"srssasww ! THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY , MAY JJ1 , 1808. DIPPED IN THE DUST ONCE Nonpareils Forced to Lower Their Dolors on Their Own Qronnds. CONVENTIONS TOO MUCH FOR THE CHAMPS Neither Tcnin United Well , lint the South V.nd lloyit .MilIn tlin Mint P.irors lint Itutttn llntwrt-n KuriiMt ItlvnU for n Pumo. 1'lmt was quite a game of bill out at Non inrcll park jcslcnlny afternoon , wasn't lt ( You see U was the first collision between the champions of the south side and Tom Birmingham's navvly organlrcd Conventions , nnd both teams wore dead bent upon win ning tlio game , and of course made a wicked light. The 'Pnrells pranced around upon Iho lou der green grass In preliminary practice like n lot of holfei s at play. They felt as If they hid a snap and they romped about In llond- ish gloc. The norlhondcrs were quiet a'nd subdued , jet ihcro was n hungry look in their ov.cs that boded somebody no good. And thai was David Shanahan. No one dreamed that the 'Paiolls could low after their recent magnlllcont work , thai Is nohody but Tom Birmingham , and ho don't-count. The general oxpectallon waste to see thorn knock out another \Ielory big enough in uotkon Iho sticot. But lightning , jou know , doesn't keep on atritdng In Iho same place all summer. So Iho Nonpareils vvoro beautifully , sjs- tcmatleally .mil inumtlncnllv wholloped , nnd Iho Brummagem lads tonight , to a matt , 'nro illlcd with emotions nnd other truck clear up to the gunwales. Spud railsh was selected lo straighten out the Intricacies of Iho turmoil , and ns usual ho did It unil. VVhon the AMnil Cnma Up. The sotilhsldcis vvcro Iho first up , bul thov didn't nt.iv long. Blue , lny Croft rapped the freshening H hrco/o three haul smashes , nnd gave way lo dapper llttlu Bradford , who went n hot ono down lo Kennedy , only lo bo Ihrovvn out to Jlrsl. Mnhonoy lifted ono oul lo Billy Van Arnam and ihu Conventions c.unc In. Aftur iwo fuillo allompts Stoney got his club against ono of Jollen's curves and the ball went vvhi/lmr out to Captain Dave , and Captain D.uo made 11 mess of it. Ho fumbled nml Stoney was iifo Two successive passed balls tickotcd him onto third , when ho wns glued Van Arnam caino within about four foot of busting Iho ball three times In succession , j nnd so did Buck Adams Then Shanahan ! llrcd Aitlo out at Hist and the danger was ' passed. 1 This suinmaiy tioalmcnt seemed to arouse Mr. Biimlnghain's jro , and just hefoio thai hot black boy. Ijycurgus Miller , took his po sition nt the slab , Tom pulled his kinky head down nnd whlspcica something in his cur. riom whom 1 sat under the magnolias It sounded very much like "beerI" However , 1 may bo mistaken , as unlikely as that is. Anyway , Loetirgus stiuck bolh .Ipllen and Shanahan out so quick Ihov didn't Imovv what hurt 'cm , and McAulliTo was easily curled up at llrst. Then the Brummagem bojs came hick , but they didn't last , i whit longer. Bowman sat down on a lly to Captain Dave , Bradford slammed Yapp out at llrst , and Kennedy , after being permitted to walk down , was extinguished trying lo swlposecond. And lhotthlrd and fouilh went the same way. It was gel up and go sit down with a clock-like regiilailtv that was rapidly be coming monotonous , until the fifth inning. ' ' "fff to this tlmo not a hit had been made on either side. A\r \ Cnmo tliu Thunder , ; u , Then It was , hovVc-vcr , that Champion Jack McAulliTo showed his hand , rbut not until Jullen and Shanahan bad * been igno- mlnously retired. m < r ; o\ "There's the lad. " said Captain" Dive , ns Mae strode proudly to the plate , ' 'vvhoought ' to bo an exhibition , at the Woi'Jti's fair. Make a hit ? Well , I should murmur ! He'll do moio'n that he'll score.Vhy , th\t ( boy can do an.v thing Ha can run the bases in three seconds blindfolded. Ho can throw Fanner Burns wilh ono hand lied behind his iMck. and make Jim Corbett jump off. the Ueo building with six-pound gloves " Smash I It was McAulirfe's tico , meeting ono of the African's speediest. People looked up into the air , expecting to sco it filled with jarn and rubber and fragments of jiig skin , but Ihcio was nothing Ihcro but a few largo gobs of Captain Van Arn.im's breath tnat hung ever the diamond like u ball. ball.Tho The ball had gene culling Us way Ihiough the odoious clover way out in Buck Adams' domain , and when the fi isky Buck succeeded in'gotllng his l.ipoi ing finders upon 11 , Mac was at thiid ; but ho didn't linger theio. Ho knew Buck couldn't ttirow over a quai- ter of a mlle to save his life , so he just tiottcd on in homo. Then there was tumultuous hilailt.v in Iho BOtilh end , and Tom Blimlngnam's faro had about us much expiesslon In it as a side of bacon. Govoinor Lacy closed the Inning with strikooul. But them was lioublo and a big storm coming and every bed j was ifottinir anIous In their half of the sixth the northendcrs won the dny.So So Thru It Knlnvil. Thoio was some danger light at this criti cal point that Stonoy would not icach fiist , BO when ho sent an innccont little tap down to Bind , Brad Juggled It and Hairy landed safe. Van Annan got his Inso on halls , and then , afler Buck had slashed several gioat gashes In theethere.il , Artio Ciclghton swatted out a two bagger and the game was hls'n. Him v and Blllv , like jauc rabbits , sc.im- porpd homo. Manager Birmingham rolled his teeth and gnashed his ejcs In wildest delirium Just as if that lilt wouldn't cost him at least an olght gallon keg , Ciclghtun , a moment later , made a dive- foi-homo on Bowman's dilvo out toward Mnhonoy. He lhaught it was s-vfo. but jerry has a hand on him like a trowel and ho scooped In the spheio , nnd when Artln slid lUo the plate It was only to receive a smash In the vertebra with the bxll In Gov ernor Laroy's good right tnvv. % This loft Bowman on first , and on Yapp's single ho lan down to second but was forced out ut third by Kennuuj's grounder. Ji'llln now took his placoat the plate with n look of minder In his fresh ioung face , but bofoto Mr. Miller could fiio the ball at him , the clouds which had gathered like I oeks of evil birds ntiovo , opened their Hood gates anil the rain descended in sheets. Kvorj body ran for shelter and the game ivent to thu Conventions as it then slood a to 1. The scoiu : COXVHNTION-i. All. U. Ill , Bll , 811 , VO. A. K ftonuy , 21 a 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 \ nil Arnam , ah. , , a o Adam ' * , m , , : i o D o t ) o o o I'roluhton.c 8 O 1 O 1 7 2 O llowimin , II 3 t ) O 0 0 H 1 0 > app , ir , , a ii i o 0 o ii o IvKliiUMly. NS . „ a 0 0 0 I ) ( ) 3 l i.'ir1'0-rt ' ' a ° ( ) u < > " o Miller , p o Totals . 23 2 a 0 1 IH Hi 7 _ _ _ _ _ " .NDM'AllElt.S. „ . . n. ii. 1'n , mi. .sn. ro. A. K. troft , ! rf , o Ijradfoid , hs . . a 0 0 II 1 O 1 a Mahoiu-y , III a 0 0 0 o 1 a 0 InllWI , 1 -hannhan , 2b. . , a 0 o 0 O H 1 1 MoAillllfc , If. , . a 1 1 00 O 0 I Laciiy.c 0 O 0 0 H a O Morlailty , 111. , , : > it o o o o o O l b mi , iu , o o o n fi i o . . „ 21 1 1 0 2 18 10 4 KCOIIK JIVlNNINIlsl. I'oiivontloin. . . . , , . , tl O 0 0 0 2 3 Nonpuiolls , o o o o i o i SUUVIAIIY. Hunt unrnodi Nonpareils , 1 , Tv olmso bits : OrelKliton. llomu runs ; McAulltro. Ua.su on hulls ; OlT Ji < | | on , 3. htruck out : lly Jollen. b ; uy Miller. 10. I'msid lulls ! lly 4.uc < y , ! i. Tlmo of uiuuii : Ono hour and tun tulnutm , Uiiiir | | i Wpud 1'arMi. Hudo llowa from .Sioux l/'itv. Ten moinburs of the Inicrocoanheel Club of Sioux Clly pedaled thelrvv ay Into the city yesterday. They lofi homo ut 7:45 : Mon day evening , tiding nil nlghl , and at l > V. jes- tertlay uionilng had covered the 125 miles of vvngou road thtt intecrono between Sioux City and Omaha , coming In by way of Coun cil Bluffs The ro.idswcto In very bad condition , there being heavy mud much of the way , The riders kept logolhor during the trip and wheeled up to the Arcade hotel In a bunch. Thcydld not attempt lo return ns they e-vmc , but boirdcd the train and went back by rail. ctticiurr AT THI : KA i it o HOUNDS. Short Tentm Pnt Up n llrlcf hut Ocnornllr IiitorcHtlnit ( inmc. There was again some difficulty In gelling ui a gamont the fair grounds yesterday , but eventually ten players wore chosen by Mr. Doyle to play for the Benedicks and another ton vvoro selcclcil by Mr. Cutllntrham as a Bachelor leant. Neither shlo consisted en tirely of slngla men , nor of imrrled ; In fact , tln the Bachelors l-iul all boon bachelors , the two captains would have been found playing togolher. But though each eleven contained hut ton men and the m.urlud men were many of them bachelors , for the tlmo being , and several bachelors were called upon to IIei enter the married state , theto was some pretty crlckot , and although the winners had the game In their hands from soon after the starl , It may fairly bo s ild for the losers Dial they had the worst of tlio luck tlC It was turned II o'clock when Mr. C. S. Ctilllnghnmand Mr K.V Taj lor took up their positions nt the vv lelints for the Bach elors. Doyle look the b ill and In his very firsl over dismissed Taylor for a cipher ; and when Now soul down his first ball In the second over and got Culltngham caught at slip by Doyle , things began to look bluo. Two of the best wickets were down for three ' runs , ono of which was from a bye and another from a no ball. And Iho next ball nil but got rid of Murray , it was a high ball , much like Its predecessor , and glanced off the lop of Iho bat almost into the wicket- keeper's hands ; but ho failed to hold It. Murray next hit a three , and Hobb , who had como In first wicket down , followed it up with a live. Two overs , two vvickots and eleven runs. A maiden over followed , and the game from this jralnt lost much of its Interest. In Now 's second over Murray attempted an almost Impossible run and failed. A few moro runs had been put together when Gavin was caught by Brown nt mld-oii , r.nd when Ilobb was .soon aftcrwaids dismissed by one of Doilo's swiftest balls there was lllllo run-makim ; power lefl on the side and the innings closed for ' . ' 8. Of these Itobb had contributed one-fourth , made up of a five and a two. Now and Hart opened the Innings of Iho Bcm > dlcks In Iho Ihitd over Hart who had hit two two's was bovvlod by Hobb , who in his next turn with Iho ball disposed of Wilson unil Murray Twelve inns for llueo wickets allot vvlileh had fallen lo llobb's bowling. Do.vlothon went to thu wicket and while ho and Now- were together the score V as raised almost to the other side's total. Tavlor 1 , however , dismissed them bolh bofoio Iho game was won , Tsevv being joined by Bur 1 well for a few ovois Bur u ell and Byrne were together when the foinicr made the final hit , the game being decided by the next ball from which two inns weio scored fora bve Just as the rain which hid been threatening for an hour commenced to fall in touenls. Scores : \CIIRIOH3. . K.W. Taylor , h Dojjo , . . . . 9 C' . S. Cnlllnch un , e. Uoyle , b. .New 1 A. Itolm. h Doyle 7 W. A. Murr iv. i mi out 3 A ( itivln , o mown , b Doyle 4 Hi. I. injon , li Xou . . r. S Jilin-on , c Ilai't , h. New 0 IE ( iicen , I ) Now 0 McOrath , b llojlo ! l not out II IIVDS 1 Wlllu 0 No I ) ill T Total i8 ! 111 M.IHCKS. J C. Doyle. 1) Tayloi 7 II. Now , u Taylor H K. Hirt , h Kolib 4 .I..I. llyrnu , not out ( I A. K. llurwoll , not out 4 A. ( i Ilrown , to I ] it H. M.Muriay.h Kohh 0 .1 , A. llli ndn haiH , to bal ( S. Wilson , h Kohl ) 0 J. A. Ross , to but llji-s 5 WIilo 1 Total for Qvo wickets 29 Varsity Hoys r.vorm tln > ; ly Smother the V. nr. U. A. Hull Tuniu. Messrs Burns and Abbott , pitcher and catcher respectively of the Young Men's Christian Association biso ball nine , mot the Univeisity of Nebraska aggregation at Iho ball ] iarkioslcrdav and ivoio dofiulod by the somovv hal humiliating score of 11 to I. Seven other joumr men clad in Young Men's Chi isti.ui association uniforms occu pied conspicuous positions In the Held , but thelrpicsontownsmorolylneldcnt.il and in no in itoiiil way affected the lesnlt. The Omaha billory pioved llsolf superior to thai of their opponents , but the icsi of the nine could bo discounted oy the Shamrock Juniors. The Lincoln bojs got away with four runs on ono hit and a doubtful bunt In tin ! first tni'ing. Burns struck out Stroman , ana Hopouell knocked an easy gioundcr to Ochlllicc , which the latler consideraloly fumbled , and Iho "Varslly boy look a baso. A\cri followed with a nice clean hit lo light Held , and Captain liauies struck oul. Holmes 'unled a grounder to Gibson , who thiuvr wild to Trail , and the bailer was sifo while Iwo runs skated over the plale. I'.ico hunted suucssfullv , and a mlnuto after bolh ho and Holmes scoied on Trail's wild throu' . Bums saw he would have lo dolt himself , so ho struck out the next batter and Omaha took n tut n. The Young Men's Chiisttin Association boys scored their only run , which vvas vciy much tinc.uncd. Bums vvas hit by n pitched bill , slolo second and was sent around on tlueo hisos on bills following. Neither side scored in Ihe second Inning , bul In the next the Lincoln crowd 'ooK. occa sion to add seven tallies to their total. Dur ing the 1 ist half of the inning the rain began to fall and saved the local to un from a lechnical dofeal. Bums struck out slv of the Univcislty men In the tlueo Innings , hut his oifoits wi-io useless on account of his ragged support. Judgu Shields umpired the game In auuy satisfactory mannyr. Vic turj for the IIIh Stimuli ) . The High Schools defeated tlin Shull'a Addition club In a g line of base bill yosler day afternoon on the former's ground. The score : lIlKh chonM. . . 22 Millll K Addition .1 'J U 3 1 0 0 I ) 1 IU llitteilillui : nnd Ur.ihani ; ( ' . Roodrli-h and Thompson , lliiio lilts , High hohuiils , 13 ; Miull'H Addition , I , ll.isi-s on liallKt OIT llor , 11 : nil' Unodrluh. 7. Struck out : lly Iliir. H ; hy ( looilrlch. ' - ! . Homo runs : r , IJooilrlch , llnllur , II in ley , ThiDO-hasii hits : Whlpnln , lowo. Twii-h.iso hln : Ituller , llnrloy , ly- Imll. Eirors : llln-h K-hools , 4 | Miuirs Ad dition , 7 Unipho : pihut Oiniihit Out. LINCOLNNeb.May 110. [ Special Telegram to THIS UKI : . ] Inn hotly contested game of lacrosse ac Lincoln park this afternoon , Iho Lincoln team achieved a signal victory ovoi Iho Omalm twelve. Lincoln won tltrco straight goils in 45 , 10 and 15 minutes re spectively , whereupon Omaha declined to avail herself of thu remaining twenty minutes ami gave up the gamo. A llvolj dlsputu occutred on an alleged toul and for a tlmo It looked as if there would bo trouble , I'utonl lha Umpire , IOWA CITV , la. , May ! ) . Coiuoll eollogo team from Mount Vernon , la , played Iho State university nlnoofthls city hoio to day , Thu score In the eight Innings was 8 to ! ) In the vlsltots' favor , and then thu homo team refused lo play longer because the tun plro was a Cortioll man A crowd of town bo } s suiiounded the iimplro , followed him to his hotel , and would have mobbed him bul for the intervention of ulder spectators amf professors and students llnnkurt unil I'rlntcri , HAvmns , Neb , , May JiU. [ Special Telegram gram to TUB BKB. ] The jit inter * ant bankets of Hastings met on the diamom this ufturnoon at thu first gam u of thu sea sot ) . On account of ruin the game was stopped , the score standing1 U to 8 in favor of the bankers. The bankers rufusod to play oven Innings , and in order to save trouble the umpire declined U > give the faint ) to either aide. rrlnoolou l.um llnrvHril. BOSTON- , Mass , May 30 , Over 0,000 people turned out to witness thu ball gimo between the Harvai-ds and Pilucotous at Cambridge this afternoon and a moro exciting conies bus net boon played ut Cambridge for some Hutu. Princeton , V ; Harvard , 8. WON BY A NEBRASKA FLYER tf. Nelson , Formerly of Grand Island , Lixnch the Pullman Rovl Hacs. IIS THIRD TRIAL PROVES A SUCCESS Denver 11 nil Crowd In Uin Twenlr-l'l o Alllo Unco Lincoln Drawn Twnnty Stnrt- er In n Inn Mlle Spurt Other SportlnE Nowi. CittOADO , 111. , May ! ! 0. [ Special Telegram to Tun Dr.E. ] The winner of the Pullman race , MNelson of the Columbia club , Is n drug clerk emplovcd in n stoio nt 73(5 ( West division sticet. Ho is 11) ) years of ago. Ho recently graduated In the Junior course at the Chicago College of Pharmacy It Is hrco years agj since he first bestrode n vhool Last season was his first attempt at sifotv work. Ho was entered nnd rode valiantly In last j cur's Pullman , On thai occasion the handle-upper was kind enough to give him him seven minutes. lie finished in ilxth place , having mot with four smashups. lo covered the course on that occasion in Ifty-olght minutes Ho was a strong favorite with the Columbian wheelmen , and they backed him liberally to w In. This J oar his club mates again constdeted his chances fa vorable and vvcro not at all surprised when : to won. Nelson is a native Of Grand Island , Neb. Ic has dona little speed woik on Iho track , f ono may apply the term lo ono who mod estly confesses thai he I' not good for a mile n belter time than -f : > 0. The wheel ho rode weighed twenty-four and one-half pounds , laving wooden rims. Ho looks n lusty youngster. Ho was feted in Pullman upon ; ils victory. There must bo something in the drug busi ness which gives a man grace to win a Pull- min. The winner of the race In Ib'.tl , K. M. Barwlso , was also a drug rlcrk. Since his win Uarwiso has lived in absolute retire- incut , and the lacing world knows him not Ho was not over speedy , but Nelson has the right kind of sluff in him and it Is not too much to o\pcct that ho will blossom out on the track as n tip-too rider. The gicat annual DceoiaUon day c\ cling ovcnl , known locally as the Pullman road lace , is run from Mich- lean avenue and Van Buien sticot to the town ot Pullman It was con tested today by some hundred blko riders , including many men whose fame is national The taco is a handicap , the starters being penalized according to known performances with a view to giving everybody a fair chance to win the race. The day and vvc.ithcr were perfect and It was .1 merry spin. The winner of the race had six minutes handicap , and covered the distance in llftv-lho and one-Half minutes. Ho is Iho nclual winner of the i.ice , but the chief inteiest lo cyclists cenlcrs in Iho time of the winner that is the man who covered the distance In the sboi test time , icgardlcss of the handicap To dotctmlno who Ibis man is requires much flcurliij ; by the judges , who lln.illy awaidcd Iho pri/es as follows : First , M Nescl of Iho Columbia Wheelmen's club ; lime , 55:17. : Second , M. Nelson , also winner of the race , of Iho Columbia wheelmen , 5:44. : . 'I bird , Charles T. Kinsley of Ihe Illi nois Cicling club , 50:11 : 2-5. DUNVhlt'S CUACK IJVKNT. Croat Thronif of Itldcrg Compotes In tlio Txvontj-llvo Mlle ICnail ICnco. DPNV un , Uolo , May 80. Denver's reputa tion as a great "cycling" center was nevermore moro enhanced than it was Ibis moining , when 1GB crack riders started out from Sand creek to compete lu the ilfth annual handi cap road race of the Denver Cyclists union , and over 4,000 spectators were there to cheer on the favorites and encourage the novices. The distance was twonti-flyo Iniles , the course ending three miles north of Fort LUD- Ion. The road , which Is ordinarily an excel lent ono. was rather rough today because of rccenl rains. Besides Ibis , the wind blew a perfect gale In the face of Iho riders for Iho entile distance , thus preventing any chances for record breaking. Wyoming , Utah nnd numerous poinls in Coloi-ido entered Iholr crack amateur riders , and they all showed great staving qualities. H. H. Kcnslmw of Denver was the first man over the tape Ho had twelve minutes start of the scratch men , of whom thcio vvoro tin eo. H. M. Turk of the llummlclub , Denver , was second , w ilh a start of ten and a half minutes. W. S. Daniels of Liramie , Wyo. , was third , with four minutes and forty-live seconds slarl. W. W. Hamil ton of Pueblo , with ono minute starl , was fourth. Ho mudo Iho best time in the race , it being ono hour , twenty-one minutes , twenty-live seconds. The second host tlmo was made by O. 12 Boles of Denver , a scratch man. It was ono hour , twenty-throe minutes , flfty-four seconds. Ilobort Geiwingof Pueblo nnd J. Collier of Denver , the olhor two scratch men who vvcro handicapped llftcon minutes , came in thitty-socond and fourteenth respectively. Tlio prizes amounted in all to several thousand dollars , the llrst one being a $ T50 piano , which was won by Kenshuw. A half do/en bicycles and several valuable medals w ere also among the numerous pri/cs. A joung burio or "Colorada c.inari" was awarded to the last man over the tape. Lincoln's Ormit Itoud Unco. LINCOLN , Neb , May ! ! 0. [ Special Tele- trram lo Tun BEH , ] The cycling ovenl of Iho year wns Iho road race of the Capitol City Cvcling club this nflenioon. There vvoro twenty-nine entries and twenty stailcrs , as follows : H H. Impoy , A. S. Borglum , L E. Helton , Harry Mulhall , Omaha ; Jim and Tom Patterson , Plaits- mouth ; I-M IX Mockott , Walton , Small , Hnlovv , Darnell , Gilftllh , Ifo.igland , Sbador , Blake , Sullivan , Hadloy , Bait- ley , Francis nnd Koblnson , Lin coln. Two cracks from Hastings vvoi'Q entered , but fulled to appear. Barnctt of Lincoln with a Jlvo-mlnula start won first prize , followed by Hoaghind.Sullivnn , Bailey and Robinson , Jim Pallet-son and Francis , all prize vv Innors. The handicaps ran from scralch lo seven minutes. The course was from Twonty-soc- oud and H streets to Havolock and return , a distance of ten miles. Sullivan of Lincoln won the tlmo prl/e In ! Uir > ; Mockott and Small collided , disabling the former. Tlio event Is being celebrated tonight with a "smoker. " The raeo utlraclod a great crowd , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ loun'it Hhootlni ; Tourney. MASOV Cnv , la. , May UO , [ Special Tele gram to THK BUB. ] The sixteenth annual tournament of the Iowa State Association for the Protection of Game and Fish opened tills morning with a good attendance from among the best shots of Iowa , Minnesota , Illinois , Nebiaska and Missouri Prominent among them aio H. O. Helkes , Chicago ; J. A. H. Ullloli , Kansas City ; < ' W. Budd , Des Moiling ; J. C. Kcod Omalm ; G , W. Hoxroal , Vliglnla , III. J. G. Smllh , Algona ; K J Trotter , Kings- ley , la. ) Young of Burlington , la , ; Block , St. Peler , Minn. , and C , M. Glim of Cleai Uiko. The event for thu L. C. Smith cup at 1 o'clock this afternoon tesiilted in a tie be Ivvf-eu t ! W. Budd and George Huirhcs of Findluy , la , , and was not shot off. Thu toutnamunt continues Muvill and Jutin 1 Thu shooters are being well entertained anc their wants carefully looked after by faocro lary C , M. Glim of Clear Lake. Uuttrnlklui ; the Schedule. NEW HA VEX , Conn , , May ; ) A relay race ou foot cairjlngu message from Adjutan General "Bradley lo Mayor Gllroy of Now York , a dlslanco of sovonty-ilvo miles , was started this morning , divided into relays of live mile * each. Each were allowed fort ; minutes. The first twenty-live miles wen covered in two hours , twontv-nuvon minutes ana fourteen seconds , or flfty-two minutes and fort-six seconds boiler than the schedule. \Vet OinuUiu 1'ull. The Garden Qatei defeated the Wes Omahas yesterday by a score of 10 to 11 UatUrio * : Garden Gate * , Ilichtor and O'Connor ; West Omati'.W.-WoIcl1 nml Danger gor , Hlohtcr struck g t u\ men and Welch i. NATIONAL LKiVGIIK OAM.K8 , Ooml rlrm < lrl | > on llrnt IMnrr. , Pa. , MAV 3(1 ( Five hlls , nil Ingles In the third Inninft'cnnblod PltlsburR to score four runs nnd''ik ho morning game m thu safe side. AU < | | ul pco fyftOO- Score : 'lltsburg 0 2i 4l O 1002 0 JaKltnoro O 1 , O H 0 0 O 0 0 1 Hits : I'lttsbtinr , I2j.JUarilmoro , 0. Errors : Mttsliurg 1 : ItnltlrnoFiS. 3. Earned runs , MttsburgO ; Ililtlimmil.3 flatteries : Terry , itiick , McMahon , HobliHorfi1 The Plttsburgs scored . .enough runs In the Irst Inning of tno attoWooh to win the game. tlcNabb wns knocked out In one Inning and Baker substituted. The Baltlmorcs were ulplaycd nt every point. Attendance , 10- , WO. Score : 'litsburg ' * 10 laltlmoro o O 0 0 0 2 0 1 03 lllls : I'lttshurg , 10 ; llaltlmnrn , 0. Errors ! 'Itlsburg , 3 ; Iliiitlmuio , 0. Karnud runs ! 'Ittslmrg , 0 ; Baltimore , 2. Ilitterlesi Kll- en , Mack ; McNnbbaiid llakor , Clark , llroitklng I'oor Undo' * llonrt. BOSTOV , Mass. , May 30 Bostons tepeated ho dose * of jcstorday afternoon to the 2hlcagos this morning. They baited McOIn- lis out of the box In the fourth inning , nnd iletjlll , his sub , fared little bettor. The loldlng of both teams vvas ragged and there vns fun galore. Score : toston 10033212 Jhlcago 000010030 4 lllls : lioaton , 10 ; Chicago , G. Errors : llos- OM , 0 , Chicago , 7. named runs : Itostpn , 4 ; . . . . . , 1. Militaries : Nichols and Honnott ; McUlnnls , McOlll and Hchrlvor. In spite of the poor game In the morning , .ho . largest crowd that has atlcnded a ball g.imo at the south end since the anti-broth- irhood days attended the contest In the af ternoon. Score : lostotl 00002132 8 Jhlcago 000100000-1 Hits : lloston , 5 ; Chicago , 4. Errors : Ilos- on , 2 ; Chicago , 0. Earned runs : lloston , 3 ; 'lilcaRo , 1 , ll.itterlos : fatlv oils and Uansel ; lutchlson , Kltlrcdgo. Furrcll Siitoil lilt Own ( Inine. WASIIISOTOV , D. C. , May 30 The morning jamo between the Washington and St.Louis : lubs was exciting to the end of Iho tenth nning. The visitors tied Iho score In Iho linlh. In the tenth , an prior , Wise's hit and Carroll's homo run drive won the game. At tendance , ! l,800 Score : Washington 5 0 T ) 0 0 0 0 1 1 3 10 St. Louis .0020000410-7 Hit * : Washington , 11 ; St. Louis. 0. Errors : iVushlngton , 6 ; St. l.oiils , 2. Earned IUIIB : \\ashliiKton , ( > ; St. Louts , 3. ( latteries : Maul , I'nrroll : Huryea , Uleason , Pelt ? . Washington took the afternoon game by letter all around playing. Score : Washington. . . . 202013100-0 Sulxmls , 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 3 U Hits : Washington , 1C ; Si.Louis , 11. Errors : iVashlngtoti , 1 ; St. Louis , 1. Kurncd runs : Washington , 2 ; St. Louis , 0. llittrrles : Maul ind 1'arrell : Breltenstcin and Uunson. Sddnr | Tuko n riirthur Drop , lAnrtfiiH , Pa. , May ! (0 ( Cleveland lost lo Philadelphia Ibis morning. Carsey held Ihe Spiders down lo twosinclos. Attendance 4,001) ) . Weather lino. Score : 'hlladclphli ' 0 00110000 2 C'lov eland 000000010 1 HitsI'hlladelphli , C ; Clnvolnnd , 2. Errors : I'lilludulphtii , i ; Clnveland , 3. Kainud runs : i'hlhululphhi , 1. llitteilus : Carsuy and Gross ; 'larkson and U Connor- . | > The Phillies had no trouble to bil Davies in Iho afternoon game , Tbe .spcctatois over- lowed into the field and a'rule was made nl- .owlng but Iwo bases oil a ill Into the crowd. Score ' ' " : < , , Philadelphia 22020100 0-12 Cleveland 1 OuiU 000000 3 Hits : Philadelphia , H ; .Clovolnnd , 0. 1 > - rois : Phllidulphla , 0 ; Oluvulind , 0. Earned runs : I'hllailulphlii , CUnoland \ , 1. llat- torlcs : Keefo and OnissF , jWeyhlng and fehor- rott ; Davlus and /Inmiur. ' Hot ( inino ut thfj 10)0 ) Grouiid * . NDW Yonu , May 30-J-Th'a Now York and Cincinnati base ball loams ipla.vcd an eleven- Inning game at the Polo grounds 1'iis ' mornIng - Ing before an oxciledand largo crowd. Score : Now York. . 200 O'fO 1 , 1 0 0 0 4 8 Cincinnati. 030 0 , Q O1 1 0 0 0 2 G Hits : Now York , 17 ; plncjnnatl , 10 Errors : New York , 8 ; ' 'Inclntititi , 2 Earned runs : Now York , 4 : Clnclmmtfj ; 1. " Iluttcrles : C'rano and Doyle , Dwyer iind"Vniiliu. ( " Ono of the largest crowds that has ever atlcnded n league ball game in Ibis city saw thoCmcinnatisdufe.it the New Yoiks tills afternoon In a closely contested game. Twenty-tinoo thousand persons wore pres ent. Score : Now York 0 OO020000 2 Cincinnati 0 0 0 0 2 O 1 0 0 a lilts : New York , 0 ; Cincinnati , 2 , Errors : New York , 1 ; Cincinnati. 1. Earned , runs. New Yoik , I ; Cincinnati , 1. IlitterlosItnsle and Kelly ; Mullanu.Chainborluln and Murphy. I.oulsvlllo'H Ciian IH IlorioleiM. BHOOKI.I.V , N. Y. , May 30. Brooklyn de feated Louisville this morning in a wollplaj cd and interesting game before a big ciovvd. Score : Ilrookly 000000030-3 Loitlsvlllo 0 00000000-0 Hitsilronklyn , 8 ; Louisvlllo , 2 Error- , : Ilrooklyn , 1 ; Louisville , 3. Earned inns * Brook lyn , O ; I.onlsIlle , 0. Ilatturles : Kennedy and Klnslow , Hlilnes and Harrington. The Brookljns were successful In defeating Louisville again In the afternoon. Kennedy , who pitched such a line game for Biooklyn In Iho morning , was once more in the box and acquitted hlrtself very well. The U.OOO spectatois saw a very exciting contest. Scoio : Ilrooklyn 00000321 0 LouUvlllo 0 00100100-2 Hits : Ilrooklyn , 11 ; Laulsvlllu , 0. Errors : Ilrooklyn , 1 ; Louisvlllo , 1. Earned runs : Brooklyn , 0 ; LouUvllIu , 1. lliittorles : Ken nedy and Klnslow ; Stratum and Urlm. ot tlio Teams. W. i * I' , o.i VV. Ij. I' . C. l > lttslurk-.I8 8 ( PJ 2 . . . .13 1J 60.0 Ilrooklyn . Ill ID ni.S Ualtlmore..13 IS < . ( IMillaililpblal& II 67.7 .Vow Vork . . .H 15 ( , < Huston in li 67.1 Clnolunttll..U 10 41 8 Ulurulinil . . .11 'J UU Ctdcuvo 8 111 Jl.i VVnsliliiulon II U fit.il ) . . . 4 l < K.3 IiCOHATION DAY It.VCING. I'liiiiRors ( Jot the VVor t of It nt St. T.ouln On Other Trnrkn. ST. Lours , Mo , May 30. Pleasant weather and an excellent card induced 7f > 00 people to culeDrato Decoration day by attending thoraces races at the fair grounds. The featura of Iho day was the memorial handicap for all ages at ono mile with $1.500 added , J , D , Pallo.i'H good mure , litliel Gray , who was a slrong second pick in Iho belting , land Iho pri/o quite cleverly. On the whole it was a disastrous day for the plungcis , vvlio scored with only two of the lucky animals. f Tirol race , six furlonirs : Adalr (0 ( to 0) ) won , Lulu ( ' - ( ) to 1) ) boi-ond , 1'loreneo HhanKs third , Tlmo ; 1:175. ! Hui-ond lac-o , five furloiiK > > : ratullly (1 ( to 1) ) won , John Coo pur ( J to ' . ' ) second , rep ( iray (2 ( to Dllilid. Time. l,1) ; ) ) . Third rure , tlio Muuiurjnl handicap , Jl.fjOO lidded , ono mile ; Ethid Gray (2 ( to 1) ) won , Highland (0 ( to 1) ) bocolilLlwy b (4 ( to D ) third. Tlmu : 1:44M. : ° ' { f " I'ourlli raeo , six fnfi > ns ) : Vnslitl ( G to 1) ) won , Ncudmorti ' 2 to 1) ) st-coml , Taylor llaydeu (4 ( to 1) ) third , Tlmu : jlrtHJU , I'lflli race , six furloiiy i14imianfl ; ( to 5) ) won , Tan King , (4 ( to 0) ) seccmtl , llnbe llurrows (10 ( to 1) ) third. Tlnuu llO ! > ( . ' " fi Hlxtli race , mile uiM om ) Hlxtecnth : May Manly , M to 1) ) won. K < rtviihUl. (12 ( to D ) second , Hasty , ( H to 1) ) third. 'Dlinoi : 1D1 ; , huontli race , nillii yiiuliii'l , (10 ( to 1) ) won , Lucille Manctto , (20 ( Ii4huucand ( , Ited Cap , ( U to Q ) third Tlmu , l,1- ivvu : CINCINNATI , O , , MayWrDocoriitlon , day biought U',000 cnthus\.i \ vlu race goera to I itonia. The bookjva&rs | had all the best pf it In i liu first throu races , but the , toift managed to bicalc oven ns strong fiivoritcs won thu last tlueo scrambles. SaHit-d and Slockado , bolh well backed an second choice , won the boconJ and third races. The decoration handicap , the event of the day , worth $ J,8.10 to the winner , was easily captured by Gal- lima. Ttack very slovv ; weather fair. l-'lrst racu , pur o , alx furlong- , ; Jim White ( H Ui 1) ) won , UalrlH (1 ( to D second , The bhauk (12 ( lo 1) ) third. Tlmo : l22i. } Hecond mce , ono mllu : Halllo II Wi to 1) ) won , heulptor (16 ( Jo 1) ) Hecond , LoOrando (7 ( to 6) ) third. Tlmo : 10 . Third racu , iilno-bUtunntlu of a mllu : Btock- iulo(3 ( to 1) ) won. Tiiptjj ( hjlu Dsocoiid , Darwin Wt'dgoHood (10 ( tu 1) ) third. Tlmo : lW : , , ' . 1'ourth race , thu It.coratlon handicap , 3-year-old and up , mile and three-sixteenths : Onllndu (2 ( to } ) won , pulllnir up by four lengths , llolen N. t& ti > 1) ) h end , Gascon (7 ( to 1) ) third. Tlmu : UiOTJi. fifth race , flvu furlonjo : Mlllboy (7 ( to 6) ) won , Macadaso (5 ( to 1) ) neromi , Miss Mamie (3 ( to II third. Time : \W : 2-c. Sixth race , six furlongy ; Muhcllo (8 ( to 0) ) won , ( Jleo Uoy ( toUboconcl ) , hulvjtlou fJ to 1) ) third. Time ; 1:21. : Cloio ut Ciravrsouil. May 80. The spring meeting f the Brooklyn Jockey club today wound up n a blaio of glory. Hdvilts : Vlrstrnco , tlircn-fourths mllot Yorkvlllo lollo ( I to 5) won , I'oor JonnlImn (7tol ( ) RI-C- mil , lioloro (7 ( lo 1) ) third. Tlmo : ll4H. ! Hecond race , thrre-fourlhs mile : ( Jnnnrd It ) tel ) won , Speculation ( S In 1) ) .second , AhnJU > (0 ( toll third. Time ! Itlft. Third rnco , thrno-fourtln mlle ! Doliblmon 4 to & ) won , Hrclnro ( Ti to Dupcond , lllirlliiR- linnidn to 1) ) third. Tlin ! lir : , < { . I oiirth nice , mll nndono-oljthtii ! Sport (0 ( to "mill . Chorister (40 ( to 1 iwco.il , Ht , Mlchnvl 16 to i ) third. Tlmn : - . fc Ifth racu. llvc-nlKhths of a mllu : Joilo(7to ( Hi ) won , Diilco 11B lo 1) ) ftrcoml , I'lralo Chief 8 to 1) ) thlril. Tlmot 1:01' : * . Sixth rare , elnvon-slvtrnnths of a mlle : Don Altuiro (2 ( to 0) ) won. Itnnipo (8 ( to B ) second , Hiram (10 ( to 1) ) third. Tlmo : 14DW. ; Sovonlh rare , Reven-i'khllm mlle ; St. ItiberI (1 ( to 4) ) won , Olivia (10 ( lo 1) ) second , Leonardo (8 ( to 1) ) third. Time : 1:01. : Opening liny nt limning * . WASIIINOTOV , IX C. , May ! tO The first day > f the National Live Stock exhibition and Ulood Horse mooting at the Bennlngs race course vvas fa voted with fine weather. 1'lrst race , llto fiirlmiRs : May lltrd won , 'hlsuoll second , Yellow Hose third , Tlmu : L :05 : , Second rice , six furlongs : Maid of Screen won , Ciliitaln llatnmnr second , Ada Blue third. Tlmo : 1:20. : Third rare , four furlongs ! Oriole won , IM'i'dttt'll second , Olvnano third. Time : 03. I ourth race , four and a halt furlongs : llat- tledoor , Illly , won , Headlight second , Quorry third. Time : 01) ) . I'lfth race , mlle and a fourth , ever five iiirdli's : lllavvassn won , llaronlmo second , AHPOII lA'af third. Time : 2t25. Tim Itunilitor Matlnno Yi tcritnjr. The Omaha Gentleman's Hoadstcr club gave an Informal matlnoo at the fair grounds jcslordtxv afternoon In the pres ence of a largo audience. The pacing race was won by H. II. Martin with Traitor , William Snydcr's Hod Star second and G. U. Kdvvurds' Columbus Tom third. Columbus Tom was close up in all the heats. Tlmo : 122 : ! , 1:80 ' , 1:20. : Half- mile heats. The second contest was a very close finish between 1 McGrath's bay mare Pride , Charles Foster's little brown gcldlne , Mr. Philbin's bay goldlng and Mr. Uiukot's trotter , Mr. McGrath winning the race after three very close and exciting heats. It looked as If Mr. McGrath was pulling too much weight. Tell Paddor to cut off some of that weight , and they wilt all have to hustle. Time : 1:2J : , 1:20 : . The next icgular matinee will bo the week before the Juno races For this aftci noon's entry blanks w lit bo aunt out to all the members , and they will bo expected to make an entty. George M. Swlgart w as In the box as stai tor and W. II. Mi-Cord as Judge. C. F. Hoed was in the grand stand , but his horse , ICindeihook , was unable to pull a four-wheel wagon yesterday. Hobert Weels was elected by the board of dlroctois to 1111 the vacancy made night be fore last Uobci t w ill make a good dli cctor. W. J. Hughes Is having his horse worked and uill bo In the thickest of it soon. Lincoln ICnnilntar Club MiUlnco. LINCOLN , Neb , May 30. [ Special Tele gram to Tun HUB ] The second matinee of the Gentlemen's Roadster club dtew out aboutl.WIOspectators. The races weio in half-mile heats , two in Unco , with vciy brief intermissions In the D-je ir-old ttot Chlpman & Sheen's Fitzgerald won , Uuckevo second. Time : 1:31 : ; 1.37'f ' C. W. Cockerell's linger won the mixed puo and trot , Joe second , Ka II third. i'lmc : 1 : ! > 0 ; 122 > f ; -.IK , Ud Uohanan'sCJharllo 11 won the 2 MO trot , Goqi go _ W second , Meiey thlid. rime : 1:20 ; C. A. Turnoy's La Gratitude won the free-for-all trot. Baby Bashaw and Hoxoy dividing second , 'inne : 1:21 , l:19if. : The race of the day was the fice-for-all pace , won by Tom Jacobs' Oasis , Gioy Jack second , Mnntcuo Ihiid , Nomofouith. Grey Jack , n broncho ovv ncd by Tom Noonan , made the lirst heat iu 1:13 : ; Oasis look iwo iu inland 1:18. Mntliiru Today. The greatest comedy of tlio season at the Furnnm Street theater. Ilonshaw and Tenbroeck In their musical comedy , "Tho Nabobs. " 23 cents any scat in the house. Doiiieatlc. A mob of Mexicans Monday night took an Indian , accused of murder , from Jail at Las Yogas and Ijnched him , President Clov eland has left Washington for Exniore , Ya. Hn will spend wovoral days hunt ing at Jllg Island , near that place. It Is stated that the western roids have about agicod upon World's fair rates , and that a schedule of prices will shortly bo Issued. It Is announced that the Great Northern railway uill limugiiiiito dally train service from bU 1'anl and Minneapolis , Minn , to Seattle. Wiiih . .lime 18. James Barker , gencial paascnifer agent of the Monon rallrn id , has been tendered tlio po sition of general passungei agent of thu Mis souri , K.ins is & Texas Hu will accept the position and make his headquarters In St. Louis. I'rlni-ess Kulalla yesterday visited the tomb of Ucner.il Grant ut Riverside purk , New VorK , and with her own hand placed upon It a wioath of ( lowers A lecoptlon was toinlorcd hci In tholafti'i noon , and in the evening she attended the theater. The .iKcnta of transatlantic steamship com panies will today inhmltn priioslion ] ) to the western rallrn um to nlloiv tlio Htounibhlp com- panlus to asfiimo entire control of the oml- Krant buslnobs and dlHtrlbuts It In agreed pro portions amoiiR the roads. The break In the levee thirteen miles above Arkansas City , Ark. , Is still widening. It Is now ever 700 feet wide and thu water coming out through It Is adding to the Hood that In already coinlni ; around tun end of the levee and Is Hooding the countiy lapldly , Fur < Ign James Gilbert , thu ilynamltur , has boon le- loasi d from tlio I'oitliuul , CnKlaml , prison , Hu vvasstntencoil In 188D to penal seivltudu foi life foi hav Ine caused dynamllo explosions ut the Tower and Houses of I'arllainent. A decree that will prove of Kruat Interest to thu HlaiiKhluilni ; ostabllMhinents of Om ilia , Kansas City , HI. Louis and Chicago ban just been Issuetl by President Dluz of Mexico. The dccicu puri'inptorlly forbids the Nhlpmunt ofhlaiiRliteiodlingfilnto tlio Ulty of Mexico. Hereafter all lions for consumption must bo brought In alive. 1'EHI > OS.II. 1'All.Wlt.ll'III. W. II. Osborno of Detioll is in Iho cily. Fiank Hunter of Cincinnati is in the city. Dr. W. A. Uoborts of Louisville is tit the Mlllaid. J. C Fleming of Burlington was iu Omaha yesterday. i ; K 1 1 wards of Logausporl , Ind. , Is rcg- islorcd al the Millard. H. D. Watson and W. J. Scoult of Kear ney are al the Paxton , Charles Lacy Plumb of Chicago is auto graphed at the Murray. If. II. Djrtling , major of Nebiaska City , was in thocily iesleiday , Colonel C. V. HigKs of the Calhoun Opeia company is at the Darker. D. n. Tralnor of St. Joe is among the ai rivals at the Merchants , J. H Worsloy of The Dal'os ' , Ore. , Is among thu an iv ills at thu Paxton. It C. Hronson of the So.ttUu Post-Intelli gencer was In the city ycstuiday. W. H. Smith and wlfo of Gordon , Nob. , on their way lo Chicago , ttio visiting in the city.M . M nerhoner of Rochester , N. Y. , and James Hind and family of Uliui , N. V. , aru al Iho Millard. Miss Smith. Die assistant secretary of the Itojul of Tiado , has been appointed ttoc.ro- tuiy pro tern of Iho Commercial club 13. B. Lincoln tmd O , D. I3aton of McOjol and J. W. Young of Hubion , delegates to the Stale Business Men's convention , called at Tan BKIS oftlco yesterday. Mis. G. G. Clark and Miss Clark of Port land , Ore. , who have been visiting in the city Iho last week leave touioriovv for Chicago cage and the World's fair. At the Mercer : T. L Smith , Cincinnati , O. ; Miss Bessie Tavlor , Kansas City ; Thomas lUiwlings , Wakoficld. Nob. , H. P. Johnston , Davenpoit , la. ; li. II. L > andis , Pleasant Dale ; University of Nebraska base ball team , 110 Burns , ii. C , Hoald , Charles V , Stroman , Allio Randolph , nil Pace , C. E. Hopevvoll. G. it , Avery , Jack Brady , Lincoln ; T. Clark , Plattsmouth , N. liVed Ksslg , Spokane , Wash. ; W. P. Hall , , Holdrege , oNeb ; A. Hunts- manu , Hebron , Neb ; f. J. Benedict , Hast ings , Nob. ; A. B. Peter , Manhattan ; P. J. Patchln , Nelson , Nob. ; A. J. Kcunm and wife , Loup City. Neb. ; w. M. Meek , Denver ; P. K. Allyn , Chicago ; L. F. Stoddard , Ham- say , 111. ; W. R. 1 'at ten and wife , Charleston , IIU ; W. P. Gunstcod , Cairo , 111. ; W. O. Marsh , Sierra Molada , Mexico ; W. li. Mo Candloss , Pickuyville , 111. ; O. P. Olddon , Fremont , Neb. ; J. T. Tvveia , O. R , Vaughan , Mayvtood , N b. ; K O. Schmod r , MANUFACTURERS Delegates to the Stole Business Men's Con vention Visit Nebraska's Fair , IT WAS MERCHANTS DAY AT THE COLISEUM Many ' Snrprlieil unit All Kntliuieil Oror Ilonin rntrnnnRp MninetlilnR About NhlrUnnit Clilcorjiit * United nnit Mnilo In Thl < SUlo. It wns Mcrchnnts tiny nt tlio exposition yesterday , and an Important day It was During the day the visiting merchant * wore busy In convention , but in the ovenltiR they cnino out " 00 strong and made n most careful examination of the development of homo in dustries There was a fair rcprosontntlon of Omaha's business inon , who had como 0111 to holt ) entertain the visitors , and the manu facturers who hiul exhibits vvero kept busy making explanations and pointing out the leading fi'atmcs. To say that the visiting merchants vv ere well pleased with the ex | > osltlon would Do putting It altogether too mildly. On every hand vvcro lionnl exclamations of wonder and surprise at the advancement made by the manufacturers of Nebraska. The artls- tlo arrangement of the nxhlblts and the great extent to which machinery hud been Introduced for the purpose of showing the autuat work of manufacture , were frequently ami favorably commented upon. Such re marks as"This Is something to bo proud of , " "The best thing of the kind \\o over saw , " etc. , weio beam on all hands. ' 'Long ll\o the Nebraska manufacturers , and If wo fall to iKitronlzo thorn the disgrace will bo ours , " exclaimed an en- 1 husiastlc mot chant. Hvorj ono appeared to bo having a good tlmo and It vv 111 doubtless bo many Jong months before the subject of homop.itronugo is foi gotten by the Nebraska merchants. Thu fact Is , the most enterprising mer chants of Nebraska arc becoming \crystrong advouites of homo patron.tpo and tuo giving the movement a great deal of support. Ono meiclmnt explained It : ' 'Wo rotallcM can afford to puronl/o tlto nunufactmors as they arc the men who omploj labor and the laboring men uro our best cnstomcis. So long us wo send the money of our customcis out of the state for goods nude in the c.ist \\oaro bound to keep money scarce in Ne braska. Wh.it wo want to ill ) Is to encourage the manufacture of goods In Nobtask.i and then wo can paj out our monoi to our homo faUoiles 'Ihoi will p.ij it out for labor and the laootlng men will pay It over to us again. When wo can got the clti'lo complete and keep the iiiom.y tit homo money will always ho plenty In Nobiask.i and it will never bo until then. " The visitors vvcro so much inteicsted in the exhibit that the hour for closing oamo bofoiu they wore re.idj to leave and the tlmo had to bo extended. While the people wcio examining the ex hibits , tno executive committee of the Manufacturers association mot In the ofiieo and talked over the situation. No business of impoitaiiLO was tt.insacted , but the mem bers of the committee oxpichscd themselves as well sitisllcd. The weather has been very unfavorable and that has kept the attendance down , but as the exposition urns until Saturday nlpht , there is still time to get the crowd. "If they will give us good weather , " said Piesident Page , "wo will do the lost" Thmsday night has been designated as giocery clerks night , borne of the nitinu- fa J n ers are prop n Ing to sec that the boj s arc ell taken caio of. Ail Icloill ICih l > 't. "Nebraska well bo of this " may proud , re marked a western merchant as his ojo wandered over the exhibit of M. E Smith Sc Co. Ho miglit hiive added that Nobiaska is not merely proud of the exhibit but of the 11 i-m having the enterprise to build up a great Jobbing inisincss and at the same time in manufacturing on so lai go a scalo. The manufacturing branch of M , H Smith & Go's , business hnsgrovvn rapidly until today they have on their pty loll S2'i people and the most perfect facilities for manufacturing of any fnctory in the country. Under the njtiio of the "Ideal Ihand''they turn out a full line of shirts , ovoialls , lined clothing , etc. , which their traveling men iair.v into every western st.itc. The sumo enterprise which has biought this house Into the fiont rank onion ? jobbcis and manufactuieis is mani fest w hen there Is any public undertaking on foot. Uveiy one who has visited the exposition - position will bear witness to the truth of the above asseition. They have a complete shirt and ovoiall factory in aUlvo operation at the exposition , with forty operators busily at work , showing the public the entile process of making the "Ideal Hi ana" of shirts , overalls , jackets , otc. , that this firm Is manufactuiing t > o extensively for the western trado. They have forty of the lat est improved Singer manufactuiing ma chines in operation , as well as their now power cutter. It is an interesting sight to see the foreman take a stack of cloth live or six inches thick , and with that machine cut out llftv or 100 garments at ono timo. Thou theto is the machine that cms and walks the button holes and another machine that sews on the buttons at a lively rate. The rapidity with which the gaimcnts aio made is mar velous At their factory they turn out the "Ideal Bi.iud" of goods at the rate of 100 doicn gaiments per day of nine ' bouts wink. Just think of making a shirt in twenty-four seconds. That is the way in which "Ideal Hrand" shirts are made , and in spite of this tapldlty M. U Smith Si Co. often ( hid it dlfllcult to tuin out quantities sufllcient to moot the ieiiitro- ] monts of the trade , and the popular domain ! for this brand of ( roods will boon compel the Hun to gicatly cnlaigo the cap icily of their factory. The wide awake business men of the west who wish to see the country incicasa in wealth and population must bear In mind that there Is only ono way to seemo the dcshcd end and that is by developing the manufactuiing Industries - trios , 'J hey must also bear in mind that the only sure way to build up the manufacturing Interests of a state Is to rrcatu a maikot for goods manufactured , which is an easy thing to do If business men will patronize homo in- dustiies. that is , glvo the goods inado In the stuto the ptcfeiunco ovei all othcis. Chicory. Not coffee , but plain Nebraska chicory. Few people know Just what chic ory is. They hoar of coffee belnir adulter ated with chicory and are apt to conclude that It is some uudeshablo tort of a com pound. They hava a right to ptotcst whin they get chicory instead of coffco , because coffee costs 40 cents n pound and chicory can bo got for about lOaconts. It is bolter than coffco or tea OB a beverage and it has noneof the deleterious effects of these articles tVtsltois to the exposition arc Icauilng all about chic ory. It Is being raised In Nebraska and manufactured ready for the market by the Gorman Chicory company of O'Neill. This company has a fJO.OOO plant , with a capacity of 1,000 tons. At their booth they uro giving n hot cup of chicory to all visit- 01 s , audits properties and advantages are fully explained by intelligent attendants A government mmlvals show * that the product is not only pure , but that it is a medicinal beverage with tonlu properties. 20 I'Kilir TllK tHUSTH , .Many Hlatos Will Ho Hoprcnented lit the ChloUKO Convention , Sr PAUL , Minn , May 0. [ Special Telegram - gram to TUB BKK. ] Tno national nntl-lrusl convention called by Governor Nelson of Minnesota on authority of the legislature as a result of Iho crusade against the coal com bine in Ihls slate , will open in Central Music hall in Chicago , Monday , June 0 The governors of twenty-nine states and terri tories have accepted Governor Nelson's invi tation and appointed delegates to the con. vcntlou , and several moro executives will probabiy do so this week , Some of Iho gov ernors give peculiar reasons for declining to countenance thu convention in any way , For example , Governor Flower of Now York informed Governor Nelson thai ha would not appoint delegates because it would bo against hln principles , but gave no further explanation. Probably thu most conspicu ous figure iu the convention will bo Senator John Sherman , author of the national anti trust law , whom Governor McKinley has selected to lead the Ohio delegation. Among those who have bean especially invited by Governor Nelson to attend ate Judge Albion W. Tourg a ud I > \ I' . Sargent , grand mas. tor of the Brotherhood of Tx > comotlvo Hn noets. * rco nt Iho llljoii "Tho Private " Secretary. was by the Hijou company , with Italph U Cum > tnlngslntho title role , for the flr t Unit , Mond.iy and proved n igroat and Immediate success. It Is excellently nctud and IK Juii ] funny enough to keep an audience In coif I tlnuoiti good humor. The stngo setting niiU scenery nro In keeping with the plot nnd adii materially to the success of the play , " . O Mesmeric Merriment nt llnyfl' * . ) < Flint , the mesmerist , moro than doublet liU audience at Hold's last night and thk fun Increased In an oven greater proportloil'1 lloth ho and his daughter possess marvoloua hypnotic power and UHO It for the produetlo. , of fun , and very novel fun loo. Th , . cataleptic rock-breaking act , by way of cott trast , is sensational almost to the point i\ brutality. r Mr. Chaa. ff. Uttucr v Of Frederick , Mil , sullcrcd terribly for over V ton ) cars with abscesses and running sores on his left leg. Ho wasted away , grew weak anil f tliln , and was obliged to use a c.ino and crutch. I' r.vervtlihiRvylilchcoutillmthotiKlitorwaHdon * i without good result , until lid bugan taking V Hood's Sarsaparilla I which effected a tiurfcet cure. Mr. Haucr li f now In the host of hcnllli 1'ull pirlloulaw ot t Ids case will liu sen tall who atldriss t C. I. lioou ft Co. , I.owoll , Mass. I HOOD'S PILLS tlio belt after dlnn r PIIU , ° : Milit dlgottlon , euro honilicho aud blllouiDcu. , Your Watch li Insured Pree. | A perfect insurance against theft or accident j | is the now famous J'i the only bow ( ring ) which cannot beer or wrenched from the case. Can only be had on cases containing this trade mark. MADE BY Keystone Watch Case Company , of Philadelphia. _ | the oldest , largest , and most complete y X } Case factory In the world 1500 employee ! | < 2000 Watch Cases daily. , One of'its ' products is the celebrated Jas. Boss Filled Watch Cases which arc just as good1as solid cases , &nd _ , . cost about one half less ; , Sold by all jewelers , without extra eharga for Non-pull-oat bow. Ask for pamphlet , or send to the manufacturers. W. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE Do you wear them ? When next In need try a pair , they \ will glvo you moro comfprl and service for the money than any other make. Best In the world. W. L , Douglas Shoes are made In all the Latest Styles , If you want a line DRESS SHOE don't pay $ G to $8- , , try my $3 , 50 , $4 or $5 Shoe. They will fit equal to cut i torn made and look and wear as well , If you with t'J economize lnyourfoutwcaryou , can do so by purchailnr , W , L , Douglas Shoes , My name and prlco Is ilampei on the bottom , look for It when you buy , Take no sub , stituto , I send shoes by mall upon receipt of price , postage free , when hlion DmilurN cannot supply you W. L. DOUGLAS , lirockton , Mai * , bold hj Wnhhuiu , Koliuy , Stlgur & . Co . U. Wilson , nilasbvanson , l mit/ IxuwnmnSK.i .South Oniiiha AMUSED MIS. NTS. BOTOEWTflEATEBj One woiin only , COMMENCING MONDAY , MAY 28' The world's uroat F ' . I'umiuilicr. i ASSIGTKII 11V W \ MISS MARINA FLINT : Iu her wonderful fouls of OuUIepuy , f I'rlcvs : 8.V ) . , ! lr o. , 50o , "Ic. . ' FIRN AM ST. THEATER 15 , 25 , 35 , 5O , 75. / - TO-NIGHT - Iloturn nnnnidiniuntof the l/i4 h MaUori. ) ' Nabobs Hpeolnl Mntlnuo DBCoratlon I ) ly. Tucsluy. Jlutlnoo Wuilnosiliiy. Any t-nat i'J ' Cimta.i FIRHAMST. THEATER o , o , o , 5o ( , 750 Tliroo Nlgliti. Hnildnturdnr an'l Hiiculsr Mutlnooi , I ommenclnu l-dflur uliflit June 'nil , { In O'DOWD'S NEIGHBORS , j Aiilithlbr 8am J Kjranand CUra TliroB V , " ilar nl ir tlio I Will imrrornmncu of O'Uuwda NeluhUorii Kadi ladr uMhlld occupjrtng n goat on i lower Hour Hill reoolru a lialf | > uuuil buz of Kionoli mliedciDdr Baturilar mitluou , Vie tuull parti or i bouio | ONDERLANt ) W AND BIJOU THEATER ALL THIS WEEK TUB IIIJOU Hl'OOIC COMl'ANY IN Aud a Tina Htioclully 1'rograin. I'Ol'HbAU 1'HIOKfl. Mntlnoos , to all part uf thulioiiio , Mcont * . Kvoulngi , ualoony , Onuntit. l'iiriuiniiciiutfc ! Open Dully liioopt Sunday , MAY 22 TO JUNB 3 J'j-o/n Ht a , m. to lOiUU / > , tn. AdmUzlou 26ft