„ . < > - -frf * * rm THE OMAHA DAILY BEEt FRIDAY. MA20. . 1893. i COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Booming Grain Market * Waa the Rule on 'Change ' Yesterday , BEARS WERE INCLINED TO TAKE PROFITS Corn unit Ontt Wars Kren Btroncer than TVIient Henry lUnllilne MarUcd the ln t Fifteen Minutes of the Session , CHICAGO , 111. , May 25-lloomtng grain mar kets was the rule today , both In rc i > cct to volume of biulnesi nnd prices. Wheat sold up IHc from tlio low point yesterday and Jc above tlio close lust night. Corn nnd oats wcro oven stronger than wheat. It was a case of hoo-snw In hog products. The bears at tlio opening began to question tlio wisdom of crowding thulr Bldo if wheat much further nnd Instead wcro disposed to icnp prollts. Cables came In better than was uxpecled , considering the weakness hero -yoslcrday. A Rood many rather unfavorable European C'op reports appeared In the mornIng - Ing papers or wcro received through private sources , whllo the low temperature which wns reported In ninny portions of this country also helped to create a better tone. The bulls found encouragement In the fuel that with twenty-five cargoes of wheat olT the coast today the Liverpool prices kept strong and oven higher. The Cudaliy crowd wcro notably largo buyers. It Is believed by many that J'nrdrldgo Is long. , , Thoio wns some bearnows afloat but tlio Rcntlment wns too strong for It to have much effect. The Cincinnati I'rlco-Currcnt gave a 'uvorablo report on crop conditions for Iho past work anil then ; wns some renewal of the Into financial disturbances reported for tunny quarters. Dakota messages reported high winds for a few days past , blowing miicn nf the MTU wheat out of the ground. This Is said to bo ho.suvoro In some sections that receding - ( ceding Is necessary. Heavy realizing marked the hist flflcen minutes of the pension. Tlio opening was actlvo nnd higher atthosnmo as ypstcrluy'H closing figures , reacted ! ; < : , be- oamo stronger and prices were advanced Jit ; , cnxedolT a trlflu and the closing was about Sc higher for July and Uc higher fur September thnu the closing llgures ( if yesterday. Corn Hturtcd from He to Me advance , worked back \ic \ , then under an urgent dumatul grudu- nlly advanced from ? c to 'ic , reacted Inter , un realizing < ic , ruled steady nnd closed with n gain or from ! ic to &c. The fnct that tlio weather wns cooler over the west nnd In this vicinity liad tlio isffrct of hardening values. Thu dumaml for the cash nitlclo , said to bo duo to the Kuropcnu de- rreuse , wns also looked upon as a bullish factor nnd tlio reduction ItiMoeKsfornisuiiothor.Tho Wenro Commission company wus the leading buyer. There wns qillto n flurry In oats , duo to short covering on ruports of good export buying nnd bad crop conditions. The offerings were sount at first nnd prices advanced fro'ii 1 In IJfc.Thls brought out Incroasoa offering ! ) nnd caused u reaction of from H to ? { e , nml the market closed easy with a not gain of from ' , ! to ; < c. Thcro wns a drlvo made at the provision market , us M > nn us It opened nnd n drop of 45 to 55c In pork ; from 5 to Viic In lard , nnd from 10 to Ilk : In ribs occurred Immediately. There wns n lively Miiipnlng up of offerings nnd a quick recovery of 40c In pork , He ) In lard nnd about 15c In rlfjs. The heavy receipts of hogs wns the re.iMin assigned for tlio openIng - Ing decline. Uiiliahy nnd Wright's uuy- Ing was the direct cnuso of tlio upward reaction , nnd 501110 also ascribed to them the responsibility for the opening break , whllo In other quarters Armour was alleged to bo Iho cnuso. There was only one bullish feature In tlio .statistical situation , but It Is Important. The packing In the west for the week amounted to only 105,000 hond , against 130- OdO head for thu corresponding tlmo of last year. After recovering the full extent of tlio early decline , nork reacted 10c and closed at that much under yesterday's llnal quotation. Lard , which did not decline proportionately with pork and ribs at the opening , was quicker to recover and maintain Us strength nnd n Knln of from 5c to 7'/iC. Hlbs , compared with yesterday , are 2Jic higher. Estimated receipts ) for tomorrow : Wheat , 150 cars ; coin , 45O cars ; oats , 275 cars ; hogs , 19,000 head. The leading futures ranged as follows : AIITICLKB. OPEN. Ill U11. LOW. I'LOSIt. VKSTY WbootNe.U Mar 71H 701s Juir 73H 73 Eopt Corn No. 3 Mar. . . . . . . June W , Juir 41MQU "H Oots No. 2- Mnr t\H \ SIM IIBOM Juno SIM BOM Juir M2'JU SUM Hopt 27UOH Alois I'ork Mar SO 30 30 33 > j 20 76"H Juir 20 30 20 70 30 30 SO 05 2076 Bept 20 60 2002K 20 40 20 65 2005 lard Mar 10 20 10 77 ! 10 20 1027M Juir 1037 10 66 10 6 ! ' 10 42H Hopt 10W 1087W 10 Ci 10 r Bliort Ulbs. . Juir 8 70 986 9 70 9 65M 9 BO . Hopt g 76 9 76 9 ( XI Casli quotations wcro as follows : Kixjuu Sternly , unchanged , WHBAT No. 2 spring , 71Jic ; No , 8 spring C4'Jc : No. 2red , 7Uc. Coiw-No. 2 , 4HicNo. ; 3 , 30.i'c ? ; No. 2yl low , 47c : No. 3 yellow , 41c. OATR-NO. 2. 32c ; No. 2 white , f. o. b. 35 ® OGo : No. 8 white , f.o. b. , 34c. HYK-NO. 2 , r,5c. UAiii.r.v No. 2 , G2c ; No. 8 , f. o. b. , 44S40c No. 4f. o. b. , 40@43c. KI.AXSKHD-NO. l , 1.07Vi TIMOTHY HCII : > Prime , { 3.80U3.85. 1'OHK-Moss , per bbl. . I20.2DSJ2O.30 ; lard per 100 Ibs. , J10.27'j10.30 ; short ribs , side r ( loose ) , tO.H2iiQO.8D ; dry salted shoulder U. ? 10.00 < i410.2D ; short cloarsldesboxod ( -M. WHIBKY M.Distillers' finished goods , per gal H.12. HunAns Cut loaf , Ciici grunulatcd , 6.70 Itnndard "A , " 5.57. On the Produce exchange today the butte murketwuseasier ; creamery , IGrfolOSJi : ; dairy "k/ 1"Kggs. . bteudy , strlcllv fresh , 13(2.13He ( Uinahn ( Irnin. Tlio follcwlng prices are for dellvory at Mississippi river points : WHEAT No. 2 , spring , 07cj No. 8 , spring , 68c ! No. 2 hard. Otic ; No. 3 hard , Olc. IlYK No. 2 , t > OC. OATS No. a wlillp , 82ci No. 8 white , 31 Kc. COIIN No , 2 , ciiKh or Juno , auc : No , 3 or better , cash , 37ic ! ; No , 2 whltu , 40c : No. a white , 3Uc. AnioiiK the suli'3 reported ' were ! 1'orty-flvo cur * No. 2 corn , 110 dnys uhlpment , 3Bo. York Alurknti. NEW VOUK , May 25. l''iotin-ltecppts | , 30- 700 pkgs.i oxnortH , 5,200 bills. , 08,700 Bucks ; bales. 0,000 pkgs. ; market dull und eusy ; liuy- urM bidding undiT thu market ; winter wheat , lowgnuh's , J2.05ii2.25i ( winter wheat , fulr to fancy , } i.35fa,2.05 ; winterwheut , natonts , 13.50 tt4./ & ! Mlnni'sota , clear. { 2.5OU3.10 ; Mlnne- Mita.Ktralghts , (3.50 4.10 ; Mlnneaotu , patent , CdtiN JIr.Ai > Steady ; yellow western , $2.00 ® ItVB Slowly , quint ; western , 07GOOC. llAlll.KV MAI.T Quiet , steady. \ \ nr.ATllccelpis , l0il ! ! ( o bu.j exports , 108- 000 bu. ; bait's , HOU.IUIO hu. , futuri's , 04,000 , bu. spot. r < pot market llrmer ; moduratu ex port trade ; No. 2 red , In sloro und elevutor , 77ci utloat , 78c ; f. . b. , 77 > < tt7HUc ; No , 1 nortlu'rii , 7Hc : options dull and isimc lilgher ; No. 2 ri'd , June , closeil at ( ' ) ? , ; July , 7bc ; Auiuiht , 7Uio ; beptemher , bljjoj llu- cumhor , H5ic. ( COIIN Itccelpts , 63,800 bu , ; exports. 1,300 bil.t Hales , UGO.OOO bu. futuri'x , 4b,000 bu , snot , fpot quiet , KBlJiu higher , bcurco ; No. 2,5Kt51iiin ! elevator : 5'JJic utloat ! op tions dull and Stole lower ; .lime closed 40 > , c : July , 40 > n" Augu l , 40 , o ; rieptemher. 4HWC. OATS UucelpiH , 1H.7IHJ bu. ; uAports , 172.HOO bu , ; sales , IH&.IKKI bu , futures und HO.OOO bu. ( .not. SpotB , ' .ai'fc ' hlheri ( options dull und W.lo iilglii'r ; Muy rlu.M'il , Sbiic : June. avjfi'i July , 30'tc ; No. 2 white , 41 < iCi4'Jo : No.2L'hlcugo , 30tCi No , 3 , aye ; mixed wokt- urn , 37G30c ; whlto wcbteru , 40Hc. HAYI'ltlrileniund. . Hoi'H-ljutot. tlrm ; state , common to choice , lHiC21ic ( ( ; Pncllle const , lBtt21t < ' , lllDES Dull , luimlnali wet uulti'il. New Or leans M'lorled , 45 to CO Ihs. , 4i4iOc ! ; Texas swli-uti'd. f.O toOO His. , BS7c ; Jlui'iion Ayres , l0 ! to 23 Ibs. , 12 } ci Texas dry , 20 to 25 lb * . , 7li MOc. PiiovisiONS-Cut meats , nrm , quiet ; mid dles Inactive , l.anl. steadier , qulot ; west- urn Btcam closed ut 110.75 asked ; halos , nonu ; option * , milfii , none ; May closed ut (10.75 nominal ; July closed ut flO.UO ; September closed at tll.Oo. Pork , dull. HUTTKII Moderate demand , about steady : Klglim , -'OliU't'JIe. OiiKr.HK-r < ti'ady for whlto. Kll8-l'alr ( dumund. tinner ; receipts , 10.105 pkg * : western fret > li , i& ' 'QiCc. JjAi.uwQuiet , weaker ; city i > 2 per pkgs. ) Corro.NBEEi ) OllQulot , weak ; crude , 404S 42cyi'llow. ; 4fK- . PBTiui.itm-Tlio market was neglected , not a aluglOBulc wus reported. IVniuylvunluoll pot kulut > , none : Juno options , Bull's nune. Tliu only quuutlou HUS 08c bid , ollcrcd ' Lima oil , nl , none , 29c bid. TotM none. ItoatK null , woaV. , wonk * t20 ! < c. Ktcn-Dull , ntoady , MoiAFsifl-Notr Urloan * , open kettle , good to choice , sioady , nulct. ScnAn Haw , ilrmtsales , fl.f.OOtmRsccntrlfu- Call 00 ton at 4 < ( c : rcllnod , fairly active , firm. I'm IKONtjulet , steady ; American , tlU.Tott 16. DO. Coppen-WoaV ; lake , M0.7B. LEAD Steady ) doinotlr , 13.00. Tl.v-Wenki iJtrnlts , 113.03 bid , 110.18 asked ) plates , dull , Mcndy. Mcndy.domestic. 14.16 , Omnlin I'rnilueu .Mnrket. Country pro < luco was about stonily and the market was MII wliolo iloralil of any very In- torcitliiR features. Owing to the light recolpn of tioultry nn occasional coop of very fiincy ild hens brings a cent tnoro than thu quota tions given below , Hut if thoru should Inippun to ban coop or two inoro than the Imtehors wanted II would liavo lo go altlioiiuotatlons. The strawberry market fluttered adccllno owing to the fnct that there were n few inoro cases In than usual. Prices here are now so much lower than nt other points that It can hardly bo expected that the shipments to this market will bo large. On tlio other hand It Is inure than likely thnt all the berries thnt can bo will bn inverted to other markets until prices hero are higher. Itorrlci uio so scnrca this season that the city that gels any will liavo to bid up tor them , The hay market Is quoted it lltllo firmer , 1'EAH-Vcr 1m. liox , 2.00i > .2.75. HEANS Choleo navy , $2,2022.30 ; common stock , fl.002.2.00. UAMCOIINIA UAIIllAaE 1'or 11) . , 30. . , per dot. , Jl. 0021. 23. WAX Ili'.ANfl 1'ur bu box , 13. HTIIIMI lliJANs I'er K-bu. box , II. HriNACii-l'or bbl. , t' . &O. AHI'AltAllUM I'ur d07. . , 251130C. . I'crdor. . , 2ui30o. I'AIIMI.KV I'er dor. . , 25tt30c. TOI-ONIONS I'cr doutvaase. . I'orATOM-Colorado stock , $ l.loai.20 ; Wis consin btirbanks , ( l.OOiil.10 ; western No- brnskn , tl , I'll : l'iANT-l'or 60-lb. boxes. 11.25. SOUASII-l'er 1m. box , Jl.60ftl.7Q. ItciiMiiDA ONIONS I'er bu. box , J2.25. NKW I'orATOiw-Southurn.per bbl. , $5 ; porbu. box , $2 ; California , uar III. , .Tic. WATKII CltKSS-1'er 1C-U | box , 11.70. HTIIAWIIEHHIM Cholcu shlpnlng stock , J4.DO per 21t. < ) t. case. I.r.MONS-L'holce , t4.25ffi4.50 ; fancy , $4.75 ® HANANAS 1'or bunuh , Including crates nnd pniiklng , { 2.00i42.60. I'lNKAl'i'i.ES I'er doz. , $2.0032.23. OitANdiis Newcastle California seedlings , (2.60 ; Newcastle Mediterranean \veets , 12.60 ; t'ltllfornlii inoiititalii oranges , $2.2&U2.0 ; Washington nuvuN , choice , $4 ; Washington navels , largo sizes , J3.DU&3.75 ; Klvursldo Beedllngs , } 2.75 ; Kcdlunds , $2.76 ; Kudlands , 12 size , * 2.50. UUTTllll , EOOS , OAME , I'OUI.TIIV. IIUTTEii Tlio great bulk of the country butter goes ut I2'jfll3c. KidtJeneral ) market , lie. 1'om.Titv Clmluo lions , Uc ; mixed coops , 7 © So ; ole roosters , OSGy ; geu.su and ducks , tiftUo. HAY The market on good upland hay , 17.00 In car lots. VUAI , Cholcu and small fat , TttSJic ; largo and thin , 3iiOc. 3iiOc.fit. fit. Ioul JMurUcln. ST. LOUIP , Mo. , May 20. Fr.oun Llttlo doing. WHEAT Sold olT early , but rallied andcloscd Jjc above yesterday ; No. 2 rud , cash , 08c ; .Slay , 07jc ; July , 70 ; < a70ic ; August , 72c bid ; tieptembcr , 74'BC. COIIN Strong from the start , but relapsed neur the close , t'lidlng , however , ' , o up ; No. 2 mixed , cash , UH'ic ; May , 3bo ; June , 38Jic ; July , ya'ic ; Heptumber , 4Oc. , OATS-lllghurNo. ; 2 cash , 32fc ; : May , 82c ; July , 20c bid ; August , 27c bid. ruovisiONS'-Quiut , steady , unchanged. lliriTCii Dull ; weak and unchanged. UKCBIPTS Klour , 3,000 , bbls. ; wheat , 8,000 bu. ; corn , 70,000 bu. ; oats , 20,000 bu. ; rye , 3,000 bu.jibarluy , noiiL' . Flour , 4,000 bbls. ; wheat , uono : corn , 73,000 bu. ; oats , 12,000 bu. ; rye and barley , uoue. _ UniiHiii City AI rkats < KANSAS CITY , Mo. , Slay 25. WHEAT Dull but strong ; No. 2 hard , ClJiii02Jic ; No. rod , OSSiGOc. COIIN In good demand and ! 5c higher ; No. 2 mixed , 834'634c ? ( [ ; No. 2 white , 34J < ti)35c. ) OATH Actlvu and JtC higher ; No. 2 mixed , /ffl20ic ( ! ; No.2 white , b'Ji432Uc. HuiTiiii Steady ; creamery , Ibffl20c ( ; dairy , KOOH Firmer at lOtfc. HEcnii'is Wheat , 10,000 bu. ; corn , none ; oats , 3,000 bu. Siiii'MLNTH Wheat , 4,000 bu. ; corn , 3.000 bu. ; pats , none. Cotton Mnrket. NEW OHLHANS , La. , May 25. Futures , steady ; Hales , 38,700 bales : May , 17.00 bid ; June , 7.07.07 : July , J7.13ia7.14 ; August , H.2l& 7.2' , ! ; Huptunber , $7.25io7.2Gi.October. I7.30ifl 7.31 ; Novemlier , S7.35S&7.3G ; December , 17.41 ® 7.42. Middling , 7 ci low middling , 0 15-10c : good ordinary , 05,0. Net and gross receipts , 1,260 bales ; exports to Oreat ilrltaln , 3aoo bales ; sales , 2,400 bales ; stock , 130,187 bales. Wool Murkot. - BOSTON , Mass. , May 25. The demand for wool was moderate and the sales of the week voi'i ) only 1,550,000 llw. Prices easy and In aver of buyers. Territory wools quiet , soli ng on a ticourcd basis of from 50u to ft'Jc , prin cipally for line medium. Pulled wools were In light demuiid , with sales of super ut from 30c to 3Bc. AustrullUn wools were tlrm und foreign carpet wools uro held ut previous prices , Milwaukee Markets. MILWAUKEE , WIs. , Mav 25. WIIEAT Firmer ; July , 70o ; No. 2 spring , GOc. COIIN Hteudy ; No. a , 41c. DATs-Higher ; No. 2 white , SSKc ; No. 0 white , 34Q3SC. 1IA1UIY 01JJC KYI : 5Bc. 1'ltOVISIONS Quiet. Pork , July , $20.70. Liverpool MarkotH. LiVEiii'OOL , May 25. WHEAT Quiet , dam aged and holders offer modorutely. OOIIN Demand fair ) nii.xeU western. 4s IJid per cental , PKAH t'una , Os 4ijd per cental. IjAlio I'rlmu western , 51s Gd per cwt. COMMON UOSIN tin Ud per cwt. MlnneupnlU Wheat Market. MiNNKAi'Oi.is , Minn. , May 25 , Eurly buyers sold out freely ut thu close ; murUotllrm ; cash steady ; No. 1 northern hold at USc ; No. 2 northern , 0i ! < IKJ31c. KccelpU , 315 cam , Close : Aiay , oajio ; June , 04) ) < c ; July , CGfjc ; September , GOTsC. Un truck : No. 1 hard , GGiio ; No. 1 northeru , U4C4UCi No. 2 nurthcrn , U2H&03C. Uotlue Murkct. NEW YOIIK , Muy 25. Options opened barely cloudy in f > 44l ( ) points decline , closed strong , [ > dt'M > points up ; stilus , 17,500 bags , Incliullng : May * i5.0Ulu.OO ; June , * 16.UOn615.00 ; July , tlu.55 < i 15.bO ; August , JlD.-lOiilO.6U ; beptum- ber , fl5.10icl5.4b ; December , tl4.00U15.05. tipot Klo , higher , quiet ; No. 7lU.U7 > i. AniorlcHiii I'lrui Iri l.uniluu , NEW YOIIK , May 25. The Post's London flnanclal special bays : The stock market today was butter at the close. Americans were especially good on uiepbrt that Presi dent Cleveland will call congress In i > peclul busslon In August to lepeul the rihorman uct. Prices closed llrm at the bc.it of thu day. New York Dry DuoiU Market. NEW YOIIK , Muy 25 , The dry Koods market was less iinlmateu today. Seubonable upecllul- tles of muny kinds , Including fancy cottons , drc s gooils and silks , were In fair ii'que.st. Prominent blenched goods for the jobbing tradu were qutol ami will continue bu until the new prices have been announced , Toledo Ural a Murkut. TOLEDO , O. , May 25. WIIKAT Higher and easlor : No. 2. cusli und .Muy , 70 > 4C. COIIN Dull und steady ; No. 2 , cabh and May , 42'/iC. ' UATS-QuIoti No. 2 , mixed , 32c. Cliicliinntl MurUots. ' CINCINNATI , O. , May 25 , WHEAT Quiet ; ND. 2 red , U7 < iiiHc. ( COIIN Dull ; No. 2 mixed , 45c. OATH Kuby ; No. 2 mUod , 33c , WIIISUY stfiuly ut tl.12. I'hlladulphla ( irulu Market. PIIII.ADEU-IIIA , Pu.Muy 25 , WiiEAT-gtronci No.2 , red. May , 74UW74)c. ) CoitN Quiet ; No. . ' , mUod , May , 40i40Iic ! , OATf-bit'udyj No. 2 , white , Muytine. . I.omltm oil Market. LONDON , May 'J5.-OAi.ciJrTA liNSEEi-Spot , 3b > . , ux-bhlp ; kpot , ( new crop ) Muy aud Juno bhlpmeuls , SOajiurijuurter. Market. HAVANA , Slay 25-Qulet ; 3,800 bags cen trifugals , lOU iiegruos polarization told ut I4.2t > yi gold per quintal , STOCKS AND IIONUS. Securltlei 'VVeroi Strong H1IU Tendency During the lny. NEW YOIIK , Slay 25 , The stock market was btrong , with an advancing teudencydurlng tlio greater part of the day. The chief factors op erating lu favor of higher value * were the ad- viinco In the Hank of England rate of discount , the cabu In money here , the heavy increase in earning * reported by thoBt. Paul , Missouri Pa- cltlc , Missouri , Kaunas & Texas ami other roads , und the absence of Important failures In thu mercantile world. The railroad lUt wan materially firmer than the Industrials , although among thu latter Sugar w a icouiulcuoua feature aud rose 3 per cent on Inreo transactions. Distillers , whllo Irregular , clo pd with A net gain of 1 per cent ) National Tordago wan weaker , the com * mon soiling down 1'4 and thfl preferred 8 per rent , from the Imt previously reported sale. Interior conduit and ( Insulation common was o He red up 10 points , to 63 , without a single transaction. tlenornl Klectrle , however , wai the great feature , loading all other stocks In point of activity. It first dropped 3'i percent , and after rallying to 73W , receded to 711J and closdd at i2i < . The early weakness was duo to rumors of a strike at the company's works at Lynn , These were subsequently denied and the sharp rally followed as n matter of course. Consolidated Oas Jumped G > { per cent to 12G > { on.siiinlldoulliigs. ( n ttiorallwny list the Improvement was equal to from 'S Io2pcrcont , the western .shares and I/oulsvlllo & Nnshvlllo loading , Manhattan was unusually promi nent , nml fold up 4H paints lo 133' } . After 2 p. in. It wns reported thatbotwcen JJ.000,000 and $ J.OOO.OOJ gold wouhl bo shipped by Sat urday's steamers. On thU the traders sold stocks and the Improvement was partially lost , but thcru was a rally later and tno mar ket closed llrm In tono. The sales for the day aggregated 204,676 shares , of which 30,640 ere unlisted. The Post says What thojlnterlor has needed in this tlmoofnctlto llnanclnl distress Is not money butcn-dlt , and there Isgood reason to bollovu that Now York has liberally supplied such needs. Tbocoiirso ot domestic exchange Is proof of this. Chicago exchange on Now' York , which u fortnight ago ruled ut , 40c premium , has fallen to 60c discount. Ut. Louts u.xchangu has dropped from OOc premium to Ear. Vet thu actual movement of money has y no means been westward , a fact which local bankers' books and our weekly statement of reserves ullku demonstrates. Thu only clear explanation U than western banks , which practically have no balances left to thulr credit In eastern Institutions , nro fortifying themselves by placing their own discounted pnpurln Now York and drawing cxchangu nguliistsuch accommodation , leaving , how ever , thu actual money hero as thu safust placo'for Its deposit. ThU Is undoubtedly a reassuring sign , because If anything akin to panic were looked for In the west no tlmo wouhl have been lost In getting the money to western vaults. A reasoning very similar may bo applied to London , whence dispatches of an apprehensive character are coming , The following are the closing quotations of thu leading stocks on thu Now York Stool : ex change today : Atchlson. . . nuriiiurn L'uuiiiu. . AUams Kxpross . . . 15U ilo preferred . Alton , T. II 25 U. 1' . Don. AUulf. do proforrcil HI ) Norlliwesturn . American Kinross , 113 do preferred . . . . linltlmoro AUhlo. . 77 N. Y. Central . Canada 1'nclllc. . . , -N.'V. AN. U . Cnimiln touthorn. . Oregon Im ; . Central 1'ucltlc Oroion .N'nv . GS LbUB. A Ohio O. a. 1. . A U. N. . . . IS ChlcimoAAIton. . . 135 I'nclUc .Mull . ft"-g. eorlal ) . A I ! . 148 Consolidated tins. . 1'ullmnn I'alnco. . . . 17ti 0. C. C. A St. Li lle.ullnk- . Cotton oil Cert. , . . 135"t Ulclimoiul Tor . Del. lluilson ilo pruforrud . ID . ! > . * W lllodrande W . . . . IS I'A K O. pf'il. . . . do preforroJ. . . . ISmi II. AC. K. Co Itock lalnml . mi KnstTonn "t St. 1'nul . 0l ! Krlo do ( iruferred . 11JM Krlo preferred . t. Paul AOmnlm. . Tort Warno do proforrod. . . . tit. .Northorn pf'd. 115 jnutbcrn 1'nclllc. . . C. A K. lll.pfd . . . duj'iir llL'llnery. . . . BB Mocking Volley. . . . I'cnn. Con ) A Iron. Illnols Conirnl. . . . U3 > i 1'u x as 1'nclllc . 7H t. Paul AUuluth. 81 I'ol. A O. CUD. pt'd 75 Tan. A Tor. pf'U. . 21 Union t'aclflc . HOW iRko h'rloA West. . U.S. Kipren . 55 do preferred W. St. li. Al' . 6 .nko Slioro do preferred , . . . 17H , , end Trust Wolli Karuo lixp. . 143 Louisville A Nnsb. Western Union. . . . SIH .oulavlllo A N. A. WbrellnKA L. K. . 15H Innlmllnn Con. . . . do praferred . Momp' , SO Mlau. ABt. 1- . Cuntrnl. . 93 Den. AH. U . llssourl 1'acltlc , Uenoral Kloctrlc. . lobllcA Oblo an Nat. Lin . 27 Ncntivlllo A Chalt. Jolo. Kuol A Iron. 45 "inllonal Cordage , H1 * da preferred. . . . 1UU do preferred II. A T. C . ' . J. Central iw : . Tol. A. A. AN. M. Norfolk AW. pfd. 23 roi. st. ii. A ic. c. lortb Amorlcan Co 23tm. . do iiror trrn'l The total sales of stocks today wuro iG4,500 iharcs. Including : Atchlson , U.OOO ; llurllng- on , 0,500 ; Chicago Gas , 4bOO ; Delaware , /ackuwanna & western , 3,000 ; General Clectric , 412,100 ; Jlanhattan , 7,300 ; Now Kng- and , 3,000 ; Heading , 4,300 ; Ulchmond Tor- inliiul , 11,500 ; Itock Island , 11,200 : St. 1'aul , 80.GOO ; Sugar , 20auo. London Financial Iteviotv. 1S33 bn Jamts Gordon IJcnnctt. ] LONDO.V , May 25. [ Nuw Yo'k Herald Cable Special to THE UEK. ] A feeling of anxiety and almost alarm that possessed the Htockox- change Tuesday and yesterday , was not appar ent today. Thu disposition has been lo take u more hopeful und moro cheerful view of thu situation which may bo attributed to forced realizations. The approaching sett lement also causes loss uneasiness , though In places the dltncultles can .scarcely be avoided. Consols Improved from 3 1-6 to 8M per cent. Securities In several cases marked n moderate rise. Foreign government secur- tles did not nieeUwlth much attention. The principal movement wus n full of 1 to Hz per cent In Urock bonds. Homo railways were bettor suoportod , especially during the latter part of thu dayi and closed llrm. Nearly a general advance has taken jilaco in thu mar ket. Americans were much .stronger and llrm. Now York sends bolter prices accompanied by some buying orders , whllo the report that President Cleveland Is likely to cull congrosHtogethur August 1 to repeal the Sherman act produced a good affect. Closing quotations show nearly a general recovery , Including 17i percent In Norfolk & Western preference , 1 ? per cunt In Chicago & Milwau kee , and Louisville & Naslivlllo , pur cent In Atchlson and Union 1'acltlc , and ; to y percent In most others. Canadians were also moro freely bid for resulting In the rlso of 1 per cent In Canadian 1'acltlc and Grand Trunk second preference , and from } f to Ji per cent In other Issues. Argentine lines iiiKomo cases were ' / to 1 per cent lowur. Australian banks relapsed in some extent. Money was In fair demand. Short loans were ( obtained at from3to3i ! percent. The feat dm In the Stock exchange wus the arranging of loans for the settlement at from 5 to 0 per cunt. The discount market wus quiet : two and three- months bills bolng quoted ut 4 per cent. There was uo change In the hank rate. Now York .Money .Murkot. NETV YOIIK , May 25. MONEY ON OAI.I/- Easy at ' 2 to 3 percent ; last loan , 2porcent closed orTured at 2 per cent. I'liiMi ; MEHCANTII.K I'Ai'Kit 68 per cent. BTKUUMI KXCIIANUE t'lrni , with actua business In bankers' bills ut $4.H&H4.8Di foi sixty-day bills and H.BO , for dumuml. GOVEHNMENT lloNUS 1'lrin. State bondi dull. The closing quotations on bonds : u . isri-z 113 St. Ii. A 1 M. Uon. 6s u. a. n coup 113m St I * Ad , V. ( lou. M. U , 8. WirfK m SI. 1'aul Oousuls. . . . 1'aclHc IK of 'to 105 st. r. , c. A r. ists. . . Louisiana st'pod 4i. . 113 T. 1' . Ii. ( J , Tr. Hots , Missouri IS * 10IU r. 1' . It. a. Tr. Hots. Tonn. now net Us. . . . 1U1gj Union I'aclBcUta. . Tenn. nt'ir ot6s . . . gj WestSboro Tenn. now sot8s. . . 72 < l. U. W. Ists Canada. Boutbern 2s 102 Atcb. 4s Central 1'acltlc lull , ion Uch , 2K , class A. . 1) . A It. U , Isti 115 J. 11. Ad. A. 6s 102 II. AH. O , 4i 8UH , J. II. A H. A. 2il 6s. . Krlo 2ds ua II. AT. C. 4s. . II. K. AT. Oou. As. . 81M do Con. Ci M. K. AT. Don. 5i. . 43 N. Carolina Ci. . . . . . . MutualUnlonOs. . . . 107 N. Carolina 4s M. J. C. Int. Curt. . . , 111 S. U. llronn , . M. I'ao. lits. . . . . . . . 118 Tenn. old ( i N. I'ac. 2 < 1s Vs. li N. W. Consol Va. Ki-Mst. con. . . N. W. Iab nt9'r's6s Va. ons. . 2U sorlnn. Ilostdii Stuolc . HOSTON , Mass. , May 25 , Call loans , H351J pei cent ; tlmo loans , GU7 per cent. Closing quo tatlons on stocks , bonds ami mining slmros : New York Mining Ouolntlons. NEW YOIIK , Muy 25 , The following are the closing limitations of mining stocks on the Now York board ; Crown 1'olut , . , M upldr lul Con. Cal. A Vu lea Blurra Nevada 275 Keiulwuuil W ) 1'nlon Con 70 ( iould A Curry CU Vellow Jacket U Hale A .Norcross . . . 60 Iron bllTer It llonieitHko 11M ( jutcktillvcr , , , 260 Jleile n. . . 105 do pfurd 1KU Ontario 1300 Uuliror 10 St. I.onls Mlulne Quotation ) . 8r. Louis , Mo. , May 25. The ofollowlng are the closing mining quotations : Flnnnclal Notes. HAVANA , May 25 , Exchange , quiet. KANSAS Our , Mo. , May 25. Clearings , II- 811,910 , NEW ORLEANS , La. , May 25. Clearings , f lltil,4G7 NEWVOIIK. MayQ5.-Clcarlngs , 100,040,020 : balances , t4,4b8b70. , IlAi.TiMOHE. Md , , Jlay 2S. Clearings , 12- 200,103 ; lialancva , 1358,060. Money , 6 per cent. I'liiLADEU'lllA , 1'a. , May 25. Clearings , 110.- 118.170 ; tttIaucesIl,2 JOU3. Monoy,4H per cent. CHICAGO. III. , May 24.-Cloaring , f 14,615.- C84. Now Vurk oxchaugo COo dltcouuU .j.v. , u- \ , * i n nil Kp nrinBiA jF- . . j , . . . . , % * * , demand t .HO ! ( . * Money tlrm , OO7 percent , IlosTOtf , MaM.rJlny 35. Clearings , $13,482- 042i balance * , (1,707,177. Exchange on Now York , loc to looUmcottut. MEMPHIS. Tcnil. . May 20. Now York ex change Rolling to f i.BO premium. Clearings , 1271,743 ; balances , 100,076. CINCINNATI , Of May 25. Monor , MJG per cent , rioarlngs , 121020,300. > Now York ex change , par to 25c premium. ST. Louis , Mo.'Mriv 23. Clearings , $3,807.- 153' balances , (431,127 , Money ( | iilct at G38 percent , Kxcliifrlgcon Now York , par. 1'Aitts , May 25.3-Tliroo per cent rcnto , 07f OOc for the account. The weekly statement of the Hank of 1'ninco shows an Increase of 3,400,000f gold and a decrease of 2,070- OOOt silver. - LONDON. May 2& The bullion In tlio Hank of England Increased i'004,000 during the past week. Tlio proportion of the Hank of ling- land's reserve M liability , which last week was 30.00 percent follow 37.80 per cent. The amount of bullion coho Into the Hank of Eng land on balauccsjoday , 30,1)00. ) OMAHA LIVK STOCK. MARKETS. Cattle Trade Stonily to n Trltlo Higher Hugs Drop lleavllr In Prices. THURSDAY , May 25. Receipts so far this week foot up 10,230 cattle , 23,224 hojs and 1,837 sheep ngaltist 8,535 cattle , 13,083 boss and 1,741 sheep the samu four Uayi last week , n substantial In crease all around. Thocattlomiirkot was rather uneven , but decidedly active and generally stronger. The supply was about up to dealers' expectations and would have suited tlio local demand to a dot , but wnllo there was , ns Is usually the case on Thursday , llttlo Inquiry from spocu- lullvo shippers , oulstdo butchers were good buyers und on desirable killing grades prices generally showed some advance. In some cases OctolOc. Un rough and half fat stock there was no Improvement and trade ruled dull , lliiycrs all complained of Iho Inferior itiallty | of the ollorlngn and on thU account the miir- kot on paper hardly looks as well as Wednes day. Nnooth 1,400-lb. beeves sold as high as $5 and rough steer * that weighed 1,223 llw. brought but $4.30. Fair togooil 000 to 1,100- II ) . steers sold at from 14.30 to $4.70 nnd com mon light and half fat stutt around $4 and $4.25. lluslncss wns lively throughout ami by noon every thing had changed hands. t'ow stuir sold at < ftilly steady prices. Re ceipts were not heavy. about Hf- tecn loads , and with the usuul good demand the movement was'frco , with sales of poor to choleo cows and heifers at from $2.25 104.27 ! , and the big bulk of the tulr to good stock at * 3 and $3.00. Thuro was not much rough stock on sale nnd prices ruled llrm at around $2.76 and $3.80. Uulves were In fair ( lemund and steady at $2 to $5 , A very moderate business was transacted In stocUor.s and feeders and on the basis of fully steady prices , lloth regular dealers and out siders wanted cuttle , but the offerings , both fresh and stale , were light. Itepreseutatlvo sales : , f .i nitKssr.u IIEEF. No. Av. 1'r. No. Av. 1'r. 046 1350 17 1206 1440 28 B74 400 40 1037 445 22 1171 400 17 1007 445 70 1040 410 21 1043 445 27 048 4 20 2 005 4 50 20 1024 4 15 3 007 4 50 37 072 4 1O 10 1120 4 55 30 1036 420 17..1071 4 GO 40 004 ' 4 25 2..127O 4 05 10 1002 425 11 1145 405 1 030 4 25 10..1181 4 70 20 1233 4 3O 22 1304 476 38 1101 430 18 1337 480 18 1004 430 20 1285 485 42 1130 435 27 1253 485 24 003 440 80 1300 400 1 1100 440 21 1332 600 SlIll'l'INO AND EXI'OIIT. 1 1010 360 21 1040 400 18 1127 416 27 1004 4 GO 30 1035 4 15 82 11G1 4 05 4 1010 445 27 1140 405 10 ' .053 4,50 23 1000 470 G 1233 460 24 1085 4 70 20..1255 . 4 0 c 2 14SO 480 . . T MIXED. 5 908 3 GO ' 20 913 405 23 H30 4 05 i 21 1000 410 MIXKD YEAULINUS. 4 702 4'25 ' 35 631 425 , , COWS. 3 823 225 13 800 SCO 1 870 2'6O ' > 1 1030 8 00 1 960 200 6 1014 855 a 1030 a'oo ' r 10 OOG 8 GO 2 1080 250 , 10 1076 3 05 2 1O10 2'50 ' 2 , 8BO B 70 1 1250 8.00 . 1 .1200 875 1 000 800 1 1280 875 1 820 300 . 5 784 875 1 900 320 1 1160 890 1 900 Bs26 < 13 054 8 00 1 1070 825 4 1160 800 1 1030 320 ' 1 1000 400 24 828 830 1 1380 400 9 1000 - ff'85 ' - ' 0 1297 4 201i 6 HBO a.eq , HEIFEnS. 17 640 800 10 ' 838 885 8 773 300 10 710 800 8 1010 885 23 770 420 CALVES. 3 05 200 4 115 475 4 175 475 1 120 600 BULLS. B 1213 275 1 1880 325 1 1000 285 1 1400 835 1 1240 300 2 12GO 845 1 1480 805 B 1210 800 1 1440 8 20 STAGS. 19 1257 3 80 STOCKEIIS AND FEEDERS. 1 820 800 11 805 875 1 770 825 G 913 876 1 710 840 18 954 885 30 754 850 8 953 885 2 855 8 70 HOGS The murKot wont from bail to worse today. Receipts were about the same as on last Thursday , but scarcely half as many as were hero Wednesday. Including those held over from the day before , there wcro fully 7.UOO hogs on sale , the quality , as a rule , ex ceptionally good , The demoralized condition of eastern markets and the light shipping de mand gave buyers a clianco to buy .somo moro cheat ) hogs , and they straightway proceeded to take oil' 10 to 20u from Wednesday's aver age prices. Good hogs of all weights sold early at from $6.80 to $0.00 , with $6.05 for top. The commoner grades sold at from $6.70 to & 11.80 , with JG.G5 for bottom. At ono time during the forenoon It was hard work to get over $6.75 for any thing , but on the strength In provisions tno market llnulty closed up llrm fully steady with the opening. Hollers were generally ready to let go and a fair clearance was olTocted by noon , the big bulk ot the sales being nt from $6.75 to $0.85 against $0.00 to J7.0& Wednesday and $7,16 to $7.20 on last Thurhduy. This makes a decllno In two days of OOc to OOc. Kcprctontutlvo sales : No. Av. Sh. 1'r. No. Av. Sh. Pr. 3..233 40 $15 40 63.253 40 $6 80 5..320 050 81..220 280 680 6.258 6 60 04..280 440 6 80 10..216 6 60 65.214 120 6 80 72..195 820 6 05 62..270 80 6 60 44..248 200 0 70 68..221 HO G 80 08..235 200 670 44..247 120 080 9..282 200 6 7O G7..2GO 160 G 80 77..204 720 6 7O 74..253 80 680 74..213 80 670 80..272 80 080 15..208 80 6 76 70..234 160 0 HO 66..209 320 670 71..257 1GO 680 126..249 820 070 70..233 360 080 65..268 160 075 167..271 240 080 71.243 100 1170 70..227 120 G 80 00..282 200 070 108..282 040 080 02..250 120 670 73..224 200 080 87..104 120 G 70 70..242 240 U 821 36..233 670 03..278 80 082 ! 74..205 280 075 68..241 120 6821 GO..253 100 075 56..204 i4O ! 6 82' 93..223 280 075 68..20 ! ) 200 6821- 73..240 200 675 66..237 320 6821 70. . . .205 1GO 670 85..222 80 6821 72..250 120 0 76 86..224 240 6 82 | 71..229 80 G 75 68..247 12o 6 85 66..288 80 070 02.231 40 080 63..261 200 < V7C GO.,262 280 086 01..232 200 675 , GH..225 80 085 162..242 240 075 68..242 120 685 73. . , 240 200 0'76) ) 62.,260 160 6 85 70.200 160 670 62..271 120 680 02 264 120 fi 75i 33 275 160 085 08..224 240 ' 6'7B 60..277 80 085 08..214 160 0 7& " 76. . . .245 40 G 85 66..243 HO 670 70..263 280 080 68..235 200 0,75. 72..203 200 085 08..303 200 , q'77'i 70. . .200 80 000 84..200 280 tTBO' 44..302 GOO 04..278 240 080 43.208 40 000 3R..203 G/bOl 84 . . .102 40 600 30.222 120 G 80 03.280 005 84..260 240 ,0 80 ; Biicni1 The sqpply was small , but with a good demand traits yus brisk and everything told quickly at good. toady prices. Some fair Mexican yearlings , shorn , Mild for 84,25 and u. hinull bunch of oholco spring lambs biought (8. Tim market l > nuotubfy btuady , 1'ul r to good natives , $4.60 < & & .6O ; fair to good westerns , $4.00 0.50 ; conlmon aud stock shnup , t'J.&O&t 4.00 ; good to ch'tfttS * 40 to 100-lb. lambs , tS.OOao.'JO. Kejirmntutlvu Hales : No. 3J- Av. Pr. 6 Native ewes 104 14 26 388 Mexican yearlings shorn. . . 62 425 2 Spring Iambi 00 800 84 Spring Iambi , . . . . , 43 8 00 Chicago Live Block Murkot. CHICAGO , 111 , . Miy 20 , [ Special Telegram to THE HKB.I-Jattle generally bold higher. They mudoiin advance fully equal to the previous day's decline. The quick recovery was caused by the altogether unlooked-for decrease In the arrivals. Less than 1O.OOO hrud showed up. whereas from 15,000 to 20,000 was what a majority of the trade looked for. Huylng began ut an early hour und was brisk whllo the supply liuted , natives averaging from lOc tol&cuml Tcxuns from 16c to i0c higher than yesterday. 'Iho range of quotations for the former wus from 11,70 to NS.io uud for the latter from 12 to K > for poor to extra. Cowii uud bull * were scarce , In fact there was tie description fur which u few moro could not have been handled to good advantage , Bales \ , fe > ISlBBBBBBI'IlsVaHllllBBBBVllllllS ' ltlBnlllllll wcro largely at from M to 15.25 for natives unit lit from (3,35 to ( t.SO ( or To.xnus , Ilio cloio was strong , About "tho worst of Ilio sernon" win the hog market loday. It was tlesillulo of oven the semblance of ( IrmnoM and was as stupid as n ' Sunday closer , " The receipt * were not much In cxcr-ss of the rcccntavorage , but there wcro no buyers within from 20 to 80c of yesterday' * prices. .With a solitary exception noting sold above J7.30 , and nn hour after the opening 17.30 wftspracllcally the top of the market. Trading was tirlnclpally at from 7.10 to7.20 , though some fair hogs changed hands at from 17 to I7.0j. Closing quotations were from 10.80 toJ7.20 for light , and from 7 lo 17.30 for med ium welghli. fulls nnd Digs were quoted at from 14 to Jfl.75. Native and western sheep were salable at about Wednesday's price * , but there Is a shrinkage tii the value of Texas sheep of from lOctolOc. Shorn natives and westerni wcro quoted at from J3.25 to $5.00 , and sales of Texans were on a basis of from $3 to 4X55 , \earllngswerollrmatfromtj to $0.40 , nnd soring Iambs were quoted nt from $5 to $8. Receipts : Cattle , 10,000 head : calves , 400 hood ; sheep , 14,000 head : hogs. 27,000 head. The K veiling Journal reports : UATn.K-Uecolpts , 12,000 head : shipments , 3.000 head ! market active , steady to stronger ; choleo steers , $5.HO | no extra steers here ; medium , J5.25a.r.00i others , $4.26 ® 1.05 ; Texatii. J3.00U4.00 : cows , I2,55'ii4.60. lions Itocolpti , 20,000 head ; shipment ? , 8,600 ; market slow , 20iJ40o lower : mixed nnd packers , J7.0Oa7.10 : prime heavy nnd butchers' weights , I7.15i&7.25 ; light , J7.1USS 'HIIKEI Receipt * . 12,000 head : shipments , 2,000 head : market lower : clipped Texan Mockers , t3.25a3.76i owes. * 4.00S4.30 ; wethers , J4.40a4.83i mixed , .25i&4.00i lambs , * 3.6037.40. HocclpU nntl Disposition of Stock. Offlelul receipts and disposition of stock as shown by the hooka of the Union Stock Yards company for the twenty-four hours ending at 6 o'clock p. in. Muy 25 , 1803 , IlIClll'TS , DISPOSITION. 11UVKHS. CATTLE. 11OI1S. BHUE11. Omaha 1'acklng Co 91 1,514 ThaU. II. lUtuiuond Co. 230 1,514M ( Bnlft A Co Ml I'M 430 ThoCiuHhjr I'ncklng Co. 974 1,623 Uilcnuo I * . A I' . Co 1M9 1'nrkarCo , , . . . , 119 Ovorstroot , . , , 141 U. Decker A Uognn 67 I1.1) . Armour. JSS Vnnsnnt A Cnroy. . . . . . . . 48 SUIiipors nna ( coders , . , . 114 I.oft ever 1,1(10 ( Totnl. . 7.SIG .Kansas City I.lvoStnok .Market. s , , . ; nave cows , . . : urs1 stock. J3.n5-1.00 ; stoliors aiil feeders , S2.05ffi4,50i bulls and mixed , $2.6018 .0D , lions Kocolpts , 5,900 ho.id ; Khlpments , n- 500 head ; market weak and IDIi'JOc lower : bulk of sales. $0.75110.80 ; heavies , $ U.75 7.05 ; packers , SG.80ii7.05 ; mixed , JG.GOitG.HO ; llKhts , JG.40SG.bO ; porkers , 10.8020.00 ; pigs , 84.75ffi G.GO. HIIECP Kecolpts , 1,400 head ; shipments , none ; market weak ; natives , S3.25S0.40 ; , J4.205.85. St. r.ouls Mru Stock Murkot. ST. Louis , Mo. , May 25. CATrr.K Uocolpts , 2,400 head ; shlpmunts , : i,000 head ; market strong fur natives ; Tuxims and Indians lOc ilchor ; good fed Texan steers , J4.25. Iloort-Ueccipts , 5'JOO head ; shlpmonts , 1,000 ho.id ; market 20e lower ; choleo heavy , J7.25 ; bulk of sales , JG.lHXa7.10. HIIKEIKccelpts , 3,000 head ; shipments , 1,200 head ; market lower ; uatlves , U.OOio 6.15 ; Te.\ans , $3.7534.35. Now York I.lvo Stork Alnrkct. Nnw YOIIK. May 25. UnEVES Keeolpts , 200 head ; no trade ; dressed beef firm at H'UJlOc for natlvo bides. "Shipments , today , 200 beeves and 50 sheep ; tomorrow , 300 beeves , i SlIUKI' ANIH IjAMIIS ItUColptS. 3,800 head ! hcep null but .steady ; ( lambs lu demand : U u light advance. "ALDINED" AT INDIANAPOLIS. Prominent liullnnliina Swlnillod by tlio Chicago ilotol Cfincorii * INDIANAI'OLIS , Ind. , May 23. Two or 300 persons here , who for the last year have been paying money to the Aldiiio Hotel company of Chicago , today re ceived notice that the company has gone into bankruptcy. Many Indianapolis people paid as much as $200 each and but few of the subscribers paid loss than $00. $00.Tho agent who visited this city was Tom Cadwallador , an old Indianapolis traveling man , and ho did a big business here. Among the persons who had en gaged quarters at the hotel were CJov- ernor Matthews , Auditor of State Hen derson and many bankers and wholesale and retail merchants who had confidence in the agent. The patrons of the hotel made their last payment only last week. It is estimated that the concqrn got at least $75,000 out of this city. There is also a long list of subscribers at Terre Haute and tlvansville and per sons in nearly every city and town in the state has patronized this concern. It is understood hero that the president of the Chemical bank , which recently failed , is the president of the hotel com pany. The circulars received hero state that the increase in the cost of building material and the higher prices demanded for labor are the prime causes of the failure of the project. The subscribers hero will demand an investigation. They suspect that their money was in the broken Chemical bank. It was the understanding among the subscribers that their money was to bo used in part in tlio erection of the hotel. Tlio subscribers have nothing to show for their money except receipts from the company. - For all forms of disordered stomach use Bromo-Seltzer. A palatable , prompt euro. Drinking nnd Spent the Money. SIIELHYVIM.E , Ind. , May 2r > . Oeorgc Olofolein , ox-colleutor and deputy county recorder , is in trouble , and his once close friends are mourning ever their losses caused by his crooked transactions. Today W. II. Kelly , general agent of the Merchants Insurance company of Newark , N. J. , took charge of Olofolein's books and found that ho had Issued a largo number of policies , collected the money on them and forgotten to make reports of the Bamo. Ho hud boon drink ing hard for a year or two and had spent the money. His bondsmen settled with the company and ho was turned ever to the grand jury. The exact amount of tlio shortage is not known. MOTHERS * FRIEND' * CHILDBIRTH EASY. Colvln , La. , Doo. K , 1880. My wlfo Hood MOTHEH'O FHIEND bforo lior third conOnomont , and naya aho wouitt not ba wltiiout it ( or bundrodo of dollars. DOCK Sent by einr s on receipt of price , f 1 0 per bet > lie. Ilook" To Mothers "mailed free. BRAOflELO REGULATOR CO. , SOUTH ' Union Stock Yards Company , South Ornalia. BeitCatllo Ilo and Sheep market lathi wait. COMMISSION HOUSES. _ _ Wood Brothers , Live Etook Commission Merclmati. Eontb Omaba Telcphono 1157. Cbleti ) JOHN I > . DADHMAV , I . . - , . . . . J" * err WAI.TKK K. WOOD , f Market reports hy mail and wire cheerfully t urulsuod upon auylloatlon. RESTRAINED FROM TAXING Union Pacific Company ( Jots an Injunction und Serves Pixpors on the Oity , CORPORATIONS OBJECT TO ASSESSMENT nnllroadi Oppono the Attempt to Tax Thtlr Omaha rroperty Hntcnll Holds thnt the Ulmrtor U Superior to tlio Urneral I.avr > City council met yesterday mornlnR to fur ther consider tlto proposition to plneo upon the assessment rolls of the city the property within the rlcht-of-way of the several railway companies , niul the property of the sleeping car companies nnd telegraph com panies. An Injunction served In the federal court restraining the council from taking the proposed step , so far ns the Union 1'nclflo company is concerned , was encountered , ami resulted in delaying proceedings for a tlmo , at least , iu nil the canes. The first person to bo heard was Attorney White , representing the Klkliorn. HosaUl the purpose of the scheme of city taxation was for the city to assess that which was es sentially local and that essentially general was to bo assessed by the State Hoard of Kquallzaliou nsn unit , nnd subdivided among thu different counties. Under this law the auditor certifies to the county clerk the num ber of miles In each county , ami that oflk'lat shall collect the amount of taxes it is desired - sired to collect , the apportionment for each county being specified , The auditor has cer tified that there are U.aS miles of the property of the Kllttiorn within the city of Omaha. Mr. Whllo maintained thnt the city dlil not possess the power to make the proposed assessment , which includes right-of-way , depot grounds , truckage and everything else connected with the equip ment of a road , ns under the general revenue law of the state thu municipality Is required to certify to the county the amount it Is de sired to secure by reason of the assessment of the stale board. Ho held that If the pro posed assessment Is made it will bo double taxation on the company. Churlcr Above llovlscd Statute * . Councilman Hascall snlu that the constl tutioti did not go into detail on taxation , but loft It for the lawmakers of the state to create needed legislation , and it Had ilono so. He said that the charter of cities of tlio metropolitan class was a statutory law of the state , was subsequent to the revised statutes , nnd certainly was good law , and under it the council has authority to make the rroposed statement. Mr. Hascall said that if there was n conlllct between the two general laws thnt tlio latter was the better and would stand , and that was the charter. He denied that it would make double taxa tion. tion.Mr. Mr. Wheeler said that Mr. "White's position wns not good , as under charters of cities of the first class the property can bo assessed , and it Is being do no in Lincoln. The city is paying $11,000 to $1,000 per year for water hydrants for the benefit of the companies and ho considered It no more than right that they should contribute tholr pro portion of taxes. Mr. Wiito replying to Mr. Hascall said that the supreme court hail tlmo and time again hold , that when there is an amendment to n general law that the amended section or law must bo repealed. City Attorney Council said ho could not see wherein there was any great difference. The charter did not undertake to amend the general laws of taxation , nnd consequently would stand in preference to them. Tux First nml Arena Afterwards. Mr. Hascall said that it should , bo under stood that the council Intended placing the property upon the tax rolls and let the court decide the question of jurisdiction. Mr. Wheeler submitted the llgures show ing the list of the property of tlio IClkl-.orn. The list showed 4.80 miles of tracks , valued at $ . " > , ! JOO per mile , and realty within the right-of-way amounting to $1,570. Attorney Kirby , on behalf of the B. & M. , entered his protest to tlio effect that council possesses no axithorlty to rnuki sessmcnt , and thtit sftmeof the prop ! mentioned in tin list Is within the Mis * ! rlrcr. Attorney Hiibbanl. on boh.Mfof. the cngo , Minneapolis , St. Paul ft Omaha it pany , entered about the same protesting others. Ho raised the question that I amended charter wns not in force nil time the tax list for ISffil was completed , that the council could not now plnoo property thero. . Mr. HnscnU replied that if the council ] not possess the authority under the now I It did under the old ono nmt could pro < ] under that. City Attorney Connell gave It ns hl > l Ion that the council was proceeding rogul ] In the matter and ho thought the MI would so hold. Only the property within ! right-of-way was Included in the llst.nmlj thnt which had been returned to tno su boanV City Kivjnlnrd by the U. P. At this Juncture United States Marshal 15. White appeared upon the scene 4 served upon the members of the council i papers In the Injunction suit of the Url 1'nclllc. SuperintendentUlrhardson of the Pulla company wns next heard. Ho said thall company protested against the asscssnl nnd claimed that the council was procooil without authority. Ho refused to npprl mate number of cars making headquarter ] Omaha and said ho had been Instructed J to furnish any Information on that point. I Mr. Hascall thought It was a wasti tlmo lo listen to the argument on tlio q.I lion of Jurisdiction , In vlowot the Uil 1'acltlc. injunction , and considered that i matter should bo argued before the oil and the question decided there. I ICx-Audltor Henton said howas omnowij by tlio Pullman company to make n prop ! tlon that the company wns willing that ] assessment should bo made In the nine returned to the state board and ccrtitlcii the county clerk. 1 Mr. Council replied that Mr. Uenton NJ not magnanimous , but the courts had h | that such could bo done. Mr. Wheeler said that the Injunction balderdash , and that no court in the lu possessed power to enjoin a council or ot legislative body from doing a lou'ishitivo ul and that ho was ready to proceed rcgardl of the injunction , Wilt Await Decision of thu Court. Mr. Council said ho would respect the straining order , but ho consldefod Al Wheeler's position ns good and would urgtl upon the court. Mr. llnseall did not earo to court any pd slblllty of languishing In n basilic , ana will ho thought the court was not correct granting the lemporary restraining ordi yet ho believed it liost to wait until Uioarf incuts had been submitted nnd thu decisll handed down. 1 Henry ICslabrool ; , on behalf of Iho Wc.'l orn Union , said It was not desired to cscaf any taxation , and only asked that it ho f.f and reasonable , and for that reason dcslr to enter a protest against the proposed scssmcnt of ' 15,000. Manager Dlmmlck also protested In belli of the Postal company against.thu propo&l assessment of { 0,1)00 ) , as ho considered It tl high. j1 Mr. Hnscall offered a resolution lo Iho * feet that the city attorney bo directed move Immediately for a dissolution of tho-fl juncllon , and that further proceedings dispensed with unlll .luno lit , in order Ihatl decision of the court may bo scoured on tl temporary injunction. The resolution was adopted ami the cou | cil adjourned until 8 o'clock this ovenlr when regular business will bo considered. .Something l.llio tlio lloj'il Cnso , SEDGWICIC , Kan. , Mny 5. Churl ! ] Sclmefor , the newly appointed consul Vcrn Crux , was nitulo consul boforu i was a citi/.en of the United SUito.s. H | came to America from PriiB.sia when ' yours ohl , and 1ms always oxoreisod th < | lirlvilojjoH of an American citizen , bu < lie 1ms no evidence that his father was ever naturali/.cd. Ho has declared hli Intention of becoming a oitixcti. The case is an unusual ono and in oxcitiiif much interest as , to whether ho can hole the ooiiMilbhip. | A Long ; Face , - and very good cause for it. Shq ; docs her washing and cleaning without Pearline ; and her work is like her face just twice as long as it ought to be. " % & * " * ' r. . That's not the worst of it , cither. Her work isn't as well done. It hurts. Tires her out , and hurts whatever she washes with the rub , rub , rub that wears and tears. Pretty hard , isn't it ? Millions of women think so. They prefer to save time , labor , clothes , and money by washing with Pearline. you an OMAHA U Manufacturers AWNINGS AND TENTS. Omaha Tent-Awning Well Bros & Co. , COMl'ANV. Manufacturers nf Tents , IIOII9B COVKI18. AwmniK , ole , 7UJ and llUKarnnmStroot. 7Wci , Itlh Hlrout , BAGS & TWINES Ucmis Omaaa Bag COMl'ANV. . Importers nod nionufao. tureri of Hour sacks , tiurlap , twine. BOOTS AND BHOgg. _ Morse-Coa Slioj Company. Salesroom and Onic. ll07-IIOJ.im llu * . t a- ' the ovi.r Manufmturori ot Hoots ami Va" Sf KV-Uoa" ? . ' ! ' . * . * . . . ! . . ! to all to In.poct our nuir factory. COAL , COKE. | CORNICE. DRY GOODS. FUBNITUKE. Omaha Upholstering Betiee & Huoyaa COMl'ANV. Upholitered furniture , FUUN1TUIIE COMPANY Jim-Hut Nicholas Bt- HARDWARE. Rector & Wlllicliny LobccK & Linn , CO Ml'A NY. Doalarstn liardwaraaa Corner 10th and Jackson inetlinnU'ii' tools. n'lrcets , UOIDouitlas Hlreet. HATS , ETO , | IKON WORKS. W. A , I , ( ,11)1)011 ) ) & CO Omaiia Safe andiron Wholoiiilo WOIIKJ , Hats , caps , slruw Koodi , Fafosvaulti , Jail woo tllnovos , rallloni. Ktb Iron shutters und nro u and Humor btrauts. capes. ( Jus Audreon , )4 ) > and Jackson LUMBER. John A. Wakclleld , Charles R. Lcc , Imported.American I1 Hardwood lumber , KOOI land rumonl , .Mllwnu- cirpcls nnd p.iriju koacontent uuU Qulncj , wlillo Hull ) . I'tli ' and DouiHns tti. Omaiia Stove Repair i M , A. DIsbrow & C 170IIUH. Klo repair * Manufacturers of sasl and Hatar attachments doom , blluiH au for auf kind of stem moulding , llranchol Bids , IftlTUouglasil. | Set 12lu tad liar4.