ITHJ3 DALbY BRE COUNCIL I'JW.C G : KO. 12 I'BAKL r > y rirrler ' .n cny part of th city 11 W. TII.TON - MANAOKK No ! ah - .i/j.vuft . N Y Plumbing Co. Iloston Store. Xatehiiug silks. Mlltonltorger Is the- hatter , fiU-3 llro.idway. i Ladles' auxiliary No. 17 , Union Veteran lU'glon , will incut this cvcnlnc at S o'clock , full nttcnUam-o is requested. Mary Ansoti , I secretary A marriage MI-CHRO was Issued jestorday I , to J I ) llejwood ami Kllza Janu Hough. ' 'I both of tins i-ounty Their ngc are b. ami JCJ respectively. Two i-isi-s of measles worn reported . * ? ' t day the iUnis ii'iii' ? the liti'p ' * " ' " ° . .rM ; ' - Uarstow slO Fifth avcnuo , and Myrtle Davis , U'JO Third street. A small boy named t * Sohlferll was ar rested jestcrday afternoon for shooting at ' fchoo'pr. loaded with bullets I Ther < - will t.a . Bpoi-liil nun-tin ? of Fidelity Jcoiiru-li in l < o > ul Arcanum hall tills evening ) to confer tindegree. . All members are re- < iursted to nttcinl. F. U. Warner , recent. Thejirv in Mif > ruse of Ilabler against ' vcrdli-t in the superior Graves ur-mpli ! in a court josterdav in favor of the plaintliT , am ' " tinalue of ilio colt that was drowned . „ , , , „ . . . . ssi-mbi/of oni-inin.n-nt No 8. Vniiin Vi-teraii 1.-glon. thin evening at 8 hall. All com Kniifhtsof Pythias -sarcreq.iesti-d . to IM present. H. \ \ . AVright e..lMi-l , , John Plmikett WIIH given an examination hofore the i-mnniissj mers of Insanity yestcr- daj and was found to bcjnsano. His resi dence , huwovor , in in Omaha , and Shcnil Iliizcn was acciirdiugly instructed to see him ftafely upon tin- other side of the river. The llrst cai-s of Imiiorted stuff eaiiio through the rnstom hoiiso of Council vesterdaThiv eontailieil onrthcnwaro. consigned to W A. Maurer. The duty was paid to I'liileiltir Arnd. Hereafter all itn- pm-ted pious will eoine to t'ouiicil HlUITs lllreet. inst' of having to go through the Omaha custom house. Joe Ultflow. a jouiitf mm who works at a liottlmuestablishiiifiitoii l.ownr Broadway , dan , ed a Jl ) . ' mi the door step of a house near tl.o rorni-r of Uroadway rtnd Tlilrteontli Btrenl , where- relislous iiici'tlntf was m liroRress. last evenlnir. Charles ( JoiT llled an liifoniiatlon. he wus arrested an I will havoa chance to continue the Jig In police court tills moniliiK- J. II Stultz. who was supposed to ho Im plicated in a confidence scheme at the trans fer about a weeu ajo ; , was Riven thirty days In jail h.ludtto \ MeCeo yesterday for imper- BonatlntJan oflli-er. U could not ho shown that ho had received any of tlio money , and the judge aecordiiif ly dismisbiul the charge of obtaining money under fnlso pretenses that was at llrst lodged against him. Ton IIIIJ-H ul tinWorld's lf\\r. : \ It will coat you loss than * . " > 0.00 , every thins iiecfitwiry included. This moans lioniuH in privjttd cottage , clean , safe , cltJhe to { { roiiiidH nml on tbo bciioh o ] .ako Michigan. Wrlto to J. 'L' . Chyno- weth. Windsor Park. 111. Refers U ) II. W. Tilton of TinUKK : , or Jiiuob Sinn of Siin.- * & Hiilnbrlf.BO , Ujtineli UlulTs Pnstnnif.'e for IIOI-HOS uti'l ' cittlo on George I'1. Wrlght'H furin mljoininge it > limits on south' 500 uuru.s blue gri rtiniiiiig wntor. For terms apjily to JnmoH Kupb , on farm , or at Curb in Ojui company i 10 I'carl street. Qniek Meal gasoline stoves , 51,715 sold in 181)12. ) full and examine bof'jro buy ing. S. W. Deploy , 101 Ka t Broadway. l'KKf > U\.tL IM/MHK.II'/IS. John R. Ahlcs is homo from a trip to Chi cago. Prof. George Chatelain , director of tlio lcs Moines School of Languages , is in the city to organize French and German classes Lieutenant H. J. Gallagher of Fort Nio liraru , Nob. , Is in the citv visiting the fain lly of his father-in-law , Henry Puschcl , 01 Willow avenue. D. C. Illoomor , M. Diuiuetto and Hov. K J. Bnbcock have gene to Cedar Itupids as delegates to the diocesan convention fron St. Paul's rCpiseopal cliureh of this city. Mr and Mrs. F. K. Gllliiand left last evenIng Ing for Toronto , Canada , whcro Mr. Gilll land Is to attend the international eonvcn lion of the Order of Kullwny Teleirraphei-f which commences on the Ifilu. They wil also visit IS'lagara Falls and the World' lair , returning in about two wuoka. John H Keene. who was formerly sloe agent of tlio Milwaukee In tnif , city , but wa promoted about a year ago to the position o general agent of the company at Spokani Wash. , has again been promoted , this tim taking the jiosltioii of commercial agent wltli headquarters at Denver. Ilo will as- Hiiino the duties of his now position on the Ulst. Tim ( iniiiil llott-1 , Council Blulls. Most elegant hotel in Iowa. Dining room on seventh iloor. Eaten , W to $5 per day. li. lClark. . Prop. Bargains in line tooth brushes and cologne , wholesale price , only lOe. ) avlt , the druggist , 200 Uroadway. Ask your grocer for Domestic soap. Sul'iK ' for liitnriiiu-- . Tlio suit of C. C. Jouos against the United States Mutual Accident Insurance company is on trial in the district court. The TilulutllT ) is a brother ofV. . M. Jones , who was killed by Jack Wade , a hack driver , about a year ago near the Ogdcu house. Sev eral witnesses were Introduced by the com pany yesterday to show that Jones was in toxicated at the time of the tragei'.y. and It Is upon this that the company hopes to heat Jones' claim for the insurance. Protect your homes against destruc tive storms. W. C. James has the strongest companies in the world. See the peerless Dauntless bicycles and got terms. Hurry Murphy. 10 Pearl. Cook your meals this summer on a gas range. At cost at the Gas company. Vaiiatta & Sweet , attys. , Kvorett blk. Mnru lirlitf tor J II Daniels seems to have a peculiar fac ulty for getting into trouble , hardly a moutfi iinsslng by that ho does not turn up In jail in nome quarter of the universe. The latest from him Is that he has been jailed at Os- wcjro , Ivan . for obtaining money under false m-etcnscs. The full particulars are not ob tainable here , but it is stated that the trans action wliii-h got him into the dlfllculty was in connection with his agency for a medical : Institute. My store will bo open every night un til 0 o'clcck during the sale of ticket- ; for the Ovido Musin Concert company , May 1- . A. A. HAKT. Free treatments daily from - to 4 p : m. at the Council BlutVs Medical anil Surgical Institute , 2lth ( and Broadway * ' For first-class rooms in Chicago foi World's fair call on Ohio Ivtio.x. UH > Domestic soap. U la the best Iliilldlnic IVrmitt. The following building permits wen Issued yesterday : John l.uiuUiHlot 18 , block 1C , Mill addition , friiuui duelling t l,10i A M lAinsard. lot y. block I'J.llyiitt's siibdlvUlon. fraiiiu i 'J.OOi Other minor pcrmliM. 32 Another Improvement to the populai Fchubort piano , Swanson Musio Co Stop at the Ogden , Council Bluffs , tin bt 12.00 hotuo in Iowa. Geo. S. Davit * , prcs-onpiion ilrugglst. Doucbtlc boup outlasts cheap soap. NEWS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS Trouble in Which a Oelnbrated Sprinter j Has Got Himself. LEON LOZIER'S ' SERIES OF TROUBLES Foul ll'irlni ; thit : Dor * Not 1'nj l'.lUc on the ( Milder I'ulli Wnri > Not Very l'i-clltille--A : Very IntcrrMlng Coiiiiiliiiitlon. J. n. Sweet went to Slou\ City yosterdiy to prosecute the case against Leon holler , the Council IJIiiffs foot racer , who Is In Jail there on the charge of obt'ilntng t.ioney under false pretenses. The case came up yesterday in the form of habeas corpus pro ceedings , which were InsiltutcJ by Lo/lor In tlio hope of gutting out of jail. Ills attor ney claimed that ho was innocent , and. as grounds for the claim , introduced witnesses who swore that Ixj/.lor never madu any of the false pretenses with which ho was charged , with reference to John Maloney having sent him to Whiting to run. Ho also claimed that Ixulcr never received any of the money. During the trial a good many of the details of the affair came to the surface an.l showed the race to have been a cold-blooded fraud , like so many other foot races. Dell Harknesa , tlio young man against whom bo ran , was put upon th < J stand and testitled that'll. U. Kennedy of Omaha tnduce.1 him to run , and when lie said ho was afraid to run against a man like Loftier , who was evidently a sprinter of no small caliber , Kennedy encouraiod him b > saying that if ho would run ho would see Ih-it he won the race. Hu mcnti med his dimbls to I.o/.ler also , but Lo/ier told him that if he got iii > alone side-of him. Just five him a push und lie M i/ler ) would fall over. Kennedy finally paid Harunc-is fit ) In ad vance. As to fxi/.icr's not ro-eivinj. : ' any of the moiit > \ , it was shown that ho had ntiered O'Kell , Malonej's bartender , to pay the money over to Harry Holloway , and later on had or.lercd Hullo way to ghcitto Kimn-dy , so that the prjsecuting attorney claimed that he ha-S posed as prin cipal in the affair , with Kennedy and Hello way as agents. There were a number of legal questions contained in the case and tlio judge de manded time to consider them. He accord ingly took the case under advisement and will probably render tils decision In a day or two. If l.o/ier is released , however , be will not get away at once , for informations have been llled at Whiting , charging him with conspiracy with Kennedy and his partner , and all three will bo immediately arrested. TO 111- : FOUND OM.Y At tint lliMtfin S tu re , Council IllnlVi , li. ; Tlio leading CASH and only reliable ONK I'lilG'K DltY ( IOODS IIOI7SH. WllOt'O a child can trade as well as its aged mother. Kvorything as represented or money refunded. LAWKS' WAISTS ; we show almost everything in that line , from the cheap calico waist to the IInest silk or satin. See our line of waists at 25c , f > 0c , 75c , $1.00 , $1.125 and 81.50. Ask to see our line of silk waists , b ) th in black and colors , ati.l : ! ) , * 1.00 , $5.00 and $ (1.75. ( SUN UMHUIMAS. We show by far the largest and best selected line at our usual low prices. Compare what wo show in 2fi-ineh umbrellas at $1.00 , $1.1H ; , $ l.i : ! > , $1.50 , $1.75. $2.00 and $2.125 with the prices our would-bo competitors ask. - DHKSS GOODS. When yon want a stylish , neat , nobby dress pattern at a 25 per cent saving consult your own inter ests and examine the Boston store stock. We lead. Some of our neighbors vainly try to follow. CO.MFUKT POWDKR. A great thing for the HAUIKS ; a perfect infant powder and certain cure for itching or soreness of the hkin ; our price 42o a 1 > 3X. COMFOIM SOAP , tlio great HEALING , SOOTHING , KHAGKANT , Otlioliont toilet soap of the ago. Our price lo ! ) a cake 75 pieces of heavy white llannel 4jo a yard , worth Sc. 100 pieces of outing llannel suitings in stripes , polka dots , plaids , etc. , all infer for the next few days for 7Je , former | price15c. . BOSTON STOKE , Fotheringham , Whitolaw & Co. , Lenders and promoters of low prices. 101 to 405 Broadwaj , Council BlutTs , la. More About tV < hiilclilo. W. C. Estcp returned homo yesterday afternoon with the body of Conrad Lnnzcn- dorfcr , who committed suiclJo at Carroll last Sunday , and tlio funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon at - o'clojk from the residence on Seventh street , near the corner of Willow avenue. Until yesterday only the most meager details or the affair could bo obtained , but it is now learned that It was a bullet that ended his llfo and not poison , as has been stated by the local papers as a mat ter of conjecture. The deceased seated him self on the bed in his room , and raising his shirt put the muzzle of the revolver directly on the skin above the heart and iired. The revolver was evidently hold In tlio riglit hand , as there were powder marks on the left breast. None of the people in the hotel heard the shot , and it was not for some time after the tragedy had taken plaeo that his door forced open and ho was found lying dead. The actions of the people of Carroll were very peculiar. They did not take the trouble to s'end Mrs. Lanzeudorfer any word after the llrst telegram , which was sent by I' . M. Hoffman , proprietor of tlio hotel , where Lanzendoi-fer had been stopping. The tele gram contained none of tlio details , and neither the coroner nor the proprietor of the liotel seemed to have any idea that the widow would have any anxiety to know how tlio affair occurred. When Mr. Estop readied Carroll he found that the local undertaker had put the bodv in a cheap casket and was making prepara tions to bury it at the expense of the county. When asked if he did not intend to send it homo ho replied no ; ho was not sure of getting his money if bo lot the bodv go out of the county. The actions of tlio hotel man were just as strange. After the inquest the coroner turned all the papers belonging to the de ceased over Into the hands of tlio hotel 1 keeper , and ho refused to give them up 1s 1a F.stop. The supposition is that ho intends to hold tn"in until I in/endoi-fer's bill for board , amounting to something over # 100 I , lias been bottled. U is stated that among tlio papers is a llfo insurance policy of 2,000 . which Hoffman thinks Mrs. hanzcmlorfer will be anxious enough to got to pay the amount that is due. In keeping ttio papers bo acted under advice of the county attorney of Carroll county. lliuikrri" Cuiirentlun , Elaborate preparations are being made for the entertainment of the State Hankers' convention , which is to bo held m this city for two days , commencing on Tuesday , May ' * . Ueduoed rates have been secured on all the railroads In the state , and arrangement ! nave been made whereby ample aceoinmo- . dations will be provided for all visitors. The following committees were appointed yesterday to have a general oversight of the preparations : Executive Committee John IJereshcini , chairman ; Thomas Oflleer. C. H. Hannan , A. . W. Kelkmnn , William Arnd , E. A. Wiekham Ernest K. Hart. i.v Reception Committee W. H. M. Pusey chairman ; N. P. Dodge , Charles T. Ofllcer J. D. Ednuimlson , O. H. Hannan , George P Sanford , J. L. Stewart , Thomas Ofllcer , I. A Miller , John Clausen , John Dennett , Join Hcreahclm , K. L. Shucart , W. I * Kernoy August Uereshelm , William Siodentopf George Kecllne , V. O. Uleason , W. W. Wai Inco , William Arml , T. uLaci'i A. W. Heik man , C. Gelso. kn kV. Entertaining Committee Charles 11. Han nan , chairman ; August Ik-rcshcliii , A. V Kelkman , William Arnd , V H , Pusey , Ira P Hendrlcks , Theodore Laskowsky. John 'F- ' Tidd , Ernest E. Hart , Charles T. OOlcei : r James N Howman , V A Huckman , O. P Spooner. L. P Murphy , P 1-2. Koff , William Pypcr , II W ll.izelton , William J. Ixjverctt , Harry Hattenhauer. Albert Paul. O. W. B. Sauer. Phillip Paschel. P. Ounnoude , P. II. Wind ] , C. K. Hayes. W. A. Wood , Herbert Hroun , K. II. Ijougee , John Huntlngton , V. Nixon. Tr.insportnllon--.Iohn M. Line , who will sign certificates entitling delegates to a one- third fare for the return trip. Hotels A. W. Uclkmiu , to whom all letters pertaining to hotel accommodations should bo addressed. mo cur ON ri.oim. TliUVirlc lit Ilroun' * C. O. t ) . To make room for live carloads of Hour to arrive by the 15th of May , we must once more make a big cut. The well known Garland brand , the best Ihur made in Dakota and far superior to anything on this ma.-kot , $1.10 sack for this week. Acme , best ICnn us hard wheat patent , guaranteed bolter than any Hour made In Council HlulTs , for $1.00. Oilman's challenge Hour , OOe. DaUy Hour , this is a Kansas straight grade , this week 75e. Pearl Hour. COe suek. Reliable Hour , only I5o sack. Hyo Hour. S5e Mick. Graham Hour , 25e sack. Corn meal , lOc sack. 17 pounds granulated sugar for $1.00. Crackers , fie pound. 'l loaves bread , lOc. Bo sure and come early as wo close at 7 p. in. exeunt Monday * and Saturdays. Brown's C. O. D. , Council iilulTs , la. III-NMM : > N \Vr Ncicr To.lowVi - \Vrlto Our Own Advu. tlBciui-.itt ami Ni-ver Copy Ire in Our CompMltnr * . Today wo will olfor for one day 100 do/en ladies' white lawn aprons , lai'ge si/.o , long strings and with , ' 1 rows of drawn work , at the low price of lee each ; this is a bargain ; don't miss it. \Vo have in stuck ab nit 10 doz-'n misses' and children's extra line quality .vhito aprons which are" slightly soiled ; wo will offer them today , the entire lot. at 1 price , ehoieo ( le ! ) each , .lust arrived , on sale now. a beautiful line of Chonney Iros. ? ' printed china silks ; the style. * are simply exquisite and mint bo ycen to bo appreciated. Bargains in every depart ment. HKNNISON Bitos. I.I-B4 llltK tllllll ll.lfk. Considerable trouble has been had of late with parties who persisted In catching llsh in Lake M-mawa in spite of tlio state law and the stringent orders of Mayor liecd of Manawa. There are as many as a dozen implicated and of late they have become so bold as to carry on their operations In broad daylight. In a single night recently 710 pounds of fish were caught , and the occur rence was repeated almost every night in the week , so that it was clear that unless some thing was done at once tlio fishing would not bo in much demand during tlio season , Die parties doing the llshing had made their boasts that they would shoot the llrst man that dated Interfere with them , and would burn the house over the head of the man who made any complaint to the authorities. Ofticers paid a visit to the lake Monday night and kept watch all night long. Just before daylight two men were heard at work and the watchers concluded to take them in. Approaching the boat tlio ortlccrs ordered the merry fishermen to surrender. One of them took to the willows anil es caped ; the other started to row out into the water and was caught after a short chase. William Hall proved to bo the name of the man who was caught , but in some way tlio ofllccrs who had done the work contrived to lot him escape. The boats , seines and 500 pounds of fish were recovered. A warrant is to bo issued for Hall's arrest. For Siilu A Ooud ll'tr iiln. For Sale A throo-story brick block on Main street , and three lots in Curtis & Ramsey's addition , are offered for im mediate sale tit a very low price. Terms easy. J. W. SQUIUE , 101 Pearl Street. With every $2.00 purchase Lund Bros. , the Main street china and crockery deal ers , will give a handsome sterling plated souvenir spoon. Call and see them. Musln Concert. Reserved seats for Musin concert at Hart's jewelry store , 75c. AmiHmo it * . The following Is an extract from the St. Louis Chronlclo with reference to the Schu bert Symphony club an 1 lady quartet which appears at Doliany'a opera house next Satur day afternoon and evening ; "People who dropped into the musical en tertainment by the Schubert Symphony club at the Young Men's Christian association hall last Saturday night were very much surprised at th" work of a charming little tot in kilts , called on the bills Master tommy Purccll. In face and figure he delights the eye ; his work on the violin is remarkable playing by note at li years of age. His comic songs and Irish recitations brought down storms of applause , and all wcro loth to let the little fellow leave the stage. American newspapers have been raving over this cute little morsel for several seasons , and for once they are praising something meritorious. Master Tom lias been appear ing in public a great deal of the time since ho was 'J1 j years old , and has become a very prominent feature in the company of which Ins father is manager. " ItoKorvril NI-HIH , .MIIKIII Oonri-rt. Secure seats at Hart's jewelry store for the Musin concert , Friday evening. May 12 , For Sale Hickory 4-foot wood , $0.00 ; stove wood , 12 or 1(1 ( inched , 52.50 * per cord , delivered. II. A. Cox , 10 Main street. You ought to see Ni-d Shepard'.i now bicvolo. Ho bells them , and soils them right. See him at- Van lirunt's. Will Mi-ct wllh tlio Commlttm-n. A meeting of the city council committees of Omaha and Council Ulutls will meet again in Omaha tomorrow afternoon for a conference with reference to a 5-ccnt faro. President Mlllard of the motor company has agreed to bo present with a view to making some overtures to the public. Ilo agreed to bo present at the last Joint meet ing , but was providentially detained else where. Tlio meeting is expected to bo an Important one. The council will meet as a board of equal isation Friday evening for tlio special pur- | ioso of considering tlio assessment of the motor company. A number of the citizens will be present , and the question of raising the company's assessment 10 the same , figures as those of private citizens will bo thoroughly discussed. Piles cured by a single painless treat nient. Dr. A. J. Cook , Grand Hotel Annex , Council Bluffs. Mmo. Helen Merrill , hairilresning and manicuring. Room . ' 112 , Men-Ham block. ' Williamson & Co. . 100 Main street , largest and best bicycle block in city. Domestic soap best for hard water. Condition. , Isob. , May 0. [ .Special to THE Bnn.j Weather crop bulletin NQ. ft. of the Ne braslca weather service , issued from Its cen tral ofllco at Uoswell observatory , Doano college - lego , Crete , for the week ending Tuesday , May V , says : , Hoports received from 124 observers In , sixty-four countlc.j : ' The week lias been cold and cloudy with rain . In ull sections. The temperature lias been from seven de- preen below the normal In the MHithontpurt o ( the utato to twelve below In the northern. The rain was IPM. than an Inch , i-xrciit along * the iiortlu-rn tmrder and In the houtheasturn - corner of tlm fctuto. Corn pluntlng IH well advanced In the i-outh- i counties anil a little of the earliest . jihintcd IscomlnKUjr butovcr the state Ron- crnlly little progress hits been made in corn - The rnlnsof tlio past two wcoknhavo sllghtlj , I Improved the conultlou of tuiull grain. DEVOTED WOMEN1 ASSEMBLE Interesting Meeting of PreVb'jtirian ' Workers in OmabA This weak. MRS. VINCENTS INSPIRING ADDRESS AcliU-vrnu-nlK of the I'n l Crutury In MU- Klon KlvliU HiiTlrtvoililil rcM of HIP by Mr . ( } lcL'nruo | to tinD < There was a tlmo when a convention of women meant an assemblage of shorthaired - haired , scatter-brained females who were the laughing stock of sensible people. The llrst meeting of tlio women of the United Presbyterian church last evening showed a gathering of Intelligent , refined ladies whom it was a pleasure to meet. The devotional exercises were conducted hi Airs. Dr. Moorhcad of Xenla , O. , the singing being conducted by a largo choir under the leadership of Kov. J. A. Hender son of Park avenuo. Following this came the address of the evening by tlio president , .Mrs. Or. Vincent. It was what might well bo called a masterly effort , full of eloquence , logic and beauty. She llrst called attention to the fact that the year IS'.KI was the loath anniversary of tlio sending out of the llrst foreign mission ary from English shores. She then brought out In a forcible way the changes that have taken place in the last 100 .years , the giant strides of Christianity. "India , once hos tile , lias become tolerant , China--the walled kingdom once presented lormidahlo diniculties to the soldiers of the cross. Darkest Africa has been penetrated by the Light of the World. Japan welcomes the 'old , old story. ' Madagascar has fully de monstrated that the word of (2od is power ful to convert. The Sandwich Islands have abandoned idolatory. Fiji islands have turned from ways that are darkness to the light of the gospel. "Our own fair land has made great pro gress. Ah- . Gladstone says of us that wi ll ivo a grout base for the greatest continuous empire ever established by man We of the east have ahva.vs considered Omaha was very far west , 'hut some delegates wrote that they could not come so far east as Oii'aha this year. Tlio one state of Texas is large enough to accommodate all the in habitants of the United States. After allowing r > 0,000 square miles for desert , Texas could produce all our food crops and raise the whole supply of cotton and then have a cattle range larger than the state of New York. Forty years ago the government reported Nebraska as a great desert , hopelessly unlit for cultiva tion. Now you liave 1,000,000 people and wo are enjoying the hospitality of one of our great cities. America is the new land of promise to all the world. Wo have so much roe n and so many coming to us from all p.irts of the earth. The heathen have been brought to our very doors. In the word of God is the only solution of the great tabor problem of the day. The work of the homo missionary was never so much needed as now. "With our societies , 'our ' young people's Christian unions and Christian endeavor societies , wo have equipment for active work for our Master. This is America's day of opportunity. To us have oeen given live talents wealth , education , an open door to every nation , a popular ; language , art and science. It would be hard to estimate the gramlriess of our opportunity , the greatness of our responsibility. , "All Christins ! are divided into three classes , mission Christians , anti-mission Cluistians and omission' ' Chrlsians. In the United States every year is spent SI for mis sions to every 100 for whisky. Congress and the several states'havo appropriated $ ii,000,000 ; for a display of our material pros perity. How much shall -\ye lay on God's altar to scud Ills mesiWgo Into all the world ? " Following the address of the president was the happy addresJ of welcome from Airs. II. AI. MeCaguo , who might well ho called "tlio mother of missions. " Shu warned her guests that U. P. In Omaha might not always mean United Presby terian. Responses were made by Mrs. Sara Parker , representing the eastern states ; Airs. J. A. Wiley of Kirk wood , 111. , repre senting the central states , and Airs. Wallace of Los Angeles for the Puclile states. After this came the reception of delegates , n general handshaking and the tenth an nual meeting was under way. Entertainment lias been provided by the members of tlio several churches in the city for all of the delegates and for many visitors. Tlio entertainment at the homes means merely lodging and breakfast , as the other meals arc provided atthectiurch , orratherat the Plymouth Congregational church , which was kindly placed at the disposal of the la dles for this occasion. The dinner today will be provided by the Central church , sup per by the First church , dinner Thursday by Park avcnuo and supper Thursday by South Omaha , SOUTH OMAHA AFFAIRS. 'Iro Oluof Siultli Upf-iimnirniiii Sntprill Ini- provftim-nts In tlir Di-imrtinimt. Fred At. Smith , chief of the South Omaha re department , has performed the duties f las oftlco faithfully and successfully for cars and Is considered by every one who ; news him to bo one of the best llromen in bo west. He lias just completed his annual ro- iort , which gives some very Interesting facts. Jurlng the year the department responded o forty-six alarms , which is twelve more ban tiie preceding The lire loss was : ! ( ) ,000 , with an insurance of $10.000 ; loss iver insurance , ? 11,000. The cost of main- .ainlng the department was $7THi.-J. There ire eighty-live hydrants In use. Air. Smith 'ccommeiids ' that the council buy 800 I'eet of wo and one-half inch rubber four-ply hone , mil -HI ( feet of cotton two and one-half inch Ire hose , the rubber hose to bo used on , ho lioso reel and the cotton on the hose w.iiron. Also that tire hydrants be located at Twenty-foui'h and E and Twenty-fourth uid J streets. In the alarm service tlicro runpin ire nine boxes and the chief recommends .hat two more bo placed , one at Twenty- ourth and E streets and one at Twentieth street and Missouri avenuo. Ho suggests ; lmt the boll tower at No. 1 engine house bo moved hack furt'ier and raised higher as well as enclosed and arranged for drying mil cleaning \\osj \ \ , as the department is very much in need of sueti a place. That an ad ditional foreman bo employed for No. 1 lioso eompanv. That a hook and ladder outlit bo purchased , with two men , as without this apparatus the department is gie.itly crip- His estimate of the cxp't'tiso for the fiscal year ending Alay 1 , lfe'.l-Jjs ' , as follows : i'0-.tof department f. > n t 7,000 Three ni-wniPii /i'/ ' : u.oot ) Hook and ladder truck and team li.noo One thousand feet nuwlli b 00(1 ( Two now Ilro boxei . . ! 17D Total tIU.036 . - - - - - r.i----- rrotii4ts 1'iilUtil to no. rtio city council chatitticr was packed with spectators and wltne.'ise's last night. The special session was called to give persons who had any protests ! ; ? to offer a chance to air their grievances to tlxicouncil ns a whole. Ater all the evidence wits in tlio council pro ceeded to grant licensesto all the applicants against whom any protest had been made except Dan Clary. Ti ( j rcmonstrators in this case were not present and the matter will go over until Thursday night. MitKlo City Motei. J. C. Carley Is on the Blck list. D. L. Hulmcs Is back from Chicago. Airs. M. V. Jones U vlsltin In Lincoln. Aliss Jcsslo Suppco is visiting friends In Chicago. Airs. Gus Wimieman Is visiting in Ncola , la. Airs. David Anderson is visiting friends in Columbus. Airs. John Owens of Chicago Is visiting hei SOD , J. E. Owens. Air. and Airs. H. Shultz will make theh future home In Chicago. Harry Alartin was called to West Side , la. , yesterday by the serious illness of his father , Frank Skorupa has sworn out warrants for the arrest of two of his countrymen foi assault. Itobert Alartin will bo tried In Justlc * Alartln's court Thursday for reckless shoot Ing. While firing at u target ho missed hii mark and the s-nall bullet burled ttsolf In the limb of Miss Nclllo Obcrman , who caused his arrest. M. 0. Smith an.l Mrs. J-imcs Todrlott of Moulder , Colo. , are visiting Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Smith. The Arton Singing society Is the name of a new organization of South Omaha music- loving people. Mrs. T. G. Uti-o left yesterday for Warren , O. , on a visit. She will also stop a few days In Chicago and other places In the east. Mrs. J. , f. Newcomb will leave In a few days for Utah , where she will teach school for the government In the Ouray agency. A most enjoyable dance was given last night at their hall by Knterprlso lodge No. 711. Knights of Pythias. Supper was also served. Mrs. F.V. . Solon started last evening for Chicago to Join her husband , who Is one of the WorU's fair commissioners. She was- accompanied by Miss Maggie Donahue. During Monday night stickers were pasted up over the city labeled "scab beer" and "boycott1' on Anhcuscr-Husch. SchllU , Letup's and Pabst's beer. The boycott was declared because the companies named re fused to sign a scale of prices governing drivers of beer wagons and stable men. The South Omaha Choral union , consisting of seventy voices , is practicing regularly for tlio Damroscli concert in Omaha. Dr. Her- wick is the-leader and Sigmoud I/.ingsberd masters the piano. The rehearsals are held at the home of Mrs. Cresscy. The union is made up from the best musical talent in the city and Is progressing nicely. The domestic employed by W. H. Cncolc had a lively experience with a tramp Mon day afteriuon. The fellow rapped at tlio back door ami asked for something to cat. The girl said she had nothing for him. He then made an effort to force his way into the house , but the domestic , by exerting all the physical powci she had , managed to close the door in the thug's face and lock It. U. A. Howard , a packing house employe had u desperate encounter with footpads I Monday night. He was walking along the driveway about 1 o'clock when the men pounced upon him. In the scufllo Howard fell to the tracks below , whcro he was found in a daed condition sometime afterward by the night watchman. Dr. Kirkpatrlek was sent for. and , after au examination , discovered that the man's hip was broken. A hack was or dered and Howard was conveyed to bis homo at 1701 Davenport street. At a meeting of the Bohemian Catholics Sunday afternoon in St. Agnes hall the fol lowing resolutions were adopted : Kesolved , That the committee named shall immedi ately take the necessary steps to llnd a suit able location for the now Hohemian Catholic church In Hrowu's park ; lhat thecommitteo , in conjunction with rather Chundelak , bo authorised to collect all contributions : that the church shall be named in honor of the blessed virgin , St. Mary. The collections will bo taken up by the committee , which respectfully heirs all friends of this noble project to contribute liberally within their means to help this poor congregation. U-ccl K 17 r. Paul and Frank Murray were arraigned yesterday on three counts charging them with assault with Intent to do great bodily harm , the complainants being William 1C. Denman , George Smith an 1 Lyman W. Tope , who run a merry-go-round at Twentieth and Paul streets. The complainants charge the Murrays with having attacked them last Saturday night with a raior and a vicious looking knife. Tlio defendants were bound over to the district court in the sum of jt'OO each. Frank furnished bail , but Paul is still a guest in tlio county jail. Iti-trl ink'il Mm Doir. Not because It concerned him , but merely because he thought Justice was being misap plied , Edwin Dygart , a traveling man , inter fered with a dog-catcher on South Thir teenth street yesterday morning. While ho was talking to a customer , a representative of the pound happened along to arrest the grocer's dog , to which Mr. Dygart objected forcibly with the result that ho was arrested und lined $ . ' 1 and costs. It Will lln Oi- | i ly Kulr lliroiiKliont No- . . .Msllil Toiliy. : WASIHXOTON , D. C. , May 0. Forecasts for Wednesday : For Nebraska and Iowa Generally fair ; southeast winds , becoming northeast , with slightly lower temperature In extreme western Nebraska. For the Dakptas Generally fair Wednes day , followed in afternoon by light showers in extreme western portions ; southeast winds , becoming warmer in western portion ; northwest winds , with lower temperature. Local Ilttcord. OFficnoFTiir : Wnvnicu BUHKAU , OMAHA , May ' . ' . Omaha record of temperature and rainfall , compared with corresponding day of past four years : 1893. 1892. 1891 1800. Maximum temperature. COO 520 see H2 = Minimum tenipcnituio. 47 = 44C c o 530 Average temperature. . &C > 3 48O 09O fa = Precipitation T 1.54 , T .51 Statement allowing the condition of tem perature and precipitation at Omaha for the day and since March 1 , 16' ' ) : ) ; Normal tempera turn 00 o Deficiency for thiidav 40 Deficiency snien March 1 ' Normal precipitation M Inch Deficiency for tlu > day 1-1 Inch Deficiency since March 1 01 Inch Itcporls friini Other I'oiiiU ut 8 p. in. " 1" Indicates trace. ( } . It. lll'NT. Local Forprmt "Illelil DON'T BE CAKKL.KKS. DON'T HU too cnroloss to exivTilno closely when you go to buy n bottle of Carter's"Lilt'.o ' Liver I'ills. Many unprincipled dealers will hand you a botto ! , put up in HHI ) wruppor , and ( "lowly Imitating ' 'C-A-H- T-IMt--S. " Oo'i't fail to examine c irefully - fully , nml don't bo wit oil' with 8omo- tiling "jusl as good as Carter's. " There IB nothing fo good ns "Carter's. " The oulv snfotv is in t'l'ttinff the genuine CAUTKR'S LITTLK LIVKR PILLS. A POSITIVE CUHH f OH SICK HEAD ACHE. Small Pill Small Dose Small Price leroer. Omaha's Newest Hotel ( OR. 12TH AND HONA3J SfJ. ( fllooins at J..W periHy. Id com5 atll.OUpar dir. ICItcoini with Until ut 11. ) ) iiM\r , lli llooius with llalb at 3.Y ) to ! l 5) ) j jr i u. QP&NELJ AUGUST 1st. Moili-rn In ivry : lUmu-i-t. Nily f-iirnlilicil Tlirou JIT it G. S. ER3. Pron. Tiie | itoNHotei Cor. tilth iintl Cli/fiijro Nf n. Opposite Jefferson Square' F.r t oluss In orory respect- Hull ( lin und furiilturo untlrely " Ainerlcaii plan , tl W * per Oitv. KurnpHHU plitn , Jl.ViUi-rd"- trpovlul r tOJ Uy the WPDU. M J. I'llANCK. Prop. i (1ST ( VITfll ITY ' ' urwi I.UO I II I MUM I MoK etc , ( . , , „ , ! . I INIlAIMt , the great Hindoo llcmedy Ruld lih writ- - ! B r U ol cure. B.wplo ' "t ( " . Addrer. I urUiiui it dUl c it rij u > riMii t"-itM , ui. PI raoi Is tlrre ; harmony in your home ? If not , you can secure it ( in effect ) by selecting- pn AND from our stock TO andsome Wiltons , rfcistic Axiuiiisters. oyal Velvets. odem Moctuettes Brussels. ovel Ingrains. S&jf our Ideal" Mattings ; P CflRPET BO , Successors to S. A. Orchard , MM STREET , BETWEEN 11 and 'UEBIG ' COMPANY'S" ' Those two wortla nro known in ovot-y well ordered household throughout the world us designating the oldest , purest , iiest and alwaystohauopcndcd - upon EXTRACT OF BEEF FOIL incharjoo uio Sisters of fytorcy. This renowned Institution Is situated on tr.n lilch bluffs bnoU of and overJoolilns tlio city of Council lIlufT-i. Tlio spiolous ground-i. lit h'Kh location and .splendid vlow. ina'co It a most pltrmlnz rctruut for the allllctcd , A stuff of uinlm-nt physicians airl a lirso ; corps of ox- iipi-luncud tuirsra minister to the comforts of the uiillcnts. Special care slvcn to lady pa tients. ToriiiH Moderate. Kor particulars anpiy to SISTER SUPERIOR prank Street - Council Blnlj , Iowa Y'S T , 2 A Council Dluf/t. JOHN DOIIANV. MANAOI-.H. in Gram Foiy Names 011 P. H. THE CKf.lillUATEl ) A ! < D A LADY QUARTcT. In n doll htdil proiratn ont rciy free frjm ( liillncs-i. : ind conslntliu o ( l.ADV QL'AKTKTS. VIOLIN ami t'OUNETSOWW. MANDOLIN , IIANJ'iiin I ( JUlTAK CLUI1 , COMII1 and HnitlOI'S UEADINGJ HTUINO QlilM'lvr. Mi'tilc AM > MIIITII ! A uiutlual cntci tiilnincni that is liiijuyitbio ulUn tu iniidl Ian nml Iho innR u4. Don't fill t < > lui.'ir tno won derful ft-year-olcl urtlst , MAMTKH TOMSIIK , who inavs vlnlln Milo- ; , Bln.-s Ka.-s urul ro- ciics In the most tltilHhu'l htylu. I'hUAI. I'llIl-BS. DON'T MlHM TlllB TllKAT .ucoour I'ro/ram. It spoaUs fur llni'lf. N' . li , 1'ho Cwlol.r.ito.l uliu'jert I'l.uu ISuu In nil Coiicertt. RARE , RIPE OLD WHISKY. r.linltoil Sro.-ff tit' tlio t'tiioxt lit the ' World. f. U. Kordliai opened a Hliulvmlo liquor ttoro a No 17 l-earlittect. Cunnill lilalto , nml li'ii put li a lame and well teluctud itock of wlno , brandlJi nlilikloi. otc. HUiilr.ct ifurtlif nt umnilon ilia Mr. Kurd Ullio fortuiiatd poi o or of neirly fnrir barren of lliuflnett whltkf In tlio Unltod Statei to'.S + Jlie bouulit BVPntrt barruU of Kentucky c. ! . ( ' , Taylor wnliky , an I U "a not until aunut tliroo > an < i Hint bu placml tlii vuu.U on l. : J mnrkoi. of tlili > tuck livlui luft auout forty bar- rcl > an I uiit > ru all | iriin uMcu It abioluloly ilio tliut whl kjr in tin country lla isll * U mnlnly tu fiinllle for intMli-lnal me. ai U It lee co Uy for tint regular tiadr lll world on-r 113 per E4ilon. Ihoreli nut another brand of inch nliliky In the U h Illi iiock uf brandlei and wlnot comes from the ftmoui l.o ! nd Hlaaford Tlnyard la CnllfornU nnd Iiavo a bl U reputation fur eicttllvoce and purity , Yea , Verily , The World Moves FOlt YOU $1,000 $ , III THIS $1-000 $ - YOU Joe < o Fires FiresIt It does not clopond on A Calamity. Wrltototbn PERPETUAL MATURITY BONDING CO. , Council Bluffs , tncor- conioratod under the liws of Iowa , for in- orniMt'on ' , rooms ill an I 211 Mcrrlnm bloolr , Coutic'l 1 Hull's , luwa. The b-it paylnic Investment for a hojsoirlfo ! i Tiie Excslsior Homa-Bita and Roaster. llnkm bre d tn < ty IRIVOI It m > n I moil will In ju cr nnd rli-ii. iavu < on > t iliM u itrltloiiaulainontD. No tidy can do nltliout It altur havliiK trluil IU Wlllo tor cliculara. AGENTS WANTED. CHARLES SCHULTHE1S3 , Council Bluffsi , Iowa. Spccin ] 1/OH SAl.i : A mimu.-r ot nloj cutla ui/ , and on rurr nmr paruinH. . UruonaliloMd , MchoUoii i Co. . (31 ( Hruu Iwir. 1(0. ( 320 AMI OIU-AUU- : mi of litnil In northara I : onn nttlJ.OU l- > ! 1) ) . H " r nero Johnslon A Van rntten. All ! * I It ICT. " au I i > 11 V.\rn nn 1 cltr propirtf bouulit unJ soil. I'aiiy X Tliunn : , Coanjil lllufla. MAI/I'KMKCIMSS lUiSat'oojilo lay II l ta I ) yi-arn ; Kowl value anil al ay In uncle ut Illi- br'H , .vlurrlam hlock. Atni.b l\t IIA.MHnil nKlil < Twu tour ruiira 11 houieii "n 1 store room an I outb.Ut'lliitfs. ' clear of lucuubranct- . J. Miimlol. 7UU ( iruliaiu Av . Tl ut fur mlu. .No. Ilii Kirtinrn tin 11 Inijulro of J. I * . UirlilUii , C. \ It. 1. , Irt-'lKlit lioux- . / i MALI"hV * pTloiw ul m' < < lrl T I tu 111 roi I/O loam rnulci ; oil wnon lurnuii unit loom , top IJIIKKJ i roail wn-ion. Curuon l.'unl Co. . 1U 1'ourl BtrooU \\MI.I. ell uolour can now 1 room IIOUID. madura ' conTcnloncoi , wjllluo4lo > l. lluuonlo' . / HAI.lTliruiiJirmr liulln ; Mtut. onn week 1/O11 ono year nml two jri-nrii solid color , ruulstoreJ block. IK U. Ut St. . ' HAI.fMcu ! li > j ntrilnK-1 toim nml rni I.'Dll W. Tulluyj. 10J t-uirlSt. Council UI'iJi. ' ( r.tiuovo < t , easxpouls , VAiilti. chlinnuri GtltllAjK cl .ineil. Ud liurko , ftl Tftflur a iTnuorr. 61 ] llrouUiTHf. > -iOOI ulrl for Boni-ral lieu ew rk. Alr . ( J. V. VI I'OiintT , No. II ? ( JlHii aroniii ) . , | HUNT 7-rooiu liouid , wntor , KA > onil buttij fuoiUtable. TI'J ( til at. Council Illiuli. IHI. wnnteil tor naiieml lioutawork , 113 ( lion U AYO. _ jf " ? ) SAI.K oil KX < HANOI : r'lTn rc line ( iiir- den land iiilJoluInK tbu c-ltr ; tmutl hoiuu anil linrn ; Vh iri > > In vtnernnl , nlll tiicliHiivu ( or lieu annii lut cd itrnlljr loratnd. H Ij. McOoe , 10 J.'Olt HK.NT llouittof Dve rooiiin , Jicrfi iitrdra. lancTOi paitiiro. on Lppor llruajwir K W Tul- Ur , IUJ I'esil ilintk