THE OMAHA DAILY .BEEs TUESDAY , MAY 80 , 1898 , COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Wheat at th Lowest Point Since titf Harper Deal , SOME OF THE DEPRESSING INFLUENCES Great Ittcelptl with Lit 11 o Outlet for tlio Ornln Together with the Tlno Wcathrr nnd Wenlt Cnblei Were ng 1'actori. Cmctao , 111. , May ao.-Wheat today sold , with ono exception , at tlio lowest polut la Uilrty years. Tlio ultimo exception was In 1887 , dui lug the reaction from tlio Inflation caused by the running of a corner by Harper , the bank manager of Cincinnati. The great receipts wltliltttlo ontlct for the wheat , the Dno weather , local financial tight ness , weaker cables and the heavy load of rrhoat canIcil here , all acted asdcpicsslng In fluences. The cash ptlco broke below 70c .early anil decided many wagers made on such a figure. Then on the shaky fooling May touched C8Uc , a prlco reached but once before tlnco wartimes. Liquidation was on a stupendous scale ; stoo- Joss orders were pouring In all day , margins were wlpod out almost uvery moment , cau lng largo lots to bo thrown o\cr , and short sellers were encouraged to operate with Increased freedom. The local receipts wcro 150 cars above expectations and the deliveries at all primary points were heavy , while exports were slow. The newspapers had long dis patches from Kuropc. claiming the wheat out look thcro was almost without exception cither up to nn average or above nnd there was IIUlo doubt that the outlook In America was more encouraging. The trade did not stop to Inaulro whether the authority for the rosy view of the foreign Bltuntlori was any hotter than the authority which has of late been sending contrarj re ports , but as cables came lower they wcro re garded an confirmatory and then selling went on unchanged. The opening was about ' , } ® Xc lower and with only sllpht lluctuutlons , prices further declined Ufc , then held stundlcr and thu closing was about iXc lower for July and ! 2c lower for September than the Closing figures of Saturday. There has been a good deal of aggravation of the situation by the persistent statement that money Is dllllcult to borrow on the security of wheat. Exclusion , who Is In a position to talk authoritatively on the subject , says , tnutowlng tolls low piIco , bankers lend readily upon It within Goof Its marUut urlco. llu says also that ho never found It easier to borrow engrain grain collateral ! ) . The visible supply decreased 1,433,000 bit. , which was HOO.l'OO ' bu. moro than was generally looked for and there was some wheat worked for export , which two circumstances were of Minio asslxtauca In steadying the market at the decline. Corn was castor , hut small stocks made tellers careful and the day's decline wns only ; cln July , but May dropped lc. The feature of the day was the taking In of many of the largo short lliicnof July and nutting out of Buptcmbor. Many stop-loss orders at 40c and an Increase of offerings was looked upon as a steadying feature. OalH were unsettled. 1'rlces declined from Ho to IWc. After tlio decline titcro was a bet ter feeling , and prices reacted to aliening figures , the market closlngstoiidy for July and September with from Me to Jt'c lower for May and June. Charllo Wright pluycd with pork , sending the prlco off $1 on light business. A few 'Auuculutnrs were caught on stop-loss orders , and Wright got the pork nnd then rallied tlio price 50e In a few mlnutos. Lard nnd ribs closed irspcotlvely from 15c to i0c lower than Saturday. Estimated receipts for tomorrow : Wheat , XOS rnrs ; coin , 1,000 cars ; oats , OHO cars ; hogs , 13.UOO head. The loading futures ranged as follows : Aiuiu.tH. oi'i.N. man. i.otr. CI.OHE. HAT'Y WbostNo.I Mny TOte July tept t& Corn No. 3- > lny to Jun toW July 10 < a > Cats No. 2- 41JO - II ar JO ) Juno July . . gi Kept. . . . . . Mess fork 3l y f July Bent 21 80 Xnrd- July 1007K 10 C7H Bopt 10 WH 11 Short Illbs. . July 8 Si 9 7H Kept. . . . 10 10 B87H Cash quotations wore as follows : FiXUU Kasy , but no quotable chnngo. OATS No. 2. 29jfej No. 2 v/blto , f. o. b. , 32JJ © 34cNo.3 ; white , f. o.b.,31J5i333c. KYE-NO. 2. 04c. llAiur.v-No. 2. 62c ; No. 3 , f. o. b. , 43S48c ; No. 4 , f. o. b. , 3G@43C. FLAX Sunn No. 1 , $1.08. TIMOTHY SEKU I'rlmo , 83.8033.85. . 1'OllK Mess , per bbl. , t20.90a20.92M ; lard , per 100 Ibs. , J10.2010.27 ; short ribs , sides ( loose ) , 9.8oa,9.8'2'i ' ; dry salted shoulders ( boxed ) . MO.OU < 310.2a ; short clear sides ( hexed ) , " $10.2610.00. WHISKY Dlslillern' flnlbhcd goods , per gal. , BUOAIIS Unchnngcd ; cut loaf , 6 > jc ; granu lated , 0.70 ; standard "A. " 0.07. Tlio following were the receipts and shlp- tncnlH for today : r. _ Omaha Qrnin. _ 'ho following prices are for delivery at Mississippi river points ; WIIBAT No. 2 spring , 07o ; No. 3 spring , U7C. Among the gales reported wore : Klfteen cars No. 2 corn , upper MlstUulpl river points , Now York .Markets. NEW YOIIK , lay 29. Ki/un Kccnlnts , 04- 122 pkps. ! exports , 7.020 bbls. , 110,600 sacks ; Bales , 4,300 pkRs. ; market dull and weak ; winter wheat , low prudes , 8i.Of ! > ( iii.4& . win ter wheat , fair to fancy , t2.30U3.4t > ; win ter whiint. imtonts , { 3il4,2S ) ; Minnesota olour. T2.6038,10 ! Minnesota , htralglits , (3.&U ( 4.10 ; MlnnrbOtu , patunt , M.'J&IW.UO. CoitN MKAI/ Steady , quiet ; yellow western , ItVB Dull , steady ; western. 04O05c. UAHI.EV MAI.T Hull , steady ; westoin , 00 a WIIKAT Ilecolpts , 010,600 , ( in. ; o.\ports , 220 - 884 bu.sales ! , 1.4HO.OOO hu.of futures , 102,000 1m. spot. Spot market lower and more active ; ISo. a red. In sloro and elevator , 70c ; afloat , 70)ic ) ; f. o. h , 70 > ic ; uncradrd red , 7470 > ii ! ; No. 1 norlhorn , T0)ic ) ! No. 2 northern , " 1Z\ < & 74'csnptliimdi'cllned oil day on heavy re- celptN , tlno weathiT , lower ciililes , good crop prospectH abroad , wuak west and a report ic i chnlera at Himbiinc , iloslnc.oalj at li@lic ! ; below Haturdny ; No. 2 ri'd.111110,754475 11-lUc , rliMliii ; ut 7fic ; July. 70 0-10B77c. ( closing ut 70fo ; 7Bii78 ! c. closing at 7Ho ; $ op- 0 , ! ' ' . ? 0 ? < a6 ( ; > ' . closing at 7U40 ; December , H4ii ! . closing at 83'ic. I ; s , f.pot. hpotH lower and moderately actlvn ; No. . 47 ii64fiQ ( in ulovutor. 48tt4H\Jc alloat ; op tions were weak and declined HUh'con heavy rocelpls at the west and general realizing ; trading dull : Juno. 47 tt47' o , cloblng at 47iic ; July. 47 * . 4Hi ! , uloslii ; ; at 47jiAu ; - b'usV4 ® 48. ' 1 ' | tsllF ! ttUBKoi September , ' 48ua48Sc , closing at 4H'Jc. OATB-UucolplB , tiO.OOOlm. ; exports , 81,400 bu , ; baleg.Hu.uuu bu. futurou and 40.000 In ; , spot. Spots , qulul , UiKuri options , dull , nt 30f < c ; buplcmber. 31 < 4iiljio. closing at atiJc. Si > ot : No. 2 white. 41c ; No. 2 ( JhlciiKo , . ? , , . > . . . . . SOUc : No. 3. 38c : No. S wlllu < i 4oa40iic ; mixed western , B'J(239icj ( ; white wobtern , 41O48C. 14Yrl'.nlr < 1 mai"U flnn ! shlpplns , 7080c ; ' good cliok-o. , H6ca$1.00. .1.IP8.TJlfoti ( ! bln0t | , common to cholco , Hic ; I'acltU ; coast , IBiWUjc. HiDES-Easy.oulot ; wt batted , Now Orleans elected , .40 . < JVU ) Us..4tliiGo : Toxus selt-cttul , oaco Ib0. 6B7cj ( lluciuu Ayres.21a24 ( Ibs U Texas , dry , 224W7 Jbs. 8aiO . l'novisioN8-lrui incuts , dull , steady ; pickled belllcs.12 1 1M1 l c : pickled Hhoulders , Oc ; jilckl.Hl hams , 12tiil3c ; middles quiet ! crit ; short clear , 10ic. Lard , quiet , lower ; t'stvrn bltam cloned ut 110.70 asWcdi sales , r. " , e-\ Op11- , " > ultb. iioiioi Juno closed at 10.76 UbLcd , July cla > rd ut HO. 80 , nominal ; Frutvuibrr closed nt $11.16 , nominal , 1'orU ; uull , cany ; old iiiCMS , 121.60 ; new mess , $22.00. Liberal recolpu , loneri western I dairy , lC > Q17o | 16taitorn crpumflry , 17S620o | western factory , 16ta lOHot Klgln , aoc. . lot , eny | part , ltd mi. IKftSc. Hong -L'lrro , Mr iftwiml. lloeofpts , 0,133 pk i western froih , iftwe. ' /At.tow-Qulot , gtendYi city (12 ( for pkgs. ) , fiM < 5. _ „ On/ Dull , unchanged ) crude , enow , 4Be. noY.r.ust-Mnrkot ' wns Mltfhtly firmer ) " - " - ' - - - .Ttinoop- lowest. . Mmn oil . .OOObbU , S * st , itcady at 26jjO30o. iicfi-St cn , ijuiur. .iIot.AFBKB Now Orleans , open kettle , good to choice , dull , steady ) BOSSBc. ' SCQAlt-Kaw , qufot and firm ; roflncd , quiet , flrp ) . Pro InON-Qulot , unchanged ; American , J12.70310.60. Uorrcn Steady ) lake , S10.8C. LEAD-FIrm | domestic , (3.02H. Tl.v-Slcady nt decline ; straights , 110.00 bid ! 113,10 a ked ; platca steady. Bi'ni/TEn-Hriiii dotnestfe , $4.20. Umnlm 1'rnducu .Market. TosiATOF,3-0-baskot crates , $3.6004.00. BouTHBit.v OAnnAQB Per crate , 82.7633.00. OAMFrtiiNiA tUniiAOE Oratcsper lb. , 3j. NEW POTATOES 1'or bbl. , t6. HTIUNO URANB I'cr tin. box , $1.7032.00. 1'KAB-Pcr bu. box , S1.76S2.00. Cucmmr.iw 1'or doz. , tl. OACMirj.owKu-rnncy.por doz. , 12.78. So.'or bbl. , to. LETTUCC Per doz. , 3Bc. OIIRUN ONIONH Par doz. , 20c. ASI'AIlAQUS-PordOZ. , 35ft40c. NKW llKKTR 1'er dor. , 403400. Hl'iNACl-Porbu.l. Boun CiiEimtES Per case , 14. OAUFOHXIA Ciuinnius Per 10-lb. box , 82.60. SmAwiiKnutP.s Per case. 83.50514.OO. OoosniniuniES-Per case , S4.003.4.CO. LRUONS Choice , $4.a5at.0 ; fancy , 84.603 4.76. llANANAfl Per hunch , Including crates and packing , 82.0032.50. PINEAPPLES Per do * . , J2.00I&2.25. OiUNons Washington navels , choice , 811 Washington navels , largo 83.6093.76 ; Hlversldo seedlings , $2.76 ; Red lands , 82,76 ; Itcdlands , 129 size , 82,60. 11UTTKI1 , KUUS , GAME , I'OUt.TUV. BUTTER The great bulk of the country butter goes ut 12l3c. Kans General market , lie. 1'out.TiiY Uholco lions , o10c ; mixed coons , 78c ; old roosters , 6Gc ; geese and ducks , 84J9c. lIISCCI.l.ANr.OUS. HAY The market on good upland hay , $7 In car lots. VKAtr-Cholooand small fat , 7ffl8Jc } ; largo and thin , 3S.Ge. St. LouU Markets. BT. Loms , Mo. , May 20. Fr/un Dull , lower ; patents , 83.35 )3.46 ) ; extra fancy , 83.05 & 3.10 ; others unchanged. WHEAT Market was very weak closing < t off ; No. 2 red , cash. ) GGo ; Juno , UB'ic ; July closed , OBJiOCSMc : September , . Cons Weak , fic below Saturday : No. 2 mixed , cash , 30Jcj July , 37W < 337ic : Septem ber. 38 } c. OATs-Klat : No. 2 cash , 82c ; July , 27Hc ; Soy tcmbor , 'J 1 novisioss Quiet , pork , standard mess , $21.60 nominal ; lard , $10 ; meats unchanged : shoulders , 810 ; longs mid ribs , 810.25 ; shorts , 810.50 ; hexed , 16c moro ; bacon , packed shoul ders , 810.37 ; longs and ribs. 811.001511.12H ; sbort-s. 811.374 ! ; hams , sugai cured , 13I&140. ltBCKII > T8 Flour. 4,000 b- , . ; wheat , 14,000 bu. ; corn , 222,000 bu. ; oats , 60,000. Sim-.MKNTS Klour , 0,000 bbls. ; wheat , 137.- 000 tm. ; corn , 108,000 bu.j oats , 14,000 bu. ; rye , 2.000 bu. HUTTEii-Qulot and unchanged ; chotco creamery , I'J SOc ; choice dairy. 17c. , Ou.tuo .Market. NEW YOIIK , May 23. Options opened barely steady at 20 to lij ! points down , closed steady 5 points up to 10 points down ssales.15,250 bags , Including : May. $10,00 ; July. 815.50 15.GO ; Soiitember , $15.0O3il5.25 ; October , ! 13 ( )5 ) ; December - comber , J14.75fM4.00. 'Spot Itlo , quiet , firm ; No. 7..817.00O17.12H. . Kio JANEIKO. May ! 29. First ordinary , 14- 200 rels per 10 kilos : good second , 13,400 rels. Receipts during the week , 2311,000 bags ; purchases for the United States , 02,000 bags ; shipments to the United States , 64,000 bags ; stock , 100,000 lings. SANTOS , May 29. Good average , 13,700 rcis 8or 10 kilos. Receipts during the week , 0,000 bags ; purchases for the United. States , 22,000 bugs ; shipments to the United States , 74,000 bags ; stock , 173,000 bags. City .Markets. KANSAS OITV , Mo. , May 29. WHEAT Weak ; No. 2 hard , G7G7Kc ; No. 2 rod , G071c. COIIN Slow and wonk to lower ; No. 2 mixed , 34c ; No. 2 white. 303&Kc. OATS-Wcak ; No. 2 mixed. 28J'20Kc ; No. 2 white. 31V'tt32c. IIUTSKR Steady ; creamery. 10Q20c ; dairy , lHlGc. Eoas Active ; lie. KECEU-TS Wheat , 14,000 bu. ; corn , 14,000 bu ; oats , none. Snir.MKNT3 Wheat , 10,000 bu. ; corn , 4.000 bu. ; oats , none. llrltlsh Grain T ratio Kovlew. LoNnON. May 29. The Mark Lane Express , In Its weekly rovlow of the Hrltlsh grain trade , says : English wheat averages 27s u quarter In the country and 27s Od In London. The salt's at 10G market towns amounted the past week to G1.7BU quarters. It Is believed that the farmers aio Hclllnc too freely and would do well to hold tholr grain until July. Foreign wheat has receded Cd slncu Whitsuntide. The arrivals of wheat Include 105,000 quarters of California , 0,000 quarters of Australian and 1,000 quarters of Argentine. Cotton Market. NEwOm.EANS , La. , May 28. Good middling , 7iici middling. 7Wc ; low middling , 0 10-10c ; good ordinary , 0ic. ( Net recolots , 2,000 bales ; uross , 2,341 bales ; bales , 2,000 bales ; stock , 134,212 bales. EuturcH steadier nt the decline ; Rales 22,000bales. May. 87.00 bid ; Juno , $7.0ua7.0i ! ; July$7.0Gft7.08AUBUSt ( ; , J7.UK3I7.13 ; October , 7./3O7.24 : November , * 7.287.2'J. . MlniivnpolU Wliuut Miirket. MiNNKAl-OMH. Minn. , May 29. Wheat prices declined to easy side. Cash wheat lower , but prices stronger for futures. Most No. 1 north ern sold at 045o ! ; No. 2 northern 6Zyc. Ho- calpts , 424 earn. Close : May , 02c ! ; Juno , G3Hc ; July , G5c ! ; Hoptcmber , G3 ic. On track : No. 1 hard , GG'4c : No. 1 northern , No. 2 northern , G2 < 3G2Hc. Milwaukee Murkntii. MILWAUKEE , WU. , May 29. WHEAT Unset tled ; July , 687ic ; No. U spring. 08c. OOUK lullt ) No. 3 , 88We. OATS Lower : No. 2 white , 33jc. liAHl.KV GIHO. HVE 68Hc. PnovisioNS Loworj'pork ' , 820.00. lavorpool Markets , LivEiirooi- , May 29. WHEAT Quiet ; de mand moderate , uml liolderx otter moderately. COIIN Easy : dumund moderate ; mixed west ern , 4s Hd percental. > Prim western , 62snercwt. TALUIMT 1'lno American , 28s per cwt. I'lilliidclpliltt ( iriiln Mnrkot. rnir.Ani-j.rjiiA. I'a. , May 20. WHEAT Weak under uoncral pressure lo bell ; No. 2 red , May , 73S73'ic. ! OoiiN Weak ; No. 2 mixed , May , OATS-Weaki No. 2 wliltu , May , Cliiclnniitl MurkoU. CINCINNATI , O , , May 20. WHEAT Lower ; No. 2 red , 00 < 3GJr. ( OOIIN I.onur ; No. 2 mixed , 44O45c. OATB-Lowcr ; No. 1 ! mixed , 32ffl32Kc. WIIISKV In lliht demand ; closed , J1.12. Toloilo ( Jrulii Mnrkot , , O. , May 20. WiiKAT-Lower and steady ; No. 2 , cuih und May , OOSc. } Cou.N-Dull nnd steady ; No. 2 cash and May , - , . „ . OATS-Qulot ; No. 2 nllxud , 32c. . . , , Jit .L rii | . LONDON , May 29. G'Ai.currA LINSEED Now crop , May and Juno shipments , 89 < j Gil per quarter. LINSEED OIL 19s OdijilOs 10 > { d per cwt. New York Dry ( Joodt MnrUct. NEW YoitK , May 29 , No now devulopments woro.disclosed In the liry goods market. Print cloth continues firm and the general cotton ijuuila market Is good , Itokton Wool Murkrt. HOSTON. Mass. , May 20 , Demand Is very tnoderato and small lots are mostly selling. 1'rlces are In buyon , ' favor. Vlilblu drum Supply . NEW VonK , May 29-Vlslblo grain supply ; Wheat , 70.167,000 1m. ; corn. fifoaa.OOO bii.j S200 ° bU < 'C STOCKS AND 1IONDS. tSocurltli'i Opened Comparatively Firm nnd I. cud 1 111 ; Share * AdVHiiceiL NEW YOIIK , May 29. The stock market opened comparatively firm and the leading. Bliu res made fractional advances on the final quotatloni of yesterday , while Consolidated ( Jas jumped 2 per cent to ' 181. Advices from London ( hat the first day of the fortnightly settlement had passed without any serious em barrassments had the effect ot Imparting a firmer tone 10 the dealings , but the bottrs soon started on another raid to catch stop-loss ordera. ami In a short tlmo some stocks scored material losses. General Electric wiutho principal sufferer , decl from 07 H ( n 04)f ) on ! ftrjr.o unlfti. Ulitlllari about I tin nnmo tlmobroko a per cant to 10.lending wo nubsenuontly prestod forjfil ftnd foil & point * , to lnj < . Thli , to- gather ' with ndrop of lion per cent in the uoniK ( andoO tntfio woaknOMof the general market , and dnrlnz the afternoon icago Oat , Lnokfiwanna. IkmtAvlUn & Nashvtllnicago Western Union yielded 1 to 2 per cent , while Jersey Conttftl dropped S& The henry prcwuro to sel duo to tlie dUnppoinjraent rdndJustmoTit Din , tnoro 1 > art - the tioing up 6t the it.0flft t In ri voting trust for a series of tea ft. .umorsof . prouMjio heavy gftldsiiiprnonti by ThurAdav's stofimcra aided the decline in the general list. It WAS noticeable , howovor. that tuo efforts of the bonrs In the chare1) of pock Islnnd , Ht. Paul , Now England. Mlwonrl 1'aclflc. Hurling- ton , I.akn Shore and Atchlson met with com paratively little success. Near thocioao ucn- oral Klectrlc bounded up8t ; percent ) OordnRO , common , IKper cent ! preferred.9 per cent find Sugar 1M per cent. There was n sharp borrowing : demand for stocks throuKhout. General Electric nt ono tlmo commanded U percent for use nnd later were lent nt 1-8'J per cent. The sale * reached 820,947 shares , of which 15,670 wcro unlisted , The market closed firm In tone. Tomorrow beliii ; n holiday all the down town exchanges will bo closed , The following are the closing quotations on the leading stocks on the Now YorK Stock ex change todayi Atchlton * ( lo pretvrruu Ailami Kxproji . . . 18 U. I1. Uen. & Uulf. Id Alton. T. H us Morthwcttcrn do preferred 140 do preferred . . . . American Kinross. N. V. Central Haltlmoro A Ohio. , .N. Y. & N , 1C . . > . . . Canada I'nclDo. . . . Ontario A Western Cnnixdaf outliorn. . Jrcjjon Imp Central 1'aclflo 2IU Oregon .Nar thet. AOUlo 18U O. if. l.\V. N. . . . 11 Chicago .t Alton. . . 183 raclfloMntl 0. II. AQ [ 'corlall. AR Chlcnuodns I'lttsburn i. 143 Consolidated Uas , I'ullman 1'nlaco. . . . C. U. C. A St. L Heading Cotton oil Cort. . . . IllcHmond Tor " Del. Hudson ay do preferred I ? 1) . ti. A\V UloUrando W . . . . 18 I > . Alt , 0. pfd. . . . do preferred. . . . 7 I > . AC. P. Co UM Hock iBlfiml i7J Krut.Tenn St. Paul. . , . , 08 ! < Krle do preferred. . . . . 117 Krlo praforrcd Et. 1'nul AOtudha. . 89)1 Korl WJTIIO 150 do preferred. . . . 115 nt. Northern pf'il. Southern 1'nclflo. . . 53 0. AB. IM.nMI . . . Sugar llellnorr. , . . eft Ilocktni Vnllcr. . . . Tonn. Coal ft Iron , Illinois Central. . . . Texas 1'ncino Bt. 1'aul A Dulutli. Tol. AO , Ccn. pfd Kan , A TCI. p'd , . 31 Union I'ncUlo : t > H I.ako Urlo A West. . 31itt U. S.UiprusB 667l do proforreil itt W. St. L. * 1' 7l ' l.nko Slioro mm ilo preferred. , . . 104 lxad Trust sou Wells Vargo 1Cp. . Itu I.oulsvlllo A Nash. CMi Western Union. . . , I.oulsTlllo A X. A. \YUrcllng & L. 1 ! . . Manhattan Con. . . . do preferred Mamii'ls A Chi'B'n. Minn. AHt. lj Sllchlenn Central. , Den. & II. a 23 Missouri racinc. . . General Electric. . 67 Mobile A Ohio Mat. I.ln 67ZU Nntlivlllo A Cbalt. Colo. Fuel & Iron. 44 National CordaifB. do preferred , . . . 1U5X do preferred 43 U. .V T. U n N. J. Central Tol. A. A , ft N. M. 7 Norfolk AV. . pfd. Tol. St. t , . & K.O. 1U North American Co do preferred. . . . ID Northern I'ncUlo. . . ex dlr. The total sales of stocks today were 320.000 shares , Including : Atchlson , 0,000 : Ilurllnu- ton. 4,300 : Chicago Ons , 10,0001 Lackawnntm , 6,000 : Distilling , 2,000 ; General Electric , 36,600 ; National Cordage , 3,600 ; Now Eng land , 6.400 ; Heading , 120,200 : Richmond Terminal , 9,800 ; Ht. Paul , 27,600 ; buizar , 13,200 ; Western Union. 9,700. > o\r York Money Market. NEW YOIIK , May 29. MONEY ON OAI.I < Firmer at 2 ® 6 percent ; last loan , 2H per cent ; closed olTorod at 2Ji per cent. I'IIIMI : MERCANTILE I'Ai'F.u 038 per cent , STKUMNU KXCIIANOU Firm , with actual business In bankers' bills at S4.80H4.ti6i for sixty days and $4.BO } < ® 4.804 ! for demand OOVBHNIICNT UOND3 1'Irm. State bonds neg lected. The closing quotations on boirtls : U y. Is rt-g 11 ; ) t 1. . . &d , r. lion. Ai. .us U. H. IB coup 112 } . St. Paul Consuls. . . . 121 U. B. iKsrci ? VI ) St. ! > . , C. A 1' . Uts. . . 111 ! I'ocltloilsof'OS 105 T. l . I < . O , Tr. llcta. 73 T. l . H. O. Tr. llcta. 18 Missouri Cs Union Pacificists , . 108 Tenn. no\T net ( is . . . 100 WonBhoro low Term , now BotS.i . . . 01 II. O.V. . lets ; . . 76 Ten n. now set 3s. . . 72 Atoll , ( s Canada Southern 5s Atcli.i s , class A. . Central 1'uclMc lets. lOtl G. II. iS. A. 5s 103 I ) . A U. U. Ista 115 U. II. A 8. A.Zd is. . 10 i 1) . ill. ( J , 49 H. * T. C. 6 * . 107W Krlo 2rts 1)7 ) do Con. Cs 100 M. K. k T. ( Jen. 6j. N. Carolina Cs 100a1 * Mutual Union tia . . . 107 N. Carolina 4s a1 N. J. C. Int. Cert. . . . 111 3. C Brown 93 N. Pac. l3ts 117 Tonn. old Ca ( ,1 N. I'ac. Zds I01l < Va. fi. to N. W. Conjoin Vn. Kx-Mat. cou. . . teas N. W. Dobonts'r'BSs 103 Va. ojiu , , Zd series. to Bt. L. il M. ( Jen. 6s 83 Unnton HtticK yiiutitloiiH. : BOSTON , Mass. , Mny 20. Call loans , 44@0'J per cent ; time loans , 0t@G ! per cent. Closing quotations on stocks , bonds and mlnlngsharos : 41 Now Vork Mining Quotations. NEW YORK , May 29. The following are the closing quotations of mining stocks on the Now York board : St , I.oills Mining Quotatlomt , BT.Louis'Mo. , May 29. The following nro the closing mining quotations : asked. Financial Note * . KANSAS CITY , Mo. , May 29. Clearings , II- 084,270. 1'Anis , May 29. Three per cent rentes , 07f C5c for the account. NEW YOIIK , May 29. Clearings , 170,201,117 ; balances , $4.221,400. x MuMi'illP , Tenn. , May 29. Now York ex change selling at $1.25. PHILADELPHIA , 1'a. , May 29.-Oleiirlngs , J10- 271,100 ; balances , $1,420,034. Money , 4H per cunt. HALTIMOHK , Md. , May 29. Clearings , 12- 430,010 ; balances , $557,398. Money , G per cent. LONDON , May 29 Amount of bullion eono Into the Hank of England on balance today , 481,000. CINCINNATI , O. . May 29 , Money , G8 per cent. Now York oxrliangn , par to 40c premium. Clearings , $2,033,000. ST. Lotus , Mo. , May 29. Clearings , $3.054- 039 ; balances. $517.772. Money quiet at 08 percent. Kxclmngo on Now Vork , par. New OHI.UANS. La. , May 2Q.-Clearlngs , $2,090,207 ! Now Vork exchange , commoralal , 70c perl,000 premium : bankII.0 per $1,000 premium , IJOSTON , Mas ? , . May 29. Clearings. $13,971- 170 : balances , $1,488,305. Money , 0 per cunt. Exchange on New York , 12Jic prumlum to lOc dlHCount. NEW YOUK , May 29. [ Special Tolesramlto Till : llKE. ] hxcliunso was quoted as follows today ; Chicago , 70o discount ; lloston , 12ic ! discount ; Ht , Louis , par. OIIIOAOO , 111. , May 29. Clearings , $20,472.- 400. Now VoiTt exchange 70o discount. HtorlliiR exchange quiet : sixty-day bills , J4.80i ; demand , M.80M. Money , firm , 7 per cent. OMAHA I.IVJC KTUU1C MAIUCIITS , Week Starts with Light Itecelpts unil.lVeak to Lower Prices. MOMIAT , May 29. Receipts of all kinds of stock were compara tively light , considerably lighter In fact than a week ago. There wens 1,000 fuwor cattle to day than on laht Monday and prices on an av erage ruled lOc to lOc lower than Saturday. After advancing steadily for over a week until the hlghebt notches of the year were reached It Is but natural that there should bo a bllglit reaction. Supplies wcro and not exceptionally heavy at other mar kets , but buyers all set out to nmko tholr purchases lower and so they were In no pressing need of supplies on account of lib eral buying last week , sellers generally had to nccont tholr terms. Trading was slow and mostly done by the dressed beef mon as spec- ulutlvo shippers were cautious on account of the Indifferent tone to eastern advices. A couple of cholco l.GBO-lb. lieoyos topped the murkot at $6.30 , but asldo from this sale good to cholco 1,200 to 1,800-lb. btoers bold ut from M.70 to fl.10. Fair to good 1.000 to 1,200-lb. utcors sold at from $4.00 to M.6G with fair to poor light htuff and odds and ends at from 14.30 down. Iluslnoss was rather slow through out , but there were not a great many cuttle unsold In tlio pens at the close , There wa a moderately uctlvo cow market , with prices generally a tmada a lor than Sat urday. A bunch of cholco 044-Ib. heifers brought $4.20 , and an old klielly cow of about the sumo weight sold for $1.25. Fair to good butchers' cows sold very largely at from 13 to $3.70 , rnlron wfcril In ( rood domnnrt and strong ( it from 13.00 to WTDQ for ffilr to cholco vo H. Hough stock nljo sold fully ns well in lint week , fnlrtopholcqjmlls atul stags bringing from2.COto l.iVW , Povornl ImnchMof feeders changed hard ] , the regular ilnnlcet' fielnn the principal pur- chniors. 1'rlces'Tulcd steady , folf to good Block soiling litrgQlr at from $ .1.00 to $4.10 , Thorn was onlyi S tllmltcd country domand. Keprcsonttttvo Bales f No. AT , AT. Pr. 2 , . . 630 .1119 14 05 1i. 870 .1109 4 66 i. . 840 .1140 4 65 ? 1435 .1080 4 05 2 , 1070 .1400 4 65 038 .1179 4 65 080 .1205 4 70 1. . . . 1030 .1203 4 70 8 , . . . 013 .1122 4 70 10. . . . ceo _ _ 4 70 20. . . . 1078 14 1210 4 70 " 1016 16 .1131 4 70 ID" ; ; 1110 .1100 4 75 10. . , . 1010 .1292 4 70 1240 1285 4 76 ' ' ' ' IB' . . . 1102 1098 4 70 0. . . . 1069 12G7 4 76 21. . . . 1050 lain 4 80 27 . . . 847 1100 4 85 84. . . . 11 7 1324 4 90 1. . . . 1280 1288 4 95 20. . . . 1176 0 30 snirriNd AND KXTOUT , 0. . . . , 917 4 00 00 1339 4 05 112. . 1109 470 70..1320 5 10 35..1203 405 MIXED. 21. . 603 4 00 14. . .1007 4 26 YKAH1.1M1S. 10. . 490 0 36 COWS . 000 1 26 08. . .1046 8 35 . 850 2 00 a. . .1070 B 85 . 760 2 00 2. . .1145 0 35 . 040 2 26 1. . .1040 8 85 . 020 226 13. . . 811 8 40 . 000 2 25 8. . . 042 0 40 . 823 326 4 . . OD5 8 60 . 010 3 25 ' 1180 0 50 . 880 2 85 0. . .1102 8 70 . 780 2 35 1. . .1160 8 70 . 780 2 85 8. . .1091 8 70 .1160 2 86 23. . . 817 3 70 . 870 2 60 1. . .1000 B 80 . 850 2-60 0. , .1333 a oo .1050 2 00 22. . . 773 8 05 .1010 8 00 2 , . .1470 4 ion . 010 11 00 1. . .1160 4 10 .1016 0 00 2. . .1115 4 10 .1040 3 25 11. . .1077 4 20 HEIFERS. 10. . . . . 459 215 10 . 864 B 30 6 . . . . 628 250 27 . 056 B 85 0. . . . . 403 BOO 0 . 880 4 05 4. . . . . 600 826 1 . 370 4 25 7. . . . . 300 0 80 83 . 644 4 25 CALVES. . 210 860 1 210 5 25 . 105 476 10 160 6 60 1. . . . . 150 600 4 , . . . 136 6 60 3. . . . . 00 625 3 142 D 60 BULLS. . 1. . . . . 820 2 GO 1. . . . . .1330 8 50 O ' ' ' ' .1030 270 1. . . . . .1400 8 65 1' . . . .1320 200 1. . . . . .1790 B 60 1. . . . .1300 800 1. . . . . .1200 8 65 .1020 n 15 1 . . .1660 8 65 5 ; ; ; ; .1050 025 2. . . . . .1055 8 80 STAGS. 1. . . . .1310 B 50 1 1430 4 20 8TOCKEK4 AND FKEUKUS. 14 1000 250 23 907 860 1 880 BOO 04 851 BOO 1 660 800 05 028 060 1 820 800 4 40'J BOO 2 395 300 1 710 360 1 770 8 26 1 720 8 60 1 430 B 35 297 1031 8 00 1 700 840 1 1000 B 60 1 620 B 50 7 707 870 1 760 8 60 1 800 8 85 2 600 8 60 6 874 8 90 4 747 360 20 . . . . 1010 410 WESTERN CATTLE. No. Av. 1'r. No. AT. Pr. OOI.OHADO. 17iccdcrs.lOOG 400 , WYOMING CATTLE. Istas. . . 1360 3'60"2COWB..1130 075 Ustcors. . 930 4 8lj , 35stocrs,1227 41)5 ) Hooa Receipts uro usually light on Mon- rtuy , but donlors all looked for moro than 40 loaus todny. The Munition looked favorublo 'or sollcrd , Disfern1 markets wcro higher , biilnpors wanted ( ho receipts , them wns a fair doiiiitnd from the fresh moat men and early trjulltiK was active on the bails of u lOc advance. lUiycrfl all wanted light and ImtchiT weight hess uncl these grades sold nt from J7.05 to S7.10 with heavy nnd mixed packers at $0.95 nndt97. Packers did nothing curly , but toward the close after urgent orders had been tilled arid news of the break In hogs and provlslous In Chicago had arrived , they bought u few loads atfG.OO and JO.03 , or about like Saturday. Thc.cxtremo close was very weak , the early advance belnz entirely lost and a few hogs l ft unsold. Hales were largely at from J6.95 to 47.05. against . $6.90 to $0.95 ( Saturday and J7.CO to-97.25 oil last Monday. Representative sales : No. Av. Sh. 1'r. No. .Av. Sh. Pr. 0. , . .808 $6 80 60. . .2GG 160 (7 05 2. . .276 40 G 80 72. . .240 80 7 05 0. , . .274 80 6 85 74. . .200 241) 7 05 13. . .271 280 6 00 63. . .250 160 7 05 69. . .273 480 6 00 67 . .240 240 7 05 4. . . .203 6 90 74. . .267 160 7 00 0. . .273 40 6 00 66. . .244 ICO 7 05 0. . .223 0 95 74. . .208 40 7 05 62. . .273 40 6 90 74. . .244 160 7 05 52. . .312 200 6 90 01. . .258 240 7 05 70. . .259 280 6 95 71. . , .232 40 7 00 72. . .249 120 6 05 83. . .251 80 7 05 64. . .273 60 6 90 72. . , .191 160 7 00 79. . .236 360 6 90 70. . .250 240 7 05 78. . .246 360 6 00 00 . .230 200 7 00 04. . .231 120 7 00 60. . , .234 40 7 05 60. . 248 160 7 00 80. . . .234 BO 7 05 59. . .220 7 00 70. . , .235 80 7 00 10. . .257 7 00 63. . , .239 280 ,7 , 05 4. . 262 7 00 00. . 241 100 7 U5 ' . .365 7 00 200 7 05 . .803 40 7 00 17..200 40 7 05 . .253 40 7 00 76. . . 2 :33 : ! 40 7 05 . .230 240 7 00 05..241 120 7 05 . .216 1GO 7 OO 64..211 7 10 . .282 1GO 7 00 72..222 160 7 10 . .289 280 7 00 72..219 7 10 . .187 40 7 00 viGS ANI > nounii , * 1..300 4 00 0..294 40 0 65 Hiir.EP Receipts were Unlit , consisting of a double deck or fair Mexican wulhers and a Mimll bunch of spring lambs. The demand was good and the trade active at steady prices. The wethers averaged 84 Ibs. and brought J3 and the lambs sold straight for $3 perihead. 1'alr to good natives , $4.5035.50 ; fair to good wosturns , $4.005.50 ; common and stock sheep , J-.6CK5H.OO ; good to choice 40 lo 100-lb. lambs , 85.00(30.60. ( Representative Miles ; No. AT. Pr. 220 Mexican mixed 84 1500 13 spring lambs 60 600 Iteculptfl nnd Dlipoiltlon of .Stock. Official receipts and disposition ot stock ns shown by the books of the Union Stock Yards company for tlio forty-eight hours ending at 6 o'clock p. m. May 28,1893 : HECKIl'TS. DISPOSITION. IIUVEH'J. OATTI.E. uons. SHEEP. Omaha 1'acklng Co 151 TheU. II. Hammond Co , . 107 151Ml Bwlft.V Co 841 2G3 220 TlieCuclaUjr I'acklnv Co , . 6S3 Hlnclslr , , 70S A , Haas. , 11 , Decker & Decan n Vnnsant A Cnrer. 491 J. I.otnnan 118 Shippers and feeders 109 l.oft orer Total. . 2,37.1 8.1C.1 220 Chicago Llvo Slock Mnrkot. CniOAfjo , III. , Miv 29. LBpcclal Telegram to THE UKU.l-Tocrlly's receipts of cattle were about 1,000 head ! ' the olllclal receipts for last week 4H.740 hea'd and the bhlpinonts 14HBO head. A majority of the local operators had looked for a largo run of cattle and were pro- in red to BOO uttifl market ease up a I Itllo , They FMrot not disappointed In either particular. Thanks to the existence of an actlvo general dumand , the supply did not prove booxcesslvo as to cause any serious dorangninent of values. There was weakness uvoryitliure , but no grade showed a decline of inoro-ui&n lOc. Fat , light nnd medium weight < t\ffn \ , wcro loss weak than the lioavlorbortH. tup ubfnand running principally to fit our a welL'hliis.rrom 1,000 to 1,300 lb.- , . ilntchers'undcuuiiQ 1 ttouk was over aliuii- dant and bold m/atlytaswoll as at the close of liibt week , TOMU auttlo were aUo only a hlmdo lower. TtiKWWorn about 3,000 of thorn. Quotations raugod from $2 to $4.90 for poor to cholco cows and holfSrs , from ? 'J,25 to (4 for bulls , from J3 to $4,70 for stockers and feeders , from $4.25 to jq.70)Ttfr ) dressed buof and ship ping sti'OM andjifrnnl $2.20 to (5 for Texas cattlo. . .Calves were in demand ut from $2.00 to $0.20. Sales wore largely at from $2,70 to $3.75 for cowhand bulls , while the bulk of tbo stoerj went over the bcalcs at from $4.00 to $5.25 , Uccelptsof hogs wore estimated nt 18,000 against 18.390 last Monday and 36,900 for the corresponding day last year. The oQlclal re ceipts for last week were 114.198 and the shin- munts 84,207 , The market did not meet the expectations of those wnq hold hogs over from Saturday. The demand did not develop the activity that was anticipated and the advance that the "boom" In provisions seemed to fore shadow failed to materialize. Lard specula tors bought a few loads at qulto as good prices as were paid on Saturday , but the regular buyers could not touch the stuff on that babls , packers having orders to "buy at Friday's That was moro of a cut than salesmen would submit to , anil consequently hogs remain In the pons. There was an extremely dull market und the clo o was lOc off from the closing quo tations of last week. Lato-salea were at from $0.85 to 17.30 for poor to prime light and ftt from Ifl.OO o I7.S8 for medium ninl liciVTjr , For , Monday tlio nimlltyvran excellent , ro f light loti wore Incltnicd nnd Ihft proportion ot common tnlxpil win mallcr tlmn H ul. Throwouts and plfti weroquoteil at from M.OO toffl. 00 nnd Ihoro were n fowrarly tradci nt The r Torixro ( ucollno about , About 12,000 shrep arrived today. Tl\o of ; chil rocolpts for last week were 0(1,139 ( hpad nnd the dUlpnipnU 13,081 bond , The market was fltrons poor and common urndos did not loll materi higher , but anything answoif- UK to the doscrliHlon of "pood" was saleable at lOc advance. The demand was actlvo , much rioro so than wns to bo expected In view of ho heavy supply for last week , and most of ho stufr wns out of seller * ' hands before noon. Sales wcro on a basis of from * 3 to $5 for leer to cholco Texans nnd from 13.60 to $0,08 or natives and westerns , Yearlings wcro tronp at from * 4.70 lo 10.00 for poor to extra .ml 9prliiR lambs wcro quiet at from (4.00 to ' 7.00. The latter are lower than at the middle f last wcok. Hecclpts ; cattle , 10,000 hoadj calves , 200 etifl ) hogs , 18,000 head ! sheep , 12,000 head. ThoKvonlng Journal reports : OATTLK Hccolpts , 1.000 head ) shipments. .200 head ) steers 103,1 Be lower : cows nnd oxans steady ; native steersl/JOao.OJ ; Tcx- ns. $2.GOIi4.85 : cons , $1.2534.00 ; steers nnd coders , J3.20ft4.40. Hona Itecelpt * . 17,000 head ; shipments , ,000 head ; market opened Rtronp , closed lOc ( iwcr ; mlited and packing , $7 7 < XjL ,7.80 ! urltui icavy nnd butcher weights , $7.307.40 ; light 7.25ll7,40. SliEEi'-Hpcolpts , 12,000 head ; shipments , ,900 head ; market OlMO. ; hlghur ; westerns , 4.0033.25 ; Texans. $3.75115.00) ) lambs , $4.00 ® 3.25 ; spring Iambi , $3.00147.00. Knimns City Llto Mock Mnrkot. KANSAS CITY , Mo. , Mny 29.-CATTLE Ko- olpto , 0,900 head ; shipments , 2,000 head ; narkot weak to 20c lower ; range steers , 3.00a4.05shlpplngstecrs ! , HGOa5.70 ; natlvo : ow. fl , 2.00tt4.30 ; butcher'stock , $3.86l.05i tokersand feeder ! ) , $3.10 4.70. lions Kccolpts , 0,300 head : Hhlpmonls , 2- 100 hond ; tnarkot opened OIUUo lilghor nnd losedOc hljthnrj bulk or sales , 7.0oa7.10 | loavles , $ G.957.10 | imckors , J ? . ? . ; nixed , 10.85167.10 ! lights , 8G.70Si7.00 ; lorkors , $7.00IJ7.10 ; pigs , $0.1030.10. SilEKi' Hvcolpts , 1,20U ! shipments , none ; narket titcady , Now York t.lvo Stock Murker. . NKW YOIIK , May 29. U nevus Itccctpts for two days , G.4IH ) iicad. The trading opened ictlvo at an advance of lOc pur HKi Ibs , but slosod dull. 1'oorost to best native Moors , 4.0035.80 ; dressed boot steady at 8395c ! for latlvo sides , Latest cables from 1/ondon iiioto American Mocrs llrm at 10ii12o Iressed weight , and American roftlgcrator icef steady at scant lOc pur lb , Shluincnts to- lay , 400 beeves. SIIEKI- AND LAMiia-Uecelpts for two days , .4,700 hoad. Sboop nnd yoarllngs dull a tthado 'tiblcr ; southern lambs ttrm at an advance of > 4c per lb. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ St. T.oulH l.lvo Stuck Market. ST. Lotus , Mo. , May 20. OATri.B-Uocelpts , 2,300 brad ; shipments , 800 head ; tnarkot slow ; no Rood natives on baloj TO.MIS lowori top for good Tuxnns $ 1.16. Hoes Receipts , 2,100 head ; shipments , 2,400 ho id ; market oooncd lOc higher , but 'ost the advance ; heavy , $7.007.i0 ! ; mixed , 0.807.15 ; llcht , J0.85&7.1D. HIIKEP Ilccolpts , 2,200 ; shipments. 3,1100 Jiead ; market strong ; receipts throilRh Tcx- nns ; nil sales were at unchanged prices. Pllos of people htxvo piles , but Do Witt's Witch Hazel Salvo will cure them. A.MKltlCA'S DKltT IO UO3IE. . RAPID CUT , S. D. , May 27. To the Editor ol Tins BEE : Wo had nn election of school teachers here last weeic and the American Protective association men throw all the 'atholic ' teachers out , although they wcro the best quniillod teachers In the Black Hills. I have read the oath that these men have to talto and I have no doubt it would disqualify them from voting if they were prosecuted. Mr. James A. Woods , demo cratic national committccmnn , is ono , and ho will not endorse any Catholics. Is not this a nice state of things ? The constitution of this country calls for life , liberty and pursuit of happiness , allowing every man to worship God as his conscience dictates with no restraint , but these Inws which.urc the same to all and no distinction , but tlmt which his , his merit may originate. Who can deny that the existence of such laws if uphold presents n subject for human congratulation. Were wo to recur to first principles , and observe the progress of the Christian religion in tlio first stages of its propagation , wo .should perceive thnt no vice , ovll or detriment have over sprung from toleration. Persecution had always icon a fertile source of much evil , perlldy , cruelty nnd murder had often boon the consequence quence of * intolerant principles. The masaticres ut Paris , the martyrdom of Smltlificld , and the executions of the In- qmsifcio'n wcro among the horrid and detest able crimes which had at different times originated solely from persecution. To sup pose a man wicked or immoral , merely on account of any difference of rclljjious opinion was as false as it was absurd , yet tills is tlio principle which the American Protective association wants to instill into our local government. Who were the true friends of the country In her troubles ? Were they not Catholics ? I desire to inform and prove to these men that the Ucv. Dr. Carroll of Baltimore ( afterwards made archbishop partly through the influence of Benjamin Franklin ) , was the next man in importance to George Washington in the war of the revolution. I want to prove to these men who are wont to dilate upon Catholics in connection with the administration of this country that it was Father Carroll who was mainly instru mental in getting the papal nuncio to the king of France to got him to send aid to the Americans , ana that it was mainly through the influence of this Catholic divine the German Catholic generals , Baron Stouben and Do Kalb and the Catholic Pulasui , joined the revolutionists. To these who are conversant with the history of that period , it was a well known fact that the mission of Mr. Benjamin Franklin to seek aid from Franco was about given up ns a failure. While sitting in a despondent mood waiting for an audlenco with the king , ho received a letter from Washington saylup ; ; "If Franco does not send over her army , the cause must fall , for the troops are commencing to mutiny and I cannot ru'se ' funds to pay them. They have no rations and tholr feet are on the ground , cut and bleeding from the snow. " While Franklin was brooding over what looked like an Im pending doom to the American cause , ho was aroused by a voice calling : "Air. Franklin ; oh Mr. Franklin. " It was tlio pope's nuncio. "I have peed news for you , " said he. "I have Just secured the consent of the king to send over a French array and navy to aid your country men. " Franklin bewildered and astonished , throw himself on his knees , clasped the hand of the nuncio and kissing It said : "Oil , Homo has saved my country. Amer icans will never forgot it. " "Mr. Franklin , you must thanlc Rev , Dr. Carroll , for it was ho wtio induced the pope to send mo hero in the interest of the Americans. Ills letters in your behalf wcro laid by mo before the French king and his cabinet , and so success has crowned Ills efforts in your behalf. " Washington himself afterwards said ; "Of all the men whoso influence wns the most potent In securing thn success of the revolution , Dr. Carroll was the man. " Catholic names like Carroll , Moylan , Barry , Meade , Lafayette , Do Urasso , Do Kiilb , lloclmmbcau , Kosclusko and Pulasltl , will be side by fcldo with thosa of Washing ton , Jefferson'Franklin , Adams , Henry nnd Hancock In the immortal story of the revolution , long after the memory of the American Protective association bigots , who seek to deprive them of the glory of tholr deeds , or tarnish their memory , shall have perished in oblivion. M , H. IS. For steady nerves and good sleep use Bromo-Soltzor. Contains no Anti-Pyrlno , World' ! Fair Hotel Accommodation * . Write for rates at the now Itossmoro hotel , Chicago , und receive beautiful map of World's lair buildings. Address Huulc & Lxe , proprietors. Ifoung Mothers ! W Offer You Btmtt\t f vhtch Iniuret Saftty C l Ufa of Mother orul Child. \ _ 1 "MOTHER'S FRIEND" Eel > Confinement of III fain , Horror atulEltk , Ifttrnilugonebottleof" Mother' * Friend "I lua < nd tiui Illtla i > aluand dluuot ejMrlonoc that wwknru aturward usual la such cote * , Hit , JJUIE a AO , Lttunr , ilo. , Jan. UtU , ibJl. V A VlIiIiDJUEGVI.AVOU CO. , ATLANTA , GA. / BOLD DY AU < PRUaaiSTa. ENJOINED I ] SUNDAY OPENING Stockholder Kllngman Brings Suit Against the Local Directory , NEW COMPLICATION AT THE WORLD'S FAIR Judge Stein UrnnU n Temporary Injunc tion Holding Thnt Controls linn No Law Itcqitirlng the Imposition dates to llu Kept .Shut. CmrjAoo , 111. , May 29. On application of Stockholder Cllnginan , Judge Stoln of the superior court this morning IMUCI ! n torn- I > orary Injunction restraining the directors of the World's fair from closing the gates on Sunday. The suit on which the Injunction was granted watt tiled by Cllngtnan several weeks ago ns a stockholder in the exposition , and as n citizen. This proceeding is in state court nn and is entirely distinct from the action begun ) Saturday by the United State's dis trict attorney in the federal court. Judge Stoln held that congress has made no law compelling Sunday closing. The point on which the In junction ' was granted was Cllngman'a claim J't a citizen and taxpayer , The court held that as the park was sot apart for the recre ation of the public forever , the park commis sioners had no power to grant the privilege nor the exposition management to exercise- of closing the gates on Sunday. Worlil'n 1'alr Notes. CHICAGO , 111 , , May 29. The returns of at tendance at the World's fair yesterday are not yet complete , but tlio chief of the bureau of admissions , from the returns In , estimates the attendance at 140,30. The French section of the Manufactures and Liberal Arts building was opened to the public today without formal ceremonies. It was simply declared opened by the French consul general In the nuuio of the French republic. Cook's ' Extra Dry Imperial Chatnnagno should bo in every household , It Is perfectly pure nnd naturally fermented , Uonccl with Grief When Ho Hour * of Ills SOII'H Sulrldo. JACKSONVILLE , 111. , May 29. At a Into hour last night the famous blind Drencher , Ilov. W. II. Mil burn , chaplain of the national house of representatives , wns informed of the sulcldo of his son Fletcher at Chicago. The grief of the aged , sightless father was pitiful , as ho exclaimed : "Poor boy I It's too bad t ! " Mr. Milburn , 70 years old , sat up in boa to receive the news. Ho said Fletcher haa led n wayward llfo several years , nnd was nd- dictcd to drink , hut had recently taken the gold cure nt Denver. Ho wns for n tlmo n hotel cleric at Denver , but , becoming dissat isfied , applied to his father to secure him a position. The son was DO years old. Ji WASHINGTON- . C. , May 29. Chaplain Milburn's salary is $900 per year , but ho haste to pay his own expenses to nnd from Illinois nt the end and bccinnitiK of every session nnd maintain himself nnd ndoptcd daughter , who nets as his guide nnd accompanies him everywhere on nccount of his blindness. It is understood that ho lias no other income. Ills son , whoso suicide is made public , is not known here. o Piles of people have piles , out lo Witt's Witch Hnzel Salvo will euro them. IlUUKltS' UUltr Jb'OVXJ ) . All Doubt That .MrI. Kimlmll's IJrother U Ucitil Set nt Kojt. ST. PATTL , Minn. , Mny 29. AftJcr being in the water nine days the body of Charles S. Roger * , the millionaire president of the Northwestern Cordngo company , was found Inst evening at the Minnesota fish hatchery. The body liau evidently floated with the cur rent and lodged in n bav. The point nt which tt wns discovered wns two miles below the bridge from which Honors took his jump on Friday , Mny 10. The bodv was turned over to Coroner Whitcomb , who will now de mand the letters Honors left giving hi * rea sons for taking his life. Steel -AIilU Ilurnoil. SCIUNTON , Pa. , May 2U. The blooming mill , cngino room nnd boiler hotiso of the Lacknwnnna Stool company burned this Dangerous Use of Strong Pur gatives. Pills and nnrc-ativcs which net quickly upon the bowels , irritate nnd destroy the mucous coats of the slomuch and bowels. A continued use of such roino- dio3 produces chronic inllnmuiatlou of the stomnuh and bowels. The UBO of the genuine imported Cnrlsb id Sprudol Suit in , therefore , highly recommended because - cause its notion is duo solely to its solvent nnd stimulating propoitioa , audit does not irritate the stomach. Obtain * the genuine imported article only. AWNINGS AND TENT8. Omaha Tent-Awning Wolf Bros & Co. , COMPANY. Manufacture of Tonti. TIOIIBB COVBItB. Awningi , oto , 703 and 111 ! ) Knnmm Btreot. TOSS , llith Htniet , BAGS & TWINES | lleinis Omaha Bag COMl'ANr. Importer * nnri manursc- turns ot flour cks , burlnp , s tvrlno , BOOTS AND SHOES. Morsc-Coe Sbos Company , S nle r00tn and omce-1107-1103.1111 Ilow ril Ft ractorr-IIIV'lliMIU Howard Ht. Wa uro the ONI.V Manufaitarert ot Boon and BhA SilaSr faVuUf , : ! ' , ; | to aU i. I..P..I our uerrfivotorjr. Kirkcndall , Jones & Arncr , Hand-Sewed COMPANY. Wnolciale rafri , agent * Jloston 811011 CO. . booti. iliooi and rubber poud * , Iu03 * Itubber BUoo Co. 1IU2- llOHIOfl Harrier tUrert , 1UIU llnrncj StreH. COAL , COKE. CORNICE. Onialia'Coal , Coke & Eagle Cornice Works Mfr gnfanliellroncor- ! I.I ME CO. , hard nnd ioft nlcu.'Hlndow capi , mu- coal , H IS. cor. lotti and tallo tkrllahU , elc-.UOU Htraot. DRY QOOD8. M , E. Smith& Co. Kilpatrlck-KocliDry GOODS CO. Drr goods , notions , fur- Notions , gents' furnishIng - r.lihlnu KOoJi. corner iruods , cur. lltu and HtU ud Howard bts. iaruor etrkets. FURNITURE. OmabaUpbolstering Betiee & Itunyaa COM PANT. Upholstered furolture , FUIINITUUB COMI'ANV ilUMlUt Mcbolas cl. and I31U Btret morning. I/OM. * IC6,000. Tlio mill w n > nlnj double tlrnb on UK orJcn H will Mlo some taonths. throwing 1,000 nen out < work. muni : .itzstifVH .tj/MO or Tiftn Or t Trip ot tlie ATorld't 1'alr 1'tytr fro Nmv York to CliUiftgo. CIIIOAQO , 111. , May 23 , The ICxposl flyer arrived nt 0M : a. in. , thrco mlnut ahead of tlmo. The entire trip wns mm wltliout Incident or ncclJoat. General between t\tlous ( the train w slightly ahead of tlmo nnd whe engines wcro cli.inged the ah' ' was Ronorally inndo nuloitly enough to nllt of pulling out oven with the schodu Tcrrlflo speed wns developed nt tunes. Cone ono stretch of ton inllcs the tlmo was t minutes , n stntill fr.iCliou over ninety-ill miles nor hour. At South Chicago the tra wns llvo mlnutra bohlnd tlmo , but It w mndo u | ) on the run into the city , with tin- mluutps to spare , though the city onllnnm Kovenilng speed were broken to fragaici to do It. UK. tu.iris ooi.s FIUSK. Ilcloascd on Itnll unit Ilia CunnVlll 1'ri ; nlil.v Nn\rr Mo. Itotrlcd. DnsvF.u , Colo. , May 211. Ur. T.'Ilmtch Graves , last year convicted of the murder Mrs. Joscuhlno Uarnnby of Pro denco , H. I. , Is today n free man t the fli-st ttmo in two years. This morn } ho appeared In Juilgo Burns' court on n n tlou for n now trial. The court sot the n trial for Juno It ! und llxcd ball nt 10,0 Judge Mncon , nttornoy for the jirison signed the bond nnd Graves walked out the court , it l.s not pxnoctod that the soco trial will over bo culloa. One Dcnth Hcporloil I'roni 'tlio ll cn SinplolotM discs In I'r.iiirc. HAMIIUHO , Mny 20. It Is oniclally i nouncc.l thnt ono death from cholera < cut-red hero Saturday. 1'Aitis , Mny 20. Two donthn of a cholorn nnturoat Toulouse nnd one nt Nls-iiea n reported. o To Til It o tbn . ' rhcinl Ccn us , The following census takers have been n pointed by thu Bonrd of Kilucatlon nnd hax begun work : First ward , James Uwornl Second ward , S. A , Bernnelc : Third war > C. L. Alstndtj Fourth ward , W. K. Stoc ham ; Fifth ward , CJ. F. Franklin ; Slxl wnrd..I. O. Gibson ; Seventh ward. Goort \V. S.iblno ; ElRhtli ward , James Allei Ninth wnrd , E. T. Scavcr. is and is ptinrnnfrrrf , t every nervous , ilvlicnf , w oinnn. by Dr. rierctj Fnvorilo ri4cscriitloo | Ilcniciubor this , if jv don't get the help that promi.scd , there's uotl IIIK to pay. In every " female con plaint , " irrcKulnrity , < weakness , nnd in ever exhausted condition c the fcnuilo system , if th " Prescription " over fails to benefit or cun your money is returned. Bearing - dow pains , Internal inflammation nnd ulccratlor weak buck , nnd nil kindred aliments nro con plotely cured by it. It's a marvelous reined lor nervous mid general debility , Chorcn , o Bt. Vitus's D.inco , Insonmin , or Inability t Bleep , Spasms , Convulsions or Kite. nnJ ha often , by i-estorlng the womanly functions cured cases of insanity. Kor moro than 25 yortrs , Dr. Sago's Cntnrr ! ' Remedy has cured tlio worst cases of Chronl Catarrh in the Head. Tlio makers of th'a mediclno nro willing to promise that thoy'l euro your cnso or they'll ' pay you | 5X ( cash. By all druggists. A Wedding Present. When you give A watch to the bride' cr groom be sure that it is one about whose in trinsic value there is no RUBY JEWELED ' question. Ask your ADJUSTEd 'jeweler about 17 jewel WATCHES I lamp Jen movements in Ducbcr cases. If your dealer does not keep our wntchos , mall ' ua your nddrcss mnl uo will Kciid you thn nainu of n dealer who docs. TIIIJ UUKUKII WATCU a , Canton , O. S O UTII Union Stock Yards Company , South Ornaliai Deet Cattle Ho and Sh30 | ) mnrket In t'u wait CDMMISSinM HQUSE3. Wood Brothers. Live Stock Commission Morchunti. EO'ith Ouialia Tclephono 1157. Cli JOHN I ) . IJADHMAN , WAl.TKIl M. WOOD. Market reports by mall and wlro cheerful' rnlsheU upon Kpplloution. OMAHA u DiiecU HABDWABE. Rector & Wilhclmy Lobecli & Line , COMI'ANV. le alorn In hsrdtraro ac Corner IQttiaud Jackion niitrli'intci1 tools. Htreoti. 1IUI Uomilai btreot. HATS , ETO. | IKON WORKS. W. A. L , GibbonS Co Omaha Safe and Ire Wholoiale WOIIIU. Hats , cnpi , struw coeds , t'afoi , vault ! , jail no yloovtii , mitten ! . ltb Iron tlmtluri and "r e and llurnuf Struct ! . * c | ie , ( Ju Androou , 14 and Jsokion LUMBER. John A , Walicficld , Charles H. Lee , Imported , Ar 'rlcnu Tort- Hardwood lumber , woe land cement , Milwau ciriioti anil P.IMUI kee cumi'ut uuU Qulncy tluurlim , wlillo Ilnio. lllb uml Duunlai Etl. LIQUORS. | MILLINERY. ' Frick & Herbert , I. Obcrfclder & Cc lniiortT | and Jobbei Wboleialo liquor dealers of iiillllnor/ , notion Mull urdcri prompt 1001 Karnam Ht. 111)1)4. ) VWI-2'2 H. Illli. PAPER. OILS. Carpenlcr Paper Co Standard Oil Co' t'arrr a full stuck of prlntlnitl wrapplnn and KoaneJ and lutirlcatla wrltlnu pipers , card pii2 > ur > , etc , elli , aila tireaio. etc. PRODUCE COMMISSION. Branch & Co. Jas. A. Clark & Co Produce , fruits of all Ilutter , cheese , ffi poullr/ and gatuf kinds , oysters. 31 1 It. IMi STOVE REPAIRS | BASH , POORS Omaha Stove Repair i M , A. Disbrow & C WOHK8. Sloro repairs I llsnufacturers of sts and wtUrntttcbuienU I doors , blinds so tot tnr Hoi of stOTe I mouldlugi. Uraiicliv " " " isaili ,