Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 18, 1893, Page 5, Image 5

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[ ictmonU Against Allogcil Boodlcrs Viti
ntcd by Irregularities.
It Mom ) > rr Allrj-od to HnT * Solicited tlio
[ Opportunity lo BITTO AVIirn lloVa
Not l.ocntty Ounllllrd-rriiit- ,
Inc llltlj Itpji-ctrcl.
Nob. , May 17. ( Special TclD-
.m to TIIB UKI : . ] OovclopmcnU today In-
Into tliat the work of tlio grand jury ,
tcli hut A fciv days ago Indicted live of
Ji men whom o clmrRpil with defrauding
I ) stale through asylum supplies , [ a totally
krthrmvn. Among tlio men drawn on they
| -y was U. 1) . Kmcrson of Unl-
rslty 1'laco , and It now appears
xt ho had been a legal resident of the
Ji'ity but seventeen days when drawn ,
tornoys for tlio.nccniotl openly nsscrt that
' .rjiavo aftldavlU to jirove these facts ,
f icraon Is a contractor and hat been build-
§ ; sonic houses In University I'laue. His
mo Is said tu be In the western part of tlio
Uo and ho hat been making trips back
d forth whllo at work. It also
inspires that ho .solicited the
inly commlmloncrs to bo placed on
3 Jury and tills fact t'lves rlso to the
ipfclon that ho had sonio object In doing
nlthoiili ) hn claims not to have known
y of the Indicted. The county attorney
llorcs that this vlttatci the work of the
: y , and the situation Is still further com-
oatod by the fact that Units must bo tried
, a term of court or set free , the law pro-
iltlng the keeping In confinement of a
soncr after two terms of court have
Isscd ,
Hn InvrMlgntcil.
Kmcrson tins been a resident of Mimlen ,
ib. , but says ho moved hero last winter.
3 inalntaltm tlmt ha Is u l ( > gal resident aiul
sicsldcd hero longer than forty days.
10 county attorney , however , Is Inclined to
Hove from what lie can learn that Kinor-
n Is not n legal resident nnd lias been in
10 county but thlrty-onu days. The point
is been raised that the statute merely
ovldes that n man to bo ( | iiallllctl to servo
i a grand juryman must bo a rr-sldont of the
> unty , but docs not specify how many
iys. The matter will bo brought to the
tcntlon of the c-ourt before any further
oceedlngs are taken.
Judge Hall declined to Join In tlio call for
ils grand jury , holding that the llrst ono
as legal. Ho maintains that it is n mm-
Ijnalcal technicality to hold that n grand
iry rannot bo called when an emergency
fvises and thecourts must wait until twenty
Jays before the beginning of the next term
oforo calling a Jury.
rrlntllif * IMiU Ittxlrctnt.
The Ions drawn out controversy over the
into printing has been settled for the time
olng at least. This afternoon the state
rinting board hold a short session which
as attended by State Treasurer Hartley and
uditor Moore. The protests and answers
> the letting of the contracts for printing
ir books and blanks wcro cofisldcrod and on
fibtlon the following resolutions wcro uiuml-
liously adopted :
2 Kesolved , That this boards reject all bids ro-
Jclvpd and opened for tlio printing of books
2nd blinks on Muv a , IHOit. nt'2 p. in , , oxoupt
Miosn of the Nebraska Newspaper Union for
' i printing of thuMinatu und bouse journuls
, . _ the twunty-thlrd session of the Nebraska |
' , held In 1893 , which are hereby : ic-
ItCsolvcd , Tlmt tills board at once rcndvcr-
HO for bids for the printing of ull books and
lanktt needed.
Sli'ftplnsr HI" I.lfo Awnjr.
Local physicians are Interested in the case
of Morgan Halvcrson , a Swede , living at 403
South Eighth street. Saturday night Hal.
rerson , whllo on his way homo , sustained a
jad fall , and after going to bed once , rose
nnd wont out. not returning until 2 o'clock.
Sunday morning ho did not waken , and sev
eral times during the day his wife cmlcav-
> rod to arouse him. but was unsuccessful.
Becoming alarmed she called In a physician ,
nit ho too was unahlo to arouse the sleeper ,
Ho slept all day Sunday , Sunday night , ' ,
Itpnday , Monday night , and it was
Jiot until last ovcnlng that ho could
| > o aroused from the stupor by the
lifforta of the doctors who had been called.
JHo lay awake for a few hours , but again ro-
f.apscd into sloop , and is now unconscious of
surroundings. The doctors say his rospira-
Itlon is quick nnd violent , and that ho is
[ liable to dlo at any moment. Halvcrson Is a
kilastorcr in the employ of Al Maatermau ,
Jind the family is in straitened circum-
City In Hrlof.
. There was n largely Increased attendance
S. it the meetings of the Stnto Dental associa
tion today. The program embraced t&o dis
cussion of u number of topics of interest to
Jcntists. The meetings will not cloao until
Friday evening , and cxcmplillcatlons of clln-
ilcal work will DO given.
1 The police raided the Rawllngs block on
South Thirteenth street last night , and
rounded up n number of mala nnd female in.
inatos. Ono of the tnon escaped by going
Imt the second story window , u female as-
fisting him by lowering him with a shawl.
SVo of the feminine inmates promised to up-
Sear this morning , but they took an early
vain out of the city.
( H. C. Outcalt , cashier of the defunct Capi-
Nutional bank , 'vas about his usual
aunts this morning , looking very unlllto a
JHII who had recently made n trip to the
f.oon. it transpires that ho had been spcnd-
\K several days at his ( or Thompson's )
Ij'in south of the city.
ISamuel Noble , aged 0 , by his father , brings
lit In county court against the Guild Hrow-
t < company for $1,000 for breaking his leg
1(1 ( otherwise injuring him by moans of a
rrgo and vicious dog , which attacked him
Julio he was passing the dofenduut's'storo-
AIANA 12I > 11V JIilIOAI. : MKN.
Husliiosn Traiuuotoil by Nolirauku
I'lijalclunn In Htntu Convniitloii.
GiTV , Neb , , May 17. [ Special
I'olegratn to TUB Hen. ] The attendance at
no State Medical society meeting was
hrgoly Increased today by new arrivals
ho society got down to bushiest today and
ampllshcd nearly all it had laid out. In
ures ting papers wcro read which brought
Emt lively discussions. An amendment to the
Tonstltutlon offered by ! < . A , Mcrrlam , amend
ing section 4 , article 111. , was adopted , This
rwkos it necessary that ono-third of the
aombora must vote to reject an applicant ,
nstead of three as heretofore , A by-law in-
reduced by A. S. Van Marsfeldo of Ash-
jud wis adopted rc < iuiring the chairman of
Jach committee to pi-oparo a paper on a sub-
; ct assigned to him and furnish a synopsis to
Is associates at least ono month before the
kimual meeting. The liveliest discussion
et provoked was Drought out by an amend-
icnt offered by J. K. Summers of Omalia ,
'Ilia provides that any legally qualified prac-
Itlonor shall bo eligible for membership ,
rlmtsoovor the source of his education , pro-
ridwl ho < believes In no particular line of
iractlco other than rational medicine. Thuro
ta a long argument over this , but It was
ually tudollultuly postponed. Dr. Summers
vas not present , The mooting will close to-
iiorrow after electing ofllcers ,
Mrdlo l Convention ,
Nob. , May 17 , ( Special Tele-
( ram to TUB HUB , ] yesterday afternoon
.ho members of the Nebraska Eclectic Medi
cal association mot in tllastings. Dr. ICeyes
iif Omaha , Howard of Harvard , Smart of
tlumphroy , Oppermau of Auburn , Edgar of
Edgar , Weil-Ink of Hastings , Case of Elm
Jrcek , Haxtor of I > rossur , Mathews of
Oalloway , Btutzmnn of Iavcn | > ort , Ios- {
linbort ; of Loxlngion , Allen of Omnua ,
l > utt of Hastings and Nooly of Kearney
being present. ir. KoaenDenr of Lexington
road an oxhaustlvu paper on. ' 'Fractures of
the femur , " followed by a lively discussion
participated in by lra , OpiHirmun , Smart ,
ICoyes and Howard. Drs. litutzman , How
ard , Hosouberg and Smart reported cases of
Interest to the profession ,
The bcssions are being held In the parlors
of the Bostwick and are proving of great in-
tereia to the members In attendance. The
convention will contlnuo tomorrow.
tlmt They 1J Drlmrrcd.
. WABHINOTOX , D. 0. , May 17. Charges
I wore llled , la the lutonor department today
[ Against W. K. Slmonds , late commissioner
let patent * , and Fetter uud I'Veoman , Bell
trlophono t nttomcys , Hiking tlmt th y bo
debarred from practicing In the patent
oflleo forcolluilou In permlttlne Improper
inspection of files In that oflleo la the colo-
. brAtotl ) Urawbnugh case.
NEW YoitK , May 17. W. E. Slmonds , Oi-
patent commissioner , replying to the charge *
against him , says there Is nothing In the urn
to prnvcnt anything In the file * of the patent
ofllco from being copied , except caveats.
The rommlssloncr has discretion as to the
other * . As to the cht\rgo thnt ho had the
patent work which ho compiled whllo In the
ofllco typewritten by the clerks , ho say * It Is
NniTH frntii Tnlilc Itock.
TAm.nHocK , Xob. , May 17. [ Special to
Tun Dr.n. ] Postmaster W. S. LInsley and
hla nccompU&hi.'d wlfo celebrated their silver
wedding yesterday. Mrs. T.lnslcy ent out
invitations quietly and when Mr. Llnsloy
returned from the ofllco In the evening he
found his residence crowded with guests.
The evening passed very delightfully. Includ
ing the presentation of a silver service , the
address being tnado by Uov. A. 0. Alllnson.
The brick business in Tnblo Itock Is lookIng -
Ing uii. Hon. Samuel Fulton , treasurer of
the Table Hock Brick and Tlio company , Is
hero , concluding arrangements for putting
in their plant. Ho has sold his property In
Harlan county nnd will glvo the business his
entire attention.
Tlio Cotton Hrlck nnd Tlio company's fac
tory Is now rapidly approaching completion.
The machinery is all in placn and work will
begin soon.
The Table Uock Clay company Is ready to
burn Its first kiln of brick for this season ,
having been delayed by tnc long damp spoil.
.Srnnutlniml lliiinnttlu IHfllciiHy.
HASTIMH , Neb. , May 17. [ Special to
TUB BEE. ) The residents of Hast
ings living In the Third ward had
a very .sensational experience about
half past 10 last night when a woman
returned to her homo and found another
woman keeping her bnsb.ind company. The
wife had boon at her mother's nursing her
very sick child und needing a pillow , re
turned to her homo to proeuro one. She
drew a knife and would have killed the in
terloper had she not been kept back by a ro-
volvcr in her husband's hands. Finally the
other woman escaped , m.iklng her way
do\\n tlio street at a sprinting pace , und In
a coslumo considerably nirlcr than the
weather wan-anted. The husband also fled.
Ho was ordered by the pollco to lenvo the
Cnuul lAlnml Notot of Now * .
Guisn ISLAND. Neb. , May 17. [ Special to
Tun BEE. ] Helnluth Duunklaus fell off a
joist , at the Koehlar hotel building , which is
in course of erection , this morning , to the
floor below , a distance of about II f teen feet ,
and sustained Injuries of the spine.
Water Commissioner Charles Kollins began
today to enforce a water ordinance requiring
all water service not paid for for the ensiling
year to bo turned off. As this was never
done heretofore it is likely to raise emphatic
D. F. Jamieson , ono of the oldest , most re
spected and wealthiest citizens of Hall
county , died at his home in this city this
morning. Ho was 4U years of age. Death
was the result of the grip. He leaves a large
Hinting * NCIVH .N'nlcn.
HASTINGS , Neb. , May 17. [ Special to Tnc
BKI5. ] Willie Krdman , a little boy living on
West Sixth street , fell from a tree yesterday
afternoon uud badly injured the bono of his
right arm above the elbow.
Representatives of the various lodges of
the Ancient Order of United Workmen of
the Hastings district met hero yesterday
and after organising decided to hold a
district i picnic at Colo's park in this city on
June 00 next.
Under the direction of the Hastings Bicylo
club , a number of wheelmen will race to
morrow night from the asylum to the Bost-
wlck hotol. A gold medal is given as u
prize , and the winner will have cigars enough
to last him for some time.
Orel Teuehe's Appointed.
One , Nob. , May 17. [ Special to the BEE. ]
The Board of Education met this evening
and selected the following teachers for the
ensuing year : Assistant principal , Miss
Pcrcio Homer : grammar , Miss Cora Thomp
son ; second intermediate , Miss Johnson ;
first intermediate , Miss Hlchj third pri
mary , Miss ftlarguorlto Brnnnan ; second
primary , Miss Lena Jenkins ; llrst inter
mediate , Miss Amelia AL Jotves. There are
two vacancies on the force yet to bo Hllcd ,
one teacher in the High school and the prin
cipal. The salary of principal has been
raised to $1,000 for the ensuing year.
Vnlloy County MtlRntlnn.
OIID , Nob. , May 17. [ Special to Tun
Bun. ] The spring term of the district
court of Valley county opened here Monday.
Thcro are 14U cases on .the docket one
criminal and 147 civil. The most important
ones are those of the state of Nebraska
against T. Hoolhvnrth , charge of attempted
assault , and Ann E. Nash against the city of
Ora for damages caused by falling Into an
imperfectly tilled drain. This will be the
third trial in the latter case. On the first
trial the plaintiff got a verdict of $1,700.
The second trial resulted in reducing it to
Saloon 3Irn Arroited.
IUSTI.NQ3 , Neb. , May 17. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun BEE. ] Ellis & Shultz , a Hast
ings firm of liquor dealers , were arrested
tonight charged with selling liquor to minors.
This Is the arrest of the kind in the
muncipality and is the result of the decision
arrived at by the council In granting the
.saloon license , that no infringement of the
law bo permitted. The case comes up for
hearing Friday before Pollco Judge Itohrer.
Peculiar Acohlmit nt llHrtlngton.
HAKTIXOTON , Neb. , Alay 17. [ Special Tele
gram to Tim BEP. . ] This afternoon whllo
Peter Paulson was breaking rock with a
largo hammer , a piece of steel chipped off
and Htruck Paulson in the breast cutting
through the clothe.s and flesh and falling bo-
twecn the walls of the chest. Ho is now in
a critical condition and the attending physi
cians fear that blood poisoning may result.
I'romotliic the
AvmoiiA , Nob. , May 17. [ Special to THE
BIK. | The now organization rcccnty ef
fected by the union of the York and Aurora
bands has adopted tlio name of tlio Nebraska
State Military bund , under which It will bo
incorporated. Two sots of uniforms have
been ordered. The boys have already ro-
colvcd several Haltering propositions , in
eluding ono contemplating a" trip to Chicago
and a lengthy sojourn there.
< ; nulcl Not ( ilvo Horn ) .
DAKOTA CITT , Neb , , May 17. [ Special
Telegram to TUB BEE. ] Joseph Shnklen Is
now routined in the county jail In default of
$ r > 00 bond. Ho is accused of robbing Mary
Hammoll , known to the sporting fraternity
of Covlngton as "Dutch Mary , " of A watch
and chain valued at $40 , early Tuesday
Fnlrinont'a Now I'oKtinaiiter.
FAIRMONT , Nob. , May 17.-Special [ to TUB
BKE. ] I ast night A. W. Loomls received
t ho oftlcial papers appointing him postmaster
of this place. He secured his bondsmen I
today and sent the bond in to bo approved.
Postmaster Robinson's resignation is already
in and as soon as the bond is approved the
oftlce will bo turned over to Mr , Loomis , Tanui unit C'wrrluKe.
FAIUMONT , Nob. , May 17. [ Special to THE
BKE. ] John Howard , a liveryman of this
place , has Just become aware of the fact that
n white team and carriage ho hired to a man
Monday has been stolen. Ho has heard
nothing of the man or team since , uud has
notified ofllcers over the state.
Heavy I.OM oi r rmers.
COZAD , Nob. , May 17. [ Special Telegram
to TUB BBK. ] A largo barn and eleven head
of horses belonging to John Held.eubratid and
son. six miles south of here , wore destroyed
by flro lust night about U o'clock. The origin
of the 11 ro is u mystery , The loss is cov
ered by insurance.
Hiimll lloy Injured.
HASTINGS , Nob. , May 17. ( Special Tele
gram to TUB BBS. ] This afternoon Percy
Marquis , a very small boy. whllo riding on a
corn planterboing hauled through the streets ,
foil off und u wheel ran over him , badly In
juring him about the bead and shoulders.
of u I.oiljcrpole I'hyslclau.
SIDNBV , Neb. , May 17. [ Special Telegram
to TUB BEE. | Dr. E. U Yurletz of Lodge-
polo , was married this a'ftornoou to Miss
FuuuiolIartofSurovuport , the Pud-
'llchotil , ilev. Mr. Jame * Leonard ouJclatlug.
Congressman Oaminotti of California on
the Geary Bill ,
In the Opinion of tlio Concrcusninii the
l.n\r Will lin Ilnforcpd-Vlslt of the
Chinese Minister to the Stnto
WASHINGTON , D. C. , May 17. Congress
man Camlnctti of California hnd n short
conference with the president this morning
tind loft the white house feeling assured
that it was the Intention of the president to
see athat the Chinese restriction act was
enforced. Mr. Camlncltl denied that It
would take anything like the sum of money
that has been mentioned to enforce the act ,
for the reason that those Chinese entitled to
remain would have secured their certificates
at tholrown expense and that these ngalnst
whom the law Is really aimed wilt bo fright
ened out of the country the moment an
honest attempt is made to enforce It. Mr.
Cammottl is of the opinion that what ad
ditional money may bo needed will bo voted
at the next session of congress and he fears
no repeal of the law.
Hoports from forty of the sixty-three inter
nal rovcnuo districts show that Sin.BOl
Chinese have registered. No reports have
yet been received from the Pacific coast dis
Tlio Chinese minister , accotnpai.tea by his
English speaking secretary of legation ,
called at the State department this after
noon and hod a conference with Secretary
( Ircsham In regard to the supreme court's
decision nnirmlng the constitutionality of
the Geary act. Ho gavcno Intimation what
ever of an Intlon to suspend diplomatic rela
tions with the United States , but on the
contrary , indicated his purpose of quieting
affairs in China as much as possible.
I'roitdent Clovelnml DUupprovos the Flntl-
hiK * "f n Court Alnrtlnl.
WASHINGTON , D. C. , May 17. The findings
of the general court martial , convened at
Fort Lcavenworth , Kan , , for the trial of
Captain W. A. fc > . Johnson , retired , have been
received , and the recommendation in the
case is disapproved by President Cleveland.
The court martial was presided over by
Colonel James W. Forsyth of the Seventh
cavalry , and Captain Sydney W. Taylor ,
Fourth artillery , was Judge advocate.
The general cliargo against the ofllccr was
conduct unbecoming an ofllcer and n gentle
man , ro which there wore several specifica
tions. Each specification gives a case In
which Captain Johnson became indebted to
persons or banks , which Indebtedness ho
failed to pay. The second and third speci
fications state that ho also duplicated his
pay accounts. Tno third specification , the
only ono on which ho was found guilty ,
states that Johnson assigned and transferred
to II. Forbes &Co. ot Boston , his pay account
and claim for pay for the month of January ,
18' 13 , and also assigned and transferred his
salary for the same month to the Central
National b-ink of Sprlngflold , Mo. The ac
counts were presented for payment by both
assignees on the same- any and because of
the double assignment and presentation pay
ment was refused und Secretary Lament
ordered Johnson's pay for the month wholly
stopped. The court finds him guilty of the
third specification only , and. on the general
charge , "not guilty , " but ' 'guilty of conduct
to the prejudice of good order and military
dlscipllfao. "
The court sentenced him "to bo repri
manded by the reviewing authority. "
The following is Secretary Lament's order
in the case : "In the foregoing case of Cap
tain W. S. Johnson , retired , the findings on
the first and second specifications aud upon
the charge and sentence of the court are dis
approved by direction of the president. In
private life , a person tried and adjudged
guilty of assigning property as collateral
and then collecting and appropriating its
avails to his own use , or of transferring for
value received , the same property to separate
persons , would bo subjected to-severe and
humiliating uunishmcnt. That a court mar
tial , composed of ofllcers of rank nnd ex
perience , should so lightly record similar
offenses , hero fully established and found ,
is a reproach to the service and the proceed
ing Is in marked inconsistency with tlio duty
of protecting and maintaining the high sense
of personal honor which has long character
ized the reputation of the army : "
ICusilua 1'uMporU.
WASHINGTON , D. C. , May 17. A party of
prominent New Yorkers , consisting of Oscar
S. Straus , ex-minister to Turkey , Jcsso
Sehgman , Julius Goldman , Colonel John B.
Weber and M. S. Isaac , who arrived in
Washington last night , called on Secretary
Gresham this morning and had a conference
with him. Secretary Gresham and the
members of the party refused to talk
about the subject discussed , but it
Is understood that the delegation asked
that some uetlon bo taken with a view to
having this government insist that passports
Issued to American citl/ens ot the Jewish
faith who contemplate visiting Russia shall
bo vised by Russian consuls at various
ports. The recent refusal of the Uus-
slan consul at Now York to counter
sign the passport of a Jewish woman ,
whoso husband is an American cltbcn ,
on the ground that his government for
bade him from doing so , is said to bo the
underlying reason for the reported protest.
Inquiry at the State department developed
that such n law governed consuls of the
Russian government and that the United
States is obliged to rccognlzo it.
J''or Conduce Unliocomlnir an Ollleor.
DKTIIOIT , Mich , , May 17. The court mar
tial appointed to try Lieutenant William M.
Williams for conduct unbecoming an ofllccr
was begun at Fort Wayne this morning.
Lieutenant Williams was without an attor
ney , and ho stated to the court that he had
received no answer to a telegram sent to his
father-in-law. Judge Seymour of Martins-
villo , La. , whom ho expects to defend him.
Ho is certain that the Judge will como when
ho receives the dispatch. In case ho cannot
do so the defendant will engage a Dtroll at
torney. Ho n sited for a further adjourn
ment. The court took a recess until 11
o'clock tomorrow morning , when it is under
stood the case will bo hoard whether Wil
liams has an attorney or not.
Opoulnc of the C'Mcrolico Strip.
WASHINGTON , D. C , , May 17. Secretary
Hoko Smith , on behalf of .tha United States
audiChlef C. J. Harris , Treasurer E. K.
Starr , D. W. Mpo and J. T. Cunningham ,
the authorized representatives of the Chero
kee nation , this afternoon signed the con-
tract which is the Jlnal stop in the proceed
ings by which the United States becomes
the owner of the Cherokep strip. Thi num
her of acres coded Is 0,023,754. Secretary
Smith said todav that ho hoped by expedi
ting In every possible way the preparations
for the opening of the strip , to have every
thing In readiness for the president's procl'a
mation on September 15.
Free Gold In the Treaiury.
WASHINGTON , D. C. , May 17 , The free
gold on the treasury books today Is $3,800 , , .
000. The export from Now York today was
$1,500,000 and 1,000,000 , has bcoa engaged for
export Thursday. The Treasury department
is not advised whether all this gold -will bo
taicen from the subtreasury , and until it is
the exact amount of free gold remaining
cannot bo stated. If all has been taken
from the treasury there will mill remain
fcWO.OOO free gold above the 1100,000,000 gold
reserve. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
WnihliiKton > 'otei.
WASHINGTON , D , C. , May 17. The weather
bureau has Issued the following river bulle
tin : Water still rising slowly at Heleua ,
Ark. , and Vlcksburg. The Hooded area In
that section is on the Increase , owing to the
breaks in the levee already reported.
The secretary of state has accepted the
resignation of Mr. William K. Curtis as di
rector of the Bureau of American Republics
and has directed Mr. Frederick Kuiory , sec
retary ot the bureau , to take charge until
the successor of Mr. Curtis is named.
Postmaster Geueral Bissell has appointed
f C '
i , , ,
jiv , Wo will publish seven short articles , this being No 6. The remain\ng \ articles will nppoar In regular order , eon-
aoputjlyoiy each day. In each article Ihoro will appear onol or moro words In BLACK FACED TYPE. There ar
NFME stioh worda in all , out of whioh wo have constructed n sentence.
' " The boy or girl who first puts this sentence together correctly and sends us the answer will rccolvo a full sot of the
Omaha World'IIorald's famous oJltion of the Encyclopedia Britannica , together with tlio beautiful bookcase mailu to hold It.
Thoprlzo will go to tlio ono whoso answer ia llrst rccolvod at this ofllco.
Ono voluino of the Encyclopodta Will bo presented to every boy or girl sanding the correct answer at any tlmo bofora
ho award Is mado.
To Insure absolute fairness , wo have placed the sentence In a sealed envelops In Iho custody of PROFESSOR
FRANK A. FITZPATRICK , Superintendent of Public Instructions.
Tlio award will bo made within ono wcok after the last of these auvoti articles is published.
Address answers to "KDITOH HOYS' AND GIRLS' " PRIZli , Oimilm WnrliMIcrnia.
" ' lf "And then , the justice ,
] ' , , Tn fair round belly , with good capon lin'd ,
ittvar With eyes severe and beard of formal cut ,
s ' > M Full of wise saios and modern instances , '
0 And so he plays his part. " "As You Like Tt. "
1 , 'fJ A Justice without the Encyclopedia Britannlca In his library would bo nbsolutoly lost , for that wonderful work
contains the concentrated wisdom of the world.
1 " ' " It is much more important that ho should be able to consult the Britannica than that ho should bo "with good
capon "Un'd. "
i 3 * The justice that succeeds BEST in meting out ovon-haudod equity to all that are brought before him must bo a
well-read man as well as a wise man. To got a deep insight into human nature , ho should study his Shakespeare in con-
junctiop with his Encyclopedia. In the course of his duty men como before him in every ono of the seven ages depicted by
Shakespeare. The cultivated justice will know that the idea of tlio world being a stage and the division of life into seven
ages'did not originate with the great poet. In the old play of Damon and Pythias wo have : "Pythagoras said that this
world was like a stage , whereon many play their parts. " In the Treasury of Modern Times , 1013 , is a division of the life of
man into set-en ayes , said to bo taken from Proclus , and it appears from Brown's Vulgar Errors that Hippocrates also di
vided man's lifo into seven degrees or stages , though ho differs from Proclus in the number of years allotted to each stago.
Dr. Honly mentions nn old emblematical print entitled , The Stage of Man's Lifo Divided Into Seven Ages , from which ho
thinks Shukospoaro moro likely to have taken his hint than from Hippocrates or Proclus. Shakespeare used the same idea
moro than pnco in his plays.
Not only will the severe-eyed justice fine plenty of "wiso saws" in the Encyclopedia Britannica , but ho will also
flnd abundance of "modern instances. "
The cost is not to be considered , for ho , like the poorest petitioner that comes before him , can purchase Iho
Britannica for 10 cents a day.
John L. Thomas of Missouri to bo assistant
attorney general for the Postoffico depart
Appointed by the 1'rolilont.
WASHINGTON , D. C , , May 17. The an
nouncement of the appointment of W. II.
Dimond to bo superintendent of the United
States mint at San Francisco was incorrect.
Ho is the present incumbent and has just
tendered his resignation. His successor was
appointed by the president tins morning in
the person of John Doggott of California.
The president also today appointed H. N.
Hough of Ohio solicitor of internal revenue.
Carl I n Huccocilx Cnrr.
WASHINGTON , D. C. , May 17. The presi
dent has appointed Colonel William P. Car-
lln of the Pourtli United States infantry to
bo bricadier general lo 1111 the vac.mcy
caused by the retirement of Brigadier Gen
eral 13. A. Carr.
The president also appointed William II.
Hammer of tho- Twentieth Infantry pay
master in the army with the rank of major.
Ship Tlmlr IJuuil to China.
SAN FUANCISCO , Cal. , May 17. The repre
sentative of ono of the Chinese Six Com
panies has notified the health ofllcials that
within ten days it would proceed to disinter
the bodies of COO Chinese in thU city und
simJ their remains buck to China ,
ICtuisug Iiuurnncn Lawn.
TOPEKA , Kan. , May 17. 1'ho assistant at
torney general has decided that every Insur
ance policy on Kansas property must bo
written in the state and every agent for
an insurance company , special or otherwise ,
must reside In the state.
A New Ptfcteess
The Lemon , the'iOrange , th *
Vanilla , contain n/re / or less
of a delicate flavoring sub
stance , and theisejJaration of
this substance irV Banner seas
as to retain alljjh freshness ,
sweetness and naturalness , re
quires the greatest'&xperience
and care. r'1" '
ING EXTRACTS are prepared by
a new process that gives to
them the natural flavoring
qualities , and are so concen
trated that Jt requires but a
small quantity to impart ro a
cake , pudding olr creara , the
delicate flavor of the fresh
fruit. The leading chemists
endorse their purity. The
United States Government
uses them.
Clironlc , Nenoin ,
Privat ) ail
Special 01561535 ,
of both
and Y/omen. /
nidrooll * Vurlcocolo , f-'tnoturo nnd
all otlisr trouble ! treated lit roasoimbta
charges. CONSULTATION I'UK a Call on or
addros *
Oppoilto Iliydon llros.
Complete Manhood !
A medical work that telU the cauwi ,
tbe effect ) , uolnu the remedy. bUcutincally the ,
uiobt valuable , artistic-ally the must beautiful
meilk-al book ever tmbUabrd ; SO liages , enrjf
tiago bearlnic half lone Illustration lu tlnt .
bubjvcu lrcto < I i Nt'r > ous Debility , IimxiUuicy ,
Sterllltr , Dcrt'lopnient. Vorlcoctlo , Ttoo Uu -
binil.TltOM Inteudluu Jlarrlegf , etc.
tverv man who ituntM know I he Oianrf Trutlit ,
the ptatn > ' < ! < ! , Ike old Stcrdt anil Kev Hit-
.coitrlfofMtdiaal Mence ai arl'Hril lo Uar-
trial iVt.wha nxmH titone fur l ul fulUei
[ anil avoid future nltfallt. tltould urtlc fur Ihlt
It will bo wnt free , uuilcrtrul. while Ihcrrtl
tlon l nt . Stale BIO , aud If married orilugle.
' '
-i-A3the publt < heri ,
ERIE MEDICAL CO. . Buffalo. N. Y.
Second Floor , 1514 Douglas St. ,
With an entire new line of Choice
Millinery , and will be retailed
Imported Leghorn hats ,
white and black , 350 , worth
from 750 to $1.25.
Sailor hats , 170 , worth 500
to 750 ; all colors.
A large and elegant line of
neat and pretty trimmed hats ,
from 750 to $4.87 , worth twice
the money.
Beautiful flowers , all prices.
Violets , gc a bunch. Other
houses get 250 to 35 for same
Conic and sec our wonderful liar-
uain Room , ' 2nd Floor , 151 Doug
las btrcut.
Wo Yilll xml you th > ro rT tou
French Preparation CALTHOO
free , and n Itcal Kuar&nttr lli t
( ! A I/I'll OH will Bvntare your
Dl _ ltb , NtrviiKlti auil Vigor.
' lliritandfiavifsalttjiett ,
Addraev VOM MOHL CO. .
Bolt iairlMUl JfMU. ClitfauU , Otlo.
Is worthless , but \vo
do not allow any ac
cumulation of old
rubber goods , us wo
deal illicitly with
flotcrlct ) und are thus
able to offer our cus
tomers goods which
wo can guarantee ) .
Sherman & McGonriBll
Prescription Pharmacists ,
1513 Dodge , 2ud door from 1'oitolllco.
Headquarters for Weitorn Worll' Vail
Visitor ,
53th nnd I oxlntrton avonup , C'lilonno. olctlit
iiilnuluH from.'iTUi street mitram-o to World's
II'UIP nro u mis , only fontbloeUs from Mt'Jwuy
Is u line stone nnd brick building , HnUliod In
hnrd wood , jnorxluil witlioloutrlullKhl , atuatn
linut , Imtln unil perfect sunllury plumbing
throughout Tlio rooms nra till Kood alia wltii
oiitsltlo lltlit. itnd 11 ro flnlslmd very much bat
ter tlnin most of tlio World's KiUr llotols. Tlio
ii-Htitnritnt vlll \ > o uonduutod by tlio niunuenr ,
wlilub irlll Insure to nil xood sorrlco And on tire
.s.itlsfiiction. Hiites will bo modcr.ito mid rna-
bonable. 1'rlro.s for rooms , $1.00 uud iijiwnnls
( oitcli purson ) purduy.
Wu doalro tomnlo "THE OMAHA"
lionUrjunrters for all Nobraslca people who
limy viblt tliu Worltl'D I'ulr. Von nro wolunmo
tci como uud aalc ' ( JUKHTIONS AND ORT
POIN'JT.KS" whether you wish lo roinuln or
not. 'THE OMAHA"
Is convL'nlf nil v rnunhoil by taking tlio OottaRO
tirovonnd JnokKou 1'arlc cable our on Wabasli
avenue. They puns the Motel.
Hotel will boopon Juno I.
B. SILLOWAY , - - - Mmiupor.
Of "J'Lo Murry" Umalin. \
The Glenarm
I'.ur pean 1 ( old , offers quiet nnd convenient quarters ,
> tmoderate price * . All Wuild's Fair Lines within
two Blocks 15 mi.mteslo cither I'.np'Mtloii or limincu
center , ( or five cent fare. New/ ] and handsomely
furnitlicd and decorated , JUcvator , I'.lectric liglili
Suiltnfrooms/orfjinUict. Hi li Clasi Kestauranb
Rotes , $1.30 to $1,30 per day. Addieit ,
V. E. Cor. Indiana Are. Ic 33d St. Chicago , 111.
Refer to A. F. Seebergcr , Treav , World's Colitnv-
ii r. * ) , nnd l'ici. . Market National Uok.
The Mercer.
Omaha's Newest Hotel
( Cllfiomi ntlJ.JI i > 3rd > r.
It I'oomt Bt ll.OJ per ( l r ,
ICUroui wiiu llntli at 11.1) pjrlir.
10 Itooiuj with Iltth atllnltull i ) pu dr.
AtoUern In Kr < irr lluipnct.
Newly I'uruliliei
C. S. ERB. Pron.
Cor. fotto uOrova evu. Aud bltli ft. ClIIUAOO < t
1 1. 1. Hr > ' . < Kuroiman , Huporlor Dlrilnji. .
Ituuiu. ( , nlr 6 inluutm Irura WOUI.D'.H KAUU j
nodur to. Bi'oil for circular , \VM , H. jI