Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 14, 1893, Part One, Page 10, Image 10

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The Oltj's ' Gun Oluls and a History of the
The HouiUlor Clnliilnno MrctlnjVhU -
f tlio Wlii-el Hrro rfroin . the
Hull Field Sport * Allolil anil
iGOii * Notes.
Oscar Gardner , the young fellow wlio is
tailing under the cognomen of the "Omaha
Kid , " and who has been cutting n rather
wide swath In western pug circles recently
corns to bo absolutely unknown In this city ,
unless ho Is the young man who formerly
worked for the Poycko brothers nnd noted
for a few months as Danny Daly's sparring
partner. Whoever that youngster was ho
was very clever , nnd evinced all the symp
toms of a hard nut to crack. Still there Is
but Httlo evidence thnt they are ono and the
name and It may bo that Gardner's selection
of the noin do guerre under which he fights
was prompted simply by his knowledge of
the stilt character of this city's pugi.llstlc
product. Uo that as It may , the Kid has
demonstrated that ho has llrst Class stuff In
him and ere long will evidently bo knocking
nt the door of some of the first rate Httlo
Last Monday night before the St. Paul
"Phoenix club the Kid was pitted for six
rounds against Solly Smith , the conqueror
of Danny D.ily and Johnny Van Heest , and
the man who has on some sort of a match
with George Dlxon , the champion featherweight -
weight of the world. Just what young
Gardner did on this occasion is told in the
following extract from the Pioneer Press :
'It was a great surprise to Smith and his
backers. It was a big surprise to the crowd.
It was considerable of a surprise to the Kid
himself , and when the gong rang at the close
of the contest lie was taken up on the shoul
ders of the enthusiastic crowd
r.nd given thrco cheers for his
pluck and cleverness. It was a re-
inarknblo exhibition of rapid sparring. There
was no dallying at any time. Neither man
was afraid ami the audience was treated to
ono of the cleverest goes over seen In this
city. It was thought the Kid would act en
tirely on the defensive. Tlio idea was that
ho was-to got a guod purse if ho managed to
stay the six rounds. Accordingly all ho bad
to do was to keep away from Smith , and
lot him do tlm work. Instead of this the
Kid surprised his backers and really did
more work than Smith. Ho brought all his
cleverness into play and It was often
effective. Smith entered tlic arena with
nn air of coutldencc , and appeared to think
ho would have no trouble disposing of the
Kid in a round or two ; but after the second
round ho changed his mind and became cau
tious. The betting , or what there was of It ,
was entirely in Smith's favor. Few there
were who dreamed that the Kid would last
oven thrco rounds , as Smith's cleverness
was well known , but ho fooled them all and
was there good nnd strong at the end of the
sixth , having bested Smith at every turn
throughout tlio entire ) bout.
And Solly Smith is the man Jttclc Abra
hams has brought across the continent to
trail Champion Dixon's colors in the dust.
Ilo'd better take him back to the slope , for
ho'll make littfo moro than a practice punch
ing bag-for the doughty colored boy. I flaw
Solly lii his sctto with Owen Ilurnoy , the
Now Orleans novice , the night of the Gib
bons-Daly battle , and made just such an es
timate then , for tlio Crescent City lad had
nil the best of it , both as to ring generalship
und points scored.
It lias finally been settled that Boston
Billy Smith and Jack Deinpsoy will come to
gether on the night of Juno ! ! 0 bcforo the
Coney Island Athletic club. Since the mys
terious ono's conquest over Australian Tom
Williams he. has been throwing largo gobs of
ilowcra nt himself , and the Coney Island
people hail about despaired of 'seeing his
match with the Nonpareil clinched. The
Crescent City club of New Orleans
tacked on nn extra thousand to
Judge Newton's $ (1,000 ( purse , and Smith
gobbled up the bait something after the
tush km that the llrst trout of spring goes for
a liy. Ho has recanted , however , and yielded I
to the Judge's rat.iocinativo powers , and at
last it Has been writ in the books that the
battle will come nil at the big cottage by the
sea as per the original schedule , for a purse i
of $ ( ' > . ( ! ( ) ( ) . nnd on the last night of the rosy
mouth of June.
What about the outcome ? That Is a pre
sumptuous query to put. Billy Smith nas
, surely shown himself to bo the peer of all
latter day lighters In his class , and Jack
Dumpscy has seen the day ho know no
equal. Hut when you put this and that to- ,
L'ollicr it makes a horse of an entirely dif
ferent color. When the Nonpareil mot that
speckled specimen of nntcpodian quadru-
mana , BUD Fitzslminons , his myriad of
friends said that ho had gnnu back prior to
that lllfated invasion. But I don't hellovo
It. That his old lime supreme confidence in
bis own invincibility received a severe jar
when braggart l.a Blanche knocked him out ; ,
however , 1 do believe. That was the first
defeat In a half hundred battles and it all 1
but broke bis heart. On the night ho met
Fitz , physically , I think ho was as good , if
not butter , than over before , barring a slight
adomhml disarrangement at the tinio His
general makeup was llawless. That he con [
clusively proved by the remarkable light
ho made tlio longest and the best
that bus over been made on tliet.0
shores against tlio lanky monstrosity from
the under world. There were thirteen
rounds * of it. Mahcr , the much lauded Hi I-
bernian giant , quit in cloven , and phcnomo-
mil Jim Hall was knocked into a rocked hat
.t in less than four. On what lines , then , is it
. claimed that Dempsey had gone back !
If the Nonp.irlol has mtrogaded , it has all
taken place slnco that historic night. IIo !
was great then , and there are none so bold
as to dispute ) and try to provtf It. I will admit ,
thoupn , that ainco then there is a strong
lllcehood that Jack has been on the decline.
The sling of those two downfalls loti the
most liioffaciablo innrki of the terrible |
work they wrought , Ho went into retire
ment bruised In baby and mind , and if all
talcs are true ho did moro to alignment than
nmoltorato his his wofnl condition In his
manner of living for several years there
after. But now they say that ho is re
habilitated , gone through some sort of a
reformation , and that the Nonpareil of years
ago is the Nonpareil of. today that Jack
Dempsey is rcdivlvus , If this be so then I am
inclined to agitate my think tank to the ex
tent that Boston , Billy Mysterious Council
Blurt's Uoylo Smith Is In for a decidedly rude
reception on tlio night of Juno ill ) . If u no
otherwise , why then B , B , M. U. II. B. Smith ;
will run away from Jack in fact ho can
back in , as my friend Dick Crokcr would
say , and win.
The story that In going the rounds about
Joe Goddard's tough luck would make a
pooa running mate for the one that has
I H.niest John Kelly ready vvith S&i.oou to bet
nf against half that amount that the big Cali
fornia bully whips Charllo Mltcholl. The
ii above referred to fairy tale has it that In ad |
dition to his recent licking by selling plutoi
Smith , the big skinned horse from the
back blocks 1ms been financially wrecked by :
a big bank failure In Australia. Whether
this was a sand or a faro hank the narrator
falloth to state , Anyway , Joe had Just 80.0M
big John dollars in tlui concern and ho lost
every penny of it. Sad , isn't III Hut the
facts are , Goddard didn't lose a cent moro in
this alleged cave-In at Australia than IK
did In the recent bust-up at Sioux Cltt t
When at homo across the pacific
Pacific- the barrier champ was wont to dU
ditchc * at so much per diem and light for X'5 !
or i'V ( ) stakes. To have accumulated 80,00 , *
stmoloons In his brief career Joseph mus
have dug several million miles of ditchc.
and whipped about every man who breath
under the shade of the Southern Cross.
All ehnnres of seeing a go between tin
DOW ICngllshcr , Stanton Abbot and Jack Me
Aullffa have faded as the fogs of the bat
toins fade before the warm sunshluo of May
Stanton would have boon n wlso chap ho-
ho kept his merits under a bushel until 0'k
pot all fixed up for his smash at our Jack :
that Is If ho was in real earnest to learn hov
quickly Jack could lick him , But he ha
ouo oiucUy oHiervrise and spurs and 1
willing to any ono for HITO
rmitiinp expenses. Ho mot Hull
McCarthy before the Arlnl club
In Phllnilt'lpnla the other night and
Hull proved himself moro than the UrUon's
equal. In faH , ho hurt his corporal nnd
mental feelings exceedingly , nnil would have
knocked him out If the copper had only nodai
dcd , HASIIY Gmswout.
The ( into t'liy' * dun Club * .
Sovcn years ago Omaha , was ono ot the
shooting centers of the country. There was
practically hut ono regularly organized club
here at that tlmo , but notwithstanding this
fnut bigger crowds assembled nt Its weekly
shoots and moro targets were smashed and
pigeons killed In a day than there has been
since , up to within a slnglo twelvemonth , In
a week. The period to which I allude was
back In 18S7-3 , when John J. Hardin and H.
A. Penroso were nt the head of a pun and
sK | > rtlng goods house down on the corner of
Thirteenth mid Dodge. They were both
active and hustling representative ! ! of their
business , crack shots and ardent followers
ot sports afield. They were driving a splen
did business , nnd had It not been for
the questionable practices of Ponroso. would
todav bo cnjo.vlnjj the fruits of n mammoth
trade. Pcnrose , with nil his drawbacks , was
a llvo and enterprising follow , untiring in
his effort. ! l.i the Interests ot lecltimato
oport. and equally zealous In his advocacy of
pastimes that como under another head , in
consequence of which latter propen
sity ho eventually succeeded In killing
most all kinds of snort In this vi
cinity. In his earlier ambition ho do-
oted much tlmo to the gun and the trap ,
ind the weekly shoots nnd frequent tourna-
netits held under his almost individual
uispiccs were Invariably tremendous suc
cesses. The Omaha Gun club about that
Imo was in the zenith of its fame. It had a
argo membership composed of the most
iromlncnt professional and business men of
, ho city , und as the" were all practical and
enthusiastic followers of the Held it took but
irecious little Inducement to Interest them
n friomlly competitions nt the trap. In
, hose days most all of the club member * at
tended the regular shoots , while the crowd
) f lookerson that generally assembled on the
, 'roumls on thcso occasions frequently ran
up into the hundreds. The rivalry between
, ho shooters \vas always at fever heat , nnd
the average scores made then were as good
or oven better than those made by the shots
of today. I have seen Frank Parmcleu , who
ms always occupied a premier position
aniomr the crackajack shots of the west , and
I think today Is the equal of any man in the
world , and John Petty , Hal Pcnrosc , J. J.
Hardin , Billy Brewer , II. B. Kennedy ,
Charlie Williams , Billy Townsend , Johnny
Thompson , Goodly Bruckor. Taylor Sprlgg ,
Dick Mertz , D. T. Stubbs , Clark Ellis and a
number of others run their scores up well into
the nineties In every 100-11 ve bird or artificial
target .shoot in which they participated. In
the twonty-livo target shoots , which were
the rcg-tlar club shoots , Parmoleo , Petty ,
Hardin and Penroso frequently swept the
platter v Ithout a miss , and seldom fell short
of twenty-three.
It is exceedingly pleasing to note that
thorn is a rosy outlook just now for a resto
ration of tlm halcyon days of'Auld Lung
Syno. " The reorganisation of the old Omaha
club , iho splendid association of the Bemis
park a misnomer , by the way the Itay-
mends , Syndicate Park , Prairie and South
Omaha clubs , all being very much alive , are
putting forth an extra effort this sprint ,
looking toward an enthusiastic revival h
shooting circles. Their initial shoots this
season , despite the generally inauspicious
weather so far , all indicate that this mucl
desired end is to bo speedily attained , am
that this health inspiring and life prolong
ing diverlisomcnt is to talto llrst rank In the
legitimate pastimes of the day.
My in thcso affairs has imbuoi
mo with the spirit of tlio historian , nnd beg
giug the indulgence of the patrons of thi
department I will cursorily run over the past
in connection with the several organizations
alluded to.
The Omaha Gun club was organized some
twenty-live years ago. Originally it was
styled the Omaha Sportsmens club. That
was in the good old days when "Yank" Hath
away , John Potty , G. II. Collins , George
lloagland , Byron Heed , B. E. B. Kennedy ,
Dr. Pcabody. John Witbnoll , Howard Ken
nedy , Dick Withnell , Henry Homan , AI Pat
rick , George Mills , Mr. Sackott from Coun
cil Bluffs , G. F. Brucker. W. II. S. Hughns ,
William Preston , John J. Hurdln and Frank
Parniclco , and scores of others whom I cannot - '
not Just now recall , were the active mem
bers , This club was the most prominent in
the whole western country for a long series
of years. Its members won the individual
and team championships moro times than
any other , but the past few years has seen
it lu a decided state of innocuous desuetude ,
but a semblance at organization has always
been maintained. Several attempts to re-
suscilato the old body met with signal fail-
uro until last April when concerted action
of a lot of the old veterans , aided by younger
enthusiasts , succeeded in compassing tills
lappy result , when It was thoroughly rehabilitated -
habilitated to suit modern times ami put in
touch with tno young blood of the day.
Its ofllcial roster at present is as follows :
W. II. S. Hughes , president ; John J. Hardin ,
vice president ; William 10. Nason , secretary ,
and Frank S. Parmeloe. treasurer. The
board pf directors arc G. F. Drunker , Frank
Fogg and H. E. Gray , with Frank Fogg as
captain and W. E. Nason as ground superin-
tendent and ofllcial referee. Mr. Hughes
has been the president , nnd , I might add
very properly , the life of the club for years ,
and as long as he will accept will assuredly
bo kept in the high position ho has so long
honored and sustained. Goodly Brucker is
ono of the original members , but. strange to
say. wan never moro enthusiastic in the
prosperity and future of the club than ho Is
at the present tlmo. Prank Parmeleo has
taken the place of John Petty as the club
champion , but asldo from this the tout en-
sum bio of the old organization rcmul'is n
happy reminder of the glory of its earliest
days. Tins club at present holds the iiuli-
vidual championship of the state and the
two und four-team championships. The
present membership Is appended : W. H. S.
IHughes , G. F. Bruckor , John J. Hardin ,
John Gwln , Frank S. Parmeloo , II. B , Ken-
nedy , John Potty , William Townsend , II. E.
Uray , Frank Fogg , George Ketcham , .Toff
Bedford , Fred Fuller , William Krug , W. 12.
Browcr , W. E. Nason , J , C. Heed , F. W. Car-
ntlcbaol nnd C. F. Heed , Honorary mem-
bor , S. G. V. Griswold and Judge B , E. B.
A Uuctido or so ago the Omahas shot all
their matches up near the sulphur springs ,
but now ( 'lory In a shooting grounds across
the river that are unsurpassed In thu wi'st ,
It embodies all the comforts anil convent-
ences of modern times anil Is complete In all
details , Their regular shoots are hold ( ivory
Saturday , weather permitting , beginning at
: i o'clock sharp.
One of the conspicuous features of the
eOmaha club's original program was an an-
nual club hunt , but In later years , owing to
a scarcity nf giimo as compared with that of
years ago. this attraction has been aban-
doni'd , and attention tunica almost oxclu-
slvoly to trap shooting , but an effort will bo
made by some o ? the older members to re-
vive this custom the coming full ,
In point of numerical strength the Bornis
Park Gun club Is the leading organization of
this kind in Omaha , and ono of the most
creditable in the entire west. Within its
ranks are many of the city's best known
mun , and their ono hiudablo purpose is to
further the pursuit of honest , healthful ox-
orclso , and to protect , propagate and pro-
serve our game nnd fish ,
The Humid Park Gun club which bi
rights is entitled to a rochrlstenlng was
organized In 1SS3 , with J. H. Dumont , W. C.
Ivus , C. A , Coo and Frank Cross us charter
members. During the llrst year of its exist-
once it boasted of a single trap , and its spas-
modlu shoots nil came off at llcmli park ,
Walnut Hill , whence It derived its name , It
now controls the magnificent grounds across
the river , whicn are furnished with a com-
i nod lo us club house , plank walks nnd shoot-
Ingwiiy , electric traps , and all facilities sup-
plied by modern inventive genius and enter-
prise. It is a wealthy organization and ono
, of powerful inllucnca In upholding and ad vo
catlnff good game liiws and honest sport ,
. Thaolllcers are ; M. C. Peters , president ;
G. W. Loomls , vice president ; Stockton
) Hoth , secretary nnd treasurer , wlillo the ex
ecutivo committee is composed of Messrs. M.
C , Peters , G , W. Ixwnis , Stockton Heth , F ,
H. Blake ana Frank Cross.
The members are Prank Cross , P , H.
Blake , Georuo W. Ix > oiuts , M , C. Peters , J ,
A. McDoucal , Stockton Hoth , William Saulis-
bury , W. P. McFarlane , J. U. Head , J. P ,
Sneed , O , A. Clalliii , George Peterson , F. 13.
MoMullen , U. B. Gaylord , William Lyle
Dickey , F. A. lUnohart , Harry D. Heed , S.
A. McWhorter , F , N. Connor , W.'O , Ivt-s , H.
C. Moody , James B. Brown , Charles F ,
Nevlns , W. T. Hawks , Ouy O. Barton , 1C. C.
Barton , J. J , Dlokoy , J. H. Dumont , li 1C.
Chubbuck , W. J. Gulbraith , Thomas 11 Mc-
Caguc , John P. D\lc ( and Chester F. Har-
nnrd. Honorary members , 8. O. V. ( Iris-
weld nnd Goorffu Darrnti , the Inttcrof Mur-
freosboro i , Tcnn.
The llnymoml club I * In Us fourth year
and probably ranks third In MM and Im
portance. Charles Johanna * Is president
and Prod Montmorcncy socrolary nnd treas
urer. The mum born are W. S. Sonvoy , Prank
Parmoleo , Prank Povfg , G. W. I/romls. Dr.
Brynnt , Dr. Oalbralth , I. F. Floyd , H. R.
Boaii. , W. W. Blngham , C. S. Ita.Vmoml , IL
Chubbupk ami P. Cavanautrh , Their regular
shoots tnko place on Saturday ot o.ich week ,
The Syndicate Park club Is another Nour
ishing body. Its exlstenco H salcly duo to
the shooting ciitlmsinsm of the venerable
John Hoy. who used to bo aoout as handy
with the shotgun as the next one. Hols ad
vanced in year * , now nnd couldn't hit a beer
bariol with an eight gu.ige , yet his Interest
Is unabated and ho likes to see good shoot-
Ing. Consequently ho nsaemhlcd his rola-
tlvos ami neighbors two yours ago and or-
eanizcd the SyntUcato Park Gun club. Us
grounds are near South Omaha , and any of
the shooters visiting them on regular d r > 0
Sunday afternoons , will have a peed '
and all the shooting they want , One of the
Syndicates bylaws provides thnt the secre
tary shall have ample refreshments , liquid
and solid , on hand at every regular event.
The onicers are Fred Hey , president ;
Charles Hey , vice president and Andy
Prushax , treasurer * Members , H. Hey , . ? .
Hcna , W. Puskor , Georpo Nichols. I. Hey , U ,
Ktckard , Fred Hey , C. Mack. C. Cllnchard ,
F. Kr.ijlc , D. Berncss and John II. ' 1 hlsson.
DTho South Sldo Gun club has not boon
heard from very extensively recently. John
Xollcr is president and the members Include
Gus Ickcn , Carl Hoffman and ten or a dozen
moro gentlemen whose names I have been
unable to obtain ,
The South Omaha Gun club Includes In t's
membership J. B , Smith , B. Bloom , C.
Blanchard , William McCrcIgh , William
Kelly , Sanford , Bowloy , Miller , Hays and
others. Jim Smith of this outfit Is a colored
man , but ono of the best known shots in the
western country , both on account of his gen
tlemanly ctaractcristlcs and good shooting.
Ho Is the only prominent colored shooter In
the state.
The Pralrlo Gun club , with Judge George
Shields as the head and front of all offend
ing , is still on earth I bcllovo. The members
are mostly Union Pacllle shop men r.nd num
ber from llftocn to twenty. They have a
shootinggroundsup somowheroncarCut-Off
There is also a gun club on the roster of
the state association called the Gate City
club , but of late little has been heard of It.
John Xoller was its whilom president and
the moving spirit in the organization , but
whether tlm body still exists or not 1 am un
able to stato. Since writing the above para
graph I have learned that the Gate City
club is in a nourishing condition , with Flrdl-
nand Harman , president ; J. G. Knapp , vice
president ; Annrow Johnson , Secretary nnd
Charles Harman , treasurer. The board of
directors are John Xoller , William Snider
and Charles Krug. The club meets today to
select now grounds and draft the season'
hooting schedule. . s
Thn State SportHliicii'H Tournament.
The seventeenth annual tournament of the
Nebraska Stale Sportsmen's association will
oo held on Omaha's shooting grounds at the
other end of the big bridge on Tuesday ,
Wednesday and Thursday , May 13 , 24 and
! i , and promises co bo one of the most suc
cessful within the annals of this organiza
W. E. Nason , assisted by numerous other
local members , has been putting In some
good licks in tlio interests of the big shoot ,
and is much elated over its glowing pros
pects. The grounds are located Just across
the river , within a ten minutes motor rldo.
They could not bo moro inviting or access
ible. They are as level as a floor , and sup
plied with all modern improvements and
conveniences for shooting purposes , includ
ing a commodious clubhouse , tempting lunch
stand , King live bird traps , electric pulls ai.d
annunciators , and in fact all of the latest
novelties lu this line of sport.
Thi ) State Sportsmen's association was
organized in the city of Lincoln about nine
teen years ago , with the Omaha. Lincoln.
Plattsmouth , Fremont , Nebraska' City and
Brownville gun clubs as charter members.
The llrst tournament under the asso
ciation's management was held at Plaits-
mouth in the fall of 1877 , which
was ono of the largest and most
enthusiaslic assemblies over held in this
part of the west. The Plattsmoutn club at
that meeting hung up the Plattsmouth cup ,
u trophy which is still being contested for
yearly and which is now held by the Omaha
club. The next tourney was held at Fro-
mout and was also a gratifying success.
The third tourney fell to the lot of
Omaha. It was held at the fair
grounds and wild pigeons , which glorious
bird is now almost extinct , was exclusively
used. There was a big crowd m attendance
and the session was a profitable one. Suc
cessively alter that the big shoot was held
at Nebraska City in 1883 , Lincoln in 1831 ,
Omaha , 168 : ! , Phutsmouth , ISSit ; So ward ,
1S8I ; Omaha , 183.VSIJ-87 and 18S3 ; Norfolk ,
188'J ' : Fraud Island , 1800 ; Lincoln , 1801 , and
at Grand Island in 181k ! .
As has already been announced , the tour
nament will again bo hold in this city this
year and everything points to an unqualified
success. The program , which is a good ono ,
follows ;
First l > ny , Tiiofliln- ny 33.
Events. Moneys. Entrance.
No. 1 Ten single targets ! 1 it 1.00
No. U Klfteen sln lo tarRuts. . . 4 S.OO
No. 3 Twenty slnitln targets. . . 4 a.50
No. ! Tun slnglo Uii'suls 3 1.00
No. 6 fifteen sltifjlu targets. . . 4 13.00
Events. Moneys. Entrance.
No. 1 Seven live birds 3 If 5.00
No. a Tun llvo birds 3 7,50
No. 3-Suvt'ii llvo birds 3 5.00
Nn. 4-Klfteon llvo birds. O. K.
Maine diamond budge , vnluu
J'JfjO , umblomallcof tlm stnto
f'lminulonshlp. Open to No-
hraslcaspni'tninoti only. Now
buhl by [ > ' . S. I'urmlcu of the
Omaha Umi club. This hiKlffu
romiilns the property of
tlio htato association. ( $100
added. ) a 10.00
No. 0 Seven llvo birds 3 0.00
Second Hay , AVudiuisititv. Miiy 34 ,
Kvmits. Moneys. Entrance.
No , 1 Ten targets 3 it 1.00
No. a FlfU-uii tariji'ls 4 2.00
No. 3 iwcnty tin-Rots 4 2.50
No. 4--Tun lurci'is 4 1.00
No 5 Champion team gold
mcdiil. Upon to Nebraska
Kportmvu only. Tun sliiRlo
turKutH to each mini two ini'ii
to each loam. 1'iopcrty of
tlio NubrrnUu Stuti'.siwn'.s as-
Koclatlon and presented by
I'for/liHlrner & Kollur Co.,1
through K. llalluttof Lincoln ,
Nob. Thn medal tn ; omiln :
the property of tint Nebraska
Hporlsiiion'H ussoclutlon , but
tlio team win ii I us It may re-
tnln It liy giving willsfiiclory
KUiirunty that It will Im forth
coming ut the mix I annual
toiirmuuont , to bu shot for us
heroin pmvldud , tlio team so
holding It ti > bo nntltlrd to
entnincii money thu follow-
Ill ) ; year. Any chili may lies-
iRnalo ai many trams nn they
duslrii In thlseontest. Record
of ( haniiilon-ililp medal : Won
1H87 by Omaha , score , 1H ; In
1H88 , by Omalui , scoio , 10 ; In
IH'JO , by ( Jrand Island , score ,
1'J ; In 1HU1 , by Omtiha , Hcoru ,
10 : In i IBU'J , by Omaha , score ,
10. iCntrancu per touiiij ( } 50
addud.divldiidatthls.shoot ) . . 4 5.00
J.lVi : mill- ! .
Evunts , Monpya. Entrance.
No. 1 Suven llvo birds il $ o.OO
No. U-Ten llvo birds 8 7.DO
No. 3Si ate association team-
.thoot badKiii Two nuiti tea
a ( cam , Opun to Nobrnska
aliortsnion only , i'ivo lira
IIfcls. ) hU hlnglcs und two
iialrs turRets to each mini.
Thu badjio and BO PIT cent
to tlrst : 30 per cent to second
end ; 'JO pur cent to third.
Won 1B80 , by ( Jrand Island out of 30 ; In IH'JO ' ,
by Oimilia loam. 26 out of
30 ; und In IH'Jl. by Lincoln
tuuma7outot30 ; 1HU2 by
( irand Island aUoutof 30 ,
( Hu added ) , 3 o.OO
No. 4 Tun llvo birds , , 3 7,50
No. 0 Seven live birds. . , 3 0.00
Third Day , Thurmluy , Mity S3.
Events. Monnyd. I'otranco. . . .
No. 1 Ton turguts 3 fl.OO
No. a I'lftBcn turxeu 4 a.oo X
No. 3 Twenty targets ( J'26
uddud ) 4 3.00
No.1 I'lnttMimuth sliver cup.
Opun to Nu'jmska sporlanien
only , 1'onr members of uclub
tocomposu a team. Only one
tuatn ran bo entered by a
club. Ten single targets to
each man. 1st , cup und GO
pur cunt of pursu ; ad , 30 pur
runt ; 3d , 20 pur cunt. May ,
1877. won by lylncoln tuuui ,
acorn , " ' ; 1U7B , by Ifrouiom ,
score , 351 lH7lt , liy Krcmnnl ,
p , .T5 | 1HR ( ) , by Ilnooln ,
o , nflt 1HR1 , by Oinnlm ,
c , n7j IHW'J , liy Nnnmlin ,
were , 3Sj Junffintini liy No *
tiinlin , m-iiri' , > BHt 18H4i by
IMntlHliioittli , ortitn , 3 j IPHil ,
by Tckniiinli , * 'i > ro , nil 1HH7 ,
by Omnlm , ci > ri < , nn ; 1HSH ,
liy Omnlmor , 37 ! Mny ,
iHOtl. by l.lncolti , icnni , 34 ;
1H91 , fiy ( Irnixl Isliinil.
score , ,17 : by .Oninltn , ISO' . ' ,
rncorc. 37K ; > 1) Mtlili-d . 3 110 00
No. 0 Tiu'itty-llxuinrgi'tt . 4 o OU
Ji.tri : iiintw. _ .
Event. , . Moneys , Entrance.
No. 1 Tcnllvo birds * UMO )
No.U KlKlif llvublnNja5iuldcd.3 ( ) 0.00
No.n-Tunllvn blnls 4 HUM
No.4--Siivi < n llvobll-ds 3 " 'P"
No. 5-Tenllvo birds 4 1O.IK )
The association is'maklng ' preparations fern
n larger attendance than over. The session
has been curtnilcd thrco days , which Is
ample. Four days of straisht shooting tires
the contestants and the innovation has been
generally endorsed. The grounds , however ,
will bo kept open on Friday , when some
special matches will probably oo shot.
On Wednesday ovcnlng. the 21th , the asso
ciation's annual convention will bo held at
Parmclco's gun store ,
With nn Jntiii-oatiiiK lluilcrt ot I.nrnl mill
SI u to llom ( lo lp.
The Gentlemen's Koadster club Is fast
completing Its arrangements for the Juno
mooting , the prospects for which grow
brighter nnd brighter with each succeeding
day. The meeting takes place at the fair
grounds track Wednesday , Thursday and
Friday , Juno H , 15 and 10 , and httlo doubt
remains but what the most sangulno hopes
of the club are to bo fully fulfilled. Entries
continue to pour in from all ever the state and
It Is already a settled fact that one of the
host Melds of horses over seen hero will bo on
bund lo take part in the different events.
At the grounds everything Is rapidly assuming -
suming superb shape , and by the opening
day the general condition of affairs will bo
as perfect as Incessant labor and enterprise
can makn It. A treat Is In store for any ono
who .sees proper to take n drive out to the
grounds any one of thcso pleasant evenings ,
whentho track will bo found alive with
speeding equities. May Is Just cloth
ing the park with her delicate em
erald dress , and tlio scene from the
grand stana is an inspiring and picturesque
ono Indeed , with Its budding trees swaying
in the gentle breeze and the velvet sward
stretching away to the furthermost confines
of the enclosure. The grand stand will
undergo many improvements and a starter's
stand will bo erected immediately south of
the Judges' stand across the track. This is
for the exclusive occupancy of Starter Swl-
gcrt , in order that ho may not bo interfered
with or hampered by time keepers and
Judges. The fencing has all been repaired
and Ground Keeper Ivinney is putting
in several hours daily upon the
track , which will be hi the finest possible
shape. It has always been rated as ono of
the best and fastest half milo tracks in the
country , and horsemen from till over the
adjacent territory are always glad to have
their tings worked hero.
The program for the coming meo'ting em
bodies four events for each afternoon' two
trotting , ono pacing and one running race , the
association reserving tl > - "ight to alter or
change the same. The afternoon card will
bo started promptly at I : : ) p. in. , but under
no circumstances will a heat or
race bo called , after 0:30 : p. m.
All postponed events will bo called promptly
at I o'clock the day following , the weather
permitting of course. The entries for bar-
iiess races will close Tuesday , Juno 0 , and
the running races at 7iO : ! the night before
each event. All the harness races will bo
governed by the American Trottimr associa
tion rules , of which this association is a
member , and the rijiining by the American
racing rules. All 'iijoneys hung up will bo
paid to the winners from the Judges' stand
immediately upon a decision.
Now that the outloolc is so flatter
ing the business men of the city
should sco that no hick of patronage
shall interfere with its success. The
mooting will bo a big advertisement for the
city , and redound to the profit and credit of
all in ways innumerable.
It is a settled Met ' hat tlio State Breeders
mooting will be held In this city in August ,
and horsemen throughout the state are con
gratulating themselves accordingly.
In the death of that great horse , Lobasco ,
2:10f- : ; ! , Nebraska and the west loses -one of
the 'greatest race horses that was ever
sired. Lobaseo had not only the honor of
being the fastest racing stallion living among
the trotters , but ho hold the world's cham
pionship for the three fastest heats by a
trottii.g stallion in a race. But while the
west has lost a world's champion in this in
dividual , and while the loss is great to the
f.tato of Nebraska , Lobasco was not , as
many supposed , the only great horse within
Uio confines of that state. IIo was not oven
thofastcst stallion , for Winslow
WHkes , owned by Thomas Col-
lopy. Omaha , has a record
> t 2:0'.lj. : ? . secured in the third heat of a win
ning race , at Terre Haute , Ind. , September
ii ) , 1892. In this race Winslow Wilkes had
to start against such "cracker Jacks" as
Storm , 2 : ( > 3J4 ; Rupee , Slt : ; Kolloctor , 2:10 : ' ;
Gambrcl , 2:10 : > f ; John H , 2:14 : > 4 , and Mikado ,
2:1 : ! ! . The llrst heat of this race was paced
in 2:11 : and was won by Storm , with Winslow
Wilkes in seventh placo. The second heat
was won by Winslow Wilkes in 2:11Ji ; and
the next heat placed to the credit ot the
Omaha horse in 2'J : ( ) ? < . Winslow Wilkes
made a mistake in the fourth heat ami
Kupco won > it in 2ll : } < jjbut the game Ne
braska pacer came back in the fifth and won
in 2:12. :
Nebraska has the champion 2-year-oKI
pacer of the world in Oullne , 2:11 : , and Ne
braska is the homo of the sire of this follow ,
Shiidoland Onward , owned by Gould & Mil
ler of Fullorton. Nebraska has also tlio
fastest yearling in the world ( trotting or
pach'g ) In Belli ) Acton , 2:2 : % by Sluululand
Onward. In addition to all the above Ne
braska is the homo of the youngest sire of a
yearling (2i0) ( : ! ) performer in the world
Woodllno (4) ( ) , sire of Ella Woodllno , 2 : ! > 9'f ' ,
Woodllno is by Nutwood ; dam. Four Lines
by Bluckwood , and ho la owned by Mr. 1C. D ,
Gould , Fullerton , Wootllino has a record o ;
2:10 : and Is also the fastest purformor ot'an. . \
slro of a yearling trotter In the list. Shade
land Onward Is by Onward ; dam , Nettie
Tlmo , by Mambrino Tlmo. Shadcland On
ward is 10 years old , has a record of 2:18V : < i
and is the sire of flvo in the list Online ( ' „
years ) , 2:11 : ; Onetn (2 ( years ) . 2W-a : ; Belle
Acton (1 ( year ) , 2:20 : ! ; Ontonlan ( ii years ;
2:25 , nnd Fred K. (4 ( years ; , 2:1-1 : ! . No other
sire can boast of suuh honors as Shadelam
Onward at 11) ) years of age.
Abdullah WtlKcs , 2:14 : , by Bourboi
Wilkes ; dam Lulio , by Star Dixie , Is ownci
by C. A. McCargur , Lincoln. This horse irot
his record last year and was handicapped by
being compelled to haul a driver weighing
close to 2T > 0 pounds.
Maxio Cobb , 2:13' : { ' , was formerly a Ne
braska horso.
Guclph , 2llW-byPrinceps : , is owned by
A. T. Turnoy & SilifLincoln. . Ho got his
mark last year ilml uromises to bo much
faster this year. "f.
Egbortino , 2:18 : , by Egbert , is owned by
Mr. E. D. Gould. FuTerton ' ) ,
llobblo P. , a-.lHJi' , liy Charles Caffroy , Is
owned at Syracuse- Messrs , Pylo &
Briggs , and at tho'iamo stables are ; Eddlo
Hayes , 33 ; : X. by Charles Caffroy ; Guy
Sheridan. 2:2Jl < T. hV Charles CafYrov : Kntn
yours ) ,
" '
named' horso" is 'a brother in blood to Mon-
bars , 2:11J/ : , and iTiei-U Is no doubt ho is Just
as fast , lie has sh'own quarters at a 2:08 :
gait and ought to go the mllu at that gait.
Messrs , Pylo & BrJjjvJ are also owners of
that great sire , Clumfs CatTroy , by General
Knox. lilts horse has nlno in tlio list , eight
of which got thelrmurks in 1892.
Joe , 2:1.1 : , owned by.Cononlcus , Is owned at
Fllloy , Neb. , and Will go faster this year
than expected.
Uopubllcan , 219).f ; , by Almont Wilkes , was
u stable companion to Lobasco. Republican
is u very fast horse and some of the oest
judges of trotters expect him to go faster
thun tabasco , Ho is owned by Mr , James
Ladd , Beatrice.
Idavan.2U : % by Earl , is owned at Bea-
trlco , Neb. , und is one of the best animals In
the state.
Joker , 2:20 : , by General Lee , U a Nebraska
horse , well bred and fast.
Two-Strike , 'J/ : ( ) ) , by Ferguson , is another
Nebraska horse , owned by Blllle Paxton ,
Omaha. There are plenty of people who ex
pect to see this follow pace close to the best
ones this year.
Messrs. A. T. Turnoy & Son , Lincoln , own
iho fust trotter , Jim Dunn , 2:20)f. :
When the present season closes Nebraska
will again have dangling at her belt several
championship scalps , and If I mistake not
several of these champions are in training
ut the Woodllno and Caffroy farms ,
i * * ; { 3 ! ?
liS3-6 'l'Jn'Vcni ( , -
s3 § O ® S
. W tS
JJes.t of Woolens.
Superb effects In Motlos and
Finishlnp of various styles will
Do noted in our clothes.
Prank J. Rainge , Tailor.
FOR RUNT : Stores mid Of
fices In this building , with all
conveniences. Inquire of
Frank J. I
Second Floor , 1514 Douglas St. ,
With nn entire new line of Choke'
Millinery , and will be retailed
Imported Leghorn hats ,
white and black , 350 , worth
rom 750 to $1.25.
Sailor hats , 170 , w orth 500
to 750 ; all colors.
A large and elegant line of
icatand pretty trimmed hats ,
mm 75c'to $4.87 , worth twice
the money.
Beautiful flowers , all prices.
Violets , 90 a bunch. Other
louses get 250 to 35f or same
Come and .sec our wonderful Uar-
Hain Room , 2nd Floor , 1514-Doug
las street.
Are those ignorant pratanlari
withoutaiiy qualifications , any ability ,
any oxporienca , any skill , claim to
possess the power to euro all tlio ills of
ho hunxa ran. Bii t'aair WAI ! ; o
worth soon becomes apparent to thair
would-bo dupes , and these conscionco-
lessquacks ara soon consignel to th >
oblivion they so richly merit.
In stranja aul atronj : coatraBtvit'i
those miserable boasters is the quiet ,
dignified yet courteous demeanor of
hose notai ; ! leaiaw of thsir
Who , during : the past 27 years , hav
abundantly demonstrated their ability
to effect speedy , perfect and permanent
cures in all the worit forms of those del
icate sexual maladies embraced within
the general terms of
Bond 4 cents for their illuatratocl now
book of 120 pages , "Know Thysolf. "
Consultation froo. Call upon or ad"
dross , with stamp ,
Drs. Mh Si 33Hs ,
119 S , I4tti Street ,
Cor. Dotislai St" ,
Kimball's German Anti-Rheumatic Rin ill
\ , . ,
A Spooily nnd Pormnnont Cure fo' Rhomtntlam , Nonrnlsln ,
Sclntlon , LumlxiKO , Ooiit.
And all othnr Itlsonscu whom n Ronornl vrnnntni ! . quickening. Mrcnttthonlnx nnd onuMlr.MhV'll '
uf tlio clrculMIon l < required. BiJftl
U will lint for yours , ulvos no shock , nml but n mllil , annthliu lomatum In wnnrln7 It. p , J
wnillni ! a loni , ' tlmo for ro uln. It noti iiilul | < iy , coiiornlly tlm llr < t wi-ck. tnoro frci.uontly l.h "I
first , diiy , nniHomaMinos uvon In the llrst hour Its c urn llvo powiu * nrufolu e 1
tt 11 Incxpmislvc. iKirinlo" " 'n oponitlon , while simp o In npo.ic.itlou , mulling ncltltor dii l
comfort nor IncoiiviMiloncn. Thoiuli iniirvoious In the results II lim nclilovo I , IU si > nml I
nliiiiillcltv hus t'm nlfcct of pniKlnit tinny to uoilut Its virtue , Hut tlio tixtunonlnls thnt >
plvnn liomw , which uroonly a ( evr uf iho many thoiH.ind thath ivo been rocolvoil , 'iiustcf ,
vliito thomosi sKontieal of Its va uo. ai
IttiiMittiittUtn Itulillly lit lln > Illiiml.
Kvur.vono U Ml'Occt ' to tliK 111110 tnnro , sotno
lo , coiHcituuntly it" "UK 14 fitti'i'iv !
i nun niiru , llioiiuh soinu never aufTor
from tlio < lKon ( \
Any : i.iTcoi > an of tlio liver wlil ciiusc Aclilittr
ot tlic HiOii.l ; KMiH-ycomiiliilnts tlio
blood w.lli iiclil , uml in ensoul n tl sordori'd
romlilloit nf i hu iluuttlvtt or ; uit. ovoryth IK
tiiKi-n Into ilia stmiKicli fornn iiUiN nf illlTur-
out lilmu. Uinui tun In. mil iilri'iilntcn | inr-
li'uliy inr.o iiiiil ! < urn thrown oil' nltlmnt
tin ) MK in uoliil : ! HIM KI > , Imt ! \ 4iitiiMii the hli < it
hit * titl Mi mi miu-r Hi. in II run nirrv , iho
. .
Tl\uro \ U , In. such onsp < , first , tlio ncld In tliu
systi'iu. tlipn , liv lt mix t urn with tlio liloort ,
Hit nllntvtl , HlUttsUh , Iniiinrfcct unil lrri-aiilir :
circulation. 'IliK In in coinplutcnc s Is
Ilii < iiiniitl4in > It nmy bo cnllud l > v various
iiiiinoo , lint. In all forma , U \ohinyiii iln- bAUSE OF THE PAIN.
In ensoswliero uelil tt in ilm In the svitom.
thorn Is no limit to Iho inlsohlct U will do.
MixltiR with the blooil. It nilcM nntl lnijovur- |
Ishcs It. Till1 * It liul the lotxst | i.trl nf thu uvll ,
I'foin vnilmisVr.iHa * , sucli us : i cold or uhlll ,
o.xposutu puild'Hi clinnKOsof tom- lire , nto , the uulil will itiy tiitix , form-
In. ! Into crvsti : s too stnnll to bo suon w.tli
Iho niikoil t'yo. lint under the m < oiropu present -
sent tin nil the ntipiMirulicn of IIIIIMUI/ il
irliss huvliiK ull ihti eh. iri | liniiiN Mild oilttPH.
Wo know thnt Iharu are iiilllinin of norvcs In
the hntimii body \\otiioruforoiMii foimsumu
Idoanf how tt-rrlbio must In ) tlio turtuio pro
duced by Riich Irr tatln purtlclo-i.
This In Its nntlicty Is oliriiiii iilsni , but Is
' ( iinwii liy illlTnrvnt iininos If Ihcsnrrystals
IndKO In thu mUBultn. cniislii ) ! piuiivllh tholr
ovary movement , It In nu-rulur liliiMiniiin ,
If thny loilKa In tliutnntwiirkof not-vcslii tbo
sniill : of tlm bnuU , whuro thu nurves from the
lower oxtroiiiltlos Jo n the Hpltii < It It known
ns i.tiiiili.i-'n. It In Iho hlH | or uluni ; tlio
b'olntlc narvo. > iniiti ii , i-tc. , > ito , Umlor
nlintuvnr 11:11111' : , or wliarovcr locutl-tl , II Is ono
tldiiK. A fill < r.vKtiili ,
As bi > fi > rustiti : > ( l. the iiiituronf ttliiiiiiiitl iu
hut rotuuincil. or 1ms bcon kupt n myitory.
I'liyilclant. wlio < o liusliios It shntilil hu In
study uml lollovo such a. w ( lasjiro id tuul
painful iillllcllon , have nolttirr c.Milaliiuil Its
nnturo nor have they boon able to euro It ,
Some uio luiiie-tt ( Mioujli to .iilmlt their liK''i-
nablllty otbera rinitlinio to jircscrlbo uml
tulio foes fur treating a dlsuaso wbtuli thov do
not tiiidorstiii'l ' or of whli'h they withhold
tlit'lr knowiu ice ran It bu that they Uoep
tluiir piillotita porposi'ly In iKiiornnuo know *
Inv that. If tln-v t.'lvi < an o\i > 1nii.tlloii \\x\v \ \ \ uo-
knnwlodiro thulr lit ilill UModml with It und
tlm tutor ii. ulussnfssof int > ilulnea ?
\Vo know llinri * am ini'dlcliius which tom-
lor-irllv itlvo rul of : but , tn'oit .so. they nro
verse tliaii useless liel.of tlius obtaliiutl con-
Inuesoiily whllu tlio intr.Uelnr Is In tlie syH-
cm : wlten It Is cone the crysfi s may fofn ,
inrdor und n.oro iionierousi limn hofoie.
Kloitrli'lty has been used but Inoiiuetuall v
inly liavlir ; fclVLMt temporary roiluf. In realty -
ty It Is the only euro for iihiiinn.iiisiii i/
i > iiiU"l ] > i'l'ci/ ' ' . One method lias been oloc-
trli'lty from u bitlery. This troaiment Is
often too violent , mid In till cases InelToctiml.
: liti patlenl loslnii during the remainder o
the dsy all ho lui'l ' Rjlned diirltij ? Ha app loii-
llo - , then , should elo.-trlclly to used ? In
lllr must urllM * . lllltnliiM * | | 1 > 4 < < | I I ( < , lint 1011-
tliiiionsl.v. Heroin lies the marvelous power
of the ANn-.MlHIMl ATM ; KINti. Worn
during the twonty-fdiir hours of the diiy , : ts
soon us It comes in rontuet With tlio heat and
moisture of thu tin 'or. u iii'ittlo riirient of
olni'trlcltv , nf tx icl'.iitlic ' rtulil ittrf njtli. Is eu-
ar.itod , wlilcii will at ouco quicken the circu
lation , tln-ii tlit liltioil itself , t'tmrMiii ;
ilincUiy thriiitcli the vi > lns , will dUscilvi' the
ot.VKtuis , slop the pam and itlvn to 'o to the
entlt'o sn'stom. Hy Its < ] ulckcnlni ; tlio clicul.i-
tion the blood Is enabled to throw on' Impuri
ties. Titus' wo have oloiMrluUy In must of-
fcctlvii form , anil thus \o \ itliiiinn num cured.
Thi ) ItiNCi la not cliarxoil with olectrlelty.
nor does It contain any of the mutuls that ou
ter I n HI tlio const ruction of tlio many so- call od
electric bells , pails , , t'tc. 'I here Is no-
thltic about It to lie lol by use. Tim ineluls
of which the rlni ; Is eomiioseil. In L'ontiei'llon
with the lioit : nnd niolsturo of I lie linger tin
which It Is worn , ami the acid which the UINII
draws from t lie system as lou us uuy rmimlns.
forms : i eomhlnntlon wltiub venorulus u mild
current of oli-c trie : ty.
1 buvo only ho' | < nn of the OEIIMAS A.NTI-
nueutlon with rlicuiiiiit-
IqnlTocllono. but II Is equally ofllcaoloui In "
tll0".sM ( Khoro n Konunil wiirm nu , qiiloki
In ? , strrmtthimliu nnil equalization of thoc irl
vuliitlonls roqulriMl. > l
Inniiiiior.ililo unses luivo boon olToctnn.
ami pt-'rnnmmtly eurnd by Its usi-initnv ,
Ilium ot Ions stiindlnj nml of tlio moat obsh.
j mite nnlnro-HOiiip , In ( not , Imviiu boon prj ,
miutiffcd Itiotirabiu and ii'mn lonud ns.such , !
' tlio highest modlc il tintliorlt o .
Hut n fowr yoatA no tlm U".Ml was coninnrh
lively .in iixpurlinmit. nml known only tot
i few who hud Ic.irno I from experience what r >
extriuirdiniiry murlts roaiiy ri > . r
It hns liy fort'o of It * wonderful Ititrlrt'
merit * . oniii'iinii < loil the "Oiitlilencuot n liirp ,
consiltui'iioy of doublets , wno by tlmovldciiit
of oMieriiMioo have loui-iiud thnt o.xiorlunuo | re
tlm nnntur or fnith. * .
It Is foillllrcl hy thoimmls of iiMtlmnnltU
frnm who tire known
uml whoso names i-tirrv
tlio force of ovurythln. < < x'-
i-opt that ot Imilvl.iiiui
exporloticc. , .tv -.wt -
t rnnkiiwHi lluryi-y'a discovery ot tnoclrci .
latlon of the blood , c ]
nml Imsn Ittilt.
lions of all uitlo'os of mnr
nr-tiKio.vpect-'d. There are tilwaya Mm :
ti'Oin \ \ ho are stand ivatly to road v tliu rowai
of other s labor mid onturprlsu-ut tlio expciii
of the Dtilillc-i iinprliK.iioil | | persons teoll
10 creat popular.ty of the A.M'l.HilKUMA'S '
Hl.Ml. have oiK.e.ivored to prey upon Its rop'W
tatlon and tmiko their worlli c t Imitutloi ;
l > rolltnnlnl > < tisiiuMliu name of my Uhiir. or f
mimosa slnnlur as to loadily deceive the u
wnry. ,
QCM3IIMP \vlli horiiafiiir iiu put ii
In u volvi-t-llnod box , and will have on top < >
rovi-r a l.ibel bearing in v fiio slmllo slKiiaturi.
h.iL-li rlMB hns tiMilo mnrli us shown m abi > v >
out. l\oiiu other Konnliie. Any person whf
otruM for mile any rlnj not tiimrliiK myfaj ,
s iiillosUiiaUiro , uml trmlo inarlc on Ins doo'
rImr , flnhnlnR It to Lo my rim ; , or tno-sairt'i
h HIT. " or "Just as sood. " Is unworthy ot con
Whatsomo of our most tiromlncnt ulllem
an v about tlu > Hint :
HON. rilAUvCHV.M. DUI'ICVV , I'roM.lont or t. . ,
N , \ . Coulral Uullronil , Now Vork rlly , myst " 1 nir-
wcnrliiL- the lllnu' . nn 11 am vnry well snllsilcil wltlrt
It. 1 lumiro.'lvfili i , . K mil" ! .imottnt iif lioniitli
from It , mi , | If 1 o j < . til.n-ocl that I oouM not mii
RiinihiT I wouM nut n.-t wait this ono tor ton ihotij
snnil .T iiny amount of iloilirn It cnit.ilnly In , i
crent In voiilliui. nml i know u li tlolni ; IIU > KOOI | . it ?
rollns tliiior ! | > ons ui uluini I hnvo rivoninionilii.
It. ho , Ilkn inyrolf , urn or worn nntlorhiit froni
IIIMII'MTI.M Anioiui.iy frl'mla tlirrnnro nmu : ;
who luivo honulu lll'un tipnti my iL'coaiiiHiiiilatloi"
ntnl I Imvo yutto litnr of ono wholi tvjl btmulllin' , '
tirtliooxiuilnirnt. wnlcli li Invurhilily inmli In , ' ,
coitut InorLNlnloiis intin ti r. N ) fur ai I ntn con- '
cornutl 1 ImlDrtu thu K.n ; tnlly.
Mlt. < ' . I , . rtJi.l.MA.Vof the 1' Palncq Cnf ,
Coiuo.iny. Clili-auii , III ' " .
, unyj' "TliontlltliPlti
'nmtIr Itlnif lin IIPLMI nf grrat I'CiH'llt ' to mo , nml ,
kminrlnic Us v.Uno , 1 Imvo with iilonvitrn ruoom\
inoniloit It to my frlim'K ' nn.l all urn | ilea i l with lt
It .ihonlil rcrlMlnlv hu worn liy nil who suffer In nnr. '
wuy from UIIICfMATISM. "
Mil. K. ( \ N. HOIIICUTSON. Amlltnr IMtllmin Pnl
nco Cnr Co. . Clilc.iiii. : III. . ny : IIIIKUJIAT1SM
[ Mlc'clotl mo In my lianiU iiinliiinn | lite ruounimumV
tlon of Mr. I'nllmiin 1 imruhnsi'il iiniiof your Itlnk's.
It workiMl nli'oly In m > i-nnc , niul I Imvo i-lnco then
atlvUotl many otlntrtt lo imt II , "
Mil. 11. 11. SUASION.Mnnnitor I'lillnmn Tar
Works. I'nilinmi , 111. , wrltci : "Will yon klmlly iionil
mo hy llrat mall nnoiliur o yuur Aiitl-l'.liniuiinllc
Itln 'a ? 1 have ilorlvi'il ij.iiii luMiuIll from tliu nnn
yon nunt inu nunio niont'is ' alnco , hut 1 liuro hail the
misfortune of loilmt It. "
Jilt A. M. 1'AIIKXT. Asit. Mnnnuor I'lillman I'nl-
ncu I'ar Worki , Dcimlt , .Mloli. , writes : ' ! Klvo Inn ,
ploainrilo nay Iliatlho Mitl-llliuunintlo IthiK | iurjn
rhnol for Mr.i. lari'nlovor u year imo not unly V
rnrdil iiornf n very painful a'.lnck ot H1IKU.MA- '
TISM.hut It has iirrvi'iitiMl i > rounrri'tico. I have ' < ,
worn 0:10of : Iho lllniiH niyoelf , onil It has provuil ,
oiiiially clllcjclona In my own ojso. " > . ,
11K\VAIIC of tlio in nir worthies Iniltiitlontlint Imvo
Hprnnie tip lo iin y upon tint rrpnlathin KlJl-
1IA1.t's < ANTl-lllll tIMATR' ItlMi , which linn
ticununlnail by many tliou < aml < i of ilollnra In ail- ' § !
Torllsltu. nnil iiioro than xoron thonH.iiul tm oll- v ,
pltcil cnilursLMnunts trout , out moil proinlnont
HKWAUI-- ) ! will Klroono thoimn I ilollar.i ( fl.OO'J ' )
tit any poraim who will proTO to nn lni ; > nrllnl
rufcrut' , that any tritlmonlnl nan In tint bunaIlilo. .
Soml , or cull t inr utllen forclrculnrj , hlch con- f , j
tnln cllrc'ftlotn for orik-rln .
uait ire.irln the Illni ; . < Vv
B. W. aUHNK'tDER ,
ICii'lnslvu Wi'Dturn Aui'nt.
911N. Y. Lifo Bid- . , - - Oiiinlm , Noli. ,
181G Douglas Street , Omnha , Nob.
The oinlnont spaclilljtIn 'larvu-i i , o'lroili , veil i\ \ hi 13 1 , Veil IT 1 tu'l't irllnu 31. \ raj il it * an 1
oil nr.ilii ito In mi.lljlnj. .11 illplo n li 11 -Ji.--lil I j itji .rlil sr. \ . Ii ( till trjill t < .vlt'i tujitil !
Buco.-ss cnUrrli , l.nt in in i jo 1 , i.nilnilrjii. . i ui. nl < u IJIDI all anl tirniji' | i/Ui' j dmioi , fa
nii'rciiry nsol Noiv trjainunt for Ion of vltil , i > i-jr. I'.irlln n'it'll j t.i vide ,111 nlr bj trim I at h > 113
bj corro < : iond > > aci > . Mullulnij jr I utr i n inn 111 : 'jr u ill o. ' KI-IK iji trjipitol , , M mire tj I ill- I
calucontonls oi'fl ni lor. Ono pjr. < 'i ril prjfjrrj I. Co.Hutt > tlun frji. i'jrrj ! ; ) j i Ij.iaj strlotl/ ' '
prlvati ) . H'Mi'i i \j' tirlj.i of l.lfJI 3jnt Irjj. O.UJJ h'j.irj , .I a. n , u J , ) . .u , Jaili/i U i. .u DIJ a. i
anil Htninpror circular.
Miulo nf tinllni'ht < juallt. > nf llaviinn Tohaoco tliat can lie Imiiplit. Kipml In every ii'M'cc't ' I" < ! "
portpd clears , Muuufuctiroa ! j > M. K. V.ICX MKJlCAKTlIaK CIUAU FAC.TOUV' . Ht. Lould
Capiia ! $800,900 ; "TiablHiy of Sioekhalders , 3209.D3D'
I n In rust paid on HIK MONPiHj 44 rjr O3nt oiil'UIlHS
MO.VrilS'Ujmilu ites QfDoii.Mit , 4 | _ ) jr c nt Intjrus ; p ilJ ;
Oil DlllllC.llK'OUIlUi
Our Spectacles and Eyeglasses Are the Best
| J. F. POHDER , Mgr. CMS OPTiGai 60 , , 22 ] S. I3t'i St. ' '
Rffflys Tra fe' ? ' - - "
By purchasing goods made at the folb.viiiif Nebraski Factories. If you
cannot find what you want , communicate with the manufacturers aa
to what dealers handle their goods.
OmahTTenT-AwniDg Chas. Shlyerlck&Co
Flats. Hammock * . Oil Kurnlturo , Carpeti ana
ana Hubber Clolulng. lr perlo .
end tor catalogue. HU
ornarnit. J203 Farnam It.
SF , GUman Omala Mining Co. ,
101M5-1IN , ICth.t , CMC * and Mitt ,
C.JS , UUck manw-r.
Paxton & Ylerling Industrial Ironworks
Manufacturing nnt ra
Wrounh" and Cait Iron pairing uf ull kludi or
building work , machluarr. Til d. lltb
bra work , olc. at.
Novelty Works.
Moit complete plialli
the iroit tot lUlit inanu-
rnoturlru ana lUI klndi
. Co. , W * jiltU
l r , Neb.
Dcalcrita C-ostal LaUe'e.
1C01 larnaiu Street.
'Reed ' Job Printing New Nobla I Llaol ]
Twu of tlj bMt m > -
COMl'ANV ehlngj on tnu unrot.
Aludu HIM > ui | ] f > t'n '
L'uu Uulldl.if. tr . | j by rbiiMr ; , ( Jj. .
l.lncnln. Neli.
Page Soap Co.
llinufictureriof Union
io p. US Illtkor/
SYRUP. | WHT | LtA3.
F arrell & Oo , Carter Wblte Lead Ci
Jjlli. prmarrvt , mlac * Curroloi nJ
m il mill appla butler. BUlctlr *
it 1 1 | . inoUtidi. Cur. littit Umai *
till tnU k'uruim.