Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 10, 1893, Image 1

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I ? Five Hundred Employes of the Pension Department -
' partment in an Awful Wreck ,
. Floors Give Way Without Warning and a
Complete Wreck Follows.
Busy Worken Carried Dawn Along with the
Falling Floors and Walk
IIundreds of Clerks Who Owe Their Lives to
the Merest Ohanco.
Iluvo I.o-t
Twenty-Two Arc Known to
Their M\r , mill TH Icons Many Moro
Were Hurt Dctiills ot uu
* Aufitl Accident.
WASIIINOTON , 1" ) C. , Juno 9 Hundreds of
mcncatrlpddo'vnby the falUns ? walls of n
building \\hieh was notoilousli insecure
Ilumnn 11cs crushed out b ) tons of bileks
and Iron and scut unheralded to the throne
I'lot ' their Maker.
Is Men b ) the score maimed and disflRUied
'for Hfo nnd hippy families huilod Into
Ldcpthn ot dospali ; women culling for Iheii
I { husbands , childicii calling for their fntlicis ;
inotlicis calling for their sons , not an an-
kswer to tlio cry.
This is but i shadow of the frightful ca
lamity that bcfel this elti this morning
Wordfl LMiin it pic-lure the aw fulness of the
accident Its honors \\ill never bo fullj
told. Its suddenness was the chief hoiror
In n moment , In the twinkling of nn ojo ,
there was a change , nnd men \\ho came to
the scene of their daily toil thib
morning \vlll never retain alive. Women
who kissed their loved onO ? this
inoining ns they sonata ted will have
but the cola , bitiised fates to kiss tonight
\i \ Other cities ha\e felt the visilalion of awful
calamities They have been swept by lire
and deluged b ) Hoods nnd t > l igues have deci
mated their communities In the capital of
the proudest nation of the cirth them Ins
been a catastrophe unpirallclcd in the aim Us
of Its histor.v , and in ever ) mind theio is the
lioriiblo toiiUction its Genesis is the
beliot In a negligence of n govern
ment too narsimonious or negligent to pio-
vide for tliti safety of its loyal servants by
erecting buildings proper for their accom
1.1st of the Driul.
The following list of dead thus far re
ported , with the mAcs of the state from
which they were appointed , contains twenty-
two mines , including one unknown and one
probable duplication , only twcnt ) one bodies
having been taken fiom the nuns :
UNKNOWN MAN , t iKi-n fiom the ruins it 5
o'clock this ovonlne , evidently aoloru.
OKOItOIAI.I.LN , roniiiyluinl i.
GiOUPM AUNOLI ) , VliKlnii.
i , . w. Noam , NOW Yoik
i fcAMTEM' IIANE * . . I'ennsylvnnli.
JOHN 11OMI S. District of Columbia.
I AKTIHUI , niEriUl'lI. KentncKj.
. .TEItrMIII n\MYO. : I'ennsjUanla.
JAMI's It TAG \N , K ins i" .
JO.-ii'H ; 11 ( .A.i : . Michigan.
DAA IDC1 JOHOAN , Missouri.
M.M \ll\js Ml , hi. : in.
J. 1IOY1) IOM.N Wisconsin.
I1 It l.OITt S ? scw YinU.
r. w Mmn is ,
11 1M1M Kit , New York.
JH\\AI ) D b MIM/HIt , Ohio.
J 11. MTAUj , Vvlscoiisln.
1 K 0 hill J.U K insiis.
II. iVAUOI ) . .
IUUilAMS. . Wisconsin.
J. H ( IIAl'IN , SnithUiriillifi.
This Is llio nun ( list Idcntlllod as IJlctilch
[ and then supposed to l > u Do tfiu t.
O t ! Miller is repot tud killed , but It is
| irobiblo that the name is inoint for C 11.
rMiller , who VMS supposed to have boon
1'iilled ' , but will iccovor.
Tlio names of Jordan and 1'aul have also
Ebccn attached to the unofllclal death list ns
I liav Ing boon taken out dead , but their bodies
loeitod Joulan is probibly
In duplication of the name of Buld C Jordan
[ of Mibbouii who was killed , and his nimo
I may have bui-n confused with the name of
[ Mel'iill , also lilllcd
Ono man taken from the tumsdead was
lldcntliled b ) a hy-stander as "Old Man"
| MeCaule ) who lives in Vliginii , but'this
[ Identification was not \oiillod as tha death
I list docs not com lin his namo.
of the Iiijurt'il.
A L. AMIS , Iowa , skull ftaotured , leg
| biokcn and injutcil inteinally.
V. V CAIAUIT , M ) land , light leg fractured -
[ tured
II H nsTrm.iNE , Fort gcott , Kan. , soil-
; ousl ) Injured
WAbiiiNoto.s ruic , head badly cut.
W. S ( iusitv , Ohio , loCt at lit bioken.
PH JKMPS II ( IOWAIIP , M iiylind , eo'oied ' ,
i scalp cut , intoinal iiijMiic-i.
J. N. IIMMiiii , Tennessee , Injmed in eyo.
TIIOMIH Ilra , Mlssoutt , skull fractuied.
J. (1 , Jonv t , log btdly cut.
W. Kin Milt , Now Jothoy , scalp wound.
Ciu'rox Ixivvi : , lowtti scalp wound.
WIHUM LrmiE , District of Columbia
1 } . Luiuit , Mississippi , head cut nnd in-
Jin oil Intet itjlly
PitiMk Mr.ioAi.f , Mississippi , dislocation
of hip.
J. ) ' McCoitMiC'i ; , Wisconsin , depressed
fractutoof illia
M. McL\ciii KN , leg broken.
G , T , Pin in , Texas , scalp lacerated.
It. M. PATWCK , Now Yoik , cut about hear
nnd face ,
1'ouv , poltro oWcor , Injured after accident ,
P. 1C. , Alabuna , skull true
Ciuiit.cs Koiuxsov , Colorado , slight In
Juries in head and back.
J. A , STBW uir , cut about head.
P. P , SIMS ,
C , IX SIIAUUOI.T , Missouri , ( colotodj ,
daugoiously Injured.
P. H SMITH , Tennessee. J
It. A. bMiiil , Conuocticut , compound ftao
turopf the skull ,
F. P. SiH3 , Illinois , cut about head.
1J. U , SOMMEUS , Ohio , rlb broken auc
head badly cut.
T. W. 'i KST , Illinois , contusion of scalp.
D. P. Dniscxu t , Now York , fccalp wound
'eg injured and Injured inteinally ,
J. A. MILI.BII , District of Columbia ; botl
legs broken between the knco and ankle.
C K. , scalp wound ami contusion
of bick.
N T Woiit.r.r , Tennessee , b ick an 1 ICRS
jAMna A. White , Georgia , cut on head and
A R. YOUNT , Pcnnsilvanh , head cut and
Injured Internally.
A. C. HI.ACK , Indltni , fracturcJ cheek
bone nnd arm.
Cimiir.s , T. MOOIIR , District of Columbia ,
ribs broken nnd scalp wounds
S S HAKPII , Did scalp wound. U Hwivu , Mississippi , head , face
and arms cut
C. U. Joitsso.v , Missouri , left shoulder dis
Without Warning It On me.
It was between DUO nnd 10 o'clock this
mottling that the floors of the old Ford's
theater building on Tenth street , occupied
by the records and pension ulvlbion of tlio
am geon gencial's ofilco , foil In ns though
they had been the cards of catd houses On
each lloor thcio wcio scores of men at work.
Without waintng they were c.itried down ns
bv an aw fill cataract. The floor wasmado
up of Iron girders , hardly strong enough to
support the walls , buthca\y enough , lic.ucn
knows , to stamp out hur.ian lives ; of bricks
that were held together bi phsterlong since
dticd out ; of wooden beams that had b"cn in
pi ice too long. Thcto\\ns no escape from
such n Hood.
The Kovctnincnt of a gicatmtion could
notnfford to pro\ldo a safe building tor Its
faithful emplojcs , but herded them together
in n building whoso unsound condition was
notations. Agnln nnd again lm\e the
columns of tlio press been lilled uith the
story of the tottcn walls.
Twcnt.eight jcars ago there was another
tragedy in the walls of this building. The
news of It was Hashed to the four quarters
of the cirth , nnd it brought consternation
wheio\er it went 'Ihomanwho was killed
was the president ol the United States
Although the building hut borne a cuiso
upon it since thnt night , it ended its c.ucer
in n lilting manner. But how much better
it would Imo hern if the
icmovcd the building jeais ago.
A Iloiimrlmhlo ColncMcnt.
' 1 hose of the multitude who could think of
something besides the cat istiophe icmirUcJ
upon the stiango coincidence tint the build
ing in which John AVilUes Booth slew
Lincoln should fall nnd Kill scoiesof people
on the \co day that the abb issin's ' biothei
vas being liid to his final test. Thcio was
no connection between the events , but the
bupeistitious shmldcied and the sttoin ;
minded commented
1 ho evidence ns found In oftlclal rccouls ,
appeals com lusho that as long a o ns l
this bulldln ? , which the government put
clnsed nftet the asstsslnition and use 1 as
an aimj museum , oflici illv piocl umeJ
bj congiess an unsifo'depository for even
the Inanimate skeletons , mummies and books
of the at my medic il museum lor which n
sifer place of stoiago was provided by act
of congiesa
Notw Hhst inding the f let that the public
picss Ind called the attention of the con
gioSbof the nitlon to the condition of the
building , its dirkness and unstfoty , it con
tinued to bo used for the d illy employment
of nc uly 500 govoinnient clerks ot the pon-
sfon tccord div ision of the wir oillco
'J ho building collapsed n the midst of ar
111 Judged cfloit to icmcdy some of its do
feels The moral of the disaster is cmph i
bl/ed by the fact that thcio nio known to
bo at least two great government buildlne !
the punting ofllro and the Winder build
ing annex of Iho War dcp utment eich con
tattling nniiy moro emplojcs thin were
caged in the Foul's thealct do itli tiap , th i
aio in nn cqu illi dangerous , condition.
Ali ! < tln ? Sc MU S.
While the v\oik of rescue was going on
men who had been sti ingois to emotioi
ucpt llko children nnd ttiinca away thei
fates ns the limp ami lifeless bodies of thobo
who had been crushed beneath the inin
wcio brought foith to the sunshine they
would &PO no mote upon this cat th futcvci
Women weio holjtcd awaj in a fainting con
dition , nnd in n\crv hoiit there was soriou
and in ovci \ oj o stood the moisture of gi tof
The building foil in Just In-foi
10 o'clock this morning , 'Ihcio v\cro fi'il
clerks in the building at the time and pro it
loss of life losulted
The first floor collnpsed through a weak
ness ciused bj excavating a cellar , and in
Its fall can led down the other thieo floors ,
and with them hundreds of clerks 'Lhn
detil and vonnddcio taken out lap-
idlj by the lit omen and police All the ambulances -
bulancos In thocitvvoto biiinmonoJ and
theieseuo'l ' convo\ed to the hospital.
The scones wore toulblc. Some of the
cleiks jumped from the third lloor. The
\\allsarobllll standing , but every lloor Is
do\\n. and every window blown out.
The building hid boon condemned ns un
sifo for some time , but sentiment kept it
unchanged Tholloois were he nily loaded
with molds ot the pension divisions of
the \V.n dopaitment The clerks em plowed
J thoio vv01 call men.
II mil ) All } Kscitiifd Injiiij ,
Of thoclciks In the building scarcely one
escaped moio or less injury. Twcnty-oi lit
vvi'ro taken from the ruir.b u ] > to 10 15 a , in ,
nnd the emergency hospital at that hour
wasciowdod witndcad and injincd. The
Injuries , fiom the very nituro of the affair ,
.no veiy sororo crushed bodies , bioken
limbs and internal Injuries , Thousinds but-
loundcd the sccno , and tbo excitement
spicad all over the city.
lj\ety hospital In the city was called
on to earo for the wounded. Ocncial &cho-
Held ordeitd two tioopa of civaliy
fiom Fuit Meyer , Just aeioss the river ,
nnd two companies of infantry to the s > i cue
Ttio secietnry ot tlio nivy ordered out
nil the naval medical ofllccis stitionod
hero and opened the naval huipital to
locclvo the Injiuod. The comiiundnnt at
the navy .uird was ordeted to lender
all assist moo In his power. When the
Clash R.I i n u thcio were supposed to bo in the
building UHlcleiKs , eighteen messengers and
twenty laborers , ( ijl in all ,
( 'atuc oi tint i' < ] n nine ,
The caubo of tlio collapse is supposed to bo
from uigglng under the foundation for the pur
pose of putting in an olccuiu light plant , but
ns near as can bo itbccrtninod the top floor
gave wa > iliat , larriing the uthers down
w Ith it Toi tunatelv Vim cntlto building did
not collapse , lib In that rnso the loss of life
would have been much Broiler. As it was
only the front pirt went down , leaving
moro than half of the floor
space Intact. Because ot this tnanv lives
were s > a\od Some of the clerks at
their desks were left sitting on the blink ,
wlulo the deslts at which they sat went
Wllili K hands went to woik as soon as the
first shock passed to rescue the dead
and d > lng and wounded trom the
ruins 1'olico and soldim-s vvero ordered
to tlio fccuo by G cncnl ix-holloW , who kupl
Lincoln Business Men Working to Get
Charley Moslier Oat of Danger.
. 'Inin tint M ly llo Clrciimvrntrd tllll
Dorgnn U'lll Ilit\n Anothur VVIinck lit
tlio Mito's I'ocllotbook t'ctilllixr
Proceedings nt tlio Ciijiltol.
Neb , Juno 0 [ Special to Tun
BEP. ] Quito a delegation of prominent bus- !
icss men of this city are now In Washing
ton , w hero they are laboring with Attorney
General Olney In behalf ot Chailcs W.
Moshcr , the bank locking president of the
defunct Capital Isatlonal. This Nebraska
contingent at tlio national capital is headed
l > y John D. MacParlana , late receiver ot the
biokcn bank , nnd Is clceroncd by lion Qcnlo
M. Limbcrtson , late senior counsel of the
impeachment nroscoution.
.A tip i cached heto this aflcrnoon from
Washington to the effect that the sticnuous
ofCoits now being made to 1mvo the com *
piomlse proposition accepted by the attor
ney general are llkelv to succeed. It Is un-
dctstood that nn airangcment was made
with Unllca Slales Dlsliiet Attorney B iker
nt Otu ilia , by which that ofllclil was to re
call .Moslier by tolcgraph whenever t was
absolutely necessity to have him there for
trial , and Iho fact that this recall has not
jet been issued , nnd that Mr. Baker has ex
tended Moshei's time of grace , lends some
color lo the story.
Macrarland's destination , when ho left
heie , was Mercers but g , Pa . his old home ,
whore his mall was ordcicd forwnidea.
Lambcrtson's ostensible destination was
Chicago and his old homo at Mineral Point ,
Wis It is denied by MacF.n land's fi lends
that his tilp was made in behalf of Moshcr ,
but theio is a peculiaily noncommittal ac
cent to the denials intdo regarding Limbeit-
son's motives and v\hcicabouts.
Moshor'iy Cold-ttloodud I'roposnI.
It will be rcmcmbetcd that the depositors ,
with some exceptions , joined in a , request
that the piopositlon ot Moslier and his icla-
lives to paj bick $100,000 bo accepted , In
considei ition ot his hem ? lot oT w itli a line
nnd ichevfd ot the necessity of going to the
penitentiary A wail , howcvoi , goes up
fi om the stocUholdcis of Iho collapsed bink ,
who object to being given the ragged end of
it la any such manner.
It is not buho\cd tint the successful entry-
Ing out of the schema can bo possible , be
cause of the simllatitj of this ciseand the
onont Pone i , In which Fi.i'ik Dirseylsthe
central figure , as the acceptance of Mosher's
proposition would almost necessitate the
extension of similar clemcncv lo Doisey , who
is now in the east hustling up n pile with
which to go at the ptosccuting alloiney ,
bols'cted up with a toilful plea about Ihc
best Intel csts of tliedopobitors
It is lopoitcd heio tonight that Lunbert-
son has been lotained by Moslier and that
the fee includes's case with icfcr-
enco to the mh > on contract matter , which
v\ill be brought up befoio the Bond ol Pub
lic Lands and Buildings nt the next mect-
inir , when the Icgalitv of the assignment by
Mosliet to Dorgan will bo coilsuleied
L7i ) to the ptcsent time this abbicnnient
lins not been recognized by the bond , the
w.uiant for the feeding of the pnsonors in
the penitentiaiy hiving been drawn in
Moshct s name each month Just the same as
before the alleged assignment took place.
It is another cuiious lict that , notwlth-
&t iniliug that Moshcr is still to all in
tents anil putposcK the eonti actor , nnd
theiefoio in possession of all his foimer
intctests thcic , none of his interest in the
contract or his > " 0,000 stock in the \Vestern
Manufacturing eouipnnj have as jet llgmcd
as assets in Iho ( Jnpit il National case Dor-
gan's friends claim th it tUr < assignment will
Do tccognuod at the next nicotine of the
bond , as it nould bo lia/uaous to his inter
ests to allow it to continue longer in its
picscntcondition. It is believed tint this
course ha& bc.ii agiced upon to foicbtnll the
fcci/uro of the piopcity as assets of Iho bink
and piovcnt Us being applied tow aid meet
ing the shoitago HI tlio defrauded state
Will Turn r.lll I.oo < o Agiln.
The majority opinion of the supreme court ahoad.\ begun to bear fiuit , and the
.argor the ciop the peeler Iho slalowill bo.
It was lo h uo boon supposed Iliat Iho lesson
on h regular uractlccs Unrned from Iho
iocer.t trial would bo sufliclt'iit to keep the
ofllcl ils from anything fuither in this line in
the future , but , such , it seems , is not to bo
Llio case , ns 1110s- board is about to place in
Ioipan's hands the iil.T H appionriatcct by
the 1 ist IngiilUuro , and proposes to gl\o him
cm to blanche in thoexpcndituic , just .is was
done twoienis ago
The member" of thn board will bi'O such
action on the opinion of Judges Post and
Noival , which leads as lollops :
The inotUos ot HID Ii'RNUitnro rxro not In-
volxi'd In this contro\01 sy , jet tlio npinnpii.i-
tlon Inqiu-stli ti ( that of jlUOM ) bv tlio Ic 'ls-
InUun nf IH'Jli inUliI , with equal iilopiIt'ly ,
hiuo been cnttthcl 'An act for the nlh f f i .
W JKiihcr , " hluco It Is a pilimblu f icl tliillni
was bojom ! the rum h ot tempi lllloii The
i uU-oI the | iiNun foibld the employ luoiu of
free HboiITS within Ils \ \ ilU , iicnco the con-
tr.ielor uas prirtk illy nblo to dljtutu tlio
in leu to bo paid by tlio btito.
It is on this pat tof the opinion tint Iho
officials rely lo tluow tbo woik again to
Uorgan , and give that cnteipiislng Indi
vidual an opportunity to lolmbmso him-
.self for wh.itovcr amount no omtilbutod
totvaul fiecing them from the diniculiv. in
whUhthoy found thomsohes after the leg-
islatuiohad completed its invebtltr itlon of
their metliods.
Cuurt'ii Opinion a ! Iho Ccntlniu.ui ,
True , the nujoilty of the court pissed
upon the employment of Dorgan , knowing
that ho was Moshei's agent , in the following
Inlev ot that f.i' ' ( , his selection by the
bond as thu ri'uro untntlx out tlio si no , Knnw-
Ini > \l \ will hcic.iftoi nppc ir , that \vuuhl
lie compollud to depend tin > n Moshor fur lulxir
( oiMirj ontliowoiU Is highly ( .fiisiiralilo , and
should , to my the least , ho elmnicturUcd us
nnliHlnoislll.n and uituily wiinlliu In that
InlolllpiJiit nsnrd foi Iho Inn rests of iho
stntovlilt h thi ) law dinmmls of public olllcois
undut liKocirounislan. is Itli tun , nci urtt-
in Ki thi ) Idcnco , thai lni'iin ) ) as iccom-
niLiik ( < ( l to the boaid b > upuiahli ) paitlis , anil
lirovlous to his n'al natloii no cli IIKCS liml
UM.I benn niiulu ttlthln Iho lviio\ > led o of the
uncutlii hU ch inn lur ind i
fur the position llio ( nut , \\lillu 11 nmy tu
homo uMont c'stouu itc , u 111 nut o\cuso his sc-
lii'tlon fni to Important a liiibi
It might bo piciuiuod that thli would be
sufllclent to dotcr tlio board fiom again dele
gating to Uoigan the supetintcndency of the
Wtuic of construction or icpaiis , but It in
stated tint it will not ana that l > o will be
given the full amount of the appiopri ition ,
and that , too , in advance , liusn us the
sumo majoiity of the court huld that it was
paifectlv proper foi Iho boat d lo thus ad.
vance money wliPn < * voi the superintendent
uljht want it
Work thut U to 1) DOIIII.
TI.o mono ) that Is to be expended is as
follows For cutting oft llfty feotofniMv
cell house and titling up same for hospital
$5,000 , for fitting up present hospital foi
fotimlo wards , $ -50 , to complete towers , coiv
cioto and cement floors of new rcll house
and plastuihiK cell house , $ " > ,000 , to tut !
l > oinl walls outslJu old cell house , rcscl
pinnacle , take up old stone floor in old eel
house and for la ) ing concrolo and cumcnt or
granollthio pivlnn' , fS.lOO , sewerage nni
water closc't lopaiis , fj.tXW , for taking u |
old stone * pav ing in kitchen , boiler loom ant
bake 100:11 : , and lalng granolithic piving
icp ills to wall toweis , hose ro m and hos
The L-oard vvill hold , in accordance witl
the majority opinion. "It ia n palpable fuel
that in the doing of this work competition
will be birred , " and will repent their "error
In Judgment" If given in opportunity.
About the only thing over uhlch there
seems to bo any question is whether or not
the board wilt again accept the bond of
Dorgan with Moshcr nnd Outc-alt ns sureties.
It may bo stated hero that the State Jour
nal comniny In raising the question of Iho
tlmo limit when the printing bids wcro
opened purposely dela.ved raising that ob
jection until aflcr the bids wore opened in
order to have nn opportunity to lovlow
olhcr bids The putting oft" of the nwxrd
has been ot material benefit to thnt corn-
piny , ns It is still furnishing all blanks and
the ofllcors are putting In supplies , so that
when the award Is finally made there will bo
verlltllo left to bo supplied under the now
ArRcntlim't ; New Cabinet Cnn-liiR UUsntli.
fiictlon In Mnn > Localities.
ICom/rl i/itc / I tSJI hi/Janes Gontun lcnnctt.\ ! \
Vu.i-AUAiso , unlit ( \ii Oalvcston , Tex ) ,
Juno 0 [ By Mexican Cable to the Now
York Herald Special to TUB Bnc. ] The
Hetald's correspondent In Buenos Ajros
sa.v s a disagreement exists alrcadj among the
members of the now Argentine cabinet The
dissatisfaction grows out of President
Pcna's attitude. It Is politically the most
mixed cabinet over known In Argentina.
Homero was especially surprised over his to-
inovol fiom the Treasury department , be
cause It was only yesterday that he wis In
formed by cable from London that the
creditors had accepted his plan for eettlIng
the debt of Argentina and the president. Is
alleged to have agreed to retain him IB the
cabinet. It seems nrobablo that the now
cabinet w ill not hold togelher for a long
period. The only appointment icccixcd
with favor is General Opojobueneo , who was
nnmcd ns minister of war in the plnco of
A dispatch from Catomaroa sijsthat the
I goveinmcnt troops have been routed b > the
i evolutionists The Hoiald's correspondent
in Hivera sijs that n batllo has been fought
between the forces of Generals Telles nna
Saraiva , one of the leidcrs of the icvolution
in Bra/it. Thoiesult of the bittlo is not
know n.
Letters received from Rio do Janeiro say
tint thcio is a widespread discontent in Bra
zil in icgaid to the nttlludoof the picsidcnt
A movement is being secictly planned to
ovcrllaow him.
I'njnl K.illn-ny Collision.
Mvvvorv , Nicaragua , ( vii Gnlvcston ,
Tc\ . ) , Juno ! ) [ By Mexican Cable to the
New Yoilc Herald Special to Tin : Bri.J
Negligence of the conductor nnd engine ci of
n tinin caused an accident
S ib nn Grande , which resulted in the Uill-
mg of many p issongers A train was left
on the tiack without a headlight or any
thing else to wain the engineer of an np-
pioidling train of danger. A well filled
passenger tiamdnahed into ihe one st Hid
ing on Ihe track. Neatly a dozen poisons
weie killed and as many more weic injuicil.
An earthquake shock was felt last night ,
but no damage hs been repoited.
Proprietor of the > ow Yorlc llcrnlit Crltl-
rillj III at 1'iirlx.
PAUIS Juno 9. James Gordon Bennett ,
propiictor of the New York Herald , was
dangerously injured by falling fiom n coach
Wednesday. Ho continued to prowwoise ,
and n surgic il operation became necessaiy
iestciday. His condition is now ciilicil.
PAUIS , Juno I ) . Since Iho opoi alien Mr.
Bennett has had no fever and his fiiencls aio
vciy sanguine of his recovery. This evening
Dr Robins sajs there is nothing in his con
dition to cause alarm
W.lliltWJtS llOI.Ii a JtlCEl > TIOX.
Coily's MOUT liullnns Attract Conslilcrnblo
Attention at Ulilcngo.
CiilCioo , 111 , Juno 9. [ Special Telegram
to Tim BEE ] Ilain-in-lhe-Fnco was "heap
big Injun" lodiy by a largo majoiil.v. Ho
held a swell reception at the North Dakota
stale building and shook hands w ith society.
Being somewhat out of the oidmary , itwas
a novel event , in addition to being U.iin s
debut He was in full dress , w eirmg a suin-
mci suit with cloth leggings slashed mound
the hips and down Ihe sides with buckskin
thongs His long , glossy , blaclc h lir , pirtt.ll
nigh up , hung about his shoulders , ami a
necklace of bi lided feathcis contiasted in
oiniiiientaiion with n red beaded moccasin
on the wan tor's only foot.
Ho was assisted In the icccption by Curly ,
sole sui v Ivor of the Custtir m.assici o , Hard
Henit , Holy Hoiso , Ono Side , Shield mil
Ucdbtnr , braves of Iho bioux persuasion
from Pine Ridge
Cuilv were a blouse and Rf.iv Irousers and
conducted himself in an easy , off-hand stj lo ,
but the othcis , in feathers , blanltetb
gaudj calico shirts and bonds galoio.ero
lather still andfounal. They grunted , but
had not much moro to s ly to aij body.
Haul Heart seemed to bo a bit boieil , but
Red Star was not. Ho carried a goigcous
specimen of the pipe of peace , which many
of the pile face lidies piescnt admired so
much that the joung dude buck felt gicatly
fl uicied. The p irly sit in a first part inins-
nclciielo wllh Ram in-lho-Faeo In iho cen
ter , opposllo Iho front end of the building , and
the guests stood massed before them Curly
sat at the chief's left , and Ued Star sat next
to Curly , v.heio ho eould loin over frc-
quonth nnd whisper something to the old
man Haul Heart's apparent apathy was
duo , so a bystander said , to the fact that
Red star icccived too much attention Horn
t he fair sexHoly Hoiso ovidentl\ noticed
this and it put all 111 nt ease ( or iv time
Rain In the-Faco sala after the iece | > iion
as o\or that ho oonsldoicd it a mosl suc
cessful function.
Considerable Activity Ainoiii.- Ounce * ol
1'ropeity lltr KH UIIH.
lUvu.iss , Wvo , Juno 9 [ Special Tele
gram to TUB Br.c ] Frank Bin ell , repre
senting , i syndicate of which ox-Govornor
Campbell of OMo is aj , thu head , was in the
city nearly nil tlio vvook examining the com.
jiany's mines Just north of town The ore
is a copper , earn ing both load and silver In
pa ) ing quantities My , Barrett was so well
pleased with the outlook thai ho located <
new lownsllo about three miles vvu t ol
this place on Iho main Una of tlio Union
Pacific , plaited 400 uc'ies into lots
icscrvlng sufficient ground
for i eduction works. He also located ; i sec
lion of coal land near the Uilloi
mine , uhkU has Lcen vvoiked for several
vcars i mliclds i superior qu illly of teal
Two sictlons of coal 'land ' neir the lend
mines southeast of town won ) located by the
SMidicato and with n nAip of Its to i.slto
filed toduy
The Cunsolldatett Mining company , i local 1
concein whhh owns proport.v a few itiiloi
noithwest of town , has one shaft down
about 100 feet that has penetrated a fine
bodof , lead eatbonatos , very rich in silver
over which lluro is much lejolclng 'llu
now tovuibito conip my has secure 1 fa watei
ilfhl from the Lllllo Chcrokoo Water < -om
pan ) , and will begin lading npipalino.
ilislunco of less than Iwo miles as soon .u
the survey is completed.
The fine weather of the past tow davs hai
been a boon for sheep owners , as the liari
rains and snows of last week destroyod. up
wai Js of 511 per cent of the lambs ' 1 hh , together
gothor wllhJho low price of wool , bus beci
discout aging to Hock owners The ruugo t !
IB bettor condition than for years , a bi |
grass ciop alrcadj bellig assuicd.
.Vnb-iiikii IVorlil'a I'utr Vl.ltori.
Cincvoo , 111 , Juno 0 , [ Special Telcgrati
to TUB BEE I Governor Crounso will remaii
hero for a fovr dajs tind be Joined tomorrov
b ) Miss Crounio. Ex-Governor Bojd'a ' fun
11) Is hero to retailn for several vvcoit * Mt
Bed will leturn lomorrow. Kx-Govnno
Fuinos will coutinuolo practice the prlnoi
pie ho prcacho ; ycslerdoy and gather In tli
wonders of thu woild'i show for louia vim
to com * .
Ono of the Most Disastrous Rain Storms in
the Town's ' History ,
One Itcslileucn Wrockcil hy tlio Hood mill
the Occuii nit * Narrowly ] > c < i | > otl
Mltli 'I heir I.lxpn Dnnmco
Ktaovvhoro lit Nobrnnkn.
Srnivortcu ) , Nob. , Juno 0. [ Special Tele
gram to THE Bun. ] Ono of the most disas
trous rain stoims over known in the history
ot the country prevailed hero for several
hours tonight , and at this hour ( H ! ! 0) ) the
w hole lower part of the town Is underwater
The resilience of John Johnson was washed
completely away , the family barely escaping
wild their lives to the Mtssoml Pa-
cillc englno house , where thov vvcio rescued
lalor. Turtle creek , which runs through the
western put of the village , went out of Its
banks at 10 o'clock. The Hood came vvllli a
rush and lloodco houses and washed away
outbuildings and stock before the residents
could realize what had happened The fam
ilies of John Johnson , John Frobergen-
Nicholson , John Mow inkle , A. Pen-
body , A. Sly , 0. H. Depuy , M.
Kcaton , Louis Nichols , William Rishcll ,
S. L McMahan and others were compelled
to abandon their homes for higher ground.
C. W. Owens and A V. Rogers , buteheis ,
are Imprisoned in Ihcir slaughlcr house ,
half a mile south of town , where they vvcio
killing beef when Iho flood enmo nnd were
unable lo escape , The house is now in lour
feet of water , but the butchers nro safe ,
as they can be seen by the flashes of
lightning. The loss to the families In the
Hooded district cannot bo estimated tonight ,
but it will bo small , as comp.ucd to ciops ,
fences and bridges further up the cicok ,
where the ram seemed to bu lliooist. .
Nothing shoit of a cloud blast could have
i.iised the cieek to such a height in such a
short time 1 ho rain is still pouting down ,
but the Hood Is falling.
Almost a I'looil ut Hustings IJeiults In
Otlinr I.ocalltleH.
II\STIVGS , Neb , Juno 9 [ Special Tele
gram to Tun Brn ] Ono of the hardest
storms which h is visited this cit ) for years
struck Hastings about 7 o'clock tonight A
gentle rain soon developed into n ten iflc
downpour nnd then hail sloncs avenging nn
inch in diameter fell with great ioico and
so rapidly tint in n few minutes the giound
was covered. 'Ihc hcivv fall of water ,
mixed wilh hnil , choked the guttcis and tha
sticets weio tiansfoimod inlo likes of
The telephone nnd electric light wues
wcio biokcn down and giounded in
many cnsos nnd communication bv
telegraph with the outside vvoild
is very difficult. In the business
pirt of town m my cellars ate filled with
water fiom the gorges in the sticets and
many sk > lights nnd windows wcio broken
In ono foui-room house sixteen lichls v\cie
smashed. The stoitn did not go very far
south of Hastings , no hail falling a few miles
Fruit prospects hero aio completely ruined
and gram v\ill suffer to n certain extent One
of the loatuics of Iho slorm was Ihe pcctili u
manner in which n heav ) cloud settled down
on thu city , making it well nigh impossible
to see across the slrecls
Tun.n fJocu , Neb , June 9. [ Special Tele
gram lo TUB BrcJ Just pievious to Ihe
slight shower this inoining boll of lightning
piostiatcd Mis Fiank Le-avitt , and Mr
He ) wood was stunned. A small boy aeioss
the street was also hurt.
NIIIAVVKA , Neb , Juno 9 [ Special Tcle-
gi im to Tin' Urr ] Today lightning stiuck
the house of Geoige L.lod , four miles north
of heio His wife was stunned and is still
unconscious. The house was badly vuecked ,
the four walls spieading baiJly.
77/ > ! ) /A HUOltl" < 1' .
finprosslio Sirvl < os llehl nt the I.lttlu
Cliurc'i AroiUHl the Corner ,
Nnw Yoniv , Juno 9. The luncnil services
overtho icmuns of the late Cdwin Booth
took place this morning at the "Littlo
Uliuich Around the Corner , " fiom which
so many actors have undo their
list exit. Tlio quaint little odi-
lleo wus crowded to the doois
with men eminent as actors , ni lists , men of
letters , men of nffaits , who came to pay a
final tribute to the famous dead Everything
connected with the was most simple
iV plain oikon casket held the leinnins , and
the only gift of natuio on it was
a vvroith of liuiel. The icgular buiial service was said by
Bishop Potter , assisted by Dr. Hough ton
rector of the cliuich. At the conclusion the
bed ) was taken to the Grand Central depot
and put on n special ttain catrlng fiicnds
to Boston , whoio iho iniciment will bail
Mount Aubuin cemetery.
Xl\\t \ \ > t'Oll JIIK .
I.Ist of Changes In tin ) IloRiilnr bcnlc'o n
Annoiuiciul Yfsici iliij ,
WV'iiiNfnov , D. C , Juno 9 [ Special
Telegtam to TnifBcn ] The following nimy
ordois weio issued tocia ) :
lieutenant Colonel George II , Weeks ,
deputy quit term islet gmionil , will pioceod
fiom Washington to PHtsburg upon olllcial
business connected \\itli lliociuiuterniasturs
department and upon the completion of this
duty will lutiirn lo his proper station.
First Lieutenant Hairy C Benson , Fointh
cavalrv , is nt his own icquest lelioved fiom
duty in Chicago in connection with the
bureau of Auiciicun icpublles and will Join
his troop.
Leave of absence for three months on
surgeon's coitilicato of dls ibllity Is granted
Major John C Mallory , corps of cngluceis.
The following pensions granted aio 10-
polled :
Nobiaska : Restoration nnd increase
: William D McLuighlln Incie.ise Cass
Jones Reissue Andtmv Liwrenco. Oiig-
Inal widow Susan Liwrcneo
Iowa1 Original John L Johnson , John
Honolds Incieiso Fiiti Bcigor , Joseph
W CJale , Charles II. Baker. John H Bcl-
; fi.ago , F Chiistofol Roissuonnd increase
John C Williams Original widows , etc
Caiolino L Woscolt , Frances Chuichill ,
1 Poll ) M Pattoison.
Cor id Saloon
Co/An , Neb , Juno 9. [ Special Telegram
r to Tin : BBC ] Alljn .t Cuacliui'a saloon was
broken into last night and the cash ie < glstcr
emptied of ils conionls , about $ ! ' . The
s lobbers broke the botlom out of the register
wllh a hutchoc.
Divorce for .Mrs , I utJIo.
NEWBUHO , N. J , Juno 9 Iloforoo Talor ,
appointed to take testimony in the suit of
Mrs Trank Leslie against her second hus
band , "Wllllo Wild. " has reported recom
mending that she bo granted uU absolute
-Millie an
GAIA-ESTON , Tex , Juno 9 The Texas
Tr fling company , a wholesale and retail
bVv forpoialion , made an assignment to W. K
v Dorlund Assets , 1103,000 , llabllillos , bl-
000 No preferred creditors
e I' I a at tlm ( Into.
10 CHICAGO , 111. , Juno P [ .Special Tolegiam
to TUB BIB. ] The pa ) ing admissions to the
fair toi'ny aggregated t > , W ; ) cslonlay , 121-
S94 ; for the two days. CW.m
town Clt Irons Anxious to I'roinoto tlio
North nnd South Killunj.
DnsMoiNEi , la , Juuo 9 [ Special Tele
gram to liu : HUE ] Governor Boies has up-
l > olnted twenty-eight delegates to the con
vention to be hold at Lincoln. Neb , Juno 23 ,
to consider the project of constructing a line
of railway from the noith line of North Da
kota to the Gulf of Mexico U is estimated
that It could bo built for $3T,600,000 , and that
a tax of o cents per aero on the land ot the
ten states In iho Interior basin would
e'onsiiuct the lallway and loavea surplus of
$ . ' ,000,000
North Dakota , Minnesota , Iowa , Kansas ,
Missouri , Arkansas , Tc'xas and Oklahoma ,
Governor Crounso of Nebraska sa.v s in a Ict-
ler to Governor Boles , deslio Iho holding of
Hits convention The governor of Iowa has
nppolnlcd these delegates. Dclcgatcs-at-
-large , J. L Gobble , Muscatino , Spencer
Smith , Council Bluffs ; other delegates.
James A Thorpe , Mount Voiron ; J N Holi
day , Morning .Sun ; Will B Barger , Ch irlton ;
A. G Glide , Maishalltown ; M P.
Van Obtethout , Orange Citj ; 1'Y.ank Oilman ,
Hamburg. P C. Rude. Peir ) , n V Test ,
Council Bluffs ; W W Monow , Afton ;
William Gronoweg , Council Bluffs , Jonas
W Clelnnd , bic-iu City ; Will A. Wells ,
Alton , A A Smith. Sioux Clt ) ; John Mc-
Carlhy. Joffeison ; B C Salliinjor. Mnniilng ;
S J Pattcison , Dunlip ; D M Harris ,
Mlssotul Vnllcy , G N. Castle , Danbury , H
D Ciawford , OlUlinwa ; James M IIoll lud ,
Mt Pleasant ; A.uon U Brown , Fayotie ; A
W. C Weeks. Wintoiset ; 13. R Hiker , Sidney -
noy ; Ittiih Doane , Webster City ; Wai rcn
S. Dimgau , Chailton ; J. S. Lavviencc , faloti\
City. * _
Cowbny ContpxtnutsVil Not llo Arro .tril
UnloMi Their UOIHOS Ar rushed.
FOUT De > nac , la , Juno 9. [ Special Tele-
gtnm to Tun Br.i ] Goveinor Boies has
written a letter lo the shciltT of each Iowa
count ) through which the lacing cowbos
will pass on their wa ) to Iho Wol Id's fail-
He nitres them to watch the lideis caiofullv
nnd an est the first one whoso horses show
nil ) sign of ciuel or inhuman ticatmcnt
Shciiff Ad ims stales Unt it is his intention
to closely watch each ilder all the vv.iv
through Mobster countv and will ptotnptlv
ai rest am ono of them who Isovcirulini ! his
hoiscsoi othcivvisn ticatlng llioni citiell )
With careful sunoillance of this character
nil along the line it is jobjible th it tlio iaeo
may be complclcd without an ) ciuelt ) to
the mustangs liddcn.
luun l > < IIIDI nits Artlxo.
CIIKSTOV , la , Juno U [ Special Tclegi im to
Tin : Bni : . ] A call was issued this week b )
Chaliin.m I d Cuir.v for a meeting of the
congressional committee and a committee of
demon ats to advise ns to the date of the
state actnociatic convention and to consult
ns to a piobable cmdidato fet govcinor
Cominittccnu n fiomcveis couiilv in theilis -
liict hnve responded All seem lo favor an
cailv dale foi the convention ami lion S L
Bestow , lieutenant po\ci nor , seems to ho thu
choice of a 1 uge m ijoiity foi nomination foi
the govcinoishii ) Congicssmanhlto of
Kcokuk has a small follow Ing.
rnmritl ol .Inincs liutnnhlq.
Drs MOIM s , I.i , .luiio 9 [ Spociil Tele
gram to Tin : Brr ] The icmains of Jnmes
R Hc.vnolds weie brought hoic nnd bulled
this morning. Liltlo is known about his1
death except that ho ended his life volim-
tuily on tbo plains of Montana. He left
Des Moines no uly a ) car ago to seek he ilth
and fortune in the west
low i VliiMiim Kitturtiilncil.
VAI.I r.v , 11 , June 9 [ Special to
THIS Buc ] Iho Masonic lodge of this cit )
tcndcicd the other lodges of that older in
Hinlson countv a icccpiion nnd bmquet
list evening. The first pot lion of llio even
ing was devoted lo woik in the devices A
"aigo numucr of visltois and guests weio
Ksciipa of n ( htrlicn 'llilof.
Drs MOINTS , In , Juno 9 [ Speciil Tele-
giamtoTuc Br.i : ] Fiank rots\ the , under
scnlencc lo Iho penilontl u y for c hlcken
tonling , esc ipod fiom the pnnds today
, \hilo ho and olhcis wcio walking in the
ourt house lotunda The shciitlhabolloicd
i icwaid foi his an est
Dcnth of an lowu I'loncor.
CursTON , la , Juno 9 [ Spec ! il Telegram
to THE Bcrj Linan Watermin , sr , a
_ ) ioneer resident of Union coiinly. died this
hioiiiing. Ho was heio before Cioston v\as
known of nnd when the Burlington was build
ng a line w cst. _
Su poctr < l 1 1. tin Hohlicri Itclcnscd.
CiirbTOV , In , June 9 [ Special Telegram
to Tun Bui' ] Jewell and Hwing , the sus
pected tiain robbers , wcio icleised today ,
.novlng their innocence in connection with
the attempted Irain lobber ) of Q pissonger
No. 18.
ItattriMl Ironi I'ruct rn.
Drs MoiM's la , Juno 9 [ Special Tclo-
giamloTiiE BKE ] Judge C C. Cole today
ictiicd fiom the piuoUecof law. Illscaicor
has been a long and dlstlnu'iiishcd one.
JllOt Itlollh.
Nu\v YOHIC , Juno 9. [ Spcci il Tolcgiam
to TIIK Bi n ] ] j\chango wasquoted ns foi
lows today Chlcigo , no market ; Boston ,
81 cents to 111) ) cents discount j bt. Louis , M
discount. _ _ _
Ncbrislit roHtiiiustcr Avimliilril.
WASIIINOTON- C , Juno --Special [
Telegram to Tin : Bn : I bamuoi Stcolo was
appointed postmaster at Western , Saline
county , Neb , todn ) .
XubniHkn IM 1'roiiilHLdOUi Moio Itiiln foi
TmlH ) unit W miner Went lieu ,
WASIIINOTON , D C.Jiino' ) Foiccnsts for
Situirtav ForNe-brnska She wets , w armor ;
variable 'vlnds , shlftinif to south
For Iowa Showers In oail ) morning and
piobablv during the day ; wanner , east to
south winds
For Dakot is Showers ; wnimor. e > cepf In
southeastcin bouth Dakota , v.ulablo v\lt'd- > ,
l.ocil lUicoril.
On'icn opTnK WniTiiEii Bunrui. OSIAIU ,
Juno 9 Oinnhu lo-ord of teuiperaturu Ami
lainfall , compared with cjonesuoaalu days
of iabt ) foureats
1891 1802 1811 1800
Maximum temperature 7ic BO 70 = fi'io
Mlnliiiuiutoinporituri ! 05C duo 6no 67O
Avcnu ) tomiioriture 08 7bO QHO fajO
I'locipitiitiun OT oo T .on
Statement allowing ttio condilion of lom-
pcrnluroand piociultation at Omaha for the
day nnd ulnca March 1 , 1VJJ :
Normal tornueiattiru 70O
Strikers Attack tbo Workingmen on tha Chicago
cage Drainngo Uanal ,
Lenient , Illinois , the Scene of a Bloody an3
Dcspornto Battle.
Strikers Abandon tlio Field , Leavin
Dead nud Dying.
Troops Onlorcdto tlio Src'iio of the Troubla
Moro Olsortlnr li IVnrcil A Io < crlp-
tiou ot the I'luht I.IU of
LrvoNT , 111 , Juno 9 Deputy sheriffs with
Winchester lilies and mined mobs ol
strikers mot nt Lemon t today. The firsj
week of the stiikoin the qtmtiies and drnttu
ago closed v1th a copious shedding ol
blood. The conflict cnmont noon , mm as th
i csul t of the v ollev ) of shots one man w as killed
Oiltilght , two have died since , two others nrq
icporlcd missing , s ita to have fnllcn In th
cimit after receiving nioitnl wounds niio
fouiteen olhcis woiowoumlcd , Ihrco falallyt
I.Ul of Klllml Mini VV'oiiiuluil.
AN UMC.M\\X MvN , shot through the
licnd nnd founil on low p ith.
T\\O I'MvNOUN MiN. : hhothoso bodlo
fell Into Iho canul.
'Iho wounded aio-
ANTON Vi i is\ i USM , so\eio head wouml.
TuoMva MOOUSKI , shot through lungs , will
MIKI Brnorii , shot In kidney , will die.
AMONB ICoi IA , shot thiougli hip.
GioiKir. KISM\ , shot thiougli right lung
and luci ; will die.
MIM : MICIHI L , shot thiougli fleshy part of
FIIVM : Ebin shot over thcoe.
LuHiiiNu : L AvLMiovvuki , shot througH
Lt tivvm ICuunrit , hullot in bladder
JOHN i'oov lonasM , bullet in thigh ; vvll
lose leg
MIKI. XOIASM , shot thiougli lung ; will die.
Jens PinEHbiv , shot through gioiuj wiU
Four or five others , unknown , woio In * '
JOIINSV ICivova boy , shot in the gioln
and cannot iccovcr. lie was emplovcdasii
switchman for the S.inta Fo Uiilioad comj
piny nnd was at work nt u point near whorq
the sinkers wcio when the figlit begin.
Uaily this moining the men began to ;
gather in the sheets to discuss tlio situa-
lion As Iho moining woio the ciowd iu <
cro ised They w ere in ulo up of the most ?
put of quart MUCH In Minpithy with lha
blnkeis fiom Tjockport , Romeo and Joliot.
ItOlltllll tllO Stril.llrl.
At 10 o'clock the crowd bo an to march. About h ilf a mile out of towt\
Ihe men look Ihe low path. Along this louta
tin * } waia shielded from vlow by the shada
tioes and thick bi imblos It was the lnton
lion of Iho strikers on ni living at tliucainn
to diivo out Iho woikmen as they had
done on previous visits The man
in llio o imp h id ptovldett themselves wltU
nuns and ammunition to hold their position.
The stiikcis wcio dellmlly moving upon ,
tlum When the conllictlng factiom wora
ibout " 7) ) ) aids ap ut filing began. Reuorta
vai ) as to which sldo Hist fired , but thera
can bo no question that the strike rsvcro ;
idly worsted When those not killed 04
woumu'd took to flight , the s'nkois fied li
the wildest confusion when Hie bullols camq
through the air The ) tiled lo shiclel
themselves buhind tices and thiekels ,
U hey can led most of their woundoil
vuth Ihem Ono of the Icadeis atnonfl
the sitilkers was left 1) IKK as ho felt
on the binks of Iho canal 'iheiohe lmaj
unco icmaincd , with iwohnllotb in Ills head.
No one who baa visltod the seerc of thq
lioublo since the conflict began has boon )
nblo lo idontif ) thu man , and up to midnight !
ils name was unknown Two others of the
stiikors aio said to have lolled into tha
wateis of the canal after receiving theii
Itonilj lor Anolhm All Kit.
The stiikors continued to biing the |
v\oundcd into Lcmont long nltei nighlfnliy
nnd 11 is boliovcd llio list of wounded nnd
dead is jot Incomplete b ) HOVCI il mimes. Ati
tbo camp wheie the bittlo took place armed
gu udi are patiolling tonight buino Ilf teoilj
or iwenl ) men nio tiamplng Iho bonnilary ,
lines , eac'i cairjlng a Winchester ane
loaded rovolveis
The oillco of M. Jackson , ono of thopaiti
net a , v\as found suiioundcd by weapon
of ovcrj dcscilplion llo slid1 'Wo hacl
become ilied ol Iho sliikcrs annoying
our inun. Thuisdny , ulion the atiiltor
vibllcd us , Ihoyeio told thit tliolp
methods would no longer bo tol'ititcil. Wo
showed them sixty aimed incn with illloji
nnd icv oh cis as cvidento of our inumtlon to :
back what wo said 'Ihis had homo olTcoB
upon them nud they departed Ibis morn
Ing , however , they changed their minds awl
dotoimined to diivo on all cmplojoi In tha
id.lin ige camps , east wh it U mls'iit
"The sliiki is at Lokioil | , lion la. of Ihis
intention , dotci mined lo co opci ilo with
them , nnd It was sullied Unit uoeie to bu
hltaclccil simult incousl ) In tiili-id ) on llio
Houlh from Lui'itport an I on thu mith by
those fium Lumont Their pli.i , however ,
misc.ui lud "
1 ho fooling In Lemont tonight was that
thu d.u's woik is a death blow tu iho stilke ,
lliuugh man ) woie found who exp.'i led moro
trouble 'llio stiikcis do n l tau IOVODUO.
1 hey deny they wuro armud , th < jiia'h the
( amp men ilalmlhoy llroJ fiist Thoru wcro
foiu doputvihoi ills from Will ouuiitv with
UIB BliUois and about twontv-livo uu/iou
cmplucd on the canal 1'hlrt ) of the strlkori
wcio cajituiod b ) the sluriffi and sent to
tAlI.ii ; : ) I'll It
Corro8ionilrnri | ) with Iho ( luvorniir Couveru *
Ini ; mnilliiB fttuto liooin.
Si'UiKOFii'i-i ) , 111 , Juno 9 - The informitloq
received here by the cgovoriior and other
state officials is that the Inboiots at the
quarries at Lumont and Romero are still
In a state of confusion and ilot anil
h ivo made desperate oftuiU today to
compel the walkers engaged In the dialnnga
canal to go out with thorn and make the
slriko general all along that section , The
men in the canal hnvo stonily refused to do
this and in consequent-o thereof a deadly
i lot is in progress In UMJI jnsn 10 teloijrains
ice-eiMid from the sheillls of Cook and WiU
eountie * asking for trooiis , Governor Alt
geld tonight wliod the following.
Hi-mas Kenn dy , uhorlff of Willoouotyj
.Mict 1 havolubtr-cclvod tolcgrttWHlfUtti4 |
In journiiltaiiiHtta ether Ihsrlus eAulvi Ujj