Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 01, 1893, Page 6, Image 6

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t L.nJ.
* l-Ti
Ton ! on inWhoat und Oorn Market * Por-x
oopllbly Helftzodi
IB rroTlxlom nnilneii Wan Noclectari nnd
tha Trader * rnlilVery T.lttl * Atten
tion to tha Kffurti of
th Ollqne.
, CniOAOO , III. , May Bl.-Wrllht covered
About 1,000,000 bu. of wheat through
techwnrtr-TUipco on Monday and today. Dald *
jhln-rnrnum were also credited with hoAry
burchaioi of short vhoixt on his account- .
Largely us ft result of this , the tension In the
Sthont nnd corn markets , which mndo such
nnxtoiii times for the bull * on Monday , vn
Dcrcoptlhly relaxed todny. Prices opened
lower but soon Improved nnd cloifld tit a Rood
Advance. In provisions business was neglected
Wnd the traders paid very little attention to
Worts ot the controlling clique to walto It up.
t Th tiilk of pxportJnislneM today , no doubt
helped the wheat market some. Tha fact of
fcrlccq InlriK the lowest for many years , also
pras n point In favor of the market. Dmd-
Btroots'a reported a decrease In stock of 1,740-
tXX ) bit. cast nnd a docroaeo of 81,000 bu. west
of the Itocky mountains. The market opened
from Me to Xo lower than the closing figures
Of Monday , boc.imo Hrmor aou prices were ad-
is- Vnnccdfrora Ic to IKc , oatudoff n trifle , and
Iho closing was from He to He higher for July
nnd from KB to We lilchot for September than
the closing flRttrei of Monday ,
H In corn many short lines covered and mod-
nrato Invpitmi-nt buying was noticeable. A
number of olforlngs were ronortou accepted
today by fnraltion ( , The small stock of con-
iraot f < 00,000hu. being only nnlncronsoof 37-
000bu. for the week unrtnr the largo crop ro-
pertH was n very Htlmulntlng factor nnd had
inuch to do with the limited offering * . The
Iowa ( Is well as the Illinois state report were
both less favorable. The market opened ti
irlllo under the llnnl llgurcs of Monday , but
, was flrm nnd craduully advanced from Me to
We , reacting from Uc to c , later ruled strong
nnd closed from Jic to Ic higher.
' There wus n fiilr trade In nnts nnd a better
feeling , the offerings belnn lighter and the do-
jnanrt partlculurly for the near futures , i }
little moro urgent , so that prices advanced
Irani Jtc. to .7 'c nnd tha close was strong at
about the top. ,
I Tlio receipts of hogs today were liberal at
ilO.OOO and prices for the products were easier ,
September lard holtig bought" by Wright's
bickers npalnst sales of July. Tork closed 30c
Jon'or for .July nnd 20c lower for September
.than on Monday. I.ard closed with a loss of
SCcfnr July nnd 1'JHc for September nud ribs
nro 17 c lower for July nnd lOc off for bcp-
i Ksttmntcd receipts for tomorrow : Wheat ,
i2CO ' cars ; corn , 035 can ; out * , 600 cats ; bogs ,
19.000 head.
| The loading f uturos ranged as follows :
i Cash quotations were as follows :
Fujtm Dull nnd unchanged.
I WHEAT No. 2 RprlliK , C8 @G9ci No. 3
sprlnc , G3@08jc ! ; No. 2 red , OSVic.
' Cons No. 2 , 40JJC ! No. 3 , cash , 38 c ; No. 2 ,
yellow , 40Vic ; No. 3 , yellow , 30MC.
OATS-NO. 2. 80 ! c : No. 2 white , 33K33Vic ;
No. 3 white , 31Vi32Wc.
, . RYE-NO. 2 , 54c.
' BAHLEY No. 2 , OOc ; No. 8 , f. o. b. , 48 < a48c :
No. 4. f . o. b. , SG'OHSc.
, FI.AX BBEI > No. 1 , J1.07.
TIMOTHY SEED 1'rlmc. $3.803.85.
I'onK Jlesi. per bbl. , 20.00a20.G2VS : lard ,
per 100 Ihs. , J10.20.B10.22J5 ! short' ribs , sides
( loose ) . 8y.crjffiO.G7H ; dry salted shoulders
( boxrdi. Il0.0010.25 ; short clcarsldc8boxod ( ) ,
WHISKY DIstlllerM1 finished goods , per gal. ,
BunAnB- Cut loaf , granulated , 6.70 |
landard "A. " 5.67.
. The following wore tbo receipts nnd ship
ments for today :
t On the Produce exchange today the butter
market was quiet ; creamery , 1619c ; dairy ,
150 > 18c. Eggs , llrnii fresh , 1314c.
Now York Mnrket * .
NEW YonK , May 31. Ktoun Receipts , 80-
000 pkCH. : exports , 4,300 bbls. , 20,000 sacksi
sales , 8,000 pkgs. ; market dull nnd weak ;
Winter wheat , low grades , $2.052.45 ; winter -
tor wheat , fulr to fancy , 82.35iJ8.46 : win
ter wheat , tiatcntjs , { 3.504.25 ; Minnesota
clear. $2.603.10 : Minnesota straights , S3. 50
© 4.10 ; Minnesota patent , J4.25a4.00.
Conn MEAb Dull , steady ; yellow western ,
12.00 2.70.
RYE Steady , dull ; western , 65 < < J70c.
IfAiti.KvAI ALT Steady ; western , OO282C.
WllKAT Receipts. 407.000 bu. ; exports. 108-
000 bu. ; sales , 3,340.000 bu. of futures , 221.000
bu. spot. Spot market uctlve for export , flrm ;
No. 2 red , In store and nlevntor , 76'/S70cl
ulloat , 77c ; f. o. b. , 7670Hc : ungraded rod ,
72'73c } ! ; No. 1 northern , 76 © 77c ; No. 2
jiorthorn , 74'/5741Vc
/ ; options wore modorutcly
active , iiftfic up and strong on foreign buyIng -
Ing , firmer private cables , good export de
mand , higher Uhlcngo nnd local covering ;
No. 2 rod , .Tiin ( > ,76 < a75VSc , closing nt 76Jc ! ;
July. 70l < ® 77 l-16c. closing at 77' < U | AugUKt.
78 < Si78jic ; , closing at 78Hf ; September , 79 { < a
BOJic. closing nt 80\Jc : Octobar , 81H81 jc ,
rlnslntt at 81&c ; December , 83 > J@84 ? c1 closing
Receipts. 126,000 bu. ; exports. 18,000
bu. : Milch , B70.000 bu. of futures. 78,000 bu.
knot. Spots dull , tinner ; No. 2 , 48 ; > c in ele
vator , -i'-WJUo alloat : ungraded mixed , 48
© 40fic ; options were ; j7 c higher with the
west nnd whcnt , wlthsuppllcs light and shorts
covering , cloning firm ; speculation moderate ;
.Inly , 47 i@48Hc. closing nt 48Wn ; August ,
48 ® 48Xc , clohlng at 48'iic ; September , 48H
4i49j < c , closing nt 49Wc.
OATS Itccolpts , 1 14,900 bu. : exports , 485,000
liu.j sales , 105,000 bu. futures and 105,000
bu , spot. Spots , dull , easier on mixed ; op
tions , quiet , firmer ; Juno , UOaaOJic , closing
f luaos'c ; July. 3B < J36Hc , cloning at 85Kc ;
Hoptomlicr. 32 82140. closing ut 32)c ) : No.
2wlilto. 41c ; No. 2UhlcaKO , U9c ; No. 3. 87Vie ;
No. 8 , while , 40a ; mixed western , 8840c ;
White western , 40347c.
HAY Hotter supjily , easy ; shipping , 75c ;
good to choice , 85ii9&c.
Hora-Uuler , stondy : state , common to
Choice , IHilSPJc ; ruclllo coast , IrWMlHe.
HlliES-lhill , ciisy ; wet halted , Now Orloana
. 464100 lbs..4i ! < 3Ce : To.xus solecU'd ,
Ihs , 6 7cj llupiios Ayri-s. 2124 Ibs.
IS Wci ' Texas , ( Iry , 22S87 Ibs. SSIOU.
I'lioviMONrt-Cut. meats , quiet , steady ;
pickled H inuldprs , 09 > { a ; pirklcd hams , ll !
l3Woi mlddlns dull , casyi short clour , 10 ? c ,
Lard , ( jtilot , lawt'r : western Btonin closed at
* 10.6t ) ; Bull's , 300 tlorndb , JlO.SMilO.S ? .
Options , ( , alLK. none ; Juno closed at HO.SUi
July closed ut * 10,70j September closed ut
111 , nominal , I'ork , moro arttvo , easy ; old
i mobs , (21,50) ) mnv moss , 122.50.
1 lIuriKK l.lbvrul bupply weaker ; western
dairy. 14aiO c ; western creamery. 16 lHoi
fair factory , 14GilO c ; f ulr cruumory , lOislOc
Klglns , lUc.
OliliEsr.-tJiilot , easy ; part bklms , l7He.
EQOB lair ilomand. OHSV. Itccolpts , 18.220
pkEHi wi-stern fresh , Il > ) fitl0j'c. (
TAi.uw-yulet , barely stcudyj city ( J2 for
? * * * ' * *
lrBTiioi.EUMTMarl.ot was firm ; Pennsylvania
Cl'v ' J K bulrs " ! " 10 ! J" " ° "J'tlons , snlin ,
76,000 lihls. ; opening , 67Uc ; hlghetit , 67Wc
lowest. 67c. ami closed offered nt 67o Lima
oil. sales , UOHO ; 29c bid ; total sales , 76,000
Oii/-Qulot , steady ; crude , 40c ;
iN Dull , Btoady.i
TuiU'KNTtNK-QiilBt , flrmcr ;
JtlCK-Dull , steady.
MnLAFShS Xuw Urloans , open kettle , good to
Cbplco , ailiot , hteaUy ; 80a38o.
buOAli Haw , linn , moro uctlvo ; sales. 4 car
goes , mainly centrifugal * , ut 4 > Jo for OOo test ,
nnd sugar at 3tfc for 80 test ; refined ,
Una , more uctlve ,
1 1'ia . IHONSteady , quiet , American. (12.65Q
foiTEn-Steady ; lako.HO.B5.
, LEAD-Stvady ; domestle. I3.02K.
iN-hteudy ; Blrulti , (19 bid ; (10.10 asked :
MiincliKtor CoiuuiercUl Itovlrw ,
MANCIIKSTEII. Mny 31 , The Guardian. In ita
commercial article , say * : An accumulation
, pf orders und fresh India business has en-
Illvoncd the market. AlthomjU tbo Inquiry U
[ extensive , the offers nro BO low that most of
juio attempts to place orders do not meet with
success , ( food quality btieettng * urn steady ;
Jew yuulltlej arc weaker and presiod for sale.
$ h r liaTftboon uifxlornt * Jos cnlpfly for
ftteniu. .
KtWtlS r\ro , - Y f nnd
MoprY rm nr weak , Ilinro
ftpnjwiirotdWl. . _ . _ <
ni imuii fli * rKin
Sr. txjmo , M"O. , Mftr Iti. J."i/i . n-Vcry aulot.
IcnromeJ , btU nnnnanitnili v nt1. (3.85a >
l.iDl ojtlrd fanny , | 9.0 > , .
for CAM ) , higher for
No , fl rod. cftifi , Mm JulJ closed ,
AtEut | , TOKOI BM > tflmhnr , "SMC. .
Cftns-Uiihbr ! No. 3 lulJU , C * li , 07ci July
closlntr , 88Jt < ! i BfpKtnVWr.BDWC. . ;
OATS-OMh lowers notion * higher ! No0
OAth. ftOoi July , a7NO37Mo September , 0K < ! .
Pnovfatoxs thill , oaslori pork , standaKl
rnft * * , Idl.34 , linmlnali lartl , IU.87'41 ' ury s&U
rflfttrt , lee > ahmtldon , 10i lenin niid MM ,
ilO.lOl ahorla , UO.aoi bacon , panned hOul-
M. llo,87lj , ; lon and rlbi , lfo.87liij.ooi
iristll.12JfiHl.25 ! hams , augur cured , 18
trrtr.n-WeaU ; cliolco creamery , 17O1BC !
llROEtrTfl'-Flour. ' B.OOO bb ] . ! wheat , Bl.OOO
b iu.1 corn , 228,000 bu.j oats. 104,000 bu.
BitirMfcjTa-Flour , d.OOO bbli.scorn. 172,000
bu.Tocita , 13,000"bu. .
Kniiii City Mnrkot * .
KANSAS Orrr , Mo. , May 31. WnsAT Firmer !
No. ahard.OlOOlMc ! No. 2 red , 033J04C.
OonN In batter damnndi No. 2 mixed , 84 ®
04)0 | No. i white , 352i36lc. ! .
OATS-Slightly Urmori No. 2 mixed , 23J4 ®
20Kct No. 5 while , ! UUJi32c.
HYD-Lower ; No. Z , & < JilGi. (
FLAX SHED Htoiulyi 90296c.
{ liun Slow ; nackorl , 03c.
HAT Firm , In gooddonmnd ; timothy , 76c9
11.00 ; pralrli ) , 7&IiOOc.
BcTTRii-Stoadyi creamery , 10a20c ; dairy ,
Kaas Actlvo ; loc.
nr.onn > M Wheat , 10,000 bu. | corn , 17,000
bu ; outs , none.
SniPMB.ira Wheat , 15,000 bu. ; corn , 21.000
Im.j oats , nonu.
Nonr York Dry OnoiU Market.
New YOIIK , Mny 81. The dry goods market
opened with a battnr domntid than expected no
soon aftnr the holtday. The voliuuo of busi
ness disclosed no activity , but It wus felt that
ttinru was sotiio Improvement. Dark urlnts
and ginghams were m request. Agents liavp
advanced tbo price of pepporlll 11 87-Inch
brown shootings we 11 yard and placed Lu-
words cambrics "nt value. "
Cotton Alurkut.
NKW OIU.EAKR , I/a. , May 81. Steady : good
middling , 7Vic : middling , 7t < c ; low middling ,
U IC-lOc ; Rood ordinary , GHo ; net and cross )
rocolpts. 2,007 bales ; sales , ' 1,000 bales ; stock ,
137,400 bulcH.
' qulot find steady : Bales , 21,000
tmlcs : Juno , * ; July , 87.12a7.13 ; August.
J7.l8CB7.ia ! Scptomber , 87.23 ; October , 7,30
C47.32 ; Novcmbur , 87.80 7.37 ; December ,
$7.42 7.43.
olU SVIiu'it Alnrlcct.
S , Minn. , May ni. Last day of
Mny did not brlnx In a nlusln May short
Tradlnz was entirely iby Bcalpors. Market
c : Sonti'tnber , " 00 ; < o69c | No. 1 northerly
04c ; No. 2 northern , 0'2c.
I.lvrrjiuiil JMurkati.
LxvEnroOL , May 31. WnuAT Quiet ; holderi
oiror moduratoly ; No. 1 California , Gs lOKd ®
5s 1154d percental.
CORK Firm ; demand fulr ; mixed western ,
4s Id porccntul.
Annirlcnn finest white and colored ,
51s per ewt for now.
23s 9d per cwt.
Coireo IHurket.
NKwYonK , May 31. Options opened firm ;
August unchanged ; others 6 to 16 point- )
up , closlnir steady , unchanged to 10 points up :
Bales , 10,750 bugs. Including : Juno. J16.00 ®
1G.OG ; July , S15.rOi15.G5j AuffUSt , 815.40 ;
September , $15.1 > oai6.UG ; October , 11505 ®
10.10 ; December , tl4.9Oal6.00. Spot lllo ,
steady ; No. 7 , $17.
Milwaukee Alnrknti.
MILWAUKEE , WIs. , Mav 31. WUEAT Steady ;
July , 08V09c ; No. 2 sprlmr. 0707 c.
OOHN Quiet : No. 3 , faw&Ma-
OATS-NO. 2 white , 32H < S33c ; No. Owhlto ,
rhtlaclclplila Grain Market.
PmiATELi > HiA , I'a. , May 81. WIIEAT Firm ;
No. 2 rod , June. 72i73c. !
COHN Flrui , hlghcrj No. 2 mixed , May , 48 ®
OATP Quiet nnd steady ; No. 2 white , May ,
4141VJc ,
linltlinore tirnln Market.
DAI.TIMOIIR , 5ld. , May 81. WHHAT Firm ;
No. 2 red. spot and May , 72 c.
Ooiw Firm ; mixed spot and Mny , 48 o.
OATS Firm ; No. 2 white , western , 42HO ,
London Oil Market.
LONDON , May 31. OAixmriA LINSEED Snot.
80s ex , ship per quarter ; spot ( now crop ) May
and Juno shipment , 89s 6d.
TunpKNTiNE Spiuiis 22s 9d per cwt
Toleilo tralu Market.
TOLEDO , O. , May 31. WHRAT Active and
firmer ; No. 2 , cash and June , C9ic.
CORN Bull , steady ; No. 2 cash , 41c.
OATS Quiet ; No.-2 mixed. 82c.
Sugar Mnrlcor.
HAVANA , May 31. Quiet , nothing done ;
holders too high for buyers. Tomorrow will
be observed as a holiday.
I'limnclril Notes.
HAVANA , May 31. Exchange , quiet.
KANSAS CITY , Mo. , May 81 , Clearings , 12-
PARIS , May 31 , Throe per cent rentes , 97f
80o for the aocouut ,
NEW YonK , May 31. Clearings , 5124,524,040 ;
balances , 47,147,970.
LONDON. May 31. Amount of bullion gone
Into Dank of England 011 balance today ,
MEMi'inf , Tenn , , May 81. New York ex-
clmtiK'o solllnu at J1.60. Clearings , JJ37.903 ;
balances , $03,408.
NEW ORLEANS. La. , May 31. Clearings ,
11,107,431 : New Yoilc exchange , commercial ,
7&c per 11,000 premium : bank$1,60 per $1,000
CINCINNATI , O. , May 31. Money , 038 per
cent. Now York oxclmnzo , par to40c premium
Clearings today. J3,784.600. For May , $69-
70-1,480 ; May fast year" 400,998,700.
NEW YOIIK , May 80. [ Special Telegram to
THE HEE. ] Exchange was quoted as follows
todays Chicago , nar ; Iloston , 12JJ17c dis
count ; St. Louis , 2Sc discount to par ,
. I'a. . May 31. Clearings , J14.-
200,709 ; balances , t2,310.002 , Money , 4i ! per
cent. For the month of May , 1893 , the clearIngs -
Ings were } 328,163U21 ; balances , 229,820,412.
CHICAGO , III. , May 31. Clearings , { 20,030-
155. New York exchange DOc discount.
Htorllng exchange steady ; Blxty-day bllK.
$4.84V : demand , I4.80U , Moncr , steady , C7
percent ,
BOSTON , Mass , , May 31. Clearings. 117,504-
414 ; balances. 41,873,187. Money. 6 per cent.
Exchange nn Now York , 12Kc to 17c discount.
For the month : Clearings , $ -132,019,105 : bal
ances , J43,771OIO. FOP the same month lust
year : Cluarlnis ; , (116,070,636 ; balances , 840-
BT. Louis , Mo. , May 31. Clearings , { 2,399.-
031. This month , tlO'J.160.250 : Slay , 1892 ,
$93,098.041 ; Increase. $16,020,681 , or 15 per
cent. 11-ilancos today. $463,300 ; this month ,
H2.4U9.837 : May. 1892 , (11,401.324. Money
nulot at oaa per cent. Exchange on Now
York , 25c discount to par. .
Generally Hpoiililnjf a Firmer Tone Oharac-
terlzeil Ycstcrilay'M Tradlnj ,
NEW YOIIK , May 81. The stock market
was weak In upoU today , but , generally speak
ing , a firmer tone characterized the trading ,
and In a few InUuncos the gains for the day
were quiet Important. The Improvement was
due In no Mimll measure to the uharp re
covery lu ficnoral Kloctrlo , followed by the
ofllclaldonlaliiof the rumors which have been
afloat recently concerning the ilnancos of the
The Mock , after soiling down from 07 ( , ; to
OOJJ , rose rapidly until It reached 74 .
Finally a reaction to 73f7J78 ? onsiioj. The
stock wax lent us high as 1-10 per cent for use ,
but the rates were easier near the close.
Borne a f the boars endeavored to cover after
tlio price got above 70 , but the outstanding
short Interest Is still heavy. Sugar bold down
? * per centto 85 < and buWqusntly roiotoBSU
® H8Si , Itwiisstatcdthatthorogularquartorly
dividend of 3 per cent will bo declared early
next week. The urangers. although freely
hammerer ] , hold up well , und St. 1'aul , Rock
Island and Ilurllngton loft off to M higher
than on Monday. Lackawatma gained 1
and Jersey Central ay on cotnp iratlvoly light
offerings. Iloadlng was freely pressed for sale
and declined from 17U to luff , but clouud at
10K. Ulbtlllors from 16
rose to 17 and re-
reded to 10. New England was noticeably
heavy aii'l declined from 28M to 23U , closing
> jew < VJt'1I'ullmnn broke 4 per cent to
171 and rallied to 174W. Manhattan opened
Hi per cent lower at 129 and advanced to
13M . The gold shipments today and engage-
menu for tomorrow were much heavier than
expected and were u cd as a handle by the
bears with which to depress the market , but
except In a few of the low-prlped shares they
were unable to force further liquidations.
Hence they were disposed to cover during the
afternoon ,
There vOB some tnlk to the effect that a call
The feeling , taken altogether was much Im
proved and speculation left off staady to firm
In tono.
The Post Bays ; Transactions on today's
Stock exchange wore for tbo thort account ,
And ninth Uie tnntfcnt ) TTB. t dtttt ftnl ( vrf lr
.ImylnB or < lef jiwdomlMtfd , In tlio
JUnfyi ttioro wiio fldiQO f irtuftr ftuott
' - jl lo
ill py tno I > 1 o ptli PiQlH Of
ling { if our mftfkjt y"Ju { W
' ' '
'o'uMRudlnff liort Tntorrat Dcgnh lo
ift'followlna ( tro tlio clotlng quotation * on
the IXviUiiB stocks on tbo Now York Htook ox-
AtoliUOl ) , , , - . oo pretorroJ. , . , . "
Aqni Krareii . . , U. P , ODD. Adult , 8"
AUon , T. H noribw st6ra . . , >
09 preferred do preforr d , , , , 8"i
Amsricnn Ernres ) . N. V. t\intrM !
nnuimorfliohlo. . N. Y , A . B i
CurmcH raclQa. . . , intarto A Weitftro
Cnnnda. southern- . ,
Central 1'nclflo. . . . . ) reton NUT. . , , , , , ,
' ' ' J. B. L MJ. N. , , .
Chioiijo A Alton' . , ( aelfloMnll
& * " [ ftOtlkl ) . AB
Nttsbttta. . . , 8"M
inllman ralaoa , . , ,
O. A St. ( j . itoiidiax j
CottOBOII Cort. . . . Hiohrnontl Tor
Del. Htiilion . do preferred , . . .
Ilip Uranda W , . . , ,
do preferred , . . .
D.AO. F. Co. 15 Hock Island >
Rail Tenn St. PMil oar
Trio Krle praferred iii " no proforrad. , , , . ' 'fife
fort Wi n do proferraJ , . . . lift
Ot. Northern pfd. Southern I'noino. . . 23 ; M
O. AB. lll.iifd . . . Sugar noflnery , , , . SO ! M
Hooking Valley. . . . Tonn , Coal ft Iron , 1 > i
Illinois Central. . . . Texas I'nolflo 1T
St. 1'nul Jt Duluth. To ) . ftO. O n. nrd T !
Kan , A Tor. pro. . Union I'nclflo. . , , . ,
LakolirlB&Wcst. . O. S. Express M
do preferred \V. Bt. I , . AT M.ft
1-fiko BUore , . . . . . . , do proforrod. . . . .ft
Load Trust Wells Vargo Kxp , . 140
t.OulSTlllo A Naiih. VT st rn Union. , . . 88
lonl Tlllo & N. A. IT Whoellnai L. K. .
Manhattan Con. . , . do prsforred 11
Momp'ls JtCh&'a'n , Minn. Jt tit. li
Mlohlianrontral. , Uen. kU. O. . , . . . , i 7
Missouri 1'aciao. . . General Electric. .
Mobile & Ohio Nat. Lin %
Nashville & Chatt , Cole , i'uel & Iron. sS
National Cordaga. do preferred. . , , loan
do profrrrod II. ft T. C n
N. J. central To ) . A. A. A K. M.
Norfolk A W. pt'd. Tol. St. li. & K. 0. lu
North Amsrlcao Co do preferred. . . .
Northern 1'aclflc. . .
T bid Id asltod.
Tbo total sales of stocks today were 280,200
shares , Including ! Atchlson. 4,400 | Burling
ton , 4,000 ; Chicago Oas , 13i3JOi Lackawanna ,
11,100 ! Dlstlllors. 18,000 ; General JElectrlc ,
Dh.OOOs National Load. O.OOOi Now England ,
28,000s Heading. 73,000 ; Klchmond Terminal ,
4.000 ! St. 1'aul , 22oboj Buaar , 0,600 ! Western
Unlou. 13-iOU.
Ko\v York Money Market.
Now YOIIK , May 81. MONEY ox OAMJ
Firmer at 2Q4 percent ; last loan , S per cent ;
closed offered at 3 per cent.
I'tttiiE MERCANTILE PAMII Active ! 038 per
HTEULINQ KXCIIANQU Was gomowliat easier ,
with actual business lu bankura' bills nt
S4.85V4M.SG for sixty-day bills und f-l.SOiJ
4.80 for demand. .
OovrnNiiENT llo.VDS Dull. Btuto bonds
The closing quotations on bonds :
U H. a ret . Ill\ Stl , . AS. K. Ucn. M. 105
U. H. < coup . nay St. 1'aul Cousuls . . .
U. 8. W ren . W i 8t 1' . , C & P. Ists. . .
1'ncltlo Us of ' 95 . . . . 102 T. P. L. O. Tr. Kdts.
Louisiana ( t'pod 4s , , 117 T. P. It. O. Tr. Ucta.
MluoiulOs . 101 Onion Pacific lst . .
Tonn , now set Us . . . loa Wcetflhoro 101
Tenn now tot is . . . 91 n. a.v. . IBIS
Tcnn. new et3 . . 73 Atoh. is
Central Pnclllo lats. 10S Atch : Ks , clnss A. . 47
U. & K. U. IBU 115 O. U. * H. A.8B. . . . 102
I ) , ill. G , 41 87 a. H. 48. A. tO 6s. .
Krlo 2di 879t ) U. AT. C. 6s.
M. K. AT. Gen. 09. 61 do Con. Os
M. R. A T. OOD. 61. 61a N. Carolina 6s
Mutual Union 6s. . . . 107 N. Carolina 4s
N. J. C. Int. Cert. . . . Il B. 0. Brown 03
N. Pao. lit . 1IO Tonn. old Cs 03Bl
N. roe. 3d . 101 Va. H CO
N. W. Contois . 133 Va. ICx-Mat. cou. . . 85
N. W. Dobents'r'nBs 108 Va. am. , 2d series. (0
Bt. f. . A 1 M. Pen. 5 a 6i
* liOHton Htock Quotulloni.
BOSTON , Mass. , May 31. Call loans , 55'i
per cent ; tlino loans , 0 per cent. , Closing
quotations on stocks , bonds und uilnlngshares :
Atch. . T. AH. K. . an Westlnsti. electric. .
Amcr. Suuar . B3) ) do preferred
dopceforrod . 8tf Wisconsin central.
y Atclilson 2ds
Doll Telephone 191 do 4s
Hotton & Albiny. 211 Now England Oa
Boston ft Maine. 1U General ClcctrloSt , .
doproferrod . 140 WIs. Central I
0. fi. &Q . 80W Allouor Mining Co. .
Fltcuburtf pf'd . 86 Atlantic
Oen. Blootrlo. . . . . . . 7 < H Boston & Montana. .
llllaolaBtoil . CO IlutloA Boston. . . . .
Mexican Caatral. . . . 9H Calumet & Ilccla. . . 203
N. r. i.V K . 2.1H Centennial
Old Colony . 1J5 Franklin
Orugoh i-hort I.luo. . 14i Koariargo
Itubbar . 43 Oscoola
Snn DICKO . , 10 Qulncy
Union 1'nclllo . KH oanta r'o Copper. . . .
Won End . it Tamarack
0 do prof erred . 81) )
Bt , I.oul * Mlnliiar Qnotntlons.
ST. Louts , Jlo. , Mny 81 The following arc
the closing mining quotations :
Adams t .74 Oranlto a.40 dW.73
Am. Notllo. .85 9 .M Hope 3.W
Dlmolalllo. . 3.60 $4.00 Leo 07UO .03
Rlttabeta. . . .40 ® .45 tS. llopet. . . .75
t asked. bid.
Steer * Weak nnd I owcr Other Cattle
Steady Hogs Drop Again ,
Receipts of all kinds today were fairly lib
eral , the three days supply footing up 8,247
cattle , 14,819 hogs and 940 sheep , against
8,384 cattle , 16,072 boss and 1,406 sheep the
same tliroo days last week , llccclpts for the
month of May foot up 61,457 cattle , 120,858
boB and 12,052 sheep , as compared with G8-
409 cattle , 100,871 hogs und 24,332 sheep for
April and 02,102 cattle , 149,574 hogs and 12-
013 sheep last May ,
Business lu the cattle vards wns decidedly
dull. Receipts , 132 cars , were qulto liberal ,
but the general quality of the offerings was
hardly as good as usual. Thcro was no partic
ularly urgent demand from any source , and
prices ruled weak to a big lOc lower than
Tuesday on nil erode ? , ( nuking a decline EO
far thlt week of from 15e to 20c. With a very
limited Inquiry from shippers on account of
unfavorable reports from eastern markets ,
and fresh supplies moro than ample for tbo
rcqulromcnts or the dressed beef men.only the
choice light fat cattle could command any
thing like steady prices , while rough heavy
and medium weight cattle that were not fat
sold n big lOc lower. Good to cliolco 1,200 to
to 1,400-lb. steers sold ut from $4.75 t3 5.25.
Bales of fair to very good 1,000 to 1,150-lb.
steers were at from * 4.30 to J4.75 uud several
loads of light halt fat steers and small
bunches sold at from $4.25 down to { 3.75.
There was a very weak feeling on the market
till tbo wuy through , but a fairly good clear
ance wns effected.
Thcro wus no change worth mentioning In
the cow market. The trade was brisk und tbo
moderato offerings changed hands In peed
season with prlcos very generally In Tuesday's
notches. Calves were In good domund ut
rather stronger prices and rough stock showed
no weakness anywhere.
There wus hardly enough business trans
acted In the Htockur nnd feeder line to estab
lish the tone of the market. Offering * ! both
fresh and utulo were limited and tha dumund
wan not brUk. I'rlucs , however , woreuuotubly
steady , Kcpresentutlvo sales :
No. Av. I'r. No. Av. I'r.
1. . . 850 13 75 103. . . .1161 M 60
0. . . 700 3 00 12. . . .10H5 4 65
0. . . 070 0 00 .1000 4 55
22. . , . C19 4 00 20. ; ; . 918 4 55
3. , .1020 4 00 20. . . .1103 4 55
2. . , .1040 4 00 18. . .1040 4 60
2. . , . 010 4 00 4. . . .1375 4 60
' ' .1040 4 00 88. . . .1000 4 60
43' . ; . G39 4 05 40. . . .1110 60
7. . , , 810 4 10 21 . . . 1231 5
B. . . 705 4 15 00. . . . 1228 5
46. . . 831 4 15 30. . . .1221 4 05
. 055 4 20 20. . . .1252 4 CQ
14 ; ; ; . 901 4 20 29 , . .1216 4 65
4o . B82 4 23 11. . . .1155 4 70
: : : . 083 4 25 18. . . .120H 4 70
' ' . 800 4 25 20. . . .1170 4 70
o' . . 80d 4 25 10. . . .1205 4 70
. 807 4 25 18. . . .1207 4 70
. 008 4 80 20 . . .1140 4 70
63. . ,1005 4 30 80. . . .1134 4 7fi
0. . 1005 4 35 20. . . .1105 4 75
S3 . .1070 4 35 2 . . .1800 4 70
10 . .1123 4 85 20. . . .1205 4 70
40 . 1134 4 40 1. . . .1000 4 75
n .1140 4 40 CO . , ,1270 4 80
10. . .1057 4 40 22. . . .1201 4 60
23 .1105 4 45 " .1310 4 80
20. .1047 4 45 60" ; .1285 90
2. .1178 4 60 20 . . .1347 5 00
10 .1059 4 60 21. . . . 1230 6 00
21. . . U97 4 60 21. . . .1317 5 05
0. , . 1123 4 60 48. . ,1351 4 80
21. , , .1193 4 60 60 , . . ,1261 4 BO
40 . . .lilOO 4 60 21. . . 1274 4 80
40. . 1260 4 65 BO . . .1309 4 00
18. . . .1250 4 00 21. . , .1303 C 25
uixr.n ,
27. . . , C50 5 DO jo. . . . 901 4 35
10 , , . . B23 4 IB 10. . . . 047 4 40
. . C80 2 00 . .1010 8 00
40 ; ; . . 776 2 S3 0. . . . . , 630 8 15
7. . , . 682 2 40 . . 080 8 25
* . . 603 2 40 i : : : : . . BOO 8 25
i : . . 807 2 40 . .1000 8 25
4. . . . 037 2 60 a : : : : , . 060 8 25
2. . . . 676 2 60 o. . , . . . 007 8 25
a , . . . 865 2 CO n , . . . . , 080 8 25
60. . . , COO 2 65 ' . .1220 8 25
i. . . .1000 2 75 10' ; ; ; . . 018 8 60
" . ,1080 2 70 . . eoo 8 60
i" . . 060 2 70 o.r ; . .1170 B 05
23 , . . . 730 2 70 . , 805 8 00
4. . 002 2 76 i : : : : . . 040 8 65
060 2 00 ? . . . . . ,1880 8 75
1 1000 2 OS 8 76
1 1080
5 t8t
1 i191
i M
I"1 "JJiS
w j 7ni.l
'iMSlfBrtsV '
Oflj as. . . . . 678
ChOSM .1 . . . . . . § § 9
atlOM 13 678
m ; ' -
uiOATV fl.
so a
Bli * "
o esa
i joi
"nan a BB n iHi ! _
_ 0
; ; ; ; ; ; ieoo
D. 470 n 40 0 483 B DO
0. 600 8 40 7 798 0 60
H---- 604 0 4B 12 637 U eo
: . . : . . 681 0 4S 2 1110 4 10
HOQS The general market was woak. vrlth
price * ruling ntiywhoro from lOc to 20c lower
than Tuesday , und from OOc to 40o lower tlian
Monday. Ffbsu receipts were fairly liberal ,
Dim these added to the holdovers , made a BUD-
ly on solo of very nearly 8,000 lions. JVhllo
here was comparatively little change
In the general quality of the of-
torlncs , there were more than the average
number of rough and "tatllnn" loads
received. There wis not a very vigorous ship
ping demand and the fresh meat mOu were
not wanting many moro than usual , so that
the packer * had thlnpg pretty generally to
their own satisfaction. The best butcher and
heavy woUht hosa sold curly at J0.70 and
(0,76 ( , with ft few prime light loads at JQ.80.
Ordinary grades sold largely at tu.OO and to.05 ,
und after the first round and urgent orders
were filled the good hogs also sold Tory largely
at these figures. As usual the market weak
ened us the morning advanced and at the close
there were about 700 bogn unsold. Bale * were
very largely at J0.06 und tO.70 , as ngalnsttO.80
and 80.90 Tuesday and 80.03 to 87.05 a week
ago today. Heproucntatlvo sales :
Av. Bh. Pr.
,208 120 tO 05
,202 400 0 60
,248 80 0 03
,244 820 0 05
.245 120 0 05
.237 200 0 05
,200 200 0 GO
.281 0 06
,209 0 05
.233 0 05
.264 0 GO
.100 0 05
.280 0 07VJ
.282 C 70
.240 0 70
.200 0 70
10..141 8 25l
BIIEEP None > verO ( received. There Is an
active demand i from all local houses for
good muttons and lambs , with prices quotably -
ably flrm. Fair , to good natives , $4.505.50 :
fair to good western ? , $4.0033.60 ! common and
stock slieep , 82.60Q4t)0 ; good to choice 40 to
100-lb. lambs , $5,003,6.50.
Itccolpts and OUpoiltlou of Stock.
Official receipts and disposition of stock as
shown by the bodka ot the Union Stock Yards
company for the twenty-four houra ending at
6 o'clock p. m. Mjijr qj,1893 :
nousis * MLB.
Can. Head Can. Head Cara.lHend Cars. Head
IS ! 3.008 6.425 l | 813 1 13
During. CATTLE. BOOS. 811XEP
Omaha Packing Co .
TheU. n. Hammond Co. TOO
Bwfft ACO , 765 lit )
Thi Cudfthjr tacklnr Co. . U7 1,083
Chicago I' & 1 > . CO < 70
1 ! . Et. Ixinli ( 70M
Doud P. Co 176
0. B. Wilson 176m
llammond & P 20 *
11. Decker ft Degan . . . . 109
Leo Rothichlld 124
J. Ixibman 25
Shlpporiand feeders. . . . 25m
Left over 100 iuo
Total. . 8,140 7.483
Chicago Live Stock Market ,
OniCAao , 111. , Miy 31. [ Special Telegram to
Tun HEE.I No moro cattle arrived today than
the trade had expected , the estimated number
being 14.000 head. The demand should have
absorbed that supply without uny softening ol
prices , but It was unequal to the task. There
was no very considerable change In natives
but holders of Toxasc.attle could not got within
15c to 20c of Tuosday'K quotation. The latter
were In largo supply , the stale nnd fresh ro-
colpts combined amounting to at least 5,500
head , which Is u greater number than has
been seen In the quarantine division at any
provlous tlmo this year. They sold slowly 01 ,
a babU of from { 2 to 4.60. Hales of natives
were mostly at from J2.75 to $3.75 for cows
heifers and bulls , and from $1.60 to 15.35 foi
steers. Tlio supply of fat cows und holfera
WHS small and former prices were ea-Ay *
obtained. Fair to good bulls also > diimaudod
etoady prices. The calf mirrkot was weak
wltb a declining tendency. It took something
exceptionally good to bring moro than $5.60.
"From bad to worse" Utly described the
courrib of the hog market. Unsatisfactory as
was Its condition yesterday and the day before
It was weaker and moro Intensely dull today.
Twenty thousand head was the extent of the
fresh arrivals and there wore not tuoro than
10,000 stale hogs , but buyers "had stomach"
for scarcely moro than halt that number ,
though the Btufl was freely offered at a further
drop ot from 20 to25c. At the beginning of
operations shippers and speculators wore In
duced to take a few hogs very close to yester
day's qiiotiitlons , from $7.15 to 17,20 being
paid for a few loads nnd nno or two lots fetchIng -
Ing $7.28. but the prevailing prices were from
10.80 to $7.05 , while at the close It Is doubtful
that anything \\ould have attracted u buyer
at over 17. Theau prices show a decline since
Saturday of from 4On to 4Sc , though the
arrivals for that period have been only 45,000
head , or 13,000 less than for the bamo time
lust week.
Little change took place In the xboop market
either as regards prices or the character of
the demand. There were buyorn for till the
offerings and at prices that vnro rjulto as
satisfactory to seller * as were these obtained
earlier In the week , As ( or a long tlmn past
the bulk of tlio arrivals wore from Texas , and
the trnnamlsfourl. country contributed the
greater of the remainder , very few natives beIng -
Ing huon. From ? 3 to (3.25 for Inferior stuff
quotations ranged upward to from H0.40 to
15.50 for choice natives and westerns. Sales
were principally at from $3,76 toM.60 for
Texans and ut from 14,60 to S3,15 for westerns
and natives. Yearlings were quoted at from
$4,78 to fO.40 and spring lambs at from (4.60
to * 7.60. < " " .f'
llrrelpts : Cattle , 14,000j calves , 600 ; hogs ,
20.600 : sheep. 15.QOO.
The Evening Journal reports ;
OATTLB KocolptB.r 14,500 head ; shipments ,
4CCO head ; natives opened steady , closed
weak ; ToxanH , lOa lower ; best natives , } 5.50a
6.00 ; good , i5.GOO6.40 ; medium , f-l.75SM.OOj
others , $4.10.lt4.COj Texuns , (3.0034.60 : cowu ,
ll.753,75. , , ,
Hoas Kecclpts 10.600 headt shipments ,
i.600 headt market 1620o lower ; mixed
6.25 ; Texons , * 3.73B:5.00 : ! wooled lambs , 0.6
Q.O.BO ; shorn -lambs , M.5030.05 : shipping
lambs , (3.60865.20.
ICanaai City J.tro Stock Market.
KANSAS OJTV , Mo. , May 81. O ATT IE Re
ceipts , 4,600 beadi bhlpmentfl , 2,800 head )
market steady ) Texas steers. l2.80St6.4qt
shipping steers , ; natives , (2.00@
4.80 ; butcher stock. t3.8O34.40 : stokers and
feeders , t3.263 > 4.65 | bulls and mixed , 12.20
(23.00. (
lloas Kccolpts. 6,000 headi shipments , 1-
800 bead ; market closed 101il6c lower ; bulk '
of sales , r6.9037.00i heavies. 10.8087.10 ;
packers. W.OIX37.10 ; mlxcd , a.70a7.06 ; lights
( B.4O36.95 ; porkers , eo.95 7.00 ; pigs , 15.00 ®
BOEEP nocolptf. 4,100 ; shipments , none ;
market about steady.
Cook's Extra Dry Imperial Cbampajrno Is
splendid to entertain your friends with. Its
boquet aud delicious tuato is unrivalled.
3no of the Peculiar Products of the Land of
' "Wheat.
III ! Operations Moro extensive Than Those
ot Zlmrl UtTlgglni nnd Knatern People
ple Taken In with Knse Wh t
nn Invcitlcntlon DIjcloiM.
Nnw Yonic , May 31. An advertise
ment which upponrod In n Now York
paper ofTcrcd for sale "lax sale certifi
cates" carrying a legal rate of 12 per
cent , or , Bald tlio advertisement , "will
lesxio corUflcatoB ot deposit nt 10 per
cent and deposit these on first mort-
jnffos. Improved wheat farms as ool-
ntorai. Wrlto E. A. Moars , Sturtovant
house , Now York. "
Another ndvorttBomont printed a few
days ngo proposed to glvo free faros to
the World's fair nnd return to any pcr-
eon "Investing 81,000 , in our i securities , "
This was signed 'E. ' A. MoarB , North
Dakota buildingWorld's fair grounds ,
Chicago. "
A reporter called at the Sturtovnnt
house twlco Monday to learn from Mr.
Mours moro details ns to his advertised
attractions for eastern capitalists , but
was told that Mr. Moars was not in. He
hud been staying at the hotel only three
days. The reporter called again to
learn from Moars whether ho knew of
E. Ashley Mcars , president of tho'Na
tional bank of North Dakota at Fargo
and the First National of Lakota , which
wore ordered closed by Comptroller of
the Currency Eckels. It wns said that
Mr. Moars had gene to Washington.
Complaints nbqut "E. A. Moars of
North Dakota" began to bo made a year
or HO ago by persons in the east , es
pecially these who invested in North
Dakota property on the promise of 12
per oont interest and had received little
or no return for their monoy.
Investigation of the condition of many
institutions started by E. A. Mcurs of
North Dakota was begun last July by u
committee of eastern stockholders con
sisting of Messrs. R. S. Grlswold , Fred
erick K. Alvord and B. W. Wells of
Hartford. Lawyer Edward D. Robbins
of Hartford in their behalf visited
Fargo. Mr. Robbins issued a printed
report in which ho said that Mr. Meura
is uotlvo manager of twenty-eight bunks
and guarantee companies. The report
then continued :
"Some of thcso corporations arc
almost altogether owned in the oast.
Others uro entirely owned by Mr. Moars.
Yet they are engaged in frequent deal
ings with ono anotlier and in every case
Mr. Meat's flxos the
terms of the bar-
crain. Ho has also at various times
bought and sold these corporations , at
prices fixed by himself , both real estate
and personal property of largo nomina
tive value. The National bank of North
Dakota has bought most of its paper
from other banks of which Mr. Moars is
president. I nm told by him that this
paper is guaranteed by the small banks.
A great part of it has been , however ,
returned for collection to the
very banks who are said to have
sola and guaranteed it. Moreover ,
I found notes listed among the property
of ono bank yet payable on their fuoo to
another belonging to Mr. Mears and not
endorsed at all. I could not make the
books of the different corporations har
monize with ono another. These cor
porations are curiously tangled together
as holders of ono another's stock , and by
means of this creation of fictitious capi
tal whoever happens to got control of
this coterlo ot corporations cannot bo
easily reached. "
In a second paper issued by Mr. Robbins -
bins ho declares that he has no bias for
or against Mr. Mears , but hoped , that
time would result in reassuring him in
the honesty and capacity of Mr. Meat's.
Piles of people have pues , but Do Witt's
Witoh Hazel Salvo will cure tnem.
Secretaries Gresham aud Herbert Strew
Flowers on Union Soldiers' Graves.
WASHINGTON , D. C. , May 31. Just
twenty-nine years ago today Colonel
Hilary A. Herbert of the Eighth Ala
bama volunteers was lying at the ppint
of death In u temporary field hospital na
a result of a dangerous wound he nad
received while leading his confederate
forces lu a desperate charge during the
battle of the Wilderness.
At the bamo time Brigadier General
Walter Q. Gresham was also in a Hold
hospital nursing a wound which he had
received in leading the Fourth division
of General Blair's corps before Atlanta.
Yesterday those two veterans one of
the north and the other of the south
now associated In Mr. Cleveland's cab
inet , sat side by side on the platform at
Arlington and participated in the
nromorlal exorcises over the graves of
the union dead. Around the platform
wore grouped hundreds of the veterans
of the war , most of them in the blue
uniform of the Grand Army , although
there was a sprinkling of members of
Potomao post of ex-confederate veterans.
Thus on the platfoim and in the throng
the blue and the gray mingled and fra
Judge Gresham was the hero of the
hour , and his arm was wearied with the
constant uhuking of hands of the old sol
dlors , quite u number of whom hud
served under him. Secretary Herbert
came In for his full share of attention
and cordial greetings. After the exor
cises ho and his two daughters walked
along the line of little white tombstones ,
aud assisted In mrowlng llowors upon
the graves.
Ajtor this the two cabinet officers
wont to Fort Myor , whore the salute ol
nineteen guns , duo to members of the
cabinet , was 11 rod , and the regiment ol
yellow-plumed cavalrymen appeared on
dross parade.
Piles of people have puos , out lj Witt's
Witch Hazul Salvo will CUM thorn.
Tire 01'ixioxn ux
General niaok nnd Major Wurron Ciuiso a
Sensation In Chlcitgo.
CHICAGO , 111. , May 31. Memorial day
exorcises at the art institute last night
were rendered sensational by an ex
change of opinions on the pension ques
tion between General John C. Black , ox-
United States pension commissioner , uni
Major William Warner of Kansas City ,
iioMtgrand commander of thuGrand Army.
Major Warner upoko flrst. Ho said thai
it belonged to the friends of the noldioi
and to no ono else to remedy the ovlls
which may have crept into the pension
system. General Black , who Bat upon
the stand , grow uneasy und when his
turn to speak came ho said : "Tho pen
sion rolls art ) polluted with the iiainea
of cowards , deserters and impostors , and
no true soldier would object to measures
calculated to remove the disgrace. "
Both speakers were wildly applauded.
Piles of people have piles , but Do Witt's
Witch Hazel Salvo will euro.them.
Potter Will 1'ay fifty Cents.
CLEVELAND. O. * , May 31. A largely
attended meeting of the creditors of ox-
Governor Foster was hold at Fostoria
last night. Resolutions of sympathy
were adopted , after which it was agreed
to Roooni fiO conls on the do
rnenttn claims , loavlnft H
Mr. FoMor'trnotnoT na pnouji
If ho ncoAtno flnaJioJAuy nb
A utatomont froffl the >
> adlhvb' thRl h6"o7)u"d ) BO pftr
tjeTJl qf hlB AoVti.loSn nh tnnt ho
Plica of poaplo here plies , ut Dowltt's
Wltou llttrol Salvo will ours thorn.
Cncouraglni ? Increase Notcil In tha Jtorn-
went of
OrKCWjjATi. 0. . Mny 3l.-r9poclfil Telegram
to THE nBB.Tomorrow's 1'rleo Current will
say i \J eitoru packing the p nit wocj < has been
210.000 hpgs , computed with 105,000 , last WOOK
and , 810.000 ft soar no , nmklni n totulof
2,880.000 since March 1 , a . .Unst 2,025,000 lat
year. Prominent plncpsci ompare as folloiri :
.hlc&go 1.IONO
Cltr .
it Louli . I.SJOX ) ,
ilaclnnatl. . . . T .VM 110.0W
ri(1l oapolt5. . M.CW 1 > 3,000
7I.OOJ M.003
MOOJ 7 1 , ( XXI
ntumnn. tT.WO il.OOO
t. Jnaopli. 48,058 0200J
citr. . M.OUO ( O.COO
St. Toul < Live Stock Market.
ST. f.ouis , Jlo. , May 31 . OATiLE-Uccolpt ? ,
1,100 head ) market ifondy for nil good stocks !
others lowers good natives , e3j good Texans ,
ton prices , 14,23.
lloas Hocelpts , 1,700 head ; Blitpmcnta ,
8,000 ! jnnrltot lower ! heavy , ! t3 , 0037,15 !
mixed , (0.7037,001 llffbt , 60.76iS7.10.
8IIKF.IKoocllt < " , 12,800 head ; ahtumonU ,
JOQ ! market quleti natives , 84.70i Toxnns ,
llend It In 11U Paper.
Pcoplo who never read the advortlsomcnts
In their newspapers tnlss moro than they
prosumo. JoiUithan Kontaon of Bolun.
worth county. la. , who had boon troubled
with rheumatism In hla back , arms nnd
shoulders , road nu Horn In hU pa per about
how a prominent Gorman citizen of Fort
Mudlson had boon cured. IIu procured the
Bamo medicine , nnd to use * his own words :
' It cured mo right up. " Ho also says : "A
noluhbor and his wife wore both sick in bed
with rheumatism , Their boy was over to
my house nnd said they were so bad that ho
had to do the cooking. 1 told him ot Cliain-
borlaln's Pain Bnlm and how it mid cured
mej ho got a bottle and it cured thorn up In
a week. I have great faith in Pain Halm
and belle vo it will euro the worst cases of
heumatlstn. "
Every Month *
many women nuffer from Excessive or
Scant Menstruation ; tlioy don't know '
tvho to confiJe in to get proper advicot
Don't confide In anybody but try
oSpacino tor PAINFUL , PROFUSE.
Book to "WOMAN" mailed fn .
Bald bj oil UrnccUta.
Chronic , Heron ,
Private and
Special Dlseim
of ; both
Hen and Women.
Etrteturq and nil other troubles trontcd
at reasonable charges , CONSULTATION
PEEK. Gallon or nddr
Opposlto Ilnydcn Bros.
The Ccle-
brated Noil-
Spcctacl cs
nnd E yo
Glasses for
sale in Om
aha by
The Loss of a Second
May tnenn ( tie inluln
of j-otir ( r > ln ; mh
menn ilcitttictlon t
life ntul propcrtj { t\ \
\vnvs mean * lost i
money. No ono c *
- l7 , - nflbnl to carry n j > o (
RUBY JEWELED wntcli. Ilctlcrnownlc
ADJUSTtO M at nil thnn be led astro
WATCHES -V. by wrong time. Dm
bcr-Hatnvulcn 17-jcw
watches me nccurat
Would you like to tntiwnlilrli nlfli U mot
tutJ on Amtrlco'n Uroitpot llallranar If si
wrlto for circular "A Quoiltnn orscronJs. " Tni
Utiisocn WATCH WIIHKI , Cuuton , o.
Teeth oxlrnelol In morel
Ncwonoi laiertod r fur o
rnmodnr. 1'crfeet at gu
IGthaiiilFarnani Stroats.
Klomtor on WU it. Tolephtmo 10JV
> VTl . 1 IX I > JI | ATI. fJH i U. M.LIIIllllltjrfb1
lli : > Tos.fJsfl. . cAftmnnilttna ptif/tlflan tf i
* i > j. w mi'Vffn ni.t.i
. N4 800 pp. . 154 Invnlunblo J > ;
rrlptlonn. full ciltonlr el.1 t > v mall. ) p.ilrd.
I'rn tdnnt "t
{ CoiiHUUuUtm free. )
Is unsurpassed In tha traa
incntof all
Chronlo , Private ai
Norvouk Ulioaioi.
> rltw to or ouiHiilt l > iionat
Addreia with mtmp for pi
tlculars. wliloli will t tout
tilaln cnrelono. P.O. llox ( Ul OJIca Hi d. IStU
Om haNob.
s. six * oier. OAIA//A , A-
Cnpltnl $100,01
Surplus $ G5Oi
CIDcors and Irjoton Henry W. Vat i , pml ti
It. CCq hn ! . Tloa pr iUani ; 0. S. M irlo ) . .V.
itorto.Jobn ri. colllm J. N. U. I'atrlax :
lleud , casbler.
nhllocostln ? the oaiplo/or nnl omp'oyoi
cothlni. lus oniiblod ns to advance the Inter
estsofbotli , and : ilso , Uy aoourlnj
better roiutts with th ; machine.
Wyckoff , Seaman & Bonadlc
IunU fur Sale.
Sealed bids for 810,000.00 of Rchool bulldin"
bonds will ho received by tha prosklont am
secretary of the school district of the City o
llrokcn Bow. Nob. , up to 1 o'clock p. m. Q
Juno 1,1893 , said bonds to bn Issued by th
IJoitrd of Education of the above named dl"
trlct ; will boar 0 per cent Interest , paynbl
soml-annually. and both Interest and prlnct
pal made jjayablo at tha fiscal agency for th
state of Nebraska In the city of New York. W
Y. $5,000.00 of said bonds will run for toi
years from July 1 , 1893 , and $5.000.00 will rui
for tlf teen years from July 1 , 1803. Thorlgb
40 reject any and all bids 19 reserved.
11. O. TALTJot , Pro-ildonti.
J. O. LUUINO. Secretary.
Dated Hroken Bow , Nob. , May 18 , 1803.
May21d 11
so urrn
Union Stock Yards Company ,
Soufh OrnaJia.
flctt Cattle II o nnd Sheep market In tha
Wood Brothers.
Live Stool ; Commission Morch'inti
Eoitli Omolm Tolcphono 1157. Chloaji
JOUND "ADISMAN , I _ . , ,
„ - „ -
WAI/I'KU B.VOUI ) . fManttifl"r
Market reports by mail and wire cheerful
rnlshod upon application. {
U Difectofl
Omaha Tent-Awning WoH Bros &Co. ,
COM1 > AN7.
Tonti ,
nonsis covicns. Awnlnili , cilo , 70J anil
1113 Varnam Street. 1Q ! > ti. loth Street ,
Bemis Omaha Bag
Importer ! nnd nmnufno-
turtri of flour lacki ,
tiurlap , > tnlno ,
Morse-Coc Shoj Company.
Baleiroom and OnJce-llOMIOJ.IIIl Ilotrnrd SI
F ctorr-IUMI2Mm ! Howard St.
We are the oilM nuraturen of UooU anl
8 WASl" K'\.Ufo20irmaaa \ ; | ; to atl to ln.p..l
ouroewfnotorr ,
Omalia Upholstering i Bebee & Ilunyan
Upbohlcrcd ( u'rulture. rUIINITUUU COMPANY
11(4.1104 ( Hlcbolis Bt.
' ' - U JiDdl3taUB