Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 28, 1893, Part One, Image 1

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[ anany'fl Government Insists that More
Eoldiera Are Absolutely Needed.
jra Strength in the Army is the Bulwark
of Order and Quiet.
| ny Conflicting Statements Ara Made by
the Various Parties Engaged.
[ re Block llclnjr .Sacrificed Ilccunin Tlicrr
, No Urnm Water In the Ithlno Lower
tlmn 1'vcr Jtofore Known
The Situation ,
_ .tamet ( Jonloit
JEIIUX , May 27. [ Now York Herald Cable
Pjpcclnl to i'lir. BBE. ] Wo are still suffer-
; terribly from drouth. Hare showers of
V during the past few days Invo ra.ido no
jjprcssion. In some p.irts of the country
oplo are sclllrig their live stock at nominal
s , because there Is 113 grass , while the
fiino is so low the steamers which usually
between Cologne ttnd Mainz can only
Rt.n little higher than Coblonz. In fact
Co oldest Inhabitants of the Khlno prov-
jcs1 cannot remember when the water was
{ low boforo.
! \Vo \ have scarcely got over Uio holidays
( | t , but so far there Is not a single streak
light In the political situation ; Indeed SD
Rhpllcatcd is the business that people are
Joining alarmed. They seem to suspect
fit the outcome of the whole thing spoils
[ r. Ono fact , absolutely certain , is
the German people hate the Idea
j , var Intensely. The bankers seem to
jvo the idea that if the military bill is
lectcd by the now Heiehstag , the markets
Sll fall , because then the emperor would
It the threat made on tho" Tempclhofcr
Rill ground Into execution. The idea of the
Ijperlal proclamations , at ono moment
Voted and believed In by many people , will
Eye way to another means , and it may now
| taken as almost assured that if the bill
[ rejected the incident will occur which
.11 demonstrate to the German people the
ifloluto necessity of the bill being at once
Keening Up Their Conraeo.
In the meantime the government organs
Ire predicting a glorious victory. They base
Iielr claims chiefly on the disruption of the
[ cislnnlgo party , and the utterances of
rardlnal Kopp In favor of the measure ,
rurthor , the government editors , for all their
Irtlolcs are inspired from the press bureau ,
i WHholmstrassc , profess to think that the
Itilms ot the social democrats as to the
iats they vflll got In are exaggerated.
Wherever I have been In Germany , how-
vcr , the opinion is airrecd upon that rapid ,
dvancos have been made by the social demo-
rats , and I found many people not bclong-
ig to that party at heart , who will vote for
Js candidates , because they look upon them
l members of a party thoroughly earnest in
twisting renewed taxation. The proposed
ii-mogonstour Itself has made many social
raocratio votes.
AH for the center party , It is quite another
innr. There will undoubtedly bo candi-
tcs who will break away from the party
ijanlzatloii , but it seems hardly probable
the number which the government would
cd for the achievement of a brilliant
However , the government Is leaving no
ino unturned to gain n favorable vote , and
rrcat deal of wire pulling is going on.
Mleuol's Soothlni ; 1'romlno.
J'ho over-active finance minister , Miguel ,
kaiser's favorite In the cabinet , has al-
j/cd himself to bo interviewed. He said :
i one can doubt but the strengthening of
i ariiiy will make it hard for the malnto-
jco of peace , nnd a second rejection of the
would place us in great difficulties ,
us into severe internal strife , weaken
forolgn relations , diminish the respect
Lur power nnd thus increase the danger
_ . Peace-loving folk can bo certain
* a strengthened army will bo .strength-
Jig the bulwarks of peace aim a now
Iranty of victory In a defensive war , and
ill never bo made u reason for warlike
lenturo in the hands of the kaiser. "
pctornl Outlook Hit * Knnioirlmt Cleared
During the 1'iiBt Wrok.
l'iiui.v , May 27. The electoral outlook
It been considerably cleared since the
lua by Dr. Llobcr of the manifesto ot the
liter , or Catholic party. The labored
Iniscology of the manifesto and Its long-
lidod sentences \\ero not calculated to
lircss the public ami have elicited Just
liculu from the press. But the declaration
f not fall to inform the government the
co It must pay for the support ot the
rty In the now Uclchatag , Behind the
blatfo about the Intolerable military bur-
is imposed by thu empire , and the advice
olcctorj to take : i decided position against
i army bill and the Hucnu amendment
that measure , there llos the principle.
) shall transfer , says Dr. Llobcr , the
.ndthorst resolutions to the new parllu-
nt nnd use them as our guiding light in
.cussing . all future army questions ,
' . 'ho Uormanla , the clerical organ , has
) Ught It necessary to explain to the clcc-
S that this 'declaration c10
means , with the
of the inviolability of the late
. Wlndlhorst's demands for the rcadmts-
n Into Germany of the Jesuits and aftlll-
od orders , lull liberty to make terms with
o government on the army bill.
I'rlci , of Their Support.
The Llobor faction of the center party Is ,
short , ready to lu-gotlato with Chancellor
m Caprlvl on the basis of a removal of re-
{ lous disability In return for Its adhesion eto
ip government's military demands. Pro-
otlon to German agricultural Interests oIs
lather , but subordinate plank In the maul-
'Sto. ' The demand for a reform In taxation ,
to protest against
monopolists and the sug-
stcd Increase of the Bcs
taxation on luxuries
mtaluod lu the manifesto
are also secondary
jnsldoratlons , That Dr , Llobor has the
hip-hand of the party U most evident in
: io passage referring to popular suffrage
ud the rights of the federal states.
The reactionary conservative organs
tircaton that if tbo now Heiehstag Is In-
ractlblothe t'overnmeut will restrict the
ranohlso and thus get an obedient Parllu-
icut. The manifesto In response to this
' > - ) atdaclares that the highest law Is the
itilutlon , adding ! " \\'o bold fast to the
character of the empire as n federal state.
The prerogatives of the | > coplo are based1
upon universal , equal , direct and secret
suffrage. "
Puppet * In I.lehar' * llnniln ,
To some of the aristocrats signing the
manifesto men like Freyslng , Homprcsch ,
Buel , Hcrcman and Von Zundwyk this Ian-
gunge Is foreign. Like puppets In Dr. Lie-
bcr's hands , they seem to have assented to
the declaration without pondering upon
what It Involved , Therefore , since Baron
von Schcrlomcr-Alst took tbo Initiative In
supplying a manifesto moro taking to their
aristocratic tendencies , several of them , In
cluding I ton.Froyslng , proposed to Join the
Von Schfirlenicr-Alst section. This will
cause a disruption of the center party in
Bavaria , even worse than the break-up of
the party In Prussia.
Another factor that Is causing n panic
among the Bavarian centrists Is the Inde
pendent action of the peasant societies
which have hitherto always supported the
centrists candidates. The societies have
now Issued an electoral address , stating
that their representatives have up to this
time been co-operating In legislation ruinous
to the peasant proprietors and paying alto-
pother too much assiduous attention to re-
Hglous questions. In the coming olcction ,
the manifesto adds , the peasant societies
will support only candidates who are de
voted to the agricultural Interests of the
country and who are reliable as citizens ,
without regard to their religious bcllet or
social position.
Social Democrat * .
The social democratic party will turn the
disruption of the centrists to the bast ac
count , llcrr Singer took the field today and
ho will stump Khonish Prussia nnd West
phalia. He announces that ho will speak on
the action of the Heiehstag with special ref
erence to the attitude of the centrists.
Throughout Saxony , always a socialist
stronghold , the party seems to bo all potent.
At the last election , out of the twenty-three
members Saxony sent to the Helchstagsovcn
were socialists. Unless the present anpear-
anccs are falsified , eight moro scats will bo
captured at the coming elections. This will
not bo because socialism has grown so much ,
but because of the absolute disorder that
has resulted from the Impotence of the old
political parties.
Conservative candidates no longer appear
as conservatives , but us Christian-socialists ,
meaning the conservative anti-Semite , or
German social blending conservatives , anti-
Semites and agrarians. Then there is thu
German reform party , led by Hcrr Zimmer
man , nn ox-member of the Heiehstag , with
a democratic nntl-Scmito program. Ac
cording to Ilerr Zimmerman , the increase
in the army asked for by the government
ought to bo granted , but the Jews and
capitalists should bo made to pay the extra
expense , as a corollary. Ilerr Zimtngrman
holds that a government that is leagued
with Jews and capitalists must bo over
turned. At mass meetings held nt Dresden
and other centers Ilerr Zimmerman was
wildly cheered.
I'robuhlo Winner * .
Amid this electoral medley , the conserva
tive , liberal nnd frcisinnigo parties are not
much heard of. The struggle lies between
the socialists , who forrn a compact , well
directed party , and the now political bodies ,
composed of old elements , yet hardly In con
dition to know themselves. Obviously trust
worthy data on which to base a prediction
of thc'final ' result of tho'clcctions ' , continues
to bo wanting.
Preparations for Their llemovnl to Itlch-
nionil , Vn.
NEW Ont.EANS , La. , May 27. With the
dignified simplicity which was inseparable
rom his Ife , with none of the fuss and
ostentation of military or civic display , the
remains of the late ex-president of the
southern confederacy were removed this
evening from the vault where they have
had a temporary resting place for
three years and a half , to the hall where
they are to Ho In state until their
transfer to the funeral train that is
to bear them to the beautiful and quiet pre
cincts of Holywood cemetery In the city
wherein so many of the stirring incidents of
Mr. Davis' eventful life had their being.
But thu absence of the Imposir.g procession
and moving multitude was the mute respect
of patriotic people , restrained from outward
show by the simple request of the old sol
diers who had the arrangements In chargo.
For tomorrow is reserved the civil and mili
tary honors that are to bo paid to tlio mem
ory of the dead. They will bo more Impos
ing than the ceremonies of today , as far as
numbers ure concerned.
Early this morning the body , In Its copper
receptacle , was transferred tp a magnificent
oak casket with heavy brass trimmings.
The cedar coffin , In which the remains
originally rested , was returned to the vault
nnd it was closed with the marolo slab ,
upon which was the fac simile of thu signa i-
ture of Jefferson Davis , and it will remain in
that condition as long as the tomb of the
Army of Northern Virginia stands.
The transfer was made early nnd privately
at the family's request. The body was nu-
tur.illy decomposed , but was In fair preserv '
ation and the face recognizable. A guard of
the Army of Northern Virginia veterans ro-
unlned at the tomb all day.
At a o'clock n mounted escort of Army of
Norther ) ! Virginia vctcnins.conductcd the re
mains in a closed earrhgo to the Memorial
hallvYhlcji was reached nt 5-.15 p. in. Hero the
casket was received In silence by the United
Confederate veterans , placed upon an oak
catafalque and exposed to public view.
Mayor J. Taylor IClllson and the Richmond
delegation followed the hearse in n carriage
and the Virginia veterans mot the cortege
near the city and marched the rest of the
way behind the hoarse. The casket will re
main nt the Memorial hall , guarded by con
federate soldiers until about & o'clock tomor
row afternoon , when the escort will take
charge of the remains and leave ut 7 p. in , for
Hichmomi , Vji ,
I'ustpoiicmunt of Action by tlio Atchlion
Until Thursday.
CniCAOO. III. , May 27. The rates which
thu Atchison announced would bo put Into
effect from Colorado on Monday wlll'bo held
in abeyauco .until
Thursday , This was
granted by the Atcbison , In order to glvo
the Burlington , Hook Island and other west
ern roads a chance trs
to harmonize matters
among themselves If they can. President
Hughjtt'of the Northwestern declined today
to act as arbitrator of the differences be
tween the Atchison and the other roads.
H's ' refusal was based upon the fact that tno
Northwestern was directly Interested in the
points ut issue , and that he , therefore , could
not consistently arbitrate the differences.
President Cable of the Hook Island said this
afternoon that nothing had been done to
ward selecting u man for Mr. Hughltt's
place and the passenger agents , on Monday
will resuuio where they left off on Friday I
night. I
Emperor William Accused of Saying that
a Struggle is Inevitable.
Republican Institutions Blight the Happi
ness of Neighboring Emparora.
j Germany Insists the Lesson of Bismarck
to Napoleon Has Tailed ,
Her Volley of Meddling In the Coluiilnl
of Other flovernmciiti unil of
Ulvlui ; Native * Aid llni Citusctl
Much Hitter t'ocllnc.
Jaiie Gordon nenntt.\ \
PAHIS , May 27. [ New York Herald Cable
Special to Tun Bui ! . ] The European situ
ation continues to bo dominated by German
volitics , and the efforts made by the cm ?
pcror and the empire show how grave the
conditions nro. Many other Indications in
crease this Impression , especially in Catho
lic diplomacy. The different nuncios of the
pope are all restless as If some hint of rest
lessness came from Homo. The nuncios re
late that Emperor William told the pope
that ho win determined upon war , as Fraucp
was n danger to European monarchies. It
does not accept the situation brought about
by the events ot 1870. Therefore war is In
evitable. Consequently it would bo better
to make war now In order to diminish as
rapidly as possible the burdens weighing
upon the people. The pope in relating the
Interview is said to have remarked :
' 1 pleaded with him , I wept with him , I
have not convinced him. "
Alitny Strong Proofs.
Ono proof of the truth of these reports is
that since the interview with the emperor ,
the pope has n mass said daily to turn away
threatening evils. With such symptoms it
can' easily bo understood that the future of
international politics is not rose-colored.
Another political factor Is the ever In
creasing friction between Franco and Eng
land , Every question between the two
countries takes on n bitter aspect , especially
In colonial affairs. Madagascar and Slam ,
where France has ti great deal to bother
her just now , since It has been proven that
that the natives' receive ammunition and
arms through the intermediary of England.
It will bo readily understood that the French
government is not very well satisfied with
such proceedings , which ure habitual in
English politics.
I'repitrlng for the Kleutloni.
As to internal affairs , Franco is making
ready for the elections. All the reports
co.ning from the provinces show that the
Panama scandals have produced no effect on
the public mind. The elections will go
republican , nnd the composition of the next
Chamber of Deputies will bo very much like
the present one. Perhaps the conservative
party will lose fifty seats to their allies , the
"regained , " aa they are called , that is , the
monarchists who have become republicans.
There is reason to believe that the socialist
party will gain twenty seats , especially in
the south.
After the elections It Is probable that
President Carnet will call upon M. Constans
to form a ministry , which may have a chance
of lasting two years , and may give to Franco
a much needed stability of government.
Pitiful I'ato of I.lttlti Innocents nt Janoi-
vlllo , X. , T.
ATLANTIC CITV , N. J. , May 27. News has
Just reached hero of the fatal consequences j
of a parent's negligence at Jancsvlllo. John
SImpkins lives with his family in a house on
the outskirts of town. A short time ago his
two children fell 111 of a fever that has been
prevalent in the neighborhood , and only a
few days ago Mrs. Simpklns was
stricken. A
local physician was
called In and left a medicine
containing morphine as one of the ingredi
ents , giving particular orders that it should
bo kept from the children's reach. Wednes
day the father went out and did not return
during the day , leaving his wife lying on the
ragged coverlets and unable to movo. The
children became thirsty , and utter crying in
vain for drink espied the medicine bottle
and climuing upon a chair secured and drank
every drop. When the father returned ho
found the children lying on the floor , ono un
conscious and the other struggling for
breath. Both died In terrible agony.
Nine Knnnna City Firemen Will Attend the
London rirvnirn' * Con ri-hii ,
NEW YOUK , May 'J7. Among the passen
gers on the City of Homo , which sailed for
Europe today , were nine sturdy firomcn
from Kansas City. The men wore picked
from the Kansas City department to attend
the International brigades , congress ,
which is to bo held in Agricultural
hall , London , from May 11 ! to
11) ) , Inclusive. They will bo the
only American representatives to the
congress. They constitute what is known
as the Pompier corps , from the fact .that
they manipulate the Pompier scaling lad
ders , with which they climb the sides of
buildings from window to window. They
have taken with them one of the latest
types of water tower and the Kansas City
crack team of horses , Jpo and Dan , which
have a record of ono'nnd two-'llfths 'seconds
hitch. The men will stop at the larger
cities of this country jpu their return from
abroad and give exhibitions' , They will
visit the World's fair. ' r- , "
HIS ciuxviai oF'Ki&oi'jsitv aouit ,
( louernl V n WycU ' 'fijiproyla'p ; IJilly : nnd
'rucecli , ,
NEDIUSKA. CITV , Nob. , Jtiify ' 27. [ Special
Telegram to TUB Ucn.-rTho latest reports
from General Van , , Wyck brpugjit by jiis
brother-in-law , lion ! Mark fli-iadhoad , hro
most encouraging. The patlcn.V js dally
gaining strength and his chances of ultimate
recovery arc thought to bo good.
; ? " . 7.
Ou the
llrtnk , ot tlto'tjraye
New YOIIK , May ! iO,4Edwln St. Clalr
Smith , Edwin Rooth's iih'ysiclanfMld wh6n
he left his patient tonight : "Mr ; Booth's
condition is much- more serious than it has
been for some time. Ho is weaker and has
been partially unconscious sln'co the aftor-
noon. He cannot rccogulzo any cue. With
out a great rally , It lsdqubtful if ho recovers
from this last attack , " '
Story of the TrouM lUlwocn Ulnliop lion-
cuny nnd 111 * I'rlcjU.
The discord iri'-tho lloman Catholic dioccso
of Lincoln between Bishop Bonacum and'
several ot his priests reached an acute stage
during the pas'tVcck.
Humors of trials and investigation of the
trouble have iccn current for months ,
liarl.y In the yeaV , and as late as April 15 ,
report had It tha't Mgr. Satolll , the Catholic
supreme Judge In the United States , in
tended visiting Llnesln for the purpose of
personally hearing nnd settling the diffi
culty. Thcso rumors finally crystallized
Into facts. A short time ago Instructions wcro
sent by Mgr. Satolll to Bishop Bonacum that
testimony bo taken in the matters com
plained of and Jed to the monslgnor.
At the same time Bishop Scanncll of Omaha
was requested to hear nnd report the testi
mony of the parties td the controversy und
forward it to headquarters. ,
The hearing befpro Bishop Scannoll was
quietly had week before last In Omaha. All
parties 1 to the controversy came together In
Lincoln last week ,
As originally filed , the charges against
Bishop Bonacum were signed by a largo
number of priests. Several names were
subsequently withdrawn , nnd when the dual
hearing was had only four names were at
tached. Tliesp. were Fathers Corbott , Kup-
pcnberg , Crowley and Murphy.
Charges Preferred.
The charges against the bishop were , In
substance : Disobedience of orders , incom-
petency , tyranny and violation of the Baltl-
priests and the bishop has been berne by
Father Corbett ofj Palmyra. His relations
with his superior have been strained for
several years. >
During the campaign of 1800 Father Cor-
belt was an active supporter of the cause of
the farmers alliance. Ills activity became
offensive to Catholics in other parts of the
state nnd complaints were made to the
bishop. Charges of a moro serious nature
wcro made against him , which the bishop
could not Ignore. An ecclesiastical
was had and the case submitted to Bishop
Scannoll of Omaha for rev-low. The latter
annulled the llndlngs.'O.wlng to Irregularities
In the conduct of the case.
In this trial the , tljshop Is said to have
acted as a prosecutor .rather than as judge ,
and his conduct sowed the seeds ot discord.
It was the beginniuf of , the trouble. Around
It gathered the complaints and alleged
wrongs imllictod On other priests , until they
became of sufllclcnt number and seriousness
to justify an appeal to Mgr. Satolll. On those
charges testimony .wasjtaken in Omaha and
Lincoln during the past , two weeks.
A serious phase of the controversy , and
one which Imperils the bishop's side , is said
to bo a violation of orders received from
Mgr. Sutolll. In h'is Instruction to Bishop
Bonacum rcgardlng'lho taking of testimony ,
Mgr. Satolli enjoined ' trlct Impartiality , and
that no punlshmentLshould bo inflicted on
priests' during the , iWdeucy of the caso.
iRiioroii SiuqlU'4 Mandate.
Notwithstanding those explicit orders ,
Father Corbott was suspended by.tho-blshop
last Thursday. The priest's coiinsel , Father
Phclan of St. Louis.ikilowing1 the orders of
the jope's representative , advised the priest
to ignore'the suspension , and continue per
forming his duties. Particulars of tho.
bishop's action were wired to Mgr. Satolli.
Thus the case stands.
Another factor In the controversy ,
but ono which is not directly Involved
in the present investigation or trial ,
is the suspension of Father Walsh
of Lincoln afew years ago. When
Bisiiop Bonacum took charge of the new die
ccso of Lincoln he brought Father AValsh
from St. Louis and made him pastor of the
cathedral , Although In this position a
priest Is subject to removal at the will of
the bishop , while pastors of other churches
are Irremovable .except for cause , the posi
tion is regarded wipi much favor , and ap
pointment to it is considered a promotion.
It Is a reward and fs roroly given to a p ricst
from another dioccsor
The coming of Father Walsh nnd the
favors shown him did not tend to
strengthen the bishop In the affec
tions of his clergy. The latter had
struggled and uncomplainingly had berne
the hardships of plouqor mlssioJary life
and did not relish the prominence given ono
who was a stranger to the dioccso and its
Father U'ubtli Incident.
Fathdr Walsh's career In Lincoln was of
brief duration. It was cut short by an Inci
dent as thrilling as , It was somewhat tragic.
Immediately after the murder of Shecdy ,
the gambler , in Lincoln , and the arrest and
Imprisonment of Mrs. Sheedy on the charge
of being an accessory , Father Walsh gave
testimony before the coroner's jury which
greatly offended thp prisoner. Some tlino
before the crlmo she prpfcssed a deslro for
conversion , had sent for Father Walsh and
received instructions from him. To counter
act the testimony ho had given
Mrs. Sheedy charged htm with
various offenses. Bishop Bonuciim
determined to Investigate the charges , and
brought tbo accused and the accuser face to
face in the county Jail. Mrs. Sheedy
repeated the charges and succeeded in
convincing the bishop of their truth. Turn
Ing to the accused father the bishop Indig
nantly exclaimed , "lily house , lllco Cicsnr's
wife , must bo abqvq suspicion. " Suspension
was u necessary scqiicuco.
It Is claimed 'byttjio friends of Father
Walsh that the puii hment mo.tod out to
him was unjust , qwi.excesslvo unjust , be
cause ho was givoi iio opportunity to refute
the charges ra dq , 'against htm by ono ac
cused , ut the tjmo , of conspiring to take
human llfet..and excessive , In that Father
AValsh belonged to fho/St. Louis dloceso and
the bishop could notdw moro than withdraw
his faculties for the dioccso in which ho was
temporarily sUtloqurt ;
Father Walrii scaled the case to Mgr ,
Satoll and made a pujreptial call on the papal
representative sompifuio ago.
His counsel .Is tbjj famous Dr. Burtsell of
Roudout , N , Y. , whocUampio.ned | the cause
of Dr. McGlynn and was removed by Archbishop -
bishop Corrlgan. ,
Clone of / < rtvi Schools.
CAIISOX , fa.- May er. [ Special to TUB
BEE. ] The public schools of Carson , under
the superintendence of iProf. A. J , Burton ,
closed a very successful school year yester
day with a graduating class 6f four young
men. An interesting program was carried
out at the opera house last night. The entire -
tire corps of teachers is retained for another
year at advanced salaries.
GLENWOoivIaV , May ST. [ Special to TUB
DEB. ] Our High school commencement took
place at Byors''opcra house last evening , A
class of eleven girli ana four toys received
diplomas. An Immense audience listened to
the exercises which wcro unusually Interest-
toff ; ,1'ho Glomvpoii Mandolin club furulsuoa
delightful music. |
Ingress to the Fair Grounds Will Bo Given
to tho. Public Today.
It is Estimated that from 200,000 to 600- ,
000 People Will Bo in Attendance.
There Will Bo Mtnio on tbo Grounds , but
the Buildings Will Bo Olosod.
Attractions on Midway I'lnlsnnoo Will
Jtun Wldo Open Portugal' * Comml-
Bloner Foiliicl tin the Streets Inane -
ano Notes of the Tulr.
CHICAGO , 111 , , May 27. The sun went down
In a beautiful red sky this evening , and ac
cording to the old Hobnxio rule , tomorrow ,
the flrst open Sunday at the fair , will bo
-bright and clear. Everybody In connection
with the fair has been busy nil day today
perfecting arrangements for handling the
largest crowd that has yet attended. This
morning the bureau of admissions ordered
00,000 tickets to bo distributed nmonj ? the
ofllccrs for use tomorrow , but late this after
noon , when the prospects for a clear , warm
day tomorrow , became bright , the
number was doubled. The rail
roads , surface and elevated , cable ,
steam and electric roads are preparing to
put on their entires service of engines and
cars. Word has been received from the sur
rounding towns that largo numbers will at
tend from each of them. Director General
Davis believes 3oO,000 people will attend ,
while others of the World's fair officials esti
mate that the crowd will number from 200-
000 to 500,003. Every one of the Jlfty en
trances to Jackson park will bo open from 8
o'clock in the morning until 10 o'clock in the
evening. Thcro will bo no symphony or
.orchestral concerts tomorrow , but the music
on the grounds will bo the same as on week
Knlnrglng Their Strong Ituxcs.
Midway plaisaneo Is also making arrange
ments to entertain the people who are ex
pected to How In on them. Every villapoand
restaurant and private commission is getting
in readiness and building additions on the
treasury boxes In anticipation of a great
day's business.
Alfred do Clapardo , the Swiss minister to
the United States , arrived In the city from
Washington today. IIo had been wired for
by Consul .Hollngcr , on account of the recent
arrest of a Swiss exhibitor by the United
States authorities for disposing of exhibits
at , the fair. Mr. Clapardo called.on .District
Attorney Milchrist today about the affair
nnd after an explanation of the action of the
government ho expressed his entire satisfac
tion with the course pursued.
School children in force came to see the
fair today. The action of the officials in re
ducing the price for admission for the young
folks to 23 cents has been productive of a
big increase and Saturday Is put down as a
weekly children's day. Notwithstanding
the heavy clouds which hung over the White
City thousands of young students came out
early and their number , with the prospect
of an open evening , will run the totalattend-
anco for the day up to about 75,000. The
clouds passed away towards noon and this
afternoon the weather was warm and
Iliunllcnppod by Hint Weather.
The fourth week has been handicapped by
bad weather and while not reducing the
average attendance for the month , it will
not tend to make the Increase a material
one. The railroads continue to stand out
for high fares and this , no doubt , is keeping
people away from the fair. Strong1 pressure
is being brought to bear upon the roads by
fair officials. The action of the state com
missioners in declaring the fair now fully
open will , no doubt , have a good effect and a
big Increase in attendance may bo reasonably
expected to begin Juno 1.
Todro Almlda , World's fair commissioner
In charge of the Portuguese exhibit , was
found wandering about Lake avenue this
morning with his mind completely unhinged.
The unfortunate stranger had $2,500 In his
pockets and were over $1,000 worth of
diamonds. IIo has been stopping at the
Lake Front hotel. The police took charge
of him and notified his friends.
World' * Fair OlllrliiU Kxpoct u Illy : Crowd
on the Uround Toilny ,
CHICAGO , 111. , May 27. The signal service
predicts fnU- weather for this region tomor
row and the World's fair people are prepar
ing for the biggest attendance thus far dur
ing the fair , not excluding the opening day.
Three hundred thousand tickets of admis
sion hnvo been prepared and the restaurants
and cafes on the grounds are laying In
largo stocks of provisions in anticipation of
big business.
The expected bill for an Injunction to pre
vent Sunday opening was filed today by
United States District Attorney Milchrist. in
the federal circuit court , The district at
torney does not aslc for a temporary injnnc-
tion and as arguments on the bill will not bo
made ] till next week there is nothing In the
action to prevent the proposed opening of
the gates tomorrow. The district attorney
preferred to wait till the arrival of Chief !
Justice Fuller before bringing the case to
actual hearing.
11111 for an Injunction Flloil ,
Before filing the bill tlicro was a brief : consultation -
sultation between Mllchnst nnd Edwin
Walker , attorney for the exposition. They
then went before Judges Jenkins and
Grosscup , and the hearing was sot
down for Wednesday Jn order
that the chief justice might nit with them.
The bill was then taken to the clerk's offices
and filed. The entire proceeding took hut a
few minutes , and a mere handful of people
were present when the matter was disposed
of ,
The bill declares that when the fair was
dedicated it was turned over to the national
commissioner for the United States ; that the
act appropriating money for the fair provided
that It should not bo opened on Sundays ;
that the national commission has power to
modify the rules promulgated by the local
directory ; that the Sunday rule adopted by
the directory last October aftsr accepting
the donation from the government was
modified by the national commission , so tin to
provide for the closing of the gates on Bun-
day , Tbli rule the bill claims Is still lu force , I
\\'tat \ > icrfor OnwhKimi Vtilnlt'l
Fair ; isllohtlu irnniifr ; youth IttiiiUi
1. Wllllim lloitnd to llnvn 1IU Army.
Wtir Soeim to lln n Cort' lnty.
GiUm ot llio 1'nlr Will Open Toilnjr.
D.tyn ot the Trtut * Are Numbered.
3. Y. M , C. A. Athletic I'nrk Oncnod.
Nunntnr Stanford I.tmrn n I'lno Colt.
Mo Inquisition In Pronrrm.
Cron-il * nt the Mnntifneturors' Show.
; i. PrrOiytrrliu ( letiorU A nmhljr.
Important PpiHlon llerlilnn ,
I. l.itftt U'eclt In Soolnl Circles.
S , Valley Hunk Cnnhlor Mining.
Lincoln I.ornl Now * .
llenth' * 'Wellington l.cttnr.
0 , Council Illnrr * I.ornl Now * .
T. KilitoiM Coma to Onithn.
ilniuin from n ilnimncta Olrl.
Ilooiklrts In
H. Story of the rivo-Dollitr Hoc.
Hnnltnrltiin AIT.tlm In Court.
10. When Wild Cut Itnnk * flourished.
Momorlnl Hny Storlc .
11. OntitliK'H I.ocitl Trndo Coitdltloim.
ritmncliil nnd Commerclnl Xuui.
13. KdltorKI nnd Comment.
111. Incitll'i * l > uy on tlio Negro ,
in. Oritnd Army Mutter * .
Wyoming's I.uity ( Jrowtli.
17. Citriiontcr on the IIIhhlndpm.
Dcpuw'H Trllmto to the Soldier Oeixl.
Aiincxittlou with Cin : dn.
18. < ! \vold'K Weekly SportltiR CrHt.
of thu Secret Ortlcr.i.
ll . llonton Women do In for/llloomer * .
20. Ilvotutlon of the llrltlslt Oypiy
I'uttlnj ; JMIflity Nlitcnra to Work.
and neither the commission nor directory ,
nor both together , have the power to
change it.
Many of the men In charge of
state buildings have not yet determined -
mined their course of action on the
Sunday opening question. That controversy
has been In such an unsettled stage up to
now that they have not given much thought
to their own part In n Sunday exhibition.
Several commissioners announce that their
buildings cannot bo opened because legis
lative enactments forbid U. This is true of
Massachusetts and Pennsylvania , and the
Hancock house and the liberty bell will not
bo open to the inspection of the public on
They 31ny I.oso the Keys.
The New York law provides that its state
exhibit shall not bo open on Sunday , and
that may result In the closing of its building.
The gentlemen in charge favor Sunday open
ing , and , as ono of them hinted , they may
lose the key to the front doors Saturday
Commissioner Apnerson of Virginia says
the Mount Vcrnoii homestead will bo closed.
Tills has not been ordered by his legislature ,
nor formally requested by his people , but he
thinks Virginia's sentiment is in favor of a
closed building.
On the other hand , quite n number of the
commissioners state positively that their
state houses will be at the service of the
public and.of their homo people whenever
the fair gates arc opened.
Commissioner Mallory of Iowa said : "Our
exhibit is part ot the fair , and wo propose to
be governed by the rules qf the fair. I here to. advertise Iowa and I shall , lose
no opportunity. "
The Washington commission Is unanimous
for opening nnd Commissioner Calhoun has
been urged to it by clergymen.
"There are no locks on our doors , " was
Commissioner Wells' sententious way of
saying Idaho's log cabin would be open.
"Now Jersey will probably bo with the
people , " said the representative of that for
eign land.
"There are no cranks In our ranks , " was
Minnesota's response , "and wo will follow
the lead. "
Women Vote to Open.
"I shall bo guided by the wishes of the
lady commissioners who are hero , " said Su
perintendent IJtitler of Louisiana , and the
four ladies voted unanimously and emphatic
ally for an open building.
"Whenever a Kansas man is able to get
into the fair grounds , " said Commissioner
King , "ho will have a free pass to the Kan
sas building. "
"Down in Florida , " said Superintendent
Thomas , "wo keep our expositions open on
Sunday , and we are Just as pious at homo as
among strangers. "
"Tho Michigan commission , " said Secre
tary Stevens , "petitioned congress last Octo
ber for an open fair on Sunday , and I shall
keep our buildings open unless the commis
sioners take it back. "
"What possible harm can there bo in lookIng -
Ing nt the products of Nebraska , the gifts of
a kind God , " said Commissioner Moblcy.
"Of course wo will open. "
ColoradOjCallfornia , Utah , North Dakota
and Wisconsin have taken no action yet , but
all are likely to open if the sentiment of the
representatives at their buildings may betaken
taken as a forecast. .
The Italian section of thu liberal arts
building was opened today. It Is a very at
tractive exhibit ot Italian and bronze
statues , the wood carving and Jewelry being
particularly lino.
Cleveland Aekud to Use Troop * .
Borros' , Masj. , May 27. Hov. S. W. F.
Crafts , A. B. Plumb and Joseph Cook , rep-
resenting the national und state Habhath
organisations , today tclcgrapficd President
Cleveland , in view of the dllltury course of
the United States district attorney at
Chicago , asking him to Issue , a proclamation
closinir the gates of the World's fair and to
send troops to keep them closed till the
courts can act.
JOH.V v. xair itHTintstt JIUMK.
Ho Talk * of Financial AllUIr * to n Now
Vork Itcporlor.
NEW YOUK , May 27. John C. Now of In-
dlana , consul general to London during the
Harrison administration , returned to this
country today on the Paris , accompanied by
his family. Ho expects to remain hero for
three or four days and then go to Baltimore
and Washington and soon after to Indian-
apolls to bocoino a private citizen.
"What is the business situation In Eng
land t" ho was asked.
' In manufacturing and shipping and kin
dred lines , I should say It wan as good us
usual , but in financial circles there Is n de
pression a rather dull and unsettled fueling ,
This Is duo to the Australian failures and
the situation In India. "
"How Is the situation in the United States
treasury regarded' ( "
' I do not think much attention Is paid to
it. I don't think it lias much affected the
financial situation. "
"Could United States bonds bo sold readily
In England if new ones were issued)1' )
"Tho only dlftlculty would bo that the
buyers would 'got hurt In the rush.1 Thcro
would bo a swift demand for them. The
credit of this country would bo such that the
bondi would bo taken nt a very low rate of
lotereit. "
Grovcr Cleveland Said to Hnvo Dotanuinod
War on the Combines.
No Quarter Will Bo the Ory When the Fight
Once Start ; .
. Illustrations ! Taken from the Experience of
' Wall Stioot Last Week ,
Now York llnnkcrJ Admit that ttio Wont of
Their Dllllcultlcs Hnvo Not Yet 1'imotl
JMIllloimlrui Dropping Tholr
Sti nr TriMt atorUn ,
New YOUK , May 27. [ Special Telegram to.
T.I-.I , ; BKK.J Wall street has had n dull week ,
hut not an uneventful one. Many efforts
have been made to glvo the stock market
some ' show of activity and
buoyancy , but
not much has been accomplished. It 1 Just
as well to face
the facts , and that means
recognition ot the indisputable truth that
Wall street is In a serious situation , and that
from this time on money lenders are llkoly
to take council rather of fear than of faot ,
and that the liquidation , of which there
have ' been lately many examples , is sure to
continue nnd grow.
An illustration of the situation as It Is ap
peared today in the market for General
IClcctric'trust stock. Two or three months ago-
It was soiling up around 111) or higher. Th < >
quotation today was 05. When the last an
nual report of the trust was issued -
sued It represented that the trust was nott
only prosperous , hut really In the mouoy
market as a largo lender of cash funds. At
the same time this trust was a borrower In ,
Chicago and Now York on a bUr scale. The
General Electric trust Is Illustrative of a
long ' ' list of other properties moro or les
actively dealt in upon the Now York Stoolt
exchange. As things now look clcctrio-
trust stock will sell much lower than It hat.
yet touched.
Stutim of Othnr TrimtH.
What is true of electric is true of other
things. Lead trust common ought to sell at.
fiO a share , and prob.ioly it will. Cotton oil
is good for a ten poini drop. Cordage and ,
Whisky trusts have tanen their punishment ,
but it Is not in the nature of things to enjoy
much of a rally. Ot all the trust *
sugar is the most tempting to a.
man who wants to soil something' ' ,
who Is willing to risk a few points loss-for-
many points of prolit. Sugar trust rallied
are always possible and generally llkoly , but.
they cannot be rallied to lust. The million- .
nircs who are conspicuous in tho- manage
ment of this trust are simply showing where
they personally . stand bywholesale pur
chases ot New York real estate. They can r
only get this sort of property by selling their
sugar trust stock. That they undoubtedly
have been doing by wholesale. All tho/
trusts are in for liquidation. Some of them
have taken their punishment ; others havtt
not. i
Orciver AVII1 IIo ABcromlvo. I
Just as soon as the United States district
attorney Is appointed In Now Jersey , NoW
York and iSew England aggressive actions
against the trusts may ho expected from the
administration. And such action will amount
to something this time. President Cleve
land in hU Inaugural went on record as ng.
grcssively against the unlawful combina
tions intended to restrict trade , and all that.
Therefore , It Is fair to supposa that ho will -I
bo In earnest in his espousal of proceedings ' >
aimed nt them. Tills theory Is berne out by- ' i
assurances of the most distinct and explicit ' ;
character given by Mr. Cleveland's most In4 ,
thn.ito friends. The llrst on the list of '
trusts that may bo attacked la to bo the Hub- ?
her trust , next tlio Sugar trust anil after '
them the Whtslcy trust nnd some others. All ,
of the trusts arc threatened with serious at- ' ' . '
tack. ]
People who continue to hold such "socurl- >
tics" may bo bravo. They certainly will s
have to face losses. The stock market this
week has been without much oppressiveness
on the bear professionals ,
For I'rcnont anil I'uturo. '
Today's bank statement showed a gain of
about $1,000,000 In surplus reserve. About J
} ,000,000 in gold has been exported this > $
week. Durintj the cominif wooic , moro probably - |
ably go abroad. Thu tendency from this
time on Is likely to ho on the side of gold )
exports. Wo owe Europe and Europe wants 5
the money , and wo will have to probably 3
settle through these gold shipments , 4
Banking circles are still nervous , Now -2
England is worried. Industrial dlfllcultlcs %
of a serious sort are threatened up there. [ In
all probability a lot of HOITOVVR must bo faced ' '
in and about Boston , The tnorcantilo com- '
111 unity hero and all over the country la '
perturbed. The fa II tire of ox-Secretary of 4
the Treasury Foster Is significant of a lot of j
oilier entanglements. A director In more |
than ono of the banks In this city said this ' ,
today : ' I
"Wo are not only In trouble , hut wo are in , '
serious trouble , My honrt Is Rick. I urn 't
amazed ut the possibilities of disaster now ' ,
hanging over us. " II. A 1.1.0 WAT. ,1
I'rtnrcss Kul.illn rnllKitiid by llm Kntertntn.
mi-lit * In Her Honor.
NEW YOIIK , May 27. The Infanta Eulalla
remained In her apartments at the Hotel
Savoy today. It was understood that she
was considerably futlguod with the excite *
mcnt of yesterday and yielded to the solici
tations of Prince Antoine to upend the day
In resting. During the afternoon the prlnco
and General Porter took u drive together.
A communication has been stint to the sec
retary of state at Washington und to Mn ,
General Grant , stating that the infanta had
arranged to review the parade of the Veter
ans association on Decoration day at an
early hour , and that she will accompany
General Porter to UlvcrMdo park and , with
her own hands , lay a wreath on the tomb of
General Grant , whom she remembers when
he was In Spain.
The Infanta did not attend the Casino thl
evening , nor did she grace thu private gar
den party on thu roof with her presence ,
after the regular performance. The boxes
und 200 orchestra scats reserved by the com-
initteo wcro tilled with invited guests , but
when they found she was not coining their
disappointment was keen. The prince
proved to bo nulto a lion , but ho did not take
thu place of the princess. So the audience ,
which expected to tee the infantn lu QUO of
her most bowitchliitf KOWU , refuted to b