r THE OMAHA. DAILY EEEt SATURDAY , JUNE 10 , 1803 , Kocoyary from the Bovoro Depression of a 1 Week Ago Noticed. BETTER FEELING ON THE MONEY QUESTION Trade In Krerj-Section Ha < linen llonufltetl \ > T Kumar * of Decided Action 1 > y Con- nn Unrrenrjr MiUtern Ito- pnrti from Cltlci , NKW YonK , Juno 0. II. O. Dun ft Co.'s vrooMy review of trade says : The severe depression of ft week ago , which culminated in Tory tight money and numerous failures , has been followed by some recovery. Ho- port * tii.it definite action by congress on the money question has been nisurod have done much to cau.to the bettor feeling. But the stringency nt Chicago nnd elsewhere hns forced realizing on the unprecedented stocks > ot whoat.so that the lowest prices over known litiTo been made hero and at the west. This hns helped exports , and , In other respects , monetary conditions are distinctly moro favorable. Though no radical change In underlying conditions has occurred , there Is moro hopefulness nnd some recovery from the extreme contraction of credit. At Philadelphia banks are holding money cautiously There Is rather moro business In iron , but at very low prices. At Cleveland trade is fairly good , but money ole o. At rinelnnatl traiio Improves , and tnonoy Is active , but collections dull. At Indianapolis the grocery trade Is bettor nnd at Detroit trade is only fair and banks I tire calling in many loans. Chicago reports trade orders satisfactory. Banks are considered safe , but are pursuing h very conservative policy. Hcc. . Ipts In crcaso , compared with last year , 4 per cent In cattle , 10 In hides , 2-I In butter , 55 in Bhcop , 'M in oats , 100 in wheat nnd ITO in corn , but decreased J8 per cent in Hour , ! W in barley and dressed beef , 33 In rye , 45 in fchecso. 00 In hogs and lard , 70 In iwrk nnd Seed and 00 in cured meats. Incitement is subsiding in Milwaukee. Trade nt Minneapolis and .St. 1'aul is fairly nctlvo nnd the lumber trade strong with 'fcrop prospects fair. At St. f-ouis banlo uro calling in loans , nut Jobbing trade is satisfactory with south biueh improved. Omiilm'H Trnilo tiotxl. At Omaha trade is good. * At St. Joe good , and at Kansas City trade Js fairly healthy ; tholr receipts of grain nnd iiogs are light. Trade at Denver Is fair , but at Tattle llock light nnd at Ixiuisvlllo restricted , with money very close. At Memphis trade Is very quiet and at 'ashvlllo fair , i At Knoxvllto slow-with money close. At Atlanta , Mneon and Augusta similar conditions exist. At Oalvcslon trade is fair , but collections jslow. At Now Orleans money is in nctlvo de mand , collections slo.v and business good , nxeesslvo rains making crop prospects doubtful. \Vhciit has eono below 71 cents hero and , to03cents at Chicago , receipts being-100,000 fbushols daily and exports .200,000 bushels. 'Corn ' ' has fallen " cents , with largo receipts. 'Oats , I cent ; pork , ? 1.7. > per barrel ; lard , G."i cents , nnd hoes 10 cents per 100 pounds. Oil jls 5 cents stronger anil coffee unchanged. Cotton is y cent higher on better foreign /buying. / Tin is stronger on the surfaoo. but ( lead is lower at W.75 on n sale of 1,000,000 pounds. Lake copper is at 11 cents. Iron Is fvery dull at Now York ana Philadelphia , find sales are reported at astonishingly low jiriees at Buffalo. Dealings in bar show ftroat anxiety for orders. Structural iron is dull , and while plate mills are well em ployed , all prices are low and trade dis- heartened. In .wool sales are remarkably small with a lower tendency. In low grade cottons there bus been some advance. ir < > ruln 1'rmlu. The llnanci.il outlook Is not helped as yet l > .v foreign trade , imports continue heavy , 'Avhllo exports are still below last year's. The depression In stocks brought in some 'larelgn ' buyers and prices have recovered on nn average of $1.50 per share since a week ngo , witn railroad earnings continuing largo. ITorofgn payments for securities have helped exchange downward , and also hills against several million bushels of wheat taken for Oxport , so that some bankers believe the rest of the summer may pass without a re newal of gold exports. The failures for the week have been 322 in number in the United States , against KM lor the same week last year , and 'J5 in Can ada , against 2-1 last yc.ir. Last week the total number of failures was Soil. 1TAI < 1 > STKEKT ITOK A. WKKK. ! > eiit oT the 1'nst Woolc Fnvnrnblo Tor tlio Market. ' NKW YOIIK , Juno 9. Bradstroot's weekly "Wall street review will tomorrow say ; Apart from the ihmnclul disturbance at . Chicago , the events of the past week have been favorable to the market , which was ro- llocted In the increased tone of strength which it exhibits. The improvement has been in all canes moderate , and , at times , dullness was loss marked than in the past , Vrhllo the boar party continued to furnish jnoro of the buying power , and was at tlio game tlmo able to create several temporary depressions , The alternation of sentiment was. however , marked , and dates from the announcement by the president that the purpose of an extra session of congress to bo called early in September will bo to si-euro the repeal of the Sherman act. Thu general conclusion was that such a statement would not he made on the part of the administra tion unless it wns conlldcnt that the object lesson about the operation of the law had boon effective nnd that the majority in favor of its repeal was practically assured. This view , It seems , produced an oven greater im pression abroad , the revival of confidence in our llnanclal position leading to revived buy ing of our stocks for London account. These facts appear to have neutralized the effects of the runs on the Chicago savings banks nnd the heavy movement of currency from ( this city to the west which it occasioned , 'while the break down of wheat prices nnd the resulting heavy foreign buying of cereals hail very significant results. The npnonranco in Inn exchange market of a largo amount of bills drawn against wheat purchased for export broke down exchange rather early In the week , so that tlio $1,000,000 of gold shipped to Ixnidon on Tues day seems to bo thu last of the specie out- llow for the present. The foreign buying ol stocks hero and the reduction of the Bank of Kngland discount rates , accompanied bj Increased casu In thu Ixiidon money market aided in demorali/Ing exchange rates at the close of the week and supplemented the other favorable inlluoiii'os. There was some manipulation in money on thu outflow to the west. The Increased freedom with whluli foreign funds were offered and thu prompt BUbsideni'0 of the troubles at Chicagc chocked any decided manifestations of this kind. _ _ ' .s icnvn\v : OF TH.YIM : . llimliuis * C'mullllotn Showing u Hhclit Ini prominent , NKW YOIIK , June 0 , Bradstreot's rfavlov of thu state of trade will tomorrow say : The f oolitic in Now Yorl nnd Chicago llnanclal circles has im jirovod , Chicago hanks have drann enor luous sums from the cast and the incrcasec ( trongth Is followed by a report that thej m y soon begin discounting moro freely Now York bank officials report an oaslci fooling In the local market , followlni checked gold exports and lower oxchangi rates. On the other baud , Bostoi nnd Providence , New Orleans am Detroit bankers uro cjuoting higher rate : of discount , In some instance * with i corresponding Influence on trade. The soutl appears tube feeling the results of the extreme tremo and widespread stringency , relatively least , and the west and northwest most Now York City appears to have foreseen am prepared for the llimncial storm to n larg < extent and banks there regard the situatioi from a skeltered position. Thu outlook i * uu or ix iipcody rovcml of existing trade comlU Jens and the tendency of staple prices con- .Inucs downward , wheat quotations having gone below all records , which Is not r < jffi\rk- ! ablo. when , ns shown by Brad trcct' all available homo stocks In Juno equaled 100,000.000 bushels , more than three times the aggregate a year ao. Stocks of wheat In America and Kuropoand nlloat forKuropd were 107,000,000 bushcM. or 40 per cent heav ier than last year. Wheat crop damage licre has boon overestimated , and an unpre cedented total of not less than 93,000,000 bushels of wheat will bo carried over July 1 , or enough to make good a reduced yield this year. KxporM of Wlinnt * Wheat exports this week ( flour included ) , both coasts nnd from Montreal , equal ! ) ,610- 000 bushels , against 3,000,000 In the week n year ago , and a little moro than one-third as much in like weeks In throe preceding .years. Wheat Is off 1 to i ! cents , besides which pork , . lard , com , hides , pig iron , cotton and lumber are all oft . The Iron ami steel Industries nro working to order nnd actual prices are fre quently on the basis of ' 'private terms. " The gleam of sunshtnoln the week's report Is an increase of nearly 0 r or cent In gross rallwaj earnings for May , Grangers leading with a gain of 17 per cent , and other groups , except Pacifies which report a decrease , with Increases of from 7 to 10 per cent. For flvo months gross earnings are only 0.0 per cent moro than In 1892. The business failures this week Include two with moro than $1,000,000 capital , two others with moro than 3500,000 and eleven with n capital stock each between ยง 100,000 and ? T > 00,00 < ) . There are 17 per cunt with capital In excess of $ oOOU each. mere Is a slight Improvement in the d is- tributlon of dry goods from Toronto , Induced by line weather. Crop prospects In the province of Ontario are good and there uro inquiries for wheat for export , caused by low prices. At the city of Quebec the retail trade has becnj interofcrcdi with by the wet weather nnd tlio shoo and leather industries are dull , Quebec's timber trade Is very dull , owing to the falling off In the demand from Kntrlnml. General wholesale business in Montreal hns Improved. Dispatches from Halifax report some gain in trade with moro favorable weather , thus stimulating farm work. UI.)2AHIN ) < 1 : STAT13S1 KJTTS. Omnlm Continue * to Show nn Increase Kcport * trout Other Cltli'n. Nnw YOIIK , Juno S } . This table , compiled by Bradstrcct's , shows the bank clearings of various cities for the week ending Juno 8 , nnd the percentages of increase or de crease. as compared with the corresponding wecic last year : Ciiiiiidlnii .Montreal i 1I.SU5.S39 l.r Toronto 0,5111,052 3.6 Halifax 1.213..TJI 19.0 Hamilton. . . . 8l5.1Kii 2.1 Total. ' . 0,414.2.14 1.7 I'ollro l * Mrs. A. B. McAmlrows , wlfo of CouncU- man McAiulrows , mourns tlio loss of n purse coi'-taliiiiiR n check for $ iO awl ? 'J In casli. Hud ISvana ami Hnx Robinson , both col ored , while returning early .yostorday mornIng Ing from an entertainment on South Thir teenth street engaged In a row In which razors cut a Jlguru , one of H nil's hands being the object on which the figure wns carved. They were run in. C.i. . Ciilldors. who says ho belongs to the vanguard of Uook & Whitby's circus , was arrested yesterday on complaint of a young woman who is not as virtuous as slio nncu was , who says that Chllders tried to pur chase her alloctlons with u counterfeit SIC bill. bill.Mrs. Mrs. Hyan , wife of the man locked up on the clmrgo of assaulting little 5-year-old ICthcl Tonipliins , became so agitated ovoi the affair thnt aho is confined in the coimtj Jail by the advice of Health Commlsslonei Seiners , who pronounces her insane. Captain Mostyn and Dotcctlvo Savage went to Lincoln yesterday to identify thret men arrested there and held on ausplclon. They found a clioico trio of Jail birds. One - calling himself \Vobb , was itieutllled m Tracy , alias liaxtcr , who but recently ( In ished a term at Fort Madison for complicity in the I.ioMars , la. , postofilco Ourglary of a , year and a half ago ; another was Frank Do vine , who shot Mounted Oftlcor Hayes' horsi when the ofllcer was attempting to arresi him a few months ago ; the third was oiu Case , alias Smiley , who served throe year : for I ho burglary of Bambergor'a store on Truth street. ind. All throe have been but recently released nnd have obviously gene back to wicket doings , as they had in their possession , whet arrested at Lincoln , a llrst-class outfit o burglars' tools , I'iles of people nave pucs , but Do Witt's Witch Hazel Salvo will euro ttioin. Itlili on Siiwrr Oonilriirtlnn , Tlo > Uoard of Public Works mot ycstcrda ; afternoon and received bids upon construct ing sewers in these districts as follows : Parker street , Thirtieth to Thirty-fourth Indiana nvonuo , Twiinty-Ilfth street t Twenty-fifth nvimuo ; Twenty-sixth street commencing lUty-llvu feet north of illckor Place , to Mason street , west to alloy am north to Mnrcy street. The bidders were : J U Black , llamann ft McDonald , J. O. Corbj Mcliavock & Daley , Sainuol KaU & Co. nd < George W. Tillson. Tiio contraets will bois awarded this morning. llullilini ; I'urmlti. The following pornuts to build were Is sued yesterday by tlio Inspector of buildings O , M. llimtor. 101-mmthThlrty-thtrd btreut , thvi'llmg i 2,30 BU minor permits 07 80veil permits , agre utlng t , . 3,97 STIRRED UP THE FAITHFUL Faction of the Alllanco Disturbed Over Ohargos of Disloyalty , BURROWS DECLARES HIS POSITION Not nt Ills KcqnMt Were Dot < UU ot the Trlnl Kept Secret Jiiy Think * Him- otf Strong with tlio In- drpcmlonts. LINCOI.V , Nob. , Juno V. [ Special to TUB Br.u. ] The announcement In THE Hen that the had Thorton-Hurrows-Tliompson fight reached alliance executive headquarters has stirred the faithful up to still greater Incrimination - crimination nnd recrimination. Mr. Hurrows1 dental that the injunction of secrecy was at his request is well taken. Thorcqucst made by Mr. Hurrows was that ho bo given thirty days to answer the charges that Thornton had prepared nnd filed against him , and this was acceded to. Mr. Thompson had asked for an Immediate hearing of these against him. but thu com- mltteu llnaliy decided to allow the whole matter to como up at the state meeting on July 7. This Is the story told by Mr. Thorn ton and his friends. On the other hand , Mr. Hurrows declares thnt the committee hail partially heard the testimony , andiwhllo ho was not at liberty to discioso the verdict , ho was not nt all nervous over ttio result. Ho will not , however - over , disclose the nature of the charges against him , but it Is said they nro simply a reiteration of these Thornton has frequently made in his newspaper , nnd embrace politi cal , business nnd personal nets of his. The charges against Thompson are moro serious , as they charge him with misappropriation of funds of the nlllanco In that ho charged the organization with the entire rental of the building , a portion tion of which was occupied by the farmers nlllanco publication office nd coniDosing rooms , nnd that ho hud charged the alliance higher prices for Job work tban ho paid or It oould hnvo been procured elsewhere. Mr. Uurrows , it Is said , had an editorial oroad- side in typo ready to Uro nt Thornton and his paper , but did not use it at the request of the executive committee , which evinced a disinclination to decide which of tlio two editors was in the wrong aml preferred to throw it all onto the shoulders of the state alliance general meeting. Cotnor Commoiicomont. Cotner university commencement exer cises will begin on Sunday next , when , at 11 n. in. , Prof. W. P. Aylcsworth will deliver the baccalaureate sermon. At S p. m. on the same dny will occur the exercises of the Matheslan society , comprising nn attractive program of musical nnd oratorical selections. At a p. m. Monday evening the Delphian so ciety program will bo given , and at 8 p. m. Tuesday evening the Athenian society will have its exercises. At the same hour Wednesday evening will bo given the annual commencement concert of the department of music , nnd nt 10 a. in. on Thursday the com mencement program will bo given. The orators tors nro : A. D. Harmon , Cora 13. Henry , K. W. Abberly. J. H. lUukncll nnd Miss Alieo Gadd. The annual address will bo delivered by II. W. Everest , LUD. Thruntnns to I'rosccuto , The following communication has boon received at the executive office , accompany ing a poster announcing a reward of > f500 for the conviction of nuy person Interested in the Chadron broncho race for violations of the law of Nebraska , Iowa or Illinois , or any law for the prevention of cruelty to animals : NKW YOIIK , Juno 2,1893. Ills Kxcolloncy the Hon. Lorenzo t'rounsc , Governor of Nebraska , Lincoln , Nob. : l ) ar Sir 1'ormlt mo to cull your attention to llio reward olTorod by this society for the arrest and conviction of the person or persons engaged In the race or contest - test which Is proposed to take place on or about the 13th ( lay of June , starting from Uhadron , Dnwes county , Nob. , and asK your co-oporatlim and assistant : ! ) In preventing an unJUHllllaulo cruelty. With great respect , 1 remain , yours vury truly , JOHN 1' . HAINHS , President American Society for the Prevention of Ctuulty to Animals. Stuln House Niitcs. Jacob Dillon of Furnas county , who was on Aptil 21 sentenced to ono year in the pen itentiary for assaulting and cutting M.iurico Moore with a knlfo on July 30 , 18113 , has carried his case into the supreme court on voluminous allegations of error. Messrs. Lambertson , Doano and Pound have each drawn the $2,000 allowed them as attorneys for the impeachment managers. The managers have allowed W. L , Greene 3100 in addition to the ? flOO ho has already drawn. The ease of John Fitzgerald against John McClny and P. H. Coouor , error from Lan caster county , got Into the supreme court today. It is for the recovery of money al leged to bo duo for brick used in the erection of nn engine house for the insnno hospital , McClay and Cooper being bondsmen for Sain Price , contractor. Bunking Clerk II. II. Townloy hns re turned from Cortlnnd , where ho wont to close up the affairs of the defunct State bank. Ho has Hied his report with the banking board , but it will not * bo accessible until action is begun in the supreme court. The Pythian I-ifo association has tiled in supreme court the papers in its allegations of errors committed in Judge Ogdon's court in Douglas county In the trial of the case brought against it by Mrs , Mary A. Preston , who recovered In that court a Judgment against thu association for fj,170.yj nnd costs on a $ ' . 3,000 llfo insurance policy hold by her husband. U'illett ( J. Preston , who died in Minneapolis , Minn. It was alleged - by the association that the policy was Issued through fraud and collusion and was issued on the day of Preston's death , either just huforo or just after bis death. The Stale Board of Purchase ana Supplies - mot yesterday afternoon to consider tlio cr- tinmtos of expenses of running state institu tions for the next quarter. May Prcslon of Moscow , Idaho , has wril- tou Auditor Moore to ascertain tidings of Iho whereabouts of ono S , C. Donnor , a rela tive. She wants to know if ho Is a Ne braska taxpayer. Vliuliict Injunction. Judges Slrodo and Tibbclls have boon en gaged all dny In hearing iho injunction case brought by the owners of property adjacent to llio now O street viaduct to ro. strain ttia elly , Iho railroad companies and Iho contractor from proceeding with the work. The principal point dwelt upon by the plaintiffs' attorneys was that the propo sition of the railway companies , embodied m the contract with the city anticipated that their property should bo relieved of the . . payment of any taxes for the repair or maiii- , lenanco of iho structure In the future ; that is. that should the structure bo wrecked by - a high wind or otherwise damaged thai llio y railroad companies could not bo compelled to : pay any proportion o' tlio cost of making It - us good ns new. Air. Marquette for the Burlington vigor ously contended thai no such proposition or clause was contained therein. Other points made by the plaintiff were that they were the owners in fee of the paring In front of their property , but that it was . twlng torn up and destroyed without the d jiroffcrof any damages j that in vacating O street and giving it ovur lo Ihu use of iho : railroads llio council exceeded Us authorily : that thocily has no right to Incur the ox. penso of constructing llio viaduct when they made no provision in Iho annual levy for llial purpose , while llio ordinance is attacked on technical grounds and the board of appraiser * on Iho ground ihat the council luid no authority in law lo appoint them. The judges will probably render a decision tomorrow. Too attorneys for the plaintiffs are confident of success , and claim that the ; statute uudor which the council acted when to it passed the ornlnanco ana entered into the , contract , had previously boon repealed. ill Mliliuiiunor Italllo. illJ. J. Chairman Blake of the people's inde pendent committee has arranged for a num ber of midsummer rallies to be held at various points. Now that the farmers have gotten in their corn , they are In the mood for piciiicKiug and listening to some ittliticnl lore , and as a general desire has boon ex is- pressed to sco and meet Senator Allen , he announces rallies at the following places , at which ttie senator will bo the principal oo speaker : Tcouinsoh , Juno 12 ; Beatrice , 75 Juno lil ; Geneva , June H ; Red Cloud , June IS ; franklin , Juno It ! ; Alma , Juno 17 ; Indlauaola , Juno ID ; Iloldrcge , Juno 20 Hastings , Juno 31 : Clay Center , JunoW { Nelson , Juno 3ft , nnd Lincoln , Juno at. lllff Cnpluro Iiy h l > clfollrr. I > clcctlvo O'Shco the other evening suc ceeded lu nabbing n quartet of woks who were registered nt the station as sus- I > oct3 , Soruo time previously ho had ro- colvod a tip that n notorious cracksman named Baxter was headed this way , nnd he was rounding up In this g.ing. Ho regis tered , however , as Oscar Webb , but since the visit of I'ostoftle * Inspector Mercer , his name appears as Webb alias Tracy , alias Hamilton , alias Shcohan , alias Baxter. Word ivns sent to the Omaha poliro , nnd Dotcctlvo Savage and Captain Mostyn eamo down today , and believe that ho is the same fellow who Is wanted In Council Bluffs for robbing the residence of n Mrs. Metcalf , terrorizing tlio Inmates ana securing a lot of diamonds , Baxter has done time in the Iowa and Ne braska penitentiaries , in the latter for rob bing Trlokoy's Jewelry store In this city four years ago. Two other members of the gang , James Uovlno and Charles Case , alias Snilioy , alias Malloy , are also In custody. Inspector Mercer identified the trio as being the chaps who had ebbed seventeen postofilecs within n r.ullus of eight counties in that state nnd has gene to DCS Monies for requisition papers. Lot Him Out. Dean Henry W. Smith of the department ot law , State university , has boon requested to resign , to take effect September HO , nnn hns complied. The hoard of regents paid him n compliment by spreading a resolution commending his past work. No appoint ment has yet been made. Important busi ness was transacted regarding departments of Instruction , the necessary amount being appropriated to provide for a number of additional instructors and division workers in high classes. Among these somoof the most important appointments are those of W. (1. Taylor of the University of Chicago as Instructor In political. science nnd A.M. Wilson , late president of the Grand Island college , as assistant Instructor of latin , and T. V. Burnett of Cotner ns Instructor in German , Among the old faculty n few minor changes were made. In recognition of faithful ser vices in the past year Miss Mary Tremnln's salary was advanced to Jl,000 and full work assigned her. Prof. Husscy was transferred to the instruutorshlp lately filled by Mr. Frailer. To the department of chemistry additional instruction was granted to pro vide for a course In domestic chemistry. The interests of the Department of agri culture came In for a full share of consider ation. Prof. Ingorsoll was elected director of the United States experiment station in addition to nls work as professor of agri culture. The state farm was placed entirely In ehariro of this station to bo known here after as the experiment station phis. To ad vance the Interests of the live stock Indus try in the state $11,000 was placed to the credit of this department. The erection of a now laboratory on the farm was likewise approved by the board. 81'UT ON HKL.IGIOX. Kcnrnry Demonnits AH Torn Up Over the 1'ostotllco 1'lclit. KnAitXET , Nob. , Juno 9. [ Sueeial to Tun BEE. ] About three weeks ago word was re ceived hero that John F. Crocker had been appointed postmaster at Kearney. Mr. Crocker Is a democrat ot the deepest dye , a strong Morton man and an alleged member of the A. P. A. These last two facts are sufficient to make him very unpopular with a certain portion of the Kearney democrats , nnd Juan Boyle went to Washington for llio purpose of prcvenllng Mr. Crocker's confir mation and urging John Thompson's appoint ment. So successfully did ho present his claims thnt the continuation has boon with held and Kearney democrats have been on the rack. Republicans are not taking any hand in the batllo , as It has resolved Itself down to a Catholic vs. anti-Catholic flght within the democratic party , and the fellow having the longest polo will got the pcrsiui mons. yesterday a petition signed by over 400 citrons in and around Kearney was for warded to the postmaster general in favor of Mr. Crocker , and the democratic parly in Kearney is on tlio vergoof a yawning chasm , ns both partins are doing all they can to carrv their point. Inipi-riiil Mown Moms iMi-EiiiAi , , Neb. , Juno 9. [ Special to THE Br.E. ] Imperial has arranged for a grand celebration on the Fourth. For the past week heavy rains have fallen almost dally and now the ground is thor oughly soaked and farmers report crop pros' peels as good as they were at this time in 1891 , when the immense crou wns raised. Severn ! parlies from Leo county , Illinois , were hero this week and invested in $10 per acre laud. School closed for the summer vacation last week and Principal Kent hns started for nn extended trip east , including the World's fair. fair.The teachers Institute for Chase county will bo hold hero , commencing July 1 and continues for two wooks. Prof. Scolt superintendent of Osceola , la. , schools , has boon secured to conduct It. Numerous business nnd resldenco build' ings have been erected this spring , nnd al most dally now buildings are begun. The preliminary steps are being taken looking to the erection of n now live-room brick school building , nnd the prospect is good for Its completion about November 1. Item * Irtini Tccumnoli. TECUMSEII , Nob. , Juno 9 , [ Special to THE BEE. ] The city council granted a license to Zimbhmian & Piper of Nebraska City Wednesday to open a saloon in this city. This is the third ono for Tccumsoh. Among Iho Tccumseh delegation to the World's fair this weak are : Dr. Hcadrick and wife. Israel Carman and wife , Thomas and Joy Uobli. J. W. Kenlingor , E. E. Young , Uobert Sloltes , Samuel Blylbo , Bernard Mason and Charles Cook. Independents of this locality have ndvor- lised a rally for ncxi Monday , with Scimlor Allen as orator of the day. The Great Western show , nn aggregates that hailed from Falls City , disbanded hero Wednesday. Heartless creditors seized its goods. Nothing as yet has boon heard from Frank Craft , tlio farmer who so mys teriously disappeared last Saturday night , Search is still in progress , however. Some little damaco to crops in this locality is reported being done by the Texan lly or false chinehbug , otherwise everything Is doing splendidly , the ground being In excel lent condition. A. O. U. W. 1'lcnlo. ItEi'tiiii.iOAN CITV , Nob. , Juno U. [ Special to THE BEE. j Tlio second annual picnlo of the Ancient Order of United Workmen was held hero yesterday , The business houses were decorated In honor of the occasion. All the morning trains were loaded with puonlo to talio part in the pxorclsos. Bands from Hed Cloud , Bloomt'ugton nnd Hopaneo were present , Hon. D. , O. Gillcsplo and Grand Master Tnto of Nebraska City deliv ered addresses. The star ledge team of Bloomington gnvo a line uniformed drill. Th.o estimated num ber of people present was ! l,000. Still the day was ono of tlio worstjfor wind nnd dust of tlui season. "Tho AuMtJut Order of Her cules" was rendered to a crowded house In tlio evening , ' * Uiinlmr U'rdild'ii ; llnlli. DUNIIAII , Nob. , Juno ,0. [ Special to THE BUD. ] C. H. Wilson and > Iss ISlflo A. Gil- lotlo of Ml ml on were .married yesterday. The young couulo were given n grand rocep tlon at the homo of Mrs. Isabella Wilson , About llfty relatives and friends wore in attendance - tendance and sat down to a sumptuous sup per , KJuultd u rji tii or. Nob. , Juno 'J. [ Special Tele gram to THE BKE. ] Julius Thorsou was ejected from passenger train No. 8 , between Omaha and Bellevue tonight , by Conductor Levering for refusing to pay 25 cents in ex cess of the regular faro on the train. Fatally Hurt U'lillo Stfiilliic : n Rule. HAT SrniNos , Nob. , Juno 0. [ Special Tele gram to TUB BEE , ] James Brown , recently employed by the B. & M. near Deadwood , fell from the top of a passenger coach while stealing n ride to this city lust night , and was fatally injured. The Increase in the sales of Cook's Extra Dry Imperial Cnauipagno Is something I enormous. Purity nnd superiority will toll. WILL USE TROOPS IF NEEDED Government Officials Bellovo Sunday Olosing of the Fixlr Will Bo Enforced , FORCE WILL BE EMPLOYED IF NECESSARY ItCRiilnr Soldiers AVIll Knforco llio MnmliUf i ot the United Stntr * Court * Should Occasion Arlie Opinions on the DocUlon. WASIIIXOTOX , D. C. , Juno 9. The Pest says there Is n general feeling In official circles tnat the government will use United States troops to enforoo the Sunday World's fair closing decision of the federal court if neces sary , though the latter contingency Is not anticipated , DKOIS10N IIKNUUNUIUI. Xow York 1'nporn llimnlmnnft In Declaring AKiilnat thu Siinilny Oloslnc Vorillot. IS'KVV Yonic , Juno , 0. Sentiment In Now York Is strongly against the decision of the federal court closing the World's fair on Sunday. The Morning Journal characterizes It as a "victory for prejudice. " It says : "Tho worklngmon will bo Justified in n very vigorous expression of discontent at this decision. Meantime some liberal western employers announce that they will run their factories on Sundays , so that their workmen may have Mondays at the fair. Possibly this movement may become the pretext for another scries of injunctions. The World says : "Bigotry is triumphant. It is a derision which will gratify the bigotry that seeks to enforce Its scruples upon tlio consciences of others. It will enrich the saloonkeepers , thu proprietors of disorderly houses and the keepers of thn variegated bolls along tlio approaches to the exposition grounds. It will grieve nil Judicious minds whoso concern is for the substance rather than the shadow of good. " The Press says : "It Is in the Interest of nubile morality that the Proas supports the Sunday opening of the fair , and the princi ple involved is not In the slightest degree affected by n Judicial opinion , based on a technicality. " The Times says : "The tloclilon of the United States court at Chicago on the ques tion of closing the World's fair on Sunday is very surprising , and It Is doubtful if it can stand. If the national government had au thority to require the fair to ha dosed. Inde pendent of .the pecuniary contract , no doubt it would bo entitled to an injunction , but it is hard to ilnd any ground for sucti nuthor- xviii , c'MJ.si : NKXr SUNDAY. rrrnlilcnt lIlKliibothum 1'ropoicM to Obey tliu Mimilitto of the Court. CIIICAOO , 111. , JunoU. A local paper credits President Higiubotham of tlio local directory with the following : "Yes , the World's fair will bo closed next Sunday. Wo can do no more than obey tlio law. Wo have done our duty and taken every reasonable stop to secure an open fair for'the people , whom we have believed would bo henotltod thereby. It Is too bad , but the directory can certainly not bo blamed and our people should accept the decision with good will. I have never advocated Sunday open " ing" for nuy other reason than that I thought It n duty wo owed to those who would bo unable adequately to see the fair otherwise. Wo have never intended to break any law , but wo had a right to show what the law was. Good law yers differed in opinion as to our legaVrlglus in the matter. There was nothing loft for us to do but test the case in the courts and the opinions of the opposing attorneys and the opinion of the dissenting Judge show that ttiere were two sides to tlio question. Now it is settled and wo shall act accordingly. As to the in junction of the state court , restraining us from closing the gates , it cuts little llguro. It is swallowed up in the decision of the United States court. " TO Airi.vT Sunday Cloning ; Cnn Ho Curried Up , but n .SupBrftcilrns Dniildl. CHICAGO , ill. , Juno 9. Judge Woods , in the United States circuit court , this morning decided to allow the World's Columbian ex position to appeal from yesterday's Sunday closing decision. The time and place of hearing the appeal will bo fixed by Chief Justice Fuller. The application for a supor- sedoas. which wouM suspend the injunction until the decision and allow of the gates being opened next Sunday , was refused and the order for the injunction entered. Later it was agreed that the attorneys for the fair might ask Chief Justice Fuller for a suspension of Judgment. On his decision will dopondnvhother or not the fair will bo open on Sunday. Attorney General Maloney of Illinois took a hand in the fight today by filing n bill for a mandamus in the state court to compel the commissioners to open the gates of the fair on Sunday. Itugh to tlio Kiilr Dngun , CHICAGO , 111. , Juno 0. The otllclais esti mate that the paid attendance at tlio World's fair yesterday was over 1BO.OJO. The weather continues beautiful today nnd the attendance will again bo largo , Judging by numbers arriving early. It was evident this morning that the most of those in the grotnms were strangers. Inquiry at the hotels by the fair olliclals leads to the estimate that " . 'i.OOO 100,000 , strangers are in the city for the pur pose of visiting the fair and advices from the outside indicate that the number will bo triced lu a short time. AliiHhrr Appeal. Card from Secretary James of the Asso ciated Charities. To the public : The Associated Charities feels compelled to make another appeal to the public for outgrown and discarded clothing for the poor. A call was made through the schools in February which met with n generous re sponse , but this stock is now exhausted. There are daily applications for relief. If these who have anything to spare will send it to the public schools it will find its way to the families that are in urgent need. It should bo borne in mind that women's and children's garments are most needed and dinicult to obtain. While making this collection It Is thought best to gather up ns many glass bottles ns H possible , These are usually an encumbrance ' at homo , nnd In largo quantities' they can always be sold to advantage , If our friends will send all the useless empty bottles that nro crowding their upper pantry shelves to the nearest school house they will ilnd a market for them thnt will put u nice sum sum into our treasury. The teachers are generous enough to undertake the custody of these donations and will forward them to the ofllco of the Associated Charities. H. M. JA.MK.S , Acting Secretary. l'iro In u i'l.il. Clouds of dense blank smoke rewarded the sightseers who gathered opposite the two story brick building nt 507-5U South Thir teenth street lust evening. A Hooded Hat and a largo scare fell to the lot of iho occu pants of the second lloor , where the explosion of a gasoline stove caused all the trouble. The southern rooms hi the Hat uro occupied by II. Troby , who Is the principal loser by tlio damage by smoke and water , Mrs. Troby had Just lighted the stove and was turning away when the explosion - plosion occurred. Neither she nor unyona else was hurt , however. The occupants of the building nt oucu hurried out , tnldng with them , us they went , whatever articles they could. The alarm was turned in and promptly responded to. It took only n fttw minutes to drown the blaze , and It was then found thnt hut llttlu damage was done to the building , hut that that the household effects of Urn Trobys were pretty badly damaged by smoke and water. Water also leaked into thu tinshop down stairs , doing but slight damage , how- over. The loss of the Trobys and John I. Rod dick , who owns the building , Is about fcJOO , The damage to the building u Insignificant. Itu | > uUuil inx .Mol ) . HUNTIKQTON , W. Va. , Juno9.--Two me who were In Jail at CtUtloUsburg , ICy. , for > kcct'lng wove boltis rotiirnoil to 1'lko county for trlnl yostonlny , when , at Itloh * nnlson , IC - , , thn.v were nttnckcil by n mob , who emloHVorod to taHo the prisoners ftwny from the oOlcors. The ofllcor * opoucil flro on the mob , killing tuo men. I.ilfo'a subllino onon "Tho Uohomlan Olrl , " wns the nttraotlou nttho Favnam Street thoixtor hst ovonln ? . Its Intcrprotatlon hy tlio Calhoun Opera ronitan.v | sooincil to moot the hearty t > Vroral of the largo niullonco present. Mr. 1'cnncll , musically ) io\lni : ! , ' , mntlo mi acceptable Count AruHclm. Ho wns In oxcollcnt voice , mid re ceived an ovation frnm his friends In tlio audience , especially when ho sang "Tho Heart Mowed Down. " Mr. rcnnoll. as an amateur , ( lUmantlos the KUHS of ndveMo crlllclsin , which might otherwise bo turned upon his acting. As a shifter ho compares most favorably with n professional. As an actor , ho displays n lack of fooling , espe cially In the second not , whore ho rooopntzcs In Arlino his lost daughter. Mr. 1'onncU's modesty asserted Itself in tlio embraces. Miss Laura Mlllnrd as Arlino nmt Miss Car- rlo Godfrey us Queen of the Gypsies , were prlmo favorites with the aUdlonco , wlillo Mr. UotiRlas Flint ns Dovilshoof was In the bloom of popular favor. The choruses were nil well rendered , The same bill will bo repealed tonljjht. Ituinnri thnt lllountVlll Itrstoro Ilnwnll' * Otic % n to 1'ounr. SAN FIUXCISCO , C.il. , .luno P. The next steamer from Honolulu will bring uows of great Interest , unless the jNow York corre spondents there are irreatly mistaken. Said J. 1) . bprecklos In : iu Interview : "Advices received from Honolulu nro to the effect that within a few days Minister IJloimt will an nounce the wishes of the United States and the iiDxt steamer will bring us the news that the queen has been restored to power. There will bo no trouble , but the united States will restore the queen to the rights It aided In taking from her. Speaker Oiilllu Tallin. Hon. J. N. Galllu of Colon , speaker of the house of representatives , was In the city a short time yesterday on his way homo from the World's fair. Ho said thnt although the great exposition was fur from being complete - ploto there was enough there to keep visi tors busy lu sightseeing for wcelis. When asked about the Harrows-Thompson row at Lincoln ho said thnt ho know nothing about it except what ho saw In the morning papers , but ho wns Riitislied that It was nothing that would nftVct the imlepomli'iit party of the state. It was a personal row and the inter ested parties couhi go ahead with it to their hearts' content without any outside interfor- cntto. Touching the outcome of tlio impeach ment cases , ho said it was something of a disappointment to him mid ho thought that it was the same to the people generally. Ho was saUslloil that the legislature had not unearthed half of the corruption und rottenness that existed. As to the effect that tlio result of the trial would have , ho said that ho believed that it would bo of some bencllt to the people's party , but ho diil not think that the republican party would bo us great a sufferer as it would have boon if representatives of that party in the legislature had not voted for the impeach ment. The impeachment was not tlio work of any ono party , nnd it would have been Impossible for a single party , unaided by either of the others , to have brought it about , and it was therefore Impossible for any ono of them to tnko all the credit for it. Ho believed that the dose would prove n wholesome one , and that it would have n good olTeet , not only on the present officials but on these who s'hall come after them. As to just what effect the impeachment would have in the next campaign , and what llguro It would cut , ho would not venture a prediction. lie said he was satisfied that the machine end of the republican party would nttett.pt to encompass Iho defeat of Judge Maxwell for rcnominatlon , but said If nominated ho would certainly bo elected. Neliawlui'A Woodmiin Ciiiuj ) . NciiAWKA , Nob. , Juno 9. [ Special to Tim Ilic. ] A camp of the Modern Woodmen of America was organized hero Thursday night oy Deputy Head Counsellor A. J. Kauleoncr. The order stai ts under favorable circum stances. Baby Cared Scall Head Had Case. T\vo Doctors No Good. Tries Culicuru. First Set Helps. Four Sets Completely Cure. Our bnliy 1'enrl wns born Nov. 29,1801. l < rom her birth she liuil Scall llcuil until HIO ! wns four months old , then It bounnio wurso unit onmo out In small wlillo ntmplos , nnd then FIHOMC ) to bo HirgQ yul- lowscabs. Wo trlod two doctors , but they could nut do It iiny Rood. Howe wo tried CUTICUHA KKM- EDIES , KivliiK lior a thor- oiiKli washing th ro o times 11 day , and then llslllKthoC'tlTICUIIA. TIllL Hrst sot iv o trlocl hoi peel her , and bofnro wo hxl used four set ? she wis : romnlotoly cured. At the nfo of nix montlm nurbnby wniKlioil tlilrtv- fonr pound * , lior skin Is fair nnd smooth , and Koiilo perfectly woll. 1'orlr.ilt oni'losod. I would not do without CUTiciniA lCiMiniKH. ! : and oiiii ri-coinmond tliom ui most uxcoilunt for children. Jinn. riKTIIJUni ) , Vamlorbllf , Mioli. I used the CUTICUHA KKMKIIIKH for.iboul two months nnd thu untlro expnnsu win but * . > . ( XI , which no ono would roirol for u nlcn Hinooth skin. It Jofl my fuco la tno boU of condition , frou from all plmplos and blotches. I still usu the CUTICI.'IIA So A I- and ulwavx shall. U KUl-'US TIIOMl'jjON , Vouiustown. O. Cuticura Resolvent The now lllooil and Skin I'nrliicr , intnrnnlly , and CimcuiiA , the k'ro.it Skin Hiiro , nnd ( luri- cuitA So A r , nil o\iilsllo | Skin lluaiitlllor , ox- tnrnally. Instantly rollovo and speedily euro M very tilsoiisuiinn humor of l ho skin , Huiilpund htood , with loai of hulr , from Infancy to u o , from pimples ton rofula. Fold everywhere. I'rlco , CITTICUHA , 05c : KOAP 2. " > o ! UKSDIVINT. : * 1. Prepared by the Totter l > n\K \ anil Ulioinlcnl Corporation , nonon , t'-fr"'llavr to CuniRkln niBcnsst , " 114 paces , 50 Illustrations and 100 testimonial * , mailed free. mpYIOHKliiimil Bcalpimrltlednnd tioautllled LmDl Uliy OUTicuiiA Him- . Absolutely puro. Iliink ache , klilnoy pains , weakness , rheumatism nud muscular inln.s r - llnvi'd in onn iiiinntii by Iho Cutl- mira Antl-Pulii I'lumor.U' . iweethearts Face that's my wife's ' you know wears a cheerful , life-is-worth-living expres sion , ever since I presen ted her a box of WHITE RUSSIAN She is always recommending KirKi soaps to her friends says she is through with experiments lias just what she needed to make labor easy , and ensure perfectly clean clothes. She knows what she's talking about don't forget it. JAS. S. KIRK & CO. , Chicago. Dusky Diamond Tar Soap \ \ ouad * oap Had for UruUe Cut * * AVER'S Sarsaparilla Is superior to nil oilier iireimriUions claiming to bo blood-purltlors. First of nil , because the principal IngrctlU cut used in it is the extract of gen uine Honduras sarsaparilla root , llio variety richest in medicinal proper- Cures Catarrh low dork , beiiiR raised expressly for the Company , is always fresh ami of the very best hind. With Ciual discrimination and cart' , each of the other ingredients are selected and compounded. II Is THE bcciuiso tt is always tlio satuu in ap. poaranco , llavor , and effect , ami , be ing highly oonct'iitralod , only small doses are ncpilctl. It is , therefore , the most economical blouil-purillcr in cxLslciiuu. It tiUroS makes food nonr- ishlnp , work pleas. .lut , sleep refresh ing , and llfo enjoyable. It searches out all impurities in llio system ami uxpols them harmlessly by the natu ral channels. AYKU'SSarsaparilla gives elasticity to the step , and im parts to the aged and inllrin , re newed health , strength , and vitality. I'rciiftrcil liv Dr. .1.0. Aver & Co. , Lowell , Mnia. Bold bynlllJniKKlHleJ i'tlci- * ! , fix bollic , f5. Cures others , will cure you Q"When millions 0 affirm that ( Tasteless ) ( are the great remedy ( for Bilious and Nerf f Disorders it becomes .vous , - , comes almost a duty to give them a trial. " i ; cents n box. about your nnrvos ; don't ho pulo. wonk. nerv ous , fretful , sleepless ; don't inivo pain In b'icit ' or fililu ; don't ho without ambition for work or pleasure. Put a kcon mlKeun life. UBO Nerve BonilR. 11 now veprtnhlu discovery of ro- marUiiblo iiowur ovur all norvnu * troubles In Doth BOXOM Jl n liox , enough for two wcoka. At clriisKlstfl , or by mall , Nerve llonn Oo. , llnirnlo. N. V. A M U a M MEiNTB. r.tHEATER"1 * " . WEEK 15,25 , 35,50.75. TO-NIGHT THE CALHOUN OPERA COMPANY "BOHEMIAN GIRL. " All old and additional now prhiL-lploi. Com- nlutu orchiMtni. liuiya chorus. Ornnd I'oiuilnr .Mntlnoi * toilnr. SSo nnr sent. Juat onu nltthl Wednesday. Juno I Ith. "Soniotlilnn inoru limn tteoluu ttfiiinoim niun' * "A bil tit clonnly nnil lii trnctlro uiitorlulnmcnt. " TlIUCllAMl'ION Of THIS WOULD JAS. J. CORBETT. Supportrtl by SSeuhcted rtrinmtlo nrtlstn Includ ing M'lS , JAM. J. OO1UH5TT , 111 Vincent's nnd llrnily'n novel comedy drnmn , "Gantlom&n Jaok. " Itrory RCCIIU carried coniplolo. baloof nenta open Holiday. WONDERLAND-- and BIJOU THEATER \VcoU lU'KlunliiK Momlijr , Juno 0. HU uiJou b'ronc COMPANV IN t BOATE > TIMG * Tlio t'linnloit of All I'uimy Comodloj. I'Ol'ULAU 1MIICKH : - MATINKKH , to nil pnrlnof tlio IKIIISO. 'Mo , KVKNINU' , llalcoiiy. We l'iirfiiut | 2')0. ( SUCCUS AMARUS ) ' Awholesomo tonic. Delicious to llio tnsto. : ' ( rntL'ful to tlio Htninncli. 1'iirlfyliiK to tuo' . blixMl und xtruiiKtliciitnu to tlio xyslcm. ' iiisiiriis.iiMl ; | IIH n iircvnntlTO nf and euro for' i At A I.A IIIA , 1 VNIr.l'Hl A , niKl i..irllcu- . . , , ! ; irly cDlcncloim In cnwiofvoMkciicd illuc - Dtlvo oiKima und coiuiillcutlona urblii tljero- ( > frnm. L lrppiitc < l ] > rlncliu1ly rrfiui Ifcrl , . 9 nnil JCnof , knou n I'ur Ilielr iidmlriihlo ' j | in , | > erllL- > < < > remedy turfilUlty of tUo , f liver nnd bim'cln. > ABBEY LABOnATORY CO. , > 1428 MISSISSIPPI AVENUE , ST. LOUIS. MO. J o I Upon icrohit of 40 cents to rtofmy our ox- , l > cii&0i t wu vlll innll U > tuty nddri1 * * , i > oKtnKO 9iri'pnld | , n trlnl tKittln , cnntalnliitf four ounces , 5 Micuroly | muku < l la vroudcn cuso. ? FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. MJrlcoSl iiorlioltlo. 85 tor a bottles , full Bpoclnl turiiis In Inryor lots. STRENGTH , VITALITY , MANHOOD . . cuntiillini fhyilclan tth4 aIAI. INftTlTUTK.Wwh'-'j ivn awucc' 1 ( lie ( ioi.li MXIIAI. by the MVnoMAt MeiMUi. AKWUTION foi llio I'JtlV.R KH8AV on 'iiilUnMli > l , rromaui/li' | / , > l nil Jlita..i nod IV * nr i of Uua , ( llini'O ll'B ' young , Iliu mttltllt-agftl and old , JillKrX ' oni'iihatlon ill pcrfcOli or by ifUer. UUIIL.O ] > io < prctuwith tmdlmonlaU , I'llUK. f.nrKO book. Hll KNCE < > ! ' J.IKIi , OH fiKMT- 1'llliSKKVAT/OK. COO pp. . H5 Involunblo jirw icrlillon < i. full inLouLy : il.i" ! * y mall , loau-d. 7 > 1 l > AT Catarrh Cura aurai tatirrU 1)1 ltl\ . Ua onU. ONTIIECilKSTOFTilEALLEOIIASIES. ( MAIN LINED. & .O.R. R.t SEASON OPENS JUNE MIL 1893- HATKS 100 , $76 und 800 a month , uccordint , ' to locution. Addrcsa , GBOROHW. DuSIIIKLDsJ , Miuingor , CumborlanU , Mil. , up to Juno 10. After thin da to , either Dcor Park or Oakland , Gurrot County , Md.