| 5"r THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; SUNDAY. MAT 1'J. 1893-SIXTEEN PAGES. AlVUISH AT THE CAPITAL Igh Government Officials Who Are Wor shippers in that Faith. "IS A PRESBYTERIAN ADMINISTRATION thtrn the i'rrnlilcnt nnil Momlirrs of 1 Cnhlnet Atlrnil Dltlnn Hcrrlcc-Com- Inc Mrrtlncof the Ornornl WASHINGTON , D , C. , May 13. [ Special to HB HEB. ] During the Into presidential ampnlgn many pleasantries wcro published anccrnlng the religious beliefs held by the ovcral candidates for t.ho highest ofliccs , ml ll was said that whichever candidate os successful It would bo n Presbyterian idmlnlstration. While that was true , It Is lardly possible that thcro would have boon 10 many Presbyterians m the cabinet had Ither of the other parties won. Mr. Cleve- nnd is a Presbyterian by birth , training and narrlagc , If not by profession , for his 'atlicr was a Presbyterian minister , n jrothor Is a pastor of n Presbyterian church , i sister has been n foreign missionary nnd Mrs. Cleveland Is also a member of that de nomination. In addition to that Vica Prosl. lent Stevenson and his family worship at New York Avcnuo church , as do also , ho secretary of war and his wife. Mrs. uatnont is n member of the Presbyterian : luirch , her husand is not , but his usual [ julot remark Is , "My undo was a doacont'ln \ Presbytorlim church , so I go thoio. " The secretary of state ami .Mrs. Grcshom , nnd the sectary of the Interior and his family attend - tend the Now York Avenue church. The postmaster general , secretary of agriculture and the secretary of the navy , with their families , go to the Episcopal church , and Secretary Carlisle's family attends the Methodist church. This arrangement Rlvcs the Presbyterians the president , the vice president nnd three members of the cabinet , in Addition to several members of the Judi ciary nnd a number of senators and repre sentatives. Whcro Harrison Worshiped. President Harrison worshiped In the Church of the Covenant , also Presbyterian , nnd Dr. Hamlln was known for four years much to his annoyance , as the president's tor. During the present administration Sis Sunderland of the First church enjoys that honor , if it bo ono. But is saiil that It Is not an honor coveted by the Washington paslors least of all by the outspoken pastor of the First church , whq has recently cele brated his fortieth anniversary. It is said tnat Dr. Sundorland was strongly opposed to Mr. Cleveland's llrst clcntlnn. and after the inauguration , ho objected to having his church known as the prcsilcnt's church under n democratic administration. His be coming the president's pastor was duo to Mr. Cleveland's sisters remembering that tholr mother had n pastor in Batavla , N. Y. , named Sutherland , and they desired to go to his church in Washington. The plucky parson who had preached abolition from his pulpit nt the risk of his life , said that ho ' would not take back a word , but ho not only lie-came the pastor of the administration , but married the present occupants of the white houso. It is eminently fitting , therefore , that the general assembly of the Presbyterian church should moot In Washington this year , and preparations for their coming have been made with a lavishncss seldom equalled , and a glance at the several committees will show the character of the men who are to assist In welcoming the followers of Calvin to the Capital city. The finance committee- per haps the most important , for without money hospitality Is bumpered. John W. Thompson is chairman of this committee and has with him such men ns John W. Foster , ox-secre- 'tary of state ; Senator Calvin S. Bricc , .Colonel George E , Lemon , Colonel John Hay , President Lincoln's biographer ; R. II. -Warner. Willmm B. .Gurloy , James L. Norris - ris , William Baliantyno , Charles E. Fester , James E. Fitch. William Thompson , H. H. Wells , Captain it. W. Cuyler ana Frederick Pilling. Chairmen of the Committees. The chairmen of the several committees nro ns follows : Finance , John W. Thomp. son ; reception , Justice William Strong ; social entertainment , Hov. Dr. Byron Sun- ' derlnnd ; hbspitalitv , Sardls L. Crissoy ; ex cursions , Hov. Dr. Tennis S. Hamlin ; information mation , Hov. Charles B. Kamsdcll ; music , Rev. T. S. Wynkoop : meetings and assem blies , Hov. W. S. Miller ; pulpits , Hov. B. F. Uittlngor ; preparation of the church , trus tees of the New York Avenue church ; trans portation , Rev. Dr. William H. Hoberts , stated clerk of the general assembly ; press nnd printing , Bcria Wilklns of the Washing ton Post ; ushers and assistants , Philip F. Lamer ; executive , Hov. Dr. William A. Bartlett ; with Dr. Bartlett are J. It. Van Mater , secretary ; Governor II. H. Wells , Charles B. Bailey , Sardls L. Crissoy , Wil liam B. Gurlcy anil John D. McChcsnoy. The assembly will open on Thursday morn ing of next week , with a sermon by the re tiring moderator , Dr. William C. Young , president of Center college , Danville , Ky , In the afternoon the election of moderator will take place ; In the evening the commun ion will i > o observed , and on Friday the special committees , of which thcro are Jlftomi , will begin to report. There arc many topics under the head of routine busi ness to come before the assembly , such us the work of the eight boards of the church , which have received nnd expended durlns ' the year between W.000,000 and ? r ,000,000 in 10 way of benevolences. In addition to the ( . [ nuch larger sum contributed by the church lor congregational expenses. An Important Mnttar. In addition to this work , which , In Itself , would occupy the time allotted for the jiHSombty , the great question of revising the confession 'of ' faith is to come before the body for final consideration probably. Foi t\vo or three years the revision question ha : "been uppermost , but after an able committee had spent two yours of patient work , usine all the light shed upon the subject by more than aw presbyteries , It has sent down r report to the presbyteries which meets tlu approval of neither the revisionist ! ! nor tlu nnti-revulonlsts. The result Is Too con scrvatlvo for the llrst class , and too llbera for the second. Of 10U presbyteries whoso action on the revision qucstioi has been noted , twenty-four have falict to take action , thirty-four upprovci the entire report , tlfty-uno disapproved the entire report , sixty approve in part ant : sixty-six desire u now creed. Tills leave : the revision a failure , for under the nou rules two-thirds must approve a change li the constitution of the church , and as more than ono'thlrd have failed to express ap provnl , the work of two years is parti ) thrown away , The question now arises shall u now creed be prepared I The subject , however , which transcend : , nil others this year Is the appeal from tin , Now York presbytery , or rather from tin prosecuting committee of the presbytnry , li the case of Prof , Brlggs of Union seminary \vho has been on trial for heresy for tw < years. Dr. Parkhurst of New York , in i recent sermon protested against tlio prosen attitudeof the Prosbyterlan church , ai voiced la the last two general assemblies on the ground that it has crowded but o 'Bight and out of right "tho one ovangollca , ttruth that can make cither this church o any other church a redemptive power In tin world , and that It Is spending In tticologlca speculation nud In matters of occlc'iasilca politics time nnd rawer that are designed o Uod to bo spout In converting the heuthet at homo and abroad. " KKorts fur Harmony. ' During the year an effort has been uiad by thn liberals to secure peace , but the con eervatlvM say that there can bo no poac while a disturbing clement insists upon It ( particular views being taught in the sotnl liinrlcs unit preached In the pulpits ; that th 'church nt lurgo and not the New York pros by lory alouo must decide what the uhurcl 'believes. ' Some BOO ministers In varlou parts of the country have signed what ha 'been ' tolled a "Pica for Peace nnd Work. ftnd u circular lias also been sent out by A D , V , Hamlolph of Now York , for the laymu to sign , calling upon the coming assembly t explain what the last assembly mount who : , ) t adopted the now famous deliverance of hi errancy , which was uaoptcd almost , if no quite , -unanimously on the last day of tti tesslon. There has boeu an attempt to combine th BHgcs case and the nsvjmbly deliverance , the liberals declaring that at the mooting In Portland A now dogma had been Usued , while the conservatives assort nn vigorously that It wns simply a statement of what the church 1ms always held. H must bo ad mitted , however , that had the question of Dr. Brlggs's orthodoxy not come before the church , the necessity for the deliverance nt this tlmo Would scarcely have been felt so urgently by those who favored Its adoption. The conservatives say that If the liberals nro so much disturbed by the fear of a split In the church , their fears can bo allayed by Dr. Brlggs1 resignation being accepted by the directors of Union seminary ; but Dr. Brlggs and his friends say that they nro not lighting for themselves , but for freedom In the church , for liberty for those who the ultra-con- ore oppressed by present scrvatlvo views taught nnd held In certain quarters ; that if it wcro ono man who was nt stake , they could afford to yield rather than force the Issue , but , under the circumstances. It 1s better to go down with Hags flying. After the trial in Now York , Dr. Edward L. Clark , a member of the pres bytery , a leading pastor and director of Union seminary , resigned his pastorate be cause ho could not hold the views which seemed essential for a man owning allegiance to the general assembly. An effort wns made to rotain-htm In the presbytery , but ho was flrm In his determination to withdraw , and ho accepted a call to a leading Congre gational church In Boston , Election of Moilrrntnr. The Brings case will come before the as sembly indirectly on the opening day , when an effort-will bo nmdo to secure for moder ator a minister friendly to the professor , for the moderator appoints nil the standing committees. Should the liberal candidate fall to secure the election , he will by courtesy bo placed at the head of the Judiciary com mittee , In the coming assembly the most Im portant chairman appointed. The appeal from Now York will then bo referred to the Judicial committee , which will report that It bo entertained or not entertained. If It bo not entertained , that will settle the matter , and Dr. Brlggs , who is now acquitted by the Xew York presbytery , will DO adjudged or- hodox. If , however , the assembly entor- nitis the appeal , the question will arlso whether it shall bo sustained and Judgment aken or whether It shall bo remanded to lie synod of Now York for action. Among the candidates for moderator nro Prof. Craig of Chicago , Prof. Hoberts of Cincinnati. Dr. Baker and Dr. Dlckoy , both of Philadelphia. It Is.thought by many that Dr. Hoberts will be elected , as his friends arc sorely displeased with the action of the Lane seminary directors , who have removed Jilm from his olllco and kept in the seminary Dr. Henry P. Smith , whoso trial for heresy was going on in Cincinnati last fall when Dr. Brlges was on the rack in Now York. Not a few of the presbyteries have in structed their delegates how to vote on the Brigcs case. In the Baltimore presbytery , for instance , a resolution was presented re questing the general assembly to take final aotion in the matter , and not send the case back to the Now York synod. Tills was laid on the table , although ona of the clergymen who seconded the resolution said the fact that the presbytery had elected Dr. Joseph 1' . Smith and Dr. J. P. Leftwleh , as its com missioners to the assembly was a guarantee that the presbytery would bo represented by two men who would substantially support the principle of the tabled resolution , as they are strictly orthodox and wish the Brlggs case settled once and for all , and not to bo sent , back to the synod , only to return on an appeal next year. Of Different Vlewg. Several leading presbyteries , on the other hand , have Instructed their commissioners to vote to have the case remanded. Several presbyteries have overtured the assembly to decline to entertain any appeals in Judicial cases made directly from the presbytery or bv a prosecuting committee ; the assembly , ifnecessary , directing the persons making such appeal to have recourse for relief to their right of complaint to the synod. It is expected that if a sulllcient number of over tures of this character is received by the coming assembly that It will have an Indi rect effect , at least , upon tno action in the present Issue. SOUGHT A BURIED FORTUNE. Detectives Arroat Two lion Who Have a Queer Story to Tell. Detectives Hayes and Hudson added an other good Job to the record of the Omaha police department yesterday. The two offlcers were walking up Tenth street yester day forenoon , when they encountered two men whoso appearance marked them as good men to watch. They carried a number of tools wrapped In paper , which wore foun.d to consist of a spade , a common iron rod and a mineral rod. When interrogated they claimed that they were going to visit a grove near Cut-Off lake where tnoy had boon told a man was buried together with a consideralo fortune which had been placed at the foot of his coflln. The officers had an Idea that they might bo bodysnatchors and took them to the police station , where they gave their names ns Albert A. Steward and C. Osbom. The first mentioned claimed to stop at the Wirth hotel. His trunks nnd belongings were also hauled to police headquarters from thcro ana the contents examined. The first thing found was a Magic money maker , with directions on the inside of the box which Inclosed it how to turn out good greenbacks. Compromising Correspondence. A letter from Beaucloro , Flu. , dated January 21,1803 , and addressed to Steward , was found with a price list for con federate bills enclosed , giving nriccs at which 10,000 lots could bo furnished at fl per 1,000 by F. C. Sawyer. Transcripts of documents from the United States district court of Nebraska showed that Steward had , In 1893 and 18'Jl , como in contact with Uncle Sam's ofllccrs. His name was slated A. D. Stewart , alias E. M. Holmes , alias G. G. Leaning. From these it was further gleaned that several indictments bad been found against him , ono for mailing "nonmaUablo" matter nnd another for receiving letters ad dressed to fictitious names. On the first charge ho was convicted by Judge Dundy , who assessed a fine of $50 and costs against him. He was also convicted to pay n line on the second charge. Aside from those ho served twenty-four days In jail upon another conviction. In a Journal , upon the cover of which the name "J. J. ICauffman , Yale Center , Kan sas , " appeared , wore found a lot of Confeder ate bills and script , as well as advertising matter. A list of questions to ho propounded to T. J. Malioney , M. V. Gannon , John C. Cowln , Leo Estello , E. It. Duffeo , J , P. Breon , Judge Ambrose and other prominent attorneys of Omaha , In relation to n cuso in United States court , was also In the trunk. Another document showed that Steward , while on the eve of closing a &I,5M real es tate deal In Grand Island , was arrested by oftlrors for violation of the postal laws and that ho pleaded guilty and received a twenty-four day sentence. Uwiiml Up to Suiting ( ireeu Goods. When seen by a DUB reporter Steward ad mitted that ho had advertised at ono tlmo as having had green goods for sale , which had brought him in conflict with the federal authorities , but ho denied ever having had any such goods In his pos session. Asked what ho gained by those advertisements ho said , "Well If they wort answered and good bills were enclosed ] would have that much money. " He claims to have lived hero since last December , nnd said that hi was a real estate dealer , comini hero from Grand Island , to whlct place ho came from Gate Center , Kan. Ol the workings of the apparatus for manufac turlng greenbacks ho disclaimed all knowl edge , saying that ho had bought It because U was advertised. The confederate bills hi said ho had had In his possession a long tlmi and ho had intended to consign them to tin flames several timesbut had omitted to do so Madam Clayton , the clairvoyant on Tentl street , had informed turn and Osborn of thi oxUtouce of the underground fortune noai North Omaha and both hail proposed to nun it up. Shortly after the arrests wcro made tin mother and sister of young Osborn appearoi In the police court and the former ploaaei camostly with Judge Berka for tui release of tier boy who she declare ! was Innocent of all wrongdoing la the mat ter. He bad simply , made the acqu&lntanci of Steward and did not know any thing abou the lattor's tntocedenU. WILL HUSTLE AULD CLOOTIE Salvation Army People Preparing tjQiva Sin a Lively Shaking Up. WILL HAVE A HALLELUJAH CONGRESS Mnjor French' ! Division to Itomleivom In Omahn During the \Voek .loo the Turk Will Sine anil Citptnln llluko Got Mnrrloil. neglnnlng this morning the Salvation army will Inaugurate a series of meetings which nro expected to ccllnso all previous efforts made by It In this city. It Is preparatory to the summer's cam paign and promises to bo exceedingly Inter esting. A worker of world wide reputation , several distinguished ofllccrs and 100 dele gates will bo present from various parts of of the midland division , which embraces the states of Nebraska , Iowa , the Dakotas , Mis souri and Colorado , and over which Major and Mrs. George French presldo , with head quarters In Omaha. The proceedings will bo begun at the barracks nt 11 o'clock today by an address by "Joe the Turk" upon the sub ject "Out and Out Religion. " At 3 o'clock In the afternoon and at 3 o'clock this evening , addresses will bo made by the same speaker , that of the afternoon bo. Inc devoted to a resume of the speaker's llfo and that in the evening to a consideration of the subject : ' 'From the Greek Church to the Salvation Army. " . ' Joe the Turk , " whoso proper narno and title Is Captain J. Garabod , Is ono of the most unique and conspicuous characters which the work of the Salvation army has brought to the front. Ho Is a man of about 3o years of ago , of robust build , and speaks with u decided foreign accent. Ho was born in Turkey and his father was a priest In the Greek church. When ho arrived at man's estate , ho emi grated to America , landing in San Francisco , where after throe years spent at the shoe maker's trade , ho Joined the Salvation army. Ho has on several occasions been assaulted for his belief , having at ono time had his back cut with a knife , and at another tils nose broken by a Hying missile. Once , in Oregon , when sentenced by the judge , for disturbing the peace , together with a number of other Salvationists , to llfti-cn days In Jail , ho shouted out l'Tlio Lord bo praised , " and the Judge coojly added ten days moro to his sentence for contempt. This period of imprisonment Joe alludes to as "twcnty-llvo days in Jail for Jesus. " .too is a good cornctist , a fine singer and ; i fluent and interesting speaker In a humor ous vein. He wears u Turkish costume nt all his meetings and upon the street carries an umbrella painted in the army colors , red , blue and yellow , and Inscribed with various religious quotations. Ono of his favorite songs is "Growl , Devil , Growl. " Ho will bo hero not only on Sun day , but also on Monday , Tuesday and Wednesday , and will take part In all the mcotingsiof the array. After Joe HUB Concluded. On Monday evening the interstate con gress opens at the barracks with a reception tendered to the delegates by Major and Mrs. George French. During Tuesday coun cils of ofllcors will take place at the First Congregational church and in the evening , beginning at 0:80 : , will occur a grand parade of all the resident and visiting members of thoarniy. Over 200 lads and lassies will bo in lino. At 8 o'clock Captain L. Blake of Hastings , who has pn several occasions entertained Omaha audiences , will bo publicly married at Exposition hall to Captain Stella Myers of Washington , In. Those marriages have always attracted largo audiences and created much amusement , especially when the groom anticipated the minister and kissed the bride. On Wednesday at 8 p. m. a holiness con vention will bb held at the Young Men's Christian association hall , and In the evenIng - Ing at the barracks a meotini ; will take place for the purpose of promoting several cadets to the rank of oflloers , and to intro duce Ensign C. Llbbio McAbee , who comes to Omaha to take charge of a ladles training garrison , yet to ho organized. This meeling will ale bo in the nature of a farewell to Adjutant and Mrs. Albert Harris , who have for a long time past successfully conducted the Salvation army's work In this city , and who go shortly to take charge of work in the Dakotas. Among the notables who will be present arc Staff Captains John Cousins of Colorado and Ben Bcatty of Missouri , and among the singers , two who are said to bo especially pleasing. They are Captains Lulu and Katie Jones , two colored songstresses , who travel In the inter st of the work In the slums In the cast , and will bo in attendance from Monday until the close. TUB TKANSCONTINKNrAI. THAI * . The tlreat "Aultmnn-Taylor" Special Roaches Omaha. Last evening exactly on advertised schedule time the special train load ol "Aultinan-Tttvlor" threshers - " , engines , horse powors"saw mills , etc. , consigned to P. L. LoomiB of this city , having loft Mansfield , O. , over the Lake Erie & Western and Chicago , Rook Island & Pacific railroads , crossed the bridge and pulled into the union depot. The train consisted of thirty-nix flat cars , hand somely decorated with flags , bunting , etc. , and with its load of bright and at tractively painted machinery , had thousands of admirers along the route. This is the most valuable single ship ment of machinery over made , beina valued at $117,500.00. "Tho train was in charge of Mr. P. L. Looinis , western manager of The Ault- inun & Taylor Machinery company , and Mr. C. A. Hunter , contracting freight agent of the Hock Island road , and wag accompanied by "W. II. Stillwoll , super intendent , Harry Fox , assistant superin tendent , and Dan Malnnoy traveling freight agent of the Rock Island. The trip was ono continuous ovation , the entire run of nearly 1,000 miles be ing made by daylight only , and stops made at all of the principal citations en route. One great attraction to the as sembled crowds was the complete stoair threshing outtit with self-feeder and swinging stacker in operation on the two rear cars. The train is now standing onthoUnior Pacific tracks under the Tenth strcol viaduct , and will doubtless bo visited b } hundreds today. tUMKOES AA'U LA1IOK UXIONU. OMAIII , May 13. To the Editor of Tni IIEK : In your Issue of May 10 , under tin headline , "No Color Line Is Drawn , " I au represented as having salt } that the colonx men of the south , did not emigrate to tin north because the labor organizations of tin country discriminated against thorn. It wll require no argument to provo that this state mcnt Is a fact with which the public 1 : familiar. Your reporter has presented sovei interviews , six of which nro from president ; of labor organizations , for the purpose o showing that my statement was not fouudei on facts. In the first place , the bare fac that very nearly all of the carpenter work painting , plastering , blucksmlthlng , as wo ] as the work In the railroad shops , unloi depots , electrio power houses , etc. , is don by white men , is of itself sufficient proof o the truthfulness of my statement. Is it not a fact that 75 per cent of th negro population of the north and west an southerners ! Everybody knows that. Is i not a fact that the same work In all of th largo cities of the south is performed by th nogrot Of this the southern white mai makes his boast. Is It true that this Is th moat profitable labor in the north and west Wo arc all compelled to answer in the afllrm atlvo. Then , why is it that , this samu negr who floes from the south to rid himself fron political oppression refuses to engage in thl same work with which ho is most fainllta and for wulcU Uo can earn from $3.00 to f per day , nncl labors for II.50 and In many In stances tl per day ! , Your reporter would have the pumlo belief o that it Is simply bo- catiso ho chooses td d6 so. It is n hard matter - tor for him to convince an unprejudiced pub- 1 that his position Is correct. The Interviews themselves help to estab lish the correctness dROny statement. Mr. Morton , president of thttlron Molders union , says that the constitution of his union does not prohibit colored people from joining , but If nn application should bo made to It by n colored man , thcro n > ffJBt bo some question raised ns to whether they should admit him or not. Hold admission , Indeed , Is this. Why docs ho make this stAtotncntI Simply because ho knows thnChls society would not admit him. Ho Is kltfS enough to say that the color of or.o's skin should not cut any figure. If It did not , In this particular field , why does ho not say so. Mr. Hopkins , president of the Machinists union , says : "Yes , the colored man Is ex cluded from our order , the word 'white' ap pearing In our constitution. " Ho has stated the fact as It is. And while the same word may not appear in many of the others , it had as well , judging from the results of their actions. You must remember that thcso nro "oath- bound secret societies , " the law nnd doings of which nro known onlyi by their members. While they have no written law that bars the negro , the fact Of his not being n largo part of their organizations , ns well as the largo number of applications made by them , nnd which have been refused , say to the world that they have an unwritten law , the Interpretation of which Is : "No negro need apply. " In evidence of this fact wo ofTer a few statements from gentlemen who Imvo np- plloj. They speak for themselves : Mr. Henry 1'ylor Is n llrst-class painter and a gentleman. Ho says , that ho tiuido applications to the "painters { union. " His money and petition wcro kept for some time , after which they wcro returned with no ex planation. Mr. Henry Holiday says that ho wns served the same way. Mr. Tyler says that ho tried to Join the brlckmasons union , but wns told by them that they had no time to consider his applica tion and up to this morning they had not found tlmo. And yet Mr. Parker would have the people believe that thcro are no colored brickmnsons in Omaha. Mr. John Bailey is an engineer. Ho made application to the Order of American Sta tionary Steam Engineers. Mr. T. A. Murry , n white gentlemen who signed his applica tion , snys that ho was refused because ho was a colored man. Ho ( Murry ) being pres ent when the application came before the union knows whereof ho speaks. Mr. Dave Gilbert , ono of the loading en gineers of this city , says that he has signed applications for colored men , but they Imvo been refused because they were colored. Mr. Charles H.irpstor says the same thing. Mr. George Garl , a first-class painter and paper hanger , if mother one who is barred for the same reason. Mr. Benton Bell acknowledges being guilty of receiving thirty black balls in the engineer union because Ho was not a white man instead - , stead of n quadroon. These , Mr. Editor , are a few statements of the many thousands of my race who have been and are being deprived of a fair chance to earn an honest living by the sweat of their brows for themselves nnd families. I admit that some of these organizations have colored members , but It U a fact that as a rule white men > ylll not work with them. They cannot scijpro cmplojment on that account. Tlio man who gives them work Is ridiculed aji'd in many Instances made to suffer UnancliU loss. It is not my puriws'r to create hostility toward "organized labqr. " No , bo it far from that. All I ask for-my race is that it be given a fair and equal chance In ovcry und all spheres of Hfe , , and enjoyment of every right and privilege guaranteed to the citizens of this grand .and glorious republic that boasts of being "The land of the frco and the homo of the brave. " That I have the support not only o'f all truly pious men , but of ovcry man whq Is an honest Ameri can , I am fully persuaded. I am yours for Justice to all men , [ H. B. PAHKS. XEBU.lSICA.su Cudaliy'ii Now J'acklucr House nt TJOS Analog I'orBonnL OoHslp. Los ANOK.FS , Gal. , ' 'May y , [ Special to TUB BEB. ] Some imeortainty seems to exist lii Omaha , if ono' may judge from the reports - ports Issued from thence upon the matter , concerning the extent of the investments of the Cudahy Packing company In Los iVngeles. An inquiry from the ofliccs of the company in this city elicited the following statement : Tno Cudahy company has Invested here the cost of erecting the packing house , say $7(5,000 ( ; the purchase of the Nadran ranch , $190,000 ; total , $271,000. Mr. Cueahy has also purchased n residence in Pasadena for $12,000 , where als daughter and some other members of his family now reside. The packing house is now Hearing completion , and it is thought it will bo ready to commence operations by June 1. It is within the city limits , though "down by the river , " nnd In a district where Its exis tence for the present , ut least , cannot bo offensive. Gecrgo Hotchklss , a member of the Hammond mend Moat company of Omaha , has been stopping nt Pomona. Ho was accompanied by T. C. IClmball , formerly president of thoGnti- sovoort bank of New York , but now In the wholesale fruit business. Both gentlemen , it is reported , are on the lookout for Invest ments in southern California. A. L. Tucker , president of the Citizens bank of Wayne , Nob. , is quartered at the Horton house In San Diego with his family. W. A. Thomas and M. J. Slmokleford of York , Nob. , have purchased the sixteen- aero ranch of Gone W. Wright , near Ana heim , for $10,000. Mr. Wright is also of York , Nob. , and ho bus returned thither with his family and will remain there , while the other two gentlemen will locate on the ranch and attend to managing it. Ex-Mayor H. CJ. Cushlngof Omaha has been visiting San Diego for the purpose of oxairlning some placer property there with a view to purchasing it. James Patterson , Jr. , cashier of Peru's national bank , and his father , J. M. Patter son , both of Pluttsmouth , Nob. , have been visiting Klvorsldo. J. B. Hnrtwell , postmaster of Hastings , Neb , , who has been visiting Hivcrslde for u few months has returned to his homo. John E. Teclmn , aged ' i , of Omaha died In Oakland a week or more ago. His father has been connected with the mechanical department of the Union Pacillo railroad ut Omaha for a long time. Ho came to Oak land on being notitlcd of his son's death and accompanied the remains to Omaha. U. Bralt of Hastings , Nob. , has purchased 100 acres of land near Sun .1'icinto , in the valley of that naiiio , the purchase being madoof Charles Hurattl Mr. Bratt has re moved thither nnd Is ; 'putting considerable improvements on his hqw property. Dr. H. G. Lolsenrihg , the Union Pnclflo railroad surgeon , ofjffobraskn , has boon visiting his father In ! an Diego , who is Dr. P. S. Lelsonrlng , lato'nrofosaorof ' the Omaha Medical college , * " B. Cole of Asliltuiil , Neb , , a wealthy fanner , tins been vi'sltlng Corlna , nnd has negotiated the purchase of some property thero. Helms returnedto , Nebraska to fix up his affairs there bbforo removing to his now California homo.0 Mr. Cole will go into orange raising. \ OMAHA DENTAL INSTITUTE. 318 South 15th Street , Opposite Granite Building1. AN UNPARALLELED OFFER : In order to introduce our methods of painless dentistry , we will do Gold Filling $1 and upwards. Silver Fillings 5Oc and upwards. Positively Painless Extracting 25c. GOLD CROWN AND BRIDGE WORK $5 PER TOOTH F > till Set Teeth SB. HAVE BUT GRADUATES EMPLOYED in our offices. WE GUARANTEE OUR WORK equal to the costliest in the city. These prices for (50 DAYS ONLY. WEX © AVEX YOU SO F > er Gent on. Dental Work , T. J. RANDALL , D. D. S. , ) C. K. FISKE , D. D. S. , J-STAFF. H. E. LINDAS , M. D , , D. D. S. , ) Open Sunday front 10 a. in. to 3 p. in. AMUS EM EXNTS. BOYD'S NEW THEATRE cS gnhte SUNDAY , 14. And for ono Week , at the following pricoil 26c , 35c , 50c , 76(5. ( TUB Calhoun * Comic Opera COMPANY. Sunday , Monday and Tuesday evenings , "SAID PASHA. " Mis1 ? I-niirn Mlllnril , I'rlina Datum Soprano. Wednesday nnd Thursday ovonlnss , Miss Amy Leslie. Operatic Soubretto. Miss Nellie Hartley , Contralto. "BOCCACIO. " Miss Oarolyu Muxwoll , t-'opr.iuo. Miss Em in u Knov. Sournno. Mtas Dor.i nordlno. Contralto. Friday and Saturday ovonintrs , Mr. Martin 1'xctio. I'rlmo-Tenor. ' ' " Mr. Klrtlnnd Onllionn , Comedian , 'FATINITZA. Mr. Dousing KlltiU Cornell Inn , Mr. llunrl Loonl , llurltono. Wednesday nud Saturday Matinees. Mr. Otis Tbayor , llussa . . Mr. Kd HuntltiRton , Tonor. "SAID PASHA. " ( Jliormof no. AiKiimontod Orchestra. Curl Mitrtcns , Conductor. THE PRICES , 25c , 35c , 50c , 75o. NO HIGHER. AKTD BIJOU THEATRE WONDERLAND Corner 15th Street -mid Capitol Avenue. A F * Week Beginning Monday , May 1 O LISLE LEIGH - RALPH E. CUMMINGS SUPPORTED BY THE oii THE SIGNAL NEW YORK THEATER SUCCESS. BEAUTIFUL HANDSOME SCENERY COSTUMES AND AND Stage Effects. ACCESSORIES A A SOCIETY COMEDY PLAY. DRAMA THE AT PRICES PEOPLES' WITHIN THE POPULAR REACH PLAY HOUSE. OP ALL. A SPECIALTY , . . . . . , PROGRAM PRECEDES THE DRAMA. - ! „ „ „ < > nil parts of the house 2Oo Popular ny . . . . 2Oo I'lircjuot 25o R GRLR WEEK OF MUSIC- fad Populaf lay Festival FIVE AND THE New York Symphony Orchestra 250 VOICES , JOHN PHILI IP SOUSA , - Conductor. WALTER DAMBOSOH , - Conductor. 50 Members-May 15th. 65 Members-May 17 and 18. MMR FUUSOII MADI I MfilE. VAN OAUTKBEN . f b ° Drano > MME. SOFIA SOAI.OHI Contralto JUSSMINNIK lir.HNNE Contralto MU. A r aiJILIjB Tenor Mil. ADOUMI HUOUHIIV Violinist Mil.VII.MAM . MKUTENS Uarltono MR ANTON HEKKINO Vloloncolllit S1O. VIV1ANI llasio S1I89 I.EONOUA VON HTOSUH Violinist M188 MLLIAN IlkAUVEI/T Soprano. Reserved scuts $1.80 , $1 and 75c ; now on sale at 1508 Dodge Street. General Admission 75c , Avltli reserved seat. PROTECT The well known Now York and St , Louis Eye Export will bo in Oriialm , Neb , , May 22 to 527 , at the utoro of his agents , MAX MEYER & BRO. CO. , and have youroyos Eclontlflcnlly tested and fitted with a pair ol hla celebrated nonchungonblo spectacles. Retnombor , 0 days only , MAX MEYER & BRO. CO. , ho to Aifaiitn fur OiuaUu , A'tib , CONSULTATION FREE. SPECIALIST I'mlilnnt of NEW ERA " A' hlJmHCAI , lilSrr.NHAHY. ( Consultation l'r e. ) Is unsurpassed In the treat ment of alt Ohrnuic , Private and Nervoui Di oa o . Wrltu to or ooa ult pa .onallr , TltUATMiiNT II V MAI I. . - iddr.it with .tamp for par- . tlculars. wliloU will bo soot la j-.a DO * wi Offlo * us u. uiu-it. . AMUSIS.MENTS. FAIR GROUNDS SUNDAY , TVTAV 14. li . + nt2wp.m..raln : : or shine-1 * * * * * AuH Fimt Outdoor Event of the Season. The World' * Fair Novelty. Throwers In a mnrvcloua exhibition. I'oaco and war dances , native-oorrobuiiM'H , savnqu rltoj and ceremonies and tliolr Dextrous lloomontnir throwlnit. 20o Oonornl Admission ! 2Oo Children under U yours old 15o. mm ST. THEATER l&o , 2r > o , : { fto. SOo , 7Bo Ono week comuioncltiK mntlnco Sumlny , tlio oral- ill-lit antor , MIt.rK.VK : tlX/JOX In lilii ifro.it muilerplrou. THE SON OF MONTE GRISTO. prr'ai'vy11"1'1 ' ' 'y " 1 > ucl111 " "i"05'- "DAMON AND Wodnoailny mntlnoo nnj sent In the lioiino , 25o. HOTELS. "THE OMAHA" EUROPEAN HOTEL. 63th one ] Lexington nvontio , Chloano. olitlit minutes from.t7lli street i-ntrunca to World's I'lilr ' k'roumls , only four blocks from Midway ' ' I'lulsaticc. "THE OMAHA" JH n flue atone nnd brick building , finished In hard wood , provided with oloclrlolight , steam heat , tmths ami perfect sanitary pluniulnir thratulimit. The rooms nro all Rood size with outside light , nnd are ( Inlsliud very much bet ter tlinn most of the World's Kulr'llotols. Tlio restaurant will liceoniluclnd by thb niiinuaer. which will Insure to nil ynoJ service and entire HiitlHfucilon. Kiuus will ho moderate nnd rna- sonnhlo. 1'j-icoa for r.ioms , $1.00 and upwards ( oiu-li porsoil ) nor duy. \ > o dunlre to iniiko "THE OMAHA" hoadiiinrtors | for all Nebraska | > ooplo who may vlolt the World's l-'iilr. Von are welcome to cnino and -QUIiHTIONH AND GET I'OINTKHB" whether you wish to romum 01 not. not."THE OMAHA' Is convenientv ! ranahod by taklns the Oattage drove mill .Jiiclthon I'.irlc cable uuron Wabinh iivenuo. Thuy | iubs tlio holol. Hotel will ho open Juno I. FRANK E.ALEXANDER , Proprlotor. B. SILLOWAY , - - - Mtmuger. The ieroer. \ Omaha's Newest Hotel * _ _ - - ! Ill W COR , 12TII AND HOiVARJ Hi. 2W per < Ur. K Hooma nt M.OJ pur < Ur. ICIlroni ) witli Ilatli nil 1.0) pirltr. ICIIooms wllli Hath atllol toll 5)pr lir OPEIMEID AUGUST Moiluru 111 ICvnry Kospuct. Newly I'uriilshoilTliroiiffUout C. S. ERB. Proa. TO WORLD'S FAIR VISITORS The Qlenarm Kur pc.li ! Hotel , nil en quiet and convenient quarter ! , tniodcralc price * . All World's Fair I.lnel within two blocks 15 minutes to either Kxp'iillon or Inulneu center , ( or fivn cent ( are. Newly nnd Iiandwmely furnished and decorated , Klcvator , Klcclric liglilt. Suit n ( rooms for families. High Cl > Restaurant Rates , $ l,5ato$2so per day. Address , THB QLBiXAR/A / HOTEL CO. IT. E. Cor. Indiana Ave. tc 22d St. Chlcnzo , III. Refer to A. V. Seeberuef. Trea . , World's Colum bian Kxpotition and l'rc . , Market National Dank. Chicago , Illinois. Arc You Going to the World's Fair ? Secure accommodations In lira proof liotnl 111(0 tlio llotul tit. f.'iwrunco nnd I'urk End. Of brlolc iinil atono. 400 fuel from Midway rials- unco nixl WimlilnjjUm 1'urk , wlioro nil pti- nidos tiiko plncu. Klulit minutes walk to tlio fulr , but fur cnotiKli for iiuauu nnd rent. Ilitllil- lirrt es | > oelully iirranqcc ! fur imrtlos. Kvtry suit of rooms has until and modern convun- lencuv. Itittus H up. Kpuclnl rates to olubs. J. K. I.yniun Hotel Co. , 870 IKlrd bt. , Oliloiv.-o. WORLD'S FAIR ANNOUNKMHNT. HOTEL DELAWARE. Cor , CoUugullrovu avu. anil l > Uli M. , UHIGAtiO II. U t-'lnl clam. l'.iiroi > e n. Huporlor Illnlnti- Itoura. Oiilr 6 uilnuu * from WOUUJ'H KA1U. Itatei iniiUarato. Hcnil for circular , \VM. H. I1 ICI.O l/K ) , Kuierlnlonilent. | _ OUR EMPLOYMENT DEP'T whllocostlnz the employer anJ omptojrn , notlilnz. Ins onublod us to advance the lotor- eitsotboth , and uUo our own , l y noourta ( better results with tno mnvhlna. Wyckoff , Seaman & Benadici TKLEI'UONG itt. 1712 FABN'A.11 ST.