TTTR OMATTA DAILY TTTtmSDAY MAY 25. IftOa-TWELVfi PAGES. : HB DAILY BEE COUKClMJLUFra , IfFICBj N& IS PEARL STRKV7T ( filmed ty cmltr to any put of th cltj H , W. TII/TON. - MANAOEIl ITluslnrMOfllce . No. 43 | rci.niitoM.3 f wn Kditor . NO. w IN. Y. Plumbing Co. I Boston Store. Natchaug silks. iMIItonbcrgcr Is tlio hnttcr , B03 Ilroailway. | The Princes of the Orient will have a race it- | g this evening In Knights of Pythias hall. I Special session of Harmony chapter No. f. , Order Eastern Star , tonight for the our- hsoof Inlttntlou. There will bo n free soclahlo in the parlors f the First Presbyterian church this oven- [ g , to which all nro Invited. Mnrrlcd-At the Kiel hotel , Wednesday cnltig , May 21. 1803 , Mr. John H. Miles and . Isi Stella Pierce , both of Macedonia , la. , lev. II. H. Ilarton ofllclatlng. I All members of Twin Brother ncamndrl Lent No. 4'J Order " > uu vi * i y * * , Independent " - * j1 cllows , are requested to meet nt tbo hall ils evening at 8 o'clock to transact 1m- irtant business , ITho regular tncotlnn of the Parochial Ad hcloty of Ht. Paul's church will bo held 11th Mrs. TI J. Habcock this afternoon. All Vo cordially InTltcd. Jl'ho young people of the Matter DaySatnts Jiurch have formed a society , to meet every Iriilay evening nt 8 oVlock nt Saints chapel fi , Plcrco stieot , west of Olcn iivenue , for lie discussion of the leading topics of the l/blo. Subject for discussion tomorrow oven- lie : "Is Baptism a Saving Ordinance , and Il'lio Has the lUght to Administer It. " A [ ordlal Invitation Is extended to all. [ .A nicotine of the Hoard of Equalization fill ho held this evening. It till bo the Jlnal meeting of the year Ind the question of assessing the motor line Jn the same basis as other owners of real fctato will como up , that Is , If the Inllucnco [ if the motor company has not been so strong .luring the past few weeks ns to cause the fncmbcrs of the council to ignoio the subject. lTbo doings of the board will ho watched by | ho public with a deal of Interest. Tholnlsfatl Philharmonic nnd Dramatic _ lub of this city will glvon bcnellt entertain- Incntat Dohany's opera house for St. Her- mrd's hospital on Tuesday evening. Juno 13. t has been so long since the Sisters of Mercy called for any aid on the people of Trouncll Bluffs , that they hope to see a pen- ITOUS response to the present Invitation. "Jesidcs earing for n number of charity pa- .ionts , they have of late incurred consilient- wlo extra expenses for necessary alterations In the building. Ton lny lit thu World's Fair. It will cost you loss than ? , )0.00 , every- .hincr necessary Included. This means Jioincs in private cottage , clean , safe , ilosc to grounds nnd on the beach of , Lake Michigan. Write to .T. T. Chyno- Ivoth , Windsor Park , 111. Refers to n. IvV. Tilton of Tun BKE , or Jacob Sims | ) f Sims & Balnbridgo , Council BlulTs. Pasturage for horses and cattle on jcorgo P. Wright's farm adjoiningc Ity Imlts on south ; f > 00 acres blue grass , unnlng water. For terms apply to allies Haphj on farm , or at Carbon Cotil [ . otnpany , 10 Pearl street. Pure ice From Missouri river channel. Mulhollandit Co. , Brown building. Telephone 102. f Say ! the "Workers" of the Christian Sunday school want yeti to come to their unique social Friday evening in the now 1 building opposite the postolllce. I'EKSUKAI. W. S. Estop returned yesterday' morliing from a short trip to Chicago. T. U. Dawson left last evening for Des lolncs tqattcna.suprcme courf , _ _ „ . . Mr. Garden and wife of Kearney , Neb. , are the guests of E. A. Blanchard and fam ily , South Eighth street. Mr. and Mrs. Ovitlo Vienvent 'to Shplby cdiinty Wednesday evening to attend a "social given tbcro under the auspices of the Ameri can Protective association , C. G. McCarthy , state auditor , of Des Molncs , was in the city yesterday attending the bankers convention. IIo paid a visit to the school for the deaf in company with toV. T. Fllcttingcr. Among tholowans registered at the Grand hotel last ovenlup were the following : M. . n. HutchlnsQii , Ottumwa ; Thomas II. Brown , Grlswold ; J. B. Butler , Cedar Kaplds ; J. W. Uecd , Ida Grove ; John P. Alli son , Sioux City ; J. V. Ilincliinan , Glcnwood ; P. Egan , jr. , Thomas Phillips and P. i Mlnuhan , Neola : F. M. Nichols , J. Nichols and Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Nichols , Atlantic ; A. A. Watts , Ncolu ; II. A. Searles. Des ( Mollies ; C. B. Christy and Jam s Wiser , iMnlvurn ; C. H. Hutchison , Ottumwa ; C. A. : \Tylor , Lumars ; George T. Webster , Sioux 3ty. Notice to C'cJiilriictors , Bids will bo received until Juno 1 , 'OH , pr the erection of a brick veneer L-hurch building , to bo erected for lie iiormun Evangelical church. ns ind sncuiilcations may bo seen at the of- iicoof J. C. & W. Woodward , architects : , Kvorott " block , corner Broadway and 'carl street. The right is reserved tote eject any or all bids. liny Lund fur Kent. ' Hay hind for rent in lots of from 20 to " ) acres. B. Marks , Council BlulTs. Hco the peerless Dauntless bicycles fcnd got terms. Hurry Murphy. 10 Pearl. ! ' Another Improvement to the popular fichubort piano. Swnnson Mnsio Co ' For Sale Hickory 4-foot wood , $0.00 ) ; | < tovo wood , 12 or 10 inches , $2.00 erin pord , delivered. II. A. Cox , 10 Main btrcot. Mrr. . W. Cliupiiiau Hurt. Mrs. Dr. O. W. Chapman mot with a seri ous injury yesterday afternoon while driving on Third street near the corner of Ninth avonu.0. A farmer's team ran away and ed with her rig , overturning it and throwing her out with great force. She > lit on the curbstone in I'roat of Mar tin Hughes' residence , striking her head against the Htono and bruising it badly. Two rlt > s on tier left side were broken and she was picked up in an insun- .slblQ . condition. The patrol . wagon was sum- tnonod and she was taken to her residence , ItKttHigh street. Her injuries are very se- Irero , but are not thought to be dangerous. ISlui wll } bo coulitied to her bed for several [ nocks. Don't miss the Workers' social Friday javcning. A fine musical und literary [ p'rograin will bo rendered and straw- ILerrics and icp cream Horved. Hon. O. 0. McCarthoy , auditor of state , ullcd on the Council | Bluffs Insurance luommny ) yesterday , and after an oxaiu- rljiaUon ot the business done HO far this year , oxprcssou his surprise at the very batiafaetory progress tno company has made. Williamson & Co. . 100 Muln street , largest and best bloyelo stock In city. The ( iriinil Hotel , Council BlulTs. The most elegant in lowu. Dining room on buventh lloor. Hate , $3.00 and $ o.00u day , E. F , Clark , Prop. Attention A. r. A. ' A ( till attendance requested for Thurs- 'day evening , May 25 , as important busl- tioss ia to be brought up. By order IBlOf the President. , Stop at the Ogden , Council Bluffs , tie -Vcbt $2.00 house in Iowa. Vanuatu & Sweet , attyjt. , Everett blk. , Geo. 8. Davl0 , preburipiiou druggist. NEWS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS Last Day's ' Swnion of the Iowa SUto Bankers Association. END OF A MOST SUCCESSFUL MEETING Addremp * Made bjr 1'romlnent Uei Molnot vlioiou ai tlir Next Place of Meeting llntorlalninont of the lUnltcrt Vcitordnjr. Tlio bankers convention did but llttlo bus iness this morning. The delegates started out from the Grand hotel at 8:80 : o'clock and took a rldo about the city In vehicles pro vided by the local bankers and rltlzcr.s. The weather was just right , the streets were neither dusty nor muddy nnd every thing was In such condition as to show the city off to the visitors In the best possible fashion , The beautiful residences , shaded drives , paved streets and enchanting glens , called . . forth many expressions of admiration , the trip through Fall-mount park being espe cially enjoyed , All the principal residence streets were driven over and the visitors given full opportunity to appreciate the full beauty of the metropolis of southwestern Iowa. < The morning session was to have com menced nt Did ) o'clock , but the dele gates wcio so late in returning from their drive that It was nearly two hours later than that when they re turned to the opera house and settled down to bu&lncBs. Invltnt.onfrnm WorldM Fair As nn introduction Secretary Dlnwlddlo read a communication from the management of the World's fair stating that an inter national bankers' congress is to bo held In Chicago for a week , commencing Juno 111. and asking that delegates bo appointed by the Iowa Bankers association to meet in > convention with the delegates from the other states of the country and from Eng land and Franco. The following delegates wore appointed , each ono being given the privilege of appointing a substitute in the event of his being unable to attend : S , F. Smith of Davenport. C. H. Hannan of Coun cil Bluffs , W. A. McIIenry of Denison , J. M. Dinwiddio of Cedar Haplds , and J. 1C. Doming. An invitation was also read from ths secretary of the National Bankers asso ciation to appoint n delegate to their con vcntion , to bo held In Chicago , September 0 and 7. Hon. E. H , Thaycr , president of the Iowa State Koad Improvement association of Clinton , read nn interesting paper on tlio subject , "Good Heads and How They Effcet Our Financial Condition , " Hn opened by making the startling statement that < 2T > 0- , 000,0 < U ) would not cover the annual loss each year as the result of the present system of bad roads. Of this amount at least $8,000,000 Is contributedTJy the state of Iowa to the mud king. When a man's house is burned down , ho is a loser , but the brickmason , carpenter and ( plumber are gainers. The money lost through bad roads , on the other hand , is a dead < loss , no ouo receiving the slightest ben- cflt from it. Ho cited the fact that every state In the union Is now agitating the sub sis of butter roads ns un indication that the present system is n earing its end , He ] considered the expenditure of the road tax in the present manner a dead loss , for at the end of 1,1)00 ) j ears the roads would bo no better than now. The plan was suggested borrowing money nnd securing it by long time \ bonds , thus obtaining the necessary funds with which to build good , permanent stone roads. Ho devoted considerable time to ( showing that it was often advisable to ( go Into debt for the purpose of making improvements which would pay for themselves a thousand fold in added pros perity. He quoted the testimony of It. G. Dun & Co. of New York in n recent report , to the effect that thu present hard times und financial crashes arc duo more to slow col lections 1 , caused { by bud roads , than to any imperfections ' in the monetary system. Mr. Thuyer held the closest attention of the convention - , vention throughout his address. M. B. Hutchinson , cashier of the First . National bank of Ottumwu , read a paper on "Iowa Bankers Their.Duty to the Business Interests of the State and to Each Other. " The president then announced that the plans of the citizens for thu entertainment of the delegates this afternoon had rendered it advisable that the morning session bo prolonged a little and the afternoon session correspondingly shortened. The llrst ad dress of the afternoon session was accord ingly read by F. E. Wettstcin , cashier of the First National bank of LaPorto City , on the subject of "Tho Young Man in Banking. " Quito a largo proportion of the delegates was composed of young men , and the ad dress was full of interest. At tlio Afternoon At the afternoon session resolutions were adopted . exptcsslvo of thanks and apprecia t.t tion for numerous courtesies , including the presence I nnd address of ex-Comptroller Lueey , Mr. YiUcs of Omaha and other speakers. Thanks were given to the ir-uyor and citizens of Council Bluffs , to the motor line , to the press , etc. , etc. ; in fact , a "thank you" all around. Great cnro was taken to avoid 0J any committal -upon any of the financial J questions of the day. The only discussion evoked was upon a simple resolu tC tion t providing for a change in the manner of electing officers , the reform being to the effect that hereafter the ofllcurs should DC IC elected directly by the association , instead of being nominated by a committee. The proposed change was adopted by a vote of 27 to 23. The following were chosen as officers for- the ensuing year : President , W. A. Mo ! Henry of Denison ; first vlco president ! Simon Cnssldy of Des Moines ; vlco presl * dents , J . , W. Garner , Columbus Junction ; F- Ilelnu , Davenport ; W. W. Donnun.Inde pendence ; S. B. Zciglcr , West Union ; G. W. Gllcic , Murshalltown ; M. B. Hutchinson , Ottumwa ; O. P. Wright , Knoxville ; C. V.c. . Cole , Corning ; A. S. Ulloy , Defiance ; A. C. Brown , West Bend ; H. N. Smith , Spencer ; treasurer , . ! . F. Latltner , Hampton ; secre tary , J. N. Dinwiddio , Cedar Rapids. Des Molncs was chosen as the next place of meeting , State Auditor McCarthy's Address. The addresses of the afternoon were very interesting and practical as well In many % their suggestions. Hon. C. G. McCarthy , the auditor of state , prefaced the reading fty his address by a pleasing tribute to this city , i ml especially to the school for the deaf located here , and which ho declared to be one of the grandest of all the stuto institutions. He urged the bankers to make a personal inspection of it before leaving the city , both for their own entertainment , and also for their information mation us to the wonderful educatory work being done hero. Ills address .van upon "Thu State and Savings Banks of Iowa , and the Growth of Laws Kclatlng to Their Or ganization. " Ho spoke of the ease with which uny organization , however fraudulent in its nature , could become incorporated , u it bout the stuto having ui > y con trol over it. Many people thought that becatisu a company advertised itself as incorporated that it was therefore endorsed by the state as responsible. Hencu It vtuti easy to dupe the Innocent , louulaw in this respect was defective I'hu laws were also defective in regard to banking and other financial institutions. The auditor was made bank commissioner , but his rulings were subject to review by the courts and the law was often so doubt ful or deficient , that It was difficult for such ; an oftlulal to act intelligently and promptly. The law in regard to capital stock should so changed us to compel shareholders to pay up In full , Instead of paying in some small percent of their stock , and then advertising to thu world u large amount of cap- tal stock. If the capital stock needed to bo increased it could be done In a legitimate way , Instead of by a series of as sessments. ' 1 ho law in regard to tlio liabili ties and duties of bank officials and directors should also bo changed so us to afford more protection to stockholders und depositors. All other financial Institutions , savings and building associations , etc. , of whatever nature should bo under state control ana sublect to state inspection. Then the publto could bo Informed as to their real condition , Thu weaker organizations could bo made to strengthen themselves or go out of business. The present feverish condition of financial circles should cause all moneyed institutions to be careful about speculative enterprises , aua thus keep ibviuielicn ia condition to glvo needed heln to legitimate nnd perm.v nert commercial enterprise * , preventing a possible panic. Auditor McCarthoy then gave an Interest ing statlKtlcal review and showlnr of the growth of savings banks and state banks In Iowa Mnco 1875 , nt which tlmo there were only n Inctecn savings banks , wfth a total capital of $7Hi.OOO and total liabilities and assets of W,501,000. In 1810 tlio number of savings banks had increased to 101 with A capital of $ .1,304,000 and total assets of $32- 753,000. In 1373 there were twenty-three other banks In Iowa with a total capital of about $1,000,000 and assets reaching nearly 1,000,000. In 18W the number of such banks had increased to 141 with a capital of $7,430- 000 and assets of $20,747,000. n Pusoj- Speak * . Tlio closing address of the day and of the convention was that delivered by ex-Con gressman Pusey , the well kiVbwnand pioneer banker of Council Bluffs , who gave some very interesting reminiscences of the early day , narrating them with the usual vigor and eloquence which over marks his public addresses. Ho digressed a little from the subject assigned him , but this was ( lonablo as the Incidents which ho so thrlll- Ingly pictured were of more than mere local Interest. Ho told of the visit of Abraham Lincoln to Council Bluffs In ISC'.l. At that tlmo Mr. Lincoln was accompanied by the then secretary of state of Illinois , Mr. Hatch , and these two gentlemen In company with Mr. Puscy nnd N. S. Bates , took a carriage drive about the city. On reaching "Look-out Point , " on the bluff near the present resi dence of Lucius Wells , they alighted nnd walking to the edge of the seeming precipice took in the grand view of bluffs , bottoms and river. The details of the conversation as told by Mr. Pusoy wore very Interesting. Mr. Lincoln was greatly Impressed with the beautiful scenery , but still more by the outreaching - reaching and Just-developing west , the very gateway to which seemed to lay at his feel. The talk was about the proposed building of the Union Pacific , and the provision in the law which made it the duty of the president to ilx upon the terminus on this side of the river and within curtain bounds. "Perhaps , Mr. Lincoln , you may be elected president , nnd It may bo your duty to deter mine this location , " remarked Mr , Puscy. To this Mr. Lincoln made no reply , but stood with folded arms in contemplative mood until ho suddenly burst out with , "Nature seems to have made that bottom there and the Platte valley , just to build railroads on , doesn't she ! " Then ho continued , "By the way i no ticed coming on the boat that you have a little river which is called the Weeping Water. Do you know If I was a member of the Nebraska legislature the very llrst thing I would do would bo to. Introduce a bill to change the name of Weeping Water ? You know up In Minnesota they have a river which they have very appropriately named Mlnnohaha , the laughing watcnC Tsow , I think they ought to' change the name of Weeping Water to something more appropri ate and pretty , change It for instance to Minneboohoo. " Unculn'ilona rnrm. Mr. Pusey narrated numerous other Inci dents of Mr. Lincoln , among them beinc the fact that on this same visit Mr. Lincoln , while in the ofllce of Mr. I'usey , pulled out of his pocket an old , greasy paper , and asked If they wouldn't sco about Its being lllcd for him. It proved to be a land war rant issued to him as a captain in the Black Hawk war. Wo askedihim why he had not entered the land before , and he said that he had been keeping it to show his boys that ho had a war record. After some other line humorous remarks ho loft it with Mr. Pusoy to locate the land. Ho did so for him in Crawford county , near the homo of the newly elected president of the Bankers as sociation. About a year ago the noted son of the martyred president sent word from England to sell thu land , and the 100 acres were disposed of. K In 1803 Mr. Pusoy had the privilege of meeting President Lincoln in Washington. Mr. Lincoln insisted on his sitting down and talking over Council Bluffs. "He inquiied about some of those whom ho had mot on his visit here Judge Baldwin , Mr. and Mrs. Bloomer , and Jocosely asked If Mrs. Bloomer still wore oloomcrs. Stepping to where hung a map of the Union Pacific and the con tiguous country , ho placed his finger on the point where he tiaa stood in 1859 , and said ho should novcr forget the impressions made by the scene which nature had spread before him. Knowing that Mr. Lincoln had nn interest In some lana near the pres ent location of the Union Pacific trans fer in Council Bluffs , I suggested to him that this property would surely bo enhanced in value , and ho would make well by it. Mr. Lincoln shook his head. Ho said that a Mr. Judd was Interested In that land with him , and that ho was so certain that ho would be elected president , and would have to determine the location of the termi nus , that ho had Judd take the property off his bauds , so that it might never bo said that ho had made a single dollar by his de cision , or could impugn his motives in the slightest degree. " Driven Through the City. At the close of the afternoon session the delegates left the opera house for another trip about the city. A motor train took them to the corner of Eighteenth street nnd Avcuuo A. where they found a special train of Burlington coaches standing to take them out to the new bridge. After looking the ground over they returned to the city und took a run down to Lake Munawa on a special train which Maor Reed of Manawa had fitted out for them. Thus ended one of the most enjoyable conventions the association has ever hold. The exer cises of both days were noticeable on account of their interest for outsiders as well as for the bankers , and the citizens who fulled to attend missed a great treat. The Council Bluffs bankers , headed by C. H. Hannan , deserve great credit for the manner in which the arrange ments were nuido and the details of the con vention carried out. The delegates leave for their homes carrying with tnom many happy memories of their stuy here , and the citizens of Council Bluffs have the same feeling towurd them. A Massachusetts paper , speaking of r f the lecture of Rev. J. II. Armstrong , in "The Stuff Men Are Made Of , " sayn it could not bo commended too highly. His words and gestures beautifully express the deep thought , the strong reasoning and originality of the speaker. The elo quent speaker will appear at the Broad- why Methodist church on Friday oven- ing. Protect your homes against destruc tive storms. W. C. James has the strongest companies in the world. Charles Biorworth 1ms porter and ale on draught at the Metropolitan , 818 Broadway. Marrlueo llren c , The following murriiigo licenses were issued yesterday : Xamu and nddrebs. Ago. t INUUC Vail , I'urruKut , In . , . -1-1 | Hilda HiiKluton , 1'arratnit , lu . 34 i Uhurlps MncUabcn , Council HlulTa 44M | C'liilbtlnu aoreiison , L'uuncll Uliilfs , . 'M Free treatments daily from 2 to 4 p. in. at the Council Blulfa Medical and Surgical Institute , 20th nnd Broadway. Brown's C. O. D , grocery closes at 7 p. ui. , except Mondays und Saturdays. Mure Urluf for 1'etcMon. F. W. Peterson , who has frequently graced police and justice courts during the past , is in trouble again , and the churgo against him this time Is cheating by faUo pretenses. Peterson , who keeps a tailoring establish ment on South Ninth street , ihUo a horse trade ft few ilnys nco with B liveryman nnmed Ji V./Novlns. The latter claims Peterson rcr > r l > nted that the Tiorso ho owned was without imcumbranco , but after the trndo had been completed ho found thnt the animal , wWwrf1 value was about $20 , was blanketed by a tiiortpago in favor of ouo Fucrlmuken for t\9. \ Ho tried to Induce Peterson to settle , ln\ \ refused to do so. Peterson will bo tried , before Justice Fox this morning. , , , , . Miulln llnilcrwcnr 'SftW ' for 3 n y Thnnriiy , Frltln'y , Sntnnlnr. Today we place J6n sale $5,000.00 worth of ladles' muslin , uniprwcar ! nt prices never before named ia this or any other city ; the entire lot nt'2T > c , COo , 7 < ic , OSc and $1.48 each. Our muslin underwear Is all made on lock aulch machines with Hat feed scams. Wo .handle no cheap shoddy goods. Every garment is now , fresh and clean. Remember this great underwear sale starts today and contin ues for three days. Only como In today ; If you can't como today , como In Friday ; if you can't como Friday , como In Satur- day ; any way so you don t miss It. f)0 dozen Indies' white aprons , largo size , long strings and with 3 lows of drawn work , during this great muslin umlewcar sale , only 15c each. BINNISON Buos. . Originators of Low Price. Now is your time to see Puck's Cor ner nnd have your fortune told. You can do either or both at the social Fri day evening in the now building oppo site the postolllco. Cook yoi" meals this summer on a gas range. At cost al < ho Gas company. Motzcnr & Itnnilletl'H Ice Crcnin. Try Motzgar < fc Randlolt's pure nnd delicious Ice creams and ices nnd you | will order no other. INSUHANCK AVAR. Secretary > T. Q. Amlemon of the Council Ilium Innuranco Compnny Arrested. A sensation , which has been brewing for some days past , culminated yesterday morn ing in the arrest of J. Q. Anderson on the charge of breaking open mall which was not intended for him. Mr. Anderson Is the sec retary and ono of the principal stockholders in the Council Bluffs Insurance company , and the complaint was filed in the United States district court by Henry CofTcen. who , until last Tuesday , was a stockholder in the sumo company. Coffcen's action , according to the state ment of ono of the directors of the comtuny , is the result of malice , pure and simple. Coffeen came into the company a year ago last November and was appointed treasurer at a salary of $1.000 per year. From the start three was considerable friction between him and Anderson , who had been with the company a long tlmo , butcvery thing went along without any open rupture until a few days ago. A couple of weeks ago ColTecn demanded an increase in salary of $200 per year , but it was refused. There was a meeting of the directors at which It was decided that if Coffecn wanted to go on at the old salary , well and good ; otherwise , ho could leave. Ho left. The other members of the company had been doing a little qulot investigation on their own hook und 'learned thnt Cofteon enraged , as they claim , nt the refusal of the directors to increase his salary , had retained the services of 1 an attorney and was about to commence an action to have a receiver appointed for the company. They also learned that ho had been to Omaha and had a conference with iStato Auditor C. G. McCarthoy In which ho asked him to take hold of the company and wind up Its affairs , alleging that it < was Insolvent. The state auditor himself is responsible for this tastemoiit but whonj Coffeen. was asked about it denied even having been in the auditor's oftlco. In order to prevent Coftcon from making any further efforts to b'ringiabout the dissolution of the company the 'other members bought out his stock , paying him a largo advance on the actual value. Coffeen then dcvotcfl hfs attention to making things warnigfor Anderson , whom ho blamed for the actionof , the directors In refusing him his demaritl for extra pay. Before - fore leaving the city Coffeen told Anderson , so that gentleman states , that ho expected some mail from Mollne , III. , with refer ence to some insurance business , and authorized him to open it. By mistake Anderson opened a letter which proved to bo from a woman at Carroll , Ia. , and Coffeen immediately Jumped at the chance of opening ; v hornet's nest in close proximity to Anderson's ears. When Ander son was arrested on the charge of violating the United States law ho immediately went before ComuiinsionerJ. J. Stendmaii , waived examination , and was bound over to the grand Jury , his bond being fixed at $1,000. With regard to the insolvency of the com pany , the members assort that the charges mudo by Coffeen nro entirely without foun dation. They say that Coffeen was ready ana anxious to boom the company if they would raise his salary $10 per month , but when ho learned that theyswould not raibo It ho suddenly discovered that the company could not pay its losses. They claim that the company was never in any better shupo than It Is now , us the stock formerly held by Coffeen is to bo taken up at once by well known Council Bluffs capitalists. Bargains In fine tooth brushes and cologne , wholesale price , only lOc. Davis , the druggist , 200 Uroadway. Louis Biedorman is agent for the Great Eastern hotel , the largest in the world ; practically fireproof ; has 1,100 rooms and is modern. Those intending ' to visit the World's fair will find it to heir Interest to call or write , enclosing ? stamp. 504 First avenue , Council Bluffs. Don't delay your house cleaning until the hot weather arrives , and don't delay going to the Council Bluffs Carpet ro pany and taking advantage of ll c splendid bargains they are giving in everything. DKCOKATION UAV. Proclamations to the fiolillorx nnd Citizen ! to Assist In Dororutlnc. Pursuant to established practice of c'clo- lirutlnR tlio 30th of Mny as Memorial day loin honor of the lioytt In bluu who dlcdiln the .sory- Ice nf tholr country , thu soldlnrsln all pails of the country will itHsomhlo In inuinory of their fullun comrades. It Is hereby ordered and requested that all comrades of heel Grand Army of the Republic , and all sol diers , assist in the exorcises of Memorial day and report ut the headquarters of Abe Lincoln post for duty at 1 o'clock on that day. G. W. COOK , Commander of Abe Lincoln Post. T tlin Citizens. The 30th day of 'May ; having boon ostnu- d hy thu national' trovornmont , und ulso by the btuto ' legislature ; as Memorial day , for tliu niirnoso'oficonirinm-ntlnB the memory of our fallen la-rocs of Uwjlutu lubolllon.nnd la-op- IMK In view the grand ju-lnclplo for which they foil , and teaching tlio rising Keneratlon the ! lekhon of loyalty nnd patriotism. The citizens of Council II lu IV a nnil tint vicinity are , thuro- fore , most cordially Invltud to assist In tliu ex- erclM's to bo hold nt .Knlrvlow cemetery uxon that day and touluje , < ifl Assist the ( Jrfliid Army of tlio Uopubllis In tills lotile worU and inninli- IIIK this Uuy ona to bu.'remembeicd by all Vourt , rc'hpuctfnllyi . " JOHN I.ISKLT , L'hulriiiun ut Uomrhlttco on Invltiitlons. Music furnishddfor ; balls , parties , pic nics , sociala , teWf by Musicians' > n , J. K. Follott-inanugor , 400 Broad- way , , Council BHiffB' ' . ' Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest . S. Gov't Report ABSOLUTELY PURK TERRIBLY INCREASING. Th Authorities of the Hofinl of IlcMtti UlTeSome important Intormntlnu About the I'reiont Condition of the L'enple. At no tlmo In the history of Now York City have tlioro boon to many dcntln from pnou- monln ni now. ThoofllclM figures show that 'nearly twice as many deaths from this csmo arc occurring timn for ttio lust five roars. This Is something torrlblo. Dr. John T. NnRle , lloftlstrar of Vital Statis tics , rnya that this Increase Is duo to the Influence - once ot grip. Ho says that gnu may bo called CDldomlo just now. mid that In the majority of cases grip Is nvltttl , contributing cause to pneumonia and nil clamorous pulmonary troubles. At this tlmo ot the when wo nro changing oror from winter to 8prlntlioro Is always n low order of vitality ; n reaction from the strains of the season. The blood does not Ilowso fiillorr.inlilly ! the strength uloss. I or this reason crip bus a much butter chance than at nny other season. This Is 11 tlmo of year when people * need to bo direful nnd too much Importance cannot Do placed upon kcoplnz the blnol warm and In circulation. Von must lirlnz about n reac tion If you wish to avoid the psln and dangers ot those troubles In time. There Is but one way by which a reaction can bo brought about and that Is by the use ot a pure stimu lant , preferably whisker. Hut the grout dif ficulty Is that tlioro nto few whiskies which aropuro The only really pure nnd reliable whiskey known to thu medical profession or the world Is Duffy's 1'uro Malt , It possesses qualities known only to Itself , H will lirlna about a reaction and prevent cold , pneumonia or thosrlp whnro many to-cullcii itlmulimts would fall. It has siivod tnoro lives nnd re lieved more sulTorlni than anything of a slnil- lar nature which vrat over known before to the world Said the Owl to himself , "If the j inoon I could net , whenever I'm dry uiy throat I could _ _ _ , wet ; The inoon isaBMstS quarter with n quar ter I hear ; you can purchase five gallons lens of Hires' Root Beer. " A Delicious , Temper ance , Tlilrst-qucnclilnir. Hcalth-CUvIng Drink. Good ( or any tlmo of year. A 3SC. package makes 5 gallon * . Be sure and get HIRES' . KNOWLEGE IS POWER And Health is the Royal Road to Happiness. Every manner of chronic disease onn bo cured without the use ot medicine- the Council Bluffs ANTI-MEDICAL SANITARIUM. No matter how nearly dlsconrneod you nre , or how much you huvosuirorod from dlsonso and Uiid olTccts of stronj medicines , you can bo cured nnd caln pennnncnt bonolll hy the new antl-modlcal system of treatment , Dis eases trsatod : Anomlii , Apoplexy , Ajth-m , Uroncliltl s , Catarrh , Congumptlon , Curvnturo of the Splno , IJyspoiMln , Hjulopsy , Liver Coin- plnlut , XouralRlp , Itlicinmatlsni , 1'arnlysis , Constipation , Scrofulu , Kczoma nnd All Blood Dlseasei , Female IVcahneii , Deaf ness , Lockjaw , Ilornln or Jtupture , J'llcs , .Nervous AITootloiis , llcnrt Disease , I'll lay Kte. , All treated nnd cured by the Galvanic Electro Magnetic linttcry For extracting all animal , vegetable und mineral poisons. Vitalized Vapor and Ozone Baths For purifying ; the blood and beautifying the complexion. Vitalized Heat and Magnetic Jiath.s For paralysis , debilities and toning up the system. - Vitalized Chemical & Electric Baths For removing nil cancers and blood poisons. The Efllcncy of the Above Mnthods Dully Demonstrated by fl. I V. D. , 119 Stutsman Street , Council Bluffs , la , CONSULTATION TREE. Empkie-SEiugart Go , 109-111-113-115 MtUu Stroot. Largest stock of BUILDERS AND GENERAL HARDWARE In the city. Agents ol the Celebrated Gurney Hardwood Refrigerators. Agents for the Oil Gas Stoves , the safest and newest steve out. Wo are exclusive agents for the Genuine Boynton Furnace , and ( ill furnnco work is supervised by our Mr. Lautornassor , who is ono of the best furnace man in the west. Wo carry a full stoclc of Field Seeds. City ngonta for the Pioneer Imple ment Co.'s goods. Special I oticca. WKcansell roua liouio nn,1 lot on a piyment of frointlUUJ tn (51UJ clown nml Jl ) UJ to JI.VOJ I > or luocitli. Homo ipeolnl baraalm 111 lota , John- mo A Tan 1'attau. A IiSlllAOTSniul loans. Karm unit oltr proporir jVbaunUt and eolJ. I'uier & TUauiai , Uounoll UluffB , 7OU SAI > H Cliunp ! to mi UUok driving m arjj lonm mule ; oil wajon , Imrqesi nnd loam ; top ; road wanon. Carbon Coal Co. . 1(11'uarl ( etroot. Foil 8AI/K TlireoJorsay bulls ; a oi , ono waat ooa roar anil two Touri ; nolld culur , ro litoro. ! tock. m B. Ut Bt. F oil BAUI-NIco li\r carrlsjs to m anj uirrli. ) W.Tulleys. 101 I'oarl at . Council llluiTj _ GAItllAdB rouored , caiipouli. vaiiln , chlmaajrj cloaneil. Kd llurko , at Taylor grocery , fill llroadirnr , Foil t-AIK An uprluUt UTO boriu power boiler , lull at I320llroailwor. IUUNIHKI ) Hat for World's fair for rent a nr 8 X montlis , .New T-room Hit , now furiilturo com- iilf te , steam heat nnd lint range ; near car line and liandjr to World's fair. Address U. T. K.U77Kust litb tlrcet , Chicago. 1Olt IlENT l.nrga warctiouso illualed on rail. 1 war trai'k. Inqulru of I'lonpjr Implement Co. LJIIKDIIIUIAN bujrs and eolli notes ecured b/ mortijouei on Council llluits and Ouiaka prop erty , OrUi. * UI Klr t avoauu , WlLItr cto Council IlluOa properly and caih for hardware and tniulomiut itock lu weitorn lowaoruuilernNebraittt. U 17 , Council lllultj. FOIt BAl.K-20 tlnolr bred roaditeri and brood mores , ono Una carriage team. Would ex change for Kood cnlmproTuii farm land or cltj property. Dr. U. H. 1'lniiur. Ill I'uarl itrflol. BKAUTlKUh homo ; all oiodorn conveniences ; lowprlce , eaty tormi. A. J , Mandul. O , lllurr . \VANTBO-Comi.etentKlrl In r rnlljof two. lu > V qulioof Mri. K 1 % WrUUt , in boutu Uerontb Hreot. T7OII ' ItENT-Kurnljljei ) room for one or two ton- X' tlemen. Clt Hyn l r ttruut. DKdlKAllLr ! rooim , furulibed or uufurntilied , with board for tbe summer if dcilrcd , 4UU lilen avcuuo. I LJUNISIIKI ) room * for rupf room * with board , at 4J5 Watblnvton aye. , corner bcolt t. I OIl ItKNT oil HAIK-In Mornlniiiildo , a new CTon-rooui uou e. W. B. liomvr , ua liroad- war. CLOSING OUT A. D.MORSE'S ' LADIES' FINE SHOES S RE-CUT In order to sell them out yet faster. The best mnkos nt the lowest prices was always his motto. Now the best makes go at HALF THE LOWEST PRICES. Morse's J3 Wnnltonpnnsts for S5.OO Morso's ' special make of ! l hnnd- Morse's ' $ S Opera Wells for _ _ 5.OO turned uporn and common souse , Morso's $ S Oloth " Top Patent Tips a.30 plnlii mid pntent lib's KI > iiti. , , . 3.OO IS und f" fur . : .Upunv nnd All Morso's M cloth top welts , Common Sense , patent til ) , button ami hills. Cor. . 3.00 Hum ! Turned fur . . * All ' ' 4.SO ot Mor-iu's U nn 1 UM Oxfords , Morse's fll nnd t.5 Common ROIISO n.itonttlp nnd .so.unless , Oocrn ' , London toe , AA to fi. for 3.OO mon sense , go nt v com 3.OO Moru's Ilniul Turned Patent . ' All .Morso's ' now tun I'rlnco Al- - . Ynmp. Kid , Itutton . " Top , reduced hortt thnt wo bought to sell for from f. lo . > 4.OO M.Kont Morbu's Cloth nnd Kid Ton llnls. All . ' 3.00 .Morsu's tnn , hlith top Inco , A , Opera heel. I'lcondllly toe , IianJ It nnd O widths , thnt worth welt , roluccd from M to . 3. SO M , co nt nro ' 4.0O Worse's ( Jlotli Top Hand Turn llitls , Mor-'o'i children's nnd misses' do- patent tip. Quarters , oxtrulltiu pnrtincnt It ono - quality , reduced . from W to . 3.5O linr ntu. There IA u tremendous cut from A ' harKalti. 50c to SI.SO on every shoo , . , Morso's Piccadilly welt. Ions Morso's ' . ' misses' 13.59 I'ronch kill. finunro tip , button , reduced from Rprlti'j heel , strap nnd . f5to opor.i ellp- . . . 3.50 purs. no ut I.2S A bnrnnln. Morso's Misses' Patent Morse's extra fine hnnd-tnrncd Slrnp Slippers , cut from 2 Vnmp to. . . . I.2S button in tliu new square too , Morso'H lllsse * ' J.1 and JiM I'rciiuh pntr-nt tip. reduced , from H..V } to. 3. SO Kid , llutton , Sprliig Heel Shoos , llurgnln A to U. for . 2.00 Allot Morso's Imported kid nnd ' . Morse's Kid and Uoat , O to 1J etralcht coat. Wuukonphasle , widths , for . out from JO nnd to to 3. SO I.SO . LJ. OLD 1 AJN U O , 1 4th and Farnam. A. D. MORSE in charge. Cih ) Sleaip pie } G. A. SCHOEDSACK , Proprietor. Dyeing , Cleaning- find Refinishing "OF GOODS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Council Bluffs office and works , cor. Avo. A and 20th St. Telephone. 310. Sondi for circulars and prlco list. Omaha olllco 1521 Farnam street. Tel. 1621. COUNCIL BL UFF5 STEAM DYE WORK All Hlndaof DyolnK nnd Oleuilnj dune In the highest style ot the nrt. Failed und btalned fiibrleH mudo to loni : us good as now. Woric promptly done and dollvero.l In nil parts of tbe country. HonJ for prlco Hat. C. A. MAGHAN , t T7 : A' \ * .j ? < iKProprlotDr , rZVJl _ ' J m"E" Hrcudwuv. near North- * - 3 -is- - = ? - - , western Dopoi * i Tolopbono a ii Highest Grade $100.03 Eclipse , Wavcrly , King , Clipper , Scorcher. Medium grade $80.00 Solo agents for Victors Victor Flyer weighs USlbs. COLE & COLE , 41 Muln Btrao , FOR foraying Tro's , WnifilnK Wlndunri , And HuuKlei , Cleaning Clilckuii Coo pa. Hat two brat * nou'en ' anil upmrur , bnrrul of galTBiilieU Iron willed cannot corroJo or wear out ; bran top and bram valro lu barrvl , bran pluuvertrl tli troin handle und vnlroi nf oak * tunned leather. Worku ui well und lift' ni Innu uu a hlgb priced pump. Circular * free. nanted. CHAS. SCHULTHEISS , Council JlluffH , fnivn. lltil V UUwAnit oil till ) train of 15VII.S.W1AKNESSKS , IKII1IITVKTC. . that no- oouapanr them In men QUlCKhV and 1'KUMA , NENTLV ( JUHKU Full dr.lriNOril and tune glreutoerorr part of tbo bodjr. 1 will eml * e > curelr packed ) KitKH to &nj luiTerer tbo t > rt crlp- lion that cured we of theo iroublei. Addrau , l A. llltAULUV. UJLTH.K t'jILIK. MlOU. JOHN DOIIANY , MANAGER. BEVKN NIGHTS , COMMKNOINO MONDAY , MAY 22. FLINT The World' * Greatest Mosmorlfct anil li'ua i.iuUer , assUtocl hy MISS MARINA FLINT In her wonderful fonts ot Oatnljpsy. roBlllvoly the Kunnlcfct Bhow on Earth. Complete Change of P/ogwm NUhtl7 , I'lllCES 25 , a50 contM. * * L. J , MKACI1AJJ , MuUUgOr Wu. U. IIKLI.V , Advance