Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 14, 1893, Part One, Page 6, Image 6

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    DULY -BEE : SUNDAY ? MAY 13. 1803-3rXTEEN PAOES ,
Etllmrrt 1 y currier to nny part of the city
N. Y. Plumbing Co.
Boston Store. Natchaug silks.
Mlltonbcrgcr Is the hatter , 502 Broadway.
C-Mo & Cole , 41 Main street , are selling
strictly high grade bicycles for * 100.
.1. C. Sloss and Miss Abblo Mclntyrc , both
of Lincoln , were married yesterday by Jus
tice Vox.
The Board of Equalization , which was to
have had a meeting last evening to discuss
the motor company's assessment , met aim
adjourned until tomorrow evening.
The "concert of old songs , " which wasi re
cently given In the Interests of the Christian
church at Masonic Temple , netted about
f ? above expenses , which will bo turned
Into the building fund.
In the case of Hemingway against the
Council Bluffs Canning company , which was
tried In the federal court nt DCS Monies
before Judge Shlras , a verdict has been
handed In for the defendants.
All friends of thn Amcelcan Protective
association are requested to meet at the
Uoyal Arcanum hall this afternoon at 1
o'clock to attend the funeral of D. W. Pat
terson. By order of the committee.
The Jury In the case of Jacob Sims against
Pottawattamlecounty , In which the plaintiff
sued for * 750 attorney fees in saloon Injunc
tion cases , brought In n vcrdlnt yesterday In
favor of the plaintiff for the full sum asked
Special communication of Kxcclslor lodge
28 , Ancient , Frco and Accepted Masons
this aftc'noon at 1 o'clock to attend the
funeral of our late brother. D. W. Patterson.
Members of Bluff City lodge and sojourning
master Masons Invited.
The Schubert Symphony club and Lady
quartet gave an entertainment last evening
nt Dohany's which in point of excellence was
far ahead of the patronaco. Although there
are but six In the organization , each one is ,
able to do several things aim do them well ,
so that by their versatility they succeeded
In presenting a rich and varied program.
B. F. McCurdy , who was charged with try
ing to break Into a house In the Fourth ward ,
was to have a hearing before Justice 1Icld
yesterday afternoon , but the witnesses
failed to show up on the side of the state ,
nnd the case was continued until Monday.
The court states that the prosucltlng wit
ness will bo brought to tlmo If ho can bo
found , If It takes a bench warrant to do It.
In the district court yesterday Peter Beck
filed a petition asking that William Grone-
weg , the assignee , bo required to turn
over to him that portion of the property
which was sot apart by the court some tlmo
ago as a homestead. Ho states that Mr.
Gronoweg kept possession of the keys while
the stock was in the building , without any
opposition fronf him , but now that the stock
is out the assignee refuses to turn over the
George Welsh was arrested in Omaha Fri
day night on the charge ot stealing a lot of
clothing belonging to a man named Doming ,
who lives at UK North Sixth street. Investi
gation showed that ? ho had the clothing on.
Ho was compelled to disrobe at the city Jail
nnd was provided with ono Of Marshal Tom-
ploton's old suits. In police court yesterday
morning ho was bound over to the grand
Jury on the chargeof larceny from a build
ing in the "night time , and in default of $ . " > 00
bonds ho was taken to the county Jail for
kcoying ,
Ilotv tu Collect ISint ISIIlo.
If you Imvo any bad bills against men
who do not live in Iowa nnd who work
for any railroad , telegraph , exi > ressior
Bleeping car company that runs into
Iowa , write to the Nassau Investment
company , Council Bluffs , la. , and they
will send you their collection terms and
the best of references. Collections guar
anteed. Special olTer for III ) days.
Tea Uayn ut tliu World's Fnlr.
It will cost you less than $50.00 , every
thing necessary included. This means
homos in private cottage , clean , safe ,
close to grounds and on the beach of
Luke Michigan. Write to .T. T. Chyno-
woth , Windsor Park , 111. Refers to H.
W. Tilton of THE BEE , of Jacob Sims
of Sims & Bainbrioge , Council Blulls.
For Sale Hickory 4-foot wood , $0.00 ;
stove wood , 12 or 10 inches , $2.50 per
cord , delivered. H. A. Cox , 10 Main
Btl'OOt. . _ _
3. B. Sweet spent yesterday in Onawa
F. M. Hunter of Ottmnwa was in the city
II. W. Tilton returned yesterday from a
week's visit to his old home in Jancsvillo ,
Governor Crounso of Nebraska was In the
the city yesterday , a guest at the Grand
Dr. I. U. Parsons loft last evening for Los
Angeles , Cal. , where ho will probably make
his homo in the future.
Will Patterson of Pennsylvania arrived In
the city yesterday and will visit his uncle ,
William Patterson , on South Sixth street.
J. G. Wadsworth loft last evening for
Champaign , 111 , , to meet his wife , who has
been visiting there for several weeks. After
spending a week In Champaign they will
visit the wsrltl's fair.
Superintendent H. W. Rothert of the
school for the deaf , who has been confined to
his bed for thrco mouths with a broken
limb , was able to bo about yesterday for the
first time slnco the accident occurred.
Mrs. George H. Mcschondorf has returned
from u visit of two months with relatives
atGalcsburg , 111. , Mr. Mescbendorf loft last
evening on the Northwestern llyer for n
three weeks' eastern trip , during the course
of which ho will visit Now York , Boston and
Miss Emma Moorehouse , Lou Smith , Kit
tlo Ogdcn , Alary Ferguson , Jennie Bull , and
Bessie Rich , and Messrs. W. S. Homer and
\Vlll Hcndrlcks loft for Atlantic yesterday
to attend the meeting of the Western Iowa
Society of Christian Endeavor , which lasts
over Sunday.
Another Curloiul ut Daunting lilcyolea.
Another full carload of the Peerless
Dauntless bicycles was received by the
Union Transfer people Friday. All
orders will now bo fllletl promptly.
Boys , the Dauntless Is the wheel , and
you can buy It right.
Pnsturapo for horses and cattle on
George F. Wright's farm udjolningc ity
limits on south ; 500 ticros blue grass ,
running water. For terms apply to
James Kaph , on farm , or at Carbon Coal
company , 10 Pearl street.
Free treatments daily from 2 to 4 p.
m. at the Council BlulTs Medical und
Surgical Institute , UOth and Broadway.
Suing thu City , ,
The ease of Fred Krueger agalm t the citj
Is now on trial in the district court. Tin
plaintiff Is the administrator of the estnt <
of Emma Krueger , and is suing for f 5XX ,
damages for thd death of his wife , Ht
alleges in his petition that his wlfu BUS
tallied an injury to her limb by reason of i
defective gldowalk at the corner of Wash
ington avenue ana Main street , which ro
suited In her death. The roprcsentatUcs o
the city claim that the Injury was not the re
suit of the fall , but was caused by un acci
dent In Germany , years before her death ,
Cook your meals tins tniminor on a gas
range , At cost at Uio Gas company.
Another improvement to the populai
Schubert piano. Swaiison Muslii Co
Brown's 0. O. D. grocery closes at '
p. m. | except Mondays and Saturdays.
Stop at the OgOen , Council Bluffs , tin
Ixjst fcJ.OO house in Iowa.
Vanatta & Sweet , attys. , Everett blk
Gco. S. Davis , prescription druggist.
Mnsin and His Manager Furnish a LHtlo
Extemporaneous Dlvertisomont ,
Atr.ilrn llrliiR About ft Mid
night ScMlon of tlm District Court nnil
Much I.oiul Tnlk on 1'nrt of
' the I'rlnclpnln.
Tno lobby of the Grand hotel was th'o
scene of considerable excitement about 1
o'clock ycstcnlny morning us the result of a
falling out between Ovido Musln , the well
known violin virtuoso , nnd his business man
ager , K. 13. Johnston. Mr. Musin nnd his
company had given a concert nt the Metho
dist church during the evening. Ho was to
leave yesterday morning for Sioux City ,
where ho expected jto close the concert
season. Mr. Johnston and his wife expected
to leave on the I o'clock train for Now York
City , but they wcro unexpectedly detained.
Musln wanted n settlement out of John
ston , which that gentleman refused to make
until he reached Now York City. Musln ac
cordingly went to the district court at mid
night and sued out n writ of attachment for
the sum of * . ' ! 00 , which ho claimed Johnston
owed him. The writ was served by the
sheriff and Mrs. JohnstDti's baggage was
seized. The serving of the writ was at
tended by a largo amount of loud talk and
attracted the attention of a great many by
standers. I'Yom that time on the two
partners were busily engaged In effecting a
compromise , and It was not until 5:1)0 : ) in the
morning that the baggage was released and
nil the parties were ready to go on their way
rejoicing. Musln loft the city on the early
morning train , so that his side of the ills-
agreement could not bo learned , excepting as
above stated by his attorney , l-'inlcy Durko
Another Version of thn Oilirr : > l.
Mr. Johnston , however'was In the city all
day yesterday and talked freely upon the
subject to a Unn representative.
"Tho trouble arose , " said he , "from the
settlement which the Northwestern Hallway
company made with him in the $30,000 damage -
ago suit , which you remember was com
menced by him after the wreck in which
Musin sustained an injury to his linger. Ho
received the sum of $ i,750 from the company ,
as ho stated to mo , In payment for his per
sonal damages. It was not until a couple of
weeks ago that I learned that the payment
was not lor his personal injuries at all , but
for the payment of hotel bills and so on , for
the company during the time while ho was
unable to play. 1 am a partner with Musin
to tlio extent of & "i per cent of the prolits and
losses of the company , and when I learned
the purpose for which the money had Seen
paid I immediately told him I wanted my 35
per cent of the * 2,750. Ho refused to give it
to mo.
"Keeently I accepted the management for
Henri Marteau , the violinist , and gave up
Musin. and that was another thing that
stuck in Musin's craw. It was our disagree
ment on thcso two points that led to the
llual Hare-lip. Before wo started on our
Australian tour wo got $001 worth of print
ing done by a Now York flrmandbyMusin'8
order I signed two notes for that amount ,
using the firm name , Musin & Johnston.
During our conference in Mr. Burko's ofllco
this morning he charged mo with forging
his name to the notes and stated that he had
sent word to his attorneys In New York to
have mo arrested on the charge of forgery as
soon as I set foot in New York. Ho had
money and I didn't , and I knew he could
cause mo lots of grief , so before wo sepa
rated I signed a paper . giving up all my
claim to any share in the $ -,73U ) , while ho in
turn signed another ratifying my signature
to the two notes. "
Air. Johnston and wife left for New York
on the Northwestern llyer yesterday after
At the IIoHt'in Store , the I.eiullnff Cash and
1'opular Unii-rrleo Dry Goods llouso
of Council llltiflfc , In.
75 piccod 30 inch half wool cashmere ,
former price. 2T > o , for Monday 17c.
100 pieces extra quality dark ging
hams , worth 10 and 12ic , for 5c Monday.
200 pieces extra quality outing flannel
suitings , former price 15c , for 74e
Monday. 250 dozen extra quality
white cord border handkerchiefs , 5c
each , worth lOe. Glove day at the Bos
ton store. 50 dozen more of $1.25 kid
gloves for 05c Monday.
25 pieces curtain scrim , He a yard.
2 bales heavy unbleached muslin , -Ic a
100 dozen Windsor ties , 8c each , worth
200 dozen ladies' extra quality , fast ,
black hose , lOc a pair , worth 1'Jc. '
STORK. Our entire stock of sun um
brellas at cost PRICE for Monday.
of nil kinds , all at cost price
miss this chance , the finest selection nnd
the lowest cash prices. Wo always lead ,
wo always do as wo advertise , wo don't
simply say n thing like pur would bo
competitors , but everything as adver
tised lias always boon found at the
the leading dry goods house , the wreck
ers of high prices.
Fotheringhnm , Whitclaw & Co. ,
Council Bluirs , la.
Social ( ! o ! > Bl | ) .
Charles A. Atkins and Miss Ella Luster ,
both of this city , wore married last Wednes
day nvening at the residence of the groom ,
708 Mynstor street. When the tlmo arrived
a merry company of the friends of the par
ties wore present in response to invitations.
Kov. John Askin of the Congregational
church ofllciated. Mr. John Templeton of
this city and Miss Vincent of Omaha acted
as beat man and bridesmaid respectively ,
whllo Walter H. Luring and C. 1C. Stoddard
ofllciated as ushers. After the ceremony
had beet : performed the guests wcro treated
to a delightful supper and the rest of the
evening was spent In social enjoyment which
could not bo marred by the terrible storm
that reigned without.
The house was exquisitely decorated with
smllax and cut tlowcrs. The ceremony was
performed under an arch of smllax. The
bride's dress was cream silk , with bridal
roses. The bride's maid , Miss Kittlo Vin
cent , of Omaha , wore Nllo green crepe and
roses. The dining room decorations were all
in yellow. The young people began house
keeping at once at 70S Mynsterstreotswhere
the groom had furnished a lovely home.
Among the people out of town who at
tended the wedding were : Mrs. Uond and
daughter of Sewaril. Nob. , Mrs. L. M ,
Kelly of Chicago. 13. T. Luster and daugh'
tors , ICatio and Ella , of Hcatrlco. The lat
ter return nome Monday. Mr. and Mrs. K
1) . Atkins of Seward , Neb , , are the guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Atkins , and will remain
several days.
On Thursday at noon the nuptials thai
united Miss Kiln Phulps of this city and Mr
Amos A. Itundull of Cedar ftaplds wcro cole
biatcd ut the resldonco of lliu brldo's uar
ents , Ir. and Mrs. Stephen Phulps , on Wil
low avenue. Only the members of the fam
ily were present , Mr. A. M , 1'oelps' and wift
from Glcnwood being present in addition tc
members residing in this city. After tin
ceremony Mr. and Mrs1. Itandafl left for r
visit with friends in Cedar Itapids and Chi
cago. Mr. Kandall was formerly a student
at Coo college and there mot his future
bride , who was also a student thero. and Ir
Phulps , who was a teacher in the Institu
lion. Ho has lust completed a thuologica
course at McCormlck Thcalogical seminary
Chicago , and bus accepted a call to tliu pastorate
torato of the Presbyterian church at Arm
strong , Kmmet county.
Last Mumluy evening the closing party ol
Chambers' dancing academy took place in
the lloyul Arcanum parlors in thoHhugari
block. About sevcnty-Jlvo couples wen
present , and it was one of the most brllllnu
. gatherings that hag taken place in the cif
this year.
Mr * . W. S. Cats entertained a largo part *
of hoc friends \Vcdnpsday at a Kcnslnff-
ton tea at her homo on Vine street ,
Luciur Vrvor entertained n proRresslvo
peanut party Kriday evening nt 1m homo on
Lincoln avenue. About twenty-five of hi *
young friends were present.
HK.NN 1SON | TUU . " ' MONI > AY SA I.K.
Sllkn rtml IlrcM OooiU.
Special bargain for Monday , only two
numbers , in black gros grain silks
that will surprise you , ovcry'yard guar
anteed to wear , at 7So ) and $1.05 per
yard. If you Intenil to buy a. silk dress
now Is your golden opportunity. Also
20 pieces of Mnch China nnd Biirrah
silks , all now. spring shndos , oOc a yard.
All our 85c China silks , beautiful tig-
ures , Monday , 4He n , yard.
Owing to our great rush at our dress
goods counter Saturday night wo shall
give our friends ono more chance of the
beautiful dress patterns , $2.10 , a pattern -
torn worth $4.i)0. Ono case blinkers'
flannels. life yard. Standard prints , Ilic
yard. Extra line brown muslin , 4jc per
Every garment must bo sold. Come
in and bccuro a line garment , less than
manufacturer's cost.
BKNXISON Buos. , Sapp Block.
French by the Natural "Method.
Prof. Chatelnin begins tomorrow ,
Monday , a beginner's ' class In French.
Every ono wishing to learn French by
the professor's natural and rapid method
plonso call at the Merrlnm block , Eng
lish Lutheran church , at 10:110 : a. in. or
4 i ) . m. This morning Prof. Chntolaln
registered already a largo class.
Mizpah temple will give their last
rtv of the season at G. A. R. hall
Thursday evening , May 18. Knights
For Sal
DA11 my furniture , Cat-pots and house
hold goods ; also horse and buggyI. .
A. Miller , 803 Second avenue.
t.ozlnr Hound Over.
Ixjon Loztcr had another floso of grief
ycaturday at Onawa City. As bcforo stated ,
ho was bound over to the grand Jury on the
charge of obtaining mouoy under false pre
tenses , but was taken before a court at
Stoux City and released on a writ of habeas
corpus , lie was Immediately rcarrcsteu and
taken to Onawa City to answer to the charge
of entering into a conspiracy with _ a couple
of Omnlia sports named Morrison and
Kennedy to defraud other sports in a foot
race. Yesterday he was given a preliminary
hearing on the charge and was bound over
to the grand Jury and placed under bonds of
* IIOO. Ho was unab.o to give the required
bond and will probably have to Ho in Jail
until September , when the grand Jury next
meets. Appearances indicate very strongly
that a term of several years in the peniten
tiary Is awaiting Mr. Lozicr at the next turu
in tlio road.
All the Sioux remedies , such as the
American Nervine , Sioux Worm Wafers
and Sioux Blood Remedy , are for sale at
J. C. Doll iron s and Doll Morgan &
Co's. drug stores.
Pure water from the Milwaukee ar
tesian well delivered daily. Moderate
price. Leave orders at THE BEK ollice.
Bargains in line tooth brushes and
cologne , wholesale price , ' only lOo.
Davis , the druggist , 200 Broadway. .
You ought to see Ned Shopard's now
bicycle. JIo sells them , and sells thorn
right. See him at Van Brunt's.
Anniversary Service.
The public , and especially the young poo-
pie , are cordially Invltoil to attend the
Broadway Methodist Episcopal church this
evening , when the Epworth league will have
a special service , In pla'co of the regular
preaching , in celebration of the fourth anni
versary of the founding of the league.
During these four years its growth has as
tonished the religious world. It now num
bcrs 10,000 charters , with between 000,001
and 700,000 members. At its present rate o
growth it bids fair lo bo ono of the greatest
powers for good in the religious .world , wo.rk
ihg as It does among the young' people , who
soon will bo the ones to talto the leadership
Members of other chapters which may have
no specia' ' service will be gladly welcomed to
take part with the Broadway chapter.
Protect your homes against destructive
tive storms. W. C. James has th
strongest companies in the world.
Mine. Helen Merrill , hairdrpsaing ant
manicuring. Room 'J12 , Merriam block
See the peerless Dauntless bicycle
and get terms. Harry Murphy. 10 Pearl
nullillntr I'crmlta.
Iho following building permits wcro is
sued yesterday :
O. W. Graham , lots 1 and 2 , block 0 ,
Prospect 1'laco , HI story frame
dwelling , 28x34 1 1,000
Ole Olstrom , lot 14 , block 20 , Hrown's
Mibdlv , dwelling 400
H. L. Ward , lot 10 , block 3 , Van Ilrunt
& HIco's add DOO
J. 11. llredow. lotO , block 17 , Kverett's
add , dwollldd 000
House paint , the very best in the land ,
for inside and outside use , at DoHoren's.
Williamson & Co. . 100 Main street ,
largest and best bicycle stock in city.
For first-class rooms in Chicago for
World's fair call on Ohio Knox.
Resurrected ut Nortli I'lutto iind on the
Way to the Worlil't Fair.
Jl'hero stood on a side track under the
Eleventh street viaduct last night an inter
esting relic of old-time railroading. It was
the private car in which the martyred presi
dent , Abraham Lincoln , traveled about the
country back in tho'OOs. It Is a striking
contrast to the palace on wheels of today.
Hunnlng along the top of the car arc the
words -'Colorado Central Uailroad , " while
beneath the window Is painted the inscrip
tion , "Work Train. " but so worn with age as
to bo almost Indistinguishable.
Tl.o car was brought In from North Platte
yesterday , whore it has been for years. It
has been used as a boarding car for section
men. It was built at Alexandria , Va. , about
thlrty-llvo years ago , A narrow aisle
originally ran 'along ono side , with doors
opening Into the various compartments on
the other side.
It will bo taken to the Union Pacific shops
this morning , where it will undergo a
thorough overhauling and bo put In the
same condition as when President Lincoln
occupied It. It will then bo taken to Chicago
for exhibition at the World's fair.
Thrown from Her
PONOA , Nob. , May 1U , [ Special Telegram
to Tim BEK. ] Last evening a severe acci
dent happened to the county superintendent
of public instruction , Miss Mary Schrocr ,
While driving near Newcastle her horse
became frightened and shied into a ditch ,
overturning the carriage and dragging Miss
Schrocr under it for some distance. 1'ho
catastrophe resulted in two broken limbs
and some severe bruises ,
Hailly Injured In u Knnauay.
COBNISO , la. , May -Special [ Telegram
to TUB UEB.J C. H. Bacon , ono of Adams
county's prominent citizens and a leading
stockman , and his wife were seriously in
jured last evening by a runaway team us
they were returning homo from Cromwell.
Mr. Bacon received some uxly cuts about
head and Mrs , Bacon sustained u broken
ankle and was considerably bruised.
Movement * of Oceun Stcitiuer * May 13 ,
At Lizard Passed La Brctagno , from
New York.
AtScllIy Passed Bolgenland , from New
York ,
At Antwerp Arrived Illinois , from Phil.
At Now York Arrived Now York , froir
I > . < I > nrtiiro of the German.
New YOIIK , May 13. The German squad
ron departed from the lnternalocal ; fleet it
tUo harbor this afternoon ,
4 Tt > _ - -
n '
Stock Yftrtls Oompan/s Demands Renisoil by
the Ooti Jjesion Men.
llnbcocl .Vifccrtlrn from III * To-
Mtlnn no 1'nr nn , \ \ \ Allow the flrim
to Sclrrt ImUvldiinl lloml'inpn
Not only all of the members , but n largo
number of spectators wcro present nt the
cnlled meeting of the live stock commission
men of South Omaha , which was held In the
Exchange building yesterday afternoon , It
was expected that some lively debates would
take place , but the proceedings on the con
trary wcro very moderate nnd the work was
disposed of rapidly nnd brlclly.
President Parkhurst occupied the chair
nnd Secretary Lott was promptly at his
desk at 1 : IJO o'clock. Mr. Parkhurst llrst
stated that the object of the meeting was to
consider the demand made by the stock
yards company that , the commission men
civo a now bond on Juno 1 nnd that such
bond should issue through the Fidelity nnd
Casualty company of Now York. Before
going any further the president said that ho
had a suggestion to inako to the exchange.
It was to the effect that the commission men
organize a company among themselves for
the nurposo of giving 'security to the stock
yards company , instead of going Into a
foreign company for favors. His Idea waste
to consolidate South Omaha men and South
Omaha capital In a guarantee company , and
use It as endorsement for the stock yards
Before any action was taken upon the
president's suggestion Mr. Waggoner pre
sented a resolution. Thn substance of his
paper was that the commission men should
not accept the proposition made by Manager
Babcock of the stock yards company on
the bond matter , and that they ( the commis
sion men ) were in favor of continuing the
bonds as are at present given.
Mr. Babcock took the lloor and stated very
modestly that the company had decided to
revise the order demanding n guarantee
bond , and that all they wished was that
each commission firm give a good and sulll-
clent bond , with the guarantee preferred.
Higglns was opposed to the guarantee
bond business. "Why those fellows , "
said ho , "will want the his
tory of n fellow from the days
of his boyhood up , and If a man has been un
fortunate enough to become tangled up
wrong at any time in his life , no matter how
square his dealings are now , ho Is hablo to
bo blacklisted. " Ho also cited an instance of
this sort.
A.1 Smith said he would not go into a
guarantee bond deal ifjit cost nothing , and
then he made sonife 'Sort ' of reference to a
"rake off" which sceliied to bo understood.
Parkhurst said ' .Ko did not want the
stock yards company to go ahead
and force the commission men to give addi
tional security un their bonds , as they now
stand without shdwihg good cause. If the
bondsmen wcro not ( insolvent or dead ho
could not see why 'the ' old bond should not
stand. " " °
Waggoner , speaking in support of his reso
lution , said that itfslmply done away with
the order demanding uio commission men to
give a guarantee bond ; If at any time in the
future the commissldii men wanted to organ
ize , as Mr. Pnrkhurs't'lmd suggested , all well
and good , but for the present it was not
necessary. " *
Parkhurst insisted that committee's bo ap
pointed at this meotimr , and that the work
Do commenced , butiho received no encourage
ment , and the imittori was dropped.
J. A. Hake was In favor of the guarantee
bond proposition. Ho said ho had never
heard of a man wlio was"'Vo give the bond
dictating to those who wcro to receive It. If
there was any linn or Individual that could
not give a satisfactory bond , let him give a
guarantee. Ho was satisllod that every
member of the exchange could secure a
band , "but the question is , " ho concluded ,
"we do not want to bo compelled to patron
ize the Fidelity & Casualty company of New
York or any other particular concern. "
M. R. Murphy was of the opinion that
more time should bo taken to consider the
bond matter. That It was unwlso to act
hastily and ho would therefore move to
amend Mr. Waggoner's resolution by re
ferring the matter to a committee of
five who should confer with the stock yards
company and report back to the Exchange a
a meeting later on.
Sam Gosney furnished the sosond to this
amendment. Ho said ho was satisfied tha
the stock yards company had acted hastily
but ho believed It was best for the commis :
slon men to meet them half way. He
wanted to amend the amendment by makinir
the committee cloven Instead of five , bu
ot no second.
Allen Hoot said that it was a question
vhether the company had a right to dictate
: o the men what sort of bond they shoult
; ive , as long as it was good , and ho though
t the duty of every commission man to si
down hard on the proposition. "If wo can' .
got a good bond hero at homo wo had better
novo out , and I utter my protest to the
order. " Hoot said ho was also opposed to ro-
'errlng the matter to a committee of 11 vo as
, ho meeting as a whole know more than any
'Ivo men that could bo nicked out of it.
A void was taken on the amendment ,
which was lost.
Waggoner's original resolution was then
lut and carried by a unanimous vote.
Inasmuch as the call for the meeting
made reference to rents and the weighing of
food , these matters were next taken "up.
Waggoner moved that both bo referred to a
committee of live , and the chair appointed
A. A , Waggoner , Dave Olne.y , W. A. Iliggins ,
J. A. Hake and A. C. Smith to do the work.
The meeting then adjourned.
Mr. Babv'ock was seen after the meeting
and asked what the company proposed to do
now , "Wo shall simply revise the bonds , "
said he. "I am employed to look after the
Interests of the stock yards company , and
that I propose to do. It was my sincere
opinion when I sent out that request to the
men to give us a guaranty bond that ut least
a majority of them would bo glad to
do so. It Is a system that is In vogue
with bankers , packers , railroad companies
and other extensive corporations. All wo
want is a good and sufllciont bond , and of
course wo are going to have it. 1 have been
bonded for years andjycars and have never
but once , and that was a good many years
ago , given nnythlnt.tyut a guaranty bond. I
prefer it to an indljudual endorsement and
it Is a system that > is universally praotlrcd
the world over. lUflht now la what we
term a quiet . Inio , wo are trustIng -
Ing out to these commission men
on an average of $5OJW | ) a week , In n busy
season some of thdiinimon ) llrms run bills as
high us flS.O'JO a wfi'k. It Is true that
the company ; ha.s lost but little on
bonds but wo hjtv'p heavy risks and
it is only , business that wu
exact a very safe nond from the commission
men. This airing of the business is regret
ted by all of us. 'lire-interests of the stock
yards company iiiuLtho commission men are
identical and I am ready and willing at any
time to listen to any suggestions from the
commission men. But the stock yards
company is a largocojiccrn and must have a
safe and careful system in its management ,
and , da I am hero for that purpose , I will not
or have not done anything but .what I con
sidered for the best for all concerned. "
The potitiou asking the stock yards com
pany to depose Mr. Iwbcouk has disappeared
and will probably never bo heard of again.
In regard to rents , some of the commission
men think the prices lee high. The prices
riingo fmm if 18 to fW a mouth , according to
size and location.
Wont to Council Itlutft ,
The Homo Circle club of South Omaha
went to Council Bluffs last evening , where
the members were dullghtfully entertained
by Mr. and Mra. J. F1 , WIlcox at their homo ,
11'dJ Pierce street. The evening was spent
at high live. A luncheon was served at the
proper hour and all enjoyed the gathering
in a high degreo. Those present were :
Mi. and Mrs. W. D. Cboek. Colonel and Mrs ,
A. L. Lott , Mr. and Mrs. W. 0 , Sloiuio , Mr ,
anJ Mrs. Howard Myers , Mr. and Mrs. A. J ,
Cnuzhoy , Mr. and Mrs. John O , Owen , Mr
and Mrs. O. T. Tuylcr. Mr. and Mrs. H. K
Tag , Mr. and Mra. Gcoreo 13. Jonto , M v.
nnd Mrn. L , 11 Plnnnll , and Mr. nnd Mrs , It.
A Crtsncr nnd Mr nnd Mrs. .1. A. Wlleox of
Council nitiffg ,
Mnplo Gltjr .S'nlrt.
. ) . .1. O'Hourko Is on the sick
Mls H Hryman U among the sick.
Born , to Mr , ami Mrs. Hornoss , adauRhtcr.
This will bo children's day at St Agnes
MNs Anna Taylor Is visiting friends In
F. A. Uroadwell left yesterday for St.
txMils on business.
Dennis McLaln was fined $ . " > and costs for
disturbing the pcaco.
Bert Hawlcy and W. C. Hector will spend
Sunday at Pcrclval , la ,
The Magic Cltj Wheel club will make a
run to Olcnwood , In. , today.
Tlio employes at Swift's have org.inl/cd a
ball nlno and are open for a game with any
South Omah.i team. C.JO. Dunmlro Is man
ager and captain.
Miss Emma Dean Anderson , for several
years a missionary In India , will lecture on
"Mission Llfo In India" this evening at 74. ; >
In the United Presbyterian church , Twenty-
third and L streets. The lecture will be
Illustrated with numerous stcrcoptlcon views
nnd will bo Interesting to old and young
alike. Miss Anderson is an eloquent nnd
effective speaker. The pastor , Uov. ,1. F.
Hess , will preach as usual nt 11 :00 : a. m.
Commercial Clnu Complete the OrRnnlm-
llon ol UK l.ocitl Iturcnti * .
A largo number of the members of the
Commercial club responded last ovcr.lng to
the call of the president for a special meet
ing at the Board of Trade rooms to perfect
thoorganUation of the club by the organi
zation of the thirteen bureaus. Before the
meeting was called to order the books wcro
opened in the oftlco of the secretary , aim the
names of several now members wcro added.
As soon as the bojy was ready for busi
ness the president stated that while Omaha ,
with a population of nearly 150,000 , was
rated as n metropolitan city , it was , In some
rnspccts , merely an overgrown country vll |
lago. Because of this fact other cities had
entered the field to compete for the trade of
the surrounding country that properly belonged
longed hero. The Commercial club was
organized , armed nnd equipped to do battle
for that trade. It had a central organiza
tion like the national government to look
after matters of general Interest aiid Im
portance , Avhllo there were bureaus , similar
in effect to the government of the several
states , tn look after all matters of a local
character or of certain classes , each of
which would receive the.sanction , assistance
and co-operation of the whole. It was to
organize these bureaus that the meeting was
called , nnd nominations wcro called for and
elections held with the following results :
Hanuer.H and Insurance Chairman , lliyiry
Vf. Yates ; ( .ccrctury , licorgo 11,1'almcr.
Importers mid Jobbers Chairman , M. E.
Smith ; secretary , K. M. Amlrco en.
Miimifnutnn'M Chairman , W. A. 1'agO ! sec
retary. O. O. Holmes.
Architects and Ilulldcrs C'halrma'ii , George
Ij. I'lshcr ; secretary , \V. S. Wi-ilso.
Itutiill DeMois Chairman , William Klemlnir ;
KCi'rutaiy. A. II. Schnrlf.
Keal ! . . < titu : Dealers and Owners Clinlrnian ,
Oeorao 11. ItojtL's ; secretary , I1 , h. 1'nrlnc.
Information Chairman. Ui'orxu II. I'nyno ;
secretary , T. W. Hlacklmrn.
Commission Merchants mid Merchandise
HiokerM Chairman , II. C. Mlllur : secretary. L ,
K. Colt roll.
Professional Men Chairman , Judge .Joseph
H. Clark.son ; secretary , Curtis Turner.
Public I'rcss Chairman , Or. George UMIIIer ;
secretary , Victor K. Homier.
Commiirclal Travelers , Chairman , K. J. Koe ;
secretary , W. L. Masl 111:111.
l'iiclers and I.lvo Hloolc Dealers Chairman ,
A. C. Foster ; secretary , J. U. Hluncbard.
Transportation Chairman , -101111 9. Knox ;
secretary.I. U.l'lillllipl. |
Judge Clarkson called on for a short
address nnd , in responding , read the second
article iof the constitution , which ho said
was a better speech than any talker could
unload in four hours. Ho was certain that it
it were lived up to the club would bo a grand
success nnd would lully meet the fondest
expectations of the'thombers.
Jules Lumbard was also cnlled upon , and
assured the club of whatever support ho
could give it. Ho heartily endorsed and
commended the selection of Mr. Utt as
freight commissioner of the cluo.
Concert ut tlio Turk.
The second open air concert of this season
will bo given at Hanscom park at i ) o'clock
today when the following proprram will bo
rendered by the Union band.
1. Entree of tlioKrlosts Attnlln.Mendelssohn
2. Overture Italian Kcla Hula
3. Chnruktorlstlquo Piece The Llttlu Flut-
torcr Iloyor
4. Selection Grand Opera Sarv
5. Overture Pique Da mo Snnpe
G. Storonnde for nuto and horn Till
Mosstvi. Aschman and Burn ho IT.
7. Patrol Irish Punrnnr
8. Chorus Hallelujah , from llesslali , Hcnd
9. Grand Finale 3d act , Klenzl Wagner
lO.n Hull Columbia |
b Star Kpanglcd lliumcr V
c Yankee Doodle )
11. Waltz Wine , Woman and Sang Strauss
1'2. March Omahu UmmU Hcliunke
Iowa Suprnmo Court Dcoislons.
Di:3 : MOINISS , la. , May 1 ! ) . [ Special Tclo
gram to' Tan , BEE. ] Supreme court decisions
cisions :
State against Daldorson , appellant , Keo
kuk district , reversed ; HInkle against Avoy ,
appellant , Van Duron district , afllrmcd
Paris , appellant , against Williams , Guthrie
district , reversed ; liockwcll against Bowers
otal. , arpollants. Calhoun district.rovorsed ;
Smith ot al. , appellants , against Wilson ,
Deuton district , reversed ; Seob.srgcr , appel
lant , against Campbell et al. , Marlon dis
trict , reversed ; Hock et ul. , appellants ,
against Ulnehart ct al. , Iowa district ,
anirmed. _
TlirniltoniMl with l/yncliln' ' . K ? *
CEIUU ttArins , la. , May 13. [ Special Tele
gram to THE HUE. ] S , V. Wheaton , a farmer
living near Now Hartford , has been arrested
charged with having ruined his own daugh
ter , who Is feeble minded. 1'hera is great
excitement and Wheaton may bo lynched.
Pit , r. I. . HICAItl.i- , Consulting Bur'euii ,
Ornduuto of Khali Colloid. H ON-
hlli.TATJO.N I'HKK ) for the treatment of
Wo cure Catarrh , ATI DUoaio of the
None , Throat , Ghent , Stomach , BowoU
Blood , Shin nud Kldnoy Dincases ,
Fcuiulo WoiiUncsneB. Lout Manhood
I'lI.KS , KISVUf.A , FISBUIIK permanent/ ! cured
without tlia uio ufa knife , lUuturo or rauitlo.
All umliulle of u prlrale or dullcato nature , of
ellliur ei , poiUlrely cured.
Call on or itdilreu , wHu tuiap forClrculari , Fruo
Iluuk and Huclpoi ,
118 H. inill St. ,
ScarlEs & Scarles
. , UA1AUA , NttU.
. tfezt deoito 1'oitunico ,
Mori About the Physicians In the
Now York Llfo Building ,
Notithto Cnlnclilpiiru In th Crodrnlln'o
the riiymrmiift or tlir Uopcilnml
.Mrillrul Inolltlilp.
DM Copolaml nnd Phepard ns Individual *
nnd ns a flrm reure'C'iit , primarily ,
tlio lilelic ; medical education In tills country ,
ouch belli ? an nlutniuisof a frxnunn schoo1.
Moro than this Or , Copeland was | tcclnlly
honored by his clm-uniitcx nt llollevlir , and
Dr. Shcpard tlkewho ut Itnsli. It U reasonable
to bollovc that In both ( tti > o Uio roclploivts
merited tlio distinction bestowed , V
Dr. W. It , Copolnnd WHS president of bis
rlnss In llolluvito Hospital Mtulloil College ,
Now York , where lioRradu-xtoil. tiio most fa-
minis Institution of Its kind In tlio country.
I'r'Sliep rJ's credentials nre no loss abund
ant mm iimpm 11 fled , lie WHR the pro.ilcUmt ot
hl.scliiss nt Hush .Mo Ill-ill College , Ch oimn ,
tlio most noted medical school In tlm nest.
Also member of the Iowa State Mod lent Socie
ty , iinil of various other motlcal mid surgical
lloth gentlemen , nftor thorough hospital ox-
uorlcnco and practice. Imvo devoted tlnlr
lives to Iho pructlcoof Uio'r anocliiltles , with
wliut success the columns ot lliu d.illy u.ipari
He ( lives Sonic t'lidtn or Importnnrn to All
I'oopla Kxuotnl to VVtvithur CliitiiRi' * .
Mr. A. 0. Hollander , llvlni ; w'lh ' his family
at SI .IIS. 10th street. Council ItlnlTs Is a ear
rt'imlrcr at the U , P. Triinfer : , und noun In
the U. P. servlco for live yens. Hit Is iilso n
fnlthful momborof U'o Swedish Oddfellows'
loilRO , No. IK ) . Omnlm Ills.sUtomonl will be
nccontoil by liiindrc\fwho lnow him us ubso-
lulu truth.nnd liu wlh .Jndlv verify It person
ally. Tlio 11:11 : mo of Mr. Hollander's work ox-
uoso * him to tliu wuathur a prout deal , nnil
this tins airgr.i vntcil nnil uldod a d sens with
which ho was titlllctcd until , duaplto hln efforts
with imtcnt medicines , ind physlclnna who
did not iim'.cr.stanil Ida trouble , tlio dlsonsu
hull become a chrome one , Mr. Hollander
says :
"Isuffered so much and so long that 1 WUH
discouraged. 1 tried ovorytliuiK recom
mended , but sucurod nolblni ! but temporary
rallef unt'l ' I placed myself under tliu euro of
Drs. Copulami und Shuiiur , ! .
212) ) S. 10th St. , Council UltlfTs.
"Mvr catarrh pptoad from thonosoand
to nfy cyos , which boi'tiino bloodshot nnd
blurred. My onrs wurt. then attacucd with
deafness and rln hiK. My system yielded
ston'.lly to the oalarrhal disease until I was
Prof Rudolph fee's
moot ut the Kimlisli Luth
eran church room , ground
lloor , Merriam block ,
Mondays , 7:43 : to 0:45 : p. in.
WoJuosdays , 7:45 : to 9:45 :
p. m.
Tuition for throd mnnthh1 course in
either elementary or advanced class , $0.
Twice a week , Mondays
and Wednesdays , JJ'.ItU to
5SO. : Tuition 2oopor lesson.
Morning.clasB 10 to 12 a. m. once a week
ula for Water Worn * .
lUNCiiorr. NVti. . May 5. 1893-Notlco U
liorohy Klvcn t hut Konlud bills for tlm construc
tion of u syntom of wiit r woiks will lie ro-
ci'lvud by llio Hoard of Truslrns of tlio vlllu ( i
of lluncrnfI , Cumins county , Null. , on or lu-
fore a-.IU ) { i. m , , .May U7 , IBpa. Hiilil wutor
workH to bo cDiislrunlL'il In fiild vllhu'o of Ilin-
crofI- during tlio rninalndur of tlio yuur 1HU1I ,
iimmlliiK to plans ' ' " 1 h | > cxltlcatloiis : now on
tlio with lliu vllliiROiilurk , or may l > accord-
IIIK t < > plans and kpuuliluutloni furiiUhou , by
Uio binders.
The bourd reserves ! tlio right to reject any or
Tha party or parties iiwnrik'rt the contract
will IHI rrcinlri'd lo Klvn Kooil and Millldtmt
bond for the faithful porforiimncnof h.-ilil contract -
tract ; Mild bond to IHI approved by the
Vlllairo Hoard of Trustees. ,
M. 1. KM.IH. O. 1) . 1IASSINKKH ,
Village Ulerk. Uhiilriiiaii.
ill 1 i * (1 ut
Notlrc In Contractor * .
Honied bids will ho received ut thiinHIcuof
thobucrcUiry up toO I" , in. , Juno'A IUU3 , for
the building "f an M. K. church ( frame ) coslln/
ubout J3.OOU.oo. uccortlliiK to Plaiw and t.iccl- |
llcatlons to hohctnut thUollluo. lloml U ) bo
" '
BTh"'rlBht to reject nnynr all bids irHL-rvcil
UIIAItl.l'.n .ill > ( ) . > l ,
Secretary of Hoard of Truntuub , Hntlon , Nub.
The annual tueotlni ; of Ntockholdorx of the
Kreinont , Klkhorn A ; Missouri Vallov Kallroad
company will bo ln-IU at the ollice of the com-
puuy lu Omaha , Nub. , on 1'rlday , May It ) , 1BU3 ,
ut 2 o'clock p , in. , for the itk-ctlon of dime torn
and for thn traimactton of Huch other builuo y
as may como before the mcvtliiK ,
J. II , KujflKLU , Bccrotary.
Xat d May 1,1SJ3. U3dl7t
nearly broken donn Instronntn. MyMomnot I
Ion in power. I could not cut , A inter
eouRb. ntfflit nnd day. * ut In.wllh unrcnoM AIM
pain throiiRh n\y oho < l whluh mnrto rcit nni
vntod by cold or damp weather nnd ran w In lid ]
for my work I * entirely out of door * . li , . ;
SlippiirdhmMc.'idlly troMml mo until 1 ai' . .
entirely oiiri-d. My catarrh. donfnuM anvj
hoadnclui nro all ftonoi al i > . my roimh nn
lung symptom * . 1 oat iind dlgon food uplon .
dldly , nnd nni hullt up n < inovor honed tu Ixnil
It has taken n number of monthi for II'
urnnil ri ult , but the total expense lint boi. . . ,
very llihu and the nintliDiUumnloypd nooth" ]
ln nnd grateful , t bollcvo Dr. hrpnrd ave' 1
mo from rv ilpollno Into coiuuinpt on , and I ai I
very unruoit In my grat tudo and pralso. "
A ninlt fen clinrgod liy Ir . Unprlani
anil Micpnril pnj * for pomoiutl trcntinent
iiif < lielnr oTprjtliliis for nnn innntli.
> r |
.Mr . > V. 11. lirnlli.nn Old I'oililrnt.TolU tin
1'rnpln of OninliuVlmt \Vu Acciimpllnlici.
In HrrCiiftp.
Mr. W. II , Krattt. a wnll known cltlr.ou In tlic
employ of i chall .V Koll. coutriu'tors. llros at
ftllh and I.eiivonwurth sttout * . Ills wife ha ? f
largo circle of IrlcniN who will road horuxr-cr'
lenco with In truest , Mr < . Krathsars !
"So hljjhly iilnasnd am I with thn roiul I o ,
my treatment by Dr * . Copuland and Pli' atr
tliat I do not linsltiitc to cumincnd Ven * .
itrt > n7ly tonllimffurliig fromchronlutrouule .
My pain nnd tnlsory was nltnost toosovurott
boar whou I began thiilr trnatmont. 1'orovow
a year 1 had pnlut all tnrouKh my body , oil
R W. II. EltATIt. filth and I.cavonworth *
poolally In my side : a dcop bronth was lm-
potillilo. On mnvlns I hail a dlstrosslnp pain
and vertigo , or nlr/lness. Sharp pains around >
the heart made me faint and slcl ; . I could uot
no iilrlliionsli my nnsu on account of catarrh
In my head. I nlwnys laid my trouble to wnrU
In the ctirdon and exposure to colds , liutwhat-
cver tlie cause. It mnda mo wioichud nnd
broke down my health : Now 1 am restore -
store 1 1 iloslrn tli il. all inv filundi shall ro-
Riird tills public statenii'tit us un oxprebslon ol
my belief founded on poisonal oiporlonco
ttiittllittf. p/iuslciiitH / urc ult < hM d cafincil/ur (
( /if / in. "
No mini in Council BltilTs stands hlgh-
or for truth and honesty than A. O.
Hollander. Ho lives at 2123 S. 10th &t. ,
and snys Dr . Copchmd and Shepard
cured him. Go and sue him.
In\r II'.tiii.
Oatnrrh and all curable diseases treated at
low and uniform rates mo nonius free. I'a-
tlents at n distance successfully treated bf
mull , b'eml for uymptoiu blank.
Every Curable Disease Treated-
Ofllco Hours 9 toll n.m. : 2 toft p.m. ! 7 to 8 p.
m. butiday 10 tu m. to 12 m.
ilif : lid Line ol
in the "West ? "We can fit you out
promptly. Send in your orders.
I3Q4-S-8-19 IMn Sfreef. j
Transfef Co
, ii Bluffs , Iowa ,
Special Notices ,
\\TK ran sell you a homo mi.1 lot en n purulent d
> V froiufia.UJ to r.'iJ.UJ dawn nml lUi.OJ to HV
pur month , Home Hjmolal burKuina In Iota. Juu *
ton A Van I'atton ,
AItBl \UT3amllunii9. . Knr.iinir.lclt/ > i rl | <
bouiilit anil sou. 1'iiuy i TUOJIII , Coim
\VIMj ISXUllAN'll ! oil rtKl.lj Two four roomi
* v hounea anil aturo room nnil oiitbiillillnja , cloaf
of lucunibrnncc. A , J. Munilul.7UUUrali.iui Ave.
OUSHanrtlot for nalo. No. nil I'Mtu.ivJi u *
Inquires of J. 1 * . ClirUtlau , C , & H. L ,
frelL'Iu homo.
17OH SAI.ll Clioapi tnim littok rtrlvlnn m ro
Jlonm mulea ; oil vraion , Imrnoii nnil tuum ; lop
; rouil vruKon. Cartun Cuul ColUI'oarl Htreeu
W I Id. neil lielorr con no IT i room houia , moJjra
cua , wolllacalul. Iteaoilla * .
il Oll HAI.E 'nire'jjoriiejr bulln ; ao , onu wjolf
one ymir and two jruiirn ; Kolld color , rcglulcrod
Block , TUX , lilt Bt.
1OH HAI.K Nlco Nay cnrrlnzu toaiu nnil o rrtfttfo.
-L1 U W.Tulluyi , m I'uariat. , Uiiunoll 1II.T : ,
GAIIIIAUK roinovcd , co iioola. | vaulti , cliliniiur *
rlu.inoil. lid llurku , ut Taylur 6 gtaaorr , it )
II ro ailwuy.
OOI ) Rlrl for 1/niHTRl lionnowurk. Mrs , U , IT ,
ur , No , 1(1 ( jpn | OTCIIHU ,
| ? OU HUNT 7-riioin liuuiid , wdtur , iBUit batb |
i-1 liouuilnblo. 7IU Itli at , Uouncll llliit ! .
OHHAI.K OH IvX | I\NUi-KlToacn : < 9 linn gar
ilvn l nil ailJolnlDK tliu dtri KOuil homo toC
hnrnt Kbi aurua In vlnuyarU ; will ojculiuuxo fo
IIUIIBO nnil lot ooatrulljr lucatuil. H. ( i. Mcciuc , 1
.Mulii ilrcct. -
i ; H mirlulit tire homo poner taller.
L11 all at I8JO Urun'hvuY.
I T OMT-On 7tli lreet , bftmii-n Jlloomor iobopl
! J-/OIHI5IU IITUIIIII. , trli'i | < miliiK of tllvrr Li'UiH ;
I i-turii tu.Mrn. It. J , j'utcoi-U , r.'J touiliith ; urccfc
1/OU HKXTlloiiBo of llvorooniK , warden
L1 | 8iicr pa tur , on Upper HrouUwur. 1" W 'i'ul
leya. 1U3 IVnrl etroot. ,
l.iUllMIIKI ) Hat for World's fair fur r nt II or
A' muntlii. .Nuw7-rooiii Hut , new iurnlturo runt *
iili'lf , itfiim lit-atniiil tm ruiiKo ; near cur linn ana
Imncljr to Warlil'i fnlr. Adilruii K , T , K. , 377 Kail
tMi utrcnl , t lilciu" .
OIl IlKNT Tlia room now uuaa pioU l > f W. U.
I Slorrli. No. n I'niirl klruet. l'nr H > ilon xntm
Juno I. Hunt IH'.OO ' pur iiiunth , Apiily to l.eouarC
We "I" " " ' I"
Krtnrh l'r par iluii CAUTIIOU
nor. * nd a Irxil euiraulot ll l
tlAI/MIOi will lUnlorr your
if. > U , ( Uii > U. OUui ,
\ui \ * !
looforr pirtoCtba buitr. I "HI BBj /
cuielr packed ) KHBB to anrtuffurtr tu * pr otlB'
lion that cured tn cf tueia troubUi. . aai l > , * *