. Cnll before 10 n. m. , No. 1U Ponrl elroot , Council llluRs. P. S. It Bnllsbury. M8I2 i : -WANTKI ) , AN KNKIIOF.TIO MAN FOH BWANTKI lirotltnblo position. Addross.1 25 , llee. XISM WANTED FEMALE HELP. | < Itntes l ! < ien word tlrst Ir.tcrtlon , le a word llioro Hftor. Nothing token for less thnnJJc. . p-WANTKD , LADIICS TO WIUTK AT HO.MK. I'wKncloso 1 ' stninpod onvolopo. Kiln Wnrst , i > ec. Boulh llond , I ml C.3 C MAN ANII WIFW , SIO.iW : M M15N. 10J (1IHLS , M.UI to 13.00. Canadian ofllco , 1W. ' Fnrnnm. M'K'J ' J1Z1 C WANTKI ) LADIKS AND KNTI.KMICN , Wl1 will pay you JS.OO to SI2.01) ) PIT week to do strictly I tiotno work for us nt your homes ; no canvassing : I jcnd self addressed nnvuloie. | ( I. F. Kmmons A I ' Co. . llatturymnrch nndVi.tor streets , llostonMB S , M712 1U- C-WANTUI ) , ( Hill. FOIl GHNKKAL HOUSE , nark , small family ; best wages. Apply 401 liKlcholusst 7M ) 10 C I-WANTKI ) A (1OOI ) ( illtl. FOH CKNKHAl hnusHwork 1715 North 13th St 771 It C-WANTKO , I.ADI1W KH PLKASANT. PHOFl table home work. Prof. McLuan , Arcade hotel 1 Douglas nnd I3tti streets. 735 14- -WANTKI ) , A COMPETENT OIHI. roll OEN C 'cral ' , hounuwork. Apply nt3707 Dodge utroet. 770 10 * . KTVLISII AITEAHlNfi FIHST CLASS C.A hair drosi-or who thoroiitlhly undDrstiinds th business , wanted. No no other need take th Iroublu to call. .Mrs. It. II. Davles.1S20 Douglas St 7U5 10 C-WANTKI ) , INTKLL1OKNT , llUKillT YOUSf InillcH , permanent position nnd good WHKOK. Auply Mmo. M. Vnlo Co. , rooms UII-2 Knrbnch Llock. " 1 > 7 'J' - WANTKI ) FOR GENERAL HOUSE- C worlc. S3S So. V7th. 814 11 * FOR RENT HOUSES. V-KOll HUNT , IIOIIaKS IN Al.l. I'AHTS OK /city The O. K DnvU compnny , 1W5 Knrnniu ut. v-10-IIOOM IIOUSII. tW DOtlm.AS STI1KKT. "Knqulro ofMorlU Meyer , cor. IGth and I'arnnm. TKN-HOOM MODKIIN I1OIISK , KOOIJ I.OO/V- D tlon ; rent moUoriito , L. S. HklniaT.lCH I'nrnain. DD FRONT. ALL MOD- - - HOUSE , KAST - D urn , fJj.W. Fidelity Trust Co. , 1703 Farnnm. 415 D-3 AND 4 ItOOM AU.MIT.MHNT3 , VON KOIIN block , with nle.Tin ; roferoncoi required ; 81UB 2-'d. 417 D-KOH HK.NT , 10 IIOOM JIOD15HN HOU-ii : , suitable for rooincrb nnd baardcrd , ' 'Oil 1 lamer Itreot. 10 run in modern houie , 2114 I.onvcnwnrth Itreet , only ( i : > M. MIIIIO nlco coltuuei. U. ( i. Clnrk il Co. 1213 Hartley otroot. MS3I mil Hi.NT , H-llOOM COTTAOU FOU COI.- orodpooplo. M3 North 13th at. M803 D-SiiC : 11. J. RUN I ) ALL , 11 HOW N UUIIjDINd. M33 JI9 \-l IIOOM FLAT. } 17. C & 7 ItOOM FLATS. 30. 'Oi > p. Jelfomonsounro. lloborU , 1013 Chlrnzo st | MSIVSJ27 * " -8-ltOOM 1101'SK ' , MODKIIN. CONVKNIHNT fur business or wholesale moo. Apply 112 South KlOtli itrout. if. D FUll 111'.N'T , l-'iilN19IIKIl ; 10-UOOM HOU-K. Worthlnzton I'laco. All raodt-rn. Inquire nt Illronnell Mall. 57JL . . . 1AM1U \-KOIlKU.XT. 7-HOOMiIODlSHX KI.AT. 'block , UO'I 9. Mill t. . CO.I U ) -KOll It I'NT , 8 Oil 10 HOOMS I'UUNIBIIKI ) Oil iinfurntilind n blocks from Court house , s-cnitli ) niiihtL cars , lint water heat , niodorii ounvenloiico 9. itoferoncns ri-quired. DJ'JHlrili. Cll i UdO.M IIOltHK , UOOH IlKl'AIII. INQL'IRK ID.i . 711 DoiiKlim utrout. MiiS'J I -TO HUNT. HI'.VICX IIOOM lloUHK. IJI.OUi six rouin hou o , 5IS.OU ; liiirn It iluMred , fl.UJ ; nlcu liiivn , ( ror . city wntt-r. clilorn. ceiiiuutud col- lurs. bntli , noiir motor , tou owner , 1) . V. btnvrm , " l'n lon block MiiTU D -voii uiiNT , FiiiiNisnr ! ) iiousu roii HUM- moron Capitol 11111. Addri ) 3 II M , llee.ilCSfi ilCSfi 1J TEN 110 3M HRICK , NOT 11ASKMENT PLAN. i I i inpltol nvonua _ r ' II 8 AND il-UOOXI IIOl'.SKA INQUIRE OF J. F. nnrlim2iiO : < apltol nveniio. 729 12 * _ _ ' _ - HKNT.o'llOOM HOUSE WITH MODERN D-FOR convnlunci' " pretty yard nnd burn , only 925 00. ; UO North 3M ntreet. .M77& -FOU HINT. : TWO FLATS i N ULOIIK IIUILD- liu. fourteen moms nnd bath ; jnodurn ; can rent either or both to ono party ; sultnblo fur miens or residence , tilobu Lonn A Trust Co. 7m 7-j _ D-FoTl HUNT , 0-HOOMKD COTTAGE. NO. 1J35 North 3'Uli stro3t. (130 } par month ; city water , llstorn , nuwly pnpurud. Kuy nextduor south. 11 * D 6 ( ill 3-HOOM FLAT , HRICK , ItW LEAVEN- worth Bt. bM14' D-KOiilKST. 10 ROOM HOUSi : 1731 DODGK , all modern Improvi'monts. Inqulro licit dour > r HIS Fnriiain ft. bin 1U D rrit-NiMiifii iiotsi : FUR RI.NT FORSU.M- nicr , iiliio rooms , modern conveniences. Apply , 1,117 1'upltol IIVUIIIIK. MBIU lu * L'OH KENT FUHNiaHED KOOMS i m n wonl llrst luiurllon. lo n woril llioro .NoililiiK liiKun fur lej ilinnvSa E-IMIUltluUTU VllUNT IIOOM , 24W 1U.ONDO . M3'MJ'J1 El l'HM81Ui : ANII UNC UUMBIIKI ) . Hill t'Al' llol nvciuiK. MS70 Jll ? NKWI.V fimxisnin : KIIU.ST IIOUMH roi * J ronl , muJorii convculuncca. North lutl ttrccl. M7ISt \ < E-2 KliKtiANT HOUTllKAbT I'\ltl/lt8 I'AllTI.I fiirnUliud. N. U. cor. liith and lloirurd. HI IS * - t UHMMI12U ItOO.MS roll ( JKNT1.KMKN J7t Vila N , r.'tii. ' ( W v * i S , tlNUI.i : Oil KMaUITK , 111 DOdcO. 18- E , n.KABANrVUL.I. . IIOUMi Hltli all luoJurn uuuruuluncui. it. it.MM MM ) I E-nWN181IKI > IIOOM WITH AI.OUVJ TOI Kcutlouivn , iutJ rii courciiluticf , 33J .Nortli .lJ M7JJ 1HH8T CI.A83. ALL , CO.N VEMKNCEH. 017 > IJWIh it. 781 11 * EblTTINU AND kLUUl'lNd ItOOU ) f lOMdNTll Hit M. | 7th. IIMI 10 * E-r'l-HNlSIIKI ) HOOM8 WITH OK W1THOU board In a iili'umu lucitlou. Ill Korth jeth. YUt : IJULAX , 5UV AND 111 X J6TU it. FURNISHED HOOMS AND BOARD UOMK TAUI.K , MUIIKUATK HATKSI 1911 Knrnnm. _ on US' | i < -IllI.I.jIK ! | , I8ADOIKIK , HOOMS , 1MYIIOAHD. - MKU J17 * _ 1-tlUOM9 AND IIOAIll ) AT 5113 CAPITUI , AVK- -L nuo. Uefcrcnco3 requlrcil. 3I94S.II9 TJ 'OIJ.MTWOMKN'H HOMK , t.NIKH ! CAIIK OK -L U'ora n' LbrlUinn association , lit n. 17th t , FDKHIItAtlljK ItOOM AND IIOAItl ) IN Pill- tftto fnmllr700 N. loth. SU3T I.V U-tlKSIIlAI.K 8KCONI ) KLOOII HOOMS. Ktlll- 1 nlshed or unfurnished , nl The Krontor , 111 N. 26th st. 791 It * 7uitMSIIii : > SOUTH HOOM9 WITH IIOAIUH references. 2211 Karnam. M30fi 15 * l.-KUHNISlinn KOO.M ANII ItOAHD KOIl TWO J gentlemen. Modern conveniences. ISM Mouth S.1d street. MbS4 ll IJ'-KUIINIHHKI ) HOOMi W1T1I IIOAUD AT 403 r.Northl'Jtli. MS11 IV FOIl KENT FURNISHED ROOMS. Itntes , me n word flrnt Insertion , le n word tlioro- nltor. Nothing tnkcn for less than Sjc. - " " ' aiiiii ; li UNf'JIlNlSIIHl ) H'YoMH modern Improvcmontn. beautiful lawn nnd shade. N. K. Cor dnrd Miami streoH. Mi50 FOR RENT STORES AND OFFICES llntcB. 10,1 n line onch Inicrtlon. f 1.50 n line per month. Nothing taken for lo than SJa l-VnilHKNT. STOUK , OX 8. I3TII ST. , J.ANOH 1 block , suitable for meat nmrkct , hardware or dry KOOI | store. HiuIraXJ | ( ) H. 13th st. 4M i -run UKNT , TIII : ( STOUVIHUCIC IIUII.DINO , LDin ( nrnnm st. The building has n fireproof cement - mont basement , cumploto steam hontlni tlxtnroi. wnlor nn nil the lloors , gns , etc , A ) > | > ly nt the olllco of The lien , 1 IO 'l-1'Olt HUNT , C1101CK.ST SKCONI ) H.OOH lliu lnoi > corner In Omnhn , ( ilotio bulUlIng , lilih und DodKo ( ilolio l.onn .VTrualCo. 453 1-nBNTUAM.V I.Oi'ATIlt ) , HlllCIv STOUK .Ibiillillng , rerr chi'.ip to pormaiionl tenant < ! . V , Units , 2-UHouth 17th street. MS77JI3 T-OSK OK THK I.AUCaUT VACANT 8TOIIH ihulhllngsln Omnlm , BlluatoJ In the wholosnlu quarter : III' 1.10 foot ( loop by 211 feet wide , tliroo or llvutuiom mid basement ; the front Is entirely of plain glass mid Iron nnil suitable lor either \Tholo- i > ao ! or manufacturing : will bo rented for roa.ioim- bin rent for a term oC years. Inquire at Natntorlum , 1313 Howard pU 1MJ21' r-OKI'IOKH UN 8UITK OH S1NOI.K. WITH Oil without fireproof vaults : cheap. Wlthncll Hlk. .M7M JyC r fOH IIBNT , 8TOHAGK ItOOMS. 317 N. 15th. Stt II * T-JTOIl IIBNT , IJK3K 11OOM OH 1IAI.K OF OF- -i-llcc. desirable Incstlon for broker doing huil- nes < < with wholosiila houses. 31J S. 12th St. 7'JJ ' 9 * WANTED AGE NT9 , Itntos , me a word tlrst Insertion , lo n word there after. Nothing tnkcn for less than 2Jc. I-WANTKI ) , ItKUAUI.K 1'ICIISON TO TAKK ' exclusive nxcncy In Umahn , Nob. , of the olllclal World's fair organ , the "World's Columblim Kxpo- slllon lllustrntcd. " ostnblUhod February , JS'JI. Iiiirge profits this ycnr. end lie. for sumplu copy nnil pnrtlculnrs. J. 1) ) . tnmpbell , president , IS'J Adnnm st , Chicago. Mail 10 * T-WANTKI > . K1KST CT.ASS AOUNTS FOIt Till ! ' best fratcrnnl Insurance order. Cnll between 7 nnd 8 p. in. , Friday or Saturday night. F. W. Sears , lit Mlllanl hotel. .M802 10 * T-A I.AHIIB COKI'OIIATION CONTUOM.INQ 'llioninnnfnctiiro nnd snlo of nn nrtlclo of ruro merit and In genernl 1111 wishes to secure one nuentln every town nnd elly where they have tiono nt present. Kxclnslvu rluht lu u large tor * rltory given. ( Joodsnro wnrrnnted tu bo as repre- tontixl. Hundrt-iU of nuonti nro hnndllng these gnuils. Ilinnlriidi of thomruuli nro wearing them , 'Jhc buslncas li loxlllmatc , prullts onorinous , ox- purlunconot necessary. For full particulars nd dross Corporation , I.ynn , Mnss. MPdC 1U * -AOKNTS , HKI.I.OIIH ADVUllTISINH HCHK.MK ' 'to merchants ; f'JJU. ) dully ; visit stores only stamp , -samples. Arc compnny , Hnclnet \ , SIS33 10" RENTAL AGENCIES. ' LIST YOUIt IIOUSKS FOIt HUNT WITH W.lt. Jllorry A Co. , 717 N. Y. l.lfo. MSOi STORAGE. lliito- ) , lOc a line onch Insertion , f l.M a line po month. Nothing taken for less than Ka. M-WK DOTlfl ! I'ACICINC ! . MOVIXO , STOIUNd shlpplnc of ulnnos uiul furnlturti ; storohoui 1114 Douglas , olllco l.VW Dodge. Omnhn Yun nm i ; prcsH Co. Tel. l.VVJ. M. licklns , Mg'r. 7ii2JrC' r-Sl'OKAOE.WILLlAM-V CUOSS.I.'U I1AHNKY L 453 -STORAGE KOIl HOUSKII MD ( HODS ) M clonn nnd cheap rates. 11. Wells , till Furnam 4.M M-HEATING STOVES STOHED DURING SUM im > r ; special storaga for household goods. Tul WJ , 1207 Douglas. Omaha stove Repair worus. m 4U7-10 * WANTED TO BUY. Itntes. IH'c.n word tint Insorilon. Ion word there after. Nothing taken for loss than 2Jc. TV" CASH KOH KIWXITUJ'.K , HOUSEHOLD -Li good * , etc.or will sell for owner lii our auction Mili'3. \Yolla.llll Knrnaiu. 451 Tvr-KlUST MOIITOAOK I'Al'EHs. 1L A. All- ll nold , COS lice bliljj. .M29I V-HW9ON AN AllTtSAN WILL : % II. V , CADY . > Lumber Co. , Oth and Dounlns. n VJ WANTKD. A 1'Alll OK VOUNO DOVKS , CALL . > nl (113 ( S. llltu , top lloor. Alf. Y. Allen. 785 9 IST WANTKI ) , K1C1IIT OH TKN GOOD ( i IIAD15 Ji-raov cows. Aililross J 2i ) , llco. M501 10' XT WANTKI ) . 2ND II AND I > OUlLn-SKAT ] 1'OH- 1 > tor rouil cart In good condition. Lock box 11 , Neola , In. 821 B FOR SALE FURNITURE. 0FOR HALE. FURNITURE OF FIVE ROOMS square Moluwny pluno. Will sell nny part , owner leaving the city. Must bo sold quick. Ad- drcis J2I lleo. b7 ! 9 FOR SALE HORSES WAGONS ETC. Itntes. ll o n word llrst Insertion , le n word there- nfter. Nothing taken for loss ttrm 2 e. 1)-iOITHAM ( ) ) WOltlv 110HSl-t OH DHlVlCHrt. 1 flM.O' ' ) . will soil sop.irato fur J73.0J each. A. C. llaymer , 2IU3 N atrout , boulh Uiunhn. MiS5 ( IJ T'Oll rHI.H CliKAPOllOV UASYI'AVMKNTr1 , 1 span draft mules , span draft horses , delivery homu. driving horse , npuodlnu wagon , phaeton. C. \Vulwortli , M.S. \ . V. Llto biilMliikTH 10 * I-FOII HAi.i1 : , TIAM. ' HAHNIIHS AND I phaeton. Chc-ip : for cash. Can bu Been after S n. ui , tli ! CuinliiK. MT39 II * D0001) KAMILV I10H3I ! FOR 8ALU IIY K. U 1 l.iivojuy. liaNo. l..th u 7M 13' 1J-A ( iOOl ) llOHSi : KOIl SAl.H , WKUJI1T nbout 1,0'S ponndi , nt lla No. ISth st. 7iJ W FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Rates , I' < c n word llrst lusurtlun , la n word there- nf.er. Nothing taken for less than''ic. Q-FOUSALK , CLEMENS PATENT UKFRIGKU- ator : sultahlo for butchers or grocers ; site U < 8 , Ofeut hluh ; cost 113500 now , will sell forj.UJ.V. . II. Duvls.VfOn , Suward , Nob. M7IO 13 * roil SALE , II Hr.-AI ) FINE FRESH HOL- Kteln nnd Durham cuws ut Joitur'fl ynrd. 22th und Hurt st 7iil i ) ' / \-GOOI > 2i ) 'HAND SEWING MACIIINKS vVchenpat IIS No lith st. "W U -IlUill (1IIAIIK COI.UMIIIA II1CVC1.K Q iifolv. for nnlo clicnp , T.'l blivrinnn nro. nro.M9M 11' \-KOIl SAliK , MIIOWN LiilIOIlNCOCICKIlAI,9 ( /at 3311J ones utroi-t. March birds. M U 10" CLAIRVOYANTS. O-M118. NAN.VIK V. WAHIiKN. CI.AIIlVnVANT. Ori-llabltiuiulnuii medium ; fifth MmriUll N. ICUi t. lilt. il. 1.1X1 it AVK , rilOl'llKTKrH , 1IKAI ) clalrvuyanl uiul life romlor ; lull * yuur life from cr.iUlu in uruvu : can liu coniultoil on nil atlalr * ufliro ; linn tin ) culubrateil Kujptlnn broaal plulu to unlto thu nc-.ar.ituil und t-iui o itiarrlaRO vlth ono you l""n. i unit oap , comu nil , anil bu roixtiirvil of nuri.iarkublo powom , OIllcu anil ri'sldimcu ( IT * llth Irout lionri'.I n. ni. to U p m. Sltlcillfo i-h.ify mil ; -liol . of jrour futuru wife or liuxtniitl eont in gucli mall for IS.OOi chart nlono , f..UO , All lotturj'CJUtatuliiK 4 conta In atarupi prunitljranintr | ) < lil. MMI U- MASSAGE. BATHS , llato * , lOoa line each Iniortlou.ll.W a line pel mouth. Nothing taken lor lei > than ' 'la. IS lloouil Mamaife , vapor , alcotol , lcara , uluhur lilo nml it's balbs. mUJ7 | U' . 1IJI DOUGLAS L . . . Moor , room 7 , uimuge , alcohol , sulphur and son uutht. rp-MMK. MACK OK CIIIUAGO OlVKi 1IAT11S JL manoetlc aud maitazo troatuienl. Iloom8 , eo end lloor , HI North Hlh street. CW ia ' ' ' 'PE'RS'OMALr 0 Hales , IXc a word flril Insortlou , lo a word there after. Nothing taken for li' i than : &c. IT 1 r-M A8d AO K TUB ATM B.NT , K LK ( Tf U tC-Tll Bll U in a I baths , scalp and hair treatment , manlcuri aaa chiropodist. Urt. l'oit,81JHS- vulinvUbll U-WHV UKNT A SEWING MAUIINKi WIUI sell a good 3d band machine al fi and up. U. 1. LoT Joy.l8 ! e , lithil 757131 PERSONAL. U-MISS K. A. KKAHN3. TKACHKIl OK planet special attention lo rmtlmonlal princi ples. Hnlto 4R , Midland hotol. 10th and Chlcaito , MMIJ77 * \VH1TK roil A niKKCOI'VOFOlMlllKAIJ. tltnlljr IlluslrntoJ Matrimonial Journal , con- talnlnv manr rhoto-cnvrnTlnRs of liandsonio women anil Rnllmit men who wish lo nod. llronn IMibllthlnit Co. . Tcmplfl Court , Toledo , o. MTII 31 * ABSTRACTS OF TITLES llatos , lOc a line each Insertion , II.5J a line per month. Nothing taken for lens thanttc. iisTii irr3TiiKVrH)17ArtrTuAOTKK i and Trust compnnr , abstracts , conrorancers , Tltloii pcrfi-cled nnd guarantor ) . Own tlio onljr coraplct abstract books In Douglas CountrIto - moved to room S10 Now York 1,1 To bulMlne. 4i1 MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. Hates , too n line cacti Iniortlon , 11.50 n line per monthNothln/ for lo than tie. HATi:3. KIDKL1TY THUST COM- ' psny , 170.1 Knrnaiu street , 4H ) \\r-OMAHA 9AVINO3 HANK MAKK9 I.OAN9 1 * on real estate at lowest market rates. Loans mailo In small nr largn sums for short or long tlmo. No commission Is clmrgoil itnd the loans are not sold In the east , but cvi nlvrays bo found nt the bank on tbo corner of Uth nnd Douglas sts. I'll "IV OKNTHAI.LOAN ATHUSTCO. , 1IK13 111.1)0. W-MONKY TO LOAN OX OMAHA AND COUN- ell flluffs real cstntu nnit N'obraskn nnd lown. farms nl from Mi lo 04 percent Intnrest.wlth no nil- dltlonnl chnrgos for commissions or attorn jys fe'o-t. W.ll.Melkln.lst Nnt'l tiank bldg. Omaha. 4IH 17-1 AND J YHAH LOANS ON CITY AND KAIIM i mortgages. Hcod A Solby , 311 Hoard of Trado. ir-MONKY TO LOAN AT I.OWK8T IIATK8. > The O. K. Davis Co. . 1501 Karnnm strosl. . 4UJ \\r-ANT110NY I.IAN ANDTHUST CO. , SH IJ. Y. ii l.lfo , lends nl low rates for cholca security on Nebraska or Iowa farms or Omaha city property. 470 \\r-MOHTflAll. ( LOANS I.KS3 THAN 7 PUH ' ' cent , Including all charges. Clmrles W. Hnlncy. Omaha Nnt bank blilg. 4CJ \\r-WANTKn AT ONCB WANS ON IMPltOYKI ) ' Onnha property ; low rates. Fidelity Trust company , 17UJ Fnrnnm street , 4tSJ \\r-l.OAN8ON niPUOVIJI ) ANDUNIMPHQYIJI ) > cltyproporly.W.OW nnd upwards , . " ) toomiorcont No delays. W.FarnamSmith ACo.luth and unrniiy. 4G > ! \\r-.MONI.l' TO LOAN AT LOW18ST HATKS ON * ' Improved nnd unimproved real estnto , 1 to yenrs , Fidelity Trust Co. , 170 ! Fnrnam. 4C3 0.0. WALLACE , 312 11HOWN Ht.K. \\r-FlKST AND SHCONI ) MOHTOAOB LOANS ; > low rates. Aim Mooro. 401 Hoe bldg. 474 W-J. W. SQU1HK. MOVED TO 2(3 111SK ULDO 475 W WASTKn , TO DUYSPKHCKNT NOTK3 SB- cured by mortgages Omnhn city or Douglas Co. property. Heed A Selby , MS Hoard ofTrnde , 4G7 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. Itntrs , lOc n line each Insertion , ( l.M n line per month. Nothing tnken for less Unit 15c. " " " " "l 1)01 ) Y OIJ W A NT SI ON K V t THK F1DKL1TY LOAN OUAHANTliK CO. , IIOOM 4 W1TIINELI. 11LOCK. 313VJ SOUTH I&T11. COHNKH 11AHNBY 9T WILL \ LOAN \ YOU \ ANY \ \ \ SUM LAHOE On SMALL FROM \ TKN \DOLLAI13\ \ UP. W K MAKK LOANS ON I-'UIINITUUK , 1IO118 KB , CAHIHAnKS , WAIIKHOUBi : HKCRlPTd OH P1SH- 8ONAL PHOPKHTY OF ANY K1KI ) . / WILL /DO WELL/ / ONUS FIHST/ OUH TKHMS WILL MKIIIT YOUK APPHOVAL. Yon can pay the money back ut nny tlmo find In any nmnunt you wish , and thus reduce the cost of carrying the loan In proportion to amount ynnpny. IF YOU owe a bnlniica an your furnlturo or other personal property of nny kind wo will pay It oil for you and carry It ns loni ; ns yon doslro. YOU CAN 1IAVK YOIJIl MONEY 1NONKIIOUH Fltll.M TUB TIME YOU MAKK APPICATION. No publlcltv or romovnl of property , so that you get the use of both money nnd property. 4tt ) X CALL AT THK OFF1CK OF OMAHA MOHTOAGi : LOAN CO. INCORPORATED. IF YOU WANT MONEY , Yon can borroiv on HOUSEHOLD FUHS1TURK AND PIANOS , HOUSES , WAGONS AND CAUUIAOKS. WAREHOUSH HECEIPTd , MERCHANDISE , Oil ANY OTHKIl SKCUHITY , Wo will lend you nny nmoiiut from { 10.00 to ( I.OOJ.U'J ON THU DAY YOU ASK FOH IT without publicity or removal of pronorty. You can pay the money bask In any amount yon wish , nnd nt any tlmo. nnil onch payment so mndo will reduce the coat nf thu loan. Remember that yon have the usoof both the property and the money , und pay for I ; only as lone ns you keep It There will ba nooxponsa or charge kept out of the amount wanted , but you will rc'celvo the full amount of the loan. Roforo borrowing elsewhere call nnd see us , nnd you will IInil Itgruntly to your advantage. OMAHA MOHTdAOK LOAN CO. , MM SOUTH 1BTI1 STHISKT. tlrst floor nbovo the street. THE OLDEST , LARGEST AMI ) ONLY INCOHPOR ATBD LOAN COMPANY IN OMAHA. 477 "V" WILT. LOAN MONEY ON ANY KIND OF SB- -i vcurlty ; strlctlr contldentlaL A , B. Harris , room 1 , Continental block. 473 X MONEY , 3'J , 0 , UJ DAYS , CHKAP RATES and easy pitymunts. on furnlturtj. pianos , llvo stock , etc. . without delay or publicity ; cash on bund. Dull Green , room y. Darker block. H'.l BUSINESS CHANCES. Itntes , lOo n linn each Insertion , Jl. 50 n line per month. Nothing taken for loss lining , o. ACES "iwK'S 1 l.SFALI.Hir.K X Hnndlcnpplnz system nets $43.0. ) weekly on J200 00 Investment Second successful year. Safe. Conservative. Prnotlml. I'rtupoctna IjSU free. u. 1) . Hoive.Jox ! 1J7. llrooklyn. N. Y. _ Ml'JJ JJ3 " \r KOIl SALK , TRADE OR IlKNT. IIIM'KU 2S J. rooms , nil occupied with pornmncnt boarders ; modern Improvements. Host location In S. Omaha. Capt.lolm O'Donnhoo , 2XS N. Ililh st. Omuhn , Neb. _ Mlili .12.1' Y DO YOU WANT TO 1IUY , S15LI. OH EX- chnngo u business , real cstato or lands } Do you wniiladdlllonntcnpltnlln your buslnoj.4 ? If HO BJO us. Wn can help you. Cnll or wrlto for onrbullotln. Otllci-sln nil prlnclpnl cHloi ; Omaha branch. 30 | Now York l.lfo building. M'J-O J2J V FOH SALK , J3..VJU DRUG STOCK IN EASTERN JL Nebrnskntown of OJU population. Sloci fresh andcluan. Hales J10.003 a. year with good pro Ills. Ajld re sJI Ii7 cure llee. .Mtil.l . 11) ) ' \7-FoHSALK , NICK CLUAN STOCK OF DRUGS JL nnd llxtnres In lown town ; Invoice about f.i.UW ; no compotltlon ; sales almost exclusively cash. Ad- droiis J 18. HBO. 72S 13 \7-WANTKD , PARTNER WITH HO.000.0 ] TO L toke Interest In manufncturlug buslucss that will pay 25 percent. Address J 10 , lieu. M773 If \r Kll SALE , HOTEL AND FURNITURE .1 doing good business ; good reasons for selllnu given. Addruis Frank lllllas , Karlliitf , la.MflOO MflOO 10' y Wl SAI.B. PA VINO RKPU1IL1CAN NEW * Jpaper. . In llvo town , uooil rcutons for selling Address J 2U lieu. 833 II * \7-KOH8ALK. A GOOD PA VINO NKWSPAPKII L nnd Jot > olllco In n small country town , Also u WMll equlppetl nuwspupor nnd job oltlco In n count ) sent town of II.UUU . , doing a line business , llotli within Minlloj of Ouiuhn. Address J il l.'eu. 615 15 ' -WANTKD , A PHYSICIAN WITH SO Ml ! money , to tuko charge of u Keoley Institute Address R. WMuCuuuo bldg. , Omaha. b l V-SKK HKHE. WE HAVE FOHSALI- : IIHICU -Lbluaksnilth and wugon shop , 2J .r > ( J feat , whlol rents for l.'i per month Prlco , ( . * , i'4)0. Also tlrst. class farm lands In northern Kansas and southerr Nebraska , Ihu best oellon of country 111 the won Address Klnii A. llruwn , Falrbury , Nob. MJ II * VFOR SALE , LAUNDRY PLANT FOH HAI.r I cheap und room for runt low. lumilro KH : Farnam. 810 10 V-FOU SALE , DRUG STORK IN GOOD NE J braska town. Salon average over KUDO pel year. Good , clean stuck , will Involca about fJ.v > 0 llfst storeroom In town. Rent cheap , ( loot reaions forsi'lllng. Thli fi aanitp. Address J it lite. vu Ti' FOR EXCHANGE. llntoi , lUo a line each Insertion. II. W a line pel month. Nothlug taken for less than ' 'Jo i/ " TOWN 100 FAUMS IN NKrniASKA. KANS'A ! /Jand Dukotu. Will sell cheap , or exchange fo uidso.horsesauUcaUlu. Add. box 70 , Frank fort , Ind _ _ _ 4SI I/- A CLKAN aTOUK OF GENKHAL MDsK /JWI1I tal > o real csUto nnd money , lloi rJ3. Frank furt. Ind. 4:1 /-ISO ACRES OF CLEAR LAND IN ONI ! OF Till / Jbett winter wbuat districts In Kansas to ox ohuiigo for 19 or .1) ) aero tract near Omaha clt llinltK. Will pay cash .IHIuroucj If property I ) good Address , giving prlco nnd location , o til. Hop. 2ij r/ l ) ACHES , IMPROVED. FOH THADH. WIL /Jllams A Mlttan , room ilJ | , McCaguu building , op uoBllo p-iil.uico. _ ; j4-j Z WANTED , AGOOUHORSK AND 1IUGGV O a pair of good horses In exchange for nsoctlo nf cliur laud In Taxas. Abstract of title to lam Ureatsnup. Address J al. Uee. _ MaUT U IFOR BXCHANUK , 11ROWN GELDING 1 /Jyears old. Con trot or pace better than 33 Waut toaiu of drivers. Ilex 93tl , Bheusudoah , la. _ _ ! . JAl'ti II 3U.O n A CLEAN STOCK OF DRV GOODS , CLOTHINC /Jetc. , for lands and caib. It. \ \\utklni A Co Frankfort , Ind. 6M 23 > FORJALE REAL ESTATE. 1W ACIIKS. IMPHOVKD , lfOirilWoro.\l.V ili qash down , Wllllauii A Mlttau , loom 311 , M Cavue bulldlag , opposlto poitortlco. 7319 FOR SALE R 'AL ESTATE. ContlniM lirK HAVK JUST COMrl.KTKI ) THE PHKT- vi Uesl uli-room coltngo In the city , lighted hr nleetrlolty , having furnaca , UMh , hot , cold water , mantel , Erato , marble top walh bowl , sewer connec tion , trees , stone wnlk , paviM street , etc. I/ocntod In ATondate park , one mile frpm postomco. Prlco only 13.800. Fidelity Trust Co. , 17UJ Farnam street WllVtfOT nuFTiioT BUILD A CQTTAQH AND QUIT 1'AVI.NO 11KNT WI11CN YOU CAN MAKK MONET- * MY DOINd 80 ? Wn nro offering Iho bolt rostdftnoa propcrtr for working man Hint can lie founj nro unit Omaha t about onn-lmlf the prlca lots nro veiling for , the same distance out , ta anr otliar direction , oquallr ai doslrablo. ONLY fliJ.03 ONK-TKNTH CASH. tllO.00 parable on or befora thren years from April 31 , ISM. nnd thnbal.-inco in monthly or quarterly pnjrmcnts at ? per cent Interest. WITH TI1K31C ADVANTAOI53 ! An olcclrlo motor line ruin to this property. Tlio loin ate high nnd lorol nnd nt ur.ido The streets nroerailc-rt nnd tlio grading pnld for. The tnres on this proportr have boon loss than 51.00 pur lot , per your. l.XMXM.00 WII.Ii UK SI'KNT THIS YItAH In Im provements on nnd nronnd tills property. Several new houses have recently lieon hullt In the nddltlon , nnd others will ho commenced soon. Close lo mnnufncturliiK Industries where n Inrgo number of men nro Klvcn constunl employment. 1'Hll LOT DISCOUNT to the tlrsl fifty pnoplo who will build liousos. thereby m.iklng nctunl cost of lot bought nnd built upon within one year . only tJGU-03 It will cost you nothing to Investigate this for yourselves , nnd It will p y you to do so.nt once , 1)0 NOT MISS THIS Ol'POHTUMTY. Cnll at our onico nnd let us tnkoyou out and show you this property. poTTKii A ( use-nan COMPANY , Southwest corner loth nnd Farnnm streets. M6S5 A HU.NimiSI ) 'i Dollars DollarsFor For ForA A lot lotlltRht In town WithSchools Schools , Churches. titoroi ; TwcntyKlvo Klvo Dollars Down , Ten Dollars A mouth Without Intaroil Until f100 nro I'nld , Ualnnco Can bo Paid III two And tliroo . ' Yeurn * At 7 percent Iso one else i OBcrs IAacnny , Terms Js'or ns Uood i A lot. AMK9 , UBAL K3TATB , 1M7 FAHNAM. 816 0 Ijioii BALI : , O-HOOM COTTAIIK AND LOT , worth f I..WJ ; will tuko ti.MW ; tl.-'OUoncumbranco ; monthly payment on balance. House newly pa pered , city water , bath and water closet. Address owner , J 18. llee. TUB wuo WILL TAK1S THK NEXT LOT ? STOKPKI. PLACK LOTS nro belling fast. Hotter loU ISetter prospects Lowest In price ' Kaslosl puyments ' Healthiest locality ' Newest addition to Omaha Hotter residence pnrt of the city THAN YO\I CAN Fl D KLKCTHIO CAHS on nAH.UOAD TIIAINB WILL UAHIIY YOU TUUHE. STOEPEL PLACKlots will always ndrnnco In price , for the city must grow westward. - PRICK , only $ JOO.OO a lot , 510.00 down , Dalanco $13.50 , quKrtorly payments , With Interest at 7 percent. This price Is considerably undsr present cash value of thuso lots nnd only n limited number will be sold nt present price. Investigate fully and you will bo convinced of above facts. Will bo pleased to show you the property nt nny time. Cull on or address , W. A. WK11STKH , 402 llco Building. 819 K0110IA AND V1HOINIA AVKNUKS , 1\K \ - twecn Muioiintid I'aclllosts. , the finest reslilonce location In thu city , IM'.UO ' on ( leorgln uvo and J7U.UO on Virginia nvc. niJJolnlng property held S.U.OO to flO.ll ) per front foot higher. Wo will tuko tlOdi.0 > J to $2X ( J00 Omaha property as psrt payment In n lot. This Is an opportunity seldom ottered. This Is good for n short tlnio only , an wo want somu houses started ut oncu. Two now under contract. Four sales already mndu. Pleasure to show such property as this nt any tlmo. Fidelity Trust Com- puny , 17U3 Farnam st. 673 BUY BTOKPF.L PLACK LOT3 NOW. NKWKbT ADDITION TO OMAHA. 1IBST HK 1DKSCK PART OFTHK CITY , LOWKST IN PH1CK. KASIKST PAVMU.STS. 11KALTH1I5ST LOCALITY. 11KTTKR LOTS. 1IKTT15H PHOHPKCT8 THAN YOU CAN FIND KLSKWHKHK , Stirpel Place lots will always advance In price for the city must grow westward. Will bo pleased to uow you the property at any time. Call or addrcs , W. A. WKIISTEH. 402 Ueo llulldlng. 731 EA8TKHN NKllHASKA FAHM LANDS FOH snlo by lluntsberger A Clements , Lyons , Hurt county , Neb. M713Jy.'i' I/OR BALK , CHEAP. A NICELY IMPHOVKD -I farm near Omaha ; owner must sell on ncconnt of puorliealth ; uUo iilot W 1W feet , with U-room cottage , at SI,4i UO , with puyments very easy. D.F. llulclison | , IUJ North lath street. 749 U , HAIIM run SALK-IW ACHKS IILACK CANDY -L lonni , good bullilliifs. liuj tunuiu , plenty limber , everything In good alinpt ; will eell half ofrrup nnd farm tools or Irado for Soulhorn California liuiil. Call at the farm 8 miles north of Anhlnnd , Neb , W. 1' . James. M5'J3 ' U , TV O 1N V RST.M HST IS HAKKIl THAN O.MAIIA 1 > real 04tutu well located. No Investment Is mora prolltublotluin real oitato purchased nt a low Ilk'- lire , nml now Is Just the tliuo to III.IKO the invest- mont. n * good Oinnha property will imvcr > jo less than whnt It Is tudny. Let in nhotv you that benu- tlfnl property which wo oHJrim ( ieorgl.i anil Vlr- glula iivoiuioj Nothing llfuic In the city for homo or Investment. Will iiuiku.aiici'lul linlui-oments fur spot cash , fidelity Trust Company , 17U.J rarnam street i7t ; 1 OT II KEKT 1'HONT 'WITH HKVHN-HOOM ijhouio on iitti street , near Casslus : prlco : f'-VoatW ; monthly [ mjriuoutu , Hood & bulby , Jt Hoard Trado. r M235 1OH BALI ! . V-HOO.M HQUHH ! AND LOT WITH - > barn , In Kuuntzu place ; home newly painted , nicely imperod and painted. Inside , fiirnaco , hut nnd c-old water , gnu and baui. I'roporty cheap al fB.Wl , lnoutiibrancot2UOi , wlll sell un easy terini tur 7UOU. Addrots Owner. J 19 lieu. 7M \ iisTHAri'd" Till ! MIDLAND UUAIIANTKI' VV anil Trust company , alwtractors , conveyancurs Titles perfected and guaranteed. Own the only cumplcto ubetruct hooks Ji.Donglat county. Id moved tu room 310 Now Vqri | Life building. 45'J OlO 00 DOWN \.ND81003 A'MONTH HICCUIUW A V'nt ' In Ilatol Tirmru or HVprldan plucc. both It good locatliins , convenient lo streol cars and > vol liulll up. Trices ( SOU to IM1 each for n SO foot lot. I'nrtlea Hint itish to hhlld nt once need no mnkoany | inyiiiciits for ltv ' years If they wish Abstracts furnished. Hood & holby , < UI Honn Trade. 7UO A HANK THAT NKVint iAII.S. (1UOI ) I'All.M : cheap on monthly pajrments. A eafo anil pujr k- Init InTustinonl. Wllllaiaii , t Mlttan , roomSU. ilo Caguu biilKUng. oproiltu | io > toltlcu. MW 15 DRESSMAKING. MISS A. M. HIlIU-.Td. lnilS3SMAKlll , CONTI uoutul block , room U. balltfactluu cuarnntood T ADll'.o' AND CHILniiaN'M DllKSS.M.UJINO JJ nlso undorL-arments to order ; uiuilln furnlshoi m If desired. Ii07 Mandersou. Ml jyl * 3D id. LOST. 13 3U. Hates. IKc a word ItrsTtnsertion , Ic a word then after. .Sothlng taken for lets than ZSo. O LOST-DAlllC IIAV IlbllSB. KNKU 8 I'll UNO . , halter and sirup on. Holurn to D. Orupp , 10J , Chicago slroft. iih 9 * 100 .KB & UAUii.DKAi.Kiiai.NTVi'uwitiTiiw 10- inakca bought , old. oxcbauKOd , r ut 0. Cl N.Y. l.lIobloY. Tol.aiJ , * * FOR SALE HEAL ESTATE , WORLD'S FAIR HOTELS & ROOMS ItntenIXo n word nr t Insertion. Ira norj tlioro- nflcr. Nothlne taken for ICM thnn 2 > c. ntnNiaiiei ) IIOOMS. YOU lake no clianro nor par any rnoncr InailTfnro. I1.CO per ilar 1111 Farnam t. . Omalia. _ MIJ3J \\roin.ir8K MII HOOMS , riii VATKHKSIOK.XCR ' ' diilr I blocks from k-roiiml. " ; tlmt-clnss arroni- raodatlorm : rooms IJ.00 to flVJ per riar. AdJr < 9 Mrs. llnwtliorni1 , CJTUUeU'sbr rvvcnuo. SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. Hntos , lOc n line each Insertion , MS ] a Una per month. Nothing taken for lots than l > e. \TJU : i7ADTK3"A N I ) tlKNTI.l ! M It N ( 'A N SOON J nrqulra a working knowkvUo of shorthand nnd typewriting nt A. C. Van Hani's school of short hand. 613 N. Y. Lite. Typewriters to rent. 451 PASTURES FOR HORSES. llntos. Ike a wonl first Insertion , Ic anon ! there after. Nothlno tnkon for lr than ! Jc. \\rK IIAVI : lou ACIIIM or HI.UK ' ' lure tor liorsKS. llo.irit fonca. Sprlnv trat'ir. ' Unrtun ft l'nel | . tlllmore , NeS. . or A.V. . I'bohti , t Son.ZOTN. Y. I.lfo ill. ! * . M ' ) lji ) % UNDERTAKERS ANDEMBALMERS Hairs. lOo n line each Insertion JI-5J n line per ir.ontli. NothlnE laknn for Icsi than tea. CW. 1IAKKH ( KOIlMICIIt.Y WITH JOHN U. . Jacobs , 0 > c.'asfld , later tilth M.O. M nil II. under taker nnd emlmlmrr , 31 j S. Hith st. Tol. HA1 til PAWNBROKERS. Hate ? , Use n worii llrst Insertion , lo a word there- nftur. .Nolhlni ; taken for loss than 2Jc. T i-ONNKNIIKHO , DIAMOND MIlUKKIl. l.i ' .Douilns si. l.oan mono ; on ill.imomls , vriitches , etc. Old Kold und llvur boiiiiht. Tul. 1513. < tJ SOAIjES. ItatPi , lOc n line each Insartlon , tt.M.n line per month. Notlilnx taken for loss than Sic. vwSKCOND.llA.ND HOALtS , AIt. KIMIS. > Aildross llortlc.li 4 Sollook Co. , l.akuil. . Chlcnito. MUSIC , ART AND LANGUAGES. Hates , lOc a line each Insertion. 51 M n Hue per month. Nothing taken for loss tlnvn'Jic. mci/ufNllKcA ' .1810 California street , Vlt Till : ItK.VI.TV M INSTHUMENTS placed on record Juno 0 , 1803 : VAIUIANTAPEKOS. . 1'otor Merges and wife to V It Slllz , 107x101 feet 111 tax lot 3 lu nu-so 34-lfi-13 J 0,800 Dltlorluk Olson to J 11 Olson , lot 7 , block 1 , llorlmch'H 2d add 1 Jonoph Oarnnby and vrlfo to Wllllntn Nurno , H ii lot ' - , Yules & Uccd's suuillv ODO Wosl. Omaha Motliodlst KpNi-opnl cliurch to Abraham Kosenborry , s 10 foot of n 132 foot of o GO feet lot , 1. block 'Jeol Omttlm 300 AM Dtirnall to W II Mct'ord , lot a , block 4U. Omaha 4,800 M .1 Trulimil to J II Kumpur , lot 10 , Sin Uh's park 3.700 J A Siimli'rland to S A lluriiliani ct al , lot 17 , block 11 , llansroin 1'lnco . 2,500 John Merrill and wife to Isaac Hi-own , lot 11 and w y , lot 12 , block & , ItoKgs & Hill's add . QUIT CLAIM IIKKD * . Jojeph Cimmby nnd wife to William Nurse , 4-foot strip oir o cndofsVi of lot 15 , YIIIOS& ilonl's Mibdlv. . . . Amos I\ihl : unit wife to Henry Jensen , nn li regular tract In blocks 209 and 270 , Uninh.-i . GOO Jucoli Fisher and wlfu to .loiiuh Flslicr , 100v32 foot in block 1 , Credit. Fonelor , rommpncliiK at a point 17 feel n \Vlllliinis Btreot. . . 000 O II Chrlhtio lo C' 1) Woodworlh , utidiv 1-0 of lot 2 , block 4 , 1'oster's. K T I'arnswortli , special master , to W 11 HollliiH , lot U , block 5 , Monmouth park 870 Same to I'oi-Uimmth Savings llnnk , lot 4. block 14Orcliiirdlllll . 1,870 1) U Mcrcor , master In cliancery. lo sume , 44x132 , coiiiniciiclnngiit point 0'J3 foctu of HW corner nw nennd44x 132 feel , comtnunclng at point 737 feet o of sw corner nw no , all In 9-15-13 . 3,025 K S Dundy , Jr. , samu , tii W 11 Hollltis , trusti.o , lols 0 and G , block 113 , Dun dee I'laco . 3,320 Same to O K Wilson , lot ID , block 18 , llnnscom I'laco . 3,024 G A Hoimatt , sheriff , toS A Goldsmith , o32 feet lot 12 , block 7 , Patrick' 2 < 1 add . 1,200 Sumo to same , lot 9 , block , A S Pat rick's add . 1,337 Total amount of transfers $ 1)2,815 ) Greatest on and Land Send poetagtt stump for u 100 pnRO GOOSC BOOK FREE Priooa i > \r , Faro Rumptuous Sales every day. See your donlcr. Ask for prlcos TuUo no other. MILTON RODERS fi SOUS , / Ktn.t Omahn , or Majestic WSfer. Co. . St. Louis. RR1LWHY TIME CRRD Ixmvoo CU1CAO ! , HURLlNtiTON ACi. Arrlvjs Omaliu Dupot 10th mid > lK on an. Omah\ Jcavos lIUIlUMiTON A MO. UlVttll. I Arrlvoi Omaha Depot lUth and Maion Sis , 10.15 nm Denver Hiprois 4.UJpm 10.15 n in Deadwood Kxpross I O'J ' p m 4.ft ) pin . . . . . . . .Denver ICzprous , . , . . . * . 11.30am t.M pm Denver Limited 1205 am r..w p m . . . .Nebraska Local ( llxSun ) . . . n.M p m 8.15 u m . .LliiL-oln lAionljKjcuiit Sun ) . , . _ ii.'li a ni Lt-nvu * Ti JTCATiT/ni. ( T& . 1 'ACTr' 10. TA rrlve7 Omahn. Union llopot 10th .V Maroy bts. I Onialia. lo.n : nm Atlantic Krpreis a.W p m .Chic. X Den. , vestibule limited. 7.11) ) pm Mglil K prd s 1.00 a m . . . . .Wnrld'H I'nlr Limited. . . . . . Going I CHIUAUO , It. I. , v IMCIKTOT" hrum West. I Union Dapot IHIi nnd Marcy tin. West U 10 pin I Lincoln , Kulrlmry luoal 10.25 u m 2.IX ) pm .Clilo. t Don. , vnatlbulu limited. p in 2.W u mil..World' * I'nlr LImltoil. . . . _ . _ . a ni ! CT ; 7 svrjx era Dupot lOtli on I Mmon Sti. Om ln U.tiU n in . . . .Kansai Cltr liar Kxpreii 6.5J | i m H. J p in K , O. .Mflit IS | ) . vli U. I' . Tram 0 I'J ' u ui 11. j n in . . . . . . .Bt. l.uuii C.I'J n m l. < Mirc I UNION I'AClD'll/ . Arrival Oiuulia I Union llopnt lOtli nn'l ' Muror Sti. OnuUt ? M ft m ' 4 01 p . . . 2.1S pin . . . . . . ! . .ovnrlaml Flyer 7.0) p m 4.1. ' . pm . .lloatrlco.V-iirinib Itriaxdun ) . U.3J p m ti-4'J p in 111 ) a in IUO ji ni . . 4.-J ) D m _ _ lArrlvu cahal U. 1 * . depot nnd Marcr Bis I Omaha 6.iupn : , | . i'hlca < u Kipron I'J .li a m ll..0nail Chlcn/u p tu K. , K.1H MO. VAl.LKr Depot ISth nnd Webster Sts. UCx. Sat.Vjro. ) . I'xn. ( Ki. Man. ) Norfolk ( lr. St. I'aul ' . CHlCAIIu .V'NOIITH WKSTJlflN I 7\r"flvuT Only li a U. I' , depot. ! 0th and ilarcy hts. | Omaha ' 'Ma m ttx. tiun'y ) Carroll I'uiteuger T3) ) i > ra 10.40 am i hlcavo Kirosi | f.UJ p in 4 Oi p III Vestibule Limited 9U a m 7.UU u m KasUrn Klyer 'i 11 p in < t x. UunChln. ) 1'asi.iKx Mou.l ' , uvi'i I ( , ' . , n'f. I' , II i ( J. I Arrives Omahal Depot ISth anJ Wub tor 8ts. I Omaha t.W ami. bloux fltr AccoiuuiuJation . I U.O ) l.li pmlblouxCltr Kipro ( Ki. tiuailar ) I2.il C.Jhpm ; . tit I'aul ' .uilteil . I 1 S.1U jimlKinertoa I' n erJEx. Hund'j [ ) I 8. I.ekTO. i blOD.X OITV * I'AtJiriu. | Arrlre Omahal Depot. 10th anil Marcr Ht . I Omaha 7.1J ami . bloux fltr 1'uiteugor . llO.'JOp la 4-UJpml . st. I'aul Kxpreii. . IIQ.IX ) a in U-arei 1 BIOUX"cIrv"A ; I'ACU'ia TArrlTBi Omaha ! Depot , IHU an J WeUter Bll. | Oiaatia t . < 5 | i in | , , .St. I'liuT'l.lmUed. . . I . : i am U' TUI i IJMATTAT8T.TOUT8 ; lArrlTM 13 OmalialU. 1' . Depot. lOtb ana Mare git. Omaha .W pm | atLouli Caunoa i ! , . , . . . | . l pa John Sheriff of Dccntnr Fcols the Grip of the Todoral Paw. YELLOW SMOKE LOVED RED BEVERAGE Two 1'pijnry Cmrn Uldinlimil Work of the t Diiliic-i In thn District Court D.tinnRO .Stilt Not SlKtlltlH'll. John Sheriff of Doc.itur Is In deep tils- tress. Ills crop of corn suimls In sere need of plowing right now and John Is languish * Inc In the custody of the marshal with lt nud court costs standing Ilko n Krlm nnd hungry specter between him and his country homo in Thurston { county. Mr. Sheriff belongs to that unlucky and thoughtless class of Individuals who Ituagluo they can sell n llttlo lightning rod whisky to the Indians and novcr bo caught nt it. Old man Yellow Stnoko lives in iho same neigh borhood with Mr. Sheriff , nnd if thcro Is n tiling on top of Iho earth That Yellow Smoke lilies und will tear hn very ho.vrt out to got It is whisky. Work ol Inn U'lil , k.v Tru t. The extent to which the manipulations of the Whisky trust have cut in upon the re ceipts of' the Nebraska olllco maybe bo comprehended when It is known that the receipts for tlio yo.ir about to close will fall short of thn receipts of last year nearly $1,000.000. I.-ist year the receipts wcro , in round numbers , $ -UJi,000 ) ) : this year they will hwt up about W , ! > 00- 000. This falling off has been brought about to a largo extent by the shutting down of the largo distilleries In the trust , or the Distilling nnd Cattlofecdltig company , so called. The two Dakota. * do not furnish $100,000 per annum of the total receipts of the ottlce ; Nebraska furnishes all the rest. Two I'erjury Oniien. The case of iho United States against Gcorgo Allen , charged vrjth perjury , re sulted In an acquittal. It seems that Mr. Allen , who resides at O.ikdalo. Nob. , got considerably mixed up In his aftldavits bearing iijwn some pen sion papers taKcn out by Mrs. Elmer ilckotts. The Jury seemed to think , how- vor , that me evidence lu the case was lardly sufficient to establish the fact that Mr. Allen had willfully sworn to that which > vas false. The case against Elinor Ulekotts of n indlar nature was dismissed nt the request if the district attorney , as the evidence was iraotically the same lu both cases. DlHtrlct Court Dome * . A jury in Judge Ilopewcll's court has de cided that Joseph II. Taylor did not sustain ho amount of damages that he Imagined ivcro duo him us a result of the opening of West Learcmvorth street. When the commissioners ordered this street opened rom the city limits west , Taylor , ivho owned a strip of land along the line , jilaccd his damages at ยง 10,000 and sued the county for that amount , alleging that the graders took his land and destroyed a large number of valuable trees. After listening lo the testimony the jury decided that Tay- or was entitled to recover the sum of $500 and no moro. Dave Tobin , the man who was charged , vith having gone through the pockets of Joe Faith and extracted the sum of SHO , was found guilty yesterday by a , jury in the criminal court. The contest case brought by Olmstcad ngainst Williams , in n light for the commissionership - sionership , was called in Judge Ferguson's court again yesterday. Olmstcad charges that at the election held last November there were certain irauds perpetrated to cheat him out of votes which ho should have received. In Judge Davis' court the jury returned a verdict in the case of Anton lUncckcr apainst Frank Shannon , the justice of the peace of West Oimilm precinct , placing tha plaintiff's damages nt S'iOO. Ucneckor alleged that ho was illegally imprisoned on nn order charging him with contempt of court. Dclos Beard proposes to stop the paving of ono of the sircots of the city , providing ho can invoke the aid of the courts to as sist him in his undertaking. Yesterday Beard appeared before Judge llopowell , where ho secured an injunction to restrain the city from paving Thirtieth street from Fowler to Farnam avenue , urging that the water and gas connections along the line of the street had never been matie. As a further reason for asking for a restraining order , he insislod Ihut when the Board of Public Works of the cit.s asked for bids for doing the paving there wcro no plans for the pavement known as class "U" on lilo with the city ofllcials. The hearing of the case has boon turned over to Judge Walton , who will listen to the arguments on Juno 17 and decide whether or not a permanent injunc tion bhould issue. J'roni Frlt'int to Goes thn story of the excellence of Hood's "iarsnpurllla and what it has accomplished ; this is the strongest advertising which is done on behalf of this niedlcino. Wo en deavor to tell honestly what Hood's Sarsa- parllla is and what it will do , but what it lias done Is far more important and fur more potent. Its uncqualed record of cures is sure to convince lliose who have uovor tried Hood's Sarsaparilla that It is an excellent medicine. o Awful Afuiiiullnn. Another case of criminal assault was reported - ported at the police station yesterday nnd Iho man who Is charged with the crime is under arrest. His name Is John Hyan nnd ho lives with his wife at 512 South Fourteenth street , less than n block from the police station. The house is n double ono and the other sldo is occupied by Wlllett Tompkins with his wife and two small children. Ills the young est of these children , n girl o years old , whom Hyan is charged with assaulting. Mr. and Mrs. Tompkins went out Thurs- BUREAU. SUES & CO , , Solicitors. % Boo Building : , Omaha , Nob. 4 years Examiners U , B , 1'at Ofllco. Advlco ( roe No fee until patent is obtained. UK MARIC niaisTriiru i MADE A 'WELL MAN 0V ME " iHOAPO Illf. 'JKK1T HINDOO REMEDY nioM'fes me iimvK ItKiPLTN In BO IIAVH. Cuixull , Nurvuus | iBraiif ) ; . I'atllntf Memory , l'ort > l > , blvrplrtin st , UVnkiu H' , lo.f mid riuii'Lly but nurt-ly ittores l.ot'liitllty K iMoryoung lln.i y miilott In vest pockot. I'rlcr , fl.OOapai-koiru bl < fur * % . ( IO wild u rlllrn ifunr- hntni to curt * or nioiu-y rt-fur' ! < ' < l. l > flii't it't uny ill. ITluclMlfdUrugrUt n'll runaiii/klniluftmtldllnn. In- lift on having I.NDAPO none othc-i * . If ha has not II. * * e will tuid It by mall upon rrt'i'lpt nf prlc Aini'hlet ' In rualoi niri loiio fitt . Adurt > s Orlt-nta ] Uilllrul Co. , 08 I'ljmoulhl'lucf , CLU-ugu , III , SOLD by Kuhn & Co , Cor. ijtli and Douglas Sts. , anil J. A. Fuller & Co , , Cor. nth anil Douglas fill. , OMAHA. Nl'l ) . , by I'aul G. Schneider , 531 ' Broadway ami 6 Pearl St. , COUNCIL , ULUI'TS , IOWA , and other Loading UruecUts. Traveling Made Easy anil trouble iavod liy uslnu AMERICAN EXPRESS CO. Travelers' Cliecques. Available everywhere , Nn Identification required. tiny nftcrtioon t PAY In ? the chtltlron nt homo with ft girl. The latter nftorwnnln wont tij town taUliiR tlioolilrtit olillil with her ntitl loiivlntt the llttlo ( jtrl , Kthol , nlono , WhPn the frtmtly rottirnoil nt supper tlmo they found the rhllil autTorlnc sovoroly. She vomttotl ( . onsUintly nnil her fnco was severely bruUei ! . They thought at first that slio hul ; fallen down stairs but every tlmo the child wns asked how she Imtl been Injured she botran to crv niitl sccRioil unable to toll. Altora whllo. howovor. she said that vrhlto thpy wcro away Uynn had willed IIIT lutti his room und throw her on the bed. U la said that ho toro hot1 clot lies of ! nml lusntiiliM hor. Tito olillil Idcutllled Uyau us the man who assaulted her. Pouml tiip reason for I ho croat popularity of Ilood's Saraiparllln : sliniily this ; Hoods' . Ho sure to Rot Hood's. IN BAILKOAD ClKCLES. rnssoncer Itmliirm ( looil but 1'rrlRht Tnilllii Drrlilcilly Dull It lll : ly Nod's. Although the Union Pdflllo will reduce Its worklm : hours In the slio)3 ) from nlno to olRhthouraoiiMondny the earnings of the company uurlnc the month of Miy showed a healthy increase over the prccoillng month. Particularly In tlio passoturor dopnrtmcnt of the road Is the Incnma most nurkcd , avcr\ilni ; abJUt # . ' 0,0. ) . ) a woolt. In frohrht there has l > L > on a slluht fallluK off duo In litixo part lo the deiToaso In the movement of corn nnil llvo stock from trade centers In the siato to Omahn. So nulcl is business alonjj the branoh lines of the comiuny that swlH-hlni ; onuliu's nro belni taken oft nt terminal points lessening the expenses of the company vciy consldoinbly. On the Omaha & ItepublKraii Valley train service Is buItiK roduiiod and It U Kciu'r.illy thought still further reductions will bo made. In Burlington elrelcsbusiness Is classed ns verv | iilr > t , the lai-Ro movement of grain an ticipated this woolc prior lo the onfoivo- mont of the new grain rales not being In any immure realized. This may bo nttributablo to the low prices bolup paid for corn and wheat , but It Is more generally ihouchi that farmers are not In n position to let goof their holdings at this time , und are willing to take a little money 'f necessity , rather than "run the risk ot renter losses , should they consign to oast- rn elevators. .luno promises 10 bo ono of the hard months 'or railroads centering hero. Already the lecreaso in number of oars loaded on the ovoral divisions of the Union I'aeltlc being really underneath the same period last car. This is nlv > Into of the IJurllngton , took Island and Klkhorn. j Colic , Cholera and Dl.irrluvn Itemed- . nn always bo depended upon , It is pleasant o taito anil will euro cramp , cholera morbtis , ysoutcry nnd diarrhoea in their worst onus. Kver.v family should bo provided vith it. So and fiO cents bottles for sale by Uruggsts. o ci.osr.n ITS imuits. ivluirft liiuil < nt Ilndion , AVIn. , Toroed to Snsppnil wltli Heavy Deposits. Ili'i > < < oN'Wta. , Juno' ) . The Hudson Sav- tigs bank closed its doors today. A nollco in the door said the closing was totnporary , iwlng to tlio nionutary strlngpnoy , and that lie bank hail enough assets to cover all do- ) osits. The banit liad nearly $700,000 on do- losit. The failure created a grcnt commo tion. Farmers and Itiborlng men will HUffor sovcrcly. The city funds nro deposited lu ho bank. The general belief is that the bank will lind it ilifticult to resume. . \nutlier Olilt-.i o I'rlvntn llnnkniVnllR. . CiiiCAiio , 111. , .Juno I ) . Joseph Higtjlns , a private banker with three or four branch tanks in Illinois , failed this morning. Assets - sots , $50,000 ; liabilities , not given. The iranchcs wcro at Muscoutah , Sorento , Gil- osp'.o and St. Ann. The asslgnmont covers all. _ Piles of pcoplo have piles , but IloWltt'a wltuhhazcl salvo will euro them. AVIth Wllhni.llonrtp. . The fund for the relief of the families of the heroic llromen who lost their lives In the Shivcrlek lire is increasing dnily. Dr. Galbrallh obtained the following now subscriptions to the fund yesterday : Mlllanl hotel . $ DO Od M. O. .Muni . 25 00 l'lnrson& HiiKlios . 2f > 00 Dr. ( inlbrnllli . 26 00 Jloirliants liolel . 25 OU .1. A. lAillnr &Co . 25 00 llaydcn Urns . 25 00 MercliunlH National bnnk . U5 00 A. It. Hunt . Ill 0(1 ( W. II. Hall . 10 00 OunrgH N. Hicks . 500 II. Mlllanl . 1000 II. Wood . 1000 A. I'1. ' Allen . 5 on V. II. Ciildwnll . 500 W T. llitriow . 5 OU T.llafnor . 5 OC llafnor , t Oortor . 1000 IM. . ItliiiPin 5 OH William ( 'Ii-iiilng r > 0(1 ( M. KIlKallon 0 OU Louis Ituniii'lsUir 5 00 Know it I. u ml Co F 00 K. II. DavU 5 00 Alee ft ( 'enfold ( Jo . 10 00 Milton KOKOI-S.V Sons . 1000 lYnnlo'rt In tiillinunt coiiinany . 10 00 Oii-.li . 5 00 Now ThonisuiilloiHloii Kluutrlc I.lKltt company . 1000 .cii-ClaiKc-Aiidrci'r-uncoiiipany . 10 OU I-OI-KU Krb . 5 0(1 ( Samuel lltinis . 5 00 Henry Piinilt . 10 1)0 ) llfafuy .t lloafi-y . 5 00 A. II. .Mor.-o . 5 OU W. II. Illlss . 500 Cits ) . 1000 Cii.sll . 10 00 11. K. Iturkot . fi 00 Total Piles of people have piles , but Do Witt's Witch I In/el Salvo will euro them. Y. AI. u. A. I.ICTOH ! < O Club. The members of tlio club are practicing daily nt tlio Athletic grounds and expect to make a good record In llio Held tills slimmer , lly a now rule of the Athlutiocommitted the Held will bo ulvcn over to the use of the lacrosse men ovcry Tuesday and Thurs day openings from 7 to 8 o'clock. A ba.so ball match nml a line program hnva been arranged for Saturday afternoon , Any persons desiring admission that day can se cure tickets frco of charge by applying a t the assoi l.ition building. On .Sunday after noon a i ri ) of burns will assist In the musical sorvircs on thepr.md stand. Huv. Mr. Hewitt of Lincoln is expected tudcliver the ndurt-ss. Saturday afternoon , the ITlh , n grand ath letic day will bn arr.ingcd , with a match game of base ball , at which admission will bo charged and Iho pi-orcuds go to the lire- men's ' relief fund. The Young Men's Christian association brass bam.1 will make its Jirst appcaranco on that day , c C'lty 4inrliiiK < ' , The council will invlto bids for disposing of thn city's garbage. The Idon Is Mr. Hascall's , who says that ho considers thij manner us the only true Holution of the gar bage question. Two propositions are lo lm received , one for cremating all of the gar bage. oil.U anil rofi.sn , nnd the other for transporting it from the city , to bo disposed of in biirh manner as the coiuraclor sues ill , Thu contract , if awarded , is lo run ten years. .lohu Grant naked for nn oxcluslvo fran chise to crumatu the garbugo , und the ordinance has remained in Die hands of the pulico comiuitlco .slnco that time. Not lung alncu unuthur lUMposlllou i nine from Niduy & l/o , to cioiiuilo all gar bage for ten years at fJ.WU pur year , und the regular tlxeu charges lo bo colleutud for gathering the same. Trniuliira nil .Sirtut Car . Mr. Btcel , chairman of the commlttot having charge the street railway transfoi ordinance , says the ordinance will comeback with as little delay as possible with afavora. bio recommendation. Under the provisions of the ordinance the faro authorized to be charged for each passenger is but fi cents , und whenever requested tha conductor shall furnish the passenger with a transfer slip to any other crossing or inter secting line operated by the company , Ooiuiuljl.il llvicUtrutlon , The following uiarrlugo licenses were U sued by the county Judyo yesterday : Nutno und nddrtm. Age , I Vf rdlnand M. Brlimldt Hampton , Nob. . , , 34 I Andrea li. tiorruiibuii , Omuhu , . . , , . . . , , . . , , , 3i i John AndersonSouth Omaha , . 88 I I'uniilo lroiiiBuutUUjuuh , , , , , 31