Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 14, 1893, Part One, Page 4, Image 4

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EvonU That Transpired Among the Swells
Last Week ,
Mtiilonla nt Mr . A. I * . Wood' * Residence
Weddlnc nt .St. I'lillomcna'Sar -
prlneii Thnt Truly RnrptUert
IMovonirnt * nnd U'linrnnbnuti.
The continuous rnlnj' vfosthor of the past
week may hnvo dampened the ardor of so
ciety devotees ftomovvlmt , but the lust
8ovon duys Imvo been utterly dovold
of Interest iln the beau mondc.
A few small luncheons have been
given , n card party or two , but outsldo of
these functions tlicro lias been nothing
worthy of oxtnndcd mention.
With fnlr weather , however , the garden -
don party will soon bo n candidate lor
favor nnd there Is no inorodelightful form of
entertainment than the lawn foto.
Clilof among the events of the present
week will bo the concerts by Sousa nnd
Damroscli. which will glvo society nn oppor
tunity to don its flno clothun nnd ndd luster
to what promises to bo four magnificent
The reception at IJrownoll hall 'vlll bo the
distinct society event of the week , while
dinners and luncheons to the visiting clergy
nnd laity will nlso add to the pleasure of the
Episcopal uhurch's silver anniversary In
HucccMCul Miulcalft.
The muslcalo given at Mrs. A. P. Wood's
residence on South Twenty-fifth street Fri
day evening was wonderfully successful , n
largo number of guests being present to help
the aid society of the First Presbyterian
church. The program wns well selected , and
Introduced to Omaha's musical colony several
now voices that promise great things in the
The house looked very attractive , the
porch being hung with Chinese lanterns.
The program began with n piano duet ,
Moszkowskl'H ' ' Dances "
'Spanish , played by
Miss Clara Hawley nnd Miss James. The
number wna nrtlstlcully rendered nnd was
nn earnest of the good things 10 come. Miss
Noolo Ogdcn sang "Abscnco"by Pease , In a
manner thnt quite captivated her hearers.
She is possessed of n heavy contralto voice
which was particularly well adapted to
Poaso's gctn. Mrs. M. Parrotto quite nston
ishcd her friends with her violin solo , "Cth
air ot vario , " by Do Borlot- She showed
line technique nnd very effective bowing.
For nn encore she crave Schubert's
' Serenade. " Mrs. O. M. Wllhelm , who
has treccntly coma among us. sings
beaut fully ; possessed of a rich soprano voice
which she used muslclanly , it wns heard to
signal advantage In that line composition
of Dudley Buck's , "When the Ilnart is
Youngi" For an encore she gnvo a little
lullaby , at once dainty nnd pretty. Mr. L.
A. Copolaml always sings well and ho was
in particularly good voice on this occasion ,
choosing for his number Ncsslcr's bass solo ,
"ItAVas Not So to Bo. " The cornet duets
by Miss Isbcl Patterson nnd Miss Julia
Tulloys , two ycung ladies of Council Bluffs ,
were genuine features of the pleasant evening -
ing , the performers handling tholr
instruments well. Mrs. Mathcson
was at her best in'Aunt
Hattlo's Visit , " the village gossip being done
in character costume that in itself quite con
vulsed the audience. It was a cleverly told
story , In Mrs. Mathoson's best vein. As an
cncoro this charming woman recIted "Her
Ideal. " Miss Uawloy's piano numbers wore
played with delightful expression and in
Kood taste. Mrs. Wilhelm sang again , this
tlmo the "Spring Song , " by Oscar Well ,
with violin obllgato , by Mrs. Parrotto , which
was particularly Una
The audience wns enthusiastic and the
musicale netted the ladies of the society a
nug sum.
I'rotty .Unjr Wnildlnf. , -
Tuesday evening of Iftst woe'.c , } , ! . Georg0
W. Craig juuj Ml93vI1irgarot : B. McKay
-ttPJCSr'marrloa at the home of the bride's
parents , GIJKt North Twenty-fourth street.
Rev. George A. Conrad officiated , using the
Olmplo , short , yet impressive form of the
Congregational church. It was an ideal
homo wedding , and nature and art seemed
to conspire to make it a beautiful nnd nappy
ono. Tall palms and beautiful ferns were
abundant , while the odor of roses told of
their presence where they could not bo seen.
Many Intimate friends nnd relatives of the
contracting parties were present. The
woddlng march from "Lohengrin" was ex
cellently rendered by Miss Lucia McCosh.
At 8:45 : the bridal party entered and stand
ing beneath n canopy of flowers and tapestry ,
the marriage vows were said. After con
gratulations a dainty luncheon of ices and
cake was served.
' The bride wns charmingly attired In a
square cut empire gown of white silk
trimmed with pearls and lace , entralno ,
bridal roses. Among the many handsome
presents a china dinner sot of ono hundred
pieces from the city engineering department
and a set of sterling silver tablespoons
which nro heirlooms of the bride's family ,
were particularly noticeable.
The bride and groom M'O both well known
Omaha people , the bride having been a High
school girl until the last year. She U well
loved by n largo clrclo of friends. Mr.
Craig Is n son of James Y. Cr.ilg of the
Forest Lawn Cemetery association , nnd has
for the past six years been employed in the
city ongincurins department. Ho Is at
present chief Hold engineer of sewer con
Among the guests at the ceremony were :
Rev. and Mrs. George A. Conrad , Mr. and
Mrs. 12. U Stone , Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Me-
Lean , Mr. nnd Mrs. George Crandnll , Mr.
und Mrs. Jo'n MuLcario , Mr. ana Mrs. H.
M. Lcnriu , Mr , nnd Mrs. J. J. Marshall , Mr.
nnd Mrs. Joseph Honsman , Mr. nnd Mrs. J.
Hess , Mr. nnd Mrs. George Swobodu , Mr.
and Mrs. Henry Plumb , Mr. nnd Mra. John
Cowlos ; Misses Craig , MoKeiulo , Klton , Mc-
Nnlr , Coffinan , Adalr , Stonoy , Drake ,
Cowles.Avery , Updike , Grubor , Lear , Joslyn ,
McCosh , Wrliflit. nnd Messrs. James Y.
Craig , James A. Craig , Charles Cralg.Avery ,
Hteglns. Lear , Thompson , Stone , Anderson ,
Furrls , Hoffman , Cullliuino.
Mr. ami Mrs. Craig loft Wednesday after
noon for Chicago , where they will spend
several weeks , after which they will return
to Omaha nnd bo at homo at " 300 Fowler
avenue ,
lr. Durycu Ilefuro tlio.Tneiiilay Club.
The guests of the Tuesday Morning club , a
representative audience ofsavoutyor more
ladles , gathered at the residence of Dr. and
Mrs. John Clarke Jones , 2010 Harnoy street ,
on Friday morning last to listen to a philo-
sopulo lecturu upon the development and at
tainments of the Frcnnh people by Dr. Jo
seph T. Duryea. Ho was listened to with
intense Interest for nn hour and a quarter.
Mrs. Cross , the president of tlio club , intro
duced Dr. Duryea with a few well chosen
words , and Mra. Jones received the guests ,
iiot allowing any to depart without being re
freshed by coffee nnd oako.
Among those noticed wure Misses Popple-
ton , Wells and Alexander , Musdnuies Mcln-
tosh , Hullcr , Ford , WoUster , Tuwno , Harris ,
Homer H. Lowls , Andrews , Nicholas. Van
Tuylo , Bradford , Geortte Stobblns , Chase ,
Patterson , Hnwley , Gamble , Unrkalow ,
Duryea , Flamming , Gould , Cole , Duraont ,
Butler , C. W , Hamilton.
The lecturu supplemented the work done
by the club this year , which has been upon
"Great French Writers. " The members of
the club are : Mcsdauies F. J. Cross , F. A.
Connor , .L. 1) . Baker , A. B. Ulllluxs. J. W.
Grlftlth , J. C. Jones. M. Y , McOllton , E.
Montgomery. W. L. Page , C. N. Powell , C.
' "W. lUlny , A. B. Sn.lth , A. Stigcr , John
Shield * , Gconjo Tillsou and Miss Alexander.
Tlirlr China Aniilvcrtiry.
Mr , and } Mrs. J , 1C. Coulter celebrated
> . their china wedding Saturday evening of
last week , a very largo number of friends
. being present to assist the host and hostess
In making merry at tholr homo In Popplotou
The house was prettily decorated with
. flowers , a punch bowl iu the dining room
being an unfailing source of pleasure to these
who were so inclined to try Us powers ,
It was presided , over by Miss Mamlo
Armstrong. At the head of thu stain an
orchestra played chamber music during the
. hours of the card playlup , and towards thu
ud drilled Mo diiuco utuilu , whi u de
lighted the young folks , Prizes were nil of '
china , tn keeping with tie ! festal occasion.
The guests were Dr. nnd Mrs. Cook. Mr.
and Mrs , N. Koussonu , Mr , nnd Mrs. s. I.
Crosby , Mr , nnl Mrs , OcorKO Dcvcrcll , Mr.
nnd Mrs. H. . ! . Fngnn , Mr , nnd Mrs , S. Cut
ter. Mr , nnd Mrs. Fred Holhwlck. Mr. nnd
Mrs. H. C , Montgomery. Mr. nnd Mrs. N.
Abbott , Mr. and Mrs , ( leorgo Tilly , Mr. nnd
Mr ? . A. Knickerbocker , Mr , nnd Mrs , Charles
Taggcrt , Mr. and Mrs. Wll lam Anderson ,
Mr. nnd Mrs. U. Anderson. Mr. nnd Mrs.
Frank Cooper , Mr. nnd Mrs. George f lauk ,
Mr. nnd Mrs. J , Dalloy , Mr , nnd Airs. W. A.
U nibbon , Mr. nnd Mrs. O. H. Wlrtli , Mr.
nnd Mrs. H. n. Cor.vcll , Mr. nnd Mrs. K.
Klover , Mr. nnd Mrs. O'Dcll , Mr. nnii Mrs.
Sehaffor , Dr. nnd Mrs. Smith , Mr. nnd Mrs.
M. Parr , Mr. nnd Mrs. S. Uchm , Mr. nnd
Mrs. Thompson. Mr. nnd Mrs. Trlbblc , Mr.
nnd Mrs. T. C. Havens , Miss Mnmlo Arm
strong , Mr. nnd Mrs. Mackoy , Miss Homey.
Hester nnil Woodward.
A very pretty wedding ceremony was that
ntSt. Philomcna's cathcdr.ilThursday evening -
ing nt 8 o'clock , when John Li. Hester nnd
Miss Mlnnio R. Woodward were united In
marriage , Hov. Father Mclaughlin oftlclat-
Ing. The bride was gowned very becomingly
In steel gray hcnrlotta with crys
tal bcngnllno nnd passementerie , and
she curried n beautiful bouquet
of bride's roses. The bridesmaid , Miss
Annie Dillon , were n lovely costume of bronze
green , carrying .1 hugo bouquet of roses. The
groom was nttcndcd by Mr. 13d Dillon. After
the ceremony the wedding party adjourned
to the residence of Mrs. .lolui J , Dillon , 801
Pierce street , where a wedding supper wns
served. Afterwards a wedding reception
was held at Keystone hr.ll , where n host of
friends showered congratulations upon the
brldo and groom. After 10 o'clock the guests
danced Into the early morning ns a Sitting
tlnalo to n pretty wedding.
Among the guests present nt the reception
were :
Mrs. Will Madden. Messrs , and Mesdamcs
V. Hart , Schoubol , iiavorly , W. J. Estes. L.
Lemuel , H. Hnccran , Elllgan , U. Dillon , A.
Hrooks , W. Hester , Little Sioux , In. ;
Bert Estcs , Guy Palmer , V. Dcitman ,
1C. Kalman , Ganclas , .T. Kelly , F. Squires ,
Welsbroad , M. Dillon : Misses Adel Horse
man , Council Bluffs ; Emma Quick , Kate Mc-
Carty , Anna Weir. Lucy nnd Klla Weir , Anna
McMullon , Mary Peterson , Pearl Smith ,
May Wilhclm , Mary Murray , Little Sioux ,
la. ; Jonnlo Roscngrcnn , Jennie Dwycr , Celia
Williams , Mao Uoblnson , Anna Dillon , Jo
hanna and Mlnnlo Hanson , Anna Quick , Dora
Hanson , Lyddo Waldlntr , Anna Christiansen ,
Doll lo Pray , Pearl Hester , Little Sioux , la. ;
Messrs. E. W. Gramllch , F. Brodegard , A.
13. Stuht. Bert and Dick Wlnkloman , Arthur
Hose , J. Helmcr , F. Stllrs , John Toloka , Ed
ward Dillon , Tal Hosier , Llttlo Sioux In. ;
J. Mandloburg , Bert Eastman , H. S. Wood-
want , Seymoro Smith , T. Lyons. Frank
Hardy , Herman Drexel , F. C. Durr , J.
Irn\r Il turc < of Anhnitlx.
Miss Leila Carter deserves credit for hav
ing Introduced to the younger society sot a
jolly sort of game , Innocent , instructive and
full of fun , Saturday evening of lust week at
her residence on West Farnam street.
The guests were presented with cards
having printed thereon the names of ani
mals , which they were required to draw enlarge
largo sheets of paper , and after the drawing
the boy and nirl naming most of the animals
pictured correctly were to receive a prize.
Some of the pictures. It Is needless to say ,
were as unlike the animals designed to bo
represented as a pig is different from nn
elephant , but there was lots of fun
and when the end came Miss Beulah Sharpe
had the largest number of guesses to her
credit among tlio girls , Clrirles Pratt carryIng -
Ing off the honors for the boys. Refresh
ments followed , and then some of the guests
danced just a little to round out the night.
The young Uosa Bonhours and Messonlcrs
were : Edna Cowin , Louise Squires , Darlino
Con , Jessie Dickinson , Miss Osbornc , Mac
Mount , Fredrieclca Wcsscls , Beulah Sharpe ,
Leila Carter , Grnco Christian , Buzz Col-
potzer , Jim Wallace , Ueorgo Purvis , William
Hughes , Charles Pratt , .Too Barker , Arthur
Cooley , Frank Cooloy. Ralph Council , Rus
sell Wilbur , Wilbur Christian , Sam Burns ,
Rae Hobble , Frank McCune.
U ° lJv5ntJlJ yoT"tlie "Episcopal ' ( Jliuroh.
" "T'lA , Ibllowing is the order of exercises for
the twenty-fifth anniversary of the diocese
' 01 Nebraska. A change has been made for
tlio annual buslucs meeting of the Women's
auxiliary from Wednesday afternoon to
Tuesday afternoon :
Monday , Muy 15 8 p. m. , twenty-Qfth nnnt-
rui > ary < it the Incorporation ot llrowncll hull
( at. thu hnlir.
Tuesday , May 10 11 a. m. , celebration of
holy communion at the cathedral ( corpornto
communion of ulumnno. Canon Dohcrly , colo-
hrant ) ; 3 p. m. , annual inuotlng ot Women's
aii\lllury3 ; to 11 p.m. , reception by the bishop
and Mrs. WorthliiKton nt Hrownoll hall
( kindly placed nt thulr disposal liv thu rector )
to the visiting bishops , the ( Itilcniites from
the ( Matte , thu nioiiibers ot tlie diocesan coun
cil and churchmen ot the city nnd state gen
Wednesday , May 17 7 a. in. , celebration ; 0
a. in. , moinliiK pruyur ; 10:30 : a , in. , high colo-
hrutlon , with sermon by lllshou Unrrot , fol
lowed by the convening of the council ; 1 p. m. ,
lunch ; 0 p. in , , business session of council ; 4 p.
in , , choral evensong , vrlth historical discourse
by Hon. J. M. Woolworth , I ) . , chancellor
of the dlocmo ; 8 p. m. , annual missionary
meeting ; addresses by bishops prosont.
Thursday , May 18 7 a. m.colebratlon ; 0 a.
m. , morning prayer ; 9:30 : a. in. , business ios-
slon of council ; 1 p. m , , lunch.
Mttlo Heart * Muiie ( Had.
Mrs. M. E. Hawley , who has been a faith
ful teacher in tno Mission school , now closed
for the summer , extended an Invitation to
her little band of workers to visit
her at her Homo , 514 North Twenty-
third street , the other day. NIPO o'clock
in the morning found their teacher
nt the Mission school house ready to receive
her Httlo guests , whoso Joy was increased
when they found a ride on the car was to bo
given them. Arriving at her homo the day
was commenced by their teacher giving each
n little tidy with Bo-Poop drawn in outline ,
aho for n half hour Instructing them
how to work the design. Thou games
were played till luncheon was
announced. Cold moats , creamed potatoes ,
hot buns , toothsome cake , with strawberries
and cream were royally enjoyed , ' At 4
o'clock Mrs. Hawley saw thoni on the oar
homeward bound wilh a palatable gift in
each llltlu hand.
Surprllmt by Their I'rlrndn.
Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Dennis were ntrrooably
surprised by their many friends and nolgh-
oors Saturday evening last. Cards were the
principal feature of the evening , after
which a delicious lunch was served.
Mr. Sydney Morse and Miss Carrie Butler
carried away llrst honors while Mr. George
Shnnalmn and Mrs. Van Dyke won the
booblos ,
These present wore : Mr. and Mrs. Morse ,
Mr. and Mrs. Birch , Mr , and Mrs. Johnson ,
Mrs , Ilutlor , Mrs , Vun Dyke , Misses Emma
Slontor. Carrie Butlur , Gortnulo MelOithron ,
Ella MoEathron. Messrs. George Shanuhan ,
Joe Dennis , J. W. MuRiinroii , George und
Morris Birch , Nolla and Benjamin Butler.
Ihitut Utlnml Informally.
Monday evening Mr. and Mrs , L. Whlto-
horn entertained Informally at tholr homo ,
ftI ) Soutli Sovontccntli street , assisted
bytheir daughter , Miss Franklo. Games
and muslo were the order of the evening.
Dainty refreshments were served during the
evening , in which about twenty participated ,
These present were : Mr , and Mrs , White-
horn , Mr , and Mrs , Bowdlour , fur. nnd Mrs ,
Conh ) , tlio Missus Frank \Vliltoliorn , May
Wilson , Ottlllla TroH , Sabia Wilson , Miss
Adams , Wiloy , Soil wick , Adams , Lottio
Whltuhorn , Anna Cumnilngs und MolHo
Davis j Messrs. Charles , Air.
Hedges , Mr. Burko/ . Sanders , T. J. Wll.
son , M. Vttudenburg , M. A Plllsbqry and A.
N. D.xvis ,
In Honor of Ml Cook ,
Mrs , L. D. Loovy , 21J3 ! California street ,
entertained very handsomely Thursday
evening a party of young ladies and gentlemen -
men in honor of her sister , MIsj Carrlu Cook
of St , Louis.A - number of novel and amus
ing games were Introduooa during the even
ing , after which au elaborate lunclioou was
served , thu ladles being presumed with
American beauties ns souvenirs of the occa
sion , the gontlomtm receiving buuttounleres.
The parlors were prettily decorated with
.smllax and ferns , und the evening made
Ihorougly unjoynblo by tlio taut of a very
gracious hostess.
MtMouiniiU \Vharrnbuutt. .
The Misses MoAusiuud leave for Chicago
Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Millard loft Tuesday
for Chicago.
Senator und Mrs , Mandorson are guests nt
"Happy Hollow. "
MIn Aguwt Zauuck of Nollgh h the guest
of Miss Dalley of 1501 North Nineteenth
Mrs. Dr If.irold Glffonl trnvo ft very pretty
luncheon Wednesday.
Arthur Whltmarsh , son of Canon Whit-
marsh , is still very 111.
Mr. and Mrs , Henry Yatcs entertained nt
dinner Wednesday evening.
Miss Yates will entertain the nlumnao of
Brownoll hall Monday nt tea.
Mrs. Louis Schrnm of Chlcapo Is In the
city , the guest of Mlsa Beckmnn ,
Mr. nnd Mrs. C. W. Lyman and family ex
pect to leave Monday for Chicago.
Miss Lemon of St. Joseph la visiting Mr.
and Mrs. Henry Yatcs nt Hillside.
Mrs , Cross Ins n guest , a sister ,
Miss Wells of Cambridge , Mas * .
Dr. nnd Mrs. Charles ItosowAtor have re
turned from tholr wod.llng journey.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Arthur B. Smith nro to be
congratulated upon the birth of n son.
Mrs. Holllns loft Wednesday for Washing
ton , She will bo absent several months ,
Mrs. Joseph H. Millard entertained very
beautifully at luncheon yesterday afternoon.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Joseph Obcrfolder were
guests of Mr. nnd Mrs. Morltz Meyer last
Mr. nnd Mrs. J. N. Cornish nnd Mr. nnd
Mrs. J. M. Mctcalf left Monday to visit In
Chicago ,
Mrs. Ben liaker left Sunday for Chicago ,
whcro she will visit her sister , Mrs. J , H.
Mr. Richard p. Patterson nnd family hare
returned from their winter's sojourn In
Houston , Tex.
Mrs. Prltchott gave a small luncheon
Wednesday for Mrs. Clark , ' who Is visiting
Mrs. Morsinnn.
Mr. nnd Mrs. William Lolunci'111 bo
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Klchurd Carrier dur
ing the summer.
Mrs. Frederick Clark of Boston arrived
last week and Is the guest of her sister , Mrs.
K. M. Morscman.
Mr. 13. L , Lomnx Is again able to bo about
after n week's slcsro with the cold which
kept him housed.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank Leonard nnd son
Harry of Pittsburg , Pa. , arc visiting Mr.
and Mi s. J. H. Getty.
Mrs. G. A. Warruck and her two children
have Keno to the country , whcro they will
remain during the summer.
Mrs. Scott of Kansas City and Miss Sher
wood nro the guests of Mr. and Airs. J , N.
H. Patrick at Happy Hollow.
Mr. and MM. C. F. Weller returned Wed
nesday from New York City whcro they went
to witness the naval review.
rjMr. nnd Mrs. Ktchnrd Carrier have moved
to U'JlM Pacillc street where they hope to bo
settled by the middle of Juno.
Miss Katharine Barker will leave Wednes
day for Chicago , to bo absent several weeks ,
the guest of Miss Shophard.
Miss Nellie nnd Miss Brownie Bnum re
turned Tuesday from their school in the
cast. Miss Brownie Is somewhat improved
in health.
General and Mrs. Dandy are expected to
arrive In Omaha on Monday evening und will
bo the guests for the present of Mr. and
Mrs. Council.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. ICimbnll arc ex
pected homo today from Boston , Mrs. Kim-
ball's father , Mr. McPhnll , being much im
proved in health.
Mrs. S. C. F. Tliorndike who has been the
guest of Mr. and Mrs. George I. Gilbert , has
returned to her homo hi the cast , taking in
the great fair enroute.
Lieutenant nnd Mrs. Solomon E.lSparrow
nre very happy over the birth of a son at
Fort Niagara , Mr. Sparrow's station. Mrs.
Sparrow will be remembered as Miss Opal
The art department of the Woman's club
will meet Tuesday afternoon at 4 p. in. at the
rooms of Mrs. C. F. Catlln , 1718 Dodge
street , Mrs. Catlln having kindly placed
them at their disposal.
Ex-Mayor Brontch having disposed of his
Dodge street property to Mr. Morrison , Mr.
nnd Mrs. Broatch have taken rooms at the
Mercer for the present. About the middjo
of Juno theyji'lll.TQ < ejijt. . . . . - * * "
'iuiss- Blanco Sorensen of Portland , Ore. ,
daughter of Mr. Alf Spronson , for manv
years connected with TUB BEB , was success
ful in winning a prize of $10 for the largest
number of words made out of the words
"Dolly Vardeu. "
Miss Louisa Squires entertained at
luncheon Thursday evening Misses Mabel
Brown , Jessie Dickinson , EJna Cowln. Mao .
Mount and Leila Carter , Hussoll Wilbur ,
Italph Connell , Gilbert Pratt , Joe Barker ,
Will Hughes , Wilbor Christian.
On Wednesday evening Mr. and Mrs. U. B.
Poaltle celebrated the tenth anniversary of
their marriage. A delightful evening was
enjoyed by the following guests : Mr. und
Mrs. Paul Charlton , Mr. nnd Mrs. Gilbert
Hitchcock , Mr. and Mrs. Percy Ford , Mr.
nnd Mrs. F. Hiclmrdson.
Two readings for the benefit ot St. James'
orphanage will bo given ut the residence of
Mrs. Joseph Garncau , jr. , UOOl Chicago
street , a48 p. m , , as follows : May 17i Mrs.
Ella W. Poattio , "How Jncque * Came to the
Forest of Ardcn. " May 21 , Mrs. Homer K.
Lewis , "Romoln and Contemporary Floren
tine History. "
Mrs. Henry W. Yatcs , acting for the
ladles who furnished the flag for the Ne
braska building at the World's fair , has
turned ever tholr balance to the Liberty bell
fund. This generous gift of $ l.70 ! ) makes
Nebraska's total contribution to the fund
? . ' ! ' , ! .9t ) nnd entitles the ladies to one of the
pretty Httlo souvenir bolls.
Mr. Matt McNnmnra of the Union Pacillc
headquarters has been enjoying a vacation
out west. Friday evening on his return , a
number of young people were pleasantly
entertained at his homo in honor of his 18th
birthday. Music , cards and dancing were
indulged in to a lively degree , till rc.'rosh-
mcnU afforded a happy moment of rest.
Word was received yustordny from Hov
Thomas Ewlng Sherman , S , J. . thnt h
would visit Omalur Thursday , May 2r > , nnd
lecture , choosing for his subject "Ameri
canism. " Exposition hall was nt once se
cured and the hour sot for 8p.m. Thla
lecture has created quite a stir in Detroit ,
St. Louis and other places , llesurvod seats
will bo placed on nalo Tuesday morning nt 0
o'clock at the Klnsler Drug company , Six
teenth nnd Furnam streets.
Miss Bertha Manstlcld entertained her
Kountz Place friends at her homo , ! iS48 Ham
ilton street , Friday ovoning. The evening
was spent with cards and dancing. These
invited were : x. Misses Kate Hamllu , Stella
Hlley , Lillian Wdcox , Sodonia King , Kato
Harris , Dora Dunham , Florence Campion ,
Partlionia Bowman , Ida Wedge ; Messrs.
Bert Bowmun. Bert Bohannan , Leo Hnmllu ,
Ed Wllcojc , Otto Bolln , Herbert Higgs ,
Frank Hlloy , Novlllo Campion , Harry Per
Mrs. M. Hcrlng gave a' vary delightful
birthday party Wednesday afternoon , the
following guests being present : Mesdamcs
Stoffo , ilutto , Bond , Pottus , HopKins -
Kins , Moran , McGllllgot , Carey , T ,
Caroy. Follor. Ltckonsteln , Mulvi-
hlll , Foster , Kolun , Mllles , Schneider ,
Hoffman , Hcnrlt , Luiborknecht , Kulck , Dar-
nun , Williams , Klsar , Dodam , Thais , Kings-
bury. Misses Ilabush , P. Stoffo. A. Loibor-
kneuht , L. Stoffe , G. Carry , A. Curry , Mabel
Moran , L. Moran , Messrs. J. Dcidnn , F ,
Stoffe , Jr. , T. Carry , T , Daves from Poorla ,
111. E. Klugsbury , F. Stoffo , sr. , Hopkins ,
Thol3 W. Carry.
Ladles call nt Miss Johnstono's , 211 S. 10th
street , and have your hulr curled with Haw-
ley's Unique Curlene ; It is nuuranteod to
keep the hulr curled from ono to two weeks
during hot weather.
Ten Men Killed In Conflict Ilutwoen Hlval
C'liurcual Humor * .
DuiuNOo , Mnx. , May lit. Advices from
Muzatlun tell of a despcruto affray between
rival camps of charcoal burners In the Slerrp.
Madre mountains , A man from each camp
met on a narrow mountain road. Ono throw
the other over a precipice , dashing him to
pieces. This led to a ; : eueral conflict , ( n
which ten were killed und a number badly
Nchvme for u ( lermiiu lliironclllntlon.
BKKI.IK , May la. The socialist organ ,
Vonraerts publishes a letter purporting to
bo from Prince Albrooht of Russia to
Chancellor Caprivi on the subject of u meet
ing and public reconciliation between Bis
marck nnd Emperor William on the occasion
of the Inauguration of a monument to the
late Emperor William ' . nt Gonlltz , Russian
Silesia , with a vlovv to an effect on the coin-
lug olcctiaus ,
S.iniii'n Prngntmnintr Tomorrow AitmlMlnn
It Is the week & , ' { ( Jmnlm's greatest musical
festival. Tomorrow Sousa's concert Kind ,
renowned ns thciltrronlcst Instrumental or
ganization of Its' i-Uss this country has yet
produced , opens iti0 festival with two con
certs In Kxiwslttpii'.hall , afternoon nt 2:110 :
nnd evening nt 8. ( Wednesday evening , the
D.jmrosch Symphonyjorchestra of Now York
will bo hcrml Inouaof Its best programs nnd
again nn Thursdax < nftcmoon nnd evening In
other selections , VT.
* * All Oinahnns 'know bf these greatest of
Instrumental orgunlzasions ; not n few hnvo
doubtless heard ono or other or both of them
In the east ; but for the first tlmo In Its his
tory the Gate City of the west Is given the
prlvllcito of hearing nt homo the band nnd
the orchestra thnt of all others in America
today stand for nil thnt is highest In musical
Interpretation. It wns worth while lighting
to let Chicago have the World's fair. If
Omaha gained little more than this oppor
tunity of hearing the work of Sotisa's nnd
D.imrosch's musicians , for It is the fair that
brings them here. It may bo many years
cro such a musical feast Is spread in Omaha
again. "Gather ye rosebuds white yo mny.'J > i
But two hours of instrumental music , oven
of the best mayhap , because It Is the host
is. let It bo confessed , somewhat wearying
to tiio average car ; It craves the sound more
satisfying than nil of nature's melodious
noises ever praised of poet , the music of the
human voice. And this band and this or
ehcstrn will bo assisted at their concerts by
nn nrray of vocal talent never before hoard In
the west tn one season. Tomorrow evening ,
with Sousa's band , Mine. Fursch-Madl , the
noble dramatic soprano equally renowned
on two contlnots , will sing. Mine. Van
Caiiturcn , in the front rank of the world's
operatic sopranos , will sing afternoon and
ovoning. So will Frauloln Mlnnlo Bchnnc ,
the much heard of contralto. Messrs. Gulllo
and Vlvlanl , tenor and basso , will also sing ,
nnd Miss Leonora von Stosch , the young
American violinist who captured all Europe
season before last , will intoprot Sarasato's
"Gypsy Danco. " But it Is really unneces
sary to dilate on the work of Sousa's band
and the soloists who nppcnr with It. The
sale of seats already assures crowded houses
tomorrow. These are the programs to bo
rendered tomorrow by the oand that ts now
admitted by the best critics to ho superior
to that of the late Patrick Sarslleld Giluioro.
Overture Tannhauser . Wagner
Tenor Solo Lombard ! , . Verdi
Monsieur Gulllo.
Hullo The Nutcracker , ( nowT.-.chulUow.sUy )
Soprano Solo CaroNomo , ( lilKnlolto ) . Verdi
Mmo. Van Cautercn.
Entr'acte and Danso dos llucchuntos , from
Philemon el lluucls . Gounod
Quartet Ulxolctto . , . VorUl
Mine Van Cnuteron , I'nuiloln llehnne ,
Messrs. Gullto and Vlvlanl.
( ( a ) Andantn from Sonata , Op. 14..1Icothovcn
jb ( ) \ulso Ho yo Embraced , yo Millions
( . Strauss
Violin Solo Gypsy Dmico . Sarasato
Miss Lcnora von Stoseh.
Ueilglnus Medltatlou-SouRs of Grace and
Soimsof Glory . Sousa
Sextet , from Lucia . "Donizetti
Mine. Van Oftulloroii , Miss llohnnc ,
Messrs. Ou'lllll , Mortons , Ohrls-
torratftl Vlvlanl.
EVKs'lNd ritOORAM.
Ovorturo-Flyins IKi cluiian . Wagner
UallotSulto-l'oranors ) . Hubenstoln
Soprano Bolo t'olonnlso , from Mlgnon
. . . . . Thomas
Mrno. Vnn Cnutercn.
Ilnncnrlrui ltlinp > d.v , No. 2 . . . . l.l'rt
Tenor Solo-Celeste Aldn , Vi'till
Monsieur Onllltv
nmrnciurtMla 1'leco In ft ( . 'lock Store . . .Orlh
Soprano Solo Queen of Hhoha . . . .Oounod
Mmo. I'lirseh-Mndl ,
Hnpsodlo llotiRrolso llauser
MM Leonora Van Stosch.
Suite I.nst D.xyi of 1'ompell Suusa
I'rayornnd I'lnMo l ohoiiKrln . . . . . . .Wanner
Mine. Vursch-Mndl , I'rmileln Uchnnc ,
Messrs. GullhMerlons , Vlvlanl
nnd llnnd ,
Many will consider the D.imrosch programs
announced for Wednesday evening nnd
Thursday nftcrnoon and evening oven better
worth hearing than those for tomorrow.
But , In fact , no ono should miss hearing all
of the concerts.
Special appreciation has been earned by
the management of the Apollo club In ar
ranging that all school children under 1.1 shall
bo admitted to the afternoon concerts for
33 cents. The opportunity should bo promptly
Improved to lot the Httlo ones hear these
notable selections from the best of music , In
terpreted by the most masterly of musicians.
Superintendent Fltzpatrlck has agreed to
cxcuso nil public school pupils tomorrow and
Thursday afternoons who wish to attend the
The management promises tomnko Exposi
tion hall ns comfortable ns possiblelie -
member nnd rcservoj-our scats In advance ,
ns admission tickets will not be sold nt tlio
door except for standing room. Tlicro will
bo two entrances on Fourteenth street. Car
riages will nppoach these on trances from the
north when delivering , and will form in line
In the same order nft'jr the concerts.
Among the guarantors of the festival are
Mayor Bemis , K. F. Itanktn. C. L. Douol , '
Perry Bndollct , T. J. Rogers , Warren M.
Rogers , Colonel Sheridan , General Brooke ,
E. A. Pal-melee. 1. W. Tuliafero , J. B.
Melklo , J. H. Mclntosh , Will H. Thomas ,
H. P. Hallock , H. D. Kstnl'rook. Thomas
Kllpatriek , H. L. Day , Dr , Charles Rodolf ,
H. II. Rhodes , J. L. Woodson , George H.
Palmer , George Marplos , Kato M. Bradley ,
R. E. Sundcrland , Mrs. Thomas L. Kimball ,
M. A. Robert , Mrs. G. W. Holdrcgo , E. A.
Cudaliy , E. P. Peck , W. R. Aanlr , H. Glf-
ford , Mra. Ezra Millard and many others.
Quito n number of communications have
been received by Tin : BKK relative to the
concerts. Some ask for particulars of ono
kind nnd another , and some make sugges
tions for the conduct of thir- festival inoro
of these latter , ns so many know "all about"
running entertainments. "B Flat'1 sug
gests that some Improvement bo made tn ad
mission arrangements over those at the
Soldi concert : "Lot the Apollo people en
gage a professional ticket taker from ono of
thu theaters ; place him , or two such , at thu
foot of the stairs , avoid the trying crush on
tno stairs and expedite admission. "
"Student" says she would rather her per
fect enjoyment of the music were not
marred again by any speech making be
tween numbers , prclcrrlng to road advertis
ing matter in the newspapers to hearing It
sandwiched between a Beethoven sonata
and a Verdi urin. "T. B. " ( from Council ! .
Bluffs ) wants to know whether the lloor Is
better than the gallery in Exposition hall.
Lot him hear the band from the gallery
and the orchestra from the lloor and he will
have earned an opinion of his own.
I.nglilntcini Noslcctinir Illiniums.
SritiNaFiEi.n , 111. , May 13. The senate met
this morn 1m : with only four members pres
ent and adjourned till Monday without
transacting business.
How MlM-ron Rtoif h , the Viollnlilr , X
llrr Vnliinliln Imtrutnrut.
Mlsi Ix > onor\ ; von Stosch. the brilliant
young vlollnl.sto , who Is plajlnp with Sousa'.s
concert band this season , possesses one of
the Hurst Strndlvarlus violins In tlio world ,
nnd there ts an Interesting story connected
with it. As almost everybody knows , Strnd-
ivnrlus was the greatest violin maker whoever
over lived , nnd the few gcnulno Instruments
which have survived the vicissitudes of thu
century ami a half slnco his death arc prl ed
beyond measui-o.
Miss von Stosch Is n Washington city girl ,
who In early childhood displayed great talent
for the violin. After being tlio .star pupil of
the best teacher In her native town for a few
years , she went to Europe and applied her
self so well' thnt three years ago shu won
the first prize nt ono of the consiH-vatorli's.
Coming home , she played for .Anton Soldi ,
nnd ho at once honored her with an Invita
tion to play at ono of his concerts with
orchestral accompaniment. Her splendid
playing and her personal attractiveness won
for her u great success In Now York nt once ,
where she became the fashion nt parlor
A year ago last winter she was playing at
the house of Rlohnrd Watson Gilder , editor
of thu Century , when ono of the guests.
Abraham Bcrnholin , asked her If she had
over played on a Strndivnrlus violin. She
had not , nnd regarded the possession of ono
ns beyond her hopes. Mr. Hernheiiu told
her that his uncle. Isldor Utiuscr , had n
Strad , which formerly belonged to his
brother , Miska Hanscr , a celebrated player
nnd composer for the violin , Before that It
had been the property of the great Vlotix-
i totnps. As a special favor Miss von Stosch
was allowed to play the violin at n concert
soon after , but .Sir. Hnuser would not allow
It out of tils hands , except when she played
It. Ho carried It to the hall himself , nnd
when she bad finished took it homo. It was
a perfect Instrument , made tn 1710 , nnd ho
valued It at fo.OOO.
Sometime later Gordon McKay , n wealthy
philanthropist of Newport , R. I. , hoard Miss
von Stosch play , nnd heard her toll of the
Hauscr Strad. Mr. McKay is the possessor
of a collection of line violins , and , to make a
long story short , ho bought the prized violin ,
nnd has loaned It liulullnltuly to the charm
ing Miss von Stosch.
Mtss von Stosch Is the most promising
vlolluiste in this country. She has great
strength , which enables her to play with the
brilliancy characteristic of the best violin
ists , likeBrodsky , Yunck nnd Bcndlx. She
has great nrtlstlc talents and limitless pcr-
sovcranco. Each summer she returns to
| Kuropo to cotillntio her simile. * , nfiil h
i year she cllmw hljthcr In her nucoestful
rccr _
Ilia Strlhn Tin rut n\o < l In llimoil , i I
MOM-OX , Mass , , May 13.Tho bullilQ )
laborers unions of Boston and surround" ]
towns have decided unless the inns
builders grant n dem.ind for an advance
wages they will strllio early next week. p
Kxplndlng t.nriimiillvn Kill * Tlirnn l'oo |
RuAiiixo , Pa. , May 1ft.A Philadelphia
Itcadlng cnclno exploded this morning , k
Ing Engineer YodiT and two others. { _
T TWILL be worth your
while to wait for our
As soon as the insurance
adjusters settle the loss we a ]
will open fire with the- .
greatest wine and liquor W
bargains you ever heard of. U
110-118 S. 10th St.
Let ns shoiv yon a few of our
latest novelties in fine stationery.
We also do steel engraving at mod-
et ate prices.
100 Engraved 0 irds , $ t.3D.
. .
fllJJ IBHt 5 i § & a b < Lifl a i
1 id. : - , . Wi
. .
i ' - ' *
J. lllvf ft. . ' ! .1 ' EXPLANATION OK OUR. OFFELR-
Wo will publish seven short articles , this being No. 1. The remaining articles will apponr in regular order , consecutively -
socutivoly otich day. In cach.urticlo there will appear ono or inoro words'in BLACK FACED TYPE. There nro
NINE such words in all , out of which wo have constructed a santcnco.
The boy or girl who first puts this sontoneo together correctly and sends us the answer will receive a full set of the
Omaha World-Honild's famous edition of the Encyclopedia Britnnnica , together with iho bountiful bookcase made to hold it.
The prize will go to the ono whoso answer is first received at this otllco.
Ono volume of the Encyclopedia will bo presented to every boy or girl sending the correct .in&wor at any time before
the award is made.
To Insure absolute fairness , wo have placed the sentence in a scaled envelope in the custody of PROFESSOR
FRANK A. FITZPATRICK , Superintendent of Public Instructions.
The award will bo made within ono weokwftor the last of these seven articles is published.
Address answers to "EDITOR BOYS' AND GIRLS' " PRIZE , Oniuhu WorUMIcrald.
ion "All the world's a stage ,
UiM'l And all the men and women merely players.
ii'S They have their exits and their entrances , and one man in his time
Plays many parts , his acts being seven ayes.
Qtll ' ' At Jlrst , the infant , mewling and pukiny in the jittrse' * arms. "
" , /Jfl r u Like It. "
From the cradle to the grave , at every stage of Hfo , the Enoyclopodlu Britannloa Is useful and nocoasary to man ,
At the ago of six wooka baby would not take much Interest In the nrtiolo on the Difiorontlul Calculus ; but there are
many things essential to his Hfo , happiness nnd prosperity contained within the covers of thla wonderful book ,
Lot us suppose that Baby can road THE Encyclopedia. Ills first uuxioty Is , ol course , regarding the question ,
"What flhall I oatV"
Nature hns to a certain extent answered that question for hltn , but the Britannloa contains nn article Invaluable to
* * i mothers on Infant Diet.
' i Should ho wish to know his legal status , ho can refer to the article on Guardianship of Infants by Mothers.
His relation to the Christian Religion are clearly sot forth In this great book under the heading "Llmbus Infantum. "
Apart from these serious things there are thousands of beautiful and Interesting matters , with pictures that will
Interest the Baby a llttlo later on.
What is more interesting for children to road about thnn the Spanish infant that is a king In n cradle ?
Ten Cents n day put aside for the Baby will procure lor him this wonderful book , which will flll his soul with joy and
' 'his mind with knowledge when ho gets a little older.
The BEST Is uono too good for him ,
- , jjftf