Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 30, 1893, Page 2, Image 2

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p .Xv , . Y IVO
THE OMAHA DAILY fiflfr. TUESDAY. MAY ( ) . 1893.
Tonrth Annual Convention of the State As
sociation Formally Opened.
Almniit Krcrj- One of tlin Fifty-Six Counties
lt | irr cntc < l Mnjror Iloinlfi Wrlcuinei
Them Itrportn from tlin Office
Cununlttoei fur the Semlon.
The fourth annual convention of Urn Ne
braska State Huslncss Men's association
\vns called to onler in the old Mercer build-
ini ? last evening. President T. . . IX Davidson
.hold the Ravel. Them was a largo attend-
nnco of mnmbers from all portions of tlm
stato. The session will continue thrco days ,
during which time ( | ucstlons of commercial
Importance to the state will bo fully dis
President Davidson at 8:15 : ti'cloctc Intro
duced Mayor Bcmls ns "tlio chief executive
of the pivotal city of the uow world. " The
mayor was accorded an enthusiastic wel
come ns ho advanced to the front and de
livered the following address of welcome :
IIU Second ol the Sort.
Mr. President and Members of Nebraska
Btato lluslnrss Men' * Association ! This Is the
accnml tlino I liavo hud Hit ) pleasure of.nd-
ilrrHHlng you upon the occasion of your annual
convention. 1'orsonnlly. 1 am very Rlail tosco
you here and , n * tlio oxoctitlvo of tlio inotrop-
oils of tlio stixto , I extend to you a lioarly wol-
comntoour city , rcullflni ; , ns I do , tho. great
wclRlit whlcn attaches to a RnthnrhiK such us
this. It It a matter of considerable Import-
' nco to Omaha ( elm honored by the mooting
of u body reprcMMilliiK tlio commercial Intor-
rst of thu entire state , and I bollovo Unit be-
foni you linvocompleted your business here
nnil iidjourticd you will luivo reason to think
that the people uf this ) city appreciate thU
I congratulate you \ipon the success which
ImM atti'iulod your association during the past
year , While your Increase , In point , of nutn-
unrfi , may not linvn heon phenomenal , I am
Informed tlmt tin ) character and buslnuns
MnmlhiKof thu nnw members 1ms boon such as
to materially strfiiRtlum your nrKanl/.atlon
nnd rnlM II to a higher plane. Thu work ilono
by your association ilurhiK the throe years of
llsi-.tlsleiice hiMKlvnn II nil enviable stamll us
u ml II Is rccoxnlred IIH being tlio best organized
usscx'Intlon of rutull merchants In the union.
The credit .system which IH : ui Iniiiorlniit
feiituroof your organization , Isonuof thn host
) ; no\vii to thu commercial world and It must
I IKItnhly tund toward making your inomburs
moro ( oiiservatlvo In tmsltirs.1 matters.
If you will pormll me , I wish lo admonish
you against a ( lunger which Is sum to inunaco
lively organization of this. kind Is bu-
I'omfnK too narrow In ItSKrape , through amls-
iipprohunslon of Us possibilities. Ills within
the province of your local branches to broaden
their plan of work and take up matters of
local or general Interest. Tor InsUmce , I luivo
noticed that your Trade Journal has boon ny.s-
toinuttuully agitating the matter of good
Might I wish to congratulate you upon
Imvliigmich n rourosontatlvo piper as the
Trudo Journal , wlijch is rccoKnlscd as being
the lending trudo paper of thu stute.
' Hut to return to the question of peed roads :
There Is probably no elMi of people In thu
slutti who are moro concerned In having good
country rouds than the retail morohanlH.
M'llh good roads the farmurs can got to and
from town In all kinds of weather and you all
understand what that menus. Consequently
you should agitate this matter thoroughly nnd
nyHtonmtlcnlly , nnd support thn portion taken
by your trade paper on this question. This Is
n subject which bus lieon taken up by legis
lature. * and by congress and 1ms attracted at
tention all over thu country.
There Ix another matter which I wish to sug
gest toyou now and which 1 spoke about u
yeur ago , That Is , the Idea of working In
unison with thu Manufacturers a ml Consumers
association i > f this stale. It seems to mo that
the Interests of the two organizations are
Identical to some extent , and bothshould work
In Imrmony to accomplish a common end. 1
< * mlerstand that many of your members are
' now giving homu-mado goods thu prufercnce ,
but there should 1m united net Ion on your part
In this matter. You will reap the benefit of
silcli action. An Increased demand for bomc-
miidn goods will cause an Increase , In the
amount of help employed , iiud will also result
"In other Industries being established ! n our
state , all of which will bo followed by an In
crease. In your trade.
The second annual exposition of the Mnnu-
. and Consumers assoclnton Is now
going on , and you should visit It'iuut till up
your stores with homo mudo goods.
There Is one thing In particular for which
your association should receive the hearty
llmnks of the entlro state , and that Is the ex
hibit trains which you have sent through sev
eral eastern states. These trains have been
the means of advertising our state moro thor
oughly , perhaps , thun uny other means which
have been adopted.
Again I extend to you a hearty welcome In
the name of thu city and wish your associa
tion abundant success.
from the Capital.
N. ft. Yates of Lincoln responded In a
happy mood , in behalf of the delegates. Ho
assured the mayor that the freedom of the
city would not bo abused , mid thanked him
heartily for the welcome extended. Among
other things , Mr. Yates referred to the alms
of the association and alluded to it as u
"trust" formed by the business men of Ne
braska to promote commercial development
and protect mercantile interests.
President Davidson made a brief address
reviewing the growth of the organization
and its benefits. The subjects of cash and
crealt , relief from peddlers , collections and
failure to secure a repeal of the garnishno
lavr , were presented to the association as
subjects for discussion during the session.
In conclusion , the speaker referred with
enthusiasm , to Nebraska's prosperity nnd
the fact that the wave of business depres
sion that had swept over the country hud
not engulfed the commercial interests of
this 3tat .
Secretary It. P. Ilodgln submitted a verbal
report In which he stated that seven now
counties had been organized during the past
year , and that fifty-six counties in Nebraska
now onjbyed membership in the association.
There was some apathy in the thinly set
tled counties , but otherwise the reorganiza
tion of the association had mot with great
Coinmlttorx fur the ScMlim.
A motion to appoint a eoH-.mltteo on pro
gram and a committco on credentials pre
vailed. The chairman announced the fol
lowing :
Committee on Program S. II. English of
72aalo. John Hussio of Omaha , William
Whcolor of Wakellcjd , H. H. Andrews of
Calloway , K. V , ilodgln of Omaha.
Pommlttco on Credentials A. A. Scott of
OsceolnV. . Y. Fisher of Wymoro. M. C
Walker of Norfolk. J. M. llurks of Lincoln
K. A. Colt of Hoatrlco , Kdward J. Stoldl of
Crete , M. A. Hostteter of | Sholton.
Vf , A. Li. Gibbon , president of the Com
mercial club , Invited the delegates to attend
un Informal recaption at the Chamber of
Commerce Wednesday evening. The Jnvitn-
tjon was nci-epted ,
A. motion to appoint a committco of five on
resolutions , to uo named by the chairman
today , was unanimously carried.
' Secretary Hoilgm read an Invitation from
the Omah a guards , in which the delegates
\Vcro cordially invited to attend im ex
hibition drill Immediately after ad
journment of the evening session.
Tlio. invitation mot with popular
approval and the delegates attended the
drill in a Iwdy after adjournment. Tlio con-
rvontlon adjourned at 1)IO ) : ! hud will convene
again this morning at 10 o'clock , Thu pro-
grain for today will consist Ini-puly of the
reading of papers on various subjects of
commercial interest , followed by general
discussion , This evening the visitors will
attend the manufacturers' cxK > stlon. |
The following constituted the reception
.committee and welcomed the delegates iimn
their arrival yesterday ;
\Vllllum U Kastman of Morse Shoe com
pany , president ; U J. Nedd of Gate City
Hat company , secretary K A. Fluid of
Cirhendull , Jones fcPx ) . , J. il.O. Hart ot Max
Mover & Co. . Manly Itayley of M , H. Smith
* ' A > I-'UI"1' "f fi tch fi Launtnn.
, f.\V. Floyd of Karrell & Co. , C. H. ( Slbbon of
' "M * * Adams of Kitpatrlok-
itovh Dry Hoods eompany , Unorgo l-\ Hamil
ton of Morse Hhouconianv | , J , W. Loubertof
; VvAJ'l > b'1' ' > . JMiles ami J. J. jfcnUh
of Consolidated Coffee company , ! ' . it. Hide-
pourof Klrkendall , Jones & Co. , U K. llol-
lai'd of Morse Shoo company , Grant K.
lloldrlKcr of U > o , Clark it Andrccson , J. B.
Lpcnetcr and K. W. Harber of Klrkcuilall.
In Altciidnncr ,
The list of delegates are us follows ;
) Alblm-I | M. llronson , A. L. Hmnwjn , H. 1 .
Ilull , 1' . II. Mulhewru.
tAloworii | ( . H. No Llt-ll. O Jicutuont ,
Ar liiKton-J. 0. lltoMlnv. K. l-ia
it $ & $ & ' tt Ualll"'er' ° - "
Anilov-u. J.UUvcui , V. Kowllo ,
Arapnhoo Fred lloohucr , U , 3. Klnch , J. Eln-
Ajctrll-Wllllam Crawford , A. llockalrom.
lIlKHprltiKs John AMxtt , O. M. Uunnoll.
Itnilnnrd (1. ( A. FalW , Joseph Matvn < ck , 0.
I < . Mortlock.
llortrand I'lill Hwanson.
llarneMnii J. ! ' . Iititz , V. ti. Inl .
llcarnr < : ity--.I. Tt Illnckman , Jnints A. Dun-
stani , N. Mi Ayors.
llentrlce-K. A. Oolt , .1. J. flkow. A. U. Dflmp-
ster , W. It , Oluuy , J. K. Klold , W. M. Duncan ,
K-JiCopehind. . . , _ .
Jlurcliard J. 0. Dort , Frank Peporl , 0. A.
llrokiin lloff-l * . M , Uuhlco , J. O. Howon , K ,
n. I'urcnll. V. Cniwtlior. . , .
llluo Bprlngs-J. H , t'aiobocr , O. K. Ilurrlng-
llecmer- . 8. Mcflnlre. . . . .
HeaTcrCrmsInc Dowltt F.nRcr , I. It. Dor-
mimd , I' . A. ( Iropdy.
UiiinbrlilRo . K. Ildbcock , D. I * Tallmadno ,
It. II. Itankln , T. A. Itoyd.
CHllHjrt.son-W. S. Uornutt. Tnylor Wells.
Crolo-ll. W. llaldwln , KL J. Hteldl , J. A.
Champion A. K. Adams.
Carleton-K. I' . Iteachy. \ \ . I * . Oiborn.
Cozad 0. K. Allen. I ) . M. Dolnlnzer.
Cedar Kaplds-\V. J.Outhwallo. ! ' . St. Stow-
< Jullaway (5.W. Koot , 11. II. Androws.
( iarloton I' . A. Itoachy , W. Ii. O < boru ,
Columnus J , A. llnrber , K. 1'ohl , James
Galley , J. I' . Hasmussen. . .
David City ( IcoriroV. . Ostprhoiil , John
Harper , KMM ! Dlprs , 0. McCuno , H , I ) . Coo.
Dnrey Philip Omi.
Davenport K. Tueed , H. Moore *
Kagle-H. H. KtiKllsh , Toss SochHst.
Kintls-li' . 0. Sclirooder/ .St. Alkman , . n. R.
\V xd.
Klwootl 0. t1. Iloynlon , H. Q. Forgusotii
KIslo-M. lj. StcCulluutth , 1 * . O. U.-irtunsan.
Klmwood It.V. . ItopttKor. D. W. ( Jrecnslato.
Kulrbury Joseph Hnrbacb , A. V. 1'easo , b.
K. Iiyons , I ) . H. llryaut , tleorgo W. Htroh-n.
rromont John Knechtol , Oscar Olldilen , L.
O. Kulkorson , V. I , . Neslilt.
Gonova-Ucorgo . Smith , J. II. Ward , M.
Gro.shatn Ilnrman Dlnr.s , H. 0. [ nun.
Gordon- . ! . W.Julcu.V. . I * Mills.
Grand Island K. E. K. Ithlgnway , J. 11.
Squires , I ) . H. SlcOoy , II. 1' . Tucker. Fred
Hay .Hprlngi J. E. llrown , William Water
HumlKildt Morris I'rlond , Kd Stadholz.
Hastings K. J. 1'nasp , 1'ri'd J. llunedlct , ti , J.
Glllls , J. A. Knsc , Frank 1'almtr , I ) . W. I'almor.
Hebron A. Huntsman , W , H. Frame , O , ! > .
Harrington H. J. Young.
lloldrcKo-FrankA , Dean , Matt tills , J- &
Inipnrlal-0. 1' . Shellenbargcr. V. t' . Gott.
Kenosaw-K. J. While , II. F. tfchlogel. W. E.
Ialia ,
Kearney I' . H. More , W. L. Sliorcr , Gilbert
Hasse , V. O. Cliuso , 0. I ) . Ayors.
KoonilH-A. SI. Vandell , Of. O. Nelson.
lilucoln-O. J. King , Kd (2. Yatos. 0.11. Greg
ory , W. 10. Hardy , F. F ) . MeCUusUey , .1. St. llurks ,
I.O. Chnpln , O. l > . Krlenborn , J. H. Mauritius ,
O. II. Kohnmn , F. II. Klmlmll , J. H. Illshop ,
Ixxlgo I'ole-Fred Lohmkuohl W. 11. Gor-
hardt. IMno C. R. Glover , J. C. Castle.
McCook-J. A. Wllcox. U. J. Warren , A. ICal-
stadt , SI. H. Simmati.
Slaywood-J. T. Twlss , C. II. Vaughn , H. a.
Madrld-M. N. Forsylh , U. D. Dayton , 0. II.
Slel'ool Juncllon- . E. I.lncoln. O. D. Eaton.
Mlnden L. M. ( 'opL-lanil , H. J. Johnson , A. U.
Chrhtensen , William llollmun.
Nvllgb ( Jiirl Kobcr , A. J. Anderson.
North I'latto (1. H. Hammond , Chiirlos Stc-
Donaid , ( J. T. Fluid , W. A. Volmur , SI. T.Tobln ,
W. W. Illrge. Thomas SI. Clark.
Norfolk John Murer , John O'llerllng , St. 0.
Walker. F. W. Kiisan.
OsCeola-H. F. Hendorson. II. A. Scott.
OaHdalo E. H. llurk , A. H. Norwood , James
OmiiliO. . O. Henawa. J. J. Illls.s , T. W.
Illaekbiirn. 11. L. llurket , W. F. Cady. C. Court
ney , F. E. Culler. W. K. Drumond , .N. . Fal
coner. William Fleming , William Uentlomati ,
Clutrlus Hanley , T. C. Havens , Chris Iliinsun ,
C. W. Ilull , John II. Hu-isoy , F. A. Jone.s. U. A.
Iicnhart , C. O. I.obeclc , I'rnnlc Lehmer , George
F. Munro , D. D. Sillier. Henry ( 'limit , J. H.
Schmidt. O. J. Wilde , J. W. IVmioll.
Petersburg II. F. Lehr , T. A.Sturdovant.
1'Iorco 1) . W. Elliott , Uuorgu Uishport , M.
1'lalnvlow N. II. Nelson. O. H. Johnson.
riiitumonth T. Clark. .1.0. Cumins. O. II.
Hnydur , Fred Hamgp , H. N. Dovoy.
IMunsant DalIC. . II. l.undl.s.
Itlslng CIty-J. W. Hart , J. H. East.
i-eward Herman Dlors , W. H. Deeboldt , T.
E. Johns.
Kidney A. I'ease. Daniel McAleese , II. AI.
Htrutton W. O. Slorton.
Stromsburg Olof Nelsell , Victor Wilson.
8t. Edwards J. 1' . Landemun , A. J. McKel-
vey , Nels llnssolbuch , William Vlzzard.
blioltoii-J. F. Flue , M. A. Hosteller , R D.
Ilccd , G. N. Klnnpy.
Swiuiton A. 11. Murray. .T.ij. Frooborn.
Trunton-E. E. llundy. W. II.TIiornlilU.
Tobias H. U. Lausus , George M.TulIonrFrod
II. Gllmore.
Tiilniugo W. O. Reynolds , F. H. Heovo.
Unlon-K. H. Evans , . ! . C. Davis , G. A. Koso.
Waunota-J. J. Doty , II. E. Guy. J. D. Good
Wustorn W. S. Grafton. J. F. Hlondln.
Wymoro Julius Sluuman , W. I. Fisher ,
Thomas Hand , Joseph Wozab.
Wayne Henry Ley , I * . W. Hoc.
Wiikelleld Thomas Rawllns , William
Yoru-Georgo E. Chllcote , II. 1' . Wiley , O. L.
Helsnur , George F. Iturr.
Miittnuu Toiluy.
Don't fail to BOO Ilonshaw nnd Ton-
brooclc in the great musical comedy suc
cess The Nabobs , tbls afternoon ,
( Decoration day ) at the Farnain struct
' *
I'rof. l.nlsette on Memory.
A hundred or moro men and women at
tended at Exposition hall yesterday after
noon to hear Prof. Noisette , the eminent
memory specialist , talk un thu subject lie
tins made u life study of. When ho appeared
on the same pbtform In the evening to de
liver the same lecture thu hall was tilled.
The audience was composed of many of the
best pcoplo hi town , the number ot profes
sional men and students present being nota
ble. I'rof. Lolsotio explained that his pres
ent tour was. undertaken that ho might gain
n fund sufllclent to adequately endow a pro
fessorship of applied psychology , with
special bearing on the subject of mem
ory , in a college accessible to all
the world , where those who desired to edu
cate their powers of attention , perception
ana memory or Improve those faculties
might bo repaired. Ho was , hesaid , childless
nnd well llxcd personally for hi.s lifetime. ,
and now that his health allowed him ho was
working for the benefit of posterity. Ho dis
cussed weak momorlos and mind wandering ,
gave what ho considered their causes and
promised that liix system would strengthen
the powers of attention and memory. Today
students may enroll themselves for his course
of three lectures to bo given at the Young
Men's Christian association hall tomorrow ,
Thursday and Friday , afternoon or evening.
Names will bo received at the Young Men's
Christian association ofllco and at Ford &
Charltou's , IMS Dodgu street.
I'rnf. Hint nt thu lli > y l.
In opening his series of hypnotic entertain-
menu at lioyd's theater last night Flint ,
the mesmerist , fully sustained the great
reputation as to hypnotic ixwcr which has
proeedod him , Of thirteen , volunteers upon
thu stage , eleven proved successful to his in
fluence , and for the time became pliant as
wax In his hands.
To dcscrlbo an entertainment of thU char
acter is dinieiilt , but the almost continuous
latightur and applause that followed I'rof ,
Flint's olTorts evidenced the audience's ap
Though fun nnd plenty of it socmod to bo
the object , Mr. Flint closed his performance.
with the most thrilling and sensational act
over presented hero. Ills daughter , a slight
miss of 18 , while in n cataleptic condition ,
WHS placed upon thu bucks of chairs , while
six strong men lifted upon her chest a rock
weighing COO pounds , which she thus sup
ported while it was broken with a heavy
sledgu , The scene Is not one for sensitive
nerves , and while all sat as If entranced , at
the sight , many shuddered with horror.
I'nllril In Out the Contract
CHUSTON , la. , May SO.Spcolal | Telegram
toTni : fKEj. Suit was commenced today
by the Creston Gas & Kleotrte fjlght Co. for
thoiccovcry of i8Sl , The defendant Is the
city of Creston , the amount claimed being
for city lighting. This company failed to
gel the contract nt the last council meeting
and the suit is a retaliatory movement.
Tlio postoftlco will be closed today after
10 : : ) .
The tiood lloads club wns announced to
meet las.t evening , but only half a dozen men
showed uu and no business was attempted.
Chief Scuvoy's annual Inspection of thoon-
tire police force will take place at poucq
headquarters at 2 o'clock this afternoon.
The finest will bu dressed up jn their sum
mer clothes ,
Tl-o harbors' union ( wblto ) has partially
perfected organization by electing . M.
Smith , president ; James Payne , treasurer
aud W. 1C. 1 a wry secretary. A charter will
'bo sent for thls"wcoir.
Soothe celebrated Ktobmor piano at
Ford & Charlton.Munlc Co. , 1501
ulil\ LLi 1U OKl-ila
Jim Ilall Docs for the Australian Braggart
in Seven Tame Rounds.
Slnrln'n Conduct Rtuolcloiu In the Kxlrnme
Ho Actnit n if Drugged Spnotntor *
lI Siutod ultti the Performance
Other Sporting Mutton.
LONDON , May 20. Jim Hall met Fra nk
Slavln at the National Sporting club tonight
for & 2f , > 00 n side nnd a pursn of fS,500 ana
knocked him out In the seventh round , The
fight was a disappointment to the specta
tors. Slavln was the favorite In the butting
up to the opening of the round , hut
from the beginning bo made n poor allowing.
Ho was completely otitgouoralled at every
point by Hall ami was unable to Coffer enough
rcststanco to make the contest exciting.
When tlmo was called Slavtn's face \vora a
peculiar dazed expression. Ho lurched
heavily twice us ho loft his oornor and was
generally unsteady In his gait. After
sparring for a few seconds ho walked di
rectly up to Hall and was received with a
staggering right hanctcr , which almost
floored him. Throughout thu round hn
Mover closed his glove nnd when tiinu was
called went to his comer amid the hissing
and groaning ot thu spectators.
In the second round ho showed no improve
ment. Ho lurched about stupidly , giving
Hail several chances to hit him as ho
pleased. Hull did not take advantage of
his opportunities and the round closed with
out any heavy work on either side.
The thlnl round opened with some light
sparring. In the middle of the round Hall
landed both right and left on his opponent's
head , then gave htm a stinger on the jaw
and stood away. The men fooled alxntt the
ring , missing repeatedly when they came to
close quarters. At the end of the round the
referee warned them If they did not light
there would bo no purse for them. The
warning had llttlo effect.
Thu fourth round was a scrambling one .
Not n sluglu telling blow was struck and the
fooling of the previous round was repeated
until the spectators hissed and Jeered.
'J ho llfth round was somewhat bettor. It
ended With Slavln's going down from a
right-hander on the jaw. Nothing was ac
complished by cither of the men In the sixth
The seventh round had hardly opened be
fore Hall iloorod Slavin with his loft.
Slnvin was soon np , but hearing somebody
call time , ho turned towards his corner.
Hall instantly shot out his right. The blow
landed squarely on Slavln's jaw and sent
him down for good.
The spectators hooted Slavin as ho was
carried to his earner. Disappointment and
dissatisfaction with the light were generally
expressed. Slavln was seconded by Jack
Start and Jim liuvau , and was attended also
by his brother , Jack. Charles Mitchell and
Dlakclock , ex-champion lightweight , seconded
ended Hall. Pascr umpired for Slavln and
Lousdalo for Hall.
The Sportsman of this morning says :
"Slnvin's career is surely ended. The
referee was too lenient. Ho ought to have
stopped the light In the third round. It a
repetition of such ignoble business occurs wo
must dub the sport Ignoble instead of
noble. "
Uoftou Tultcu ii Io t or Liberties with Undo' *
I'uttitlvo 1'lnyorj * .
BOSTON" , Mass. , May 29. Anson's Colts re
ceived a.hard drubbing from the Champions.
Hutchison was tilt all over the lot In the
second and eighth inning. The Colts lioldeU
poorly under lire. Ryan ana Parrott showed
bad form. Wllmot took Hutchison's place
at the bat In the ninth inning. Score :
Itoston 08011008 -lS
( Jhlcugo 0 O 0 0 U 0 0 0 0'J
Hits : lloston , 20 : Chicago , 8. Errors : Hos-
ton , 2 , Chicago , 3. Earned runs : lloston , 7 ;
Chicago , 1. ( latteries : Staley and Morrltt ;
Hutchison and Ivlttrldge. ' '
Smothered tlio Spltlcrg.
Piiu.AnEr.pniA , Pa. , May 29. Cleveland
sustained a shut out. Three of thoPhlladel-
phians' runs were duo to the errors of the
Spiders. The Phillies played a magnificent
game. Score :
Philadelphia 100200200 B
Cleveland 0 00000000-0
Hits : Philadelphia , 7 : Cleveland , 5. Krrors :
Philadelphia , 0 ; Cleveland , D , Knrned runs :
"hlladnlphfa , 2. lUttorlcs : Wuyhlng and
Crosj ; Young and Zlmmcr.
Clone ( luino nt Gatlmin.
Nnw Yoitic , May 29. The Now Yorkers de
feated Cincinnati In the best game of tiio
season. It was a pitchers' battle , In which
Baldwin triumphed over Chamberlain. The
score :
New York 001000000-1
Cincinnati 000000000 0
lilts : Now York , 0 : Cincinnati , 3 , Errors :
Now York , 0 ; 'llnclnnati , 1. Earned runs :
Now York , 1. Butteries : UuUhvm and Kelly ;
Chamberlain and Vuliifhn.
Mhugurt Ciuvo Them One.
PiTTsnono , Pa. , May 29. The Orioles
could not hit Killoa nnd Shugart's oivor In
the eighth gave them thcironly run. Score :
I'lttsburR 0 0100432 * 10
Baltimore 00000001 0 1
lilts : rittsburg. 9 ; llaltlmore , 2. Errors :
rittslniVK , 1 ; Baltimore , 2. Earned runs :
I'lttsburg , 3. Batteries : Klllon and Mack ;
Sehtnlttuml Robinson.
Colanuls Vnn't Win.
BitooKi.YN , N. Y. , May 29. The Blue Grass
Eaters should have won nt Kastcrn park ,
hut the Brooklynlte.s bunched their hits In
the lifth inning and by knocking out four
runs , got such a hold on the game that they
could not bo shaken off. Score :
Brooklyn ! 3 0000410 -7
Louisville 0 10003300-0
lilts : Brooklyn , 10 ; Louisville , 7. Errors :
Brooklyn , ! ) ; Loul.svlllo , a. Earned runs : Brook
lyn , 5 ; Louisville , 1. Bittturles : Uteln and
Oalley ; llommlnn and Grimm ,
WASHINGTON , D. C , , May 29. Washington-
St. Louis gamu postponed , account of rain.
HtundliijT or clio Ton uu.
W. r.O. W. U I1. C. 8T C0.7 ll Hlmore..13 13 W.O
Cleveland. . . .11 T lil.l WunlilnvtOn.U 13 Il.O
llrooklrn . . .U in M.3 Now Vork.,1 ] U < 0.3
tU. I/Jills . IS It it. 2 Cincinnati. . .19 16 11.4
11 61.2 cbicizo . B 161 tn.i
Iluiton . U U 43.8 I.OtlllTlllB. . . . i \1 JJ.U
llano Hull Tim Afternoon.
This afternoon nt 3 o'clock nt Young Men's
Christian association park , there will bo a
game ot basket ball , followed by a sack race
and an obstacle raco. Promptly nt ! 1UO ;
there will bo a game of base ball between
the State university nnd the Young Men's
Christian association teams. The men will
Hue upa.s follows ;
II. ofN. Position. Y. M. O. A.
Barnes . Pltchur . . . . .Jelen
Holmes . Catcher . Abbott
Houowell . l-'lrst . I ) . Trail
K. Troman . Hecond. . , . .1. Trail
1'ucu . Short . ( jlhsou
Kandotph . . .Third . Ucblltrcu
Dowllns . , .1-nft . Clarlj
A very , . Middle . Arnold
Brady . ItlL-ht. . McUeuth
Umpire ; Judge Shlulds ,
The report that the grand stand nt the
park gave way and caused the injury to Mr.
Wlthnell U entirely untrue nnd no one ought
to remain away for fear of accidents. This
stand has been constructed in accordance
with the instructions of the city building
Inspector and Is perfectly safe.
Cricket This Aftoruoou.
The second match between th'o married
and single members of the Omaha Cricket
club wilt bo played on Decoration day at thu
fair grounds , commencing at 'J p. m. The
married men won the first game by the nar
row majority of oleht runs , and they claim
that this time they will wlpo the earth with
the bachelors. Thu latter are not doing any
boasting , but they are determined to reverse
the result of the previous match , and If both
teams turn out their full strength an excel
lent game may be looked for , The commit
tco requests every [ number to turn out aud
take part In the game , which will bo the
best of the season so far.
J'ho Omaha Cricket elub desires to renew
its challenge to nil clubs in the state. It is
prepared to meet all comers , and a challenge
sent to its secretary will meet with a roauy
It Wn u 1'lpe'Utory.
OMAIU , May 29. To tuo Sporting Kdltor
of TUB lien : I see by the morning issuo. of
the 20th you have a game reiwrtod between
the Golden Oatos nnrttno Shamrock , ) t . , ns
Iclnnl3to0. loeslro In the natno of my
club nnd square ba-MMiftlllsts to contradict
that statement. Whlloitho above elub did
defeat us by the small lilnrgln of two runs
yet I think that they would net honorable
nnd not Imiwso on your.kindness. Hut wo
had n taste of tholtUnUAier of ball playing
last Sunday nnd they stoptwd the game
thrco different times on account ot quarrels
among themselves njulJ , wlnh to warn other
clubs to steer clear of thorn ns long ns possl.
bio. Thanking you 'for the many favors
done for us I remain ; * ' '
, . , i 13. T. r/mnr ,
Captain Shamrock , | rs.,1310 South Seventh
nvonuo. -
KACINO nnsur.Ts.
Fnvnrttln * Win nt.V tonln nnd St. I.ouU
Oil Other Truck * .
CINCINNATI , O. , May 20. A largo crowd
saw the races nt Latonla today. Bet
ting was brisk. Four ovo.its wcro
cnrrled nway by the favorites. lUiflln ,
in the llrst race ; ridden by Jockey
Hamlln , foil In ono of the breakaways nnd
rolled over the jockey's head. Hamlln was
picked uu unconscious and may bo badly in
jured. ICulm was put on Uuflln , but roao
unplaced ,
I' race , nnlllni ; , eleven-sixteenths mlto :
KimtmrokM to 0) ) won. Dud IMlRhns'tT to U )
bceoml , Kl Heno (20 ( to 1) ) third. Time : 1 ! < ! ) { .
Second race , Hfteen-slxlennthi mile. ! W. 1 * .
Mtuifton ( l"i to 2i won , Lltllo Goorpo (4 ( to 1) ) sec
ond. Old Topper (4 ( too ) third. Tlinn : l:38i : { .
Third race , ono mile : Knrrlor (4 ( to o ) won ,
The Heupor ( Otol ) second , 'Mlrngo (8 ( to 10) )
third. Tlmo : 1:44.
Fourth nice , novon furlongs ! Captain Hers
(3 to 0) ) won , Hindoo Lady (13 ( to 1) ) Hocond ,
Cadet ( I to i ) thlnl. Time : 1:30. :
Fifth race , llvo furlongs : Will I'onso (8 ( to C )
won , McLlKht(8 ( to ! > ) second , I'rltico Oarl (12 ( to
iMhlrd. Time : 1:03-V. :
Hlxth race , soiling , olovon-slxtoonths mlle :
Quiver (1 ( to 2 } won , Asbcn ( H to 1) ) second , Em
press Frederick ( US to 1) ) third. Time : 1:09 : 4-5.
Called Knar Out of lrivr.
ST. Louis , Mo. , May 29.- The talent were
In great form nt the fair grounds today.
They placed their nionoy on four of the llvo
lucky animals. Kostilts :
First rnco , six furlongs : Molllo llawn ( B to 5) )
won.Ht. Augustine (7 ( to'21 second , Burr Hall
(4 ( to 1) ) third. Tlmo : UlOjf.
Bocond race , four ami a half furlongs : Elec
tricity (7 ( to 0) ) won. Ilotsy Dimple (8 ( to 1) )
soeond. Kavor , Jr. , (0 ( to 1) ) third. Time : lo9H. :
Third race , lx furloiiKs : Tammany Halt | Ute
to 1)on ) , Mark S (5 ( to 2) ) second , Lillian (8 ( to
Ojthlrd. Time : 1:17.
Fourth race : IVularcd off.
Fifth race , owners' handicap , ono mile : Col
onel H (4 ( to 5) ) won , Mlnnlu Coo (0 ( to 5) ) second ,
1'Ienty ( 'JO toll third. Tmo | : 1:405 : { >
Blxth race , handicap , mile and n hundred
yards : Hulgownn (1 ( to 2) ) won , Santiago ( - to
1) ) second , Uoldstono (0 ( to 1) ) third. Tlmo :
1:50J. !
Gain ) ; at ( irnveseml.
UKAVCSUNII , L. I. , May 20. Uestilts :
Flrsl.raco , three-fourths mile. : Ohosnpnakn
(1'J ( to 1) ) won , His Highness (7 ( to 1O ) second ,
Ll7ota(7toithlrd. ( ( ! ) Tlmo : 1:14 : .
Seeoml race , mlle and.a iiuartor : Diablo (13 (
to 4) ) won , Candelabra (1O ( to 1) ) second , Joe
Kelly (15 ( to 1) ) third. Tlniu : 2:08 : > f.
Third nice , three-fourths mlle : Gold
Dollar (9 ( to 2) ) won , Slrocno (3 ( to 2) ) second ,
Amhulancou ( to 2) ) third. Tlmo : 1:14.
Fourth race , flvo furlongs : Medjo (8 ( to C )
won. Crosstlro colt (8 ( to 1) ) second , Clara A. ,
colt(40 ( to 1) ) third. Tlmo : 1OUU.
Fifth race , llvo furlongs : Fujuive (20 ( to 1) )
won , Despot ( D to 1) ) second , Holtulro ( li ! to 1) )
third. Tlmu : 1.t ( ) : ;
Sixth race , mllu and a Hlxtoontb : Now or
Never (3 ( to G ) won , Long Beach (7 ( to 1) ) second ,
Circular (30 ( to 1) ) third , , /rime : 1:49W. :
Short Horse Duy i\t Uloueeatcr.
PiiiLAHKLriiiA. Pa , - May 29. Only two
favorites' won at Gloucester today. Kesults :
First race , six and a Iquaritor furlongs : Con
l.uoy (4 ( to C ) won , l'lednout. (40 ( to 1) ) second ,
Jame.stown (3 ( to 1) ) third. .TJImd : 1:23 .
Second race , four au'u a half furlongs : \Vnn-
derlna Nun (20 ( to 1) ) Avon , tiomo More(2tol ( )
seconil. Culantha (10 ( trt 1 > tlilrd. Time : r > 8.
Third race , seven unUii'hnlf fnrlonps : Major
Thornton (11 ( to \voli.Lotion ) ) , (6 ( to & ) second ,
Wallace C ( r , to 1) ) third * Time : 1:40 : ,
Fourth race , six and n haft furloncn : Cur-
teen (3 ( to b ) won , Hour ! (5 ( to 1) ) second , A. O.1I.
( Otol ) third. Tlmo : .if- " -
Fifth race , four nnd' a half furlongs : Un
certainty (4 ( to 1) ) won.lPwetot Alice (1 ( to 2) ) second
end , Larmont (10 ( to l.Tlilnl. ) Time : :57M.
Seventh race , sevennand n half furlongs :
Hustle (4 ( to 1) ) won,4doa , (0 ( to 1) ) second ,
National (3 ( to 1) ) thlrd rinYo : l:4lM-
At KnHt.Ht. Iroul * .
ST. . Louis , Mo. , MaS-39' . ' Kosults nt East
St. Louis today : ' > f '
First race , three-fourths mlle : Llttlo Phil
won , Coronet second , 1'lccudllly third. Tlmo :
Second race , flvo furlongs : Col era In won ,
Puonto second , Esther third. Tlmo : 1:09. :
Third race , nine-sixteenths mlle : Dooley
Urown won , L second , Backwoods
third. Tlmo : 1:0'- : .
Fourth race , nine-sixteenths mlle : Ulf
won , Passion second , Artless third. Time :
1:01. :
Fifth race , six furlongs , handicap : Horace
Lcland won , Future second , Bore third.
Tlmo : 1:21 : .
Knock Out at Mrinroo.
MONHOE , Nob. , May CO. [ Special to Tun
BHE. ] Fred Schneider of Monroe and James
Hurley of Fullerton fought to a finish In the
hall heroSaturday night for 25 a side nnd
gate receipts , Schneider winning easily in
the eleventh round , Schneider was seconded
ended by U. B. Thompson and Colonel Tnl-
bitzor , Hurlov'3 second being the well
known R. A. Vickers , sporting editor of the
Looking Glass. The mill was witnessed by
about 150 persons from Columbus , Fullerton
nnd this vicinity.
They Ilmckoil the Omaha 1C Id.
Sioux CITT , la. , May 29. To the Sporting
Editor of TUB BBC : The Omaha sports loft
hero this morning on foot for Omaha. Will
stop nt Tckamah for lunch If our shoes hold
out. A brass band is waiting to receive us ,
and carriages will bo provided for the
crippled pedestrians , who nro short in funds.
Later dispatches will bo sent , ns wu progress
on our Journey. Walking is good , but box
cars are at a premium. Stout wasn't In It.
"COUNT , "
Ivc * Ilnhlml for the Tint Night.
LONDON , May 29. Tho'billiard match be
tween Frank C. Ives , American champion ,
and John Roberts , jr. , English champion ,
began this evening at Iliuloy's circus , Ac
the close of the play for the night Ives had
scored (589 ( points. Roberts had scored 1.000
and was still playing. The hall was crowded.
The game Is 12,000 points for $2.500 a side.
The regulation English table with nix pock
ets la used.
cu.isii'iux j.xu ii.ifa Araxneiia.
They Are Determined to Kill All Johnion
County Cnttlpuiun.
DODOI.AS , Wyo. , May 20.-iSpccial [ Telegram -
gram to THE BEB. ] Evidently the sclf-ap-
pointed avengers of Champion nnd Ray , the
victims of the Johnson county war last
spring , propose to kill oft the cattlemen
whether Invasion Ists or not. Reliable in
formation from thu north tonight brings de
tails of an attempt to kill'H. . II , Remington
near the 13 V ranch last rlday. Thu gun-
tlcman saw a man raountcij pn ft black horse
near the ranch , nnd as 'Urn stranger seemed
to bo waiting for , ) $ , Rcnington | rode
ou. and asked him If holwnninuntlng horses ,
'I no unknown drew hia < gun , and with the
reply , "You are the fellowTm after , " began
shooting. ' '
The llrst shot hit thojhorlr'of Remington's
saddle , who wheeled' hhorso and sped
towards thu ranch folloiwva'by several moro
shots , ono of which nlci-ced itho eantlu of his
saddle nnd grazed hia ihiitlr/i
Remington was unarmed1. The stranger
did not imrsuo him , but ufjlor emptying hia
gun nt the Hying eati/e / , n wheeled bis
horse and rode north.
The DV ranch Is. situated near the old
Buffalo stage road , forcyillTo miles north of
Oouglns unit is owned hfr Fred Remington , a
wealthy English eattlemati'nnd a brother of
the man whom the unknown tried to kill.
Neither of the Remingtons were connected
with the Invasion In any way , The man on
the black horse hasi not been seen since
nnd there U absolutely no clue to his
Peroration liny Attraction * .
Memorial exercises at Hanscom park at 3
p. m.
Special matinee performance of "Tho
Nabobs" at the Farnarn Street theater , 2:80 :
'Baseball match at the Young Men's Chris
tian association athletic imrk University of
Nebraska agalust YouugMun's Christian as
sociation team aHO : p. un
Ctiokot match at the fair grounds Bache
lors against Benedicts of the Omaha Cricket
tclub a p. in.
h , vo pilcaj-but ' *
i Piles-of people Da Witt's
Witch Htttel Salvw YTiil-cunrthem. -
OolSsaum Vhitoil by numlroth Who Are
Tendered a Liborol Education.
on Particular KthlMU - Kloctrlcnl
Cooking I'AJO C'ompmij'i Soup Con.
olldntrd ColTVo Cumpnny' * Contribu
tion * Nehrnikit I'loklci.
The rain In the oarlj part of the evening
had a natural tendency to keep many pcoplo
nwny from the exposition last night , but
still there was n fair crowd , though there
was plenty of room for moro. A very largo
attendance bad been anticipated nnd the un
favorable weather was n source of some dis
appointment. The crowd was n very appre
ciative ono , nnd the exhibit * were closely
examined and on every hand wcro hoard ex-
clnnmtlons of surprise nnd satisfaction at
the progress made by Nebraska factories ,
as shown by the display of goods of all
kinds. As has been the rule on every even
ing slnuo the opening of the oxwsltloii | , the
machinery In operation was n great source
of attraction. It was easy to datcriutno
where the actual work of manufacturing
goods was being carried on , v the crowds of
pcoplo surrounding those exhibits.
The manufacturer are much gratified at
the expressions of approval from visitors ,
many of whom nro very profuse In their
praises of the different exhibits and of the
exposition ns a whole. . The music Is proving
to bo n very entertaining feature of the ex
hibition. The Seventh Wnrd Military band ,
which has been engaged for every evening
the balance of the week , rendered tbo fol
lowing program in a manner that was highly
appreciated by the lovers of good uiuslo :
March Orown 1'rlnco. . Hennott ,
Recollections of Operas Heyer.
Selection "Uontrlco" Helllnl.
Overturn "Tannhausor" . t. Wagner.
Kchntts Wnltzvr Strauss.
Selection "Hohemlnn Uirl" llalfo.
Selection "l.i Fnvorltu" , , Donizetti.
O\urturo " 1'rliu Methusiilcm" Strauss.
Waltz "Queen of the Islo" Unlbtiy.
March Loyal Legion Sousa
The children from llvo of the Omaha
schools put In yesterday afternoon nt thu
exposition. All of the public school children
hnvo now been admitted excepting those of
the High schoolwho were granted u holiday ,
but the order was rescinded on account ot
the Decoration day exercises.
The business men who are attending the
convention In the city are taking much in
terest in the exposition nnd many of them .Yesterday afternoon and evening.
Today has been designated as merchants'
day , nnd all the visiting merchants will t > o
provided with tickets nnd attend thu expo
sition In n body this evening. All
the jobbers nnd mniiufuciurors in the city
are especially requested to bo present and
assist m entertaining them. Both the Man
ufacturers association and the Commercial
elub made n great effort to bring Into the
city during the time of the exposition the
large body of retail merchants now hero nnd
the innnagemont of thu exposition is anxious
that the business men and citizens of Omaha
should turn out this evening and help to
make the viators feel that they are being
well entertained.
Cooking by Kloctrlcltjr.
In this day and ago of the world , when so
much progress Is being mudo In the science
ot electricity , anything now In that line is of
particular interest. For that reason the
electrical cooking apparatus on exhibit is
receiving a good deal of attention Ladies
are shown the method of baking , frying ,
boiling , etc. , by means of electricity.
A "Most Oroitttnhlo Kxhlblt.
Ono of the most attractive exhibits at the
exposition , which no visitor should pass
without a careful examination. Is that of the
W. A. Page Soap company. The booth is
curved out of soap of different colors so ar
ranged as to produce the most artistic effect.
An oxuort carver was employed a good many
days in carving from solid blocks of soap the
columns which support the booth. So at
tractive Is the booth that few people realize
at first that it is made entirely of soap. In
side the booth there is an attractive
exhibit of the different kinds of soap
manufactured by the W. A. Page Soap com
pany and no housekeeper or merchant can
inspect these goods without making a resolve
to patronize homo industries from that time
on. Besides the display of goods there is a
machine that shows the process of stamping
and pressing the bars of soap while a young
lady , said to bo thu fastest soap wrapper in
the country , puts the Jackets and wrappers
on thu soap and packs It In the boxes. The
whole exhibit is very instructive and'will
give one a very fair Idea of the work in a
soap factory. In addition to their old and
well Known brands , the company Is intro
ducing two now brands that promise to bo
very popular , the Silver Leaf and the Polar
Star. The last mentioned is a floating soap
of great excellence.
Convolldntotl Coffee Company.
Ono of the most novel nnd striking exhibits
that meets one's eye iu the vast exposition
is tbnt made by thu Consolidated Coffee com
pany of this city. In the main booth , which
is handsomely decorated with ualms and
other tropical llowers , nro four revolving
cones showing goods of their special
preparation and manufacture. On one
is their celebrated ' 'Perfection" Java and
Mocha colTeu ; on another is their German
concc * , whllo the third is formed of German
yeast and the fourth of German'baking pow
der. In the center is erected a beautiful
pavilion that is a mass of clluihiug vines and
fragrant llowors , in the midst of which
stands u mlniatura Christopher Columbus ,
holding in his hand u hottlo of Dr.
Bauer's high grade flavoring extract.
To the rear of this Is a revolving
disc presenting four beautiful scenes the
effect of which Is heightened uy the rollec-
tlon of concealed electric lights , whllu In the
back ground is presented a Hnostorcoptleon
view of n tea plantation. The whole com
bined makes a most beautiful exhibit that
attracts the admiration of nil visitors. The
excellent quality of the goods put upon the
market by this IInn is what nttiacts the at
tention of consumers all over the west , nnd
"Protection Coffee , " German ColToo , " > ! Gcr-
man Baking Powder. " ' 'Gorman Yeast" and
Lr , Baker's Flavoring Extracts ore recog
nized as standards by the trade. They are
not only good sellers , but they glc satisfac
tion and hold patronage.
Nehrnikn I'lcklef.
Thirty foot wide and towering up Into the
rafters Is bunked up an extensive showing
of thu products of the GiDNiv PICKI.I : COM-
I'ANV. From barrels and kegs down to the
half pint bottles , all with their neat colored
labels , the arrangement is such ns to bo u
very pleasing sight to housekeepers us well
as merchants. Kxtcnslvo ns is tlm exhibit
only samples of ouch kind of articles can bo
shown. Though only in business for throe
years the Godnoy Plcklo company's cooJs
are well known throughout thu state.
The dllllculty ia procuring cucumbers ,
onions , tomatoes unit the other vege
tables required which was encountered
nt llrst , has been overcome , nnd the raw ma
terials are now easily obtained. This Is
truly a homo Industry nnd its benefits are
fell to thu fullest extent In Omaha and
vicinity. The Gednoy Ploklo company is the
largest pleklo factory west of the Missis
sippi river. It takes the products
of several hundred acres of cueum *
< \ > crs , beans , euullllowers , poppers and
other vegetables , It employs nt Its factory
nt IClovcnth and Grace streets lib lUt thirty
people thoyear around. This company puts up
nil kinds of pickles , such as onions , chowchow -
chow , sweet nnd mixed plokles iu bottles , as
well us kegs and barrels , aud grind French
and German mustard , prepare catsups and
sauces , besides handllnir largo quantities of
olives In original glass and wood. They
Imvo the entlro jobbing and retail business
of this section. Last , but not least , lot us
add If you want good catsup , try Gedney's
The Taper llox. Company.
To Iho right of the entrance in the bal
cony the Omaha Paper Box company hat a
dltpluy of 1U work. The exhibit is prin
cipally of candy boxes , the aim being to show
what the factory does in the way of artiitlo
manufacture. The factory is located at
)2U3-1U ) Jones street. It was established In
J881 , and since its organization as a stock
company last year a very extensive business
hu been dona in tbo manufacture of all
Jclnda of paper boxes , shelf boxes , ( ample'
casoa , railway tubes , etc.
I . . I . LI . I
{ 110 AUvertUed la Tbo ! ! .
" "
. J.-WDeftn"i ihe Board of Trade trokor ,
lost n | K > okotbook containing f 100 In money ,
besides vnlunhlo papers. Ho ndvcrtlned It
In yesterday morning's HRR and the flmlor ,
R. 8. UhrUtlo ot 1W7 North Nineteenth
street , nt oneo returned It to Its owner.
HKtTlXU Itli.ltlV tint TlIK ridffr.
Itopublirnim Will Open Nntlonnt llenil-
qnnrtrr * In Nrir York City.
NF.W YOIIK , May M.R. . C. Kerens of St.
Louis , member of the republican national
committee from Missouri , Is nt the Fifth
avenue hotel , nnd announced today thit
Hon. Joseph II. Manlcy , secretary of the
committco. hurt ticcn empowered to open re
publican headquarters hero next September.
Mr. Kerens said to n roK | > rter : 4 < No hotter
man could hnvo been found for the place.
Ho Is methodic-ill , docs not lose hU bond ,
and ho knows nearly all the republicans in
the country. As to details , wo have loft
them all to Mr. Mauley. In his own good
way ho will perfect thlnes , nnd I believe ns
bis work progresses over.v retnibllcan will
see the wisdom of his selection. "
Wyoming CrlmlimU
RAWMNS , Wyo. , May 20. [ Special Telegram -
gram to Tins HUE. ] The May term of the
district court ended today. A. L , U Clark
was convicted of murder In the second de
gree and was sentenced to the Laramlo pen
itentiary for llfo. H. P. WainwriBht. for
grand larceny , received eighteen months.
These were the only criminal cases tried.
1'KttaOffAI , I'AHAQttAl'mt.
W. N. Nnson nnd son nro In Denver.
John H. Poole of Denver is at the Pnxton ,
Kx-Sonntor Paddock ot Beatrice is nt tbo
Gcorgc"Flalrbanks of Chicago Is registered
nt the Mlllard.
H , C. Golden of Cedar Rapids was In the
city yesterday.
H. Y. Leo of Fremont is spending n few
days In Omaha.
K. W. Schubert , a hotel man of Pttoblo ,
Colo. , Is In the city.
N. G. Yntos of Lincoln Is among the recent
nrrlvnls In the city.
A. C. Law returned to Chicago yesterday
after n brief sojourn In this community.
J. M. Scott of Kansas City came to Omaha
yesterday to got a whilT of metropolitan nlr.
Andlson Brown has moved his family from
Carroll , la. , and will make this city his
homo ,
F. O. Wisncr. editor of the Bayard , Choy-
cnno county , Transcript , was a visitor Iu
Omaha and THE Bun ofllco yesterday.
C. J. Mentor received n telegram yester
day morning containing the sad intelligence
that his mother had died at Mexico , N. Y.
Mrs. Mentor was 83 years of age.
Mrs. Julia Schneider of Marburg , Ger
many , who has been visiting her sister , Mrs.
Julius Fcstncr , left last night for Chicago
accompanied by Mrs. 1C. Schmelscr.
Mr , I. G. McICoon , n young attorney of
New York city , and his brldo stopped over
In Omaha Sunday on their way to California
to visit Mr. McICoon's nuuts , Mrs. Samuel
Rccs and Miss J. M. McICoon.
The Business Register and City Hall
Record of Chicago in Its last issue contained
a full page cut of Chief of Police Seavoy , the
newly elected president of the National As
sociation of Chief of Police. The Record
also prints a very Haltering notice ot Mr.
Seuvoy and gives him Ihu credit ho deserves
for organizing the chiofs1 association.
At the Mercer : F. II. Gllok , Atchison ,
Knn. ; II. Hanmoro , New York ; J. W. Rus-
soll. Davenport , la. ; I. H. Brockway and
wife , Omaha ; K. K. Thomas and wife , San
Jose ; F. L. Lewis. J. F. Lutz , Barncson ; H.
Flshwood , J. S. Frcoborn. Swauton , Neb. ;
L. F , Farnsworth , Grand Island ; J. M. Burks ,
Lincoln , Nob. ; J. F. Jensen , Walter Jensen ,
Klk Horn , la. ; L. Strand and daughter , Pa
cific Junction , la. ; V. E.Vilson , Stroms
burg , Nob. ; II. A. Scott , Osecoia , Nob. ; II.
F. Honderjon , Osceola , Neb. ; C.W. McCune ,
S.D. Coc. David City ; J. II. Earst , Rising
City ; J. H. Squires. Grand Island ; F. B.
Reeve. Talmago , Nob. ; John S. Rico nnd
wife , Utica , Itid.V. ; . W. Esslck , Murphy.v
bore , 111. ; Henry Leoy , S.V. . Roe. Wayne ,
Neb. : William Wheeler. Wakelleld , Nob. ;
Frank Spearman , MeCoo'c , Nob. ; Joshua' '
Chltwood and wife , Connersville , Ind. ; J. A. '
Wilcox. S. Seaman , McCoqk , Nob. ; John S.
Lend , U. S. A. : H. C. I arsen , Tobias ; W. K.
Babcoek. R. II. Ilamlin , Cambridge ; C. D.
Aycrs , Kearney ; T. A. Boyd , D. L. Tnll-
raago , Cambridge ; J. J. Dotz , Wnu-
netn ; S. S. English , Kaglo , Nob. ;
W. J. Outhwait , Cedar Rapids , la. ; M. F.
King , Lincoln , Nob. ; R. M. Nesblt and wlfo ,
Aiusworth ; B. F. Schlegol , W. E. Latty ,
Kornsaxv ; A. J. MoKolvoy , Dr. Vincent , J.
W. Hanenstcn , St. Elwood ; A. J. Wllcox ,
Columbus , Neb. ; Inylor Wells , Culbortson ,
Nob. ; W. A. Vollmer , G. T. Field , G. R.
Hammond , Thomas Mi Cloud , Charles Mc
Donald , North Platte ; W. II. Fisher , Kear
ney ; E. E. E. Rldgoway , Henry flicks. D. II.
McCoy , Grand Island ; M. WilkinsonSabina ,
O. ; C. W. Root , Calloway ; J. W. Love , Fre
mont ; R. II. Froins , J. U. Duvis , Union ; M.
A. Hosteller. Shelton. Nob. ; II. M. Thorpe ,
Brayton , Nob. ; J. C. McDonough , San Fran
cisco ; O. H. Snyder , J. C. Cummins , Fred
Range , Platlsmoulh , Nob. ; Herman Dlcro ,
R. C. Innls , Gresham , Neb , ; A. Beckstrom ,
Axtcn. Nob. ; George W. Smith , N. Hitch ,
J. H. AVard , Geneva. Nob. ; O. E. Haz
ard , W. Young , Hebron ; Gcorgo Glsh-
pert , M. Inhuldor , Pierce. Nob. ;
N. Fred Esslg and wlfo , Spokane , AVash. ; J.
S. Bishop , W. E. Hardy , O. P. Erlcnbora ,
Dr. L.AV. Edwards , Lincoln ; R. Dyers , A.
R. Dempster , E. A. Colt , Beatrice ; Frank
Poppul , Frank Cl9ks , C. A. Novins and wife ,
BurohardA. ; Hanaucr , Salt Lake City ; II.
P. A'ccdor , Sun Francisco , Cal. ; K. D ,
AVheolock , Beatrice ; Wuyland AVood , D. A.
Johnston , Kansas City ; II. R. Spclmau ,
Clinton , la. ; E , llobrard and wife , Denver ,
Colo. ; C. O. Carpenter. Abilene , Knn. ; D. AV.
Palmer , Hastings ; H. F. Lohr , Petersburg ,
Nob. ; J. C. Strutton , A. II. Norwood , Oak-
dale ; F. II. Shudwant , Petersburg ; J. Bless
ing , Arlington ; Philip Opp , Donoy ; Honrj
J. Muoller. St. Joe ; E. E. Lincoln , McCool
Junction , Ed G. Yutos , O. J. King , J. O.
Chapln , Lincoln ; W. II. DuBolt , Sownrd ;
George McTallor. Tobias ; C. H. Rohlmnn ,
C. B , Gregory , F. D. McClusky , Lincoln.
Nnw YoitK , Mny UU1 [ Special Telegram to
TimBEK. ] Omaha : Mr. nnd Mrs , J , C ,
Holtorf loft the Windsor hotel to sail on the
steamship Etrurla of thu Cunard line for
Liverpool ; S. G. Hutclunson , Westminster ,
Kearney , Neb , ; G. AV. Frank , Plaza.
CIIIOAOO , 111. . May 2 ! ! . ( Special Telegram
to Tuu DUE. ] Omaha people at the hotels
Include Mrs. F. M. Phillips , Lexington , and
E. E. Lomax , Great Northern.
Ono weolt only ,
The world's eroat-
est Mesmerist and
F Kunmukor.
In her wonderful foals ot Oatulepsy.
Prices ; " 3a , 3fc. , Wo. , 75c.
IB , 25 , 35,50,75. .
- - -
Iteturu Engagement of.tho Laugh MaUcri.
BpoclM Matinee Decoration Day , Tuesday.
Mutln eo Wednesday. Any Boat 23 Cent * .
15o , 126o , 35o , 50o , 75o
Tbt 9 Nlicbtt , udS tur < 1 r and Hundmr Mitloe * * ,
oinmenolng I'rldir nlvht June 2nd ,
lilod Lr tjutn J , Iljan anil CUra T broa , V
d r nlflit lha 1,00 tli ptirdirmtnco of O'Uowdi
N lgUU > r . Kich l dr or child occurring B uit on
lower Uuor will receive M tulf pound box of Ktoacli
tutted c ndr. Saturday matinee , Zio to all parti of
Open I ) lly Except Sunday ,
Jfrata IU a. at. to lOiUO p , in ,
: Adiuleaiou , , . ; , 29c
Unrtitr In tlm { 'imp nt I.Mt.
Itit ! night the pollen nrre ted Then
Cartel * , who I * wanted for participating
the robbery of Iho Collins Oun eomp.Mi
store last March. Carter "How the coo
ns the police say , Immediately after the r
bcr.v , hut his partner Incrlmo , Henry Hml
was captured ,
Smith Is the young lough
tried to make himself fami
nnd nt the same time try nnd make ixro
think ho was Iniann. by jumping from t
Douglas street bridge about n year *
Slnco then Smith pleaded Insanity wlv
over brought up for larceny nnd finally
ccedcd In escaping from the state asyl >
nftnr having living there a few mouths. 1
] x > llco bcllovo that ho is In town nnd Is
Kane ns any thief is , nnd for that reason ti
arrested Carter on sight.
A Well-Known Lad1
Mr * . W. II. Doimlil , 10.1(1 ( P.irk avenue , Ii n {
known M thn former Intullitdy of the "llr
ililo. " ISth nml lo > Uo streets , llunilredij
tbo best Omahii pnoplc will hollovii every wd
of hnrfttMomnnt below In pmlnnof lira. Oo/i /
land nliit Hhnpiird. Mrs. Donnhl HHVHI
"Nearly two years no I was tnkon with
ncvoro cold nnd oouftli , wlilcll griduiilly HP
worse , lent winter it iniumcd tlio tinturo
bronoliliil n thma. Ildlwenu thotroubli'ini
eouiili rind dllllcult brenthlnit. I could obti
but Illt'o nloop. Tightness nnd snreuoitot t
chostmnrla It very mini , at tlmm , to brunt
tall , I trlod vnrlous remedies. Of no MT
Win IndiieoO , by slroiu testimonial * , to t
Drs. Copfllnnd and Hl.oinrcl , whoso troatme
I luiva foun I very olllolcnt , I Imvo mil
fnlth In my pormntiont euro , and connolr
tlously rceonimnnd tliojo phyalolnns to all w
nro slmllnrlv n ( Trot oil.
"I Imvo found their traatment mild
pontlo , nnd tliolrbunluofnidnitllnirinro bovo :
crltlclim. MKS. W. U. IONA.IU.
"KO9 I'ark AVOIIUB. '
Mr. John MuKinlojr AvnliU Consumption
Curinu IIU Itroiichlitl Catarrh. _
"My nolithbor Already know how muoli I al
improved , hut. I will give you brlolly the fnotl
In the eiiHn. " The contlcman who Nuoko vri |
John .MuIClnluy , of tlrhirohl. In. , where ho
nssiMJIutort In business with his father ,
MR JOHN MclCINIjEi' . GniswOLD , IA.
' Ivllrst syniptoins wnraof iionturrhnl klt ) <
wlileh were < ll9ii9tln' { to inyaulf null avoir
ono also. Myhoart , throatanunosti wnro Illlo1
with mucus , nml 1 nwnllowo 1 much of It , for
could not hulp II , nllhouitli I know It woult
Injure mo. After nwhllu my Inn KB boontn
sore , with eheti p.ihiH nnd n bnd coush , M' '
ptomuoh wiirt very weak nnd full houvr nftc.
eating. 1 could not oat nnvthlnx In tbo tuoi-
til MX. Mv breath wns very short and Hllplit o > i
urtlon ntturly oxliniistod me. Later on , I be
gnu to hnvo nlKht .sweats and a fovur thii
consumed my llosl : and gave mo a pale , ur ,
hualthy look that alarmed our family. M
next step wus to consult. Drs. Couoland ai.
Sliepard ami ns a result wo are sni'prUod ai
the change In mo. My calnrrh and my cougl
nro fnst loavlnR and I feel every dny n Htoaily
return of my lost nppotlto and stranzth. Ho
moro nKht ( iWuas. ; Insliort , I know that lam
In tholruiils of safe nnd onroful phy lolann ,
and flutter Htlll , that I am sloadlly gottlugi
Low Itatci.
Catarrh and all ourablo diseases treated at
low anil uniform rutos mndlclno troo. PA-
tlonts-at n dlstnnco ancceiafiilly treated by
mall. Hand for symptom blank.
Every Curable Disease Treated-
omce Hoiirs-'J to 11 a. m.2 ; to5 p. m. : 7 to8 i
m. Hunduy ID a. in. to II ! in.
Tuesday Morning
Do Your Trading
Before 1 O'clock at
Tuesday , May 30th ,
Decoration Day , Our
Store will close at
I O'clock-
From 9 to 10 O'clock.
Wo will soli ono cnsoof Stiuid-
ard prints , both in light nnd
durk colors ; these nro soiling
for Sic ; from 9 to 10o'clock,4o.
Up to I O'clock.
Printed Japanese Silica ; thcao
nro till silk nnd of the latest
styles , and worth 91 , for tills
Bulo-lOc ,
Up to I O'clock.
Ladies' balbriRgnn vests that
Boll in n regular way for 35o " \f\n- \
each , for this sale 10 each AwU.
Up to I O'clock.
Wo will Bolliillnnof otilltlron'a
. Iioso thnt Imvo boon Boiling ns
hlgn its f)0c ; they are odd goods
and will gent lc )
From IO to 12 O'clock *
Ladles' line Egyptian Lisle
finished combination sulta ;
they are regular $1.5 goods :
for tills enlo , 7Co
From II to I O'clock.
Mon'riflno Initial lionmtltchod
handUoroliiofs tlmt never uoll
foi'lusj than 2 < > c , for thin eulo
Uu ouch
Mon's-1-ply collars , 4 for 21 f *
Up to I O'clock'
Man's line British lioso that
soli for "r o , for this morning , 2
From H to 12 O'clock.
A Una of ladles' muslin
drawers , ( IniBhod with em
broidery und tuokoi trim-
iniiiR , they can no tbo matoliod
for loss than 36o und 40o. for
this Bale , Si5c.
From 8 to 0 O'clock.
A heavy 11 no 4-4 unblonohod
muslin that Bella for 7cfor this Qlp
hour 8Jo per yard * _ * * _
16th $ t ,