Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 06, 1893, Page 3, Image 5

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[ Ctlltcre.1 ly fftrrl r < o any putt ot > clty
i'H ' , W. TU/TON , - MANAOEIl
IBmlneMOfflce..t No. X3
t rn tftnir ' MFH
fCEXihl'IICNhH f Nijtiit Kdllor No. 23
.1I/.VO/1 .VICAT/O.V.
N. Y. Plumbing Co.
Boston store Juno sahi now on.
Nllcs paints buggies. 402 Broadway.
Mlltonbcrgcr is the halter , fXG Broadway.
ft A marriage license was issued yesterday
io J. W. IJIHIn and Mao Downs , both of
lcola. Thotr ages wcro U2 and 18.
} The chhln gang was up at work yesterday
[ Nornlng cleaning up the debris which was
Icposlted on the paved streets by the storm.
' The second shoot of the Council Bluffs
Sun club will bo held this afternoon nt the
froundn west of Keys Bros.1 factory. All
{ ro Invited to bo present.
{ Thc raso of Frank Bokompcr against
fnhcrlff llazen , In which the ownership of the
Fixtures of the old Paclllo house bar Is In
yisputo , Is now on trial In the district court.
L' . The verdict of the Jury in the case of the
Ulttlo Slonx Savings hank against IJ. F.
Krccnmn was opened In the district court
fvcstcrdny morning and found to bo for the
+ A young man named Johnson , who Is In
Vhc employ of the motor company as lino-
'Jlan , Is suffering from a badly burned arm
.ml face , caused by contact with a live wire
vhllo trvlng to repair the Insulator.
. .tTho ladles of St. Paul's Guild will be en-
Hertalnod this afternoon at the residence of
II. W. Tilton , on Fifth avenue , by Miss
xca , assisted by Miss Howe , Mrs. I.ougce ,
, Mlss IJHInti Jackson and Mrs. I ovctt.
It Judge McCco opened a term of the su-
loerlor court yesterday afternoon , but did no
ouslncss beyond amjouncliiK that this after-
loon at 2 o'clock the docket will bo called
Mid the assignments for Iho term made.
. Dr. M. J. Bellinger lost a line Hamblc-
I'tonlan ' colt in the Saturday night storm.
IiTho animal was standing in the pasture ,
I'wcstof Manawa , a long way from any trco
Z'-or ' other object that might have attracted
I the current , and was found Sunday morning
Jllvlng in his tracks , killed by a lightning
The ordinance repealing the ordinance cro-
xtlm ; licensed engineers bobbed up for sec-
Ljnd rending , but Woods objected on the
vzround that ns chairman of the ordinance
Lcommlttco ho had never seen this ordinance
[ and It was therefore referred to his desk for
f-pcrusal. The engineer's ordinance has never
H.bccn enforced , and Mayor Walker is opposed
Yto Its over becoming a law. Others nro do-
Jislrous to see It go through.
! : ) It has just been learned that Jay Wordcn ,
' Is under indictment for committing half
i dozen burglaries , has had similar cxperi-
ienccs. ; An Omaha ofllccr who looked into
I the county jail recently Identified Wordcn as
jfa boy who was arrested In Omaha a year or
| ! , io ABO on the charge of burglary. lie spent
fallout , three months In jail at that tune , hut
; vas finally discharged on account of n tech-
ulcalltv. This fact will tend to discreaso
JSvhat little sympathy the public now feels
T.for him on account of his extreme youth.
Ed Middloton had a hearing before Justice
[ Fox yesterday afternoon on the charge of
JstcalinE a horse belonging to Clarence
Ijxnvis , a hnrdcr. Several witnesses wcro
-summoned and from them the facts In the
case wcro learned to ho as stated in ycster-
bay's HBB. It seemed to bo the impression
thatMlddleton could not bo hold for larceny ,
Vbut if n charge of trespass had been pro-
' fcrrcd against him It could have been made
, to stick. The court asked for time to con-
' Ider the matter and will render his decision
this morning. _ _
Grconshiolds , Nicholson ft Co. hnfe
moved their real estate ofllco to 000
Broadway , opposite postolllcc. Tel. 151.
liny I.nml lor Jtcnt.
Hay land for rent in lots of from 20 to
800 acres. B. Marks , Council BlittTs.
Stop at Iho Ogden , Council Bluffs , t\p
"best 32.00 house in lown.
Vanntta & Sweet , attyf , Everett blk.
Miss Belle Fuller of Mount Pleasant Is in
4ho city lor a visit with friends.
George II. Uiclunond lias returned from n
Business trip to Wisconsin , and will spend a
; Week with his family hero.
i Peter Fuchs leaves today for I ako Mlnne-
; ' tonka , where ho has a position with a yaud
' ; during the summer months.
Mrs. Dee Wright of Salt Lake City Is In
rtho city , the guest of the family of W. H.
Kemp , on .South Seventh street.
] John Xarn , accompanied by his daughter
Clara , of Platte City. Mo. , is in tlio city
. ' visiting his hrothcr-in-hiw , George Gcrner
and family. Ho will remain ahout two
| wooka.
Miss Kate Corner returned last evening
I from Helena , Mont. , wlioro she has been
( visiting relatives since last October , nntl
vill Uo at homo in this city for soveru
Mayor N. D. Lawrence and ivlfo will leave
[ tomorrow for Chicago , where they will spent
lihreo or four weeks visiting the fair. Thoj
Lvlll bo acconiianlcd ] by their daughter , Mrs
iMonpoll of Omaha.
Manawa trains will run daily from to
llay , loavinp Broadway I ) and 11 u. in.
Imd every hour from 1 p. m. until 9 p. m
Music for halls , parties , picnics , so
.Mais , oto. , hy Muoicians Union. .T. K
| ? ollott , Mgr. , 400 D'way , Council BlulTs.
Court AmiltfumcMt.
The following cases have boon assigned foi
Lrlal tn the district court for the latter par
[ if thit ) week and Monday of next :
I' Thursday , Juno 8. Ogden Iron Work
Ligalnst Carrigg , Hoffmaycr against Jopscn
lot nl. , Davenport against Wright ct nl ,
Iwickham Bros , against Judd-Wclls Co.
( Wlckhnm Bros , against Judd-Wolls Co. otal.
i Tullcr fi Johnson Manufacturing Co. ugalns
illccd , treasurer ; Frrnam , trustee agalns
Palmer , administrator , ot al. ; Gage ot al
( against Itlmball-Clmmp Investment Co.
L Friday , June 0. Way against Loring
( Portsmouth Savings Bank against Shea
[ Larlo against Schcfcrll ot al. , Kinport
against Oborholtzcr , Davenport , ndminis
I trator , against First National Bank of Coun
ell Dlufts. nc
i Saturday , Juno 10. Mc.Millen npnlnst Me
I Milieu , Gilbert against City , Martin ot cil.
against Archer , Wlckham against Price J
[ llcstor.
Monday , Juno 12. Ehvcll against Kimbal ,
i ft Champ , Young & Co" against Johnsor
i Kchurz against Koblenz et al , , Wrlgh
ngalnst Ilnnnnn , receiver ; Plepcr agains
Bogcrt ct nl. , Nashua Trust Co. , trustr <
! against Patrick.
Trn lny t tlioVorlil'i I'ulr.
Itwlll cost you less than S50.00 , ovor.\
, Ihinp necessary included. This mean
, . homes in private cottage , clean , wifi
close to k'rouiula and on Iho huach c
'Lake Michigan. Write to .T. T. Chyiu
woth. Windsor Park , ill. Refora to I ]
"Vmtonof TJIEDKK. or Jacoh Sim
of Sims & Bainhrldgo , Council BlulTs.
I'ruo hliutr Tickuts.
Horo'a your chance to jot a frco ticke
to the show next Friday. With over
85 purchase at Brown's C.O.I ) , m-ocor
this week n'frco ticket will bo given fo
Cook & Whitby'B circus.
Have Nporlal.
It * has been decided to.Imvo . a special tra !
leave here at G10 : ! o'clock on tha morning i
Juno H over the Northwestern railroad , ft
the accommodation of tlioso who wish to a
tend the state Ill-omen's tournament at Sloi
City , A Inrgo delegation will go from th
city , nnd It is expected that the lown del
gallon will accompany them. Among tl
party will bo the Council Bluffs runnlr
team , the drum corps , and the Yctcru
Firemen's association.
Bloticnr A ItaiiiUett' * Ice Cream.
Try Motzgnr & Randlolt's pure an
delicious ice creams and ices and yc
will onlor no other ,
Lost Small gold maltose cross , foi
eels. Return to Morris Bros. ' new she
tore , GOO Broadway.
Verdict of the Coroner's ' Jury in the Recent
Motor Accident ,
Hit Actloni Crltliilted by the Cltlicns
_ Motorman I'urr Mail Superintendent
Stone Held to tlio Orand Jury
Wluro tlio HUme ItetU.
The coroner's Inquest over the death of 12.
F. Holmes , who was killed In the Main
street motor accident , was completed yester
day afternoon , Instead of In the evening , as
was announced at the close of last Friday's
session. What happened is not known in
detail save to the coroner , the Jurymen and
the witnesses , for the coroner Issued an
order excluding all outsiders from the pro
ceedings. Hoportcrs and representatives of
the dead man's estate were nllKo under the
ban , nnd the only record that Is kept of the
proceedings are the very Imperfect notes
kept by the coroncr'himself , the short hand
reporters who took notes of all the preced
ing days' sessions having been included in
the order of exclusion.
J. K. Ulxby , J. W. Hoyman , Herman Parr ,
the motor man , George Burke , the conductor ,
and Miss Maud Bryant wcro the witnesses
examined. Miss Bryant stated Unit Just be
fore the accident the motor stopped nnd then
started up again suddenly , convoying the
Impression to her that thoconduetorsaw tbo
train ami was trying to pass ahead of it.
DParr stated that at the switcttija short
distance cast of the crossing ho received a
severe shock from the brake , and ran the
rest of the distance intervening between
the switch and the crossing without his
hand on the brake , so as to avoid any moro
shocks. When ho saw the train ho put his
hand back on the brake , but sustained an
other shock that almost paralyzed his arm
nnd covered his eyes with a sort of Him thut
prevented hint from realizing Just what was
going on about him.
The conductor , Burke , when asked why
ho old not pull the trolley from the wire
when ho saw the danger Impending , stated
that ho thought the motorman was trying to
reverse his current , und saw that for him to
pull off the trolley would bo to frustrate the
motorman's plans.
After the evidence had been heard the
jurymen retired and soon after returned n
verdict In which they held that the motor
company was partly responsible for the
accident and recommended that the case be
turned over to the grand jury nt its next
session. It also directed that both Superin
tendent A. 1C. Stone and the motorman ,
Herman Parr , bo held , the former because
ho revoked the old rule requiring conductors
to Hag the trains , and the latter because ho
attempted to cross in front of the freight
Much criticism has been expressed on the
action of Coroner Seybcrt in this case. It
has been evident from the start that ho was
opposed to giving the case the sifting it de
served , and during the last day or two it has
been just as evident that ho desired to pre
vent the public , and even the friends of the
dead man , who had a right to be interested ,
from learning the facts that might bo
brought out during the inquest. The end of
the matter has not yet been reached by any
means , however , and the information that
the friends and family of the deceased have
been deprived of will come out in another
Pasturap-o for howca and cattle on
George V. Wright's farm adjoiiiingc ity
limits on south ; 600 aeren blue grass ,
running wator. For terms apply to
Jiiincu Raph , on farm , or at Carbon Coal
company , 10 Pearl street.
Protect your homes against destruc
tive storms. W. C. James has the
strongest companies in the world.
Williamson & Co. . 108 Main street ,
largest and best bicycle stock in city.
Gco. S. Davis , prcscriinion druggist
TIIltii : UliNT FA It 12.
City Council Flimtly Makes n I'iis at tlio
O. & C. II. llrulK" Company.
The city council held its regular monthly
meeting last evening n meeting which will
pass down into history as the ono at which
the councilman , for the first time in their
lives , made a bold stagger at brineing the
, motor company to terms. The first biff was
not a very hard one. but it was something.
Alderman White Introduced un ordinance
that read as follows :
Ho It ordained by the city council of Council
UlulK lu. :
Suction 2 N'o corporation or person owning
or upur.-.tlnz u street car or electric motoi
llnu.overnnd along Hroadway N trout and ave
nue A or part thereof of the city of found
Hind's , In. , shall demand , charge or receive
moro than U cents for the trails
pnrtatlon of any person from the
.iitoi-siictlon of Hroadway and 1'lrsl
! Hi roots to the western boundary of
tlio stuto of Iowa or for any part of Biicli dis
Sec. 2. Any corporation or person owning 01
operating aHtrrut car or electric motor llnuovci
und along thu streets and avenues or any purl
thereof or olther of them referred to In sec
tion 1 hereof , violating tlio provisions of si'C'
tlon 1 hereof shall Im subject to n UnooftlOC
for ouch and every Mich violation ,
Some ono suggested that Main street
Fifth avenue and all the other street :
where the motor company is opcratinf
ought to be included , and the ordinance wa ;
referred to the city attorney for revision.
A proposition from the plaintiff in tlio suit
of Tuber against the city , to settle forlH (
and costs was referred to the committee o.
the whole , to bo reported on next Momlnj
: The city engineer was Instructed to report
a grade on Monona nnd Test streets.
: The city marshal was Instructed to abate
the nuisance on Ninth street near Broadway
In the shape of water nud coal piles.
The matter of doing away with the Man
awi motor switch at the same place was re
fcrrcd to the city attorney to ascertaiu whu
rights the city hits.
The cold resolution Instructing the cit.i
treasurer lo withhold the money lu tin
park fund from the park commissioners , except
i1' copt on the production of warrants , was re
Iss scindcd.
s- Alderman Smith Introduced an ordlnanci
n- requiring all motor trains to bo stopped no1
less than twenty feet from railway crossing
c- and the conductor to preccdo his train ovu
il. the crossing , and llxlng A line of not les
& than flu nor moro than $100 for each viola
tlon. The ordinance was passed under tin
,11n suspension of the rules.
, An ordinance requiring tha park commie
lit MOULTS to make annual reports to the cit ;
ste council of all money received and expcndci
e , by them was passed under a suspension o
the rules.
An ordinance forbidding the offering o
any diseased or unwholesome meat or vegc
V tables for sale anil providing lor a line of no
IISo less than tJ5 ! for violations , was read thre
, times and referred to thu health committee
ofo The moat and milk inspection ordinunc e.c
o- was amended by the addition of certain sec
oI. . lions , requiring the inspector to visit cacl
I..IS dairy In or about the city twice a mont
during the year nnd sco that the cattle wcr
free from disease and supplied with propc
ot The city meat nnd milk Inspector rcportei
oty that the apparatus now owned by the clt ,
y for testing milk was insullicient and rccon
ry mended that the city purchase a Babcoc
erIn tester.
A resolution thanking Colonel Addlso
Cochran for his gift of the west end park 1
the city wns unanimously adopted.
In LTlie committee to which was referred tl
of matter uf fixing boundaries for herding cu
'or tlo recommended that all ground west i
it- Twenty-sixth street nnd between the Unlc
itux Pacific tracks und Fifth avenue , bo allowc
its to bo used for herding purposes , The repoi
lo- was concurred in and an ordinance cental
loho Ing thu desired provisions was passed.
The committee on the proposed Indlii
un crook brldgu on Mynster street recommcudc
that action bo | > ostponud ono year on uccoui
of lack of money in the bridge fund. Tl :
report was concurred in.
The report of special committee aversely
vorsely to paying the expenses of tbo lu ,
suit which M. Wclkcr incurred while actii
as city meat iiispuotor was adopted , Whi
voting uo. t
ur The question of putting In new fleer
oo No. 4 hose house was referred back to t
commlUccfor au eitltnato of tbo probal
cost. The flro eommlltca wi\ § Instructed to
have a now roof put on No. 0 houso.
Report of the committee against the
plnclmro. an eloctrlo light nt the corner of
Urondway nnd Sixth street was concurred In.
On lu tha City Clerk's Omc Ilnr *
n l.lttlo Scnre.
A lot of city records that wcro taken to
the court iiodso a number nt years ngo for
safekeeping nnd have there accumulated
must and dust , were moved to their now
resting plnco in the city building yesterday
morning , E. J. Abbott wns superintending
the job of moving them nnd putting them
tmaya In the city's archives. Several men
who wcro doing the soclalblllty net In the
city clerk's ofllco were surprised by the sud
den nppcnranco nt the door , of Abbott , with
blanched face and chattering teeth.
"W-w-w-hat d'ye anpposo this Is ? " said ho ,
ns ho hold n long , dark object out to the view
of the spectators. It looked as though it
might bo a plcco of gas tilpo , nnd there wns
n mysterious look nbout It that Instantly
brought the word "dynnmlto" to the llpi of
someone. There wns n scnttcrntlon , nnd no
ono seemed anxious to rollovo Abbott of his
unwelcome burden. Gradually , however , Jho
crowd gathered around and began to specu
late ns to what the bomb might contain , nnd
what object anyone could have In trying to
blow up the court house or the city building.
"Let's have It. " llnally exclaimed City
Clerk Xurmuehlcn , waving a screw driver In
the air , and ns ho spoke n determination to
dlo for his country If ncccssnry spread over
his face and made his careworn features
almost beautiful. The crowl gathered about
him at a respectful distance nnd watched htm
pry away on the scaling nt the end of the
pipe , fully expecting to sco tils hcnd nnd
his heels part company nnd start out to sco
the world In opposite directions. Hut they
wcro woefully disappointed. There wns not
'tho slightest sign of n sensation of that
kind , nnd when nt last the scaling was
broken nnd n dirty , whitish cake of powdery
stulf fell out there wns a look of disgust
upon the features of the people who had
been fully expecting annihilation a few min
utes before. The "bomb" was Ignomlnl-
ously chucked out Into the street and fell
with n d , s t that proclaimed it
entirely harmless. It wns a sample cake of
cement , a reminiscence of public improve
ments of by-gone years.
Among the most attractive features
under the canvass are city trained and
educated animals , charming , intelligent
creatures , whoso bewildering perform
ances are without parallel !
Competent and experienced trainers
are employed the year round , develop
I up and expanding brute education.
Animals that will talk !
Animals that will please !
Animals that will amazol
Animals that will aniuso !
Animals that will astonish !
Great reduction in milllnory at Miss
Ragsdalo's , 1137 Broadway.
Dnncoroutt Mun Trap.
There is a place in tlio western part of the
cify which demands the immediate attention
of the city authorities. It is the Indian
creek bridge on Seventh avcnuo , The south
foul-path connects with the road on the cast
end , but on the west there is a jumping oil
place which would drop a man thrco or four
feet. Luckily It is the north side or the
bridge which is used almost entirely , so that
accident have so far been avoided. Tlicro
is nothing in the world , however , to prevent
the south side from being used
as well , excepting the fact that there
Js ncr sidewalk on that side of the
slreet. Any one unacquainted with the lay
of the land passing along on n dark night
would very likely bo hurled over the end of
the bridge nnd a big damage suit ngaitist the
clly would bo Iho inevitable result. 11 Is a
pure matter of luck that such a thing has
not happened already. Tlio city authorities ,
who lost the city $3,1100 a week or so ago by
their recklessness in allowing the Interstate
Street Hallway company to keep North
Eighth street obstruclcd with Its pieces of
track , have learned n lesson , it Is to bo
hoped , and will doubtless do something to
prevent more expensive litigation.
Another improvement to the popular
Schubert piano. Swanson Musio Co
Cook yot" meals this summer on a gas
range. At cost at < ho Gas company.
Nice trimmed hats for 81.00 at Miss
Ragsdale's , 837 Broadway.
SiiporvimirH Aleut.
The June session of the board of county
supervisors opened yesterday morning , and
all of the members wcro present , with' the
exception of J. R. Black , who appeared durIng /
Ing the afternoon. Koutino business of but
little public interest formed the larger part
of the day's labors. A pelilion was pro-
senled from tl.o residents of Neola , asking
that the Nrola Uenortur bo made an official
organ of Iho board and allowed lo print no
] tices for its benefit. The petition was
granted and the Hcportcr will bo allowed to
charge half the regular advertising rates.
The judges of the district court had a peti
tion in aslung the board to purchase a sot of
Iowa reports and digests for the Avoca court
house. This petition was also allowed and
County Auditor Matthews was authorized to
make the purchases. Most of the afternoon
was taken up with the report of the county
' assessor and the equalization of assessments.
Piles of people have piles , but Dowitt's
Witch Hazel Salvo will euro them.
t.g The Grand Hotel ,
g s Council BlulTs. Tno most elegant in
Iowa. Dining room on seventh Moor.
t Rate , $3.00 and S5.00 a day. E. P. Clark ,
) Prop.
Pure ice
From Missouri river channel.
Mulholluud& Co , , Brown building.
Telephone 102.
Alumni Itoccptlon.
The members of the Alumni association of
i- the Council Bluffs High school held a meeting
: last evening at the superintendent's olllco to
make arrangements for the regular annual
reception of the alumni. The meeting was
largely attended. It was decided to
have the reception on the evening
of Juno 10 , but the plnco is
yet to bo fixed , The following
committees wcro appointed : Arrangements ,
Mrs. Paulson , Mrs. Ware , Mrs. Kisser , the
Misses Payne , Hart and DcGroat. Messrs.
Balrd , Mayno and Sawyer , On banquet ,
George Mayne , Mrs. Kisser. Mrs. Tucker ,
the Misses Xurmuuhlcn and Carrie Morgan.
The following olllcers wuro also selected for
Iho coming year : President , Mrs , W. H.
Ware ; secretary , Mrs. Kisser ; treasurer ,
G. H. Mayno.
Piles of people nave piles , but Do Witt's
Witch Huzul Salvo will cure them.
I'rofusnor Won tlio Huoe.
W. Webber of the Turner Wheel club nnd
e. H. Sutorius of the Omaha Wheel club pcd
nlcd n race from the cast end of the bridg 0
cih to the Nortcvveslein depot and return lasl 0t
ihHi evening for i-'i.'O n hide and eighteen kegs 01
Hire beer. After a hot chase , In which then
ro was a tumble or two , the representative ol
oren the Omahas won by a rod or two ,
Two hlcamiira Ashore.
SIIUIIOVGAK , Mich , , Juno 5 , The steatnci
Puritan is ashore at Macklnao island ant
the steamer Poloskoy is ashore on Hoi :
on Bluuc island on account of lust night's hcuv ;
to fof.
Much Business Transacted by the Oily Oonn-
cil4 Night ,
I ' 3
Suggestion Mode toi Compel tlio filreot
Itnlhrny Comparty' In Cron the Yin-
duct by Taxing III Polci In
tlio Ev ntnof llofumli
All members Ot tlio South Omaha city
council were prcscrlC ; Inst night. Mayor
Wnlkcr has rognlnod his health and occu
pied the chair. City Attorney "Van Duscn ,
who never misses n session of the council ,
dealt out his legal advice In a pleasant man
ner , Flro Chief Fred Smith smllca In antici
pation of his approaching vacation. Street
Commissioner Tobias had many washouts to
report nnd there wns n raft of routine busi
ness to handle. There has been much com
plaint by members that the council convenes
almost nn hour Into each session and last
nlpht was no exception to the rulo.
Bills amounting to $78T .75 were allowed ,
C. Wcidoinnn wns granted n liquor license.
On motion of Bulla , grade will bo estab
lished on N street from Twentieth to
Eighteenth , on Seventeenth from Missouri
avenue to M street , ntul on Nineteenth
street from M to N streets.
Itrport * nl City Officer * .
Chief of Police Beckett's report for May
shows the following arrests : Drunks ,
thirty-two ; suspicious characters , twenty-
three ; vagabonds , forty ; petit larceny ,
seven ; prostitutes , sixteen ; obtaining
money under false pretense , ono ; disturbing
the pence , thirty-two ; assault and battery ,
one ; violating ordinance two , disposing
of mortgaged property , two ; burglary ,
one ; total number 157.
J. M. Tobias , street commissioner , re
ported the damage by Saturday night's
storm ns published In Tun Bcc , stating ttmt
ho had found all Iho bad places. Ho stated
that about ! 100 foot of sidewalk had been
washed away hi Albright and considerable
of It was lost. In hundreds of places the
sidewalks Jmd been moved and dropped
down. Ho called the attention of the coun
cil to the dangerous condition of the side
walk In front of lot C , block 70 , on Twenty-
sixth street , also lot 113 , block 81 , on U
Clark Howard , inspector nt the stock
yards , reported that during May ho had
condemned six head of cattle , average price
5-1 per head.
Montgomery & Dowd as attorneys nsltod
$1,000 elamages on account of clmngo of
grade in the alley between Twenty-fifth and
Twenty-sixth , fromM to N streets.
On account of sand and clay being washed
from the alloy onto Ins lot , 0 , block 113 ,
John F. Murphy asked the council to relm
burse his loss.
The chief of police was Instructed to notify
In writing the property owners to repair
the sidewalks where they are dangerous at
once. The city attorney said that these
dangerous places should bo fenced In at once ,
and free the city from danger of suits for
damaec. On motion of Conlcy the street
commissioner was empowered to make all
necessary repairs on streets and employ
what help he needs at once.
Ex-Counciliuan IohnJ. O'ltourkoaddressed
the council on needed repairs on the streets
in the Third want. IIo referred especially
to a bad place at Thirtieth and Ryan streets
and the road along the pond at Jetter
C. M. Hunt handed In a long communlca'
tion asking f500 damages on account of bad
paving and guttering adjacent to bis build
ing at Twenty-sixth and N streets.
To Tax tlio I'olcB and Wires.
Bulla reported , 'that his committee had
waited on the manager of the street rail
way company to ask tlicm to complete their
line across the Viaduct , but wns told that
ono of the directors was sick and could not
attend lo the matter at once. Mr. Smith
s.\id ho would bring the matter before Ills
company. This comnyttco has been at work
on this ono errand for.about a month and has
been unable to get any satisfaction.
After Bulla hud" made his report Mayor
Walker suggested that If the council put a
tax on the street car c&mpany's poles and
wires in the city it would elo some good to
wards getting them to nc.t. Conlcy thought
this should not bo done until nftcr the com
pany olllcinls had said what they intend to
do. There the matter rested.
Mr. Mahoney , owner of the building nt
Twenty-flfili und N streets , reported a
nuisance at this place. Every time there is
a heavy rain his basement acts as a catch
basin for all the lllth and garbage above
him , The grade of the lot next to him Is
the cause of the nuisance , and Mr. Mahoney
would like to have the council compel the
owner of it to fill it to grado. On motion of
Wyman , the city garbage master was in
structed to look after the case and the com
munication was placed on file.
The city engineer was instructed to'mako
necessary repairs on the west end of the P
street viaduct caused by the recent storm.
Chief Smith asked to havn the reel of en
gine house No. ii treated to a coat of tar , ns
it now leaks very badly.
Cash Bros , presented'a bill for $245.50 for
sloping banks.
Tlio contract for sewers to bo built in dis
tricts Nos. 101 nnd 10J wcro awarded lo
Stimson A ; Hobcr and G. W. Tlllotson.
Snrpy County School Teuchor Glvem Short
Notice to oult.
A school teacher over in Snrpy county ,
nbout two miles south of South Omaha , by
the name of Lytlo , was called down by the
directors on last Friday night und given
short notice to leave the country. His term
would not expire for thrco weeks yet ,
but the reports that reached the parents of
some of the pupils were enough to cause his
immediatedismissal. . Lytlo Is a married
man and has three children. His family
lives at Pacilic Junction.
' It is lucky that Lytlo got away when ha
did , " said the father of ono of his scholars tea
a BEB reporter last evening , "or ho might
have mot with n tar und feather reception.
Thrco of the scholars tell of his fiendish con
duct toward them , nnd their words cannot
bo doubted under the circumstances. While
ho may not have accomplished his bullish
deslgus ho went far enough to make thu
blood boil in the veins of a parent , who had
entrusted their children to his caro. "
Injured In u ICuimwny.
Mrs. IColloy , who resides at Twenty-fourth
and Q streets , mot with a painful accident
yesterday morning. Thohorsosho was driv
ing became f rightcncd near tlio west apt roach
of the Q street viaduct , nnd running against
ono of thu plnrs upset the buggy and throw
tlio lady out. Shn was convoyed to her homo
nnd attended by IJr. Ifolloy. Tlio horse con
tinued to run andjsuiashcu the buggy up In
bad shape. Mrs. KqJoy's | wounds are not
considered dangurpus.nalth.ough slio was con
siderably bruised , ubQUt the face and head.
School ISuaril .HueUm.
Tim school boai'4 ' tfi'ct } last night , with nil
the momocrs pi scu except Councilman
Bulla. Bills aggregating $ ) , 109.85 were s .
lowed. ArehltcetiLotfinser's plans for the
two new buildings wuro accepted and Olds
will bo mlvortlsu.l .tt'or ut onco. The secre
tary was Inslruclcdvto require the Smend
conipnpy to give 'their bond for putting in
the heating apparatus , if they expected tc
go to work , i r.t
l.lve StockjK ) ) iuiix < > ClmiiKOit ,
For some time Uej members of the Live
Stock exchange ) ImvoJvbccn revising its by
i . f- '
ofm Highest of all in Lcavcniny Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report.
laws And they now hare the work nbout
completed. After n thorough discussion
the following Amendments luxvo been
Tochnntro section of rule p to read ns fol
low * ! "Tho commission per carload of
mined stock shall bo & 0 cents per head for
cnltlo , 25 cents per head for calves , 10 cents
per head for hogs and sheep up to $13 per
carload , and no carload to bo less thau $0. "
It Is also proposed to ndopt rule 22 , which
reads :
Section 1. It shall bo the duty of every
purchaser of stock cattle or feeding cattle on
this market to report within three hours
after welshing any lumpy Jaw or unmer
chantable animal to the party of whom same
was purchased , and if no claim Is inndo by
that time the purchaser will have no recourse -
course whatever.
Sec. 2. Should purchaser and salesman
disagree as to Us being n case of lumpy Jaw ,
then nnd In that case the matter must bo re
ferred to a committee fcr settlement. This
committee to bo chosen , ono by purchaser
and OHO by salesman , and they 10 select a
third If necessary to tin agreement. The de
cision of this committee to bo ihial.
City ( iunslp ,
Airs. Xclgcl Is visiting friends in Chicago.
Dick Merlin Is homo from a trip to Kansas
Ucv. Stephcnson left yesterday forToronto
on n visit.
Mrs. Willis Plekctt Is visiting friends In
Michigan ,
Fred King , son of the city engineer , Is
very sick.
. Miss Molllo Berry of Afton , In. , Is visiting
her brother./
Mrs. W. D. Horry has gone to Gardner ,
Mo. , on a visit.
Mrs. Claude Talbott Is homo from a visit
with relatives In Ohio.
II. Hall of the Hammond ofllco force loft
last evening for Chicago.
Miss Clara Kngllsu of Marysvllle , Mo. , Is
visiting at the homo of W.S. Wlttcn.
P. E. Short , the horseman at the stock
yards , started for St. Louis last night.
.1. M. Wcstorilcld took out a permit to
build n $000 cottage In Missouri avenue park.
A. H. Leo of the Stock Yards company re
turned yesterday from n trip through Kim-
Considerable water pot into the stock room
at Cudahy's Saturday night und did ti great
deal of damage.
Now walls are being put In at the Jail and
at Twenty-seventh and N streets which
were washed out Saturday night.
The Daughters of 'Veterans gave an ice
cream social last evening at Twenty-fourth
and ti streets and uottcJ n snug sum for
their society.
Manager W. N. Habeock of the Stock
Yards company is suffering from rhcuma
tlsin. Yesterday he was aulo to bo at his of'
Uco for a short time.
A long procession of friends followed the
remains ol the Infant sun of Mr. and Mrs.
Frank .1. Frcnck to the grave yesterday.
Interment nt St. Mary's cemetery.
Jensen , the confidence man who was sen
tenced to fifteen days In the county jail , Is
suffering from a bad case of jimjams. Ho
was taken to the county jail yesterday
There was a bad washout in front of Mr.
Iliehhardt's printing olliee Satutduy night.
The urea wall is caved in f6r about liftocn
feet. The curb was insufficient to guard off
the water and the damage will bo considera
ble. The repairs are being made today.
When the lightning struck T. B. Hatcher' :
house Saturday night it did more damage
than was lirst reported. A place several
feet long was torn out of the roof and two
holes wore burned in the side of ono of the
walls. Mrs , Hatcher and another lady wcro
severely shocked and they feel the elYccts
yet. A largo picture wi'.h n costly frame
was ruined by the smoke and fire.
Piles of people hayo piles , mit Do Witt's
Witch Hazel Salvo will cure them.
The Whisky trust has sold $1,000,000 worth
of Its bonds.
Ono million dollars In gold has been ordered
today for shipment abroad.
New York was visited by a hot spoil , the
thermometer registering CJ4 dvgri'cs at 2 p. in. ,
humidity 80.
At a mectlnpof the directors of tlio Pacific
Mall Steamship company , C. 1' . Iliinlhigtou
was elected president.
At Eureka , U. T. , dynainllo was placed on
the roof of a building ncloneliiR to the liulllim-
JJeck iiiliio and blew It to pieces.
At Trenton , N. .T. , Charles Y. Richmond , an
aeronaut , niado a 3OOU-foot ascension nnd
lost bis life. The parnulmtu failed to work.
At n meeting of the directors of the Mexican
Central railroad tlio organisation was com
pleted with A. A. Itoblnson , president.
A destructive forest fire Is ra lni ; In Stevens
county , Washington. The flu ; was started In a
dense plno forest near tjprlnxdaluon Saturday.
Tim dopnrtment of the Spanish caravels has
been delayed owing to the fiii't that the tiif ;
Triton , which Is 10 accompany them Is not
ready ,
At Spokane , Wash. , Iho Hank of Spokane
Falls temporarily closed Its doors. The sus
pension caused no excitement. The bank Is
the oldest In the city.
At Philadelphia fifty-seven waiters em
ployed In the icstnurant attached to John
Wnnamakcr'fl grand depot struck for an In
crease of WUKCS and butter food.
AtfilouxClty , 'In. , in the case of Wells W.
Miller vs. tnu.Sioux Investment company , thu
order appointing a ipcolver was vacated mid
the Milt dismissed at thu plalntllT's cost.
At Kansas City , Mo. , all the railroads inado
ufrala of $11 for tlin round trip between Kan
sas City and Ut. Louis , nnd unto of $ (1 ( emu
way , to meet the rate recently made to Chi
Notwithstanding the many assertions that
Ituv. Kdward McClynn has sailed for Hume , It
Is known by his closest friends that ho Is In
retreat In the Truplilsl monubtery near
Lexington , Ky.
At I'ltthliiirK , I'a. , tlio wage- scale commlt-
tco of the Amalgamated association and the
representatives of the .MalmnliiK & Khenan-
doah Valley Manufacturers association huvu
been In secret conference for a lengthy oerlod.
The IlurlliiKton has announced a rate from
St. Louis to Denver , Colorado Springs and
I'uoblo of $18.60the round trip rate bofiiBai.
The ImsliiK rate fur southern points west of
the MUhouri rlvorwlll he JO and after Wednes
day 46 will bu thu belllnx rate.
The llouso of Commons went Intoconunlttoo
to consider cliiuso 3 of the homo rule
At Vienna , addressing the legation , Count
Pprnylnz Tress ,
Wai Ii Ing Windows ,
Ana ( Higgles ,
Hus two bravs nozzles
Mill sprnrur , linrrel of
unlvuilzuii ; iron whlcli
fiiunut uorrodo or wear
uut ; brass top and Urasa
T.ilvo to linrrul ; brusi
lilnngcrvilUi cross huiidlo
i anil valves of oak'
tunnoil Isuthor. Works
nb null anil InitsailonK
MB 11 liliiii priced I'liuui '
Clrculuro Iroo , Ak'C'nta
Council UlttH , ,
. . fim. , chief contvlllna fhyiltian of < A >
I'E A WOO * M Kl /AM HVT mmc , to h"l
iv u awarded tbo cni.u nrUAL by tlio NATIONAI
Debility , DO * all JJlita.iMll'iakntu \ of Man.
nlinr'n theyotm.7 , the mUdU-astd end olit
lilmlX ConriilUtlon in pcrnou t > r l > y ietUr.
UUIIUU lroiytctviwith testimonials , FKKIl
Largo book. 601KNCK OP LIFE , OK SEI.F-
J'ltKSKHVAT/OH , SOO pp. . 125 Invaluable pro
"riniloin. full mX ouly ! . ' > \ai roall. > e lfd
la noearposaod In tilt
trcatmont of all
and allWeiknutiiru
and Oliordera ol nicn
18 yoara oxpcrlonce.
Write for cirriUu
and ( jucaticm list free.
14th and Fa-nam Bt
Omatuu Aib.
KMnoUy , nilnlilrrof forclen ftfTnlM
tlii Itli'.i thiu ft Rcnornl illsrvM . m ntof Kn
ropsnn powers WM i > oislblr.
In Morlln diplomatic circle * Emperor Wll
Hum tcttnnrlit'il that under no clrotttnitnncpi
\vouldliocnuntonnnce iiropoanU In limit tlio
sntTriiKo for the uurmxo of strciiRttionlng the
government In tlio UclchMng ,
Only Relief Found Was in
Paine's Celery Compound.
Jumos Harris , nn Octogonnrlnn ,
Found a Cure Long1 Sought.
The Brilliant Eayinp of T. 0. Appletan ,
Boston's ' Groit Wit.
Not everybody knows that the bril
liant Bnyltip , "Is Hfo worth HvIncr'Ttmt
do ponds on the llvor , " originated with
the late Thomns G. Appleton of Boston.
There's enough wisdom in the pun to
Bet uptx college ot physicians ,
The llvor , indeed , makes ono sco
things through roso-colured glasses , or
through the smoky class of disease.
In-tlio weakness of shutting one's eyes
lo the beginning of liver troubles bo-
cnuso they tire small ouos , misfortune
really lies.
The tnnn who neglects plain signs of
coming llluoss , or who does not know
what to do when sickness overtakes him
such iv man Is culpably Ignorant.
As ho gives a double boiiollt who gives
quickly , so n man on the verge of 'fall
ing into dyspepsia , nervous prostration ,
or kidney trouble tloes himself a double
boucllt who quickly attends to dlsagroo-
able soiiMilions in bloinnch , llvor or head.
It may * bo nothing. It may bo serious.
'Iho ritkis largo. Palno's celery com
pound is now PO easily obtainable
every druggist of any standing has it
nnd Paino's celery compound so quickly
nnd permanently relieves sufferers from
their ills , that there is no cxouso for a
nn or woman saying , ' 'It is too lato. "
Jiunos Harris of Townnda , 1'oiin. , is
81 years old. IIo has boon eiourt crier
Tor'thirty-eight years , and is in this way
cnown in every part of his county. IIo
s a man very much respected by all who
know him. lie has been lu poor health
for a long time , and his improved condi
tion is the subject of general remark.
Clarence. T. Kirby is a , druggist in
Townnda. and ho says that when Harris
wont to him for two bottles 01 Paino's
celery compound last May , before ho
started for a visit to his daughter
Orwell , ho was in very bad shape , und
ho would not havobeon surprised if Mr.
Harris had. novcr coma back to court
again. Lot Mr. Harris toll his story :
IIo says : ' ! have been troubled for
years with what the doctors call Bright's
disease , and my right kidney has both
ered mo terribly ; my knees pained mo
so that I coulel hardly bend over ut all.
I had dizziness in my head , although I
never was much troubled with head
ache. I have been so dizzy as to fall off
my chair nnel had lo bo helped up by
others. In these dizzy spoils I woul'd
apparently see specks llyiup in tha air ,
and 1 wns troubled very frequently in
this manner , bath on the slroot and in
the house. I had cramps nights so ter
ribly that I could not trot to sloop until
3 o'clock in the morning. I first resi'l of
Pnino's celery compound about u year
ago. Having tried nearly all tlio medi
cines and consulted several physicians
without getting relief , I had little confi
dence in anything , but I spoke to Drug
gist Clarcnco T. Kirby about it. nnd ho
said ho was having a great demand for
it , nnd I concluded to try it. I pur
chased two bottles and toolc it to Orwell
with mo ana used it according to direc
tions. I began to feel hotter at once.
When two bottles were gene I could got
no moro at Orwell nnd discontinued Its
use until I cuma back to Townnda. But
1 certainly had loss pain in my kidneys ,
had no cramps , and could sloci > and rest
nearly nil n-ght. When I wont into the
court house on my return. Judge Peck
and all the court ofllcors congratulated
mo on my improved nppearaneo and told
mo I WHS getting young again. And 1
certainly feel younger now. lam taking
third bottle of Paino's
my celery com
pound , and shall continue its uso. Ithiu
done mo moro good than all the other
medicine I over toolc , nnd to it 1 owe my
present improved condition of health. '
And Health Is the Royal *
Rend to Happiness.
Kvcry manner of chrnnlo illscnuo can b
cured without tlio uio of medicine nt tlio
Council Bluffs
No mutter liow npnrly lUxooiiMBOit you i r ,
or liow much you Imvo siitTorocl from < ll aaia
ntul nan offout * of sunns medicine * , you run
lie cured and enln uormnnent bciiollt by th
now nntl-moillcal system of treatment. DU-
Anoinlii , Apoplexy , Ant hum , ItronohltU ,
Cntnrrh , Cuniuiniitlon , Cttr tur of th
1'lnc , Dyipottiin , ipilop : .r , l.lvcr Coin-
plnlut , NeuritlRln , Hhoiiiuiitliin , I'urnlyili.
Ciinitlpntlon , brrnftiln , Krtomn nud Alt
Hlond DMmiei , 1'omulo Wcnkncsi , llrnf *
nr , l.ockjmr , llcrnln or Itnpttirr , 1'llos ,
Narvoiia Allodium , lloart l > lie ip , I'nliy
Ktc. ,
All trented nnd cured by tlio
Galvanic Klectro .Magnetic Hattcry
For qxtrnctltiR nil nntnmlugcUblo and
mlnernl poljons.
Vitalized Vapor niul Ozone 13nths
For liurlfyiug tlio blood nud boautlfylue tha
Vitalized Heat aiul Magnetic Baths
For paralysis , debilities niiit toning up tha
Vitalized Chemical & Ktuctric Unths
For removing all oancori anil blood poison * .
Tlio Effloncy of tlio AboTo Mntliodi Dally
nomonttrntod by
. . , Pi
119 Stutsmai Strait , Council Biuffj , Ii
JOHN DOHANY , Manngor.
No extra ch.irgo for loservcd seats.
All under 21 , 10c.
100-111-113-115 Mniu. Street.
Largest stock of
in the city.
Agents ol the Celebrated * "
Gurney Hardwood Refrigerators.
Agents for the
Oil Gas Stoves ,
the safest and no west stove out.
Wo are exclusive agents for the
Genuine Boynton Furnace ,
and all furnnco work is supervised by
our Mr. Lautoriuissor , who IB ono of the
best furnace men in the west.
\Vo carry a full stock oi Field Seeds.
City agents for the Pioneer Imple
ment Co.'s goods.
Special INfofcica
: i
WK can > cll you n homo and lot on a p jmjal nt
fromSIU.OJ to J3I.U ) .low. . ) mil f D.UJ to IIS.OJ
per month. Homo upaclal bargains lu lots. John *
aton A Van fatten.
AliSIHAOTS nnd loans. ITarm nn.1 . oltjr proparlr
bought ami nuU. I'attr A Tlio mm , Council
" | ? Oll 8A1.K ThreeJcrnor bulls ; nitoj , one iraale
i and two yuan ; oolia color , ruiflsterat
clock. 721S. Ut St.
G.IUIAdH rcinovLvl , casipoaU. vaiilu. oilma ) > r <
- cleaned , lid IIur < o , ut Tuylur'a grocorj' , ! > l )
llroailiray ,
iron HAM1 : An tiprluht lire lioria ponor bailor.
Lull at IJJIi Uru.idwar.
TRAUTIKUh timno ; all mortorn cnnvenlcnceii
JJlow | > rlcu , jniy turini. A. J. .Mundul , O , Ilium.
HOMKS 1 will trailo inr ccultle In ono or two
tzooddxrelllritfi for clour lots. Ualauca un lon
time , H. J. Ail.imn. UIJ I'urlii avenue ,
1 > All < ! AINS-Kor sulo , 7'Jby 3'JO feel on Franklin
-Uavimuo , tl.Mi'j IK ) .
2VH acres botwt'un lit street anil I'rnnklln avenuo.
Eo t iilnttliiK limpnrty In tlio city , jaj.03U.UO.
Twu luts upposlto 'I lilnl itrui't school , t I.DOO.OO.
Ono lot \\IUon Turrncn , ( liMIXI.
Tlirco luts , c'oriior Mnln straot unil 12th avenue.
Ilvst slto fur liniilomanl house In the city. 87.WJ.OO.
l.ouiiee ATowlo. Hi I'carl straat.
GOOD man cook and a illchmi lrl wnntsd atone *
atUinuiutt liouuc , Couiull iJludp ,
W 'ANTKD-J.itdr cook at Scott house.
Works *
C. A. SCHOED3ACK , Pronrjotor.
Dyeing , Cleaning- find
Council Bluffs office ) and wor'.ti , cor. Avo. A and UOth St. Tolonhono 310. Bond
for circulars nnd price list. Omaha olllco : 1621 Furnarn Tol. 1521.
All kinds of Dyeing
niul ( 'loiiliu iloao IIK ' >
tlio lillie t style of
the n ru l''uUud and
blulnud fabrlcir made
to loul : us geol n
now , Worn promptly
done ami clellvoro.t
tn nil imru of tbo
country , Hon-1 for
prlou lilt.
O , A. t
Proprietor. ( j
llrcudwuv , aoiir North *
western Depot ,
Tolopuouo 322.