Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 08, 1893, Page 6, Image 6

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Oopfidcnco in the Vnluo of Wheat Wiw on
the Decline ,
Trouble * Over Clilcneo Snvlnc * IJnnk > "
poitlori nnil Humor * of Fi llnrc In
Dulutli nnd St. I.ouli
fumed tlto Ill-oak.
OHICAC10 , III. , Juno 7.-Conlldcnco In tlio
aluo of wheat tried to sttuRglo to tlio top tit
tlio opening , but the atmosphere was still
heavy with the borrowed troubles of savings
bank depositors and tlio more direct clTcct of
rumors of failures In the grain trade at Duluth
Mid St. Louis soon after the opening , iiulckly
brought about n rrturu of despondency , which
caused a break of over Ic per bu. In wheat.
Tlio starting prlco for July wns olT Kent
D7He. There wcro sales at 07SC , and then the
market took n tumble at C840 ! on rumors of
failure * nt Dulutli and Minneapolis , a break of
Be occurring at the latter place.
The rumors afterwards were denied ,
but tlio market fulled to respond beyond
a recovery ofic. ' . The early cables
wcro ( Inner and the report ft at Chicago
cage and Duluth were Unlit , only 48 cars
havlnif bcon Insuectcd tit the former , and 320 at
the latter place , llradstrcet's reports showed
L net dpcrwiso cast and west of Iho Hocklesof _
70,000 bu. The closing cables wcro encoura-
tltiK , with llerlln 1 mark higher , and Pur ifrom
In 35 cent limit hluhui- for Hour and ID to 21)
1 U m a tJ I'lH Illivina iiiji .n i - - -
cclitlniCH higher for wheat. London and
Antwerp were also about lift bud as uxpcotcd.
Later the trading was light. .Inly centering
nround 70ic. ; nnd closing llnally at from 70Vc
to 7fi ic , n nut loss for thu day of ? c. fceptum-
ber lost Ic. . . . .
There was n fair amount of business done. In
corn nt a Might dot-lino from yesterday s
prices. Receipts were 10 cars over estimates
nnd for tomorrow 600 cars are looked for.
Tlioro was no demand from the cast for round
lots nnil the bears wt ro confidently talking of
n continuation of the present rain of Milp-
nients from the west. July started Uo uu lit
D0ic , a decllno to 39 ! < c speedily followed ,
when Iho wheat market miido It-s dive.
There was a iinlck rcnctlcn to from 3'JJic ' to
Oayc , followed byaKradual sag to 3U , c , at
which It closed , t-optember closed ? io lower
for the day. , , ,
Oats were steady nnd llrm , holding better
than anything else. July sold at from 27ic to
28Uc , closing 2BUc , and September at from
HOB products were slow and steady at from
120.75 to { 20.80 for September. May lard .sold
from J10.60 to f 10.5214. closing at. jlO.OO , and
Peptombor ribs from 40,40 to U9.60 , closing at
Intimated receipts for tomorrow : wheat ,
42 cars ; corn , 500 cars ; oats , 315 cars ; hogs ,
16.000 head.
The leading futures ranged as follows1.
Juno CS C4 m
July , 07M C7HRH
Ecpt 71H 70K 71M
Corn No. H
Juno 87H ,
July ffJ\i \
Hopt ion
Cuts Mo. 2
Juno 27H 27
grpt 2(1 ( 25H
Wens Pork
July 2020 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20
fiupt 20 75 21) H ) W 70 VI 70 21) ) 70
July 10 23,1 1025W 10 10 1007l < 10074
Sept 10 75 10 75 10 GO 10 674
Bliort ItlbB. .
July Of,7 0224 9 SO B 45
Bopt. . 0 7" 9 8U 9 50 9 CO U 70
Cash ( luotntlons wcro na follows :
FI.OUH Dull nnd unclnuiced.
WHEAT No. 2 spring , 03 ? ar > 46c ! ; No. 3 ,
spring , 57ttGc ( ) : No. 2 red. 03 > ( ilG4r.
Cons No. 2 , 37 ' 237 ? c. No. 3 , yellow , clos-
Inir , 30r. !
.OATS No. 2 , 28Utt28io ? : No. 2 white , f. o. b. ,
8232WrNo. : 3 white , 29Uffi30c.
UYK-NO. 2. 50c.
UAKi.r.v No. 2 , OOc ; No. 3 , f. o. b. , 3045c ;
No. 4 , f. o. b. , 3032c.
Kl-AXSKKli-No. 1 , $1.02.
TIMOTHY Sitcn I'rlmo , $3.80.
I'OltK Moss , per bill. , 20.2oa20.22' { ; Inrd ,
per 100 Ibs. . $ U.8Oa9.82H ; short ribs , sides
( loose ) , $0.27Wtt9.iU : ; dry salted shoulder * ,
( boxed ) . 10.0Ki610.25 ( ; short clear sides ,
( boxed ) , flO.37WftlO.G2ii.
SUOAHH UnchaiiRcd : cut loaf , 0Jc ! ; granu
lated , 5.70 : btnndnrd "A , " 5.57.
The following were the receipts and ship
ments for today :
On the 1'roducu cxolmnpo today I
markotwas Ntuady and unchaiiKcd ; creamery ,
1618C ! ! dairy , 1517i : . EBBS , qulot , un-
chnnBud ; strictly fresh , 13i14c. !
Lnl < o freights , llrinur at 2c for wheat to
Buffalo. _ _
Now York Markets.
NEW YoitK , Juno 7. FixMm Ilecolpts , 38-
211 pkKft. : exports , 8,800 bills. , 16.578 sacks ;
Bales , G.G50pkBs. ; niarkutdull. about steady !
winter whunt , low Kradcs , 32.05(32.45 ( ; wlntei
Tvhuat , fair to fancy , J2.35'33.G5 ; ; winter wheat ,
patents , * 3. 50(34.26 ( ; Minnesota clear , 12.51X2
D.10 ; Minnesota HtralKhtn , $3.504.10 |
MlnnCROta patents , M.254J4.GO.
CoitN MEAI > Uull , steady ; yellow western
live Dull , onslor ; western , 545JOOc.
IlAlll.EVM ALT Dull anil steady ; western , GC
WHEAT RecolptB. 401,500 bu. ; experts , 141-
* uO on. ; sales , 4,125,000 hu. of fillures , 152.00C
on. npot. S)0t | market Irss active nnd lower
closliiR stenifv : No. 2 rod , In sloro and ole
vntor , 71j714'i ! ! ; nlloat , 7'Ji4O7'Jic ! ; f. o. b.
V13WC72HC ! iinttrnded red , 70U@70Mc ; No. 1
northern , 72K72 = ; c ; No. 1 hnrd , 7H3iia70c
No. 2 northurn , 7070Jio. Ojitlons oponcij
( Inn on bullish croii reports from Kanins inn
firmer cables , fell Jj'SIc with thu west and or
local n-allzlnp advanced ! © ? on covorlns
foil K < ttaC and closed htcndy at ft'ic tindei
yesterday ; No. 15 red , Jnlj' , 72'8c ; AiiKiist
V47ic ; Srntombor , 70 ? > c : Di-cembur , 813ie.
OoitN-Ktcelpts , 70,300 bu. : o.xports , 18.30C
bu. ; snlec , 510,000 bu. of futures , 74,000 bu
of spot. Spots dull , steady ; No. 2 , 47c in oh ; .
valor , 40 * ® 47c alioat ; utiKradod mixed , 47Q
50c. Options wcro dull , ! 14i ? o lower as ln <
flut-nccd by wheat and on IIHII | rcallzliiB , clos-
InK steady : June , 4GJi't4G ' ! ? , c , closlni ; ai
4GHc ; July closed , 47c ; August , 47'/ic ; Sep
tember , 477ic.
OATH Hecelpts , 112,300 hu. : exports , none
snlcs , 105,000 bu. futures , 252,000 bu. spot
Spills , ( Inner for ml.\ed , fnlrly active for ex
ports. Options firmer , iiulel : July 3435c !
cIosltiB 347si : ; August closed 334C ; Hoptomher
DlMc ; No. U white , 30jo ! ; No. i ! UlilcaRO , 30'
@ 37u ; No. n , 3Uu ; No. 3 white , 38c ; mlxei
VfOKlorn. 30U38c ; white western , 3Bi640c.
HAY Stonily , fair demand.
Hoi'rt Klrm , nulot.
Hinr.H ijuliit , nominal.
I'uoviHioNH Cut tmmts. dull. steady
Vilckled slioulders at 81i < TC'Jc ; pickled hiiint
" { i13u ; middles slow , Mondy ; short cleai
quiet at lOVJe. Lnrd. quiet , steady ; westeri
etenni steady , closed nt J10.KKiMO.15 ; Knle. >
none ; options , balus , nonu ; Juno closed a
tlO.'JO , nominal ; July closed at $10.31
nominal ; September. 110.80 , nominal , 1'orh
morn doniand , steady ; old mess , t'JOj new muss
120.50 ; e.\tra prime , noinlnitl ,
llOTTKii ririnor , fair demand ; ElKlns , 205
UIIBKSK Hotter d niand , stcadlor.
EdilB Liberal receipts , cany : receipts , 14,00
pkes. Western , frehh , 1010C. !
TAI.I.OW riteady. ijnlut ; city ( f2 po
pki ; , ) . uiiarilS-ltfc ,
CorTONtir.BuOiir-Qiilot , nm > ; crutlo. 40ihh !
I'KTlioi.KilM The market was llrm nut dull
not a hliiKle sale havliiB been reported. 1'enii
Bylviinlaoll , spot sales , none. July options
Biilrs , none , 03u bid all day ; Mmaoll.salei
none , 20 c bid. Total wiks , none ,
HOSIN ( Julet , bteuily ; btrulned , common t
good , $ l,25iU.27i. !
TlIlll'KNTINK Dull Illlt ntoady at 18ritt29c.
HICK CJulet , stonily ; domestic , fair toextn
2.itfilio ; Jiiinui , 4H4i4Vio.
Moi.Af HES- Now Orleans , open kottlc , good t
cl'olrc ' , qulel but btendy at SUJMBc.
BOUAU Itaw , linn , iiulut ; ruilnud iiulotj moi
oratu demand.
l'io IIIUN Qulol , steady ; American , $12.75 (
15.50. -
Coi'i'Kll Quiet ; Inke. (10.80.
I.KAli-Qulet ; dimiestU * , JII.HI ) ,
TlN-Steady ; Hlralts. JIU.50 bid , MO.C
BSKi'd ; plates , nulot , steady. Bpultor , qule
domestic , f4.20.
Kiilll is City Markets.
KANSAS OITV , Mo. , Juno 7. WHEAT Woav
No. 2 hunl , 67i ! 50c ; No. U red. 02OSc.
COIIN Dull and easy ; No.2nilxrd.34Hc ; Ni
S white , 3fC.
OATS Dull nnd ) ii % lower ; No. 2 iiiUod. 29
80c ; No. a whltf. 30(44t31c.
creamury , 1410oi dalr1
. -Kasy nt lUJc.
KBCKIIT8 Wlicut , 10,000 bu. : corn , 8.QC
but oati > . none.
HnifUKMH Wheat. 22,000 bu.i corn , 7.0C
bu. ; outs , none.
MHiirlieslar Ooiiiinnroinl Itevloir.
MANCIIESTUII , Juno 7 , The Ouiirdlnn , In I
commercial article , says : Thu market U Un
IhotiKh iiuleter , Dtialne * * has been chocke
Uhough the Inquiry U on a small bculo. ai
vances In bhtetliiKS for Calcutta nro rurel
obtained. ThotulvBOf bleaching kblrtliiK fi
I'lilim uro fair , Thu makers of llurnley prln
lug clotlia are w ll cugugvd. One-third of tl
loomi mnMly dovntcd to the manufacture of
elolln for Hontb America nro Idle. I/oom On
other district" Imvo boon started in thfi high
reduction of cloth * iminlly mido In the lliifn-
ley district , llrazlllnn buyers now In Mnn-
rhesler MMe thntdinvrcntlal duties ( rrnnlcil
on goods ImportrO Into llrrull from the fulled
8tato nr very unpopular In commercial
circles In llriull , Yarn * nro firm.
Umnlm I'roiltica .Murkot.
TOMATO KS-0-biukct crates , t2.flOilJ3.00 ,
CAI.U-OIINIA UAIIIIAOK Crates , per lb. , 2X ?
NEW I'oTATOKg-l'or bbl. , J4.
STIIINU IlEAN9-l'cr Int. box , $1.60.
l'r.AS-1'er bu. bin. tl.76Q2.UU.
CIJCUMIIH.IM I'ordoz. , 7Go.
pAUi.mxwF.nKnncy , per dor. , U.7&2.00.
Ho. ONiONS-1'er bbl. , $4.50.
LETTUCE-PIT dor. , 12551300.
ItAlilSIIKM 1'ordoz. , 20i&25c.
OIIF.EN ONIONS I'er do/ . . ir/l&20c.
AsPAiiAtius I'er do35 < a40c.
Mwv llEETS-l'cr doz. , 40o.
OAMPOIINIA OiiKitniES I'er 10-11) . box. $2.00.
STiiAWiiEnniES 1'or case , on orders , $3.25 ®
nooSKiiiinntKS I'er ease , $3.r,04.00.
KASIMIIIIIIIM-IVr : 24-plnt rasps , $3.
LKMONS I'lintcQ to fancy , t4.505i5.00 ; cxlrn
fancy , jri.fioftr . oo.
llANANAs-l'cr bunch IncludltiB.cratcs o-nil
packing , $2.00iJ2.6l ) .
OitANdKS-HIverslilo isordlliies. } 3.00a3.26 ,
Mediterranean sweets , $3.603.75.
lIUTTKlt , E < U1S , OAME , 1'OUI.THY.
lltJTTnit Tlio greut bulk of the country
butter goes at lie.
Kdtifl nunurnl market lie.
I'ot'i.Titv Choice hens , be ; mixed coop * ,
7 < < & 8o ; old roosters , 45c ; geese and ducks ,
HAV Tlio market on good upland hfiy ,
7 In car lots.
VKAi/-Jlioleeand ( small fat , 78c ! ; largo
and thin , 3(30c. (
St. I.ouli Mnrkcts.
RT Louis , Mo. , Juno 7. l'ioun Unchanged ,
but In better demand ; patents , J3.20I&3.3S ;
extra fiincy , $2.01)513,00 ) : fancy , $2.60 < a2. < )5 ;
choice , .U5I12.30 ; family , J2.00il2.10 ; rye
llonr.J3.20'B3.30. '
WHEAT- Nervous , unsettled , nneortnln ,
closing Jjc bulftw yesterday ; No. 2 red , cnOi ,
hiBlier , 03'io : July , G5 > i < iiG5io ! : August ,
07 > c ; September. OUUGGOUc.
COIIN Oiienod 'fc lower , advanced , closlnR
bttrher : No. i ! mixed , cash and June , 37 ? c ;
July , 37'it37tc ( ? ; September , 38i 5638ic. ?
UATH-Dtill , steady ; No. Uoasb , 38Vic ; July.
27iiiB2HUo ! ; August , 24Mc ; Saptcinbcr. 2D c.
I'novisiONS-Dull. without cliunge ; pork ,
urrent makes , 20 ; lard , taG'2 ; dry suit
lucts , uncliungi'd ; loose sbouldiTS , $0.60 ;
ings mid ribs , J9.75 ; sborls , $10 ; boxed , 10e
lore ; bacon , jiackcd sbouldurn , J10 ; tongs
ml rllw , J10.G'J ai0.7Q ; Hbprts , ill ; hams ,
: ill4c. ( ?
ItKCr.ii'TS 1'Iour , 3,000 bbls. ; when. ! , 10,000
u. ; corn , 132,000 bu. ; outs , 33,000 bu. ; rye ,
, , ( )0 ) ( ) bu ,
SHIPMENTS Klour , 0,000 bbls. : wheat , , -
00 bu , ; corn , 183,000 bu. ; oats , 27,000 bu.
Cotton .Murkot.
NEW Oiu.EANH , Ln , , Juno 7. I'lrm ; good inld-
llng , 7 5-lGc : good ordinary. 7c ; nut nnd
TOSS receipts , 098 bales ; exports coastwise ,
4,107 bules ; snlos , 2,350 balus ; stock , 117-
01 balos. Snlcs , ( iH.'JOO balus ; June , J7.D3
ild ; July. 7.B4 7.r.r ) ; August , J7.riOS7.GO ;
uplumbor , S7.G4 < ft7.G5 ; October , J7.707.71 ;
November. 7.7fKa7.77 ; December , t7.83S67.84 ;
tinuary , J8.00a8.02.
New York Dry ( iniiiln Marknt.
Nnw YOIIK , Juno 7. Demand for dry goods
losod with nn Improved tendency , altlintiKb
in account of tlio continued attractions In thu
vay of trudu auction sales there wore few In-
llcatloiiH of It on the surface. The auction
ale of carpets continued to hold the tnuto ,
nit urlces were DC a yard lower than yestor-
uy , except on goblins and rug.s.
Mtlwuiikuo Iiirkcts.
Mii.WAi7Kr.c , WIs. , Juno 7. WHEAT Qulot ;
uly , GUie ; No. Q spring. G3c.
COHN ( Julot ; No. 3 , U5ic.
OATS Steady ; No. U white , 3232c ! ; ; No. 3
HAU'IEV ! 08c. '
Itvc Qulotnt 51c.
I'uovisiONS Quiet ; pork , July , $20.20.
Colluo .Murkot.
Nr.w YOIIK , Juno 7. Options opened stonily
310 points up , closed barely steady 5JW5
mints down ; sales , 21,500 bags. Including :
lune , $10.20310.40 ; July , * 15.GOf&l&.SO ; Au
gust , $16.45 ; Puutumbor , $15.35 15.55 ; Octo-
lur , 415.40 ; November , $15.30 ; December ,
U5.10.415.30 ; spot , KIo , easier , dull ; No. 7.
Minneapolis \Vhoiit Market.
Minn. , Juno 7. Them was
in I tun stir In the pit ; market fair toward elcNO.
.ash lower ; No. 1 northern sold at 57c uid
S'o. VJ northern at 55c. Hecelpts , 213 cars.
Jlose : Juno , 50'ic ; July , 58 sc ; Hoptember ,
G234'c. On truck : No. 1 bard. 59c ; No. 1
lortliern , 57c ; No. 2 northern , 55c.
I.lvvrpoul Markets.
LiVEiti'ooi. , Juno 7. WHEAT Steady ; ile-
rnand inoilerato ; holders ofTur modui-atoly ;
No. 1 California , 5s 10d@5s lid per cental ;
No. 1 wlnto * . 5s Hd.
( 'GUN Steady ; doniand moderate.
IjAiiD I'rlmo western , 40s jicr cwt.
I'tAs Canadian , 5s 5it jior cwt.
Cliiclniiiitl MiirkotH.
CINCINNATI , O. , Juno 7. WHEAT Quiet ; No ,
2 red , G3'/iC.
COUN Weaker ; No. 2 mixed , 40Vc. {
OATS I'lrin ; No. 2 mixed , 31@31ic (
WHISKY Steady at $1.12.
I'liiltiilclplitu ( irnln Markot.
PlIILAHEM'IIIA , ln. , Juno 7. WlIEAT-
Wenk and lower : No. 2 red. June , GOfflGOJic.
COUN rirm ; No. 2 mixed , June , 4G4Gic. !
OATS In car loads linn ; futures , neglectoi
nnd nominal.
liultlmoro Uriiln Murkot.
. . . . . . . . . . .nun , Jld. , Juno 7. WHEAT Unbet'
tied ; No. 2 red. spot , G'J'jc.
COIIN Mixed , spot. 47c.
OATS Uuttur Inquiry ; No. 2 white western
Iliiviimi KiiKiir Market.
HAVANA , Juno 7. Quiet. According to j
statumunt Issued by Senor ( Jninas , a sugai
broker and crop st.itUtlclan , the Cuban sujjni
crop up to May 31 umounted to 742,108 bugs
I.unilon 4)11 Marknt.
40s par quarter , ox ship.
LINBI.ED Oiir-20va20s In per cwt.
TUIll'ENTISE Sl'IllITH 'J'Js 3d per CWt.
Tolcilo ( Iniln Mnrkct.
TOLEDO , O. , Juno 7. WHEAT Active nm
steady ; No. 2 , cash , G5e. (
COUN Dull ; cash , 30c.
OAM-Qulot ; ciiHli , 30)Jc. )
1'onrlii ( Irnln.
1'EontA. 111. , Juno 7. Corn , lower ; No. 2
95lie ; No. 3 , 3lc ; oats , easy ; No. 2 white
31W31UC ; No. 3,2'J'J2'JWc ; rye , nominal.
Wlillo Fluctuation ] Were Cnnnnod to Xnr
run Lines Neonrltlim Wuro Krrutlc.
NEW YOIIK , Juno 7. Tlio Mock market -wa
dull. While the Iliictuntlnns save In n lo\
liiHtnnous wuru conflncd within comparative ! ;
narrow limits , the market was decidedly or
ratlc In its course. The speculative tempo
changed almost fr t hour to bonr. Nutloiui
Cordngo con .un broke n per cent to 12 nm
prof or > " i - per cent to 48 on rumors that u
usso'meiit was contemplated on the comino
st'jk and that the forthcoming statemout c
tlio condition of the properly would bo un
favorable. General Electric ; was also take
In band by tlio bears and forced ( low
from 71i to G8M ; llltnolu Central ros
from 00 to 004 and later droppc
to H8 ; Manhattan and Pullman yielded Hi t
'J per cunt on Hinall sales ; Missouri 1'aclli
riin ft per rent to 35 and later declined t
331 ; Atchlson was weaker throughout nn
ran down Hi percent to33i. ? The gcnoni
list Improved fractionally at the sturtnii
Uhli'iigo Uas scored an exceptional advunc
of 1 ? ; per cunt to OOK , but the Improvciuon
wii8biilJi.eiiiently | lost.
Thu buar continued their olTorts to depress
press tlio list up to tha close , but boiiui sliiirc
liKlil llrm nnd the Icuilurs llk HurlliiKton ,
.Hilnoy. St. I'aiil , Western Union and SUI.M
left oil' ut practluAlly lust night's llguiut
Distillers were strong and gained nearly
point. Considerable dUappolntnuii :
was lolt that the snarp decllno 1
sterling exchange , the withdraw ;
of gold engaged yesterday for n
port and thu Improvement reported ftw
Chicago did not have inoro t'll'ect on bieculii |
tlon. Thu fact In that traders have thu nnvi
kot entirely to themselves , and they nro il
rectlng their onurgli ! toward 0110 cud
namely , the blinking out of weak holders. U'Ji
lundliiK coininlsslon houses generally are ai :
vising ugnlnst short sales at thU tlmo. U'li
niarkut closed steadier In tone at n recovery t
U to 1 pur cent from the lowest.
The Post bays ; No bettor Instance could 1 :
furnished of the mutual action of tlio world
tlnanclul market than the turn In sterling 01
rhungo , Thocollapso In Chicago whout prlot
followed thu run upon thu banks. On the ih
moralized market , Kuropuun wheat Importoi
were heavy buyers , taking from l.OOO.OOU t
2,000,000 hu. hero and In Chicago In a bins !
day , and an enormous tnoreaso over the j > n
vlous dally record. Hills nn London , druw
ngaliut these iiurchases , broke so completol
thu iiiuiket for sterling uxcliungu that in
only have all plans been upsut for ; thls wt'Uk
further guldHhlpment , but thu order alreaU
placed for (300,000 gold ban bucn canccllvU ,
It U not. however , wUu to leap too prompt !
at conclusion * . The perninnencu of this dt
mund for wheat rumains to bu tested. Nuuod
has furgotton tlio tudilunylehlliig In uxclnui *
after thu New Vorlt tock panic on the opui
lug week of May , I'oroUn houses then
buyers of stocks at panic prices , aud
tlio utmnltivncoiM rl o In l < omlon
the sterling mnrkot gave wny xuniclontly to
slop nt Tinco the outward flow of sold. In the
week following that dltturhftttco only 1600 , *
000 In gold wns Kent nbrond. lint whrn tlio
security nmrkGtn ntendtod the IiOiulon buying
censed , nnd In tlio next three wneks no lo s
than M6.000.000 In specie wan exported. His
true , the ubxoquent. financial strain In Lon
don forced heavy sales of nil American nccur *
Itlos , n factor not nt all likely to bu nresent In
the mnrkut for grain. Hut the foreigners
nevertheless bought , In one case as In the
other , for panic bargains , not for pressing
The following are the closing quotations on
tlio leading stocks on the Now York Stock ex
change todny :
bid. t aiked.
The totnl snips of slocks todny were 170,000
t. I'uul , 22,000 ; Sugar , 0.000 ; Western Union ,
London Fliiinrl : : > l Itovlovr.
[ CnnurtaMctt iSTi tmJnmsti Gordon litntitlt , }
LONDON , Juno 7. [ Now Yo'k Herald Cable
-Special to Tun HIJK. ] There wns no feature
n the Stock exchange today , business being
ery ijiilot , but the undertone was Inclinedto-
10 good , as tomorrow tlio bank rate may bo ro-
luced to 3 per cent. No mot o gold Is wanted
n London , money being rather a drug. The
\merlcan railway market was dull and
euturi'loss , speculators bolng discouraged by
Vow York sales on every rally. Prices were
timed by dealing In a few hundred shares ;
till the Stock exclmnire believes In higher
irlces soon , especially If the Chicago banking
lllllcnltles do not develop. Leading dealers
* ay that at present It's a case of giving a few
lollars for a perpetual call of many shares ,
loino securities were steady. Kupeo imper
i-as good and silver strong at 38Kd. I'robubly
eoninilttcu will recommend meas
ures to secure the minimum value of rupee
Super. There was nn upward reaction In
reck- ) , and Argentines wore llrm. There was
a small arrival of gold at the bank.
Now York Money Murkot.
NEW Youic , Juno 7. Mosr.v ox GALL
asier at 3QO per cent ; last loan , 3 per cent ;
closed olfored nt 3 per cent.
1'iiiMi : MERCANTILE 1'Ai'nii GB8 per cent.
STEHMNO KxcitANOn Weak , with actual
business In bankers' bills at If4.854(3.4.80i ? ( ! for
sixty days and $4.87U1i4.88 for demand.
UOVBIINMCNT HONUS Quiet. Stiito bonds ,
The closing quotations on bonds :
Fliinnvliil Noted ,
HAVANA , Juno 7. Kxchango , quiet.
KANSAS Cirr , Mo. , Juno 7. Clearings , $1 ,
& 33(000. *
PAUIS , Juno 7. Three per cent rentes , 08
27c for the account ,
NEW YOIIK , Juno 7 , Clearings , { 104,229,130
balances , (0,383,711.
PHILADELPHIA , Pa. , Juno 7. Clearings , (12.
521,058 ; balances , (1,818,084. Money , 4i ! po
cent ,
HALTIMOHK , Mil. , Juno 7. Clearings , (2 ,
300,071 ; balances , S27,483. , Money , 0 po
cent ,
LONDON , Juno 7. Amount of bullion gen
Into the Hank of Knglnnd on balance toilio
Mr.MiMiis , Tonn. , Juno 7. New York ex
change soiling at { 1.50 premium. Clearing.-
$258,440 ; balances , 75n08 ,
HOSTON , Mass , , Juno 7. Clearings , (14,070 ,
511 ; balances , (1,307.105. Money. 7 pu
cent. Kxchango on Now York , 25Q30c.
ST. LotllH , Mo. . Juno 7. Clearings , (4,354 ,
000 : balances , $038,028. Kxchangu on Nu' '
York , (1 discount. Money qulut , C5J8 pc
cent ,
NEW Oni.EANa , La. , Juno 7 , Clearlngi
tl , 108,837. Now York exchange , 75o nu
f 1.000 premium ; bank , $1.50 per (1,000 prt
mluiii ,
OuiCAno , III. , Juno 7. Money strong nt
percent. Clearings , $17,003,348 , Now Vor
oxchangu , no market. Sterling exchange wouk
posted sixty-day bills , * 4.87Jj } night drafti
1'rloc * on AU tirudui Hecovcr Soiuowjia
Under I.linltuil Suppllot.
Itocolpts of all kinds continue light. Con
pared with the first half of lukt week there hu
been a falling olT In thu past three days c
about 5,000 cattle , 4,000 bogs and 300 sheep.
Under ordinary circumstances this waul
moan a blmrp advance In values , butlntli
present peculiar condition of ulVnlrs , ospcciull
whllu the commercial world Uon tlio inggoi
inlgo of uncertainty , a change for the bettor I
cattle values has to bo almost forced , Wit
llubt biipplk's for tlireo days , loci
dressed beet houses were at last forced to bustle
tlo for tome cattle , and as the Minply was vor
limited , less than 1,000 head , amf eastern rt
ports rather inoro favorable , competition fc
thu fat , light aud medium weight cattle wu
actlvu enough to force a lOu advance on n\oa \
uuythlng In this Hue , Bhlppora itlll prcfcrrc
what they considered HIP info ldfl. b
Jnfton IhooutsMrVi Good 1.WI4 to i.m iu.
benves that sold at-from 14.50 to M.HO did not
uliow an much Impmvcnient an the fair to Rood
04JMolUl-lb , slr-PM ntfroinM.25 to J4.GO.
Odd bunches of . .Interior light stuff sold at
from toM.r'liiulnosswas fairly nctlvo
wnsonVcteil. throughout and * , .ft'good and early clearance
There was UmrUMial strong active market
for cows. OITorlnRBilId not Include over sovcii
orplght loads ami local homes picked them
up mtlckly. Common and canning grades sold
at from t-2 to J2/75 > v butchers' cows eagerly at
J2.HO to J3.7G nnd peed to ebolco fat cows and
holfers at from1 * 3.7G to tl.15 , Tlio calf
market was steady with wiles of fair to good
veals at from } 3f ; > u to 10. A few bulls wcro
olTered and sold rqadlly at strong prices from
$3.10 to $3,75.
The market for feeders wns moderately
nctlvo and values ruled asbado llrinor with
sales of fair to good stock nt from J3.7G to
J4.10. Itoprcsontatlvo sales ;
lloos The market today experienced n
lartlal recovery from Tuesday's paralytic
stroke and values ruled from lOc to 15u
ilgher on nil grades. Kccelpts were only
lair , fully 1,000 luss than a week ago , and thu
juallty was generally gootl. Tlioro was a vury
ictlve shipping demand , calling for over 1,801) )
togs , fresh meat men were good buyers and
mo nnoker took hold freely. Chicago was ro-
lorted stronger and under the circumstances
t did not take dealers long to get down to
justness. 1'rlces ruled from lOc to 15c
itgber from tlio start. Thu popular
irlco far good hogs of all weights was
:0.30 : and several loads of choice
icnvy and butcher weights sold at $0.35.
Ordinary grades , regardless of weight , mostly
sold in thu gG.25 notch , anil : i load or two of
poor stuff sold u trllle lower than that. About
everything had changed hands before noon
the hulk selllnj ; 7nt , $0.25 anil $0.30 , against
$0.15 and $0.20 Tuesday and JO.G5 to $ l > .70 a
week ago. Kopi-csuntatlvo sales :
2..345 550 1..5DO 40 550
Sitr.Ef None were received and none were
hold over from yesterday. The demand Is
Rood from all local houses and the market Is
qiiotably steady. Quotations were as follows :
Fair to Rood natives , M.50a5.50 ; fair to
Rood westerns , Jt.001 5.50 ; common and stock
sheep , $2.5034.00 ; good to choice 40 to 100-lb.
lambs , J5.004JG.25.
ItacolptR find DlMpoilttnri of Htnelc.
Ofllclal receipts and disposition of stock as
shown by tlio books of the Union Stock Yards
company for the forty-cluht hours ending at
5 o'clock p. m. June 7 , 18'J3 :
Smnll MnrkMtlngs Still tlio Kciitnro AVhnt
tlio Krafion Shown ,
CINCINNATI , O. , Juno 7. Tomorrnw's Price
Current will say : The marketing of hogs ha. '
been of small proportions the past week fin
the tlmo of year. Totnl western pncklng
180,000 , against 210,000 last week and 385-
000 last year , making 2,405,000 slnco Marcl
1 , against 3,310,000 last year Prominent
places compare as follows :
Cllleuto I.tvu Stuck Markot.
CIIICAOO , 111. , Jnli'o 7. IPpoclal Telegram ti
Tin : llui.l : Natlyorattlo sold ns satlsfaetorll
as on yositorday."Not uioru than 0,000 heai
were oilered andthero ; were orders hero fo
murothnn that inlmbor. Kor anylhlnggrad
Ing bettor than iiieulliiu the market was rathe
very llttlu biiine s outside Iho limits o
from i'J.lJO to , ( ulj. COWH and bull
selling prlco , especially at from | a,7i
to J3.76 , and frouiW.3 ( ) to Ji ! buying most n
the steers. ToxuM'nttla were In heavy suppl
nnd were decldwlly lower. The host of tlieii
were elf from lOc to l&c , while from ' . ! 0c to 'JD
no inoro than covered the decllno In commoi
to fair gritdos. There were borne good drove
among thorn , hutordlnarygrassorsconstltutvi
the bulk and bales were Urguly nt price
ranging downward from J3.75. IteceliilH wer
estimated at 0.6OO head. Nothing Ilko hue ,
receipts was ever boforu known tills early h
tllO bKllbOII.
Hug * Jumped up another stoji today and wol
they might for only about I'J.OOO head ur
rived. ThU makes the total receipts bine
.Saturday about 41MM ) mralnu 44,032 for th
samu tlmo last week and 'JO.3U for the corio
upondlng three days last yoar. A a result o
the small rccelptH and yoxturduy'x Improve
inent In the grain and provision market :
prices advanced from ilK : to 15c. The1
climbed to from W.OO to G,00 for ithoiou ab
burled and light and to from O.OD to87fo
nrlinu medium and heavywulghts. At th
did not uxcuud 10.000 head. They paid fi
tli.70 to tO.'Jl ) for the bulk of thu MjilT „ . . ,
from * 0.60 to * 7.05 was thuextruniu range fu
murchantablu block , I'rlmo light grades wor
bcurco and bolug In good ( temaiid bold tibou
ns well as the best of the huuvy sorts.
The receipts of sheep huve buuu attogothc
too llbprnl this wook. More tlmn 44,000 Itnvo
been unlondod hero ulnco Snlurday nnd there
Isntilcntj still In Right. There wns a weak
market todny at from I3.UB to f4.B5 for poor to
choice Texans ami nt from J3.0 to f6.'jn for
natives and westerns , tlood to prime n.uall-
ties sold pioso to yesterday's prices , but poor
to common grmlc * were from 10 to Uc lower ,
inakltigiiducllnoof from SO to 30c from tlio
hlghp. l prices of last. week. Yearlings wcro
minted nt from t4.r > o to JO.Ufi nnd there wns n ,
deninml for .spring lambs at from $3.25 to 17.26.
Receipts : Cattle , 112,600 , head : calves , 000
headl hogs , I'J.OOO lipnd : Miecp , 11.000 head.
I ho Kvuntng Journal reports :
( UTri.n Itecelpls , 7,000 heads shipments ,
3,500 hendj market steady ! prime steers ,
fri.Su1l6.65i extra. f5.7GM.rt.Ou ! mediums , $4.05
O6.15othersM.S6ft4.8&s ! TexansJ3.10ttl.OOi
stiH'kers , * 3.80il4.00.
llona Hecelpus , 11,000 bond ! slilpinonts , ,
0,500 head ; market active. 10 to IGc higher ;
mixed and puckers lO.GGIiO.BGjnrlmo heavy
and butchers' weights , I0.00 7.02i ! ; light ,
SHEEP Receipts. 12,000 bead ; shipments ,
3,000 head ; markot. steady ; natives , J4.7G ®
0.00 : ToMins. J4.2G5ll.60 ; westerns , $4.7548
5.00 ; lambs , $5.7G < a7.00.
Kaunas City l.lvo Stuck .Mnrkrt ,
KANSAS CITV , Mo. , .Tune T.-CATTI.K Ho-
colpts , 2,700 head ; shipments , 1,400 bead ;
market was strong anil lOc higher ; Texas
steers , $2.7G@4.40 ; Texas cows , $2.00S3.7O ;
shipping steers , $4.50115.05 ; native cows , $2.00
Qi4.25 ; butchers' stock , f3.OOiM.GO ; stockers
and feeders , $2.10ii4.50 ; bulls and mixed ,
? 2.35 < a3.75.
llocis Hecolpts , 5,300 bead : shipments ,
n,7)0hoail ( ) ; market m-tlvo nnd 5Hc ) higher ;
bulk of sales. { 0.25110,35 ; heavies , $0.2530.45 ;
packers. JO.2Gao.35 ; mixed. $0.2Gfit0.3G ;
lights. $ G.1GOG,30 ; Yorkers , $0.35510.40 ; pigs ,
$4.1H > aG.10.
SHEEP Heceljits , 2.400 bead ; shipments ,
100 head ; strong.
St. I.nuls l.lvo Stuck MnrUot.
ST. I.ouis , Mn. , .Inns 7. CATTLE Receipts ,
3,400 bend ; shipments , 1,000 head ; natives
steady ; good butrliurs' steers , $4.0Vi44.GO ( :
Texans of all kinds slow , lower ; top on fed
steurs , $4.05.
lions Receipts , G.OOO bead ; shipments ,
100 bead ; market GtftlOc higher ; best price ,
$0.05 ; bulk of sales , $0.40ar > .GO.
SHEEP Receipts , 4,200 head ; shipments.
300 head ; market slow on all except good
sheep ; no quotable change ; natives , $4.00 ;
re.Mins , $4.40.
"few York l.lvo Mock .Mnrkrt.
NEW Yonic , Juno 7. HEEVES Receipts , 3,000
loud ; dull , with further decline on nil grades
> f lOc ; poorest to best native corn foil steers ,
$4.5005.55 : Tuxans ami Coloradox , S4.3Gtt4. G ;
bulls mid dry cows , $2.00tt4.00 : dressed beef ,
lull , 7ii < iJOc. Shipments. 300 beeves ; tomor
row , 200 beeves and GO sheep ,
SIIIEI : > AND LAMIIS Receipts , 12,000 bead ;
.beep . , steady ; lumbs , active , declined Uc.
INSTUUMENTS placed on record Juno 7 ,
C Ii Hart and wlfo to Alvlu .Saunders ,
w25i ! feet of lot 0 , Keyf'ssuhdlv. . . $ 18,000
E S 1'lor and wlfo to Jacob Mason , lot
18 , block 3 , C K Mnyno's 1st add to
Valley 100
O W Ames and wlfo to J 11 llynes , lot
23 , block 2 , Ames' 1'lai-u 400
' S Ueotl and wlfo to T W WaMi , lot
7. block 5 , lliuolTciiaci ! 800
Kll7.aheth Tavlornnd husband to J U
Kilony , lot 4 , block 4 , Denlso'sndil. . 2,200
Arthur East to J I' Nelson , lot 1O ,
block 0 , Mat hews' suhdlv 875
JCMoIvellnnd wlfo to William Strong.
n 41 feet lot 2 , block U , H U Uogors'
add 4,000
Same to same , lot 4 , block 1 , Han.scom
I'hicc 1.4CO
Same to same , lot 1 , block 1 , CovoH's
add toCrelghton Helglits 400
J O Allen to llannnh Itelnbart , .s 33
feel lots 11 and 12 , block O , Lowes'
add and lot 7 , blok II , ijaundurs &
H'sadd 1
li I'owefl and wlfo to J K Yandor-
cook. lots 2 and 3 , block 135 , lots 0
and 7 , block 140 , lots 5 to 10 , block
144 , lots 5. 8 , 0 , 12 , 13 and 1C , block
145 , 1-5 Interest In lot 4. block 130 ,
lots 0 and 7 , block 135 , Klorenco. . . . 400
QUIT CLAIM iuins. : :
G W and S K McIClnney to Charles
Powell , lots 0 , 10 , 11 , 15 , and 10 ,
block 144 , 1'lorenco 16
C W 1'owell to K 1,1'owell , lots 5 to 10 ,
block 144 , lots 5 , 8 , 0 , 12,13 and 10 ,
block 145 , .sumo 1
Kebccca Ilaag to H \ , Powell , lot 3 ,
block 130 , Florence 1
G AHcnnctt ( sherllD to I , A I'ortcr ,
lots 8 , 0 nnd 10 , block 124 , Dundee
I'lnce 2,010
G W 1'oynton ( special master ) to J II
Ailing , lot G , block 23 , Waterloo 150
F A Hrogan ( same ) to 1' W llorbacb ,
lot 22 and oiilot 21 , block 0 , Drake's
add 3,250
Total amount of transfers $ 33,503
VllOffi J.KAXti.lS. .
Conditions in timt Stuto Favorable for 11
UoimllCiil Harvest.
Toi'EKA , Kan. , Juno 7. Tlio crop report is
sued today by Secretary .Mohlcrof tlio State
Board of Agriculture shows that the condi
tion of wheat has not improved during tlio
month of May ; that the prospect of a largo
corn crop is excellent and that oats , rye and
barley will yield ouly about half a crop.
In much the larger part of the central belt ,
in which about two-thirds of the entire
wheat nrea of the state is fouud , there lias
been a loss in condition , and a larger area is
reported lost than roKrtcd | a mouth ago.
The western belt reports about 20 per cent
plowed up and an average condition lor entire
belt of 70 per cent : the central belt reports
40 per cent lost and un average condition for
the entire belt of 1(3 ( per cent ; the castora
belt reports 7. > per cent of the area lost and
condition for entire belt " 0 ] ) or cent. This
makes an average condition for the entire
nrea sown to wheat in the state of 30 per
cent. \
Spring Wheat The same conditions which
during the spring were so unfavorable to
winter wheat were equally tinfavorunlo to
spring wheat , and the condition is reported
also finite low , being ! f > per cent.
Corn The area planted to corn this sea
son , as compared with that of last year , is
placed by our correspondents at 107 pur cent.
The increase was cbielly duo to failure of
wheat , the area being planted to corn. This
area will still bo further increased by plant
ing still more wheat land to corn. The aver
age condition is reported for tlio eastern belt
at 8-1 per cent , central belt , 71 , and western
belt 51 per cent.
Oats The condition of oats fortho eastern
bolt is reported at 8U per cent , central belt ,
41 , and western bolt -10 per cent.
Winter Wheat Compared with fullnvcr-
ngo , ( ! iier cent ; spring wheat , compared
with full average , 85 per cent ; corn , 70 per
Air 1'illowj ' ;
: Invalid Cushions
IluMier Gloves.
THE All& REFOLD fiO , ,
JtinriiinoiifH. (
nlJl n ] > ltiil SfpIfo < t ,
114 South 15th. St.
Next to PobtoiUoo.
Ulianlntluii of Corporation of uockrcl
llrotherit Commission Company
of Lincoln , Nehniiku ,
Know All Men by These Presents :
That wo , W. A. Cockrell , C. W. C'ockroll am
II. II. Cockroll , liolng the < ! ncori > orators , ns wel
as the Moekhnlderti of nil tlio stock ever Issuei
by hulil corporation , do hereby mutually ngrci
to dlssolvo and terinhialelsalil corporation , 01
the following lei-nib and conditions :
All the property , money , accounts , notes
claims and usbets of every kind and nature
owned and possessed by Mild corporation
having been sold tuO.V. . ( o-krell ; , ho Nto hot
tlo all outstHiidlng accounts and llabllltlci
against the Cor km II Hi-others Coiamlbsion Co.
and It la mutually agreed between Mile
stockholders that within 10 days from thl >
date the block of bald corporation shall lit
canceled , and It Is further movlucd that i
notice of this dUiolutlon ( .hall bo jiuhllshei
at Lincoln and Ooialia.ln the state of Nebraska
Iiihomo nuwkpiipur for tlirto Miccob > , lvo < layb
and such notice Ute haveluttachud thereto tin
nnnifsof the uhovo stockholdora , which bad
notlcoC. W. Cockrell U hereby authorized U
hlgn for : the undersigned ,
Hlguod and executed this 29th day of May
IbOS. W , A. CUCKHIM : < ,
C. W. CocKlttl.l. ,
J7J3t 11. U , COCKIIELL.
cent ; rye,44 percent ; barley , 45 tier cent !
Oftts , 01 per cent.
Fruit Crop-Compared with full nvorngo ,
M per cent.
Chintz bugs nro reported throughout the
eastern nnd central belts nnd In some places
nre quite numerous , but ns vet but llttlo
damage lias boon done. With timely ftiul
sunlciciit rainfall during the balance of the
season , the loss sustained In the crop
will bo largely compensated for by n very
largely increased acreage planted to corn ,
Piles of people have plies , but Do Wltt'3
Witch Hazel Salvo will cure thotn.
Another Convention for Onmhn.
At the recent mooting of the American
Institute of Homeopathy , Dr. tlnncurtt
made an aetlvo nnd successful light for the
location of the next meeting of the institute
in Omnha , but found that the eastern dele
gates outnumbered the western , and the
only hope for Onmhn nnd the west was by n
compromise. This wns effected by giving
Denver tlio Hireling in 1SIH. with the under
standing that lloston should entertain tlio
Institute in 1M > \ nnd that the World's con
gress , tlio centennial of homeopathy. In
180(1 ( , should bo hold In Omaha. This will ho
an international meeting and will bo at
tended by the leading homeopaths of the
old world.
Piles of pcoplo have piles , but Dcwltt's
Witch Hazel Salvo will euro them.
Birthday Gift.
There Is nothing better
than a watch. Take
care that it is n good
watch , otherwise jour
gift will not keep , you
In pleasant remem
ADJUSTED brance. Take care that
WATCHES it is a Ducbcr-IIamp-
dcn 17 jewel watch.
If your Ornler linen not kepp onr watches , mall
UR.VOUT mlclri'fifl mid wo will sent ! you the IHUIHI
of n ilciilor who does. Tiiu UutUKiiVATUII
WOIIKB , Canton , O.
i w. n. I'.vMURK , sr. n. , NO. 4 itninici rt. ,
UOBTOK , fuJfs.ucA ( / coniiilttng p/iyilctnti of thf
rKAM'JDYfll KUlC'AI. ' IN TITUTKto l. -I
Ma aw.irtlcJ the ooui MKIUI. by the KATICNAC
MutilCAt , ASSO IATKIN fo. the I'll I/.r. KSSA Y on
Rxhauttttl Vitality , Ati-Of y , Xirrout nnil'Ay f < 1
llebililyHDil nil Jlltca . * * and HVntnrnt of Man ,
fllinrP the young , Uui mhltllt-affeil nnd oni.
lillrlr\ Consultation in person or by idler.
UUIILU i.r08ectUB with tcKtlmonlaln , KK1SH
Laree book , SOI KNCK OF I.IFK , OK SKI.F-
rilKSKUVATION. 200 pp. . 155 Invaluable frf
'rlntloniu full idXonlyil.i"1 'ov mall , d'alwl
r/wwvvvuwwwtfvwtf tfwwuwwu
t n t t nm n
, A work timt tulU the cnn ws.defcrllii'f J
i tlicvlTevts , iwluts thu remedy , bclvntlllenlly Ilii'i
most valuable , artistically the most bcnutlfiili
Mncillcnl liouk CUT published ; ! fl pngcn. r\cry
JimKO bearing n luilMimo Illiistrntlon 111 tints. *
J SnbJrcU troaU'il : Xervoii" Di'bllltv , Iinnotrni1)- J
Jstcrlllly , Uovclupincut , Vnilcocclc. The Hus.J
s lianjl.Tnoso Inlriidlnir Mnrrlnpro , iMc. i
' Kivry man irfco icnttttnntr the Ginnil TnilliS , >
the I'liitn furi. ' . the Old Kccrcts cinil AVic 7)i .
corcrtfitof Meilictil f-'rit'ncc tit a/jilted to J/nr !
J rial I.lfc , trlio irouM ( ifonior inut Jolllrt J
EarnnivM / > /fnr , ' iiltMla. rlintiltl urlte fur this ,
, ' wasnr.riyvi , LITTUJIOOK. . * I
It will IJQ wnt frit1 , umlrrM'nl , while theeill
, tloii lastn. Ktato IIRO , and K Innrrk'd or single. *
jJAdilreiMtlio publishers , '
ERIE MEDICAL CO. , Buffalo , N. Y.
Bcmis Omaha Bag
Importer * iinrt manufnO' I
tur ri of Hour locks , |
burlup , > tulnu.
Morse-Coc Slioa Company.
. Ilownrd St
nil orace-ll07-ll03.IHI
Bale room
rnctory-lirJ-IISI-ll" llownrd St.
We ara the ONI.V Mmiufi : turorj of lloot anil
.11 to i
our now factor/ .
FtiESil IS
. . . . .v. . . . . .
find ths Tstwn'i
uliould tnk'o DrJ
Medical . . .
.wy. After . . . .
l Grip , " for In
Mnnco , or In con
J vnliwonco fvon
IV /I pneumonia , fc
I V /1 vrrs , nnd otlmi
IX /I wasting diseases
f I \ \ nothing cm
/ 1 \ C"1" * ! " n" an nji
L. J \ ix'tlzlne , rcstorft
* *
* - - ionlo til
lirlni ; Ivick health nnd vigor 1'or jxilo , puny ,
scrofulous children , It does minders. I1
builds un lxth their flesh nnd their strength
thoroughly purilles the blood , nnd innkp
cITectlvo ovcry natural menus of cleansing' '
rcmlrlng. and nourlshiiiR the system.
It Ktnrtn tlio torpid liver Into healthy n
tlon nnd promotes nil the bodily functions
For the most stubborn Scrofulous , Hl
nnd Scnlp Diseases , Dysiiepsln , llilloiisiu
ntul kindrnl nllmcntd , tno "Discovery"
the only remtxly that's guaranteed. If i
doesn't bonollt or cure , you have your mono
M Hospila |
.J ? = FOUALt ,
, . S\
$ fet \ Cui'onlc , N3roi5 ,
Special DisBHH ,
of both
Men and Women ,
Stneturo and nil otbsr troubles troixtpj
at ro.isnnablo cbarRes. COKSUl/r. " "
1'KKK. Uallonor inblress
Opposite llfiydon Hros.
Union Stock Yards Company ,
South Ornalia.
Hest Cattle Ilo and Sheep market In th3
Wood Brothers.
Mvo Steak Commission Morcliunti
fc'o'ith Omnha Tolepliono 1157. Culcanj
JOHN 1) . DADHMAN , . . . -
WAI.TKII K. WOOD , f Managers-
Market reports by mall and wlro cheerfully ]
rnlshoU upon r.pplloaiion.
Our Spectacles and Eyeglasses Arc the Hcst.
F. Mr , OBlflHfi OPTlQfil CO. , 222 S. 16th St.
1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb.
The eminent specialist In nervous , clironlc , private , blood , skin and urinary ilUo soi. A regular ndl
registered graduate In medicine , ns dlilii.iH ( : anil c < irUllc.itoi will show. Is still troatliiK with tlio greatest !
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mercury used. New treatment for lo.ii of vital power. I'arlloo nnublo to visit me mar ho treated nt liora |
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Bend rtnmp for circular.
of tin ? llucht quality of Havana Tolmoro timt can bo ? > oiiplit , K'jmil In every respect to tliol
J Manukluieis a lofcis Diiector
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Cornnr 10th and Juokion IDl'ClmillCB' t'lUlB.
Klreeti. Htruat.
John A. Wakcflcld ,