Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 28, 1893, Page 15, Image 15

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    R" * '
I s Quadrennial Gathering Will Bo Held in
[ ti Old l < ctl trnl Uonnral 8licrmn > A Now
Trick In Nnvnl AUneU - (
Urocd Uonernt Tn Tincnd'/l
I'lnnl licit.
; The seventh quadrennial congress and
hcond general reunion of the Military
I'rdor of the Loyal Legion of the United
[ tales will bo hold at St. Paul Juno 7
| nd 8. The congress and reunion com-
Jig together and the nearness of St.
[ mil to Chicago and the fair will gather
crowd of companions , perhaps the
Krgcst over known In the history of the
The congress of the Loyal Legion Is
[ ot connected with the national body of
Phe order known as the commandery-ln-
Jhlcf. The congress IH composed of n
iotly of delegates elected by the state
Jommnndorles , thrco from each. The
( elegatcH alone have ncnts in the con
gress , and they have the power to rovlso
rhu constitution.
The national commandory-ln-chlcf of
[ ho Loyal Legion moots annually. It is
J'OinpCBod of the present and pustcom-
timmlerB , senior and junior vice com-
Marnlers and the recorders of the sov-
, > ral commanderlos. The list of com-
"nandorios " and their membership is as
lollows : Pennsylvania , 1,097 ; Now York ,
t.OSl ; Maine , 141 ; Massachusetts , 84 ! ! ;
( California , Q54 ; Wisconsin , 210 ; Illinois ,
tot ; District of Columbia , 001 ; Ohio , 882 ;
QMichlgan , 200 ; Minnesota , . ' 1011 ; Oregon ,
; J87 ! Missouri , . ' { 00 ; Nebraska. 155 ; Kansas ,
$1205 ; Iowa , 101 ; Colorado , 174 ; Indiana ,
R210 ; Washington , CO ; Vermont. 07.
K The last commnndor-ln-chiof was
jGonoral Rutherford B. Hayes.
The noting commandor-ln-chlcf is the
Jsenlor vicecommandor-in-chlof , Admiral
Mohn .lay Aliny. Admiral Almy has
Sboon on the naval list , actlvo and reHired -
Hired , over sixty-four years. His ago is
! 7U. Ho entered the service ns mldshlp-
iman at the ago of 15 , and has cruised the
fcwido world over. General Walker and
[ the Nicaragua filibusters surrendered
board of his ship in 1857. Ho was at
[ the siege of Vera Cruz and the capture
Sof Tuxjwn in Mexico. During the civil
Iwnr he commanded the gunboat Con-
mectiuut and distinguished himself "by
frunning down and capturing four noto-
jriouH blockade runners and destroying
flour others.
The Military Order of the Loyal Le-
Igion was established In 1803. Lts _ funda-
jniontal principles are a firm belief and
[ trust in Almighty God and true alle-
tglance to the United States of America.
' [ The objects of ti o order , as expressed in
Uts constitution and by-laws , are "to
/cherish / the memories and associations
of the war , " to strengthen the ties of
fraternal fellowship , to extend relief to
the widows and children of companions ,
the cultivation of military and naval
fcclonco , and to protect the rights and
-liberties of American citlxenship and
maintain national honor , union and inde
The membership Is divided into thrco
classes. In the first class are included
officers who bore commissions during
the war , enlisted men of the union army
or navy tiinco commissioned in the regular -
* lar fecrvicq , or .who have become or may
become eligible by inheritance ; also the
oldest direct innlo lineal descendants of
deceased members of the first class and
of officers not members , but who were
eligible and died prior to December 31 ,
1892. If there are no direct male de
scendants , collateral branches may in
The ttccond class comprises the oldest
eons of members of the first class who
huvo attained their majority , and the
third class gentlemen who in civil life
were specially distinguished for loyalty.
Thin class is limited to ono to every
thirty-three of the first class , and the
period of eligibility closed April 15,1890.
volunteer staff officers who served with
out commission are eligible as compan
ions ut largo.
The first commandor-in-chief of the
order was General "W. S. Hancock. IIo
r wiis elected in 1885 and was succeeded at
[ his death in 1880 by General P. II. Sher-
liflan. Sheridan served until his
Jin 1888 , and was succeeded by General R.
fifj. Hayes , who held the ollico until his
[ death last January.
A Mink oT ninoke.
At Brest , during the past fortnight ,
| = < ays the London Times , bomo oxpori-
linents have been made witli an invention ,
patented by M. Oriollo of Nnntcs.for . ron- '
Tiering torpedo boats invisible while at-
iuckintr. The object is sought to bo nt-
I.Ained by veiling the boats behind a
licrcon of artificially' created smoke.
| [ JHii ] ) this important subject M. Auvub-
Itin Normand , the eminent torpedo boat
builder of Havre , writes as follows in
| Lo Yacht :
"At the request of M. Oriollo experiments -
( monts have recently been made at Brest
[ in the employment of smoke ns a con-
[ ccalment from tlio enemy of the move
ments of torpedo boats. I bog for space
In your excellent journal that I may say
a few words as to the consequences
which may follow upon the dihcovory of
a sure moans of producing smoke or fog
of sulliciont stability and permanency.
"Allow mo , however , flrst to recall
the fact that olght years ago { 'Etude stir
les Torplllours'p , 22) ) Iwroto : 'If wo
could Hiicceed In producing in a practi
cal limn nor an artificial cloud , biich as
results from the UPO of existing heavy
nrtlllory. and , as was particularly no-
tlceablo at the bombardment of Alex
andria , wo should enormously increase
the value of torpedo boats possessed of
npoed great enough to permit of them
placing themselves to the windward of a
"At that time my idea provoked
sinlloB. Yet it has inudo progress. In
1890 an English officer undertook cer
tain experiments , which , however , were
but moderately successful. A similar
fate awaited boiuo oxK3riinonts ] of my
own at Uavro ; the smoke was not sufif-
riently permanent. As to whether the
> practical difficulties huvo boon * com-
plotoly overcome nt llrest I am ignornut ;
but it it nrobablo that , if they have not
already boon overcome , they will be
overcome in the near future , and it IH
not now too early to consider the effects
upon the tactic * of tomorrow pf the dis
co * ory. Their importance cannot eablly
bo exaggerated.
"According to an opinion which is
prottyjigenoral daylight attacks upon
uirgo ships by torpedo boats ulono oiler
no chuiu-o of success. TJio situation
will bo very different when wo succeed
in muking our torpedo boats Invisible ,
for invisibility , which is the bolo quality
In which a biibmarino boat may bo cx-
poetwl to show superiority over an ordi
nary boat , ib so grout u desldcrutnm
that , in bpito of the various difficulties
in the way of the employment of bub-
raarino vessels , all the nuvlos of the .
world have devoted attention to them.
It is impossible to rtuny that daylight I.j.
attacks by torpedo boats which , in ordi j.
nary -Mcuthor , shall bo capable o con-
.coaling their morumunta from the .
enemy , will have good chances of suc
cess. For night attacks the value of the
boats In already admitted , but It will bo
largely Increased. Innccotmlblo to the
rays of the noarch light , they will bo
nblo to see without boin& scon.
"Lot It bo noted , too , that this useful
invontlon. If it bo perfected , will not bo
utilized by the torpedo boats accompanying -
ing iv squadron. This fact will reduce
the imKrtanco | of their work and will
materially add to the difficulties of the
defcnso. Ono probable consequence of
the discovery will bo the creation of n
new type of torpedo boata. Without
surrendering hlijh speed , which In cer
tain special cases will always bo valu
able , wo must endeavor to Rlvo to the
preutor number of our soa-ffolnp tor-
iiedo boats not only larger dimensions ,
but also the endurance , the strength ,
the navigability and the radius of ac
tion oi n battle cruiser. Uabitablllty
and preservation of speed in heavy
weather will always bo points In which
torpedo boats will betray inferiority ,
but these wo must try to improve. Even
if wo reduce the stipulated speed to
twenty knots the sacrifice will not bo too
great , so long ns it enables the boats to
cot at their enemy , no matter at what
distance ho may DO. ' "
A Soldier' * Syinpathy.
At the installation last week of the
officers of Gurrnn Pope camp , Sons of
Veterans , the following letter of Gen
eral Sherman was read :
HcAnquAUTniis , MnMi'im , Tcnn. , Nov. 10 ,
1802 : Dear Mntlamo I know you will par
don me , rtfnr off , if , nt this your dread hour ,
I como to bear my fucblo show of honor to
him whoso name you hear ami whoso child
will In nf tor years look back upou ns ono of
ttioso heroes who labored nnd pnvo his life
to his country. Well do I recall the soft nnd
Rcntlo voice of Outran Pope , the peculiar
delicacy of his approach , the almost unequaled -
equaled courtesy of his manner , and the flrst
faint doubt that ono so gentle , so mild , so
beautiful In character , should boa warrior ;
but nnothor look , nnd his eye , tlio plain ,
direct assertion of a lilirh nnd holy purpose ,
with the pressure of his lips , told that ho
wns a man , ono to lead , ono to go where duty
called him , though the path lead through
tlio hnll storm of battle. Among nil the men
T have ever met in the progress of this un
natural war , I cannot recall ono in whoso
every net nnd expression wns so manifest
the good nnd true man , nnd who so well
filled the tvpo of n Kentucky gentleman.
Ho died not upon the battlefield , but of
wounds inflicted by parricidal bands on Ken
tucky's soil , and his blood Is the cement that
will evermore bind together the disjointed
parts of a mighty nation. Though for a time
smitten down by the terrible calamity , mny
jou nnd vour child soon lenni to look upon
his nuino and fama ns encircled by a halo of
glory more beautiful thnn over decked the
vlotor's brow. Currau Pope is dead , but
millions will battle on , till from his heaven
home he will see his o n beloved Kentucky ,
the cqntcr of his great country , regenerated
nnd disenthralled from the toils of wicked
I fear that In trying to carrv comfort to an
mulcted heart 1 do It rudely , but I know you
will permit mo in my blunt way to bear my
feeble testimony to the goodness , braveness
and gallantry of the man who more nearly
lllled the picture of preux chevalier of this
ago than in nny man 1 have yet mot. I know
you nro in the midst of a of iriends , but
should in the progress of years nny oppor
tunity como by which I can bo of service to
nny of the family of Curran Pope , command
mo. With great respect , your obedient ser
vant , W. T. SlIl'.HMlN ,
Major General Volunteers.
Curran Pope was married to Matilda
Pruthor. a daughter of John I. Jacob ,
by whom ho was blessed with ono daugh
ter , Mary Tyler Pope , who is possessed
of many accomplishments , great force of
character and intellect , and of much
beauty. She still lives in the homo of
her heroic father. She is the happy
wife of Judge Alfred Thruston Pope ,
and the devoted mother of an interesting
The Ilnttlo Is Over ; Now Uclgni Peace.
General Edward Townsend , for u num
ber of years adjutant general of the
army , died a few days ago. Ho was
born in Boston on August ± J , 1817. His
paternal grandfather , David , was a sur
geon in the Massachusetts line during
the revolution and his maternal grand
father was Elbridpo Gorry. His father ,
David S. Town&end , was an officer in the
United States army and lost a log in the
battle of Chrysler's Field in the war of
J812. Edward was educated at Boston
Latin bchool and Harvard , nnd was
graduated at the United States military
academy in 1837. Ho became becond
lieutenant in the Second artillery on
July 1 , 1837 ; was adjutant from 18.'t8 to
1840. His advancement was as follows :
Promoted first lieutenant in 18IJ8 ; assist
ant adjutant gonorul with brevet rank
as captniu in 1840 ; captain in 1848 , brevet
major in 1852 , nontenant colonel on
March 7 , 1801 ; colonel on August 3,1801 ,
and adjutuant general with the rank of
brigadier general on t'obruary 22 , 1809.
Ho borved during the Florida war in
18.T7 und 18118 ; on the northern frontier
during the Canadian border disturb
ances from 1838 to 1841 , and thoncofor-
word in the ollico of the adjutant general -
oral of the army nnd as chief of the staff
of Lieutenant Colonel Scott in 1801. Ho
was brovottod brigadier general of the
United States army on September 24 ,
1804 , "for meritorious and faithful serv
ice during the rebellion , " and major
general on March It , 1805 , "for faithful ,
nioritorions and distinguished services
in the adjutant general's department
during the robollion. " Ho was retired
from active service on Juno 15 , 1880.
During the civil war General Towiihond
was the principal officer of the War de
partment , and was , perhaps , brought
into more intimate and personal contact
with President Lincoln and Secretary
Stunton than any other military officer.
As adjutant general of the army ho
originated the plan of a United States
military prison , urged legislation on the
subject and established the prison at
Fort Lcuvonworth , Kan. General
Townsend was n member of the Society
of Cincinnati. Ho wns the author of
' 'Catechism of the Bible Tlio Pentateuch -
touch , " published in Now York in 185'J ;
"Cutochibin of the Bible Judges and
Kings , " published in 1802 , and "Anec
dotes of the Civil War in the United
States , " published in 1884.
Merruimrr Mutilation Of llottjrsburir.
"Tho authorities of Gettysburg and of
the adjoining township of Cumberland
are chargeable with ono of the grossest
pieces of vandallsn ever committed by
the natural guardians of a great public
trust , " says the Philadelphia Press.
"Gettysburg enjoys all Its importance
to the world at largo from the fact that
it is the hcono of ono of the world's
greatest buttles. The fame of what was
done there attracts to It an unceasing
stream of visitors. These desire to
realize the battle by a study of the field
and do honor to the memory of the dead.
They naturally expect to see the Hold
without incongruous additions and un-
marrcd "by alterations and defacements.
"Tho northern , states which had
troops engaged in that battle have
propriatod $803,000 for the erection
of monuments , and a large sum has been
contributed to the same object by
organi/atlons nnd individuals. The
people of Gettysburg have not spent
thin money , but they have profited by it
nnd by the incidental business which
the influx of vlbltoru brings to the town.
It ought to huvo been their instinct , as
it was their interest , to preserve the
battlefield as nearly as possibleas it
was in July , 1863. Superficial changes
could bo pardoned , but to allow ; the
alteration of the face of the Hold and a
radical change in its topography is as
unpatriotic as it is unintelligent. "
' '
' 'Tho electric railroad wh'ioii is now
building from Gettysburg to Little
f loiuul Top has boon graded across the
famous Pcauh Orchard , round to the
Uovll's Don and through the Valley of
Death. The Gottyfllmrcr SfaV nnd Sen
tinel gives the latest data concerning
this criminal mutilation :
'All along the line , In the vicinity of
Devil's Den. there is heavy blasting nnd
digging nnd filling , nnd great havoo Is
played with the faro of the landscape.
Hugo masses of rock are displaced , great
boulders are moved , the valley la to bo
filled the width and height of n track
from the bridge ever Plum Run in front
of Hound Top to the north end of the
valley , nnd a wholly now appearance
will bo given to that famous flold of cnr-
nago. '
"This Is a national ca nitty andwhat
i worse , it cannot nov bo undone.
ottysburg battlefield may be and ought
0 bo made a national park and pro-
iorvcd from further desecration nt the
nnds of barbarians , but tlib mischief
Ircady uono is irreparable. Says
, ho Star and Sentinel : 'Truth
ixtorts the confession that the
old a < * fought over Is gone nnd
tan j never bo restored. Its pi-istlno
xjauty Is lost forever. Greed has
moiled It beyond the power of recovery.
for this our community through Its
presontatlves will bo hold ro'sponslblo
the bar of public opinion They hold
ho battlefield In trust for posterity and
mvo betrayed It to persons In whose
iyos it has no sncrcdness. '
"It is toolato to prevent this mischief ,
nit It is not too late to prevent n ropotl-
Ion of it. While great injury has boon
ilonc , much more Is possible if greed is
uifforcd to hold sway nnd the rule of the
rundals is unrestricted. Ono of the first
tasks of congress at its next session
should bo to make the whole Gettysburg
battlefield a national park. It Is a sad
misfortune that it was not done years
go. "
'iRlitlnjr Strolls Venn * the Common HoliHor
"Is ho who is ordinarily celled n gcn-
.lenian , that Is , a member of the pro-
'osslons or n son of wealthy parents , n
bettor fighter than the mechanic or the
stevedore , and vice versa ? " repealed
a veteran when asked the question by a
Washington Post man. "For my own
part rthink that there is llttlo to cheese
between thorn. I served four years in
the civil war- , upon the losing side , of
dourso , and had nraplo opportunity to
judge. I remember very well serving
alongside a battery known ns the Wash
ington Light Artillery of Now Orleans.
They were all young , belonged to the
first families nnd their company had
been in being for a hundred .years.
These young gentlemen went into action
'n swallowtails and served the gijns with
lands clad in white kid gloves. Of
course , the gloves were torn to shreds
long before the day was ovor. Of course ,
it was n piece of boyish bravado , and
equally of course they got bravely over
such nonsense in a month or two. Some
of them were glad to borrow r > shirt or a
pair of odd shoos before Appomattox
came , but men never fought better.
The hotter the corner the moro they
seemed to llko it. nnd they were the best
drilled cannoneers I ever saw. Per con
tra , a company left Charleston which
was made up of men who worked along
the wharves and in the holds of ships.
When dressed for feminine conquest
they were red flannel shirts with paper
collars , bobtailed coats and black 'doe
skin1 trousers cut in the old 'koir fash
ion , ' bulgy at the knee and very small at
the bottom. They chewed tobacco and
spat recklessly , swore with llucncyj and
1 do not suppose there was a manicure
sot or a tooth brush in the outfit. The
dress coated gentlemen had nothing the
advantage of them in charge or awaiting
a charge. They fought simply like
devils. I have known them to lie fiat on
the ground for hours under a plunging
fire and sing ribaldspngs which -if
printed would bet distinctlv unmuilablo
matter. Some of them were foreigners
with little interest in America or little
care for what tnoy wore , fighting. Ono
of thorn , I remember , was an Algerian
who possessed scarcely a half-dozen
words of "English. It does not do to
generalize in favor of ono class or the
othor. Experience teaches mo.that in
the cauldron of battle men rise or sink
to a common level. The blacksmith
stands fire about as well as any slender
limbed youngling of the 'upper circles. ' "
Supposed to Have Itanii Ku.iflteil.
The Sheridan , Wyo. , Enterprise tolls
of a reunion between B. F. Grouard and
his son Frank Grouard , the famous soout
of the northern country. They had not
scon each other for thirty-livo years. It
appears that during the Sibloy cam
paign against the Sioux in 1870 Frank
Grouard was reported in all the loading
papoi-s to have been caught and tortured
by the red men , and the older Grouard ,
convinced that the report was true ,
mourned his son as dead. About a
month ago the father's attention was at
tracted by a newspaper account of a
book being prepared on the ' 'Life and
Adventures of Frank Grouard. " Ho
know that this person must bo his son
and , communicating with the War do'
partmont , ho learned that his boy was
nllve and well at Fort McKlnnoy. Tele
grams were at once exchanged and tho'
father loft to visit his long lost son.
Tiio Champion reunion Hcooril.
There is n woman in Seattle , Wash. ,
whose first husband was a revolutionary
soldier , whoso second husband was a
hero of the war of 1812 , and whoso
charming widowhood is attracting the
affections of a man who fought in the
Mexican unpleasantness. If this match
be made and her third husband bo culled
to the great majority , nil the lawyers
In "Washington couldn't figure out her
legal status on the pension roll.
Tin liox the Innocent C'nuso of n Great
An incident tending to show the truth
of the saying , "Conscience makes cow
urds of us all" ( who have any ) happened
in an office back on Third street , Port
land , Ore. , the ether Sunday morning ,
A man who has an office in the building
wont it about 9 o'clock and found
a queer-looking tin box reclining against
the door. Just what piece of wickedness
this man has boon guilty of is not knowi.
to the Oregonian , but it was evident ho
had Ixscn doing something that lay heav
ily on his conscience , for ho at once
conceived the Idea that the box wns an
infernal machine , placed there f6r his
destruction. Afraid to touch it , let
alone to open it , he was staring at it
when nnothor person came up. When
the luttor found out what the scare was
ho bcoutcd the idea of dynamite
nnd started to kick the box do\vi ,
the hall , but the frightened mar
grabbed him and pulled him back , toll
ing him ho might blow up the building
Then , ho too , begun to Ixi scared and wus
afraid to pick up the box. In a few minutes
utos six or seven persons hud gatherer
around , but no ono of nied-
dlo with the box , though each seemed
willing that any of the others should
examine it. Presently the janitor , who
hud taken ad vantage gf the quiet pf Sun
day morning to do some cleaning up ir
the building , came alongtand he/was dl
roctod tw take away the box. As lu
picked it up the crowd scattered' ' , and u
no marched off with it ono of the mor
asked him to see what was in it. On
being opened the box was seen to be f ul
of keys to the different rooms , -used by
the janitor , who was much astonished at
the interest evinced in his old tin box.
It will now l > o in order for the original
discoverer of the box to explain why ho
imagined any one wished to '
up with dynamite ,
The Youngest in thoaBUtoiliood of States
Charms anoEaatornor.
1 V
A Ilreezjr Sketch of JWjromlnRi It * Great
rinlim anil Iloiinill j J Itmonrccn Un-
oxod SunrrnRonnditlio VnnUli-
. > rt .1
Ing Cowboy.
"Wyoming Another Pennsylvania"
H the Utlo of ft well written article by
ulinn Ralph In the Juno number of
larpor's The free , aggressive spirit of
.hu . newer west provtttlcs the description
f this strong young state and It9 splan-
lld resources , anil Is well worth ropro-
.uctlon in imrt.
Young America , says the writer ,
mllds higgor than his forefathers.Vy -
lining la not an exceptionally largo
itato , yet it is as big as the six states of
Now England and Indiana combined ,
"ndiana Itself is the size of Portugal ,
find Is larcror than Ireland. It Is with
more than ordinary curiosity that one
approaches Wyoming during a course of
tudy of the now western states. From
.ho . palace-cars of the Union Pacific rail
road , that carries a tide of transcontin
ental travel across Its full length , there
\a \ little' to BOO but'brown bunch-grass ,
ind yet wo know that on its surface of
105 miles of length and 275 miles of
width are many mountain ranges and
noble rivor-thrcadcd valleys of such
beauty that a great block of the land is
to bo .forever preserved In Its wroscnt
condition as the Yellowstone National
mrlc. Wo know that for years this had
been a stockman's paradise , the greatest
seat of the cat Up industry north of
Texas the stamping-ground of
tt o picturesque cowboys who
'iad ' taken the place of the
liuntoro who came from the most distant
points of Europe to kill big game there.
Wo know that in the mysterious depths
of this huge state the decline of its first
great activity was , last year , marked by
n peculiar disorder that necessitated the
calling out of troops ; but that was a
Hush in a pan , much exaggerated at a
distance and easily quiet oil at the time.
For the rest , most well-informed citizens
outside the state know nothing- more
than the misnaming of the state implies ,
for the pretty Indian word Wyoming ,
copying the namo-of'a-hibtorio locality
'n the east , is said to mean "plains
and. "
The I'asRlnf ; Away of the Cotvboy.
The rapid decline -ot the range busi
ness of Wyoming bdgtfti six years ago.
Before that it had bferi of a character
to tempt oven the rich. At ono time
non paid 2 per cent y nonth for money ,
and made 100 per cont'i profits a year.
That was when cdhi * came up from
Texas at a cost of ujjjeach , sold in two
years for $22. and in' tjree years for $40
and more , when the granges wore not
overstocked , the p4turage ! was good ,
and all the conditions ; Including "boom"
prices at the stock yards , were favorable.
The men who did thei best pushed into
new territory as fdJA as the Indians
wore crowded off , an < J-kopt finding now
grass and plenty .jfft it. But the
risks soon camowtand * ' multiplied.
If ono man w'as.VJ parcful not to
overstock a , rangier , ho could not
be sure that , anoi.h6V oCOW ( Outfit would
not do so precisely wl\pro \ he had put his
cattle. Prices fell , , fences cut up the
ranges and shut off tho'Watcr , winter
losses became heavier and heavier , anjl
the "good old day3" _ of this inhuman ,
devil-may-care , primitive and clumsy
business came to an end. The cowboys
of picture and story existed in the
brilliant days. At first they had como
from Texas , but in the zenith of their
romantic glory they came from every
where and from every class. The/ in
cluded young Englishmen , college
graduates from the east , well born
Americans all sorts -who did not "strike
luck" at anything else , and who wore
full of vim and love of adventure. They
got $40 a month and good keep during
the greater part of each year. They
rodo' good "horses , that had as
much of the devil in them as
the "boys" themselves. They
bought hand-stamped Cheyenne saddles
and California bits that wore as ornate
as jewelry , and stuck-thoir'fcet in grand
tapadoros , or hooded stirrups , richly or
namented , padded with lamb's wool , atjd
each as big as u fire-hat. Their spurs
wore lit for grandees , their "ropes , " or
lariats , wore selected with more care
than a circus tight rope , and their big
broad felt sombreros cost more than the
prince of Wales ever paid for a pothat.
And then , alas ! the cowmen began to
economize in men. food , wages every'
tiling. The best of the old kind of cow >
boys , who had not become owners or
foremen , saloon keepers or gamblers , or
had not been shot , drifted away. Some
of the smartest among them became
"rustlers" those oattlo thieves whoso
depredations resulted in what almost
came to bo a war in Wyoming last year.
They insisted that they hud to do it to
From the cowboy standpoint It was tune
for the business to languish. Towns
wore springing up every here and there ,
each with Its ordinance that cowboys
must take oil their side arms before they
entered the villages ; wages wore low
down ; men had to cart hay and dump it
around for winter food ; settlers fenced in
the streams , and others stood guard over
them with guns ; it was time that such a
business languished. ' From the stand
point of nineteenth century civil
ization the same , conclusion was
reached the niugtft * business was
an obstruction to civilization , a bar to
the development ot' Jo state , a thing
only to be tolcratodpiln a now and wild
country. And now'vm assured that
there is not an intelligent cowman who
does not know thjyyjjtho business is
doomed in Wyoiningnund that the last
froo-roving herd mCWfinovo on. There
is not ono who does unt know that small
bunches of cattle , lioUMn connection with
agriculture , must takcotlio places of the
range cattle , bcciu&jf' ' better grades ol
cattle can bo brcdiiM'ttor moat can bo
produced , all risks wjHfcnearly disappear
and the expenses of < njo care of the oat-
tlo will not bo u tlthoof _ these of the old
plan. HEO
Wyoming1 * MUlarul Klchci.
The tin of the Rladk Hills extends
Into Wyoming. TJ16 ' 'state has some
extraordinary HOCa ! deposits , some ol
these being actual lakebods of soda.
Copper is found all .along the North
Platte river. Lead appears at loasl
twice in large quantities in a survey of
the state , and kaolin , ilro clay , mica ,
graphite , magnesia , plumbago and sul
phur are more or less abundant.
Gypsum Is found in almost every county ,
and plaster of paria is being miulo of ii
at Rod Buttes , on the Union Pucilio rail
road. Marbles f > omo of them very fine
and beautiful are being gathered in
every county for exhibition at the
World's fair In Chicago. They are o
all colors , but the only white marble is
found in the Sibyloo region , whore , b
the way , is another undeveloped agrl
cultural section of great promise. The
granites of the state uro very fine , am
the sandstones , which are of uulimitei
quantity , include beautiful varieties for
bulldlntf purposes and for Interior
locornttvo work ,
Petroleum appears In sovornl places
n the stnto. There arc wollB at Salt
Crook , In JdhtHon county. The Onmha
company have flowing wells at lionan/.a ,
tt nnothor part of the county , and this
)11 , whoso flow Is stopped by the com-
mny , U a splendid lllumlnnnt. A mlle
iway Is n spring carrying oil on Its mir-
'ace. ' Near Lander , south of the Indian
osorvatlon , are more than two dozen
wrings' . All have flowed and all nro
now cased , but there is n three-acre lake
of leakage from them. Tlioro are signs
of oil elsewhere in the state.
Gold is still being mined where It was
Irat found , below the Indian reserva
tion in thu South Pass district. Hero
is both lode and plucor mining , but
Lho principal placer owner is workIng -
Ing the q'uurtz. Within the past year
many now mines have boon opened there ,
and ono shipper claims to bo getting
from 4200 to $400 a ton out of his ore.
\nothcr gold district Is east of this on
the Somlnoo mountains. Others nro on
joth sides of the Modiclno Bow range ,
southwest of Laramlo city , and near the
Colorado line ; in the Black Hills , In the
Ltttlo Larnmio Valley , in the Silver
Crown district , and In the Big Horn
country. The gold mining In the state
is sufficiently promising to interest , a
great many minors and considerable
capital , but the best friends and host
judges of the now state see the richest
future for her in the development of her
splendid agricultural lands first , and
next in her coal and Iron fields.
Practical Komnlo Hullrnfrc.
1 found that the great majority of the
women In Wyoming are in the habit of
voting. Not nil of them vote ns their
Irasbunds do , and , as ono ofllcial 6x-
[ irossed himself , "good men pride them
selves upon not influencing their wives. "
Yet It is true , I am told , that very many
women , of their own volition and un
consciously , copy the politics of their
liusbands. Occasionally the men of the
jtato hear of women who refuse to cm-
brace the privilege , who do not believe
that women should meddle in affairs
which concern the homes , tho" pros
perity , and the self-respect and credit of
Iho communities of which they uro n
part , but such women arc , of course , few.
Among the women who show an in
telligent interest and take an active
part in politics a few resort to the
stump , and speak for whichever cause
they have adopted. But there nro
many who serve side by side with the
men as delegates to conventions and
voters in the party primaries. In the
last state convention of the republicans
there wore three women delegates ; In
that party's lust county convention in
Laramie county the secretary was a
woman , and three dologatcs were of hoi-
sex. Women literally flock to the pri
maries in the cities , at all events. At
the primary meeting in the Third ward
of Cheyenne last autumn , out of 183 who
wore present at least eighty were women.
In the other wards the proportion of
women was us ono is to three. On elec
tion day the women go a-voting precisely
as they go a-shopping olsowhoro. On
foot or in their carriages they go to the
polls , where , under the law , there are
no crowds , and where all is quiet and
orderly. There is no doubt that female
suffrage has an improving effect upon
politicians and their manners. All soj-ts
and every sort of women vote , but it is
to _ bo remarked that this affords no
criterion for larger and eastern states ,
since the proportion of women of evil
lives is very small in Wyoming , oven in
the cities , and , so far as other women
uro concerned , our new states are nearer
like democracies than our old ones. The
lines of caste are more apt to bo noticed
by their absence than by their enforce
A ( Jood'Tlilncr tor llhciimntism.
There is nothing I have ever used for mus
cular rheumatism that priws mo as much
relief as Chamberlain's Pain Balm docs. I
have been using it for about two years four
bottles in all as occasion required , and
always keep n bottle of it in my homo. I bo-
llcvo I know a Rood thing when I pot hold of
it , and Pain Ualrn is the best liniment I
have ever met with. W. U. Denny , New
Lexington , O.
Traces of a Vnnlgliod Kra Uncovered in
Persons interested in prehistoric
anthropology and the people in general
are watching the demolition of the
famous mpund in Martin's Ferry , O. ,
with not a'littlo interest.
The big mound ha , it is supposed ,
stood for fully 1,000 years , and now the
ancient landmark , known to almost
every person in the Ohio valley , is being
removed , not for the benefit of science ,
but for the earth in it , to bo used for
street filling.
The work of removal has been going
on for two weeks , and it will take two or
three more to complete the job.
Martin's Ferry , which has for half of
a century prized the big tumulus so
highly , is considerably excited over the
discoveries made. At times the crowds
have been so Isirgo that the men have
found it difficult to work.The mound
was purchased from O. R. Wood , passen
ger agent of the "Wheeling < fc Lake Erie
railroad by C. C.Cochranfor the purpose
named , with the understanding that all
rollcs discovered were to belong to
Wood. The mound is twenty-nine feet
high and measures 117 feet in diametor.
Few , if any , of the 1,500
mounds in Ohio are larger.
Tills is said to bo the first largo ono ever
removed in the United States.
The farther into the mound excavations
are made the more interesting the discoveries
covories become. Unman skeletons ,
skulls and bones , elk horns , pottery ,
pahuolithic implements and engravings ,
granite implements , arrow heads , spear
heads , pale gray flint cupstonos , agri
cultural implements , nutcrackers , hum
mer stones , sinkers , perforated uud
variegated stones and implements , and
divers articles are being found.
Ono strange feature about the mound
is the clay in it is yellow and different
from any in the neighborhood. Nino-
tenths of the mound is madoof clay. The
other tenth is of dark earth and grjivol.
The mound is covered with gravel.
From tho'siirnmlt to the bottom there are
from thirty to forty strata of earth.
The bottom is of very sticky clay , so
much so that- water can bo squeezed out
of it.
Boncatlbtho hole , upon a level with
the surrounding grove , will. It is
thought , from present indications , bo
found hard * burned clay and u baked
hearth or basin , as in others.
It boars mark of fires that had been
kindled upon it , and the cremations
may have been of dead or living sub
jects or of burned offerings of animals or
human beings.
Hnrncd.ftubstances resembling char
coal , shells and bones have boon
found. '
Some of the skulls of human bones
uro in a good ututo of preservation ,
while others crumble into dust when re
Some of the skulls found would soon :
to indicate that in the day of the mound
builders there were giants in this neck
of the woods.
One pair of thigh bones , almost as
sound as-if buried a few years ago , were
so large- that their owner must have
been , nine foot tall.
The elk antlers , of which sovorul wore
found , measured over seven foot across
and six and one-fourth inches In diumo
Moat of the relics are found near the
Reservoir Ice
Office and Family Trade a Specialty.
Bottom. The stones are entirely differ
ent from any in the Ohio valley and
some are beautiful specimens.
On some arc delicate paUuolithlc en-
ravings. The pahuollthic implements
nro numerous and nro the ilnost ever
soon.Vory llttlo pottery has been found.
The articles of personal use found In
, ho tumulus must have boon exposed to
an intense heat. Only clay or stone
could resist it.
The dead and burled culture of the
ancient people who erected such
nirious monuments is noteworthy in
that it differs from all known extinct
Their mental condition was surely far
.n advance of the savage state.
There are no data by which the exact
ago of thcso mounds can bo fixed. They
tvcro probably built at least 1,000 years
ago.Tho mound was covered by largo oak
Some persons think that the ancient
people were years building this mound
and visited it annually for religious
It Will Wclcumo the Wnr Ship at Nnvo-
sink Highlands.
One of the interesting features of the
naval parade ceremonies in NIJW York
liarbor will bo the raising of the old
Paul Jones flag on the liberty polo at
Navcgink Highlands on April 25. While
Mrs. Adlai E. Stevenson hoists the
iandard to the breezes the Miantono-
moh , anchored off in the bay , will fire
an appropriate salute. Hon. William
McAdoo , assistant secretary of the navy ,
will make an address , and the national
chaplain. Her. Sanuiol Alman , will pro
nounce the benediction. The ceremony
in itself amounts to little , but the flag
which Mrs. Stevenson will unfurl is the
original banner which Paul Jones hoisted
on the Ranger the very dav it was
adopted by congress as the national em
blem. The official origin of the grand
union'ilag is Involved to some extent In
obscurity. At the time of the adoption
of the stripes representing the thirteen
states the colonies still acknowledged
obedience to the mother country , and
where the stars are now was the blended
crosses of St. George and St. Andrew.
After the declaration of independence
the British crosses became inappropriate ,
but they were retained in the flag
until the following year , when con
gress resolved "that the flag of
the thirteen United States have
thirteen stripes , alternate red and
white , and that the union bo represented
by thirteen white stars in a blue field.
It is not known by whom the stars were
suggested. By some they have been
ascribed to John Adams , and by others
to Washington , who got the idea from
Ills own coat of arms. The stars in the
flags now used by the War department
are generally arranged in ono largo
star. In the naval Hugs they are invar
iably sot in parallel lines. The blue
union is called the "union jack. " The
revenue flag has perpendicular Stripes.
When during the late war the confeder
ate army adopted a flag com
posed of three - horizontal bars
of equal width the middle ono
white , the others rod with a blue
union , on which were nine stars , it
led to great confusion on the battlo-
licld , and in September , 1801 , a battle
flag was adopted , This was a red field
charged with a bine saltiro , with a nar
row border of white , on which were dis
played thirteen white stars. In 1801) ) the
confederate * altered their flag again ,
adopting a white flold , having the battle
llug for a union. The Paul Jones flag ,
as It is called , was the ono
originally adopted by congress in
1777 , and it has been handed down from
ono-generatlon of Joneses to another ,
until it finally reached a Mrs. Carr of
Elizabeth , N , J. , who has loaned it to
the government for this occasion.
The Paul Jones flag was designed from
Washington's coat-of-arms , and made
under the direction of John Urown by
the Misses Mary and Sarah Austin , In
1777 , in Philadelphia. The five-pointed
star was used by direction of General
Washington. The flag was Hr&t carried
by Captain Jones on a small vessel of
the Schuylkill river. In the engage
ment between the Bonhommo Richard
and the Sorapis the mast from which
was flown the ilag , was shot away , carry
ing "Old Glory" with it. Lieutenant
James B. Stalford , father of the present
owner of the flag , plunged overboard ,
secured the llug and nailed it to un >
otlior must. The nail holes are plainly
shown In the flag today.
The flag was afterwards carried as the
ensign of the frigate Alliunco , and thus
presented to Lieutenant Stafford , was
loft it to his son Samuel. The flag is
tailored und torn , und its many bullet
holes are carefully patched. Ono of the
original stripes had tolw removed and u
now ono put in ; otherwise the flag is the
original oneIt has only twelve stars
as it was nnido before Georgia came into
the union. It is [ iibout six fcot square
and a part of ono end is torn off.
I'nshlon Uoiiouuceil \ > y the I'r < > | > liut ,
The present dressmaker's device of
balloon shoulders was denounced us long
ago as the time of E/.okiol , that prophet
having uttered the solemn warning :
"Thus saith the Lord God ; Woo to the
women who sow pillows to all armholcs ! "
The doubting can verify this curse by
turning to Ezekiel , xifl. , 18. The old
Hebrew prophets , by the way , were
severe critics of women's fashions , In a
famous passage Isaiah denounced the
fashionable women of his day , with their
tinkling ornaments around their fcot ,
their currinuB , noserings , chains , brace
lets , mantels , wiuiplos , crisping pins
RUGS and
Our special snlo of Oriental
Carpets , Rugs , Embroideries , f
Curios , etc. , will bo continued
during the week. f j
This is positively the Inst
chance to secure Oriental Goods
nt first cost.
1200 , 1208. 1210 Pnrnam St. ' . '
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The Mercer.
Omaha's Newest Hotel
( flloonu ntf./iO per d jr. '
( tl'ooma atUOOpor d r.
ICKoomj tritli Until at II0) pir Ur. r
ICltuonu wltli Until at 1313 to ! l 5) p3r fir.
Modern 111 Uvrry Hospcct.
Newly FurnUhoil Throug
C. S. ERB. Proo.
The Midland Hotel
Cor. IGth and Chicago.
Jefferson Square Park.
Tlict1 Vrpenetlf ' HulldliiKunclfurnl- mreentirely now.
American plan , S3 I , , , _ . , „ _ I Special rntes
Kuropoan plan , 1 f 1 or any f by the wook.
Convenient to all cnr lines to nml from ilopola.
Oirorsnll comfortn , convlonomei and fare of Iiliihor
priced hotels. Hfory room n outildu room. Klgo-
trie Unlit ! , call belli , KH , linths , etc.
C r. Cottage tiroto avo. andClth
HOTEL ft. . Clilcaicu. Hrjl class. Kuro
poan ; Superior UlnlilK llooin 6
mlnutut walk from World's Knlr-
DELAW ARE lluto" > iodorate. bend for clrcu-
' .
W. N. I
.Vith and Lexington avonur , Clilaago. elpht
minutes from 57th street uiitranca to World's
Kulr grounds , only four blocks from Mldvruy
Is a flno stone nnd brick Imlhlln ? , finUUod In
hard wood , provided wltliolootrlollRhl , Btnam
heat , Imtlis uiul purfocl tmnliury plumliltip
throujliout. The rooms nro all Rood slza with
outuldu lUht. nnd are flnlnhud very much lint-
tor than mosl of the World's Talr llotols. The
ri'stiuirunt mil bo conducted by tlio mnnucor ,
which wilt Insiiio to all Kood service and ontlro
Batlsfuctlon. Kates will be moderate and rna-
sonahln. 1'rices fur rooms , $1.00 and upwards
( each person ) uorduy.
We doslrotomnko ' 'THE OMAHA"
hondtjnuriora for nil Nebraska and western
poojilo wlio nmy visit the World's Kulr. Von
nro wolconio to i-otno and -JULHTIQN8 (
ANJ ) Gir : I'OINTKKH" whether yon wlali to
remain or not. "THE OMAHA" Is con-
vonlontlvro-iohorlby taking tboOoltaKoO , a
niul Jaokson Park cable car on Wabusth ave
nue. They [ m s the hotel.
Hotolwlll boopon Juno I.
B. SILLOWAY , - - - Manager.
Of "I'fco Murray" Omaha.
Oponcil Juno Intnnil 'inn bjr T. Do Witt Inlmnvo.
riuuil hod Ua. Itonlauruni rcuionnblu. A < 1ilru ,
( iulun l < Tnlt , Soo'r , corner Washington 1'nrk and
Mth St , Chicago.
313-315-317 South 15tU Strost.
and ether elegant trifles , which goes to
bliow that women haven't changed much
Binco that time , But if Isulah disap
proved of thoBo women , it is pretty cer
tain that they juat an strongly disap
proved of him.
West Virginia has a two-headed womaq
who slugs Imss nnd toner at the same lima.
What a hilarious time oho will haveUIOIIOIKH
Hzlug the dueU iu a choir.