Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 30, 1893, Page 3, Image 3

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carrier to nnjr part of the cltj
ITJtnlne < Onlre No. 43
La ( Night Kdltur Xo.23
JIIA on .vii i io.v.
I' ' . N. Y , Plumbing Co.
Hoston Storo. Natchaug slll .
MUtonbcrgcr is the hatter , 303 Hroadway.
. . I/ina Sorcnson , 005 Fourth avenue , and
i tJnrlton Woodward , OKI Fourth avenue , nro
fill with scarlet fever.
11 Al Wells has Issued Invitations for an
{ 'opening ' this evening at "The Omaha , " cor-
lacr of Broadway and Ninth street.
The funeral of Mrs. Maud Mynstcr wilt
lakn place from her late residence Wcdncs-
riay ct 10 n. in. , Hov. G. W. Snyder official-
All members of the High School Cntlot
, * iorps are requested to report at the High
tjchonl at l'Jx : : ) this afternoon , to take part
F'u the parade.
* Members of Council camp No. 14 , Wood-
| moii of the World , will meet at their hall nt
It o'clock today v. Ith badges to got axes and
Ejoln thu parado.
li Special meeting ol Bluff City lodge No. 71 ,
BjAncIcnt Frco and \cccpted Masons , this
livening for work In the third degree. All
Blaster Masons Invited.
L The Grand Army boys received a consign-
imcnt of COO Jasmlno ( lowers yesterday from
l orlda , which will bo used today in decorat-
Ijng the soldiers' graves.
[ ' A tar kettle In the.roar of C. H. Hannan's
f premises on First avenue was the caitso of
Innnlarnt of flro being sent In at 1:1)0 : ) yesterday -
* day afternoon. There was no damage.
I ) All members of General G. M. Dodgocamp
lift ) . S.VJ , Sons of Veterans , will report at head-
I'liiartcrs ' promptly at 1 p. m , , May : > . to take
fthelr places In procession to participate in
I'f.lcmorial sprvlccs. W. F. Sapp , Jr. , com-
, mandcr.
A shoot will bo held this afternoon under
, 'tho auspices of the newly organized Council
[ .Bluffs Gun club on the grounds west ot Keys
Bros.1 factory. It will commence at a p. m. ,
, and all owners of good guns are Iti7itcd to
take part. It will bo free for all.
[ Ellen , wlfo of P. II. Miher. tiled at I
i o'clock yesterday morning ot tuberculosis
J after an Illness of thrco years , nt St. Bcr-
f.nnru's hospital. The funeral will take place
1 at two o'clock this afternoon from the rcsl-
l deuce , and the remains will bo interred at
[ Walnut.
I In making the regular Sunday run of the
\ Ganymede wheel club last Sunday S. U
I Etnyro and Harry Hattcnhaucr covered the
) distance from Council Bluffs to Missouri
I Valley , twenty-three miles , in ono hour and
Lforty-threo minutes. This was seventeen
imlnutes less than the time of any of the
Igtbcr lidcrs , nnd the extraordinary record
I is accounted for partly by the good riding
Ittuno byEtuyrcand Ilattcnliaucr , but prln-
Jcipally by the fact that they both rode the
' ' Relay , the best wheel in the
Brown's C. O. D. open ovonincs until
} 0 p. in.
Another improvement to tlio popular
\Bchubort \ piano. Swanson Music Co
Met/iriir .V Uniiillclt'H Ion Oroiim ,
Try ! Motir & Rundlott's pure and
.oliciotiH ice creams and ices and you
hv'll ' order no other.
J "KHi OX. IL I'A ItA ( } It. I J'lIH.
Itov. S. S. Hover is home from an ex-
J'tended ( trip through the west.
Allen V. Twig of Kvansvlllc , Intl. . arrived
in the city last evening for a visit with his
Edward Butcher and George T oughi-Idpcc ,
two of the oldest conductors on the Bur
lington roaa , have tendered their resigna
Frank Linden and his company will leave
this morning for All in nee. Neb. , whore they
v 111 open a now opera house next Thursday
, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Squires leave this
| " morning for Hot Springs , S. D. , where they
will spend some time in the houopf biMicllting
the former's health.
Sirs , II. A. Jones is in the city the guest of
her BOH , H. S. Jones. She is en route from
California , where she has been spending the
winter , to her homo In Cleveland , O.
John Hurley of Chicago is visiting his
friends In Council Bluffs. Since his last
i visit hero ho lost an arm while making a
{ 'coupling in thu Chicago & Alton yards. nr
Bud Burke , who has been stage carpenter
i for the "Eight Bells"
company , is homo for
I the summer. Ho has a contract with the
i same company for another year's work.
Judge Simeon P. Shopo of Chicago is in
j the city the guest of S. B. Wa < lsworth.
[ Judge Shopo is the jurist who passed sent -
t Ji'iieo on the convicted anarchists in Ib8" .
Judge AValtcr I. Smith will go to Avoca
today to deliver an address at the Memorial
Jay exercises. J , J. Steadman will go to
KKmcrson and C. G. Saumlors "to Missouri
JValloy for the same purpose.
M. J. Alworth , who has been lying danger
ously ill for a number of weeks past , is at
Itho point of death , and his physicians state
( that he cannot possibly last moro than a few
Belays at the farthest , and the end is likely to
| ) ccur at any time.
A short time npo a report went the rounds
if the press to the effect that Edna May
ppooncr of the Spooner Comedy company ,
liiid been married recently to a gentleman of
the company. In a personal letter written
ft Dccatur , 111. , Miss Spooner states that the
loport is a mistake , and that the only con
tract she has on hand at present is travel
f.vith her father , as usual.
Frco treatments daily from 2 to 4 p.
Im. nt tlio Council IJluIVs Medical and
{ Surgical institute , 20th and Droadwuy.
I'rinrcH of tlio Orient.
Franlc Wndon'a presence in the city last
| evcnltig was the occasion of a great celobra-
Itlon among the I'rinces of the Orient. Mr.
I Linden is an enthusiastic ? member of the
order , nnd his experience in secret society
L affairs nnd his
general makeup combine
I to malto him Just the sort of man to
como m and give the fellows a whirl in Dd
earnest. Ho and his company gave a Ddd
itable rendition of the "Son of Monte
Cristo" at Dohany's during thn fore part of
the evening , the proceeds to go to here
princes. The members
of the order were
there In full force and
, as almost everyone
I who belongs to any other secret society has
| also been admitted into the mysteries of here
Orient the house was well lllled.
After the performance the princes ro
ll paired to the Grand Army hall on Pearl
. street and initiated several candidates , Mr.
1 L.inuon taking thu lead In conducting them
through the wonderful sights and scenes of
the Orient. After the Initiation there was a
i spread , and until an curly hour this morning
the air H as redolent witli the kind of joy
and gladness that comes in bottles and must
bo enjoyed wlnlo the foam is on ,
GrcoiiHhfoldn , Nicholson fs Co. liavo
moved their real obtiito olllco to UOO
Broadway , opposite postolllco.
Stop at tlio Ogden , Council UlufTs , 110
Icfat 42.00 hoiibo in Iowa.
Klnto Illryrlo Tourr-.nrtil.
The annual meeting of the Iowa bicyclists
will take pluco at Vlnton July li and 4 , An
effort Is being made to got up a largo delega
tion to attend the
tournament and
, n num
ber of the local wheelmen are so much Inter
ested in the coming event as to commence
training for the races , in which they will
doubtless taitoa high rank. Howard Hat- :
tciihaucr , who madusoen\labiu n lecord atat
Uroston last year , has already entered foiled
fioino of thu races , and others arc expected
10 enroll before long ,
Vunntttt & Swcot , attyc , Everett blk.
Geo. S. David , prebcnuuon druggist.
I'uitolllco Hour * .
Tuesday , May 80 , carriers will make ono
delivery and collection , leaving the postofllcu
at 10 a. m. Business carriers will make col
lection In the afternoon ' colmp
at U o'clock. Stamp
window , general delivery and money order
division will bo " open from 0 a. m. until 13 Im.
Arrangements Made for tbo Celebration of
Memorial Day.
Tlionsnndi Will Asieiublo to Do Honor to
Soldier Ic\d-llow : tlio I'nr.ido Will
lie rormoil Mmlne j ( Ipnornllr
Will Ito Suipendcd.
Today Is Decoration day , and thopcoplojof
Council Hltiffs will unite with the people of
every other city , town and hamlet In the
country to pay tribute to the memory of the
soldier dead. The banUs and courts will re
main closed all day , and many of the busi
ness houses will do likewise , particularly In
the afternoon. The day will bo observed in
the usual manner , and if the weather Is
faro-rabid - the exercises wilt bo witnessed by
thousands of people In the city.
The parade in the afternoon will bo the
feature of the demonstration that will po-
voko the most widespread interest and draw
the crowd. A plan has been drawn up liy
the committee in charge to facilitate the
handling of the column by the marshal and
his aids , and a careful study of the follow-
! HK will enable the column to form much
more quickly and prevent much of the con
fusion that has heretofore existed :
Order of the 1'nr.ido.
The llrst division will bo under the super
vision of C. S. Hubbard. and will form on
Sixth street , with the right restlnp on Wil
low avenue , and will bo composed of the fol
lowing societies : Dodge Light guards , Hlflh
School eadcts , Abe Lincoln post , No. 'M ,
Or.ind Army of the Hcptibllc , and old sol
diers and sailors ; Union Veteran lesion , en
campment No. 8 ; Sons of Veterans ; General
G. Al. Dodge c.imp. No. 'J.VJ.
The second division , under the supervision
of J. 1J. Drl&sbach , will form on Sixth street ,
right resting on First street , and will bo
composed of the following soelotics : Mall
Carriers , Patriotic Order Sons of America ,
Junior Order of United American Mechanics ,
Excelsior lodge , No. 2.YJ , Ancient , Frco and
Accepted Masons.
The third division , under the supervision
of G. M. Bailey , will form on U avenue ,
right resting on SKth street , facing east ,
and will bo composed of the lolloping socie
ties : Bluff City lodge No. 71 , A. F. and A.
M. ; Ivanhoc eoitimandory , 1C. T. , No. 17 , A.
F. and A. M ; Council HluITs lodge No. 40 ,
I. O. O. F.j llumboldt lodge No. 174 ,
I. O. O. F.
The fourth division , under the supervision
of 10. .1 , Abbott , will form on First avenue ,
right resting on Seventh street : and will bo
composed of the following societies : Hawk-
cyo loJgoNo. 184 , 1. O. O. F. ; Twin Brother
encampment No. 42 , 1. O. O. F. ; Pottnwatta-
mto canton No , 01 , I. O. O. F. ; St. Alban's ,
No. 17 , 1C. of P.
The llfth division , under the supervision
oC Theodore Gulttar , will form on Seventh
street , right resting on First avenue , nnd
will bo composed of the following societies :
Concordla lodge No. M , K. of 1' . ; Uniform
rank No. 27. K. of P. ; Council Bluffs lodge
No. 270. A. O. U. W. ; Iowa Region of Honor.
The sixth division , under the supervision
of .1. J. Hathaway , will form on First avenue ,
right resting on Sixth street , facing west ,
and will be composed of the following so
clctles : Danobo society ; D.inish Brother
hood lodge No. 10 ; Haol cami ) No. 178 ,
Modern Woodmen of America ; Woodmen of
the World.
The seventh division , under the super
vision of W. F. Sapp , will form on Willow
avenue , right resting on Sixth street , facing
east , and will bo composed of the following
societies : Pottawattamlo tribe No. 21. I. O.
U. M. ; Royal Arcanum ; Commercial Pilgrims
of America.
The eighth division , under the super
vision of D. Maltby , will form on Seventh
street , right resting on Williams avenue ,
facing south , and will tjo composed of the
fallowing societies : German Schut envcreii ;
German Trubuml and Gcrmanla ; Council
HluIts Mauuerchor ; Typographical Union
No. 2011.
The ninth division , under the supervision
of E. H. Fonda , will form on Willo.v avenue ,
right resting on Seventh street , and will bo
composed of the fallowing societies : Public
schools ; Pupils Iowa Schools for the De.if ;
Manager , matron and children of the Chris
tian home.
The tenth division , under the supervision
of John It. Tampletoii , will form on Seventh
street , right resting on Willow avenue , fac
ing north , and will bu composed of the fire
The eleventh division , under the super
vision of A. E. Keller , will form on Willow
avenue , right resting on Sixth street , facing
west , and will bo composed as follows :
Orator of the day and speakers in carriages ;
Mayor and council and city ofllccrs ; Women's
Italic ! Corps No. IbO ; Daughters of Veterans ;
Ladles' auxiliary to the Union Veteran
leeion ; MUpah tcinplo Pithian Sisters ;
Calantho assembly , Pythian bistcrhood ;
Daughters of Kobokuh No. H , I. O. O. F. ;
Uoyiil Neighbors of America ; Danish Sisters -
ters ; Citizens In carriages.
The Bostjii Store announces their
grout annual Juno snlo for Thursday ,
.Itino 1. The store will bo closed nil duy
Wednesday , milking1 preparations and
nmrkhi down goods for tlio great
annual event. 130STOX STOUK.
Fothorliightiin , Wliiteluw&Co. , Leaders
and Promoters of Low Prices , Coun
cil UlutTs.
Pure ice
From Missouri river channel.
MiilhollamlA Co. , Brown building' .
Telephone 102.
Music for balls , parties , picnics , BO-
cials , etc. , by Mueiciuns Union. J. E
Pollott , Mgr.100 , B'wuy ' , Council Bluffs.
PaHturnpo for horses and cattle on
George F. Wright's famn udjoinlngc ity
limits on south ; 500 acres blue grass ,
running water. For terms apply to
James Haph , on farm , or at Carbon Coal
company , 10 Pearl strcot. .
It u Iluux ?
Budd Evans , a colored man , was arrested
by the police yesterday and slated v/lth the
charge of assault with intent to commit rob
bery. Ho is tho-thlrd of the crowd thnt bis
supposed to have been Implicated in the at
tempted robbery of the thrco workmen itat
the now bridge early Sunday morning , and :
all three will have a hearing in police court
this morning , Some of the ofllcors have
been making an investigation of the affair
since the llrst two wcro arrested ' ,
and have cotno to thu conclusion that i't
\vua not go such an attempt at robbery us i a
mere drunken brawl. The thrco men who
madn the complaint had been "doing" the
burnt district in Omaha , and the account
they give of ticir ) trip is somewhat dis
jointed. They now deny the statement they
llrst made , that the darkies called for :
money , and say they demanded whlsity.
The darkeys , on their part , admit that they
wcro full und that a light took place ,
but they claim the white men commenced
the fun. The whole difficulty will bo aired
in police court this morning , and it is proba
ble that the charge llrbt made will bo with
drawn and a new ami IcbS serious ono made.
Ton. Diiyu at thu World' * 1'nlr ,
It will cost you less tlmn $50.00 , every
thing necessary Included. This moans
homes in private cottage , clean , btifo ,
close to ground * niul on thu beach of
Lake Michigan. Write to. , T. T. Chyno-
woth , Wlndbor Park , 111. Kefors to II.
W. Tllton of TUB HUB , or Jacob Sims
of Sims & 13ainbrlcige , Council DlulTs.
liny J.Minl fur Itnnt ,
liny Inml for rent In lots of from 20 to
300 uores. 13. iMtirks , Council Ulntls.
Couldn't btuiul un Umbrella. '
fj. B. Cousins was the hero of a runaway
adventure yesterday morning as thu result
of a collision between his horao and an open ;
umbrella in tho'hur.ds of a woman. Ho was
passing the Scldcntopf place in the eastern
part of the city when ho overtook a lady of
his acquaintance who'u as afoot. He stepped : -
pod and asked her to rldu down street , but
at that lustaul * ho happened to rulao her
umbrella. Tlio horse Instantly took fright
and ran down strcot , capsizing the buggy
and opining Mr , Cousins and his effects over
n largo l ! territory When the buggy was
finally found all the spokes had hccn broken
out of the two front wheels and the vehicle
was converted from a respectable four-
wheeled ! carriage to a vcrv undignified two-
wheelcd pig. Mr. Cousins escaped with a
lew bruises and very thankful there wcro
no moro.
Piles of people have lilies , but Dowltt's
Witch Hazel Salvo will cure them.
. . Comes . yo thnt nro hungry. This Is a
living ago. The Indies of Trinity Metho
dist | ] church will servo dinner ixml supper
today at .121) ) Hroadwny , opposite Bryan
street. Meals , 2 , > c.
Mnnnwn trains will run tlnlly from to
day , leaving Broadway U nml II n. m. ,
and every hour from 1 p. in , until 0 p. in.
Protect your homes against destruc
tive storms. W. C. .lames has the
strongest companies in the world.
for the l.nraiiipnirnt.
The following committees have been ap
pointed to arrange for the encampment ol
the Sons of Veterans , which will take place
in Council Hlllffs .luno SO , 21 and 2 :
Hxecutlvo Committee W. T. Sapp , rhalr-
man : I'rnnk Trimble , J. 11. Cleaver , O. W.
Cook , J. 11. Drl.csn.ich < H. I'.lls.
Flmuiro ( 'oininlttteV. . It. Iti-cd , chairman ;
lemgo W. Wright , II. K. ilart.J.C' IH'liavoni
Committee on Hulls W. J. _ Jntrleson | , chairvol
man : I' . H. Orctzer. Jr. , W. Ii. Thlckstun.
Committee on Music W. K. Dnlhy , chair
man ; Charles Davis , Mrs.V. . H. YVukotlold ,
s Maud Oliver , Miss Neola Otfdeii , Mrs. K ,
H.Kvans , Mr. Slms.J. M. Miller , .Mr. lllrdsall ,
W. A. Mrl'nddon.
Committee on Decoration H. S. Dawson.
chairman ; O , ( ! . Itrown , J. O. Dehavcn , W. 11.
liynrlmrd , U.n. drlimn , H. N. Whlttlesoy , 1C ,
1' . Watts , T. 0. PhlolTur , . .1.V. . Mnnly.
Committee nn Dance J. y.trot7orJrohalr-
miui ; K. A , Troutmnn , U. L. Haas , 1' . H. KVRIIS ,
T. V. , (1. W. Atwood , O. C. Ilrown , H.
J. Drlcslmch , 0. II. Itandlclt , R G. Clark.
Committee on I'rlntliiK Uunrgo W.Hewitt ,
chairman ; Dr. I' . S. Thomas , J. J. Steadman ,
Clark Hayes.
Committed on llcglstratlon R. J. Abbott ,
chairman ; William liebur , Charles MIlMipp , A.
N. Scrlbuer.
Committee on hotel nml entertainment : .T.
J. Hlcadnmn , chairman ; H. C. Atkins , K. V.
Watts , Mrs. W. H. Campbell , Mrs. Drew , Miss
llalllo Hpcra , Miss Cramer.
Committee on reception ! T. J. Evans ,
chalinmn : W. V. Hupp , I'liink Trimble , .T. II.
Cleaver , C. W. Cook , J. It. Drulshiirh , W. K.
Kils , W. H. Hood , tiunrgi ) K.Wrlpht , 13. r.II.irt ,
J.C. Dflluvim. W.J..Iainlesoti , W. I , , Thick-
stun. W. U. Dal hey. Mr. Slini , J. M. Mlllor. W.
A.Mcl'uddon.Milllrdsoll. . It. H. Dawson , O. C.
Itrown , W , II. I.ynchard , II. 13. Orlmm , It. N.
Wlttle.-ey.K. 1' . Watts. O. T. I'hlctrer , J. W.
M.inly , T ; . A. Troulmnn , C. li. Haas , lII. .
r.vans , T. V. , O. W. Atwood , It. .1.
Divlsbach , O. 11. ICntidlctt. V. O. Clark , F. H.
Uluktmin , J. E. 1 < \ MoOeo , AuRltst
Jtcrosholm , W. V , llalccr , William Arnd ,
S. It. Wadsworth , H. J. Ulunry , II. V. Test , H. I-
liiRralmm , J. I' . Weaver , 11. W. Tllton , II. 1' .
llarrutt. W. I. Smith , Ohio ICuov. W. II. M.
I'usoy , ( icorco Oiirson , J. 11. Van 1'utton ,
Kmniet Tlnlcy , J. .1. Shun , IMward Ullhcrt ,
O. K. Hull , V. Jennings , Ktcd tiolse , U. JJ.
N'lchoNon , I'olor Smith , J..I. Hathaway , N..I.
Lunrenro. S. S. Ki-llor. U. S. White , i : . U
llaldy , J. N. ll.ilchvin , Thomas Jletcalf , jr. , J.
L. Tumploton , J. T. Harun , .1. M. Scanlan , .1. M ,
Matthews , T. S. Campholl. William Shepherd ,
A. O. Uriilmm , W. W. LnmuN , H. II. Van
llriint , li. M. Shubcrt , W. J. Davenport ,
J. O. Mitchell , J. M. A. T. Kl-
Wfll. N. A. Keys , , T. M. Ouslor , K. W.
Hint , W. A. Miiincr. H. N' . Sargent.
Clint llyeis. William Moore , W. II. Thomas , i : .
I * . Slmgutt , I. I < \ llundrlclcs , It. A. Itucknian ,
.1. W. I'ert'goy , II , / . HIIHR. /.utiiiuehlen , jr. ,
W. K. liu\unlock , I. SI. Trovnor , Thomas
Bowman , Smith Saumlers , J. 11. Pace. li. ( . ! .
Hull , .loslah Danforlli , William C'runent1 ? ,
John ShocntKcn , II. H. Kit-Ids , John l.lndt ,
1'iof. 11. W.biiwyur , P. A. HKhy , J. O. HKhy.
All committees , with the exception of the
reception committee , will meet at W. F.
Sapp's oflico in the Sapp building at S o'clock
Wednesday evening of this week. All mem
bers of the committees ar-i earnestly re
quested to bo present us this is to bn an im
portant meeting and should bo attendee ! by
Piles of people have piles , but Do Witt'
Witch Hazel Salvo will cure them.
The Grand Hotel ,
Council Bluffs. The most elegant In
Iowa. Dining room on se\enth lloor.
Rate , $3.00 mid So.OOa day. E. F. Clark ,
For Sale Hickory 4-foot wood , SO.OO ;
steve wood , 12 or 10 incliQS , $2.50 per
cord , delivered , n. A. Cox , 10 Main
Bargains in fine tooth brushes and
cologne , wholesale price , only lOc.
Davis , the druggibt , 200 Broadway.
Williamson & Co. . 100 Main strcot ,
largest and best bicycle stock in city. "
Cook yoi meals this summer on a gas
range. At coat at iho Gas company.
A. Stolnou , a prominent Jeweler of Clncln-
nutl , O. , bus assigned. Assets , JliD.UUO ; liabili
ties , J7U.OUU.
The castbounil exposition reached Now York
yesterday morning at 11:50 : o'clock , on time
to the minute.
The Loomls Coal roinpiny of Kansas City ,
Mo. , was yesterday placed in thu hands of a
receiver. Particulars late- .
The doctors of the homeopathic school and
tlmsunf the eclectic school aio holding beiia-
arate session at Chicago , III. g
Thu Infanta Eulalla took nn outing on the
Hudson yesterday , visiting West Point anil In
specting thu military academy , bho Was
gieatly pleased with the trip.
Another attempt was iniidc ! at Chicago yes
terday to settle thn schedule ) of tlio Vt'oi Id'H
fair rates on the Western Passenger associa
tion lines , but without success.
Oyrus Coming of Topeka , Kan. , at one tlmo
ones of tlio loaders of tlio
populist uarty. Is the
originator of n scheme by which ho hopes to do
away with money and its attendant evils.
There was not a quorum of the members of
the Wltlskyilrust present nt the meeting culled
to bu held ntl'eoiln , 111. , yesterday. Another
attempt will bo made to gut toifothor today.
The Knrmors and Mechanic's Lumber
pany's yards ) In Kansas City , Kan , , noiosel/ed 11-
yesterday by ( Jeorgu Ij. Chapman , a capitalist
uf Plttsbtirg , Pa , , under u chattel mortgugo uf
800,000. Ufn
Tno Heading reorganization plan does not
seem to meet thti upmoval of holilur.s of Hwad-
Ing securities. The Block of thn company
chopped Iho points on the Now York market
During a fearful storm on t'.io Hay of Iloiigal
Monday the llritlsli Mourner ( lotmania , with
all on hoard , suvonty people , went to thu bet
tom , Tht llritlsli bark Itydulmoro und the
Itrltlsh bhlp were wrecked. Thulr crows \vero
Tim Commercial National hank of Chicago : ,
lias Hied a bill In the circuit court against thu
Chicago < St K.istern Illinois lallioacl to foru-
closuu tiustileedof I500.OOO dated In 1H72
unit inaclJ by thu Chicago , D.uivllle , t Vln-
eeimes road lo secure an Usuo uf bonds.
Thu exports , exclusive of hpoclo. from the
part of Now York for thu wiitik were * 5,073-
1-16 , against * t > , S12.U08 for thu corresponding
week lust year. The total exports f rum January
ary 1.18'J'J , to iliitu woiu U6Ol > ' _ ' ,01 ( ) , against
tliiti.U-i&.l'JU for thu corresponding porlod in
Over half of the HO turnstiles at tha Woild's
fair are out of order and do not record tha
number of visitors who pass Into thu grounds.
AsucotibCiiucnco , thorn U no way of keeping
un acuuratu account Of thu attendance. It
aUoglxus thu bu\unty odd gatu Keepers at faulty turnstiles an excellent opportu
nity to hold out uduilhMon tickets.
The dowager duchnss of Huthorland has boon
released fiom thu prison tohleh t > hu hud
been hcntenced by un Knuilsh judgu for Hi -
tempt ciT court. Sno bay H aiu bullurud lly
dtirliiK hue Imprisonment.
Thu Impi'ilul c'ommlsblon , appointed to
adept meusuies to pru\ont tliu sureatl toof
cholera In ttiu German empire , ! ms held l. u
special sitting In regard to thu outbreak of the I
disease In Hamburg and has ordered extraor
dinary prui'tillttoiis to bu taken everywhere
itgamat thu communication of the disease.
DPIIcsof people have pnos , ut Dowitt's
Witch Hazel Salvo will cure them.
CUICAOO , 111. , May 2l , [ Special Telegram
to TUB BEIS. ] Commissioner Seth Mobloy
ot Nebraska , who has been seriously 111 lin
Chicago lor several weeks , was well enough
today to pay a visit to the Nebraska build
ing. Commissioner Garncau will come to
morrow to complete the program for Ne
braska day Juno S.
Omaha callers were : J. B. Blanchardiand
wlfo , A. M , Collett , Victor E. Bender and
wife. George Woodruff , Samuel Warren , Eva
F. Manchester , Hutu MoAusland , Dwlght
Williams. Mibs Ellen Olssou , Elmer Prich-
ard , Ed Wheeler , H. H , Wi'man , Edward
Ekstroiu , H. B. Irey uud Frauk Anderson.
Bishop Scannoll tippiuliates Certain Parts
of lather ShCr/i'an's / Speech ,
Snj-i the Bright Yrwnt'iTpsnIt Did Not Itrp
' °
rcicnt tlio Onth'6uo Church ImpoMl-
blllty of roiindlngriK New 1'olitl-
cnl 1'arly 1'ultitcil Out.
Several foaturcs o { ttho address of Hov.
Thomas Ewing Sherman , S. J. , In this city
last Thursday night lisfyo excited considera
ble comment. Two points in particular
caused unfavorable criticism oven among
members of the Catholic church.
The reverend gentleman's assertion that
he did not come of his own volition , but was
sent , left the impression among non-Catho
lies that his orders came from the highest
authority in the church In this country , and
consequently the views to which ho gave
expression were authoritatively Catholic.
It was naturally deduced from this mislead
Ing Impression that In rofcrrinjrto a national
Catholic political party Father Sherman
voiced the opinion of Catholics In general.
In order to set the matter rlirht and learn
toCai what extent Father Sherman voices
Catholic opinion , n reporter of " nn BBC
called on Ht. Hov Hlchard Scannoll , bishop
of Omaha , last evening and requested his
"To what extent , Bishop , does Father
Sherman represent the Catholic clwchl"
was asked.
va'J blshon replied : "I am not aware that
Father Sherman represented any ono but
himself. Doubtless lie catno hero with the
consent of his superior , who lives In St.
Louis , but that fact would not authorize him
to represent ; even his superior In the expres
sion of political or religious opinions. "
"But ho said ho was scntf"
Did Not ICoprcicnt the Cntliollo Church.
"Oh , yes ; of course. No member of a re
ligious order can go about preaching or lec
turing without the permission of his superior ,
and in this scnso it bo said that ho was
sent. Certainly , Father Sherman did not
represent the Catholic church , nor the diocese
cese of Omaha , nor tlio clergy of the diocese.
And I am sure ho himself would bo the last
person to put forward such a claim. "
"Did you invite him ? "
"No ; 1 was not oven consulted about his
coming. The rtrst intimation I had of it was
from a notice in the dally papers. "
"Arc Father Sherman's views those of the
church , or his own ! "
"His own. Father Sherman is a bright
young man and has , no doubt , decided views
on many questions. He is also a thorough
American and claims the right , which un
doubtedly is his as a free American citi/en ,
of expressing these views. But because
they are his views they are not necessarily
the views of other Catholics. The Catholic
church grants to her members the fullest
liberty of thought and of expression on all
questions outside the domain of dullnud doc
trines. Now , observe , I am not criticizing
Father Sherman's lecture or llnding fault
with him in-any way. I have no right to dose
so as I was not present at the lecture. I am
simply showing that ho , and he alone , was
responsible for what ho said. "
Dlsncrecs with 1'ntlicr Shcrmin.
"Father Sherman referred to the posst-
bility of forming' ' ft liew Catholic party.
What is your opinion of the sugccstioni"
"That Is a suggestion regarding the wis
dom of which I would Ifuo to take the liberty
of disagreeing with the lecturer. And I
think I should have , , thomost , of the Catholics
of Omaha with me in so doing. In Germany
there is a strong Catholic party in the cen
ter which holds the balance of power in that
country , but that party was made necessary
ccbj the ICulturkamm. It was organized as u
means of self-prcsprvation. In this country
we have no ICult'irKatnpf , and are not likely
to have any. None of the tiyoe great polit
ical ' parties of the Country is committed to
any anti-Catholio policy. On the contrary ,
their leaders and' spokesmen disclaim any
responsible for tho4o riutbrcaks of bigotry
which occur from tlmp , , , to time hero and
there throughout the country. These out
breaks are local and are for the most part
the work of foreigners with whom hatred of
the Catholic church Is a tradition. "
"Do you think a Catholic party is a possi
bility J
Ho Catholic Party rructlcahle.
"I do not. The Catholic population of the
United States Is made up of many national
ities. Tncso people differ from each other in
a thousand ways. In fact , they can hardly
bo > < said to have anything in common ,
except their religion , It is my opinion that
notning bnt an anti-Catholic crusade a
ICulturkampf , so to speak on the part of
the general government , or on the part of a
lar e number of the states , could weld these
different races into a political party : and of
such a contingency thcro is no likelihood
whatever. The days of religious persecu
tion are gene forever , as far as the Ameri
can people are concerned. It Is much more
important now that we Catholics use our In-
llucnce In favor of good government by sup
porting that party which puts' forward the
best men for oflico and advocates the best
' In this way , " said the bishop , concluding
the interview -'wo should
, soon hold the bal
ance of power , make ourselves respected
by all parties , and Insure a good govern
ment to the country. "
Plies of people nave , but Do Witt's
Witch Hazel Salvo wlllcura thorn.
Ilrnco Profl'orafiojno Antl-Onniblrrn Itusolu-
tloni to tlio Oil jCouncil. .
By 830 ; o'clock last night a quorum of the
South Omaha city council had got together ,
President Woods in the chair.
The meeting opened with the council sit
ting as a board of equalization. There- wore
two complaints on the special tax to pay for
the paving of the alley from M to N street ,
between Twenty-tlfth and Twenty-sixth
streets. They claimed damage by change
of grade , that the work was done illegally
and not in regular form , and that no ap
praisers wore appointed. City Attorney Van
Dmen suggested that the matter go over for
ono week. Mr , Conley moved that the mat
ter bo referred to the city attorney. Air.
Shultz moved that the matter bo
postponed until next Monday night
and the complaints were disposed of in that
way. Lawyer Montgomery spoke in behalf
of the complainants. The council then ad
journed as a board of equalization and pro
ceeded to regular business.
Liquor licenses were granted to Mary Lenz
and i' rank Thompson.
Further time was granted the committee
on the opening up of ' N street and urging
the strcot car company to extend its line
across the viaduct. t Jv
When resolutions. nwcro called for Mr.
Bruce took the floor and read the following ;
Whorcus. A potl\IoV \ faas presented to tlio
mayor nun council nlznod hy over BOO cUlmis
uxkliiK the mayor alld'ity ! | council to onfoicu
thoSlocimi lav In , ivcard to the closing of
bullions on Biimluy' , undl
Wlioieuuthut'ltlesiit Omaha , Xtilira.ska City
and others are cnfQix'luit Mild luw with u good
decree of surceus , ns Wo believe , and
Whereas , our city , oil account of not having
this Ian enforced w 'Incoming a rcndorvous
and , us It wuro , a Otimplngground for u clUBs
of peoplu who romu.hero beoansu liquor cua bu
had httio and cuniiutln ) hud In Omaha , and
Whereas , wu bolUyuhUch thlngn are u detrl-
meiit to tliu moral ! ) arid good government riot
our city , and In utter ablluiico of luw us well ,
andWhereas 11.US
Whereas , the gauiXillli houses are running
In open vlolatloitljf uhUKtattitexof the state t
of Nebraska and Uiulljilted htates. tiotwlth-
titandlng ' a rusolutlojijus adopted IBHH than i a
unanimous votu of this coun-
cll , rt'quentliit ? the muynr to nsu the power
vested In him hy thu statutes of the btuto ton
clnsDthcm up , und
WhercuH , bald Kunibllng houses are still run
ning In open ( letlunco of luw.
Thcrcforu , Ho It rt > i.olvud that it la thu sense
of the council Unit the nmyor proceed at uncu
by the power \ostud in him by the luwnof thu
stutuof Nebraska and of tlio United States , to
onfurcu the tiumluy rilocum luw und ulu > close
the gambling houses and 1.110 that the luw In
regard to thoMi tiling * is strictly unforced.
Wyman gave a hearty second to the resol
ution. Conley objected on the ground that
Bruce- had no right lo rnovo the adoption of
his own resolution. Wyman thought ho had.
The chair was in doubt. Bollu moved that
it be referred to the mayor.
Bruce uxplumad his position , lie said the
resolution embodied nothing but law und as
the city attorney hud always advised well
hO thought the resolution should go
to him. Ho bcltoved thnt the laws
Of our ( state wcro good and should bo en
forced. Omaha had adopted the Sundav
enforcement and ho thought South Omaha
Ilulln and Conloy thought tlio tn.ivor was
the proper person to regulate such matters.
Conloy moved that the resolution bo laid
on the table , but his amendment was lost.
The ; motion to refer to the mayor carried ,
Fred Smith , chief of the lire department ,
was granted twelve days leave of absence
beginning June 7.
Chief Beckett asked that the council take
some action in reeard to securing an assist
ant county physician for South Omaha , The
county physician will bo asked to supply the
rcqC Beckett also asked that an electric
light bo placed in the alloy between
Twenty-sixth and Twenty-seventh streets ,
on the l south sldo of N. The chief had on
his kicking clothes and further asked that
the public scat at Twenty-fourth and N
streets bo removed and that the ordinance
in regard to combing the railings about the
city bo enforced. The chief said that the
scat and railing wcro held down by bums
and loafers.
Conloy thought that a poor report
coming from the police , that the
seat was built for bums and loafers
and if the report was true the
police wcro not doing their duty.
Wyman moved that the privilege granted
the llrm to place the scat thcro bo recorded ,
but the motion was lost.
Mr. Bulla moved that the council secure
sea for the spectators who wished to listen
to the council proceedings. Consequently
bleaching J boards will bo arranged for next
Aloud ay night's session.
Bulla > reported favorably on the petition to
gratto O street from Twentieth to Twenty-
seventh strcot.
sovU reported favorablv on the petition to
grade the alley from L to M between Twenty-
second and Twenty-third streets.
City Attorney Van Duszn handed In a now
misdemeanor ordinance. The law covers
gambling , priro lighting , dog and cock llght-
inir , confidence games , carrying cohccalcd
weapons , prostitution , garbage , discharging
firecrackers ( barring July ) , hitching teams
to lamp I posts , leaving sidewalk in bad repair
pal , conducting opium dens , and a raft of
minor offenses.
The lire committee was Instructed to pur
chase : J-UOO worth of new hose.
Schultz recommended that the mayor pur
chase a hook and ladder truck from the Flro
Extinguisher Manufacturing company , the
apparatus to cost $1.600.
Conloy thought the expense was too great.
It would cost JJ.OOO a year to operate
the truck and a team would have
to bo purchased , In fact an outlay off 1,500
the ilrst year was more than the city could
bear at the present time. Wyman thought
that the expense should not stop the pur
chase. The hook and ladder truck was
needed and should bo bought. Bulla was not
ready to sign the report and the matter
went over for ono week.
we'J council then went into a committee of
tin whole on the petition to grade V street
from Twenty-seventh to Hailroad avenue.
Swift , & Co. Not 111 It.
Sunday morning Tim Bnn nin its court
columns stated that Judgment had been
rendered against Swift & Co. for f'J-tO in
favor of D. McVoy in Judge Scott's court the
day , preceding. This Swift it Co. desire to
correct , as it does that llrm an injustice. The
Judgment was obtained against W. S. Glenn ,
a contractor and teamster doing hauling for
the llrm. When the suit was begun In the
district : court Swift & Co. were made co-de
fendants , but before the case was submitted
to the Jury the Judco hold that suit wou'd '
not llo against the South Omaha company
. ,
and the jury returned n verdict as above.
Memorial l > . y Onlsr. s.
In order to prevent a Jam and interfere
with the procession entering the park to
morrow afternoon Mr. J. W. Cress , chief
marshal of the day , has issued the following
order :
No horses or carriages will be allowed in
the Spring Lake park until after tno pro
cession has passed in , after which all horses
and carriages will bo admitted.
By order of
J. W. Citr-sa , Chief Marshal.
? < rTs iintl Gossip *
William Metzger of Blair is visiting his
sister , Mrs. Donna Alberry.
Miss Jennie and Miss Ella Blackstone o
Blair are visiting'Mrs. J. F. Cornish.
No moro stock will bo accepted for ship
mcnt on Sunday nt the stock yards.
This Is South Omaha day at the exposi
tlon , and as many citizens should attend as
possibly can. All will bo well repaid for
their time and money spent.
The Bohemian Catholics will build their
new church either at the corner of Twenty-
second and Wyman streets or on Twentieth
between P and Q.
A Decoration day program was rendered
in all of the public and parochial schools ol
South Omaha yesterday. There was a good
sprinkling of visitors at each school and the
afternoon was greatly enjoyed by all. Mem
bers of the Grand Army of the Kepublio
visited the schools and delivered short ad
dresses to the scholars , and taken alto
gether the day was profitably spent in each
of the schools.
At 10:30o'elockvestcrday : morning an alarm
of lire was sent in to the Twenty-fourth streel
engine house , out it proved to be a wilcf
geese chase , Before the llremen had re
turned to the engine house , however , there
was another alarm from lower N strcot ant
the laddies turned and gave their attentioi
thcro. Ono of the employes nt the Magic
City chop house tried to 1111 a gtsollno steve
that was lighted and the consequence was
an explosion. Fortunately no ono was in
jurccl and the lire was put out before a
damage was done.
Piles of people ave piles , nut Do Witt's
Witch Hazel S.ilve will euro them.
HK.lTllKlt VOKKU.llsTS.
It TFI1I no Generally 1'nlr Tlirotichout Nc
hr.mliu Today.
WASHINGTON , D. C. , May ! 29. Forecast for
Tuesday : For Nebraska and lowa Gencr
ally fair , followed hy showers in wcsten
Iowa in the afternoon : slightly coole
Wednesday morning in Nebraska ; variabl
For the Dakotas Fair ; followed b
showers Tuesday afternoon in the wcstejrr
portion of the Dakotas ; cooler Weduesdaj
morning ; varlablu winds.
Local ICecanl.
Ornon or THE WiUTimn BimEiu. OIUIIA ,
May 29. Omaha record of temperature and
rainfall , compared with corresponding days
of past four years :
1803. 1802. 1891. 1800.
Maximum temperature. H'.J = 7H < = HIO HO = >
Minimum temperature. . 530 BGO &u = > GBO
Average temperature. . OH = 07 ° 70 = > 7HO
PreclpTtatlon 04 .00 .05 .00
Statement showing the condition of tem
perature und procinltatlon at Omaha for the
day and since March 1 , lb'J3 :
Normal tomueraturo , GGO
Kxrcssforthuduy U = >
Dollclency blncu.March 1 273 =
Normal precipitation 1C Inch
Deficiency for the clay .12 Inch
Uollcioncyslnco.Maroh 1 . . .04 Inch
_ GBOHQB E. HUNT , Local Forecast Official.
Disordered Liver , etc ,
They Act Like Magic on the Vital Organs , | ;
Hcgubtlng the Secretions , restoring long ] .
lost Complexion , bringing back the Keen , |
Edge of Appetite , and arousing wllitlic ! < >
ROSEBUD OF HEALTH the whole phy ' ij ;
energy of the human frame. These Tacts ] ,
are admitted by thouaands. lo all classei of , \
Society. Largett Sle In thetWorld. j.
Covered with a Ttttelen & BolnUe Ooatbg. *
* Of alldruifeisH. l'rlce2B cenUa Uox.
And all tl 3 Jraln o
companr tbeiu In men QUIOKLV and I'Klt.MA-
NBNTI.V UDHKI ) . Kull afnUNOTJI nd too *
( iTfntoererr pirtoCthe bodr1 "HI " "I
curclr parted ) KUBK lo oy ntMwr tue preicrtn-
tlon that cured me of theia Iroublei. Adilreu ,
It Cum Coldi , Coujhi. Sere Threat , Crenf , Infltt.
enia , Whooplnir Cour.h , Bronthitli andAithma ,
A certain cur for Contumptlon in Crit tiRO ,
and iur relief in il nctd itac . TJie t ones.
You will ice th cictllfnt effect after taking tha
firit doit. Soli br dealeri eterywhere. Largi
bottlti 60 centi acd $1.00.
Tucsihiy , May 30.
Wi : can soil you a lieu o nn.1 lot. on a pitrmont of
fromllOUJ to r'iUJ ilon-n ami fUOMoflMJI
l > cr montli. Homo ppjclnl bir ; i\lu In lota. John-
iton .V. Van Pnttoii ,
AIlSIHVOrSaiulloan * Farm nut cltr propjrSf
buuffht and aotj. 1'uieA , Tliotuu , Couaall
OH SALE I'lioip ; to in tilio * tlrlvfu ni nr. i
loam innlos ; oil MHOH , liirncm anil team ; toj
i road wuson. Carbon Coal Co. . strait.
l Olt SAIiIl TliruoJer > 3jr bulls ; n oi , OIID waat
J ono year uml two jroar > ; aollJ color , registers
Block. 725 S. tut St.
11011 HAI.K Nlco bijr cirrliwa t3i-n a 11
I * W.Tulleyj 13J I'oarl St. CoiPicll Ulu i.
G AItBAOU re , C23 pool , raulti. ollnrtj/i :
Ud Durko , at Taylor'a grocjry , 511
iB An uprlulit llro liorso power boiler ,
lull at U.'U llrondnar.
iJ OU HBNT I.nrira warcliouio ituatcil on rail
way tra"k. Inqulro of I'lono'r ImpleniBiit Co.
L1IIBOUUMAN buyimiil 50lli notoi tocnrsd b/
.mortiik'Cion Council Illuffi and Ouiaka prop
crty. Olllca&IX Klratavuuuo.
WIIiLi trade Council IIIulT' property anil raali for
hard are and Implement stock In wnitcrn
lowuor eastern Nebraska. U IT , Council lilimi.
BHAUTIKUh homo ; all moilarn convenlcncei ;
low prices , jasy tornn. A. J. Mandul , U HluITs.
WANTKD Compotontslrlln fnmUy of two. In
qulroof Mrs. R r. Wrlxht , K ! South boventli
HOMI'S 1 will trade my cqultlct In ono or two
Kooddwelling ] for clear loU. llalanca un long
tlm . H. J. Adauia , Ulj 1'urln avonne ,
\\7AJTII ) Competent girl for Boncral homework -
> work , llcat or nazes. Mrs. K. 12. Hart , 10
1'ark avenue.
And Health Is the Royal
Bond to Happiness.
Every mnnncr of chronic illjoMA cnn bf
cured without the use uf medicine at the
No mnttor how nonrly dUcmiri\ you r < ,
or how much you IKIVO siillorocl from dlicaioi
nml tml olTooH of
strong medicines
you cnn-
bo cured anil enln permanent bonollt by lh
iieirantl-modlcnl system of troultiiuuU Uli * '
oa cs tr'iitcrti
Aucmlu , Ajioplp jtu'tiit , It'ii
Cntnrrh , CniMiiinptloa , Curvature nf tha
1'lnr , Ityupcpili , tpil : p < y , I.Ivor Onm-i' '
plaint , NVurnlKlii , lllioiimiitUtn , ruruljmii )
Oniiitlpitlnn , Scrofula , Kcrnmt mid All
Illooct llHc-iisr , r < iinilo WfiikiifM ,
niMi , l.nrkjitw , llcrnlu or Ituptitrr ,
Nprvmn AHccilorn , Heart Une.tsp , rail ) '
IHr. ,
All treated and cured by the
Galvanic Klcctro Magnetic Hat t cry'
for nxtr.istlnjj all animal , \osotablo ami
mlnotal poisons. ,
Vitalized Vapor ami O/.onc Kiith.4
Per nnrlfyuiz the blood and bo.iutlfylnK tli < (
complexion. n
Vitalised Iloatjyul Magnetic IJ.itlirf
Kor paralysis , debilities and tonln ? up tUil'
system. ,
Vitalised Chemical & Klectric Uatlw
1'or lomovlng nil cancers anil blooJ polsoui !
The nnicacy of tbo Above Mnthoda Dally
Demonstrated by
1.1.1 . B ,
119 Stan Stwst , Bluffy
109-111-113-115 Mnlu Street.
Largest stock of
In tlio city. , ,
Agents ol tlip'Colobrutod '
Gurney Hardwood Refrlg-esutor
Agents for the
Oil Gas Stoves , <
the safest nnd newest steve out.
Wo nro exclusive agents for the '
Genuine Boynlon Furnace ,
and till furnace work Is supervised by
our Mr. Lautorimsscr , who is ono of tbo
best furnace men in the west
Wo c-irry a full stock of Field Seeds *
City agents for the Pioneer Imple *
inon t Co.'s goods.
WavfiliiKVlndotr ,
And lltiKglcs ,
Cleaning Chicken
Una two lira's non'.cs
nnd ( prnirur. barrel' ot
Kalvanlicil Iron irhtcb
cannot rorrodu or wear
nut : brass lop and brnjio-
TnWo to bHrrcl ; brastf
liliingarivltli crom handle
anil volven of o k-
tunncil leather. WoMrn
an uoll and liuts a > lonx
MS n lilgii priced pomp
ClrcuUn free. A ent
Co uricItlutJ , Io\vn >
illioi '
in the "West ? We can fit you out
promptly. Send in your orders.
Dauntless A
1304-6-8-10 Main Slrds )
Union Translei Co
! ; i
Council Bluffs , Iowa.t
TvJjCifciJ \ \ Steaiji Works-
C. A. 6CHOEDSACK , Proprietor.
donning and ttoflnishing ? /
Council niuffs oflico nnd works , cor. Avo. A nnd 20th St. To'.ophono 310. Bond
for circulars and price list. Omaha oflice : 1621 Furniun Tol. 1321.
All kinds of Dyeing
nnd Olomliii clonu In
thu hl < ubit style oC
the iiru Kadod and
stained fabrloi in nil o
to lee I : as good au
new , Worn promptly
Uono an ! UellveroJ
tn all purlu ot tbo
country , tiotid for
prluo llib.
Urcaclwav , oour NortU *
wettorn Depot ,