Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 06, 1893, Page 3, Image 3

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    THE OMAHA DAILY 1JK12 : TUESDAY , JUNE 0 , 1893.
\y \ carrier to any putt of i cltj
PH i nuMncw otncc tJi2
EH f Mftlil Editor INO. 23
N. Y. Plumbing Co.
Uoston store Juno salt ! now on.
Nllcs paints buggies. 403 llronilwfty.
Mlltonbergcr Is the hatter , B02 Hr&adway.
A mnrrlapc license was Issued yesterday
, p J. W. Dlllln nnd Mno Downs , both of
'vcolix. ' Tholr ages wcro UO and 18.
\ ] The I'hhln gang was up nt work yesterday
lornlng cleaning up the dobrlsvlilch was
cposltcd on the paved streets by the storm.
" 'The second shoot of the Council Uluffs
Jun club will bo bold this afternoon at the
{ rounds west of ICcya Uros. ' factory. All
[ fro Invited to bo present.
The ease of Frank Doltemper against
iihcrlff llarcn , In which tlio ownership of the
ixturcs of the old Paclllc house bar Is in
" Isputo , Is now on trlnl In the district court.
: . The verdict of tlio Jury In the cnso of the
uUttlo Sioux Savings bank npalnst II. P.
freeman was opened In the district court
csterdiiy morning and found to bo for the
't A young man named Johnson , who Is In
Uio employ of the motor company as line-
' an , Is suffering from a bndly burned arm
id fnco , caused by contact with a live wlro
vhllo Irving to repair the Insulator ,
l\.Tho ladles of St. Paul's Guild will be en-
fortaineil this afternoon at the residence of
.Mrs. . H. W. Tilton. nn Fifth avenue , by Miss
Seal , assisted by Miss Howe , Mrs. I.ougco ,
, Miss Tallinn Jnckson and Mrs. Lovctt.
, Judge McGco opened n term of the su
perior court yesterday afternoon , but did no
wslncss beyond announcing that this nf tor-
icon nt 2 o'clock the docket will bo called
itnd the assignments for tlio term made.
Dr. M. J. Hclllnpcr lost a line Hamble-
'tonlan colt in the Saturday night storm.
. animal was standing In the pasture ,
'west ' of Mnnnwn , n long way from any trco
, 'or ' other object that might huvo attracted
; itho current , and was found Sunday morning
[ living In his tracks , killed by n lightning
( Stroke.
1' Tlio ordinance repealing Iho ordinance ere-
ntlni ; licensed engineers bobbcit un for second
end muling , but Woods objected on the
ground that as chairman of the ordinance
' committee ho had never seen this ordinance
and it was therefore rcfcried to his dusk for
perusal. The engineer's ordinance bus never
been enforced , and Mayor Walker Is opposed
to Its ever becoming n law. Others are de-
fBlrous ; to sco It go through.
) It has Just been learned that Jay Wordcn ,
who is under indictment for committing half
7 A dozen burglaries , bus hud similar expert-
'fences. An Omaha ofllcrr who looked Into
the county Jail recently Identified Women as
a boy who was arrested in Omaha a year or
w ABO on tlio chnige of burglary , lie sucnt
about thrco months In Jail at that time , but
* ivns Ilnally discharged on account of a tech
nicality. This fact will tend to dlscrcaso
what little sympathy the pub'ic now feels
for him on account of his extreme youth.
Ed Mlddloton hail a hearing before Justice
Fox yesterday afternoon on the charge of
stealing n horse belonging to Clarence
Lewis , a hnrder. Several witnesses were
summoned and from them the facts In the
'icaso wcro learned to ho as stated in yester-
Jbny's HUB. It seemed to ho the impression
'that ' Mlddlcton could not ho hold for larceny ,
, ! but If a charge of trespass had been pre
ferred against him it could have been made
to stick. The court asked for tlmo to con-
ildcr the matter and will render his decision
this morning.
Grcenshields , Nicholson ft Co.
moved their real estate oflluo to 000
Broadway , opposite postolllco. Tel. 151.
liny Iu in I fur Kent.
Hay land for rent in lots of from 20 to
800 acres. B. Marks , Council BlulTs.
Stop at Iho Ogden , Council Bluffs , tp
best $2.00 house in Iowa.
Vanatta & Swcot , atty. , Everett blk.
Miss Belle Fuller of Mount Pleasant Is in
Iho city lor a visit with friends.
George H. Hlchmond lias returned from a
Business trip to Wisconsin , and will spend a
week with his family hero.
; Peter Fuchs leaves today for Lake Minne-
; tonku , where ho has a position with a uaut\ \ .
; dming the summer months.
Mrs. Dee Wright of Salt Laho City is In
; 'thc city , the guest of the family of W. It.
I Kemp , on South Seventh street.
John /am , accompanied by his daughter
] Clara , of Platte City , Mo. , Is In the city ,
' his brother-in-law Corner
t'vlsltlng - - , George
j and family. Ho will remain about two
I weeks.
Miss Kato Gorner returned last evening
I from Helena , Mont. , whcro sbo has beeii
[ visiting relatives since last October , and
| will bo at homo in this city for several
Mayor N. D Lawrence and \vlfo will leave
Itomorrow for Chicago , whore thc.ywillspend
Ibhrco or four weeks visiting the fair. They
livid bo accompanied by their daughter , Mrs.
bMonnoll of Omaha.
Manawa trains will run daily from to-
liny , leaving Broadway 0 and 11 a. ra. ,
| uul every hour from 1 p. in. until 9 p. m
Music for balls , parties , picnics , so-
Mais , etc. , by Muctolans Union. .T. K
| ? ollett , Mgr.100 B'way , Council Bluffs.
Court Anslnumcnt.
The following cases have been assigned for
Lrlal in the district court for the latter part
tit this week and Monday of next :
I Thursday , Juno 8. Ogdcn Iron Works
ingalnst Carrlgg , HofTmayer against Jepscn
let nlM Davenport against Wrlgtit et al , ,
IWiclcham llros. against Judd-Wells Co. ,
I Wlckhnm Bros , against Judd-Wells Co. et al , ,
I Tidier & Johnson Manufacturing Co. against
I Hood , treasurer ; Frrnani , trustee against
tPalmcr , administrator , ot nl , ; Gage et al.
( against Kimball-Chanip Investment Co.
L Friday , June I ) . Way against Lorlng ,
[ Portsmouth Savings Bank against Shea ,
[ Lorlo against Schcfcrll ot ul. , Klnports
I against Obcrholtzcr , Davenport , admlnls-
I tnitor , against First National Bank of Coun-
| ell Bluffs.
Saturday , Juno 10. McMillan npalnst Mc
Millan , Gilbert against City , Martin ot al.
against Archer , Wlcklium against Price &
Monday , Juno 12. Ehvcll against Kimball
I ft Champ , Young & Co" against Johnson
[ Behtirz against Koblenz ot nl , , Wright
nguinst Hannnn , receiver ; Pleper against
Ilogcrt ct nl. , Nashua Trust Co. , trustee
f against Patrick ,
Tea Ilnya ill tlio Wurlct'g 1'iilr.
Itwlll cost you loss than $50,00 , ovory-
I thlnp necessary included. This meant
, homes in private co'ttuffo , clean , pafo ,
i close to grounds mill on the hunch oj
'Lake ' MlchlRttn. Wrilo to J. T. Chyno-
woth , Wlntlbor Purk , 111. Kofors to II.
, W. Tilton of TllKBui : , or Jacoh Slma
of Sims & Bainhrltigo , Council Bluffs.
l'"rt'e Miuw Tlckute.
Horo'B your chance to got u free ticket
to the show next Friday. With overs
85 purchase at Hrown'tf C.O.I ) , fjrocorv
this week ii'frcu ticket will bo given toi
Cook & Whitby's circus.
Will Have u (
It has been decided to huvo a special tralr
leave here at 0BO : o'clock on the morning of
Juno 14 over the Northwestern railroad , ort
the accommodation of thosa who wish to at
tend the state llremt'n'a tournament at Sloui
City. A largo delegation will go from thii
city , and It is expected that the IO\VA dele
gallon will accompany them. Among tin
party will bo the Council Bluffs runnini >
team , the drum corps , and the Vctcrai
Firemen's association.
Metzgnr A KuntllcU'i Iva Cream.
Try Motzgur & Rundlolt's pure an < !
dolluloim ice creams and ices and yoi
will order no other.
Lost Small gold imiltebo cross , foui
Ects. Return to Morris Brua,1 now oo
tore , GOO Broadway.
Verdict of the Coroner's Jury in the Recent
Motor Accident ,
Illi Actloni Crltlnlted l > j the Cltlzoru-
llotorman I'urr nnd Buprrlnteiulcnt
Stone Held to the Urautl Jury
Wharo the Illume ItoiU.
The coroner's Inquest over the death of B.
F. Holmes , who was killed In the Main
street motor accident , was completed yester
day afternoon , Instead of In the evening , as
was announced at the close of list Friday's
cession. What happened Is not known in
detail save to the coroner , the Jurymen and
the witnesses , for the coroner Issued an
order excluding all outsiders from the pro
ceedings. Hoportcrs and representatives of
the dead man's estate wcro nliKo under the
ban , and the only record that is kept of the
proceedings nro the very Imperfect notes
kept by the coroner himself , the short hand
reporters who took notes of all the preced
ing days' sessions having been Included In
the order of exclusion.
.T. K. lllxby , J. W. Hoyman , Herman Parr ,
the motor mail , George llurke , the conductor ,
and AIIss Maud Hryant wcro the witnesses
examined. Mis * Bryant stated that Just be
fore the accident the motor stopped and then
started up again suddenly , convoying the
Impression to her that the conductor saw the
train and was trying to pass ahead of it.
Dl'nvr stated that at the s\vltch > [ n short
distance east of the crossing ho received a
severe shock from the brake , nnd ran the
rest of the dlstnnco intervening between
the switch and the crossing without his
hand on the brake , so as to avoid any moro
shocks. When ho saw the train ho put his
hand back on the brake , but sustained an
other shock that almost paralyzed his arm
nnd covered his eyes with a sort of film that
prevented him from realizing Just what was
going on about him.
The conductor , Burke , when asked why
he old not pull the trolley from the wlro
when ho saw the danger Impending , stated
that ho thought the niotorman was trying to
reverse his current , nnd saw that for him to
pull oft the trolley would bo to frustrate the
motornmn's plans.
After the evidence had been heard the
Jurymen retired nnd soon after returned a
verdict in which they held that the motor
company was partly responsible for the
accident and recommended that the case be
turned over to the grand Jury at Its next
session. It nlso directed that both Supcrln
tendent A. 1C. Stone and the motorman
Herman Parr , bo held , the former because
he revoked the old rulu requiring conductors
to Hag the trains , and the latter because ho
attempted to cross in front of tno freight
Much criticism has been oxpreiscd on the
action of Coroner Seybert In this case. It
has been evident from the start that ho was
opposed to giving the case the sifting It deserved
served , and during the last day or two it has
been Just as evident that ho desired to pre
vent the public , and even the friends of the
dead man , who had a right to be Interested
from Icaining the facts that might \
brought out during tlio inquest. The end o
the matter has not yet been reached by any
means , however , and tlio information thai
the friends nnd family of this deceased have
been deprived of will come out in nr.othc
Pusturnpo for horses and cattle on
George Wright's farm niljoiningc itj
limits on south ; 500 acres blue grass ,
running water. For terms upply to
James Kaph , on farm , or at Carbon Con'
company , 10 Pearl atreet.
Protect your homes against destruc'
live btorms.V. . C. James has th <
strongest companies in the world.
Williamson & Co. . 100 Main street ,
largest and best bicycle stock in city.
Gco. S. Davis , prescription druggist
Tiuui : : OINT : FAIU ; .
City Council 1'lnully Makes a l'ns nt tlio
O. & C. It. 15ridco Company.
The city council held Its regular monthly
meeting last evening a meeting which will
pass down Into history as the one nt which
the councilmen , for the first tlmo in their
lives , nndo a bold stagger at brineing the
motor company to terms. The first biff was
not a very hard one , but it was something.
Alderman White Introduced un ordinance
that read as follows :
Iti > It ordained by the city council of Council
1)1 ulIX la. :
Suction 2 No corporation or ncrson owning
or oMuiatlneuKtrcut car or electric motor
llnu.ovcr and along liroadnay street mid : ivc-
nuo A or part thuieof of the oily of Council
Hind's , In. , shall demand , chur o or receive
moru than 3 cents for llio trans
portation of any person from tlio
Intuisoctlon nf Hrnudway and 1'lrbt
xtruutH to the \vustuin boundary ot
the stulo of Iowa or for any part of sucli ( lls-
tanco ,
SVc. 2. Any corporation or portion owning or
opuiuthiK u Htri'et car or electric motor line over
unit along the streets anil n\ unties or any part
thereof or ollhcr ot them irfpircd to In sec
tion 1 huroof , violating the provisions of sec
tion 1 hereof shall bo subject to a line of $100
for uuch and every such violation.
Some one suggested that Main street ,
Fifth avcnuo nnd all the other streets
whcro the motor company is operating
ought to be included , and the ordinance was
referred to the city attorney for revision.
A proposition from the plaintiff in the suit
of Tabor against the city , to settle forJIOl 1) )
and costs was referred to the committee of
the whole , to bo reported on next Monday
The city engineer was instructed to report
n grade on Mononn nnd Test streets.
The city marshal was Instructed to abate
the nuisance on Ninth street near Broadway
In the shape of water and coal piles.
The matter of doing away with the Man-
awa. motor switch ut the same place was re
ferred to the city attorney to ascertain what
rights the city bus.
The cold resolution Instructing the city
treasurer to withhold the money In the
park fund from the park commissioners , ex
cept on tlio production of warrants , was re
Alderman Smith Introduced an ordinance
requiring nil motor trains to bo stopped not
less than twenty feet from railway crossings
and the conductor to prcccda his train over
the crossing , and lining A line of not loss
than frlO nor more than 100 for each viola
tion. The ordinance was passed under the
suspension of the rules.
An ordinance requiring the park commis
sioners to make annual reports to the city
council of nil money received and expended
by them was passed under a suspension of
the rules.
An ordinance forbidding the offering ifj
any diseased or unwholesome meat orvcgo-
tablns for sale and providing lor n line of not I
less than t"r > for violations , wns rend three
times and referred to the health committee.
The meat nnd milk inspection ordinance :
wns amended by the addition of certain sec
tions , requiring Iho inspector to visit each
dniry in or about the city twice u mouth
during the year and see that the cattle were
frco from dUcase and supplied with proper
food ,
The city meat and milk Inspector reported
that the apparatus now owned by the city
for testing milk was Insufllclent and rccom
mended that the city uurcbaso a Babcocli
tester ,
A resolution thanking Colonel Addlsor
Cochran for his gift of the west enu park tc
the city wns unanimously udopted.
CThu committee to which was referred tin
matter of fixing boundaries for herding cattle
tlo recommended tlmt all ground west o
- Twenty-sixth slroot und between the Unloi
Pncltlo tracks and Fifth avenue , bo allowoi
to bo used for herding purposes , The rcpor
- was concurred hi and an ordinance contain
ing the desired provisions was paused.
The committee on the proposed Indlai
g creek bridge on Mynster street iccotnmeiidci
that action bu postponed ouo year on uccoun
of lack of money in the bridge fund. Tin
report was concurred In.
The report of special committee ad
Tersely to paying the expenses of tbo lu\ ,
suit which M.yelker Incurred whllo nctlni
as city meal inspootor was adopted , Whit
voting no , ,
Tbo qucitlon of putting In a new flcor n ,
No. 4 hose house was reform ! back to th
| comiulUcofor au cellmate of the probabl
cost. The flro committee wiw Instructed to
have n now roof put on No n houso.
Ilcport of the committee ngalnst the
placing of an cloctrlo light at the corner of
JiroitdxTny nnd Sixth street was concurred In ,
in In Iho Clfy Clerk' * Office HAY *
n l.ltlln Scare.
A lot of city record * that wcro taken to
the court hoilso a number ot years ngo for
safekeeping nnd hnro there accumulated
must and duit , were moved to their now
resting plnco In the city building yesterday
morning. E. J , Abbott wns superintending
the Job of moving them nnd putting them
nwaya In the city's archives. Several men
who wcro doing the soclnlblllty act In the
city clerk's ofllco wcro surprised by the sud
den appearance nt the door , of Abbott , wltn
blanched fnco nnd chattering teeth.
"W-w-w-hat d'yo snpposo this Isl" said ho ,
ai ho hold n long , dark object out to the view
of the spectators. It looked as though it
might bo n piece of gas ulpo , and there was
a mysterious look about it that Instantly
brought the word "dynamite" to the llpt of
someone. There was a scattcrntlon , and no
ono seemed anxious to relieve Abbott of bin
umvclcomo burden. Gradually , however , Jho
crowd gathered around and began to specu
late as to what the bomb might contain , nnd
what object anyone could have In trying to
blow up the court house or the city building.
"Lot's have It. " Ilnally exclaimed City
Clerk Xurmuchlon , waving u screw driver In
the nlr , nnd as ho spoke a determination to
die for his country If necessary spread over
his fnco nnd made his careworn features
almost beautiful. The crowd gathered about
him at n respectful distance and watched him
pry away on tbo scaling nt tlio end of the
pipe , fully expecting to sco his head nnd
his heels part company nnd start out to sco
tbo world In opposite directions. Hut they
wcro woefully disappointed. There was not
the slightest sign of a sensation of that
kind , and when nt last the scaling wns
broken nnd n dirty , whitish cake of powdery
stull fell out there was a look of disgust
upon the features of tbo people who had
been fully expecting annihilation a few min
utes before. .Tho "bomb" was ignomlnl-
ously chucked out Into the street nnd fell
with a d , s t that proclaimed It
entirely harmless. It wns a sample cake of
cement , a reminiscence of public improve
ments of by-gone years.
Among the most ttttrnctivo features
tinder the ctinvnss arc city trained and
educated animals , charming , intelligent
creatures , whobO bewildering1 perform
ances uro without parallel !
Competent and experienced trainers
nro employed the year round , develop
ing nnd expanding britto education.
Animals that will talk !
Animals that will please !
Animals that will amaze !
Animals that will uiiiusol
Animals that will astonish !
Great reduction in millinery at Miss
Ragsdalo's , ! U7 Broadway.
Mini Trap.
There Is a place In tlio western part of the
ciy { which demands the Immediate attention
of the city authorities. It is the Indian
creek bridge on Seventh avenue , The south
foul-path connects with the road on the cast
end , but on the west there is a Jumping off
plnco which would drop a man three or four
feet. Luckily It is the north side of the
bridge which is used almost entirely , so that
accident have so far been avoided. There
is nothing in the world , however , to prevent
the south side from being used
as well , excepting tbo fact that there
4s no- sidewalk on thnt side of the
street. Any one unacquainted with tlio lay
of the land passing nlonit on a dark night
would very likely bo hurled over the end of
the bridge nnd a big damage suit against the
city would bo the inevitable result. It Is n
pure matter of luck that such n thing has
not happened already. The city authorities ,
who lost the city jy.tlOO a week or so ngo by
their recklessness in allowing the Interstate
Street Hallway company to keep Korth
Eighth street obstructed with Us pieces of
track , have learned a lesson. It is to bo
hoped , and will doubtless do something to
prevent more expensive litigation.
Another improvement to the popular
Schubert piano. Swrmson Music Co
Cook yoi" meals this'suinmor on a gas
range. A' cost at Iho Gas company.
Nice trimmed hats for 81.00 at Miss
Ragsdale's , 3117 Brondwny.
Supervisors Meet.
The June session of the board of county
supervisors opened yesterday morning , and
all of the members were present , with the
exception of J. 11. Black , who appeared during /
ing the altcrnoon. Routine business of but
little public interest formed the larger part
of the day's labors. A petition was pre
sented from tl.o residents of Neola , asking
that the Nooln Kcnorter bo mndo an oRiclal
organ of the board and allowed to print no
tices for its benefit. The petition was
granted nnd Iho Ucportcr will bo allowed to
charge half the reirular advertising rates.
The judges of the district court bud a peti
tion in asking the board to purchase a set of
Iowa reports and digests for the Avoca court
house. This petition wns also allowed and
County Auditor Matthews was authorized to
make the purchases. Most of the afternoon
was taken up wltn the report of the county
assessor and tbo equalization of assessments.
Piles of people have piles , but Dowltt's
\Vltch Hazel Salvo will cure them.
The GNiul Hotel ,
Council BlulTs. Tno most elegant in
Iowa. Dining room on seventh floor.
Rate , S3.00 and $5.00 a day. E. F. Clark ,
Pure ice
From Missouri river channel.
Mulholland& Co. , Brown building.
Telephone 102.
Alumni Iteecptlon.
The members of the Alumni association of
the Council liluffs High school held a meeting
last evening at the superintendent's olllco to
make arrangements for the regular annual
reception of the alumni. The meeting was
largely attended. H was decided to
have the reception on the evening
of Juno 10 , but the place is
yet to bo fixed. The following
committees were appointed : Arrangements ,
Mrs , Paulson , Mrs. Ware , Mrs. Kisser , the
Misses Payne , Hurt and UcGroat , Messrs.
liulrd , Muyno .mil Sawyer. On banquet ,
George Mnyno , Mrs. Kisser , Mrs. Tucker ,
the Misses Xurmuehlon and Carrie Morgan.
The following olllcers wcro also selected for
tlio coming year : President , Mrs , W. H.
Ware ; set-rotary , Mrs. Kisser : treasurer ,
G. H. Mnyno.
Piles of people liavo piles , but Do Witt's
Witch Hiuol Salve will cure tncm.
- * -
1'rofoi.nor Won tlio lluoe.
W. Webber of the Turner A\hccl club nnd
H , Sutorius of the Omalm Wheel club ped
aled n race from the cast end of the briugo
to the Nortcvrestein depot and return last
evening forfcJO n hide mid eighteen l < cgs of
beer , After u hot chase , in which there
was a tumble or two , the representative of
the Omahas won by u rod or two ,
Two Mtcuiiuira Aihorr.
SIICUOYOAN , Mich. , Juno 6. The steamer
Puritan is ashore at Macklnao Island and
the steamer Putoskoy is ashore on Hols
Hluuc island on account of lust night's heavy
Much Business Transacted by the Oily Ootm-
. ' 3
Supgpitlon Made in ! Compel the Street
Itnlbrnj Company' to Croti the Yln-
clnct by T/ixlnc III Pole * In
tlio Kv ut. < ior lletuiaU
All members at tlio South Omahn city
council were prCserif. last night. Mayor
Walker has regained his health and occu
pied the chair. City Attorney Van Dusen ,
who never misses n session of the council ,
dealt out hie legal advice In a pleasant man
ner , Fire Chief Fred Stnlth smllca in antici
pation of his approaching vacation , Street
Commissioner Tobias had many washouts to
report and there was a raft of routine busi
ness to handle. There has been much com
plaint by members that the council convenes
almost an hour late each session and last
nlcht was no exception to the rule.
Hills amounting to $785.75 were allowed.
C. Wcldeman was granted n liquor license.
On motion of Hulla , gr.ido will bo estab
lished on N street from Twentieth to
Eighteenth , on Seventeenth from Missouri
avenue to M street , and on Nineteenth
street Irom M to N streets.
Iteports ot City OTncoM.
Chief of Police Beckett's report for May
shows tlio following arrests : Drunks ,
thirty-two ; suspicious characters , twenty-
thrco ; vagabonds , forty ; petit larceny ,
seven ; prostitutes , sixteen ; obtaining
money under false pretense , ono ; disturbing
the peace , thirty-two ; assault and battery ,
ono ; violating ordinance two , disposing
of mortgaged property , two ; burglary ,
one ; total number 157.
J. M. Tobias , street commissioner , re
ported the damage by Saturday night's
storm as published in Tun DEC , stating Hint
bo had found all the bad places. Ho stated
that about 300 foot of sidewalk had been
washed away in Albright and considerable
of It was lost. In hundreds of places the
sidewalks Jiad been moved and dropped
down. Ho called the attention of the coun
cil to the dangerous condition of the side
walk In front of lot 0 , block 70 , on Twenty-
sixth street , also lot 1'J , block 81 , on U
Clark Howard , Inspector nt the stock
yards , reported that during May ho had
condemned six head of cattle , average price
54 per bc.ul.
Montgomery & Dowd as attorneys asltod
$1,000 damages on account of change of
grade In the alley between Twenty-fifth and
Twenty-sixth , from M to N streets.
On account of sand and clay being washed
from the alloy onto his lot , 0 , block 113 ,
John F. Murphy asked the council to reim
burse his loss.
The chief of police was Instructed to notify
in writing the property owners to jpalr
the sidewalks where they are dans-.jiisnt
once. The city attorney said that thcso
dangerous places should bo fenced in at once ,
and free the city from danger of suits for
damacc. On motion of Conle.v the street
commissioner was empowered to make all
necessary repairs on streets and employ
what help lie needs at onco.
Ex-Councilinan lohnJ. O'Uourkoaddressed
the council on needed repairs on the streets
in the Third want. Ho referred especially
to a bad place at Thirtieth and Kyan streets
nnd the road along the pond at Jettcr
C. M. Hunt handed in a long communica'
tlon asking J500 damages on account of bail
paving and guttorjng adjacent to his build
ing ut Twenty-sixth and N streets.
To Tax tno Poles ami Wire * .
Bulla reported ! that his committee had
waited on the manager of the street rail
way company to ask them to complete their
line across the Viaduct , but was told that
ono of the directors was sick and could not
attend to the matter at onco. Mr. Smith
said ho would being the matter before bis
company. This commjttco has been at work
on this ono errand foc.about a month and has
been unable to get any satisfaction.
After Bulla had made his report Mayor
Walker suggested that if the council put a
tax on the street car cfimpany's coles and
wires in the city it would do some good to
wards getting them to nc.t. Conlcy thought
tills should not bo done until after the com
pany officials had said what they intend to
do. There the matter rested.
Mr. Mnhoncy , owner of the building at
Twenty-fifth nnd N streets , reported a
nulsanco al this place. Every time there is
a heavy rain his basement acts as a catch
basin for all the lllth and garbage above
him , The grade of the lot next to him Is
the cause of the nuisance , and Mr. Mahoney
would like to have the council compel the
owner of it to 1111 it to grade. On motion of
Wyman , the city garbage master was In
structed to look after the case and the com
munication was placed on file.
The city engineer was Instructed to'mako
necessary repairs on the west end of the P
street viaduct caused by the recent storm.
Chief Smith asked to havn the reel of en
gine house No. 2 treated to a coat of tar , as
it now leaks very badly.
Cash ISros. presented'a bill for $245,50 for
sloping banks.
Tlio contract for sewers to bo built in dis
tricts Nos. 101 and 103 were awarded to
Stimson & Hobcr and G. W. Tillotson.
Sarpy County School Teacher Glvpn Short
Xotico to Oult.
A school teacher over in Sarpy county ,
nbout two miles south of South Omaha , by
the nnnw of Lytlo , was called down by the
directors on last Friday night und fjlvcn
short notice to leave the country. His term
would not expire for tbrco weeks yet ,
but the reports that reached the parents of
some of the pupils were enough to cause his
immediate dismissal. Lytlo is n married
man nnd has thrco children. His family
lives nt Pacific Junction.
It is lucky that Lytlo got away when ho
did , " said the father of ono of his scholars tea
a HEB reporter last evening , "or ho might
have met with a tar and feather reception.
Thrco of the scholars toll of his fiendish con
duct toward them , nnd their words cannot
bo doubted under the circumstances. While
ho may not have accomplished his hellish
designs ho went far enough to make the
blood boil in the reins of n parent , who hud
entrusted their children to his euro , "
Injured In ICunuwuy.
Mrs. Kelley , who resides nt Twenty-fourth
nnd Q sticots , mot with a painful accident
yesterday morning. Thohorsosho was driv
ing became frightened near the west api roach
ot the Q btreet viaduct , nnd running ngatnst
ono of the plnrs upset the buggy and threw
the lady out. She was conveyed to her homo
nnd attended by Ur , Ifolloy. The horse con
tinued to run andjsiiushoil the buggy up In
bad shape. Mrs. Kiny's ; ) | wounds are not
considered dnngovotuiuallliousli she was con
siderably l > ruiseiluboiil the fnco and hoad.
Sellout Hoard Jlentlnz.
The school baai'4 ' tfijt , last night , with all
the inoinocrs p su t except Councilman
Hulla. Hills aggregating W.loa.Sfl were al-
lowed. Ari'hiteet'.Lol ' nser's plans for the
two new buildings were accepted and bids
will bo ndvurtiuud rtor at onco. The sucro'
tary was InstructcdUo require the Snicad
company to give ithelr bond for putting in
the heating apparatus , it they expected tc
go to work. i f4 _
For some tlmo thea members of Iho Live
Stock exchange havo''been revising its by
: Highest of all in Lcavcniny Power. Latest U. S. Gov't ' Report.
Inw * nntl they now have the work about
completed , After n thorough dlicusslon
the following amendments Imvo boon
ndoptcd ,
To change section 4 of nile P to road ns fol
low * : "The commission per carload of
mixed stock slmll bo 50 cents tier head for
cattle , So cents per head for calves , 10 cents
per head for hogs nnd sheep up to $13 per
carload , and no carload to bo less than $0. "
It Is also proposed to adopt rule S3 , which
read * !
Section 1. It slmll bo the duty of every
purchaser of stock cattle or feeding cattle on
this market to report within thrco hours
nftcr weighing nny lumpy Jaw or unmer
chantable animal to the party of whom same
was purchased , nnd if no claim Is mndo by
that tlmo the purchaser will have no recourse -
course whatever.
Sec. 2. Should purchaser and salesman
disagree as tolls being a case of lumpy Jaw ,
then and In that cnso the matter must bo re
ferred to a committee fcr settlement. This
committee to bo chosen , ono by purchaser
nnd ono by salesman , nnd they to select a
third If necessary to tin agreement. Tbo de
cision of this committee to bo final ,
Atngln Clly < ! uslp.
Mrs. Xclgcl Is visiting friends In Chicago.
Dick Berlin Is homo from n trip to Kansas
Hev , Stcphcnson left yesterday for Toronto
n n visit.
Mrs. Willis Plckett Is visiting friends In
Fred King , son of the city engineer , is
cry sick.
Miss Molllo Berry of Afton , la. , Is visiting
icr brother./
Mrs. W. B. Berry has gene to Oardnor ,
Mo. , on a visit.
Mrs. Clnudo Talbott Is homo from a visit
vlth relatives In Ohio.
II. Hall of the Hammond ofllco force loft
ast evening for Chicago.
Miss Clara English of Marysvlllo , Mo. , is
isiting at tbo homo of W. S. Wlttcn.
F. 12. Short , the horseman nt the stock
arils , started for St. Louis last night.
J. M. Wcsterllcld took out a permit to
MIId ! a $000 cottage In Missouri avenue park.
A. H. Lee of the Stock Yards company returned -
turned yesterday from a trip through Kan
Considerable water pot into the stock room
at Cudahy's Saturday night and did a great
deal of damage.
Now walls nro being put In nt the Jnll nnd
nt Twenty-seventh and N streets which
wcro washed out Saturday night.
The Daughters of Veteran1 ? gave an ice
cream social last evening at Twenty-fourth
and ti streets and notteJ a snug sum for
their society.
Manager W. N. Habcock of the Stock
Yards company Is suffering from rhcuina-
, ism. Yesterday he was aulc to bo at his of-
Ice for a short time.
A long procession of friends followed the
remains ol the infant son of Mr. and Mrs.
L rank .1. Frcnek to the grave yesterday.
Interment at St. Mary's cemetery.
Jensen , the confidence man who was sen
tenced to fifteen days hi the county Jail , is
suffering from a bad case of Jimjams. Ho
was taken to the county Jail yesterday
There was a bad washout in front of Mr.
Richhardt's printing ollicc Satuidny night.
The area wall is en veil in for about liftcen
foet. Tbo curb was insufficient to guard oft
the wntor nud the damage will bo considera
ble. The repairs are being made today.
When tbo lightning struck T. U. Hatcher's
house Saturday night it did moro damage
than wns lirst reported. A place several
feet long wns torn out of the "roof and two
holes wcro burned In the side of ono of the
walls. Mrs , Hatcher and another lady wcro
severely shocked nnd they feel the effects
yet. A largo picture wl'.h a costly frame
was ruined by the smoke nnd flro.
Plies of people have piles , but , Do Witt's
Witch Ha el Salvo will euro them.
TJSLlMU.ll'llW JtltlEFS.
The Whisky trust has sold $1,000,000 worth
of Its bonds.
Ono million dollars In sold has been ordered
today for Hhlpmunl abroad.
New York was. visited by a hot spell , the
thermometer reglstci ing 04 degrees at i ! p. m. ,
humidity 85.
At n nicotine of the directors of the Pacific
Mall Ktuumsmp company , C. V. Iluntlngtou
was elected president.
AtEuielta , U. T. , dynUmlto placed on
the roof of abulldliiglieloneliictotho liulllon-
lleck mliio and blew It to pieces.
At Trenton , N. .T. , Charles Y. Richmond , an
aeronaut , miulo u 3,000-foot ascension and
lost hH life , The panicliutt : failed to work.
At a meetlni ; of Iho directors of the Mexican
Central railroad tlio organisation was com
pleted uith A. A. Jtobln-son , president.
A ilt'strnctlvo forest flro Is raslnc In Stevens
county , Washington. The file was started In a
dcnsQ plno forest near SprlnsdaloonSatinday.
Tlio department of tlip9pinl : h caravels has
lieen delayed on Ing to the fuel that tlio tug
Triton , vihlcli Is to accompany them Is not
ready ,
At Hpokanc , Wash. , the Hank of Ppoltane
Fulls tompor.irlly closed Its doors. The sus
pension caused no excitement. The bank Is
the oldest In the city.
At Philadelphia flfty-sovon waiters em
ployed In the icstnurant attached to John
wniiatmiker's fri-nnd depot Htruck for an In-
crcano of wages and better food.
AtSloux City , 'la. . In the case of Wells W.
Miller vs. tlio Moux Investment company , the
order appolntlui ? a loculvi-r was vacated und
the suit dismissed at the plaintiff's cost.
At Kansas City. Mo. , all the railroads mndo
jrati > of $11 for tlm round trip botwuen Kan
sas City and til. l.onls , and a rite of 10 ono
way , to meet the rate lucuntly made to Chi
Notwithstanding the many assertions that
Itiv. Kdward Mculynn lias Hailed for Itomu , It
Is known by Ins closest frluiuU that ho Is In
retreat In Iliu Ttuplilst monastery near
I.uxlnKlon , Ky.
At I'lttsburs , Pa. , the wugo scale commit
tee of tlio Amalgamated association nnd the
representatives of the Alahonln & Hhenan-
Joah Valley Manufacturers association huvo
been In .sect et conference for a lengthy neilod ,
The IlurlliiKton has announced n rate from
Ft. I/onls to Do liver , Colorado Hprlnzs and
Pueblo of $18.00 , tlm nmnd trlprato bulnefai.
The busing into fur southern points west of
the MUsouri river will liuU and after Wednes
day U will bu Iho selling rate.
The House of Common * went Into commlttoo
to consider cluuso 3 of tlio homo rulu
At Vienna , addressing the legation , Count
t = prnylnz Tro ,
Wudilnx Windows ,
And nut-glee ,
Clu'nnlnjf chicken
L'oopn ,
Has two bra norzlos
nut ) sprnyur , barrul of
linlvunliod iron nhlcli
imuiot corrode or wour
uiit ; brass top and brans
vulva to bnrrul ; brim *
l > lu KenTltlicro sluuHllo
i unit vjlvt of oak-
tunned U'uthor.Vork
lib null and la ts as lonu
MB u hltfii priced puinti
Clrculuni free. Ak'tnis
Cumuli IlltiH , fo.i'i.
TOK , ilitB. , chief coniutllng phyticlait of tti >
ivs awsrdci tbo untu iiEiUL by tko
Kthanttiil YUalUaMmplaKtrnut and /'Ayifuil
l > ebllltyta > 'l ' all Dlna.ftml Wtaknitt ot ilun ,
niim'O IhoyonH , ? , Uio mtdJte-agid end olii
l.lml'X Conrultatioa in pcrnoii or by ! etur.
UUIILO I'roipcctf * with tMtlmonlnli , FKBB ,
I'llKSKUVAT/ON , 00 pp. . 124 Inialunllo JHW
ripHcnn. full > "touly Jl.i"1 Uv nail. > e/ilrd
Is unsurpassed in tbt
treatment of all
and allWetkntiiiiCU
and Oltoideri ot MCN
18 jroara oipcrlonce.
Writ * fqr clrr.ilii
( md qucatton lUt free.
14th and Famam 8U
Omaha. Jib.
KnlnoUy , minister of forelen ftffAlM tlihrnVJ
tli Irton tliM a KPiidrxl tllftMt . m nt of Kit
ropiitn powtrs was i > oiilblr.
In Ilorlln illiilctnutlo circle * Emperor Wll
1mm roinnrlU'il tint tinilcr no clrruniMnncct
won Ul tin cniiiitcnnticc | iroiio M tn limit ttio
stiiTriiRi ] ( ortlio iiurniKo or itrciiRihciiltiK the
guvcrntnont In Uio HclcliMn ; ,
Only Relief Found Was in
Paine's Celery Compound.
James Harris , an Octogenarian ,
Found a Cure Long1 Sought.
The Brilliant Saylnp of T , G. Appleton ,
Boiton'a Grtnt WiU
. Not everybody knows that the bril
liant ' saying , "la llfo worth livlnc'rThnt
depends on the liver. " originated with
the late Thomns G. Appleton ot Boston ,
Thero'a enough wisdom in the pun to
Bet upti college ot physicians.
The liver , indeed , inakos ono sco
things through rose-colored glasses , or
through the smoky trlass of disease.
Intno weakness of shutting one's eyes
to the beginning of liver troubles because -
cause they are s in nil ones , misfortunes
ronlly lies.
The man who neglects plain signs of
loming illness , or who docs not know
, vhat to do when sickness overtakes him
euch n man is culpably ignorant.
As ho elves sv double bonolH who gives
Illicitly , so n man on the verge ot'fall
ing into dyspepsia , nervous prostration ,
3i' kidney trouble does himself a double
bo no lit who quickly attends to disagree
able sonMitioiiH in btomuch , liver or head.
It mnv bo nothing , it may bo serious.
'Iho ritkis largo. Pulno'a celery com
pound Is now PO easily obtainable
every druggist of any standing has it
and Ptuno's celery compound so quickly
nnd permanently relieves sufferers from
their ills , that t'horo is no excuse for a
: nnn or woman saying , "It is too lato. "
Jiiinos Ilnrris of Townnilu , I'enn , , is
81 years old. Ho has boon court crier
tor'thirty-eight yours , ivtul is in this way
known in every part of his county , llo
s a man very much respected by all who
know him. Ho has been In poor health
for a long time , und his improved condi
tion is the fctibject of general remark.
Clarence T. Kirb.y is a druggist in
Towanda. and ho says that when Harris
wont to htm for two bottles oi Pa i no's
celery compound last May , before ho
started for a visit to his daughter in
Orwoll. ho was in very baa shape , and
ho would not have been surprised if Mr.
Harris had never como back to court
again. Lot Mr. Harris toll his story :
Ho says : ' ! huvo been troubled for
years with what the doctors call Briglit's
disease , and my right kidney has both
ered mo terribly ; my knees pained mo
so that I could hardly bend over at all.
1 had dizziness in my head , although I
never was much troubled with head
ache. I have been sodix/.y us to full oft
my chair and had to bo helped up by
others. In thesa di'//y spells I would
apparently see specks Hying in the air ,
and 1 was troubled very frequently in
this manner , both on the slroot and in
the house. I had cramps nights so terribly -
ribly that I could not tret to sleep until
3 o'clock in the morning. I first read of
Pnino's celery compound about a year
ago. Having tried nearly all tlio medi
cines and consulted bevcral physicians
without getting relief , I had little confi
dence in any thing , but I spoke to Drug
gist Clarence T. Kirby about it. and ho
said ho was having n great demand for
it , and 1 concluded to try it. I pur
chased two bottles and took it to Orwell
witli mo ana used it according to direc
tions. I began to fool better at once.
When two bottles were gone I coultl got
no moro at Orwell and discontinued its
use until I caino back to Townnda. But
I certainly hail loss pain in my kidneys ,
had no cramps , and could Bleep and rest
nearly all n-ght. When I wont into the
court house on my return. Judge Peck
and till the court ofllcora congratulated
mo on my improved appearance and told
mo I WHS getting young again. And I
certainly feel younger now. lam taking
third bottle of Palno's
my celery com
pound , and shall continue its uso. It has
tlono mo moro good than all the other
medicine I ever took , and to it 1 ewe ray
present improved condition of health. "
And Health Is the Hoyal -
Rend to Happiness.
Errry nunncr of ahronlp dl < cftco can b
cured trillion ! the uio ot mcdlolne at the
Couuoil BlnfTs
No mutter how npurly ttUonurncnil roit r ,
or how tntich yon Imvo sufTi-rod fromdlsoiUo
nnu liiid offoots of sirone nicdlrliirn , you can
bo cured nnd siiln lionnnnent bcnollt by th
now nnll-modlcal sy atcia of trontmciit. Ili
onscs trj.Mod !
Anonilii , Apoplexy , Amlunn , llrouclilttl ,
Cntnrrh , Cuiiiuiiipllon , Uiirvnttirii of the
pintDjipoput , - .
Kpilcp j- , I.ltrr Complaint -
plaint , NeunilRln , Itlioumiilliim , I'liralyiiii
Cniiitliintlon , hri-dfnlii , Kominn nnd All
Hlunil niirniri , rotnnloVi > nknc i , llrnt-
nr , l.nckjmv , Hornln or llupturr , I'lloi ,
.Sorvoua Alliicllons , lltmrt Diicaio , Tnlir
lite ,
All treated nnd cured by the
Calvanic Klcctro .Magnetic Hattcry
lor oxtrnctltnt all animal , \ogotablo and
mineral poisons.
Vitali/.cil Vapor niul O/.oiio Uaths
For purifying the blooJ nnd beautifying tha
Vitall/.od Huat anil Magnetic Baths
Tor paralysis , dobllltlus and toning up tu
Vitalized Chemical & Kleetrlc IJaths
Tor romovlng all cancori and blood poisons.
The nnioiicy nf the Aboro Mnthodi Dallr
Dotnonittntuil by
J.I.O. I
. . . , I
i |
119 Stutsinai Strait , Council Blufn , Ii
JOHN DOHANY , Manager.
No oMr.i charge for iciurved seats.
All under 21 , lOc.
100-111-113-115 Muiu. Street.
Largest stock of
in the city.
Agents ol the Celebrated.
Gurney Hardwood Refrigerators.
Agents for the
Oil Gas Stoves ,
the safest and newest steve out. J
Wo are exclusive agents for the
Genuine Boynton Furnace ,
and all furnace work is supervised by
our Mr. Lautormibsor , who IB ono of tlio
best furnace men in the west.
Wo c-irry a full stock ot Field Seeds.
City agents for the Pioneer Imple
ment Co.'s goods.
CDUN3II BlUF ? ! .
Wr car. neil jiiun homo nnJ lot on n pnjrtrunl of
fromilU.UJ to ; JU ) ) ilotv.i un 1 f U OJ to $15.OJ
per month. Homo Bpaclal bargains lu lots. JoUa *
Eton A Vuu I'utUMi.
A US I U ACTS nnd loans. Ifarm nn.t oltr prop rtr
-fVbouLlH alia KuU. 1'uiar A 'I'liomul , Couaalt
17OH 8AI.K ThrueJcrsoy bull * ; ixuoi , one \r a't
JL nnd two ju.irs ; ulia calor , ru literal
Block. 72J S. Ut St.
GAHII.U1H re novel , C3.n : > ooU. vaulti. otilnin > ri
cluAiiod. Kd Uur < e , ut Tayljr's gructiry , MJ
llroailway *
i OIt ! < AIjK An uprluht llro liorso ponor boiler ,
'inllut ' I3.W llio.ulwny.
BRAUTIKUIi linmo : nil modern convenience * )
low prices , miy tariiu. A. J. .Mundol , C , llluffi.
HO.MKH 1 will tradomjr equltlci In Olio or two
Kood dwelling ! for clour lot * , llalauco un l
time. 11 , J Adniiin , UI3 1'urln avenue ,
BAIKlAIKS-Konulo , "U by 3'JO feet on Franklin
nvfnuo , fl.W'JlW.
'n\ \ < , acres bcuwiM.Mi lit ttroet and I'rnnVlln avenuo.
I'.uU plattliiK prnpnrtr In the cltjr ,
Tno lulu opposllo 'Ililril itruol ucliool , U.tOOOO.
Ono lot \\llion'Iurrncc. . fiiSuuM.
'I'llrco | ut > , corner Mnlu utroot und Ulli avenue.
Iluil ilia ( or Implomant home In the city. 57.WJ.OO.
l.oiiitoii . .VTowloHi I'carl etreut.
GOOD man conic nnd u kllclum ulrl wanted atone *
at Itmuiutt house * CouuUl IiluITs.
W ANTKD-J.nd ? cook at Scott uouie.
Q. A. SCHOED3ACK , Proprietor.
Dyeing , Gleaning find ttofinislilng
Council Bluffs olllco und worUi , cor. Avo. A and "Uth St. Telephone II10. Sand ,
for circulars and price list. Omaha ollicc : 1621 Parnam Tel. 1021.
All kinds nf Dyelaz
nnil ( Jlo mini < lone UK '
tlm lillie t Btylo of
ttie nrt. Kinlod and
btalnuil fabrics' mmle
to lool : us gooi nt
now. Worn promptly
dona ana ilellvure. }
In nil puru ot tbe
country. HooU tor
priao Hit.
A. .
Proprietor. 5
Dtcudwav. near North * .
western Depot ,
Telephone 32i