r i THE OMAHA DAILY HKOf ! MONDAY , MAY 8 , 1898. BPEC1RL NOTICES. rOll Tllrilf COLUMNS " laken unlll U 10 n in for thoovonlnir nnd IitllS -Upij for llin m < > rnlnianilf < iinilayoJlllons lAdTert sern t > y requesting n numbered rlieok can tTu tlielr aniwnra addressed to numbered lollnr careofTltr. IlKB. Answers < J iwlilroneil will bo | llTeredup < m presentation of ttio check. WANTED-MALE HELP. Uxtcn , IKr 11 nurd Unit Insertion. Ic a word there | fter NolhlnK tnkon for lets Iban 3 o WANIK.I1 TllAVKMMJ HsMWMKN TO ell baklnx powdnrVo put our Rood * In idam | > IHnK pln liilmunlli ialarr and expenses , or 23 or cent Ltimimsston Son I ntnmp for replr IhlcnKo linking Powder Co , 767 Vnn Huron , tt , jhlcagO W _ IK rot WANT A noon IM viNTijou wiim : Ihu llartks Nursery ( o , Milwaukee , WinM4IOJ3' M4IOJ3' -MAN VSANTKIl TO SH.I. AMI inl.l.F.fT In country Apply at Sinter oll'ce , ISIf ! IKiuulns. MWJ Mil 1 WAMTP . . . Ill , MAN' 10 I.KAIIN 'nvr clly bur Incn I xpvrlr-ntp unnrrissnry and | ialary to rlKbt parly Apply 1Mb UoUKlosI'M I'M ? MM HSKH IH IFOU AUK SHUKISO A IIIII1I urndo position We Imvo placed hundreds In I'Oort position" nml cm nnslst von Western llusl i aiicncr lir. N \ l.lfu bnlldlnit M18.1 JJ [ 15 ' -WANTI-.II A fniiiTii.sr.Ui OKUMAN riu : 'fcrrod ' must be ti mporatii steady Job to r Ixht on Address I nod A llolmiiilat | , Oakland , Sell 4 > * > o MWANILII I'VK Oil TWO MUSI benrli hniids nion who ha o workJd la nhnps fhero martili.i'r ? wis U PI | preferred tnlrbury 'lanlnK > ti s iniiiMiry .sob 4 < S - nWAN I III MI4N blK.NOnUAIMII'UH 'IllLI-T Ihelr names for positions Di-mnnd ( food no j-oKUtrallon fee Hoy.os A llabb , OU N \ life hi Vf \ \ rKli \Mi I t'1 HA MBN l-Oll DAIltAT tdtmesiiTO I IHoe i S7 8' _ rn wiN-rni uiiii K in IINKII AMI SF/I run , l-l uooil rcf < reni.us C L Nor anrd Manilla la | > WASTFII AN Al I.1TIIO ht > I 1CI I OH I Oil -.IHIiomirtlinpst DUO who Is well ncqiMlnti il nltli llho buslneiis and can e unmand some trnd < ) , norm Solher need apply Hend reference and salary , ctn , 1 to blophcns 1 Itho A Km to , fct I ouls Mo 411 9 .II -I\ ( ,0ll < I.I\K F.NKIKIKTIO . 's linallira imnn oilier need apply I Call Monday between 8 and J , Ituom IOJ Hue build < * > * | Ing nn _ I P-WANTHII , nvTTAlHIH1 ItKTAIl. 11(11 8K IN I .1 > Omnha , competent man fur Hoer walker nnd L lutrertlsInK man stale full parttuulars Ail.lrns . I ( I 15 lleo MW ' > WANTED FEMALE HELP. Hates lic n word llrst Insertion lo n word tuoro [ ( tor .Solhlnii taken for less thin lie " \VANTK IA'1118 ' ( III0JNi MIOS TO lake lluht jlonsnnt work nt their own homes t II W lo IJ W ) per day can bo quietly made work L fcnt by mull no cnnvnislnif or inrllculnrs ad f ilrrnsi.iobo M tu Co Hex W3I , Hontoii Mans Ho lalulslipil ISS ) M3U M2l- _ 7l WA.NTKI > KKMXI.K HlfDKNI' MII.SK Al' " W ( A hoapllal corner Ulh street and rth nvo tine , Council ItlulTa M IM MW /"I LAIH V.\VIKD , 111 ArrAHSI'ATK AliKNT \J for the fninoiiH lln/ellne a posltlTo cure for nil rum it In ill oa os To i days treatment frco Address Dr DoiiKlits A. Lo , toutli Uend Ind U H A M 'II ' III * | 1 WAN'lilll l.AIUKS 10 Will IK AT IIOMI5 v Knilosn MHinpcd envelope Klla Wer l , "ec , Joulh Uend Ind MJU ri nun. WAN'iFii "Ton INKIIAU IIOINK V'work t.ond salary UlNorihlOlh 4f.ll 8 rt'wASTi ii \iiWAiriu.ss. . rxi'icui- V'encpd liotol dlnlnit room , referencon reiiulreil Address Hotel Itarker M474 b * riANTrlll , LAIIII'S ' 10 DOHIIINd AT \ homo will piy fl8 to * M per week send aelf- nddrpsscrt stamped cnvulopu for reply. Mine ) Wrlht , MUhawaka Ind 4W & rWANTHII. . ( lllll. I Oil r.BNKHAL IIOUSK- V < wolk. email family 651 N 3Uth st. 411 8 /I-01 HI. WANTEII , 7 IN tf AMILY , GOOD WA ( JK.8 V/IIU8 lUlllnl 48J C\ WANTED , HOUSi : .MAID AT ICJ3 DOUI1LA3 \ ulreot 4JH 8 FOB RENT HOUSES. Hates , lOo a line each Insertion ! l 11 n line per month. Nothing taken for less tha - HUNT. HOtlSIM IN' ALL PAHTS OK D tlly. , The O. V. Davis company , 1MJ Karuam st. J-FW ( IlKNT , TWO S-IIOOM COITIGIIH ON /motor Call at southwest cor. 'Jth and IlotiKlns. TV-Kou III.NT. r. HOOM corTAtiK , noon UK J/palr. JlOpor mo Including clly ulor H7N37lh loko Knrnam car tfloetiol , 714 S lull Wi DKLAT - .DWrLLlNOS > .COrr AOK'.ALL P MIT8 city , Kilkenny A , to . It 1 , Conllnenlal block. . Oil _ | .OII HUNT 10 HOOM UOUSK. SIOl DDLOLAS Unqulie of Morlti Meyer , cor lull mid | , larnnni. _ W" TV-8 IIOOM IIODdK. li IIOOM POTI'AdB , Al.l J-'modern beaullful lawns , shiido , cfil N. K. cor. i.'nd nml Mlamn sti Mi 11-4 1011 IlKNT 8 H001I HOUHK $111.1 2HI KM J met st. near KounUo 1'hico , newly papered r.uil jinlnted 4VO 8 * llllNT M.N'l5'noOM ' HOIJSK , MoilTiillN lmprovcnienl Inquire IIJ Nonh .oih St \-8 HOOM IIUJH | MODKHN , t ONVI MUST l-'for business or wholesale men Apply IIU bout ) luth street _ 'I US HOOM MODK.IIN HtlUSK (1001) LOCA B lion ; rent moderate. 1 bklnner , lull I nrnara street. MDI7 ht'MMKH MOSIII8 lllll - - UKNTIOll , D-l-Olt for snnll family In heat nm most convenient neluhborhood In the clly Ad Ureas t. 7 lloo tM U * roiTAHK , r n hou'in nru J avon jo , between Jaeks n nnd Letvoiiwort'i T\-Kill UKNT AI-TKll.MAY 15,0 HOOM IIUUSK ; l tmlli mid clly water. 14IH Dorcas street In qulro Hubert Hunter , live ollko. MM ) i Ton HUNT NICI : TIN : HOOM MODKHN 'Inline' coat front on H'Hith 17th street near bJnckaon rout III ) Inquire Mt South Ulh street v-7 noon iinrsi : I.AVI' HIONI AI.I , MOD Jem tttOO I hlollly Trust Co 1.1) . ' l-nrnam cP TV i H UNI-'linil II' ' ( IMS l-Oll 1.1011 P IIOI'IK D3 ! and Hat ot 7 rooms , modern Impruvii tnenls , IIU uulli ! lth st IM u * - toll" lll-Nir MNI ! IIOOM IKH - < T\ Al.l , con\cncnc < M hiruo irrounits ami mn d * luhlo , In liood loeiHun nml oisy of ne i'SK Kent to tlrnt elans luiiint will bu rensoniihlo Ipply Omiha l.onn A Tru.t I o Iblh ind tloiul n sis Ji5 b bllUOil H M \NIOIlll niiri.K , now modern r'lmittpr 3)1 ) lieu bl.lu .1)1 ) b 1 ANI > 4 IKXiM APVIlTMKN'lVOV IIOIIV block , with steam rufuroiaes reiiulrcd filflS-'M 301 _ TI'N HOOM HIIII'IC , OAS WAT15H , TUIl u noon laundry nol boomont i > Hn , oa t front s adjolnlnii 1M I npllol nvcnuo. Mini ! ) * b SKK 11 1. 101.K 10 lll.l'l ! JiJ J IlKNT 10 room nioilnrn ) iou o , aiillnble for roumeM mill biardi-ti 3011 llarnoy lrcH.t 10 room modern liounn SilS l.envonvturlii urcet , onlyJii-OO roiu nan cot liikoii II li ( .l. rk V Co , 1318 llnrnoy tlr .u Mill D-IOIIKKM' I VI.A r-KIN3ndrf.OOUI.INION lilock II room * eac-ti In BOO I ri-ptlr f it 00 per month III Advance Also 1 t room | IOIIHU In Mouth Omnlm , corner if * til and ( I JtrojU , JIO , inrh. In cooil ropilr lli'iiilni nt I'll SoulU Ulh strret , Uruatia lolin llnmlln ncrnt 63 ] D-VOIl lll-NI 10 IUIIIVI IIOUsK 1721 mill.K. all modern unpruveiuoiils hnqulru nest door or U1S rarnam MUS 8 DlOlt HUNT TWO MOR HOUSES NKAll llnniconi park all modern convonlencci lllcki JUJ N \ I.I to IIUU FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS. llatet , ( Ou a Una oao'i Insertion II 5) ) n line per month , Mittilr.s tt .Jn for last tlmn .lie TJIiuiiNutTiK i ) 7Toiv ( > r wTriri SI-KAM iiuAT .1 Jfor irentlemen oil' IJI'J lluitard it. , ! ml tlonr JUI E H It.NlSHKIl.V U.ShUUMSIlKl ) IblTTAl' AVl E Mt'Kl.V H ll.NISIIKII KHO.NT HOOM WITH uin of plnno lenlrally locate t Ail.Iron , F > , 11 * U3II 8 'll\O FOIIN1R1IKII 1IOOM4 , OKN1LKMKN only JOIO l'Kvenpori > tredt Mliij E -ONI : nm.MHiiii > IIOOM , inn _ I ' . ' 5 If NICKI V HIIN181IKI ) llOOll ? . mh OAIMTO1 , 'jarenue , MI4JII * -I ? i TOM FMlTAIIl.K ANf > CONVKNIKNT Ijroorot ( nrnlihedln ( hlcago at fair uroundt ilur- tnif Ib * Ull Id dayi ot .May , prlc T ry Inw Ad itre li I , Omaha 1 ! 44 ; ioo MOIIKKS coM'sN lion * comfort ! , at tVMlow rd M MM } 13 * s , 10. n IIOAIIII. : w N i ; MMI J7 FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. lUUi , lOoa Una each Insertion IIW tluT"p i wonth. Nothing takrn for lei > than tta ? -Til 1 .v , AI4 A.NII7II .N , ISIU 8T FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. CiinttmtfA I ? -YI)17.N ) ( WOMKN lldMK , LNIIHII I'AIIKOF JL Woman a Ihritllan assoclillon. Ill So. Hlh jl II.AUdK KAVP HIONT 11OCIU WITH AI.'OVK. . L' JIO J5lh nl'eot M'JI" _ l -TmiMltlKM " * UIJVK FIIO.NT IIOOM. Wllll I board 7li. Surlh Tfllli tlroot Mill 8' A. ITlBITJl IIAVKNI'OllT SlU'tKP. I ? IK < IIIAIIIUOLT1I 11OOMS , \ \ ITII IKUIIII , iiffl \ Chicago L .V-r' ' ' ' U * _ -IIOOM ANTritOAIII ) AT 3113 CAI'IIOI. AVF. J. liofcronccs required. > U n i7-HtONT ItiiM VTcKI.Y HIHNI-.11KII. Wl I'll 1 board , modurn roildenoo , reasonable terms , rofcrenci'9 ilf ! llarm-y M5II U * _ l.-Hlll IIK.VI A PI.IMSAST IIOOM WIIII 1 board Imiulro CM S .1 Ih l 111 ' FORTtENT-UNFURNISHED llalos Uf R word llrst Insorllon , Iq n word Ihoro nfler .Nulhlim tiknn for legs la tin 3Se r-rrfTril'uK.ST t' 'FllirN"i TlKI Ill'ilMHlllll VJ balli nn I rlusotD iilno furntshod room SJI outh Mnclconlli airoel MJ I a * FOR RENT-STORES AND OFFICES Itatu" , lUcn line nap'i Infortlun , Jl 'a a line per month Nothing loken fur less llinn ] 5c 1 KiHUKNJ' . hllllir "N MTU SI' , I.A.NdK llil.irk Bullablii fur nu at innrltel , hnrdtvarn or dry K < > o < ls nloro lmiulrt'u > M tllh * , t JIO - - . r M 111. i - r < > u\ nun K utii.niNo. J-I-OIMIK.S M Iho li'.ill.lliu . Ims n fireproof ce menl basemi'iil complete pleum heallntf tlxlnroi , wnti > r on nil the Hours , ifis , ute Apply lit Iho ulllco of 1 ho lieu 'JIU IOKKINT : DNKIIIIIK HFOHIJ AMI MASK- T mi'nt liiH Illli nt I stunlir ' i npllol nronuo one Hlory nnd bnMMiiunt hrlck filoru building 4I1 ! ' iinlhlllh nlnet tint. II. ) Huiilh Illh nlroel ono Mori' nil. rupllul ni.Miii. . . \ll In tlrsl class ion dltlun fur rent on rmsunnlnp terms Iminlritof A J I'opplLlon , room 114 Hrst .National Hank lildtf Jll MIO 1OHlLlllII.NhLl. . IlK.lliisIIA.NS ADT. L 3J > Ml I -loll HKM , ( Illllirisr SIXOMI Tl.ooll J business corner In ( Imiht , lilobo hu'ldtnhilh ' and lioduo ( , lob ( I inn .V IrnsiCo MliFJ AGENTS WANTED. Itnlen IHr n tvurd tlrst Invirllon Ic a word Ihero nfltr iNulhlni ; taken for less llian 2ic T AHr'Nl's. I.1TIIKII bl'A , Illl \ VU * ' cooil pOHltion solllnu onr ' ilread ( nko \ Knives , also Carver' ' Nu capital neede 1 ( , oed < llKht und nllrncllvu I'rolU li'J pur cenl ( huns Mienr ( o Kniis.is ( Iiy , Mo M473 MIO- _ f WANTKII , AN AtlUM' IN NKIIIIA'-KA TO * ' BOH ft new and medium priced Cash lloitlsler Addrcus II K Amlcra , deliver lolu M2ii U * l-IIOIJSKKnKl'KHS WII.I. WKI.C-IIMK AN IN1 * venllon that makes thu "cnillDi ; of lonklnK vrnnllc and llnwnru to the tinsmith unnecessary vrlih t'io ( trnnllc"-oldorlntf rencll nny hmiflekeepcr can do her own repairing , Henl wllh lenim to nkontii upon recelpl of 25c Oranlto bohlurlnii Pencil , Kcurnuy Neb Ml X * WANTED TO RENT7 Itntes ll e a word ! lr t Insnrilon Ion word them after Nothing lakun fur less lhan Jx K8 Oil I IIOOM IUILMK , MOIIKIIN , ( . ( Kill I.OC \ lion I nmlly of J , grown Address I. C II , Now \ ork l.lfe mJM it K-J I Nl UllNI-ilIHIl I1OOM8 l-Oll l.K.Ill' hou Be keeiiliiK noihlldren Address ( J 0 llec > 4 ilt * STORAGE. I'.nlc'n. lOo a llnu oich Insertion , tl . ' < 0 n line per month NothniK lukeii for loss lhan 2oc. M-blOllAOli WII.I.IIMS.VCIIOSH.UM HA11NKV 313 ] \r \ - ' 'IOIIA01C l-Oll HOIHniKII.il OOOIIS ; clean anj cheap rales 11 Wells , Illl 1 nrumu 3U M-11 KAIINCSTOVK's faTOUKII lll'IUNd hUM- mer , npeclnl nlornKO for housuhold oods Tel. IkX ) 1.V7 liouKlus. Omnha stova llopalr works M407 M Sl'OVI'H STilIIKIl AT Ill'ASO.N'AIII.K IIATEi at IlUKbcs Sloro llepali Works , CU7 ii Ulh st. 7Um.ll WANTED TO BUY. Hall's lUo n word first Insertion , lo a word thera- after NotlilnsUkoii for loss lliau Jin elli li Hoods , etc . or will mill for owner In our auction sales It Wulla , III ! Karimm 2IJ \r-WA.STEII , TO HI V 5 OH 10 ACIIK8 o I'liround adjoining thu I'aplo crock , south of C n ter street Addrcsi U S. Hee 451 FOR SALE FURNITURE. Hales , m'ra word llrst Insnrtlon , lo n word thoro- afler Nolhlnx lakon for lens than i''C 0-10HS\LK , llOCSnilOLD MJIlNiriJllK ALL In Rood order , party tearing city ; 202JSpruco street , ono block soutU of l.sko .Must bo sold nt unco. ; T1 O-KOIl ALK , IIOUSKIIOLII HJH.N1TUHK CAU- pfts.beddlnz , slovos etc. . top bu Ky and slnt'lo bnrneas , oed as new Very eheiip 13IB H luth Irool Jl 473 8 * OH d\Lie , A KNAHE sg.lArK I'IANO wf rnrnam st Mi | Q rv-Ki 8ALK , KUIlNllliKB OP 10M I'.VIIIC V-'aven us , worth the money JI55U U * FOR SALE -HORSES WAGONS ETC. Hales U < c a noril llrnt Insertion lo a word thero- artur ' .otliliiK taken for loss tha TKi u : \ K"K AM I iiml carrlaxo KV Tulljya , 10J 1'earl at , Coun- ell Illulli 'U l > l-'ill 8ALK , O.SK lTI3.SSIOTOP , I-ULL 1 plairorm spilni ; family oirrlnno for four people , now 1-vat Vovember Ln set iloublo harness , rolld lirnis mountings , very ImndsoiuH Onj outliiR rlK natural need Hnlshcd , will cirry six or < U'ht people ple All 111 coed as new \\lll be sold at u bargain 'Ihoy may bo seen nt Ion Wlthrow'sntnbles Hirney street , bi twoon 1 Ith and Illh I'or particulars ap pi ) lo Oeo. A Joslyn , ll ISth at 4jl 11 PhL'KKOLk I'UNOIIS-TALI.lO.S.IlYKAf 8 OLD , wclEht nbout I 'i)0 ) , certltlcate of reslslratlon nnd pedlitreo tor silo cheap or will uxcliRiiKa for land or clly | > rnpa Ity 4H 1'oj liiillillnn Mu4i U T-KIIII \KAll (11.11 TKAM Kill 8AI.K ; weight about 2.JJU Hnpleton Land co mpany , lieu hulldlni ! MSli u 11 roil HAIKilOII IIOKM ; , UlHYrANlTnA7r ! iness , 11. } , horse nlono ? ; i Ij.'l .Norlh IHIi si FOR SALS MISCELLANEOUS. Hates I4on word llrnt Intcrllon , lo H wont there after Nothlni : taken for lean than c Q -1IIIILK toll SA1.K CI1LA1' AT J41 II AM ) llortns j'il / \ Ki'll KOIi-t 1 ll'iM TIIK ll.tSI STIIAIV * OP VV lironn iPtfliuriK BO lo IWJ Sonlli i.M slrcol f I 00 ) > cr si-lllni ; Ml.lb' O-'l IIi : i * PA \ 11 lllll CA ITl.r. CiiMT VNOPKBH .Imluit liny nt J5 1)0 ) pi < r tun on Uuanl 0 < > r at line : * , M'b ritts prlco tnajr be nlllulriwn at onr tlinu . (15 ( O KOIl SAI.K CH PA P SOII A VATKKTTN tain , nl o tine peanut ranitcr C llninnn ! t\lH \ ICtli Klroul iiiii. lu * Q ! Hill HAI.H KIlKlll .IKItSin ( OW AMI calf , I years old 123 .North 31th klroet M'oS AIM uu\a A . - wheel tolnmbli lileycle In nod order II IIU. IIU" minify M 4i | ( HISOELIjANEOUS. Kales ISc a wnrd Iiml I'ls.irllmi lo a word Ihore afler Noihlni ; tiken fur lex lhan ! j ) 11 - I'UWlllTKIl ? FOIl UKNT WK CAN FinT IXnlih you ellher n No Jor NO 0 Hemlngltn typo- wrller In rlr l cliis condlllun on rental l.lve us a call IVyckoIT Se miuns V llmii'.Ucl ril harnam slrec'l , Omaha Neb it.I i jw VN rF.iiT"CONTIIAC roiT Tb PI T i p y IXiuiall homes Knq.ilre 13 8 Firimm M5. S 8 CLAIRVOY NTS. Ilatci. mo a nerd tint invrllnn , lo n word thcra afler .SotlilniMnkun for lei tlinli''ic * S -IIIIS NANMKV WAIIUKN CI.Alll VnNT. . rellnbl * builnoss moillnmi Bftti year at U'JN IGlh SS S -Sills' Illl M IiKUUAVK. rilOI'UKThSS IIKAD - trance clalrvoj-nnt and life reader tells your life from cradle to urnve , can bu rmmilnnl on all allulrs of lltu. hatthii celobraled rvrpllan brea t plate to unite thn teparatcil and cinno innrrlaKe with one you love Coma one. comn nil and bo convinced of her remarknblo po uri unicu andre ro ldencn 41T K lllll tl , houra Ua m lo V p rn Mrlct Ufa chart and photo of jour future wife or huibindient through mall forfXOU. chori alone , SiUU. All letlpr * contalnlnK I cent * la itampi promptly anttvered 411 t'.i * MABSAOE , BATHS , ETC. llale > , IDo n Una tiach tnnurllon.il W allnoper month .NolliliiL' taken for lots than . ' . SOT UTIl. NII 7u > 6IC noomS. Maitauo , rapor , alcntoi , leam.iulnhur Ineandteabalhi. Mil 4 13 * -MME CAII10.V , lii IXIlI.A8 BTIIKKT. 3D 1 floor , room 7 , ru suc , alcohol , lulphur and i M45I PERSONAL. llat i me word Mr > t Inierllnn le r word there- afler. XpthlD * Uken for Imi than To , U'mal mal balhi. aealiiaoit hair treatment runnlour * anrlcilro ! | > odlil > lri raillll9i { I in w ihn iblk | PliRSONATj. OintlMtint U-IIAVKYUU ANY Mll.NhYl IFSo , AND YOU want In pul It oul on Iho best , firm morliiAifa s - curlly In .Nebraska , In sunn of tlJ to fl.ujj. nml Kotplx per cool Interest , come to us there li absolutely no risk. N'otrcr had anything better UOKKS Alllll. . HW 1'arnam st IHIMII l1 CAIIINKT rilOllH. Altl'IO FINlnll IN nnyslylc II M worth II (10. ( for n nhorl tlmr , nt Cownn ii pLolo sludlo , 2131 tumlnn slreel JIO m 33 - \lll.l , MUS MAI VlK I'OWKI.U WHO I'OK- merly lived on souUi stront cull or semi her address to II * South Klevontli elrvut , llogm . ' . fomenting lo her advantage. Ml II V IT. CATAItllll AMI HAY I KVKIl TUKATI'.II * - by iho moiilh 'lumors arowlhs nnd niher de formllli't of Ihe nose and firoit rnmovod without liiln Dr J 1'resnell.UJ I 01 hldtf MM5.li > * -IIBTKCIIVK. KM'KIIIIINl'KII HFilUKS UN , itnxemenls Mrlclly conn luullal Adlresifor Inlervluw , pimlnlllcu box III MM ! U' SCAIiLS VhW A HK.ONII HA II * l ALI-s ILLKINHS . ' Address Ilurdin A Helleck Lo Lake si , Uileniro ill ABSTRACTS OF TITLES. llatits ) < lr a line on h insertion II II a line per month Sothln tm-n for leu thin 2io I nnd lru t comptny abstr.tcters uonve/inriTt lltlcs poifi > ctod nn t guirantool Own thouuly complete abstinct books In ilouulii rnunly lie mciviMl to room III ) Sew ork l.lfo hulldlnic M.Tl ) MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE" Itatns , lUi'n line iMti'h Insertion SIM i 1 1 nn par month NothluK takjn for less thnp { ilo HA ti M rDKii'iTitiirot - pany. I7U 1'ariinin street al'i ' \\r-Ch.NIUAI. LOAN A TllUsT CO. IIUH 111.IIU 2.11 \v-c t IIAIIIU&ON , ! > U.S \ LU K \ \ ' MOUTH \fiK I/I INS I.KbS THAN 7 I'KIl * < lent Including nil chirjes CharlosJVllrUnuy , dm ill t Nat Innk bldg yfi \\r-W\Mlill AT UM'K LOANS ON 1 MI'llOVl : ! ! > v omnhn properly. low rales Irldulliy Trust company ITOi farnam st 3IJ \\T ' ' "ANSIIN'lMI'iroVKII AMI UNIMl'IKIVKll ' ' clly property ( l 0)1 ) and upwards 5 toi. percent r\o delays \ \ 1 arnaai Smlh | , t Co , loth luul Ihirnuy \\r-OMAUl \VIV < Jd II INK MARKS LOANS ' uii real estate at lowest miritel rates. Loans mailIn small or lar sunn for nliurt or IOUK llmu No commission Is oliar od ind Iho lutins are not pold Inlhoeisl hiitcinl r iyj ha found nt Iho bank un Iho corner of llth mid liuiulis nH 2''I \y-l AM ) 3 \ K Ml LOANS ON CITY ANII FAIIM < < uiortL'nft'3 lluccl A selby , J41 Hoard Of Iralu \ \ rMNK'tdl.OAV OsOMAIlA AM ) IOU.V < < ell llluriH real eslalo and Ncbriska nnd Iowa farms at from 14 * to d' ' < pur cenl Interest with nil ad illtlunal diaries for cummlsstons orallornoys fees W II Mclkle l t Nal I bvik tilila Omilia 2in A\T-MOVKV TO LOAN AT LdWKsr IIATKS 'IhoU I' llavls Co , 150j I urnam strecl . ' -7 \ \ ' -ANTHONY LOAN AND TUUi T to , ,113 N Y ' ' Life lemls at low rates for choice security on Nebraska or Iowa fiirms or Omaha ilty pro perty TMO.NHY TO LOAN ON IMl'ilOVF.II CI1Y propert ) , low rates A. C ( rest , Douulasblk \ \y-Mosn\ LOAN AT Lowisr UAIKSOV ' * Improied and unimproved real estate , 1 to 5 , y ears _ Mle Mt y _ 'I riuOTo KOMjinn in _ 2IM _ A -LOANS. ( J (1 WALLACK , JU 1111OWN IILIC \\r OMAHA LOAN , v Tiusr UJMIMNY , II > TII 'l nnd Iliiuulan , loans money on ilty and farm p.uperly nt lowest rates uf Interest 211 \\r-l HIST ANI > SKCONI' M lllll ! 11)11 LOANS ; i * low rates Alex Moore 4)1 lleo blilir M ! > ? 0 \V-\\AV1K ! ) TO HL Y OMIIHI'KUC KNTNOl'KS * ' secured by morlKaues on ( Iniahu i Ity or Doug las county property Heed & Bellir , isj ( hambor oftommercu M1IJ w- W SyUIHli , MO\ED1OS41 ULL HLDIi MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. Hales , lOo a line , each Inserllon , il M a line per mu nth Nolhlni ; Inkon for less lhan IM : Y AU llK ? rit M ' i OMAHA MOinOAUE LOAN CO i IF YOU WANT MONKY , cm can borrow on IOUSKIIOL1) lUUNllUUK AND PIANOS , HOIlSKli , WAC.ONs AND CAIllllF.iiS , iVAUKUUl SI5 IIKCICH'IS , MKIlUlAriDISII , Oil ANY OrilKR aKCUIUTY Wo will lend yon any amount from 111) ) UO lo SI IMU ON Till" DAY YOU ASK FOIl IT without publicity or removal of property You can pay the money back In nny amount 7011 wish , and at nny time and each paiueiu so nude will reduce thu cost of Iho loan r Itemembi'r ihnt rou have the use of both the iruperly and the money , and pay for It only as ont ; ns > ou keep It There will bo no expense or charge kept out of ho amount wanted but you will rcojlvo Iho full amount of the loan llotoroborrowliiK elicwhcio call nnd see us , and you will find It urn illy In your ndvnnt.ico OMAHA MOIllllAIlK LOAN CO , JJI SOUTH li.ril 8I11KK1' , Mrst Door above Ihe nlreet TUB OLDEST I.AIllJKar AMI ONLY INTOIII'OR- ATK1I LOAN COMPANY IN OMAHA. 1X1 YOU WANT X TUB MIIKL1T1 1.0N ( .LTnllANTKH CO , HOOM 4 WITItNKLI , Hl.OCK. WOI Hi IMII. COHSKll \HSKY ST , , \ \ i ; MARK LOANS ON I I , KM I U UK , 1IOIISK8 , . AHHIAUKH , WAIlKIIOUSr , IIKtl'llla Oil IMSIl- bONAL PIlOl'KlirY OK ANY KIND / WILL /DO WDLL/ TO / / CALL / ona FIUST/ roa / OUIl IhllMi WILL Mr.It IOl It At'i'KOVM , . You con pay Ihe money bat k nt nny llmo a d In any amount you wish anil thus reduce the coat of cnrrylnK ttio loan In proportion lo amount > ou pay II- Mil owen balance on your furniture or other personal property of any kind , wo will pay ItoH for yon and can v It as limit a * you desire \ \OlirANIIVVK\ulllMONI.\ ONK IIOUIl MIOMTI1K11MK YOU \1AKK Al'IM.U \ I IOS. .So pnblltlty -e'iio\al of property o that you pel the use of both mo ley and proi orly 2II X \\ll I.LDVN MONiON : ANY KIND Or SH- ourll ) strictly confidential , A 12 Harrisroom l.l'ontlneutHl block 'illa Y-MOM-.Y 40 , uj. uu DAYS CHKAI * UA'ius * Hnd easy pnymenls on furniture pianos live stuck , ule wlihoul dehiy or publicity , cash on hand lluin.recm rooms llarkerbhick ik > Lr-mil LH A III ) , 51 JMlUjl.AS MLIv , lrtD01XJ13 , BUSINESS CHANCES. Union , llc ) a Mno oali Insertion ( I pil a line pur month .Sothln , ; tnkm lur lois tlmn ? > C' \r-V h.SAI' IIK.M.ni M-CI 111 AllMi A clmnce 1 otfur my tfiotur > attuo anil flxluren fur H | olilesl ontiililUhi'il Mora uu "u li th st Hist clni tr.uo ! c , t1 h w , ils50 liilli t , , Oniulin T. > CIIANOB Ills locution ulionlil correspond nltli room . ' 13 , Me nuna lililff , Omiilin .Wi l 1 0 1 K LhAl.K , I10.HTI , SHUN ANHOAII , IA Y tOKSAI.K A MUCK lltKNiilAI. Mtl 1 cliamllno of about f > iOM t fTirj ) In ! i Komi lown In Nilirasfci Apply to Kllpitrkk Koui ! Dry ( , uoiH ( o uinnliu Noli ( M \r-KJil bAljU ( .01)11 NUWSIMI'- . ! ! IIUHIM > ! iniloulMl Viola lliiMs Lincoln , .SoU 157 J4 * Y-KOll hAl.K Oil b\i IIANttT. TIIK KITIINT nlluro nuil leiuuotlho liotol tolina Anlil mil Null MJ.ll I.T V-HJIl SAI.K , I.N A I100II TOWN IM NOIflll L NeliriiMkn n ulurk of Kenernl morchnntlltio con iHlInt ; < if dry xondH , buou and Miooi cloltiln anJ urucurlot I will mil tlio Hook for oiih , Imlf cash and lunil or on tlinato null tba purulimer If oncur- Ity Is icood. Trice , fu.oJU Addruii U it , Ornah * -f'0" HA1.KA I l Oil HAIt.NKsS IIUblNKsS li - n live lawn , l.oo box .No 3 , lUrvnrJ , .Neb 4119 * Y-dHOtKIU Hll HAI-i : . UOOI ) IIKASON OI lolllnir AiUlruli t.J. lloa 4(011 * AT MAN Wnil SSI AM. CAl'I TAI , , l OMl'KTIS.N" X to nmnnkio olllco , HUT learn of KOI | UiTU > tmen and iinod poiltlou br addri itni { ( i Hi , Hue , JtilJ 8 Y-ULSINKSS . all lucatloui Send fur uullclln , Wt'iturn lint ! U05I Atieni'j , 310 N V Mia bldj ilSU 8 Y-WAV1 KI1. I'AIUMill I.N MKAT roatnn need inoru help old ciltibllsliod but Inosi If you want touctlntoa pijlnit bntlnei from tbaitarl , laresllvalu ImumdlutulT Ailitri't ( . 17 llo MU1 13 TDK EXCHANGE. HatcilOca line each Insertion , II SO a line per month .Nothlnn tnken for l" * lhan Jj ' Z-IS ) ALItKSDl CI.KAUI.AMI IN UNK OK Til K brit winter wiiral illitrlou In Kansas tu IT clianvo fur II ) orM aero tract near uiualm city llrulti Will pay catb. difference If properly latioud Addr i > , giving prloa and lucallon , o JU I'eeM > ' /-A. t'l.KAN STOCK OF UhNKItTirjIIISK , ' /Jwlll take real ulalo and money llox VJXI-rank.- fort , Ind tsj 7-SKK II K COLtt CO. MCOAliOE HUM ly-hOll BAl.K OK TIUIIK HJll IMI'llOVKII HV AJacrei of Unit In N bra kn , a iinenitlil builnnii. AcUIron ret , 11 , jji Ji FOR -ESJOH ANOE. r/-l OWN 100 rAIIMSlA. NhllllA KA , KANSAS / > aml Unkoln. Will "Oil cheap or rxchanao for radu' , horses and cnllle.-dd Hot TO.t r.inkfort tnd ii IWN lowjtiCott.NHii , TAN TAKIC i nml ptrl trade In rlenr rc > silanr9 | lot or fnrm land I'rlco IHOJlUia r K. linrllnu. llnrkcr blork. _ i 10 > t _ r/ II A VhToiTA ITIIIMd TO EXi'lTANK IflTl New York Infomo parlnu pruporty' Send par- tlrulim llnrdlnij AC'o.T(5niplo ( Courl .N V rlly 500 II ) ' _ _ _ _ y-fnioo MdiuoAdH KOII KXCIIANCKI /Jnlslieil ll.it preferred 'Afldreii T O Mot Mt , Omnlm. jl , r/w\.N'll II , Tu I'M M.\MK IMI'llOVKIII'llOt' /J orty In hesi rudiloncr porilun of llcilrlru , Ncli , for Orualm properly , unlmpruTtid Addrcrn (1 3 , HOP 4SJ _ _ FOR SALE-KEA.L ESTATE Itntcs , loc n linn nidi InsTtlcjn Jl 53a line PIT month NiitliliiB laken fur lex thin .lie ' ' . \Tt7rcr7rrn7N d jddlllun ruiiujn Cr iinur IMI liodir * si sij Mui'i' l.MHMVVB 11M ! 'Illh HUH)1' * ! ' IHI IV * ihe I nil * d Mnle Wo h ITO onoutfh to Illl every nueof thd 1)10 ) or Wor'd tr you wiml nn loi\ ir Nebraska film , come to hendquarlcrs I'oiriis A till | | > > Fimmiu at. I2UMI4 AllT" 8i.l * . IIOIMK ANTi1,0 P I UK A I * AS on tier Is nboul to le ua Iho city. lnriilrn | it 473 orlli jllli "I MSJ1 MM \ tHr\l M TUB 1111)1.\Vl ) ) riU UIA.NTKK V ntid 1 ru t tompiny.ntntncteM , convcvanct rs Illos ihirfeiilod nnd cu.imnloo.l uwti the unlr omplnto nbslracl hooks lu l > ottlai county lie- loved to room ill ) NHWork l.lfn uillldlni. M37I fun SALK - i.or iUM.M tanf ii'o AI.II YI only twn blocks from Dived utrojt and eir line HeotuJOW ) ' ( rmh bnloncn In ono , tno and three eirs Apply IUl ! It irium street M73J jAsr HiiTvf i.orov WTII NKAH IIODHK six liUlj feet , SI 75J.OJ Address O nor , II It , HOD M4SI JO" 1000 Af'llKS LAMI IV MIlllllSKA , KS I'1'UONT 1 building lul , 2 blocks easl of llnnpcum I'nrk nt Kroal Bucrlttco ( ! U. I'cloriun , IIU .soulhlUh. .Hi ! .11 1JMII r-ALK nil ISXCHANIIL , IU1 A ( ItKS OP NICK level land , Jusli miles from cuiinly sell lown , In i oulhv csli rn Nebriscn. 7J jcras hrolte terms , t MlOOnhen PS.IO Is mnde and 11,111 00 II years from May Jl H > l , with h per cent Inlcrcsl musl cell nt once Addicss ! 01 , Omihn llee M lt < S' SHDi'M ll\\ I LI.IN'll , 1 111.I , I .OP. 1IAIIN 41D and Uarney streeln. only tlUJJOO Onu Ihlrd coib , balanio llmo r K II irllnz , llarkor bleu k MISI 10 Ij'ou s ILK , Tiiouoi iiiiLicgniTKii situ K. farm of .1 i sO arns ttltuatod onllujd river val ey. bcfrt farmlmr illstrlct In Nebraska fan handle UXIcnlllu Itnllruad throiiKh properly I nnd In reasliiK In valuii 1'rlcJ very ro isunable Iddress \ Indsor , Kemp .V Co , 20.1 N. Y. l.lfo. Ins bids , Jmaha 45S It * | > AMI'I11HT ( il\ ISO I.O ATIOV. ll ) , rllll'I IOV I nnd prlci * of Hndi In onttern nnd control Kan us now renily A rare opportunity to secure an mprovtd farm with onlr Biniill p lymcnt down In nuiny rnscs ttie runts will make the dafcrrud pay nt'nts Lnd your nddre * > s nnd that of Irlt'nds to he Amorltnn I and and ImmUrMkm Co , .So 4li > \oir\ork I Ifo DlilK , Kansas lit ) , Mo special erms to neents 4aj 8 * 17'IVI' ' tiUIIITI.V COUVKU IN VII IS1I\ lit 40 III L iiml llotrard A lilt ; barxitln for JI.WJU ) h K. rlhirf , Darker hloc < Mia ? 10 IIAKO A IN till 1 Al.l" AMI COIIS Ull LOT ONK tilock from Illxh Hchool llnost locallon In Omahn , f5 MH llleks , ) Jj N V. l.lfo llldit sin o * ior , noMi y ADDITION , ONLY . } , , ( worth $100JIM Host lot In llcdforct it n ImrtMln * > ei > It end make nn oiler -pinci'rX Hunt , Karbarh block niioT U V'CB ' UK ! llIJ.Sl'l. I.Ol1 VOll SAl.t ! SHAH 3IST . > an ] Mason thret ) blorka north of llantcom , iark , only J..WJ llloks 30i N V Life llldit % 1 R 7011 SAI.K , VhN AflllS WITH COTl'AISK , clo o to city , splendid tfirden tract , only f 4 WO , Illtks , JDj.N V l.lfo IlldK JIJ 1 ! T7m\iAT \ LOW Homnc , ONK of TUB I Imn < l4omest houses iii"ur llnnscoru pork ( all oriirlco lllrkr JUj N \ . J.tfo Uld ul I. SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING nd's , 10c u line each Inidrtlon } l 5) a line per month .Solhlni ; tukim for less tlmn J > o \7Ol"M ) 1 , \ DIKSM1 ( , rS ThK M iS ' J. ucqulroa working knowlej/o of shorthinl anl lypowrltlng at A I' Van Sant s school of mrt liandlllS > ' . 1 Ifo lypOwrlterJ to roit MiW PASTURES FOR HOR3E3. \\reiiA\i : ino Atuica OK HI-UK ( iitd IAS ' tiiro for lior04 Hoard faiii'e Sprlnz water Dnrton \ I'hc'lps dllmnre , Neb , or A.V 1'helpi Jt bon W7 N \ Lira Hide 2JIM. ! ) ' PAWNBROKERS Hates , lOc n line each Insertion Jl W a line per month .SotlililK taken for loss than 2V i , DIAMOND IIUOKKH , I3'J5 ' Doualas Ht ] < oins money on diamonds watches , etc i IdjiolJ and silver bought 'lei ISott HI DRESSlYlAKINO. Hales me a word tlrsl Iniarlinn le a word Ihoro- afler Noiblntf lakon fur less lhan 25u. ri 3 A > l HUE BTfl Tl iTn SM A K iTll , C ONrt- Incnlalblock , room 0. Satisfaction guaranteed II7I. ( Hid1 UNDERTAKERS AND EMB ALMERS Hull's lOc a line each Insortlou tl 50 a line per month Nothing taken for less than -'M : ( \ W HAKhll ( bOUMiiLY11H : JSO U JA- V-.cobs , ikuoised , lutijr with M o Maul ) , under taker and enunlmer Jla < itth st , to ) OH. ; it MUSIC , ART AND LANGUAGES. It at PS lOo H line nach Insertion , fl r > 0 a line par month JSothtng taken tor lens thnn 2 c O. , llA.Nl3T ANM ) TJSACiKl , . IblU ( nllfornla street i'M ' LOST. Hates , IDe a line each Insertion SI 51) a Una par rantti SoihlnK lakon for less than Joe LADlKb PlK KKI HOOK ( ON1A1NI.NO A LOiT sum of monov LlbLrut reward for Its return to U V Odin. 1714 farnnir * t. lloa building 483 6 T OsTCOLDAKH CHAIN1 WIIII I OCKKT J-Jind void dollar llftiiro to Mrs A U COT , 2518 Corby strut and receive rown.nl Iti'iJ ' li * I ( ST ULACK MAIIF WKII1IIS IID ) L1IS , Jwhllo spul on head Itelurn lo Uuiulurson 5th and drnco and recelvo reward 6I > 2 V SECOND-HAND TYPEWRITERS. TiOM.m.tHAHII DKAl KUSINTU'KWItli'KHs' 1JA1I makes bouuhl sold oxthuntiod , rented C13 .N V l.lto bide Tel 5 > SNow F O R Now nnd so 'nnd h ind Dnusmorox In lniirfilur ( iph i Sinllhsotts , 11in inomK Mnnsons rltn for nrle > s md H iv money Midi ADI MAl'loMliy Q ; IIJI I urn nn - < irei t liiffj.1 . Tjir\\ | \ \ ilfi1 Huuve in tin1 BUREAU. SUES & CO..Solicitor ; . Boo Building ; . Ojualia , Neb < yearsrxainlnorsU. S. I'at O.IUolviaifri "Improvement the Order of the Age , " HA VEX ' SREXN THE NEW SMITH If you Imvo not , cull at tno Smith Pre mier Typewriter Co.'n ofilca , or sona for cireiilniM. As usunl , wo have TIIK BUST. TiieSmittiPfemief Typewriter Co Cor. ITth and Farnam Sts. , OMAHA , NEB , E , H MAY1IEW , Manager , T\ON"rUKCAtlKM S. DON'T UK - too cnro'ioss to oxuuilno closely wliun you jjo lo buy a bottle of Curler's Mttlo Llvor t'ilN. Mtuiy unprincipled ilonlors will linnil you u bottle , put uji lu HKt ) wrapper , niul rlusoly linitiilhifr "C'-A-H- T-C-H--S. " Don't ' full to examine e.u-o- fully , nnd don't bo nut oft with some.- tliluc "just us tfooil ns Carter's. " Tbero Is tiothinjf so good ns "Cfirlor'H. " 'J'ho only Biifolv Is in yttlnj , ' tlio ucnulno CAUTKUS LITTI.K LlVKUl'lLLS. A POSIT1V1CUUK : i-OUSR'IC IIHAD- Al'MK. Small Pill Small Uo.so Small Prieo What is this anyhow It is the only bow ( ling ) which cannot be pulled fioin the watch. To be had only with Jas. Boss Filled and other watch cases & * j& stamped with this trade mark. wW Ask your jeweler for pamphlet. Keystone Watch Case Co. , PHILADELPHIA. Are tho3o ignorant pratotiiDrs who without tiny qualifications , any ability , any exporionci , any skill , clnim to possess the powsr to euro all the ills of ho huoni rv33. Bai t'asir wilt o worth soon becomes npparaat to thsir would-bo dupes , nnd thes3 coiiscionco- essquackg an soon , consi no I to tb.3 oblivion they so richly merit. In atranjj an I strDi ? co-itrait vit'i : hcso miserable boasters is the quiet , dignified yet courteous domcanor of lioso notoil loaders of their Who , during the past 27 years , hay abundantly demonstrated their ability to effect speedy , perfect find permanent cures in all the wornt forms of those del icate sexual maladies embraced within the general terms of NERVOUS , GHRONiG AND PRiVATE DISEASES , Send 4 cents for their illustrated now book of 120 pages , "Know Thyself. " Consultation froa. Call upon or address - dross , with stamp , Bsits , 119 S. I4tii Siresf , Cor. Douglas St' , OMAHA. - NEB. RR1LWHY TIME CRRD Leavas 111ICAI.O. IIUIILINIJIMN Al Arrival I'epot ' Illlli and Mason Sn . . Ch'eairo PM ( i m H 41 a m t hlcn o Kxproris 'JMn ra JJ 1 i a m ( lilciuo i : < proas 4 i p m 7 17 p in Chlcaeo t Iowa I 03 ft 55 p m 1 ia\oi llljlll.lsi , ION , v Mil itlVr.lt Omaha Depot I'Hn ' > nd Mnson Sts 10 15 am . Denver Kkpre s 1U 15 a m . . . .Doadwiiod Kiprusj 4 W p m . Denver Express 4 1 > p m . .Denvor Limited f U ) p m Nobratkti I.OCA ! { KxH m > JU5 a m L nroln Local ( Kicont np "Leaves K. I , v I'AI u Omnha Union litMiot lOrti ft Maroy Sts . . Allinllo Kxprp'sj ( hlc i Dun vesllbulo llmlied x lain Kxprnis . . . . | .World l-alr l.lu'ltoil . . llnCiln _ _ , llnntrlce _ Hilrb rj luct TTTTHAiTorit I .i"irA n7iT' h rein I Union llopot IJlli anl Marey MU West b.10 p lull.lnciiln , lleutrlce 1 nlrb ry lomlilU . ' > n lu . ' " 0 pin I hlc Allen u'silbulo llniUtil ! s 40 pin JJOrtmi Wjirlil'n I all I Inillnd1M \ \ a m FeTaviM I K I , si J A I Ti | Arrlvj Oman * I IHtpiit lOlli ail Mt > san SU | Omt > h\ ' .i&Jiim , . . .Kansai l ity Ilir Kxpruit .1 j 'ij p m SMjpm 1C C Sls.it I'.ip Til U I' . ' 1 rans I ti I ) n m 9 45 p ml . . . Ht Luiils Kxpreis . . | G4)am Leaves I USIHN PVl'IKll. Omnha ! Union Depot Uih anil Mirer t f N ) am LJoufor tfcprtjii . . 4 U i p 111 2 Ij IMII . . , Ovarian I Hyar 7UI p m < li p m lloatrlco I irmib < Kr'vx ' dun \\1 \ \ I ) p m f 4Jpm . . . Paaltla Kxprdii . . . IOI ) a m C M p m . _ D 3iivnrKj * t Mall I I it n m f.eme ? i L I f ( L ATTi ( 4l fi7 X f I I'Ai j Arrive On-ahs1 U P depot and it u rev -t I Omaha " 6 JO p ir. I . . . . ' 'htcsu ( J li A m 1UU a ail Kxpraii iijQ p m l.av > J I'm' A PACIKIC. | Arrlvai Otuahal Depot , lath and Maroy ats I Omsh\ 7.W ami Hloux l Ity Paaaanxur. . . .lUMp in 40U oral . . > > t. Paul Kxpreas . llUOOam i Biouxcirr.it Omalial llepol Uth anj Webstar 6 f5 p"in" | _ ht Paul l.lmllad l iaies i ONlAHA"ArTrirT OUI- > i Arrives Omaha II P Depot. lOlh and Many hjta | _ Oinah p m tit Louis Lannon _ Hall ' LJlJ1 ra Loaves I Fr l I'TWOTa .Arrives . Omaha I Depot lith itrU Webiier "ts | Oni hs 8 10 am. Sioux i Ity icoommo litlon jOT p m 1 15 pranlouxUly hpm > * ( ICt sundayi U I ) pm 6.4 % pmi . 611'aul .nilleil . . . i'Jji am ili pm'Hanuroft ' I'assHiiitnrim Hundy ) | 8 li p m Leaves I F.F. A MO VAI.LKY I ArrlvcTT" _ l m ha [ " llepol I5lh and INsmler l ยง _ I Omaha KUO ami . . . lieadwood r.tpress 5 U p m f'JOam ( Kr Hot I Wyo F.xp ( Kx Mon ) 5 a p m pin .Norfolk ( Kx SiinJun It ) ii n m p m | Paul Bxprait 'Mi am leave ICIIILAOOA NOIU'll WhslS.l : I.N Am vet Omaha'U ' P depot loth and Marcy StsI.N Omlln 720 am ( Kx. Hun yi I'arro'l I'aisaugar I W p m 11140 a in . . . i hlciio Kxprm' . fluS p m < M p m Vestibule LlmllH I ' 1 3. ) a ra 7 U ) nml Kaitern Hytr . i s I i p nt ( j.2n p m fr Hun > < hln Pan iKr M m 'in - \ m l-t vT" i PA" ' IKIl .ArrlviT" ( Jiuabal _ [ lcpot lilli and ' Omah 1.10 p in t > L liu.s Kxpr > ii 700 a m lUU ) p n. M l.oult Kipren 501 pm HOi mi . htbnika Lvcsl * .i.vii j Tito fsow York Ix > ilRor glvo us n short story romploto in 0110 ntimlicr , "Tito 1'rls- onor , " li.v liny do Mntiia | < sotU "Tho Koliol tjuoon. " now nnpoirln ; ; In IlnrK | rN Hawr , H s.iul to lie Dm bent story Mr Hi'Hini his jot written So sujs the Uootcmnn , rxintlon " 'I'ho I ten I Tlilni ! nnd Olhor T lc , " by Henry Jninca , fonsNtt In n sot'lns nt hort toile" * that hi\o npiioarod In iiKifT\zliio.i. Miti'Mllhtn & Co , Now York Tito Imlmti-itl Koliool Courlor of Koarnov , Is a oik rullri'tlnx oroilitoii the work of the sthoul , uhoBO innills dn the tjpoKi.iphlc.il wor'.i Involvoil in Its iniblli-Ulon "Tho 1'oot iiul . " " : the M.iti" fuinishos "recol- lei lions mill apiiH'ol.Uions" of .l.uucs Kits- soil I.OVM.II , by 1't.\IKIS II. I'tuiuruood , L I , 1) hoe A , . Shppaisl , Huston. M.irtbn McCullooh WIllLinis' ahoi t story. ' In the ( . 'nvo , " ttppcirs in Il.irju'r' ' * YOUIIK 'i iplo , tolllnp .1 lltiillttiK tiilNontiiro of two b is ainnni ; the | iltnt.itluns of TPIIIIOSSUP 'I ho Ktir Tr.ulo Ko\lo\v for M.ty , bi'lufjs mu \.il\ribli' \ infofin.ition , .IH usual , of the Movements of incoming nml otituolii } ; furs , mil the ROIIOIM ! i-otntltloii of the fur Ir.uU' ( .ioldtbwnlto's Cicofir.tpliliMl MnKa-'Itu * for Maiib niul April pii'scnti n \ nilotof , holco u-adinp , ainonc Its loniltiu ; arilclos loin ; ; , "A Year In Llborla , " by Marj U. tthlto Ilistorla. nn Illustrated mnnlhlv iiiajrazino lovotod ontltoh to historical subjects , heads ts April nunilK'f with an artii lo cnlUlod 'Ilaily Soldier Da > s of Nniiolcon , " by H. T. Ihodos The Kans-is Cltv Stoolc Yards company send us a handsomclv illnstratod paniphlot llustratiiiir the ovtonslvo "Mvo Stoi'k and 'ackhiR Industrli's of Kansas City , Mo. , l'hioutfit a Camera " "Hor.uian 1'choos" consists of n sorlos of tootIrnl translations from Jloiaro , by .lolm " ) sbonic Sari-out , with an introduction by llUurVondell Holmes. Iloughtou .Mllllln * > , Co , CiinilirklRO The Unltod States Dopartmcnt of Atirictil- , nro has just Issued a small pamphlet on 'Tin1 Russian Thistle and Other Troublesome - some Wi-cds in the \\heat Itrplon ot Minnesota - seta and Noith anil South Uakota " "Plei'es to Spo ik , " by Kinma I.eo Houedlct , embr.u'es cholio pootleal seleetlons for I'cit'ition It is espooiallj auttptoil for the iso of school rhildion , Uoatd oo\cr and tloth-baek I.co i\c Shepard , Hoston Under the title of "Tho I lopintr Angels , " Mr U'illlam Watson pictures in poetry a \isitto i-aith by two angels , oonttasting their intense interest In our mundane iiflatrs with "the stairnatlon ofour perfect , state " MacMlllan & Co . isew York A Con.in Doj le's now novel , "Tho Kofu- pees , " now running hi Haiprr's Maga/ino. is Utraetlnu much attention on both sides of ho Atlantic. The Publishers' Circular , xmdon. sajs , "It is ono of the few really successful files that have appeal od since the l.ijs of Scott " 'J'ho I'air Mbi arj's last issue , "Antoinette , or the Matl-l'H Mjsterj , " by tieorjjcs Olint't , is a translation flout the riench The stoi'i is full of incidents th it hold the i o-adur's wiapt attention Worthlngtou I'oinnany , New Yoik. "I'orsonil Recollections of Nathaniel Haw thorne. " b > Horatio Ihiggs , docs not attempt t complete blo raplo of the famous novelist , uut is conilned to such lemimsccm cs as have IIPPII in the main the solo possession of a near fiiemt. Harper kIhos. . , New York The Unhersity of Pcnns hanla sends us i cataloiruo and announcemi'iits fet IS'Jj ' ; ) It is ncatlj ptlnted in : c > ( ) piKes.and contains i line map of the unUcism Rioimds cover- UB10 , ? ' . ) * acres , in which the location of all its numerous nnd cxtcnsho buildings is shown. "Tho Philosophy of Sltifrins , " by Clara Kathleen Rotrers , contains many \.iluablo icllcctlons tltawti from a Ions ptactical ex- leuciicoby an onserMti mind. No leader will close the book without a hlirhei'appro- datlon of the vocal art Haipcr & liroa. , New York. The Rose Library has added to its do- iphtful series , "Tho K.IR Plikur of Paris , " ny Felix Piot. Translated from the Prpncli iiy Uonj.tinin H Tucker The loputation thlswoik has already pained abioad is a guaranty of meeting a hearty welcome hero Worlhln&ton comp my , Now York- . "Klomcntary Woodwork" consists of a se ries of sixteen lessons taught'in the senior prammar grade at Springfield , Mabs , and pi\es fundamental Instruction inthonsoof all the ( principal tools needed in caipentrv and Joinery H Is full of neat Illustrations that add greatly to its ptactical value. Leo & Shcpard , Hoston. 'Meicly Mary Ann" Is the euphonious title of asplcistory by I X ingwlll , being the llrst of a series entitled , " I'ho Drcczy Library. " The stjlc of cover adopted in thissoitcs is % cry artistic. Its design belnjj raised in delicate tints on a substantial bo.uil co\or Pilco , r > 0 cents. Raphael Tuck & Sons company , limited , New Yoik. The Illustrated World's Fair for April in out with lifty gip.it iiictuie'i In the highest stiloot art illustrating xarluus foatutes of the great exhibition It contains the Hat of entire perso'iniel of the fair , besides a laige vanotj of miscellaneous information of use for those who intend to visit the exposition. Iho lllustiatod World's Fair Publishing company , Chicago. The American Statesman seiies has Just been enriched w 1th a woik in two small vol umes , "Abraham Lincoln , " bv John T. Morse , Jr The work will bo of great interest to American readers as revealing many minor personal traits of this man , in a laivo degree - greo so typical of the best element in Amorl- mu fhaiacter. Houghton , MlflUn < fc Co , Cambridge. "Tho Indians of Tod.iv , " by Sherman Coolidge - idge , D.D . a natuc Arapahoe , is an altract- ivo featuio of the Colorado Mngamie "The Matador , " a poem by Frank II Meyer , "Reminiscences or Panama , " b > Prank W. Whlto.aml' Ctocdc,1' in Cy Warm in.iroalso among the choice articles in this western magazine , which is handsomely and pro fusely illusli.itc.cl "Under the Scarlet and HlacU , " poems se lected fiom the Uiidcigraduate publications of Iowa college , edited by llurvoy S Me- Cowan , "Jl , and Frank T Lvovcst , ! li. Is a small xolunic , neatl.\ gotten up loi\vcen ) neii\s , bo\cl edged bands , bound in cloth and gilt The poems make nlloirctln r a very 11 editable assortment Herald Publishing company , Grinnell , la Harper's IMack & White Series are out with a small book , "Slaverj and the Slave 'Irade in Africa , " by Henry M Stanley It deals mainly with the conditions under which this trade llomishes and points out the teasons for looking for its decline v Ull the extension of Hiitlsh trade after the com- nlotion of tlio rail way to the Uj an/a. Har per < Ss Itros , Now Yoik. " , Iolm Holdcn , Unionist , u Ro'nanco of the Ia\s of DeatriK tlon and Reconstruc tion , " bi T. C DoLcon in riilabnr.ulun with lirwin Lediard 'Iho work is tvploto with liM'ly Incidentb and the plot is full of tht ill- ing romance , inatlu more realistio by the coloring of loi.al dialect and character sketching It is neatly bound in cloth , Ilncly printed , and Illustrated m the per fection of the ongravi-r's art. The Prico- McCiill company , .St Paul "Ideal Suggestion Through Mental Pho- tographv" by Iteniy Wood The unstable and extravagant phases ol what Is Known as "Mental Healing , " are passing away , nnd Its timttrlj ing piim-Iplos and seientillc practicability aio now le'ceiv- ingattcnlion Mr Wood , who is an inde pendent investigator , belongs to no "school1 or party , nnd has gi\en sotetaloars of con Motherhood is the time that extra care is needed extra strength , too. Maternal duties weaken the mother so. Poor digestion affects her affects the child. Her health is the child's health. That is why a harmless nutritive tonic is al ways given the mother. There is such a tonic. It is Johann Hod's Malt Extract , lie sure to obtain the genuine , which has the signature of "Johann Hoff" on neck label of bottle. There is a booklet about this Extract for mothers , to be sent free. Kunar V Mendelson fo Hole Aipnt. lol an1 164 Franklin tl , .New York. servntlvostudv to thu philosophy an 1 tloin lustrations of this scl-Tcc In order to Inter- > retlt laus and posuhllltlus Ho has no irofossioiml Interest in the subjin t null * tell known as a ciirofnl and i-ipadlo wrl'rr ipon psu-iinlotflcat nnd inolaphisiiat topli s .PC nnd Shepard. Hoston The Mav Now Knglnnd magiulnp oontiins n paiior dpscrihlng the lelatlons of Phil Ips llrool.s and H.-mar.l l'nlvi rsitwrit en by Alexander McKen/lo , an old frien i if Irooks The nrticlo Is accotupnnli'it wltli llnstrallons , which shows iho fun iii.u1 nuntsof Hroohs whllo at Cimbvlt. . V upcM'on "Miltun as nn educator' Hi Plili l | > s Htvoks is nisi In this numbiu' The Mav number of Hirpor's Mitti/lnn 'ontains the tlrst of twn arililes on Inn .uilutlnn of New York , ' bThomits , A .1 in lor ' 1 he Insight ami humor > \hiih li.uo h irmed so manv ivnlers of Mr ,1 HIM s torles ha\p not dcsettcd him hero He li is i c.ited his subject with a liuht tuncli tit 1 ho result mmost puicrtalntnit ip.ultnir 'I > hc.Ma.\ installment liouard P.\locoutriliutos 'our dravliijfs , si\ maps from old scurfs omplcto the Illustrations Harpers Weekl.nubllshod Mai ; i is au-cly devoted to the illustration of tl > o tte.it n ual rolew at New York Oiv up\ us the front ILI O K a characterislic pn turo of a striking n.ual incident drawn b1' do riiulslrup A double | iai'p Illustration pu < oi'iitsalow of the licet as It apin'i'i'd nt ho time nf the ro\ low , w hile a supet b etyht ugo "tipplcment Illustrates the pissi - .f hocssels from the u.n to their am h HM-O n the North iher. Hcnr.lames has Just published a mlloe Ion ot short slot ies , "Tho Real 'Ihinj ! an 1 Ither Pales , " among which "Nun i Vm lit s most interesting "Sir Oomlnlck I Vri in I s also icahstle and well written The Inn t will bo found good pistlino fora U isu o tour , and contains qulto \arlet > of tal. * ill in Mr James' well known st.vlo 1'h , uu irlnt Macmillan , V I'o. , insures good WOIK nanshlp and a well bound uilmiio t'us ipltiit one of the famous dollar sci ies Nc w York clti One of the most prominent features of the { eviowof Rex lews for May consists in a .i.inslatlon fiom portions of Ijinjeno Rich ei's "Pictures of the rutui-o. " a wnikhu ng a sale in ( ierniatii comparabli' with tint ofHellanii's "Looking Hickward" in this ountry The article nppcirs undei the -itlo. "How a Socialist Millenium.iuld Woik. " and wliilo In some respects jusl.y efutlng the communistic stand of Itellamj- sin it icllects but a n.urow comptolnnision ) f socialism , presenting a socialism capric iously cieated In the write ! s mind All those leaders and admirers of stories ) f the war will be pleased with T C Do Leon's "John Jlolden , Unionist " 'Iho book does not attempt to light the war over , the ssuosaronot mentioned , but Is a roinmcn of Tennessee w hen the bushwhackers held swa > . Them HIP souval sliong i baiacti-is , md the heio , with his dialect and sttango ; deas , Is not tholeist itmott't thorn In its wa\ the story is interestnnj , rlean indill written It is , i niceh bound \olimn. in Id 10 and gold Pine-MiCiilL compatn , fc > t Paul Munsoj's Magazine for Mamulaliis a most intei pstliu stu ly ot the h in \\IILHIK l of nolablo people who aio roiuusentativc of our modoin Llvlli/ation , with a revolutiun nf thilr chaiai tei us shown \ itlio siteiue of graphology It is curious to look upon fnc similtes of the writing of lid win Hnoth , .lilies \ cine. Mary Anderson , and a do/en others , and then h.uo the o\pot t expl nn tlio inuanlngs of curio ami lino. Mmis i s will begin in the .lime nuinliora depiitment , where the h inilii rltmg nf an.\iiiin' will ho lead and his or her chataeter delnu'ited therofiom Munsei's Magazine entot.s its ninthiolumo this month , nnd is ono of those intgi/inis which an1 looked for each month , as an old standby" Frank A Munsey contnbutej a char.utir skoUh.with portrait as fiontts piece , of ex Speaker Reed , whicli wld bo perused with Inteiest bvthat gentleman's maiii political fi lends "Now Yoik s Naval Hatinlion , " b > Roboit Stolt Osbuino , is of espetial inteicst at this tlmo Mairf.uot Fleming conti Unites a sensible nrticlo on "IJelsarto'a Theoii , " which is beautifully il lustrated Ftank A Munsey & Co , List Twcntjthird sticet , Now Yoik Curient Literatnro for April is among the arrivals and is ono of those things which must lie experienced to bo appreciated. i\iT.vthint. : icioues attentiiin in this maga zine , and nothing for \cry long at a time ; that is what makes It intcicslini ; 'llioro are only twoai tides in the ontlio magarino which are ono page in length and these aio composed largely of illustiations Ono is of Grover Cleveland and his cabinet and the other is of Kleauor Diiso , the new dramatio light O ! course , as its name would impli , a largo part of the contents of this publica tion are extracts and articles from contom- porancous newspapers and magazines , but they are alirajs the very hnghtcst , stiongcst. wittiest or most pathetic of which the peiiodieal b capable Cm rent litera ture Publishing company , Now York No intelligent American who leads Kcnnan's vigorous analjsis , in the May Forum , of the ptopasi-d Russtin extradition tio-Uy will lusitato to desire the abrogation of that measure in its ] > u aunt form. Mr Kcnnan demonstrates concltisliely that the tieaty could work no benellt to the United States , while It would sin render all Russi in refugees to the [ minorities of a country whore the funtiatnontal principles of civil- i/ed Jutispindcnco arc disregatded Mr Kcnnan hints that the United Slates miiht ; utmost as reasonably conclude nn extradition tieatj with the king of Uanonn'tno em- jioioi of China , or the shah of Persia , an.l ho contends fuither that the treaty would bn welcomed In St Poteisbur/r / as u " .Indication of Siberian horrors by the "Ijeest. most powei ful , ami most enlightened icpublic. m the world " In the Aiena for Apill is nn at tide by the well known author , Hainlin liailand , on "Tho Future of notion , " w hicli is the strongest and most carefully wiilten of any which have appe ired in the last .icar on this subject which has attracted attention of many good writeis Mr ( iarland handles li.s subject ns ono who speaks with auihoiily and if any ioung author misses reading it the loss will bo irreparable. Mr .James C ! Clark's portrait appeals as a fiontispiwj and thomaga/ino presents an article ol Homo length containing maiii piems by this great singer , composer and | Kiot whum All Lower calls tho"pjot of the peopio " ' Helen V Starrott contributes a pain r on " 1'ho So-called Fnd in the Public Si h.iols " CJeorgi1 C Lorimer , H I1' Underwood aiiiV Mi I 'i.n ken each help to make this number of Iho Aiena a notable one. while Vt tor Yarros' exposition of "Anarchism ' si ould bo rarofnlli lenibi those who keep in touch with the "signs of the times " Tlio poo'ry of the month is auiibutcd to Mabel H ijih'n nnd .lames U Claik The Arena compaiii , Pieno building , Hoston. The North American Rouow fur April is attiai ting unusual attention on account of Its able contributions on ' How Sha'l ' thu Pension LI it lln Ito'.isedf ' bv the ihurmait of the committee on pensions , by th < > past commander of the ( jrand Aimy of tin- Republic public nnd bi the editor of the Arm ; an I Naval Journal All three writers being men of well known abillti to nandlo the subject , makes the ai tides have unwonted wdght Hon Robert Adams Jr , contulmtes a paper on "Ttio Faults of Our Consular Sen ice , " and in the Ilnaiuial department aio two papers of unusuil Inteiest , The Cut- rency and the IJeinoi rntle Parti , " hi lion It 1' Illand , ' The llrussds tUmferomo Reviewed viewed , " hi Hon Ch irleh Foster Thiou contilbutors appear In the April num tier ' 1 wo , Lidi ( Jiay Kdgnrtnn and Lady Sikcs , write on "America , " giving their im pressions of this country , formed while vis iting hero Amelia li irr In her strong way writes of "flood anil Had Mothers , " a paper every woman In America should road He- sides all of these are other articles , all llrst class in their way and by men prominently bofoio the peopio Thu North American Ro. view has its own place and it stands aliiilo , unrivaled , in that placo. Now , it is a faet that the most unpoi tantartn leof the month and tlio ono whit h appeals llrst In thu tnaga- 7inc has nearli escaped mention nnd that Is , 1 Charges at the World's Fall , "by Director General Davis , of all ( luc-stions In i elation to this subject that of the cost Is ically the vital one to most people , and Mr Davis U informed on thn matter The North Ameri can Revlow , Uast Fourteenth sticut , Isuvr York. people have no time , and ncnslblo people have no inclination to use pills thaV make them l < k a day for every dose they tuko Thnv have learned that tno use ot Do Witt's Little l.arly Riscis does not In. t ei fern with their health by cauMiig imusea pain or griping I he so little pills nro p r , feet In action and tcsulte , regulating tha stomach and bowels su that headai lies , diz ziness nnd lassitude are prevented They clrnnsp the blood cli-.u the complexion nnd our 'ii ' ( Iho systani Lois cf Uotlth In tlua ittlc feilowi