Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 14, 1893, Part One, Image 1

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fjrts of Impeached Officials to Explain
Their Position.
jido Attempt to Shift the Ecsponsibility for
Their Negligence.
( ought Bill Dorgin Entirely Too Honest to
Bcquiro Watching.
. n Clincher They ItcquoU the Court Not
to Condemn Them to Suffer the In.
fa my Incident to Heine "c"
moved from Olllcu.
LINCOLN , Neb. , May 1 ! ) . [ Special Telegram
TUB line. ] During the sittings of the
iprcino court , held last week , the people of
ils city gave but little thought to lao itn-
lachmcnl , but slnco the adjournment they
ivo boon giving the matter some serious
msldcratlon until the testimony adduced
us become the talk of the town.
Today there Is a pretty general opinion
availing that there were several large-
/.cd Africans In the cell house and the nsy-
itn Hour and conl deals and thai Ihero will
J'j a smoklng-oul before the end of another
oek. Thu defense thai Ihu respondents
avu made has become the laughing stock In
11 circles were peonlo think in a cool and
:7ipansioned : manner. The first article of
'ho ' answer even brings smiles to the faces
f men who long ago declared that they
, -ouId never smile again , for In broad and
.weeping . terms It says :
Think Tlii-lr Work llnnnUly I'l-rforinoil.
For answer to article I wo say that the rtu-
'MOM ' of Ihu respective departments required
i'iO performance of u largo amount of work
UK ) great responsibility , and In addition to
lepartmunt work thu respondents were inum-
> ersof a la'rgu number ot boards , holding fro-
litcntmcutIngs which they weru required to
Utcud , ouch having Imporlant and varied
'liitlus. Thu Hoard of Public Lands and llulld-
'nirs ' during 1801 and 1B9'2 , were
ihaiged with the construction of tun
< : iw buildings , costlnj over J225.000
'mil ' current iixpiMidltureH of over { 880,000. so
'that ' It , was Imposslblo todn more than excr-
; : lso u legislative and jiidluhtl control over
thosu public Inturusls ; that In tlrj constnu-
tlon of thu cull homo they performed
nnd dl9Chiirged thulr duties faithfully dili
gently and honestly , without negligence or
corrupt or unlawful acts or Intents , and to
thllrbost ability ; that the work was nucossa-
rlly ilonu through u superintendent , .sulccted
in good faith , and placed under bond for tlu
lu'.tliful performance of ( ho business which he
conducted ; that thu work has bsou null
done , and Is worth all that It bus cost ,
Their ( loud unit l'i\llhlill .Servant ,
Regarding this declaration there are
several explanations that are offered to
jhow that the statement must bu taken
with considerable allowance , for It is well
known that In the construction of the cell
house William fl. Dorgan , who was the
agent for Moshcr , the prison contractor , was
. -sniploycd as the superintendent lo look
alter the state's interest , an interest that
was not in harmony with that of Masher's
In any particular. Not only did the board
Appoint Doi&m to this position , but the
incmbcrs gave him full and unlimited swing ,
knowing' full well that ho had never buforo
built so much ns a chicken coop.
In doing this they put him on a salary of
tCO per month , but little moro than was paid
to the convicts who were serving thu state.
In addition to all this they allowed him
8,01)0 ) of thu state funds bcforo ho had
Btvuck a lick or laid a-stone upon the founda
tion of thu building for which the taxpayers
of the state were paying thulr gnod und
' ? d earned dollars.
J'ho broad statement that the work was
/nil dona and was worth all thai il cost is
in assertion that makes many an honest
. blush with shiuno und have a feeling of
, iity for the men who would father the aver-
e.nt , as they know full wull that thu appro
priation of $40,000 has been expended and
. there Is nothing to show for tha money
jit the bare walls of the building anu a
.of. Whether or not the money was lion-
jt.y expended Is a question best answered
iy the testimony of the exports who were on
V.ho vUnc-ss stand last week.
\Vluit tlio Tuutlmony Shown.
That testimony shows that Architect
lOriy would have constructed the building
complete fur the sum of f-t' ! > , ' . ! 4.7ami would
nave done the work with free labor , employ
ing masons and helpers , paying them the
highest wages nnd buying the stone In this
market ; Architect Bullock would have com-
plated tlio building for thu sum of fl6K 7.C ! ) ;
Architect Jensen for $20r > 74l20 ! ; Architect
Flsku for ( "ro.ftO and Architect Latensur
of Omaha would have been glad to have
taken the contraci for f.M-l ) > t , turning over
to the state a completed building.
Touching upon Dorgun's honesty In the
question of thu > construction , thu records In
tha oftlca of thu 1'oard of i'ubltu Lands and
Buildings place thu Ho upon thu statement
nnd show that the members never made any
attempt to ascertain whether or not ho was
honest. Those roeards show that when he
jn-osentad his estimates everything was
lumped us "material and labor , " nnd that
tnere was nuvor un Itemized voucher pro-
'edited for consideration. The saniu records
licpt by the members of thu board , also
show that many of these estimates were til
lowed buforo the work was performed and
oven before the was purchased.
Itlll llorcm' * ( iroit : ICronniny.
Another fact that has started the people
to thinking Is the deal In connection will
the grated windows which found their wa. >
Into thi ) now cell houso. Shortly aftei
Dorgan was given charge ho went to nshei
& . Wcstovcr , unit ing them to submit bids 01
this work , They imulu thulr figures , estl
muting the cost ut fl.SOO , but Dorgan nuvoi
went back to toll gentlemen whethoi
or not their bid was satisfactory. Inateai
of doing this , It U well known that he took
the old u-ratcs from ono of the old buildings
used them In the now cull house and thei
charged them to the state , notwithstanding
thu fact that they were already the state's
property and Jiad been paid for long yean
ago , and at the time when the old building
was constructed.
In thu matter of the statement that tin
iruuiibur * of the bo-ml wiiro overworked ami
djd nqt .have tlmo to attend to ilia buslnuai
of the state und In the offices which the ;
vcro elected to Jill , thU U a question tha
will bo settled when the attorneys for Un
managers submit their testimony In rebuttal
Public opiulou , however , l thU tlmo U t- -
the effect that thl < Is dodging the real Issue
In the case and is an attempt to plead the
baby act In diverting attention from their
own negligence.
AC I1' Srty * the llr pond < 'nl .
If thcro were errors hero they wera rrroM
of ovi'i-xlght : errors , thu happening of which
wi-re justified by the facw and the Inw1
ermis , inch as fall to thu lot of all men who
ftovurni nrroM , which dullness men may not
( Uncover In their own books anil accounts.
Hankers nnd mcichants do not find thefts
until lifter they Inivu been committed and
nfti-r the ctnbeulcr has' Hod. Why o.\pcct a
higher tlcRrco of earn on the part of the re-
nHiiiiloiits | , u dcgrco of care which would have
riipilrcd the foresight of the mythical" jeer ,
and for want of It to chargu them with tin-
IH'nctiablo crimes. Such a rule of law Is shock
ing to tha Judgment of fntr-inlnded and con
siderate men , Such frailties and errors , It
tney IK ) such , have over beun Ignotcd In
Impeachment oases.
l > < | ilulnlii : ; n I'lo.tnuro ilnnknt *
Jumping to the charge ot $ T > 00 for expense
money expended by the members while they
were off on that junket looking at Iho pris
ons In some other states , the answer uses
this language :
They deny that they unlawfully , wilfully or
corruptly took or appropriated i&OO ot thu cell
house money , but helm ; uninformed In many
things pertaining to prisons and cells , the
board deemed It lulvlsalilo to visit other pris
ons to obtain by personal Inspection thu
needed Information , and In doing so oxpendcd
(500 , hut the sitmu vaia done under n convlc-
Monof duty to faithfully and fully dUehargu
thu dnlle.s of thu board , nnd therefore not
guilty ot misdemeanor In olllce In re.spect
Just why these members should have gone
away to look Into the subject of cells and
ventilation Is something that will require
considerable explanation , as It Is a fact that
at the time when they went the matter of
cells and ventilation was something that had
never been considered , owing to the fact
thai the members of that board know that
it would bo tit least two years before the
cells could be placed in position , which would
bu after they had retired from olllce , unless
they were fortunate enough to convince the
public thai they were entitled to be returned
and given another pull at the public teat.
They claim that they did this under a con
viction of duty and because they could not
bring the several prisons to this city. Re
garding that duty , when thu members were
before the legislative committee , under oath ,
they stated that they had never made any
arrangement to adopt any of the plans which
they inspected , showing conclusively that
instead of going away in the line of their
duty they were olT on an old-fashioned
merry-go-around and that thu state was
footing nil of the bills. But the funny fea
ture of the occurrcnco is that the same
gentlemen who spent the money audited the
bills and did not put In any expense voucher
to show how , where , when or how much of
the money was expended.
l'l < jidl : iif ; for .Morcy.
In terms that cannot bo misconstrued , the
respondents show thai they plead the baby
act and aru ready to throw themselves upon
the mercy of the court , or else their answer
which is now on fllcdocs not state the truth ,
for that document says :
When respondents were Inducted Into olllco
January 0 , 1801 , they had no special Knowl
edge of the amount of coal and Hour nnd other
supplies nordcd for the nubile Institutions , and
that thu asylum was under the charge of a su
perintendent , u steward and a bookkeeper ,
who weru appointed by thu governor , and who
lad long held their said olllces and were under
olllclal bond and olllclal oath for the faithful
llscliargu of their duties , and respondents re
lied , as they hud good right to do , on the cer
tificate of thu superintendent as to the amount
of thu supplies furnUhed. That the board did
not obtain any Information that the said cer
tificates could mil ho relied upon or that any
olllcurof tlie asylum wasdMiont'Kt , or of fraud
In vouchers until after the sumu had been paid.
That the said articles of Impeachment uru
not based on evidence taken , heard or read
bcforo the joint convention. Nor did elthur
thu senate or thu house bavu buforo them , or
read , huar or consider any evidence , hut said
articles were adopted without consideration
ofifucts , thu convention bulng moved thereto
by passion and prejudice , nnd thu samu were
not adopted during thu term ot olllco of re
spondents , wherein the on eiibes are charged
to have occurred.
There are some people who are Inclined to
swallow this , IIOOK , sinker , bob and all , but
with the masses It does not go down , it
being the prevailing opinion that if they
were so Ignorant they should have informed
Ihemselves of their duties. The question
has arisen , "iid they so inform themselves ? "
That Conl Deal.
The answer is best given by an oxamln- '
atlon of the testimony which went Into the
records last wuuk , showing tint millions of
tons of coal were charged against the state
and that more than half of the amount was
never delivered. That testimony showed
that the deal was loft wholly In the
hands of tno railroad companies and the firm
which had the contract , there being no
check kept lo show what quantity was de
livered at the asylum. Hut when it cnmo to
paying out thu state money , the members of
the board were always ou hand , ready and
willing to allow any amount that the books
of the coal company showed had been sold
to thu statu.
This part of the answer Is virtually ad
mitted as being an effort to shift thu re
sponsibility , by making people think that as
the governor had appointed the head at the
asylum , that man was necessarily honest
and did not need watching ,
In concluding their answer the respond
ents reminded ono of a man who has been
led out upon the scaffold lo bo executed , He
does not confess his crime , but merely prays
and begs that sentence shall not bo carried
Into OiTect. To show that there Is some
thing to back up every word of this state
ment the closing paragraphs of the answer
are given as they appear In original docu
ment now on IHo In the ofllco of the clerk of
the court. These appeals for mercy read us
follows ;
Thu question now Is , have thn respondents
committed such heinous and awful offenses
that tills court will alllx to them nn uvurlubl-
Have they committed .such crimes that this
court .should iluiku tliulr names and Infamy
hlhtorlc ?
Shall they ba removed from tliolr oMlcos ?
Hlutll thu aspiring * of ambition and thu hops
of famu boforuvuntut oft In thu breasts of
these respondents ?
Shall they hu compelled llko tlio nrin In tlio
Iron mask to spund tUu romahnlur of life with
concealed faces and covered heads In the
prUon housu of biicli an awful Judgment , an
guilty of tin Impeachahlu crime ?
"Charity MiU'cruth long and U kind" *
"I * not easily provoked , thlnltt-th no evil ,
"ItKJolcoth not In Iniquity" "bearuth
all things , bulluvuth all things , hup.-tli ull
things , enduroth all things. "
Concluding this line of plcadlt.g the re
spondents declare that the dishonor that
comes to a man to go up and down the walks
of life with the judicial phcdrd on his back
that ho Is forever disqualified to hold an.v
ofllce of honor , profit or trust Is
enough to brand an luipcachabk
offcnso with so hideous a charac
ter that It should not ba applied to anj
man not steeped iu the b'roj t evil conceiv
able by man.
Kaiser Wilhelm Sounded the Keynote in His
Tompjltiofer Told Speech.
Efforts of the Emperor t j Secure a Reichstag
that Will Vote It.
Little Defection Noted in the Parties that
Composed the Last Body.
lllclitcr'ii Now Tarty Will Ho More Tower-
fill tliiui the Old A Majority of
AgiilnU tlio lllll
IB Now I'rcillctcil.
ICojiyrtyMtd lS33b < i Jatntu Oniifrm OennU\ \
Bniit.i.v , May 13. [ New York Herald Cable
Special to Tun Dec. ] Wo are in a calm
between two storms , the storm of dissolu
tion , and the storm of coming elections , in
the meantime the kalsor has struck the key
note on which the minority will make Its
fight , for ho has branJed In his remarkable
speech on the Tcinpelhofer fold those who
do not vote for the army bill as unpatriotic.
The courage of the kaiser In thus throwing
his personality into the electoral vortex is
Immense , but when , at the conclusion , ho
said the people and army were w 1th him , his
statement was n very bold one , moro espe
cially as regards the people , who so far have
not In any way shown a desire that the bill
should bo passed. There aro. It Is true ,
many people who were opposed .to the bill
but who may ba induced to vote for it , lest a
worse may come. To these the speech of
the knisor appeals. ' As to the army , no
doubt the expctlenccd officers nro at heart if
not openly against the two years system.
The influential Frankfurter /letting , in a
lone article , regrets deeply that the kaiser
should have been so misinformed as to
imagine the bill would pass In its entirety.
Also it deeply I'nnlnvoo that'-eno * Kaiser
should use words which , although hn did
not say the majority was unpatriotic , will bo
thus translated ns It Imagines from the will
of the speaker at the comtntr elections ,
which were already bitter enough , and con
tinues :
Some Ktion WoriU.
'From the the kaiser
now Reichstag ex
pects a vote in favor of the military bill.
Our hope goes In the opposite direction. The
near future will show which hopes are best
grounded. Above all , the Independence of
the vote of the people must bo assured. The
kaiser leaves no doubt that if in the new
Hcichstag the will of the people shall bo
against him , ho will notwithstanding do
all in his power to pass the bill.
Wo doubt not , in spite of the hints
to the contrary made in the past two weeks ,
the kaiser only thinks of constitutional
means , as no enemy from without could put
the young Gorman empire iu such danger as
would warrant the least deviation from con
stitutional methods. "
Ulchtrr ( iiik'iln ; ; Strength.
The split in the freisinigo ranks has
been made much of , but from all indi
cations Kichter will not suffer , as adhesions
to his now Freisinigo Volkspartei are com
ing from all over the country , whilst the
Bambcrger , Bath and Schrade secessionists
of Freisinigo Vcreinigung have been coldly
received. Do not bo surprised to find
Kichter returned with moro followers in Ills
new party than ho had before , as it Is more
than possible ho will snatch some scats
from the national liberal parly , which , being
ilways on the fence , is over likely to tumble
to the right or left.
Cluinces ot Otticr Parties.
The socialists without any doubt are going
to inako large gains , certainly over tun seats.
Their leaders seem strangely misinformed ,
as the party will number fifty votes in the
i.ixt Kelchstng instead of thirty-six.
The Alsace-Lorralners will retain their
ten scats.
The great problem of the election Is the
center party with Its 111 votes. They may
lose a few of these , but the party Is well or
ganized and has voted one military bill in
accordance with the wishes of the electors.
It is significant that Graf Adolmann , who
alone of his party voted against the Hticnc
compromise , has been refused a ronomlna-
tlon. This shows how determined the
electors of this powerful party are against
the bill.
The reischpartel is a sort of close corpora
tion nnd will retain its nineteen seats , repre
senting the wealth of Its members , ns the
employes of the members are siitllclently
numerous in some Instances to re-elect them.
A falling off In the conservative party maybe
bo expected , ( -specially In the districts whcro
the .low vote Is largo , for the Semites will
vote In favor of the frelslnnlgo or for the
socialists ,
Some twenty Independents will probably ba
returned , who may stand twolvu against nnd
eight for the bill. These figures will give
the probable majority against the bill of
some eighty votes , which might bo reduced
by absentees and non-voters.
iiiroiu : THIS H.VTTI.K.
rotlllcnl Turtle * of ( iurmuny I'rcji irln ; ; fur
I tin Coming ICIcclloiis.
BKHI.IX , May 111. The first week of tlio
electoral struggle ends without any of thu
parties knowing where they btaml , and with
out any of them having anything like reli
able data from which to forecast the result
of the contest for members of the Reichstag.
The leaders of the social democracy alone
seem to retain a linn grip upon their organi
zation. They have tonight H'-i candidates in
the Held and can reasonably hope to secure
flfty-flvo seats , a gain of nineteen suits ovci
the number held by the party in the las
Itclchatag ,
Niimrr IUK C'uiul ditto * In the I'lcld.
From thn unprecedented number of candi
dates appearing it will bo Impossible for the
results of the first day's polling" , on Juno 5
to decide the general Issue and it isoxpcctci
that the vote on that day will not certainly
establish thu political character of the
now house. As Is well known
the social candidate requires a majority ovut
all his opponent ) and the largo number o
men seeking election and ro-clectlon in the
various' constituencies will make the re
( jnlrcd majority hard to obtain In manj
cases. It is thought that over 100 sccom
ballots will l > o necessary n decide question
of elections , and It is therefore highly prob
able that the end of the sumtucr will have
been reached before the House is finally con
stuutod. It Is doubtful , whatever may b
the result of the elections , whether th
Iclchstng will even then . bo convened for
usincss. It Is moro llttely that It will meet
illy to hear the emperor's speech opening
lie session and then adjourn until the usual
crlod of opening In October.
Imum of the ( jitnipnlRii.
In the meantime. It Is evident that the
artlcs will bore-constituted ou platforms In
vhlcb tlio army bill will have almost a sec-
ndary place. The foremost planks of the
onservatlvo platform' already decided upon
ro protectionism nnd bttuotalllsu.
In the absence of recognized party leaders
nd a party manifesto , some members of the
enter- party will figure as Influential demo
ratio Catholics. Dr. Slgel. a rabid antl-
russian , will stand for election in Munich
is a Catholic democrat and his program Is
mdoublcdly a significant feature of the cam-
> algn as regards south Germany.
Each parly seems determined to expend
every available resource In contesting i'ls- '
rlcts whcro It has the remotest chance of
uccess ; Indeed , In many Instances , candl-
latcs will stand In districts where success
appears Impossible. Thus , in Berlin , the
cntrists will contest every district , al-
hough they know the Catholic vote Is ccr-
aln to bo swamped by the Immense propon-
Icranco of the frcislnnlgoand socialist votes.
n some constituencies , each of the eight
ccognlzcd parties has a candidate In the *
Class Interests Uomniul Attention.
The contest Is further complicated by
class Interests , which nro demanding atten-
ion. The agrarian league demands special
> ledgca before giving its support to candi-
latcs , the trading guilds insist upon being
icard and the null-Semites , blmctalllsts and
a host of faddists are making a turmoil ,
vhich will not cease until the first day's
Balloting clears the atmosphere and brings
nto prominence the grand principles at
stako. Tho. retirement of Count von
Jallestrom and other centrist leaders Is
inder consideration. Tlio bulk of the party
shrinks from the prospect of Dr. Ltebor becoming -
coming the leader of the party. Under him
the democratic evolution party would pro
ceed ut full pressure. The aristocratic ele
ment of the party views the prospect with
dismay. Dr. Lieber's recent declaration
hat he was a Prussian against his will and
its attacks on the monarchial principles , ns
iresentcd In Emperor William , have made it
mpossible for him to bo recognized as a
chief of a united party.
The two wings of the Ircislnnl'jo party
lave started in with opposing candidates In
Berlin nnd elsewhere. The provincial frcis-
nnlgo organizations , 'ilov > , . -or , ' " -oici-ally
support Herr Eugene Htchtor , the leader ot
the faction known us the radical people's
Attacking IU I'oen TiroaIi : France.
The government organs carefully repro-
luco the reports in French papers , as
to how France is rejoice ! at the rejection of
the army bill , adding .sinister rumors regard
ing the designs of the I'Vench government.
They also publish doubtful telegrams from
Strasbur reporting thai the French garri
son along the frontier have already been , or
ire being , reinfoix'sd ' and that the
granting of furloughs - to all French
soldiers and officers has . , been
stopped. The alarm wluck hose' organs
profess to feel has not spread among the
people. Every ono knows that the rojcctiou
of the army bill has neither diminished the
defensive strength of the triple alliance , nor
idded to Franco's power of offensivencss.
Outside of Chancellor von C-iprivi's organ
the idea is ridiculed that Franco and Rassia
will attack Germany because the Reichstag
refused to grant all the government de
The annual Berlin art exhibition will bo
opened to the public tomorrow. A press
view , was given today. Thcro are 2,500
xhibits , of which l,7-"i are of paintings , 380
water colors , sixty etchings , 250 sculptures
ind architectural exhibits. There are only
a few works by foreign artists. Herr Komer
sent a portrait of thu Grand Duchnss Anas-
tasc of Mecklenburg , which is a line study.
Among the moro prominent paintings are
Lcnbach's "Bismarck , " nnd Huonter's
"Hussars at Ligny. " Weujfleiu of Munich
lias two views of the lircrlsar. and Neckol
has a "Mecca Caravan. "
C'lulni It U n Myth.
An echo from some foreign quarter has
reached hero in regard to the newly pub
lished ukase , ordering the wholesale expul
sion of Hebrews from the Russia-Poland
frontier. By Inquiries made , It is ascer
tained that the only movement against these
Hebrews has been the dislodging at several
places along the frontier of a number of Hebrews -
brows who were suspected of being engaged
In smuggling. The families thus removed
can settle In the Interior. Apart from the
ordinary observance of the old decrees aim
ing to keep the Hebrews within fixed pales ,
no movement against the race has taken
place In Poland. The alleged outbroalc of
persecution Is a myth ,
The autumn maneuvers ot the German
army , on the vastest scale ever attempted ,
will bo held between 'Troves , Mutz and
Strasburg. Emperor William has Invited
the emperor of Austria , the king of Italy , tno
duke of York , the duke o'f Connaught and all
the German princes to attend the maneu
vers. '
Two roriionn Killed and Mnny Others llnn-
Bcrmuly Won uli-d ut l.nlmnou , Til ,
HUAIIINO , Pa. , May 13 , Two persons were
killed and several Injured by the explosion
of a locomotive on the Lebanon Valley
Urunch of thu Phllailclnhla & Heading road
at Lebanon today , The killed uro :
LBV I YOUI1.M , englncurpf thU city.
JOHN YOOI7.M of I.uuanon , used 14 , n
ni'phuw of tlio riitflnuur- who hud got on the
engine to bi' < > his nnclu.
Thu Injured are :
Gnouop. SAI.AIU , conductor of Reading ,
probably fatally. |
WIU.UM Louiiu.v , a boy of Lebanon , who
was riding on the cnginn , fatally.
WILLIAM ANSI-ACII , crossing watchman ,
fatally Injured.
ANNIE ANM-ACH , aged 10 , who had Just
brought her father's dinner , was also seri
ously and perhaps fntally'injurcd.
IHAAU BIIAUN of this city , front brukoinau ,
severely Injured , j [ '
Several persons living , square away weru
slightly Injured ,
Two .Von Arrrttuil Supposed to Have Held
Up the U. o. Trulu.
CAIIIO , III. , May in. Two men , supposed
to bo those who robbed , the Baltimore &
Ohio express ciu1 on the ) night i'f the llth ,
have been arrested at Burkloy , Ky. , and
taken to the scene of the robbery. It la
Bali ! they were Bracked to their hiding place
by scraps of jiapur torn from express pack
ages. Their names havp not been learned ,
Death of u l.uuiPns 'H. taniejCltlrcn.
KBAIINUV , Nub. , May 13. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB Ban. ] The remains of Charles
Hanson were brought hero from Chlcagc
this evening for burlul. The deceased was
one of the old settlers here and one of tbt
most public spirited men of the city.
Europe's Political Outlook Shaded with
Dark Possibilities ,
Peace of the People as Nothiue Compared
with His Army Schemes.
Will Leave Nothing Undone That May En
hance His Ohanco to Win.
Any Ono of Sovernt May Servo to Light the
Triiln Thnt Will Kmbroll tlio Whole
of Uuropo iu a Illoody
\Cowt-j1ited \ tKXibu James Gonlnn
I'Alus , May 19. [ Now York Herald Cable
Special to Tun BEK. ] Yet another week
during which the European situation has
remained uneasy. I do not speak of
rumors that are current , such , for example ,
ns thai of the abdication of Queen Victoria ,
which is not in any way confirmed , but refer
only to accomplished facts , the gravity of
which cannot escape anybody.
The first subject of anxiety la the speech
made by Emperor William to his soldiers.
Ne.'er was similar language used by n
sovereign. Never until now has the chief of
a stntu called deputies "personalities" with
out authority. Never was an emperor
known to discuss parliamentary questions
with soldiers , no matter what had happened.
From the discourse of the emperor at
Tcinpelhofer feld , the situation is consid
ered by European diplomatists to bo abso
lutely serious.
Ho lias a Scheme.
The emperor appears decided to do any
thing to obtain the voting of the military
law. He will perhaps bo forced to create
some diplomatic incidents , but ho will not
do so directly. Ho would not commit the
error of entering into a conflict with Russia
o * . Prance , but would create difllculties be
tween tne allies and some other country.
Italy appears destined to play a role and
Morocco is propitious for such a maneuver.
The whole attention of diplomatists is di
rected to the small powers , ono of which
may always be disposed to light the match ,
und if the conflagration is not extinguished
instantly It may spread to the whole of Ku-
rope , and nobody can say where it would
stop. The danger may also como froai the
side of Greece , which is going through an
other ministerial trial crisis , which
Is evidently inspired by England. If
things take a bad turn at Athens
European ' Interference I'.ossiblo ' , aud
would bo a'fresh cause of conflict.
Ills ICITorts Usolcm.
All the emperor's efforts will ' be useless.
Heports from all the ambassadors are to the
effect tliat the sections for the Reichstag
will give a majority hostile to any military
law. nnd the fight will bo stronger than ever
after the election. As the cmpsror has
thrown himself personally into the melee
by his speech at Tempulhof , the internal
situation in Germany may quickly become
It is , therefore , no exaggeration , hut sim
ple wisdom to say that the European situa
tion is becoming very complicated , and the
future presents Itself in very dark colors.
3WSC.l'lIXL.'j S.ll.UOX WAR.
livery Joint In the City Will Ho Clont-il
This We. ik.
MUSCATINU , la. , May li. ! [ Special Tele
gram to Tim BEU. ] Injunctions were granted
today in the district court against fourteen
saloonkeepers , disposing of all but six of the
saloon cases on the docket. These six will
bo readied Monday. Among those enjoined
today are Robert Welch nnd James Welch ,
two of the oldest und wealthiest saloon
keepers In Iowa.
Governor Boles telegraphed today from
South Dakota that ho would arrive hero on
the first train uild would add to the reward
offered for thu parties guilty of blowing up
tlio residences on Wednesday.
E. M. ICcEsInger , whoso house was blown
up , today sold his property and left this
evening with his family , never to return , so
ho says. Writs of injunction will probably
bo issued Monday against all the new sa-
lonns that have started since the cases now
pending were filed and indications are that
every saloon in the city , thirty-six In num
ber , will bo closed next week.
Di'iiuiiiiuud lliu Outrage.
OTTUMWA , la. , May 1U [ Special Telegram
to THE Dii.J : Thcro was a largo and en
thusiastic Indignation meeting held at Uio
opera house tonight to listen to a speech by
Senator Clark of Clarinda , and to express In
resolutions thu sentiment of the people In
loferunco to the dastardly outrage at Musca-
tino. Captain J. G. Hutchison presided , nnd
created a sensation In his strictures on the
city council for not enforcing the prohibitory
law. Senator Clark spoke for two hours ,
fairly skinning thu saloon men and con
demning the outrage In the most scathing
invectives. Ho classed the city councils In
the state and the police ofllcers who per
mitted the saloons to run with traitors
and anarchists , and declared they were co-
respondent ) ) with the saloons for thu awful
affair at Muscatmo. A scries of strong reso
lutions was adopted congratulatory to the
Muscatiiu- victims for their escape and
glorying In their pluck in their fight against
the saloons. A resolution was also p.lssod
calling upon the city council here to close
the saloons.
aTH ir.i.vr itnn\ .
C'lilL-uco Wiilur Work * to llu Illoirn Up
ivlth Dynit'.nltc.
CHICAGO , 111. , May 1 ! ) . Aspejlal dlspituii
to the Record from Buffalo , N. Y. , says : The
police here claim to have discovered evidence
of a plot to blow up the wt > tcr works aim lire
the World's fair buildings at Chicago. They
claim that a letter was accidentally picked
up at the anarchist headquarters over a
saloon on East Goncsco street. It introduces
Sebastian Vorombelskl to Joseph Schultx , a
leading Buffalo anarchist , but SchulU denies
that ho knows anything about It. The let
ter , which Is written In German , bears the
duto of April ' "J , and part of it , tr.ni3latoJ ,
reads as follows :
Thu hopcH which I held out to you nhtin lai ;
\\e unit uro about to ho fulfilled , and wo shal
look for much astUtunca from you. This let-
ler will Inliodiico Sebastian Ym-omhulskj , who
will fully uxplaln the asslhtaiicu we nei-d , llu
IniKcompletu plant of Ihu wiitur work * main *
from thu mouth of thu Inku plpu to Ihu pump
Ing station * ; aUo plans of the fair buildings.
The police claim that it indicates the ex
H'tatht rr Dm ilia an \'lcli\ltn I \ \
Fitlr , Sl/uWtf / Oilfr ; tSmtlhttettnlu
1. Defeimn ol thp liiiprnrhril.
( trrnciny Ill-Tore tlio ( Irrnt Klrctlon.
( Miniilt Hint Hover O'rr Kuropp.
\Vllit : tlio I'limnclnt Outlook U.
a. Sporti ot : % I'lraont Siturdiy.
DeimieniU Try to ( let ToRftlirr.
World' * l'n I r llniullrn fur Todny.
\Vorlit' * I'ilr , Uohlirr * Must < > < > .
Nchnmkn Upturn llltlnrj-N Own.
4. Omnlm ; Socially mid MuttU-.illy.
B. Conrprnliiff n t'rop Ml Strn ) .
\ \ lint th Woman' * Cluli I * Dnln ; ; .
0. Council Htilllfc Iliirnl Novvn.
Almlr * in South ( > iimlii. :
7. Cult-Ilium at Wellington.
Sulvutlon Army ( lutherlng ,
8. Secret Soclrty New i.
10. ( lrlsn-olir Wrvkly Sporting ( > rl t.
11. Onmlm'ft Tr.idn Condition Itiivlcvt cil.
riimiicliil anil Commercial ,
1" . Killlorlitl utitl
13. Insulin Itevlnw * a Political Trnjjrtly.
tfi , I'omtnlnu 1'mli unit l-'anctcs ,
10. I'vn-rtcturn.t of IrMi Citstln * .
Aniprlciin ( llrl * nnil Tlirlr 'Jotti\ic | t .
Istcnco of n plot to take vengeance on Chicago
cage for the condemnation of the anarchists
concerned in the Haymaruot murder. The.
plan Is to blow up the conduit plpo which
supplies the citj of Chicago with water , erse
so cripple the system as to render the opera
tions of the lire department ineffective , and
then set llro to the World's fair buildings
and the city.
Detectives are sr.aivhlng for Vcrombclskl ,
who is evidently a stranger.
Isaac Klovndo , an anarchist , says he heard
of the plot about three weeks ago , but
placed little conlldenco in It. Ho said :
"When the anarchists were hanged in Chicago
cage , their compatriots vowed vengeance ,
and possibly they consider that the time to
strike has arrived. All these years have
lioen spent in study. They have sympathiz
ers schooled In blas'.ing , chemistry and me
chanics , so if they wished to get- oven with
Chicago by spoiling the World's fair , It
could ho accomplished as easily as
snapping one's linger. A little dynamite
would wreck tlio conduit pipe which carries
the water i'rom Lake Michigan. The reser
voir could be as easily destroyed , and then
some matches applied to the windward side
of the World's fair buildings , and a moment
later would put a period to the fair. Then ,
if they wished , they could doom the city. I
am inclined to think that there is such a
plan on foot , and that it is known of in Buf
falo as the letter hid''ates. . "
The local anarchists had a secret meeting
last night , at which the strange letter was
discussed by excited members of that organi
Arthur I > . I.uvcry Makes Thing * Lively on
thn llnrllnsliin riyor from Chicago.
Bunu.NGTON , ! > . , May ID. Conductor Ed
Corwlu and Engineer Brown of this city
tell a most thrilling story of their experi
ence with a crazy man on Burlington train
No. 3 , between hero and Osccola , la. The
man was on the train when it arrived in
Burlington , and shortly afterwards showed
signs of insanity that alarmed the passen
gers. Ho was quieted by the conductdr , but
after the train loft Otttimwa ho left the
sleeper and climbed onto the engine. Ho
was reciuestod to get down , but refused , and
a terrible struggle ensued , and it was not
until four men went to the assistance of the
engineer that ho could bo overpowered and
bound. Ho was placed In the baggage car
and closely guarded until Crcston was
reached , where ho was turned over to the
authorities. His name is Arthur D. Lnv'ory
and he last resided in Chicago.
Would Nut Trust IliinliH.
Font Do-.ioi : , la. , May 1U. [ Special Tele-
gramt o THE Bnn.J Con Horrlgan of 1'crry
solda piece of property for fl.100.
Ho was afald to turst the bank ,
and getting tlio money In gold ,
buried it in the cellar. The cellar filled with
water and the gold was buried In the garden.
Frldav night , while Mr. Horrigan was away
from nome , tlirco masked men entered tlio
house and forced Mrs. Horrlgan to tell
wlibre the gold was buried. When Mr. Her
rigan returned the gold was gone. There is
no clew to the robbers.
Not Cull y ot Murder.
VIXTO.V , la. , May 13. [ Special Telegram
to Tun BEE. ] The jury in the Smith murder
case returned a vcrJict of not guilty today.
The prisoner and relatives broke down and
wept Mho children. Many strong men also
wept. The Judge had hard work to suppress
applause. Mr , Perry , father of the mur
dered man , as the jury passed out called
thorn vllo names , and the Judge ordered his
arrest. Ho was reprimanded and told to go
DlMintrons Tiill.Kml Col Ulnn lletween
rnilirlilH Ncur l.lnu.iln ,
la.Ncqi.N , Neb , , May 1 ! ) . [ Special Telegram
to TUB ilr.H.J A disastrous tail-end collision
occurred at 7 o'clock this evening on the
Burlington near the asylum switch , three
miles southeast of the city. The Hastings
local freight had stopped at the switch to
take up some cars at Stockwoll's brick yards
and a flagman was sent back to .signal the
fast through freight following. Ho
failed to eet back far enough and
the fast train crashed Into the other ,
derailing and demolishing llftccn cars and
smashing the cnglno of the fast freight.
Both engineers and firemen jumped and
escaped injury. There were four or five
passengers in the caboose and all but one
got out with but a few scr.itchcs ami
skinned faces and arms , the other , whoso
naiiu : was not learned. Buffered a broken arm.
A tramp who got nn at Demon Is reported
mlsslmr. The track wits torn up nnd littered
for several hundred foot , and trains were
delayed until midnight. The wreck oc
curred on the main line and necessitated the
sending of all trains by way of Aurora ,
A'I r..inr ,
Irlfth Mi-inborn nf rarllunii-nt XVI 1 rrnifnt
it Snl-il Front toThoir Kiitimlon.
NKW YOKK , May 1 ! ) . Joseph 1 * . Hyan ,
assistant secretary of thu Irish National
Federation of America , iu a published Inter'
view Is quoted assaying : "I have received
advices by loiter from lx > iidon which in
form mo that the bargain In consummated
whereby John Redmond will bo t-ikeii by his
colleagues Into the majority. The broach IB
healed , but I um not at liberty yet to make
known the particulars. They will bo given
to the public on receipt of the next lettoi
from Justin McCarthy. "
The reuniting of the party in Ireland , ho
further declares , will undoubtedly result In
bringing the vigorous home ruleoraanlzatlgns
in this country into one brotherhood ,
The lledmondltea nave stood shoulder to
shoulder with the majority on every vote ol
of the homo rule measure In 1'urllaincnt and
that undoubtedly has had much to do with
healing tlio wounds.
n/lLL OllVJuLi Jl 1 UjuJJu
? resent Financial Outlook from the Great
Oommoroial Oontjr.
? ublio Oonondoil ID Have Esoapad the
Onxsh as a Rulo.
[ nilications that Mora Failures May Follow
iu the Njar Future.
) no of the StrniiKctl firms til New York
Forced to Deny tlio Heport. of Its
ICmlmrniitHiiifiit ut n CrltU
cnl I'erlutl ,
Nn\v VOIIK , May lit. [ Suoclal Telegram to
PUB Iir.ii.J--Wall street has had nn Inactive
but far from nu unimportant week. Smashes
of thosaddon and tcrrilio sort scorn to bo
ivcr , but prices don't go b.ick to thalr for-
nor lovol. Instead they sag. 'I'horc Is an
unmistakable tendency throughout the
whole list toward lower prices. Liquidation
s proceeding on an enormous scale. It baa
jeen an open s".erot for two years this
mblle has not baen in Wall stroat , Upon
, bis fact the public la Just now to bo con
The present situation , so far as concerns
the stock market , affects tlio professional
contingent far moro than anything or any-
JO'ly elso. This la an exception in the his
tory of previous panics.
The street lias yet many conspicuous peo-
ile still bravely Insisting that not only the
worst Is over , but that what has happened
will really turn out to bo a factor contribu
ting to n boom. These same people are
( jtully demanding that the law and the
courts shall , bo invoked to punish the
wicked people , whj thay Insist have '
.trough l about Wall street's present uticasl-
less. To the minds of these people thcro
las been a sharp Oro.ik In steak nvirkot
prices , ehiolly because the people have been
scared. Tlio market has boon "lied down , "
they say. It Is not improbable that
the rumor mongers have been
reckless and circulated hurtful yarns , but .a
joarliaru.umot ho inoro astute or industri
ous than Is thj s.uuj sort of an artist on the
bull side. This , though , does not excuse or
even lighten the wrongs which have been
ately done upon the boar sido.
Injured liy Kal e Iti'pnrtK.
There have been some notable incidents ot
jaseless reports started merely to intlucuco
the market , aiul the distributors nf these
Falsehoods ought to be compelled to answer.
Perhaps they will. Meanwhile the stock
market quotations will probably hardly wait
to bo buoyed up until aggressiveness creeps
out of the grand Jury room.
The sensational cullapso of a score or two
of banks out west is a significant object les
son. Wall street , intur.illy , is aimucd at
the disclosure. It is explained hero that the
'ailed banks are unimportant , that they
lave been banking on "wind" and that thee
o "feet of thI'lr break will not amount to
nuch. This has a hopeful sound. It also
sounds supremely silly , for banks cannot go
lown and not do serious dama o directly in
iheir own localities and force the damaging
nfluenecs far beyond local bounds. The
American investor generally , wherever-
iiomo may bo , must be astounded at the dis
closures which have followed the Columbia
bank failure. A merely natural ques
tion for everybody to ask Is "If
Dwlggins of Chicago can do banking on
such a scale and can spread abroad so wldo a
tr.iln of panic , why cannot other financiers do
the same ! Why may not others bo doing
the same ? "
It Is pleasant and patriotic to believe this
Is the only mushroom banking syndicate In
existence , but the public , and more espe
cially the Investing world , must bo excused
for nervousness over the apprehension that
the worst may not yet ho known.
Today's brief bank stock market was In
many ways surprising. A phenomenally
good bank statement was issued , showing a
largo gain In surplus reserve , approaching
> .000,000. This is largely duo to a gain ol
$1,550,000 In legal tenders , most of which
have been received from the west , while.
Now York hanks at the same tlmo have cut
down their loans $1,503,03 ! ) . The figures of
increased surplus reserve were far better
than had been generally anticipated , so fa *
as surface indications are concerned.
JUKI u I'lea.lliz lY.lllcl.
This weekly bank statement , for which
Wall street always waits so anxiously every
Saturday , is a pleasing fraud. It really rep
resents nothing slgnilli'ant. In the ilrsl
place , It does not pretead to reflect condi
tions existing on the date on which it Is
Issued. It Is "mado up" on statements prepared -
pared In the middle of the week. Moreover ,
It does not include the operations of many ot
the most important financiers in the cities.
Trust compai ies are not In It.
Jt IB simply foolish for anybody to flguro
on the financial conditions at this center
while Ignoring thu operations of the trust
companies. This Is oo palpahlo that it would
bo n waste of words won ) any attempt made
to explain or olaboraUi It.
There is no diminution of the nervousness
which lias developed thn past week in bank
ing circles hero. There Is no change In the
underlying situation. Tlio country at large is
still scantily supplied with funds , Commer
cial and industrial borrowers are rebuffed
and turned down. Credits are contracted
bnyond anything which the mercantile coin-
inunit.v has experienced slnco 1881 , On all
sides Is heard tlio cheerful fact that money Is
abundant In Wall street , that Wall street
rates of Interest are low. This , though , Is
not the healthful Indication that to outsiders
it may seem. It Is Indicative chiefly , almost
wholly of the fact people who have ready
money are unwilling to lend it except whcro
they malt u terms which will enable them to
call in their loans ut practically a moment' *
notice , and have the same all the while pro
tected by collateral with a ready market
Cannot Itn Cured In n Day.
W"ll street gains at the expense of the
country at largo so far as this is concerned.
The flow of money Into Wall street reflect *
thu fact that leaders uro distrustful of outside -
side credits. Hulled down , the meaning It
that the money lending crowd is scared.
The nvll effect of this condition Is not to ba
cured In a day. Penalties are bolag paid all
over the country now for it.
Merchants who have raised funds required
In their business , and manufacturers vrbg