Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 24, 1893, Page 3, Image 3

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o I
ly currier to any part of th cltj
II , W. TH.TON , -
ra I Hil lnr Offlcc. . . , . , , . . NO. 'IS
| Nlgllt Kdltor . No. 33
I. ' , Y. Plumbing Co.
loiton Store. Natchaug silks.
lilltonbcrKcr Is tbo batter , r > 03 Broadway.
Iho YounR Men's instltuto will give a
| , al anil dance In their hall , No.IUJ4 Main
pet , tbis evening.
be latllca auxiliary No. 17 , Union Vet-
.n legion , will meet tills eveningat 8
Sock Full attendance desired. Mary
lion i , Secretary. . . . _ . .
Icgulnr assembly of the Union \otcran
; Ioa this ovcnlnc nt 8 o'clock. Uuslncsj
.Importance. All comr.idcs nro requested
| io present. IJ. W. Might , Colonel.
; nlty guild of Grace Episcopal church
, ! Rlvo a lawn social at Mrs. KliiKbury s ,
r.MornlngsMo , .Tuno 0. A muslcalo pro-
I'm Is being prepared , All friends are Inn -
| n Information was filed yesterday obarg-
C. J. Lewis with trespass , In driving a
d of cattle over a lot near the corner of
ih avenue and Twenty-Ilftli street occu-
byG. V. II. mill.
_ plat of Dickey Place was filed with the
Inly recorder yesterday. It Is located
Ft of Itonton strcot and lies on both sides
llydo avenue.V. . C. Ulcltoy and hllon
Ikoy aroJJio grantors.
Mph HifRhcs was given thirty days In the
nty jail by .Tustico Fox yesterday for
Ltlng Ins wife and children last week.
: Is was the maximum punishment , and the
'y ' reason ho did not got more is that It
Is the most a justice could Inlllct.
Itov. J. 7. . Armstrong. D. D. , will loctnro
Xho Broadway Methodist church next
; day evening on the subject , "Tho Stuff
_ n are Made Of. " Dr. Armstrong was
Lmorly pastor of the Broadway church ,
It fllnco leaving hero he has achieved a
bat reputation as a lecturer , the Treasury
Hcllglous Thought classing him with
.iirgton , Cannon Kari-ar and Dr. Parker of
Ididon as an orator.
_ l'hu homo of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Swan
Ig.tddcned by the news that their llttlo
linddaughter . , _ _ _ Dorothy _ . . . Swan . _ . . , aged . . 0
t I iii / ! - „ Atn. iln < *
lam , died at 1u > r homo Chicago Monday
Ituriioon , diphtheria being tlo | cause. The
lit tldfiips preceding the 'announcement of
Io death were to Uio effect that the child
Its Improving , and tbo crisis was supposed
I bo passed. Tbo news of her death come ,
Icroforo with a terrible shock.
If ho case of tbo First National bank of
lucaifo against the Council niuffs Gas and
I cctrtc Light company , which has been on
lal In tbo district court for several days
1st , Is nearly completed. All the evidence
Its in yesterday , and the arpumimts of at-
Irnoys are now being made. Court ael-
lirncd in tbo afternoon In order that tbo
klgo and attorneys might attend tbo
Inkers' convention , but worn will bore-
lined tbis morning and tbo probability Is
| at tbo case will go to tbo Jury this evening
tomorrow morning.
[ Bargains in fine tooth brushes and
S'logno. wholesale price , only lOc.
fivis , the druggist , 200 Uroadwuy.
[ Louts Dicdornmn Is agent for the
rent Eastern hotel , the largest in the
lot-Id ; practically fireproof ; has 1,100
/loins and is modern. Those intending
li visit the World's fair will find it to
lioir interest to call or write. cneh > sing
jtainp. 501 First avenue , Council BlulTs.
Don't delay your house cleaning until
[ ho hot weather arrives , and don't delay
to the Council Blulls Carpet com-
iany and taking advantage of the
Vplcndld bargains they arc giving in
[ ivorythlnsr. _
The Eagle Steam Laundry Co. , at 734
Broadway , have thoroughly overhauled
jiolr plant and equipped it with new
improved macliinory in chargy of ex-
jcricnced Iiolp. They are now prepared
o turn out lirt < t-class work , and respect-
ally invite 'all who like nice clean
slothes neatly done up to send them n
h-ial bundle. Ring up tclophonorj7and
I hey will be pleased io call for and de
liver all work promptly.
I'lSltSUX.lK I'.lllAdltAl'IlS.
Thoina.i .T. Doyle of Omalm was in the city
st evening.
Dr. J. / . Armstrong wbilo in tbo city v. ill
i the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Ij. W. Tullois.
Mrs. A. M. Uonhain lias returned from an
ttondcd visit to Paris , Ky. , accotnpanied by
lisa Lou Snoll , who will spend the summer
Islllng friends.
Superintendent II , W. Sawyer has ac-
[ cptud nn Invitation to deliver the gradna-
Ing address before the class of Ib'JU of the
Vlgh school at Carson on Friday evening ,
Bay 20.
IJoliu W. Paul returned ycstcrdav from n
la-co month ! ) trip to Now York and lioston.
I ] states tbat the financial troubles that
1 vo recurred so frc'iiuently ot late \\ill not
I rt his projects in tbis city In tbo least ,
lil ho Is moro than over convinced tbat
Ttincll Bin its Is all right llnancially and
| cry other way. ,
Ton. liny * nt tlio World's Fnlr.
| it will coat you loss than $50.00 , ovory- '
ilnir necessary included. This means
lines In private cottage , clean , safe ,
I'SO to grounds and on the beach of
Eke Michigan. Write to .T. T. Chyno-
f th. WindBOr Park , 111. lie fora to H.
, Tilton of Tun BEB , or Jacob Sims
[ SlinB & Bainbridge , aounoil BlulTs.
IPaBturnpro for horses and cattle on
Iiorgo F. Wright's farm adjoinlnge ity
InltH on Houth ; 500 acres blue grass ,
water. For terms apply to
lines Llaph , on farm , or at Carbon Coal
Imipnny , 10 Pearl street.
I Pure ice
From Mlssond river channel.
MulholIunil&Uo. , Brown building. -
I Telephone 102. _
Who Will . ( Iriiiliiuto.
Tlia annual commencement exercises of
lie High school will take plnco on AVcdnes-
liy evening. .luno 14 , nt Uohany's opera
Luso. On that occasion eighteen young
Idles 'and two young gentlemen will bo
out Into the world to try the
Iicorli'3 they nave been accumulating for
Iivoral years past in thu school room.
Ililn is ono of the laigo&t classes
lint has over graduated from the
louncll Bluffs High school , and both Super-
lilcmlcnt Sawyorand Principal Eastman
little In Raving that It Is the smartest and
est looking class they have over known.
IN similar statements matin by these two
> ; iitloincn with reference to the classes tjiat
lave graduated In previous years have
Ijways jirovod to bo correct , the supposition
, .thut they have estimated this year's class
ilrroctly , A detailed program of the com-
llonceincnt oxcivlscs will bo published later
I The following Is the list of graduates ;
( llasilral c'Diirsn Orui'ti Iloubo , ( lusslo Ilonn ,
> ( IUIuKluii , Ihitbol I'uttorM ) ! ! , Helm Tyler ,
lulla ' Tnllvva , Ktliel llurchiy , llurtlm ( Iruss ,
'lorunou Oarley. MiiKKiu Undsay , Holiurt
. ' ICiiK'llsh course ' Mngpto llrudlcy , Clalru
'liuiuburluln , I'runUu Dallcy , Cluru I'lum-
aant , I'urrln CjrosM'iior , Knlhcrlno Movers.
( ul tn Kolt ) , Trod Knipklo ,
lliiflnu ! > ! > Munilo Ditvln ,
The Grand llutol ,
Council BlulTd. The most elegant in
owa. Dining room on seventh floor.
iJato , $3.00 and $5.00 a day. E. R Clark ,
' t' lll
Attention A. 1' , A.
I I A full attendance requested for Thurs
day evening , Miiy 'Jr > , its important liusl-
ncss Is to bo brought up. By order of
the President.
Stop at the Ogdcn , Council Bluffy the
best b'2OQ hotibo in Iowa.
Vanatta ek Sweat , attys , , Everett blk.
Ceo , S. Davis , presoripilou drujglsU
Banker ) Association Qathora in Its
Bovonth Annual Convention.
President Smith Deliver * nn Interfiling ; Ad-
troM Ki-Comptroller f-ncojr ICIIMCR |
Money nnil Henry W. Valet Talks
on Silver Other l'rocoortlnR .
Council Uluffs Is In the hands of the bank
ers of Iowa.
The seventh annual state convention
opened this morning at the opera house ,
which ' was handsomely decorated with no-
tional colors. About fifty bankers were prcs-
cnt'at tbo opening of the morning session.
It was shortly before 11 o'clock that the
wtjrk of registering the visitors was com-
pliilcd nnd President S. F. Smith
of Davenport called the meeting to
order. After a few rcin rks , Ilov.
K. J. Habcock was Introduced and n.sdo the
opening Invocation. Mayor Lawrence read
an address of welcome In which ho dwelt nt
some length on the history of the banking
business from earliest times down to the
First VIce President V. F. Nowcll of Des
Molncs , responded In behalf of the delegates.
He complimented the citizens on the beauty
of the place. Then came the address of
President S. F. Smith of Davenport.
Itapldly and In pleasing phrases President
Smith sketched thd objects of tbo associa
tion In meeting annually , giving , in bis own
words , "simply nn Introductlon-liko music
before a bamiuct to ( bo solid food that Is in
store for you. " Ho told a number of amus
ing nnd instructive anecdotes , cacti having a
bearing near or remote on tbo banking busi
ness. Among them was tbo following :
"America" nnil Hunklnc.
All of yon know "AmnrloV and Hi well
known \\ords , "My Country , 'Tit of Thee , " etc.
Its author , my vonaruiilo , rovoiodandwortliy-
to-lm-linnorod father , [ author of thu hymn ] of
lIKonatnraml Inlllnls with myr < clftolls mo this
nuicr uiiforo published Htuiy , ontirclltiK our
national | > ] hymn ultli hanking. Yomwlll pardon
HiW for lepoatln ; ? It , nnd in his own words ,
which I could not hope to match , try ever so
lunch at 1 inlK'lif.
"lly ithoMi dellcato libers of Influence by
which onu tblug liulns forward another , hank-
liiK business. In ono Instance , huums to have
phiycd a not imliiuxn taut , p.irt In t ho patriotic
iiKunclus which have blessed thesti United
States. Tlio Into Lowell .Mason , tlio well
knoHM composer of cliuich iniHlt- , about thu
yriir 1831 or 1 32 , wan cashier of the Colum
bian bunk In Iloston. His employment left him
the fruo usuof his afternoons for his outsldo
puisiilts. Ho devoted Ills Saturday ufturnoon
to the touching t'f music to u hand of .Sunday
school children , uslnir such .SOUKS and hymns
adapted to Ids purpose as ho could lay his
hands on. Ho found Introduction to a young
divinity student , who , us he Imagined , had thu
Klft of malting hviiins and MJiigs peculiarly
helpful lu him In his work.
"in thu course ot tlmu a iiuantlty of German
music books containing children's KotiKscamo
Into his hands. Hut alas ! he could not read
Herman , and thu books worn useless to him.
Hut Ins young student friend could. Accord-
io took the books to him with an appeal
nn to inak'u them available. In
ono of these hooks the student foil In
with the tune ot 'My Country 'TU of
Thee , ' nnd noticing that tbo words
III ( .icrinnn wciejDatilotlc. he proceeded to i
compose thn livinn known everywhere as i
'America. ' Mr. Mason llrst brought out ( his
hymn at a I'ourth of July colouration In Bos
ton In 1632 Hu Intoix'oiUd with the city KOV-
ornmrnt and the school committees to ndmlt
sln lii ns a required .service In the public
schools. What was done In lloston soon found
Us way everywhere , and the hymn bucamo a
nursu of that patriotism which , In thu
tlmo of our country's need , furnished
thu thousands of younx men who willingly
KUVO thumiOl\cs to tlionoblo serviceof lib
erty and union In these United Status. Had It
not been for Mr. Mason's Interest In chil
dren's music , doubtless the German music
book would not have reached the pyos of the
divinity btudunt ' '
young and'America'would
not have boon produced.
"So. If this country has received a blessing
In Ihu iiiUlonalihymn , thesu United flutes nro
Indebted dlrecl/y / , for all the bencllts enjoyed ,
to the unconscious Inlltienco of n llostoi ;
bunker. "
.S til to of the Association.
Secretary J. M. Dinwiddio of Cedar
Hapids submitted his annual report , In
which be stated that tbreo banks would
have to lie dropped from the list by their
own request. There are twenty-two banks
which failed to pay dues for l&U , and will
bavo to bo dropped. Tbis leaves the mem
bership at 277.
Tbo report of the treasurer sbows re
ceipts for the year $1,11" , and disbursements
JOW ; balance on hand , flSa. The auditing
committee appointed by the president con
sists of E. M. Scott of Cedar Ifapids , C. C.
St. Clair of Algota , and G. M. Reynolds of
DCS Moines.
Ex-Governor William Larabco of Cler-
niont was down for an address , but as ho
was nnablo to bo present he sent his manu
script , which was read by V. P. Nowcll.
Tlio opening hours of the afternoon ses-
uion was spent in listening to reports of
special committees. The most interesting
was the ono Riven in the form of a paper by
Judge Wakelleld of the Sioux City district ,
on the subject of how to sectiro bettor pro
tection for bankers against fraudulent
commercial paper nnd the acts of
criminals. Judge AVnkefiold hud sent
out circulars to different bankers ,
asking .suggestions as to plans for
accomplishing this purpose. His paper cqn-
sistcd of a summary of the varied opinions
thus gained. Among the suggestions thus |
gained was ono that a fund bo created for the
capture and conviction of such criminals.
Another was that the notaries should DO
moro careful In tlio Idcntillcatlon of ns
making acknowledgments before them.
Others , and they seemed in the ( majority ,
thought tbero was no practical plan , but
that each for himself should view !
every man with such unchristianllko sus
picion as to prevent his being taken In and
that above all else ono should remember
novcr to do business with strangers. Sug-
gcstions were given as to care In thu issuance
ance of commercial p.iper , so that it could
not bo altered or forged.
I.ucoy on the Circulating Medium.
The llrst formal address of the afternoon
was by Hon. E. S. Lacey , ox-comptroller of
tlio currency , and now president of the
Hankers National of Chicago.
This was an exhaustive treatise on the
suoject of "Our Circulating Medium ; Its
Character and Volume ) . " Mr. Lacey
handled the somewhat weighty topic trom
a purely sclcntlllo standpoint in that clear ; ,
inclslvo manner which marked his ofllclal
reports and the utterances on the topic ;
heretofore given the public through the
press of the country. Ills late oflicial posi
tion brought him into relation with
government's functional duties in regard to
circulating medium , and ho gave the
audlonco the essence of bis rich experience.
"It is apparent that wo have ten varieties
of coin and paper circulating as money , uo
two of which aro-subject to the saino re
quirements as to redumption , nor clothed
with the saino legal tender and debt-paying
qualities , " suld Mr. Lacy , after describing
at some length thu various issues. "It is a
matter of sincere congratulation that the
discretion conferred upon the secretary of
the treasury has heretofore been wisely ex
orcised , because to this fact are \\o mainly
indebted for the maintenance ) of the parity
of these widely dissimilar and unsclcntitlo
Issues. " This statement was followed by a
categorical and critical analysis of the na
tion's ilnanclal system , with a careful com
mentary on the same and sapient sugges ;
tions for improvement.
"Grayo symptoms , now apparent , " ald
he , "warn us that the ilnanclal affairs of the
country nro anything but healthful. All
the advocates of silver assert that Alla
conspiracy exists for its demonetization , to
the end that contraction may cnsuo and the
interest of the bankers nnd money lenders i bo
subserved. Aa a lifetime blmotallist , I
have given this assertion care
ful consideration , and candor compels
mo to say the evidence adduced falls far
short of establishing the truth. Helicf
sllou b ° demanded from concrcss. " The
speaker suggested the repeal of the act of
July 14 , IbVK ) . All the gold coin in
the United States treasury and national
bank notes of the denomination of $5 and
under slioujd bo returned und reissued in
larger denominations , utilizing in place
thereof silver coin and silver ccrtlllcates.
Yntei ou the Double KtamUrU.
Henry W. Yates of Oinaha , president i of
tbo Nebraska National bank , was the ueit
speaker , hli topic belnff "The Silver Ques
tlor " Ho said ho agreed in the main with
Mr. Lacy , but Instead of standing on a
single | gold standard basts ho would discuss
the financial situation on the theory
of blmotallsm. Speaking ot the ox *
port of gold ho said that this was not
necessarily an occasion of alarm ,
but rather a sign of ft nation's
Qi-ospcrity. provided that for the gold there
were valuable commodities received as duo
return ' , but If this outpouring of gold was
due to distrust , It showed surely that some
part of the financial system was defectives ,
lie deemed the silver question the main
cannot of this financial disturbance. He de
nounced the idea that the government added
to the real value of money by Its
fiat Its stamp was simply an assurance -
suranco of the weight and fineness
of the mstal In coin. The government
had the constitutional right to regulate
money , but not to make money. The govern
ment should exercise this power of regula
tion : In such a way ns to ensure a parity of
Mr. Yatcs then proceeded to give an Interesting
esting historical review of the variations In
the comparative value of gold and silver. To
his mind much of the tllfllculty In Ilnanclal
situations was duo to reckless disregard
of tbo real relation In value of
tin two metals , and nn attempt to
maintain silver as an artlllclal rate. The
repeal of the demonetization of silver shall
have been accompanied by the establish
ment of a silver standard of nt least IS to I ,
but the government attempted to arbltrarl-
lly maintain tbo ratio of H ! to 1. Tills soon
became the dearest market In the world for
silver. The attempt was made to hold this
ratio by tbo purchase of silver
under the Sherman law , but although
in 1S90 tbo purchases were Increased
silver continued to fall. Another
trouble was that thcro was no method by
which the government could obtain gold
with which to maintain the parity of gold
and silver nt this rate. Ho showed by the
statements : of the treasury that while tbo
go reserve In 1870 amounted to 40 per cent
of the liabilities , It had fallen gradually
until lu IbOO It amounted to only 22 per cent ,
and had kept decreasing In proportion until
that had fallen to 11 per cent.
Could anything bo moro ridiculous
thnn the government bclnc forced Into sell
ing Its lands to secure gold when but a short
time ace it was paying big premiums to re
deem its bonds In order to dispose of the
needless > surplus In Its treastfry ?
Win Is tlio Slinrninn Law llcpcnled.
lie advocated the repeal of 'bo Sherman
law , unconditionally , If need be. But what
would become of silver ? If necessary In
order to maintain frco commercial Inter
course with the world It should be left to Us
fato. Ho was not , however , opposed to
silver as money , but in its fa
vor , believing tbat with n fail-
ratio established , It would not suffer. Ho
would open the mints to Its frco coinage , but
on a ratio which would take silver at its
minimum rate of value in comparison to gold.
Ho suggested bow it might be made 2'i to 1.
While It might not bo to coin silver
dollars containing 500 grains , yet by the
Issuing of certificates redeemable In
the bullion or in silver coin this
frco coinage might bo assayed in a
practical way. On tbo ratio of 25 to 1
the coin of this country would contain
CO per cent moro silver than tbo French
franc , and would bo circulated abroad as
well as at homo. It was of utmost Import
ance that silver shall bo maintained on a
parity with gold as a .standard. This and
the repeal of the Shot-man law would help
clear up the financial muddles of the day.
Dccmcr on Hunkers nnil the I'ub'.ic.
Judge Dccmer served as an able substitute
for Attorney General Stone , who was as-
signed the B\ibject of "The Mutual Relations
of Banners and the Public , " but who was
detained in Des Moiues by cases in court. "
Judge Dccmcr's address was ono of the most
enjoyable of the day. Ho showed
how banking was as ancient as
tbo human race and as needful
to society as breathing was to lifo.
The relations of banking institutions and
diffcrcntgovernments In times of great peril ,
and the help given In passlmr national crises
was eloquently portrayed. The necessity
for systems of credit economy and the help
of banking In all the business of the world ,
were pictured in words which Indirectly
formed a pleasing tribute to the assembled
delegates. Throughout the address there
was also a vein of humor and a sparkle of
wit , which added grace and interest to the
moro solid logic of bis thought.
After the adjournment of the convention
the delegates loaded a train ol three elec
tric cars and were whirled over the entire
line of the Council Bluffs and Omaha Motor
company , getting by the airing an excellent
appetite for supper.
Reception nt tlio Grand.
Last evening the convention took on a
social nature , a reception bciiiK held at the
Grand hotel. The dining room was taste
fully decorated with ilowcrs. n table in the
center of tbo room being piled full of palms
and roses , which shed a rich fragrance
throughout the room. Quito a number of
ladles were present and an enjoyable even
ing was spent , the visitors vibrating be
tween tbo reception room and the lobby , as
they saw lit.
Today will close the convention , thcro
being two sessions at the opera house , at
00 : ! ! a , m , and 2 p. in. The exercises will be
oven inoro interesting that these of yester
day. M. B. Hutchinson ot Ottumwa , Hon. 1C.
H. Thayer of Clinton and Hon. S. B. Seisler
of West Union being the speakers at the
morning session and F. E. Weetsteiu of La
Porte City , Hon. C. G. McCarthy of DCS
Moines and W. II. M. Pusoy of this city at
the afternoon. The report of the committee
on resolutions will bo a part of the morning
session and the ofllccrs for the ensuing year
will bo elected and installed in the aftcr-
JIunUorB Who Are Present.
The following is a list of those in attend
ance as shown by the official register up to
lust night :
S. V , .Smith , Davenport : E. P. T.acoy , Chl-
oaRu ; W. A. Mcllonry , lionlson ; A. S. Itlloy ,
Dullaneo : J. 1. 1'opojov , IOHSJ ) Hlnion Cusudy ,
( ! . M. Uuynolds , llos Molncs : Scars llcllnnry ,
Di'iiUon ; Jnmos M. Kelly , Macedonia ; 1C. 11.
Itcliniuiii. Hull ; Mahlon Head , .lolTorson ;
Kri-d llccht , Clarence ; John DuWolf , Valli
12. Klchaidbon , Gi-orfjo W. Wakeliuld , Slonx
City ; U. 11. HuiitliiKton , Unnna ; U. T.
Cole , Corntim ; H. N. Smith , Spencer ;
GcorcoOIIck , Marslmlltown ; I' . C ) . 1'ratt , Hliel-
don : A. A. Ilurr , Wi-st llctul ; A. F. Iloli-li , Jinr-
hlialltnwn ; Grant M HlRlow. Now Hampton ;
K. M. Hcott , Cedar Hapids ; J. H Wayne , Da ven-
poit : A. R Armstrong. Andubon ; I'rod Heinz ,
Duvunpnrt : C , t > . Mul.aury , tihulilon : Charles
IX Hi. Ulalr , Algoza ; It. S , MrOoiioiigli ,
Hastings ; John H. lllaclC Council ItlutTs ; It.
VnnVi'chten. Cedar Hapids ; W. It. Jameson ,
DCIWM K. H. Chauln , Hlniin ; 11. 11. Gray , Hast
ing * : a. J. I'atlcrson , Dmilup ; Kruuk Cliainp-
lln , lloono ; 11. 1' . (5 r I III Hi. Kmerton : K.O. Cumii-
lioll , ( . 'ui-von ; A. llulrhholm. Council II I nil's v.
ScHiill , DCS Molncs ; AV. . Hlelunan , Coun
cil ltliin ; J. 1' . 1/itlinor , Hampton ;
J.-L. Golsler , Wilton ; .1. U. Hounds , DBS
Molnps ; Gcori ; A. Sandfnrd , Conimll Itlulfs ;
i ; , W. Ha/ard , Hull ; .1. J. Arnon , Missouri Vul-
Itiy ; J. H. Coutts , Tlplnn ; M , Ktrailss , DCS
-Molnos ; J. I'.a ] < 'nnor , Sioux Raplils ; R 12.
Wettstoln , Ln I'orto City ; 13. M , Kullcr , Karly ;
M , M , Giiinlov , Amns ; J , I' , llrasli , Hamburi ; ;
lioorKt > l''ulrburn ' , < l'onda ; I'rniikGlllman , llnin-
buri ; ; C. H. linn Is. llarllutt ; W M. I'aiil ,
Thtirman ; Charlrs It. Hannuii , Council HUilIs ;
J. M. Dlnwiddlo , Cedar UaulfNl A. C. Habln ,
( ilunwtKxl ; H , I ) , Copclaiid , Charllon : U , U ,
( iailock , r < KuliontaH ! ; J , W. AlOun , rilienaii-
doali : A. K. NobluCusoy ; ; W. I > . Uoruey , Coun
cil llluirs.
& Itnudlett' * Ice Cream.
Try Motzgnr & Raiullott's pure nnd
delicious ice creams und iocs and yon
will orilor no other.
Sco the peerless Dauntless bicycles
and got terms. Hurry M\it-phy. 10 1'curl.
Another iinpi-ovoincnt to tlio popular
Schubert pinno. Swniibon Miiblo Co
For Stile Hickory -1-foot wood , $0.00 ;
steve wood , 12 or 10 inches , $2.50 per
cord , delivered. II. A. Cox , 10 Mulu
street. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Williamson & Co. . 100 Main street ,
largest und best bloyclo stock in city.
Protect your homes atruinst dcstruc-
tivo storms , W. C , Jiuuos lias the
strongest companies in the world ,
Don't ( jlku 1'rohlbitlou.
The Canadian commissions spent an hour
or so in the city yesterday afternoon looking
around with a view to ascertaining by per-
gonal observation Just how prohibition pro
hibited. They put in < iulte a llttlo lima at
the city building talking with the mayor
and various city officials.
' 1 saw all I needed to see , " said ono of
tluui , during a conversation with the
mayor , "when I first ramu into the city on
the motor und looked at thu numerous beer
signs all along the strcot. Why , I don't see
Every pair warranted. A big cut in prices. It will pay you to see what Evans has to offer before buy.
Go to the new store at 28 Main Street , Council Bluffs. Largest store and stock in the west. you
ur Spectacles and Eyeglasses Are the Best
| J. F.PONDER , Mgr. OMAHA OPTICAL 09. , 222 S , 16ft St. WW"
but you have as much liquor sold here , judg
ing from outsldo appearances , ns In any
so-called whisky state wo have been in. "
"Wo have boon through Kansas and
Iowa , " said another , "and have como to the
conclusion that the hole-in-the-wall scheme
of regulating the liquor traffic doesn't
work. "
Mayor .Lawrence informed the commis
sioners that the city derived a large portion
of its revenue from , the saloons , and that
elurlng the past two years , under that sort
of a regime , there bad been less crime than
in any two years of J tho' previous history of
thorlty. So far as8 could bo learned only
ono of tbo commissioners was still in favor
of a prohibitory law ? for' the Dominion , and
he had been a rank prohibitionist for years
before , so that the autl-prohibitionists on
thoconrniicaloa had no hopes of converting
him when they started out. A Council
Bluffs prohibitionist stated to onoof the
commissioners that > there was not a saloon
running in Des Moines , which is the next
city to bo visited. Ouoof the city ofliei.ils
gave him a letter ofe Introduction to a druc-
gist friend of his living in Des Moiucs with
a request that hobhoV.the commissioner tbo
true state of affairs *
A ( .noil Tliinr to Know.
The best floor covering , and the ono that
will staml the hardest wear In any climate
Is "Wild's Unoleum. " First class dealers
keep it. Tbo name is printed on the back.
Take no other.
Charles Biorivorth has \ > ortcr and ale
on draught at the Metropolitan , 818
Free treatments elaily from 2 to 4 p.
m. at the Council Blurts Medical ami
Surgical institute , 20th and Broadway.
Hay land for rent ih lots of from 20 to
300 acres. D. Marks , Council BlulTs.
Brown's C. O. D. grocery closes at 7
p. m. , except M ° ndays and Saturdays.
Cook yoi- meals this summer on a ga
range. At cost at Uio Gas company.
Sou oT tlio Accused Repudiates Statement *
Mudo to tlio Coroner's .Titry.
OTTU.MWA , la. , May 23. [ Special Telegram
to THE BIK. ] The greatest interest of the
Nciso trial was manifested lodny when
Harry Noise , the defendant's 9-year-old son ,
was put ou the stand. He had on oath test !
fled to the coroner's Jury and the grand jury
that his father had been in the room where
the dead woman was burning and made m
effort to got her out , and that his father hai
said that if his mother was burned ho woule
have a new mamma and luo life insurance
to build a now homo. Today he repudiated
his former stories and claimed ho was aslco )
and had lied to the two other Juries. Ho has
been living with Hattie Faltz. tliooinim
Implicated In the case , nnd the supposition
is that she has instructed him what to say
lown Supreme Court Decisions.
DBS MOUSES , la. , May 33. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB Ben. ] The supreme court
handed down the following decisions this
morning :
Shaw & Schoonover against John Jacobs ,
appellant , Jones district , afllrmcd : S. Ij.
Thatcher , appellant , against Stlcknoy
Bros. , Bcnton district , ufllrmcd ; Thomas
Snoll against Dubuque & Sioux City Hallway
company and others , appellants , Webster
district , afllrmed ; State against Chicago ,
Milwaukee & St. Paul Hallway company ,
appellant , Dubuque district , afllrmcd ;
George W. Hewitt against Carter M. Mor
gan , appellant , Sioux district , ufllrmed ;
Knight Dexter , appellant , against Annette
Hayes und others , Tama district , afllrmod ;
James Kobcrtson , appellant , against Moline ,
Milburn & Stoddard company , Cherokee
district , reversed ; Anna C , Van Hoeson , ap
pellant , against H. K. Tcachout and ( J. C.
Ix > omls , sheriff , Polk' district , nfllrmed ;
Philip H. Fletcher aftflnst Samuel K. Kelly
and others appellants' O'Brien district
, , , af
llrmed. ' '
To I'rolectylll lutorciU.
Sioux CITV , Ia. > J&y 23. [ Special Tele
gram to THE JlEE.JrAWl E. Gantt was today
appointed receiver for the Sioux Investment
company , an organjiatfpu with 1300,000 , capi
tal atock paid up , which operates exten
sively in mortgages and securities in tlio
west. The receivership is the result of dis.
satisfaction caused bytho : recent absorption
by this comiuny pf llu ) Kansas Mortgage
and Investment company of Wichita. The
company is perfectly solvent and the re
ceivership is to protect'hll interests until all
dlfferepces are settledA receiver will also
bo asked for the Hloux City plow works
which are involved' ' Id' ' 'a similar affair , but
solvent , J *
lena Kdltoro to Meet.
LEMAIIS , la. , May 23. [ Special to IB
BEE.J The following persons will id
papers before the Cora Bolt Editorial osbo
elation , which convenes hero May 25 : <
B. W. Talcott. W. E. Hamilton , J. II.
Wolfe , P. S. Junkin. H. Goldle , T. J. Wilcox ,
O.J. Smith , II. J. Miller , II. 0. Trlnp. Will
Goldlo. U P. Chapin , Miss Edith 'iViiln , n.
S. Kneedler , A. II. Sneff , Miss Kittle Hunt ,
Will Wells and Harvey Inghatn.
I own Itul road omdnli.
CEDAII lUrina , la. , May 23. [ Special Tele
gram to. TIIK UIE ] The annual meeting of
the stockholders of the Burlington , Cedar
Hapids & Northern was held in this city
today. The following directors were chosen :
H. R. CaOle , A. Khnball , C. P. Squlre ,
World's Greatest Mesmerist auJ Fu n
iiiukor , assisted by
. In her wonderful feats of Catalepsy.
Positively the runniest Show ou Earth.
Complete Change of Program Mlgitly. '
I'nicES 25 , 3.GO cents.
U J. .MEACHAM , Manager
WM. H. DEM.V. Advnnoo
Ma ny times irore durable thnn on-
Incs , moro rollublo for power purpRsos. ami
much choapar. Cnnboputln corner of nny
room from itarrot to hasomont. tnit I UK hut llt
tlo spice , miiklnic no nolso. Mukus no srnouo
or dirt , requires no fuel orcnslneor to run It
Cheaper , neater nnd moro reliable for eleva
tors and other purposes than wntor or gas.
Detroit Motor and Uonorator lost or all , as
nl Ittla investigation will xhow.
Machines from ono-olirlit to eighty horse
power always on hand and warranted to clvo
complete satisfaction. Communleate with
us. Wo will save you tlmo , money and Incon
W , K MAKER , riOOnndmOFhusartnlook.
Council ItlntfH. Telephone211.
0. D. UAKHU , Kctrlclan , 7H South lUli Su.
Omaha. Telephone I4UI.
Solo agents for Council llluirs , Omaha and
I.lmltod Utocle of tlio jr/nost In the
8. II. Ford has openoj n wnoIeiMo liquor Btops nt
No. 17 1'oarl strum , Council lllurn , and lin > put la
a liirtfo nml well soloctoil stout of winoi , brandlei ,
wblsklci , etc. It U a fait worttiy of montlon that
Mr. ford Is tlio fortunate posiesor ot no.irlfortr
barrets of tliuHnest wlilskj In tlio llnltml Htntni.
In'.S80 ho boiiRlit ovontr-llTo lisrroliof Kentuoky
C. K. C. Taylor whhkjr , nnil U win not until about
tlirco years .iKO tliat lie nUcoil tbo uooiU on the
ninrket. Ofthla stock ho mis loft about fortr barre -
ro ! , and experts nil pronoiinco It nbiolutely the
llnost whlikr In the oountryi Ho > elli It milnly
lofrtmllleifor nio.llclrial n o. us It li ton cottly for
tlieroKiilnrtiitde. Ills worth over (10 per uallon.
Them Is not nnotlior brnnd of such wliUkr In tlio II ,
b. Ills Block of brandies und wlnoi cunioi from the
famous l.cluuJ gunfonl vineyards lu CiilirornU
and liaro a hltfU roputatlon for oxcollunaa aal
purity ,
„ „ . tlco In the stiito mid
federal courts. Hooim 03-7-S-O , Uhujart
block , Oounclluiun's , la.
layman Cook ami F , H Grlggs. After the
meeting of btockholders tbo directors met
and elected tbo following ofllccrs : H. It.
Cable , president ; Hobcrt Williams , vice
president ; II. H. Holllstcr , Now York City ,
treasurer ! S. S. Dorwort , secretary and as
sistant treasurers. Hxecutlvo committee ,
J. W. Hlytho. J. C. Peaslcy , H. H. Cable , WJ
G , Purely and C. J. Ivcs.
Met Duatli In a Well ,
N , la. , May ! ) . < [ Sncclul Telegram
to THE BKK.J A 4-year-old elau btcr of H.
T , Goodrldpo of Jones township met death
today by falling into a well. The boJy was
. not recovered for t > omo time after the am-
dent occurred.
Not Inclined to Kettle.
OTTUHWA , la. May 23. [ Special Telegram
to Tun HKE. ] Mrs. Charles Hall publicly
horsewhipped Henry Stoessh , a grocer , to
day because he politely Invited bur to scttlo
a bill. Ho will prosecute her.
Busy peopio have no tune , and sensible
pcoplo have no Inclination to use pills that
mnkothem sick a day for every eloso they
take. They have learned that the usei of
Do Witt's Little Early Risers docs not In
terfere with their health by causing n uusea
pain or griping. These llttlo pills are per ,
feet in action and resulto , regulating the
stomach and bowels so that headaches , diz
ziness and lassitude uro prevented. They
cleanse the blood , clear the complexion and
ono up the system. Lots of health la
in the West ? We can fit you out
promptly. Send in your orders.
Pn l394'6"8-10 to Sfreef-
, council BlufJs , Iowa ,
pie | Works-
C. A. SCHOEDSACK , Proprietor.
Dyeing , Cleaning find
Council Bluffs ofllco and woi-kt , cor. Avo. A and 20th St. Telephone 310. Send
for circulars and price list. Omaha oftico 1521 L'urnam street. Tel. 1521.
jncharjoo me Slaters of Wlorcy.
This renowned Institution Is situated on tha
high bluffs back of anil overlooKlns the city of
Council lilntTs. The spaelouii grounds , Us
hlyli location anil splendid view , inako It u
rno-tlotisliu | rolroat for tbo utlllctod. A staff
of eminent phyNlulans and a lurgo corps of ox
perlencod nurses minister to tlio comforts of
tbo oatlents. tipuclal euro Rlvun to ludy pa
Terms Modoi-ato ,
For particulars apply to
Frank Street - - Council muffs , -Iowa
Yea , Verily ,
The World Moves
$1,000 $ , IN THIS fl'OOO '
itnrirint hu li
licuvoil ,
No Deaths
No Fires
It dooanot ciopontl on
A Calamity.
BONDING CO. , Council Bluffs , incor-
corporutod iindor the Uw of Iowa , for in-
Jornn tion , rooms -Ml und 33) ) Morrlatn block
CouDOll llluirs , lowu.
HprnylincTr03s ,
\Vaililni ; Wtndoni ,
And HiiK'vlOB ,
And Ck'nnlnff tbo
ClilcLtm Coops.
tins two brncii norcles
nnd Biirnycr , barrel of
gtilvaiiliud iron nldch
cniinot corrlealo or wear
out ; lirn u top nnd brass
vnHo to borrul ; brati )
plunder with croni lion-
dlo nnd vnlroa uf onk-
taiiiifd loiithor. Works
as well Mid Insti ua loriK
n H u lilKli priced pump.
Clrculum frco. Agenti
Con/it/ ; llltifi'H , luwit.
Special Nolle a a *
\\TK rnr. poll you n homo mil lot en a payment of
V fromfllMW to I'll HI down nnd HJUJtotllUJ
per month. Homo upjolal bargains lu lota. John-
ton A Vim I'ntton.
AIiBlllACTd anil loans. Farm mil city property
bought unJ nolJ. I'uiar & Tuuinai , Uouajll
I7O.I SAI.K I'honp ; toim bliok ilrlrlru m arm
I loam mules : oil vraion , hirnois and tonni ! ton
vtuzon. ( 'nrliou L'oalCo..lll'oirl ) stroot.
I7It ( ) HAI.H TtirenJoriiay bulls ; nios , 0113 wjoVi
uiio year und two yuars ; solid color ,
Mock. 5J1H. Ut bt.
[ 71)11 fiAI.K : < lc bar oirrlnsia t j m nn 1 cirrlaga
I' K W.Tulloyi. IJI I'uurl.St. . Uoimoll Illnlti ,
G.MtllAiH ( rumovcd , costpooli , vuulti , clilniiur *
cleaned , Kd llurko , at Taylor' * grocery , ill
1'OJl HAM ? in uprlnht tire lior.o powur bailor.
1 lallut l3UllronUnar.
JMU.S'lllii ) : ) for World's fnlr for rout d or
'inontln. Now T-ruom Hit , now fiirnlturu com *
plcto , nteaiu hantninl Kas rnnuoi tionr tar line and
imndy to World's fulr. Addrais K. T , IJ.aiIK 8t
45tll btrcot , thlcnuo ,
'Oll 11KNT I.nrio wurelionso BltiMlOfl on rail *
' way tra"k. Inqulru of I'lonejr Iniplunioiit Co.
L11IKDKUMAN buys nnil > ell < notei secured by
. iiiorUunoi on Council Illutli und DiuuL * prop ,
crty. Ulllcu Mi t'lrtt avonuo. Undo C'ounoll Illunj property and caili for
liurdwnro and linplomjnt too < In waiteru
lena or eastern Xebrgbkn. U 17. Council llluirs.
1OH HAI.K y ) lluely tired roaditors and brood
uiares. onu IIn3 carriage tuaui. Would CJ.
cliuuKO for fooj unimproved farm lurid or city
proporty. Dr. I ! . 11.1'lnnuy. iU 1'oarl slrout.
BKAUTIKUlliomu ; all modern conronlancosj
low prices , oa y turrai. A. J. Alandel. O Ulugs.
Yl/ANI'KU ConipotaotKlrllo f mllyof two , la
> quire of Mr. . K r. Wrlxlit , ytt ttuutli betontu
17OII HUNT Furnlsbod room for ono or two KUU-
I1 tloiuen. 641 Mynstsr street.
DKBllUIII.K rooms. furuUliol or unfurnished ,
with board far luo sumuiur If Uuilrecl. 41KI
Ul o arenue
ITiUHMHIIKI ) rooun for rent ! rooms ullli board ,
I1 at 431 Waslilugton TB. , corner Bcott t-
i ' OH IlKNT Oil HAI.K ID Morolngsldr , net/
BV U room tiouiu. W , B. Uoiuor , 138 llruaO-