0 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY , JUNE 3 , 1803. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL rhera WM a New Low Record Made on 'Ohango in Wheat. FEELING WAS VERY NERVOUS GENERALLY ITIitnt Opened Nearly Cent Orer the Cloiltiff Trice * of Thuntlnjr , Then Ilegnn llio Selling ami th Tumbling ! CIHCACIO , III. . June 2. There was a now low /ocord made on 'Change on whrat. Thcro was ulso unwonted excitement , besides a small fMluro In the trade. The fooling was very nervous over the slaughter of stocks botn in Chicago ami Now York and rumors of western bank troubles. , Everything was magnified ton times , nun news went unheeded. Tlio boar pit prevailed to such an extent that It Is not at all Improbable much overdone. On able the selling was loady cables , rcporls of decreased acreage In Minnesota and the Dakotas'receipts of only gcvcnty-flvo cars hero and outside Influences , the wheat market started with a rebound of Kc from last night. July sold atCOKc. and September at73ijc. Then began tlio selling anil the tumbling. The decline hnd already wiped out the early advance when Manager I'owoll of lho clearing house posted lho small firm of Kellogg .VForsy the as not meeting Us debt balances. These young follows had been In business only a few months and It Is said had boon plunging on the bull sldo of wheat , Their trades wcro small but scattered , 'so ' that many houses had stuff to sell out for their account. The font-thai other small failures might follow inndo lho Irndo unduly excited. The dropping out of business of a llttlo con cCrn wit h perhaps (10,000 capital would not at any other tlmo have caused a ripple. The financial situation seemed to put ovcry ono on cdgo and the decline went on until Juno touched COc. a point never before reached in this market ; July. CCJc ! ; September , 71ic. ! There was loss tlmn Jfc recovery at the close. Cudahy and Wright led the selling almost from tlio start and both frcoly predicted C5c for July. Wright was thought to bo unques tionably selling short , but the crowd is not uro about Cudahy. The general opinion is Hint ho has been long for a considerable tlmo andi is now throwing over his holdings at a los. los.Ono of tlio weakest factors in the situation was the sharp break In local securities on the Chicago Block exchange. Liquidation has boon going on for thouasthlttvdnys.butltwns generally believed that settlement of many trades would end the depression. 'Iho Hank- Inton fullnro seemingly impaired returning confidence and again started stocks on the downgrade. Today's decline averaged 413 a share on the West Chicago Street railway ; $15 on North Chicago and J5 on Diamond Match. The aggregate depreciation in local sloclcs Blnco May 2 IK very close to $23,000.000. hlnco that tlmo West Chicago has declined (50 a Kbaro ; North Chicago , $20 ; City Hallway , (30 ; lllscult , $20 ; Strawboard.21 : Diamond Match , (23 ; Canal and Dock , 811 : Milwaukee Ilrew- Ing , common , $12 ; prefeired , $5 ; Chicago Brewing , common , $13 ; preferred , $10 ; btreet Car company , ii : per fcharo ; the loss on West Chicago Is over $0.000,000 , and on North Chicago cage $3,000,000. Corn under a fair demand sold up a frac tion , and hold steady for a while at the advance. The decline In wheat , however , was too much affected and It was not long until offerings were greatly Increased under which tlio prices Mild fiom J O'ic ; but at the decline tlio Inquiry Improved and from Hto KG rally occurred nnd the llnal llguros showed from * to 7 > 'closs. Oats near the opening was at about the highest pi Ice of the day while the closing was at the lowest at a not decline of from l { toc. . Provisions were stagnant. Counsolman-Day went to $22 to get'2,5UO'bbls ' of beptomber pork and the cllnuu and the prices closed at thd fancy llgure. Compared with lust night , pork is nominally 30c higher ; lard 12Jc ! Uwor and ribs lOc lower. EHtlmaled rccclpls for tomorrow : AVheat , 70 cars ; corn , 016 cars ; oats , 345 cars ; hogs , 0,000 head. The leading futures ranged as follows ; A III I C1.L8. OPEN. IIIUII. LOW. CLOSE. V'hll'V WucatNo.2 Juno 67H CD July font. , . : . , TJJidiTJ Corn No. 3 Juno SSMQTiS July 40 * * ft Kept 1H ftmi Onti No. 2- Juno mi 29M July 281 , 29 234 Hcpt MH licss Pork July 21 tO 31 60 21 40 21 CO 21 U Sept 11 K 11 OJ Jl 65 n oo 21 CJ Lard- July 1060 10 (0 104)4 10 42M 10 TO Bept 1090 10 M ) 10 SO 10 80 1U MH 4nort 1(11)9. . July 0 BO 0 60 9 M fl 70 kept 1U 02 10U2K 987 0 CO 10 Oi OitBli quotations were as follows : FJ.OUH Easy ; bomo standard brands marked down 15c. WIIKAT No. 2 spring. GOOOUc ! ; No. a ipilng. 60(201c ( ; No. 2 red , GG8 ! CGOUc. COIIN No. 2 , 30c ! ; No. 2 cash , 89Jei No. a casha7 c ; No. 2 yellow , BOJic ; No. 3 yellow , OB'Ic. 6ATfl-No. 2 , 29Uc : No. 2 white , 33 < 333Ci ! No. 3 white , f. o. b. , 33@43c. KYK No. 2 , 62ie. ! UAIII.KY No. 2 , COc ; No. 8 , f. o. b. , 88 < 2 > 48c No. 4 , f. o. b,38a41c. TI.AX SKKD No. 1 , J1.03. TIMOTHY H.KBI > Prime. J3.80. 1'OIlK-Moss , per bill. , t21.GOa21.G2K ; lard per 100 Ibs. , * 10.1610.17i } ; short ribs , sldei flooio ) , 19.7000,7214 ; dry salted shoulders ( boxed ) , flO.OO7410.'Jf > ; short clear bides ( boxed ) . J10.37'10.02'J. . WHISKY Distillers' finished goods , per gal. BuflAiiR Unchanged : cut loaf , GJic ; granu lati'd , 6.70 ; standard "A. " 5.67. Tha following were the receipts and ship' montH for today : On the Produce exchange today Iho butte market was ( juiut ; ero.'rtnery , 1019c ; dairy 16U17C. KSBH. linn ; strictly frubh. 13Vi14Uc Nuw York Alurkets. NKW YOHK , Juno 2. Vixiuu Receipts , 29 , 000pkgs. . ; exports , 0,300 bbls. , 39.000 sacks Bales , 11,000 plcgii. ; market quiet , bare ! stonily. COIIN MKAI/ Dull , steady ; yellow western 12.01X 3.70. HYU Dull , easy ; weslorn , 00 < a05c , IlAiil.ur MAI.T Quiet , stonily ; western , 60 ] O'Je. O'Je.WllKAT Hecolpts. 204,375 bu.l oxpnrtB , 08 000 liu.sales. ; 3lHO,0)0 ( ) bu.of futures,210,00 bu , npot , bpot maikot HWiiu Inner , wit optlniiH inoiliinUi'ly active for uxiiort. closln Ktontly ; No. 2 red , In htoro and elevator. 73' a74J/c ; ulloat. 76Uft75Jc ! ; f. o. b. , 74U < JJiio ; ungraded red , 72Jt73'ici No. 1 nortl crn. 76i4'i76'Ji ! No. 2 northern , 7i7i't : : ( iptliuui opened btcadv at ? ; 4 ! i < : advani'ii o foreign Inlying and local covering , decllni' Jitt'ii : on weak cables , Increnbod reculnts an fciiinll cloiinincfs , weaker west and a fallurn i Chicago , tvlth I he cloio steady at au < < & ? io unde Mvtnrdny and tradh g moditraloly active ) . B red. July. 76 ! < ® 7G6-10c , closing at 76 ? i August. 70'4 < it774'c , closing at 70 ? c ; Hopttin bor. 7B iffl7U7-lGc. closing ut TtUio : Octobe VOJiBBli-closing nt 797ic ; December , 82M 83yc , closing nt 82'4'f. COIIN Ui-ruliitB , 70,600 bu.J exports , 22.0C fill. ; Billon , 1.700.000 bu.of futures. 9S.OOO hi nthpol. KpotHdull and lowur , closing htoitih No. 2 , 48c in elevator , -JBillC lOc ulloat ; optloi f all ly actlvu and closed weak ut litt'jo ; .Inn 47JJW18C.closing nt 47he ; July. /tW4Ui ! closing at 47fiOi Hcplumber , 4rJ > itt48c , clo Ing at 49 > tc. OATS Uucolpts , 132.000 bu.i exports , 4.0C bu , ; Hales , 140,000 bu. futures and ( ) ( ) , ( ) ( vrestorn. 3840chlto ; wrbtein , 4OU47c. JlAY-Htuady. lloi'ii-Dull , Ilrin. lllliKS-Oiiiut , mmilnal , \ VOIlull ( ) , wiiuk ; domestic fleece , 27(332 ( pulled , 2Gfc37cj TOAIIS , 1744'JIc , PitoviKio.ss Cut moats , quiet , stead pickled bellies , 12 Ibs. , lit llijc ; pleklodNhoi dors , Uo ; middle * , dull , easy , Lard , quh niHluri western hti'am closed at f 10.00 ; hal < 65O tlorc-es at ttO.OO ; options , talis , non Juno closi-d at f 10.65 , nominal ; July clo vd 110.70 , nuinlnul ; rJt'ptoiubur cloiotl at ( ll.C noinlnul. Pork , iiulct , uaby ; old mess , t'il.'t HUTTBii Kalr uennind ; ostorn dairy , 1-t lOc ; western factory , l-VAWv , CilliESE-Oulul , uxcupt forriU > red. TAl.uw-lletter demand , Brmorj city ( t2 t pkgs. ) . & 3-ltic , CorrpsHBUD Oil -Qulot , kU'iidy i crude , 4C yellow , 45c. PBTiioi.WM-SteMly.qulot ; Uulted.no sal HIMIN- Quiet , steady. TuiU'KNTiNE Dull , btcady , ItiCB-Dull , uteiidy , MOI.AFBES Now Orleans , open kettle , good choice , qulot. ktuady. BuoAii-Haw , uriu , dull ; rcflncd , fairly uctli Kuua-Modurutu demand , UubOttled. Ii CBlpU , 8,678 pVgs. Wpstnrn. fr h , Ifiat8ioi weitcrn , per cr o , H,7&514,00. , Piq InoN-Qulet.Mcarty i American , I12.7&3 16.60. OorpEitStoadyt lake , 110.80. I.RAO-IJncliangodl domestic , 13.02'J ' , TiN-Stcady ! Htrftlts , H8.8S bid : Il9nikt > < ls pl tc , gtondy , qitloU Spoltor , nominal ) do mestic , not quoted. lloston Wool Market. nosTOS , Ma < s , , Juno 2. The wool market continues In Its previous Inanimate condition. So far as domestic wool Is concerned there Is nothing now to relate. The business of the week has been oxtrrmcly small , amounting to only 1,310,650 Ibs , of all kinds Including 994- 650 Ibs. of dotncsllc and 310,000 Ibs. of for eign , Manufacturers take no Interest In the market beyond the small loin which they need for their Immediate tiso. There have boon a coed many manufacturers on the market dur ing the week , but all toll the same s-tory , scorn ing to have no confidence In wool and no desire - sire to anticipate their wants. In several in stances buyers took only small portions of lines of wool. Thus where 60,000 Ibs. could bo bought , only one-halt that amount , or , per haps , onlv 10,000 Ibs. would ho taken. ' 1 hero has been only meager news from the west , and dcalen here have as ynt taken but llttlo InlnoKt In the new clip. The season la backward In Ohio and Michigan. Wools nro accumulating nt the different markets In Texas , and there Is llttloor no buying. These wools would bo shipped , out commission merchants on the seaboard are not anxious to pay the advances asked. There Is nothing of Mpoclul Interest from California or the territories , but reports agree that cust om buyers are not operating to any extent , though there Is a fair amount coming forward on consignment. , , The markets of the west are about as dull as those on the seaboard. The whole trade of the country Is In a depressed state. The mcmhersof Iho tnido hero are uncertain as lo how lo niovo. The prospect of a modnrnto demand from manufacturers confronts them , and they know they must , to bo on the safe sldo , purchase ptippllcfl of now wool very care fully. Tlioy reiillro also that they must buy at low prices , If at all , but how long and what basis U a safe ono , are dllllcult things to make clear. There are a great many problems that are puzzling th p trade. Including the over dis turbing one , the tariff , and until they are solved , the market condition will bo unsettled and unsatisfactory. Onuilm Produce Market. VCUETAIII.Es : . TOMATORS 0-baskct crntcs , 13. OAMFOKNIA OAUIIAOI : Crates , perlb. , 8c. NKW 1'orATOia Per bbl. , $4J4.26. BTIIINO ItSANS-Per bu. box , ll.60ai.76. l'EAB-1'er bu. box , $1.7532.00. OUCUMIIF.US Pcrdoz. , 76c. OAUMFIXWIH : Kiincy , per doz. , 11,75512.00. Fo. O.MONS-I'er bbl. , J4.50. liKTTtJCB Per do30il35e. . KAmaiiKM Pordoz. , 2023i ! , GIIREN ONIONS Per do20n. . Asi'AltAdua Per doz. , 35J40c. i NEW llL'UTS Per doz. , 40nl45c. FKUITA OAT.lFOn.NlA Ciir.HHins Per 10-lb. box , 12.25. BTiiAwiiRnitins Per case , $1.00 64.60. GOOSKIIKIIIIIIS : Per case , $3.60ffi4.00. LEMONS Choice , $4.2531,50 ; fancy , $4.503 4.75. UANANAS Per hunch. Including crates and packing , f2.00ft2.60. OIIANUKS Washington navels , choice , $4 O4.60 ; Hlversldo seedlings , J3 ; Itcdlands , 128 size , $2.60 ; Mediterranean sweets , $3.60 ® 8.75. BUTTER , EOQS , QAME , POULTRY. nnTTEii The great bulk of the country butter goes ut 12u. Ko < ! S liencral market , lie. POUI.THY Choice hens , U5J95c ! ; mixed coops , 7ffi8e ; old roosters , OSOo ; gecao and ducks , eaoc. MISCnr.T.ANEOUS. HAY The market on good upland hay , 87 In car lots. VEAI/ Choice nnd small fat , 7O8J5c ; largo and thin , 3QUu. .St. I.on It Markets. ST. Louis. Mo. , Juno 2. Ft.onn Neglected , So lower all around ; patents , $3.353.45 ; extra fancy , J3.051W. 15. WHEAT Went down steadily , closing Ic below yesterday ; No. 2 red , cash , 654c ! ; June , G4Jic ; July. O0' p : September , 70Vc. COIIN 1'ollowed wheat down , closed J4corf ; No. 2 ml\cd. cash anil June , 3Giic ; July , 37Uc ; September. : )8'ic. ' OATS-Steady ; No. 2 cash , 294c ! ; July , 27Wc ; August , 2j'fc ' : Heptomber , 25 c. PIIOVISIONDQulot , Ilrm ; trading light ; no standard moss pork hero ; current maiket Job bing , 1820.50 ; laid , $10 ; dry salt meats , loose shoulders,410. ; longs nnd ribs , Slo.55 ; shorts , $10.30 : boxed , 15c more ; bacon , packed shoul ders , 810.25 ; longs.and ribs. E10.87li11.00 ; shorts , $11.OOU11.12'i ; hams , sugar cured , 14 ® 14Uc. KKCEll'TS Flour , 24,000 bills. ; wheat , 10.000 bit. ; corn , 130,000 bu. ; oats , 58,000 bu. rJllll'MK.vrs Flour , 3,000 bbls ; wheat , 1,000 bu. ; corn , 04.000 bu. ; oats , 3,000 bu. IlUTTKii-ChoIeo creamery , 1718c ; choice dairy , IGc. Cotton Mnrlict. NEW ORLEANS , La. , Juno 2. Steady ; good middling , 7'jc ; middling , 79jc ; low middling , 7 l-10c ; good ordinary , GJic ; net receipts , 375 bales : gross , 700 bales ; export's to'lho conti nent , 790 bal'js ; coastwise , 1,700 bales : sales , 1,700 bales ; stock , 130,300 bales. Wcokly nut receipts , 9,000 biles ; gross , 10,800 bales ; exports to Orcat llrltaln , 11,100 bales ; to the continent , 1,400 bales ; coastwise. 5,700 bales ; sales , 10,800 bales. Sales , 31,400 bales ; June , $7.)3 ! ) bid ; July , $7.34 ; August , $7.-103 7.41 : September , 87.4037.47 ; October , 87.53 5J7.6I ; November,57.GOi67.61 ; December , 7.GO 447.67 ; January , 47.89 bid. Kims i City MurkctR. KANSAS CITY , Mo. , Juno 2. WHEAT Weak ; No. 2hnrdG4JtG4rsi : ; No. 2 red , 70c. OOIIN Steady ; No. 2 mixed , 3443tJc } ! ; No. 2 white , 39330'ie. ' OATS Firmer ; No. 2 mixed , 29329Se ! ; No. 2 white , Bl' ' < ® a2c. Kaos Active , steady ; strictly fresh , HMc. IIUTTEli Steady ; creamery , 1619c ; dairy , 1410c. UECEll'TS Wheat , 20,000 bu. ; corn , 4,000 bu ; oats , none. SHIPMENTS Wheat , 14,000 bu. ; corn , 10,00(1 ( bu. ; oats , none. Liverpool Markets. LtVEnrooin Juno 2. WHEAT Dull ; holders offer freely ; No. 1 California , 5s1 lHid5i 1KU per cental , Kccolpts for the past three days 160,000 centals. Including 07,000 American. COIIN Qulot ; demand moderate ; ml.\C ( western , 4s ljd ! per cental. Hecolpts o ; American corn for tlio past thrco days , :26,60 ( cnntals. LAUD Prlinn western , 60s Cd percwt. PEAS Canadian , Cs 4d percental. New York Dry Goods Markot. NEW YoriK Juno 2. Nothing of 1m i Klll lr * , MMUU * - AlUkllllln Ul now JUT portanco was disclosed In regard lo llio dr : goods Irado. The clearing of mill stock wa1 progressing In some Inslaiicos , but with lesi importance of volume than a week ago , whlli actual demands for collons Indicated an I in proving londoncy , Thcro Is a continued wall' Ing on tlio part of buyers somewhat generally for u dollnlto oslabllshment of prices , both f u btaplo und fancy cottons. N w Yonic , Juno 2. Options opened steady riij.nu , fuuiuiuuui , viu..iJ4viu > ou , vrmuuui $16 15 ; Ducembor , $15,00315.15. Spot Hlc dull.btoady ; No. 7 , * 17. riillndulplita Orntii Mrrrkot. riui.APKi.riiiA , 1'a. , Juno 2. WIIKAT Stead but qulot : No. 2 led , Juno , 71i71ic. COIIN Weak ; No. 2 mixed , 41c ; Juno , 47 ! * UATS Incar lots , steady ; futures dull ; No. white , June , 39i40c. ! MlimuiipolU VVIiout .Iliirket. MiNNEArot.is , Minn. , Juno 2. Cash when weak In cdiisoquoncogonoral feollng In othc markets. Ulosu : Juno , Gl'/ie ; July , ti3Uc ; Soi : tomber , OOJic. On track : No. 1 hard , G4iic No. 1 northern , GUlic ; No. 2nutthein , 6Ulit Cincinnati MnrKutH , CINCINNATI , O. , Juno 2. WIIKAT Dul nominal ; No , 2 red , G6o. UoiiN Kasy ; No. 2 mixed , 42l { < tJ43c. OATS-Qulct ; No. i ! mixed , 31'.i ' 32c , WHISKY In coed demand ; it.12. llaltlinuro Urnln .Markot. H.U.TIUOIII : , Mil. , Juno 2. WIIUAT Weal Nu. 2 red. npot and June , 7-0. COIIN Dull ; mixed bpot , 48c. ! OATS 1'alr ) No. 2 white , western , 42Uc. Tiileiln ( irulii .Market. )0 ) Towsno , O. . Juno a. WIIKAT Active nn )0 lower ; No. 2. cash and Juno , 68Uc. ill UOUN Dullt No. U cash , 41c. OATS Quiet ; cash , 32u , I.omlim Oil .Marknr. LONDON , Jiino2. la.NsmiOAKB JEO 10s pi ton for western. LiNSL'Eii OH. 10s 10id ! per 100 Ibs , , " I.iiniloii Kiigur Murker. c 1 LONDON , Juno 2. SuaAit Contrlfugnl , ( VI degree * tubl , 18s 3d pui lOOlbs. STOCKS AM ) IIONDS , Dealing * In-Securities \ \ > ro CImrnctorlzi at by Alurketl liepmilnii , Nuw YOIIK , Juno 2. The dealings In tl Stock itYchaugo today wiu characterized I nurUi'il deprushlon. Lower prices from Lei donattlioopenlng , the btralned condition ! banking and commercial credits at the we. and further exports of gold , added to tl boldness of those operating for a doclln Wherever It was supposed thnt long sto < could be reached an attack was made , and n without results. The huavlobt losses were ii to per cent In Kdlson Illumluatlng , 6 pur cent re. llaltlmoro ft Ohio and Norfolk ft Western pr < ferrod ; 4 percent In Chicago Qas and Mauha tau , SK per contin LouUvlllo & NukhvllJe , 2 perenntlnOencral Klortrlc nl ( 2 per cent In Itnch T.ilnnd nnd I.nrknwnnnri , Tlioronmliulpr of the list yielded S to Ut percent , Norfolk it Western jirvferrcd whi Imavy on Iho proposed IMHO of 15.000,000 now preferred stock and a Mhilliir stock of r > per cent 100-year bonds ; Chicago Gas was weak ened tiy rumors , which lacked continuation , thntuirorts wore making to enjoin the pay ment of the Mvldaml rrcontly ilrclnrrd , Ills- tllllni ; and Cattle I'ccdlns and Now Knglanrt were comparallvcly firm. After delivery hour Edison llluinlniitlng recovered to 105 hid nnd there was a recovery of S ! per cent In Manhattan : IJi per cent In Louisville .fc Na h- vlllo nnd Si to 1 percent In other slocks. The rally was duo chlclly to purchases to cover short contracts. The market closed steady in tone. The Post says ! Ilotli In this country and In Great llrltaln trade enterprises generally are pursuing a steady course of liquidation. The grain market particularly has felt the strain this week and compulsory closing out of largo whent contracts has been a striking faclor In the news of the last two days In Liverpool , as In Chicago. On both sides of the Atlantic the money question dominates the situation. Actual lack of money In the loan market plays no part In the situation. Money rates In both the markets ate nominally declining. The collapse Is purely a collapse ( if credit , which , indeed , Is hy far the more serious and wide reaching of the two contingencies. In Kngland It Is possible to trace distinctly the causa nnd prob.ibla continuance of the olTccts. The cause of London's trouble was , In fact , tem porary by Its nature. If the same could bo said of our own outlook the gloom overshadow ing nil the markets might bo brightened , The following nro the closing quotations on the leading stocks on the Now York Stock ex change today : The total sales of stocks today wore 271,200 shares , Including : Atchlson , 10,500 ; llitrlinp- ; ton , 0,700 ; C'hlci o O.is , 23,000 ; Lac.k.'i- wannn , 6,300 ; Dlbtlflors , 14,000Jcnorul ; Elec tric , 18,000 ; Louisville ft Nashville , 0.7001 Missouri 1'acllle , 0,400 ; Now Ensland , 7,000 ; Northern 1'aclllc preferred , 3,200 ; Heading , 22,000 ; Richmond Terminal , 4,000 ; Uock Island , 9,800 ; at. Paul. 45,100 ; SuEar. 17.600 ; Union I'acldc , 3,300 ; Western Union. 11,500. Now York Money .Market , NEW Yontc , Juno 2. MONEY ON CALL Firmer at 235 per cent ; last loan , 2)4 ) per cent : closed olforuii nt 2'4 ' per cent. i : PAPER G&8 per cent. HTCIILINO KXCIIANOR I'irni , with actual liuslness in hankers' bills at * t.8G'J4.8Gi for sixty-day bills and $4. 034.89 ! < for domaud. Thocloslng quotations on bonds : liostun block Quotations. BOSTON , Mass. , Juno 1. Call loans , 5aC per cent ; tlmo loans , 6'OH per cent. Closing quotations ot ) stocks , bonds and inlnlnKRharcs : San Francisco Mining Quotations. SAN I'nANCisco , CM. , Juno 2. The ofllclal closing quotations tor mining blocks today were as follows : Alia Ii Mono 10 Ilolchcr 105 Navnjo 10 Host JLIIclclicr 100 Nevada Queen 5 llodloConioildttcd , 20 Ophir 170 llulwcr 10 1'otosl ' ! 70 Cuollar 95 Savaico 70 Cun'UCol. 4 Va ICO Hlorra Nevada 75 Crown Point , 70 Union Consolidated M Could A Curry 65 Utah M HaloANorcross. . . . 65 Tallow Jacket 75 Mexican 110 Now York Mining Quotations. Niw YOIIK , Juno 2. Tlio following are the closlne quotations of mining blocks ou the Now Yoik board : Crown Point M I'/jmoilth HO Con. Cal. A , Va 150 /lerra Nevada 75 Peadnood DO Union Con 70 Gould A Curry C5 yellow Jacket , CO Hn1o& Norcross . . . M Iron Silver 10 liomcstako 1000 Quicksilver. 200 Mexican 116 do | > ferd 1500 Ontario 1400 llulvrcr 10 Ophlr ISO St. T.nuU .Mining ( Quotations. BT. Louis , Mo. , Juno 2. The following an the closing mining quotations ; Adams $ .75 tiranlto..t3.76 ( Am. Nettle. ,37TJO ! .42M llopo 3,40 tltlraotolllo. 4.75 Leo 07HO .03 Kllintiuui. . . 40 a .4m trt. Hope 75 tasked. tld. I'lnilliclnl Kotos. KANSAS CITY , Mo. , Juno 2. Clearings , 11 , 867,372 , , 1'AitiB , Juno 2. Thrco per cent rentes , 08 20c for thu account. .LONnoN , Juno 2. Amount of bullion gen Into the Hank of England on balance lodaj i.270,0)0. ( ) CINCINNATI , O. , Juno 2. Monnv , fiftS no cent , Now York exchange , 26&30c promlun Cluarlngs , J2,2G5,200. J1UMIMI1S , Tenn , , Juno 2. Now Vork ex clmngo selling at f 1.60 premium. Clearing ! $416U.r > B ; balances , H 10,301. KT. I > ouis , Mo. , Juno 2. Clearings , 13,760 , 021 ; balances , $403,100 , Money quiet at OS per cunt , Kxchango on Now Vork , 25o ells count lo par. NEW YOIIK , Juno 2. [ Ppcclal Telegram t TUB HKK.I Kxchango was ( juoted as follow tnilayi Clileago , 6Uc discount ; lloston , 2 : dlbi'iuint ; bt. LouU , at par. OIIICAUO , III. , Juno 2. Clearings , (10,314 230. Now York oxclmngu 60o dlKcoun Storllnguxchangudiillslxtyday ; bills(4&U duiiianil , H.BOjf , Money , btrou at 7 uorceul OJIAIIA I.IVK STOCK MAHICGT. Cattle Tnido llncortiiliily Unitnndjr Hoi un the Up Track Agiiln , FltlDAV. Juno 2. There wcro 1,000 more cntllo and l.COO moi liogs hero today lhan n week ago. So far th week , compared with lust , Iho receipts of ca tlo show no material change , hogs have di creased about 4,000 head and thecp aboi 1.000 head. liuslness was very unsatisfactory In the f ; .cattle mat kot today , The fooling was gene ally weak , and it took the best handy fat ca tlo to bring anything llko steady price Choice , heavy cattle wcro not oil a great do perhaps , but medium grades , coarse heavy ui half-fat btock was slow sala and all u illmo lower than Thursday , or about tl bumo as on Wednesday , the low day of tl [ nuuk. There WHS a very limited speculatl' Inquiry nnd the dressed beef mon were on wanting moderate supplies , but wanted the to 1)0 good. The good 1,200 to 1,400-11) . bcov sold at from (4.76 to (4.00 and there we bales of rough 1,300-lb , steers as low un (4. ' und (4.60. Pair to choice l.OOil ta 1,126-1 bloom sold at from (4.40 to 14.76 , and the wore a good many warmed up und green llgl ciittlu that sold ut from (3.90 to (4.36. Trai was ou the dull and drugglUK order throuf out , liul the elo < fj found corapnratlTely few ( lpoontcnltloun orO > . . , . , There wai nocrniliBo worthy of notq In the cow markot. Offering * wcro , M mimli com paratively MRhfMiitMlUi n Rood healthy In- iltilry the iiiovctaoiil wai fairly free find at rully steady price * . Common and cnunltiK cows sold nt fromII Jo J2.80 , butcher cows at from 13 to 3.76 Mill coed to rholfo cows and helfon at from (3.00 to (4.2S. lloiuh utock was fully steady at from f'-.GO to (4.00 and cnlvc * were Ilrm fitfrom (3 ( to 15.60. The feeder trarloWas flat. There WM neither supply nor demand Qiioiigh to make a rcipcc table - able showing. AJaJrvcry fair 805 to018-lb. stcunchaiiRcd htinds at from (3.00 to (4.10. or about steady prlcov The feeling was weak , Hcprociitatlvo ttilo l No. AT. Pr. No. AT. Pr. . 703 (3 76 12. . . . 1303 14 60 iS : : : . 730 3 00 C4. . . . 1UB 65 20. . , . 029 S 06 31. . . . 1178 65 . 700 4 00 10. . . . 1147 CO IG : ; ; . 658 4 00 20. . . . CO 40 . , . 080 4'15 03. . . . , .1231 GO 24. . , . 97C > 4 > 2n IB. . . . , .1050 * CO 4. . . . 000 4 25 10. . . . , .1208 CO n ' ' . 020 4 26 19. . . . , % 1003 00 5' , ! .1110 4 26 10. . . . . .1005 GO 31. . . 000 4 26 20. . . . . .1120 GO 14. . .1307 4 26 22. . . . , .1008 G5 23. . . 850 4 30 20. . . . . .1133 G5 23. . . 087 4 36 44. . . . . .1133 O.r. C. . . 004 4 36 18. . . . . .1104 05 20. . . 033 4 3D 19. . . . . .1125 70 25. . .1054 4 40 72. . . . . .1208 75 22 . .1031 4 46 21. . . . . .1235 80 10. . .1302 4 46 20. . . . . .1242 80 41 . .1088 4 46 22. . . . . .1215 85 40. . .1170 4 46 44. . . . . .12bO 85 30. . , .1137 4 46 26. . . . . .1397 00 28. . , .1100 4 60 222. . . . . .1252 00 Rlltt'l'INO AND K-Xl'OUT. 22. . .1002 4 25 18 1100 4 65 1. . .1130 4 25 14 1291 4 75 38. . .1216 4 25 MIXED. 10. . . 604 B 75 68 BOO 4 25 32. . . 628 8 00 4 80 < J 4 25 2. . . 870 8 00 COWS. 1. . , . 740 300 1. . . . .1110 0 IS 2. . , . 045 2 00 2. . . . .1040 8 35 6. . . 040 2 20 8. . . . . 840 0 35 2. . . 820 2 25 1. . . . .1100 8 40 1. . .1030 2 40 1. . . .1130 n 60 6. . .1008 2 40 2. . . . .1035 n 60 7. . . 804 2 45 1. . . . .1110 B GO 1. . . 815 2 60 25. . . . . 880 n co 8. . . 801 2 60 8. . . . .1010 8 75 1. . . 800 2 60 12. . . . . 829 B 75 1. . . 850 2 50 8. . . . . 000 B 75 2. . .1075 2 75 4. . . . .1102 B 75 ' ' . 010 2 80 2. . . . .10GU 8 00 IB' . , . 871 3 00 4. . . . 1082 8 00 1. . , . 770 5 00 6. . . . .1005 8 00 1. . , .1080 8 00 2. . . . .1170 8 00 1. . , . 052 8 00 2. . . . . 050 4 00 1. . , .1180 8 00 8. . . 050 4 00 0. . , .1080 3 05 21 1109 4 15 1. . , . 080 8 15 2 1300 4 25 IIEIFEIIS. 1 750 200 2 705 870 33 400 3 20 4 805 8 75 20 807 3 60 Mii.Kiiita AND sruiNnr.iis. t 1 cow and calf J37 00 Icowandcalf 35 00 1 cow and calf 1 00 pL springer 30 00 CALVES. 1 00 8 00 2 150 G 25 6 . . . . 80 8 75 7 220 5 60 B 142 876 4 127 560 1 110 400 1 140 560 3 163 450 4 125 060 DULLS. 1 1110 2 60 900 B 25 1 1340 2 7D 1542 8 85 1 1190 3 00 1440 3 60 1 1010 8 15 COO S GO 1 157O 3 15 I860 3 CO 1 1170 8 25 1090 8 75 2 1235 825 1542 8 85 8 1553 8 25 1250 B 90 OXEN. 1012 3 85 2 .2180 4 CO STOCKEK9 AND FEEDERS. . 460 8 00 1 830 8 05 , 780 8 60 24 805 3 00 . 593 3 60 22 B88 4 00 .1013 3 60 ' 21 918 4 10 WESTEIIN CATTLE. No. Av. J'r. No. Av. Pr. 1 DUll. . 1380 $3 20 21 blecrsM308 (4 35 fod. i Hoe ° Values 'scored another ndvanca of fully lOc today , making for the two ( lays from UOc'to 2f > c , and bringing prices back lo about where they wcro last Saturday. Kecelpts were about 2,000 heavier than Thursday and nearly that much ( leavler than a week ago , although the supply .so far this week has been nearly 4,000 Icvi.llmn last. Very' bullUh ad vices fiom the Chicago hog market caused prlcos to open fully lOc higher , and the opening to provisions caused a still further il.-iiincss. Packers got one-half the supply , about2,600 head ; but'shlppers took fully 1,600 and fresh meat liouhfcs about 1,000. Business was lively from Mart'to ' Unl.sb , and by ( ho mld- dlo of the forenoon the pens were more nearly enmty than Ihey have boon any tlmn thlb wek. | Good hogs of all weights from 202 to 33tJ Ibs. sold nt # 0.00 and 10.95 with ono choice heavy load at * 7. Poor to fair rough , heavy , light and inl\ed hogs sold at from 80.75 toJO.'JO. Considerably over half the hogs sold atSO.eO as against J0.75 to $0.80 Thuisday and $0.80 to 10.85 one week ago. Representative sales : No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr. 2. . . .210 $0 70 60..249 40 SO 00 4. . . .375 0 75 69..250 240 0 00 28. . . .210 80 0 75 08..228 0 00 68. . . .214 160 G 80 09..227 200 G 00 12. . . .201 40 G 80 68..271 120 0 00 77. . . .211 120 G 85 68..283 200 0 ! IO 63. . . .235 80 0 85 04..200 240 0 00 60. . . .240 160 G 85 70. . . . 273 120 G 00 02. . . .251 100 6 874 ! 73..202 80 0 00 06. . . .204 80 6 87 , 05. . .229 BO 0 00 73. . . .248 160 6 87'/ 67..250 120 C 00 67. . . .245 120 6 87J5 18..338 120 G 00 57. . . , .237 40 6 90 60..800 240 0 00 72. . . , .2-18 200 6 00 04..210 120 G 00 50. . . . .205 80 6 00 68..252 100 G 90 08. . , . .280 160 6 90 58..268 40 G 00 BO. . , , .233 80 G 00 83..202 80 G 00 01. . , . .245 80 0 00 72..240 80 G 90 30. . , , .200 120 0 90 73..229 0 00 79. . . , .208 200 0 90 40..200 80 0 02 % 69. . , . .200 80 0 00 05..240 120 G 02 H 72. . . . .205 40 6 SO 72..220 240 G 92 y 70. . . . .233 280 G 00 62..307 40 0 05 74. . . .250 200 0 90 85..232 200 G 95 65. . . .221 200 0 90 78..200 G 95 79. . . .203 120 6 90 69..J90 100 G 95 04. . . .205 40 0 90 76..260 80 U 95 CO. . . .252 100 0 00 61..201 G 95 143. . .200 80 0 00 60..239 200 G 95 05. . . .256 120 6 90 63..308 40 G 95 75. . . .240 200 6 00 57..256 40 G 95 46. . . .253 80 6 00 47..827 80 G 95 CO. . . .204 200 6 90 68..273 100 G 05 73. . . .260 300 G 90 83..221 40 G 05 69. . . .271 120 6 00 67. . . . 102 200 G 05 78. . . .230 6 00 45..S24 80 G 95 75. . . .230 40 C 90 79. . . .205 40 G 95 75. . . .247 120 0 00 68..209 240 G 95 66. . . .272 120 0 90 74.291 100 7 00 1'lfiB AND HOUQII. 1..200 5 50 SiiEKi1 None were received. The demand is good from all sources and the market rniot- ably firm at the recent advance , from 15c to 25c higher tlmn Monday. Quotations are : Kalr lo good natives , 14,50 5.75 ; fair Ic good wuslurns , J4.00Q.5.75 ; common and slock sheen , J2.SOa4.00 ; good to choice40 to 100-lb , lambs , f5.OOaO.50 Itccrtptn and Disposition of Stock. Official receipts and disposition of stock ns shown by the bonks ot the Union Stock Yards company for the twenty-four hours ending al D o'clock p. m. Jitnu 2 , 18U3 : HtCIiU'TH. DlhlMIBITlON. ClilrnKol.vo ! | Stock Market. CnjOAno , 111. , JI1HOJ2. [ Special Tolecram ti TUB llEK.l-Today'H receipts of cattle wer estlmutcil at 7,000. inakliiB 04,807 for the ox jilrurt part of this V0(1l < i or about 8,000 hoiu more t nun for tl(0 ( same tlmn last week. Thor was a fair donmufj far the iliirormit tirndua iim the market hail i > stciulv and linn tone. Hai tlio ilemaiid hccn .fit all urgent jirlccs mus liavu ailvnnci'lt ( tor there WAN a supply of on1 ! ro about 7,000 ht'iid and Thurbday's run wa Is Jlmlteil to 10ar > miJ > H l. Expurtors wanted hu Ist a few and oiutern orders did not call for th tD - usual number , Imt the yarns were emptied a Dlit full prices. Conn , ; helfois and bulls soli lit lamely at from } 2.7ti to 13,76 and from H.G' ' to f 5.UQ bought most of the btecrs. The run o the Texas cattle V.IIH estimated at 1,500 head at niaklni ? 13,400 head for the wuok ko far. The rt - \tcrolndoimimlattho slight adranco of th' t- day before. Calves were iu light supply uni ! tS. . \\uro firm. S.al Considerably lilphor prices wcro paid fo liogs today. The least dYMrublo lots could I ) id moved at an advance of lOc , and thiiro were of few sales of choice Brartos that looked 20 lie higher than yesterday. There doesn't seem I bo a Inrgu demand , eastern orders beliiK Ugh 10 und local packers nut taking hold with mud vo spirit , but with , barely 10,000 head and with ly supply fortbolaH Uvo days of 70,000 head , a lym advance was almost Inevitable. All of today' receipts and moat of the stale hogs werociosc es out. the bulk t from 17.10 to 17.30. lliougl ro talcs were reported ull the wuy from M.BO t 25J. 10.76 for culls , to from 17.40 to 17.46 for cxtr | J. qualities. Choice assorted light hogs boli relit uround 17.35. The close waa weak and un lit ° Jo VT\iore \ has been but llttlo chance within th U- last six dayu la prices of nhuop , That Uior lirnlicon continued activity In tli ilomaml 1 ovlilontrhoupli from the fact that Ml hough Minplle * have como forward only a llttlo IMS freely than for the previous week there wai no Biirpliu , Price * ranged alxmt as on the dnto ol our lnt report. Good to choice natives nml western * are nulto ai high n * tlmn and tlio Poorer grade * iliavo declined but MIghtly. A largo proportion of arrival * wcro from Texas and nlil at from S3.60 to f8 , rotnmon to choice nualltlei largely at from 13.75 to (1.05. Sales ofnallvei and western * wrro principally at from 14.60 to (5,16. Ycnrlliigs were salable at from $4.75 to (0.25 and soring lambs at from $4.60 to J7.CO. Receipts ! CHltlp , 7,000) ) calves , 300) ) hogs , 10.000 : sheep , 8,000. The Evening Journal reports ; CATTI.K Kecelpts , 7,000 head ! shipments , n,6CO head ! market slow anil 10ilU > c lowers prime steer * , J6.25H5.75' no extra steeron ale ; medium * , (5.0OS5.20 ; other * , (4.5011 t.OO ; Texan * , (3.HOR4.50 ! stockcrs , 13,30411.10' im- tlvo cows , J3,15a5.90. lions Receipt * , 10,000 head ! shipments , 6,000 heads market activn and lOc higher ! mixed and packers , $7.10(17.25 ! prlmo heavy and butcher weights , (7.30tt7,35 ; light , $7.26 Q7.30. SiiKKi1 Receipt * , 8,000 head ! shipment * , 2,000 head ; market notlvo nnd steady to HV higher ; TC.MIII * . (3.G53B.16 ! natlvii * , Jt.7fi < a 5.76 ! westerns , (5.15 5.401 Imnli * . t5.35tt7.00. Knnsn * City l.Un Stock .Market. KANSAS CITY , Mo. , Juno 2.-CArri.r. Ile- rolpl * . 0,300 head ! shipment" ; , 760 head ! heavy slock weak and HV lower , light * steady ; Texas steer * , f2.7uff.05 ! ; ihlpplng , J4.GKi4 6.76 ; native cow * , (2.004.25i buK'heis , $4.00 ( S4.00 ! Mo kcrs and feeders , (3.005J3.70 ! bulls and mixed , (2.40Q3.90. lions Receipts , 7,500 head ! shipment * , 1,400 head ; market strong , 6 higher ; hulk of sale * . Jii.8WJO.95 ; heavy , ( fl.76y7.00 ; pucker - or * . (0.807.00 { mixed$0.60S0.05 ; light , J0.60 CJ0.85 ; Porker * , IO.855tO.95 ; pig * , (4.60O0.05. SIIEKP Receipt * , 1,000 ; shlpmonls , 800 head ; market steady but slow. St. r.nuls I.tvo Stock Market. ST. I.ouis , Mo. . Juno 2. OATTI.E Receipts , 2,000 head ; shipment. * , 0,000 head ; market steady ; no coed native * on sale ; common to medium , J2.75O4.00 ; Texas Moors , (3.004.26. lions Receipts , 2,800 head ; shipment * , 4,000 lii-ail : market lOc higher ; heavy , $7.00ffl 7.25 ; mixed , S0.807.15 ; light , tfl.00f&7.20. HilUKI1 Receipts , 4,400 head ! shipment * , 0,200 head ; market a shade higher ; natives , * 4.80j Texans , $4.55. New York l.lvo Stock Market. NEW YOIIK , Juno 2. BKEVES Receipts , 2,300 , head ; opened dull and lOc lower , hut tin- proved * closing steady ; poorest ( o best corn- fed natlvo Meers , ? 4.00545.85 ; Texas steers , (3.76114.80 ; dressed lieef , dull ntO@Uc. ) Ship ments tomorrow , COO beeves and 4,400 quar ters of beof. SHEEP Dull ; lamb * , JSc lower ; receipts , 100 head Piles of people have piles , but Dewltt's Witch Hnzcl Salvo will euro them. At.tK 11KKTS GKOir. Hall County's ( Ircnt Industry and Orniul IslHiuI'a Mainstay , GRAND ISLAND , Nob. , May 31. [ Special Correspondence of THE Bnn. ] Hall county , ono of the banner counties of the state , boasts of a population of 24,000 people. It is rich In soil production , railroads and a line class of people. A largo number of her families have become Inter ested in the raising of sugar beets and those who have raised them for two years past have increased their acreage , finding that as they become acquainted with how to pre pare the soil , plant and cultivate them they can produce better results. Many last year netted as high as J30 per acre from them. Mr. K. C. Howe , manager of the Oxnard factory here , informs mo that they have 8,500 acres of beets under contract for this year , most of them having raised beets ono or two years previously , and that they will pay this year $5 per ton for all beets. Last year the company raised thirty tons of seed , ten tons of which it retained here , sent ten tons to Norfolk nnd ten tons to Cali fornia. This year it purposes raising llfty tons of seed and will continue to increase the amount each year , believing that it will se cure better results from American grown seed than from the imported. The Oxnard company employs four exports or agriculturists in traveling among the beet growers to inform them as to preparing ground , planting , cultivating and harvesting sugar beets , besides keeping a largo amount of various kinds of machinery which it loans or hires to the farmer , so that the small grower need not expend ns much for machinery as the crop comes to The company is now employing 050 people in the Interest of its Grand Island factory , and during the sugar making season It employs at the factory 200 men , ranging in salary from $1.80 to $3 per day. The company has a nice line of its goods on exhibition at ttip World's fair. Last year the output from this factory was 2,110,100 pounds , nnd it ex pects it will bo at least one-third greater this year. The recent rains in this vicinity will bring the beets forward rapidly , almost insuring a good stand and crop. The city of Grand Island ranks about the sixth in tlio state in population. It is on the main line of the Union Pacific railroad , 153 miles west of Omaha , and is the terminus of the St. Joseph & Grand Island railroad , and branch lines of the Union Pacific railroad run out from here to Plcasanton , Loup City , Ord and Scotia ; also the main line iof the B. & M. railroad from Omaha to Dead wood , via Lincoln , pusses through hero , thus giving her c.isy and quick connection with all lead ing points in the northwest , south and south- cast , cast nnd west. The commercial In terests of the city are well cared for by live 0011 banks , all In u healthy , thriving con- § ilion , and her citizens feel safe in their hands. It is a division station of the Union Pacific railroad , and this company also has largo repair shops here , so about yoo railroad men have headquarters hero , the most of them having families living in the city. The various other factories give employment to over 1.000 mechanics and laborers. Hero also is located one of the United States land offices. Grand Island has ono of the lluest city hall buildings in the state. Three miles out is located the Soldiers and Sailors Homo of Nebraska , now under com mand of Colonel Scovillo , and contains 150 persons , employes nnd Inmates. M. 1C. Walker Is the adjutant and Mrs. Sarah E. Myers the matron. The adjutant finds no diniculty in performing the duties of quartermaster in addition to his own , and it has every appearance of being a home , in deed , for the old veteran. The visiting and examining board is doing everything it can to make pleasant and increase the comforts for the inmates. A largo amount of now reading matter , including dully and weekly newspapers , has been added to the reading room. The inmates scorn contented and happy with tticir surroundings , while the commandant appears to enjoy the confidence of each member. Tha literary tastes of the people of the city and county ore fed with live newspa pers ; The Independent , which publishes n dally and semi-weekly , the Times , the Demo crat , the Journal and the Anzelger und Her- old , all being liberally patronized both in subscription and advertising , showing that the people are satisfied they are getting their money's worth. Among the factories employing the largci number of hell ) are thrco cigar factories , t broom corn factory , a canning factory.whict : 1 has 2,500 , acres of sweet corn , peas ami tomatoes contracted for , and quite an ex tensive brewery. x There are good prospects that her cltizcni will soon have the privilege of riding li street cars propelled by electricity , The city can boast of having furnishec her share of statesmen to Nebraska am has a largo supply on hand of any creed o : politics to draw from , so she need n ver b < forgotten In any national , state or distrlc convention by any party. A LOOK AT YOUR TONGUE will show you whether you need Dr. Tiorco'a Pleasant PolloU. If it'fl furred or coated ; if you've ' no appetite , nnd have frequent headaches with or without dizziness , chilly sensations , nnd oc casional nausea ; if you fool dull , drowsy , and greatly tired or debili tated that proves that you'ro bilious. The bobt things in the world for blllousnoes ara these llttlo " Pel lets. " They gently stimulate und jiowerfully invigorate the liver. Thoy'ro the cmallobt and the easiest to take. There's no distur bance to the jy&tcm , diet , or occupation. One tiny , Bugar-coatod Pellet ut a done la a per- Q feet corrective and regulator. a In chronic Catarrh In the Head , where every other would-be help boa failed , the proprietors of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy will give $500 If they can't effect a perfect tnd permanent cure. By it * mild , eoothlnr , demising , and healing properties , toll remedy will euro the very wont cas < a , _ _ LIFE AND DEATH ON THE ttOAD , Storlef , Ituraoroni oqg pathetic , from Itnltnnj- Surgeon * ' Mcmnrlpn. Tlioro Is n smllo of magnitude on the toco of the Omaha hotel proprietor Just now Erory register , which Is the Index to hotel prosperity , Is fattened with the signatures of many guests , most of whom nro delegates to the surgeons meeting. It Is but natural that these mon , whoso profession calls them so frequently to act ns wclghmastcrs who hold human lives trem bling In tlio balance bolwccn life nnd death , should bo replete with stories of incidents In their respective careers. Sonio of those leaves from the book of experience nro pa thetic , some nro comical. Dr. Outten on Ills Knee * . "In my profession I have often fnrod many emergencies that have taxed my wits to the utmost , " said Or. W. U. OuttctiofSt. Ixmls , na ho pulled vigorously at a long cigar In the Paxton lobby. "I remember particularly several years ago of an instance that oc curred on the Iron Mountain road In Arkansaw. You will frequently Hnd that men who have no religious Inclination during everyday Hfo weaken on their death ocdsand exhibit the greatest cowardice. Such was the case In this histanco. "I was summoned to the bodsldo of a big brakomnn named Murphy , who was Injured while In the dlschargeof hisdutlcs , Ho was badly hurt. I nt once saw that his case was hopeless. I called his relatives around the bcdsldo and told them and the patient that ho had but a few minutes to live. Ho nt once manifested n dcslro to have some ono pray for him. Ills entire past life evidently passed in review before his fast dimming mental eye. Ho shuddered at the thought of his IndlfTcr- unco to relielon while alive. It was too late to send for a clergyman. Ho insisted on prayer. "Just then a red haired , pitted faced Indi vidual with n wooden leg hobbled into the room. H was ono of Murphy's friends. When the dilemma was presented to him , ho , drew his sleeve over his eyes nnd wiped away tears that had gathered there. Turning to me suddenly , his face brightened nnd ho insisted on mo praying for the dying brakcman. I am sorry to confess it , but I was somewhat out of practice on prayer. The patient nodded acquiescence to his friend's suggestion. I got down on my knees and the man with the wooden leg laid down flat on his stomach during the supplication. I prayed as best I knew how , and the last wordsof the prayer had scarcely loft my lips'cro the spark of life loft poor Murphy and his eyes were closed in death. When all was over the rod-headed man with the wooden leg called mo asldo in the woodshed , and with a tremor of emotion in his voice , said : 'Doc , that was tlio blank- blauklty-blankcst best prayer I ever heard. ' "Somo tlmo afterwards 1 was called to the sldo of a man who had been Injured in n wreck. Ucneath the flickering rays of n coal oil lamp in a farm house in Missouri I boh old the features of this same rod-headed character , whoso unique compliment flvo years before impressed mo so. When ho re gained consciousness ami ho saw mo at his bedside his face was radiant with smiles. With the death rattle In his throat , making articulation almost indistinct , ho gasped : 'Doc , give mo that same prayer you pave Murphy live years ago. ' Uy a singular co incidence there was no time for a clergyman in this case and I again acted as chaplain. This patient also died just as I arose from my knees. I am. therefore , beginning to think that as a chaplain I am u hoodoo , although I would feel somewhat consoled If I thought that my humble supplications got. Murphy and his chum a pass through the pearly gates. " Vorhnp * This KTplnlns It. "The worst wreck I over saw was In Texas , near Locklmrt , " said Dr. Eugene Clark , surgeon of the Missouri , Kansas & Texas railway. "Down in the Lone Star state the creeks rise very suddenly. To show how treacherous these streams arc , an en gineer named Adams on the Aransas Pass road ran his engine up to P'um creek trc-Vo two miles from Lockhart , and inspected it. He found the creek high , but not dangerous. Then ho backed his engine down to Lock- hart and pulled out the passenger train on the regular run. During the time that had elapsed since his inspection of the trestle , the creek had risen with great rapidity and soon rushed over the trestle In a maddening torrent that weakened its stability consid. erably. When the passenger train dashed around the curve and onto the trestle ono of tlio worst wrecks in the history of the road occurred. The entire trestle cave way and piled the cars up in a sickening mass in the middle of the stream. I don't know whether or not the treachery of the streams has any thing to do with the prejudice of some Texans toward water except on the side , you know. " Successful Aural Treatment. "A doctor's Hfo may not bo a happy ono In K Or Debilitated Women , should uia- BRADFIELD'S FEMALE REGULATOR , Every ingredient possesses superb Tonic properties and exerts a wonderful influ ence in toning up and strengthening her system , by driving through the proper channels all impurities. Health and strength guaranteed to result from its use. "My wlro , who -tvus lirilrlildon for olcti. ( eon monthg , after lining Jlrailflolil'a J'cmalo Jltgitlator for twu muiiiliv la gatting tvoll. " J. M. JOHNSON. Malvcrn , Ark. IliupriEi.n HEQULATOH Co. . Atlanta , Go. gold by UiuggleU at $1.00 per buttle. some roipecU , but Ihoro uro erne rays of sunshlno In It , " snM one of the delo-l Rfttcs , who doslrcit Ins name ftrcsnlcftll/l loMctl. "For InMnnco. n doctor' * wlfal rtocsn't RO IhrouR'A hcf huMinnU'i ' pocket * ] much after ho hns retired. When I first gotel married my dear wlfo had that hnblt , moral in n spirit of curiosity tlmn anything olso.l Hut she doesn't do It now , I put up n job on ] her. Ono night when I was up In the dis < seeling room slicing i\ now subject 1 out ! oft nn car of the corpse wo werol dissecting. I slipped the car In my pantj pocket and when 1 got homo and went tel bed I calmly waited for the sequel that ] would follow In the morning when my wlfal got up Hrst nnd got to rummaging In thril pocltots of my trousers ns they drooped llst | lessly over the back of n clnlr within easy ] reach.Tho bait took. I feigned slumber , ! but through my squinting eyes 1 could iccil her expression of horror as her linger * ! grasped the cold , clamly auricular. Thcni cnmo n piercing ucrlea of screams whoso ] echoes could doubtless Have been heard clear ] down at the Indiana slate lino. It cured hcrj completely ami she oven shudders now at a J recital of Murk Antony's plea to the Kom.intf | to'Ijcml mo your ears. ' It was n ghastly ! remedy , but It proved an effective ono. " -Mnmiim Hnd ( Innn Home. Dr. Montmnlttn , a stalwart and nmlabla Kcntucklan from Ashland , Is among thej delegates at the P.ixton. The doctor la ao S co'tipanlod by his two luuuUomo ilaujflitors.l "Ono of tlio most pathetic scenes 1 ovori wltne.sso.1 occurred on llio Chesapeake i-l Ohio road several years ago. " said thol doctor last evening. "A lightning express ! train on that road struck a woman nnd her ] child ns they were attempting to drive over ! a crossing , I was on the train at the tlmo.l The conductor , with a fnco blanched with horror , came to the coach In which i was silting nnd told mo that thc engine had Just struck n woman and hcrj child. I rushed forward anil found the two | victims of the accident hurled against fence near the track. The young mothec'l was dead , the buggy In whlch'sho ' rode wfiSf totally demolished , the horse she drove wa | killed outright , and the solo survivor was thol llttlo child , who was stunned with n slight ! scalp wound nnd lay by the sldo of the blced 'J ing form of Its mother \Vo lifted the llttloj fellow up tenderly and took him Into thol coach. "When ho regained consciousnessho crlcit' ' plteously for his mother and finally said- with childish Innocence , Oh , 1 doss mammai ! has gone homo without her'ittlo boy.1 It. was n pathetic scone. The engineer cried1 J like a child and there was notadryoya among the spectators who heard that child's piteous plea for the mother whom ho would never see again. " The "No. 0" Wheeler & Wilson makes a , \ perfect stitch with nil kinds of thread on nU . classes of materials. It is alwnys ready , * a Bold by Gco. W. Lancaster & Co. , M4 S443 115th street. It Cures Coldi , Caught. Bora Throat , Croup , Influ enza , Whooping Cough , Bronchitis and Aithma. A certain cure for Coniumption in first ttngci , and a lure relief in advanced itagei. TJ > at once. You will ice the excellent effect after lakin ? th * first doe. Sold by dcalcri everywhere. Larjt WH M ft- - > " ' " " Your Dueber Number. Makers o f inferior watches nnd watch * cases never want to hear from them after they arc cold to users. No ono cares to hear RUBY JEWELED complaints of his ware. ADJUSTED WATCHES But no one ever finds fault with the Hucbcr * Hampdcn watches , .j To nny owner of n Dnclicr-TtnmpJcn wntch ' wlm will mnll Ills cnso number nnd ndilross , ullliio bent n Mlver iiocUvt-mnlcli'kox. Til 13 WATCH WOKUB , Cnuton , O. SOUTH OMAJrfA. , , . . . . . - _ - , _ Union Stock Yards Company , South Ornaftai BcstCnttlo llo nmiqiisop imrkot In t'u wji > . COMMISSION I HDUSSi. Wood Brothers. Llvo Stock Commission Merchant ! . Eo-ith Omaha Telephone ) 1157. Cli JOHN I ) . DAUI4MAV , l WAl/1'Hll 1 } . WOOD , f Market reports by mall and wire cheerfully. ] rnlshoil upon r.piilloatluii. " fMAHA | , 1 U hulaciuieis a lottos Oireclmyi HAHDWAHE.