K s ; m I THE V > 1VI H t f \ .VfrA * * VI < V iM MM H OMAHA DAILY BEBSMONDAY. . MAY 15 , 1803. o I-Dame Naluro's Munificence Made Manifold Through Her Mineral Mints. i GREAT UNDERTAKINGS AND , DISCOVERIES I XUjton Uulrtt to lie Worked A Ileil of Coke Sill tun Sink to lie tlrnlneit ( leu. rrnl M n 1mm tlio I' rVc t. ITio crop outlook throughout the agricul tural sections of the trans-Missouri country [ looks hotter than at any tlmo this season and promises In the main to bo equal to or above the nvorago. The fnllt crop alone the Pacific slot > o , with the exception of slight local defections , "III bo Immense. Mining | . In nil sections Is showing a vigorous activity rdlng every Indication of a prosperous coason ahead. All m nil the general indica tions throughout the western half of the country wcro never brighter. Tim HowrU of Iliilil Mountain. "During the past week or two , " says the Sheridan Post , "considerable Interest has begun to bo manifested In the opening of the mining season nt lluld mountain and other camps In the Ulg Horn range. Although It will bo three or four weeks before the road will bo passable for heavily loaded teams , many will got to the camps before that .tlmo , nnd others will follow as soon us they can. can."Thoro "Thoro Is no longer any doubt but that Bald mountain will be called upon to glvo up much of her rich treasure thU yc.ir. The machinery placed there last fall by the -Fortunatus Mining company Is all ready to begin operations , nnd n now and much larger plant Is coming to iucroaso the facilities of the company for saving the gold. A letter received from Mr. II. H. Hawkins , secretary of thn company , stutes tlmt ho will nrrlvo here from Albany. N. Y. , sotnowhoro nbout the 12th or Ifith of the present mouth , nnd that work will bo vigorously prosecuted. Hon. George T. Heck , who has just returned from a trip through the eastern states , in forms us that ho will rcsumo nctlvo opera tions with his hydraulic plant In , Dayton Gulch as soon as the snow is out of the way , and that ho ex pects to make n rich clean-up from the work done there last fall. Mr. John U. Dougherty has written that ho will come on this spring with four machines , which ho has thoroughly - < ' oughly tested for saving line gold , and will place them nt Ilald mountain. Mr. Dough erty visited that camp two years ago , and thoroughly satisfied hlmsclfas to its richness. Ho would have returned n year ago had it not been for the cattle troubles break ing out at that time , the reports of which were magnilled to such an extent that he thought It butter to wult another year. So much * or the placer districts. While It may not be generally known , because there has not been much said about the matter , it Is a /act nevertheless , that the most promising quartz lead In the state has been located near the crest of the main , range , about twenty-five miles from Sheridan. The dis coverer is Mr. H. II. McNeil , who is in the city now equipping himself for the season. Interested with htm in the camp is Dr. II. K lloss , n mineral expert , assaycr and capital ist from Nova Scotia ; Captain G. G. Stock- well of tlio British army , also a capitalist , und n Mr. Slater , who comes from Canada on a tour of Investigation. A Coke Discovery. What is probably the most important dis covery over made in Archuleta county has just bean made known. It Is a whole mountain of cok' Mch has been produced by nature nnd pronounced by exports to ho far superior to that made by artificial means. The deposit is ou a flat top mountain and is covered by from six to twelve feet of decom posed shale and dirt. The vein of coico is from four to six fcot In thickness and is L underlaid by a strata of what scorns to bo n .superior quality of graphite from throe to live Inches thick. Underneath this is a deposit of flno clay two feet In thickness. Samples of the graphite and clay have been sent away for tests and until these have been made no estimate of their value can bo made , but of the coke there Is no question as to its gen uineness and quality. The coal Holds of this country have for a long tlmo been supposed to bo great , but since this cokohas beenfoundprospccting by expert nnd experienced miners has developed the fact that the coal deposits are simply phenomenal. Mountains of it are found with ono , two and three stratas , ranging In thick ness from four to sixteen feot. Aside from this coal It is estimated that the tlmbut of this county will make n solid body ton miles wldo by sixty miles in length , or 400 square miles of solid timber of llrst- class quality that would average 4,000,000 teet of lumber nor square mile. On every stream and in almost every canon Is found indications of petroleum and natural gas. Oil springs furnish all the oil used by the ranchmen for their machinery. Potrlllml I.o * or Copper. Wonderful stories nro those that come from Now Mexico concerning nn excitement over mineral discoveries said to have been made In the vicinity of thu ancient Spanish mis sion of Ablquln. "Something entirely now to the sclent o of mineralogy hns been unearthed. It Is a forest -of logs petrified into rich copper ere that I1verages CO per cent copper and thirty to forty Jouucfs of silver to the ton. The logs 300111 M luivo floated in some kind of n mineral [ solution , evidently In thu carboniferous . period. A sediment of conglomerate pob- J' tiles , sand ntid calcareous matter settled between ilium , dividing them as they are now found. The scam of conglomerate Is about thirty feet thick and extends ou both aides of the canon a dlstanco of eight miles each way , so there are sixteen miles of-n copper-bearing seam , tilled thousands ol fcot back with copper loh . There is about COO/out of sand rocic ubovu thorn , which shows the great antiquity of the copper for mation. Some of the logs have already yielded over two carloads each , There nro logs ever four fcot thick. At lirst It was thought that thu little branches and knots of the trees were only small pockets of cop per , and llttlu attention was paiu to the canon. It was only when its true nature was discovered that It begun to boom and Is now full of prospectors , many of whom already have several carloads of ere to flhlp. " A Glecuitlo Kntorprlir. Collls P. Ilunllngton hns recently made a sale of a tract of land comprising ever 1,000 , 000 acres In Southern California , to n partj of capitalists of Now York , Chicago am Denver , for 52,000,1100. The tract include the famous Saltan Sink which mysteriously lllled with water a couple of years ago , am the enterprising promoters of thu scheme propose to uiako It u permanent lake ny cu mils from thu Colorado river , ultimately reclaiming claiming an immense acreage near It. U la proposed to build a canal from the , Colorado river , at a puiut about 100 miles east of Yuma , which will bo simply u now channel for the Colorado , It will extend through the rntlraSulton territory , aud will also bo carried by another branch Into Mex- I , Ice , into which the territory owned by the * * company extends. If the purposes of the capitalists uro real ized that buutlou of the country will bo so reclaimed that It will bo possible to estab lish a colony there of moro than 3,000,000 people , who will not only bo able to support thcinsol\os but export almost anything that can bo raised in a temperate or subtropical climate , ImuiiMiaa Hulmon Oiitpur. Marshall J , Klnnoy , ono of thu oldest and most extensive salmon packers at Astoria , Oro. , makes an Important statement regard ing the Alaska salmon Industry , Ho says ; "I consider the Bering sea and Cook's Inlet will bo the future fluid for the salmon Indus try. I think the pack of northwestern Alaska will reach over l.OOO.OuO cases in less than 11 vo yours. Half of the salmon streams , us near as 1 can learn , are not even touched. When wo have butter railroad facilities to jUtorla 1 expect thu cold stonik'o and frush ft business on the lower Columbia aud in Alaska will bo simply euoruious. Alaska U * * " " the coming field for the salmon Industry , nnd I fully oxpnct that the production will double Insldo of five years. " Mr , Kinney shows that the pack has In creased from JW.OOO cases In IS. * ! to over 430.- 000 cases In 1WJ. Ho says that the stores and pear sent north this year Indicate that the Alaska cnnncrymen nro preparing for the largest pack on record. Ho calculates that It will roach 800,000 cases and quotes nn estimate by Mr. Morgan , who Is well known In the San Francisco trade. Mr. Alorpnn estimates the coming Alaska pack nt G'JO.OOO cases , of which 105.000 cases will bo packed in southeast Alaska and the re mainder In northwest Alaska. Now 1'incrr Mlnr * . In constructing the Great Northern rail road It was necessary to change the channel of the U'onatchco river for a short distance at the old Indian mission , eleven miles above Wcnatchoe. This river bed has been staked off as placer claims and the locators anticipate that they have got n veritable bonati7.a. Colors are found In every pan , and although the gold Is very line , It Is reason able to ttupposo that coarse cold will bo found on tlio bed rock. Only a minimum ex pense will be necessary to slulco on an ex tensive scale , as there IH plenty of water con venient and the topography of the land Ls such that any fall desired can bo obtained. A St. Paul capitalist Is Interested In the company. Ho has had years of experience In British Columbia during the llrst gold ex citement there. A .Mining dnln. One of the most Important mining deals that has taken place In the Hills of late was quietly consummated yesterday between the Stewart Mining company and the Golden Howard Mining and Milling company nt Deadwood , by which the latter assumes the control of a valuable single claim owned by the former company In Ruby basin , adjoin ing the ground of the Golden Howard com pany. The amount purchased was 180,000 shares , at 25 cents per share , a total of $45- ( XXI , which amount is divided between O. J. Salisbury , Moody & Washabaugh , T. J. Grlcr , K. 11. Dlsuoll , B. P. Daguo , D. A. Me- " 'hot-son , The Stewart , besides being very lull , has the distinction of bolng thn llrst lalui located In the Uubv basin district , ml It is estimated to contain at least $1,000- 00 worth of ore. Irojton Imprnvnmmit Company In Trouble. It Is reported from Now York that there s considerable friction among the members f the management of the Oregon Improve ment company. Messrs. Prince and Edgerly f the executive commutes are oxpsctuJ to ' ( sign before the annual meeting next nonth , and the cancellation of the sluicing und provision of the 0 per cent first mort- jatro is a question about which them Is ser ous discussion. There Is also talk of rotir- ng the 0 per cent mortgage altogether In ixchango for the consolidated mortgage lues. Tlio authorized consolidated mort gage is $ lfi,000,00q. Of this SUIIS.OOOaro aid to bo outstanding. The change in the 'irectory ' , it is said , will leave the manugc- nent entirely in the hands of a single fac- ilon. Onlil nt Olymplu. Kugeno Motiroo , an old prospector , has rcasioned endless excitement ana interest > y displaying samples of gold ere of an un- isually high value discovered within two iiiles of Olympia. Ho says ho has been irospectlng in the vicinity for three years , nd hai found a ledge of burnt quartz , .hrough which a thread of gold runs in largo luantitios and unusual purity. The ledge Is lalf a mile long with outcropping of native iuartz. Ho exhibits ono piece of free pold lalf an Inch long and one-sixteenth of an Inch thick picked from the lodge , and says ' .hat assays show that the ere will run from ' 5,000 to $30,000 per ton. A < iooU Find. A Mr. Lawrence from Denver , who is largely interested in the Four-Mile placers lust south of the Wyoming line In Colorado , loft on the stage this morning for Dixon to begin active operations. Ho will use water mt of the Willow Creek ditch. The Uoclr jprings company have their ditch , which ; hey are taking out of Four Milo crook , icarly completed aud expect t begin sluic ing in a few days. One of the Booth boys , who has a clulm in a gulch near Timber lake , which is fed by a spring , cleared up iver $200 in a ten days run. Tlio Ucorliorn hold. Messrs. do la Bouglise and Clmrtler , rop- Clouting the French syndicate that put In .hoHosebud mill at Cripple Creole , Colo. , lave purchased from Messrs. Wallley and kVulsh the Doorhorn mlno at Cripple Creek tor the modest sum of $40,000 cash. J. Stanley Jones drew up the papers and the entire amount in cash changed hands at Mio First National bank this morning. The jam is considered the best bargain over macla In Cripple Creek , although Messrs. Walfloy and Walsh have realized a very handsome profit on their Investment. The Dakota & Wyoming ? Itallrond. The steel rails have now boon laid up to the company' ! present terminus at Rapid City. It is thought that the force of men will bo put to work next on sidetracks for yard facilities. The force of men will bo largely increased the lirst of next week and work will bo rushed on the rock \vorlc west of the city , as it is proposed to complete the line to iDark canon and thus bo able to run excursion trains to that place during the day of the picnic held by the Society of Black Hills Pioneers nt Clcghorn grove Juno 8. Nehrimku unit XrhriiHltnnn. Lightning shattered the house of Joachim Bull , near Klkhorn , but none of the inmates were Injured. Business men of David City talk of boy cotting the Union PaciUo because it will not build n now depot In that town. Monroe people have raised a bonus to build a brldgu across the Loup at that place aud the structure will soon bo finished. The Dodge county Sunday school workers will hold a convention at Jamestown May ii4 and 'J5 , with a basket plcnio thrown in to en liven the occasion. A Madison incendiary poured kerosene over a building twice In ono week and flred it , but the lire boys prevented the destruc tion of the structure. A heavy chandelier In the Baptist church at Pawnee City fell the other day and sut lire to the carpet , but the blaze was extin guished before much damage was done. The old Union Pacific car which President Lincoln used during the war , and which has been at North Platte for o number of years , has been sold to a syndicate and sent to Chicago. The Hastings presbytery at Its mealing a. Culbortson decided In favor jof the revision of the confession of faith of the Presbyter Ian church. The fall mooting of thu presbytery - tery will bo held at Axtol , Mrs. Frank Nermuth , living near Lynch , Boyd county , was burning grass around ti garden plot and her dress' caught lire. Stio ran to a creek near by , but before reaching it her clothes were all alhuno and her body terribly burned. Mrs. L. H , Douglas , a Broken Bow widow , owed n debt of $ IU which she was unable to pay and her creditors started to foreclose on her property. Charitable pcoplo discovered the fact , raised the fVJ and presented Mrs , Douglas with 15 besides. County Attorney Al Tingle of Bassett and J. J. Likens , the ex-county treasurer , came to blows on the streets of Bassott the other day , nnd whei : the light was ever it was found that Tingle's thumbs had been "chawed" to a Jelly by Likens. At the examination of candidates for the West Point cadetship from the Third con gressional district , Xono Brfggs of West Point passed the best examination , having un average of 81 , but on account of his ago was appointed nn alternate. Mr , Williams of St. Kdwanls was next with an average of 77 , and was awarded thocadotshlp. The Crete Chautauqua will hold its ses sions thU year from J'dy 5 to 15. This Co lumbian year promises to repeat and oven exceed the successes of lust year. Popular evening entertainment. ! are being arranged , to be announced In full later , whlcti will maintain the high average of previous years. They will include two oratorio ovuu- Ings by the chorus of the assembly , assisted by the Lincoln Oratorio society , and. one evening by the Chorus of Missus of Lincoln (200 ( young itirls ) , under the direction of Mrs. P , V. M. liayiuoud. There will be two evenings of stereoptlcon lectures ou the architecture and art of thu World's fair by Lorado Taf t of Chicago , ouo of the artUts of the exposition , showing nil the buildings and vividly picturing their style of archi tecture , statuary nnd decorations. The list of entertainments I * not complete , but U U welt under way nnd will maintain the as sembly's record for first-class programs. Colorado , I/ong Dros , nrc sacking ere at Hear Crcok which nveragc.s ? l,000 per ton. The flsh Killers are already operating with dynamite down the Hlo Grande. After a long season of drought the eastern art of Colorado ls bolng visited by rain. Tlio AniPthvst hns contracted with three mcltcrs to fit.-nlsh each fifty tons of ere my * A largo body of shipping ere has boon truck in the Guston mlno , Hod Mountain ( strict. Articles of Incorporation of the Pueblo Vatcr Works company were filed with the ountyclork with a capital stock of $ lnoo , Tlio sale of the Dccrhorn nt $15,000 scorns o have affected Anaconda stock only fr.tc- lonally. A big drop was expected when the ale was announced , It seems to bo n well grounded rumor that , railroad Is to DO built through Fort Collins t no distant day , and that the new line will jo pushed on to the coast. No credence Is placed In the rumored kill- ngof Lieutenant I'lummer byNavajos. The atcst news from the San Juan Is to the cf- 'cct that everything Is quiet. Tlio men on the chain gang nt Colorado prlnga went out oil a strike and refused to vork any loniror unless they were given hrco meals a day Instead of two. A great strike hns been made In the Sprlngdalo Gold Mining and Milling com- i.iny's property. Some tclltindu of gold taken out which was worth (15 a Gentlemen In from Aspen report the loca- rlon of a largo body of ere , the result of re cent development the Mineral Farm , which Is located In Hunter's Creek valley , ; xbovo the Smuggler. The closing down of the Kurydlco mlno at 'latorn Is announced , owing to the failure if miners to get their pay since November , 803. The owners are Barth , Anderson , farman and othcis of Denver. The Eurv- lice i.s rated as one of the best properties In ho Conejos river section. The Homo Cheyenne company obtained an iptton uiwn five acres of land between Col- trade Springs and Washington Height.- ? . The property I * rich in cryolite and thu com- wny will engage extensively hi the manu- : ucturo of glass. A plant coating $50,000 will bo erected In the near future and employ ment given to tlfty men. The Union Pacific will build a branch road Lo the pressed brick works and Case stone quarry at an early day. E. A. Cordman , roadnmstur , was out yesterday looking over lite ground and will report at headquarters todav. A road to those Industries will give 11 great Impetus to Boulder business , and It 's hoped that the road will be built at once. Wyoming. The -overnment contract for supplying beef to Fort Russell was let at $3.33 per hun dred pounds. Jesse and Sam Yoder brought In sixteen wolf hides from Horse creek. They received 8128 of Laramie county money. Reports from the shearing pens of the north indicate that the quality and quantity of wool this year has never been surpassed. The CoM Springs Stock company of Aurora , Albany county , has been Incorporated , with $20,000 capital , and will conduct a general anch , flsh hatchery and a live stock ousl- ncss. In Fremont county the assessment roll shows that it has ono company which pays ; axes on 11,000 head ; whole number of com anies and persons assessed , 420 ; whole number of cattle , 55,11)3. ) Ed Dolan , a tramp , is in jail at Rawlins , iVyo. Ho stole the telephone from tlio ofllce of Judge Homer Merroll. Dolan says ho did not know the nature or value of the Instru ment , but thought it would sell for some thing. | 8 Work has been commenced on the telegraph line from Clearmont , on the B. & M. rail road , to Buffalo , and it is expected the line will bo In operation in less than twenty dayn. Connection will also bo mndo with the Fort McKinney military post , three miles distant. Nebraska men have incorporated the Val- .ey Townsite company to do business with the Alcova hot springs in Natrona comity , where a resort has been established. The capital Is $2,000,000 , and operations are to ho conducted on a largo scale. An electric rall- ay sixteen miles long will bo built. An Indian arrow-head miiio is ono of the atest mineral discoveries in Wyoming. It ins recently been found forty miles from aramio peak In Albany county. The min eral was from an agate ledge , which shows extensive work. It is estimated that it would take 100 men two years to do as much work. Governor Osborno has issued a proclama- lon offering a reward of $250 for the appre hension of Charles T. Gale , the defaulting city treasurer of Laramio. This is in addi tion to $500 posted by the bondsmen. Gale handled $ 'iO,000 while in olllco a year and was short $12,000. Pictures and descriDtions have been scattered broadcast. Ono of the most curious and interesting mineral discoveries Is the recent find of a natural soap , mlno on the line of the Bur lington , near the town of New Castlo. The deposit la from fourteen to twenty foot In thickness , and is a kind of talc saturated with potash. In its natural state It inarfcs fair laundry soap , and when softened with water increases its bulk about four-fold and makes u rich lather. Thn DilliotnH. Hot Springs Is promoting a paper mill. A four ton plant is projected. Citizens at Aberdeen have perfected a bond guaranteeing a right of way and depot facilities to the proposed Black Hills road. Gophers are becoming a pest along the James river north of Yunkton , and farmers have inaugurated n crusade against the ani mals. The Central Dakota Veteran association will hold its annual encampment at Lake Preston , S. D. , on the eek commencing June I'J. The pontoon bridge at Chamberlain , S. D. , is In position again , and hundreds of cattle und bcoros of land-soakers arc crossing dully on tholr way to the ceded Sioux lands. Complaint Is being made that the flsh In Canon lake uro being wantonly killed by the use of dynamite. This method of fish ing is unlawful , besides being cruel nnd wasteful. Harry L. Williams , a young school teacher , has been Indicted for stealing three 2,000- mile mileage books from the Chicago , Mil waukee ft , St. Paul depot and for forging names to them , Whlto-Faco-Horso. the Indian Implicated In the killing of cowboys some weeks ago , and said to afterwards have com mitted suicide , Is alive and well , hidden at Pine Hldge agency , The proprietors of the Wind Cave have planned an excursion for the editors of the Black Hills , and individual Invitations have been extended to each of the members of the fraternity and to their wives. A largo force of men is at work on the Yankton & Sioux Falls railroad and the grading is being pushed all along the line. The piling of the bridges Is all on the ground and a crew of bridge builders Is crowding that branch of the work , The Yunkton end of the grade will bo ready for the track layers before many weeks are past. Contractors on the government artesian well at the Indian school at Pierre struck n How of water yesterday at n depth of 1,000 feot. This establishes the fact of thu exist ence of an artesian basin in this part of the state , which has always been questioned , The well will ho sunk about 100 feet deeper , when the contractors expect a gusher. DcAiiwooi ) , S. D. , May 8 , The now foun dry and machine shops have started up und ere now running1 out flrst-class work , The Institution will benefit the various other mills in this section , as it will bo able to tur- nish immediately any casting which is bro ken and to repair machines otherwise dam aged , thus doing away with much delay heretofore necessary when a breakdown oc curred. Stockmen west of the Missouri river are protesting against the section of Governor Sheldon's cattle quarantine proclamation which says , "Provided that cattle brought into this state from certain portions of Texas shall come Into the state of South D.uoti only for slaughter or grazing , and shall not bo nhippea from South Dakota into any other state or territory in the United States before fore the 1st day of December , 18U3 , " The stockmen ask , if the cattle are tit to be ad mitted into the state , why uro they not in a ihm I at F WHO WINS JHE PRIZE ? n > > i .it Id ! loot * l ? BOYS , READ THIS , AND GIRLS , TOO. f' * EXPLANATION OF OUR. OFPEXR. 1 t t IW ! . . " Wo will publish aovon ahort nrtlclos , this botng No. 2. No. 1 appeared In last Issuo. The ronuUnlnp nrtlolos will appear In regular onlcr , consecutively cnch day. In each nrtlclo there will appear ono or tnoro word * In BLACK FACED TYPE. There nre NINE such words In nil , out of which wo Imvo constructed a sontonco. The boy or ph-l who first puts this sentence together correctly and sends us the nnswor will receive n full eot of the Oniithn Worid-IIornld'd famous edition of the Encyclopedia Brltannlca , together with the beautiful book case made to hold It. The prlzo will po to the ono whoso answer Is lirst received at this ofllco. One volume of the Encyclopedia will bo presented to every boy or ptrl sending the correct nnswor at any tlmo before the award is mado. To Insure absolute fairness , wo have placed the sentence In n sealed envelope In the custody of PROFESSOR FRANK A. FITZPATRICK , Superintendent of Public Instructions. The award will bo made within ono week after the last of these seven articles Is published. Address answers to "HOITOU HOYS' AND ( URLS' " PRIZE , Oinulin WorliMIcmld. ir. SHAKESPEARE'S ' SEVEN AGES OF MAN. . jr ( . "And then the whining choolboy , wit'i his sntdul , ov And tinning morning face , creeping like snuil , ! / ) ( Unwillingly to . .scioo"As / / You Like It. " u Every schoolboy knows that Shakospcur'a beautiful opltomo of life in Seven Ages is to bo found in the play "As You tO'TMko It. " jlj Every schoolboy also knows that the Encyclopedia Britannlca is just full of things that ho likes to road about. Every is fond of boats , and the Rritannico. tolls all about boats. It tolls all about all kinds of wild animals nnd birds nnd fishes. tolls all about horses nnd dogs , pigeons nnd rabbits. It tolls all about different countries , and the strange customs of , .itrango people and straniro lands. I . AVhat boy does not love to read of the Sea and all the wonderful things connected with it ? The curious creatures 'that inhabit it ; the great whales , the seals , the sword-fishes that fight the whales with their swords ; those are all interesting to schoolboys , as arc the little coral insects and the wonderful Islands they build up from the bottom of the soa. These tropical islands , how beautiful they nro , and what an interest they hold for every boy , with their stranpo natives , their cocoanut and date palms and their coral roofs. The ENCYCLOPEDIA tolls of these things and of a hundred thousand more. A boy can amuse himself with those wonderful books or ho can study and got a good sound education out of thorn. Every schoolby ought to have a set of the Britannica , nnd all parents ought to make it tholr duty to put aside 10 cents a day to obtain for their children this wonderful library , which is useful every day of the Seven Ages of Man. lit condition to ship when an owner of such stock sees it to his advantage to sell ? Stock that is held"on the ranges until Decemper I will have to remain there during the winter and the following summer. A largo number of physician * and sur geons of the hills will moot in Hot Springs on Saturday next for the purpose of organiz ing a medical and surgical staff for a hos pital to bo established at this point. It is proposed to locate a ilrst-class Institution , pqual to anything of a llko nature in any of the eastern cities. Colonel T. K. Dawson of Grand Forks , N. D. , owns the lirst military order issued by General Grant. It is a simple document , is No. 1 , dated July 2 , 1801 , appointing Mr. Dawson quartermaster and commissary of the Tweuty-llrst Illinois. It is signed Colonel nel U. S. Grant , Sprlngtlold , 111. Mr. Dawson - son has refused 1,000 for it. Now artesian wells near White lake are becoming quite frequent and the Wave records - cords a now well nearly every week. The latest ono Is on the Cooper farm near town , where a very heavy How was obtained. The water Hews through a six-Inch opening and rises to a height of six feet before break In K. The well is IM'J feet deep and wan put dov/n in less than live weeks , II. M. Miles doing the work. I-ast winter the legislature passed a law empowering the state railroad commissioners to llx maximum passenger rates. The rail road commissioners came to consult the In terstate Commerce commission on the eon. stltutlonallty of the statute. The national body , after u careful examination , decided that there nro so many glaring errors in the bill that It would not stand. On this advice the state commission will refuse to act under the law. During the year elapsing since the opening of the Hissoton reservation 2,1150 homesteads have been tiled upon it , leaving less than 400 open for settlement. These remnants are largely fractional and are chiefly located on the hills. The soil generally is rich , but the pieces left are not , of course , choice tracts , though well adapted , to stock and general farming , Three lloumhlng towns have albo grown up Slssoton , Summit and Efllngton HO that It Is safe to place the white popula tion of the reserve at 10.000 , a clear gain to the state In twelve m'oijths. What Is claimed rtp'bo , the largest book over made has Just boph completed by Brown it Saenger of Sioux Faljs. It is called tlie Visitors Heglster , aml , > vlll bo shipped in a few days to Chicago , where [ , It will bo put Into the South Dakotajjbulldlng , and every South Dakotnn is cxp qtcd to register In it , The book contains 2,0001pagos , and will ac commodate forty nuiivto | the pago. It Is 25 Inches long , 27 lnqes | ) wide , when shut , nnd 13 inches thick. , ) } weighs 17.r > pounds , nnd It took the wholOjhjdo of a cow to bind it. Through the follow of the back when the book M open , a 7-year-old boy can crawl with i.aaso. The board is three-quarters of anwfi \ thick. The book cost the firm $100 , uniivflll ho presented to the South Dakota cotujmission , Montuuo. Scarlet fever has broken out among Croo Indian children , and thirteen cases and three deaths are retried from a camp eight miles north of Anaconda. William Matthews , the king and last of the cattle rustlers , who for a tlmo In 18UO and 1891 defied law successfully In Wyom ing , Idaho and Washington , was brought to ( .real Vails heavily ironed by Deputy Sheriff Dwycr. Ho was captured lu Chateau , whore ho was traveling under the name of Thomas Briggs. "John J. Zimmerman Is a cattle owner of Montana , " runs a dispatch In the Chicago Tribune , "Though well-to-do so far us this world's goods uro concerned Mr. Zimmerman is wholly unaccustomed to the ways of the wicked city. Accordingly when ho ran against Phllamon Austin and his wlfo Mar garet ho parted with money and notes to the extent of f7,500 and has hU experience in exchange - change for hU money , lu the hope of getting back at his alleged swindlers Zimmerman has tiled a Dill in the circuit court asking for an injunction restraining them from dispos ing of the notes he gave them. Ho also hogan suit against Austin for $ -0,000 damages. The women of Bozeman have sent to the World's fair a magnificent Jewel in the form of the state's coat of arms. It is composed of gold , silver , copper and precious stones , all of the most artistic and excellent work manship , weighs live or six pounds , and cost an oven f.V)9 ) the entire sum being raised by the jnltcd efforts of the Ladies' Columbian association of Gallatin county. The court has overruled the motion for a non-suit made by the defendant in the cole- orated St. Louis-Montana minliic companies' case now progressing at Helena. This rul ing is construed as favorable to the St. Louis company , in that the senior right of the plaintiff gave it the privilege to follow the mineral vein into territory to which neither of the parties to the suit has United States patents. What will very likely turn out to bo the most Important mining suit ever brought In the United States is now on trial in the United States court. It Involves a question tlmt has never yet been settled in the courts and which Is a disputed one under the min ing laws. The question is whether the first discoverer of a mineral vein , the apex of which Is-on his claim , is entitled to all the ore found within the walls of that vein , no matter whether it stays within the lines of that claim as it deepens or goes outside. The apparently interminable Davis will case Is again on the docket of the circuit court for a now trial. Reports have been current that a compromise had been effected between the different factions , especially In view of the recent death of one of the prin cipal litigants , hut this in denied by the law yers on both sides , The special administra tor has over $1,000,000 lu cash on hand , In ad dition to nearly 1,000 shares of bank stock. No attempt has so far boon made to collect on the notes for K 0,000 tlmt bear the signa ture of Irvln Davis , orother of the dead mil lionaire. Washington. A company has been negotiating for the slto o ( n 10-stamp mill ut Swank and will put it in operation If a lodge can bo secured. J , H , Jansen of Tacoma has purchased Dexter Shoudy's claim at the mouth of Wil liams creek , Swauk district , for $ : ) ,000 , Gus Nelson Is reported to have taken out a gold nugget at Swauk last week weighing twenty-eight ounces and valued at M20. Tlio Crispin Mining company is developing gold mines in the Green river country. Win- lock claims to bo the nearest town to this locality. There Is a possibility that the Langonour woolen mill subsidy may yet bo raised. Of the 115.000 usked as a bonus $10,500 has boeu subscribed. The Washington Reduction company of Huby City baa commenced milling again after having been shut down sluco Novem ber 20 on account of frost. Operations have been going on all winter at the Italnbovv mine on Palmer mountain , nnd a 12-foot lead of rich rock In being worked with good success , The now shingle mill of the Willapa Cedar Lumber company at South Bend has been started in full operation. The mill turns out a carload of shingles a day and is undergo- inir changes which will increase the dally output tu 180,000. The diamonds und othnr valuables stolen from the residence of J. 10. Boss of Spokane , have been recovered and returned to the owner , The total value of the stolen Jewels amounted to ? SOO. The theft was traced tea a youth of respectable parentage , who , when confronted with the evidence of hU crime , broke down and confessed all. It is reported that the great monster sor- pout that lives in Hock lake near the mouth of Hock creek , has been seen lately and la supposed to be 100 feet in length and as large around as a barrel. There U an old traul- tlon that a regular man-cater dwells in ICock lake. The Indians live in great dread of it. They are afraid to go on the lake In n canoe or dwell In close proximity to it. They toll the story of its great size and craving for human flesh. Director Amos of the Union Pacific rail road writes that the company is milking an active inquiry with the view of extending its track to Astoria , and expects to reach a conclusion in a few weeks. Oregon. Shyster locators and timber sharks are locating eastern suckers on land In Tllla- meek county at from $25 to $75 per head. The Sheridan Sun says : A few of the 'swindled immigrants ought to make n hangIng - Ing bee nnd string up a few of the aforesaid locators. Mrs. Ell/a Lovcll Francis died at Port land Sunday , aged 100 years. She was a personal friend of Abraham Lincoln and the relict of Major Simeon Francis , U. S. A. , ed itor of the Portland Oregonian for several years , beginning with 1801. W. W. Cavities of Pcndloton , having been pressed by creditors , has sold to U. S. Stra- han , J. W. Whalloy , G. W. Hunt and asso ciates the well known Foster ranch prop erty on the Umatllla meadows , and also his stock In the Columbia VVilloy Laud and irri gation company , for $ -10,000. Jos 1 ah Taylor , the oldest man In Oregon , died near Sheridan , Yamphill county , aged 104. He was the oldest of seven children , the other six of whom are still alive , the youngest being now a woman of 80 years , Josluh voted for the fourth president of the United States In 1812 and has been a demo crat ever since. Lust November ho walked seven miles to cast a vote for Cleveland. The telephone line now building from Pon- dloton to Canyon City will bo what Is known nsa "metallic circuit. " the same system as In VORUO between Chicago and New Vork. There will bo two wires the entire distance. Tno company behind the enterprise is known as the Blue Mountain Telephone and Tola- graph company , and was recently organl/cd ut Pendloton with a capital stock of $50,000. The Nicest and Most Natural The finest , purest , strongest and best flavors for cakes , puddings , pastry , etc. , are Dr. Price's Delicious Flavoring Extracts. In this age of adulteration , consumers owe it to themselves to patronize manufacturers who have an established reputation for placing in the market pure articles. Dr. Price's Extracts for purity have the endorse ments of the leading chemists of this country. They are used by the United States Government. The best ho tels and restaurants use them. The largest and finest grocers cell them , and they are des tined to take the place of all other Flavoring Extracts. * Going to If so , buy one that cannot be stolen. The only thief-proof Watches ate those with Here's the Idea : The bow has n croovo on each end. A collar runs down Inside the pendent ( stem ) and fits Into the grooves , firmly locking the bow to the pendent , so that It cannot ba pulled or twisted off. To be sure of getting a Non-pull-out , sec that the caseisstampctl with this trademark.j\fa It cannot he had with any other kind , laff Ask your jeweler for pamphlet , or send for one to the famous Hess Filled Case mnker . KeystoneWatch Case Co. , PHILADELPHIA. SPRAINED ANKLES KNEES Can bo supported and rendered loss painful by using n SILK ELASTIC ANKLET or KNEECAP. Write us for monsurpment blank. Dealers in Physicians and Hos pital Supplies. 1513 Dodge St. , Omaha , Neb. STRENGTH , VITALITY , MANHOOD W.II. I. 1 ! < : TOK , Ujti..c/1/f/ { oniulllna phyitclun vM * I'KA KOUY M KmttAI. IH : TTUTKlo nU'i Kan awarded tlio UOLU ui.rui. by tlio N AXIOM c Mr.lilCil. iivociATloKfui the I'll 17. U KKHAYim Kxhautt < \'U'iHty \ , AtrophyK < rraui anil I'fiyiUai Debility , D'J all Jllita. and MValum o ( Mun , nlinfO thov > < " < ? i thu tnlJJli-agtJ and put. lilllirX ContulUtlon in jicrton IT by Mltr. IJU1ILO Vroiptctu. wllh WlmoulnlJ , KIUIR , [ .firKO book. H01UNOIS OK L.1VK , OH HKL.V- ritKSKIlVATIOH. SCO pp. . 12i Invaluable IK * OH , eolr tl.OO L * mill. al l. ,