Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 16, 1893, Page 3, Image 3

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    KK ,
KO. 12 PRAM ,
ellmrfl y carrier to any purl of Iho d'J
j H. \ \ . T1I.TON. MANAGER
I rt . . vmmvrtt . . I Ilmlnn 0nieo No. 43
. 23
( Night Kdltor No.
Mi\rw\ .
N. V. Plumbing Co
Hoton Store. Nnlclmti ? slllts.
MIltonberRer Is the hatter. Me Broadway.
For rent -Kront nlcovu room , furnished.
J''U Willow avenue.
for salo. llhe driving horse , safe for Indy
| to drive. ! W Scott street.
I'olo ft. Cole , 41 Main street , nro selling
| ttrlctly high grade bicycles for ? IOO.
Kegular communication of Hluff City IcdL'c
. "Jo. 71 , Ancient Fito and Accepted .Masons ,
( .Ills evening. AM muster Masons Invited.
The Omaha VYhU't ' club has sent a chal-
cngeforii match ifamo to the club of this
t.'lty. Tlio challcngo has been accepted unit
Rtlicgamn will colnu off next .SulurUay oven-
gmg In Omaha.
A motion for n now trial was tiled in tlio
5.1istrlct court yesterday hy tlio dofciulants
Iln the case of .Ineob Sims against Pottnwut-
Itainlc county , in which Judgment for f7f.O
| wus rendered for the plaintiff hist week.
There will ho a nicotine of the Women's
World's Fair club this afternnon at o'clock
gut the Women's cxehang" on Pearl atrcot.
All who have paid tl will be allowed to vote
niion tha question of whore the windowshall :
| lf jiuI/ after It returns from the fair.
Jttiplobor , ; A. I'ctiuson , daughter of Mr.
land Mrs. R Peterson , died Sunday night of
I'ju.'tiilu-anc'ous croup , aged 1 year. The
jfuncral services took place yestcnlny tiftor-
inoon atI o'clock from the resldrnce. 118
illloomer street , Ucv. I. , . Mathlson officiating.
The now rooms of the Ganymede Wheel
| club in the Uratid hotel niimix were given up
by the former tenants yesterday , and the
club is now In full possession. The house
I'coininittoo hold a meeting last evening and
niaiU1 arrangements for purchasing1 furnl-
; turc.
Flvo stills were commenced in the superior
court yesterday afternoon against the de
funct linn of II , Eisemun ic.L'o. The plain
tiffs and the amounts sued for are as foi-
limo : .1. W. tioddnrd , $1.181 ; Wlrths Itros. ,
| HIT : Pollock &ICnvy. iO.J. ; 1C. Stlofcl .t
; Co. . $820 ; IX Givcnlleld , ei..CiO.
The niumbors of thofiiinymcdu Wheel club
to the number of thirteen took n trip to
Puplllion .Sunday. The unlucky number was
i responsible for a many small accidents ,
i Mansfield being the most serious sufferer.
Ills wheel was somewhat damaged b.v com
ing Into contact with iv feneo and ho left it
largo patch of skin from his face on the
ground near Pnplllion.
H. F. McCurdy. n telegraph operator from
Omaha , was before .lustico Field yrsterdav
morning for a hearing on the charge of try
ing to break Into the linuso of F. Ji ( Hill-
land , who is now in Toronto , Can. , accom
panied by his family. Ho stated In court
that he had a right to enter the house , and
, that ho would bo able to prove it as soon as
. lie could hear from Mr. Cillllland. His case
Was therefore continued fora week in order
to ijivc him an opportunity to make the neV-
cssiiry proof that his intentions were honor-
The two counterfeiters , whose capture at
Sioux City was detailed in yesterday's IJ.i : ,
made some statements to the officers thcro
that have tilled Iho mind of Sheriff Ilazcn
with a wild yearning to do something dcs-
'jierato. JVccDrilitiK to the nuwsapor account
the two fellows claimed to have learned the
nrt of money nmkltiK from ono McCarthy , a
deputy sheriff of I'ottawattaniio county. As
there Is not and never has been ti deputy
sheriff of that ininiu in the county il is evi
dent that that part of the story is a fulco or
else some reporter ot the place mixed.
Some persons who have no bicycles with
pneumatic tires have been strewing fjlasn
about the streets lately with tho'uvident in
tention of causing grief to those who havo.
As a collision with ono of those KIBS ! : heaps
means almost sure disaster to the wheel , the
bicycle men of the city are considerably I
wrought up over the matter. The nolico
'Imvo been requested to keep their eyes open
forpcoplo who maliciously throw glass in
the streets , and offenders will bo prosecuted
to the extent of the law. It will probably
take n few convictions to show people that
there Is a law covering this class of ma
licious mischief as well as all otlit-rs , and the
wheel club will make an effort to have the
law enforced.
HIMV tu Collpct llnil Illlli.
Tf you have any bail bills against men
who do not live in Iowa and who worlc
for any railroad , telegraph , express or
Hlcoping car company that runs into
Iowa , write to the Nassau In vestment
company , Council HlutTs , la. , tint ! they
will .solid you their collection terms and
the boatoi roforonccs. C Elections guar
anteed. Special olTor for . ' 10 days.
Ton li yn lit thu U'lulii't. P.ilr.
It will cost you loss than $ . " > 0.00 , every
thing necessary included. This means
homes In private cottage , clean , safe ,
close to grounds and on the beach of : f
Lake Michigan. Write to .1. T. Chyno-
weth , Windhor Park , III. Refers to II.
"W. Til ton of THK BKE , or Jacob Sims
of Sims & Dainbrioge , Council DlttlTri.
For Sale Hickory -l-foot wood , $0.00 ;
Btovo wood , 12 or 1(1 ( Indies , $2.50 per
cord , delivered. II. A. Cox , 10 Main
I'KHtiOX.t / , I'.l It.t ( llC.t I'llN.
Miss Maud Hazen is visiting friends in
K. S. Hnrnntt , of Weeping W.ttcr , Nob. ,
[ was In the city yestcrdny.
O. K. Giiston , Jtidgo Thornell's court reporter -
porter , was In tlio city yesterday on his way
, homo to Tabor.
Charles h. Xorbaugh of Olatha , Kan. , Is In
the city for a visit with his p.trcnts , .Mr. ami
Mrs. Conrad Xorbaiigh.
Will Colby ihits returned from the west ;
nnd will Icavo this week for Chicago to
spend two weeks visiting friends and taking
In the World's fair.
Another dirlnnil of Diiinitln'H Illryelm.
Another full carload of the Peerless
Dauntless bicycles was received by the
Union Transfer people Friday. All
orders will now bo filled promptly.
lloys , the Dauntless Is the wheel , and
you can buy It right.
Pasturage for horses and cattle on
George F. Wright's farm adjoinlngc Ity
limits on Kouth ; fiOO auro.i blue grass ) ,
running water. For torins apply to
James Uaph , on farm , or at Curbjn Coal
company , 10 Pearl street.
Frco treatments daily irom 2 to 4 p.
m. at the Council Ulult's Medical and ;
Surgical Institute , 2th ( ! and Uroadway.
Drntli ot n , I , , .laenln.
O. TJ. Jacobs , who had been lying at the
point of death for three months of gangrene
Iiolsoning , passed away yesterday after
noon at 1 o'clock , The deceased was ono I of
the old citUcns of I'ottawattainio county ,
navlng been a residi-nt of Council IHuffs for
the past twenty-three years lin was at ono
tiiuo connected with the schools of the
county ' as superintendent. Ho was born in
Is'ow Haven , Conn , , but caiiiu h.iro from
Ohio , where ho fonnely lived years.
At thu tinio of tils death ho was 71 yours rs.of
ngo. Ho leaves a widow. The funeral will
ttiuu place this morning nt 1U : ; I o'clock
from his late rvsiiiiwco , till Avenue B , and
thu remains vlll bo taden on the noon train
to Weeping Water , Neb , , for inturmont.
The deceased was a member of the Odd Fel
lows nnd Matontu fraternities , and the
nic.nitws of thu local lodges wilt have rhargo
of the funeral.
Mmo. Ilolen Merrill , halrdrcsslng and
manicuring. Hooin III' ' , Merriam block.
j C. O. I ) , grocery closo-s at 7
p. m. , except Mondays and Saturdays.
Another Improvement to the popular
Schubert piano. Swaiibon Musln Co
Slop at tlio Ogden , Council Ululfa , the
- - " -iOO houbo in loiva.
Geo. B. Dttvla , prtBoripuou druvgUt
| .M. . i > .K.
Important Meeting of the Oitj Council Last
Evening ,
Property Owncru on Onl < ! utul Avenue Mii
n Itriiiirst An Order to Iho Alntor
Co in puny A Itccnmmcndnlloii
by tlio City Troimurer.
The city council met last evening with the
mayor nut ! all the aldermen present. Mr.
McMIckln asked thatjtho property owners on
Oakland avenue bo permitted to lay brick
sidewalks on the avenue Instead of
stone or artificial stone , ns had
been ordered by the council. Several
other property owners Joined In the request.
The matter was placed on flic.
The petition of M. Marcus for opening up
the streets near the levee was referred to
the committee of the whole.
The city timislinl was instructed to order
the motor company to repair certain paving
between the tracks on upper Hroadway
where It Is out of order , the street commis
sioner so recommend ing.
TboJ matter of making an appropriation
to pay the expenses ot' Decoration day we-
croiso.4 WMI brought up , ami the report of
the committee to which it was referred ,
against the appropriation , was adopted ,
Thu committee on lights recommended
that arc lights bo placed at thu corner of
Fifth avenue and Eighteenth street and at
the corner of Fall-mount and Graham ave
nues. The report was adopted and thu com
mittee instructed to put lu the lights.
The report of the committee on water rec
ommending the laying of a water main on
Pierce street as far as North avenue and on
North avenue was concurred In.
The poimdmaster brought up a bill of fees
for stock taken up by him , but released by
order of Judge McCicu. It was decided out
of order by the mayor , and will have to Ho
over until thu next meeting.
The ordinance prohibiting thu herding of
cattle In the western part of the city was
brought up. and tin attempt was made to
tack some ainciiilmcntson to it. The amend
ments all fell through , however , and the
ordinance itself was laid over until next
Will Knlnrgo tlio I'orlralt.
Alderman Smith presented a resolution
citing that the portrait of Colonel Addison
Cochran , which ho presented to the council ,
was too small to bo seen well from all parts
of the council chamber and directing that it
bo enlarged to life size. The resolution was
CJity Treasurer Klnnehan recommended
that * 1-UOO bo transferred from the police
fund to the general fund for the purpose of
paying general fund warrants. It was
Alderman Smith presented an ordinance
repealing the present ordinance llxintr the
ist of .lamiary. May and September as the
onlj times in the ycai when sidewalk con
tracts may bo let. It was passed under a
suspension of the rules , so as to allow the
city to order sidow.illts constructed at once ,
Instead , of waiting until September , as the
old ordinance would require.
The city engineer was instructed to fur
nish the park commissioners with the gnido
of the now Cochran nurk In order that the
work ot tilling might bo commenced immedi
A protest against thr Inyinz of a proposed
sewer on Avenue A from ISitrhlli to Thir
teenth streot. was placed on tile.
The petition of property owners for an
electric light nt the corner of Ilroadway and
Sixth street was referred to the commlttco
on lights.
M. U'ollter , formerly meat inspector , asked
that an appropriation bo made to pay the ex-
punses of the lawsuits into which ho had 1 ]
been brought by his condemnation of alleged
bad moat. Tlio request was referred to the
commlttco on claims.
A petition for a fire hydrant at the corner
of Seventh street and Twenty-third avenue
\\-ui , referred.
Another petition fora bridpeacross Indian
creek on Mynstcr street , was presented ,
bearing a great many signatures. It was re
ferred to the brlilga commlttco.
lleforo the bids for sewer work were
opened It C. licsley asked what would be
done with the bid of John Hummer , which
had been turned over to the city clerk Just
as the town clock was striking 12 , the
advertisement stipulating that the bids
must bo in by 12 o'clock. A motion to contl
sidcr the bid was lost by a vote of Ii to a.
The bids of L. C. llosley , McConnell &
Miller , Stlinstm & Iltibcr and R. A. Wick-
ham , were rend and referred to Iho engineer
for tabulation. The council then adjourned
to meet this evening.
Mm. WuckH Icllii Ilin riliiry < ! ' llnr Trnu-
lilrn tii tlio C'niiiiiiUoliinor for Ilin Insane.
Charles Wcoks mndo a now move yestcr-
on.V niornlng In the dlfliculty between him-
nelf and wife that llr
resulted Sunday in the ar
rest ot Cornelius Miller. Ho Hied nn information
mation charging her with insanity and she
was before the commissioners yesterday af
ternoon for an examination. She told fa
long story of domestic broils , tlio first fif
ter of which dated back about the time if
the war , and tin : succeedingcnapters all went
to show that hho had been the money making ?
p.irt of the linn and her husband did but little -
tlo toward carlnir for the family of nlno
She admitted that she was a spiritualist ,
and that Miller had dovoloncd" her lisa '
medium , but said It was with the entire coil' - '
sent of her husband. Stic denied having had
any relations with Miller excepting these of
a friend , and said that Miller hud always
acted the part of a gentleman toward her.
She said the final tlarc-up c-tmo last Tuesday
, when she refused to send her 18-v ear -
old daughter up stairs to spend the night in
a room with live young men. some of them
her brothers and the rest sons of Miller.
The next morning Weeks announced his do-
termination to Icavo her and said ho would
KG out on the street and cut her throat r.ithor
than live with her any longer. Ho told >
her that his llfo with her had been lioll ,
and ho didn't want tiny moro of It. She
agreed to his plan and ho left for
Lincoln , Neb , Sha wont right on with her
preparations for leaving for the Missouri
rlvor farm which the spirits had told Miller
of , deciding to go with Mr. and Mrs. Miller
and leave her huskind to gti where ho saw ,
lit. At the close '
of Mrs. Weeks' testimony
tha examination was put off until this morn-
lint at 0 o'clock , when it will bo resumed.
Miller and his wlfu were both brought up
In Justice fox's court yesterday for a hear
ing on the chat-go of conspiring tozothur irto
allenato the affections of Mrs. Weeks from
her husband. The attorney for Weeks could ' ' . \
not and the
appear case was continued until
next Thursday.
Mrs. Weeks claims that the property she
soul for 11.100 belonged to her and that her
husband has no claim ou it wnatovcr.
All the Sioux remedies , such us the
American Norvino , Sioux Worm Wafers
and Sioux Ulood Kemedy. are for btilo at
.1. O. DoIIavcn a and Dell Morgan &
CO'H. drug storey.
Pure water from the Milwaukee ar
tesian well delivered daily , Moderate
price. Leave orders at Tun BIK olllco.
Hurgalns in line tooth brushes and \
cologne , wholoMilo price , only lOc.
Davis , the druggist , 200 Hroathvay.
Sellout Hoard Mnellllt ; .
The school board mot last evening with
Members Field , nrldenstclii , Thomas and
Shubort present. Uttlo but routine business
was transacted. Dridciisteiu rc | > ortod that
the heater ut the Thira street school house
was worn out and recommended thut ti
steam heating plant be put in rather than a
hot air system. Ho also reported thut new
flues wore needed In the Hit-'h school , I lid
thu secretary was instructed to advertise for
bids for the work.
The chairman of the committee on build-
lugs and grounds rcK | > rtod that ho hud
placed Mf > 00 insurance ou the now Madison
tivenuo building , of which t.S.000 was with
the Council Dluffs Insurance company , Ho
also reported that the county superintendent
had examined and approved the plans for
the building al the corner of TUlrty-fctiCoud
street nnil Avenue II. Ho recommended n
plan hv which the Third street building
could have two tnoro rooms ndded to It with
out building an addition , and C. K. Bell was
instructed to draw up plans for the work.
The flnanco committee- was Instructed to
Ifistio bonds In the sum of (10,000 for tha
erection of the building to be put up nt the
corner of Thirty-second street and Avenue H.
Superintendent Sawyer reported the total
number of pupils enrolled for the month
.M.a'JI , and the average number belonging ,
8,200. Thn board adjournnd-untll next Mon
day evening.
The Ur.lnd llot < 1 ,
Council HlulTa. Tno most clcpant In
Iowa. Dining room cm seventh lloor.
Kate , $3.00 and 5.00 a day. K. P. Clark ,
Prop. t.ft.
Protect your homes nuainat destruc
tive storms. W. C. James has the
btrungcst companies in the world.
Sec the peerless Dauntless bicycles
and get torins. Harry Murphy. 10 Pearl.
Will Meet HBTO Nrxt Ycnr.
The seventh district convention of the
Young People's Society of Christian En
deavor closed at Atlantic last Sunday and
the Council Bluffs delegation , which con
sisted of Misses Mary Ferguson , Jennie
Hull , Edith Foster , McssIoKloh and Mr. Will
Hcndrlrks of the Christian church , nnd Miss
Lulu Smith and W. S. Homer of the Congre
gational church , returned yesterday morn
ing to their homes. They report a very
enjoyable session , there being ovur eighty
delegates present from all portions of south
western Iowa. The people of Atlantic did
everything in their power to make their stay
a pleasant one , and entertained them royally.
The next convention will bo held in this city
next May.
Tim Kltmii.iu llitildliiff Tor Kent.
The Eiscmati hulldlnff in Council
Bluffs can now bo rented. For terms ,
etc. . apply to Burke & Cusady , Attys. ,
1 ! ; " > Pearl street ,
You ought to see Ned ShoptivtVu now
blovcle. Ho sells them , and soils them
right. See him at Vim Brunt's.
Cook yoi" meals thus summer on a pas
range. At cost at the Gas company.
Attontlnii , Odd Fullmrn.
All members of Hawkeye lodge No. 13-1 ,
Indopcnn cut Order of Odd Fellows , are re
quested to meet at their hall at y-U : ) o'clock
this morning to attend the funeral service of
I' . O. O. L. Jacobs. Services will bo held at
the house at 1111 Avenue H , nt 10:30 : a. m.
All members of No. 4 ! ) and No. 174 and vis
iting brethren are respectfully Invited to
attend. Flint ) RAIT , Noble Grand.
A. 13. MITCHELL. Secretary.
IIouso paint , the very best in the land ,
for inside and outside use , at De-
Williamson & Co. . 100 Main street ,
largest and host bicycle stock in city.
The following marriage llcensss were is-
sued yesterday :
Name and address. Ago
1 Parley II. Morris , Council III tiffs -47
I Kll/a 0. Stuib , Council Illuirs M
j Thomas II. Lyons L'niiiuMI llluir.s 20
1 Anna Dillon. Council llliill > . . 215
Piles of people have piles , nut LM Witt's
Witch Hazel Salvo will euro them.
For first-class rooms in Chicago for
World's fair call on Ohio Knox.
Vanalta & Sweet , attys. , Everett blk.
- -
KlLI.Kl ) fOVlt /.VO/.1.V.S.
Fatal IteinllH or : ui Attempt to Make : in
Iniliiiii Drink TUtvln.
WASHINGTON , D. C. , May 15. Secretary
Smith today received iv telegram from Lieu
tenant Johnson at Fort Apache , dated April 1
27. fflving an account of the killing of four
Indians on Cibiou creak. The report says :
Ah lies I'ah tried to forcn his wife to drink
tlswln ; she refused iml told her husband to
kill bur. Her father was present on horse-
buck and believing In his sori-In-liiw , Jokingly ,
also told him to KO ahead and kill liis daucfi-
ter. Ah Des I'ah shot and killed bis wife. The
father and a youns buck ritibed In to prevent
Ah lies I'ah from kllUns his wife , when the
latter turned his Wlnnlii'.sler on them and | 1 i
killed tliem both. An Indian named Johnnie ,
hearing the bhots , rodi ! up and dl.'mouutcd to
eel Ills gun , when Ah Don I'ah llreil two shots ,
which missed , All DCS I'ah tlicn lied , but
Johnnie , pursued and killed him. All Is ijulet.
1 have sent deputies to the sueno to prevent
tlio Indians from gathering luoxeltcd groups.
Wiiililiigton Notes.
WASHINGTON , D. C. , May 15. William E.
Curtis , director of the Bureau of American
Republics , today rotuined to Washington
from Chicago and tendered his resignation
to the president. Mr. Curtis' action was
based upon a request made by the president
on Saturday last.
The president and Mrs. Cleveland have
moved out to their country house.
The Star siys : tliut a secret which has been
whispered around sotno timd , and about
which naturally members of the president's
household do not care to talk , Is now no
longer a secret , as it has been given consid 1-
erable publicity. That is , that , ho members 1I
of tlio family are looking forward to an in
teresting event to occur , it is stated , in July. .
The expected event explains why the presi
dent and Mrs. Cleveland have been some
what anxious to got into their own country >
home for the summer.
IIU Tiniu IK Occupied.
WASHINGTON' . D. C. , May 15. Mr. M. M.
Hustcd , assistant adjutant general , Depart 1.t
ment , of the Potomac , Grand Army of t10
Republic , has received a letter from Mr.
Thurbcr , the president's private secretary ,
responding to an invitation to be present at
the Memorial day oxercises'at the Arlington.
Mr. Thurber writes that the president directs
rects him to say "that it would give him
1t pleasure 1 to ho with you on that occasion to
cmphiisUo by his presence his appreciation
of the noble purpose and sacrifice which thu
day commemorates. Whllo the pressure of
publiu I business precludes the pleasure of his
acceptance i of your invitation , the day will
none i the less recall to mind the memory of
the I noble dead , whoso blood will sanctify
patriotism I for coming generations. "
Western I'eniiliiiiN ,
WASHINGTON- . C. . May in. [ Special to
THE Hl'i : . ] The following pensions granted
are reported :
Nebraska : Original Isaiah P.ilsloy. In-
cre.iso Loander Callaghau. Kelssuo Ell-
Jab Nowlln. Original widows , etc. Cath .
arine Rowland , mother ; Klnm Gllmoro.
Jowa ; Original Matilda M. Johns ,
( nurse ) Jennlu Yost ( nurse ) , William Ulrd- '
sail , Walter Jutnes , Isaac Hiatt , Halsy
Saunders. Increase Henry Gibbs , Mahlon
Hlnckford , Reissue Charles M. Cot tun.
Original widows , eta Jesslo M. Wilder , Su-
die K. Hobhs. Kmellno Heath. Reissue
William II. Culver. Original widows , oto
Martha Ii Smith , Artenllu S , Hates , Mel-
vina Allen , Sarah J. Henderson.
South D.tkota : Reissue George Reynlek ,
Moro I'rotrsU Iruiu Hiixln.
WASHINGTON , D. C. , May 15. Butore leav
ing hero for u trip to Europe this morning (
George ICunmin , the famous writer on the
condition of nllairs In Russia , sent President
Cleveland translated copies of four protests
oy organized associations In ( hat country ,
niprotesting against the recently ratillcd ryiX
tradition treaty with Russia.
Of to thu Wett.
WASHINGTON , D , G. , May 15. The supreme
court today laid down a construction of law
of importunco to the west , which was in
effect that appeals will bo from territorial
courts to thu United States supreme court
In cases not specially yxcoptcd by the fourth
and sixth sections of the act creating the
court of appeals.
Ni'hruakii I.'iiid luvcilvril ,
WASHISDTON- . C. , May 15. ( Special to
TUB HUE , ] The secretary of the Interior
has denied the application for a writ of
ccrtioruri In the case of William Sharp :
ogams' John Donahue , involving the homo-
stead-entry tract of land in the liloominglon
laud district of Nebraska.
i'lles of people have piles , but D3 Witt's ,
\VitchIIuzcl Salvo will cure them
Oitj Oouncil Meets andutfoes Much Rontine
Business of Importance.
I. ! '
Mill Corn'fl Dentil 0itl * I'ortli Itcnolu-
tlonn nl ItcupccttiCitiio for tlm
llcury I.niv JInttor * of
.Minor Moment.
The South Omaha city council ground out
a long grist of routine business last night.
Tlio two measures that attracted most At *
tentlonvcro the petition to build
vlnduet across the railroad nt N
street and the ordinance repealing the
ordinance compelling stationary engineers to
bo licensed. The N street viaduct proposi
tion had been before the council on a prcvl-
ous occasion and was defeated , Some of the
engineers are anxious to have the ordinance
governing their trade enforced while others
are opiwscd to it. Mayor Walker is the
father of the repeal.
J. W. lllako and Frank Pckclka were
granted liquor licenses.
Tha special commlttco on the opening up
of Kast N street was granted further time
to reiwrt In. Its chairman , Mr. llulla. said
the committee desired the ndvlca of the city
attorney on the matter.
* The committee appointed to wait on the
street car company and request the exten
sion of the motor line across Q street re
ported that inasmuch as the manager of the
company was out of the city , further time
would have to bo granted.
An ordlnaivu repealing the ordinance gov
erning licensed engineers was a Hrst
Uniu and referred. This is the ordinance
that Mayor Walker said ho had intended to
veto , but was out of the city at the time a
veto would have been effective. The ordi
nance has never been lu force.
Mr. Itynu and others presented n petition
asking that the city open V street from
Twenty-seventh street to Kailroad avenue.
A petition was presented asking that a
viaduct ' bo built across the railroad tracks at
the foot of N street. The paper was signed
by A. P. Brink , cashier of tlio Packers Na
tional bank and twenty-four others. He-
ferred to the committed on viaducts , streets
and alleys.
H. J. Kendall gave notice of a pool of sUg-
inint water on Missouri avenue , between
Fifteenth and Sixteenth streets , and the
same will bo looked after at once.
J. E. Owens who
, has the contract for ex-
cavijting for the new school housewas given
permission to dump the dirt on the city's
ground on Twenty-seventh streot.
Splrre Urqthers asked in a communication
if some provision could not bo made to col
lee a license from Oarneau and other out-
side bakers , who peddle their bread in this
Anna Cain gave notice to the council that
she had a bill against the city for $ "i,3r > 0.
Her statement is tint on March 12 , 18'JM , she
was thrown from the vdowalk to the curb ,
breaking < her arm and s.houlder blade. The
accident occurred on' Q street , between
Twenty-llfth and Twenty-sixth streets. He-
f erred to the city attorney.
George ( C. Ford lost his city warrant for
$2 , which ho earned as clerk of election , and
asked that a now ono bp issued.
Fire Chief Smith was instructed to get
prices on 800 foot of rubber and ! iOO feet of
cotton hose and report Salno to the council.
The city engineer was instructed to estab
lish the grade on Eighteenth street from Q
to Armor and on yyman street from
Eighteenth to Twenty-second.
Mr. Schultz showed plans anil figures on
$18 worth of shelving to be done In the city
clerk's ofllce. The work . \vas ordered done.
Committee on sidewalks recommended
that walks bo laid on tlio west side of
Twentieth from N to Q , south side of N
from Twenty-first Jo Twentieth , west side
of Nineteenth from Missouri avenue to M
street , and south siilo. of Q from west line of
Fowler Place to city limits. Carried.
It was recommended that bids bo adver
tised for the Having of the alloy between
Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth and J and
L. streets. .
The clerk read over a list of bills and csti-
mates on paing and grading , and warrants
were ordered drawn for their payment.
Police Judge Fowler's report for April
shows : Number of cases tried , 110 ; total
amount collected.00.50 ; paid chief of po
lice , $14 ; school funds. $10. > .50 : general
funds , m.
G. Bcldlng handed In his resignation as
city pound master , and the mayor announced
that inasmuch as the position was on im
portant one he would take a week to select a
The bonds of George Parks & Co. , con
tractors , were approved.
Mr. Conloy moved that two additional
liahts be put in tlio station house- , one in
Chief lieckctt's ofllco and the other in the
jail. Carried.
On motion or Mr. Wvman the council will
sit as n board of equalization on May UT , 128
and ! i'J from 8 a , m. until 5 p. in. of each day.
The grading in district 1U was awarded to
Cash Bros , at 1 ! ) 4-10 cents.
Mr. Schultz recommended the purcnaso of
a hook und ladder truck for the lire depart
ment , and the proper committee was in
structed to secure prices on the same and re
port at some future meeting.
ItfMiicmhurril liy HIT Ainoeliitrs.
The many friends of Miss Cora I eo CO
pained to learn of her death at her homo in
Oxford , Neb. For over a year Miss Leo
was employed in the microscopical .station
hero and was highly esteemed by all of her
associates and acquaintances. At noon
yesterday the girls employed In the depart
ment held a meeting and passed the follow ,
ing resolutions :
WhereaHVu liavo learned with Krlof and
Rudiifss of the death of MUs L'nra J.c'o , our Into
companion and co-worker In the tnlcro-.coplca !
department , bureau of animal Industry at
Smth Onmlui , Nub. , Im It
lli'holvi'd , That In partlnj ; with omisowcll
beloved wo express to HUM * who WITO dear toe
hurour hi'ailfiilt hyinpalliy in thulr burcavo-
niput , und bo It further
Itusolvu4 , That whllo Miss C'ora I.i'i' , our do-
mrtud ulster , wusun this force , .slut was held
In tlio highest : t'hli'i'm for her inuiiy loving
ways and kind hearted acts y all her associ
ates ;
, Tlint thlx department loses n willIng -
Ing and elllrlmit worker and onu who will ho )
greatly missed by hur many warm friends ;
Itc.-ol veil , Tha lu copy of thu-ii resolutions
bohont to thu parents , mill thut they bo nub-
Hshed In thu Umiilia dallies.
The resolutions were signed by Mrs. S. M. '
Patterson. Mary K. Corrlgnn. Gortlo Me-
Culloch , Fannie Sago , Cherry Tylcs and Jen
nie W , Walker.
Miss Leo was the daughter of Captain Leo
of Oxford , Neb. , present postmaster at that
place ,
Fell IClKlifAftii I'Vft.
The H-year-old child' ' 6f' ' Isaac Datnratslsy
met with a narrow esea/'from / being dashed ,
to death lust evening.'JI'Im youngster WHS
playing on a porch nbou.Mtlt-'htocii foot above
the sidewalk when shu.tpimlod over the rail -
[ de
Will Not
Mr. Denny , the iictirVtriembor of the com' >
mibsion linn of Grill , luuny ft Co. , &ays the
linn will not be dissolve ! ) on account of \lr. \
Crill's mutual condltlluu. but that he will
continue the business us , lit thu past.
.Mulo | City , tie lp.
Dr. W. J. Bell was In Tckamuh yesterday.
Horn , to Mr. and Mrs Peter Adslxil , a son.
Arthur Shriver's sou is nursing a broken
C. O. Nelson is homo from n trip to Chi
Mr. nnd Mrs , W. II. Looker are lu Chicago ;
cage ,
Dr. Taylor of Sioux Falls , S. D. , is visiting
friends In the city.
Alberti Cottrcll of Prairie Cu v , lu , , is vis
iting N. I ) . Cottrcll.
Mrs. I. N. Shcrton of St. Joseph , Mo. , is
visiting Mrs. H. Cotter.
Morris Yost , the Jeweler , Is confined to his ;
house with malarial fever ,
B. J. McCabe of the Cudahy company wll
BOOH make u business trip to tlie Pacillt
A lot of carpenter tools were stolen from
T. P. Stout sotnu time ago. Ycsterdnj
Stout bad search warrants issued reUectnig )
on Valentino Llpp nnd the police succcedc-d
in finding a small portion of the missing
outf .
Mr. Hocpncr , of Hasting * , Nob. , has < ie
ccpted n clerkship in the drug house of C. A.
. . . Arthur ; Horlo.v , on thochnrsoof vagrancy ,
was toda.v sentenced to
thirty day * confine
ment in the county Jail.
Mrs.V. . A. Xlmmer of Chicago , who has
been visiting her mother. Mrs. A. Mcllrldo ,
left for her homo yesterday.
The Catholic ladles will clvo ft supucr and
concert nt Blum's hall on Thursday evening
for the benefit of the city poor.
Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Mayficld of IxiuUvlllc ,
Ncl , nnd Mrs. F. A. Sccord of Ohoycmic ,
Wyo. , are visiting their snn and brother ,
Mr , B. O. Mayflold of the World-Herald.
Ah Sing anl Ah Fee wcro arrested l.TU
night , together with a rcd-pcttleo.ited fe
male from easy street. Ono of the China
men had been irf inking and got into a row
with the woimin , Judge Fowler w 111 enforce
the Geary act this morning.
Mrs , LJ. Musscltnan , mother of Chief
Beckett . , accompanied bv her son nnd daugh
tcr , arrived from Bolso City , Idaho , yeiter-
doy anJ gave the chief quite a surprise.
Thoi are on their way to the World's fair ,
but will visit in the city for a few days.
Walter Whlttnarsh , aged 33 years , died
nt his residence , Twenty-third and V streets ,
yesterday morning. Ho was a man who was
esteemed by all who knew him and was the
son of Dean Whltmarsh. The funeral serv
ices will bo conducted from St. Martin's
Episcopal church.
Members Check , Jones , Uulla. Thomas and
Pearl yesterday made the rounds of the
school houses now under course of construc
tion in Omaha. Their object was to Inspect
the Improved modes of ventilation , beating
and things in general. The school board
will meet tonight to decide on'ho plans for
. the two . new school houses that will be built
here at once.
John Hughes was locked up yt-stordy for
ma king n brutal assault on Iho 14 year-old
son of Mrs. H. E. linger. Hughes was at
work in a livery barn on Twenty-sixth
street near M when the boy passed. Ho
knocked young linger down an.l in sonio
manner knocked several of hli front teeth
out ami bruised his painfully. Hughes
claims that Hagor throw bricks at him and
started the row.
.Mr. Ciiumill on Siitmtii Keepers' IHcht to
JtuimiviiVltlimll Iti'iu'wlni ; l.locli ii
It did not tiilco long for tlic lire and po
lice commissioners to finish the business
that came ooforo them at their meeting last
night , ami the board adjourned ivlthln half
an hour after it was called to order.
Fireman M. Cavntmugh was allowcd-a va
cation of ten days.
Oftlcor W. H. Kills asked for pay for
twenty-live days during which ho was ill.
Application filed.
Thu board referred to the committee on
men and discipline the request of Ofllcer F.
K. ICviins for seventeen days pay for time
lost as the result of being injured while on
A communication was received from the
Manufacturers and Consumers association
asking for tire and police protection during
the exposition , from May 22 to Juno I ! . Re
ferred to the chiefs of the two departments
with instructions to take any necessary
Charles Unltt and eleven others asked for
police protection in the vicinity of Thirtieth
and Hamilton streets , complaining that they
have suffered from the depredations of foot
pads , chicken thieves , harness thieves anil
various other midnight marauders. The
chief of police was requested to do whatever
ho deemed advisable.
E. lj. Cnnan of Twenty-fourth and Spatild-
ing streets was granted a druggist's license.
City Attorney Council submitted an opin
ion on the question of permitting saloon
keepers to remove their places of business
f torn one ward to another without procuring
now licenses. Mr. Council maintains thut
the ordinances on this subject are not only
open to liberal construction , but that they
should be so constructed , und that It Is a
mitter for the board to decldo in individual
instances , as they may occur , whether or not
the owner of a saloon license may remove
from one ward to another without securing
.a new license. . . . .
nrly All llavo Ri'glntorril mid l < Vol Safe
Ono Old Milr. . WiiKhnr Lett Out ,
The Chinamen of Omaha do not appear to
bo in the least disturbed over the decision of
the supreme court declaring the Geary ex
clusion law constitutional. As they have
nearly all registered they have no occasion
for feeling uneasy.
Several of the leading Chinamen of the
town were seen yesterday , and they all said
that so far as they knew tiiero was but one
Chinaman in Omaha who had not regis
' Ho is old man , " said Tom Kwalo ,
a rather bright Mongolian who keeps
a laundry on Podge street east
of Fourteenth. "He nearly sixy year old
and ho r.o treed in Melica anyhow. He have
to go back"
This old man keeps a laundry on Tenth
street and is intending , it is said , to pack- his
few personal effects ami light out for the
Flowery Kingdom in the very near future.
ICiiluilii Kiirotitc.
WASHINGTON. D. C. , May in , The Infanta
Eulalie is coming and the cloud that over
spread the sky of International etiquette ha ?
partly cleared away. A cable message re
ceived by Secretary Gresham today from the
United States consul general at Havana
tales that the infanta sailed for Now York
.his afternoon. The president is In favor of
loing all that can bo done to pay honor to the
nfanta during her visit , but ho wants to do
t In the American way. The royal lady is
lui ) In New York on May lii , and the time
ntcrvciilng will give plenty of opportunity'
'or the arrangements of the details of her re
Miss Malla A. Little , formerly of Kowa-
nee , 111. , and Mr. W. S. Billings were mar-
ricd yesterday at 4 p. m. , Kov , Dr. Duryo.i
of the First Congregational church ofllola-
rig. The bride Is ono of Omaha's well
mown and popular musicians , greatly missed
ny her friends , whoso best wishes go with
her to her now homo , which will bo in Kan-
sus City , Mo. , after Jiino 1.
There are mora things in heav-
and earth
Than are dreamt of in your
Who would have thought that the
Carlsbad Sprudal.Spring can ho brought
from Kurnno to America ; antl yet you
can obtain Carlsbad Sprudol Salt hero
at every dnitf store , which contains nil
the solid uonbtituonts of the water. Do
dot bo imposed upon \ > y unscrupulous
neuters. Insist upon the gonulno im
ported iirtiulo.
Prof uiido'pli ' fe'sGLASSES
incut at the KnmiKli Luth
eran church room , ground
lloor , M err him block ,
Mondays , 74 ; j to 9:15 : p. m.
Wo-lnoBdaya , 7:45 : to 0:45 :
p. in ,
Tuition for thrco innutln. ' course In
cither elementary or advanced cliisa , 80.
Twlco a weolc , Mondays
and Wednesdays , 8:30 : to
6:30 : , Tuition SJoo per lo = son.
Morning class 10 to 12 a. m. once a week
T , H. Evixns , tbo Shoo Mnn , Will Offer Sonic
Thr t.nrroO Stork or Slnr , Otfiint * nnd
Slippers In Council lllilll at Onmlin.
The largest strck of flutes , Oxfords
anil slippers in Council HlulTH or Uinnlia.
New ifooils , latest styles , nnd quality the
best this entire sloelt will be olYoretl at
1'UIClid THAT WtLt , SHU ,
tlieso goods without talking. Seine ono
will secure
Look at the it ; > 'xls nnd cointmre
tlioin with any others , iintl you will bo
convinced that this is a gouulno retltii1-
tloti in prices just to reduce stock.
Lmlios can net what they want in Ox
fords , russets , tan or bluek tit prices
from 7fio to $3.00. '
There are narpalns in uverylliinR.
Call and see them. Evans' new store at
"S Mnin street , next door to Henn's.
II'K.1 I'll UK ' . ' ' .
{ ( l/lf.'C'.M IV * .
1'iilr ! und Warmer Are thu Indication * Tor
rs't'hr.l'.liil Toiluy.
WASHINGTON , D. C. , May 15. Forecasts
for Tuesday : For Nebraska and IOKM Fair ;
warmer by Wednesday morning ; northerly
winds , becoming variable.
For the Uakotas Fair ; warmer ; variable
winds. IliTonl.
OrrtonoFTitn Wi'ATtinii UUIIUAU. OMAHA ,
May 15. Omaha record of Ictnporaliiro imJ
rainfall , compared with corresondlng ] ) day of
past four years :
1803. 1B'J2. ' 1HOI 18'jn. '
.Maxliiiuin leniperatiifc. 04 = tHlo 8io : tins
.Mliilnilliil tuinporattlio. 5(13 4.r > C fiHO 4C,3
Average tcmporaturo. . 573 500 705is :
I'reclplUtlotl 00 .0:1 : .03 .Oil
Statement showing the condition of tem
perature , intl pivcipit.Uion at Omaha for the
day and since March 1 , IS'J.I ' :
Normal tL'iiipor.ituro 02 =
Dellcleney for ihnilav & °
Dellclencysinco March 1 1M1 =
Normal proelpltatlou Ifi Ineh
Deliclency for-thn day ir > Inch aluco March 1 It ) Inch
Kcpurtn from Oilier Points ut 8 p. in.
Not n | nrteil. ) T liullcjiU's trncu.
OKUUOK K. HUNT , Local Forecast Olllclnl.
Ma ny t'mrs ii ore iliirab'o than stniiin en-
Inos. more rolbiblo for iiou'ur , mil
inui-h cliuapur. fan be put In comer of miy
room from carrot to bn.suinent. t.iUliiii butlit-
tlosp inuidtr.'no nolso. M kus no sinoKo
or dirt , reqitlrei no fiiRloronssinecr to run It
Olioapcr , Heritor nnd moro rolablo : for eleva
tors nnil otlior imrnoso.s than \vitoror ; ens.
Out roll Moor : nnd Uonnr.itor bent of : ill , as
nl litlo investlmitlon will Hho\v.
.Mnchlni" ) from oiiQ-ul''lit to ol7hty horse
power nhviys : on hand und warranted to flvo
coiiipliitii satisfaction. t'onimimlc.-itt ! wltli
us. Wo will save you time , money and incoii-
W. K. llAKKll , : 9iiiifl310Sliii > ! nrtllloolf.
Cimnoll HlulI'K. Tilitphmu2JI. !
C. I ) . 11AKRU , Kctrlelan. 711 Hniitb Uth St. .
Oinahii. Tolepliono 1410.
Solo uiicnts for Council It lull's , Omuli.i and
Iln tll\r Snm * I'ncU or Inii'irtiincv to All
I'rupln tC\ii | > * c < l to Wrutliiir CtiuiiK * * *
Mr. A , O. llollnmljr , llrln * wth hli fnmllr
t vr..lSHHIi utrent , Coui < ell Itliulu , la n cur
riMinlrer tit tlio U. I' . Tr.nufer , nnd bis : open In
Die C. I' . Ktrvlco for flvo > our * . Iln lit nlso n
fiiltliful tnninborof t1 B Swu < l ti Udtlf llowt'
loilcp , No. isa OiHHhm < t ttciiiaiit will b
( iccciitt'tl by liunilrcil who know him bno
lutu Irulb.nnd lit ! \flll kindly rcrlfjr II person *
nlly. Tlui iiitiiro : cf Mr. HolUuihir'4 work nx-
lie c < him to the weather a pru.t : doal. iintl
tliN li < ! ntfKMVntrd mill iildi'il a disousn with
which Im iv us nnilrled until , dt-splto III * efforts
< vlth imtunt niudlcltic > uul pUvslcUiin who
did not < impr tnnn M troulile. tlm illspnuo
Iritl bocomu n chrtiniu our. Mr. Itollnndor
"Isiilfurcil 'j much and so Ion : thnt I WAS
dlM-oiirniiFd , I trlod avciylhinx ri'coin *
' ineniloil. tiutMJCiiriMl nothltii ; but temporary
rolli't lint I 1 placed myself under tliu euro of
Drs , I'opoliimi and Shi'imr.1.
A. O. UOI.I.ANMii ; ( .
8121 S. IQlli St. Coiinell ItlulTs.
"My cutnrilispruiiil from tliumiMiiiMil tliroil :
to my eyes , wbluh IIU--IIIIIH bloo.lsliot nnd
blurred. My unrs wcrL then attnocd ! with
donfni'ss and rln Ing. My system yielded
Ntn.ntlly to Iho a.'itnrrlial < lts"asu until 1 was
no.irlv brolion down liislreiutn. Mystoinach
lost Its power. 1 could nut cat. A suvoro
eoiiuli , nljtht und day , sut in.ulth soruness and
pulii throiiitli my chest which inaila real : iml
sluop iiliniHt iiiipixsllilu. A severe huiulacho
wai almost constant , and was eru itly anKta-
v itod by cold iirdiinip wuathur and run wliulx ,
fur my work Is enllrolv out of doors. Dr.
Shepurd hisstaiillly : : tronUM mu until I inn
entlrelv enreil. My oiturrli , ileufnins ntttl
huadiiuho aiu nil 1:0110 ; : vlsi. my oouitli ntul
lutiL' syiiiiitoint. I eit nirl ill ust fooil Kplon-
dldly , nnd am built up as Im-vor boiioil to be.
Ithustakon a iiuinlior of moiilbs for tills
LT.inil result , but the tot il expense bus been
very Ilirht. mid the tiiiuhoilsitiiiiiloyod sooth-
liri nnd Kratuftil. I hcllcvu Dr. Shnnard saved
mo from a dnullno Into eutisiintpt/ini. and I am
very L'arno.U In my grat tudo und pr.tUu. "
Low ICutri.
Catarrh nnil nil cur.iblo diseases trontcd at
low nnd uniform rutosmo lieiuu free. Pa *
Hunts at a dlstnncu * iioucsstully treated by
mull. Send for symptom bluuli.
Every Curable Disease Treated-
Ofllco Hours a toll n.m.t StoSp.m.i 7to 8 p.
m. bunday :0n. : m. to Iin. .
_ , . tluo In tha state nuj
fi'denil courts. Uouiai
UJJ-7-S-9. Hkiigart
block. Council illuir * . I.L
Spccla ]
\\TK car. null you n lioma mil lot en n ptrinant nf
' * fidinflU.UJ to J510J down anil lll.OJ to J15.0)
per month , fcomo special UirKnlui In loll. John'
Mun A Vnn lAlton.
AlisrilCTSiiiKl lonnv Fnnn unit cltf prop3rtf
buuelit anj volj. I' jr A TUo.ii.u. Council
HllU.SU nnd lut for iUo. No , 111 ! r'lrtl.lDi ui
Inqulro of J. 1' . Ciulstliu , U i It. I. ,
1/O.t SAhP. riiuip ; Ic'im Illicit itrlvln ra nrjj
totni : mules ; oil \va/on. hirncss and team ; top
lniKKr ; ronil itniion. ( 'nrlion Coul Co. . I'J IMurl Htrott.
17OH SAI.15 TliruoJanujr bulls : tuei , ono wjok
onu year nnil two yurirs ; solid color , reiflitcrul
Block. IK S. 1st St.
r/llll SAI.K N'lco bay carrlazo toim nn-1 a\rtl ta.
J. I W. Tiilluyj. 1UI I'uiirlHt . Uouioll Illnlti.
G MtltAfjlS roniovLnl , uos pooU , vdiilts ,
ile.inoil. Kit HurkJ , nt Tnylor'a troejir , 6IJ
[ . ' ' ( lit HICNT 7-rooni homo , wit sr , itnt nnd bath |
- L1eooit slnblo. Til ) Itii st , Council Illuls.
lit SAIK Oil i\ : 11 \.Nli--vo | | ncrra line gari
ilpn liuiil ndjolnlnK tlio city ; nouil houau ami
burn : VJ.j ncrcn In vlncyunl ; Hill eicliiumo for
liniinu nnil lot cantrnlly lucatod. 11. li. McUtiO , 10
.Muln ( tract. ,
1'OU , ALK An uprlxlit Uvo liorau power bailer ,
lull ut IS.'G Ilroiidw3r. _ _ |
Foil HI5XT Ilousoof live rooms , t aori's L'i > rila
lilncruApiHtura , on Uppar Uronitway. U w.Tui
"Ij'Oll IIKNT I-nritn wiircliinivo ltuntud on r l | >
i wiiyttn'k. lniiilre ] of I'loriorr Implc'inpnt I'o ,
I ? lit UHNT-Tlio room now ocou pieil lijrV. . O ,
Morris , N'o. ll 1'onrl stiuvt. l'oe 0"lnn ulTOO
Junu I. Hunt flU.bOpur luontU , Apply Io Leonard
in me ufifisi m m
in the West ? "We can fit you out
promptly. Send in your orders.
10 Main Street ,
Council Bluffs , Sowa.
All kinds of DyolnB
anil Oo niln ( done In
the liUbo < t style of
tlio iirt. KaJo.l uuj
Ntuluud fabrics mud *
to tool : in KOO : | ut
now , U'orK jiromptly
done ant dellvurel
In nil purls of tlio
loimtry. rionJ for
lirlou list.
C > > A. MAOHAJf ,
Proprlotar ,
ilrcudwiiv. near North *
Wfntarn Dupol ,
Toluphona ! ! ,
Hlghost On (11 ( , $100.00
JiclipsoVaverly , Kinp , Clipper ,
Mudlum grade , $80.00
Solo iiKon'a lor Victora Victor Plyor
WOigllB Slbd.
U Mulu btrou t