If * 6 TTTR OMAHA DAILY JH3E # SATURDAY , JUNE 10. 1803 , COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Bharp Bulge Olmrftctorizod Dealings in the Wheat Pit Yesterday , LITTLE OK THAT CEREAL FOR SALE Corn Vfa 1'lrm nnd AMo Advanced it frac tion .it tbr Clone ttniiliiciu Situation Not llngnrdcd n * Any Wane. CHICAGO,111. , June O.-Thoro was : i iliani bulge In wheat today. The market advanced 2o a Im. and closed firm at the top. With wheat below the cost of production nnJ the business oltttfttlim npparontly more jellied , thcro wns n disposition to buy today and It was discovered thcro wns llttlo for sale. Corn wn < tlrm and also advanced , netting \c gain lit the close. Tlio heavy short ! were diligently talking corn down and buying It , ai for sumo days past. Provisions responded to the lash of the drivers of that dcul and advanced a llttlo. A favorable feature regarding wheat was that , there wai no now * strikingly bearish , English cabloittcro slightly lower , but not enough to exert much Influence , while the ag ricultural outlook In the United Kingdom was by no means nssnrlng and the scattering Male reports received wore far from encouraging. The growing activity nmoim exports gave noino promise of a reduction In stocks and to that extent encouraged holders , and thcro was a feeling tlmt the government report tomor row will fcliow a low average. The business situation , If nnt cleared , was not regarded as any worse , and there was a disposition on the tmrt of the hhort sellers to take nrollls. Ollerlngs were decidedly moder ate , not to stiy scant. After the best point was reached thcro was good Kiipport , alt.iougl ; a local scnlDlng firm closed nut UH trade * nnil a Bccd trader nnd grain carrier on a small scnlo wns known to bo embarrassed. The market opciKd from ! { o to ! } e higher , and the advance continued with Might niictuatlons until tlio In corn the opening trades were the same to n trllle obovo the closing prices of yesterday , nnd after changing frequently within Me. sud denly sold up le , reacted from We to ° ; e later , ruled steady , nnd Una ! quotations were from He to le above the close of yesterday. There was liberal general buying of pats futures and also Improved trade In cash lots. Opening sales of fututcn were the same ns yesterday's close to He higher. Juno advanced 5ic nnd July ? .c und July closed steady ut ubout the lop , but Juno wuakened and prices declined jjc. September advanced Sc. Provisions were firmer , but there was no activity In Iho hitslncvH and the market still preserved all Us recent oar marks of a manip ulated market. Compared with last night , pork IH up i0o. ! Estimated receipts for tomorrow : Wheat , 00 earn ; corn , 4&0 enrsj oats , U'JD cars ; hogs , 8.000 head. The leading futures ranged as follows : AHTIfLKB. UI'KN. 11IUII. ) LOW. CLOSE. Y'llIl'V Wlic t No. 2 Juno KM July C7H Sept TOM Corn No. 2 Juno 87 878'J July 8 * 8'J Bopt I1HSW 41 Cats No. 2 Juno SO 10 July 28H 6ept UotBl'cirk Kept. . 21 00 21 50 tl IX ) SI 00 20 60 Lard- July 10 074 10 20 1007W 10 M 10 00 Kept 10 K 10 70 10 M 10 70 10 Bliort lllbs. . July 0 SO SiM V 3D 8 471 8 2i Bei't U m U 7.1 9 ( .0 9 75 U < 7l Cnsli ( ( notations were an follows : FI.OOU ICasy , neglected. WHEAT No. 2 nprlnp , C-l 'l/JGD'ac ; No. 8 , BUrltiK , D9c ; No. 2 red. O.lJ ClO&Jic. Cons No. 2 , a8BC ; No. 3 yellow , closltiR , 87c. ! * OATS No. 2 , 205c ! : No. 2 white , f. o. b. , 03c ; No. 3 white , f. o. b. , 31 < 332c. KTK No. 2 , 40c. llAiiMsr N < i. 2 , nominal ; No. 8 , f. o. b. atxrt-IOc : No. 4 , 32c. FI.AX SEKINO. . 1 , $1.02. TIMOTHY StiEit Prime , $3.7r > ( itn.80. FonK Moss , per bbl. , 'i0.420.42'/i ( ) ; lard , nor 100 Ihe. , * 'J..IOU0.02'J ; short rlbn , sldoa jloosu ) . J9.47 ( ' , 0.&O ; dry. salted shoulders , ( boxed ) , jn.5jl.00 ( ) ( ! short clonr bides , ( boxed ) , JlO.ST'iWlO.O'/ ! . WHISKY Distillers' llnlshcd goods , per gal. 11.12. BUOAIIR Cut loaf , Cc ; granulated , G.70 standard "A , " & . & 7. The following wcro the receipts and ship ment for today : On the Produce exchange todny the butter nmrkct. wns easier ; creamery , lOMffllOc ; dairy , ISJitolGJic. Eggs , quiet ; ktrlctly fresh , Now York Mnrketl. New YOIIK , Juno 0. I'mtin Kocelpts , 83- OOOpkps. : exports. 2,000 bbU. , 10,000 sacks ; unh'u , 10,000 pkgs. ; nmrkct inoro nctlvo on free offerlinjs of spring : winter wheat , low prudes , f2.0f > ffi2.45 ; .winter wheat , fnlr to fancy , $2.a&33.05 ! ; winter wheat , patents , J3.0 C14.25 ; MlnnPRiita clcrir. 2.60K3.10 ; Mlnno- hotii htralKhtti , { 3.IJOQ4.10 ; Mliiuosota patents , r4.2rj4.CO. COUN MUAI < Steady ; yellow western , $2.60 O2.70. IlYC-Dnllbut steady ; No. 2 > estern , DCacOc ; western , one. lUm.i'.v MAI.T Dull but steady ; western , CO B2c. WHEAT Hccelnts.107,000 bii. ; exports , 833- 000 bu.j sales , : i,6S4,000 bti. of futures , 134,000 bu. of spot. Hpot niarkot moderately active for exports , ( Inner with options ; No. 2 red , In store nnd elevator , 72 c ; afloat , 73 > , jc ; f. o. b. , 731&73o ; ungraded rod , 70 71' < c ; No. 1 northern , 73ic ! : No. 1 html , 80c ; No. 2 northern , 71c. Options wcro fairly active nnd closed htroni ; at Uil34'c advance , .liino , 71 © 72jc. ! closing lit 72"c ; July. 72 i74c , closing at 7-lc ; August. 74 l.ffil7Ge , closing at 70c ; Soptetnbcr. 7ti ? © 7Hc , closing at 78c ; Deccinher. 81 182ic ? , closing at H2 jc. COHN Hccelpts , H.OOO bu.s exports , 20,000 bu. : sales , 700,000 bu. of futures , 44,000 bu. of M > ot. Spot ( lull ; 47 c in elevator , -l7Ho afloat ; No. 2 white , 40c. Options dull and Jiffllchlghor , closing llrnr Juno , 40' C147c , cloMng 47ic ; July , 4G''iia47ic ( , closing 47ic ; August , 47 ffi48iac , closing 48fic ; Buptoinbur 47Ci40c , closing 4Uc. OATS Kecolptd , 40,000 bti. ; exports , 71,000 bu. ; snles , at'0.000 bu , futures , GUd.OOO bu , spot. Hpdts dull , firmer. Utlons | llrinnr , fairly nctlve ; June , 3H(23fi' ( ( ' c , closing 30c ; ; July , BB ffiSBSc. closing S&yc ; Septuinbur closed OtaB ? c. No. 2 white , 34'ie ; No. 2 Chicago , B8Wc : No. 3 white , 3 Q8Hic ; mixed western , D7Hil30c ( ; whlto western. 8B'la4c. ! ( ! HAY Steady , fulrly nctivo. Ilot'ri Itnttiir demand , llrm ; Kttvto , common to choice , ISTWvic. HiDKS-Qnlot , nominal. Wool/ lull , weak ; domestic llocco. 275J.32C ; pulled , 2G4f.l7c ; TUXIIH , 20 < a30c. I'liovinio.NH-fut mi'iitB , modnrato demand itniuly ; mlddlcH , iiulot. l.nrd , ( inlet , firm : western strum clobcd at flO.lo ; hnlos , 200 tlercos at f 10.16 , Untlons. sales , none : June 110.15 , nominal ; July , MO.IIB. nomlnui ; Bnp- tombor , illi.Hf. , nominal. 1'ork , quiet , htoiuly. llurrcii Uulut , closed less firm ; western dairy , 14lic ( ; western cruamory , lCO22c lglns , 20 < ii22c. ( tiiKKSC Colored , falrdonmnd , firm , KtidH Oulet , heavy Mipply , woaUor ; ro- oulptH , 11,1100 pkgn. ; western , froah , ! BJi < a lB ic ; western , per eilhii , t3.2.riQ.3.3B , TAI.WIW Quiet , ctxsyi city ( ( 'J per pkg. ) COTTONBERD On < Stetidy ; crude , 84c ; yel. low , 40c. I'KTitoi.Etlu The market was neglected ; nc enlos , IVnnsylvnnla oil , spot NHlcs , niino Juno options , salt's , none ; oil'uri'd att33'4c ul ( lay. Lima oil , bales , none ; 2'JHu bid. rn salus. Hosts Dull , easy ; ( .triUned , comtuon t ( o' Tttni'ENTtNKQulut , Ktcady ; 28JJc. KICK Steady. BmiAit-ltaw. tlrm , ipilot ; fulr refining , 3 > 'c contrlfugnls , 00 tebt , 4e ; rollned , fairly uc tlvo. llrm. I'ld IitoN-Stcndy , ( julft ; American , H2.7BJ In. 60 , Coi'PEii Htcady ; lake , J10.80. LEAI > Kasy ; domcitlc , 13.70. TlN-OIosod btrong ; HIrulU , J10.65 bill J10.03 asited ; pl t ' , dull , Mcady. Spoltei KUIKUII City Markutl. KANBAH Oirr , Mo. , Juno 0 , WHEAT Higher I No. - hnrd , fiH'ia&'j'ic ; No. u rnil , tUKilOlu. COIINeak , but not iitiotahly lower ; No. jnlxi-d , 34Qa < 'ie ' ; No. U white. 3Hc. ! OATb-Htngnanti No. i ! mixed , i7litt28Jc ! ! No. U while , ale. HVK Weak j No , 2 , 62iSn3c. JUrrreit Klriiij creamery , ! C < 223c ; dalrloi KotlHQnlot. . lie. HKCrUT8--\vho t , 10,000 bu , ! corn , 2,00 bti. ; diitu , none. tiuii'MUNTrt-Wiieat , 17,000 bu.l corn , 2,00 bu.j out * , none. _ Now York Dry Cixxlt .Market. NEW YOIIK , Juno 0. The demand for dr Koodu In n general way was moderate , but wit tb llttlo Inquiry fur cottons. Thuro WHS , however over , conslduriihlo bualnrsit In ( lurk prlnti l nrlcps of which were nrndo today , Inciudln tbo following ; rJImpkon'ri bolld blacks , bllvv Rrayv , Pluck and whlti > , funcy Indigo blu yartu , bhcpUurd ulaldn , Cc each ; Victoria koll , 4tc. nnd Imperial folld blfickn , 6Kci Mcrrlmno fancier roboi , millan blue * , rtnlllno blncks , Gconrhl fiirnlturo twlltn , 0 ct ca < tlf morololalnc , Oijci cochin chlnMllks , fnnclM Impvrlnl bltir , ays and nnlllno blacks find vrhltpR , Crc.ichl 1'ncldc tno\t nllno ffinolci frocks nnd nnlllno blacks and Ccc.ichi fast color rob < n , CHoi Manchcitor fancies , nc. KM tirobablo ulso that prices of blotched goods will bo inado next week , Omnhrt Product ) Mnrkct , VKOnTAnt.F.-I. TOMATOES 0-l ) l < ot cratf , f 2.5f > < l3.00. OAt.troiiMA. fjAUUAaK-Cr.itc * , per lb. , 2. asj.Nr.w Nr.w roTATOrs-I'crbbl. , 14. STlttNd llEANs 1'cr liii. bOT , ! 1.GO. I'EAS-I'er bu. bor , S1.7fiUt2.0U. CtrctiMiir.ns-l'ordoi. , 7Bc. CAfuri/ ) nil fancy , per bit. box , J1.76O 2.00. So. O.vio.Nj ) 1'nr bbl. ,14.50 , : 1'er do ? . , 2&il30o. fJnr.ii.N ONIONS I'cr'dolDtt2Uc , Asi'AiMOUrt I'ordoz. , 8&a40c. Nr.w HEKTS 1'or do/ . , 400. . ritftTS. fUT.tron.stA CusnntES-l'or 10-lb. box , 81.85 C2.00. HTnAwnisnntES-l'or case , on orders , 13.50 ® 8.7B. 1'cr ca r > , < 3.toa4.00. HASi'liKttlllF.s 1'or 24-plnt caie . t2.00a2.75. LF.MONSChoice to fancy , t4.GOii5.00 ; extra. fancy , * 5.50SO. 00. IUjtANAS-1'er bunch , Including crates and packing , 2.00it2.60. OIIAMIES HIvcrsMo uredllngs , S3.25 , Mcdl- torrunuun sweets , t3.&oa3.75. IIUTTKtl , El(13 , QAME , VOUI.TIIY. nt77TEit--Tlio great bulk of the country butter goes ut He. Kods Hennrnl market lie. I'otM/inv-l'hoIro hens , c ; mixed coops , 7l3c ; old loostcrs , 4ic ! ; gccso and ducks , HAY The market on good upland bay , 97 In car lots. VIA : i , Choice ami small fat , 7 < a3Jc ! ; largo and thin , 3O.Cc. M. I.miU Market * . ST Louis , Mo. , Juno 0. FI.OUH In better In quiry hut unchanged ; patent * , (3'JR3..in ( ) ; extra fancy. $2.tmit3.00j fancy , $2.50WJ.G5 ; cliolco. H'j.lfittu.80 ! family , J2.00S2.10 ; rye Hour. $3.25543.30. WIIKAT Closed 2c nhovo yesterday ; No. 2 red. cash , 03'c : June , G30.G4C ; closing 04c ; Inly , closed 05JetAugust , 08ic ! ; September , 70 , e. COIIN Markedly stronger , closlne Uchlghor ; No. 2 mixed , cash 3G4c ! ; June , 80ic ? ; July , 37 c ; September , 3c. ! ) OATS Tame , steady ; No.2cash , 27Xc ? ; July , 27Ue ; August , 24 < < e. I'liovisio.srt I'lrm , quiet. 1'ollK Current makes , $10.75. I.ard , S9.50. Dry halt incuts loose shoulders , $9.25 ; loiius and rllH. $9.00 : hhorls. J'J.OO ; boxed , 15c more. Iliicon nnd hams unchanged. HUTTT.it Choice creamery , l&JJIGc ; choice dairy , 14c. KECKtPTS-Flonr , 3,000 hill's. : wheat , 11,000 bit. ; corn. 133,000 bu. : oats , 43,000 bu. Sliii'Jit'.NTH Flour , y.OOO bills. : wheat , 1,000 bu.j corn , 113,000 bu. ; oats , 6,000 bu. Cotton Mnrkct. Nr.w Onr.EANS. Ia. , Juno 0. Futures , sales , 1)5.400 ) bales ; June. $7.01 bid : July , J7.G2 © 7.04 ; August , $7.00517.01 ; Septembor. $7.01 © 7.02 : Ootobor , JO.G7a7.0H ( : November , $7.72 067.73 ; December , J7.787.70 ; Jnnuary , 17.91 H&7.93. Middling , 7 11-lGc ; loxv middling , 73ic ; : good ordinary , 7 1-lGc ; net receipts , 477 bales ; gross receipts , 478 hales ; exports to the contl- ntmt , 200 bales ; Bales , 1,100 bales ; stock , 118.- 353 bales. Weekly.net receipts , 8,311 bales ; prills receipts. 8,753 bales ; exports to Great llrltaln , 2,480 bales : to France , 3,745 bales : coastwise. 0,700 bales ; sales , 10,600 bales. MihvimUeo Murkcts. MILWAUKEE , WIs. , Juno 0. WHEAT Firm ; July , G41ii" ! No. 2spring , 03c. Cons Dull ; No. 3 , 35Jil3Gc. ! OATS-Illghur ; No. 2 white , 32 ! 433c ; No. 3 IlAiti.iiv 58c. KYI : 10'ii' ' . rnovisio.NS Firm : pork , June , 520.37J5. Liverpool Mnrki-ts. r.ivnnroou Juno 9. WIIHAT Quiet ; holders offer moderately. Kecelpts past three days were 201,000 centals , Including 138,000 Amer ican , Cons Finns domain ! moderate. Ilecolpts Amtirlcnn corn pant three onvs , 300 centals. HIEF Kxtra India mess , OG's 3d per tierce. ' : no western , 40s per cwt. Mlnnonpnlis Wlicnt 'Murkot. Minn , , Juno 0. Imnrovod feeling In wheat niarkot ; cash market stronger ; No. 1 northern sold at fiBe and No. 2 northern at 55c. Itccelpts , 215 ears. Close : Juno , 50i c ; July , GO'ii ; ; September , 047JC. On track : No. 1 hard , 01 Ho ; No. 1 northern , 50'Sc ; No. 2 northern , 5C c. llnvnim Niieiir Murkot. HAVANA , Juno 9. Firm. Yesterday 2,000 bats of centrifugal polarization , 00 degrees , wt'ro sold In Havana at 14,40 per quintal ; 27- 000 bags of Uardonns lit $4.50 ; 5,000 bags at Clenfugos nt $1.45 : 2,000 hues at Hagua at $ -1.50 ; 3,000 bags at Maliinzas at44.6Qij : . Amorlciui Kvlrlccrntor Ilci-f. LivEiti'ooiJunn 0. AMHIIICAN HKPinnKn- ATOH HIIK : : Forpiiarters ( | , 48d ! per lb. ; hind quarters , OHd per lb. LONDON , Juno D. AMERICAN HEnttonitATon BKKF Foreituartors , 2s Gdfl2s 8d ; hlndijuar- tcru , 4s > ii4s 2d per 8 Ibs. bv the carcats. Colloo itlurkut. NEW VonK , Juno 9. Options opened barely steady at 6@15 points down ; Miles , 11.000 bugs. Including : July , 15,50iil6.55 ; August , S16.30ffll5.35 ; Sentombcr , $10.20itl5.25 ; Oc tober. J10.10 ; December , $14.0O3il5.00. Spot lllo , dull' No. 7. $17. Cincinnati Murkotg. CINCINNATI , O. , Juno 9. WIIUAT In light demand mand ; No , 2 red. 03G4c. CoitN Quiet ; No. 2 mixed , 40c. OATS-Qulct ; No. 2 mlicd , 31JJC. Wuisitv Steady at $1.12. Halthnoro ( Jruln .Murkot. HAr.TiMonn , Mil. , Juno 9. WiinAT Strong ; No. 2 red , spot and June , 70Uc. COUN Firmer ; mixed , spot and June , 47c. OATd Quiet ; No. 2 whllo wen torn , 42Sc. } Toledo ( irulii .Murkc't. TOI.CDO , O. , Juno 9. WIIUAT Activehigher ; No. 2 , cash nnd June , OOc. ' COUN Dull and steady ; No. 2 , cash nnd Juno , London MnrkotK. LONDON , Juno 9. PIIOAH Centrifugal , 90 degrees test , 18s Id poi cwt. LiNSiti : > Oiir-20s lid20s3d ! per cwt. I.oiidiin 1'ln llliliil : Ituvloir. | rep rloh ( l ism l > uam ? * Oonlnii Hemieft.l LONDON , Juno 9. [ Now \ . -c llorald Cable Spociul to Tun HKI : . ] The markets were Quito feuturelosx today , llttlo business being transacted , hut prices were llrm In tono. American railways wiiro torpid , no onu bulni disposed to give the market a Iua < l. Not a hick of coinage , but the reduced resources was the main cause. Homo hocurltles were quiet and steudy. Thorn wns an ndvunco In drccks In consequence ; of the Increased belief In the now loan being floated , but othcnvlso nothing was doing , Tno money market was very easy and rates tending don nwards ; 673,0011 was Mint Into the bank. Silver was easier at 38d and rupco papnr weak. In Indian sterling loan , 0,000,000 to i7,000,000 ! Is expected dully. STOCKS AM ) 11ONDS. Tendency til thu Hucnrlty Market Wai Uri- rrnrd ARAIII. NEW YOIIK , Juno 0. The tendency of the stock niarkot was upward again today , the advance In seine Inutancoa being ijulto marked. There was considerable buying for local and out-of-town accounts In consequence quence of further reduction In the rates for sterling exchange and the active export movement ofhoat and favorable t radio re turns by the railways. Advices from Huston that the llmllngtou for May will probably btiow an Increase In gross earnings of about $500,000 Ktlmulalcd the rlso In the grangers und Incidentally helped the general list. Heading , Now F.ngland and I rlo were heavy at Intervals In consequence of unfavorable rumors concerning thu.su properties. In regard to Krlo , It wasrald nl one ( line Unit ( ho com pany was behind In the payment of waves and borrowing money at high rates of Inter est , but this was fciibMiquenily denied and the stock closed a fraction hlgnur tliun last night. The most notable advances were 4 per cent In Jersey Central , 1U percent In Manhattan , 2i percent In I'ltlRburg & Western preform ! to 35i. ! 2 pur cent In New York Cen tral to 104' ( , 2 par cent In Missouri 1'a- clllo to 80Ui - nor cent In National Cordueo to 14i ! , ! ' percent In l.ackawunna to 141i , 1'i tier cunt In Chicago Uas lo70' , , ; proved from ) < to ! per cent. During the afternoon there was u modorutu reaction , hut ut tbudecllno the murkut becamudull. The , flurry In money here hud no utlVct , ub It aa fhort lived and the rates promptly Bottled back to 5lO per cent. At the eloku a rally cn- bued and the market left nlf llrm In tone. The I'ost says ; | t wiik the bidding up of cull money which chiefly brought ubout today's reaction from the earlier buoyancy. Nor was this advance In rules wholly without good reason , Tbo thkmifiits of New York money to tbo wt huvo pomowhnt fullen off , yet for the wcuk ending today tbeso huvo reached u - total of * 7.000,000. uguliut which only ta.ooo.- , ooo hub come In , largely from bouthern points. Hut to urguo troublu from a movement In- duct'd us this bub been U quite unreasonable , lliu current bliljimunts to tbo webt uro the prjco which Now Vork U paying , In tlio ma- cliltiery of ntelmnno , for the unspornlon of gold I ! export" , anil the bargain Is altogether In our I favor , Thcro N no drawing on the federal cold rtKorvo to settle thlB week' * obligation * . Now York Is paying now tbo reckoning , not for damaged credit , but for stimulated foreign ft trade. ft The following arc tbo closing quotations on tbo leading slocks on the Now York Stock o.x- chnnROtoday : ; ii ii i ( ( ( tc ( c ( ( ' ! j The total sales of stocks today were 200,010 abaieiIncluding : Atchtson , 10,000 ; llurllncton .t ljulncy , 7,000 ; Chicago tins , 13,1100 } Distilling , 0,000 ; npnornf Klectrlc , 0,300 ; Mls-sourl Paelllc1,000 ; National Cordage , 5,400 ; Now England , 1U.OOO ; Northern 1'nclllc preferred , 0,100 ; Heading , ' 20,300 ; Ittcbmond Terminal. 8,400 ; St. Paul , 27,400 ; Sugar , I'J.IOO ; Western Union , 5,700. Nc\v York .Money .Mnrkat. NEW YOIIK , .Tune 0. Mosr.v ON CAM. Active , ranging from 4 to ID percent ; last loan , 0 per cent ; closed o ( Tared nt 0 per cent. PitiMi : Mr.itCANTit.i ; I'APKH OU8 per cent. STEUMNU KXCIIANOI : Weak , with actual business In bivnkers' bills nt M.8574.85'a ! for sixty days nnil M.8G'iQ.-1.87 ' for demand. UOVEllNUCNT liOMDS Dull. SllllO bonds , steady. The closing quotations on bonds : l lnanrlnl Nnto * . HAVANA , Juno 9. Exchange , quiet. KANSAS CITV , Mo. , Juno 0. Clearings , Sl- 202,010. I'Aitip , Juno 9. Three per cent rentes , 98f 76c for the account. NEW YOIIK , Juno 9 , Clearings , ? 93,128,155 ; balances , J3KHb,000. I'liH.AiiKi.riHA , 1'a. . Juno 9. Clearings , J10.- 882,887 ; balances , 1,388,184. Money , 4i ! per cent. HAI.TIMOKR , Mil. , Juno 9. Clearings , ? 2- 382,270 ; balances , $2G2,101. Money , 0 per cent. LONDON , Juno 9. Amount of bulliongone Into the Hank of Kngluml on balunco today , X'573,000. CINCINNATI , O. , Juno 0 , Monnv , GS8 per cent. New York oxchangc , OOiiGOc dl.scount. ClearltiRM , * 2,123,500. MIMI'IB : | | , Tenn. , Juno 0. Now Vork ex change Rolling nt $1.50 premium. Clearings. $25G,733 ; balances , J8-1.074 , ST. Louis , Mo. , Juno 9. Clearings , } 3,385- , 813 ; balances , S415.027. Money quiet , GffiS percent. Exchange on Now Yorlc , H discount. BOSTON , Mass. , Juno 9. Clearings , $13GGG.- 743 ; baliinci'H , SI,100.910. Money , 7 per cent. Kxchango on Now York , 25tt30c ( lib- count. NEW Om.KANfl , L-i. , Juno 0 , Clearings , $1,314,987. Now York exelmngo , eommnri'Ial , 76c per $1,000 premium ; bunk , $1.00 per $1,000 promluin. OMAHA LIV1C HTOUIC ifAUICKTS. Cattle Trailo Unovunly Hail with Fair Sup ply 1 ! ( > BH Strong anil Higher. FltHiAV , Juno 0. Compared with Thursday's receipts thobttp- ply today showed considerable Improvement but tbo Jlvo days' receipts tire lighter than for the corresponding live days last week by nboul 4,500 cattle , 0,000 hogs and 1,100 hheop. The general eattlo market was blow und do- childly uneven , Receipts were fairly liberal about live times us heavy us on Thursday , uml nearly a third heavier than a week ago today Onoccounlof the Indlirorent tone to report' from Chicago , bpoculatlve bhlppors took no part In the proceedings , whllo tlu dressed beef men with comparative ! ) light orders and no Indication of a fuinlno li supplies , took their own tlmo to buy und gen. erully bought from Oc to 10o lower thai Thtir.Mluy. The best sellers ueroilio tidy fui light and medium weight steers , and the gooi to choice 1,007 to llG2-lb. steers at fron M.40 to $4.70 were not a great dual lower. The bulk of the decline \ms on the heavy cattle especially If CKir ( o. nnd the couunon half fui block. Pair to good 1.200 to 1,350-lb. btoori Bold at from ft.50 to f I..IO , mill rough btoeri weighing 1,20U Ibs. und over hold as $4.80 uni 14.40. 1'oorto very fair light Muff nnd odd ! und ends bold at from J3.H& to $4.30. Tin movement was not ut nil nctlve , but the close found very few cuttle unsold. There with no particular change In the coil market. OlTurlngs were light uml were tuken freely by local houm-u at steady to strom prlcns. r-alea Includoil ixxir to choice cowi and hoi furs ut from 12.26 to $4.10 , with tin hulk"of the fulr to good butchers , ' cows at fron $3 to IB.70 , Calves wuro In uctlvo ilumanU am btrongur ut from f2 toG for poor to prlim stock. Hulls , oxen and htags sold at from j" " ! to $4 for poor to fair block , or fully btcudi prices. Thu feeder trudo WAS quiet. Fair to good Block wiu In good demand und bold readily a around $3.70 to $4.20 , Ordinary grades wen Blow tellers at poor prices , lioi'iuseiitatlvt sales ; DUHSKU IIKEI1 , No. Av. IV , No. Av. I'r ; i 770 $370 40 108(1 ( $440 0. . . . 897 8 BO 22 1177 440 0 730 365 17 , 1022 4 4U 10 00ft ' 20 15 10 10 It ! III' 45 I17B f > 0 1G20 * AMI i 0 . .1018 50 " . 1020 15 1133 f.O i" ! fllO S < C.2. . .1270 50 16 . 701 17. . .1100 55 11 . . 013 4 lf > 87. . .1108 00 16. . , . H27 4 15' 0. . .115 ! ! 00 4. . , 992 4 in' 43. . .1107 00 12. . . 893 4cy 20. . .1217 00 20. . . . 089 42f > 03. . .1230 00 11. . . . UI3 4 'if , 137. . . 1283 4 CO ° " 2 ' ' . 802 4 sir n. . .1343 4 05 "fl.'i . 9S3 4 20 40. . .I20i 4 05 1. . . 900 4 U5 SO. . .1209 4 05 0. . , . 840 4 vn- 19. . .111)0 ) 4 05 H. . . 990 4 no 42. . .1221 4 70 21. . . . 993 4 .10 37. . .1321 4 70 10 . , .ItlSO 4 no 35. . .1319 4 70 10. . , .1020 4 an 20. . .1618 70 20. . , . 9G9 4 .15 1. . .1350 4 7fi 20. . , .1(114 ( 4 35 no. . .120H 4 75 .1170 4 35 17. . .1108 4 75 " 125C 4 35 10 . .1271) 4 75 23" . 0119 4 30 .1207 4 75 11)3. .12(10 ( 4 40 .1180 4 75 10. . .1081 4 40 21. .1183 4 80 14. . .1007 4 40 30. .1327 4 HO 20. . 1105 4 40 60. .1315 4 85 .1002 4 40 22 .1343 4 UO BHIlTlNfl AND KXl'OUT. 80. .1235 4 35 Mt.tl'.ll. 10. . . 895 4 10 COWS. 8. . . 042 2 25 7. . 081 n oo 1. . . 050 2 25 5. . 004 a oo 1. . . HIO 2 25 1 10SO 3 00 3. . . 040 2 25 17. . 075 3 00 1. . . 090 2 25 1 070 3 25 8. . . 827 2 40 1 010 3 25 14. . . 015 2 40 0 842 3 30 ' 702 2 40 1. . . . 000 3 30 8' ! .1007 2 40 1 1310 3 40 U ) . . . 814 2 45 1n. . . . . 843 3 50 ' ' . HOO 2 50 1. 000 8 60 7' . . 750 2 50 1 1170 3 60 ' ' .1100 2 50 B 1170 3 60 l' , . 750 2 60 2 1100 8 65 I. , . 020 2 50 7 1171 8 00 1. , . 850 2 60 22 059 8 00 12. , . 844 2 00 2 1255 3 05 o .1070 2 75 5 1080 3 70 3 ! ! .UKH ) 2 80 1 1150 a 75 o . 705 8 00 0 1001 3 75 oSi Si ! . 070 0 00 13 1101 3 80 t.i. t. . 472 2 45 15. . . . . 775 8 75 i. . OHO 2 60 18. . . . . 741 3 85 ' . 400 2 60 2. . . . . 025 4 00 , oBtl 2 75 3. . . . . 800 4 00 28. , . 557 3 00 0. . . . . 673 4 00 14. . 403 3 75 . 085 4 10 CALVES. 1. . , . 230 2 00 1 . 210 fi 1)0 ) 2 200 2 75 . 145 5 00 a BO 3 00 . 130 0 25 1 350 3 75 0. . . . . 181 0 25 2 100 4 00 1. . . . . 170 6 60 1 HO 4 60 1. . . . . 130 6 50 1 200 4 60 2. . . . . 220 0 00 HULLS. 1. . . . .1220 2 25 .1550 3 60 1. . . . . 800 2 35 .1330 3 50 1. . . . .1250 2 60 1. . . . .1850 3 60 .1000 2 05 5. . . . .1204 3 60 .11110 . 2 75 1. . . . .1200 3 50 i. . . . . 080 2 76 II ' ' ' .1040 3 60 i. . . . .1100 2 75 IIi' . ! . .1140 3 00 i. . . . .1120 3 00 i. . . . .1400 3 05 i. . . . .1770 3 25 i. . . . .1300 8 05 3. . . . 1550 3 45 i. . . . . 1280 3 70 OXIIN. 2 1520 300 0..1051 4 00 STAGS. 10. .1421 4 00 1. .1410 4 00 STOCKKIM AND FKCDICUS. 30 604 275 1 640 300 1 330 800 9 680 305 1 300 300 4 805 370 1 760 8 OO 6 618 870 1 3 0 310 15 730 375 4 612 3 25 19..i. 031 3 80 3 450 340 1 470 385 2 1140 350 04 004 320 1 1030 3 50 0 428 4 25 1 820 3 60 WUSTCIIN CATTLE. No. Av. 1'r. No. Av. IV. 1 feeder. . 800 $2 00 00 feeders 837 $3 00 lions Itocclpts wore not us heavy us dealers luid anticipated , mid the advance of the past two days was well sustained , In fact , prices ruled a shade firmer all around. The shlnplni ; demand was peed , culling for about half the hops received , and while fresh meat houses only wanted a few hogs , packers were faltly free buyers. Trade was active from the start. Uoodtocholco butcher weight and heavy hess sold at 10.40 and { 0.45 , with ordinary light , and mixed packing grades at from $0.30 to $0.35. For a whllo the market weakened , when shipping and fresh meat buyers , having tilled thofrotders , dropped out , hut It was only tempoiary anil the close was fully .steady with the opening. The pens wore practically cleared some tlmo before noon , the big bulk of the bogs selling at J0.35 and 50.40 , the same as on Thursday. On last I'rhluy the hogs sold mostly at $0.00 und f 0.05 or fully half a dollar higher limn today , lloprescntatlvo sales : No. Av. Sh. 1'r. Av. Sb. Pr. 127..230 240 $7 30 . .205 $0 37',5 . .247 80 7 37(5 ( . .233 240 0 37H 252 100 0 37 li ii'jao 8 ( ) 0 3714 . .242 280 0 37 ! i . .281 .120 0.40 253 120 G 40 . .221 120 G 40 . .259 120 0 40 . . .272120 G 40 . .250 80 0 40 .208 100 0 40 .200 120 0 40 .225 120 G 40 .247 80 G 40 .237 40 G 40 .240 120 G 40 .200 80 0 40 .243 100 0 40 .279 ICO 0 40 .203 40 G 40 .220 120 G 40 .252 120 0 40 .220 G 40 , .239 80 0 40 , .278 7 40 .280s 280 7 40 , .200 120 G 40 .240 80 0 45 , .2G3 40 0 45 , . .29510 0 45 I'lOS AN11 IIOUOII. - 5 50 HIIKKP Kecelnts were light , consisting of a double-deck of fair mixed westerns. Dealers weio away apart on tlio prices asked and hid nnd the hhcoii wenl on. The demand Is very fair nnd Iho market quotably about steady. Fair to good natives , S4.00a5.50 ; fair to good westerns , JI.OOii5.DO ; common and slock sheep , i2.50ft4.00 ; good to choice40 to 100-lb Iambs , J5.00440.60. Kocolpts nnil DUpcHltlou of StnuK. Olllclal receipts and disposition of stock as shown by tbo books of tbo U.ilon Stock Yards company for the twenty-four hours ending at 5 o'clock p. m. Juno 9 , 18U3 : HCCIilPTH. pi.st'osiTio.y , hicago I.tvo Stunk .Miirkot. , III. , Jtino 0. [ Rpoclal ToloRrani lo Tun HKK.I There was not much oliaimo lotlay In nrlees of eattlo. Tliero was iinlctudu In ail brandies ot the nmrlo.'t , tliu wants ( if Iniym-s heonilnxto lie few , ) > nt thanks to cotilliiiii'it IlKht httiiply , sullors dlil not llnil It necessary to initku liny lniiortiint | prloo concessions. A llttlo inoro than 4OOO natlvex wcro ollercil. They hold jirlncjiially at from } 4.0 to l.'i.lU for fair In Koodfnrtho Mi-ors , at froin i2.00 to J3.70 for cowp. hulN and liolfurs , The 2.00O Texas catllo In tlio IM'IIS Hiiro closed out on a liahlsof from irl.TP to tl.00 for Inferior hulls to extra htceru. ( ioixl to extra i-altlo closed ( Inn , whllo poor and common htcek has a decllnlii ) ; tnndcnry. Tliero was a fairly steady hou market early. At the om'iilns thcro waHiilltili ) trading at bllchtly HtroiiKcr prices , hut aflor B o'clock tlio inurement was Mow at reduced quotations. KIlihtwi'luhtH davolopiMl more Ktri-iiKth than tlm heavier Krailen. Of the former there were not ciioiiKli to I'll ' the orders and as hl 'li as $7.12' . was ohtalnwl for a load avuniKlni ; 178 His. The hlKliCht iirlco paid for hoavv lioijti was S7.00 and only n load or two reached that IlKiire. From (0.70 to iO.UO bought the hulk of the recolits. ( Inferior Krades wcro closed out ut fiomto.40 to 10.0'J and culls and plxs weio quoted at from 11 to J < J.-5 , Heavy hogu clos'jd 10i ! lower. Thuro were altogether too many filicop hero thu hut week. Had the supply iiuon lO.OOO head loss the number would have been aniplo to till alldemumu. An u consfiinoneo ot the ovorminply tlieiu was u morn or less inrirkod depreciation In values , ( iood grailea uro not more than from lOc to'JOc loner than when wo last reviewed the market , but In poor and common bluff Ihuro lius. been a bhrlnkaKUOf from 'JOu lu 4tlc. Texas conllnucB to fuml.li a very ItirKo part of our buppllei. , gheop from that htato Mild at anuxtremu ran oof from t'.OO to t&.10. culls selling at f rain # 2.00 to { 3 and u few lots of extra uuitlliy fuuihliiK from * 6.124 ! toSO.10. At tills wrltlnK It Is doubtful that tlio bf t would brine moru thanil.UO. Western and nutlvotlieop uroiiuoted at from 13.00 to * O.V0 ! , yearllliK * ut from $4.00 to JQ.'JO nnd Mirlns lambs at from tO.UO lo t7.10. ! Todny thu fcollni ? wes tlrm ut tlio abovoquo- tiitlonii. _ . Koculpts : ( Jattle. 7,000 heads calves. 000 head ; liotf * . 10,000 ncadj hheep , b.oou hrad. OATTI.B HoculptH , 7,000 liuadi fahluinunui , 3.00U hum ! ; market kteudyi prlmo kteurs. & .703i.UOi uouo hero ; KooU to cliulco , 5.V5'i6 ! ' ntlior * . H rifKiri.fiO ! dtockcrx , I3.S55I4.Q6 | nnllvor-dwd , } i ( i rf.t.40. _ llooa lloeeiiits 15,000 hoailt ililtimontu , 7,000 head ) miirkct niilet , 0 to lOo lower on heavy , 6 to lOo lilk-licr on mixed nnd IlKlit ! mixed mid jinrkcr * . Jrt.6fiilO.fiOt prlmo lionvy and butrhers' wclBhts , JG.OOaO.95j llRlit , 7.ya7.1tli ) pl , } 5.75. SIIKRIItocelpti , 10,000 heads shipment" , 1,000 hoadt nmrkut Moadyi natlvoj , JO. 00 ' .j Texans , J3.r Q4.uO | westerns , 14.70 ® 0.'J5j lambs , ? 5.40ttO.OO. Clljl.i % Stock JMnrkrt. CITV , Mo. , Juno -"ATTI.K-IIO- - celpts , 8.000 heads shipments 700 head ; market slow and OH1CV lowers Texas steers , (2.25ft t.aii ; shlpiiIiiBsteors , Jl.40r > .riOi native COWM. Ji2.OtW4.atli blllolior stwU , * 3.70a4.00i sli 'kers and feeders , i'J.'J&ai.tH ) . Hods Uccolpts. 4,000 head : shipments , 1 , < K)0 ) iicadt iniirkot ruled fxIHOc lowers closlnc KtrotiRs bulk of snips , J0.4MtG.f.O ; hoavles , puckers and mt\ed , JO.35UO.OOs llchli , J5.lOilG.OOi porkers , iG.OO0.00 ! plfis , J4,00itf > .10. SllKUi1 Kccelpt1" , 000 heads shipments , none ; market Nteady. St. I.onln Mvo Stock Market. PT. I.otris , Mo. , June 0. OATTM : ItocelpU , 1,200 heads shipment , 2,500 heads market Meady ; coniinon tocood natives , J2.25'iJ4.00 ; Snisr.i' ' ilVceiptT. 1,000 head : shipments , 2'JOO heads market slow , no good on sale , York t.tvo Slock Slnrkot. Nr.w YottK , Juno 0. llKnviN Hoccliits , 2- 400s opened shade better for all Kradi'i , do od dulls poorest to best natlvo cornfed steers , Jt.70RO.C.5s Texillis , $4.00a4.45) ) dressed beef dull tit 7'i'ilUc. Shipments tomorrow , 400 beeves and 0,000 quarters of beef. Slllini1 AND l.AMns-Kecelpts , 0,100 head ! bheep , very dull ; lambs at dudlno of Uc. Piles oC people have plies , ut Dowltt's Witch Hazel titilvo will euro thotn. If O.V Minnesota' * Hx-(3ovcrnor Criticises the Nn- tlotiul 1'olle.v nnd SiiKgcats llomedirH. ST. PAUL , Minn. . Juno 9. The follow ing views on the llnnnclnl situation ex pressed by ex-Governor Men-lain , presi dent of the Merclmnts National batik , will crnrtte considerable eoinnicnt. llo said : "Tho unfortmmto financial policy of the government in attempting not only to do tv banking business butte to coin silver nt n rate exceed ing its value , has culminated , as many wise and thoughtful men inter ested in the welfare of the country sup posed it would,1 ! ! ! a period of financial distress unparalleled in the history of the nation. All this is caused by two mistaken ideas. One is that you can put two kinds of currency side by side differing in value , and the other is that the government should bo engaged in the business of banking , the people fur nishing the money to "make exchange throughout the country. The United States will not ngain be on a sound ommcrcial basis until these false auditions arc removed. Until such imo as all the nations , of ho earth agree upon some basis if issuance of gold and silver , this coun- ry will bo compelled to abandon silver is part of its metallic currency. What his country needs is a banking system lational in its character , the right to ssito notes based on the metallic reserve , ud redeemable at the place of issuance , ir at the great money centers at par- urreney that will bo safe , that will re- pond to the demand of commerce , move lie crops of cereals and cotton , and then 'eturn ' to its place of issuance to bo used [ gain when occasion requires. " For all forms of disordered stomach use Jromo-Seltzcr. A palatable , prompt cure. J.VA 7,0.t/3 IX inportnnt Decision Rendered Kclittlngr to the Itrrcnt Illinois I.niv. Br.oOMiNGTON , 111. , Juno 0. Judge Tipton of the circuit court hero has rendered a valuable opinion pertaining to the "alien law , " which recently be came operative in this state. Mark Tulley , deceasedjlcft a largo estato'hore. lie left it wife , but no children. Ho was : i native of Ireland , and'his brothers and sisters , subjects of Queen Victoria , have children here , who , under former statutes of the state , would inherit onc- lalf of Tullcy's estate , the other half joing to Tttlley's widow. Jut ] go Tipton decided that the alien law , which prohibits aliens from buying md owning land in Illinois , repealed all former statutes on the subject and loft the common law in force , and Unit neither aliens nor descendants of aliens born in foreign countries can take by in heritance. Consequently Mrs. Tulley takes tlio entire estate , and the alien brothers and sisters and their descend ants got no portion of it. The decision shows the importance of aliens becoming naturali/cd when they can , so that their property may descend to their heirs , otherwise it would escheat to the state. The "No. 0" Wlieeler & Wilson , with its perfected tcnisons. upper nnd lower , is the : > nly lock-stitch machine that makes tin clastic scnm. It is the dressmaker's favorite on that account. Kold by Goo. W Lancaster & Co. , 514 South Sixteenth street , a TO "oininerclal I.cnguo Orcnnlzcil to Hrlng Manufacturers mid Coimimorn Togethci CHICAGO , 111. , Juno 9. The Farmers and Manufacturers Commercial league , an organization recently incorporated , aims to protect the interests of farmers nnd business men intimately associated with the agricultural trade. At a meet ing held last evening a eonsLitution was adopted. The oojoot of the or ganization is declared to bo "U act as a distributing agent ; to faoili- itato the economical distribution o" merchandise , farm tools and machinery lumber and other articles between the nmnufacturor and the consumer , so as t ( furnish buch articles as the consumer wants at the lowest possible cost , and obtain the highest possible price for the product of the farm and to organize its members into brunch leagues for mutual protection , co-operation benevolence and social entertainment. " The Icuguo is nonpolitical and will aim principally to save the farmers from the operations of trusts and monopolies , Frank B. White , ( HO Rookery building , is the acting secretary. 1'lies of pcpplo rmvo pl.ns , but Do Witt'3 Witch lltui'l Silvo : wlllouro tl 3in. T\rii ( Irrat Inilnstrli'x llrlni ; Invent ( gated by United Stiitim Senator I'ottVr ClllCAfio , 111. , Juno I ) . United States Senator W. A. Pollor is in the city con ducting an investigation into the live stock and grain interests. He IH a member of the hcnate committee on agriculture and forestry , and as such is also a member of the subcommittee on eattlo and grain. Sen ators Washburn and Kottcli are also on the committee , but not yo on duty. Chicago was selected us the Htarting point of the committee because the mout hers recognized its importance ) as the big center for food btulln of the world. From here the route will bo to Minne apolis , Oinulm , Kansas City and Topoka. In these places millers , puckers und wheat shippers will bo asked for facts und figures. Then the capitals of about twelve diirorent wchtorn states will bo vibitod und from the agricultural de partments Htatlbtics will bo gathered. Piles of people have piles , nut to ) Witt1 Witch Huzel Salvo will euro them. AVIII Ciiiinccrutu 1'ivu HUliopi. Nn\V YOIIK , June H. On Wednesday , Juno 14 , Kev. Frederick Graves , I ) . I ) . , ami Hev. John McKitn , D.I ) . , will bo uonbcorutod us Protestant Episcopal bibhopu of China und Japan respectively In this city , Tt will bo ho first Instnnco in the history of the l'rotf\Mrtnt Kplsco- jitxl church tlmt two foreign inlxslnnnry bishops liavo boon consecrated nt the frame plnoo nnd time. It is expected thnt members of the episcopate nnd clergy from all parts of the country will bo present. 1'ile * of people have piles , mil Do Witt's Witch Hruel Salvo will euro thoin. ' ; jKii.i/tmi > . A I.lttlo Art of Oonrtevv Nrts n TrHVcllnr ; Ainu I'llty Tliounnnil , MUNCH : , Intl. , Jtino 0. The kind net of n Chicago traveling salesman has boon substantially rewarded. During itho Dunkard meeting here two weeks ago. nriong those in tittontl * nnco were Abner Fuller and wife , n , feeble old cotiplo from Amboy , O. On the day the meeting ended Mr. Fuller became separated from hh wife nnd friends , taking the wrong train , without money or ticket. In his extremity ho attracted the attention of S. IT. NulTo , formurly of Frankfort , this state , but nt present a traveling salesman for a Chicago hard ware llrm. NalTo helped him to n scut , nnd II tul ing thnt ho was on the wrong train , caused htm to got on"nt Andoi > on nnd then onmo back with him tosco tlmt ho was not molested. Returning to Muncie under Mr. NatTe's kindly cure , the old Dunkard was united with his wife nnd friends , nnd there ho was bid den n kindly good-by by the Chicago man. man.This week n letter cnmo to the hotel where NalTo nmtlo his headquarters , tolling him that the old couple hud willed to him n farm. Investigation ehowcd thnt they were helr'oss ' , their children having all died. Shortly after returning to Amboy , the old lady died , and within a week her husband followed her to the grave. Doth had a kindly remembrance of the courtesies received nt NalTo's hnnds nnd they concluded to remember him by willing him u fnrni. Tlio farm is located in Seneca county , Ohio , and its value is placed at $50,000. Plies of people have piles , but Uo Witt's Witch Huzcl Salvo will euro them. J.O.SS OA A1M-KK I'UJtVH.iSKS. Mlno Oxriiom llnvo Made Twenty-Two Mllllonn of 1'riillt from the tiovoriiinetit. WASHINGTON , 13. C. , .Tune ! ) . The stock of gold in the treasury is lower today Than it has been at any time since tlio resumption of specie payments in ] 870. The amount now thcro owned by the govonnment is SSfSJi03. ! ) ) : On the contrary , the amount of silver dollars now in possession of the government is very much in excess of the sum which it has held , and , under the operations of the silver purchase act , shows that it would be possible for the government to duplicate its present stock of silver for at least $22,000,000 less than tbo amount which has been actually expended for it. That sum re presents the profits. The Treasury de partment has just purchased a largo amount of silver ounces at prices which range from 8J.f ! > 5 to 8.UO ! cents per ounce. This makes the value of purse silver in the standard silver dollars today 01 1-2 cents The total amount of silver which has been purchased by the gov ernment since the passage of the Sher man silver purchase law to November 1 , 1S)2 ! ) , was 120-7V.IS1 ! ! ounces , for which the government paid $110,783,51)0 , , ) , or an average of IK ! . ! ) cents per ounce. The ag gregate loss since the law went into oper ation on tbo basis of the present market price of bullion is said to have been $22,000,000. , This represents the loss to the government under the operations of the silver purchase law and the prolits which have gene to the silver mine owners. Piles of people : ivo DUOS , nut Do Witt's Witch Hazel Salvo will euro them. o An Artistic Siifrici'htlmi. Washington Star : "Look here , " said the Father Tune model to the artist , "Don't you think I've been out of style lonir enough ? " " \Vh-\vhiit do you mean ? " gasped the as tonished sculptor. "Well , I'm getting about tired of this scythe and hour-glass , and 1 think you could strllco the fin do sieclc gait by turning them into u big walking stick und a , monocle. " 8W1KTS Sl'KCIFIC Is totally unlike any oilier blood medicine. It cures dlHeascHof tlioblood and ukin by removing tlie polbiin , and nt tlio fc.inio tlmo Riipnlles jiood Mood to tlio wasted parts. Don't bo imposed on by sulibtl- tutes , wldcli arc said to bo just na Rood , it is not true. No medicine DM VttC lS/f8RI Fl liasiurformeduuinany ] Eft 0 KE VaUilB.U uonderful cuicsur icliuvcil BO much Htillciing. " .My blood was badly poisoned last year , \\lilcli Kc.t my whole hytitem out of order diseased and a constant source nfBiitrcrlnK.no apputlt" and nn enjoyment < if life. Two Ilottles of I " " " " " " " brought mo right out. Tlicro in no I better remedy for blood diseases. ' " GAVIN Ohio. " "JoiiN , Dajlon , Treatise on blood and blln diseases mailed free. SWIFT SL'UCll'IO CO. , Atlanta. Ga. 1,1 MU CO.liard nnd uft lllCU , MllhtuW CA { > . IliO- coil , H K. cur. ICtli and tulle tkrlU > it > . ctc-.U I lloujloi ttreet. nml utUDuilgaiMroi't. DRY GOODS. M . E. Sinitli& Co. Kilpalrick-KocliDry ( jOJlS ) CO. Urr Koodt , notloni , fur- Notions , Kontu1 furnliti ; rtililnK tfoudi , corner \ttit \ uuuili , cur. lltu aii'l ' lltli and ilOKini ) 19. lUtnur StruoK. FUHNITURE. 77//7/7KW A 7.V S1ZS between Dr. ricrco's IVIlots nrul every other pill , The PollotJ nro Mimflcr. Aiul this difference In § lro , with their sugiir oonttog tnnU's thorn the cosiest to tnko. tnko.Hut Hut there's n dinVrwtco through. Thpv'ro easiest In the wny they ncU No griping , no violence lence , no ivnrtlon nftenvoril. They do jirVmnnrnt good. They ivg. iifit'c the system , na well in cleanse nml ronovnto It. Sick or Dillons Headache , Constipation , Indigestion , lUllous Attacks , and nil do- rnngi > monta ot the Hvor , stomach , oiul bowels nro prevented , rollovod , and. cured , Put up lu sonled vlnls , nlwnys fresh mid ix'llablo ; n perfect vct-pocket remedy. They're yiianinfcrd to filvo satisfaction , In every _ rase , or the money in re- BUD' . , turned. What offer could bo fairer I A Temperance Drink For temperance people n lienlUi- giving drink for the masses. Hires'S Not n linnnful ingredient In its inakc-np. Nothing but the pur est extracts of carefully selected herbs , roots , barks itntl berries. A 35 cent package makes Five Gallons of a Delicious , Strength ening , Effervescent Beverage. Ho euro nail get Hires' is only with the signnturo " ] Justus von Lioblg In blue ! inlc ncross the lubol , thus : " ! It is almost unnecessary to add that ] this refers to the worllc-known fiflHP.ftHY'Sl Liebia : . Efract of Beef. For delicious , refreshing Hoof Toa. For improved and ooonomlo cookery. A Railroad Man would thank you , of j courseifyou presented him with n watch , but ' Jfit were not a ly-jcwcl D u c b c r-H a m p d c n watch , li i s pleasure RUBY JEWELED 'ADJUSTED" " ! / Vl'otlW not bc ilcrfcct- WATCHES felll Railroad men arc the best judges of watches. Would you Ilka to know widen watch Is most iLH'il on America's Oroatfht llnllnuidT If so. write for circular" A QupstlminfSeco nds. " TUB DUUUKII WATCH Wonus , Cautou.U. Dress your Neck tor Spring. Do you know how to do so properly ? Tr ? the Wide Hand , Turn-down Colbri. We manufacture a number ot them. Clutlt Brand. 25c. ; Malick Widt. Nitilla. Medium. Coon ft Co. Brand , 20c. Averne , Wldi. Dirbor. H dium. They fit well the Pnnn I PJ ( MONARCH SHIRTS. UUU11 tt UU SOUTH OMAJIA. . Union Stock Yards Company , South Ornaha. ncBtCnttlo llo midShooii nmrkut In the wait. c ° M M ' s s ' ° ! j Wood Brothers. Iilvo Stock Coinnilsslon Morchanti EO'itliOrnnlin Toli-pliono 1157. Clilcara JOHN I ) . DADHMAN , I WAI.TKK I ) . WOOD , | Mprlfot reports by mall and wlro in si. ud npun r.ppllu.lion. HARDWARE. HATS , ETO. | IRONWORKS. W. A , L , Gibbon & Co Onialia Safe and Iron \VhulaiBta WOIIK-I. llnti , rnin , ilrun Ko < > d i Kiifei.vuuiti , Jnll wo6 Ifluoruv , inlltons. lull Iron flmtluri niKltlro o und llurnubtrul'ts. . 0:1 : pi.1 * , ( lui Anitreoa , lu uml Juuknim J . . I LUMBER. John A. Walicficld , lui | t- < 1Ar\i > rlaun 1'urt- lunil cuinont , Mllviau- ken cnnivnt and Qulucx whllo lima. LIQUORS. | MII/LINfiRY. PAPER , OILS. PRODUCE COMMISSION ,