Tllti OMAHA. JULLY JWti : NVHUiMiSDAY , MAY 10. 189 ; ) . BP2C1RL NOTICES. | \ rKilT ' MB\TS foil TIIC K COLUMVH I ill h Itkpn nntll 13 I'J ' u in for thoovenlntr and lutlH i pin for the nuirnlng and Sunday o I Illuns I AMrnrl mn l > y rcqncitlnv n numbered cheek , can 1-ivutlKlrn tni'M nddremr-rt to n niimbernl letter hraroof niKlli.r Aniweri no ndrtrmsed wlllba [ ollvtrcil ii.on | i/ro'entatlon of tlio check. SITUATIONS WANTED. I tlatni , | Ur a word flrct Inscrt'on. Ic a word tliora Iflor N * . thing taki n f > > r less t linn Ke. ' v , AN V. i . . - km , per and penman with good rnfcranre * Ivnula ' , | J CJilictltig In addition Addrim II I'.I , MISS II * DA WASTKII prsmo.s AH e mt i : ASSIST B/Xant by nn eiprrlenerd young man. ( load pen- IIIHII and unilrrmnniK bookkeeping I'BII furnish eitnt AitilfaM H ! IQ llooollli-c MV > 7 * WATFI > mi'YINO TO DO 0VTVPF w.llor dirt-uinns taken , satisfaction Kiiaran licul Address < i'I I oo ulilco M II * A lloN A-4 AIVISHTI ISH AWAVIII ninn nnd Ho r manager lOyrnrsgoo I ( > xpcrluno ( ! Sill retail irnuu I'u-t ' of references AddrcM ( . 31 Zliei- Ui.i H * WAN'lEI1MALE HELP. llnto , iHo n word tlrl Ininrtion Ic a word there- ller Nothing tikon for IUM tli in 3 o 111 WAVIHTltAH.INI ! SAlilMMKN TO ! I > cll tnklnK powder \\o put our goods In Klaii ( rolling pins I'll in ntli salary an.I expenses or 2i ' . comnilMt'ii Send stamp for reply , linking Powder Co , ' ' Van Iliirun. l . [ i lucago 200 lit VOL WANT A , OOI > P > Y 1N < 1.loll W IIITM tlio Hanks Nursery ( o , Milwaukee , WinMI10.II r MI10.II * rB B I MAN \VANTlH TO SKI.I. AMI C'll.I.KfT In countrr Applr at SliiRcr olllco , 15tn Doiiulna .VSl" * Mil 11) WA"III > I NKIit'l.'llC MAN 'IO LliAU.N M'otir illy I n ! iir > n 1 | ci If ncu unnri t tsnry and ) Hilary to iihlit tarty Appl ) Idlii I ouglB" I Slri : IH IF M'C A11F. M'.l KINO A lIKill ' 'grade position Wo have placed hiindrods In good puMtlom and can a'.nl t vou Wovitorn llnsl ness nuncy JIB N \ I.lfu building M.W. JJ \\ANTF.D 1 , ONU Oil TWO FIHST HA'IF lbench linniin nion who hive worked In shops I whom iiiachliu-ry was used preferred Fntrbury i I'lanlng Vllli lalibiiry Neh 4H 1 1VANTKI ) MKN STKNOOHAPHKHS TO L1"T | J 'their iinnies for pnillluni Demand gond. no I registration fee lloyloi A. llabb , CH N. Y Life > WANTKII. IIUICIC IIIIIINKII AM > 8F.TTKH , > iioud rofrrt-ncos C C * Noritaartl Manlllii la. 4SS IS * T > WAS'IKI ) . AN Al I.ITI1O SOI.Ifl'lOU 1 Oil Jltlie norllinoit , ono who M well acqualntoil with thu bunlm-M anil can ruininanil nnine trodo' noun other ni-iil apply Sunil ri'fori'iicu and salary , etc , to fclcplions l.ltho & I'.IILCo , tt. l.ouls Mo 491 9 > - \V.\NTKI ) H.KVATl'H I1OV. l.SgtlllH ! Of J > U l..icor. Tlrel National bank UA 10 > WANTKI ) , lll.Ark MlTll. MITsT III' ( iOOI ) 'horeeihoor Iluuli Noono , Kruiuont , N'li _ 11ft ! A I IH - WANTI I ) IIV A (1DOI > I'OOK- I'kci per or ojpi'rloncovlthnNo.l prninaiitlilp hand aa t iiokkii'pi'r or nlllmork 1 ctl of rcf frcncc * 1 * 1 ( > Htr VliIlBcn. la fl'i ' 'J * T > WAMKU oi-KirK imv.zjv MKK HI.IM ; AP- J'ply ( \\r-ilni-mlay bi'lwtcii Sand 4 p in ( OI'J II-01 I Hi : MAN \\1TII S-OMK CAPITAL CAN J Invest In good clean bunlm-n to advantage , can nlvo suib. a good responsible po-illlon Address fi U , lleo 6M II T ) WANTKD Ml sTo'lHAVLI , J.'iO 'I O f 1(10 ( Pisll .I'month " < tonp A Wellington , Madlion , Mis T ) \\ANTII ) MAN AND Wll'IS I OH FKU1T JJ farm oxpi-rlenceil bartender and hotel ilork , i < ewluu Klrl , ( ilnlni ! loom Klrls , W ulrl" for koneral liousnwork. tl M to t ! > W Canadian otllceMJ \ Far naiii Mil U' U Dltl'O HALKSMAN WANTKD OF J'standing with thu trndo to toll i-lilo line , an iirllclo In gruat dimiml \\lll pay 8.5 00 inurclin per week samples small and neat. > lily HIM already travollng noud apply Address Ward ICe Co . Cleveland o M US 10 * 1 > MIC.N WANTKD. HAI.AUT AND K J Jl'ermanent place Apply at once llrown Ire ! , t o , Niirseoinen t lilcaKo .MOIJ IU 1) \\A.NTltl ) AIM ! YtlU A CATIIOI.IL' AltK .I' ou unemployed' \\lll yuu work for (18 per k ? J 11. Gay U > llthavo , thlcnuo , 111 , MCI 1 10 WANTED-FEMA1.E HELP. Itatcn , I4o n word tint Itmortlon , Ion word thorn after , NotlilnK takt'ii for IOM than Kop , pWANTKD I.ADIK8 Oil \0J.N(1 ( ( MKN TO v-'take ' light 'ileanant wprk nt their own home * . II 10 lo ! J CO per day can bo unlitly made , work rent by ninlli no ciinTDisltiK For pifllcnlars ad ilri i.lolie M fit Co , lox ! Ml , lioston. Mass Kt iBbiUhril 183J. " * 1 /1-WANTKI ) I-KMAI.K STtlllKST Nt'liSK AT \ JC. . A hospital , corner Dili street and rill avu- liuc. Council lllufls. > U13 MJ _ - IAIYVANT15D , TO APT AH 9 I'ATK Ai K.NT for the famous llatollne , n ponlllvu cunt for nil frmalo diseases Toi days treatment frcu Addresi l.r Douglas .V Co. . touth Uond. Ind , U. . A M344 111 * _ C- \VANTtsiTliAIIis ) : TO WIllTK AT HOMK. Kncloso stjinpcd envelope. KllaVerst. . Sec , couth llcnd , Ind Mill _ I < 7l 1 1 1V 1 A N T HI ) , 2 IN FAMILY , OOOD WA li 1C 8 HUB. tut list < s'J . WANTKD. roMl'KTKNT ( Hltlj FOIt ( iUN- C. oral housunork Immediately , Wl ; . 3Qlh st stt t > 77 10 * -WANTKD , A ( iOUl ) COOIC AND A MS COM ) Clrl l'J 4 Fnrnaui st M 10 /-1-I.AD1I8 AND ( .liVI J.HMt'.N. ' Wh Wll.M'AY V you K 10 $13 per wcok to do strictly homo work Kir us at your homes , no canvatslnic ; send self' nddrossed envulopo , H r. Kmmoni , V t.o . Hatter- I'liucli ann Wntoi u , lioston , .Max HO12 * / -WANTI.D. t.OOD ( lllll. Kill SMAMi 1'HI- V > rate family Sue.ID or Dane prafcrrod Mrs. Woolson , JJII'oppleton avenue. .V.VO ID * WANThiTNKAT ( J1KI. TO TAKE CAltHOF 4 year old baby , must sleep at Inline Apply be tween 7 nmtS u clock , iMunlnus only , 1SIJ DiidKo liood waxes to food fflrl Mi f l-i * WAN'liil : WAIST ANDSK1IIT MAKKUH AND ono apprentice ! Itoom It Wltbnollbulldlni ; IJth ami llarnox tre-ts Mii U' l ) ciiAMiiKiiMAU ) ANI ) IMUN"- Itefcroucos requ rod Apply to Mrs llrooke. 611 s iltli Ptreet. 6'JJ ' WAM'I.I ) . \ ( K'llD ' ( illtl. 1MMKDIATKI.Y. Mrs. ( ! T 1 randell ZIII.I Wobntur it. ( Mill * wvivr i iMsiiKit. NOM : nt T btkl neu-il apply Mrs llruwstur , room 1 , ion- f 'tlnnnlal ' biuek MI07 1U WAM1CD , SKIOM ) lillll. S12J \-Jllox M. pasf"iUO n wuitk to ladles tor riling , ele. , at home lleply with stamped envelope MI.1Q10 * RKNT HOUSES ] ItateK lOe a Hue eaeh Innortlon , il il a line per month Nothing taken for lest than . " 10. H tl'uV NT HI > I is Kb" LS"A1.1. . I' Al t I'M OF clly Iho O t Davis company , 15Jj Furnain st , 201 \-MMl IIKSI- TWO & UOOM COITAt.KS OS 'motor I all at soutlnreit cor Utli and Douglas. u Ml DWll.LlNli : .COIT\rK > SAI I. PUt'13 DFI clty. Kilkenny I ! I , lontlnuntal block. _ _ _ _ f\ roil Ilr-Nl' luTR ) iM lluL-K77lO > l l > i'l Ill.AS . .lUcot. . lutiultoof Morlti Merer , cor Ilith and I iirnuui < IU IV-B UOOSl IIOIMK , rOOM | ( Cori'AOK , ALL .l iupdern teautlful lanns , nhado , clo. N. i : cor. Hnd and Mlamast > t > 3i Din MNK-HOOJlTTorsK , MODKIt.S Improvcmentii Inqulro 114 .North o-Jlh stM.'O M.'O l-v H llMOU'lTul'M : . MOIIKIl.S , lONVhMK.Nf .l.'fur buitncsi or wholesalomcn Apply HU South lUtUntreot IV-1 KN"UOOM MODKUN I10USK. ( IOOI ) LOCA ayilon , root modomto U * bklnnor , lull rarnam street , Mill ? _ Mm UKNT FOll SU.MMiil : MONTHS , FUU- nlshed reitdcnco fur muill family In bust mid incut convonlent neljliborliood in the clly Ad dress ( .7 lieu ji3U * 1-T KOH HUNT NICK TK.N HOOM MOIIE11N .1/houre , c t front , on houtli 17th street , near Jackson rent , ( IU Inquire J boutU IHh struct 115 D-7 HOOM llorSK. HAST KUO.NT , ALL MOD eni.UiW HdolllyTruil Co.KUJ Farnam _ 0 " TV run UKNT. MSB noon uousK , "ALL .l convenlimcKs , largo grounds and good stable ; In good location aud ouy of access ( lent lo first class loinut will bu reasonable Apply Omaha Jxian * Tril.t Co loth ind Dounlas sts M5 "l"0 HOOM COTl'AOKS , HTANMHU ) C1IICLK , .l neiT , modern C d Klgutter. Ml Hue bldg 203 D7.J AND I HOOM ArAHTMK.NTS. VOX DOHN block , wth | steam , reforeuces required 810 8IM , _ ao4 D-HKK II , K. COI.K CO. MCCAUUB HLIM1. 3WJ1 * D-FOU HUM' , 10 room modern house , suitable for roomers and boarders , 2011 llarney street. )0 ) room modern homo , ij | Lpaveuwoith street , only ( Ji.00. rorne uloecotUjes II u Clark * Co , 1118 llarney ilreet. Mill _ _ 0-FOH HKNT 1 FLATSONJndh7xOULlNTO N blockB rooms eaili , In good re > alr. (1)00 pel month In advance Alto J 4 room I ouses In rioutt Omaha , corner ) t1 IU and o itrueu. 110 each , lined . ( nod repair luulro ; at ( (7 ( tlouta IJth street Omaba John Itamlln acent & 3I DltOOM UOUBIi , Ul B.lisr BTHKKT.MiM MiM I ) * FOR RENT-HOUSES. Conttntinl D-FOH UKNT , NICK vIiITHO ; ! | > M ItOtSK. near llnnseom Pirk , nil modern oonvenlunces aplenl Id neighborhood Illcks , 315.N \ Llf'HIdg , MlilU 14 -tot H ANDTI1UKF. HOOMS. mi SOUTH 171 H street , liotwcin Jackson and Leavenworth FOR RENT FUKIU8HEP KOOM8. ' llntcs , lOo > line oioh Imo-tlon II Mi ll 3 per month .Nothlr.Ktikin f ir leu than jc IIOOMS WITlI STUASI IIII.VT Ijforif tillomenonly IJI'J . si , Jnd tloor y\n \ T\V < ) KUIlM * > llii : > ItOUM' , UK.N'I U\IKN : only SOIU DaTonporl street 1IUUM , 1 lg ! * 0 * I/-MI ILY : FL-UNISHKD no > .MS , itu& CAPFIOI , l avenim MIIJI1 * - PIIASANTMII. : : . njusisiiiiu n < OM , I'onvunlenci's 3'jOH I oitElns t > 70 15 * ( OMFOltTAHtiK AND COSVKNIIINT s furnMicd In i hlca o nt fair grounds diir lliu taut li ! dnyi of May , prlco very low Ad dress ( ( I. Omaha lleo 417 17-PLKASANT 1IOOMO , MOOI'.HN CvlNVIJNI- Ijcnces , homo comfortn , nt20J. > Howard St M5I1 11 * 1,1UOOMS fl , 8 , 10.12 , llaAIll ) . 503 N 17 Jj 51W4 J. * li'-A 8LITHOF FIIONT HOtlMS ; AlAO ONK S-IDK 1 Jrodin UOI7 llnrnoy street. MKH II * 7 ; " v"i(1l'l.Y"rUNI' < IIIJII HOO.MH rOHdll.STLK- l nipli 21V North Ilth rtJO 15 * Ul unW VOIII.US- IO.NVKMKM.1.X HHt 1 ! ' ' < li * JK ntlonicn. > 77 i.MiTT' . * \ 7uHiiiNisin : ! ) IUIOM WITH 1 Joaitcrn exiio iin1. ( on\i < iilunt location all run Tonli-nrcs 615 N.I'lM MWi II * FURNISHE KOO MAND BOARD. llntui , IU > > n hn < each Invirtlon $1 ' ) n lliu pur mnntli > otlilnu taken for li'-i tban 'Jio l-'i'lli ( : Dol.A.N , SUB AM ) 211 N ISIIIsT 503 , . ( . \\OJIK.N-S 1IO.MK , UNllKIt OAHKOK \\uinun n ( .lirl'llan association. Ill Ho. I'lli it r-I.AUliK IIAV1nio.NT UOOM WITH AWOVK 210 S gjtli lilri'Ot. Mill ? _ ' 'A , KID ITJ1 DAVUNI'OHT TItcir. : ol n * Ij'-HOOMS AMI IIOAIII ) AT 241.1 CAl'lTOIi AVK. JItoforoncci rpiUln-il | 60 H FOR llali" , lOo n line oapli Inv-rllnn , f I 'Hi n line pur month Notbkntt tnken for loai tban 25c 1 Mock , miltablo for niuat innrkut. harilwaro or rtrjr KOO < | nloro Inqulruioii " * . Ultl l 210 i--riiiUKM' ) . TIM : 4 srniiv iiuicic IIIJII.I > IMI. lum ) < Brnam nt 'I ho biillilliu lias n llruproof co inent buM-nu'iit conip'ulu t"iin br.Ulia Ililuron , nntor on nil tbu Houra , KK ; , t-tc A | > | il7 nt tbo ottli n of ' 1 bo HOP UIO I OK HUNT OSK IHIll-K WI'Olli : AND IISK - T lucnt , 4il 3 lllll it 1 stun * . 1M ! i npllol iivt > niio : onanttiry anil biti-im-nt brick ntoro bullillnn , 415 -iiillilllh Klroi't Hat. 415'iiulli Mill niroot. ono store. 141H tapltnt avt-nii" Ul In tlr-tt 11 IM con dltlon , for rent on rnaaonabm tonni. Inqtilrn of A. J roiiplc'ton , room JI4 Hril .National Hank lil > l : 'II MIO f-FOll HKM' . CHOICI si1 M'.IOND 1 LOOK Jbuilness corner In Omtha , Hlobi building , IIth nnd Uoilge. i.lobo Loan A. 'I i * t Co .Mi.r.J AGENTS WANTED. llati-s. IHc a wonl llru Inijrtlon Ic a word there after Nothing taken for Ic-s * thiiii * jc T AliTtJIS.'llhll : \ . DOOU WISH A ' xooil ponlllun nollln our llruad i nko It 1'arlnij Knives , nlao ' ( 'ar.oi ' No capital -udod. . Oood > llRbt and attractlvo I'rollt IjO per cjnt. ( .laiiK thcnr I o . Kansas * Ity , Mo. M470 Mil- ) 1 - WA M-l.ll , A.N AlUI.M' IS { , KIIUA-KA TO f ni'll anon and mt'illum priced Lath Itctilstcr Aildrien I ) K Mulcra. Denver. Cole SIZM U * l-lilM3U\l. A(3K.NTS WANTKD , SKI MNn f new nrllclo to ilaalcrn : oxchnlvii territory , no compotltlon nooipllal roiiulied , 2JJ to JO ) ppr cent nrollt. Lolnmbln Cliemlonl ( o , 337 ' eiliswlok Ht , ( hlcaEO , III Mull 10' | -\\AM'M > ijAl.KStlriN TO StiI , OUIl blllK 'lino novellliLli ( piy , ready sellers Donathcn Novelty Manufacturing Co. , Kansas I Ity , V i Mini ; ID * I-W\N'11SD , llltAINV MI'.N ' AMOMI.N A3 " ntuto ak'ontH ( Jood feferencon and soniocip- Ital to ! ) uii ppr ilay tan bo niadj T. I' . Itutton lo. St rani. Minn MUI7 17 * WANTKD-TO RENT. Hates IHc a word llrnt Insertion. Ic a word tbera after NotlilnK taken for le < tban Uc. K-WA.NTKD , FlIltM-'IIKI ) KIlUM UV A lK\- tloiuan Inprlrato fnmlly Olvoprlco. > 121 llco. WW10 * K-IIY.MAY 1VTII. SMAI.I < FUHN1HIIKD MOII- ern liouiv'for Biuall family of two. Acldrcvs.U 26 , llco. STORAGE. llutrs , lOo a linn each tniertlon , JI.60 a Una per month. .Nutlillii : taken for loss than 25c. M - SslOllAUIl MyrntlAUi ; Foil llOUiKIIOI.I ) clean nnJ cheap rates. U Wells , till larnam 21J _ -lll.-ATl.Mi ST.IVKS b'lOHKl ) IIUKl.xr. SUM- nu'r ; Hpcclil atoraeo for bousuhold coeds Tel. IU ) . UM7 lioutflns. Umalmblovu Kopalr works \1407 _ _ M STOVI-S bT.UtHI ) AT ItUAiONAIILi : ltATK3 at IIi-Khen Slovo llepali Works , OU7 S. IJth t WANTED TO BUY. Hates me n word tlrst ln o tlon , Ic a word there- aftur. .Nothing taken for loss than ' . ' . ' > n. AJ T-AS it v7)ii FliTlMTtJW ItoUSrilOLD i > good , etc . or will sell for owner In our auction Wells , UII rarnam. 313 \T-\VAN'rilll , TO 111 V. i Oil 10 ACIIF.S OF i > t-unmtl adjoining the Paplo creek , south of Cen ter street. AddrosB li b , lieu 451 FOtt BALE FUKNITUHE. Itatex , men word tlr > t Insertion , lo a word there after NotlilnK taken for Ics * than 2ic -FOIt SvLE , A K.NAIIU SyUAIli : PIANO. ZJU arnam st 13J 21 0IOU SALIC. KUIlMl'l HI ! OF 10j.l PA11K avcnii > ; worth tlio money. MaVJ U * S - ETC. gOR ALE-HqB3EOWAOONS Itntes. l e ft Mord lli < t Iniieitl'iti , Ic a word there after Nothing taken for loj-i than 3Ji 1)-l-iiH hAI.K , Ml K 1UY I ' * 7iTrr\ljTT TK A M 1 tindcarrlagn. It W 'lullem IDj Pe.irl ntoun- ell HlllUs 214 1Full r.Al.K , O.Ni : K\ni > .I .N TillI I'LL 1 platform spring family cirrligo for four people , new last .November i ne m t duublo harnesa solid brass niountln.'s very liiiulHomn 1)113 oulln , : rig natural oed tlnlshod , will earry six or tight peo- iilo All n < coed ni \VlllbeBOldiitabargaln 'ihey may bo seen at Ion Wllhrow'a ntnliks. ilarnoy slreet. between Ilth nnd Hih lor piirtU-ulars , np ply lo ( .eo. A Joslyn. ' . ' 11 < 13th si Jo I II l-St'l FOLK ITNCH S-TAlTT/IO.N , 0 YlUi.S Ol D , J. might about li ) , ci-rtldcato "f registration and pcdlgri-e , tor sale cheap , or wlh oxehanuo for land or tlty jropeily 414 lee ! llulldlng Mil ) 1,1 lllOIllKAIl OLD TKAM KH hAI.K , 1 nelght about 3WO Mnpletoil Land eo u pany , lleo building Mil ) U FOK SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Hates IHon word tint ln crtlon , Ic a word llicro after NothltiK taken fur less than - ' . ' ( . QllltlLK IOU BALU lKAP A I24Tl Dorcas 3iJ -TlIKf > T\MAHI ) CAITI.Hl'OMPANY OFFKH baled hay nt li KO per tou , on board Bears at Ames , .Neb This price may b withdrawn at any time 2IJ 0-KOH SALi : CHKAP , SODA WATF.U FOUN- tain , also one peanut roaster. C Hainan. Mis lull street Ml 1C , 111- Q-CACTUS PLANTS ClIhAP l-O.t FIFTY cents I will send to any address In I'nlted blates pc.Mpald , three varieties of Carlus with dl rrctlons for growing Address I red emltli , i hap- HOll , Neb. & 7D-10 * Q-tOll SAI.K , VOUlt Ul'UNKU NKW PUOCUSS gasollnu stove , lu good order , used onu season half price. 813 N .Tilth atroot. MMI II * MISCELLANEOUS. _ Hates , | io > word tlrst Insorllon , lo n word thera- after Nothing liken for lost than 'Jc R -TYPKWIHTKUb FOll UE.NT Wl ! < AN iull nlsh you * llher No Jor.No S Uoinlnntcn type writer , lu Mr t class rondlllun on rental ( .ITU ui a call Wyokotl. Seamani * lleiicdlct , 1713 Farnan troel , Omaha , .N b. 310 CLAIRVOYANTS. Ualei. me a word Brit insertion. Ic n word tbor * after Nothing taken for lesi than c Orvllable'buslnesi medlunii titili year al ll'J N.IU1 11 ! . .11 " ' C-MUC DH M I.tOIIAVK , PIIOPllKTr.Cs DKAI O trance clairvoyant and life reader ; trlli you life front cradle to gravrs tan ba consulted ou al attain of life ) lias the colabrated Kcrpllan bre.ii r plat * to unlla the separated and cause marrlag wlihonit yon love Coma one , comn all and b convinced of her remarkable punurs. Otllco am , reiidencu III f. Ilth it , hours 9 a aj to V p IE fclrlct llf chart and photo of your futura wife o hniband sent through mall forlVOO chart alone IJOU All inters containing I rents In stamp promptly answer * ! Ill MASSAGE , BATHS , ETC. Hates , lee n Una i-ach Insertion , ( I nt a line per month. .NolhltiK taken for loss than 35 < ] fTC illoom 3 M Mnce. vapor , alcnto , , atvam scliihtir Hoandsettbathii. Milt 13' ri'-MMII. CAHSO.S , 1121 DOUdLAH TIIKKT. 3D 1 Hoot , room 7 , massage , alcohol , sulphur and lot tatln MI77 15- PERSONAL. llntcs , IKcn word rlMt Insertion Ic f word lliora- after Nothing taken for loss thnn 2ic U want to put It oul on'Iho best , llrst m'ort'gigo so curltyln Nebr.iska , In mini ) of ( IX ) to II.UJO and gctslz per canl Intoruit. como to us. There U absolutely no risk Never had anything better. Hoggs A Hill. I4IW Farnam it -1M-AII1NKT I'llollH. AHHIO HNIbll IN any style tl M woith ( I OJ , for n hort time , at Cowan s piiulo studio , -il.'l Cumlnic street 2IR m 33 1 | . -t A't Attllll AND HAY F.VKI1 THKATIM ) v by the month 'I umurs , growths anil other do fortuities of thn nosi < nud thro it nnnoved without ( lain Dr J F Prcsnoll. 30 llo lildg MM3 .111 -MAH-4AUKTUK\T.MK.NT nLllLTIHC-THKH- mal baths scalp and h.iir treatment , manlciiro andchlropudlit. Mis Post.JlUViS Iitlt\\ltlinell blk 2IJ _ U-WASTI-.D. ( iOODHOMK I.V PH1VA1K FAM- lly for a boy t years old Must have the best of care Address , stating terms , etc. , U 13 , lleeM7 M7 10 * U PILF.S PrfltMANK.VILY Cl'llKt ) ] iTv A mngle , painless treatment. Diseases of tha rictiun a upeilolty llr A J Cook , Urnnd Hotel Annex , Council lllut ! < M11X > lu 1OH1.DS FA1H THF. I.N I'lIltN ATIO.N AL \J lloom Itentlni agency of ( hlengo ilneoiporated. capllnl ( UllMili control norentl hotels nnd IUJ DUD rooms In prhatu families ot undoubted respect * ublllly IM.I t pay OTurbltant prices Secure our frcn option t irtltlrati'on I'lcuunt ruoni * nt ( I to ti per day I nil or writ i em losing ntainp lleverly .V I llchle 1311 I iirn.un street. Ouiuha bole auunts for County Mii'410 ABSTUACTa OF TITLES. Hates 10c a line e u li Insertion ( I tl n line per iionth. .NotlilnK tnknn for ln < th in v-A ' nnd Trust tompany. nbstract'trs eonvoyancurs Itles porfeetol nnd Bii-vr.inteo I Own thoonly ompleto abstiact books In Douglas county Hu loved to room 111) New York Llfo building M370 MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. Hates , lOan line earli Insartlon , f I M a lluo per lunth. Nothing taken for less than ' 'tic I * pnny I , 17U7 Farn-imstreet 21'J \Y \ r-Cli.NTHAL LOAN * THL'ST CO. HKI ! IILDtl ! KI ) Yv , v LT-C. r. llAllltlsON , tlNN Y LUK. \ - - MtillTli : LOANS I.KSd THAN 7 PKll * * cent. Ineludliig all ctrirjiCH Imrle.i W llalncy. Omaha Nat. bank bldg. 231 \\r WANT1II ) AT ONCK LOANS ON IMPUOVF.I ) * < l > maba property ; lu\r rates. Hdullty Trust lompuny. 170. I'nrnam At 2I'J W-LOANSON IMPUOVBD AND UNIMPHOVKD " city property'J,01 land upwards,3 lol > V { per cent \'o delays W. l-ariiuni ainith & Co , IJth and Harnoy. Zii \V-OMAIIA SAVINliS HANK MtKKs LOANS * ' on real estate at lowest mirket rates Loan-i lo In smalt or large sums for short or long time fo commission Is olnrgod and tholotns uro not nld In fiu eiit butcin alir.iys ba found at tlio .ink on Iho ( ; jrno.of I ! th nnd Dou lai 9ti 2-'I V- I AM ) 2 \ 13 Ml LOANS ON CITY ANI ) I'AHM es. Heed A Sclby , 311 Hoard of Trade A\r-M NKV'lOl.OVN OS' OMAHA ANI ) CUUN- 'I illllluITa rctl t'ltnto and Nobriskn nnd Iowa irni ! ) nt from & to ti'i pttr cunt Intorost.wlth no ad lltloniilrlinrKOH for cominl lnns 01 nttornoys fees , V 11 Vclkle. tut Nat I bank blJz , Om.ilin tit MONI3V TO LOAN AT LOWKhT HATI.b. 'Ihu O r. Dnvl Co , loOj Farnam street 2 7 \y ANTHONY LOAN \NDTHLsT COIIS N. V ' Life , leiuH nt low rates for * Imlco peciirlty on Nubrnskn or IOITU fnnus or Omaha city pr j perty \ \ JMO.N13Y TO LOAN ON IMl'KOVHI ) CITY ' property , low ratos. A. C Frost. Dnuulasblk. \\r-MOMYTOI.OAN : AT I.OWF.sT UATIW ON 'I Iniprotedand iniliupruved real estate , 1 to 5 , ears Hdullty Trust Co , 170J Farnain. 211) NS , O. ti. WAI.LACU , 3U 1J11OWN lll.K. \\T OMAHA LOAN A , TUUST TOMIMNY , 10TII > < and DouKlas , loans money on city and farm l > i-oporty at lowest ratus of Interest 2,11 IF MUST AND 8KCONI ! M JH 111fJK LOANS- > low ratua. Alex Mooru. 4)1 , lieu bldtf. MS70 W WANTED TO llr SOMES I'KH cnNT.N secured by mortcaKes on Omaha city or DOUR- county propelly. lined A Selby , JA > Chamber of Couiuierce M1IU ir-J. W HtJUlHK , MOVKIIT02U HICK HLIK1 313 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. Hates , lOo a Mm , each Insertion , tl 5J a line per month. .Nolblni ; takun for loss tban te x-c AT a-llr ! OF1CK OF OMAHA MOItTGAUU LOAN CO. INCOUI'OHATEn. ' * ' ' 5i'You WANT'MONKY , You can borrow on HOUSEHOLD FUlt.MIUKK ANI ) PIANOS , HOHHKH , WAdONS AM ) Oil ANY OT1IHH SKrUlllTY Wo will lend you any amount from 5IOUO to SI.OJU ON TIII5 DAY IOU ASIC FOll IT without publicity or removal of property You can jiay the money back In any amount you wish , and at any tlmu , and each payment 50 mitdo will reduce ll.o cost of the loan Itemember that vou Invo the use of both the property and thn money , nud pay for It only as font * an you keep It 'i here will bo no expense- charge kept out of tbu amount wanted , but you will receivetlio full amount of the loan. lleforo borrowing elsewhere call and see us , and you will II nd It greatly to your advantage OMAHA MOllTIJAOK LOAN CO , .10) ) SOl'TIl H.Tll SrilKIIT. tlrst floor above the street. THE OLDKhT , LAKIJKST AM ) ONLY INCOIU'OU- ATKD LOAN COMPANY IN OMAHA. 233 V 1)0 YOU WANT MONKY' - < V THM UDELITY LOAN ( lUAllANTKK CO , UOOM 4 , WITHNKLL IlLorK. iliOh hot/Fit 15T1I , COUNKIt HA11NKY ST. , TOO \ AHT \ ' 0 * 8IIALL DOLLABJI VT. \V i : MAIv.i. I.DA.N1 O.S HJHMTUI1K II illh t H. CAIllllAltKSAlthniOLSi : ltii Kll-ls OK 1'KK- bO.NM. PltOI-KI-.TY 01- ANY KIND / WILL /DO WBLLTO / / CALL / OXUB riBgT/ JOB / OUIl IhHMS WILL M..HIOLll Al'i'itOAll - u can | > ny tbe mtint-y back at any time a d In any amount you wish , and thus reduce th i cist of c.irrylnK tnu loan In proportion to amount \mi pay II'ol' owe a balance on your furniture or other personal property of anr kind , wo will pay ItutT for ) Oii nnd c.'irrr tlis loni ; as > ou du lro U > U IAN I1A\K VJl'llMOM.Y IS ONK HOUIl FHOM TUI5T1MK OU1K1 APPLICATION. No publh It ) or removal of property , so that you KCt lliu use. of both mo ley and property. ' 'U A' VYll.I. I.OAN MONF.YON ANY KIND OF SK- Vrurlty strictly confidential , A. K Harrisroom I ( ontlncnlal block JJIa V-MOSKV. 40 lJ. ! UJ IA\S CIIKAP UATBS and easy payments , on furniture , pianos , llvo stock , etc , nltboul delay or publicity , cash on hand Dut7ireun room 8 , Darker block ilj X -I'lllTClIAUD , j | IlliUOLAS 11I.K ,1(14 ( DODliK. JMll BUSINESS HANOSS. Hates , lUo a line Insertion , il ' < ! n line per munlh. Nothing taken for less than 2V : A7 A SNAP IIIHI/1II hUOKSsll-ATINd A 1 change I orTer my vrocory atoro and fixtures for eale. oldest established store on bo It th ht , tlrst classtiadc C. t Shaw , ilS so luthst , , Omaha a.'j ' 'J V-ANV I'HYSICKNVISlllNfi Tl ) C11AM1B 1 Mi location should correspond with room 312 , Mc ( ague bldg , Omaha , AI'.W \r-HOlfcl. hAI.K , I1O.X h7l , tillh.NANDOAH , I A. Mrt7J MI.V \ ' t > OlliALi : . A STOCK OF ( iCNKUAI , MKIt chandlsuof about ( l.OW to t7,0J , In a good town In Nebraska. Apply lo Ivllpatrlck Koch Dry Uoodi lo , Omaha , Neb OM r.Oil | SALK. ( IOOI ) NKWSPAPhll 11USINK-.S and oiitttt Vlula Davis , Lincoln , Neb (37 Jl * Y-HU bALK OH KXCllANdK. TUB HIUN1- nlturo and lease of the Hotel Esluia. Ashland Neb M37I 13 * \rl-oltSAI.K , IN A HOllil 'JOW.N IN NoTtTU 1 Nebraska , a stock of general uiurchandlso. con - listing of dry goods , tioou and shoes , clothing and brocorlos 1 will tall the stock for cash , half cash and land or on tlmeto sull the purobnier If secur ity la good. 1'rlcj , t > > , ! > Adareis K il , Omaha llee CM V-Wl SA1.K- Oil HAUNK43 HUdlNKbH l.N ia llvo town I.OQ box No. 3 , Harvard , Neb V-OltOCEUV roil bALK f.OOt ) UKASON I-OU I selling , Addres' OJ , lleo 44 II * IV V -WANTKD. I-A J- reason , need more help ; old established bus Iness If you want to get Into a paying builnesi from tua start , Invusllgate Immediately Addresi IT Uoo MM1 u V HAVK FINH OPKNISIJ IN OLD KSTMlir. 1 llsbed buslneis , Omaha , for man that ran tuke the books and correspondence ! 13 UOOUJ tn I3.u UO roqulrol. liood ulary with poilllun ( i Hal - luce , JIJ llrowu block , iimaha. it U BUSINESS .qHANCES. V-rOU SALK. IINDIVIPKJIIIALF1NTKUKH1 IN 1 furnltnro store In Wifbio Only ono In town. A snap for a practical fjifillturo mnii Address C J Harrison , Walioo. Neb" ' K < U1 * V-INTKHKST I.V STAl'IC HANK WITH CASH I Inrshlp. ( lO'JUDJ Knllri Interest In very protlt.i bio state bank , ( .UOOUOJ. Interest In new .National bunk , with c shloMlilp ( UWOO Have purchasers for bank lntore ti of ovury kind \Srlto for liar- llculars. O. \\allace , Sl llrown block , Omaha. 571 II FOH EXCHANGE * Ocn linn each Intertlon , Jl W a line per inonlh .Nothing tnkcn for tei9thnnW /-A i IIAN : STOCK < if UHNKUAI. , /Jnlll tnkurual eitataaud money llox iiiJ. Krnnk- fort. Ind -Ui _ y-l'O.t AI.K ( Ml Tll\IB VOU IMl'ltOVIll ) liU /Jnrrcfl of land In .Sebrnsltn a splondld builnois Address roi. Hoc , 3M Jl r/-\ \ OWN 100 tAHJH IN MMIIl . KA. ICVNSAS /Jatid Dtikota.Vlll ncll olio p or uxchnntto for indse .liursns niidcnttlu Add Iloi " ( ! , ! r.mktort.llul VM _ r/-ISI ) Al'UKSOKCMIAIl LAND IN ONH UKTllli /Jbrst winter nhcnt iMMrlcM In ICannns to cr- chnimo for 10 or 3J ncro tr.irt near ( inialm cltf Ilinlls. Will pnr ciKhdllfuroncc 1C property laiiood AUilrciia , KlTlMK prloa nnd locutluu , U 16 lluo. . ' 0" ) fV-SKK 11 K. LOtiH CO , MlCAdUK UUXl tJ SJ9 Jt * / I1AVK YOL' ANVrillNd TO KXrltANK I'OIt /JNrw York Incomn pnylnit property ' Snnil pur- tlcuhirs llanllnK A Co , 'luinplu lourt N V city 500 IU * _ /-KINH I ) > W.N TOWN COIt.SKIt , CAN TAKK /Jpirlc.i li nnd part Irndo In rlenr ri-nldnnca lot or fnriu InnU 1'rlco Jia.OJDUU t. K. Dnrllnit , HnrUor bloik. .Mi IU ' / - r'i'U MA I.K roii MMOI.V IMIOPKUTY.- fJoew R room roltaio.- all inodorn ronvpnclo" . In OIHI of Ilia lii'st locations In C innlm , built by owner , und nold bcciuiBU of chtinuu In rcaldi'iico , \ > | ] | nc n'pt In whole or part paymunt tfood revldi-iuo prupjrty pri'fcraldy unliiiprnvi'd In Lincoln Ad ilrpsi utrlni : lointlon of property , M. W. It , No. 16U.1 ( street , l.lncnln All 15 FOR , SALE KEAL ESTATE llHtoi , IOC n line eai' i Ititortlon Jl Mil line per inontli Nutliliu taken for IIMI than j > c - X atri'i'l corner 43th with nond milninntlal two Rtory tniKliie block , tire store rooms with llvo room ll.itd above bulldlntc Is In complete chape and cost about f.V.Ql OU nlonu Tlio 124 fuet f ronlnuo la worth nt loint tMW tollUDO per foot ; nm Instruclcd to oner th whole property for quick nalo nt Ib.UW UU Properly rented It will yield from faOOOJ to $ .oow ) per nnniiin. nnd there Is room for another building on the lotn It Is just out'ldo the city limits nnd li allrstcla ii pltco torn drug store , urocory , mont market or naloon No city taios. Hicks , nijont , M't N. V. 1.1 ( o bulldlnu. SIOI3 It LOTS , III.UCK 111 , UVICIIS HIC1IAIU ) A TII.DKN d Addition I'ulman Crauior , 150i > Dod u st 431 mO * l/AUMS' ' WK HAVU TUB IlllllllCSr I.ISf IN JL the I'nlted Htntos Wo hare enough to till every patieof the llea or Wor'd If you want an lovta or Ncbraikn farm , come to headquarters HOIKS A lllll. 14b ( Furnanist MU.MU ITHJIl SAI.K-NKIV 151 ( Jit T UOOM UOUSK , MOD Jorn i-oiiTenloncHs. onu block north of llanscom park clopo to motor etc Can offer fora few days atfl. WXUO Illi'kl , .HJj.N V I.lfu bldd M019 It l.MIl 8\hK. IIOI'SK ANil LOT CItKAl * . AS iounerli about to louvo the city. Iu < | iilro at 42J North 19th t MJH MM l.'OH SALG riVR-KUOM COITAI.K ANI ) IAT , 1 corner' .Id nnd Capitol iivemie , only ono block from Illuh Hchool nnd within ea y walking dls taiiLU of buMlnc'S portion of city S-pec'nl ' paxliK tn cs nil paid In full. 1'rlco , lo.SUO 00 Illeks : tuj .N 1 I.lfu bldK .MIII8 U iTs i Ana TUB MIUUND OUAIIANTKIS A unit Trust comptny , nlntrnctors , conveyancers. Titles uorfoclwl and uu-trantnod Own thu only eoiuplPto abstract book ju Douclns county Uu- mo\ed to room JIU Now York I.lfu bullillni ; .M27I VAST FIIOST LOl'ON S3TII M'.AK DODIIK. W\ l Ubfeet , $ l,7oJ.OO. Address On nor. (1 11 , Hen l/Ollt > AI.K , ONI3OFTI1K FINKBT I JL corners In Omaha 8ilxl4 , ' > feot. . .Qth and 1'nclllc. If sold quick only td.OJU 00 Illcks , III. ) .N. Y. 1.1 f bid i -VCtb 14 TOlX ) ACHKSI/AM ) IN NKllllASKA , HAST I'llONT Lbulldlni ; lot , 2 blocks east of Park , at Krcat sacrlOco U II. I'eterson , 1IU bouth Ilth. , li ! . > Jl 811OU.M DWKI.l.lNi ; . 11/1,1 , 1.O1' , IIAIIN , 411) and llarney atroels , only f I 000 00 One third cash , balancu time I'1. K Darling , llarkor block M1S.I 10 11KJ I1AUOAIN. bOO AOUKS .NUAll NOUTII ) . ( . Nib llrst class er.i7lni ; land , uplendld ( Oil , KOud stream , running water only WW per acre Oeo N. lilcki , 30o ( f. Y Ufa bldK Mdl3 II l.iOlt tfAI.K. 'IllOUOljIJlll.Y I.QUIIMIKI ) slOCII X f arm o f 't ( > tO acrei ultuatcd on Wood river val ley , Lu'ht farming district In Nobrnnka Can handle 1WO call hi llnllroud throiiiih property. Land In creasing In value 1'rlca very rn.isonah'o. ' Address Windsor , Kemp Jc Co , VOJ N , Y. Life. Ins bldit , Omaha 4JJI1 * I/OUSALK , i.I.Kl.ANTMODKUN I1UII.T IlOUhE , J 9 rooms , near llanscom park ; n iplendld bar- Kaln If sold at onco. Call aud sco It. Hicks , , Ki ) N. Y I.lfo bldit. MDI3 14 ? 1NK. HIOI1TI.Y COIlNKlt IN VK'1NII\ 40TH L1 and Howard A blu bargain for f 1,000 W F. K. arlliu , Darker block. Mis ? 10 C UK A 1 * LAND , 2.580 ArilKSNKAIt LOIXIK 1'OI.K , Neb ; cooJ neil , iplcndld sprlnit of runnlnK water , listed for quick sale at (4 50 per acre Ceo. N Illcks. agent. 805 N. Y. Life. MOIS U HAUUAI.N COTl-AOK AND COIINKU LOT ONK A block from High school , finest location In Omaha , SJ.iOO Hicks , , Wi N Y. Llfo llldg 1JVM 8AL15 , CIIOITH ItmlDnNCIl LOT , 1,0x170 feet , south front north of llarscom park spo- clal taxes all paid In full BuweraKO and cltv water on lot , I'JO. ) UII. Illcks. JOoN Y Llfo bldv Mills 11 / 1KOHOIA AND V1IKIINIA AVI'Nt'K" , UK v tvieen Mason anil I'acltlcsts thollnest resldonco location In the clly , $40 U ) on ( icorgla ave and CO HO on Virginia live , adjoining property held f-IMrJ to JIO ffl per front foot hluher Wu will take II 000 00 to IVJOO 00 omah i property as part payment In H Int. This Is an opportunity seldom ottered This In good for a short time onlv. as wo want some houses ntartcd at once 'I no now under contract Four sales already made Pleasure to show Mich property as this at any time Mclellty Trust Com pany , 1703 ( amain st. 673 l.'OH 8ALK-TKN ArilKS CLOSK TO CITY. A 1 beautiful tract , splendidly adapted for small fruit and vegetables , ein be platted Into f > 0 nlco lots , (1,50000. Hicks , 3U > N Y. Llfu bldg. MCI3 14 OTOKPKL PLAC1 ] ADDITION. The Newest Addition to Omaha. Located 'At Miles bonthwest from Postotllce , llest f nturo rcsldenco part of the City \\ldo streets and wide nllos. I.otN are high and sightly ICIectrlc ( HIS run near It Passenger depot and trackage yards of Omaha Hell L'no Italiroad and Missouri Pacltlo Ualtroad within a block of It Numerous stores aud factories In Its Immediate vie.nil ) Homos of business men nnd-niechanlcs surround It Kim wood Park. New Driving Park and Fair firounds Plattr Itlver Canal , streets to bo paved , extension of electric ear llco are some of lliu sub stuntlal Improvements to bo made In buutliwettl Ornaha during the next fen months \oucanbuyMoepcl I'lueo lots for S IOU 00 each ( V)00 ilonn and the balance In ( juarterly pamunts of only SU W with Interest ut 7 per tent Do not mli > s this opporlunlt ) to buy llvo or ten lots at i rUcfl that will enable > on to make money 1'Or plats aud further Information addrens W A WKIIM'KU. Hoe building Mf7l J8 .OIl \LK-N1CK Hf.MDlSNli : LOT ON MAHO.N strent , betwuun .list and .Ud , only ( . ' ,109 ( ft HU kg , . Y I.lfo bldg MiilB il LOST. Hates , 10a line each Insertion ( I Y ) n lira per n''ntn Nothing taken for losi than 2 > c OsT HLA ( K MAHK. . WKIDHS I.COJ I.IH . -IJirhltj spot 01 he-id llQiurn to Uundurson it'i and draco and receive ruwurd. ut u * r OST , SII.NDAY TFTKHNOON ON MOTOH UK- JJtween louncll lllutfs and Omaha , a poeketbook containing money and rlqgs Liberal reward for return of rings W H King , Pacltlo Bxpress fo . 71 9 * QTHAU50 OK . - 'InLKNMY LhWBLLVN HKI' " ler dog , whltu and blacx. nnireri to imnio of Joe. , owner name on collar suitable reward will be paid for Ills return or Information leading to ra corery. larl halbauh , loth and Harnoy streets M5i 10' LOSl'-MY M VSTIFF HITCH "SUIiUK UK turn to Stock Yards liorlu markiit and get (1000 ronard HarlluMiort .MWI ID * IO3T-ON CALDWKLL Sfl' . POrKKTllOOK < ON- Jlalnlnu eye glasses recqlpt. library ticket and small uuiouniof cluuge. ttoturn to 310 lleo llldK SK31-IJ SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING Kates , lUo a line each liHtrtlon 110) a line per montli Nothing takun for less than Ko VOL' Nli I.ADlKsN | ) ( j ICNTLKMKS I'ASSHlS 1 aciUlroa working knawlotia of sliorllun 1 an 1 typonrltlngat A r Van tants icliaol ol s lort hand.liUN Y I.lfo lypawrlterj tD ro it MjaJ PASTURES' Foa"HOR9Es. \\TK IIAVK iu ) ACHKS OF IIMK ; ditASS PASture < > turo for horses Hoard fence Bprliu water Ilanon A I'nulpj , Ollraore , Neb , or A. W Pbelps A feon 2U7 N V I Ifo llldg 151 MM * PAWNBROKEHS. Hates , IDo a line each Insertion II K ) a Una per month Nothing taken for less thnn S5a _ 1 HONNKNIIBTtlT iTl .i MON I ) IIIU ) K K H. IMS I iDouglai > L Loans money on diamonds watchei , etc i Id gold and silver bought Tel I5&4 111 _ DRESSMAKING. llatei , lVc a word drst Insertion le a word there- tier. NoUilnir tak . n for less tban .a * MISS A M 8'113KT3 DUUSiMAKKH , CONTI nentil block room IL Batlifacllon guaranteed. UNDERTAKERS AND EMB ALMERS Hales , Ro a line each Itnortlun ( IbJnllnoper month .Nothing taken for Irss than 3 > c v .cob . ileeoased. lalor with \ | o Maiili undof taker and ombtimer an S illth st , tcl wtl > ! ! MONEY WAN TED. Holes , lOo line p ch liKortlon. $1 W a line per month Nothing taken for Icsi than Ue \VANTKI-1O IIOUUOW (7XM ( OS OK I-KIHIK ' property will glvu tlrst nirirtgaijo. prlvato pir tlos proluned Addro < 5 ( t 25 , llco MUM U * SECOND-HAND TYPEWRITERS. BUYI.K A IIAIIII I > IA"I : < KIISINTYI > K\VUITKU > ( All ninki-4 bouilit. old , uxcliangud , rented HU N Y Llfa bldg Tcl V.S M.IM SCALES ' Addft MKCOND HAND SCALUS ALL KINDS Address Uordcn \ Sollcck lo ,1 ako st. Chicago 211 MU810 , ART AND LANGUAGES. Hates. | 0c n line each Insertion , ( l.'Ou line per month. Nothing taken for less than . ' 10 p F DIM LUNIIKCK. IIA.NJO18T ANDTKACllKIl , V-f.lSIO California street I'M ' Tin : m.wTV ; 'M VUIIIAMTV HIIKIH V tl T.antry nnd wife toV II Slierwln , lot 'J block 51. rioreiii-K . . . . i W 11 Iliown to \ \ .1 X SI T r.urly , lots 10. 11 and IIS , block , i\chiitiKn : 1'laee . Mlihvav Investment cimip-tny to Krls- tene.loineiiM'ii.vt 'totehtl ' * , feet lots 1 iind'J , blni-U I , Potter & . C"s add to botlth Oinulia . . . . II A Jpiiii'M and husband to S A Me- \\horter , lots 121 and 'J5 , Stewart I'laco . , , .losopli & O Kllirker and wives to William ( Ipirlty , lot 10 , block s ! , * < ln'i iiiiiu Avenue | ) ark . . . . 1) M Mc\\ Inn ter and huilmnd to II A .lenspii , hit 1 block II , lo\\o'n add S-IIIIP tos.iino , lotHlil ) to24 , hloi-'U 20 , West Side . . r A Thornton to A II Itliode , undlvli lot 112. block 3 , liunu Place . 1. rilnnsmi lo MIKel Iliinlrleli , n ti lot 13. block I , NMIIIam llau'edorn's add . V. 1 , and husband to I ) II liiui- cnn.s SO fuel lot Oil , S K Uoxur'sOUa- Iioinn . . . . . . llowland , t llradfoid to I ) i : McMnr- ruy , w : ti ; feet lot 7 , block i , r < oiilli Omaha View. . . I i : llurdlck to K M llurdlek , lots 112 to 17 , block 12 , .letter's ld ! addition to South Uimihn . . . . I.\IM DKKIIS. T C Johntton L t al to 13 II Johnston , lots 14 and Hi , block -I , Instllutu IMaco . . . . 1 i ; H Pulmor et ul to W 11 llio\\n , lots 10 , 11 and I'J , block ! ! , HxrhaniM Place . 400 I'latte Valley I , he Mock company lo l.odllsky Slc.MaiilKal , s\v section 15 , lots 0 and 0 section 1G , lots 1 and 12 and Islaml No 7 , section 'Jl , n1 ! nnd s\v section U'J , nw si-ctlon 12,1 , all III li.-D 2,000 J A HurUnci andvlfi - to Tlinin m HucKiier , lot o , block 1. Paltersnin's 1st iidil to South Dinnha , and part Int 10 Sllllutd Xi s add Total amount of transfers $ J7,7.r > J Now and second h mil Dnusmorov Item Inutons , r iilKi-.tphs. MnitlHosts , H.ur inonds Munsons U'rlto for nrli-i s mils IT money. MUtHATII STATIONHIIV Oi K ) l Km iiani slrooU largest Typow iUr Iliis3 ) to t'u ' S "Improvement tha Order of the Age , " YOUE1EXN © E1EXN THE NEW SMITH PKJBMI&R It Cures Colil > Coughs Roro Thrtat , Croup. Infin- enia , Whocf Inp Couch. Bronchitis and Asthma. A certain curt for Coniunption in first stag's , and a sure relief in advanced stage. . Use at on e. You will sse tha exoi'l ' nt effect aft-r UUins th first done. Stld by dealers overywhiro. bottles iO onts ar'l " 00 I WAS BIG. I WAS PAT. I PELT MEAN. I TOOK PILLS. I TOOK SALTS. I GOT LEAN. Hantlsomo Women Can Loao Weigh Fast. Honioly IVlon Look Cottar If Thin. Try Dr. Etlloon'3 Systom. No Dieting. Bnncl worth Twloo the Monoy. onicoof II. SI. Ilurton , Hardware , Gary Sta tion. III. . Jan. H , HI i Dr. Edison Hour fir : I mil well plo.isod with your trcatiiitMit of oboslty. I'lio baml li worth twlco tlio money it cost , for cnmfort. 1 h VH reduced my wo'Klit ' tun poumU , I woUhI ) now , una 1 did woUli Jl * > , Vour trulr , H. M. Hum-ox They Are Doing Mo Good. KarlTlllo. Ill . May 21 IMJ l.orlnv X Co lnclno I Mini $ ! * i > for wlilo i ploii9 poml HID thn tithi'r two l > ttltu of lr Kill ion B OtQ4- 11) I'illi Ihavu usuil ono multhlnk lioy aru ilotnz tliuwork. & M. UMEI' . O llotti. Talk So Much About Your Pills. I'corla , III , Juno H. H'J ! Dpar Rlri- After hoirluir onu of my frl"inl * talk so Sui h about your ( > lielty I 'H I a an I l'i ' ) bo i * IU lia M iloi IvInK from thi'iu I think I will try Ilium iiiyulf 1'lonsu sL-nil mil Jtiottloi C O II. mill ( ililU i. J Moiiius. 4JO 1'oriy Street. Fool Dotter and Weigh 13 Pounds Loss fo lie-i. Inil. font. H. IV1J Gentlemen Inclo cil 1 send you ( I , for whlt'li you nlll plrasti ftoml ini'thruo liottlui of tlio obH ltjr pill * Ammklnn tbo fourth boltlu ant fcul lury iniic'i better ninl welKli 11 pouiuti Inn tlian nhon I bo aa taking tlioiu. I will contlnuo your trait iiont illis J 0. Mcros.v. Boulh Slxtli btrosl. An Individual whoso lioUht Is 6 fact I Inrli should woU'li pound 8 6 feet 8 luchm " IhO 5 tcct 10 Inchut " " 170 Dr Kdlnonsays. "It nay bo well to point out that In my oxpL rli > nia. nbluli l ncccaiarlly Tory conatilcrablo , many troubliomii kln dl o.nei aiioh , cccpzeij.i , "azone iisortasl * utlcarln. otc , nro prim arily ciuiod by obuelty. mul ni tlio fjt iiiirtllMli Is reiluii'U by tlui pllln nnd Ubcslty trult Salt n ' . tlio action of tbo b.unl thoio nllci'llom Invo nlinoil muk'lcnlly dUappeait'il " 'I bo Obesity Krult bull li uioil In connection with the IMIts or Manila , or both. ( Mio tmiipiontut In a tmnliliT of water inultos a ilollcloui oJi Taitus Ilku ihanipaluno The bans coat 5i W ) each for any Ipn Uli up to 31 Inches , liufnr ono InrjiT than ,11 liiolioi uJ-1 10 cuntaeitra for uacli ViMltlonal Inc'i. 1'rlceof Krult salt SI.O ) . I'llls tl VI IVr lloltlo or .1 lluttlui lor $1 0 } bout by .Mall or Kxpros Cut this out anil ko pit. rmj&uud for our f all ( i columntartlclo on cbcultr MENTION ADDKKSS KXAOTLY AS O1VKN IIIM.OW. Loring & Company. SHanilltO'i Tl. I)0it | 2(1 ( , Iloston. Min , 11" > State St Iiopt2l , ChU-ago , 111. , u w. 3ino St , Dept -a. o \ork t'lty. For sale in Omaha by Snow , Lund & Co. "I have met with much success in the use of the LONDONDERRV LITIHA WATER. As a natural remedy it is a teni > kable one. O its efficacy in ; educing the amount of uric acid I am positive , and / shall con tinue to use and recommend it. In fact , I was one of the first in Chicago to use this water in practice. As a drinking water for table purposes it has no superior. ft I learn it is extensively used at the Chitago and Calumet Clubs , and it can be found at the homes of the clubmen at any time. I can only speak favorably of it. " From M. II. Lackcrslctn , M. I ) , LL. I ) . , K. It. h. C. , Chicago. Still or Sparkling LONDON- D E R R Y for sale everywhere. Don't fail to read our pamphlets. All dealers. < T > - W Londonderry Lithia SpringWalerCo , ! , it. UKirall rnihixn * d. , \\Mi\ft\\\i.Vt \ \ \ \ ,11 * 1'AX.TOH .Vr ( iAt.tAntelt , Distributing Auuiti fur Omaha. or Sojt Water is scarce , don't worry yourself for a moment- go right ahead and use harchvatei'tyilh WHITE RUSSIAN and you'll never know the difference. The clothes will be just as while , clean and sweet-smelling , because thr "White Russian" is specially adapted foi use ir hard water. JAS. S. KIRK & CO. , Chicago Dusky Diamond TaTSoai.BM | IIKJ ? ' * " INJUNCTION CASK ON TRIAL Railroad Officials Make Several Atlmis3io.i3 While on the Stand , THEY TELL WHAT THE BONDS WERE FOR < ll\ u OMonMlilr 'lonnnl Hullitlng tint Do- put , hut In lliMllly 'llicy I'alil tin' tlio VI Kliift Ilmip nml 'I liurs- tnil Cro < Suunl' . The lioarltijf of the union depot injunoti < n wan continued before .Indies IVixuson ami \\alton In the district e urt u'si-M. v N'oarly the cnliroday was occupied ui 1110 ovimlnatloiiof Vleo ProMdcnt Kimiuii of tin1 I'nloti P.ti-lllo v.itlroitil , who resumed Ins place on witness the stantl yesterday moi-u- 'I'ho ' wltolo forenoon was dovoiod to how-lug that tlio plans tuuk-t- which lie present structure Is bonus civ , ted ro r.ullcally dlrtorent from those on vlilfh the rooplo of this elt > luui boon given to understand the depot oompinv in ciuloil to erect when the bonus wore \ , > to 1 'lausof both wore tntroihu-oil In o\ld < n o and loiters from Vice Prosi I , nt lolcomb of the t'tiloii Pacitl tin 1 Miural Manager Holdrogo of the llnr- Ington , which It.ul bueii submitted to ilio city comull us showing the action ol' ilio U roc tors of the tuo eompnnlis In lios. m 'OllltivO to tllO llIlUUT , WOre IV.Ilt , UHt O.TlM-d H oUdonco. It was nhuwn thai itMIS tlio HU'iilion , duinaiul and itndoratamling of tlui ailroad companies to Invo theciu li uld ho vlatlth't. and that the issuuuv of thn > omN lor the parpojo of alditu tin- depot in the matter ol Improvement was oall.y to offset the coat of tlioudirt. . 1 hosolottcta state I that if the iit.would . mild Iho viaduct the roads would onvt : v lopot snbst.inti.illy In accord.iiicn wiih the slit'tch on oxhibltion in the olllco of the clly lork. Nunniiicr | | Cllpiiliifs In i\ilriire. : ! deal of the oxldoiu'o introdticod was secured from tlio nowsp.ipoiH , Mr ; lo\vo haviiifr I'MpiiinpH of all that nppt'.uvd n print on the subject at the time the mat. , ur was under discussion lie said ho u MI ted to show jiHt what promises had BOOH hold out to the eiti/ens of Omaha to mluco thorn to vote the bonds , and ho also wanted to show how no uIho people would onto to ro.illrlng their expectations Inaso .ho depot was i-oinplolod ition the line napped ojt at the pro-tout time by the lopot company. e'omparatUc li-rures show-intr the ill- nnnsions , capacity ami in I'limmoUa. lions of union depots in soxeral oilier cities , which wottaletdatcd to et-eati- f.noi.ibloHliowiUi ; for the Omiha attin lure is originally | ilanned , weie introdvieod islKuin ; : bi-L > ii irhcn out for put'ln uiioit mil itvulatcd throughout Hie i itv lij the oftc.laUof ! the radio ul companies to mdui o the f.ivor.iblo action of tliooleis lilts oc'-urreJ bet\.ocn Iloue and riiurston. and the court w.ib oomtiolled to ropc.itodly call them to order. Uacli Insutd that the other bewail it. 'I liesicrbal | ) n- bages-at-arms were decidedly intorcstini ; to the spcctatora. Klllllllll AllllfHM ntpllllllltlllllH , The cross-examination of Mr. Kimball bjr Mr Cieeno occupied the greater iiarl of tha ifternnon , but at I o'clock no was allowed to step aside after having told o\er again all ibout the orKanl/ntlon of the depot com- [ ) atii and the changes In the plans. Ho was illoucd to malfo auth explanations as he do- sireu as to the moliM-i and understanding of the ofllcials of the companj , and the situ- ilion as It was when the bonds were \otod by the city. Ho insisted tliat the plans were not changed after the- voting of the bonds , us the announcement was made n few dass be fore the bonds were voted , and the cltircns knew what they were voting for and word satisfied to have it that way. CJeoiiro II Barker was thu next witness , and ho told of his efforts to secure the pas sage of thu bond proposition. Ho detailed couvoisatlons that ho. liadjliad with Mr. Kimball , in which tbo latter had assured him that the depot would bo constructed In accordance with the sketch then on nlo in the oltice of tlio city clerk and the descrip tions that had been printed in Iho pipers of the city. It was with that undoistandim ; th it ho had worked for the bonds , for hid ho known what the company was toady going to do , and that there would bn an at tempt to erect a strueturo after the stj lo of tbo ono that was begun , ho would not have devoted a minute to the matter unless It h id Lcen to oppose the bonds. He had worked hard with Mr Kount/e and others , and had been appointed a committee to canvass thu city in the interest of Iho bonds. Tli < ir > < t > ii IIIY * Ho * > , ilil It. Mr Thurston was again called to the wit ness stand , and intetrogatccl concerning the speech made by him before the Heal ICstalo l-j\change , In which he had stated that the bonds were drawn In the form they were in order to have them valid and to put them bejondtho objections of parties who might avail themseUcs of the opportunity to start an ipjimetion suit if the bonds declared on their face , that they were issued for the pur pose of aiding in the construction of a \ la- duet The witness acknowledged that 1m dclhorcd such a speech , and thought that \iry likely the report of it found its way into print through his olllco His testimony ton- eluded 1'ie afternoon acstlon. It is believed that the case will bo concluded and submitted duilng tbo ucok. Mr llowo of Van lirunt & Howe , architects of the depot building. Is in attendance at the trial and will be called as a witness. 1'nlil Hi * lloiril in .Kill. If money saved Is money earned , the county is ahead on the case of the stale against HV Jones The defendant was arrested on Kt. Patrick's day for drawing on a Boston bank agamsi , which ho h id no claim , and laising money on the draft It was lound that ho could not bo com luted unless the witnesses were brought here frutii Huston , and it was Dually doeided to turn him loose provided ho would pay the losts This he manauod to do , and the case again it him wan dismissed on motion of the ( uunty attorney As soon as the legal department was through the sheila's olllco took a whul at him and concluded to make as economical : i disposition as had been done b.\ the uttur- ney. and ho was held up for hid board fiom the 17th of March at thu rate of : i. > ieiits per dai , which Is what it wuuU have < usl the county If ho had not paid it himself Thus it ran.o to pass that for once a prisoner in the count\ jail pi id his own board bill for a term of llfty dai-s. f'onluuo Tniit. f/oinplic-.itlon * . The troubles of the National ( Jordago trust hiuc bobbed up in Omaha. An attach ment was issued icsterday by the district court against the property of the eomp-iny hero and In Lancaster county to satisfj : i claim of ? 100XXi held William Uecrmg & Co The sheriff was diiectcd to s < i/o the property , but was In a dilemma because the attorney for the plaintllf had neglected to designate the property , and It could not Lm found. The writ was tempoiarily laid on the shelf pending main explicit instructions , Ulstrlut Coin I < : iiliini ; . The defendant bondsmen in the case of tha state against the ex-state trcasiunr continua to tlio their protests against the jurisdiction of the district court of Douglas county in that suit The latest to do so are John 10. and Samuel U. .Smith of Beatrice , who aver that they are not residents of this county , and therefore hold that as sorvlco was not obtained upon thorn hero the court has no lawful somco mi them , and that wheieas the causa for HO tu.n if any thpro bo , was committed In Lan- i aster county , the court of tills county has no jurisdiction In the case. Doug Mcljulio is en trial In the criminal court on the charge of burglary , lie wui cuiiMcted on n formur trial of lobbing a gro cer ) store in North Omaha , but secured an other he.iung of the caso. There are three things worth saving Time Trouble and mone > and Da Witt's Little Kuilv lUsi-rs will save them for you. These little pills wlit save you tlmr , as they act promptly The\ will save iou trouble us thej cauto no p.un They will invo you monev as itioj economise doctor's bilU.