Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 20, 1893, Page 3, Image 3

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    IMPPHil lfI , 'if ' ' ' * * " " * Ww * W'Wt'J. ' T TT- - - i t / - , - - "
( C
llCKi NO. 13 PEAIlt ,
| rftf A \ > y currier \ any pMt of t' o clt >
inuMnpMOmco . N" . 43
| NiKit K < iiior . No--3
Y. Plumbing Co.
iston Store. Natcbaug silks.
I ItonbcrRcr U ttio Imttcr , 603 Broadway.
Ilo ft , Cole , 41 Main street , arc selling
I tly hlph grade bicycles for 100.
iv. J. 2. ArmstronR of Kansas City , Mo. ,
licrly pastor ot tlio Uroadwny Methodist
I-ch of this city , will lecture Hero on tlio
lie ncason nt Manawa will open next Sun-
I Trains will run every half hour , and
I'o Is no doubt that the resort will bo as
lilar as it was last year.
report Is In circulation to tlio effect that
I'dical collrco Is to Uo started shortly in
.Archer bulltllnp , to bo conducted by a
Tiber of well known local physicians.
Icgnlar nicotine of KtcbcUh council , No.
"pjrrco of 1'ocahontas , thU evening. All
. ibcrs nro requested to bo present , as
I'otta and Mlnncbnha cotmclU of Omaha
bo in nttcndanco.
ticrlff Har.en has received a circular
li Brooklyn , N. Y. , asking for Informs-
concerning William II. Cochrano of 073
| Kcn street , In that city. Ilo disappeared
IhoiHthof last March antl nothing has
li heard from him since. Ills wife Is said
Bo distracted over his absence.
liio confirmation services nt St. Paul's
Irch Thursday evening were attended by
rgo congregation. Kov. K. J. Daboock
.ducted the regular services , Ulshop
yrv conducting the conflrmatloti scrvlco.
; stcd by Bishop William I ) . Walker of
th Daiiota. The class consisted of the
| , sns Gcnevlovo Baldwin. Klslo Grnhl ,
ad Walker , M.irgarot Kemp , Mr. and
' j. Knight and Mr. George Gates.
'lie Jury in the damage suit of Kriigcr
lilnst the city was completed and given to
' jury yesterday afternoon. I ist evening
. . jury came In with a scaled verdict , after
Ing out only n few hours. The contents of
envelope containing the verdict are not
wn , but the attorneys for the city feel
; ouraged to bellovo that It Is for them by
i fact that an agreement was reached so
ji. The verdict will be opened in court
a miming.
tommcncim ; 'this morning the Council
ilTs postonico will dispatch mail for Corn-
, Creston , Glenwood , Hastings , Malvcrn ,
cillo Junction , Hcd Onkilllsca , Hcndcr-
i. Macedonia , Carson and T.ibor , la. , on
iln No. 10 , Chicago , Burlington & Quincy
Iway. The malls will close at 7 : 'M a. m.
I'ho members of the Inlsfall Dramatic ns-
Intionwcnt to Itnogcno last Wednesday
glvo iv minstrel entertainment in the
sra honso of that place. They wcro
a toil royally and played to a packed
lusc , returning homo with their pocltets
led with Imogeno silver , gold and dla-
Snds. _
: * ' DAY.
At tlio ISontou Store.
Wo will place on sale today 150 dozen
[ illTon handkerchiefs in beautiful col1
and white , all handsomely nilk emf
loidercd , handkerchiefs that are worth
Inn 7fc to $1.00. All in for the nomi-
| l price of 2. ni nnd 'lOc each. Sco show
ttdow for today and Monday.
[ The leading popular dry goods house.
Fathering/ham / , Whitolaw & Co.
Council BlulTs , la.
Bargains in line tooth brusbcs and
) lognc. wholesale price , only 10e.
uvln , tlio druggist , 200 Broadway.
The Grand Hotel ,
'ouncil ' Bluffs. The most elegunt in
) wa. Dining room on seventh lloor.
late , $3.00 and $5.00 a day. E. F. Clark ,
Pure ice i
Froih Missouri river channel.
Mulhollund& Co. , Brown building.
Telephone 102. * J
Mine. Helen Merrill , hairdressing nnd
iianlcuring. Room 312 , Men-lam block.
L Salt unil Suc r.
Another carload of sugar this week
id n carload of salt yesterday nt
rown's C. O. D , grocery Is the record
r tlio past three days. Everything
imes into the C. O. E. in car lots andes
> os out at wholesale prices. You can
it oilo barrel or fifty barrels of suit for
.10 each and sugar cheaper than any
her place in town.
"Tho first shall bo last" will truly np-
tty to the closing lecture of this season
f. Broadway M. E. church Friday ovon-
, May 23 , by Ilov. J. 7t. Armstrong ,
g . LIj.lX , once u successful pastor of
Its church , now stationed at Indopond-
| co Avcnuo M. E. church , Kansas City.
ritiisoxA r i-A it A ait A 1'jia ,
| V. C. Estop is In Chicago. '
. C. Ilecd returned yesterday from a
brt business trip to Chicago ,
[ firs. W. J. Gratlnn nnd son of Dos Molncs
visiting her sister , Mrs. D. B. Dallv.
kov. J. II. Davis will leave next Monday
k Denver , to attend the Baptist nnnlvcr-
rlss Eillth Uoss Jms returned from Mm-
[ polls and will remain at homo for aomo
jtov. John Askin will leave Momliiy to at-
lil the Congregational anniversaries to bo
td nt SuratoKa Sin-ings , N. Y. On his way
lilt ho will take in the World's fair , accom-
hilcd by his two sons.
Ivirs. P. C. Dovol has gone to Chicago to
lilt the World's fair and lier daughter and
U then visit friends in Michigan. She
11 bo gone about n month. . Mr. Dcvol
11 moot her In Chicago next month ami
oy will return together.
Frank II , Brooks , who was mentioned In
o telegraph columns of TUB BEU yester-
iv ns having been appointed consul to
rieste , Is remembered by the members of
o nowsprpor fraternity lu this cltv from
9 being here about a year ago. Ilo was
nnccted with the Chicago Tribune nt that
me nnd was working on the case of F A
) ulo , who was supposed to bo wanted by
o grand Jury to testify In the cases of
'ino of the boodllng aldermen. Soulo was
siting frlor.Ja In this city nt the time.
Piles of people have piles , but Dowltt's
'lioli ' Hazel Salvo will euro them.
See the peerless Dauntless bloyclos
id got terms. Harry Murphy , lo Pearl.
Louis' Blcdorman is agent for the
, -cat Eastern hotel , the largest in the
orld ; pnvptically ( Ironroof ; has 1,100
) ems and is modern. Those intending
. visit the World's fair wlllflnd it to
iclr l toresttocall or write , enclosing
ainp. 504 First avenue , Council Bluirs.
Pustuvapo for horses uiitl cattle on
foorgo F , Wrlglit's farm adjoinliiL'c ity
Imltson Bouth ; COO acres blue grass ,
uunliiR water , tor terms
apply to
nines Raph , on farm , or at Carbon Coal
ompuny , 10 Pearl street.
Ton Pay * t tl u XVordl'i Fur | ,
It will coat you loss than $ .50.00 , every-
hlnp necessary included. This moans
ionics in private cottage , clean , bafo , .
lose to grounds and on the beach df
Mko Michigan. Write to J. T , Chyno- >
voth. Winder Park , 111 , Refers to H.
\V. Tilton of TUK BKK , or Jacob Sims
if Sims & BalnbrlGgo , Council Blull's.
[ Free treatments aaily from 2 to 4 p.
Ln. nt the Council Bluffs Medical and
Kurgical Institute , 2Uth and Broadway ,
I Another improvement to the popular
Schubert piano. Swanson Muslo Co
Stop at the Ogdcn , Council Bluffs , the
bust 12.00 house in Iowa.
Goo. S. Davia , prcsoripiiou
Hilarions Oondnct of John P , Tinley , a
Young Lawyer. <
Three OIHccri Have n Difficult Time In
Taking Him to the Lockup .1
ricroo nnd Drnpcr.ilo Strucelo
on tlio Street.
John P. Tinloy , a young lawyer of this
city , created some excitement on North
Main street yesterday afternoon. Ho had
been drinking Just enough to make him
want to fight some one , nnd two colored men
happened to bo the ones closest at hand. Ho
chased them up street and Into 1'rlco Gib *
son's saloon , driving blows lu their direction
which would have had tolling effect If they
had hit anything but the air. In the saloon
there waa pitched battle , It requiring the
combined strength of several men to pre
vent Tlnlcy from braining his opponents
wltn n chair. John Snndcl , the driver of
thi ) patrol wagon , soon reached the spot in
rcsiKinso to n telephone message , closely fol
lowed by Deputy Marshal Fowler. In the
mclco Saiulcl fell with Tlnlcy on top of him
and would probably have been hurt had not
Fowler hold one of Tlnlcy's fists. The pris
oner was at last overpowered nnd taken to
the station , although on the rbad ho became
very fractious and not only refused to walk ,
but Insisted on lighting the two oftlcors and
Deputy Marshal James Anderson , who had
coino to the rescue.
There was considerable criticism , after the
fracas was over , of the action of Deputy
Marshal Fowler In using Ills flats on the
prisoner's throat in oracr to compel him to
submit. For nearly two minutes no choked
ort Tlnloy's wind , and when ho at last re
leased nim Tlnley's face was purple and ho
could hardly walk the remaining short dis
tance to the jail. Ho soon recovered
his breath , however , and used up n
largo amount of it In abusing the ofllccrs. A
good many of the bj slanders ventured the
assertion that three able-bodied onlccrs
ought to bo able to pick up a man like Tinloy
and carry him off bodily without having to
choke him Into submission. Some of the
members of the who watched the entire
scene wcro especially severe in their denun
Piles of people have pncs , but Do Witt's
Witch Huzel Salvo will cure them.
Illfir Sale Snturiliiy Wo Am tlio OrlRlnntors
ot Low 1'rlcrn Stick by the Lenders
Knormmta Itllibnn Kitlo SiUimluy.
For one day wo will olTor 1,000 pieces
of all silk , satin and gros grain ribbons ,
Nos. 7 , 9 and 1U , every slmtlo of the
rainbow ; the entire lot Saturday lOc a
yard. Tlio regular price of these ribbons
bens is ! Mo , 25c and .Tic per yard. ' Only
Saturday this price , lOc a yard.
Eer one day , Saturday , wo will offer
GOO { pairs of ladies gemiiro BraniU
mosquotairo i kid gloves , in black ; tan ,
brown 1 and grays , at the low price oi
B'Jc f a pair.
Today our entire stock of ladies Co
lumbian capes at loss than one-half reg
ular i price , $3.98 , $0.00 , $0.50 , $8.00 and
$10.00 s each. Don't miss this chance
You will never buy a wrap at such a
price ] again. Only Saturday atthese ,
prices. j
Don't forgot our
Is still in progress. You can now buy
a beautiful Nottingham curtain at OSc ,
$1.48 and $1.08 a pair. Genuine Irish
point lace curtains II and Hi yards long
at $3.08 and $4.98 a pair ; not one-half
prico. Don't miss thorn. They are a
great barcrain. -
Saturday evening , for three hours ,
from 7 to 10 p. m. , wo will offer 200 dozen
gents' fancy bordered handkerchiefs ,
regular 15o quality , at 5c each. Re
member , only Saturday evening at this
price , 5c each.
Opening Saturday evening until 10
Civil Horvlco Examination.
Civil service reform will bo duly ushered
into the Council Bluffs postonico this morn
ing at U o'clock , and Fred Johnson , chief
clerk of the postofllcq , will bo master of
ceremonies. By order of ex-President Harrison
risen civil service rules were made to nunly
to all presidential postolllccs , and the first
examination of upplicants for positions will
bo held this morning , commencing at U
o'clock. The applications were all in last
Wednesday noon , twenty men and three
ladles going to make up the list of appli
cants. They will bo put through an ex
amination on all the school branches , nnd
the three highest , without regard to politics ,
will bo the candidates for the next vacancy
in clerkships' carrier positions. Mr. John
son will bo assisted In the examination by a
lady employed in the Omaha oflleo.
At tlio Hoston Sloro Toclny anil Mondny.
200 dozen ladies' lisle thread vests ,
worth 50c , today and Monday for 3'tc
each. Sco show window.
lOc and 12jc outing flannel remnants
today and Monday for 0c. }
lOo and llijo line dress ginghams today
and Monday 7c.
15c Chilian costume cloth today and
Monday for fie.
Bohton Store castile soap today and
Monday 4 cakes for lOc.BOSTON
Fothcringham , Whitoluw & Co. ,
leaders and promoters of low prices ,
Council BlulTs , la.
Vanatta & Sweet , attys. , Everett blk.
For Sale Hickory 4-foot wood , $0.00 ;
stove wood , 12 or 1(1 ( inches , $2.50 per
cord , delivered. II. A. Cox , 10 Main
Protect your homes against destruc
tive storms. W. G. James has the
strongest companies in the world.
Williamson & Co. . 100 Main street ,
largest and best bicycle stock In city.
The V.lioinuii lliillillni ; for Itont.
The Klsoman building in Council
BlufTs can now bo rented. For terms ,
etc. , apply to Burke & Casady , Attys. ,
110 Pourl street.
MetZKar & Jtniidlett' * Ice Cream.
Try Motzgar & Kandlott's pure ind
delicious ice creams and ices and you
will order no other.
Prof , Rudolph Ep's
moot at tlio English Luth
eran church room , ground
floor , Merrlum block ,
Mondays , 7:45 : to 9:45 : p. m.
Wednesdays , 7:45 : to 0:45 :
p. in.
Tuition for three'mnnthfc' course in
either elementary or advanced clues , (0.
Twice a week , Mondays
and Wednesdays , 3:80 : to
6:30. : Tuition 25c per lesson.
Morning class 10 to 12 a. m. once n week
srici.\i. ATrun HUSTON sionn
Todfty Slid Monday The I/ending ; One Price
Dry ( InniU HIMHO of Council Ilium , tn.
100 extra flno atl linen towels ,
extra largo size , cither in plain white
or colored border , a towel usually re
tailed at BOo each , for today and
Monday at half price , 2."o each.
A clinnco of such n towel g.
this tf price seldom occurs to b
found f ( only at the Boston Store , Coiincl
, In. , the leaders nnd promoters
of low prices. See show window.
Charles Blcnvorth has uoricr and ale
on draught at the Metropolitan , 818
Broadway. _
Hay land for rent in lots of from 20 to
300 acres. B. Marks , Council BluiTs.
Cook yov meals this summer on n gas
range. At cost at Uio Gas company.
Brown's C. O. D. grocery closes at 7
p. in. , Mondays and Saturdays.
Covered Head to Feet with Scales.
Could Not Work. Could Not Sleep.
Wished Herself Dead.
Rend of Citticuru. Got the Kerne-
dies. Relief Immediate and Cure
Speedy and Complete.
I fcul thnnlcfnl toryouruondorfutUUTlCunA
KKMRDIES. which hnvo cured mo ot nn awful
skin dlsoRso front \vlilch I snlTorod for nlno
years and from which I nmlnred tlio uroalest
tnrtitro. I wiis oovero.1 from head to foot with
n souly alfuiiso I could not work. My hand ! )
wuro so sere I could not wash , tuid otloii I
wished myself ( load. 1 would sit up nil night
In my chnlr with cloths wr.ippod around ino.
and cry with ptiln. 1 trlod everything I could
hear of. Nothing HCOIIIOI ! lo do mo the least
good until 1 saw an : idvertsoniont ! In tlio im-
nur of u wonderful euro by Iho OUTICUIIA UBM-
KIIICS. I told my huslmnd the dlsimso was the
same as mlno. Ilo ot niu the CUTICUIIA. KKM-
KDII : ? , ami before I hud InUcn onu sot I hey
K.IVO ino great relief , nnil 1 could slcop 1 got
more of your Uuncuiu , CUTIUUHA bOAPnnd
CUTICUIIA Unsoi.VKNT mid they cureil mo. 1
nm well now , nnd I must nruiso your medi
cine. SIKS. MAKV THOMAS. Klmor , Mich ,
Ciiticura Resolvent
The now Blood nnd Skin I'urlllor. IntortiMly
( lu clonnso the blood of all Impurities und poi
sonous clumonts ) . nnd CuxicuitA , the great
SUIn Uuro , nnd CUTICUIIA Hop. an uxiiulslUi
Mcln lloautlUcr. oxtornaliv ( to cluar tlio skin
nnd scalp and rsaloro the hair ) . Instantly . . . ru- .
' '
llovqnnd speedily euro every spsulos of Itch-
Ing , burning , sa.ily. crusted , pimply scrofulous
nd herldltary dUonscs ami humors of the
skin , scalp iifiij blood vitn lossi ofTiVilri'froin
Infancy to nee. from plinplos loscrotiiln. CU
TICUIIA HKMRIIIES nro the uroatcst Sk.n Ouros ,
llloodl'iirlllors , ana Humor HoinoUlos at mod
ern times.
Sold everywhere , t'rlco , CUTICUIIA. 50c :
SOAP. 25c : KESOI.VKNT. n , 1'rcpjrod oy this
CBT"flIow to Cure SUIn Dho.isos04 paccs,51
Illiijtrntlons nndlOJ tealinionlalB. mailed free.
* * * TAaud oily skin curnd by CUTICUKASOAP
Chest pains , soreness , wonkncsa ,
llacklnr cough , itsthma , pleurisy
'and ' lullniiiiiiatlotl relicvml in < > n
inliiutc by tliu Outlcuri * Aiill-l'ulii
i'lnstur. Noth'ng ' llko It for Weak Lungs.
And Health is the Royal
Road to Happiness.
Every manner of chronic disease can bo
cured without the use of medicine at tbo
Council Blnffs -
No matter how nearly discoursed you aro.
or how much you have suffered from disease
andbad Directs of stron ; medlclnos , you cnn
bo cured nnd sain permanent benefit by the
new anti-medical syslem of treatment. Dis
eases triutodi ,
Apoplexy , Asthma , ISroiichltU ,
Cutnrrli , Consumption , Curvature of the
Spine , Uyjperiiln , Epilepsy , .Liver Coui-
plulnt , NaurulRla , llheumatlsm , 1'nralysis ,
Constipation , Scrofula , Eczema and All
Blood Discuses , Female Weakness , Deaf
ness , Lockjaw , Hernia or Jtupture , Piles ,
.Nervous Allectlons , Heart Disease" , 1'ulsy ,
Etc. ,
All treated and cured by the
Galvanic Electro Magnetic Battery
For extracting all animal , vegetable and
mineral poisons.
Vitalized Vapor and O/one Baths
For purlfymu the blood and uoautlfylug the
Vitalized Heat and Magnetic Baths
For paralysis , debilities and toning up the
Vitalized Chemical & Electric Baths
Tor removing all cancers nnd blood poisons.
The Efficacy of tbo Above Methods Dally
Demonstrated by
119 Stutsman Street , Council Bluffs , la ,
Empkie-Shugart Co ,
109-111-113-115 Mala Stroot.
Largest stock of
In the city.
Agents ol the Celebrated
Gurney Hardwood Refrigerators.
Agents for the
Oil Gas Stoves ,
the safest nnd newest stove out.
Wo uro exclusive agents for the
Genuine Boynton Furnace ,
and all furnixeo work IB supervised by
our Mr. Lautornnssor , who is ono of the
host furnace men in the west.
Wo carry n lull stock of Field Seeds.
City ngonts for the Pioneer Imple
ment C'o.'s goods.
Tlio Worla'i Grealeat Mesmerist and I'uu-
i.iukcr , asslstoJ by
In her oiulirful fouls ot Catalepsy.
Positively tlio runniest Show cm K
Omplete Change of P/ogram Nightly ,
FlUCES 2.\ aDO cents.
, . , , . U J. MEACUAU , Mannt'or.
Wlf. 11. DCLLV , Advance A. tut.
The Conutnc Imported Carls
bad 9rHudol Salt
IB 1 ( of grcnl bonafttdn temporary and lia-
bllunl constipation , Hvor nnd kidney
discuses , chroniqditarrh of the stomach
nntl bowels , rheumatism , gout , &o. , nnd
should bo used in tlio morning before
broal < fast. ObtntrfUio genuine article ,
imported in raundj bottles.Vrifo for
nnmntiint . Elsiibr fc Munuolson Co. ,
Now York , if iOi
Inchnrjoo ino Slstors of Morcy.
Tills renowned Institution Is situated on ll.a
lilpli bhiffs bnckof nn'l overlooking the city of
Council ItlnfTn. TJio spacious grounds , 11s
hlRli location nnd pplondul vlow. make It a
most nleislng retreat for the .illllctcd. A staff
of eminent puyslclaus nn J n largo corps of OY
pcrlcnccd nurses minister to tlio comforts ot
tlio patients. Special care given to laily pa
Term * Moderate ,
Tor particulars apply to
Frank Street - - Council Bluffs , Iowa
Special INfofcIcQ9 <
HOIIKS- I will Uddomy cqnllloi In ono or two
itooil dwellings tor clour loin bitlnnro on long
time. II. J , Adami,918 1'orrln HTcnue , cur.
IfOUSAI.K nlmo t now pUno nt n bargain.
Call or addrc * ' 1SI9 nroadwaf ,
WR can tell Ton a home nnd lot on a payment of
from HO ( XI to 15)00 down and 113 OJ to II50J
ref month. Some p olal bargains In loll. John-
iton A Van fallen.
llSTll ACTS and loans. Farm an < l cltr propsrlr
bofight ana told. I'uter Jfc Tbomii , Coumil
IfOll SAIiR Che'p ! leim bUck ilrlrln ? ra aroi
loam raulesl oil waton , liarnots and loam ; top
biiRBj : rend wagon. Carbon L'onl Co.,101'cnrl street.
1OIl SAliK Tliri'oJersoy bull * ) KO , one wsok
ono jour anil iwo rcnri : ollJ color , rogliloroj
( lock. T218. lei St.
Il SALI ! N'lco baj carriage loam nn.l c.irrlaiu ,
W.TnllCT-1,1011'cnrlSt. . Council HlulTi.
G AItltAOi ; romoToil , ce ! pool . rnulU , chtninori
clpnncil , Eil llurkc , nt Tnr'or's ' grocery , 6U
ron SAI.H An nprUlit UTO liorso power boiler.
: 1 nllnl 1320 llronilifar.
PIMIN11IISI ) llat for World's fnlr for rpnl i or 8
J-months. .New 7-rooiu flat , new furnlliira com-
iilcto , Blcnm lient nnil gas rnnfic ; near car line nnd
imndy lo World'a fair. Aihlress i : . T. U. , 377 Kasl
45lli lrccl , tlilcago.
iron HUNT I.nrjo wnreliomo Mlnatcd on rail-
wnjr irack. Inquire ot I'lonojr Implement Co.
1'OU HK.NT The room now occu plod l > 7 W. 0.
. Morrla , No. 0 Ptnil slrccl. l'o culon ulrcn
Juno 1 , Itont $ W.W pi r month. Apply to Leonard
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
L1I1KI1KIIMAN buyi and elli notes ecciirod by
. morUitKeson Council Illiidi nnd Umaka prop
erty. OlllfO&UI Klr l aronuo. Irado Council Ilium * properly and eatli for
linrdnnro nnd Implement stock In western
lown or pastern Nebraska. U 17. Council Ilhilln.
11011 BA1.K-20 llnoly bred rondntcrs nnd 1.rood
mnrc.i. ono flno cnrrlnKO team. Would ox *
clianmt for KOOd unimproved farm laud or city
property. Dr. C. II. 1'lnnr. 8H 1'onrl ulroft.
BKAUTlt'tllj liomes ! nil modern conveniences ;
low prices , onijr terms. A. J. Mnndcl , Council
TWii ) Cifci ) Sfceaii pie ) Works-
C. A. SCHOEDSACK , Proprietor.
ClGfiniiiQ' fuid JRefinis/iiiig-
Council BlulTs oflleo and works , cor. Avo. A and 20th St. Telephone 310. Send
for cirulnrs and price list. Omaha office 1321 Farnam stroot.
In Ciy Hie [ mil Line ol
M *
in the West ? We can fit you out
promptly. Send in your orders.
DauntlessAND Yost
1304-6-8-10 Main Strict ,
Union Transfer
Council Bluffs , Iowa ,
All kinds of Dyeing
nnd Uloinlnx douo la
I ho lilshovt style ot
the art. Faded and
stained fabrics mada
lo lee ! : ns gooj as
now. Worn promptly
douo tin 1 dollvorod
In nil parts of the
country , Send for
lirlco list.
Urcailwuv. uoar North *
western Depot ,
Tolonhono > ' ! ! ! >
Highest Gnulo $100.00
EclisoVaverly ] , ICingr , Clipper ,
Medium grnilo $80.00
Solo nRcnts for Victors Victor Ply or
weighs 2Slbs.
41 .Main Slreo ,
. 11.1' - . I V i WHO WINS THE PRIZE ?
, -if.i'h' '
la Jo-
f > I' lf.Jlj
i M
1. t. - > i or \Vo\viil publish seven shortarticloB , this being No. 7'tho Inst. In each article there will nppoar ono or moro words
in BLACK FACED TYPE. There nro NINE such words in all , out of which wo liavo constructed n sentonco.
The boy or girl who first puts this sentence' together correctly and sends us tho'answer will receive a full sot of the
Omaha World-Horald'u famous edition of tlio Encyclopedia Britannica , together with the beautiful book case made to hold
it. The prize will RO to the ono whoso answer is first received at this ofllco.
Ono volume of the Encyclopcula will bo presented to every boy or girl sending the correct answer at any time before
the award is made.
To insure absolute fairness , wo have placed the sentence in a scaled envelope in the custody of PROFESSOR
FRANK A. F1TZPATRICK , Superintendent of Public Instructions.
The award will no made within ono week after the last of these seven articles is published.
Address answers to "EDITOR BOYS' AND GIRLS' " PRIZE , Omaha World-Herald.
iiu ) if < >
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m , r
lio1' < VIT.
"Last scene of all ,
That ends this strange , ivcntful history , \ M
Is second chililif.hness , ami mere oblivion : .
Hans teeth , suna eye , tuna taste , suns everything. " "An You LJ.KIC IT. "
urfJA1 The seventh stage of man , as depicted by Shakespeare , differs from the last volumes of the Encyclopedia Britannica ,
A1 In as much us the old man in "suns everything , " whllo the lust volume of the groat-Brluxnnica is tin full of interesting matter , i
UR the first. But oven in his second childishness the fast fading old man can flno much amusement and entertainment in the
Encyclopedia , which tins done BO much to educate him and guido hie stops through the seven stages of hi * lifo. The Britan-
niea is full of beautiful and interesting pictures pictures of birds nnd fishes and reptiles , things that children love to look
nt , nnd which pleusa the old man , now that ho has become a child again. Who knows what rovorles float through his brain
us ho seeks again the stories and pictures lie so loved as a child ? "
' 'Your young men shall gee visions , and. your old men shall aroam dreams , " sayd the text , and the dreams of the old
man are sure to revert to the many fields of knowledge and usefulness and beauty that have been pointed out to him by bin
faithful friend , the Encyclopedia Britannica. It can bo obtained now nt an outlay of 10 cents n day , through American on *
terprlse , but when the old man was a boy the great book cost a email fortune. However , it has never failed him , and has
remained constant and useful amid the loss of friends and family and the sad lapse of time. It la with him now , na through h |
lifo nla faithful l' urdo Philosopher and Friend " besides his life.
, , , being an ornament in Kind reader of this PAPER
YOU will prow old.