Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 24, 1893, Page 8, Image 8

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Injunction Made Permanent Against the
Isano of These Railroad Framed Bonds.
ForRainn nnd WMton Itotil That
the Viaduct Donation TVnn Voted Under
1'nlie 1'rctcnnci anil Cnn Not ilo ! >
llrcrcd Opinion In 1'ull.
The union acpot injunction con
troversy Is settled. The opinion of
Judges Ferguson nnd Walton , who heard
the final jtrinl of the case when the question
dissolving the Injunction or making It per
manent w\s at Issue , was handed down yes
terday. The Injunction was made perma
nent , nnd the city was perpetually
enjoined from turning over the depot
bonds nnd from executing to the Union
Pacific Hallroad company a deed to the
grounds it now occupies nt Tenth and Mason
streets. It was held that a change In the
plans vitiated the contract entered Into be-
iwccn tlio depot company nnd the city , as
the contract called for a specific per
formance , which must bo executed for the
terms to remain binding and In force.
The opinion was -cad by Judge Ferguson.
Vfho stated that .ludgo Walton fully con
curred In ull parts of it. Uoth Judges wcro
on the bench , but there wcro few spectators
in the court room at the tlmo. General
Cowln was the only ono of the interested
attorneys who was present , nnd his presence
was duo to the fact that ho was engaged in
the trial of a case before Judge Walton In
rourt room No. 7 , and that case had to wait
for the rendering of this opinion. City
Attorney Connell was represented by his
partner , Mr. Ivcs , but neither Messrs. Howe ,
Thurston , Greene nor Woolvtortlt was ou
The only expressions ancnt the opinion
heard wcro of approval and satisfaction.
Opinion or the Court.
The matter took up but afew min
utes time. Judge Ferguson said : "In
the case of Stuht ct al. against
the city of Omaha Judge Walton
nil myself have reached n conclusion in re-
card to the application for an injunction , and
1 have submitted In writing , briefly , the
points upon which wo hold in regard to the
matter. "
The opinion was as follows :
In the year I860 the Inhabitants of Omaha
voted nliirio sum of money In bonds , n great
portion of which wns applied toward the
purchases of twenty ucrus of land to bo used
for depot purposes in aid of the Union L'aclflc
Itnllroad company. A portion of .said tract
wax acquired by romlmmiatloii proceedings.
and the tltlo to the whole wns taken In the
name of AlvlnHnumlers as trustee. "
On January 1. 1872 , n written contract was
entered Into between the city and county and
the Union 1'aclllc Hullroad company , In which
it was agreed upon tlio part of tlio company
that In consideration of thcso donations tlio
company should build and muliitnlii n , depot
tor freight and paisoiiKor pin poses upon these
proiimlfi , and .should admit nil connectiiii ; lines
to enjoy the lienolltscif tliCM ) terminal facili
ties , exchanging- business of all sorts and In
every way with the Union I'aeillc Kallioad
company , they paying theiefor a icabonnblo
compensation. In the same month Alvln
eaundors , us trustee , convoyed said lands to
the railroad company subject to the condi
tions of the contract , and as expressed In tlio
conveyance ,
The defendant , the Union Depot company ,
was Incorporated for the pnrposo of erecting
n union depot on said premises with perhaps
additional cround purchased by said
company In 188U11JO,000 ; ! of tionds wcro voted
by the Inhabitants of Omaha , ostensibly to
aid In said enterprise.
I'otltlou of Plaintiffs I'nucturcd.
This action was Instituted by the plaintiffs
to restrain the delivery of said bonds until the
people could ho assured of the performance of
1 ho conditions upon which they wcro voted ,
nnd on the ground or Illegality , aswell us to
restrain the ruloaso of the land In question
from the conditions and limitations under
which said land was held. <
The petition In this case In substance alleges
that these twenty acres of land are Impressed
with a trust In favor of the public ; tlmt they
.arc dedicated to the purpose of transfer
prountls , the benefit of which is secured by the
contract to all connecting roads equally , as
well as referring to tlio other limitations und
conditions expressed in said contract and
deed. " " "
It Is also alleged In the petition that the city
authorities are about to leleaso tlio rallrnad
company's tltlo from the conditions and lim
itations Imposed thcreou by the original con
veyance , and that said bonds are Invalid for
the various icasons alleged In the record.
It Is not necessary In the disposition of the
Questions before us to go Into tlotall or to
cover tlio entire field that was before us upon
the hearing of thectiio. His sullltlent for us
to say that/a / permanent injunction bo granted
as to the issue ami delivery of the bonds In
question. Wo find as a matter of fact , from n
consideration of the evidence , that bofoio said
bonds wore voted a proposition was submitted
to the people for tlio erect Ion of a unlondcpot ;
that said proposition Included certain plans
for the same : that In votlnirfor said bonus the
people considered and nctodjipou the proposi
tion then before them ; that stibscimunt to
natd vote snld plans were materially changed
And that the depot building which the do-
fcndant , the Union Depot company , now pro
poses to construct Is materially different from
the ones submitted to the people ul > tlio bond
election. It lit no answer to this tosay that
the city council consented to and approved
this ctiango or substitution. They had no
legal authority so to do ; tlio people liad acted
in the premises und made tliulr ( .election , and
rotod bonds for Us building. Tlioro was no
delegated , Implied or statutory authority for
the city council , who are .simply trustees or
ngcnts for the Inhabitants , to make any other
or dlfl'oicnt contract , or to substitute any
other plan tliun the ono selected und approved
by them.
City Never 1 1 ml Title.
Wo find further that while said bond propo
sition"wns ostensibly for depot purposes , etc. ,
its real purpose was to aid In the construction
of the Tenth street viaduct. Under the law ,
assistance of this Kind could not bu given , We
ui u satisfied from the evidence that tlio propo
sition upon vrhlcii tlio bonds wcro voted was
not the real ono , It was simply a cloak or
cover to aid or reimburse the rathoads for the
building of the viaduct. A court of equity
cannot sanction such a proceeding. For this
reason , If no other existed , the Issue and de
livery of the bonds must bo enjoined.
Another question remains to bo considered.
namely , the proposed conveyance by quit
claim deed from the city to the railroad com
pany of thu land In question , Wo hold tlmt
this property Is impressed with the trust set
forth in the deed of 1H72. The mayor and
city council have no lawful authority to nmUo
elicli conveyance. If Midi were made It would
not Mop the city from any contingent Interest
In said properly or bind it upon u reversion of
the property. Kncli u deed would bo u mere
nullity. The legal tltlo to this land has never
been In the city. The inhabitants thereof
bought the land by the bonds voted In 18U9 , and
hud It coin eyed direct from the grantees to a
tiniteo In trust and by him conveyed to tlio
railroad company. Any rovciMon would In-
MIIO to the benefit of the Inhabitants gener
ally , and In the matter of the reconveyance us
pionosod by the city , the mnyor and council ,
could only act by express authority , The city
council , us such , Is an organization under the
law of well dellncd and limited power , if they
neck to go beyond this limit they must Unit
aslc and olitaln such authority from the pee
ple , or the people must grant It upon thelruwn
motion , Any power or authority for the coun
cil to uuiUo this reconveyance must first be
granted them by the sovoiulgn power ; It can
not , bo assumed by the delegate.
Itcqtilromeiiti of Suumlvr * Convrynnce.
Wo do not think that thu Baundcrs
conveyance to tlio railway company re
quires that company always to own und pos
sess the land , but simply that Mild land shall
be used for tint purposes expressed In the con
tract und deed of 1H72. If the company trans-
fur thesamotothoilofoudant , the Union Depot
company , under the same conditions nnd limi
tations , and the promlsoH mo lined for these
purposes with the admission of all connecting
> nad to the benefit of terminal facilities and
other conditions of Bald trust be compiled
v > lthi thvio wonlil In cucli case bo no violation
of the conditions and no reversion ,
It Is not of iiutcii moment us to who occupies
the ground In question , The M > ! O object of
the people In making this grant to the com
pany wns to obtain tlio objects expressed In
the contract und deed of 1H7M , und us long an
this Is obtained thoru can bo no reversion , no
matter who own * or possesses the premises.
1The Issue und delivery of said bonds are
perpetually enjoined.
2 Any deed from the mayor and city coun
cil to the land lu qiioulon , without an express
authority from tlio people of the city and
county by tottt under thQ rules of the law per
mitting such transfer , is perpetually enjoined ,
That cure of Georpo W. Turner of Gal way
N , Y. , of scrofula , by Hood's Sarsuparilla
was one of the utcst remarkable on record ,
Jl Coin More
to atay homo , thnn to take advantage of
the Burlington $10 excursion to Shuri-
flan , Wyo. , Tuesday , May 30.
Ask thc city ticket ajjent at 1321 Far-
lain atrcct fas further particulars , ,
Third Day-Ladles' Wnista on for Today ,
the Crowds Are Enormous , Oomo
1.2B Walitl 8(5e ( , All Our Derby
1.10 , All Our 8 1. GO Silk Wnliti 93.83 ,
Remljr Mnilo Suit * on Snle Thuri *
0 y , 81.00 Clmmoli Skin
tfot n waist In our entire stock that is
tot marked down for today's sale.
Ton can not pick up anything but bar
gains in our waist stock today.
Ladies' wash waists.
All our 75c waists , 42c.
All our 81.25 waists , 85c.
All our $1.50 waists , $1.10.
All our derby waists , $1.10.
All our silk waists , $1.50quality , S2.BT ) .
All our silk waists , $5.00 quality , 53.50.
All our silk waists , $7.00quality , $5.25.
All our silk waists , $10.00 quality ,
You'll ' want a waist this summer. You
cannot afTord to-miss this chance.
Our great purchase of kid gloves goes
on &alo today. $1.25 and $1.50 un
dressed kill gloves , nil sizes , in a bcautl-
! ul nsssortmont of tans , nil go at ( Jt > c a
.mir. No gloves fitted during this sale ;
only I dozen to a customer.
Nowhere in this world was over n bot-
or bargain offered than our $2.00-glovcs ,
n 8-bulton mousquotnlre suedes and 4-
button dressed kid gloves ; only a half
dozen sold to any ono customer ,
at 0'jc , today. None lilted today.
This is the best bargain in gloves wo
have ever offered.
Remember this is a 0-day sale , every
day this week. Most extraordinary
bargains will bo oll'orcd today be
sides the astonishing bargains in waists
and gloves.
30c , 40c. 50c and COc wool dress goods
will bo sold nt 15c per yard ; 75c , 85c ,
$1.00 and $1.25 dress goods , now and dc-
sirnblo fabrics , the very latest colorings
and weaves , all at 4Uo ; 25c and 30c
genuine Scotch zephyr ginghams lOcpor
yard today. You can't beat this
anywhere. Only our extraordinary pur
chase of over $100,000.00 worth of the
finest kind of dry goods enables us to
make astonishing offers.
Don't miss our silk bargains. Don't '
miss our linen bargains. You cannot
alTord to stay away from this sale.
Whether you are looking for a bargain
or not you will get one. for wo haven't
anything but bargains this week.
Don't forget the ready made suit sale
Thursday. Particulars today.
Detective rinkrrton Snys Omnlin. Mny Ilo
Startled \vltli u Ulg Seiirmtlon.
Detective William A. Pinkerton of Chicago
cage is in Omaha , and seen at the Paxton
ho said :
"I am hero on various business matters ,
among which is the Pollock Jewelry robbery ,
which occurred last November on a Sioux
City & Pacific train , yon remember.
"Wo have moro than good reason to be-
llovo that there are In Omaha several per
sons who could not only tell us a good deal
about the arrangements for the robbery , but
could easily lind us the principal. On the
evidence of several witnesses who identified
his picture wo arrested in Milwaukee
a few weeks ago , niter a long search , Prank
Bruce , a crook of high degree , ncll known in
Omaha , but when the witnesses saw him
they declared ho was not tno man , so wo lot
iiim go. Since then , however , wo
have found cvidc'nco implicating
in the robbery several persons in Omaha
whoso arrest , if made , will cause n great
sensation , and they are being watched all
the time.
"It has been shown that before Pollock loft
on his unfortunate trip with the $13,000
worth of diamonds in his inside pocket n
certain person in the store of a customer of
his learned that ho wns going to Sibux City
and gathered other facts concerning the
manner lu which ho carried his diamonds ,
nnd so on. This person nnd several others
wo have the sleepless eye on.
"Wo are working on this case backed by
the Jewelers Protective union , which never
says die , nnd never compromises n case of
this case until the guilty person Is punished.
If thcso union pooplp can't convict a crook
they want on their own account they will
dig up sonic old score and prosecute him on
that > until they got him behind the bars.
They have had over n dozen robberies since
their organisation , and not In ono case Im
the guilty person escaped conviction. You
may depend upon it , this case will end in
the same way. "
Arrrntod for Jlobblnj ; a lrur Storo.
Joseph Novak and two women giving their
names as Edie Mitchell and Jcnnlo Howard
wcro arrested yesterday for burglarizing
the hide store nt 1410 Lcavcnworth street
and stealing some mink skins therefrom.
The Mitchell woman disposed of the skins
at John Urbans/yk'a fur store , 320 South
Fifteenth street. Novak was employed
at tlio hide store , nnd was be-
llovcd to have done the work , ns
it is stated that no person not
connected with the establishment could
hnvo gonu through it at night on account of
the vicious bulldog which is left in thcro
after closing hour. Ills Intimacy with the
Mitchell and Hownrd women and the identi
fication of the former ns the person who sold
the skins nt the fur store , completed the
chain of evidence in his case , and ho was
taken In accordingly , a couple of hours after
Ins accomplices wore arrested.
Thcro are thrco things worth saving-
Time , Trouble and money and Do Witt's
Little Karlv HUors will save them for you.
These little pills will save you time , as they
act promptly. They will save you trouble ns
they cauio no pain. They will save you
money as they economize doctor's bills.
Special Law Itutu KXCIIMIOU to Hounon ,
A special low rnto excursion for Innd
investors to Houston , To.xns , will bo
juudo Thursday , May 25 , leaving Oraalui
at 0:50 : a. in. Time , forty-six hours. For
tickets apply to R. C. Patterson , 425
Rauigo block , Omaha , Neb.
Auction Furniture Auction.
Thursday 10 a. m. 1053 Park avenue ,
contents of ton room house , elegant car
pet , parlor suit , curtains , chairs , side
board , tablcchnirs , good Garland range.
All nice , clean goods , no trash , uo limit.
If you want good goods como ,
lloiiHiiT WKLLS , Auctioneer.
True Americanism ,
Reserved seats for Father Sherman's
lecture at Exposition hall Thursday
evening , now on eitlo at Kinslor'u drug
Money Losing Bale to Kedaoa the Tnr-
nisning Stock
Grtut Incitement Cniuod br Our
Urci ( looils ' Delta
* Uuot\tlond-l-mll (
1 Cent A Colloiinl Snle of FlneSHUs
Mcn'i rino Shlrti 83 Cents.
Children's fast black cotton hose 4c ,
worth J5c.
Ladies' 25o hose , fast black nnd full
regular made , only Oc per pair.
1 case of gents' line cauzo undershirts ,
never sold for less than 50o , our prlco
for ono day , 12Jc.
Men's outing llannol shirts 15c each ,
worth COc.
Gents' 50c unlautidorod shirts for ono
day only , at 25c.
500 gloria 20-inch umbrellas , worth
$1.50 , reduced to OSc.
Great excitement caused by letting
down the prices on wash dress goods.
These novelties in fine French satino
that wore 35c , 40c and 45c are being cut
lively nt 25c yard.
32-inch wide Brandenburg nro nearly
all gene ; wo are letting them out at 12Je ;
others ask 25c yard for the same.
Llama cloth at lOc yard.
32-inch wide pongee at 5c yard.
Light cienni ground fancy figured
chains , 2c $ yard.
Ginghams are away down ; wo will
place on sale Wednesday morning 100
pieces of dress style gingham that were
5c , Oc , 7ic , 8c } and lOo , both dark and
light colors , choice of entire lot 3Jo
yard ; only ono dress to each customer.
Barnsloy crotchet towels , size 20x44 ,
full bleached , worth 25c , our price lOo
each , and Haydens' is the only house
that has them.
Wo carry the stock to select from nnd
there is no trouble to bo suited at Hay-
dons' . Wo carry the largest line of
figured and dotted Swisses In Omaha at
lOc , 12ic , loc , 19c , 25c and 47o yard. Wo
are selling the bnst bleached muslin for
5c yard that was ever offered by any
house. Wo are overloaded on double
width sheeting nnd nro letting down the
prices. If you want to save money now
is your time at Ilaydcus' .
Belts for one cent.
On Wednesday wo offer 500 ladies' and
children's bolts for le each.
2.000 yards fine white and cream laces
at 2c per yard.
500 yards line all silk ribbon No. 5 at
3c per yard. HAYDEN BROS.
A snap for some hotel man. See J. W.
Squiru's adv. in "Business Chances. "
For sale , ono of the finest 10-room
houses near Hanscom park , can take
peed vacant lot on Farnnm part pay
ment. Inquire of Hicks , 305 N. Y. Life
W. II. Green Makes It.
One hundred and forty-four feet , in
cluding the Ijams block , Nineteenth and
Loavonworth , sold to W. H. Bloom of
Illinois for $80,890.00. Nothing strange.
Mr. Green alway closes the big sales.
Dog Catcher Wants I'ollco Protection from
Angry Cltl/.ons.
Iho flro and police commissioners hold a
meeting yesterday afternoon and granted
the following leaves of absence : R. P. Oury.
hosocompany No. 7 , fifteen days ; L. H.
Wluslow , tcndaS's ; W. H. Earnest , No. 0
company , thirty days.
In a communication Chief Galllgan stated
that the annex to engine company No. 3
would bo completed in nhout thirty days ,
nnd suggested the immediate purchase of
hose lor the now wagon and six horses for
the department. Action on the chief's sug
gestion was deferred for ono week.
The resignation of Fireman Thomas Con
nelly was accepted.
Pohco Captain Thomas Cormack was al
lowed $33 sick benefit from the relief fund.
DOR Catcher John Spoorl requested the
hoard to furnish him a regular policeman In
order to protect himself and his men from
the assaults of angry citizens and ho kindly
offered to pay one half of the officer's salary.
In regard to this application Chief Soavey
said that it was something now for the
pol'co fund to pay for the protection of dog
Mr. Cohurn thought likewise , nnd said
that the request would never bo granted if
his vote could prevent it.
Commissioner Hartnian thoupht that if a
cool-headed oDlcer
accompanied the wagon
ho could prevent < i lot of trouble and would
see that Justice was done both to the owner
of the animal and to the poundmastcr und
his men.
After some little talk the matter was re
ferred to a committee.
A drupfjist's license was granted C. O.
Mnckclstroiu & Co , , 300 North Sixteenth
The next mooting of the board will bo held
at4UO : p. m. Monday.
Hock lalnnil to JMako Connection with the
I'unlmncllo Knllroail Note * .
South Omaha for sovernl years past has
felt the absolute need of a railroad from the
Texas Panhandle that would give the
packers Toxaa steers nt a rate equal to or a
trlllo higher thnn the rate made to ICausas
City. Enough cattio have been sold by Texas
stockmen on the South Omaha market to
induce the Rock Island to build a line from
Hurt Ing ton north to some point on the rcaii
line of the system between Lincoln nnd Jansen -
sen and It Is thought within the nox * . sixty
days work will bo begun on this branch. It
Is also expected the Hook Island will com
plete its Texas extension to Fort Worth
within sixty dn > s , and will then commence
work in Nebraska ,
Mr. Ceorgo Gou.d who had intended to
como west with President Clark has again
abandoned his trip. Mr. Clark is expected
to arrive in St. Louis today , where It Is
thought ho will spend a few days before
coming to Omaha.
Mr. W. B. Doddrideo , the now general
manager of the Missouri Paclllo is expected
In Omaha next week ,
Mr. L. A. Fargo , the newly appointed
superintendent of the Iowa and Nebraska
divisions of the American ICxpress company ,
has arrived In Omaha. Mr , Fargo has for a
number of years been the commissioner ol
claims for his company , with headquarters
in Chicago , and knows the express buslncs
from alpha to otncg.i.
Colonel Charles Ware , who Is in charge of
the railway department of the big printing
linn of Woodward & Tiernun company of St
l/juls , nnd known to moro railway men than
any other man in the business , was a visitoi
nt Union Pacific headquarters yesterday.
Powder :
The only 1'iue Cream of Tartar I'owder.-No Auiuiouiaj No Alum ,
Used in Millions of Houies o Years the Standard.
Of line Bilks Banning Tomorrow An Immense -
monso Ptrfclaso of Ohoico Silk ,
The T.nrgeU rarehnao of fillki Ever Made
at Ono Tlnve-liy Any Omnlin Hondo-
All Now'l'erfcct mbrlcs-No
Goodi ,
Two weeks ngo our Now York buyer
stopped into ono of the largest import-
tig silk houses in the country looking
'or some special colors. Piled on n
counter was n largo lot of plain nnd
irintcd silks. The senior inombor of
.ho firm asked our buyer : ' 'Ilnvo you
icrvo enough to inuko mo an offer for
iho entire lot ? " Our buyer nskcd him !
' 'How many pieces have you ? " The nn-
swer came : "Over eight hundred
licccs. " lie had the nerve , made the
offer , and got them.Wo have them
now on our counters and shelves and if
you want any of them como this week.
2T > pieces colored satins worth 40o per
yard , only 18c.
25 pieces India silk , solid colorsworth ,
; i5o yard , only 18c.
UO pieces ± Mnch , plain colors , genuine
imnjums , worth GJC yard , 'lc ! ) tomorrow.
20 pieces 22-inch line Habutai wash
silks , in solid colors , worth Toe , now only
00 pieces 24-inch solid colors hand-
woven washable habutai silks , worth 83c ,
for Ode.
100 pieces fancy India silks , 4-tor.o
printings , 22 inches wide ; beautiful designs -
signs ; quality never sold for less than
Goc , Il'Jc a yard.
300 pieces 22 , 24 and 27 inch widths in
printed Jap and china silks. Tlio rain
bow tints of spring's prettiest llowors
have bcon brought into service in these
silks und for quality you can find no
where in this city silks at $1.00 that will
approach them. Coo n yard.
500 pieces of 27-inch printed chinas ,
30-inch , plain colored chinas , 24-inch
black gros grains , failles , Rhadzimcrs
Armures , 21-inch plain colored Failles
and Rhauzimers. Thcso goods are all
worth when bought in the regular way
$1.50 , lSc. )
Droxcl Hotel , 10th & Webster , 1 blkfrom
Mo.Pac. & Elk. depot. Nat. Brown , prop.
"Tho Madison , " ( family hotel ) , 21st
and Chicago. Transients $2.00 per day.
lu Search of tiold.
Everybody has seen gold coin and gold
bars , but very few people have ever seen
gold in its natural state as found by the
prospector. Commencing May 15 tjio
Rocky Mountain Prospecting Co. will
give free one beautiful and rich speci
men of gold ore and ono share of their
stock , par vuluo 5500.00. Wo will give
away twenty-five specimens and shares ,
but will only g ve ono specimen or ono
share to each person. This stock will
bo worth its par value in less than six
months. Wo are doing this as an adver
tisement. Sendrstarnp for ono of these
specimens or ono share of the stock at
once to the
Espanola , N.-LI.
810 Excursion to Slicrliliui , Wyo. 810.
Tuesday , May 30 , tlio Burlington Route
will sell excursion tickets to Sheridan ,
Wyo. ( good to return until Junn 5) ) , at
the very low rate of $10.00 for the round
trip. Tickets will bo accepted for pas
sage on train No. 5 , leaving Omaha at
10:15 : a. m. , May 30 , and arriving at Sher
idan at 3:30 : p. in. , May 31.
Through sleeping car , Omaha to Sher
Returning , special train leaves Shor- ,
Sdan Friday evening , Juno 2 , reaches
Omaha Saturday evening , Juno 3. Tick
ets will bo honored on this train and
also on regular returning trains.
This is an uncqualea opportunity of
visiting the coining metropolis of the
Newer Northwest , and you will do well
to avail yourself of it. The city ticket
agent , at 1321 Furnam street , will gladly
give you full information.
Licensed to Miirry.
Tlio following marriage licenses wcro is
sued yesterday by County Judge Eller :
Name and residence. ARO
I Hans 1' . Iliinscn , Oinahn 125
I Anna 1C. itasmusscn , Omaha J3 !
( William Jordan , Omaha 27
| Ga/lo Evans , Omaha VJ3
I Patrick 11. Cos rave , St. Joseph 27
fMary J , Shannon , Omaha 25
j George A. Hash , Omahu 22
1 Nettle t-cott.Omuha IB
IOeorRO V. Card , Omaha 30
T Mary A. lirlkcou .Oniutia 34
j Thomas 0. Illch. Omaha 22
1 Kate A. Marnoll , Omaha ID
The spring remedy that is
better than nil others js
i *
Thousands have been cured
by it. Physicians use and rcc-
( ommeud'.it ' ,
Recommend ]
It. '
We hive if >
Try a bottle.
Dr. 0. E. Sattorflcld , druggist , 720 South 10th
That the Original Roll Collar Is our
High In back ; low In front. A desirable ar
ticle of apparel for the present season ,
Always in the lead In the Shirt Line Is the
MONARCH. A Trustworthy Garment and a
Fufcct Fit.
, COOn & CO.
There Is n nutritive clement In nlo
nnd bcor , but It la small there Is the
Intoxlcixtlnp [ effect , too. That Is n
strong objection. Yet nlo nntl boor
nro used , nntl benefit health nt tlmoe.
There is nnothor liquid , the nctlvo
principle- mult , JOHANN Horr's
MALT EXTRACT. Ono dozen boltlca of
It hns the same nutrltlvo effect ns n
largo cask of nlo or bcor. That's i n
ndvnntajro. Another it hits not the
intoxicating oftoot of either. It helps
digest nnd nssltnllnto food , creates np-
potlto , makes the weak strong nnd
healthy. Bo sure to obtain the genuine.
See tlmtslRrmturo "JOHANN HOFF" Is on
ucck label of every bottle.
152 and 151 Krtilikllu St. , New York.
DK. F. t , . SKARI/nS , Consulting Snrgoiiii ,
Grnduuto ot Rush Modlcal Collogo. tCON-
SUI/TATION I'llEC. ) For the treatment of
: s
Wo onro Catarrh , All Diseases of tlio
Nose , Throat , Ghost , Stomach , Bowels
Blood , Shin and Kidney Diseases ,
Female- Weaknesses , Lost Manhood
1'ILKS , FISTULA , KISSUUK permanently cured
without tlio use of 11 knife , IlKnturo or caustic.
All maladies of n prlrato ur dollcatu nature , of
oltliur BO.T , ponitlvolr cured.
Call on or address , nltu stomp forClrculan , Free
Hook and Itoclpos ,
Dr. ScarlEs & Searlcs ,
No xt doorto 1'ostolllco
A Cup of
Bouillion I'ttlatablc. Pure , Ilefresh-
Ing ana Stimulating. ,
can bo made in thrco minutes , thus :
tnko a cup of boiling hot water , stir
in a quarter teaspoon ( not moro ) of
Liebig Company's
Extract of Beef ,
Then ndd nn egg
nnd sorao sherry if
liked season cnro
fully . . . .
n 1 TTMTP'rHOMAS ! . SIMPSON . WiuHlngl o
ru I rlfl I .V'cN ° " " .v' fou until pat. li ob
I n I Ull I *
talnod. Wfltafoc luvuutord Oulcl
On account of the
We will sell
you tomorrow
Los Angeles
Wine and Liquor Co , ,
lift llfl C Iftlh ct. lUydenllros
IIO'IIO VI lOIll and Hoilon Htoro
313315317 South 15tU Street.
pmmimmmmmmmmmmmmm § :
I Cucumber
Underwear I
Would bo a queer name to give to summer shirts
and drawers , we know , but it is suggested to us at
this moment by the recollection of the old saying
about being "as cool as a cucumber. " And Isn't
that just the way that you want to fee ! during the approaching -
preaching hot weather , of which the increasing
temperature of the past week has been a "gentle
reminder ? " Of course it is. And here we remind
you of what a large portion of the most thoughtfu
people are carrying off from our counters everyday
in the shape of Balbriggan undershirts and drawers
at the following prices :
"Spring Moss" ( fine , soft and cool ) , at 20c.
"Grotto Shade" ( an elegantcombed yarnat ) 25c.
"Old Cold" ( smooth and refreshing ) , at 40c. -Y
"Heather Mixture" ( silken finish and fancy ribbed
cuff ) , at 45c.
Besides the underwear , and equally desirable
both for quality and price , are some kindred lines of
goods which will be appreciated by persons who
are looking for hot-weather comfort , which we
quote briefly as follows :
NEGLIGEE SHIRTS , cool and serviceable , a full
line in all styles , and at our usually low prices.
SUMMER NECKWEAR in Four-in-HanclsTccks-
Bows and Puffs , fit for Ward McAllister and his set ,
at 5c , ( Ob , I5c and 20c-
FAST BLACK HALF HOSE , very nice , ( Oc.
And don't forget our extensive assortment of Tan
and Russet Shoes , including low Oxford Ties , at
SI.OO and $1.25. and high styles at $2.25 , S2.5O and
to b © , but
it's nicer to heivo one of our handsome -
some engagem on t rings hem dy to
oinoli thG bargain ,
i .
-i . TIIEV
All silk French Lace , every thrond
silk nnd of best quulity , 3 to 0 in. wide.
FOR 2 Regular price Me , our price sio.
DAYS. HoKiilar jirlco Mo , nur prlco .Wo.
Rnzulnr prlco Me , our prlco .lie ,
lleMiliir price 60is , our prlco < ! > o.
TIicio Liters in a htrlutly llrnt quality arid on
tale lit HUOVO prlcoa only two cluys.
„ „ „ , „ „ „ „
H. oururlcofor
R. 1 Dairies
. . , ,
1620 uUuuLtu16thaDdl ) _ 6lh
( iLlll UUwAnct . ' . ! Hi 3 trtiu or
compaiiT IU m lu man QUICKLY in4 I'KIIWA-
NEHTI.V CUKKII. k'ull urilKNUTll 4 t u
clren luererr part of the baJr. I will 't ° d
curelr pck J ) rilh'B to anr t\Httt : tb * proicrlu-
lion lint ourea mo of ihne trouui i.vj : < ii , u
A.uilAl : > LKt , lUiru : UKMIC. Wicu.
Best Calf Shoo in the world for tba prloa. '
W. L. DoilglaSBUocaaronoldovorywbero.
Erejybody ubould wear thorn. It la a duty
you own youraoll to got the beat value (01
your money. Eaonoraizolayour Jootwoorb *
puroUoelug W. L. DoUBlHOShOO8whloh
roproienttho beet value at the prlooa ad
, nt thouncnds can tostlly.
JHr-Tako No Substitute. Jitt
rn of frniid. Konnifenulno without V ? . r. .
Douclaa immo anil jirJco ctampcil ou bottom. I.ook
for It nbcu you liuy. ,
W. T < . Pminliifi. "fi'iliton , ni" * . r.old Itf
SltiRnns Wobliow , Kelley , fitlsnr.t Co. . C. . .
Wlhuii , I'lliiN HVUIISUII , l-iiaU ( Nowinuii W , I'M '
b'uulli Uiuulm.
N Photograph
T Imi0:1 no Stroo ,
Is tmiurpuioil la tilt
trn troeut of nil
unil ( Jliordtri of
Wrila for clrcnUr *
na < iquo tlou lutfr * * .
J4lh tml Firuam UMb