' " ' ' " * p1" | " " " * " B ' ' ' - wi iMj wiwyj | . w i ji-wik.- - -w I 1 6 THE OMAHA DAILY life TUESDAY. MAY Ifi , 1893. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Several OombinaUons Worked Against the Bnlla in Wheat Yeaterdaj , THAT CEREAL OPENED AT A DECLINE There Wn * Quite u Itcxctlon l.nlcr Hot the Molliln Supply Urm Agnln DU- appolnllne < " tl" > I'rlcmli ofMir t. CIIICAOO , 111. , May IB-A dl appilntlngly tinnll decrcnso In the visible supply of whi-ut , flnnnclnl disturb inco at Mlmiupjlls nnd to- wnid Ihu close reported rains In 1'ranco worked .iRalnst tlio bulls today In wheat. The market closed wllli a loss for the day of 1ic. Corn was linn and gained 4c for July and ' { o for September. Thn piovlslon m irkot was dull nnd narrow without liny striking change In values at the rloso , Whont opened with a decidedly downward tendency , due to the oaxlor cables , tlio largo IncrcnMi In the amount on ocean passage , the lica y shlitmenls last week from India , tbo le- IHirted umbnrrassmenl of the big truitooni- pany In Minneapolis and rumors that thcio were runs there on smoral binks , U was al o Inferred tint the nnanclal Illiriy In ( ho c.isl was not yet at an end and storks woio again considerably drnmralt/od I.lmi was u fno Kjlkr fiom the start and wassoon joined by Cudnby's brokers , who sold heivlly , wlillo Krnncll-ltopklns , Io/an A. Co and tchwart/- llupin were all fico sclleis On the break 1'iirdrldgo wasa lna\j bujcr , and It was a part of I he current gossip that hn hud got In nboiit the last of bis short line , much of It pay ing a lianiotni * profit. Asldo from raidildgii there was vigorous buying on the decline. L'rop news showed no ImpioM mriil. I'll me telegiaphdl Hull on tlio wholo. the Amerlciln wheat ctop was In poorer coiKlllliui Mum a week ago while .HMIIO elides M ported the diimlh still prevailing In Hughim ! while tint wcathni In 1 rancu was threatening Thcio was qulto a reliction , but the \lslliln supply was again disappointing to the filends of wheat , as they were iivpectlng nearly 2,000- 000 bii. dLOreaso and tbero was selling when the small di ere isii was known Cable ad\ Ices from Paris sild aUo th it It was i lining In rriincoandi'top piospectsbeltei with lilds foi wheat withdrawn Uloslngconllm nlnl cabh " were about from we to " c lowei Hum > e-loi- day and with some Ilitctu itlons ( kcllneil fiom JSctoW'moio , then lallhd fiom J c to' i' , again eused oir le and the closing was about from % o to le lowei for .Inly and We lower for Heptember than the closing llguii's of Hatui- Uay , Corn rerehid only a moderalo degree of at tention , ptlrcH being nariow , and mostof the business wns conllned to loc il tradci * ' 1 he trtido on the start was Inclined to li" easily lu ll uetieod In some ( kgiee by the i liny weathiM and faMirable news regarding thu pi intlng In thowi'ht. Opening trades weio at a slight de cline , and soon afterward sold oil a fiarllon nunr , when the demand became more urgent , especially for May on the lllural decie ist ; In tbo visible Hiipply , and the pi Ice woikodup from ' , ( c to V : . niled e isler but clo-ud w Ith a trlllo gain. OatK weio fairly ! ictl\eandeast ( > i. due lo Iho weakness In wheatand the fn o Milling of Maj by a loading shipping home , also to the In crease of 23 ( > .0IO ( mi In the visible supply I'rlcesopened frijin 'jc to ' { r lowei , audio- ceded ? > c for May , and fiom n c toc on Iho other months. Aflet u modulate i illy prices again 3 lelded , and the close was easy at about the Inside. Provisions wcic dull but steady to Him , fol lowing a weak opening. 'Iho m elplsof hogs weio iii'iny , amounting to 2H.OJO he id and ptlccH wi IK iiiot | < d from lOc to 15c lowoi It wasdlfllcull loevecute oideis at the norm il maiket pi Ice. An attempt to buy o\ena moderate quantity ot either pork , laidoi ill is , always adxanci d the pi he aboxo the previous quotation , and II w is coi respondugly ! loweied by the ecutlon of a selling oidei. I'stlmated receipts foi lomonow : Wh.'iU , 250 cars ; corn , 380 c.us ; o its , 400 c.us ; hogs , 20,000 head , 'Iho leading futures ranged as follows : AllTICICH OI'ES 11111,11 1 OH UOSt KAI'V \Vhenl.No7 73H 7J 71 7514 bepl Wi 7'J'IUH Corn Ivo 2- Mny. . . . 43 421J 41 421 41 Juno 41 \ tiH Julr 4IJk Be pi "li 44) $ tlh Oul > .So 3- Mnr 30 10W Juno . . . . Jnly tiept 2l ? ( .McuHl'ork July 20 SS 23 45 20 Jl M S7'n .W IS JU 15 JO W1- 0 JU ii I'j 0 47'n Ln ra il ny . , 10 40 July . 10 i2's ' 10 G7H 10 1.5 10 I , ' ) S-ept . 10 7JI , 11 Vl\4 \ 10 70 10 ' . 10 ' .U Jluy 0 90 ' ) US n M 1)f ) , il 'I , July. . . . V VJ 1(1 ( 15 II 'I I 10 C7't ' 10 07 Ecpt. . . 10 00 10 2& 10 m 10 IS 10 IS CuslKiUotatlons weio as follows : ri.oun I'll in ut iinrlmtiKod pi Ices ; vvlntei patontK , 13 00 ® : ! bOj wlnlor Hlialn'hl s , $100 143 BO ; spiliis patents , TJ.TOTl-t.'jri. hpibupit- inlH stialKhtN , $ J.7D4J.M : bukuiV , J2 i5 ! 2 CO. CO.WHEAT WHEAT No. 2 sprlnp , 73'Jc ; No 3 spring , f.o. bor.i474c ( ; No.2 icd , 7.c. COIIN ? vo U , 41W4.ic ! ; No. J , jtllow.clos- Inp , 43c. OATrt-No 2 , 3Ki30' ( ' < c ; No 2 white , f.o.b , 8& " , < 83 < V , No 3 white , f. o. b , 3J'31c. llti No.'J. OOc. HAIIMCV No 'J , no sales ; No 3 , f o b14 © 6bc ; No 4 , f. o b , tc. ( ) riAXbK.r.Ii No 1 , $1.05 TlMOTJlYrifcl'li I'rlino.tS 02 bid. 1'oiiK .Mo-.s , per bbl , * 20tI7''i ; lard , per 100 Ibs , $10 4& ; short rlbshlcs ( loose ) , $1(1 ( ( )7'i ) bid ; dry hulled shouldeis ( hoved ) < ] OHi(4 ) 102r > ; shoitclcai slde-s ( boxed ) . $10 U/i / K ) 00 WaiHKr Distillers' ( Inlshcd Koods pur nl , HIIO'AIIR UnciaiiKodcut ) ; lo.if , (3c ( ; ianulatcd t > 4 ! > c ; Mandaid "A , " fi a. The following wuiothu iccolpts nnd slup- me'iitHfor today : On thu I'rodiico oxchaiiKo todav tbu butter nmrkut a vveaknr , cnninuiry , lUiJ.li1 : d iliy. JBit'Jlc. I'B S , dull ; Mi lolly ficsli , I' ! < ai3'c. Oiniilin ( , r mi. The folliivfniR prices aio for dull very at MH- nr points : \ \ IILAT No. 2 Hprln. ; , 71c bid ; No 3 nrlns , OOc bid ; Xo. 1 ! hard , uoo bid ; No. 3 bird , Uic bid. bid.HvKNo. . 2 , 60c bl'l. O\TH .No. 2 white , 31 jc bid ; No. 3 wliltu. Olu bid , UOIIN No. 2 cash or May , aoo ! bid ; No. 2 ithltu , I0o bid ; No. 3 or bnttor , cash 01 .Mny , BU'ic bid ; No. 3 white , 3Uc mil , Ainiini ; the silos vvtru : 1'orty cars No. 2 corn , 30 da ) b shipment. Toledo terms , UOo. > > oiv Vork .Miiilinl8 NKVV YOIIK , May in.-ri.nim Hecolpts , 25- 8B7 ukcH. ; ( UDOits , 13,405 bbls , U , ( > 2J ( icks ; Bales 3.0IK ) pk N ; market voiy dull , llrm uud c KYIririn , dull ; wcstcin , 04aC7c. ( IIAIII.I.V MAI.T- Dull , hti ady. \ViiRAr-lti > cult | ) , UJ , Jall hn. ; exports , 113- 44 J bu. ; sales , 3Ulri,000 ! bit. futures , 04,000 bii. cpot. Knots dull , \o. 2 red , In Muni and ulu- vnlor. 774.f678'4Calloiit ; , 7U' < { 671)'Jc ) ' ; f. o I ) . , 7WHOUC ; No. 1 north ! rn. MJ > 4 < ( j 3c. Oi- ] tlonK we to moihiiatuly ncilve , lireuular and Htuidy at tlio close , at a decllno of Wtiic- duo loan liicii'asoon pass.iK and tnsloiu , llnun- cbil trotiblual Ihuvest , line uia-li'ir , modur- ute forelcn t-oIlliiK and local ieall/lnn ; No 2 May , 77S5 i7H'c , closln 77'.o ; .luno , 78 40 7llc. ) clnsliiK , 7a'4c ; July. HU'VBHlc. uloslns BOHc ; Kiptcmbui , bJUlit.ttJ'.c , doilni ; B.l'4c ! Dicumboi , hii'.c. MockH of Kriiln , htoin and alloat , May 13 ; Wlitiut. 0,416,011 ; coni.441.'JOO ; oats,4.1l,317 ; ryu , 23.20U ! burlnj , 'JO.O.W ; malt , 2J'JHJ ; VttUi ! 1eiolpU ( , 22.44U bu , ; export * , 17,017 bu , ; biles i.miaoHi ( im futuios. bti.ooo bu Hiuit. Spots llrm. inilei ; No. 'J. O.V liiflovator , WVilOanc allouti uiiKMiliil , fiJif 04c OpIloiiH fahly al'tlvc' ' , In m nnd > t i\t } liUlH'i on sboils , cuveihu' , decicasi dhtdck.diciuasu on puss IL-O nnd tliinei VM-SI ; iliiy.fjl'lc , .liinenti > c ; July , 6\c ( ) ; AUKUbt.CiO ciN'pltmhui.filUc ' OATH Kecelpl , & 70UtiO bu. , oxuoiu , 2U.474 bu. ; sides , H.DUII bu , fiitnri' , n.OOO bu. siuit. Hi'ots fairly aclhii. Options dull , lower ; .May U&'ic ; Jniii,3iJc ; July. : ) , ' , ( ; .NoJ nhltu41)c ) i No. 2'bUiiKObj > .ciH7 ( ; No : iuhlle , H&Ml'i ; iiil\e'il vvfstcin , 'JOitaa'.ci ' wlutu wtmein , Wtt 40c. 40c.UAV UAV I'lrm. llorx ( iih'l. llrm. Hun s Oulet , ciuy : wet failed , Ni > w Orleans U'liclul 46 to GO lbi < , 4 > iH 5c ; Ti'Mis Mi ll ( Mid , ft ) ) to dO ! ! ) . . &ft7c ; lluenos Ajrusdiy. M to 30 Ibs , liicj ! TI-JHIS dry , 20 to 26 Jb > . . 1 J i fnt meats , ( mlut llrm plckli d khouldciM , 'J'Hl < - ! mldile | > . ( | ulut. tlrai. t Laid , Millet , oiii'iu'd lower , cl ( > sud stiadj ; vvt ' fclciiin cfo.rd at f 10.H3 ; hales , 30ti tieicos , part hi till GTMoptlon Milij. . noun ; May closenl ut , 10bO ; July closul f 10.00 ; t-epu-mber closed I tl 1 20. Pork , eas } , iiulul. Illirrin l.owir , moderutu demand ; dairy , JA.1 ! MI stern cieameiy , 2'Jt.2&c ; ctory , Ib&JJo : KiKliiy , 24ii(25c. ! ( Quiet. IrrfKiilar ; part skims , 2H Klb I.tirto recolptu , vteuk ; rrcelplH , 8,178 vkgii ; western , frenh , l&cj duck , 1&1 oo c I'jiiiiOJJUU-Estlncd , loner , quiet ; rctlucd , Now Vnrk , 15 Ifi ; I'lillailolnlila nnd Itiltlinoro , . ' , 10 ; riilladiilphla nd llultlmore In bulk , li r,0il2 Ofi ; I'ldtr-d , closed nt OHc. TAMOVT Scnreo , strong ; city (12 ( per pUg ) , ue bid. C'OTTONRkPliOllQuiet , firm ! crude , 48c bid ! jollow , 51c bid. Hosix-Dull ; common to ( tooil , II 27StM.'JO Ttmi'lNTINH-ynlPt , llrmnl 31 < ( t31Vc. 1UCE Kasy ; ( itilni ; fair lo citri , naf > ' 4ci Mni.t < 4 . < * Hull , slc-uly ; New Orleans , open kettle , Rood to choice , aoitSHc. Hl-tun-Kii-.easyquiet : fnlr refining , 3Se' ! ccntrlfUKiils , 90 tost. 4 l.lficisiles. 6,800 Imirj ciiniriruxiU , 90 test nt4 l-HVo. I. t , ; rotlm-d ' , ( loucr , iiulul ! oT ( A , 4 U-lOSl&V ! mold A , GVIG tl-liic : standard A , fil-tflttfiSi1 ! 'on- forlloner * A , 6 l-llVTt&WI e'lit leif , 6st5i 5 13-lOc ! crilsbcil , O'.ftS 13.1(5r" ( powdered , r.n-lOfWVic ; granulated , G 3-10tt5lc ; cubes , 0 Il-HWiVc. I'lu Iiiov-Qulot , Heady ; Amerleiin , JI4.7& ® 10 1)0 Coi'iiciiVeak : like.Ml 00. Ii-Aji-Kiisy-domestic , $3 bO. , Tl'Ynki htrilt , tl9 50 bidM0.6U asked ; pi-lion , dull , atcady. Spelter , dull ; domestic , 14.35 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Onmliit I'miluia Mnrkot. The week opened with the enoral mnrkut rather ( | titnt and devoid of any very Impor tant features. Thn light receipts of berries provoiite-d there belli * very iniich ncllvlty around tbo fruit houses. As already noted there Is u ( rood denl of comphilnt on tlio pnrt of country denier * that they cannot sot rccu- 1 ir supplies of hurries mid that a peed ninny orders sent In by them are turned down It has been , however , Imposslblo to HU country oidctson account of tno poor riunllty of the tecelpts which would noliidmltof their lielm loslilpped. It looks now us If lurries would bo M-iioo und hluli for the b iliincnof the month , Aikni'.ns , TCIIIIOSSIU and Kentucky h.ivo about ilNJoscl ( of their crops and southern Illinois will not liuvu n veiy lirn'o : cron ovvlnt ; to the d.iinagre from cold vveiitbcr. 1 hn Mis souri crop IH ! itu und Hill not be. l.iw , as the llrst blosMims vvei-o killed , and In homo hec- ttons almost tin * entire cion was dostroyed. As noted at the ch u of last week , the epc nmrke't was very vienk , and at the opeiilnn of I he present vvee-k sumu of the houses that hiivo plenly of iKitse-nl ( hit prle-u to 1-c , while others m ide a reiincllun to onl.v 1-lJc , vvhllu sllllolheis , not aw.uii of HUM ill , we-ro uskliiK Lie' . Duihiis Inivo been cl.ilnMn for some time that this miukel vv.m too liwi iiscom- niiid with other m nkets , nnd tiMlhn CKKS Hern coinlnj lee fust to bo ilNpiibed of there wa noolhi'i vvny III into m-t the m irket dovvn vvheie It would IK ) piK-dhlo lo ship The re- fnstil of Iho binkto loin money on ojtss put In uMi'in cold stoi.iKe IIOIIMM li is c.UHJd a KOOI ! m inj i CKS to bu IhiOH n on the markets of llm cotinliy that otbciHKo would havu been held back A Rood ninny look lo see the markets of thu country drop still loner before loni : Ihenoultiy mnikct was quiet as nsuil on the lint d.i ) of the week , neltnur the leeulpls nnr the demand being vciy I irt o. 1 hu hay m like ! nppo us to buiiillte firm. Al'l'i.vs Cholcu stock , fJ 7.1'BJ 00 per bbl. .SrlUVMlKllltlF'j-CllolCUslllpplnB Stock , f 1 50 put 21-nt. case LhMONtfChoice , Jl.25400 ; tiincy , J4 7u 000 HAN \ \ AI1'er bunch , Including crates and packing. * ! 0032.00 I'IM'Vll'l.lsI'ordo ? , } 200J1220 OIIVMIINowcastle California seedlings , $ J Ml , Nuwc istlu Medllerinnu.in sweets , J2 00 ; Cgillfornl i mountain oi.tnccs , iJ'JJit riO ; \\ashliiKlon n.iveN , choice. U.isliln : ton nivi-K lain'u sl'es , Ji oorj.a.70 ; Itlversldu M-edlltiKS , fj 70 , Ik dlands , tJ 70 , Kudlamls , 12Hsl/e , UOO lUT n HI , I(1S ( ! ( , (1VVII' , PtlOl.TUY. IlUTi ) u I'ackliu slock. HjitJc ; falrlogood ( ounlry roll , 12 ,1-lc- choice to funcycountry , 10161 He. I ( , us iicncrnl market. 12TJ13c. I'oui.ruvCholcu hens , Uc ; mixed coops , 7'ii.Hc , old loosters , OQdc , Ke'euu und ducks l'i VH-l'ui 11-bu box , $1 ooai 10 111NS Clmlcu n ivy , JJJJJ.J.10 , commoi SUM k.tl.'JOSJOO CM iHiitMA < < mi AOR I'erlli. He. Soui in UN ( 'Aiinvdh Pun late. f.t. ( HCIIMIII us Choice , pet do51.00. . \VA\Hi8VNrl-Poi M-bil box.fl.OOiel.lO. SIIIIMI Hi vvsI'er 'a-liu box , fl , Si'iNACll I'ei bbl . $ J OH AM'VII Vdl's PCI doI li470c I.Iri licit Pur do35'rJHi ) - . HAIil'-llls Perdo ? . J'i'tf 0u. PvnsihPei doJ0jii ( : ( , - . 'lOI'OMOVS Pel ( ! ( ) / , JOtiJoC Poi \Tls-Ooloi ( ) Klo Mock I1.10S1.20 ; Wis consin burl ) inks , fl ; wcsU'in Nubraska , { 1 , I'll I'I.AMPi r 00-lb IIOXIH , il-1 - ' . " . N w HUTS -Per do/ bunches , 70c. > iiv > ( vuitois I'er ( hibnnehos , 70c. Nl W Tl'UMPS Pei do/ bunches , 70c. SyL vsn Pei bu. box , 8-1 OlUsl 70. llfllvniDA ONKINS Pei hu box. S2 20. M'W P.irvidi s Soiuh in , pel bbl , fj 00 ; pei bn box. WOU ; Callfninl t , PCM ll > . 3'ic. Mllslllioovts Per 111:11 : Let hisliOI.11. \\Aai n Cltht" Pei Id-qt. box , H.75. MIX'I'M , VM ( ) l)3 II vv The m ukuton KOJd upl md b iy , $8 00 In cm lots Vivir - Choice nnd sin ill fat , 75 > 3' c ; lar o tinil thin , J Oc. St. I. unit VI irlo-ts. M Lotus , Mo , M iv 15. I'muil Qulut , Inclined to wuakness , but prlcub not ( iiiota clKinu'td \ \ in.r Unsettled , liie iilu 3i'iJ'iiC ' lower on Iln inclal nunNo ; J tud , cash , 70c ; 'ifa C'J'aCi.Iuly , 70'jC. ( oitN hlioiiK on crop news , but weikened with whcit , closlni ; nm h IIUFI d ; No. 2 mixed , c ish , JU'iC. ' May. .lU c ; Julj U ) ' , 140 c , OA18 I ealurelus ; No U e isb , 31'c ; Miy 31iC.luly ; , 2H'tc ' ; AuKiist 27'sc. Pnov isiovs I'.ii y ) uly , bill Him later ; poik , stand ird moss , JJO 70 ; laid. tl)20 ( ) ; dry salt meals , loose slmnlili is , Sit ) ; IOIIKS ami ribs , MO .I" ) ; sboils , fill 1)11 ; biiNed , lOc moru. llaeon , p ii'l.i d khotildeis , $1000 ; long's and libs , tl 1 JO , shoils , 811 ( > J'j ' ; h mis , .sugar cniid , l.lit Me KfCKll'lH-riour , 7,000 bbls ; wheat , 17,000 bu ; iorn , 100,000 bu ; o its , & -,0l ! ! ) bu ; bai ley UOVObn. HHIPMI.NTSrioui. . 0,000 bbls , wheat , 10,000 bu , coin , 12,000 btj ; o its , 2,000 uu . ; rye , 1,000 bu KIIIIH is Cltj Uulotls , K vssts OITV , Mo , M iy 10 NViirirVeiUi Noih.ud. . 70i.71'4No ( ( : iiitd , 70c. tons -liiuKtilni ; No 2 inixod , 30330' , c ; No 2 while. ,17'tTtJBi- -In full ( lemind , Xo 2 mixed , 29'lffl 30No ; 2 vvliiti. J2'aJJc ' , I'us Dull and uiisoUled at 11 'ic. ' Him ni t m imeiy dccllnliin' , 2Oi(23c ; dairy wiak , 10 l'ji- Kl-Ul.ll'Tri Wheilt , 20,000 bu ; corn , 21,000 bu , oats , nonu. fciiii'iiKMS Wheat , 0,000 bu , ; corn , 3,000 bu ; oats , none. ItrltlHb ( .rain Trxln Itrvlnvr. LONDON , May 10 In Its weekly rovlmv of the lliltlsh nraln inidu the MarU Linu Express savs ; I.nKlWi wheat has uili am ed Od during thu week III fifty-six out of sixty markets. I'orulKn wheat has ailvanced In poi iitirtur | iindei tliii stimulus of hid rcporu from thu I'nlled ' Slates Ihu lesuivo loriiUn wheat slocks In dreat Itiltaln amounts lo a,217OUO iniiituis , iiKulnst 'J.li'JO.OOO ijuirteis at thu coriispiindliu tlmi' last yeai Coin Is dearer In two-thirds of tbu luadin m itke ts. Cotton Mm KOI. N'l.w ORl.tAM * , Li , May 10. Quint nni' ste idy ; Kood middling. 7vilow ; middling 73-ll > u ; Komi oiillniuj , O'sc. Net lecelpts 1,3'JO bales ; KIOSS , l.OHu bales , sales , 000 bales stock , Ki.l.MI ) bales 1 ulliri-h steady ; stiles 40,700 bales ; May 17.20 bid : June. t7.21W7.2J ; July , t7.27fi7.2rt ] AllKUst , J7 J ! < r,7 ( .10 ; iqiliMiibor , $7..l7f,7 ( ( ! IO October , (7.124(7.4.1 ; .November , * 7.47u,7.4B ( Ucct-mLior , $7.0 ip7 0 I iiurkiitt MII.WAHKKK Win. , M y 10. WlltAT Kaslcr July. 71 ' Ji'i No. 2 spi lnn-i 7O - . C'oiiN-Qulet ; .No. J , PJ'.tatSc. ' OATS rum ; No. 2 wliltu , J0c ! } ; No. 3 1IA111.I V-ll-'jC. ItVK-dOf , I'noviMONs-Qiilet , pork , July , JJ0.171J. ( otluo U tndit * NKVVOVOIIK , M iy 10. Options steady , nn- rli.nik'od -Jiipolnih un , closed steady , 0 points up ; niks : , _ " . ) , IM ) li i 's , Inclndini ; : May rlOb (01070 ; Juno , J10 HO' jilO It ) ; July , $10.20 1040 ; Aiin-iis1. (10 Jiicl0.20i ) --e'litiimbcr I14.UOlBlO.lO , Oclnhm.iHO OOo.10.lO . , Decem ber , * ll.UOrl4 UO ; Jiinuiuy , I14.UO. r > liut Klo Him , quiet , No , 7 , * 10.00 Liverpool ( I' LtVEiii'ooi , , May -\\IIKAT Steady , do inaiid modi i ite , holde-isoltui miKluialely ; No 2 rod , winter , Os 1 1'sdtMis ' > > I put cunt il. L'oii.N i.is : > ; dumand inodeiatu ; mixed west urn. 4s ( > d percenial JjAitD Piiiiii ! ui stum , O.ls pur cnt , COMMON KIUI.NJ.IKI p i cut , 1'lilUilolphlu in uu Market. Pnu.Aiin i > iiu , Pa. , Mav 10. WIIKAT i ; No 2n.-d , Ma > , COII.N I'll m , luihei , .No , i ! inUed , & 0S S Wl'ic. CUTS In c.u lots , dull and lower : fuuic neglected und nominal , Noi \ white , May , 4Ui eU't-c. Iliiltliuoru drain Uurl ( t. Itu.TivKiui' , Md , Miy 10. WiibAT Firm No - led , NHI | and May , 77' < c. t'oti'l Mum ? , nil\ed , hjiat and Mny bid , tu-ry bio id ) j Nn. U vvhllg Hualurn , 4'Jc , Toludu lirui i ilui-ki'l. Toir-no. O , May -Wiii'AT-Aetlvo uni lovuir ; No.'J , ctihli and Muy , 7au , I'litts inllbti\uly ) ; No.y , ctish and May OATiS-Qulut ; No. 2 , cash-J3u. lluy ut Hutfur llurkct HAVANA , Mny 15. Quint ; receipts from Mn 1 to May 111 , 7J.OOO bugs , 14U lihdn. N vr York Dry ( joudi .Market. NKW YOIIK , May 16. There wan no change li the dry i'ovxis murliut otlior Uiau tb&t tlitn wns a inoro Intent lookout for lnrtlc-\tIons of developments In the Undo for the fill ncn on. HONIIS. Sccnrltlrn Opened Under n ( Mnnil Oirhiff to Ilia Stonry Mnrkpt' * Condition. Nr.vr YOIIK , Mny 15 Tlio stock mnrkct opened jinder n cloud , owln to the depressed condition of tlio London mnrkot , the bank failures In Australia , the vmbnrrassincnt of nicrcnnttlo nnd itinkliiKConcPins In this countrv nnd the talk about heavy tnports of Bold. Prices de clined sharply nnd there wnsn he uy pressure tosell H illies occi'rrod nt Intervals , but thS be market failed to hold the advance , nnd bo recoveries only served to make the bcnrs nero iiKKrcsstve. When delivery hour cnmo rid no fnllitrci were announced at the board , bo shorts took alntm and started to cover. At about the same time It wns reported that hose Interested In the National cordnito com- inny bad appointed a committee consisting of JcorgoU. Maiioun , truest Thalinnnii nnd O. II. Gassier to nrrnnRo n plan of rcorKnnlzitloti nnd tlmt the nuances of the company upon m estimation were found to bo In much bolter hnpu than was supposed. Cordage common huietipon rose O'i per cent to 1(1 , nnd the referred Jumped 10 pjr cent , to 4S ) . The ro- natnder of the list xiinvvcd iidvances on the owestfluurcsof thu mointiiK of from V per cut to 3 % per cent and the market closed Inn In tone. The feelhi ) ; at the close was noruconlldeiitthan of late , owing to the ub- sune-eof local failures , the ease iln money and hu receipts of gold nl tlio mbtn.'usury fiom . 'anida and western banks. The Post says : Per Us violent successive lucluatlons In all directions today's market ins raruly been paralleled. Thu opening wns 'ollowed by a temporary piusu In activity , : hls by n steady crumbling away of prices , his a aln by an equally sudden nilly. Tbcro vure , In some qttai ters obv lous marks of ( julut nvestment buying , yet some of thu slouks In favor wltli Investors broke he tv- ly In the face of It , notably for Instance , New } oik Central. Thu steady and conce'ntralud nitpourof IOIIR slock for the account of local louses , which distinguished list week's m ir- ( ol was not witnessed today. \ \ lint was , bow- uvei , pirtlcillarly striking , was tbo practi cally uninterrupted weakness of tile arbitrage stocks , rellectln t cle irly the distress In Lon- Ion. In thu htilf hour befoiu tbu close , the naikot suddenly becaino Inictlve , closing vlth the uruatust possible Irri'uularlly. Or- K nil7ed manipulation for tbo decline was MI iln lous as to explain much of thu ( lay's curl- ) iis features I'liu following are the closing quotitiuns of hu leadings looks on tbuNuw Vork Block ux- h IIIRO today : Aiclilson Noritiern I'neln * . . 11119 Kinross . , 150 Northern 1'it | if I . .Kit , Alton , T II . . . . J I' . Do A uulf . U lo pruforriM . HJ Nortliircntorn . . . Aiuurlcm lixprnss in do profurrcii . . . . liilllmoiu A Uhlo V V , Central. . . ( .nnKl-i I'nolflc inW N' Y A..N K . . . . nnnniH o itliurn W ) at \Vejtcra . , Ontrnl I'aclllc . Ore'iion Imp . id 'ion & Ohio . . . Ornjun Nitr . . . . 63 lilcak'o Alton UJ . ) S I , A U. N . . . ; . ii. AQ . . . . Hi'l I'nclfleMall lllCIKO ( ills I'eorla , I ) ft U . . lonsolldtiicd ( Ins 114 < , I'ltttburir ' . O i .Vat. I , , . _ . „ L'ullinnn I'ulico 171 otton DlU'crt . . 114 tcadlne 23 Del Iliution 131'i ' Illcnuiond 1' nulll'l 5H U. I * A VV 117(4 ( do prafcrreil IU " D All (1 ( pf d . . . . 87U Ilia drnniloV . 21) AC F.Co I4 > < tto prafurrcil. . . . . Ka-t'lonn 2 , Itoci Islnlul . . . . St I'aul . Krle prof.irrcil . . do preferred . . 115 Forl VVHTiie . . . . 1SJ t. I'aul V Oiunlm . t'l ' ( Jt .Northurn pf il I2J do profurrod. . . 115 0 A K I ( .f ,1 . llzn Soatliorn I'uclllc . 20W HorklngVMlH ; . . zn < Ucllnorr , . . . Illinois Contrnl . in Penn CoiKMron. -t. I'HIII vuuluth I'l'xns 1'nclMc . . . Knn i 'Van pf il lol .V < l I on ( if il l.ukn KrhK' . \V'i'it. 1MJ Unlo i 1'nclllo . . . 21) ) Jo tirofQrred . . ( S 61 Lake simro 12JV , W - > t. I. V 1 I.unit Trust . . . . " do proferrud. l.onlg An > h Wells tur o Kxp 1 null tNuwAl Wc'torn Union . . . Mnnlinttan , on 1S7 Whcullnx.t U K . . Menii | l A elm n n. 40 do prefurrud . . . .MUhl/nn i cntral Vllnn V St U . Mh iiurlI'acUIP . . . i > * H C . Mublln VOblo . . Cenerul Kluctrlc , .Violivilla Uuitt . . Nut I In . Nnllunnl ConlnuD ( X 1'uel .1 Iron . . . , ill ) iiroforrpil . do pruTurred N J i entrst . . . . 1U7 tul A A .V. N. M. . . .K . Nurfulk t VV p'fil Tel st i , , v K C . North Aincrlciin Co Co prof or ru I * oxillv The lot ils lies of stocks today were 371,000 shares. Including Atchlson. 18,500 : Ilurllng- ton22.00O ; Cheipe ike A , Ohio , 3,000 ; Chicago cage tj.is , 14300 , Lickiiw.inni & , Western , 13,000 ! Distilling. 14 GOO , III le , 5.000 ; General r.lcctilc. 5,700 ; LakeMioru. 4'jnt ) ; Louisville & . Nishvlllc , 10,700Mtinlmltin 9.HOO : Mis souri I'nclllc , l > ,500 : Nation il Le id. 3.300 , Niw Voik ( Vntial , 12,200 : N itlonul Cold igo , 11100 ; .Not thorn I'nclllc prefenoil , 4,000 , New rnslaml. 3,400 ; Ui idlmr , 11,000 : Kouk Isl ind , 10,100 ; hi. 1'aul , ( > 1,700 : 'nigu. 10,000 ; Union I'aclllc , 0,000 : Western Union , 11.000 London I limncml Itevluvv. | Copi/if ihte.1 isyihu Jii net ( Iniilm lisn i''t. ] LONDON , M iy 15 [ New \oik llorild Cable S'ocltil ' to TUB Iln : ] Tliustoek maikut h is been In \ery fovorlsh and excited condi tion Liquidation on a very largo sealo lias tnuen place , Tbieo f.illuies ncie announced iinda fouitli and Inipoitant ono would hive been dcclaicMl but 3 o'clock struck und so It was defeired until tomoriovv , Consuls hiivo fallen ' , perl cut for the account and 1-0 per cent ( lollvoiod 1'or- elgn govouimeut securities vveio Irregul ir iinililosu vvt-ik. ArKentlnu Issues h.ive fallen 1H to 1 ! per ( out and Msvui.il otbeis fioin'u to ' { pei cent Home rnllvvavs were ie ttly de- pic'ssed and a general decline was established , i mgln , : fiom ' { to li'j pei cent , thu le id being takin by .soutlioistein. Amcr cans wore be ivlly sld and although Hhuies were fu-ely taken a fuithei fall of priceoccurred. . It Includes 1 ! pel ( out InAtcblson , ChicIKO , Mll- vv mkeo and Dunvor jirefoiiod , 3 percent In Lake HIOIO , i't per cent In Illinois C'enlral and from ' , to 14 In nil otheis , but a i.ithur bettui tendency prevailed at tbu oMremucloin Can adian lines sullen d nn equ il extent and all aio doun ' , lo 3 per cent. Money wasfalily plentiful at'J'i to. ) per cent but discount terms anh udarit JV pericnl. an advance of the bank i ito no\t Thursday belns gcnei illy ex pected. I'aiiiircH In Lonilon , LONDON , May 15 1 heollicl il hour of closing today left ( he Mock exi bangij foveilsb and ex- cltid over ( ho developments of the dnj Tlirtu lief miters bad been nostcd , while II was known that a foiiilh and most Impoilant falluiu had only been dufeired until tomorrow The deal ings In thestieot proeeedod from bid lo vvoiso nnd ended In a fei lltu that mUht falily bo called pinlcUy IlesUlns Iho AiiMiallun col lapses , umoiUHt which the faltui'e of tbu ( \ > m- ineichil 1 ! inkingconipinv of hjdney Has tbu Kiavest yet.innoiinced , tbu lepnited Koldshlp. inents to New Vork and tbo ml v iris of lower prices fiom Wall street added to tbo depies- sfiui. \\hen the street business ceased the colonial government Htocks had none down an average iiiiicentiigu of'j ' on thu day's trans ictlons. Tbu day N fall on Laku bborti was .1 pjr cent , Illinois Conliul 21 ' , percent , Milwaukee , Atohl- MIII and Denver piefened 2 pui cent and other American hecuillles fiom 3.i to I1' percent. In le ard to tomorrow It Is feared that the tiou- bles both In financial and commercial elides will be increased by the fulliiio of ( ilusgovv and j'dlnbuiKh bousos heavily Involved through the suspensions of Australian bankIng - Ing houses. I'inu lelal M irke-t DvpreKHril. Ni.vv YOIIK , May lo. Th" I'ost's London financial cabin reports that tlio markets HI u very much depressed today , closing at tbo vvoiht ( txcept for Amurh-ins , which recovered fractionally. The failure of two Queensland baiikhiind the t'oiiimeicltil ltiinkofis > ydnp > , ( the latter bus been considered of the llrsl rank ) , caused curriBtiondln , ; dismay. ConsoUbtivu failed ' ® 1 point. Colonial KovernmentK aie asi unsalable as all Australian ventures. Them 11111 further failures on tiiu hu kk x- ebatue , connected with Oreak , Ait"iitliii.ind I'oi tiirftiese bonds All tbu m irkets tveiodu- piL'ssul uxcotit vvheru large bull accounts worn outstanding. Tim block excitant. ) com mitted h-iil oidcrod a liolUlav fur HUM h itiu- day , but canceled this because of tbu tunnlon. Now Aork .Uoniiy .tliirkut , YOIIK , May 10. MONI.V ov OAI.I/ " I' li'J percent ; last luiin 2 closedolToied ul U" I'uiuisMeitUANTir.K I'vi'r-u OftR per rent. Oovi liNMUNi llONDs-bieiidy. btato bonds , ( lull. briii.i.NO nxciiAvifc riiin , with actual bunlnesH In bankers' hlllx at t4HriI4@-iB5l > for hlxtvd lys and * 4.BK'i4 ! H'JU for ( liuiiunil. ' 1 he clostni ; iiuotutlons uu bonds ; -I. U.t I VI turn ji SJ U , ri 4 * rouii . . , it. U A b r' U n U. 1U5 U. s it , . tJH V ) at 1'nul Con . I'UultlD U > Of 'Jj ! 0o st I' . C. A t' . Uli Loulnlinii puil 4i r. i * . u u 'ir lun. Mlbsourlic IUH I' . I * K 0 'Ir Hot. . . 'I t'lin nuwr aul ( U lua Union I'aclllolits . luo 'Itnn nuvr t't5s 10 j . 100i < term now d J 7 < It ( . W. lull . 71 i mud -outnorniJ lee AlUl 4l . SU fentrnl 1'nclllc Uti 101 Vioh vjt , cn ! A (5' < II. A It II lull . . j , II A a A It . . . IOH I ) . H O 4 87 I 11. AS A , Jl Si. . 103 ICrlu iJt . . . I I' . .V O.- : . I0j M , K A I' ( Joi tit . du I oa il. , . , , . . : M. K A.T ( .nit Si UH i urulln , ( ' . , . , , . 121 Mutual Union oi , , 4 t'arnltaa In . . 121U7 .N J. e' , Int. Ctrl . , < C. Itrownicon . . . N I'AC lilt i a , onn. old 01 . N. I'ac M , . no t'n e . to N.VV , i onkoln . . . . ii Va hi Mill coup . . Si N.\V. Iiti ! > enB r a An. Va co iiM > urle NIIVV Vork Ulnlnc ( Jinn itloiu. NEW VoiiK. May 15 T.io follo ln ; ur < ) thu closing ( luotatloiiit on mlnliiK stocks un the .New VOIK board : Crown I'uliit la I'lymuiitU . . , . , la Con . al A V 2JJ rlurri vvruila , , , , . , 115 Dcadwooil . . . . . . . . > stun Urd . . . . 125 ( lould A L'urrr 7i t iiloiiCun . . , , . . . . luu Halo * .Sorcroii. . . . 70 \ellowjuckot M llomuttaku , , U-C Iron Bltvur 1'J Uojilcan „ II ) Quick tltcr. | IM 2U Ontario UOO Uo prefurr d , . . .1AIJ OpUIr 210 UlUftT IU lioitou Stock Quuiutluui. BOSIOM , Mas ? . , May 16. Call loans , > 2,7 per contitlino loans , Gil 7 percent Closing quotations on slockrt < lKnls ) ( mid mining lmras ; Atch , T A 8 . \vi Tu rr r.l ctrie. JIH Amerlcnn Sujar . do preferred , . 110 Wisconsin fcntrnl. S1 * .state ( Ian Atchltond < < IH Hell Telephone . . . do 4 . . lloston A Albnnjr. . New Knilund Ci 109 llotton A Xlaino . . " JoncrM ii : trlo d 87 do preferred . ! $ \VI Central U . . . . IfiW C H AQ . 81i Altonpi Mln.iiKCo. W Htchliuritpfd , , , . 81ii i Atlantic . . . , , JK General Mcctrlc . . . HoslonA Montana. IB" . IlllnoU steel . Hullo A llo ton . . . GV iloilcMi Conlrnl. . , CMnmetA llocln. . 5S1 N. V AN K . . Centennial. . . . . . . . . . IS Old Colony. , , , . . . trnnklln II Oroeon short Line. , Itnbber . Occooln i-nn DICKO. . , . CJutncj , 110 Union I'aclllc . Ufintn Va CoppT. 5 WeitK-id . . . Inmiunck , . . . . . . . . 110 do ptoforn-d . 81 Sftii Frnncliro Mining O. SVN rinvci < sco. Oil. , M-\y 10 Tlic ofllrKl closlint quotations for milling stocks ted ty vvcru ns follows ! AHa 10 Mono , 10 Ilalclier log Nnvnjo. 10 Ilcjt A llelchor 25 Ophlr VOS lloille Consolidated 11H Potoil 225 llulwor. , . . . 15 Sirnno i . . . W Coni'rt Col A Vft . . . . SOO Mlerra Nevada 100 KurpkaCon w Union Consolidated 100 ( Jould A Lurry . . RJ ttlnli 10. Yellow Jacknt 80 riimnclnl Moti' . CITV , Mo , May 15. ClonrltiRs , NI.VV'YOIIK , May 15.-Clcnrlngs , J87UG9U7 ; , M ly 15. Tlirco per cent rentes , QOf O2'c for thu necoiint. SA.V rii\NCi ro , Oiil. , May 15 Draft 25cj tolejriiihle' | , UOe. OMVltA , May 15.-rir irlnito. (1,310,510 ; 8 line < lay last vvce-k. $1,3SO , 810. II Vt.TIMOIir , Mil . M-iy 15 Clu irlliCH. 12,227- 03H ; htlnne-e-s , 1375,135. Monuy , 0 pur cent. LONDON. May 15. Amount of bullion pone Into tliu II ink of Digliiml on baltinco today , iOS.OOO I'nit.vnrM'iii v , I'.i , Miy 15 ClunrlnRs , JllllJ,7i ) > 7 ; balance. ) , J 1,423,00 J. Money , 4'j UL'I cent. MRMPIIIS , Tcnn , Miy 15. Now York ox- rilliljll' sjllltiK it $1.50 L'llMilIllJM , $ aa7,800 ; li ilance-s , l9JtiUU CI.VINN vii.O , M ly 15 Money.GT&S percent. Ncu VorU O\C'IIM | _ ' < ! .it p ir toOSe pieinliiin. dealings , $ J,2H8,0' 0. 11 vv VNMiy 15 n\clian o. ( pilot ; on tlic United Stallshott slK'ht.Kold , 10i e premium ; on London , 21'c prenilnni. Ilovrov , Mam , M.iy 15. Gleirlncs , $15- I'J.I.'Jlib ; bilincos , * 1 , 818,004 Money , C per ce'iiU Dvcli in o on Now VorU , at par. ST. Louis , Mo , Miv 15 Ole-irlnss , $4,579.- 72b ; balances. HOGii9. Money quiet at OS8 percent. n\cliangu on Now VorU , OOc pui- niluni. N'l.vv OIU.KVNS Li Miy -Cleirlnzs , S057G44 ; Nr-vv Yolk i'\e'liun.io , uominerrl il , 76u per tl.UUJ ; bink , $1 50 per $1,00 ! ) pre mium. UlllCAtn , III , Miy 15.-Cloiruii-i , $18502.- 32,1 Nisvv York o\cli in. ; " , 76u premium. Merlins u\chiinio tlrni , Jl 85' , for s > l\ty-duy bllN uil4.80 for sl lit ( hafts Money steady lit 07 percent. OM VII V I.IV13 b TOU1C M VltlCHTS. \Vcok Opono tilth Light ICi-LclptR unit Life less Tnullnj ; All Around. MOVIIAV , M iy 15. The extremely bearish cloo to tbo muket for all kinds of stock 1 ist vreelc resulted In un- u u.illy sin ill receipts today. Even thu light supplies failed to stlinuKito the in irkots and exoiytblni ; looks ueu.l { . Thcio wore only 7B < ; irs of cnttlo here , not ont'-h ilrof thorn lit foi beef. The situ itlon rt.is pretty much tbo suno ason Saturtl.iy , Ad % Icon from the Pfify woio not such as to stimulate specul lUvofrhlpoers , while tba de pressed condition of the dressed bjof tr.ido gaso little hope for relief from tint qu ir- tei. Trade was decidedly slow , al- tboiuh In , tlio ' m iln juices were about stc idy. CoixHo choice 1 250 to 1,500- Ib beo\cs sold at fiom $4 GO to J5 , wlillo silos of fair to Rood 87O to l,23lli steers weio m ide at from ? 4 2r > to M 55 Common to poor light sHUT and oddH mid ends sold at from H.20 down to $3.75 TriKlo was lifeless tbronshout. In cow stuff tlu > maiket was but little If any dliruiint from thoCIoT.0 of last week 'IhiMO wi 10 p'llrips nfloenlouis _ | on sile , of uhli-b ten \\oio yearlings and piutty sood. These latter Mld strong , mostly at ftom $ t to * 1 UO. r.ilrtojrood butelii'rs' cows wild lartoly at fromJ to $ J 75 , indtJ , 20 to $2 85 boiulit most of the common aim c.lnnln giudos. Yery few cnhes wcio 'nllVad , Tim demand was good and the market litin with s lies at $3 and $3 Itoiu-h flock sold about as on biturday at fiom $2. ( > 5 to * 3 75 for common to \ ry good bulls , o\un and blagh. Thu foiMlur mmket Ib not \oiy rushing just at present. Although supplies are llglit , the demand Is mom so , mid pi Ices .ruled weak at last week's dicllno , 01 IDc to 25c lower than ten days ago 1'uli to good stock. Including o\ur 100 ho id of wustoins sold today at from $3 50 to4 Orj Tbu feeling Is rather beailsh In sj'inpathy wltli the market for fat c ittlo. KoprtsentatHo sales : No. Av. 1'r. No. Av. Pr. 7 . . 01,0 M 75 1 .1030 4 50 13 . , BOJ 3 95 24 .1080 50 & . 702 4 00 21 ins 50 3 ,1O7G 4 00 58 122.J 4 55 21 .1297 4 10 23 .1008 4 55 5. . 1150 4 20 20 1007 4 55 5 .10J3 V 20 21 1091 55 17 . 870 4 25 08 .124J GO 50 . Oil 4 30 47 1280 4 75 02 .1123 4 40 50 1250 4 70 00 982 4 40 18 .IfilJ 4 80 12 4 45 42 .1200 4 90 mill'I'INO AND 24 989 4 10 3 .1100 4 70 3 1140 4 55 55 .1294 4 70 22 .1200 4 55 2 .1305 4 80 HIM I ) . 10 . . 710 3 85 9 .1251 4 50 VKAllL OS. 88 . 007 4 10 COWS. 1 840 2 25 . 1150 3 21 7 HOI 2 25 1 950 3 30 1o . flJO 2 25 11 ' 148 3 30 o , 005 2 25 4 ! )75 ) 3 50 10 . 805 2 40 0 .UMH 3 50 1. . lOhO 2 00 1 1150 3 50 1 , HOO 2 70 7 702 3 5O 3 K5ti 2 75 7 777 3 GO 5 012 2 85 12 902 3 00 3 1017 3 OO 1195 3 00 1 .1180 3 20 1032 3 GO 5 ,11J2 3 25 .1J20 3 05 1 . J10 3 25 1255 4 00 4 . . OJQ 3 25 1440 4 00 Ill-lFFUS 7 508 2 40 1 . . 720 3 73 7 . 007 200 11 95'1 4 00 , 405 3 00 15 . . 5HO 4 00 442 300 50 . . 020 4 15 , 405 3 00 3. ) . 551 4 20 23 . 700 U 51) ) ( > J . . 9 J 4 25 2J , 525 350 20 891 1 30 . 370 3 00 2 . . , 125 6 00 HUM S. 1 , ,1350 3 10 1 . . .1190 3 40 1 1750 3 30 1. . . . . 15bO 3 50 1 . .1910 3 10 STAGS. , ,1402 3 75 1. . . . 1330 3 05 S10CHIU3 V.ND U KHKIIS. 2 . . . . 490 3 00 1 . . . . 1050 3 75 3 1O17 3 00 1 1100 3 75 1 830 3 05 79 . . 7'JU 3 80 LSThllN CATTLE. 22 fdrs . . . 750 3 613 3 utrH , . . .1303 4 00 COI.OIUJUO CATTLE. 2 bulls 1180 2 GO , 10 fills . . . 707 3 75 59 fdrs 905 3 H l Wia\UfiO CATTLE. 21 fdrs . 1201 4 05 * 1 cow. . 070 2 Ml. 8 cows 1018 2 00 1081 3 or * 31 film 8J > llous The markutfivas 15c loner thatPiitur- day und trading w Huxtiemely slow at the de cline. Heeelpth wuroIhn lightest In over u month , and tbo quality was nothing extra , to put It mildly. The iripply VMIH too small to iniiku a good KllllnL' for either of the packet s , \\lilluc.\eosslui rccMuts and u lower marknt at Chicago did not Improve the ( situation any The movement was .vc < ry sluggish As has been the e.isu receuUy weight cut veiy little II jure with buyers'and good to cholco bivs of all weights sold ut fidm 17.10 to $7.20 , vvhllo lough Mtock and quinmon lUlit and under weight giadcs boldutjfroin $7 15 downai low as Jo 70. It look loifgei to dUposo of the few hogs hero Hi in \isuully \ takes lo dlhposiiof foui llme that nuinlior and It was noon be fore the pein had been cleaied bnlis wera hugely at * 7 10. : isngtilust 7,25and J7.30 on hiituriiiiy and 17.40 to7.-15 otiu week anfo lo ' "y > " ' ' l'-1 ' No. A160 fell 1'r. No. Av. Hi. 1'r ti8 160 3UO 10 75 L9 242 320 J7 15 72 IbO 240 l > 90 08 . . .24'2 40 7 15 i4 200 G UO 76 . 'A10 aoo 7 163 14 175 ( > 90 7H 20i 120 7 16H \ ' > 284 7 00 72 225 120 7 15 i : 6 240 7 05 07 .243 120 7 153 0 201 7 05 73 215 IbO 7 15 35 25b 40 7 10 02 .251 40 7 20 7J 102 120 7 1O 70 255 80 7 20 05 245 200 7 15 l.l . .220 HO 7 20 1,5 , ,253 i00 ! 7 15 02 . 274 40 7 20 05 221 80 7 16 72 214 - 7 25 72 254 240 7 15 GO . 24 J 120 7 25 111. 300 120 7 15 7J . .294 bO 7 25 8U. . /2f J 40 7 J& ritw AMI notion. 21 . . 00 4 40 3 . . 273 G 40 nemoralUed btlll u\prohses the con dition of Ihu shee'p trade. Heielptstodnr were 83 loads , but iHiyurH nero bidding tlli lower und v try few bold. It will take a buddon let up in present heavy MiupllcH to onublu thu market to regain any of ( m lost ktrcnxtli , 1'ulr to eood nuth es , H.OUQ15.0 ; fair to good wett- orn * . 400iM550 common find Meek oii' , $ J 5mM ( XI ) peed to cholco 40 to 100-lb. Inlnbs , ( ft OOifMO 60. Hctrcsnnlntho | snips' No Av. I'r. 1H1 mixed ircMorm . . . . . .110 (6403 Hrcrlptu ntnl ll < po ltloii of Stock , Official rorclpls and dlsposllion of stock M uliown by tbn iMjoks of thn Union SUx'k Yar M company for the forty-elu'lil hours ending at C o'clock p. in. , Mny lt > , 1893. HFCMI'tS. lions Curs , Head fntu llli-nd Cur * . I Mend. 1.-1TS it 10 DISPOSITION. l.lvo Stork M irkrt. CinrAno , 111. , May 15. ISpoclitl Teleerim to TUB llhR.l There wcro less th-in 12.000 im- tlvu cattle bora today , and although buyers of no grade of stock took hold with much snow of Interest thp prevalent feeling for good to choice iiualltlus was tinner than for somu days past. Common medium sorts were stow and birely steady. Quotations wore firm -J1.05 to $4. d5 for poor to cholio cows nnd heifers and from H.25 to tb.lo foi dirssod hoof and shipping steers Most of the cows and bulls Mild at from JJ.5U to3 50 and the pioMillIng prices for steer" were at from J4.15 to 1525 Iho run of Teascattloasustlnuted at 1,000 head , 1'rlces were ste idy at from } -2" ! > to $4.27 for pom to cholco nil illtlei I'\tra fed steers wcro quolcd around ? 5 The gencial cattle market ctusul llrm. The weakness noted on the closing dajs of last week was a featuio of tbo hog m ukot to day The supply was l-irger th in expected and that fact , fikcn In connictlon with the weakness Inwi \ product , had a depiessbu effect. Prices diopped to from $7.1ii to * 7 50 for common topilmo lightweights and lofiom J7.no to J7.60 foi heavy and medium weights. This Is a reduction from Saturday's opening prices of 20c. Milpplngoidois vvtro comp na tively light , and pickets did not iem eager to InU'stat thu teduced prices , butmnrlv ill Iho go id lots weio closed nut. Per a Mend iy the quality was fair and the hulk of I'm ' hogs were weighed within a range of from J7 40 to $7.50. Lightweights sold bcttci than beivy bhcop were In good dem md and showed moio strength Hi in for some days past , though they could not bo sold at any Important idvanci1 Quotations ranged fiom $ .1 to $150 for low- grade Tinans to from { 5 M ) to J5 75 for cholco nathes The lamb m uket was from lOc to 15c higher for shot n ye u lings and was dull for spitng. The formui weie s liable at tiom } . " > to J5.25 and the 1 ittei at fiom ? 3 50 to * 7 25 Receipts : L'attln. 14.5UO head ; calves , aoO head : hogs , 20.000 head , sheep. 14,000 head The nvenlng.Ioiirn il reports : O\THK-UecelitH , 14,5(10 ( head ; shipments , 1,000 , heul ; market slow , turn lonei , e\iept on prime n itlvis , pi line natives J5 70T.ti ( 00 ; good mi dliim , $4 9 i < jJ5 00 ; otheis , M Iir4r4 75 , Texas steers , $ J.25ttd.OO : LOWS , II 50143 00 Hoes Hrcelpts , 28,000 bend : shlumjnl < s , 7,500 head : market slow , 15ft20c limn ; mixed and packers , J7.2537.40 : prime lit ivy and bulchois' vvelghis , f7.4547 50 ; prlmollglit , if7.45to7.50 ; pigs , } b OO 7 25. SiihnUecelpls , 11,000 held ; shipments. l.bOO head ; fair deminrl ; steiidy : clipped ToMins , $250f44.50 ( : olhtis clipped , $5 OOiO 0.00 i lambs , $0 00ffi7.25 Nt'w York l.lv iMixk Mar'.ict. NEW YOUK , May 15.Hit visKecdpN , for tbo two days , 0,380 he id , Including 111 cats for ex poi ( , SOcais for the maiket and 177 cars direct lo si mgliteiors ; values vveic a shade lower on till grades , but the trading H is active ; pnoiust lo best natlvoleers sold at J4 Mitr > 50 Dei 100 Us. ; bulls mil ( tiv co\vs , fJOOiMGO ; dressed beef dull at 7'4rt9c ' foi nallvu sldis , CALVI s Kecclpts for two days , 1,050 heid ; in irk-Jt active , but 2c IUHC-I , owing to he ivy supply. Mini1 * M > LVMIH Kicelpts for two day , 10,111 he id. bheep iviio dull nnd easier. Yearling lambs V per Ib higher : "pi Ing lambs active , but 'fe jier Ib loivoi Un-hoin hcep sold at $5 75j.0.75 ( pei 100 Ids ; e linned sheep at$0 00.3,7 OOjsmlng I nubs , } 0 25 9 2r > ; diessed mutton st'.idy ut O'filO'iC per Hi ; dresM'd ye ulln s , ll < t,12'Sc ! ; di cased lambU lloos Hocolpts for two d ijs , 7,33.1 head In cluding 2 cats for silu ; mukut In in at $7.uO@ 8 00 pel 100 Ibs KunsiH Cltv l.lvo stock Markot. KANSAS CITV , Mo. , Miy 15 OATTI.K Ri- colpts , 2,000 be id ; shipments , 1,200 head ; nmikct Hte idy ; ninge steers , } ! 1 oOJi-l 00 ; shippers , } t5Uft50 ( ) ; nitlvo cows , t2 00 ® 350 ; butchurs' stock , JJ 0i4 ( ( ? 00 ; stockois and feeders , JJ 502.4.70 ; bulls and mixed , $ J OOS4 05. lionsHecolpts , 4,100 he-id ; shipments , 1,000 hc'.ill ; market 103.15C lower ; Hulk of sales , J7.15ft7.20 ; he ivies , $7.0" > ; pickers , J7.15(2,7.2' ( , ; mixed J7 Or7.20 , light , to 75 ® 7.20. poikers , $7.157.25 , pigs , JO I0ri7.10 SunUecelpts , 0100 he-nd ; shipments , 1GO head ; market slow and weak ; wool muttons , J4 25a4 75. St. Louis Live stuck Tlarliut. ST. Louis , Mo , May 15CATTI K Kecelpts , 2,100 Head : shipments , 2,100 head ; market slow to loc low i r than hatuid ly's prices ; ui- dlmiiy fed Texan steers , IM 75. lions Kecelpts , 5,200 head ; shipments , 5,100 ; market Ific lovvor ; heavy , $ " .20ia7.40 ; mixed , il 00a7.30 ; light , H 00/.J5. fciirm'-Hecclpts. 900 head ; shipments , 1,1)110 ) hcid ; muket quiet ; wooled natives , * 0.25 lllVI StlllOIltMtllOllt ItlslC. North O.iheston property ofTcis such In tlic event of jour death the pavmcnts jou haxc made are 10turned \otnliolisand the piopert\ thoiis D D Sineaton , loom 17 , Haiker block , will explain fullv. DROWNED IN A CISTERN. \H8."Ii tier Siipposi-d to llavo Snloldrd Whllu I oniporai lly Inn inc. The body of Mis Juiiies Bauer , who ll\cd with her husband at 1710 Willlims sticet , was found in a cislcin on the promises jiibt after noon j estculay. Mis IJauer was last seen enily Sunday oNCniiif , ' , and as the night pissed and she did not ictuin homo hci hush ind began to grow unoasv Ho rppuited her ( lisaj > pcnr- iinco at the police station jesteidav moining' , but wasuimblo to obtain anj Infoimiliou us to hoi wheieabouts. The bodivas disiovoicil in thocistpin by Walter Ciamer , who notified Mr IJauer , and it v-assoon ictoveioil She had oviduitly been ( lend for some time and it is supposed that she fell Into the cislein when , ho went to draw'somo water after suppi-r last night. Mis Hauor has not bcon ri ht in her huid for seine timo. and tin theoij Is that she ( .ominlttcd suicide while temim.uiy | ! insino llaueristho man who was sovcieli injured in the CUcago lumber jaul last month Ituslilni ; tlic ISflW Itrldirc. The K.ist Oin.ilia land people are hoping by August Ifi to have trains across their bildge , although the high water of next month may somewhat ictai'd worlr The caisson is now down llti feet and tlio ro- inalniiig ton feet will probably bo accom plished bv the 1 ist of the week. Workmen im\OommeiHed to erect stone on the pier , and within the next thlity dajs it is pie- dieted all the vvoik on the caisson mm pier will bo linishcd. The supeistiuctuio will piotnbly occupy about HIX weeks in LOU- struetion nil thu initciiil for thu pUoval pier being on the ground The C'ortland beach street car line will bo open for travel May ! ) . the grading of the line ) m\lng been completed last u cole , the woilc of Haul : lajint ; being well along I'oles nro being sot and the tiolley wires strung. The Uast Oimiba tompinj bus not u-iolvod Us now cars , but hopes the equipment will be here in time for the opening of the lino. WOMAN-HOOD has its own tjKtinl niedi cine In Dr. I'ltrco's Ka- vorito 1'restription. And ox cry woinuii who Is " run - clew n " or ov cr- workwl , e\ery woman who Buffers from nny "feinalo coniiiUtlnt" or woakiuts , mtus just that remedy , " \Vith ft , o\try UisturLuinco , irrpgiiluiity , and derangement ran bo ptniianeiitly cured It'Hnn Invigorating , ro- - - Btorativo tonic , aboothlng and strengthening nervine , und the only tnodicine lor v\omen fco ttife and mire that it cnn bo uuuiiinteeil. In ] x > riodlcal pains , displacements , wuik Imck , Itcaiing-down sen- hations , and every kindred ulliiunt , if it full * to benefit or euro , you Lav o jour money luick. Is anything that isn't bold in this way likely to be " jnit us good " ? Host so-called Catarrh cures only make mutters worbo. CTiicy drlvo it from the Lead to the lungu. Hut , by Its mild , teething , Lleanslng nnd healing projicrties , Dr. Sngo i Catarrh IlerneUy iioruiaiicutly cuitt the xtry WOl-bt C04C8. Qatliorine of Roprcsentntivos of the Softer Sot in Oonfercnco. OPENING SESSION AT THE WORLD'S FAIR l'lr t of n Sorlr of Important In Connection \Vllh the IhercUcx Minplo hut I tit prr l\c In Character. Cniovoo , til. , M-iy 15 The far rcncliln ? and Iiniortaiit | work undertaken by the World's congress auxiliary of the World's Co- lumbinn exposition was In.-iuguratcd toJ ly This xxorld's comrross schenio is to set forth the intellectual , moral nndsphiunl progicss of mnnWnil. It Is to sum up the progress of mankind In c\cryilcpartincnt of enllghtciipil ncliiovcmcnts ; to rovlow tlio actual results of that progress ; to nolo the lessons It teaches and the defects and dlnicultlos tlmt still rcimlii ; tostnto in rloar , conclso nnd ieteoinprchenslvo terms the Important un- sohed problems of our time which still invnlt solution ; to put In dullnllo form the living questions of the day whlcti jot de mand ropl.\ from living men , to miggest In brief but lucid terms the moans by which obst-icles may bo in-eicomo , ( Hlllculties removed - moved , defects supplied nnd furtherprogivss made ; tobilng all the dcpaitmcnts of liti- in.iii piogress Into hirinonlotis lelitions in n great intoltoctu.il nnd moral exposition - these nro tlio general object of thcvvoild's congiesscsof 1MI ) The leulcia of thought In all countries aio oxpsete 1 to talto p irt 11 the glorious woilc. It is , pel Imps , auspicious thai thlsgreU schoiiio of intellectual meetings h is been opened by u seilesof congicsses of thoiep. icsentntho women of the win Id. 'Iho wom in's general roncrcss is the initial ono , opening in the hall of Washington , In the Memorial Ait palace on Michigan oAemio , facing Adams street , at 11 o'clock this morn- 1 B. Prior to the opening of the worn in's con- giess , how over , was the formal or dedlca torv ecu-monies of the woild's congiess auxllnri , which took place In the ball of Culumhus The simplicity nnd diicctness which have chuactdizmt the conduct of the iui\lli.uy from its inception obtained on this occasion and the progiam was biiuf. Prof Hi\U Swiiif offoicd the Inx-ocation ; Piesldcnt Charles U fJonnes' dolhercd nn addiesson "The Work of the A-ixllIaii , " and Mis Charles Peiuotin , xico president of the woman's branch of the auxiliaiv , dellveicd nn addicss on "Iho Woilc of the Woman's Branch. " Following this foi mat opening of thotux- ill uy the iirbt session of the world's con- gicss of rpprescutativo women began in the Hall of Washington Iho thltd week of the fair opened under much moio fax-orabloclrcumstames than the llist. Only a few clouds \\eto In the sky In the moining , and though a sh.up wind blew out of the not th the tempciatuio lese with the sun and , bofoie noon , the sight- bicis weie willing to throw oft their xvraps Piowdsof xisltois vvoio waiting at ( Mi h gate befoio they weio opened this moining At lOo'Uoekit vv-is estimated 12,000 to 13,000 bad been admitted , H was given out this morning that the ciown pitnco of Austria and suite weio ex pected to visit the fair in October Do Is now on a trip mound the world and expects to ro ich S in Francisco in September. After xisiting the bights of the far west he will pioceed to Chicago g Don't 1 eel \Vllh a Cnld. / loin the A"cu > l'm/k / Sim Wo must icpeatour warning against penu- monia : the most dangeious disease whicli pievails in the tlty , and which is oxti.null- iiaiily prevalent at this time. Coldsareeven moio dangerous nt this season than in tlio w inter , lie on the guaul at all times ngainst taking n cold. Look out foi It if um tulto It Gladstone goes to bed and sends fora doctor whenever ho has a cold , and consequently ho nlwavs gets well m \ery shoit time. 'Iho Sun is light nnd their wainiii ! ? should bo headed. Tor ( olds theio is nothing bettor than Chambetl tin's Cough Homely. It pio- xents anv tondtnej of a cold toward pneu monia. It is pleasant and safe to tako. Children like it. Think XV llnvn No Kirk Coining' . 'Iho smelter smoke of Omiha is tinted with rose liiden fragrani-O , compared to that of Bulto City , Mont. , according to the i > pltilon expressed by .1. C Stott of the latter community. Mr. b ott is making a brief sojoui n in Oniahii , and is n gm st at the Mm- riy lie is authority for the statement tint the smelter smoke bus Ixcomo so in ulTeia- blo in Untie City , and so many experiments to lemed.v tbo oxll haxo failed , that n , move ment to abandon the present smelters is now being scriouslj discussed New snielleis will bo cicUcd in that event , fifteen miles fiom Hutto - . Aftci a night with the Iwvs Youra for u cleat head 11 rome Seltzer. Oregon KdltnrH In Oiniilin. A pirty of Oiegon cdltois wcio in the city jcstciday tifteinoon on their way to Chicago to attend the meeting of tbo Ni- tioml Press asociatlon nnd inclilentallv to take In the Columbian show 'Iho members of the party weie J.uncs U L'ddv , prcsl- cnt of the Oregon Press tiModntlon ; I . Campbell of the DiKeno Hunni. O n Smi ] of the linker City Democrat , J. H Hocglo I the St. Helens Mlsl , ( Jeorfto O. Yariui of tl Kupcno Iloglster , Uobort Johnson of thctVJ rallli Times nnd O W Wngnor of tl Yaiiulrn Post. Miss OUSMO C'xjlin of Hoil City , Idnho , accompanied thoimtty us Idah delegate to the national meeting , CURES RFSIN | . .BREAST offered rlitld bearing \vnman , I Imvo liccn n _ mlil-wlfo for mnnv jcarn. ( ind lit parh rascJ whcro "Mother1 * rrlcnu" luuUirrnui nrromplljhcitomlirs and relieve . miffcrlng. UlstlioN-U tfincily for rl lnrof I the breut known , nn.inrthtli : rlroforinat alono. Mits. JI. M. lliu STKII , Moiitgoinery , All. Pontbyetpress.charccs iirciwld , on receipt ] of price , ? ! .W per bottle. ' BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO. , Sold by all dnigglaU. ATLANTA , UA , J tie Urcatosi on Jea and Land to nil , ' cent pmtllKO it limp for u 100 pnco COOK BOOK FREE. Prices low. Faro nuinptuntiB Sales ev-ory day. Sen vour dealer. Ask for prices Viiko tin other. MILTON ROOERS & . 83BI , ARt8mnla , or , ] Maiestic Wifsr. Co. , St. Louis. ! ( Patient suffer ingO i is no virLue if there O , be a remedy. Q Beecham's Pills Q positively cure Indigestion - gestion , Biliousness , i Sick Headache. Why i endure continued Martyrdom ? MADK A "WELI. MAN OF INDAPO TIIKMUUT HINDOO REMEDY IIlOPtrLS TIIK AUOVF m-HI'LTf * In en IMVA. CiriTii i. . . Nil\uu DIlinHii , I nlllntr Mimorj- , ttc nnd quickly bill * KUII Iv rtMorcs l.o . t > 1ilornunv f raBtlv ciilrliil lit vent podat 1'rlcr , tl 00 a pncKace. Hlx fin 4 > r 00 ullli u vvrlltrn vunr * H ( < < | < > euro or itiiiitir r , fii- linn 11 , t niiy tin- I rlnilnli diirilFTi-ht n II > otl nii Mmf u/ imlttlnn llv trt on linvlnir INIIAl'll-nonu otlttr. ir ) iu tin * nol It o will Kill liy nmll mini ultilof ptlrffc Pot ' ' ' ' ' " ' nun till tin iiiiniiliiiiii fin' Aililrin ilrluutnj Miiilrni t . , no 213 luotilfi 1'lilic , Clllt HB < i , HI. SOLD by Kulm ft Co , Cor. ijlli nnd Donslis Sts , anil J. A tullcr & Co , Cor. ijth anil Doui' Ms , OMAHA , Nl II : by 1'anl GrSclmcid.r. Uroidway and 0 IV irl St , COUNCIL 13LU1' : IOWA , anil other Lo ulinc Drucclsts. SOUTH Union Stock Yards Company , Sovitri Ornahai float Cattle II i and shuop market In Ills ITOJL COMMISSI3M HOUSE } . Wood Brothers. Live Stock Commission Morcluints. So ith Ciunlm lelc'ii'iono 1157 JOHN I ) DADHVfAN , I V.'AlillUl I' . WOOD , f MnrKnl reports by in ill and wlro chcorfullj urnishua nion | c.piillo itlun. AWNINGS AND TENTS Onulia Tent -Awning WolIDros&Co. , COMPANY Mnmnaclurorsof Tents IIOIIT COVKHS AWIIIIIU * . He. "UJ ' "ll1 HU rnrmiiutruut 706si Il.tll Htreut , BAGS & TWINES llcinis Omaha Bag COMI'ANV Importer ! nnd iimmifno inrirs of ttmir ick , Lurlnp" twhiB. BOOTS AND SHOES Morsc-Coe Sho3 Company. iuun4 onlce-IU ' ' " ' ' " ' " ' > ' Jatloolll ! > IIZMItt Howard St VVu nro tlio ONI.V M muf uturori of Hoots mil ' " " " " " ' I to all COAL , COKE. CORNICE. " DRY GOODS. JI. li. Sinitli & Co. KilpatricK-liochDry ( .OJIIS (0. ( Dry coiili , iiotlomi fur- Nutloiu , uentii1 lurnlili nlililnu i > oili > , corner inn iiiuil > , tor Ilia "J lltli unit llowanl clt llaino ) Blr en FUKNITURE. OmaliaUpliolslcring } ) ) & llunyaa fcOMl'A.NV. Ulilioltturcil fiiriilturc , HJIINITIJIIK COMI'A.SV Ilir..llUI Mebolti cl Ulitileialuonly mi a I3tb Hlreo HARDWARE. Hcclor & Williclmy Lobcck & Linn , ' CJMI'A.NV Donlo In hnriliriiro uud Corner lllli and JuelKOn nil ill Mill a * tnuli btruuta Kui liuuul i > rltroot. HATS , ETO. | IKON WORKS. W. A. L , C.iblioii & Co Onulia Safe and Iron \V holotiilo WOIIK- * IInti.ni | ' mruw t-unil' f llfOVMIlll , Jllll WO klunvo * lillllon 1 til Iron liuuiirn u nl lira unit Humor -t.o.ts cnpoi. Out Aiiitrcuii , 1 untl Jae iioii LTJMBER. Jolfn A. WaHclicld , Charles H. Lee , IIIIIHII tul. Aim rlcnn I'nrt Iliirilwiioil | unitr , oo land cement. MIIMUII * o ri > otii nml | iir > juut Hiu COIIK lit ami Cjuliu 1 rlonrliiK , , wliltu Iliuu mil nml Douclnitf. . , ' LIQUORS. PAPER. OILS PRODUCE COMMISSION. liranch&Co. Jas. A. Clark & Co. . 1'roilucv , frktli of nil Mutter , clicuie , KL' , pjullrr nii'l 1'uiiio JU h , Utli stru.il STOVE REPAIRS | 3111 Omaha Stove Repair M.A. Iisbrow&Co ) \rfOUKH fctoro rupulri Mnnufacturun of uli , doors , blind ! au for nor ktud of lore luouldlaKi , llruDcha lice Ulb and liuO. i -a r !