Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 06, 1893, Page 6, Image 8

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Another Record Smashed In the Chicago
Wheat Deals.
Cnlnmlty Howlers Kept the Trade Fall of
FevorUU Apprehension Wheat Sold
llelow the C'o t of Proilitctlon
Stonm nnd Iloutli.
CniCAfiO. 111. , Juno G.-Anothcr record wni
Binashcd today and whcut was some l ! < c
lower than heretofore for July , nnd has nlso
ihowfi n sharp dccllno In the deferred futures ,
but not. to the same extent. Tlio failure of
Jlcndowcioft llros. , private bankers , this
inornliiK gave the market ( | iilto a shock. Tlion
Cftino the failure of tlio Kansas Groin com
pany nnd prices took another dip downward.
On tlili decline It wni announced that NeNon.
Vnnklrk& Co. , small traders In wheat , had
failed , nnd this strained condition of the mar
ket piovcd lufllclLMit to send in Ices olT attain.
Tlio total decllno uas only about lcon !
July , nnd considerably Inss on the lonttcr
futures. The neiir oy ftilurcq nro foolhitf tlio
result of tlio tlRhtneai In money inoro
horlouoly than others , us U shown by the fact
that ntono time ! < ; was paid to chmiKo July to
September. In the hope that , before that month
cnmu around Ihmneliil conditions would mend.
It was a .Rront l yfor.ruiiior _ . nimmore.
. , .
Tluiro was iipp.irrnuy . no imp" " " " " " n. .uj
wheat , however ulu-aii It mlcbt seum.oxcciit to
cover ( .hints and cot In profits , but with wheat
bblow tbo cost of product Ion , tbo selling M
almost cnllu-ly on c.\hiius'rd margin * tin I
llilUldatlons , few Indued brln ? nervy enouKb
now to KO shut I on tlio market , .
TJio cum-rni ruins followed by hot , forcing
wonthrr , tlm liiilliTuri'iit niblitlio kiiropomi
rrixirts of cholera CIISPI , tbo Incroiio of 31)0.-
0001m. In wheat Rtncks at l.lvrrpiol , tlio In
crease ) of 000.000 bu. ou occnn patsiiKi- , the
largo Indian shipments loarlilne 00r > ,000 1m.
for tbo week , the rrcolpl.M of 0)71 ! ) a's nt north
western points all those worn natural inllu-
rnces against the maikct , The wciist bii'iili
for tlm day In wheat cawu In the last hour.
lUB'i'iid of a.000,000 budecrease In tbo visible
Riip ily , nflcr lone Halting , llio Irado pot over
! 2jnUUO ( bn. Inciuaso. Tlio Incronso In busi
ness was irtcatly Intcnslllid by tbo run on tbu
J.aSnllc Street Saving 1 ink. which trders
could sco from thu windows tlm i-M-lm ne.
The opening was about , lliu h'limi as Hnlur-
ilay'fi obibln toiG lo\\tir \ , and lliuro w 'to omo
lltictitatlims ; piU'i-s di-cllncd y4'c for July and
2\c for Septt'inln'r , tlion lucovi'reil slUbtly
nnd closed easy about l'se ' lower for .luly and
IKo lower for septcmburtlinn Saturday.
Corn , owlnp to BOIIIO dcmnnil for tbo spot
article nnd comparatively .steady trndo at tbo
start , opened the same s tin1 cluilng pi ICLS of
Haturdny , but the market , inter cm , MiKKi'il
oil' from Ic to t'.4 ' , owlnit to tbo downturn In
thUhUiTouttdliip pits. Tlio pilnclpal fcaluro
was tlio lliildntlim | In.Inly nnd buyltiKof Sop-
tcmbor , llio promlum on tlio latter In cnnso-
qucnco widening to Pji ; at ono time. Tlio increase -
crease in tbo vlslblo supply was a decided dis
appointment. UlosliiK prices were about tbu
Oata wcro nffectcd bv causes similar to those
nctlvo tiRiilnst corn. Tboro were a few rallies
but they were In turn followed by decline' ! am !
tbo close wns about tbo lowest point , with si
not loss of from lUc to lj c on near futurcA
ami Jacon September.
Tliuro was a drop of $1.40 per bbl. In pork
37ic ! in laid and -15c In ribs. In jiork thu de
clluo was uioupht about , not tlmniKh trnnsac
tlons atsradual iccedliiK pi Ices , but by solloii
oll'crliiR It nt luwur anil slllllowor prices , with
out any buyers npp-nrlrii to inaku dullnltt
quotations possible until almost tbo entire dc
cllno bad taken plai-c. Tbo close was at a re
action of UOc for pork from tbo Inside and 5i
each for laid and libs.
Estimated receipts for tomorrow ; wheat
750 cars ; corn , 1,100 cars ; oats , 000 cars ; hogs
13,000 Ill-ad.
The loading futures ranged as follows :
.A inn M.S. orcx. Miiiii. i.uw. ci.osi : . h'ltn'v
WM 70 > i 72J
sj < 37V <
' &H 3SJOJ'J
U < OH 41) )
K i 27 27 269
27W SB ;
21 K Jl 35 20 20 20 20 21 M
11 75 21 W 2U 70 20 70 Jl 110
10 1TH 10 25 9 80 9 95 10 30
10 CO 10 ( A 10 30 10 ! > 5 10 70
9 IO 9 124 9 171 9 CO
9 75 97714 935 9 40 980
Cnsh quotations were as follows :
l-'LOUit Nominal ; winter patents , $3.50 ;
8.80 ; winter btralfrhts. $3.OS3.35 ( ) ; fiprln
patents , J3.65CT.4.25 ; hiirlng Htralghts , $2.255
8.00 ; bakers , * 1.75 2,25.
WHEAT-NO. 2 sprlnB , 63H01 ? c ; No. !
sprlns , 50GOp ; No. 2 red , 03 l204'Su.
COHN No. 2 , 37Wc.
OATS No. 2 , 27c ; No. 2 wlilto , f. o. b. , 30& <
B2Hc ; No. 3 wlilto , f. o. b. , QO QSlHc.
ltYE-No.2 , 51ia51".c.
MAULEY No. 2 , nominal , COc ; No. 3 , f. o. I
88il42c ( ; No. 4. 35WnOc.
I'LAX SEHH-NO. i , $1.03.
TIMOTHY SEED I'rimc , J3.80.
1'onic Mobs , per 1)1)1. , $20.20320.22 ! ' , ; lari
per 100 Ibs. , $ 'J.70S9.72 ; short ribs , sld (
( loose ) , { 9.40a0.41Vi ! ; dry salted shoulder
( boxed ) , J10.004ilO.25 ; short clear side
( boxed ) , $ U.37'/ ) < rtlO.C2' { .
WIIISKY Distiller.1 ! Unlshcd goods , per Ra ]
BuoAns UnchanRod : cut loaf , Olio ; gram
latcd , 5.70 ; standard "A. " 6.57.
The following woto Ibo receipts and slili
mentsfor today :
On the I'roduco oxchaneo today the butti
market was linn ; creamery , 10&,10c ; dalr
lOffilVc. Eggs , Ilrmj btrlctly fresh , 14ffil4ii
Now York Alnrlcots.
NEW YOIIK , Juno B. Fixiiiu Kor.olpts , 48
BOO pices. : cxiiortH , 4,000 bills. . 40,300 sack
eiilos , 0,700 pkp. ; market dull , ttoak ; wlnt
wheat , low griulei , $2.052. 45 ; winter whoa
fair to fancy , J2.35aa.05 ; winter whoa
patents , J3.50ai.25 ; Minnesota clear. J2.50
D. 10 ; Minnesota KtrnlL-hU , 13.5024,11
Minnesota patontH , J4,254.CO ( ,
COUN MEAU Quiet , steady ; yellow wcstor
KYIS Stonily , ( lull ; western. CO(2G5c. (
IIAHI.KY MALT Dull , btuady ; western , 6C
WHEAT Ilocelpt , 421,950 bu. ; exports , 10'
000 bu. ; sales , 1,700,000 bu. of futures,410,0
tin. npot. ijpot market 2iQ3c ! lower ; actor !
/or exports ; heavy ; No. 2 rod. In store ai
olovutor , 71ic ; alloat , 71Ji72c ; f. o.
7lyi671ici ( No. 1 northern , 72oNo. ; 2 norl
crn , 70Mu ; options notlve , excited , heavy a
24 ! < itnG lower on Incieasuon passi > no and
vliilblo supply In store , dull and easier cabli
forulgii sullliiK , boavy ChluaKO nnd fruo rei
lilng.luly ; closliiK at 72iu } ; August. 74i
Hoptcmbor. 70c ; Octoboi1 , 77Jtc ; Decemb
titH c.
] " * 1 Stoclis of grain In Btoro and alloat , June
I * Wheat. 0.203 , 500 bu. ; corn. 088,000 bu , ; on
893,100 bu. ; rye. 35,600 bu , ; barley , 0
m 000 bu.
COIIN Itccolpts , 100,000 bu. ; exports , 46fi
bu. ; Miles , 1,100,000 bu. of futures , 210,0001
of sjiot. potHualter. . fairly active ; No. 3 , 41
Q47u in elevator , -17ii-lHc ( alloat ; ungrad
mixed , 47'jQ60c. Options were ! ® 7 c lov
anil fairly ai-tlvo , closing weak ; Juno , 40 <
July , 40/o ; August , 47Wc ; Hi-iitiimlier , 47ye
OATS Itucelpth , 120,600 bu : ; exports. 11,7
bu. ; wales , 170,000 1m , futures nnd 1UO.C
bu. npot. Spots , lu ur and \\uak , fairly act !
for ( \\port ; options , ( Hill nnd lower ; .lunuclosl
at 35o ; July , : i4'4c ; rJunteniber , 31Uc ; spot I
2 white , 40c ; No. 2 Chicago , Ubc ; No. a , HI
No. U white. 88 > ic ; mUuU wuitt-ui , 37U3 !
White , 30tt4fc.
HAY Steady.
lloi-s l-'lriu.
lliiiES-Qnlut , nominal.
Van VISIONS Cut meats , dull , itoai
liilddli'a Inuctlvo , weak , Lard , dull , low
western steam closed at $10.26 ; hales , noi
options , salts , none ; June closed at J10.
nominal ; July dosed at J 10.20 , noiiiln
Koptembor closed at { 10.65 , nominal. To
( julet , easy ; old mess , J21.25 ; new me&b , J22.
IlnTTEH Olosed llrmer but less ncth
wiwtcrn dairy , 1410c ; western croame
101'Jtic ; r.lslns , IWil'JHc.
CIIGKHIS ( julut. weaker.
Kails Opened flrmur. iiulot. Itccolpts , 9 , <
pkss. Wcbtern , fresh , 10)10 ) > ic.
TAI.WIW Quiet , steady ; city (12 ( per pk
CI'BO bid , D3-lGt : unwed.
OoTTONCiuiiOiir-Qulot , steady , crude , 4
yellow , 45c ,
l'icTltoutiM : The market was firm. I'cnm
vanlaoll.t > potsalos none. July optlona , sa
10.OOO bbls. ; opening , hluhost , lowest , 02
nnd closing at U2Kc bid. Lima oil , t > ulos no
Total Miles , 10,000 bbla.
Onlot , bteady ; btrulned , common
. 11.2601.27 ! i.
l-'alr doiuind and steady
l , steady i domestic , fair to ex
apan , 4,6i4Uc.
JlOLAtsES New Orleans , open kettle , goo
choice , steady and quiet at uixftSBc.
I'JU IKON Dull , bteady ) Aiuerlcuu , 112. '
Coi-rcn Quiet ; lake , 110.80.
I.KAU Steady i dumestlc , ta.02H.
-Steadyi mi-alts , I1B.OO bid ; 110 as !
jilutet- , ijulot , about ktcady , Bpol
SUOAH Kaw , flrm.iiutot ! rcntrlfugaU.OQ I
" 4W@4J.Cj kulcu , 20U toug Muscovuuu , faU 1
at nVe , and 0,760 brigs molnssos sugar , 89 test ,
at 8 7-lGci rcllncd , flrmor , fairly nctlvo ,
Sit Louis Mnrket * .
ST. Louis , Mo. , Juno 6. * 'fx > nn Lower ,
dull ; patent * . J3.20a3.35 ; extra fancy , J2.00J8
n.OO ; fancy , 12.50 2.05 ; choice , J2.l5a2.30j
family , I2.U032.10 ; rye Hour , $3.26413.30.
WllKAT-Collapscd al tbo start nnd was kept
on the downward run by failures nnd other
llnnnclnl troubles , closing IJScbolowSaturdny ;
No. 2 red , cash , G4c ; Juno , G3Hc ! July.
G5HBC5J < 0 ! August , G7'C ! September , GOJfc.
COIIN Weakened nt tlrst but rallied and
closed with little change ! No. 2 mixed , cash
and June , 3G'pj ' { July , 87c ; Heptcmbcr. 88 ! < c.
OATS-Dtill ; No. 2 cash , 28'tc ; July,27)iC ) !
August , 24JC ( ! September , 23 c.
riioviflio.NS-Lower and nominal ; pork , cur
rent make , J20 ; lard , tO.G2 ! < ! dry salt merits ,
loose shoulders , JO.GOj longs nnd ribs , 10.75 ;
short * . $10 ; bnxccl , 15c more' bacon , packed
shoulders , 10.25 : longs and ribs , $10.75 ®
10.87) ) { ! shorts , fll,00&11.12Ji ; hams , sugar
cured , 1314c.
lUCKHTS-KIour , 5,000 bbls.t whnat , 19,000
MI. ; corn , 220,000 bit. ; oats , 62,000 bu. ; rye ,
Stltl'MBNTS I'Monr , 5,000 bbls : wheat , 231-
000 bu. ; corn , 71,000 bu. ! oats , 12,000 bu.
Utirrnu ( jiilot and unchanged.
Knnnift : City Mnrlioti.
KANSAS CITV , Mo. , Juno 5. WHBAT Kr-
cited and 2' ' < c lower ; No. 2 hard , cash , 68 < 2 >
68' c ; No. 2 rod , 02.303C.
COHN Dull and easy ; No,21 mlxed,3434c ! { !
No.2 white , 35c.
OATS - In fair demand and steady ; No. 2 ,
mixed , COV4O30C ! No. 2 white , 32332 0.
llVR Steady ! No. 2 , 585150C.
Fl.AxSr.Kti-Woak ; 04 We.
ItiiAN Weak ; 01G2c sacked.
llAV Steady , unchanged.
Iltrrrr.ii Weak ; creamery , ICUlOc ; dairy ,
Kilns Actlvo and firm nt 12c.
HECRHTS Wheat , 10,000 bu. ; corn , 1,000
bu ; outs , none ,
Sini'MENTS-Wlioat , 27,000 bu. ; corn , 2,000
bu. ; oats , none.
Coirco Market.
NEW VOIIK , Junn 5. Option ? opened steady ,
10 to 20 points un , cloiod barely steady , un
changed to 30 points up ; sales , 18,750 bags ,
Including : Julyil5.76ftl5.90 ! AunustflB.05a (
15.70 ; SentPinbcr , SIS.S.W.IS.TO ; October ,
* 15.45ll5.rO ; December , J15.305S16.40 ; Spot
Hln , iiulrt ; llrm ; No. 7. S17.12V5 © 17.25.
Kit ) .IANI-.IIIO , Juno 3. Klrst ordlnnrv. 10-
" > ( )0 ruls iior 10 kilos : good second , 15,300 rcls.
Hoculpts during tbo week , 28,000 bags ;
purchases for the United .States , 35,000 bags ;
shipments to Uio United States , 70,000 bags ;
stock , 8 1,0'HJ bazs.
SANTO * . Juno 8. Oood average , 14,000 rots
per 10 kilos. liocnlpts during tbo week ,
25,000 bags ; purchases for llio United States ,
20,000 bags ! shipments to the United States ,
28,000 b.ifs ; stock , 134.000 bags.
Hi HUli ( ir.ilu Tuitui Itnvlntr.
LONDON , Juno 6. The Mai USl.ano Express ,
In Us weekly review of the llrltlsh grain trade ,
Bnys ! Kngllsh wheat during .May averaged
In Millie 20s Od , being 4s 'M lower tban the
Mime month lust vear. The foreign wheat
tniilo V.MS dull , bi-liijr 3d lower on the week , The
lirltu-lpnl cause of tlie dullne-is has boon the
Improved accounts of tbu condition of Kusslan
i'roH. | Tlio holdings of Hour tire still extensive.
Koiclgn receipts of wheat ate heavy and ol
Hour moderate. Tlioheat on passage tr
Great Hrllnlu mi Juno a amounted to 3 , 1'Jl.OOC
iiuartur.4. Mal/o Is ohc.iper In seventeen mar
kets , owing to favorable advices.
Minneapolis .Haricot.
MINNEAVOMS , Minn. , Junn 5. The record Ir
wheat prices was practically broken for tilts
market todny. liberal soiling trade , mostlj
on ston orders and npparuntly for outsiders
Decline steady and rnplil at times. Cash mar
kotgteatly dlstutbed bv condition of futures
No. 1 northern sold at 5900c ; No. 2 northern
orn sold mostly at 57c , with some ntOGcatu :
a few cars at fiRftGtilii ! . Kccelpts , 410 cars
Close : Juno , 58'ic ; July , 5U'sc ; Soptombcr
C3)jc. ) On track : No. 1 hard , COc ; .No. ' .
northern , 5Sc. _ S
Cotton Alurket.
Nnw Oiti.rANS , La. , Juno 5. Futures ciulo
nnd steady ; sali"4GU)0balos ! ) ( ; June , * 7.3G bid
July , S7.H8f67.3U ; August , $7.44547.45 : Pi p
tcmler$7 ) .40117.60 ; October , (7.60 7.07 ; No
vember , $7.i2'ii.7.0n ( ; December , f" . 0937.70
January. J7.855D7 88. Good middling , 73ic
middling , 7"z ; low middling , 7 3-lGc ; gooi
ordinary , G'8c net receipts , 2'J57 bules ; gros
2,957 bales ; bales , l.CUO bales ; block , 127,50
bales ,
New Yorlc Dry C.ooill .Marltot.
Nnw YORK , June 5. A fair business con
Gldorlng the llnanclal situation was reporte
In < Iry goods. A good deal of business 1m
'x-en none In fall ginghams subject to oponln
pi lues , and some pilnls have also soldfieel
on the Minio conditions. The attention c
buyers wns largely taken up by an audio
pr.lo ot table oil cloths by Thomas I'attorso
IMiiladolplilti Grain Market.
PnnAnii.iMiiA , I'a. , Juno 5. WHEAT Woa
and lower , owing to linanclal situation an
general pressure to soil in all centers ; No.
roil , July. 71to71jfc.
COUN Options weak and lower ; mixed , 40
OATS In car lots In good request and stoadj
futures lowe > ; No. 2 white , June , 38J © 39c.
Milwaukee Murki'ti.
MILWAUKKK , WIs. , Juno 5. WHEAT Lowei
July , 057vi ; ; No. 2 spring , G5c.
CuitN-Dull ; No. 3 , 57c.
OATS Lower ; No. 2 white , 32' , O33c ; No.
white , 31o.
UAKI.EY 58c.
UYE G2'/ic. '
' 1'itovisiONS Lower. Pork , July , $20.50.
Cincinnati Miirlcots.
CINCINNATI , O. , Juno 5. WHEAT Nora
nal ; No. 2 red , G3c.
COHN No. 2 ml.\ed. 4243c.
OATS Knslor : No. 2 mixed , 31@31Ho.
WHISKY In light demand ; $1.12.
ISiittliuoro I" nil n Marknt.
rtAi.TiMOitr , Mil. , Juno 5. WHEAT Weal
No. 2 red. spot and June , 70c. !
CoitN'-Dull and lower ; mixed spot and Jun
VJVtC asked ,
OATS Klrm ; No. 2 white , western , 42 c.
i > l Mnrlcnts.
Livr.iirooi , , Juno 5. WHEAT Klrm ; d
mand moderate ; holders olTcr inodoratoly.
COUN l-'lrm ; demand moderate ,
UIIKESI : American Unust whlto and colorc
49s per cwt. for now.
I'uorbi drain.
PEOHIA , 111. , Juno 6. COIIN Lower ; No.
80c ; No. 3 , 35'/c.
OATS Uasler ; No. 2. white , 31',5c ; No.
VUllilo Cirnlii Supply.
NEW YOHK. Juno 5. Visible grain suppl
Wheat , 70,308,000 bu. ; corn , 8,188,000 hi
oats , 4,030,000 bu. ; rye , 570,000 bu. ; baric
877,000 bu.
London Oil Alarkot.
LONnos , Juno 5. faNsnisn On , 20s per cv
Tuui'ENTiNU Si'iniTS 22s 714d per cwt.
London Kln.tnulal Itovlew.
\Covyrtyliteit \ IS'a ImJamta Onnlnti IlcnniU. ]
LONDON , Juno 5. [ Now Yo'k Herald Cal
Special to Tin : Hun. ] Tlio stock market lit
sei-mcd moro tburi uvor dopnmlont upon \Vi
street , totlny. American lallways udvunc
and all prices impiovi'd In sympatliv. Owl
to tbo faint-beaited response from Now Yn
thn tone closed not overconfident. Spec
latlvo Investors are moro disposed to b
dospto tbo unsettled conditions. Foreign i
curlllus were good generally In sympathy w
1'arls , Tlioro is agrentor tendency to belli
tliut Greece will escape bankruptcy by t
Issue of bonds to bo placed through a Ila
3 ; burg Uriu , Silver was unchanged ,
)0u. ) Final Quotation * hhoiy Not a : Ini In j
u. Ulrnctlon * .
NEW YOUK , Juno 5 , While the movomoi
L-r In the stock market were erratic again todi
c ; there was on the whole a steady fooling , n
)0 final quotations generally show not gal
)0 Notwithstanding the numerous failures
, ' 0 ported from Chicago and the strained tlnanc
Igo. conditions In the west , thorn was no purlieu
o.c . pressure to soil hero except from boar sourc
c ;
The operators for a decline selected Mlsso
1'ncifli' , Northern Pacific preferred and Wu
orn Union as special objects ot attack i
tin-so stocks yielded yt to I'S. per cent , 'j
general list opened higher In sympathy w
y ; an advance In quotations at Lund
ir ; but a i faction soon bet In outs
! of tbo stocks named. Manhattan ;
9 . ' 2 per cent , to 124V } : Omaha , IK per cent
3 ( > ; i , and Chlcauu Gas 14 per cent to G'
Tbo lowest , figures were generally touched
fore 11 o'clock , following which a rally se
o ; In tbo general list. The favorable rullv
y. tralllc returns at band for tbo fourth week i
month ot May did a good deal to Mlmul
buying , but an important factor In the
40 provomcnt was tbo reiteration of tbu rope
current hist week that the admlnlt > tratloi
Washington Is about to make some public
nouncemciit In regard to the currency quest !
The advance which followed was equal
from y to 2 per cunt , nnd closing prices I
irlcs - majority of instances were from ii to ? ;
cs , rent ubovo Saturday's tlguros , The grangi
ic. Loulsvlllo& Nashvlllo and Sugar were not !
10 ; ably firm. Thu sales wore only 108,021) Him
13,692 were unlisted , The market closed t
teat In tone.
Thu Test says : Few conjunctions of ovc
at could be Imagined moro deplorable than
swift appearanceof a money panic on
heels of the World's fair opening , A great
liBiicomunlot local values and with much
I to judicious bpcculatlon , preceded us a matte
course , the exposition. Tbo experience ot
previous oxhlblilons of tlio kind gave grot
no doubt , for expecting bomo reaction wll
tbo next few yeurs. liut tbu peculiar clrci
stances attending this entorurUo being t
ed. allolcdonly by thu Vienna fair of 1873 h
let forced tbU liquidation oven before legltlu
protlts were In bight.
3St. Street .railway bharcs , for Instance , wl
bad normally udrancuu In ptlcoki during
gprlnft , foil last week 20 to 00 points apiece
Uonl cstato values nro rcnortoii us Mirlnklng
rapidlya ; logical result of speculation nnd yet
RKMircoot fiinbarrns-unont alike tnIndividual
cnpltalUM ana > to banks , nil of whom wcro
necessarily concerned In the upward move
ment. Other nnd far IC.M Justifiable complica
tion followed from the Oudaby experiment In
bulling wheat , whole authors , even with Now
York's liberal aid , cleaned disaster only by n
tnlraclu oC dnxtorlty and luck ,
The following are the clostn * quotations on
the lending stocks on the Now York-Stock exchange -
change today :
The total sales ot stocks today were .
shares , IncliulInK : Atchlson , V.'JOO : IturlitiK-
ton , 8,800 ; ChlcaRO Gns , 20,000 ; Deln-
ware & Lacknwana , 3,000 ; Distllllti ) ; ,
0,400 ; Oencral Klcctrlc , 0,500 : Loulsvllln &
Nnsbvlllo , 7,000 : Missouri I'liclflc. 4,300 ;
Hondlnp , 0,000 ; Richmond Terminal , 0,800 ;
Hock Island , 5,000 : St. Paul. 22,000 ; Sunar ,
8,700 ; Wcsturu Union , 11,200.
Now York Mnnry .Mnrkot.
New YOIIK , Juno C. MONBY ox OAI.I/
Easy at2Xpor cent ; last loan , 2J { per cent ;
closed oll'orud ut 2V4 par cent.
I'liiMKMBHCANTtr.H I'Ai'Eii GG.8 per cent.
STEHMNO KXCIIANOE Fair demand , with
actual business In bunkers' bills ut $4.8G'j3 !
4.87W for sixty duys and$4.88i4.80 ; for do-
GOVEIINMUNT llo.NDS Steady. State bonds ,
dull.Tiiocloslns quotations on bonds :
Flnunclnl Noton.
KANSAS CITY , Mo. , Juno 5. Clearings , 82
NRW YortK , Juno 5. Clearings , $80,854,98 !
balances , $3,871,044.
PAUIB , Juno 5. Tbroo per cent rentes , 0
S7iC ! for tbo account.
Piui.ADEi.riiiA , Pa. , Juno 5. Clearings , $1C
977,888 ; balances , $1,673,137. Money , 4H p
cent ,
IlAi.TlMOiin , Mil. , Juno 5. Clearings , t'
918,324 ; balances , 3913,265. Money , G p
n LONDON , Juno 6. Amount of bullion go
Into the Hank of England on balance ted a
lore Moil-nip , Tonn , , June 6 , Now York o
ro changi ) sailing at $1.50 premium. Cloarlnj
11 J433.777 ; balances , H13.0G3.
! d NRW Oiu.viANB. La. , Juno 5. Oloarlni
'K ' 1979,911. Now York exchange , commorcli
k 75c ] ier $1,000 premium ; bank , $1.50 promlu
iiy IJOSTON , Mas- ) , , Juno 5. Clearings , $15,511
iy 7011 ; Imlntioos , $1,002,014. Money. 07 1
uth cent. Exchange on Now York , 10 to 20c u
th count.
10 HT. Louis , Mo. . Juno 6. Clearings , 84,87
037 ; balances , $131,715. Money imlot at
CIS nor rent. Exchange on Now York , 25
90a discount.
OIIIOAOO. III. , Juno 5. Clearings , 118,35
658 , Now Yorkoxchango nominally $1.25 , 1
none sold. Sterling exchange dull at $4.81
.11 for sixty day bills and i I H9 > < fur bight drat
Money closed at 7 pur cent.
y ,
Cattle Opou Weak nnd Iowor All Throng
is ,
Hogs bcnroo unit I.o\vur ,
oal MONDAY , Juno f
Bad markets last week resulted In very lit
supplies today , but the light supplies failed
irl improve the situation to any appreciable i
it- tent. On tbo contrary , It was the bluest Mi
itnd day the trade hoi"vporloncod.n | months.
bu The supply of cattle was ridiculously 1U
th for a Monday , but according to reports f r
in ,
do Chicago there were enough there and to spn
Dll as dispatches said they had 10,000 and
toH. market was nnywhoro from 15o to < i
H. lower than Saturday , Trade hero AIn
Ill In a very unsatisfactory shape , fihlpu
ay could , or at least would do nothing , on accoi
ayml of bad markets east , and thu dressed href n
tto were evidently In nu urgent need ot btippl
rts A few good light cattle would satisfy tin
at They paid from J4.15 to 14.BO for fair to g <
in- Btceru weighing from B94 to 1,181 Ibs. , or : ever 6c to lOc lower than Saturday , lion
i a cattle that were not choice and halt fat nil
ior sold very unevenly and generally lOc to :
rs , lower tban Saturday , $4.35 to f4G5 buy
: oes - , steers that wolghod from 1,255 to 1,328
rm Fair to poor Btuir sold ut from $4.05 down
(3,75. The f oollna was weak throughout , tb
was no llfo to the trade and at the clo o th
.bo weiohtlll a fuw cattle unsold.
: lie In sympathy with tlm decllno In fat cat
Ml- values cuusHoId a shadu easier , There w
Inof only about half a dozen loads on sale , all ti
of and thu demand was not particularly act
all from any source , Some choice 1023-11) . hell
ud , brought $4.30 , mid there was nothing of i
lilu consequence bad to bull below (2.15 , 1'alr
mar - good butcher * ' cowa bold mostly at from t3,0i
ar- 13.76. Culves were In meager supply , act
ive demand and llrm at from ta,60 to * 5 60 , i
ate thu tame was true as to rough stock , fal
very good bulls and stags selling at Iron
tch to 14.
tbo There was almost no trading at all lu to
ors and feeders. Very few were received and
Or-nlorV supplies were not at nil extensive.
Tbu country demand was light , but tburo U a
rondy sale for gmxl , smooth well bred stock at
fully steady prices.Uommon light stuff li In
poor rlema id nntl'iiafd ' to move. Iwurcssnta-
tlvo sales :
tmcsbr.D HCRF.
No. AT. TrrNo. . Ar. t'r.
1 790 1390 1 11&0 1425
4. . . . . . 920 3 90 10 1255 4 36
25 080 aoOr 18 H09 436
7 1034 395 21 1165 436
2 770 400 ( 15 092 485
11 . . . . .1030 405 22 1104 440
17 1015HID1 80 1010 4 40
23 033 4 15 41 1178 4 40
21..1139 4 15 42 1102 4 40
22 894 4,15 22 1078 4 60
21 1057 4'20 81 1181 4 60
18 1023 4v20 > 10 1244 460
22 990 420 20 1328 406
smrrY.vd AND Kxrorvr.
2 1030 3 76 22 11CO 4 50
87 1207 4 45
" ' ' MIXED.
20 C09 d',75 ' 23. . 838 8 90
1 040 2 15 1 000 B 15
1. 1150 225 1 1010 8 85
4 1005 235 2 005 835
3 600 250 1 1100 845
1 1200 275 6 1100 875
1 1000 275 4 032 375
4 047 2 00 1 1200 3 75
1 700 300 2 1170 885
8 710 305 2 1235 400
24 880 U 05
8 500.A..3 50 24 1023 4 30
1 440 3 50 1 140 6 50
1 1020 8 00 1 1GOO 3 20
1 1100 3 00
3 1600 3 55 1 1410 4 00
3 1180 3 75
STOCKKU3 AND rcnnnits ,
1 010 0 35
No. Av. I'r. No. Av. Pr.
4 bulls. . . . 1485 J3 00 1 sir tig. . . . 1170 $300
21 feeders..828 3 00
Mti.Kr.its AND si'inxOKHS.
Icow and calf 80 00
1 cow and calf 28 00
1 cow and calf 25 00
1 springer 25 00
lions Receipts of hozs are seldom very
llbornl ou Monday , but the supply today was
exceptionally light , loss than a llftli as largu
as on Saturday anil only about half as many
ns were received a week ngo. Tlioro was nu
notlcunblo change lu tbo general quality of
tbo olTorlngs. The slilpplng domnnd wns good
and speculators were Incllnt-d to buy. As tbo
olTuilngs were exceedingly limited the compe
tition was actlvo enough to hold prices steady
early , although on tlio early market not n
local liouso bought a hog. Nearly ovorythlni )
at all useful brought 40.70 , and $0.7C
was paid for a cliolco Imtchor weight
load , with u few scatterlnc sales ol
common stuff at JG.50 and $0.05. Urgent
orders wotosooti tilled and then the report ot
a 50c docllno lu Chicago paralyzed tbo trade
born and on what was left and the Into ar
rivals packers bid from $0.30 to SG.50 when
they bid at all. Huslness catno to asuddui :
standstill nnd closed Hat 15c to 25c louoi
than Saturday with several loads still lu flr&l
hands. On Saturday tlio bulk of tbo hogs sold
at $0.05 and $0.75 and on last Monday $0.05 tc
$7.05 bought the bulk. Itopru-ioutntlvo sales :
PllP.Ki1 liut ono load was received. Tboj
were coed wostuin wethers , shorn , average !
82 Ibs and sold readily at $5.05 , a steady price
The demand is good and tbu market.nomlnall ;
steady. Kair to good natives , J4.50&5 76
fair to good western1 ! , $4.005.75 ; commoi
and stock sheep , 82,50S > 4.50 ; good to cholc <
40 to 100-lb lambs , $5.005.25. Ueproseuta
tlvo sales :
No. i Av. Pr.
119 Colorado mixed 82 $405
Kocelpts anil Dlapoiltioii of Stock.
Official receipts and disposition of stock a ;
shown by tlio books ol the Union Stock Yard ?
company for the forty-eight hours ending a
5 o'clock p. in. June 5 , 1893 :
Cblcngn IUo Stock .Mnrkot.
CnroAoo , 111. , Juno 5. [ Special Telegram t
THE HiSE.1 I Tbo cattle market was llfolcs
Tlioro was Itttlo or no Inquiry for export at
count , tbo domnnd from other source
being much loss tban usual , . Sale'
men failed to sustain tbo prices , mo (
orate as was the supplv. Thoi
was a shrinkage In values of all grades of ca
tlo. A fuw bolduis were fortunate enough 1
unload at not more tban from lOc t
15c olT from last week's closing qui
tatlons , but the average decline w :
fully 25c. The only explanation tin
could bo given for tbo Hat condltic
of tlio market was tbo feverish state of tl
llnanclal situation , which makes It Impobslb
for buyers to got tbo usual accommodations i
tlio banks. Tbo receipts were estimated i
15,000 bead , of which number aboi
3,000 were from Texas. The pr
vailing prices for the former were fro
$2.50 to $5 and for the Inttor from $3.25
$3.75. At tbo closn a largo part of tbo supp
remained In tbo sellers' bands and the outlet
for the remainder of the week is not at u
1'ei baps not more than once or twice bofo
slnco "warotlmes" bus as much as from 41
to 60c poi 100 Ibs. been takt
off tbo price of hogs In tl
space of ono day. They slashed tbctn to th
extent today , however , and did It easily. Tl
market did not open quite as bad as Unit. 1
fact there were n few early sales within fro
15cto20cof Saturday's quotations , from
to $7.05 bulngpald in two or tliruo Instance
and ono lot changing bands nt (7.10. Later
the morning igood grades changed bauds :
from $0,75 to $0.80 , while at the close it
doubtful that as much as $0.75 could 1m
been realized for tbo finest In tbo Ian
Itut few shippers were buying , ai
as tbo local demand was at
minimum the 20,000 bogs In tlio pens prov
to bo a gi eater supply tban could bo work
ofl oven at tbo ruinous docllno abo\o noli
Tbo strained condition of the money marli
was the cause asslgni-d for tbu Mump In pric
Tbu bulk of Into sales In bheop was arou
$0GO. In this brunch of the 11 vo block triuli
as In cattle and bogs there was Intense i
prosslon. llocolpts were heavy and buyi
nt hid much lower prices than were p :
on Saturday. Some of the most attract !
pold within from lUc to 15c of tl
day's quotations , but tlio general market v
from-de to2Gc lower. Thobupply was made
almost wholly of Tuxans and westerns. T
former sold off at from J3.2S to $4.80 for IK
to choice and thu latter wuru quoted at in
$3.50 to $5,25 , Tbo market for yearling * u
spring lambs huffored correspondingly.
They woru salable at fiom $4.50 to JO ,
and at from $4.25 tq $7,20 respectively. 'J
day's receipts WITO estimated at 17ODD be
teX HuculptH ! Cattln , 15,000 ; calves , 360 ; lie
X- 22.000 : bin-up , 17,000.
Xn - The Kvonlng Jtrariml reports ;
OATTMJ-Kocolpts,30,000 head ; ahlpmor
4,500 bead ; market Mow at l&S-Ou low
lit prime steers , J5.10a5.75 ; mediums , (4.7
> m I.U5 ; others , iM.iUm.OO ; Tcxaiib , ta.ioa 1.
ro , native co s ,
HoiH-KfcuIptM/aa.Oon head uhlpmer
ho - . ;
7,000 bead ; prlcos ut one tlmo were 30B' '
Ocas Inner , but closiwl fcUmuwhat bolter ; mix
as tO.40iiG.GO ; prltno heavy , JG,7oaG.OO ; llgl
> rs lG.85 < a7,00. '
BIIKEIKncolpttf , ,000 head ; nhlpmni
nt 10,000 bead ; marlot blow at 15&27C low
ou natlvos , $ l,75 a5.60 ; Texiins. H.005.00 ; W (
L 9 , cms , J4.15jfc5.aOi ( liunba , $5,35 0.50.
111 , Bt. I.ouii ; LIve Stuck Market.
Sr. Louis , Mo."June 4. OATIM Hacolp
lOt 3,100 bead ; blilpiilohtH , 1,500 bund : mar
\-y lower on Ti-xaiHr'ilK'ady on natives ; fair to
ck dlnaiy natives , J3.00a4.i5jfulr ! to goodTuxti
5c f3.O04t4.00 ,
llouH Kecclpts , 2,000 head ; shlpmei
ns 4,000 bead ; market opened steady'JOa
ha lower ; boavy , * G,707.00 ; mixed , 6,40ao.
hate light , tO.4O5tG.75.
tiiii'.uiKucolpts. . 4,800 bead ; shlpmoi
ire : ro 3,300 bead : market steady ; natives , H.
Toxaiu , * 4,50 ,
ICnnsan City LIve Stock Market.
Id. KANSAS OITV , Mo. , Juno -OATTLE 1
Id.vo colpts , 5,200 bead ; Milpments , 3 ,
) rs bead ; tbo market , was dull and 10 ®
ny lower ; Texas steers. t3.lryS4.G5j bl
tote ping steers , $4.65.70j nutlvu co
to l.uoa4.26 ; butchers , stock , I3.80U4.
vend stockWH and feeders , (2.603.4.50 ; bulls I
nd mixed , J2.402s4.OU.
to Hous Hecolpts , 2,300 head ; shlpmei
13 3,000 head : tbo market was dull anu wii
c oblng,25 35c lowir ; bulkof salestu.4i > ao ,
: k heavlci , J0.4000.e6j packers. lO.OJiitO ,
llatit , 10,2030 , GO j porkers , ( O.O&ftO.GOj pigs ,
' '
. u'ccclpls , 9,200) ) shipments , 600
head ] market steiuly to strong.
/.v TII ; iDtriitm of ron/i.
Domain Itloher than n Ducliv unit More
TroipcratK tli.xn a Kingdom.
YOUR , Nob. , Juno 2. [ Special Cor
respondence. ] That York county ! nmong
tlm best of all the goo.l counties Is Roncrally
conceded j nil parts of It being accessible to
railroads , while It contains smaller
towns which are good trading points and
liberally patronized by the farmer. There Is
probably no bolter Indication of Its prosper
ity than the mortgage record. ITor the
month of April thcro were thlrty-ono farm
mortgages filed amounting tofl7,81t ! , and the
number released was soveni 'ono , amount
ing to M3H01,5' ' ) . For the sr.m. imuth there
were 103 chattel mortgages lllcd amounting
to sai.IWTi 45 , ntul 113voro released , amounting -
ing to f2r > ,8'JS.r ) > 0. The month of May shows
twenty-live farm mortgages lllcd , amounting
to 33r , > 97.r)0 , anil fifty-two released , amount
ing to $ .V,4G3. TO.
Farm lands In this county are selling at
from $110 to > 0 per acre , ami quite a number
have changed hands the past spring at these
figures. All kinds of grain look remarkably
well at present and late rains are causing
the farmers to wear a winning smllo.
The city of York , the county scat , contains
about 0,000 souls , with the H. & M. , the Fre
mont , Kllthorn & Missouri Valley and the
Kansas City & Omaha railroads running
through , giving her connections with all
parts of the state and the outside markets.
Her stores and business houses carry a nlco
line of goods nnd claim they are doing a good
trade ; her banks , four In number tlio First
National , $ T > 0,000 capital ; York National ,
t 100,000 capital ; Nebraska National , $50,000
capital , and Farmers and Merchants State
bank , $2,1,000 , till have plenty of money to do
their business and each has a nice surplus ;
they are only paying from a to 5 per cent on
tlmo deposits. The clearances for
the city amount to about $05,000
per week. There are thrco quite
important Industries located here.
The York Foundry and Engine company
which does n general foundry nnd casting
business , besides building engines , elevator
and mill machinery , has ncen hero for eight
years , and has a largo plant , employing forty
men. The York Fence works , munufactur-
ing ilfty cars of wire and picket fcnco per
month , is the largest fence factory In the
west , has agencies In over 100 towns and
cities , and employs twenty people in the
factory. The Nebraska News Union nnd
Auxiliary Printing company docs a rushing
business , employing thirty-live hands ana
two power presses.
Five weekly and a daily newspaper do the
rustling for news and got out quite respect
able publications. The daily and weekly
Times by T. 12. Sedgwick , is recognized as
one of the stalwart republican on purs of the
state ; the Republican of the same political
faith its mime implies ; the Press , a demo
cratic organ and the Democrat and Independ
ent carry the indepcndant gospel to their.
readers. .
T. E. ScdRwick , who has recently become
the state printer , is crowding the work aloiiR
and will have the house and senate journals
out by the 1st of September. Hon. Eric
Johnson , clerk of the house , has moved
temporarily to York to road proof on both
journals , owinf,1 to the sickness of Mr. Ed'
wards , secretary of the senate.
While Yorlc lays no claims to bring the
largest manufacturing city in the state , it
employs about GOO mechanics and laborer :
around its several industries , and her people
are building up a sohu little inland city will
full quota of good schools , churches am :
civic societies , and remain steadily anti
rEQir.iniAXs 10 MHET ,
Congress of People AVIio Don't Eat Men
ICcaily to Assemble.
CHICAGO , 111. , Juno 5. The vegetarian
tarian congress tinder tlio auspices o
the "Vegetarian Federal union will opet
in the memorial art palaeo Thursday
Juno 8 , and will continue on the two fol
lowing days , thrco sessions being holt
daily except on Saturday , which will b <
partly devoted to social fea
tures. Miss May Yates , represent
ing the Vegetarian Federal union
is hero from London , making arrange
mcnts for the congress. Miss Ytitos i
an enthusiast in the worlc she roprc
Bents , and her good health and vigor o
intellect are her best arguments jn favoi
of the diet on which she lives. It is t
part of the doctrine of the vegetarian
that grains and fruits are most nourish
ing when oaten raw ; that these food
when properly prepared arc not only tin
best for sustaining bodily strength , bu
they are conducive to habits of temperance
anco and self-control , and are botte
than animal food for keeping the mcnta
faculties in good condition. These ar
the ideas that will bo brought bofor
the vegetarian congress in many form
next week.
The vegetarian movement originate
in England a few years ago , and na
many followers thcro. Medical me
like Dr. Alliubon of London and Di
Kellogg of Battle Creek , Mich. , in thi
country , indorsed it , and it has now
growing membership in this country
Delegates from England to the congres
will arrive in the beginning of th
week and representatives from Gei
many and Australia are expected. Tli
visitors will be given a reception Wet
nosday evening next in the art institute
by the Chicago members of the orgai
Beginning of the Fumnus Murder Cose i
Now Bedford , Sings.
NEW Br.Dronn , Mass. , Juno 5. The trl ;
of Lizzie of Fall River on the charf
of murdering her father , Andrew Jacksc
Bordcn , and her stepmother , Abby Durfn
Borden , -wealthy and highly respoctc
couple , on the morning of August 4 , 18'J a
began hero this morning. Tl
most eminent criminal lawyers
the statoh are employed and to tri
promises to bo most interesting and pro )
ably sensational , with the evidence pure
circumstantial. On the day In question ,
far as known , the only persons la the houi
wltti the old couple were Ll//.Io and a ma
servant , Bridget Sullivan , who was outsli
most of the morning washing window
Borden was out In the morning , return !
between 10 11 o'clock , nnd It w
only a short tlmo afterwards th
Ltz/.io , after a short visit to the barn , call
to the servant to run for a doctor , as 1
father had been murdered. Shortly aft
wards Mrs. Borden was inissod. and scar ;
revealed her body in an upper roe
she having evidently been kill
some tlmo before her hushat
In both cases death resulted from bio
from some heavy , sharp instrument , prol
bly an ax , but tlio instrument of death 1
Is , never been discovered. Certain dlscrep ;
ir > ® ; cies In Llizlo's stories and some other BUS
o ; clous circumstances led to her arrest so
weeks after the murder , and her subscrjuc
ts , indictment.
Tlio I.nat Straw.
' Chicago Tribune : "Orville , " asked M
Ardup , l > are times so vcrv tlKht ?
it ; "Awful , Kacholl awfull" replied Mr. A
bt- up. "There's absolutely no money to
had. "
"Then we'll economize , " rejoined his lit
wfo , cliL-crily. "You were about to go
the barber's. You needn't go. I'll cut yi
hair myself , "
And the wretched man went out and mt
an assignment.
i V
nPilesof people have pUos , ut Dewlt
B l-L.ll'EI ) T1IHM FALSE ,
lloincitoail .Men Ray They Wanted the C
io- DfUlo Oniclali I'rcxrclltod.
iOO Ci.EVii.iNi : > , O. , Juno 5. Hugh Iloss , I
IP- ! 5c prosecuting witness against the Came
oftlclals , the cases against whom were (
missed on the suggestion of the lawyers
prosecution In PittsburgSaturday , Is hero ,
ts , says lawyers played thorn fulso , and (
IK. " 'I ' nilssod cases without consulting him or tether
JO ; other ronresoatativo of men. Ho declu
ho crime away to keep cool , as his mem at
Homestead are hopping mad.
Piles of people have piles , but Do Witt's
Witch Hazel Salvo will euro them.
Nature nml Art Torthor ; Should llcnutlty
the KontUldo.
Garden and Forest : I tlio planting
of trees by village improvement socie
ties both use ami beauty should bo in
cluded in "improvement. " What is
useful and beautiful in ouo case niav bo
unnecessary and unpleasant in another.
The great aim should bo appropriate
ness , for instance , no tree is more
suitable for shading village- streets
than the elm , its high arch
ing branches affording ample shade
for comfort and not enough to keep the
road In n muddy condition after
rain. The old Now Kn gland towns ewe
much of their charm to the waysldo elm.
I refer especially to villages and towns
where houses and shops are close to
gether. Outside of towns , on inland
highways , long level strctclic ? of elms
may bo used ollectlvoly , especially
where clusters of houses at short inter-
nls form a soml-dotached villacro.
[ Micro are many other line shade trees
vhich may bo planted for- variety the
> ak , maple , beech , chestnut and linden.
The tulip tree has recently been sug
gested for roadside planting , but it la
ot a graceful tree for this miropso.
For a shade tree along much frequented
nlaud roads the elm has an evident ad-
antago over conicully shaped trees. It
.a admirably adapted also for planting
) ti homo and school grounds and for
'hade in Holds. Along less frequented
roads , in many places , no trees bhould
bo planted at all.
I have in mind a country road where
occasional white birches have grown up
'rrcgularly , and maples had recently
) ccn planted on cither side. In boveral
nstancos a young maple was bob out dl-
cctly under a good sized birch. The
now trees might have been grouped
naturally at intervals for shade , and
thus made to harmonize with the irreg
iilar birches , but thoolTect of this plant
ing was formal in the extreme. I know
: ilso a triangle by a country highway
where u few pitch pines at one end have
been lett in a group. I doubt if any one
would have thought of planting pines in
such a spot in such a manner , but the ef-
Icct of this natural arrangement is both
interesting and beautiful.
As a rule our country roadsides are al
their best when planted by nature.
Open views on ono or both sides of the
way , alternating with shady spaces , are
vastly more attractive than continuous
monotonous , artificial planting. Occa
sionally wo ben a piece o
road on which trees wouh
bo an improvement , especially
where a now way has been cut throiigh
a bare region. But often nothing is
wanted beyond leaving the bushes and
vines unharmed. Now and then there
is an obtrusively ugly spot where an ad
joining bank of the highway has been
dug out for gravel or blasted for rock.
In sucn a spot a clump of English
beeches or white birches in the for0t
ground would quickly soften the clTcc c
In repairing our roads care should b.
taken not to disturb the wild roses , bar.
berries , elderberries nnd many other delightful
lightful shrubs and flowers , where they
with flourish and multiply if left alone :
if these have been disturbed it would be
well to replace them.
If more trees are desired ior a tree-
lined seashore road with occasional
stretches affording glimpses of the ocoar
other kinds than inland pines bhould be
chosen. These bhould not bo sot regu
larly in a row , but in occasional groups ,
Willows , and in some especially adapted
places a row of Lombardy poplars , liar
inonizo with marsh or bea. An objeetior
to Lombardy poplars may bo made because
cause they are not long lived ; but where
the ' 'fomali complaints" and
weaknesses thr.t make woman's
lifo n misery. They're cured , by
Dr. 1'icrco's Favorite Proscription.
For all the derangements , disor
ders , and diseases peculiar to the
box , this is the only remedy so
certain that it can IHJ guaranteed.
It it over foils to bcnclit or euro ,
you huvo your money back.
It's a legitimate medicine for
woman , carefully adapted to her
dclicato organization , nnd never
conflicting with nny of her condi
tions. It regulates and promotes
nil the proper functions , builds un nnd in
vigorates the cntiro system , and restores
lienlth nnd strength.
Are you weak , nervous nnd ailing , or " rundown -
down "nnd overworked ? Then it will bring
you special help. It's the mothers friend. It
lessons pain : and insures life of both mothci
and child.
Don't decide that your Catarrh is hopeless
eiinply because you haven't yet found a euro ,
Dr. Sago's Catarrh Remedy cures just BUC !
cases completely. Its proprietors offer $5X (
reword for on incurable coso of Catarrh.
they nro planted nt rnro Intervals
boauly , not for shndo , they cnn bo r
placed atlor n number of years.
INSTRUMENTS placctFon record Juno 5./ /
18931 / ,
wAtinANtr nr.r.nj. > . ,
Sophia Lar on and husband to Vf 1) f
lllm-kwoll , lot 14 , block 2 , Smith &
\Vllllams subdlv ( 100
O W Amos and Tvlfoto I'niil Kosnck ,
lot 15 , block 1 , Ames I'lnco 400
M .T 0 Uynn and husband to T I' llnc.-
crty , o'.iof ' s i < block 4 , 2d add to
t'nrrlgnn I'lnco , , . . , . . . . . .
Jnrob Keller and wlfo to William
llackmaii.umllv U tot 15 , block 8 ,
Itonson. , , , . * 860
Kdwaid I'hnlon ntululfoto r A llroit- ; )
well , o 55 feetlots Innd'J.block 111 ,
South Omaha 2,000
PA llroadwcll and wlfo to 1'ersons ft
llorry , umllv 14 same 1,000
Union Stock Ynrds t'o to Anna Novak , I
Int 7 , block 10 , 1st add to South ,
Omaha . . . . 850 ;
O W Ames nnd wlfo to M O Diixon , lot t
24 , block 2 , Amrs1 I'lnco. 400 ,
1/ow Avvnuo Torrnco Hnlltllng u socl * 1
ntlon to V L PurbWi , lot 10 , block 8 , <
I'oppUMon park.
Jncob KtMidls and wlfo to Abram and I
llotsy Monsky , lots 18 anil 10 , block
0 , Albright's Aniiov. . . . COW
L It Seymour to L K IMsko lot 20 , block coA
2 , Seymour's add . .
1' A llultman mid wlfo to Aunlu Nol-
BDII o'i lot2 , block 45 , Omalia 7,000 .
A II Norton to J U S Myers , 10 ncros
In so sw 3-15-10 , commencing at no
corner , . . . . . . .
Ballon Hanking company to H 0
Francis , lots 2 and 3 , liomlngton's
VfV Nine and wlfo to II W Huntress ,
lot 15 , block 1 , 1'lnliivluw
E J Hush ( special master ) to HA Henson -
son , lot 10 , block 2 , Mnyno I'lnco. . . . .
Same to same , lot 8 , siimo 73r' 5
Same to bamo , lot 15 , same. . . . _ _ _ Z _ i'i
Total amount of transfers t 17,43lCl
yjl i
It Cures ColJa , Coughs. Sore Throat , Croun , Influ
enza , Whooping Cough , Bronchitis nndAithma.
A certain cure for Consumption In first stie"i
end a sure relief In advanced sV [ rcn. Vie nt once.
You will sec the excellent cffsct ifttr tihinj ths
first do o. Bold by dealers everywhere.
Stand at the Head.
For thirty years !
Ditcher Watch Cases j.
have been endorsed by |
every piomincntdc.ilcr
in tlsc United States.
The Due her trade-
mat k hi this country
Utul the Hall mark lra
jjEnglnnii arc a [ juaran- , !
/Ice / of ptiic inclal. 17-
jcvel llampdcn move
ments iu IJuebcr cases ,
- - - Bland al the head. ,
If your ilcali-r ilocs not Iccrp our watcliea , mall 1
us your nddruss amio will send you the name , I
of n dealer who dots , TUB UUJOIEU WATCU
, Uauton.O ,
The Cele
brated Non-
Spectacl cs
and Eye
Glasses for
sale in Om
alia by
Union StocX Yards Company ,
South Opnalia.
nest Cattle Uo andSliao ? market In llio wait.
COM Ml S 510 'I HO USZ S.
Wood Brothers.
Uvo Ftoclt Commission .Mercliunti
Eo-ith Omalin Tclcpliono 1157.
WAi/rnu v. WOOD ,
MnrUot rPiiortsliy inn.ll nnd wlro chcorfiillj
riilbho.l uijoii i.illo.uion. | )
atal OMAHA
3n U
2Cla ,
ialD Omaba Tent- Awning WoMBros&Co. ,
Manufucturorsof Tonti ,
so n covniis , Annlniii. otc , Vli and
.so 1113 Karnnra Streot. 705 S. IClhSlroel ,
do BAGS & TWINES Bemis Omaha Bag 1
as Importer * unit mixnufno- 1
mt turon of Hour lacki , 1
led burlftf. ' twlno. 1
ch Morsc-Coe Shoe Company.
mi ,
led ° /RK / .r..t .
nd. F
, of llooli and
. Manufacturer
IWS We we too osi.r
ba- Bbr.V.n.ff , ' mV.taU . oif eaaa * to u to m.p..i
lias our new factory.
iiime | Klrfcendall , Jones & Amcp , Hand-Sewed
me ' . Wholesale
COMl'ASV. . . . tioet
mfr , agents lloston
ud rubber Rood"MO \ -
UrbbarHUoo Co. IIW- .
ligMIOOHarnoy Htreel Ulii li-iniDy
rdbo Omaha Coal , Colte& Eagle Cornice WorKs
bottle Mf n gsl r ril fl.1 Iron cor-
I.I ME CO.litrd nndiMt ulce , ln < l3.w cops. m '
ttlo coal , H. 1C. cor. loth unj Uodjonrool , ,
Iiuuglnt Street , and UIU
ado M. E. Smith&Co. Kilpatrick-KocliDry
Dry goodi , notions , fur- Notloni , Konti1
It's rletiln * KUUI | , corner | nu foods , cur.
lltU anil llowiril all. l Urnoy rJlft
Omaba Upholstering Bebee & llunyan
the Upholstered Jurnlture. ' VUIINITOKE
Nlctiolm ol-
Wle cd.13.t . . > > Strco
Rector & Wilhelmy Lobcclt & Linn ,
Doalera tn linrlvrnra anq
Corner 10th and Jnckion tni'ihnnlci1 louts ,
btruott. HJI Douulai Htroet ,
W. A. L , Gibbon & Co Omalia Safe and iron
\Vlioleaalo WOKK4 ,
Hats , citps , iirnw good ! , Fnfeirnulli , ] all woo
Kloorei , mlltoni. lull Iron bliiittun na < l lire v L
und llarnebtroett. . c.ipoi. ( Jin Anareau , | tj |
and Juc'Luon
John A , Wakclielil ,
lmport5dAii ' > rlo n Tort-
land tuinant , Mltwou-
kua ( oment um ] Qulucj
wliltu limn.
FricK & Hcitort , I. Oberfelder , & Cw
liniurtir | nnd ] obi > r * |
Wuolciale liquor dAle of nilhtnerjr , notluni.l
Mnll uriluri I'ruiuiUI
1001 Knrnam St. Illluil. W-t',1 U. llth.
Carpenter Paper Co Standard Oil Co./ / ]
Cirrjr a full utoclc of
lirlntlniil nrnpplng anil ItellnuJ and lubricating ]
nrltlnic paperi , cirJ
puperi , olc * ell , ailo sreaiu , ate ,
Branch & Co. Jas. A. Clark & Co. ' } ]
Produce , frulti of all flutter , cuocie.
puullry nJg uju.
klndi.ojiteri. | [ H. | 3lh ( " ( root ,
Omalia Stove Hepair MA. Disbrow&Ctt
\VOIIKB. Hlore rcmlr | llnDutacluton of * u.
and trtterullHOliuiuuK duor > . bllndi nu4l
tor auj kind of iloru uiouldlngi. Urtnoaof *
ud * . flg * 13tU and lurd.