Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 08, 1893, Page 5, Image 5

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nit ? PI'IP iiTppTPtiv nnnriMJCc
j Tnih and Pluck Promlie Plenty All Over
the Great Wuit.
Cfmcnt illnrk Nenr ( Irrnt I r\1t , Mont.
Tim Cry tnl Hirer Ciiuntrjr I'reoloui
MctnU , Ciuil unit Mnrhla
Cnttle Nntfi.
Crops throughout thn far west , while
threatening to bo a llttlo late owing to Iho
cold promts" nevertheless to be above the
nveiagu. having been decidedly benefited
liy tbo recent rains. Cattle on the ranges
have suffmcit scarcely any loss through the
winter though sheet ) , in sonic districts ,
have been decimated by tbo cold weather
couilnwuftcr shearing had been begun.
Wining momlses well in most suctions , and
and its operations are being watched with
( ; reat expect itiey , particularly In now dis
tricts , and where now processes are being
Alomil.ilii Uillinlji.
Awa > up in the hc-irt of the mountains
north of ( iMiinlson nnd south of Olonvvood
Hprlngs two 'ittlo ' branch railroads are build-
Jng which are 'Instlned to have a largo In-
iluonco on tbo development of the western
slopes an I on the productive Industries of
the state The Crjstal ihnr. also known as
Itock creek. Is a tributary of the Uoarmg
I'otk Joining said stream near Cnrbomlale ,
cm trie Kio diande , and not far from Aspen
Junction on the Midland It cuts a pathway
through thn mountains fnrarallroid and
drains nno of the veiy richest sections in the
vrholu Ko < ky mountain country Tlio region
ubounds in gold and silver , in vast quantities
of coil and includes the celebrated Yule
creek marble
The rills are now laid ten miles from Carbondale -
bondalo for both narrow and standard guago
trains , while ten miles moro will bo com
pleted within a month , eairiIng the termi
nus to Coal C'rcek , at which point ! i" > 0 coke
ovens nin to be erected Thence a narrow
Kuago will l o extended thirteen miles to the
< -oal IleMs which tests have demonstrated to
jleld the finest cooking coal in the woild
Llgnlto and anthracite are found In close
proximity to bituminous coal , the deposits
being as uxtenslvo as they are valuable
The Llk Mountain line is being pushed
Into the same loc.tllty of the mountains ,
and promises to develop resources equally
as numerous anil quite as productive.
\Vhat will bo most important , however ,
after considering the opening of a rich sec
tion of the state , w 111 bo the development of
the maibio beds of which so frequent men
tion has been made in these co'iimns ' The
cponlntr of thcsu marble deposits promises a
new industrv to Colorado. The quality is
equal to that of anj quarry in Italy , while
there is e-verj variotj , from the purest white
to the richest variegated colois For jears
it has been Impossible to do anything with
them for a want of transportation Now
that they will soon bo reached by a railroad
they will become at once productive and as
sure a now avenue of wealth to citizens of
Turnout Itock Iu Montana.
If you wont to find any mineral substance
used in tbo industilos of the country , all jou
have to do is to look for it. Every iear
sotnn new andvnluablo find Is mado. Last
year the lire clay deposits began to attract
the attention of capitalists , and today thcio
is a J'JS.OOO factory built and ready to com-
mencooperatlons in manufacturing lire brick ,
paving brick , tiles , pipes , etc. , thus
keeping thousands of dollars in the west em
ploying labor Instead of building up the In
dustries of ether parts of the country It
was nrcdlctud at the time that it was moro
than likely that some enterprising pros
pector would yet discover a good cement
rock In tills part of the country , as the 'con
ditions vvcio favorable to Us existence.
All this U now liUely to bo verified as a
pleco cf rock was brought in the other day
which has every appearance of being a gen
uine cement rock. It wjis found by ono of
Iho 'vorkmen employed by the company , who
was doing a llttlo prospecting not far fiom
Great Falls , Mont. Thinking from its nw-
ne.iraneo that It might bo cement rock ho
had a piece of it calcined and reaueed to
powder , nnd then made a test of Its quali
ties along w itU some Imported Portland co-
mcnt Ho was delighted to ilnd that it set
us quickly and as hard as the Portland co-
mcnt nnd being satlslled that ho had made a
valuable discovery ho secured the claim.
Yesterday ho brought some of the rock into
the city and left It for trial It is pro
nounced bearing every appearance of being
true cement rock , but bo has not finished Ilia
experiments with it , and does not dcsiro tc
uxpress a final opinion until they are completed -
. . ploted If the present Indications aio verl
j J lied , however , a very valuable discovery ins
been made and a new source of wealth nnd
industrial progress discovered which Is not
econd to any heretofore made , not excepting
the precious metal deposits
A New rrooeiu Uoiluntluii I'lixnt.
The erection of a fifty-ton cyauido reduc
tlon plant at Deadwood by J S. Chllds wil
vcryllkeli provo a matter of great import
nnco to the refractory orodistiicts of tin
southern Hills , as well as to the ImmcdiaU
locality In which the plant Is to bo located
lioth Mr Chllds and that eminent authority
on all that pertains to mines and mining ,
I'rof .loiiny , luuo stated that with the
cynnldo process they have succobsfullj
, treated refractory ores from over\
district of the IHack Hills , and that thoi
ire positive that It will extract the goh :
from IK ) per cunt of the oios of tin
region , Hcc.iuse Mr Chllds his seen tit ti
eiect bis Hist ieduction plant at Deadwood
Iu close proxltnltv to the properties which hi
recently put chased , it does not follow thai
ho , ns owner of tlio process , will conlluo hi ;
operations to that part of the Hills Tin
establishment of tills phut Is but a begin
ulng which Is to give the cyanide process i
f jothold in the IHack Hills If the enter
prlso proves n success , nnd theto is over ;
reason to believe that it will , the now com
pany will naturally deslio to extend It
operations over the entire territory In vvhlcl
It controls the process , and the vvoston
portion of Custor count } , with Its inoxhaustl
bio Dodlesof high k'rauo ores , will provo ai
attraction which capital cannot resist
Mirrp .11 ovine lj Kail.
The train of sheep consisting of clghtco
cars , of the movement to Wasatch , was foi
warded over the Union Pacltlo tbeothe
This Is the first season that this motho
has been employed In transferring from th
winter to the summer ranges , and some OUTers
ors have looked upon tto handling of wea
sheep and owes bj rail as a doubtful one
llowover on Frldaj , James Chesnoy shlppe
bis first train and lost but ono head out of
train of fourteen cars , the trip from th
yards hero to the unloading ixilnt at Wasatc
occupying but llvo hours This method I
such an Improvement upon the old plan tha
tha movement iiromUcs to DO very muc
larger than ivas at Hist contemplated , an
the stock jtmla folks and railroads .lie belli
taxed to handle Iho business , which is be in
looked after by U A do Uleqles Ho think
that the movement will become a promincn
ono , and that the sheep will bo shipped bac
to the winter range in the fall instead (
being driven as it Is the only solution of tli
anne > ancu occasioned b > driving the llocL
through and around thu city twice a jca
nnd to wool growers , it comes at an oppo :
tune tlmo ,
Tli i KontxiiHl Country Mill Drnwln ? .
"Despite the fact that several of the b ]
silver mines in the Ccuur d'Aleno dlstrli
have been shut down because , as it is a
leged , of the low value of the whlto meta
the influx of prospectors and speculate ]
Into the recently dlscoveiod district I
British Columbn is rather on the Increa ;
instead of decreasing , as mlgut bo oxpoctcd ,
Colonel I ) H Hudlong , a steamboat man i
the Cujrd Aleiie region was tbo speaker
"Tho country seems to bo ll
greatest drawing card , " continued U
colonel , "Tho toports tire most promUh
front that direction , and I ihiuU the fai
that many of the Cuiur d'Alono capltalls
hare bccomo heavily interested there has
great deal to do with it. Uvory party inaki
a stop at Spokane boforn taking the final
plunge lull thn now country. The rush is
vor.v great and It will not bo gtrango If a
good sized city should suddenly spring up on
tlio borders of Kootonal like .Many of the
prospectors and boomers conio from tbo ex
trcmo cast , although tlio larger part of
them are from Montana , Idaho and Washing
ton Thcro ate many stories told of Ouur
d'Aleno miners who have gene prospecting
up there and In the course of a few months
returned home with their fortunes in their
' It Is not probable that these Cu-ur
d'Aleno mines which have recently ceased
operations will long remain inactive Kvcry-
thing | K > luts toward renewed activity. In
deed , w hen I was In K | > okane a few days ago
it was iioslilvcly stated that the Hunker
Hill and Sullivan ml'ies would bo reopened
at once , and the general feeling Is that it
must bo so. "
A Nun I'lth Currlrr.
Major Schnltger , fish commissioner in
charge of the hatchery at Lar.tmlc , has had
a new device made for transporting llsh from
the hatchery to different tiarts of the state.
It Is a box eighteen Inches long , the same in
height nnd ten Inches wide Attached to
tbu lid Is an ice reservoir and in the bottom
nf tbo box Is a tank for holding fish. It will
hold from S.WKJ to ! IX)0 ( ) fish , according to
their size The ice in the top of the box
melts and keeps dripping into tha tank
below , keeping the water at a temper.Uuio
of ! degrees This Ice will last from six to
twelve hours and additional ice can bo
carried in the cars for the purpose of re-
ilenishing It Is said that these chests
iavo been used successfullj There are
iolcs in the top of the bo < over the ice.
n.iklng It self aerating It is el timed that
10 loss of llsh tan result bv thu use of these
: io\os riftecn of them Have been ordered
nt an expense of ft 50 each , which Is cheaper
than the cans can he bought
I/mil Tlinmtrncd ultli ll CM tlio War.
Utah is on the verge of a rustler war , such
us enlivened life in Wionung lastjcar , but
as the federal authorities have taken a hand
t may bo of shoi t duration. All the availa
ble deputy marshals in the territory are
Iwlng centered there For some tlmo past
lumbers of stock cattle bearing certain
brands have been found shot on the range ,
with the presumable object of running oil
the calves. It has been definitely ascer
tained that this was the work of an organ-
Ied gang , supposed to be headed by the no-
toiions Captain Divls of Wostwater. Con
siderable damaging evidence has been so-
L-ured against other parties , and a general
roundup of the thieves Is hourly expected.
This Is a matter which ditectly n fleets the
interests of every cattleman ranging stock
in the Llttlo Ciiand valley Feeling runs
high , and every fusplclous past action is
being investltated It is possible that with
the posse at present located arrests
may bo peaceably made
A Cnttlo Uoniul-t'prlii Uiikntn.
The lound-up of the Kioux range will start
from Toil Pierre May 'JO under
the auspices of the Missouri Hivcr Stock
men's association. The past year has been a
oed ono for stockmen in western Uoutli Da
kota They have met with very few losses
and cattle came through in Rood shape The
outlook npw Is that the piesent herd will bo
largely Increased by the shipment of cattle
from the southern range. Some of the larg
est deals over made since the opening of this
country to settlement have been made or
will bo made shortly Louis La Plant has
purchased about 0,000 head of cattle in
Texas and will shottly ship them in IJ.irton
& Williams and Marrington will ship 2,100
head from Colorado Crocket & SIman will
put in 5,000 head and \Villliinu aud Uoblnson
il.OOO Those four deals alone icpresont
some $ .U5,000 IJesldes these there are nu
merous small deals which will bo transacted
during the spring and summer iu both cattle
and sheep
An Actlvu Camp.
The Willow Springs mining camp is the
liveliest point In southern Oregon. Several
more rich pockets were discovered lately
The Harris brothers , who came hero from
California a short time ago , took out
Jl.OOO from ono pocket In a single day.
I. F. Wllllims discovered a pay chute
and took out moro than $ -KM ) . Ono day's
clean-up in the camp on nil the claims will
run up to . " > , UOO. Three dollars a ilay Is of-
feicd for common laborers with few takers
Prospectors aio moving out fiom all the
small towns , and cabins are being erected
galore Every miner has a pot of beans and
toffee hanging on a cross-stick , and all new
comers receive the hospitality of the camp.
12usiness In this town is practically sus
pended duiing the day , but excitement runs
high during the night. Most of the business
men have gone to the camp. A night shift
Is kept on watch to protect rich pockets
from tramps ,
Mli > u Mine * .
M K Clapp , ex-attorney general of Min
nesota , arrived at Hot Springs a few days
ago , accompanied by the following St. Paul
men. 1C. D. Chase , Donald Grant , M.S.
Mason and Dr. Lenhoren. Immediately
after arriving hero the party departed for
Custer Cltv for the purpose of Inspecting
tbo mica mines located near that place
Their inspection was very thorough , as they
had with them an oxpoi t , who subjected the
mica at the various mines visited to a most
severe test , not only to tbo satisfaction oi
the mine owners , but of tboSt Paul parties
This test resulted iu the sale of $3,50\ > worth
of property , and in the bonding , for the
period of sixty dajs , of a number of mica
claims , all being adjacent to Custer. A syn.
dicato of St. Paul capitalists has for the
past several weeks been bujlng up mien
claims In the southern Hills , and an active
industry In that line will bo developed it
the next few months
Dullotii rroappitft ,
News from Yankton reports the rcccni
rains and snow have l > ecii of great benefit t (
the farmers in that vicinity , although seed
ing of small grain has been greatl.v rotaulet
theioby Fanners aio confident that by th <
10th the seeding will be completed This
will bo two or three weeks ahead of lasl
season The acreitro of vv heat w ill bo large ]
in that vicinity than over before , owing tc
the better markets created by the construe
tlon of several gt 1st mills during the pas' '
two yeais Another teason is that new set
tiers have been arilvlng all winter from thi
eastein states and have taken possession o
much of the vacant land heretofore held bj
speculators Corn , oats , barlov , flax and po
tatocs will also bo moro extensively culti
vated than ever Stock , cattle and hogs uri
in prime condition and the farmers oxpec
this season to bo the banner year as i
wealth producer
A I.urliy Mrllto.
J. J Downhouf In performing his annun
assessment work on thu Ophir No ! l lode
says thu Anaconda Standard , has uncovorci
a largo body of extremely rich ore Th
mine is situated near this town. Ho i
taking out chunks of ore , from one pound t
MK ) pounds in wcUht , which aio literally fill
of free gold , nattvo silver , ruby and brtttl
silver It is without doubt the richest ore
have seen in Montana Mr Downhour i
an old pioneer of Hlackfoot , coming hero 1
IhtiTi , when bo camped near the spot when
ho owns a half Interest in a bonanza now
William Piico owns the other half Thor
are boveral other tine showings hero for gel
mines The Coulson brothers havoshlppL-
slx carloads to Omaha and have anothe
now leady U ) ship Ono car netted thoi
Sl.'JOO , over MlV ) per ton , in gold.
\Y r on Co ) ul en.
Iliddlo brothers , shocp hor.lors of the mos
northei n ranges In Mendoclno county , Cul
fornlii , roKirt | records broken within the las
six wcrfvs In the destruction of spring laml
b > coyotes They have killed from 50 to (
per cent of all the spring lambs
The destruction of coyotes has also bee
enormous The sheep men grow desperat
and raised their previous $10 bounty 100 pc
cent which , with the M county bounty an
tlio & ) state bounty , made coyote seal )
worth Wl This brought Into the field
stranger named Chester AI res , with a pre ]
aration of his own compounding Over tl :
ranges Ai res buried his traps , with a pc
fume which bo uses for bait In tlio pa :
live weeks he has captured forty -six sculp
WultliiK tor tli snow * to < io.
Thousands of Montanans are waiting f
the nous that travel is possible In the Sloca
country , British Columbia When it do <
como thcro vv ill bo a great rush from th
tuto to the uuw UUoraJu. Already Hclei
catiltal has gone In there , and the first OM
ahlppcd ; out cauirt to Helens from n mlno
largely owned by Helena people. The best
advices arn to the effect that It will ho the
latter part of Junn before thn HIIOW will have
disappeared sufficiently to allow prospectors
to gut around , and In the moanllmo It Is far
better for Intending dtampedurs to remain
where they are.
Nfhrniikn nnit > plirn li iM.
The Northeastern Nebraska Press associ
ation meets today at Wayne
111 I tor T. J. Smith of the Alnsworth Star-
Journal offers his paper for sale.
Heatrico Knight Templars will attend
services at Wilber on Ascension day , May 11
A new paper has been started at Superior ,
tbo Sun , of which ICueck & IJllnn are tbo
D H. Carpenter has become thn editor of
the Tecumsch Hepublle , official organ of the
Johnson county alliance
The Women's Foreign Missionary society
of thu Beatrice Institute held a successful
meeting at Ueatrito last week.
Miss Alberta Hates of York icceiitly be-
camu a Klstcr of Mercy at Km sas City , tak
ing the name of bister Mary Aloxts.
The Wilber nevvspnpcis have adopted the
novel plan of pooling on the mechanical
work of their papers , each using the plant
three dajs of the week
All of Broken How's saloons had to close
for three dajs because their licenses expired
before their petitions for renewal could bo
heard by the city council.
DTho Hislng City Sons of Veterans are to
present the military drama , "Tho Midnight
Chaige " on the evening of May 20 , and all
the old soldiers in western Hutlcr county
aio expected to Ixs present
The women's missionary societies
connected with the Baptist churches of
the Omaha association held a meeting at
Hlair last week , transictcJ important busi
ness and listened to addresses by icturued
J C Lincoln , the pioneer tncrchint of
Salem , died last week. Thirty-eight jears
ago he helped to survey the town site and
began business in a log house , with very few
other customers than Indians Ills wife died
only four davs before him , quite suddenly ,
but Mr Lincoln had been sick ne.irlj two
Two female members of the Table llock
Hand of Holiness' became Involved a in
inarrel over the husband of 0110 of the
voiucn and a fiec light resulted , the wife of
ho man Hi the case paving a line for assault
mil batteri Jsow there Is tioublo among
ho btethrun aud sisters composing the
land and a split is threatened.
While out hunting near North Platte ,
Eloward Hussell , 17 years of nee. lost his
Ifu. He was on his way homo when his
voungor brother attempted to unload the
gun , and while doing so the weapon was
iccldentl.y discharged , taking ellect in the
'eft portion of Howard's chest and badly
nanglinif his loft arm. Ho was taken to
town , where he died two hours later.
DH II Graham editor of the Clay County
. 'iogress , the alliance organ , has enough
noney to afTord a team of horses , but the
) ther night ho lost them temporarily
While bo was attending an alliance mcct-
ng , the team , which he had lied with an
editorial knot , gamed its liberty and
ivandored away Kditor Graham , however ,
icglected his newspaper to search for his
equine property , and after a prolonged eliaso
' 10 was i awarded by discovering the wander-
ng animals near Saronvillu.
Wo tern Notos.
Several bands of wild horses are reported
n Washington.
The farmers tnrougbout tbo Dakotas are
complaining of a scarcity of help.
The bridge over the Jim river at Oakes , N.
D. , went out with the high water.
Pharmacist. Cripple Creek , has declared a
dividend of $12,000 , payable May 15.
Salt Of great strength and purity is said to
exist in the marshes In southern Oregon.
A recent estimate places the amount of
standing timber in the statu of Washington
Phcunlx will soon have in operation an
electric railroad to take the place of the bob
tail inulo cais now in use
The Bank of Salem was forced to assign
! jy Inability to raise a loan of $ .10,000 from its
Chicago correspondents
The Los Angeles Express sajs this will
i'ortainly bo the greatest crop jear in tha
tiistory of Southern California.
It is stated that the cash deposits of Sjn
Diego banks is moro than S-IOO.OJJ In excess
of tlio amount held October 1 , IS'JU.
Cripple Creek is promised a mill to bo
operated on the llussell proco-s , about Juno
1 , with a capacity for treating 150 tons per
George Newman , a clerk in a cigar store at
Aberdeen , Oak. , attempted opening a ginger
aio bottle when itcxplodol. cutting his loft
eye out.
During the past week 630 tons of ore were
extracted by the Consolidated California &
Virginia company of the average value of
f > 6 07 a ton.
Two Beaver men are reported to have
struck it rich by leasing on tlio Poorman
minu , at Pioche , Nevada. Assays of ere go
over $1,000 to the ton.
J. B. Noff of Colorado Springs claims to
have invented n gold saving machine , to bo
run in connection with stamp mills , that
will catch and hold the elusive "flour "
James Fitzgerald recently exhibited in
Boise , Id'iho , the largest opal ever found in
the teriitory It weighs moro than 500
carats and is remarkably free fiom flaws
At Horseshoe Bend , on the Pavetto river ,
2,8W ) acres of placer ground have been
located by some Caldwell parties , who will
work It on au extensive scalu this summer
Twentj million foot of lumber will bo
floated down the Palouso i Ivor this spring
fiom the timbered hills of Idaho , to bo cut
after lloating into the towns of Washington
John G Williams fell 700 feet Iu the Cnir- !
non mlno at Butte the ether day , from the
! ! 00-toot level to the bottom Ho was in
stantly killed and the body hot nbly man
J. II Tappan of Lander , Wjo came down
from the Wind i Ivor range the other day
Ho sajs stock is in splendid condition. In
all his nding ho has not seen a dead animal
Thisisvcr > tomarkablo
Search being made of an old cabin occu
pied by Antonio Biiva , ono of the Italian
miners whoso body is still In the Silver Bow
mlno , a tin box was dug up which contained
$1,500 in gold and greenbacks.
The unusually largo amount of snow which
fell in thu mountain ! ] during the winter and
the heavy rains and snows this apiini ; will
make the Juno rise of the Missouri higher
this j oar than for many j ears.
John K. Lawrence , who lives in thejwest
ern part of Pomona valley , California , le
suffering with a compound fraeturo of tin
leg , caused by the kick of an ostrich on the
ostrich farm at Fullciton.
A rapacious appotlto was possessed by r
hog iu Sclo , Ore Its ownct often said tha1
it seomu'l to eat its own bulk of food at eacl
meal When the hog was killed it was foiiiu
to iKJssebS two perfect stomachs nnd twi
perleet sets of intestircs.
It Is learned from a reliable source tha
theio la a prospect of an early change in tin
tin situation at Hill City. Piesldent Unter
mover , the lopresentatlvo of tht Americai
interests , is now in Ixmdon conferring wltl
the ICngllsli shareholders.
Keported gold discoveries eight miles wes
of Penis , ban Diego county , Cul , havi
created qulto a stir and miners aru liockliif
to the place to locate claims It is reportei
that $ tX,000 ) has been offered and lofused fo
the Stanford mine in that section
It is teared that glanders among horsea
which has been giving so much trouble ii
portions of North Dakota , will gut a foot
hold in Aberdeen The authorities am
fanner * gcnurall.v aru on the alert , and pro
t pose to stamp out the disease if possible u
Its first appearanoo. .1 , ( { . Williams , n farmer
of Ordway township , utjtl to have three line
horses klH Hl , and ii minibur of others In
that locpllty are thoimht to bo afflicted
A deed covering U.fiVJ acres of land was
filed In the register of deed's oftlce It Is
given by Henry W Sactt\of Ithaca , N Y , to
the Sago I/ind and PMrtrovoment company
of the same city. Thcvl tid is alt InChlppown
county , Wisconsin. Tlip consideration was
' ' '
The suit of the UnitM States against John
H Stone Is now on trial In the United States
district court at Spokapo This suit Is for
$ ' .M7'i < ; i damages for tlntbor which Is alleged
to have been cut from KUrcrnincnt i-uul and
used In the construction of the Spokane and
Palouso railways.
| (1 (
Indian Agent Dlxon. has received orders
from Washington to remove the I/nver Brulo
agency and the Indians belonging there to
the regular reservation west of the Missouri
river , opposite Crow Creek agency. The
work of constructing now agency buildings
vv ill begin at once
William Libby is still pushing his tunnel
ahead in the Chlckahomiuy , in Gambrinus
district This is ono of the richest gold
mines in the countri , the ore from the sur-
taco milling from $ JOJ to f.110 per ton His
tunnel Is in over (500 feet and he expects td
reach the ere chute this week.
Twenty fielgbt cars went out last week to
Nelhart for the purpose of loading up with
silver-lead ores from the ( Jueen of the Hills
and other mines at that camp , and trans
porting the precious stulT to the silver smel
ter here This speaks well for the activity
of the big mining camp in the Belt moun
Work on the Montana Southern Telephone
line , with terminals at HlgTimberumlCooko
Cltj , has been begun This line is designed
to connect Hlg Timber and C'ooko Citi Tlio
contract for sttlnging the wires to Indopen-
dente , thu chief town in tbu Boulder camp ,
has been let The general office will bo in
Big Timber
The Hetmosa Pilot reports that Sylvester
.ludd. the oiigiual owner of the Spokane
silver mine , has made another valuable find
on Frencn cieek , near Gates saw mill This
time it is gold , and ono ton of concentiates
from ten tons of the ore Is said to i ield $ JOO.
The property will bo developed with all
possible iiidlt\ .
The shaft on the Never Sweat property ,
west of the Anaconda , has ahe.idy reached
n depth of 700 feet and all the levels of the
Anaconda are connected with it to that
depth The hoisting engine on this property
will bo the largest in the district , and it is
said that It will be capable of handling a
tineo docked cage If necessary.
The South Bend Lumber & Manufactur
ing Co has sold to thu Sunnyside Lumber
company of Yaklina county , 700,000 feet of
fir and spruce lumber , which is now being
sent over the Northern Pacific railroad to
Suunvsido and Walla Walla This Is the
first rail shipment of lumber from South
Bend to points outside of Willapa valley
In the short time that has elapsed since
the settlement of the Hills , the enoimous
sum of $14,000,000 has been produced In gold
alone The annual output exceeds * 7,000.000
This will bo very materially increased in the
future as districts long known to bo rich
have but lately become valuable , b > reason
of the pioper method of treating the ores
The Kej stone Cattle company , an nnglish
company which lias been operating a largo
cattle range near Deadwood for several
years , has bold Its .stock , numbering between -
tween 10,000 aud 15.000 head , to Humphrey
ifc Stenges The consideration was about
i ! 00,000 The purchasers will usu much of
this stock in tilling government beef con
Contracts for treating tbo Amethyst pro
duct have been lot to run to January 1 , IhOl
Thu Bimetallic smeltnr , of Leadvlllo gets
fifty tons per day , the Coloiado smelter of
Pueblo fifty and the Globe smelter of Den
ver a like amount , making 100 tons dally.
The management st.Ups that a larger ton
nage can bo supplied If the market war
rants It '
Butte City is the greatest mining camp In
the world aud thcro is uo citj like it in tbo
unlvcisu Montana has given moro than
flOO.OiOOOO worth Of tlio precious metals to
humankind and in theuoighborhood of ftO-
000,000 a jcar is shipped away from Mon
tana It has moio minerals , perhaps , than
ani other state ill thtf union , and this city
of Butte. make1 ! about 0,000,000 annually
out of mining.
In view of the existence of a' contagion
among the cattle of certain portions of Texas
Governor Sheldod h.ts issued u proclamation
prohibiting the importation of cattle into
South Dakota , except under strict inspec
tion , and then only from these counties
which aio distant from the counties directly
infected This will have a blighting effect
on the cattle business iu the Black Hills and
tbogieat Siou\ range
The Mexican Treasury department has is.
sued a ruling to the offuct that gold and sit
ver ere in its natural state is not subject to
imiKU't tax , nnd is defined to bo in its nat
ural state when it has not undergone client
leal process altering Its natural composition
Thus 010 crushed in a mill Is still held as ore
In a natural state , 'Ibis rule reverses pie
vious rulings , which made triturated ore
subject to export tax on the same footing as
gold and silver bullion.
The Golden Crown company is rapidlj
pushing development on Its property locatoj
six miles from Helena. In driving the 200-
foot level a body of high grade , free milling
gold ere was encountered fifty-six feet fron
the shaft The streak is three feet in widtli
and the gold is coarse and free. Pay oie
exists in the vein from the suifaco , but the
01 o in this body is of thu highest grade jol
found As soon as the developments war
rant the company will erect a mill lor the
i eduction of its 010.
In spite of the stiingent precautions of the
authorities to suppress the outbreak of small
pox , cases continue to increase The out
bie-ak has occuncd ut ! { at Portage , when
an immigiant who came out on the stcamei
Vancouver was ycstoidaj discoveied with i
disease in a leading hotel , and all the boa id
ers have been quarantined At Fort William
w hero a carload of Vancouver passcngei :
has been quarantined for two weeks , foui
new cases have developed The Vancouvci
must have been iceking with the disease ,
Alt Doten , under instructions from the di
rector of the mint at Washington , has com
tilled a tabulated statement and narrative o
the bullion jiohl of thoComstock lode , givei
by calendar .vcars from the dise-ovory ir
18V , ( down to the commencement of the prcs
cut j ear. It shows the cntitogold ami sil
ver product of the Comstock to bo over $500 ,
000,000 The discovery year , 1851) ) , gave $ iu ) ,
000,000 all gold The greatest j ield was Ii
1S77 , about * , M,000,000. Last year it was i
llttlo over $2,000,000.
Mr J. H Babaialorf sajs while comhi |
over the trails along Salmon river in Wash
ington he saw hundreds of mountain shoe ] !
deer nnd elk browsing along the bottoti
lands near the river. They secmad quit
tame nnd only stopped long enough froi
feeding to look up ns ho pissed within 20
yards of them in ono hunch of the moun
tain she-op he counted ovvr 100 Mr Baban
dorf sajs the bars aluug Salmon river aio
favorite resort foHnruu game every wintei
that is diivcn out of thn high mountains b
the deep snow
The dim ite and grass of Montana are sail
to make the best of iiAHton , and thu woe
clip of the state now runs close to 12,000,00
pounds a year The etountri about Giea
Falls is good for gnulnuand much of it wi
bo improved by Irrigation Within a radiu
of 100 mites of Great Falls it has been pi oil
well taken up. but 1 nth told there is still
vast deal of goad laud In Montana , nnd th
people say that In the imerior of the str.t
uio great vallo\s and vast tracts which ut
as jut untrodden by Vlio farmer and ui
touched by the plow '
The now mineral ftLscovery in the ICagl
Tail mountain is daily , exciting moio atlci
tlon aud additional u .hs .vcstorduy plae
the amount of gold at joe i > er ton , with :
per cent copper The lodge is well define
and is thirty feet iu width , though , like a
n Highebtof all in Leavening Pc'ver. Latest U. S. Gov't Report.
> r
) S
i > -
ether paying mines In Arlxonn , U dcatltuto
of wnlor , aiul minors who go thcro will do
well to supply thetnclTM with something
moro than pneUs. n < nil tank * nro elry and
water him to bo hauled novuriil miles The
now discovery M In tbo * imo belt anil only a
short distance front the famous llonanta C3
Ki'trotlatlons have been twintlng for nome
tlmo botucou tlio inlno owners of the Cwur
tl'Alunus and a committee of the Knights of
Labor for an adjustment anil settlement of
the labor question that has caused o much
trouble ) In that ncctlon of Idaho For the
present the Knights docllttu to inako any
When yew Mw.ilcor even think of spring
medicine , how quickly Hood's Sarsap.irllla
comes Into your mind Taku It now
The Illinois senate , by an almost unani
mous vote , has n.issed a bill iietmlttlni ;
cities , towns and \ Illumes to establish electric-
plants to furnish light and power to their
financial obstacles have been removed In
the way of the building of the electric air
line betw ecu Chicago and St Ixiuls , and the
apuedj construction of the road now seems
to IK ) assured
A long tunnel near ParU has been lighted
inn novel u n > Uellcctors throw the light
from many electric lamps eighteen feet above
the rails to the sides of the tutmolhoro It
Is again lellected burnished . tin. covered
with glass , into the coaches , making a soft
and agreeable Ilk-lit The trains auto
matically turn the current on and off when
entering and lo.ulng the tunnel
An ingenious form of electric safety l.imp
Is now made for u o in dangerous mines ,
powder magazines and all places where an
accidental breakage of the glass bulb might
lead to an explosion In order to eliminate
the chances of siuh danger , the inventor has
Inilosed the lamp proper iu an tibioliitel }
atrproof lantern , the peculiarity of his do-
vlco being the means of switching the lighten
on and off.
The General Klcctrlc to build
a l.iuro vuuks < i short dlstanco
from the city limits of Akron , O This will
bi ing them much iieirct their base of sup
plies , and M 111 bo a great saving in freight.
Options have been secured on ground , and a
bolt line railroad will bo built to connect the
plant with the neighboring railroads It is
understood that nearly 700 men \\illboem-
plo\ed in the works.
As part of the beautiful display of electric
lighting and tlicuorksvith which Admiral
Hopkins f mulshed New York fiom his
squadron there was some elect ! Ic signaling
quite out of .sight. With a scinch light of
U."i,000 candle power a telegraph operator ,
using the Morse code , on the cruiser Austra
lian pierced the heavens with electtlc Hashes
that could have been read foi ty miles away ,
that Is , by a friomlH ship many miles below
the hori/on
An Inquiry directed to twentv-nine small
cities fiom Maine to Texas , having their
electiic stiout Limps piovided and main
tained by pihatc coi poratlous , shows that
the average annual cost per lamp to the
cities is JKHi 01 A similar iuquiri directed
to twenty three small titles that own and
run their own electric stieet lamps shows
that the average annual cost per lamp to
those cities is ? ( UOI In the latter case
several of the cities obtain eonsiderablo in
come from lamps supplied to pi i\ato persons.
The lusthetic and decorative possioilltles
of the Incandescent lamp are enl > just bo-
glnnlng lobe appreciated One of the most
sucessful efforts In this direction , lin a small
way , Is the lighting of the f/ng Island
Sound steamer Puritan , In which tlio
wreathing of the pillars with n spirally dis
posed mid graceful \ ino of hammered metal ,
of which the lamps form the blossoms , pro
duces a peculiar ! ) unique and pleasing effect
The most successful achievement thus far in
this direction , however , is generally consid
ered to bo the Interior of the Church of St.
Francis Xavier , iu Now York city , in which
the Intricate lenaiss.ince decoration /oims a
most harmonious and admirable groundwork
for the handiwork of the electrical artist , and
one of which ho lias availed himself with the
most plctuiebquo and pleasing results.
Onoof the latest developments in Fiance
is an electric locomotive which not only car-
i les its generators , but a batters of storage
cells as well The Idea is that the engine
can bo small -in fact , only large enouch to
develop the average power , instead of the
maximum likely to be needed This engine
is built for the Northern Itailwav , and is de
signed for urban w oik , in which it is in
tended to run at fairli uniform spued up and
down gradients The batteries will give out
newer In ascending and w ill take it up when
the train is going down hill or stopping
Whether these advantages will compensate
for the extra weight of the accumulators re
mains to bo seen The locomotive does not
carry a eparato engine and geneiators , but
lias the armatures of the dj n.imof mounted
direct on the shaft Trials of the engine are
now in progi ess
A plant for tiansmitting power by electric
ity has been in opeiatiou for Hvo months in
California and Is of more thar oidlnary in
terest The generating plant is placed at a
point on the ban Antonio river fourteen miles
from Pomona and twenty-eight miles from
San Bernardino Hero water shoots down
a line of pipe under a head of over 400 feet
and is discharged against the blades of a
Pcltou water wheel with a piessuro of about
200 pounds per square Inch. The power thus
obtained is used to drive the dynamos at a
speed of 000 revolutions per minute , furnish
ing an alternating current of 1,0 H ) volts to a
sot of transformers which increase the
pressuio to 10000 volts , the highest used in
any commercial plant At this piessuro the
current is transmitted over two bare copper
who ciicults to Pomona and San Hoinardino ,
where icdiiciug transformers let down the
voltage ton picssuto which may bo safely
distributed in an inhabited district This
Dlnnt has been running for Hvo months with
but ono accident , which was not duo to
faulty clccti leal construction , but to a Haw
In ttm pipes conducting the water to the gen
erating sjstem
There arc three things worth saving-
Time , Tioublo and monoj and Do Witt's
Little Hat Iv Uisers will save them for jou.
These little lulls will save jou time , as they
actpromptlv Thev will save you trouble as
they came no pain They will save jou
monov they economise doctor's bills.
Dr. Price has been for years
perfecting his Delicious Fla
voring Extracts , and they are
now winning their way to
universal favor from their
No housekeeper who has once
flavored a cake , pudding or
cream with DR. PRICE'S FLAVORS
ETC , , will ever return to the
use of any other flavoring ex
and satisfy yourself of their
superiority. The Price Fla
voring Extract Company are
the only exclusive manufac-
tincrs of Flavoring Extract *
uuou the continent
I'rof. Ilirschbci-K Will Apalii Visil
Omaha , Nch. , Maj 22 to 27th ,
At thubtoic of hU agent
Cnll nml foinnlt thn nrofeimir and bo fitted
wlin a ptlruf IiU colclir.itoj iiuii'Uliungtmiile
HpuclaUus ,
Itomombor , only ii iloys. May U to i7
Max Mnyor & llru ( . 'o. , bolo Aoots (01
Utnulia , >
Don't Scold
about washing powders. If you
feel like it , it's because you haven't
got the right kind. Get Pearline ,
and sec the difference. Pearline
has been imitated but
never been equalled.
There are all kinds of imi
tations ; powders that save
work , but ruin clothes ;
powders that don't hurt ,
and don't help you ; pow
ders that are cheap to begin
with , but dear enough in "the end.
Try them all for yourself , if you
won't take our word for it. But don't get them mixed up in
your mind with Pearline.
1 . > . Cltllcrs ai"l some unuriipiilmis . grocers ill tell vou " this is ns ROCK ! as" or
.t10 | Mme as i > earlmc" | T.S 1'AISE Pearline is never peddled , and
it your Rroccr selld4 something in place of I'carlmc , be honest
send it hut. 319 JAMUS I'VU ? , New Wk
Pronounced Ath-lo-fo-ros , means
It has won and holds first place as au almost infallible euro of Rheumatism ,
Neuralgia , Sciatica , Ctc. It is u strictly scientific compound. It was not tbo
result of accident or good luck. It is the product of lon , , p itient and s-ientiflo
study of tlio causes of lUieumatism , Neuralgia , Sciatica and kindred disoises , nnd
of rational means for the removal of these causes. Its ingredients are BO hanulcs *
ii ! thomselvcsand in combination that au infant cannot bo hurt by the preparation ,
yet it is so surely and quickly efficacious Hi it its workings si > em almost miraculous.
It has been used for j ears by tbo learned andtho uuleiinoil , the rich and the poor ,
iu all climates and in all latitudes with the simo uniform and hippy results , nml
Las been to multitudes Iho only means of comfort and euro of thooo diseases , the
very thought of which is toituie.
By ducct , Himple and scientific action it operates on the blood , muscles anil
joints by taking tlio poison out of the blood and out of tbo Hjstoin ; it invigorates
the action of the muscles and limbers the stiffness of the joints. It roaches the
Liver and Kidneys , cleansing them from irritating substances , nnd if followed up
lifter tbo rheumatic conditions cease , it will icstoru the organs to icgnlarity and
health , and will stop tlio manufacture of the poisonous a-id. Inasmuch as it is
prim irily tbo great IHood Purifier , it becomes iuvaluablo for all diseases of a
scrofulous cluiracler as well.
Mh-lo-i'ho-ros , $1 per bottle. At all Druggists. Treatise on Rheumatism ,
Neuralgia , etc. , to any address for So. in stamps.
THE ATHLOPHOROS CO. , New Haven , Conn.
Hiid best.
They are a
necessity ,
lighten lubor
mul Improve
the il&vor
nfthe food v
Don't lot
denier sell
Senel So.
for u
100 page
FREE , - - ii ? vsr zl.
MIITON RDQtRS & . 83HS , AgTs. , Omaha , or
Malestic Mfg. Co. . St. Louis.
and vigcr quickly ro
( .OST VITALITY atorod Nerroua l > Wllty
i > tc. lurf ! ? cuitM ! > }
INDAPO , the great Hindoo Krmcilr Kr.M with writ-
Irn runrnntvo of cure. Knnipte punt Irn * . Aildrt'R *
Oriental Medical Co. . II rimoilli Haer , ttlt.iio , 11L
l > lt. r. I. . SKAKI.1 > . Coti'iiltins Snrzeon.
Oriuluuto of Hush Mortluil < olloao < < ' <
M'l.l.vilON 1'Kl.i : I Tor the treatment of
Wo euro Catarrh , All Dlsoason of the
NOKO , Thrunt , Chest , Stomach , Bowoli *
n lid Liver.
Blood , fehiii nml Klilnoy _
Foiunlo 'WenUueHNCM , Lout Manhood
1MI.1"4 I'lSltl.A Kl'-M KB pornmnnntljr cured
without the mo nf a knltf. lUnturo or c nuitlr
All innluillos of n private ur dullcatu nature , of
cltliLraox positlvoly i iirurt
( all mi or uililri'SB , with ntumi' fori'lrculuri , tree
llOUK tUKl
Dr. ScarlKs & Searles , ' ' 08 X-iA\5lull , ? \
r > oit doorto I'oatolllou
17.11. IMIUCKIl , M.1 . , No.4HiiintirHf . ,
, efilrronmllin'i pkyilelan oIn'
nas uwifikl tbo auu NKDAI. t > r the NATH.NAI.
( UlilCAI. \ > lATii.sfo , ihol'lI7.r K"HAi o :
Kjltt.iitteil I ttii'ltv , Mr < > > l/f > 'irriu > iMi\riiyili < il
lltl/tllty , uo > I ail Jinta * anil IIYuiiiM * bf Jlun.
nlini'n the ynung , llio mtildlt uyid and uin.
\ , \ \ nrjncul'otion ' .n person or ty lotitr.
IjUilUO I'roa jet-tun with ttiitlmonliU , PHKK.
I nrce Loot. SU J'.NL'E OK I.I TK. Oil H'.t.V-
PUK iiilVATJON. 200 pp. . 1S6 Invaluable pro
r ptluDu. full itlLoni/ oil ty laai1. valol
. . . _ _ And all llin train of
LVII.S , WBAKNKsslM. IIKllll.irV UTf that uo
coini.unr Iliom In IIIHR glJICKI.Y an I I'KUMA
NKNl'I.Y IH UKD Full HTHKNOI'll kill tout )
ill ion to of err partoftbo butr I "HI n I >
curulr puckuJ ) KUHK to nnriutlurxr Ilia pfHinriu
tlon that L-uruJ " > cf tbexi troublai Addroti , L.
Best Calf Shoo in the world for the prloo.
W. L. DoURlQSBhocBnroBoiaovetywheje.
Everybody ubould wear thorn. It is a duty
you ewe youmelt to get the best value ( at
your money. Eoonomizolayourlootwenrby
purchasing W. L. DoUglnoEhOOa.whtoh
tepieaenttho beat value Bt tbo ptioen ad *
veiVAeO. above , OB thousands con toatUy.
S-Tako No Substitute. JUT
nownrooffrninJ. NonopMiutno without W I.
Douilaa immo anil prlcn stumped on bottom. LOOK
for It u lien you buy
F. - < i , M h ( ' .T.
Wilson r.llisSvunson , IgnaU Nuwninn W P.O.
South Omaha.
Omaha's Newest Hotel
fOR. 12TH AND HO.VAFU lit.
/rIloonisntJ , ' >
ICItooum ntt-l 9J par ilir
lOHoumi with Hath nl I1 1) ) P3r Ivr
lUllooms with Hall' i\t lto II i ) ) r 1 > r
Muilorn In KVITV l ( Hi < t.
.Nnvvly Fuiiililioil riiroax'inut
C. S. ERB. Pron.
and Hotel
NOW O1JI ± 1N.
C or. Kltli mill C fifoiifr" Sin.
Opposite Jefferson Square
Pirst climi In ovcry respect. HullUIni ? unJ
furniture entirely new
American liliui , { 2 M per < lav.
r.iiroiiuiin plun , tl UOprrdny.
Spoejlal r.ito.t by the week.
Ciiroaic , Harms ,
PrWatJ ill
Special DlsBim
of both
Man and Woman.
IIMrncllo Vi rlrornlo. Hrlcturo nnd
nil other trouh'cs ' iri'iitod ut ro inoiiablo
charge * CO.NBUI.l'ATION i'lvl.i : Cull oo or
Ciioslt | | II ylun llros.
AJFttll S3 T
TolUoxtri\Pt' ( > 'l in morilnr
f uwouo * titirtilrfbiroii
Buinoitar I'urfyct til uuir
Urd Fluor ,
Pnztou iljok.
KUhumlFarimin Street * .
KloraUir un lotli BL Tuiuiihuaa lUiX
u TUId wmi YOU