r TTTT7 OMATTA TiATT.V TVRT ? . RtTNll V AfAV 9.fl IftOfl TWF.NTV PAOT7.S. 11 CONDITION OF OMAHA'S ' TRADE Jobbers Eeport Goods _ , Moving In Very Fair Volume , BANK CLEARINGS SHOW A STEADY INCREASE Country Merchant * CompUIn thnt the lc- mnml fur ClooiU I * l.lcht llnyc" I'lnce Connervnllvc Order * , lint , Still An > tlolpato n rrniporan * Ycnr. ' The r > a t week 1ms gencnxlly been very satisfactory to the Jobbers , who are report- hid a good hc.iltliy business. There Is no i rush , but just a good steady demand for I goods of nil kinds. As a matter of fact a | good many merchants uro Inclined to bo very j conservative In the mutter of placing orders , I preforjlng to Jllo now orders If trade should Mirovo better than anticipated rather tlmn ' 'rtm the risk of loading their shelves with goods foe which there might bo no demand. Just at the present time trade In the country Is dull. The fanners nro busy nnd do not nppcar to bo buying anything except the bnro necessities of Hfo. Some rotnll i merchants report that they have never seen i business In their towns any more qiilet than | , It Is atthe present time. At the i sumo tlmo thcro Is n large amount of .produce . still In the hands of farmers j which Is still to bo marketed , nnd which will Insure a fair supply of money In the country. 1 On the top of this Is n very good prospect of a largo corn crop for this fall , the recent rains having removed the fears of a drouth. A merchant remarked with everything up to date In good shape nu with future prospects encouraging there was nothing In the pros- , cut situation to complain about. , The produce market of the past week has 1 been rather slow for some reason not easily explained , nutter has been In light supply to what would naturally bo expected for this season of the year , but at the same time prices have not been very flrm. The great bulk of the stock received is too poor to bo sold direct to the city trade , " but has to bo dlsposcdgof to the packers nnd nt packers' prices. Kggs are coming In very freely , but the marltot has been without other noteworthy feature. Some eggs nro being shipped and some nro being put in cold storage , out there is n tendency on the part of stocks td accumulate. The receipts of chickens have been licht , and the market 1ms been firmer on old hens. Kccclpts have met with quite ready sale , nnd the market has been very satisfactory 1 BO far as prices are concerned. There has been n fair trade in green veg etables but the local gardeners are com- ' menclng to supply the trade in a good many lines which shut off the commission business to u certain extent. . Tne supply of strawberries lias been rather uneven and prices have shown a wide range. The only car lots that have been on the market came from Arkansas , but Mis souri berries are commencing to arrive In small lots. Tbo latter stock has been very choice and has commanded good prices. Itiinlc Cluiirlni ; * . The bank clearings for the past wcelc show n total very close to that of the pre vious week. If the bank clearings are any indication of the condition of business there would seem to bo very little cause for com plaint as there is a gain over the correspond ing time last year amounting to over 'J'J per Tlio following will show the clearings for > ' each day of the past week , together with the totals for previous weeks : Monday $1.048,125.51 Tuesday 1,1H1,511.03 WedncMlny 027.7:13.1)0 : ) Thursday. lor,3,75U.51 Friday. . . 073.4H1.11 ! Saturday 1,121,354.01 Total . $0,315.905.08 Week ending May 20 . 0,308,027.72 Week ending May 13 . $ - AVeok endlnS Slay G . 7,322,987.70 Week ending April 20 . 7,205,447.29 Week ending April 21 . 5.31O.299.BO Week ending-April 15 . 0,000,000.01 Week ending April 8 . 0,801,188.07 " Week ending April 1 . 0,181,140.48 "Week ending March 25 . 0.015,140.05 Week ending March 18 . 0,459,908.04 AVeek ending March 11 . 7,230,421.04 Week ending February 25 . 7,910,887.89 Week ending February 18 . 7,557,119.99 Week ending February 11 . 7,155,110.58 AVeek ending January 28 . 7.742,531.03 Week ending January 21 . 8,285,149.07 Weekending January 14 . 7,089.932.03 Week ending January 7 . 7,234,427.01 IN DUN'S KSTIMAT1OX. How tbo Situation U Weighed by nil Kx- port In the ItntlneM. Mr. W. 11. Ilpbcrson , Omaha manager of 11. G. Dun & Co. , speakiiiR of trade during just week says : "Tbo weather has ngaln interfered with local retail trade and to some extent lias effected sales in the wholesale district. In financial circles the feeling Is easier , though there is still apprehension. Banks nro malting no loans to speak of and are requiring many cus tomers to reduce their linesf This is caus ing somu distress , as country collections are not.iulto | up to the standard , The llnanclai stress is felt in every line of trade to lli : greater or less degree ; in some more than in others. Bunkers in discussing thu situation take two views of conditions. , Ono line of thought Is that thcro can bo no relief without seine legislation which will ' restore confidence throughout the country. 'Somo of our best financiers Insist that the silver situation Is thu main cause of trouble and they argue that nothing but ufn 'repeal of the Sherman bill will give relief , Other bankers equally skilled and equally well Informed think the silver buntiment Is Jmeroly an Incident and that the al trouble lies in thu fact thnt wo va suddenly come to the point where the boom Institutions ron uro com pelled to liiiildnto | and that this causes tin ) present financial distress. The old-tlmo conservative banks are unharmed by the collapses which have been recorded. The general condition of the country could not bu better , and > f people were only convinced of this fact "deposits , which have increased somewhat during the past week , would con tinue to and thu Hinil improve normal condition of affairs bo restored. Very llttlo money has been withdrawn from deposits in this city except what has gone to the country banks. These havn apparently considered the situation grrfvo enough to warrant them in bringing homo their resources so as to have them available in the event of ny financial emergency , nyX "Tho Manufacturers and Consumers ! ' exposition - position has had n hurd week for its open ! ing , but the exhibit is better than that of fa year ago and shows that manufacturers ro moro deeply interested than over in lie campaign of homo Industry. During boSS romiuir week the morchnnls and business ! men from the Interior who will bo the guests of the Commercial club will it- tend , and there Is every reason to expect thnt from this time forward the exhibit will draw larger crowds nnd bo moro interesting than over , Our merchants do not half ap preciate the exhibition , and it would pay every business man In this city to Invite his ; ' neighbor to go merely to educate that neighbor to thu importruco of the manu facturing industries of the state. "Liocal trade among retail' dealers has ' been rocky , and many of the merchants ire considerably discouraged over the Immedi ate prospects ' , Those who have been dlIn business'hero for a long period , however , are complacent enough , us they understand that this period of .depression Is certain to pass away nnd bo followed by good times. I was talking with one of tho'oldest retail grocers in this city the other day who was complaining of collections. I asked him > about what his average losses weru in his business during thu nineteen years and hu surprised me by saying one-half of t 1 per cent. I hud suuposed his losses would exceed-ltf ) per cent because ho has generally been liberal In extending credit and carried n great many people who were touched with the boom. This , taken in connection with thu expcrlt'iico of ono of our leading dry goods houses , which lost but 3,500 in ton years , upcuks well for tbo general honesty of the community , " Taking Kxercliri. Cleveland Plain Dealer : Wild Man Vi'hoo-o-pco I'm tbo winged and unlussood terror pf the chaparral , the double-headed dragon of ( ho wnmps , the supcrhnatcd ncrollto of the Sierras ricocheting through space at my own sweet will ; 1 breathe the cyclone , drink tlio watcrnpout , nnd dlno on the bllward 1 , Whoo-o-p ! Nervous Citizen oniccr . , why don't you arrest and confine that dangcrouj lunatic } He'll hurt some body Oniccr-That han't no lunatic. That's ' the governor of Oregon takin1 exercise. CHURCH DIRECTORY. Unless otherwl o Mated. pfrvlco ! < arc hold In the various churches nttUiSOn. in. und 780 ! p , tn , AnVENTlRTS. Seventh Pay Advi > ntl < il4 Eighteenth nnd Cuinlng streets , forvlces Saturday. Hablmth school < at 2 p. in , Hcgular services at 3:15 : p , m. Prayer I mooting Thursday evening at 8 , in , 1' 1 . M , Iluchnnmi , missionary In charge , p nAVTIST , First Church Corner Fifteenth nnd Daven port strrolH. Hov. W. 1' . Helling * , pastor. Ilotb-Edon 1'nrk avenue , near Ienvcnworth street. Huv. K. N. Harris , pastor. Calvary Corner of Howard and Twenty- sixth streets. Hnv. Thornai Anderson , pastor. Clifton Mill Ilnptlst MIsMon Forty-fourth and Urant streets. No evening service. ImmnnucI North Twenty-fourth nnd Jlln- ncy streets , Kountro Place. Cyiithla-4318 Nicholas utrcet , Kev K. Held , puMor. Oriint Street Corner nrant nnd Twenty- sixth street. * . Charles K. Taylor , pastor. I'Irst Church Corner Capitol avenue and Twentlcthstreet. Ho v.T.K.Crnmblct , pustor. CONailf.aATIO.NAI , . I'lrst Church Oornor Nineteenth and Dav enport streets. Hov. Joseph T. Duryea , K 1) . , pastor , Ht. Mary's Avenue Twenty-seventh and St. Mary's avenue. Hov. f. Wrlglit Hiitler. pastor. . 1'ark I'luo4015 > Dodge street. Rev. William ' J. I'uskr , pnMor , Hillside Thirtieth and Ohio street * . Hov. O. J , I'owoll , pastor. Plymouth Corner of Twentieth and Spencer streets. Rev. Dr. Thiiln , pastor. Saratoga Congregational Corner Twenty- fifth and Ames avenue , Gcorgo A. Conrad , pastor. Cherry 11111 Congregational North Forty- secoiid near Saratoga street. George A Con rad , pastor. No evening service. UNtVKItSAMST. . rirnt Utilvcrqullst Church Corner Nine toonth nnd I.othrop streets , Kountzo Pico. MISSIONS. Omaha City No. 110 North Tenth street. , Preaching Sunday evening at -30 : | by A. W. Chirk , city missionary. Sunday school nt 3 p. m. Gospel borvlces every evening during the week. Rescue Hull ( formerly People's theater ) No. 1307 and 130'J Douglas street. 1'reachlng Hunduvut l :3lu. : ) m. and 7:30 : p. m. All are Invited.seats free. A. W. Chirk , superintend ent. Gospel services In Rcsuuo hull every evening during the week at 7:30. : Clifton Mill Sunday School Cornsr Clifton street and Military road. Classes meet at 3 p. in , U.NITKD PUESnVTimiAN. r First Church Twenty-first und Emmet Rev. .1. M. Kronen , pastor. Central 113 North Seventeenth street. Rev. John Williamson , I ) , 1) . , pastor. 1'ark Avennu Hov. John A. Henderson , pastor. Ontario Chapel Nineteenth and Ontario streets. Preaching ut.4 p. m. ritOTKSTANT EPISCOPAL Free Church of St. Matthias South Tenth street nnd Wortblngton place. Hcv. Alexan der W. Mncnnb , priest In charge. All Saints Corner of Twcnty-Mxth and Howard streets. Rev. T. J. Mackay , pastor. Morning service ut 11 u. in. Evening service a o'clock. Ht. 1'hlltu's Chupel Twenty-first , between Nicholas and Paul street , Hev. John A , Will- lams , priest. In charge. Church of the Good Shepherd Corner Ohio nnd Twentieth streets. Hev. J. 1' . 1) . Llwyd , rector. Trinity Cathedral Eighteenth street and Capitol avenue. Very Hov. O. II. Gardner , dean , Associate MNslon St. Andrew's , AVulnut Hill Forty-second und Nicholas. Services , 7:30 : , 0:30 : , I la. in. , 7:30 : p.m. St. I'aul's Cass street , first door west of Thirty-second. Services , Sunday 7:30 : and 11 a. in. and 7:30 : n. m. St. John's Twenty-sixth and Kranklln. Services , a and 11 u. in. and 7:30 : p. in. Ht. Augustine's Windsor Place , South Thirty-third and Kranels. Service , 7:30 : p. in- Kountzo Memorial Sixteenth and Hartley streets. Hov. A.J. Turkic , pastor. Ht. Mark's Evangelical Corner Twenty-first and llurdetto.btreet.s. Rev. J.S. Dotweller , 1J.D. pastor , Ht. Paul's Evangelical Southwest corner Twenty-eighth and Parker streets. Hev. J. F. S. Her , pastor. Grace Evangelical Twenty-sixth street , be tween Poppleton nnd Woolworth .uvenues. Rev. Luther M. Kuhus , pastor. cnuncii. People's Church Eighteenth street , between allfornla and Webster streets. Hov. O. W. tiavldgo , pastor. ( ici-niiiu Free Evangelical Southwest corner of Twelfth and Dorcas streets. Hov. F. W. llruechert , pastor. UNITAIHAN. Unity Seventeenth und Cass streets. Ser vice at 10.45. Hcv. Newton M. Mann , minister of the church , METHODIST. First Church Twentieth and Davenport streets. Hov. Frank Crane , pastor. Wesley Fortieth and Hamilton. Rov. T. O. Webster , pastor , South Tenth Street Corner Tenth and Pierce streets. Hov. Alfred llodgettH. D. D. , pastor. CustellarStreet Huv. J. P. Yost , pastor. Monmouth 1'ark Corner Thirty-fourth street and l.arlmoro avenue. llunsconi Park Corner South Twenty-ninth and Woolworth avenue. Hev. William I' . Mur ray , pastor. Moroing theme , "Christ and the Hepubllc ; " evening , "Jesuitism vs the He- public ' , Father Sherman's Americanism. " Benson Services In Town hull. Hov , F. IHIKIfiitiiui. . Southwest Fifty-second nnd Hickory btroets . Hov. J Q. A. Flchurty , pastor. yy Trinity Corner Twenty-first and lllnnoy ivountzo place ) . Hev. W. K. Deans , pastor. morning theme , "Iiy Day of Homombruncc ir.fl. ; evening , Memorial Day address by J. H. Mncombor. fl.d Howard Street Corner Twenty-second and Sowurd streets Hev. D. K. Tlndull. pastor. West Omaha Thirty-seventh and Marey streets. Hev. Frederick Tonge , pastor. Even ing service only. . Lowe Avenue Corner Fortieth and Nlcho lasstreots. Services at 10:30 : u. in. and 7:45 : 0p. . m. Hov. Charles G. Sterling , pastor. First Church Corner boveiitecntn and Dodge streets. Rev , J. .M , I'attei > on , pastor. Regular services morning and evening. Morn ing theme , "Tho Church for the " lin IIIK llli'lilu inu uiiiuuti iwi LI Tlmesj" tivon- Im ; , "The Illrthrlght Ilnrgutn. ' Second Church Twenty-fourth and Nicholas streets. Hnv. S. M. Ware , pustor. Clifton Hill Corner of Clifton street und Military road. Hev , S. T , Davis , pastor. Westminster Twenty-Ninth and Mason strents. Hov. John Gordon , D , I ) . , pastor , Knox Corner Nineteenth und Ohio streets. Hev , Asa 1/ourd , pustor , ts.ar Castcllar Street Sixteenth anfl Castollar streets. Rev , J , M , Wilson , pastor. Southwest Cornerof Twentieth and I.eavon. worth streets.Huv. J , 11Shields D. I ) , , pustor TIIEOSOI'IIICAI , BOCIETV , Vodnntti Hranch Theosophlcul society meets Sunday afternoon ut 4 o'clock In Royal Arca num hull , Ht-e building , First Church of Christ ( Sclent 1st ) Rooms 10 and 17 Patterson block , southeast corner Seventeenth and Farnani streets. Sermon by Hov. K. M. Buswell of Beatrice nt 10:45 : a , m. , followed by Sunday school lesson. The public are cordially Invited , Tlie Hard Hldn of u Drill , "Yours Is a hard lot , I have no doubt , " said Airs , Goodwomun. "You bet It Is , " replied plied Mr. Newcomer. "A swab of a real estate dealer salted It with two inches of loam and sold mo thrco acres of abandoned stone quarry for a truck patch. " THIS uuAi/rv MAKKKT. INRTHUMENTS placed oil record May 27 , 1B03J WAIUIANTV H F Guylord and wlfo to George Pat- erbon. lots 0 and 7 , block 13 , Highland - land IMiico $ 3,600 ' Walter Hreen to Thomas Ill-eon , s 'JH feet lot 11 , block 1 , Muyno I'luco. . . . 7,000 P J Creudon to M A Grigg , n 35 feet lot 7 , block 12 , 1'urker'a add. . 1.600 Oinuhn und Grant Smelting company to John Hell , lot 24 , block I , Muyno's add 400 F K Vim llrunt und wlfo to 11 II Vun Hrunt , lots U and 10 , block 'J , Walnut Hill 2,600 , James Wright ami wlfo to l < J Hun , wJ ! lot 0 , Sunnysldo 1 200 WA I'apavuut and wlfu to O H Hoggs , isw 0,14,12 3,200 QUIT CliAlVI 1IKKH8. O W Ames und wlfu to John Nulton ot ul. lot 24 , block 1. lllllbdalu . 1 J (1 Tlpton and wlfo to B Marks , lots 1 , 2 , U and 10 , block 3 , Armour plucu 1 DKEDS. Ijciiatlun Dunn ( special muster ) to H J Hart , lot ' 11. block 1 , Andrews dd . 1,000 W O Damon to A U Damon , lot 3 , block 2. Lake View . . . 100 M n llurtlett ( spoclul master ) to 1 , B Chubbuck , ni lot 1 , block G , Cen tral park . . . . . 17 J B Melklo ( sumo ) to Omaha Loan und Trust ' com nil . .y , lot 12 , block 4 , Murbh'sadd . , . G70 Total amount of transfer * . , . | 31,370 COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Bearish Oast Given to tbo Grain Markets Yesterday , WHEAT OPENED ONE-HALF CENT LOWER There Wns Good Itnylng I.ntor on the Decline lliuilan Crop Newt Was Moro I'nvornblo Through koine Source * nnd Had Through Others , CHICAGO , 111. , May 27. A decrease of not over 600,000 , bu. Is e.xpcctcd Monday in the vis ible simply of wheat. This fact coupled with the Increasing receipts nnd the bettor weather gave a bearish cast to the grain market today. Compared with last night , wheat Is Uc off ; corn from c to ? c nnd oats ! { c. The clique permitted pork to drop back 55c. Other bog products are about unchanged. Wheat opened about ! { e lower , then followed with from He to ! { c advance , again became weaker and prices declined Me and the closing wasea y. The weak nnd low opening was somewhat duo to the break In railroad stocks , together with dull and easier cables. Thcro was good buying at the decline , Duluth send ing In some buying orders nnd St. Louis also bought fairly , the latter buylngon the strength of export demand for winter wheat on French account. As soon as the buying ceased tbo market again cased off under free offerings. llusslan crop news was more favorable through some botirces and bad through others. Corn at the start was weaker nnd opening trades were nt ! { c decline. Then u steadier tone was manifested , but the market aiatn ruled weaker and at the close had lost from J4c to ? e. The receipts today were considera bly In excess of the predictions 027 cars com ing In , 420 of the same grading and for Mon day 775 cars nro estimated. The feature of the oats market was selling of May and Juno by shippers who had seine loft lots.Tho The bogs were short at 4,500 and gave the market a little bulge nt the opening. Un this : bulge Wright began selling pork and kept on whllo thcro was any demand , disposing of about 3,000 hbl . Lard and ribs were stag nant. : The closu was at about Inside prices. Estimated receipts for Monday : Wheat , 20C cars ; coin , 776 cars ! oats , 445 cars ; hogs , 15,000 ! bead. The lending futures ranged as follows : -UITICLUS. OPEN. num. i.ovv. CLOSU , KHTV Wheat No. a WhJi . 10 70 ! < July . 72WMH J2H 72 Fept . 72H 7ti > < Corn No. 1 Mnr ! . iOH 40H Juno 1 . 40 July . ci 4 Sfpt . 4IH Onl No. 2 Mnr . Juno . / July . 28 7 Sept . 27 282CH MeM Pork Mny . 31 25 21 55 3i m 21 I2l < 21 7& July . 11 IS 22 2J 21 521 21 62)1 , 20 72 Kept . . . . Z ! (5 23 45 21 BO 21 tO 22 35 Laril- LaiJ July . 10 72l 10 75 10 70 10 70 10 75 11 00 11 10 11 K.l 11 02M 10 7ft Short Itlbs. July . 10 OS 1005 IOOJH 10 05 10 05 _ j-opl . 10 25 10 25 10 12H 10 15 10 15 Cash quotations were as follows : 1'l.oun Quiet , steady. WliKAT Ko. 2 spring , 70'c } ; No. 3 spring , f. o. b. , GGS ,70c ; No. 2 red , 70'io. COIIN No. 2 , 40'4ffi401fc. ( UTS-No. 2 , UOvasOJic ; No. 2 white , billed through , 330,33'ic ; No.3 white , f. o. b. , 32@33e. 1I ItYG 1 No. 2 , 05c. IIAiii.KV No. 2 , nominal ; No. 3 , DOc ; No. 4 , f. o. b. , 37 < ii44c. KI.AX SUKII No. 1 , on track , $1.08. TIMOTHY SEUD I'rlmc , $3.8033.85. I'OUK Moss , per bbl. . $21.02ffi21.05 ! ; lard , node 100 Ibs. , $ lO.42 > i10,45 ; short ribs , Rides deb ( ) , $10.02'S@10.05j dry salted shoulders ( boxed ) . $10.004510.25 ; short clear sides ( hoxedl , $10.25 < aiO.D ( > . 81 WHISKY , Distillers' Mulshed goods , per gul. , SUOAHS Unchanged : cut loaf , CJSc ; granu lated , 5.70 ; standard "A , " 5.57. The following were the receipts and ship ments for today : On the Produce exchange toduv the butter market was easier ; creamery , 1510e ; dairy , 1518c. Eggs , blow ; strictly fresh , 13jc. ! Now York Markets. NEW YOHK , May 27. FLOUR Receipts , 20- 000 pkgs. : exports , 3,000 bhls. , 12,000 sacks ; sales , 6,000 pkgs. ; market dull and weak ; winter ! wheat , low grades , * 2.052.45 ; win ter wheat , fair to fancy , & 2.35&3.4G : win ter wheat , patents. (3.504.25 ; Minnesota , clour. $2.5033.10 ; Minnesota , straights , J3.60 ffi 4.10 ; Minnesota , patent , M.264.00. COIIN MKAI/ Dull , steady ; yellow western , $2.002.70. RVE Easy , dull ; western , C4SCCC. llAici.BY Out of i-eiibon. HAIII.EY MALT Quiet , steady ; western , 00 ® 82c. 82c.WHEAT WHEAT Receipts. 104,000 bu. ; exports , 00- 000 bu. ; sales , 080,000 bu. of futures , 48,000 bu. spot. Spot market dull , lower ; No. 2 rod , In store and elevator , 7Cc ; afloat , 77 ! c ; f. o , b. , 77' c ; options were dull and declined jcon wurin rnlns In the west , easier cables and local realizing , closed steady at 'i > c under yesterday ; No. 2 red , June , 7G < a7Gaic , closing ut 70 > ic ; July. 77J78 S-lGc. closing ut773 cj ! August. 70Vit > 70 > tC. closing ut 70aBC : September - bor , 81 l-10Hl3 cclosing ut 81ic , ; December ; , 85SJ85UO. closing ut 85'6c. COIIN Receipts , 104,000 bu. : exports , 20,000 bu. ; sales , 230,000 bu. of futures , 35,000 00n. spot. Spots dull nnd lower ; No.i , 4H > { ; © 48'ic ' in elevator , 4Hs.40c ( afloat ; options declined under free offerings und full receipts and closed weuk. with Muy IXc down und other months Uffi'ic ' oil' ; trading very dull : Muy , 481i < ? i48'14'o , closing at484'c ! ; Juno , 48'f © 48 ; o. closing at 48Hc : July , 48 ! ( < 2 > 48Sje. clos ing at 48'4c August 4B"c closing ; , , at 488c ; Sentcinbor , 4H' ( ( I,49c , closing at 48SC. OATS Receipts , 100,000 bu. ; exports , 3,000 bu. ; sales , 130,000 bu. futures and 3.000 11 ; nr , WIlllU , 'iUJHiVt AU , IIIIAL-I 1C ; wlilto western , 40ii't7c. HAV Klrm ; hblppliiB , 7B(380c ( ; good cholco , 85cfflfl.OO. Hors Quiet , firm ; state , common to choice , IBJWUie : Pacific const , Ibff&aHSr. lliiis ) : Dull , easy ; wet suited , Now Orleans selected , 4&J/.00 Ibs.-l4 ! < ( i0o : Textii selected , & 0300 Ibs , DftTcj Iluenos Ayres , 'JiaW Ibs , luue : Texas , dry. 21ii'7 Ibs , H10 . 1'iui VISIONS Cut meats , dull , easier ; pickled bellies , IV ! Ibs. , ut IlUc ; pickled shoulders , Uc ; pickled IIUIIH. I'Jlifiiac ; middles dull , ciiby ; short clear , 11 Me. Lard , ijulet , easier ; western steam cloned at if 11 asked : sales , none ; options , sales , none ; Muy closed ut MO.H5 , nominal ; July closed nt til asked ; Septem ber closed at f 11,30 , nominal. Pork , dull , llrm ; old mess , J21.0 : now mess , IlI'J.&o , HUTTKII Demand fair , steady ; western , 10 ® IBc ; western creamery , 1721e ; western fac tory , I&ai7c ; KlRlns.'Jlc. OIIKESB Quiet , steady ; part eklms , llj ! Kmis-Hccolpts , 8,322 pkgs ; western fresh , jC. TAIMJ\V Quiet , nominal ; city (12 ( . COTTONSEED On Dull , weak crude , 40c ; yi ' yil > ( ) . ! - : ! . - . ( pilet ; crushed crude sin libU. . WuhhliiKton , * 5.fU ; cru'.hod crud" In bulk. J-2.0 ; rellncd Now Vork , J5.16 , ROSIN Dull , weak ; btrulncd , common to Rood. J1.'J5 1.27 ! { . RICK 'Dull , ' steady f ddmcstlc , fair to extra , li'i5'Jc ; Japan 4 ? 5.4ic. ( ! MOI.AKHES Now Orleans , open kettle , good Ito choice , dull , steady , quiet ut aoaaHc , . StiiiAn Huw. llrm ; fair loflnlng , Uic : centri fugals , 00test,4 ! < c ; refined , llrm , fulrdeiniind ; off A , 4 13-loa6'c ' : mold A , tfic ! standard A. 6 3-10il5"Ci ( confectioners' A , 6 l-10ft5Uc , cut loaf , 5 iit& 13-10e ; crushed , 6 ia5 13-10c ; pondered , 60-106 c ; granulated , 63-10 ; a < 'iM/l'lnoN-Quiut' / , tateiiiiyt American , tl2,753t & ( ) : ' - ; lake , J10.75. LKAn-QuletbteadydoiiiefctIc. ; 13.00.1 TIN Weak : ti trulls , (10,05 bid , (10,10 uskrd ; plates , dull , utoady. Spelter , quiet , weuk ; domestic , (4,1ft. (4,1ft.rit. rit. I.ouU Market ! . ST. Louis , Mo. , May 27. Fi/un-Mttlo doing ; prices unchunsL'd. WHEAT Opened lower , rallied , settled buck nnd closed > , , c down ; No. 2 red , fash , 07\c ; May07c ; July , GO.'jc. ' . t-cptember , 07'i < aD7 ? c. COIINVnU on crop news ; No , 2 mixed , caib , 37ici ( May. 37'iC ) July , Stic ; September. 30'iC. . . . . OATS Higher ; options lower ; No , 2 cash , 33o ; May , 32 io ; July , 2HJc ! , 1'iui VISIONS -Quiet , sti'uuy ; ttundnrd int'ss pork * 22 ; lard , (10,12 ! ; dry bait -moHii : , loose khoulders , (10 ; longs mid ribs , * 10.25 ; short-s , (10.5O : bo.xed , 16o more ; bacon , packed MIOIH- Uere.J10.37 ; Wigs and rlbsH.Ooail.l2i ! ; bhorts , Ill.b7i ! ; Imms , sugar cured , 13&14U. lIUTTEit-Lower ; choice creamery , lOiiVoc cholco dulry , 17c. ; HECKII'Ttt Flour , 2,000 bbls. ; wheat , 14,000 , bu. : corn , 82,000 bu. ; oats , 2,000 bu. ; rye , none ; barley , none. Cotton Market. NEwOm.KANS , La. , May 27. Futures , nulet ; salve. 12,600 bales ; May , (7.06 ; June , (7.05 ' 127.10 ; July , (7.0HJ7.11 ; August. t7.1C < a7.17 ; Pcptctnher , I7.al l7.'j ? ; . bolobor , . . November. $7.33 ! TTttcinbor , I7.30W7.30 ! January , 17.82 bid. 4' J oed middling. 7 ! i , iiilddllne , 7'o ; low middling , 0 10-l ( > cf K\V \ ordinary , 0c. Not rccelcts , 020 bnlc ! yMj ! , 834 bales ; exports to Urcut llrltaln , O.OMrhalcsi roa twNo. 769 bales ! sales , 7KHmlyiifi.ixK131,871 bales. Oinnhn IVcUVtfcw Mnrket s , t3.r > 034.00. SOUTIIKIIN C'AniUdiif-Viir crate , 2.7&'ii3.00. ' CAMFOHNIA I'AiiiiAqitT-.l'ratcs , per lb. , 30. NKW | 'OTATOIS < I'or.lfbl. , ! 5. PTIIIWJ HKANfl-l'erlliVTbox , I1.76 < a2.00. I'EAS-l'cr bu , box. IW76S2.UO. s 1'cr doz. , Al. tJUFUWF.n-KuncJ'rbcr doz. , 12.76 , . O.Nio.NS-l'or bbl. . to , - I'OC iloz. , Sflc. RADISIIKH l'ordoz,2 25c. OIIKKN ONIONS Per ( tor. . , 20c , AsrAiiAOua I'cr dor36 < Jl4c. ( ) Hr.KTS Per doz. , 40a46c. -i'erbu. , l.J' FHUITS. Point CiiF.niur1'or case , 14. UAi.tFotiNtA CilKitiUES Per 10-lb. box , t2.no. HTIIAWIIRHIIIKS 1'ar case , 13.6034.00. S I'er case , J4.00Ji4.60. KMONS Choice , 4.2534.GO ; fancy , 14.60 ® 4.76. Per bunch , Including crates nnd packlliK , 2.002.60. I'l.NKAl'ri.KS 1'or doz. , 12.00 < 12.26. OIIANOKS Washington navels , cholco. 141 \\nshliiRton navels , largo sl/es. 3.60a3.75 ; Hlvrrsldo seedlings , $2.70 ; Keiilnmls , $2,76 ; Rcdlnnds , 128 sire , 12.50. IIUTTKIl , K(108 , OAMK , POUI.THT. IlUTTKit Tbo ureat bulk of tbo country butter KiM'sat 1 2-3130. Kotis General uiarkct , lie. 1'oui.Tiiv Choice bens , OJilOc ; mixed coons , 78c ; old roosters , 53 * lie ; gccso and ducks , 8iiOc. MtSCF.l.I.ANr.OlIS. HAY The market on good upland hay , J0.60 In car lots. VK.U , Choice and small fat , 7 < S8iSc ; largo and thin , 3 Gc. Knnsiis City Mnrkotn. KANSAS CITY , Mo.- ; May 27. WHEAT Weak and lower ; No , 2 hard , OlQG'2c ; No. 2 red , 06 sy ; N white. 363 &ViC. OATS-Dull , easy ; No. 2 mUcd,28ia20jc ! ; No. 2 white , 31i(032c. ! Klis l-'lrm ; lOc. HUTTKII Easy ; creamery , lC5J20c ; dairy , HH10c. Wheat , 23,000 bu. ; corn , 0,000 bu ; oats , nono. SHIPMENTS Wheat , 10,000 bu , ; corn , 0.000 bu. ; oats , none. ColToo Market. NEW YOIIK , May 27. Options opened barely steady at 10 to 20 points decline ; closed llrm on May at 5 points up , barely steady at 16 points down on others ; sales , .20,000 baps , In cluding : May , HG.5U10.0 ( ) ; June , $15.00 ® 10.00 ; July , S16.50S15.06 ; September , 115.20 < ai5.3 ( ) ; December , I14.00S16.00. Spot Rio , quiet , "mi ; No. 7 , tir.lU'-i. MlnnanpoIU Whent Market. MINNUAPOMS , Minn. , .May 27. Feeling In market wus lifeless. Millers took cash wheat at very good prices ; No. 1 northern , 05c. and No. 2 northern G3@G3Ku. Receipts , 330 earn. Close : May , 03c ; June , G3 ? c ; July , C0sc ! ; September , GOc. On track : No. 1 "bard , 07c ; No. 1 northern , G41c ; No. 2 northern , 02'/03c. Toledo ( Srntii Market. Toi.r.no , O. , May 27. WIIUAT Easier ; No. 2 , cash and May , 70T. COIIN Dull and firm ; No. 2 cash , May and July , 43c. OATS Quiet ; No. 2 mixed , 32c. 1'coriii ( Jriilii. PKOIIIA , 111. , May 27 r-XXiiN Steady ; No. 2 , 3Uc ; No. 3 , 3Bic. ! . . , . OATS-EasIer ; No. 2"wnltc , 23J@30c ( ; No. 3 , - . ' ' X RVK Nominal. llaltlinore'Ojiiln Market. IlAivriMoni : , Md. , M'rly'27. ' WHEAT Steady ; No. 2 red. spot and Mayi ; 731'o. COUN . Easy . ; iiiixeii < hput . . , 40uc. . * - - - M ' .T. ' ' . . . , , _ OATS firmer ; No. 3JYjtc ) | , western , 42Jc. ! 1'lillildi'lphla ( Iriilii Market. Piin.ADKi.i'iiiA , 1'a.'Miiy 27. WHEAT Dull nd lower : No. 2 , red. May , 733i ; < a73Ke. COUN Weak ; No. 2 , tnfxed , Iay , 4Hi405c. ! OATS Steady ; No. 'Jj White , May , -JlJic. . . . II. ) STOCKS A IU IIONIIS. Speculation nt the Kxclinnge Opened AVeaU on Loirbr , Cables. NEW YonK , May , ,27 * . Speculation at the Stock exchange opened.wcak under the Influ ence of lower cables frbm a10 London and In the first ten minutes Of business prices declined from ! < to U per cent right through the list. Distilling land Cattlofoedlng , however , cut away and moved gradually to loy st tdVt at the opening. The general market at this time showed some disposition to rally and the early losses were recovered In most In stances. The Improved feeling did not list long , however , for General Electric displayed marked weakness and broke from 71f ! to 05 , This sharp decline affected the whole list adversely wlucn oven tue favorable bunk statement with Its Increase In surplus reserve fulled to check , The depression of General Electric Is attracting attention und no satis factory reason has as yet been given for the shrinkage In the prices. Assurances are given that the rate of dividends will be continued and tbo street Is In dally receipt of what pur ports to bo soml-otllclul statements of the favorable condition of the company. In the meantime the bear crowd Is hammering the securities of the concern , and today Its deben- tures dropped 5 per cent to 84. nn In the general list Interior Conduit and In solation company declined 2 per cent to 45 , Cordage preferred 3 jier cent to 45 and Con solidated Gas 2 percent to 120 , cx-dlvldcnd. The decline otherwise was Cfjual to from } < id.to 'i per cent. At the close prices were at or near the lowest of the day. In the final trad ing the innrkctwas- weakened by thecontlnued strength of sterling exchange , rates having been ut about the opening and by the un- , nouncement that $1.000,000 gold hail already been engaged for export to Europe for Tues day or Wednesday next , Tliu market closed genorully weak , The Post says : The specific reason assigned for the weakness In Wall street today wus the news of further gold engagements for hot week apparently on purely commercial transactions , which , Indeed , us noted yester day , uro still justified by the current rates for sterling. The statement of tlio bank reserves , 103 , although showing. material gains , was not as heavy us the moro hopeful element In Wall street had predicted. Reading stock was ' among tlio special points of weakness ut the last , the delay In Issuing the reorganization set ich 33- on IX- I * 13 48 75 21 17 18 76 B 17 40mi mi < 1511 ,000 stll- lun- Ing , lock M ulilu 1)1 > 0 h Oil .till , Hat- blll pre -nee. - n ul lIUSH ned. vhut dull id ay toil ten > eal- cale 1'rlcM Mmply ndnntod tliemnolvos. Now \ ork recovered towards the cl ( o , however , but a doellno of iu per cent Is Mill marked In I'lillndeiphlri Rending first Incotnn Iwnds , M per cent in Central Vaclflc , Lake Shore nnd Atchlsonilncomo ixinrt * nnd S to * per cent In aovoriu. others. Canadian * worn llttlo dealt In , but In sympathy with Amerlcnnn leave oT ( dull , Mexican nna Argcntlno lines wore com paratively stonily. Australian banking share * wnro well mnlnlnlned , Money wax only In moderate dcinnnd , Short loans were obtained nt 3 to3H percent. New York Money Mnrkot , Nr.w YOIIK , Slay 27. MONEV ox CAM/ Easy nt ! ! ! 4 to 3 per cent. > : M " " . 'Al'KIl 038 POT Cent. STEIIMNO K.XCHANOK Strong , with actual binlnesi In bankers' bills at * 4.H6 ? for sixty days mid M.HO'j for demand. IIONDS-Easlor. State bonds dull. lloton Htock Quotation * . HOSTOX ' , Man * . , May 27. Call loan * . 6 per cent ! time loans , 6 ! } per oont. Closing quota. tlonson stocks , bonds and mining shares : AM Amdi di lie ! lloi lliii lliiid C.Kit Kit Hoi mi Me N. N.OK OK On Hu Bai UnWe Wed Nnn Kranclico Mlnlnp Quotations. 9AN KIIANCISCO , Cal. , May 27. Tito oflldnl closing mtottttlons for mining stocks today TTcrous follows : _ Alia 16 Mono 10 llclehor 125 Navnlo 10 lle l A Itolchcr 115 Novnita ( juceu. . . . . . o llotllo Consolidated. 20 Oplnr 17 * Ilulwor 16 I'otoil 3 Cliollar 110 Mavano 75 Con'dCal. A Va 185 ! lorrn Nevada 85 Crown 1'olnl TO Union Consolidated VU Oould .V Curry 80 Ulalt 5 Hale ANorcroei , . . . (15 ( follow Jackol EO Mexican. US Now York Mining Quotation * . NEW YOIIK , May 27. The following are the closing ijuotatlons of mining stocks on the Now York board : Crown -7- 1'olnt 51) rijrmoutli M Con. Cal. A Va 1C5 Slerrn Nevada 60 Deadvood W ) Union Con T5 Gould A Curry 00 Yellow Jacket 70 Halo * Norcroia . . UU Iron Silver 10 Mexican 110 ( Julck Silver SOU Ontario 1400 do 11 ford 1WO Oplilr IUO .St. I.oilln MlnliiR Quotation * . ST. Louis , Mo. , May 27. The following are the closing mining quotations : Adams . . . . ( .75 Urnnlto M..U..VJ ua.75 Am. Nottlo. .35 & ,37H llopo 3.40 tlilmetnlllc. . 1.50 I.uo 07 3 .00 Klliahoin. . . .10 a .45 tH llopoa. . . .75 bid. 1 naked. FlimnclfU Notes. KANSAS CITV , Mo. , May 27. Clearings , 81- 024,075. NEW Oni.EANS , La. , May 27. Clearings , $1,308,005. I'Aitis , May 27. Three per cent rentes , 07f 47c for the account. HAI.TIMOIIE , Md. , May 27. Clearings , (2- 409,237 ; balances , $443,537. Money , 0 per cent. LONDON , May 27 Amount , of bullion gone Into the liank of England on balance today , MEMPHIS , Tenn. , Slay 27. Now Vork ex change selling at (1.50 premium. Clearings , (210,080 ; ; balances , (80,331. Nr.wYoilK , May 27. Clearings , $88,8Gr ,389 ; balances. : (0,002,827. For the week : ClearIngs - Ings , (553,407,114 ; balances , $20,729,027. I'llll.AUUMMllA , 1'n. , Jtuy 27. Clearings , $10- 783,141 : bulunces , 81,523,471. Money , 4'i ! pnr cent. For the week : Clearings , $90,233,431 ; balances ; , $0,207,482. HOSTON , Muss , . May 27. Clearings. $13,053- B05 ; balances. $1,351,605. Money. 5 percent. Exchange on New York , 12' ' e to 17c discount , For the week : Clearings , $80,983,008. CINCINNATI , O. , May 27. Monev , G&8 per nent. Now York exchange , 25cto40c iireinlum. Clearings , $1,892,800. For tbo week , * 12G3G- , 350 ; for the sumo week lust year , $13,594,700. ST. Louifl , Mo. , May 27. Clearings. $3,085- 322 ; balances , $332,410. Clearings this week , $21,291,861 : balances , $2,520,441. Money mtlot at C8 per cent. Exchange on Now York , pur.J' NEW Yonx. May 27. The Imports of spoclo ut the port of Now York for the week were $43,904 , of which $13,801 waagold and $30,103 silver. The exports of specie from the port of New York for the week were $5.540,007 , of which $4,539,082 was gold and $0,025 silver. OniCAdO , 111. , May 27. Clearings , $14,470- 022. For t.io week , $87,720.202 , against $ U3- 407,005 for the corresponding week last year. Now York exchange 60c discount. Sterling exchange dull ; sixty-day bills $4.86 ; sight drafts , * 4.89J. ! Money , firm , 7 percent. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MAHKKTS. Cattle Trade Showg Great Improvement for thu Week Hogs Close Weak. SATUIIDAV , May 27. Receipts of all kinds shown substantial In- : crease over last week , but do not compare iis favorably with supplies for the same week isu year ago , The figures are as follows : Cattle , Hogs. Sheep. Receipts this week. . 14,700 29,070 2,445 Receipts last week. . 10.029 22,181 1,741 Sumo week lastyeur. 13,482 30,030 2,707 The cuttle market has been In very good shape nil week and very few traces of the de moralization existing two weeks ago remain. Cool weather has Imornrod the demand for dressed beef , supplies have been light at all tbo leading centers , European markets have Improved considerably and the bettor tone to the financial situation all have com bined to muko business lively and co prices. In general on beef cattle the CO lias been from 25c to 35c , t lie good heavy OS showing rather [ moro Improvement than the light and medium grades on account of the better export demand. The good cattle have been coming forward ipitto freely , and the week closes with the situation decidedly favor I able to the cattle owners. HecelptH today were unusually liberal for a Saturday , und the offerings Included a larger thiin usunl proportion of good cuttlo of nil velght-i. There was a good actlvo demand from nil sources , und the market wus us ucllvo us uny ono could wish , ulthough pi-Ices : were hardly qiiutuhly higher than on ' 'rlduy. It was possible , however , to realize good , strong prices for most uny- blng nt all useful In the beef steer line , yA lunch of cholco 1,470-lb. stcer.s topped ho niirkut , bringing $5.37' ' , } , and there were ur twenty loads Unit weighed over 1,200 Ibs. Unit sold ut from (5 to $5.25. Fulr to good 1,200 to 1,400-11) ) . steers sold ut from $4.70 to $4.95 ; ) , with 1,000 to 1,160-lb. steers ut from (4.40 tend $4.80. Fulr to poor light grudt-s and odds und ends sold ut from $4,35 down. Everything sold In good season , tbo market closing up strong. There was llttlo change In the cow market. Receipts were , us usual , light , not over fifteen loads , and they changed hands freely at fully steady prices , sales Including poor to prltmi cows and heifers ut from $2 to (4,40 , with the big bulk of the sales ut from (3 to $4 , Rough : stock was In fair deinnnd and firm nt from * 2 to (4 , Only a few veal calves were on sale , but they sold freely ut good , steady figures , from $4 to $5.25 for fair to choice stock. Iliiblness In Mockers and foudcrs was neces sarily limited on account of the llglit supplies both fresh und stulo , 'J'lie re wus n good de mand both from regular deulurs nnd prospect ive country buyers und prices are ( itintuhly strong on all biiltuble grudes. Ropvcbuntutlvo sales : No. Av. I'r. No. Av. I'r. 2 (125 (360 20 1104 (405 720 3 75 10 104'J 4 70 ' ( r. ; ; ; ; ; mo 375 42 1057 470 ' ( 1 080 76 13 1194 470 1 770 375 20 114O 476 6 732 a 85 20 1301 470 ' > U70 400 66 1073 476 2 086 400 30 1179 475 1 1010 400 1 . . . ,12GO 476 1 050 4 00 30 1250 4 75 25 1090 4 If. 22 1130 475 21 701 416 13 1240 476 4 920 420 7 1134 480 1 1200 425 45 1203 480 19 1000 425 33 1172 480 1 1320 425 20 1264 10Wi 1 760 425 06 1271 4 82i ! a 043 4 26 25 1218 4 H5 1 1010 435 12 1254 485 2 tOOO 4 35 40 1345 4 85 29 .865 436 44 1206 485 2(1 ( .871 435 64 1280 485 10 1000 4 35 U4 1338 4 85 3 .833 440 00 1334 485 10 H83 440 10 1242 400 3 950 440 18 1268 400 [ bO. . . . . . . 869 440 40 116H 400 ii 025 4 40 14 1320 4 05 ) 19 997 645 39 1240 400 33 097 4 60 17..l..1397 4 05 20 1016 460 24 1383 405 30 1018 4 60 24 1287 4 05 09. . . . . 998 465 10 1202 6 OO 17 1099 455 20 1210 600 1'J 1084 466 12 1335 6 OO 22..1UOO 400 69 1202 610 14 1117 405 07 13OO 615 101 1157 406 21 1303 616 31 113U 405 6 1(510 616 48 1022 405 10 1474 625 SIIIl'I'INU AND KXrOIIT. 1 121U 400 18 1420 600 35 010 405 41 1309 600 18 020 410 44 1292 605 2 1326 4 60 10 13Bi 610 18 . . . .1183 4 ftO 20 , , .1-430 fi 20 20 , . . 1170 4 00 84. . .1-184 0 25 07 . . .114U 4 00 as. . .1374 fi 26 03cwf. 1211 4 05 01. . ,1470 C > 84. . . . . .1203 4 GO MIX FID. a. . . nan n GO o. . . 883 4 10 28. . . CG3 4 00 G. . .1010 4 00 COWS 2. . . flflfi 2 00 1. . . .10HO .1 20 3. . . H30 2 in . 070 3 25 lo r . 785 2 40 12. ; . OHO 3 00 2. . . Oil ) 2 40 14 . . 070 3 30 1. . 040 2 no " .1100 8 00 2. . . 830 2 00 1. . J180 8 60 1. . . 000 2 00 . 740 3 50 .1040 2 00 2. ! .11G5 3 f.r > . 060 a so 15 . .1007 3 GO . 1170 2 70 4. . , . 875 3 05 , .1070 2 7fi 9. . , .1013 3 05 , .1030 2 76 13. . , . 040 3 70 . BOO 2 00 13. . , . 1'38 3 70 , .1050 2 00 ' ' , .1320 4 ( H ) 0. . , , . 093 2 90 23. . , .1073 4 00 24. . , . .1005 3 00 0. . , .1131 ' ' . .1130 3 IK ) 1 . . 080 i' . , , . 700 3 00 4. , , . wia 4 OO B . . . 857 3 00 1. . , .1100 4 00 2. . . . 855 3 00 " . .rjfio 4 00 1. . . .1000 3 00 17. . oio 4 10 1. . . .11HO 8 00 , 1. . . . 070 4 10 1. . . . 040 3 10 mmus. : 12. . . . 406 205 1. . . 440 3 70 10. . . . 476 2 75 7. . . 780 3 00 3. . . 900 3 35 24. . . 041 4 40 CAI.VKS. 1. . . . 310 4 00 1. . . 80 6 00 IIi . . no 4 50 1. . . 150 0 00 i ! ! . . 170 4 50 3. . . ' 200 6 25 1IUI.I.S , . . 030 2 00 .1190 B 60 . .li fin 200 .1430 n oo . .16HO 205 .1470 3 G'J . . 940 3 10 .1H30 3 05 . .1500 8 16 .1020 3 75 . .1000 335 .1400 3 80 . .1160 3 00 STAGS. 1 1030 260 1 1380 400 57 1224 325 STOCKKIW AM ) KEKllKltfl. 1 480 200 12 795 1175 1 600 25 1 1170 II 75 1 4UO 300 2 025 400 11 018 370 22 1014 405 lions Tlio nmrkot for the week started out rather favorably , and on Monday and Tuesday prices advanced about 16c. Wednesday's run wus thu heaviest In over ten months , nnd the market experienced the worst brenk In the history of the yurds , Prices went off 26e to 40c , and on Thursday there wus u further break of 15c to 20c , making a 60c to OOc drop In two days. Since then , with light supplies , some of this decline bus been regained , but. the week closes with prices fully 25c lower tliiin a week ago. Them Is no Indication of Increased marketings of hogs , although under favorable circumstances there may he an oc casional , excessive run as was thu case on Wednesday. Everything points to continued moderate , not to say light , supplies for some time , and under the circumstances a perma nently bad market need not bo expected for some months. On this Mibjcct thu I'rlce Cur rent remarks : "It Is quite likely that the light lecclpts are In some nensure due to the fact that farmers have been especially busy the past week , under the favorable weather generally prevailing. Hut the ovl- denco of positive shortage In the supply In the country Is too plain to admit of the view that the current small movement Is to be followed by an especially liberal supnly at any time for months to come , With this Is the Increased confidence In the mulntcnuco of prices for hogs , which will tend to prevent undue hurry ing of slock Into market. The market today was active and generally all of a dime higher than Friday on all grades. .Supplies were considerably lighter than an ticipated fully 2,000 lighter I him a week ago. Including over 1,000 cut lie held over from Fri day , tlicru wcro close onto 4,000 bogs on sale , the ( iimllty about up to the recent average. Thcro was a good shipping demand , which took one-half of the fresh olVerlnes , und fre.sh meat men were fulr buyers. Packers were very slow to l iy the ( advance , and bought .very sparingly. The best bogs weighing all the way from 105 to 342 pounds , sold nt (0.05 and $7 , with the ordinary grades mostly nt (0.00 , and common rough and mixed stuff ut JO.HO. Early tradlmrwus brisk , but , us usual , us .soon us shippers and fresh meal men , having filled their orders , dropped out , the market closed weak with a few loads still un sold. The big bulk of the trading , was ut (0.90 and $0.95 , as ugalnst $0.80 and $0.85 Friday , rind from $7.16 to $7.20 on lasttiutur- day. Jtepresentativo sales : No. Av. Sb. I'r. No. Av. Sh. Pr. ' .202 520 $ U 85 00..240 32(1 ( $0 90 72' .244 240 0 85 128. . . 278 100 0 92 ! i 39. .257 80 0 90 71..271 440 0 92'J .208 80 G 90 70. 201 280 0 92' , ' .200 80 C 00 53. 205 40 G 021 i 80. . .230 200 G 00 17..27O 80 0 92 ! i .241 200 0 90 00..237 80 0 02i ! SO ! ! , .272 100 0 90 27..233 40 G 9215 28. . , .207 40 0 00 02..279 280 G 95 77. . . .200 0 90 69..250 80 G 05 CO. . . .240 120 0 90 85 . . .233 80 G 95 " . .107 40 0 90 70..242 200 G 05 7l" . . 220 120 0 90 03..240 120 0 05 75. . , 200 80 0 90 30..208 G 05 57 2 ° 0 240 0 90. 74..249 0 95 7(5. . , .212 120 0 90 03..271 ! 40 G 95 GO. . , .225 240 G 00 23..105 0 95 03. , . .227 80 0 00 50..275 120 G 95 70. , , .2t4 320 000 07..208 80 G 95 74. , , .242 100 ( i 90 i > 5..342 IUO ( I 95 08. . . .230 40 0 00 79..218 40 G 05 20. . . .207 40 090 GO..202 80 G 97" 08. , . .253 40 090 CO..203 100 7 00 59. , . .235 120 0 90 48. . . 318 7 00 09. , . .242 40 0 00 58..210 80 7 00 . .300 . . . . G 00 89..232 200 7 00 35 ! . .200 . . . . 090 73..239 120 7 00 58..259 120 090 SiiKKi1 None were received. The demand Is good for both muttons and lambs ut fully steady , prices. Moderate supplies both hero and elsewhere havclmproveu thu demand from killers , but there Is llltlo If any ijuotablo Im provement In prices , l-'alr to good natives , $4.5035.60 ; fulr to good westerns , $4.00S5.60 ; common und stock sheep , J2.60fti 4.00 ; good to choice 40 to 100-lb. lambs , (5.00S0.25. llocclpt * and Disposition ofMtoeli. Olllclal receipts and disposition of stock us shown by the books of tlm Union Stock Yards company for the twenty-four houis ending at 6 o'clock p. in. Muy 27 , 1(303 ; JIKCFll'TS. JIIHI'OSITIUX. III.'VKIIS. Omaha I'acklnz Co. . . . . . . . 10 'Iliei. 11 , Iluiumoml Co. , 'ISO M3 Kwlft A. Co 1,1 in : ii7 Tlio Cmlalir Packing Co. . B7U ii7M llaminondJt H 201 ( hlcauo | . A 1' . Co 201WJ Hlnclnlr nn A , Hum U7 It. Decker A DcKon 12 VnnSiinlA Carer 321m shipper ! und feeders , . . . , m Loft over , 603 Total. . 3.018 IIvo Slock Market. CIIICAOO , III. , Miy 27. IHpiiClul Telegram to TIIK llBK.1-T.ho cattle market WUH cpilct. the srnull supply restricting trading , but , there was enough Inquiry to Impart a firm feeling. Stilus ot native cnttlu wore on u basis of from (2 to $4.40 for poor to chotco cows and heifers , from (2 to $4.25 for bulls , from $3 to $4,75 for stockers and feeders and from $4.1)5 ) to $0.15 for shipping Htcflrs. Texas cuttle wnro quoted ut from $2.25 to (3,25 for cows , und ul from (3.25 to (5 for steers. Local operators uro looking for lurgo receipt * ) for Monday and u softening of prices. Prices for hogs were much higher than for yesterday , holders Insisting upon an udvunco of from 16c to 25c per 100 llw , These who were willing to part with their hogs nt 15e udvunco found ready buyers for the same , but neither .ship pers nor packers were Inclined to humor those who were not willing to trade on that basis. A number of commission firms refused to sell , preferring to hold thidr hogs till Mon day , when they uro confident there will bo another bulge. Common to prime light hogs sold at from $0,95 to (7.35 und from $7.05 to (7.45 was paid for avorugos of 201) Ibs. und upward. Most of the business wus done within a range of from $7.10 to $7,35. Them were hogs hero that huvo been held hlnco ThU' duy. Tbo sheep market was quiet and nominally steady. A majority of tlio regular trade had all thoshcup they rcmilra UiU week , and wnro Indllforont. r-onio bliecp were loft In ( .oilers' hunils. Quotations wnro from (3 to (5 for Texas , from (3,60 to (5.00 for unlives und from * 4.76 to 10,40 for yearlings. Receipts ! Cattle , 1,800 head : calves. 400 head ; hogs , 4,000 lioud ; sheep , 2,600 head , Kaiuua City Live Mock Murknt , KANSAS Ouv , Mo. , May 27.OATTI.E Re ceipts , 2,700 houd ; shipments , 1,000 head ; markotntrong und 6ai6c. higher ; range steers , (3.60414.60 ; snipping steers , (4.60 < r&5.7& : native cowtf , (1.76U4.40) ) butcher * ' ituck , (3.8 < Xif4.05j i > tokers und feudurs , $2.30 4.70 ; bulls und mixed , $2.605J4.00. HOU8 Receipts , 3,200 head : shipments , 3- 400 head ; market strong and 1O&16C higher ; bulk of wiles. | 0.86iie,05i ( houvlefi. (0.80 7.10 ; packers , 10.9037.10 ; rolxml. (0.7OQG.OS ; light , t5.76ilO.BO ; porkoni i , ld.BOli6.95 ; plgn , 4.UOJ 0.50. KiiERr-Hcceliiti , none ; bhlpments , nonoj market nominally steady , Ht. I.ouU Mvo Htock MurU t. HT. LOUH , Mo. , May 27.-OATri.i-Rocelut : . 1,000 bead ; ghlpineuts , 1,200 head ; market .strong ; imtlves , H.OOa&.lOj fed Toxaim.t4.60 , "ifous-Hucolpts , 2,800 head ; shipment * . 2,000 huid ; market lOo hliiUer ; prices ranged from 10.75 to7.26 , SIIKBIRccolpU , none ; ihlpinentu , 600 bead ; market steady. Xovr York l.tva Hlnck 4Iarket. NKW YOIIK. Muy 27. Tlio early Baturday nloslng for the bummer montlis U-guii In tbu dry Koods muruet today , There wus little doing , Although dcvornl Inrgo buyer * put In their appcnriinco for the llr < t tlmo. Wide In * dlgo hhui prints wrrosclllmt moro frrrly nnd thcro wn < n reduction In prlcrxof American K/i nnd t" to Oc nnd 80 nvipectlvnly. N03E BLEED. I'rcnchmnn'n t'lnii tor Htiiiilnc | | It Sr\ld to lie SnrrcMfiil. Nose blued , which \ qtitto lUHistml In old n o , Is frcqtlontly ohsorved during ' the yenrs of ] ) Uborty. 'H may bo brought on by \nrioly of cniisos , und npponr nf- tor n sunstroke or a sudtloti clinn o in the toiiipcrntiiro or ntino iilicrlo jtrcs- sure , or uy a blow in the region of tlio nose , It can also appeal1 at the begin ning of tyjihold fovcr or inciiHlos or during an attack of articular rheuma tism. Diseases charat'torl/.cd by an al teration of the blood render the pationta particularly liable to nose bleed : this is the case with diseases of the Hvor , spleen and kidneys. Tlio pro- vontlvo trcattnentof bleeding at the nose consists in the medication of the com plaint under tbo dopundenco of which It appears ; but to check the hemorrhage itself when it has once appeared , the simplest means are the application of cold cloths to the face or injections of hot water In the nasal fossiu. In moro tenacious cases it is well to resort to direct prossuro. by Introducing the lin ger as far as possible Into the nostril , or else to plug the nasal fossa. ' as accurately as can bo done. H nmyhappeuho\voverthat these dif ferent methods fall , and thnt the abund ance and persistency of tbo bleeding eonstHuto an actual danger. Utldor thcso circumstances it will bo advisable to use antlpyrlne. which , according to a writer In thu Now York Herald , hha succeeded In the hands of M. Gueitot of Larochc-cn-Hroull In the most unexpected manner. This method , which ho has used for over two years now , has never failed. It consists In snilllng up or Injecting into the nose u solution ol antlpyrino , ono in live. With grown persons it is easy enough , but with young and fractious children it Is necessary tolmvo the bead bold tightly and bent fonvurd whllo tbo ( solution is injected into the nose , the mouth being kept open. When this is done tbo nos trils should bo closed with the lingers to prevent tbo liquid coming back at once This method is extremely simple and If it turns out to bo as clllcacious as Mr. Gucnot claims It to bo it will soon bo the regular treatment of noses. Worked 111 * .Mouth. Indianapolis .lournal ; "Well , old man , $4,000 for ten minutes' work Is not so bad. " "Ton minutes' ' work , " ejaculated the suc cessful prize lighter. "I s'posu you fcrglt that I hud to make no les.Vn 4ST speeches In thu last t'rcu months , besides all the noos- paper fellers I've had to talk to. I guess you think us pugilists has got u puddln' . " A ( ! enhn. Heddlnk , the bookkeeper I can't BCO how you made $ U,000,000 in three years just work ing at your trade t Thrcckigsers. the hustler ISusy enough ; my father was a wise man and taught me three trades. I am n plumber all winter , a papcrhungor in the spring and an ice man in summer. A flriil-Ilniiiir Dnncr. "Clark is making money as a translator for a French llrm. " "What ! He could never learn French grammar at school. " ' That's why ho translates those dialect stories so well. " Onllt ; to Ho l-'orclltln. Harvard Lampoon : Visitor What natna nrn you going to glvo the baby ? Mother 1 don't know. I have beer trying to decide all day which of the many lla father bestowed on it last night would bo most suitable. Nutlrr. Pealed proposals will lie received by the State Printing Hoard at , the olllcoof the KCC- icttiry of state at anytime before Monday , Mnv0 , 1603 , at 4 o'clock p. m. , for printing and binding 0,000copies of tbo s-evdon laws of 1803 , Including 600 , heparately printed und bound Intiaperproof hoetcoilesof the "New- berry Hill. " Session laws to be .printed on two-pound book pupor , small pica type , pages to bo same ril/.o anil form as the laws of 1885 , with mar ginal notes and Index , bound In full sheep. I'roposalK will aNo bo received ntthOHiimn time and place for printing the sum-dim court reports and court calendars and for furnish ing all blanks , blank books und circulars , In cluding revenue blanks required by the ofllceis of the executive department of the state for a period of two years from date of contract. Samples and estimates of kind" and quantity of supplies to bu f nriiKhed can he been ut the otllce of secretary of state. Proposals must state for what price tbo bidder - dor will furnlsli all books In this class per page , and for all blanks and circulars per hundred. Each proposal miiHt. bo accompanied by a bond In t.'ii' sum of 15,0011 , with two or moro MirctleM , conditional that the bidder will , In case of award , within live dnys after notice enter into contract to da thu work. lllil-i to be marked "Proposals for I'nbllo Printing , " care of secretary of stale. ( alley and page proof for luws must bo fur- nlhhed to the proper ofllccr , and all work to bo dellveied In good order free of cost , at the ollico of the secretary of state within sixty days from the dale of contract. Right to rolcct any nr all bids reserved. .1. H. IIAHTLKV , i .State Tri'iisnror. I Of State EIJRKNR MOOHK , f Printing Hoard. Auditor 1'nbllc Accounts. ;