I TTTTC m\fATTA miT.V TIKI * FRiDAY. MAY 9IflCV * pAILY BEE OWNCJLBLUFfca NO. 13 PKAIUJ STREET | * Jlvfrea VJ c nlrr to any putt of th cttj U , W. TILTON , MANA.OEH , tl1u lnM Office . No. 43 f NKlt | | Kditor . No. a3 JN. Y. Plum bln < Co. Illoston Storo. Nntrhaug silks. BMlltonberser Is the hatter , 503 Broadway. | A marriage license was Issued yesterday I John Brick and Katie Nuschoy , aged SiS lid 24 years. Both were from Ncola. | The Ganymede Wheel club will have nn liportant meeting this evening at S o'clock \ , the club rooms. F. H. Kvans , president. BSpccial meeting of Bluff City lodge No. 71. Indent , Free nnd Accepted Masons this l-cnlng for Work In the third degree. AH luster Masons nro Invited. _ Ttio meeting of the Princes of the Orient III ! bo hold this evening instead of last 'cnlng , ns was nt llrst annoticod. There Ire more than a dozen candidates for Initla- I on. on.Tho The ladles of the First Presbyterian Biurch gave n pleasant social last evening f , the church parlors. It was well attended. ofreshmcnts wcro served and various mns of entertainment wcro provided. . W. Bushncll is about to commence the lection of a handsome brick cottage on luff street , near the corner of Willow nve- Jio , Just east of the Metcalf property. The list will bo in the neighborhood of 1,000. , | Otto 4 < utz is charged with entering L. C. Linen's hencoop on Graham avenue last londny night nnd stealing a fancy chicken * ilch the owner values at JS. An informn- Ion is on file nnd the case will bo tried be- I.re Justice Fox tomorrow. W. B. Uccd , county treanurcr. has Issued n HIco that ail unpaid taxes on personal prop- fly In this county must bo paid before Juno ' /as / on that tiny the bills will bo put In the 4'ands of tile county collector , .I.B.Johannscn , ( fvho will collect the tax , together with the { osts. The following ; pupils will graduate from ill. Francis' academy this year : Margaret ( Vaylor , Paulino. Coggeshall , Anna Drake , lary Lyneh , Mamo O'Donnell , Charlotte 'llbcrt , Agnes Donahoy , , Katharine Vltourko , Helen Donahoy , Sadie Grlfllu , ! < ucy Lynch. The entertainments given by Flint , the mesmerist , and his daughter , Miss Alnrina I'llnt , it Dohany's this week , are even bet- for than these ho pave last fall. Ho no ot'Bor carries a lot ot paid subjects with iltn , nut all his subjects are drawn right Irom his audience , and ho never lacks for looplc to operate upon. Last evening ho gad a company of fifteen , every ono of whom tins absolutely under the control of himself Slid Ills daughter , and an extremely funny lorformanco was given the audience. The fntcrtalnmonts will continue every evening [ mill Sunday. Jumos Dugirnn's residence at the corner of lixlccnth avenue and Fourteenth street ffus entered by a trump Wednesday af tor- K'ccn whiles all the family wcro absent , nnd Ev number of articles were stolen. As soon Ts the family returned and learned of the yurglary Mrs. Dugffan took n horse and lUggy. and , accompanied by a lady friend , , raccd the thief to the elevator company , Micro they overhauled him and compelled ftlm to glvo up his booty. They wcro satis- Wed to have their property returned nnd took no steps to have the fellow prosecuted | .a ho deserved. , The clouds shut out all light from the noon last night , but the Philadelphia light schedule , which In some ways seems to re- Ijomblo , the laws of the. Modes and Persians , Isald that the electric lights would not be I used until the moon went down. The company - [ pany was ordered to turn the lights on early [ in the ovenlng , but the policeman who made | the order was notified that the burners had not boon trimmed during the day. and that 'tho lights would consequently go out nt I o'clock. They were turned on , however , and from 1 o'clock this morning on the city was in total darkness. Kitruorillnnry Aililml The latest-and greatest , , B troupe of performing mofikoysi arc now , presented to the publio foitlio flr'st time by Cook & Whitby , with tho'tissur- anco that earth cannot produce their [ equal. They uro a study for the [ naturalist , a , the mo of thought for the philosopher , a soutco of pleasure for the iicoplo , a wonder for tlio children , a sub- Hoot of mipriso for everybody they do pll that man can do. This great English phew will bo at Council UlulTs , Juno 9. Ten Dnya itt thu World's Fair. It will cost you less than SoO.OO , overy- jtlilnp necessary includotl. This means oincs in private cottage , clean , safe , lose to grounds and on the beach of iLake Michigan. Write to , T. T. Chyno- Ivotli , Windsor Park , 111. Hcfors to II. KV. Tiltonof TUB BEE , or Jacob Sims \ > t Sims & Bainbridge , Council B lull's. PJSKSOX'.IL I'.llt.HIJl.ll'IlS. I Jamcs'N. Casady , Jr. , has returned from Ihicngo , where ho was called on Important IMsiness. [ Mrs. J. A. Roff and Mrs. H. B. Mullis loft Mt evening for Watseka , 111. , where they Jill visit relatives for the next five months , I'.klng In the World's fair from time to time. ( Chief Scanlan returned yesterday after- Ton from Chicago , where ho wont to attend lo meeting of the chiefs of pollco of the luntry In connection with the World's fair. Fiforo returning ho also went to Plalnwell , fleh. , for a few days' visit. Invitations are out for the marriage of Iss Mary 10. , daughter of Mr. and Mrs. lhn T , Oliver , to Mr. Arthur Burgoyno | w < ! oltng of Chicago. The marriage will Iiko place on Thursday evening , Juno 8 , at 8 | clock , at St. Paul's Episcopal church. The < ) rmnl lintel , I'ouncll BlulTs. The most elegant in Iowa. Dining room on seventh lloor. | { ate , $3.00 and $5.00 a day. E. F. Clark , liny I.und fur Hunt. liny land for rent in lots of from 20 to f00 acres. 13. Murks , Council BlulTs. See the peerless Dauntless bicycles [ ind got terms. Harry Murphy. 10 Pearl. Dr. Flint's llypnollnin , - Dr. Herbert L. Flint is unquestionably the ' krcatest hypnotist that has aver visited Is liart of the country. The exhibitions of Is Iiiurvolous power that ho Is giving nightly ut Ijohnny's surpasses the comprehension of liven the most advanced students of the Inystlu art. His bright and handsome llaughtcr has developed the power to an as- lonlshlng extent and 5y , she contributes very Inuch to the entertainment each evening. Interest is constantly increasing , and each flight Is better than the previous. On Sun- llay night the doctor und his daughter will { lvenn exhibition of thought transmission , ind spiritualism. Don't miss the Workers' social Friday ovenlng. A line musical and literary Inrogram will bo rendered und straw- ferries and ice cream served. Williamson & Co. . 100 Main street , largest uud best bloyelo stock in city. . Vunatta & Sweet , itttys. , Everett blk. Jrath of Uri. J. W. Mono. Ic.T Pcrsis F. , wife of J. W. Morse , riled yester day morning from pneumonia , after an ill ness of three d J'8 | Rgod M years. The 11C ceased was born in MIddleburg , N. Y. , CIn 1830. She was married to Mr , Morse In 1857 and came to this city ton years later. She was the mother of four sons , two of whom , Charles and Krai , still llvo and wcro by her bedside when the end came. She has been a member of the Presbyterian church or since she was 12 years of ago. The al will take place from the residence , 100 Bluff street , i Sunday afternoon at U o'clock. Ilev. Stephen Phclps ofllclatlng , Another improvement to the popular Bchubort uluno. Swnnson Musio Co Stop at the Ogden , Council Bluffs , to test $2.00 house In Iowa. Goo. S. Davis , prescription druggist. | NEWS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS Another Opportunity for the Oity lo Display Ita Hospitality , COMING MEETING OF STATE SHERIFFS low * , Kebrnikn , Whconiln , Minnesota , South Dnkotn , Knmni nnil Missnnrl niul Other Htntcs Will Send Itcprocntn- tlTcs-UhJocts of tlio Convention. Now that the bankers convention has como and gone the time Is drawing near when the people of Council Bluffs will have another opportunity to gain fresh laurels by their hospitality in entertaining strangers. The sheriffs of lowajind > > cbraska arc to have , a Joint meeting hero for two days com mencing Juno 14 , and the prospects nro now that there will bo more In attendance than there wcro at the convention which has Just closed. It Is estimated that at least 200 sheriffs and cx-sherllTs of the two states will ho present. Besides these thcro will bo a number , Just how many Is not yet known , from the states of \ \ isconsln , Minnesota , South Dakota , Kansas and Missouri. In several of these states there uro no sheriffs associations , and they are accordingly anxious to unlto with their fellows In Iowa and Nebraska and talk over the best way of catching criminals , and do other things which men are supposed to do when they go away from homo to attend conventions. The headquarters will bo at the Grand hotel. Mayor Heed of Mannwa has offered Sheriff Huron a free trip to and from the lake for the cntlro delegation , and other forms of entertainment will be provided be tween now and the opening day , so that they will bo sent away with un exalted opinion of hospitality of Council BlulTs. IT WAS c A mini : . AYcll-knimn Forntrr lllulllto Traveling Under Two XIIIIIRI , In the telegraphic columns of THE Bnn last Tuesday morning an article appeared stat ing that ono D. M. Hawk had disappeared from his customary haunts In Sioux City , and that he was wanted thcro to answer to the charges of embezzlement and bigamy , the former charge being preferred by the A. t. Baker Commission company , with which ho had been connected , and the latter by n woman from Council Bluffs claiming to bo his wlto. There was considerable conjeeturo as to who the gay Lothario might be , as no ono of that nnmo was known here. The police began inquiring and tlio result of their investigation was that It was ascertained yesterday that Hawlc was none other than II. D. Carbee , n gentleman 'who ' had n very checkered career in this city about live years ago. At that time he was cm- ploved by ono of the prominent lumber llrms and on the sldo officiated as drum major of Dalbey's band when It was llrst organized. By means of n forged check ho got a drum major's suit from Motcalf Bros. , and he also passed oft several other checks about the city. In addition to his other shortcomings ho sold a lot of tickets to an entertainment given by the band and pocketed the pro ceeds. Metcalf Bros , prosecuted him and ho was sent to the penitentiary for n term of several years. For a year or two past noth ing has been h5ard from him. and no ono had any idea which way ho had gone until the news was received yesterday that Cnrbeo and Hawk wcro the same party. J. A. Koff , who was well acquainted with him at tins time of the band episode , states that he remembers seeing letters in his possession at that time addressed to D. M. Hawk , so that this name is evidently no new one , invented for the occasion. Some thing of a sensational tinge was added to the affair by the marriage of Carbeo and his first wife , who now prefers the charge of bigamy against him. Just before ho left for Fort Madison to servo out his time in the penitentiary. SATURDAY AND MONDAY rA't tlio Iloston Store , Council lllurts , la. The originators , leaders und promoters of low prices , 5,000 yards of beautiful pattern out ing flannels , 5e n yard , worth lOc. 2,000 yards white India linen , 4c a yard. H,000 yards white shaker flannel , 4c a yard. 2,000 yards , UG-ineh unbleached mus lin , 4c a yard * 200 do/.on children's ribbed vests , 5c each. 100 dozen ladies' , lOc , It for 23c. 75 dozen children's heavy ribbed tan lioao , lOc , 3 for 25c. tlS 50 do/en extra largo all linen towels 2oc each , worth 50c. Remember wo give a handsome photo engraving with every $2 purchase and order. IJon't forgot to ask for one. Our great Juno sale will open Thursday , Juno 1. Store will bo closed nil day Wednesday making preparations for this great annual event. BOSTON STOKE , Fothoringham , Whitelaw & Co. , Leaders and promoters of low prices , Council BlulTs , la. Two Juries Out. The case of L. Ij. Hcndrlcks against the city was on trial in the district court all day yesterday , Mrs. Hcndrlcks commenced tin action several months ago to recover $11,600 damages by reason of Injuries sustained while driving ono day last winter near the corner of Avenue D and Kighth street. The slolgh collided with the end of the tracks of the Interstate railway and was overturned , throwing Mrs. Hemlricks and her husband with great force to the ground. The city uiado no great effort to provo its Innocence of the charges made by the attorneys for the plain tiff , and the general impression at the tuna the case wont to the Jury seemed to bo that , n verdict would be returned in favor of the plaintiff. Mayor Ijiwrenco states that an offer was made by Mrs. Hcndrlcks to com promise and dismiss the suit for f 175 , but the aldermen , contrary to the wishes of the city attorney , refused to compromise. At 11 o'clock last night the jury was still out. The Jury in the case of the First National bank of Chicago against the Council Bluffs Gas and Electric Light company.which went out yesterday morning , was also out last night at the same timo. Louis Blcdonnan Is agent for the Great Eastern hotel , the largest in the world ; practically fireproof ; has 1,100 rooms and is modern. Those intending to visit the World's fair will find it to heir interest to cull or write , enclosing > stamp. 504 First uvcnuo , Council BlulTs. Now is your time to BOO Puck's Coi ner and hnvo your fortune told. You can do either or both at the social Fri i- day evening in the now building opposite site the postolllco. Htrnck Monk. The work of building the big pier at the now Interstate bridge , which has been going on for the last six months , In splto ol numerous backsets , has been completed. The steel pier now stand on solid rock 131 feet below the sand and clay that forms here bed of the river. While the bankers were examining the ntruciuro Wednesday after noon the workmen wcro hauling up great chunks of rock that had evidently been dropped Into place by the forces of nature ages ago , and the visitor * were very much interested at the novel sight. The work ol lllllng up the interior of the pier is now &omg on rapidly and the completion of the ritlgo boems to bo drawing near. Protect your homes against destruc tive storms. W. C. Jumea has the strongest companion in the world. Cook yoi meals this summer on a gas range. At cost at I ho Gas company. Medical COOIB | | OricHulted. The articles of incorporation of the new Council Bluffs Modlcul college , which were mentioned la TUB .SUNDAY BEE , were filet with tbo county recorder yesterday. The capital stock of the college la to bo tlfto.OOO. The ofllcora t\ro lo bo n follows ! President , C. It , I'Innqyj secretary , .T. F , White ; treas urer , T. U , Lscey. The board of trustees is composed of the three Just mentioned , to gether with O. Macrae and F. S. Thomag. Beside the board of directors the following gentlemen nro named as incorporates : John < 3rcon , , T. 0. Hobortwn , J. M Barstow. II. B. Jennings , J. II. Cleaver , F. W. Hotichlon , V. L. Treynor , Finley Burke , Carl F. Dcet- kcc < and V. Macrae , Jr. The articles of In corporation provide that thcro Shall bo at least fifteen chairs of instruction. nosTo.v STOIII : . Ppeclnl Snln Sntunlajr nnd Monrifij * . Willoffcr200dozcn Indies1 wnlsts nt cost price foi- Saturday nnd Monday , having just received an immense deliv ery. In order to introduce them will offer as nbovc. Everything In the new est , nobbiest styles in lawns , porcnles , sateens , silks , etc. , from 2. " > c to $15.00. The finest assortment weal of Chicago. BOSTON STOKE. Fothcrlnghnm , Wliltolaw & Co. , Leaders nnd promoters of low prices , Council BlulTs , la. Ho In nn All Around OfTcndnr. William Hall , n young man who has been carefully cultivating n police court record for several years past , with reasonable suc cess , Is now In durance vile ns the result of seining In Mnnawa about a month ago. Ho was arrested while In the act , but got away from Andy Bowling , tbo ofllccr who cap tured him. Last Sunday Bowling went after him again , but Hall took rcfugo behind n largo black hole in a revolver which ho happened to hnvo about him , nnd Bowling again dropped the trail. Yesterday ono of the Bluffs ) x > llco got Hall nnd took him to the city Jail. Bowling has made n great stagger at a prosecution , filing no less than llvo informations , In which Hall Is charged with assault with Intent to commit murder , threatening to burn nnd destroy the town of Manawa , and doing several violent nnd picturesque things. Ho will hnvo n pre liminary examination before Justice Fox to day , and is now in Jail , having been unable to llnil any one willing to stake $1,000 on his being on hand when wanted. Pasturajro for horses and cattle on George F. Wright's farm ndjolningc ity limits on south ; 500 acres blue grass , running water. For terms apply to James Raph , on farm , or at Carbon Coal company , 10 Pearl street. Don't delay your house cleaning until the hot weather arrives , and don't delay going to the Council Blurt's Carpet com pany and taking advantage of the splendid bargains they are giving in everything. Pure ice From Missouri river channel. Mulhollund& Co. , Brown building. Telephone 102. Music for balls , parties , picnics , so cials , etc. , by Mucicians Union. , T. ER Folk-It , Mgr.10U B'way , Council BlulTs. Charles Bierworth has porter and nlo on draught at the Metropolitan , 818 Broadway. Brown's C. O. D. grocery closes at 7 p. m. , except Mondays and Saturdays. Tnppml the Till. S. P. Nelson , who keeps a saloon at 105 South Main street , was picked out as a vic tim by a couple of conscienceless sharks who were not above robbing n poor saloon keeper , ind worked to the limit of the contents of the money drawer last Wednesday evening. A fellow entered his place nnd pick- ng up n chair started for the street. The proprietor , thinking ho was about to steal the chair , went after lira , when he explained that he was merely roing to take it out to the street to sit down u. Nelson went back to his work , but when he got to the bar ho found that tils eposeful customer's pal had entered by the jaok door while the conversation was going on , broken open the cash drawer and made off with the cohtcnts , which amounted to nooutfJO. A description of one of the men was ' given the police , but so far bo has not jee'n apprehended. "The StulT Men Are Made Of" is the subject for Dr. J. G. Armstrong's lec ture at Broadway M. E. church this evening. Come , enjoy nnd be benefited [ or the small fee of 2 , > e. Say ! the "Workers" of the Christian Sunday school want you to come to their unique social Friday evening in the now ljuilding opposite the postolnee. For Sale Hickory 4-foot wood , $0.00 ; stove wood , 12 or 10 inches , $2.50 per cord , delivered. H. A. Cox , 10 Main street. Mot/fur Jt Hniidlftt'M lee Cream. Try Mot/gar & Randlelt's pure and delicious ice creams and ices and you will order no other. Bargains in fine tooth brushes and cologne , wholesale price , only lOo. Davis , the druggist , 200 Broadway. Free treatments daily from 2 to 4 p. m. at the Council Bluffs Medical and Surgical institute , 20th nnd Broadway , To Aid the lirothnrhood. CEDAH HAI-IUS , In. , May 25. [ Special Tele- gramtoTiiEBKK.J The biennial session of the Iowa divisions of the iadies auxiliary of the grand international auxiliary of the Brotherhood of locomotive Engineers Is be ing held in this city with about ! ! 0 delegates In attendance. The delegates were wel comed to the city by Mayor Daniels. The feature of today's mooting was the address of Mrs. W. A. Murdoch , grand president , of Chicago. There are three things worth saving Time , Trouble and money and Do Witt's Little Karlv Hisers will save them for you. These little pills will save you time , as they net promptly. They will save you trouble as they caiiio no pain. They will save you monov as they economize doctor's bills. 3Ef.E < lll.ll'JIJU UltlEFX. Domestic- . The run on the People's Savings bank of Deliver , Colo. , him reused. It Is staled that the robbers who hold up the MUsourl I'uclflu train Wednesday night bu- curcdonlySl.'JOO. , 'I'ho rumor Unit there has been n run nn the savlncH bunks of I.cavunworth , Kan. , Is du- nlod by dispatches from that city , Olio million dollars In Rnltl and (40.000 In bllvor wore Mil | ) | > e < | to Kiipluiul on the : sor- inundlo yesterday from Now Vork. The Koi'k iHliuul train from Denver cast wus vrrrelu'd yesterday morning at - Mot-guns- vlllu , Kan , Theru wcro no casualties. sd A frolght train on the I'ort Wnyno railroad , ni'ur I.lnm , O. , was wreckvil yesterday and a number of trumps who \vcro stealing a rlcJo " were killed , Prlncesi Kulalln of Bnaln arrived oln Now Vork City yesterday afliirnoon after a delight ful trip from Washington. Kliound her biilto will bo the Bm ; ts of the city during her stay thero. Twenty-one Slexlcans convicted In hoer United btatcs court ut Sun Antonio , Tox. , for violation of the neutrality law * wure ycstur- iluy bentonced to terms of Imprisonment runt- itni. from two years uud nluo months to two months. The Imhuicoof II , II , Da Iturdnlobon's hold ing of Tannt'sseu Coal anil Iron block has buun taUen by John II , Irwlu and associates. The stock sold by Do llurdelohen to thU syndicate amounted to 13,000 blmrcs uud the prlco paid . wus about { 10. Delegations representing the Merchants ox- clmngunf tit. J.ouU and Hoard of Truduof xKl Ituno will confer with the business men of ArkuiibUH City In relation to rullroad uxten- Blon to thufcouthwcht neo through thu Cherokee Ktrlp , UUluhumu und Into thu grazing fields of Texan. The westbound passenger train was hold up and robbed at Colenian , Tex , , yesterday mornIng - Ing ut 2 o'clock by two niakkod men , ho brukuman , porter und conductor were od with si j-nhootoru und Messenger Harry com pelled to open the express door. It Is uot known how much thu robber * bccurud , < lot llli Sloney by force. CHESTO.V , la. , May 23. [ Special Telegram to THE BEE. ] A short time before tha Ting- ' ley bunk failed D. J , Halllngcr , a prominent fanner , hud deposited $850. When ho learned of the failure he returned und forced the i ofllcl.iM to return tha money. Ho succeeded In getting 1050. vainfi Mliiourl nnd Knntiii Towni Suffer tlrent KANSAS Crrr , Mo. , M ay 23. Dispatches re ceived here from aover l towns In Missouri and from ono polntln , Jvnnsas , report the oc currence this afternoon of a severe wind storm of almost cycioKIo proportions. The st was accompanied In every Instance by ol hall or a downpour of water amountIng - Ing to almost a clouilburst. Xo loss or scvoro injury is roportedT- human life , but telegraph vrlrcfe oi"e down in the country surrounding the itowns that the storm struck , and when telegraphic communication isdl ro-cstabllshed It Isnot _ unlikely it will bo discovered that the storm caused ( many fatalities. Much damage of minor impor tance was wrought to barns nnd buildings nnd : in Missouri the crops suffered severely. At Sedalla , Mo. , the wind attained rMftcr- rifle velocity. H surged under the tent of Hlngllng ! Bros. ' circus and snapped the llvo poles supi > ortng ! It llko plpostoms. The tent came down with a crash , burying 2,000 people ' beneath It , They screamed nnd struggled and several woman fainted , but nil were llnally safely removed from beneath the canvas. Several received severe bruises , but no Injury to llfo or limb resulted. It Is duo to the presence of mind of the employes of : the circus that apaulcdld not result after the catastrophe had occurred , in which case the loss of life would huvo been appalling. tln At Brookltcld. Mo. , the storm struck the roundhouse of the Hannibal & St. Joseph road nnd partly demolished it. Some of the engines wcro badly damaged. A number of workmen wcro in the building nt the time , but all escaped unhurt. bb Hall accompanied the storm nt Now Cam bria , Mo. , and did considerable damage to crops. Barns and outbuildings also suf fered. fitl Moncni.T , Mo. , May 2-1. A cyclone struck this city about 4 o'clock this nftortoonl : cvel- Ing barns nnd smaller buildings and uproot Its ! hundreds of trees. There was not a shed In the lumber yards hero but what was unroofed. The full extent of the storm Is not known , nnd It is feared that when fuller particulars como to light it will bo found that lives have been 'lost. The storm came from the southeast and prostrated nil telephone and telegraph wires in the south ern part of the city , making communication from the outside almost Impossible. GAIINCTT , Kan , , May 25. A cyclone struck this place about 4 o'clock this afternoon , coming from the southeast. Barns and out houses wcro destroyed and much minor dam age done. As far ns known , nobody was hurt. hurt.MAKTINSIIURO MAKTINSIIURO , Mo. , May Co. About 4 o'clock this afternoon n severe wind storm struck this place , leveling trees , fences nnd outbuildings and doing much other damage. Nineteen loaded freight cars wcro blown off the Wubash track and their contents scat tered about the fields. ioni STJLTJS yairs. Got n Jnll Sentence. DBS MOIXES , la. , May 23. [ Special Telegram - gram toTun BF.E. ] Prof. S. A. Van Anglo- beck , convicted in the federal court of viola- tlon of the United States postal laws in using the mails for fraudulent purposes in his position as secretary of the National University of Illinois at Chicago , was sen tcnced by Judge Woddson this morning to twelve months imprisonment in Leo county Jail and to pay a line of $400. Van Angle- beck was nervous und shook when ho started to say something iU responses to the usual in quiry as to whether ho had anything to say why sentence should not bo pronounced. He spoke but a few words in a low voice , say ing : "I believe I said nil I could say on the witness stand , and can only add that it has never been my intention to deceive anybody in this matter. " loivit ICUItors in Convention. , la. , May 23 , [ Special Telegram to Tttc BEE. ] The Northwest lowi EJ- itors association convention convened in this city tilts afternoon. About forty were pres ent , and it is expected that thcro will bo fully 100 tomorrow. Papers were rend ami discussed durinp the afternoon. Hon. Lufo Young ot.-Do ? Moines will speak in the opera house tonight. Tomorrow night Hon. Ignatius Donnelly will deliver a lecture on "Wit and Humor , " after which a banquet will bo served by the citizens of Leinara. Missouri Valley Grntluito. Missoi'iii VAI.T.BT , la , , May 25. [ Special Telegram to Tun BEE. ] The eighth annual commencement exercises of the city High school occurred this evening. A class of six ladies nnd two gentlemen completed the course of instruction. Last night occurred the class day exercises , and Friday evening the Alumni association gives its annual banquet , to which a large number of guests have been invited. Her Unity' * Duutli Cra/cil llor. CnESTox , la. , May 25. [ Special to TIIE BEE. ] Six little children are left mother less by the insanity of Mrs. James Clark , wife of a stone mason. The woman has pone crazy over the loss of a baby. She thinks the little one failed to reach heaven , owing to negligence on her part , and she has wor ried over this so much she has become in sane. Flro ut Urlnnoll. la , , i May 2o. [ Special Tele gram j to THE BEE. ] Fire early this morning destroyed the Hvcry stable of Jones & Kingdon , together with eight horses , the Northwestern hotel , Lowls fi Hudson's mar- bio | shop , Inmun's harness shop and Thomp son's junk shop , with most of their contents. Total loss , about (15,000 ; insurance , about Ills SontL'iico'nt Too Heavy. Sioux CITY , la. , May 2.1. [ Special Telegram - gram to TUB BHB. ] John Wallace , a saloon keeper , was sentenced to 150 days In jail hero today for violating a court Injunction. On his way to tjail ho manifested great ex citement and in the corridor dropped from heart disease. Ho cannot recover. HOTJEL3. "THE OMAHA" EUROPEAN HOTEL. 5.Hli and Lexington avenue , Chicago , o I gilt ml null's from 57th stroot. untr.'inco to World' * l > 'alr grounds , only four blouks from Midway I'lulBiuico. I'lulBiuico."THE OMAHA" Is a One atone and brlok Imlldlnz , finished In hard wood , provided wltliolootrlollKht , steam heat , Laths uml p'urfuut sanitary piiimtiliiK throughout. The rooms nro nil tfoocl slzo with outsldu IUIit , and are flnlshod very much liet- tor tlinn most of thu World's Kulr llotoln , Tlio ri'stnurnnt "III buuonductod by thb munuvor , wlileh will Insuru t9uiriooJ , uervice and untlro J0"fiutUfiictlon. . Hales will lie modurnto nnd rna- Boiinliln. 1'rloes fur roomi , (1,00 and upwarcla ( oiu'li imrson ) nordby l Wo deslrotomalco ' 'THE OMAHA" headquarters for avll iNobruslca and western piiu-ilo wno mar vl > lt Jio World's Fulr. You are wolcDinu to cnrno and ask "QUKSTIONH ( ANDOKT I'OINTknif' whether yon wish to ramam or not. MTHE OiVJAHA" Is cou- vonlcntly roaolied by tAiln | < tlio Cottage a , o and Jiiokson 1'ark cable car on Wauush ave niio. Tboy "pass tlfeTiOteir Hotel will boopon June I. FRANK E. ALEXANDER , Propr B. SILLOWAY , - - Mtinapor. Of "Tr.o Murray" Omaha , The Mercer. Omaha's Newest Hotel COR. 12TH AND HOrtABJ ( tnoorai at llM per day ICHoomi utH.ojper dar. ( Oltoomi with Bath at 11.9) pjr l\r. igiloomi with UatU at 13.3) to It ) ) pir Mr. OPENED AUGUST 1st Modern lu KJKTJ Keipoot. Newly l-'urnUbeilThroa Uoat G. 8. ERB. Pro : ) . AFFAIRS AT SOtTH OMAHA How Western Freight Rate Discriminates Against This Market , Bays Mr. Babcock , FACTS TO BE LAID BEFORE OMAHA LINES All thnt AVm Mortnt of Old Stun Hictt Lnltl Away Juror Clinr eil with Atliil- tory Thieves Stilt Arnuiul Minor .Matters. Tlio nc\v tariff sheet aa nrrnngcd by tlio Western Freight association has shoved prices from fJ to $10 n car on llvo stock from far western points to South Omaha anil Chi cago. Manager Uabcock of tlio Union Stock Yards company thinks the now rate dis criminates largely against the South Omaha market niul ho will at once lay his grievance at least before the Hues that terminate in Omaha. "Tho new rate , " said Mr. Babcock "say on n $10 advance , Increases the prlco $7 a carte to South Omaha whllo it Is only W moro to Chicago. This will force the South Omaha packers to pay Chicago prices all the time. While our prices will average well with the Chicago market In case of slight advance in that city , the freight rate will bo so low that it will bo nn inducement for the western shippers to go on through with their stock. The local rate to Chicago Is ! ) cents per 100 ; this , of course , will not bo affected by the new schedule , us It only has reference to from far western points. In our Judgement the now tariff Is a direct discrimination against the South Omahahn market , and I think wo have a kick coming. " Kml or \\Yury I.Ifo. The remains of poor old man Brett wcro laid to rest in St. Mary's cemetery yesterday morning. Ho is the old fellow who became despondent , on account of his poverty a few days ago and attempted sulcldo by uniting his throat with n penknife. After being taken : to the hospital Brett never regained consciousness. Although ho hnd no money , cih loft many kind friends behind , who gave him a most respectable burial. For years Brett worked In the lanl refin ery ! department at Cudahy's , and It was his workmates In the department who bore the expenses of his funeral. John Larkln , the foreman ( , and as many of the men as could get away from their work attended , the ser < - ices , which were conducted from St , Ag nes church. The body was brought down from Heafcy ; & Heafe.v's uptbwn morgue last night so that all of the dead man's Iricnds might have on ooportunity to view the re mains. _ Locked Up oil a Serious Chnrgc. A complaint was lodged in police court several , days ago that Mike Henry and Joslo Miller were living in open adultery in a shanty on Nineteenth street , near M. Cap tain Austin visited the Ucniso and found the report to bo true. Ho locked the counlo up , and yesterday Judge Fowler set the case for June 1'J. The police say that the Miller woman is silly and that Henry has taken advantage of her mental condition. Henry is a married man , but tils wife is out of the city. As the parties wcro re leased on their own recognizance it is quite likely that Henry will not be on hand when the time for n hearing rolls around. Ho is now serving as a juror hi Omaha. Netvg Notes unit 1'iu'noimU. B. F. Haller of Blair Is in the city. Joe Cook , treasurer of Washington county , was in the city last evening. There is some talk among the city councilmen - men of buying a patrol wagon. , James Tompklns and wife of Clinton , la. , are the guests of Captain Cockrcll. . Mrs. Thomas Emingor loft last evening for ' a visit with friends in Cincinnati , O. A gold watch belonging to Dan O'Neill was stolen last night from the Whlto . Elephant chop house. H. N. Atherton was yesterday granted a permit to build a frame cottage in Missouri Avenu ePlace , to cost $500. In honor of Decoration day a special pro gram has been arranged In all the publio schools , to bo rendered on Monday after noon. Now track scales are being put in by the stock yards company In the yards Just south of the yardmaster's oQlco at the foot of N street. Edward Ifayward left last ovenlng for Boone , la. , to join his wife , who was called suddenly to attend the funeral of her brother , who was killed in a railroad acci- Thoconcort.it the Christian church last night was well attended a ml the program scorned to please the nutilcnco. The music was furnished by the Gate City orchestra of Omaha. A first-class doff fight took place some whcro near South Omaha Wednesday night. The police were trying to locate the scrap , but the boys fooled them by going over into Sarpy county. It is said that Jack IJcgley's dog won the contest. The city council will st as a board of equalization on Friday , Saturday and Mon day evenings. All complaints of citizens who tltink their assessments too high or who have any kick on special tax will bo heard at these sessions. The largest casting made by n South Omaha concern has been turned out by the Magic City Iron works. It Is a twenty-one- foot balance wheel for Kittenbrink Bros , and will bo used ut their brick yard this summer. The Sodality of the Blessed" Virgin will give its annual May celebration ut St. Agnes' church on Sunday afternoon at o'clock. The service consists of the crown- ing of the Imago of the Virgin , procession of girls and young ladies and the reception of members. W. W.S3 S3 SHOE Do you wear them ? When next In need try a pair , they will give you more comfort and service for the money than any other make. Best In the world. $2.00 FOR LADIES $2.00 SI.7S * l.75 1 % W. L , Douglas Shoes are niade In all the Latest Styles , If you want a fine DRESS SHOE don't ' pay $6 to $8 , try my $3.50 , $4 or $5 Shoe , They will fit equal lo cus tom made and look and wear at well , If you wish to economize In your footwear , you can do so by purchasing W. L , Douglas Shoes , My name and price is stamped on the bottom , look for It when you buy , Take no sub- dilute , I send shoes by mall upon receipt of price , postage free , when Hlioo Dcaluru cannot supply you , W. L. DOUGLAS. Hrockton , Mail. Sold by AVoliUore , Kclioy , dtlcor & Co. , 0. J \Vllbon , Kilns rivunaoii , Iguatz txewman Wf K.U Koiitli Omaha , STRENGTH , VITALITY , MANHOOD l W.II. PAIUCKIl , M.D.No.4BuiancntM lln TOx , tljts , . cMif toniutltnff phyttclan ej IM I'EAIMjnVUKlHUAl. INt.TlTUTE.to wh"J nut awarded tha OOLD HEIUL by tbo NATIC.NIC U BWC.li , Ai'iooUTloN fo. I ho TIIIZR KHHAt on AVAau / JlVa//j/l / ( iBp\i/.AVrrouiaUi ; > Ai'ii-ul ( VMMV , aul oil JJlno.,4 end ir < akni > cl Jinn. lli ' the l and 0U 'joung , intddtt-aff < ( ( 'uDiuiltalloo in pcrwm nr by Ittler. Proiptclui with u Clmcnl l ยง , FUKK. Urge book , BCIKNCK OF LIFE , OR H I.IT- I'HKSEUVAT/ON. 00 pp. . 125 InTaluabU prfr Kripllouk full tcJU only tlMm null. * &ld. IN HIGH PLACES I U It uot atrnnffo UitU some people do wrong through IgnofftnOo , others from n fnllu.ro to Investigate ns lo the right or vrong of n matter. But it is stranpo , thnt individuals nnd firms , who nro fully wnro of tlio rights of others , will per sist in perpetrating frauds upon thorn. Illjh-toncd , wealthy innnufrolurlnc firms will offer and neil to retail mer chants , articles which tho.v know to bo in on the rights of proprie to , and imitations ot well known good ? . Wo want to sound n note of warning to the retailers to bownro of such Imita tions autl simulations of "CAUTHU'S LIT TLE LIVER PILLS. " When they nro of fered to you , refuse them ; you do not want to do wrong , and you don't want to lay yourself liable to n'lawsuit. . I3on Frnnlclln said "Honesty Is the best poll- 'y" ' ; it is just as true that "llonosty is ho best principle. " is stamped in the best watch cases made. It is the trade mark of the Keystone Watch Case Company , of Philadelphia , the oldest , largest and best- known factory in the world 1500 employees , capacity2000 cases' daily. Its products arc sold by all jewelers. It makes the celebrated Jus. J3oss Filled Watch Cases , now fitted with the only bow ( ring ) which can not be pulled off the case the Ask your jewelerfor pamphlet. TREATMENT. . " . S- - K FOU ALL Chronic , Herion , Private and Special Disaiiu of both p ' Men and Woman , Stricture nnd all othsr tronb1o.itro.iled at roasonublo ehursPS. CONSULTATION Onlionor nddiuss DOUGLAS BLOCK , - OMAHA , NEB Opposite Hiydon ; Uros. RARE , RIPE OLD WHISKY. Ltmltoil StocJf of t/io /fiost In tlio \Vorl < l. B. II. Font has opened n wbolejile liquor store at No. IT I'carl street. Council Ilium , and lui put In a larffc nnil well sclectod atook ofvine3 , brandies. vrhlBklc ? , otc. It la a fact wortdy of niDiitlnn' tlmt Mr. Ford Is the fortunate possessor of nearly forty barrels of the finest wnlBlty In the United Stntos. In ! 8ffl hn bounlit.fovontT-llvo barrel * of Kentucky C. K U Taylor nliliky , and It wu not until nhout three years ago tlmt ho placed tha KOOIU on the market. Of this stock ho has left about forty bnr- rolaand oxpcrtH nil pronounce 11 abiolutuly the flnpst whliky Intbo country : lie Bt'Ms It mainly to families for medicinal use. us Ills too costly for thcruKUlnr ttade. His worth oyer $10 par nallon. Then ! Is not another brand of nucli whisky In the U. b. Ilia stock of brandies and nines conies from Urn famous I.eland Stanford vineyards In California and IIUTO u bleu reputation for excollenoj aaJ purity. Notice. Scaled proposals will bo received by the Htnto I'rlnlliiK Hoard ut tha olllccof tin ) sct1- M > tary of stain ut any time hcfuro Monday , May 29 , 1893 , at 4 o'clock p. in. , for printing and binding 0,000copies of the session laws of IHOI ) . Including 000 , scparaluly printed und bound I n paper proof shoot , copies of tlio "Now- bci-ry Hill. " .Session laws to bo printed on two-pound book paper , small pica type , PIIKUS to hn MUIIO slzo and form astlmlawH of 1B85. wltli mar ginal notes and Indc.v , bound In full .sheep , 1'roposals will also bn received utthosaino ( line and plauu for jirlntliiK thu supruinu court reports and court calendars and for fmnlsli- IIIK nil blanK'H , blank books anil I'lrcnlurs , In cluding revumiu blanks , iuiiilrod | by thu nlllccrs of the oxrcntlvo ilupai'tniont of thi ; statu for u period of two years from d.ito of contract. Maniples nnd estimates of klnd and quantity of supplies to bo f nnililicd can bu seen ut thu olllco of secretary of stato. Proposals must Mate for what prlco the bid der will fiunlbli all hooks In this class pur P.IKP. and for all blanks and circulars per hundred. Kadi proposal nin.st bo accompanied by a bond i In tinMim of 83,000. with two or iiinro .sureties , conditional that thu bidder will , In case of award , within live days after notlcu entnr Into con tract to do thu work , Illds to bo marked "I'ropnsaln for I'ubllc I'rlntlnK. " care of hcciotary of htate , ( jallny nnd PUKO proof for laws must bo fur nished lo the proper olllcer , and all work to bo delivered In ; ; oed order free of cost at the olllco of thu M'crctary of Mate within sixty days from tin * duto of contract. Itluht to reli'd any or all bids reserved , J. H. I1AKTI/KV , 1 Hlalo Treasurer. I Of-.Hlato KUOK.NK MUOKK , ( I'rlnllin ; Hoard , Auditor I'ubllc Accounts. ) MSOillOt lloniU fur Hiilr. Healed bids for ? 10,000.00 of school building bonds will bo received by thu president ami secretary of the school district of thu City of llrukeu Mow , Nub. , up to 1 o'clock p. m , of .lime 1. 1HOI1 , said bonds to bn Issucu by the Hoard of KilucntIon of the above named dis trict ; will boar (1 ( percent Inleresl , payable t > eml-annually. and both Interest and mlncl- lial made puyabluat tbu llscal aK'utcy ' for thu Mute of Nebraska In Ihu city of New Vork. N. V. $5,00l,0ll ) of said bonds will run for tun years from July 1,16Ui : , anil fti.UOO.on will run for fifteen years from July 1 , 1H1I3. The right to reject any and all bids Is reserved , H , O. TAUIOT , 1'rosldniit. .1. ( i. IICMINJ. Secretary , Dated lirokcn JIuw , Neb , , May IB , IHUIl. Muy'Jld 1U , 7. . , , . . . . * DETROIT Notsc Smoke Engineer Repairs Heat Dirt Fuel Mnchlnr * from ono-ulthl to clhtv hont t'owur. ' nrruiired < o clvo satisfaction. Write us. W , R lUlvKll. nee nnd ntOSImgnrt. lllook. 0.1) . IlAKKll f > mnoll lUuffu. Tdleihonti22l | , , Kloctrlolnn , i N SouthMull flu , Oiimhn , Telephone " ( ' , Yea , Verily , The World Moves FOR you $1,000 $ , IN THIS $1,000 $ , YOU HO jj-oocf ii oiuiiior J > c > /in- No Deaths No Fires FiresIt It cloos not doponcl on A Calamity. Write to the PERPETUAL MATURITY" BONDING CO. , Counoll Bluffs , I neon corporutod nndur the li\79 : ot lowiu for in o rniutlon , rooms -Ml ami 2J ) Merriam bloc'4 ' Council 111 nils , lowu. OllllbKDaluUlUJ j tlco In the stito : ami federal courts. Honms MJ-7-S-3 , ShugarD block , Con nc 11 uinlVj. la. la.M M HUP JOHN DOIIANY , MANAftKK. SEVEN MKIITS , COMMENUINQ MONDAY , MAY 22. FLINT The World's Greatest Mesmerist niia Fun i.iukor , usslstoil by " MISS MARINA FLINT 1 In her wonderful feats of Catalepsy. Positively the Funniest Show on Earth. Complete Change of Program Nljntly. Pnicns 23 , 33 , M cents. . , I * J. MBAOIIAM , Manager WM. II. DELIAAilvnnco Asoiit. Special Polices. [ TR can Roll youn IIUIMO nnd lot on a pnymont of V froiuflU.UJ to fil.OJ down nnd molol5.0) per month. Homo npaclnl baruulns In lots. JoUu- itou ft. Van Patten. liSl KAUTrt nm1 loiun. r.trm nn'l cltr properlf bought ana uU. 1'utsr & 'i'bon.\i. : Council Il'OK SAI.R Cheap ; tuim Llaok ilrlvlni m ami tcnm inului ; oil wnion. hirnoai anil t m ; top bui-'Ky ; rontl wazon. Curlion Uoal Co. . 1(11'eurl ( street. i 1011 SAI.K TlireoJcrsoy hulln ; Uiioi , ono wao'c ono year nnil two ruara ; solid color , roglsteroj stock. 7248. iHt St. 1 OIl SAI.K Nlco iir mrrlaifj tai'n ai I cirrUj U W.Tiilloj-j. 10J I'oarlHt. . Counoll Illuffi , G AIUIAHIJ rumoroil , coaspooli. vaulti. otilmntf j clcmneil. E < 1 llurko , at Taylor'n cruuorf , 4IJ llroudwny. 17OII SAI.K An nprlulit tire liorio poirur uollor. J. t nil ut 13i ; llru.-iilwar. | .MUMIIKI ) tint for World1 * fnlr for rent : i nr a X inontlii. Nu\v 7-KJOin Hat , now fiirnltnru cuoi- , tunni hunt nn < l xn& ruiiKu ; neur car Una nml mndy lo World'u fair , dilrcia IS. T. IC.,3T7KaU ( itli Btrcut , ClilcuKO. l OIi HUNT l.nrKJ warolioitio > ltuatoil on rail- Jway tragic. lniiilro | of I'lonojr linplomont Co , LllIlSDUlt.MAN bujTj mi'l ' polli noloi nocurea by , morua usoii Council Ilhilta unit Oiuul.u prop- eity. Ollltot'JI Klrnt nvonno. _ W1IJ , trndo Council Illults property anil cmh for linrdnnro uriil Iniploniuiit utook In woitern lowu or OiiBtcrn Nebrmkn. C 17 , Council IIIniM. OH 8AI.H 20 Ilnoly bred roaditvr * and brood ninron. ono flnj carrlnxo Ic-nui. Would z. rhaiiKO for ROOI ! unlmjirorixl firm land or city prupurly , Dr. C. II , rinnoy , 'l\t \ 1'onrl btroet. 'OK'AUTIKUI. liomuj all mortem convenlvncoii .l > Iow prlcoi , eaiy lornii. A. J. Mandel , U. UlulTi. \V7AN'nI-rompotontBlrlln faintly of two. In > V qulruof Mrfl. K 1' , WrUht , 'm Bouttl BovuutU Btrcut. ItKNT Kiirnlihail room for one or Inu ton- tloincu , 641 Myuntur utri'ut. DIJrilltAlll , ! ' . rooum , furnlihoil or iinfunililied , with board fur the minimor If dunlred , ( UJ ( lien aronuo , ' UIIMKIIKI ) rooms for rent ; rooms HUM board , nt bM Wabhlniiluii uro. , comer h'cutt U ' /OIl ItKNT OU 8AIiK-ln MonilUKtldo , n netr ( uvcii-room lionso , W. t ) . Homer , Ui llroitd * wItli alltllo time and rupltnl to manu. fucluro nnd liitcortiico puloiiti'il nuvultlui. II. Ji AilamttVI8 1'crln uvcnuu , Council lllulT * . d BICYCLE SPECIALTIES in the West ? We can fit you out promptly. Send in your orders. STATE AGFNT FOR THE Dauntless AND Yost BICYCLES Pn" I3D4-6--0 ' Haln srMl- ! ID. , Council Bluffs , Iowa ,