Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 08, 1893, Page 3, Image 3

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'liurfY ly r-sirlfr lo tiny part of th *
t'EI R
Ml.MJll M
N. V Plumbing Co.
Postf n Stoic Niilrimug silks
Mllloiihriycr Is the hatter , Bfti Hro.nUvay.
'I ho Inman house will open tonight , with
[ .upper us Its tiist meal
j A number of now raembcn wrro received
[ at the Hist Coiit'rcKiitlnnal chutch jester-
, .1ay
.1ayMis \V S C'ass ban issued Invitations fern
n Kensington tea vVednisda.v afternoon atH
io clock at her homo on Washington avcnuo.
The plans for the new Chrlstlnn chuich
have been drawn bi A C Selunook und ac
cepted bj tin- church 'J hej arc on exhibi
tion In Mutealf's window
The Jui'i In tin landlord's writ of attach-
lincnt i.'isoof lyon.inl liverett against George
iCiates , aftt'i being out for four uajs , came in
[ Satuidav uiL'titith 11 sealed verdict. which
will be opemd bj , ludgo Decmer this inorn-
ilng Tbr cos's will uinount to full.\ live
times tbc anicnii.t In litigation.
Mr and Mis P K. I'nsey entertained a
[ nuinbci "f then fi lends nt dinner last Thins-
flaj evening in honor of Mis ( J M Dodge
nnil Mis It I. Montgomcrj 'I hosu picscnt
wen Mr mill Mis I'usc.v , Mrs DoJge , Mis
t ki.tgomcr.v Mrs Kvciott , Mis Ionian.
Mm I , \V Halt Miss C.inic Dodge , Mi
and Mis ( 1 , II C.tmpbell. .1 1) Kdmund-
Ei.n 1 eonard l.\eiett and Kdwaid n\ciett
The inciiilicib of the lianjmedc wheel club
v ho in cepled the invitation of the Omaha
club to a smnki r Satwday night ictuined
lionio hi spei lal woloi li.iln .it " ! ' < ) o'clock
jisteidaj morning 'Ilicio weic about
tvventj Ihc of tin in , nnil as in.inj ns wcie
ublo to beubout vestiid.ij .in1 loud In their
praises of the hnspitallli of the Om.iha
fellows It Is tbtli Intention to lutinn the
comnliiiu'nt in the fittiuc , soon as pos-
hlble nflct the new iiu.utus can bo 11 red up
in the Grand mnex
The Houd of riii.ill/ntlon | is holding meet
ings ovcrj evening for the puiposo of nialc-
ini. a canvass of the cltj assessor's hooks
Saturday night the letter "IVas leached ,
mid tht piobabllitv is the wink will be
completed hihc - end of the week or before
The assessment of the Mirlotis corpot.itloiiH
doing ousiness in the city are left at iie.uli
the same llguro as last j ear The Omaha \ ,
Coumil Bluffs Hrldgo company's assessment
wlllbcrca bed tomorrow evening or possi
h\ ! late this evening , and there Is considcr-
hblo Intel est felt bi the public as to what
will bo done The democratic city council
was elected to against the motor
companv , and It icmains to bo seen how
much influeni e upon their feelings the motor
rompanj s passes have had
1 lie iSiliiilx rt Siiiiiiin ) Club nnil I. id }
( Jimrtot
HUH been specially sot-tit eil to tfivo i no
of their iniid concerts at the Doliany
thc'iitcr on Saturday , May 111 , with a
Ki and family iiiatiiieo at - p. in. This
cniiiiaiij | is one of the llnost ti avclinp1
and it will be a fjiand treat tolicar tlioin.
The } briiiH the hif'huit of icooininenda-
tli ns fi oiii all the loading sceioties and
iii-ess of the I'nited States. Their art-
ihts are all well known to the
lo\ ill } , ' people.
" \Vitli e\ery W 00 purchase Lund Uroa. ,
the Main Htrlet eliina and erookoi'i deal
ers. will } , 'l\o a liamNnme sterling plated
HOiuenir hpoon. full and see them.
Kilt to l.lvti Not l.lvit to Kit.
The tempting thing * in the edible line
kcnt by IJoinor. the grocer , inclines one
to live to eat. Ho alwajH bus on hand
all the choice things for the table , frosb
fruit , -vegotalilch , ote.
There will bo heavy roduetlons on all
triniined goodw at Mit.s Kagsdalo's
millinery parlors this week.
For Sale - Hickory1foot wood , $0.00 ;
htovo wood , Jor Ji ( inches , 8-.r > 0 per
cord , delivoicd. II. A. Cox , 10 Main
i. r.tit.nui ir/is
A. TJ KerRiison of Chicago acted as orgnn-
i t jcsteida\ morning at the CoiiKicKational
chinch Ho has just recently como from
Europe mid is highly spoken of as a mtisi-
Mrs A R Whitt.ikcrand Mrs Marparot
Chillis of Council UlulTs and Mis Hiuriet
1'ar.terof Omaha were in Neola last weuk
nt the hedsldo of their mother , Mrs. Dowoi ,
who died \S'cdncsdij c\eniiiK.
, j Hcv , W F ( Jr.iy , formerly of Woodwne
now under apixnntment as missionary to
China , was in the city iefiteril.ulbitlng
friends Ho spoke at the Fust Daptist
church in ttie morning and at the Bet can
church in the evening He leases for China
about the 1st of September and in the
timu is tr.mling among the churches of Ne
braska and Iowa
E. F returned from a week's
trip to Now Voile City Whllo thcio he
in.ulo air.imiements to lot.iin the iihinage-
mcnt of thdCr.ind hotel until August I , and
ho has an option on It for a jcar from that
\Vhetlierhowilllceoptlio hotel more
than thrco months dopemls on his getting
the right soil of teims fiom the owneih of
tnoisl.ihllshmo.nt Mr Ulaik is n llrst-
class hotel man and has inado the ( ir.uut
ono of Council UlutTs' gieatost prides It is
hoped that ho may make the de&lred ar
rangements and settle heio poimancntlv.
mi : nosroN I'IOKI : .
r.iillctln for Next \ \ p | { Until I'lirtlirr
2 eases of lOc and Itijc dress glngliatns
to go at Co a yard , the greatest gingham
bargains without a doubt ever ollcied in
Council UlulTtt , la.
5,000 yards of Ific outing suitings to go
at 7Jo. Ask tobeo thoin a cbaneo of a
ir > do/en silk and mtin stripe Windsor
ties to go at luc , or - for UTie , worth 2Tic
and 'toe each.
U baleof the bobt fie unbleaobed 110
muslin in the country. O IP prieo while
it lasts -lo a yard.
We liavo still a few do/.un of the
ladies * $ l..r)07-houk kid gloves loft that
wo told Satuiday for We a pair , for the
next two dajs they will bo the same
prieo. Tills is in order to aeeoimni'dato
the number that could not get waited on
Saturdaj night. Uumeinl > or Monday and
TuiiMlav at the Saturday prieo , \ > .1o a
jmir. 1) ess goods It is only necessary
to heo 0111 stock and got our prices to bo
convinced thai we are headquarters and
leadoiH in low prices.
lloslei.\ and underwear department
the most complete and best selected
line In the city
Woslu > w the best i"ic ladies fast black
hiiso in Amei ica.
WALL 1'Al'KH Wo are In the load ,
our competitors making poor Fecouds.
Got our prices : too our stock. Wo carry
the lurgott line , the best btyles and the
best papci slast but not least at about one-
half our wall pajer competitots prices.
I'aperingand painting ilono by expert
workmen ; intimate * furnished ; all work
Fftheringham. Wbitchead & Co. , Hos-
I nStte. ( . ' uncil HlutTs , la. Leaders
nnd prom tors of low | irice- .
Hargains in line tooth brushes und
cologne whokalo price , onlv lOc.
la\is ) , the druggist , iH ( > i5i-oadv\'ay.
Use Domoitic soap. It 1 the best
Protect your homes against destriiC'
tlve storniH. W. C. .lames has tht
btronge-t companies in the world.
Yuimttn & Sweet , attys. . Everett blk ,
Gco. S. la\lti , pu'M.'ripium druggist.
bcap best for bard water.
UomCbtic soap outluyU cheap
Suuilay Fire Dwtrojs Due of the Oity's
Ancient Landmarks.
OcciipnnU Unit Iliiri'lj 'lima to Kctnoto |
Tlielr IIcliiiuliiK , Mi ( JulcUly l d tliu
Ancltiiit riln llurn rlreiiicu
I'owerlrM to Prment It.
The old "Knotts place , " .it th o head o
Hanison street , was the sccno of a destructive -
structivo tire jesterda > aftcinoon. How It
started could not be ascertained , but within
half an hour after the lire was
discovered the whole house was demolished.
The occupants had oulj timu to get their
furniture out into thcjard The place is
out of the citj limits so that the llro depart
ment could not ho summoned ' 1 ho house
was built jeais ago bHev. . ICnotts and was
a place of tonsldetable histoilcal Inteiest
The Hie department was called out jester-
ilnj noon by an alarm of fire fiom the corner
of i'hhd a\enuc and Ninth street , the resi
dence of N I' Conanl A gasoline sto\e ex
ploded while Mrs Wade , who rooms in the
upper stoi > , was getting dinner , and the
upjiorp.ut of the house was quite badly
d-imaged , a good sh.ue of tin. loof being
burned off. Most of the furniture was re-
mo ; ed uninjured , but the clothing and other
household goods of Mis U'adoweie almost
entirely dcstioiod The\ were a total loss ,
as tlu-i were not co\cud bi insurance The
house is owned hi Mrs Sheiraden and is
coxeied In insutance ' 1 he fuinlturebelong
ing to Mr Is also insuied for $ . * > 00
'J ho entile loss , outside of .Nils Wade's , will
not amount to mine than j'JOU
m\Mso.N ititoa. ( .iti.vr IIAK
\ < > 1.1 ad , Never I'ollou Ol iKlnutors ( if Low
l'rl < OM.
Monday morning wo place on ale 200
o/oii nil silk Windsor ties in boliil
olors , checks , btrli es. plaids ami boauti-
nl goods. Hold the world ever at 25c ;
lie onliro lot Monday 10o each. Not
Kite tlitui 1 to any customer. Como
Owing to the big business In our cloak
opartment last Hntuiday wo will offer
heuiiio again Monday. Our entiio
ulc of Iliii" novelties in iudie.s' World's
air Columbian capes in tan. blue , green ,
lid black ; i III SO. fl.-i.OO , $18.00 ,
20.00 and Si'i.tio ; Monday i-ntito lot.
hoice , $10.00 each. You will never
gain buy such line wraps at this price ,
Monday we willnlli-i 50 pieces of Ki-
neh dress gocds 111 all si/o black and
vliito checks ; als > fancy mixed ehoviots ,
ll 1(1 ( inches wide , worth * 1 00 a juril
londav only Il'tc ' a juiil. Tins is the
'roatestbartrtiiiiovcr ollcrcd in line dross
'oods. I ) ) ii't miss it. Komcinber Jii'c '
aid Mondav.
i"0 pieces 10-inch all wool silk finish
lenrietta in all the new spring shades
"m-liijf tliis sni0oc. . jaiil. woi th 7."ic ; . " >
lieces li-ineh ( black silk linish hon'-ietta ,
vorth $1.00 , Monday OHe yard. Note
hu width , 111 inclu-i wide.
Wo mi1 showlnjj all tlio now weaves
n wool dicss , biu-li as whip coals ,
jc-iifralines , set yes Irish poplinetc. . , at
'fie , Mi' and $1.00 yaid in all tliu now
print ; Khadcs.
You - > uvo money by buying of us.
All our $1.00 quality of printed chintv
ilk. 21 indies wide , "beautiful designs ,
low ( i'.Je jatd.
Ladies' line quality bluok s-atteon
kirts , only U c each.
Ladies' shirt waists at flOe , 5u ! ) and 75o
moll , worth to $1.00.
Special bargains iiv ladies' , misses' and
hildren'rt fast black lineeut lOe , l.'ic. UOe ,
5o and 'Wo pair , the largest utcck of
losiury in the oity.
SO do/en gents' fast black hose , full ,
'oguliiiiniulu ' , Monday Ifio iiair. Gents ,
ohanyjo your.seeks ; this is a bargain ,
552 Broadway. Couneil BlulVs.
ThlH Wt-ek lit Itiowii'n C. O. I ) .
To make room for Ihc carloads of
llour to arrho by the 15th of May , we
mist i nee moi e make a big cut. The
.veil known Garland hi and. the best
lour made in Dakota and far superior team
am thing on this maiket , $1.10 sack for
his week.
Acme , best Kansas hard wheat patent ,
guaranteed hotter than any Hour made
n Council HlutTs , for Sl.OO.
Gllnian's challenge Hour , OOc.
Daisy llour , this is a Kansas straight
jiado , this week 75c.
Pearl llour , UOc wick.
Holiablo Hour , only I5c back.
live llour. 85e sack.
Graham Hour , 25e sack.
Corn meal , lOo sack.
17 pounds gianulated sugar for $1.00.
Crackers , fto pound.
. ' 1 loa\es bread , ICe.
IJo sine and c une early as wo clo--o at
7 p. 111. except Mondays and Satuulays.
Brown's C. O. I ) . ,
Council Ululls , Ja.
Ten Duya ill tluui let's I'alr.
It will cost you less than S50.00 , every
thing necessary included. This means
homes in private cottage , clean , safe ,
close to grounds and on the beach of
Lake Michigan. Write to .1. T. Chn >
woth. Windsor Park , III. Refers to II.
W. Tilton of Tin : HEK , or Jacob Sims
of Sims & Bainbi ic.go , Council Ulutrs.
See the peerless Dauntless
and get terms. Henry Murphy. 10 Pearl.
Another Impuneinent to the popular
Schubert piano. Swan--on Musio Co
Williamson k Co. . 100 Mala street ,
largest and best bic\clo , stjck in city.
Cook your meals this summer on a gas
range. At cost at the Gas company.
Mine. Helen Men ill , hail dressing and
manicuring. Hoom 1112 , Merriam block.
Stop at the Ogdcn , Council BlulTs , the
LettS2.00 house in Iowa.
A now invcieo of I'ngllsh turbans ,
latest and stylish , at the Louts.
Piles cured by a single palnlo s treat
ment. Dr. A. .1. Cook , Grand Hotel
Annex , Council Blutls.
For fli > t-class rooms in Chicago for
World's fair call on Ohio Knox.
Auk jour gn cor for Domestic soap.
Pasturage for her es and cattle on
George K. Wright's faun adjolningc itj
limits on south ; 500 acies blue grass ,
running water. r'or terms apply to
.Tamos Uaph , on farm , or at CarbjuCoal
company , 10 Pearl street.
Ft co treatments iuul.nom2 . to 4 p.
in. at the Council BlulT ? Medical and
Surgical institute , 2 < ! th and Broadway.
The ( iniiul lliilL-1 ,
Council BlulTs. elegant hotel in
Iowa. Dining ivom on seventh iloor.
Hates , S3 to $ j per day. 12. F. Clark ,
Dcntli of Mttr ) I. . AI linn.
Mrs Mary H. Allison dlod Sunday mornIng -
Ing shortly after ml inlght uf blood | > oison-
Ing. Stio was taken III about noon Saturday
The death occurred at the resilience of her
father-in-law. Or Allison , 707 Kast Uroad-
way. Mrs Allison wan n member of the
MsthodUt church. bho baa bitu a
resident of Weston , Neb , for about
n , \our pist and came to this c-ltj for
medical treatment lust week She leaves a
husband and two children Her husband
arrived \rstcrdayand the funeral will be
held at Dr Allison's residence this after
noon at i ! : ) o'clock Mrs Allison's maiden
name was l/oes. her family being ono of the
oldest nnd best known hero.
All the Sioux lemedlcs such as the
A mo i lean Nervine. Sioux Worm Wafers
and Sioux Blood Hemedy are for sale at
.T. C. Dellavens and Dell Morgan & Co.'s
drug stoics.
Quick Meal gasoline stoves , fil,715 t-old
in 1802. Call and examine before buy
ing. S. W. Be-dey , 101 Kast Broadway.
House paint , theory best in the land ,
for inside and outside 'use at Dollavcns.
A. H. Pcrigo & Co. . 1(13 ( Pearl st. ,
Columbia and other high grade bicycles.
Ti\.lti AIOH.n II t.M.IOK.
llrtiilU of I'rlduj'it ( 'jilntio MIOM Many I'n.
tullt 04 und MiKli lnMIIItf.
Du.i AS , Tex . May 7 Details of the cy
clone which \lsited the countrv II ft ton miles
southwest of here Friday , show it to have
been much moie dcstructho than at Ilrst re
ported. West of Kumond three men were
killed and ten badly Injuied , and a dozen
houses demolishcxl
Near Waterloo , Mr Donaldson was killed
and his wife was so b.ulh injured that she
died today About twenty houses were de
stroyed and the coutitrj swept elcnn of
c\ pry thine for tnilLs. A man coming from
Hluff i reek si.\s that the body of a babi was
fouad In the track of the storm , but It is not
know n whoso child it was.
drcitt T til in Sopp isrd.
GAtNr .Miin , Tex , Mav 7. The damage
from last night's storm was gieater than at
first supposed Man.hotscs . were killed
'J ho damage to the city and
countri will i each into the thousands. 'Iho
Injur.'d me getting along nicely.
i * 177.11.1 A .
( iretne Count } . 1 i n , fill ilron K
mi IInli'iidiMl Vtii.itlon.
POUT DODOI : la , May 7. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun lire ] A sc.ucity of school
tcacheis Is causing much anxiety among the
school directots of Ureeno counti. In four
teen districts in the county the schools aie
closed for the reason that no tcacheis can bo
found In several districts school teachers'
salaiies h.uo been advanced $ . " > a month and
a general advance is looked for. Miin.v of
the teachers h.ue sought other occupations
because of the low salaries htretofoio paid.
Tips on tli I'rult Trade.
II A Me\er , lepresjutlng the berry grow -
eis of Van Dm en , Arkansas , is in the city
Theieaiotwo important berri districts in
Ai kansastho .ludsonl i disti let In the south
ern section and the Van Huron district in
thoowstern portion of the state hordeilng
on the Indian tettitor.s There ate about
f > 00 acres of bellies tributary to Van Hinon
and the crop promis"s lobe largo Thi'i
ship mostly to v.cstuin points fiom Missouii
to Ueiner Up to the or six jeais ago cot
ton was almost the onlj crop grown there ,
but the low price of that staple dro\o the
tin m"i s to beir.\ glow ing and the change has
been piolltablo to tlum Thoi aio also
working into ptaches. plums , grapes etc ,
and theieis quite a largo acreage of to
The latest coriespondence of the banana
bioUe's of New Oi leans indicates tin advanc
ing market in bananas Cargoes are ar
riving not more than one-third their usual
si/c , and the demand lias increased to such
an extent that oideis cannot bo tilled The
reason lor this is s lid to be the re\ elution In
Ccntial Ameilca Onoof tholaigcat banana
boats down theio was recently sei/ed and
made into a war \essel , and the workmen
on the plintations hare been drafted Into
service. 'Ihis is the season , too. when men
aio most needed to harvest the fruit Umltr
heso conditions boats must go to a good
deal of tiouble in older to got even part of a
caigo. None but regular cuslomeis can buy
bananas In Now Orleans at piesent , but the
big city dealeis are getting them. The grade
of ttio fruit is better than usu il , for there is
only tlmo to harvest the best stock.
Turn\moln Kntcrliitiiinont.
An athletic exhibition and ball were given
by the Turn\erein at Oermaniii hall Satur
day night , the proceeds of which will be de-
\otedtopaythoo\pcnsesof the prize class
oftho-verein on its trip to the Milwaukee
and Chicago athletic contests.
The progiam Included wand exercises and
turning on the patallel bar b the active
mcmbeis , and exotcibcs on the vaulting
horse by the Tel JeJ sokol , ( Hohcmian
Cijmnastic society ) , which took pait in pub
lic. exhibitions of this character for the first
time at Germanla hall The zither solo by
J i' Fostner evoked continued applause as
well as the vouil selection , icndered by the
Omaha S.engerbund These petfoimances
litvo become \eij popular with the Uonmi'4
element and aio well attended
ClilntMo 1'npllH inii : > rtiiliimciit.
A very entertaining conceit was given last
evening by the Chinese bunday school of
this city at the First Presb.vtcrian church
It was given under the auspices of the Young
People's Alissionary society and was well at
tended Several songs weio sung and ad
dresses made by the Chinese pupils their
teachers and other pel sons and a collection
was taken for the support of a school for
blind girls in China.
our ut Jin : o/niA.i r.
Love , Sunshine & Co. is the name of a
Johnstown , 1'a , linn.
A. Countr.vman Is the name of a poultry
raiser near Anniston , Ala
A cabbage stalk , with sit perfectly foimed
heads , is the latest vegetable monstiositj
rei > ortcd fiom Florida
John M. Coins , who has Just entered upon
his thirteenth term as major of Ii union , O ,
has occupied the major's chair of that town
for twcntj three
Under Henry V an act of Parliament or
dered all the ceese in England to bo counted
and the sheriffs of the counties were re
quired to furnUli six arrow feathers from
each goose.
A dwarf calf born on the farm of Kilos
Heller , near Htoken Sword , O , is said 'o
"weigh but twentj ono pounds , measures
tvvcntj inches aiound the body and stands
only nineteen indies high
A crab when living the ocean's sur
face has well developed eyes In deeper
water only ojestalks are present no ejes ,
while in s | > eclinen3 from still deeper water
the cjcstalks ha o Joined , forming a pointed
boil it
A chicken in the barnyard of John Mang-
ham at Thomaston , Ga has but two toes on
ono foot. At the Knee joint a hiul too has
formed which extends to the ground The
hen is said to walk about as perfect ! j as
though Its foot was well foimed
IMward Gould has completed the sixtieth
year of his service as cashier of the Traders
bank of Portland , Me , when has resignation
takes effect ll is much pleasanter to note a
fact of this kind than io record additions to
the Canadian tourists' colony.
A pleasant little story comes from Little
Kock. Aik , to the effect that a lady down
thorn has given birth to live ihldieu
within a year The Information is volun
teered without legard to telegraph tolls.tlmt
the mother is joung and hardsome. 'Iho
babies are said to resemble their mother in
the Ilrst particular. Their beauty will be
determined later
In * omo parts of Noivvav Dreid Is made
which keeps thirty to forty jeais. It Is
made of a mixture of barley and oatmeal.
ground together and hiked in an oven made
of two concave stones At llrsl it Is almost
as hard as the t o stones between which it
is baked , but it seems to mellow with aio
audio pass through a process of letlniig
that renders It sweet \\hoicsomc. .
It is reported that a human fico can be
traced on a tombstone in the ccmotcrv at
Stony lirook , L I When examined at short
range iheie is nothing pcuitlir uncut luo
irrouplmr of dark s | > ots and \olns in tie | mar
ble , but seen at a distance of thirty or fort )
feet the spots and lines all become part of a
clearli outlined whole , witli lights and
I shadows , producing a regular face of average
I sUe , Iho face appears on the back of iho
i stone and the ejes seem to bo looking down
I upon the ground.
Origin nnd Purposes of thoplnfainous Copper
head Conspiracy.
VnlliiiidlKliiiiii'i * Coiiimtfliiij with the Order ,
III * Attltiulo Tnvuri\ \ , ic Contc-iHlliiB
Oinrrnincnt * und 1 1 II iiilntiinont
I'lro In tlu > Hear I'lU'ctl.
The nomination of John E. Rtsley of
Indiana for an important foreign mission
brought to light the fuel that he was a
member of the order of the Knights of
the Golden Clrele , an organbatlon com
posed of lebel sympathizers whieh
nourished in Ohio , Indiana and other
northern states during the war. Pro
tests were made against eonimUsioiiing
Uisley as a renrc entativo of thN guv-
erninent , but the fact that he N a rela
tive of Senator Voorheos outweighed the
presume againnt him. The incident
served to lev he interest in the famous
con piruey. whieh sungbt to aid the enn-
federae v by discrediting the union cause
In the northern states.
The order of the Knights of the O.ddcn
Clrele , or. as It was known In some quar
ters , the Order of American Knights ,
was founded some years before the out-
bieak of the eivil war , and , partly at
Icas-t , with the object of further
ing filibustering expedition * against
sumo of the South American
republics. It was strong in
the south and In sumo of tV western
border states. S ion after the war broke
out , according t m writer in the New-
York Sun , sueh of the northern mem-
beis as Mjmpathi/ed with the south or
opposed upon e institutional grounds the
prosecution of the war roorgani/ed the
bjdy and techi istened It the Order of
American Knights. The older was
secret and oathbouml. It included some
dangerous men and many eager spirits ,
who would gladly have started a Hi o in
tin- rear of the fedeial administration.
It was said that a New York newspaper
man declined to secessionists in New
O.-leaiis early in Ifrtll that there were
. " 0.000 oathbjund New Yorkers as leady
to take up arms for the south as for the
north. His assertion was probably un
true ; but certainly the whole Order of
American Knights eamo to include a
great many moie than .lO.OOO men , and
under skillful leadership they might
have been induced to take up arms
against the union.
After the Older of American Knights
hud been reorgani/ed and strengthened
throughout the border states of the west
the leaders began to look lound for
some daring man of inilucnee to take the
chieftainship of the order. They asked
Conirressinaii Clement L. Vallan'diglmm
of Ohio to join the order He declared
afterwards that the lequcst eamo to him
in the autumn of 1MU. but lie declined to
join the older because ho feaied that it
bad some entangling alliance with the
southern confederacy. Vallandigliam
was by this time almost the best hated
imin in the north , b c.'uise of his opposi
tion in e ingress tj a v igorous prosecu
tion of the war. All of his name were
included in this hatred. A brother in
Dolavvaio was placed under arrest , and
made to take the oath Of allegiance to
the United States. Two nephews wore
ill-hen into the southern confederacy ,
one Inning been banished with the Mc
Kay family from Cumberland , Mil. ; the
other , after a short imptisonmcnt in
Fort McHonry. having lied to Europe at
the piospeet of a second arrest. lie
afterwards ran the bloijkade and joined
the confederate army.
Mr. Vallandigliam himself , in public
and private , professed his devotion to
the union , but held to the belief that it
could not , In the nature of things , be
preserved bj foice of arms. His char
acter was bueh that even many of his
political enemies believed him sincere
in this curious attitude. The confeder
ates thought him so , and scornfully
called him a "union shrieker. " The
masb of loyal men believed him a south
ern sympathiyor at heart , and denounced
him as a copperhead. Occasionally ,
though not often , when smarting under
attack , he "aid things which might have
justified his enemies in suspecting his
loyalty. In 186:2 : or 18b3 , when sjuthorn
sympathizers in the north wore fond of
saying that the federal troops came back
enriched with booty from plundered
southern homes , he parodied in private
conversation a popular song of the day
in this fashion :
"Tramp , tramp , tramp ! The boys are
Tom McGeehan , in saving who o neck
Mr. VnllandightimaccidenUy killed him
self , was then his bitter enemy , and Me-
Geehan expressed the popular northern
opinion of Vallandigliam in a witty song
appropriately pet to the tune of "Lanni-
gan's Ball. " One stan/a , lepresenting
.lolTorson Da\is nnd Mr. Vallandigliam
together at Kiebm nd , tun thus :
"Sajs Jeff to Val , -What's this about"
SajsVal to Jeff , 'Thoi've found mo out' "
The American Knights ev idently be
lieved that Mr. Vallandlgham was less
slnceio in his devotion to the union than
ho seemed , and after hirj refusal in 18(12 (
to join the order they still hoped to
draw him into their ranks. They ap-
pioached him again while ho lived in
banishment justaoro s the Canadian bor
der , nt Windsor , with a federal gunboat
lying on the American side opposite his
hotel. He had been sei/.ed at his homo
May 2 , IHtili , nnd after trial by court
martial for treasjiiable utterances sen
tenced b Mr. Lincoln to bo sent beyond
the southern lilies. lie went thence to
Canada and waited his chance to get back
to Ohio. Agents of the Order of American
Knights visited him at Windsor early in
Ib04 and asked him td become the head
of their b"-dy. Ho" Hub equently de
clined upon oath thutj'tho ' agents repie-
scnted to him that th ( objects of the or-
gani/ation were political and self-defen
sive , and that it had pit relations with
the s unborn confederacy. Upon this
representation ho punmised to bee > mo
the bead of the oidtu-htpon the condition
that bo be permitted'to ' modify its con-
btitutun. i .1
The delegates left Air. Vallandigliam
to attend tiie supreme ] council of the
order in" Now York. , , , At that meeting
the order was roorgai > Ued , Us name was
changed to the Sons yffylborty , , the title
of a patriotic order iuMtho e Jinnies in
stamp act days , and Jr. ) } Vallandigliam
was elected grand c-Jinniander. A dele
gation of the Hupipini ! council visited
Mr. Vallandlgham at Windsor in Maich ,
IfetiI , and told him that the constitution
had been modified in ace irdanco with
his wishes , but brought him no copy of
the document. Nevertheless ho per
mitted the delegates to invest him as
i grand c minar.der. The oath he then
j took was to support the c institution of
the United htates and to discharge the
duties of grand e numandci-i
The now grand commander , banished
man as ho was , at once took \igorous
hold of the oider. In the subsequent
Indiana treiiion trials there was put In
evidence a note of Instruction , dated
V.'lndbor , and signed C' . L. V. It hoie
the marks of the gi and commander's
style and showed that he was fulfilling
at least one tmrt of his oath. Thotc is
small room for doubt that he believed
himself to bn Ihing up toil as a whole.
Under his touch the order began to
grow with tieat rapidity , and It Is us-
net-tod that by Juno. IP04 , 200.000 now
members had been added. Lodges wore
formed in nearly every county of Ohio
Indiana and Illinois.
The situation of the grand commander
was an Interesting ono for a man who bo
lloved himself a martyr toconstltutlonal
liberty and an unswerving patriot. He
was the head of a numerous If not power
ful order made up in part at least of men
anxious to give armed assistance to the
southern confederacy. Ho had recently
been defeated , fraudulently his friends
said , by more than 100,000 majority , as
democratic candidate for governor of
Ohio , though ho had received a larger
vote than any democrat had hitherto re
ceived for Unit olllce. He was now a
banished man on neutral territory , and
ho was not only actively guiding as best
he could the policy of his order , but ho
had actually been in conference with an
agent of the confederate government.
Holloving that the union could not be
preserved by force of arms , he seems t >
imvo entertained the idea of using his
order to enerco the federal government
Into granting an armistice , in 01 der that
terms of a fresh union might bo ar
ranged. Just what went on at Windsor
has not been fully made public. Mr.
Vallandigliam at h'is sudden death left
papers that ought to throw some lighten
on this matter. They came into the
hands of his brother in 1 70 , when ho
wrote a life of Mr. Vallandigliam , but it
was deemed unwi-o to make public their
whole contents. They wore afterwards
given into the keeping1 of Mr. Vallan-
digham's only son.
The grand comirander proceeded can
tlously , partly because he knew the
ground was dangerous , partly because
he distrusted the older , lie valued its
aid so little that when ho made his se
cret return in disguise to the United
States in June , l.Stil , he did not notify
any of the ouUv that he had such an in
tention. Late in May ho came to sus
pect that there was a plan on foot to use
the S ms of Libertj as an ollensivo or-
gani/ation in aid of'disunion. Ho had
already learned from hisconfoienco witli
the confederate agent that the c > nfed-
oracy would make no alliance witii the
democrats of the northwest suvo upon
the understanding that separation fiom
the United States \vas to bo alnoln'o and
perpetual. Shortly after this a member
of the order visited the grand cjin-
mander in exile and expressed himself
as ready to assist the confederacy-
without any guaianty from that govern
ment that the old union should be ro-
Htored , or even that the western states
that might revolt should be admitted
Into the new union. The grand com
mander angrily declared that ho would
fight for no cause where victory must bo
dishonor , and denounced the stupidity
of men who were ready to go to war in
aid of a government that esteemed them
aliens. Mr. Viillundiurham did not think
well of J effort * m Davis , and he had al
ways regatded secession as inad-
nes ; so on this occasi in ho declared
clared his belief that the c uifed-
eiate administration of the day did not
really represent the southern pe > plo.
He buliev ed that w ith the fedi-i al gov CM n-
mont in the bauds of the demoeiats. or
under pressure from a strong demo
cratic organi/ation , the south would re
turn to the union. Ho deelaied that not
a hand should be uiised or a shot lued
If he could control the Sons ol Llbei ty
unless with the undoi standing that the
idea of permanent disunion weio abso
lutely given up by the confedeiuey. Ho
went further and siid that if tlie Sins
of Liberty should poi slsfrlii an attempt
to rise in aid of the confederacy , un
pledged to future reunion with the
north , ho would himself lopoit the in
tended rising to Mr. Lincoln's admin-
After Mr. Vallandigham's leturn from
banishment ho found that the Order of
the Sons of Liberty was honeycombed
with representatives of the federal gov -
eminent , anu that everything planned
by the organisation was promptly re
ported to Washington. An uprising was
planned for the Kith of August , IMi } .
Knowledge of the plan had been kept
from the grand commander , and it was
airainst his express orders as sent out to
subordinate commanders. It was evi
dently expected that ho would be diawn
into the movement ; but he know
not only that all important schemes
of the oidcr were known to Mr.
Lincoln , but also probably that the
situation hud become so favorable to
the union arms as to make any lire in
the icar merely futile. A display of
force easily overawed the conspirators ,
and the Sons of Liberty ceased to bo
a dangerous organisation. The grand
commander , it is said , never saw the
full constitution of the order until after
it was practically disbanded. He lived
long enough to see his theory that the
south could not be coerced hit J the union
disproved by the logic of events , and to
take the lead in a movement looking to
the acceptance by his putty of the
political results accomplished by a war
which ho had lepeatedly declared a
vain waste of blood and treasure.
A Word for I'm lliiKliircra.
OMAIIV , Mi > 0 To the Editor of THE
Hir. : . I wish to saj a word for a much abused
and overworked class , who aio numboied bj
hundicds in Omaha and South Omaha , and
who have never said a word through .my of
thocitj papcis
I icifcr to the stationary engineers , oloctiic
engineers , stokuis , coal whculi-is , night
watchmen and all other unfortunates who
Have to work twelve houis for a ilnj and
sovcn dajs for a weuk There aio at least
1,000 men in the two cities that .spend one-
half the houis of their lues at their work
Now , one would supj.oso that fall wages
would bit paid to HULh persons ; but that is
not the case. Soventi-live per cunt of Hit
station iry cngmuois and clcctuclans arc
getting less pay per hour than the bticct
commissioner luj * for shovclurs on our
sticots The injustice- this Is more app.u
cut when wo consider the tlmo icquirud to
icain his tr.ide , the neci-ssari tools , citi
license , books and papists to in iko him elll
float anJ up with tins progressive ago
homo establishment * work the simy men
nights the year round ; others change fiom
daj work lo night , and \ icocrsi , ovuri ono
or two weeks Tito wav this change
is brought about is this , t'io men at d o
i Chest Pains
Palpitation , weak and sors
lungs , ] > kurisy , coughs ,
cold , ditlnna and bron-
'I chins relieved in ONF
'MlM-TiJ ' by the CLIICUU
ANH I'AIN 1'LAMii ! , the
frst and only Instantaneous pain-killing ,
strcnpthcnlnn plaster. 1 or v\eak , painful kid
nes , back ache , uterine pains , \ml VNeakiicss
it i > simply wonderful. It i italizes the nervous , nnd hence is unrivalled fur nervous
pains , weakness , numbness , and paralysis
llcyoml question the surebt , safest , sw eelest and
best piaster in the vsorUl.
Ptlre : > c. fi\ei oo. AlalldruecUtior t.y inaU
1'OTTIR UxlG/NOCllUH CJ8P. . UoiCOll.
whllo coitlu ? the emploror an 1 oin | ) oyeo
nutb n" . h 3 en it ) id : u < to t .van o llio Intor-
estn of both , nnd aUa oiro.vti. Oy kuunrmf
better cat itts with tin macli no.
Wyckoff , Seaman S Benedict
work stay nt It from Sunday niitrnlnp till
Monday morning , onls twontv four hours
without sleep , ami thc us ill dc-llilo n din-
nor-liiK'Kot di'llc.xrloi that h ivc lie-en ili lnu
and iUx.iiiiiH | > MU ! for the t > t < t oUhtccn
hours In an in a recent nninbor of
Tin : HrE it s-ild thc-ro "no awc-atlni ?
s.vdtem uxlittuu in Nobr.iskaVo ai-o
awfully uloso to UVo .iro In tlu > fever SVH-
Icm oiio-half the tlmo aiul swoitttu
svstoin the other half , for the * week
th it has the lout ; \\i\teh tnoan ninety six.
hours work This is double the tlmo the
United States ( 'overtime-lit or thocit.v i-m-
plojcs work and neirly dnilblo that vvhli-h
the bric-klaj ers , stone m.isons , plumbers and
carpenters aio iciiilictl | tovotk fora week s
pay Why are those things thnslv ? In a problem
to mo Thuro Is no economy In It. for the
extr.ivnpant use of m.ilorlal , iiritteniion to
duty , hot boxes , lilch and low water In
boiler and the ilon't-earo-a-d.imltlvo-
ness of a sleepy , overworked man makes
this ven ilsky and often exiicnslve ec-onomy
Now Iho remedj is simple Add another
erevv , in.iko elfrlil hours a daj for all who
work seven davs for a week. This would
Klvo flftj-sU hours for a week , and
ought to satisfy a man
It would bu InterestliiK to know how the
Christian einplineis and superintendents
Intel ptet the golden rule and Klve iiidets to
dlsi-h.irKo aiij one who objects to vvorkiuj
eighty-four hours for a week , or twentj four
hours for .1 eh uijie
The lale war freed the colorctl people of
the south , the electric motor tbe stieet car
mule , and v\hj should not Tin : HKI : fiee the
eluhty-four-hour-a week men in itsowneitv '
lDMor ( iiiriirau M > H It Will llo One
nl tlio IViiliiro * of tin ! I'nlr.
Oimniissloncr Ci.iruciu of the
State Columbl in commission is in the eitj.
riom him it was learne I that the U'or Is
fair man igement has desliftiatcvl .luno 8 as
Nebraska ilav. This tvill aTord the loii'j an
tleipated dlsplaj of Nebraska inoHu-ts and ,
manuf.u-tuies and will , of coins' , attraet i
Nebraskaus In I irgo numbc-is I'ho Nebraska -
braska ioiniils ! liin will arrauire sped il ex-
en Ises appropriate to the oci.iMon lion
\Vllllamr.Colv ( HufTalo Hill ) , whom * pro it
Wild West show Is now exhibiting in Chicago
cage , has tendered the loiniinssou
his services and has olToieil to ma'to
sueh use of his Indi ins inlco.vbivs as the i
commission miy determlno up in In tlio wav '
of a pirade that will illustiate the impress '
m ule in the clvlllition of Nebr isU i from I
the time the s ivages held undisputed posses
slonilnvvu to the ptescnt day ofrailioul j
trains , universities and colleges , grain and
stoi k production , manufaetutcs and arts
In the opinion of Mr Carneau n page nit can
beauanced that will make Xobraska day
one of the distinctive fe itnresof the World s
fair and an occasion which will make this
stale famous the world over.
Tn some pirts of Russia the snow actually
is pserved In gicnt straw , sand and ina-
nur cove rod heaps as a me ms of
the land during the summer heats
IMcurls ) . Illiciumitl'iii. Sciatica ,
L'o IlacU-lcho , nnil nil External
Allmentx rcmoud iiiilrkljr by
vjlilchisthoonly POROUS PLASTER
that coin. ilus IKIen ut nnil curative modern
Insnvllcnts YhT AliSOLLTULY faAl'j : and
1'O.sITlVK In Its nrtlon.
Unison's Tinnier * Promt Pneumonia
It docs not euro chronic allnirnts In a min
ute. nor docs It crcato an elc'Urio luttery or
current In thogygtvm.nor w 111 it euro bj inert ly
rontllnc the label , all such claims nro mndo bv
qunrku nnd liumbuzi BENtSON'S is endoiFcU
1'5 ' 5.000 J'hjslclaiisnml DruircUtD
C AUTION ! > > n'l I * i1nwil | by unitcrtipulmii Pnig.
fiMAMho'tftr thrift Ira.h tvhlih tlrvtUlm Isjtul l cotV
crtellftlhsn IIFN'-ON s CItt Ilir l.rnuiut ilnitl t.l *
tl . Kerp them it 1 ooie fcr cmer cotUs.
Council Bluff ? .
.HS JVI J3e\U. ; EV. ( M
with Groin faniif Monies 01 1 p. H.
In .1 dell htful pro.T.un entirely free fron.
dullnos" and consist n { ut
LADY Ql AUTrT- > .
HntiNo yum hi1.
MPSII AMI MIIITII' ' A nuisleil cntnrtalniiionl
t'vit l-i cnjoynbln UUo to mini -Ian and
the misses Don't ( ill tn the won
derful 'i-yeir-o'il ' TOMVIIP.
who p1 iv xlolln < .nlcn sins on anndro-
citui In Ihn most llnlshu I style
fcccour I'ro.-rnin. H sncalf. for Itself
N. II. I'ho CnloritoJ ! b liutiort I'l uu Used
In nil Concerts
//n/u < ; tit ante nf f/io 1-Vnost In tlio
P II ForilliKOiicnal a wtioleiiile liquor more nt
No 17 1'u irl utrcot ( oniull ! lln7 ! * iin I tin imt In
n Inrn * * niul well neloi tel stoc.i of uinof. brn idljs
wliNklcH , vtu ItlantHLt irortny of inuiitlon that
Mr r r 1 1 tin fiirtiinnto pin > s or of noirlr frtr
biirrem of IliulliioJt vrhliky In the tnlti-l stTtoi
In .SiUlio bo iiiht novontr-Hro hirri'isur Ki > ntnckr
( I r. 'laylor wliliky , uml It WHB not until nhuitt
thrioyonri n/n thit ho pliceil th- too Ii on ttia
innrkot Of thli stock ho ii.ii laft nhunt fo'ty bar
rels unit oxpurtK nil pronuuncu It abiolutitl ) the
Iliie t wlil ky In fin country lln it-lit It in iln y
to fjiiilllc for moJIcIn il lite , ni It I * ton cos ly Mr
thii nunl-ir tiiiilcltl worth o\cr } IJ per u'lDun
Hi ire M not nnotlior hr mil of nuch whisk ) In t'lo U
s UU s-o it of lirindlu * nntl vvlni-i COIIIOH fro u tlio
f tinotiH Ixilinil tnnforillnyiirli In < nllfornli
ami ) mru n lihth ropuliitlun for occllonca anJ
Tliofst pnylnz Invos mnt for a hojioiY fa I )
The Excels.oi1 Hoaj-Bi'ter and Roisler.
M ulo by I'nrtls A , ' on 1'orllanil , Mo
Veil led lor Siiln of llomls.
Nntlri' Is hereby given 111 it th" Hoard of Pd-
iii'.11 ion for Mil si heel distrli t of I'awmc illy ,
Si-liritslii will ii-i'pivt-siMili il proposals tin to
the .With da > of May. IH'H at si ven o'clnek p
in for the stile of t\vol\u lefiindliu bonds of
said dlsti lei , of the denomination of Jfiiit ) 00
each , beating lute-rust at Ihn rate of sl-s pi r
centum per annum payablu annii illy , and
running twenty year * , with option of ledi'inp-
tloii after Iho jenrs halil nonils will
ilatonf.lunul.la03 Tliu boiu.l lesoi ics the
right to iejei-1 , uiiy or nil bids Illdilus ulll
addiess the miili-isinned at I'.iunei ! I llv No-
lit islui , lion 111 fuinlsh anv fuiiher Inloiiiia-
loiiiU-Hlud. JOI1.N II KAIT.U , S. y
Mb 11 J5
Tlint A YEN'S Sarsapiullh CUIIKS
o fin.its of Scrofulous Diseases ,
Eruptions , Holla , Ecroinn , Liver nnil
Kidney Diseases , Djspcpsin , Illicit *
mutism , nnd Catarrh should ho con-
vinclng that the same course of
ticntincnt wiu. it UK YOU. All
that has boon said of the womlorfiU
cures effected by the use of
during the past 50 years , truthfully
applies to-day. It Is , in in cry sense ,
The Superior Medicine. Its cura
tive properties , stiength , effect , and
flavor are ahva > s the same ; and for
\\hate\er blood diseases AVER'S
Saisaparilla is taken , thin yield to
this tteattnent. When \ u ask for
S B I lei B
don't bo induced to piirchaso any of
the worthless ; substitutes , which aio
mostly inixtutes of the cheapest in-
Hiedtents , contain no saisaparilla ,
have no uniform .standard of ap
pearance , flavor , orelli'ct , aio blood-
purifiers in name onh , and are of-
foiTtl to you because there is inoto
proflt in .selling them. 'I ako
Picimreil In lr I C Av IT M n , Lowell , MM .
Bukt n ) nil Dnniut ; , Pinu * 1 nix liottlu , (6.
Cures others jvill cure you
* tirciil laitr l i\o It mils i mit will l >
Juicy nnil rl h snoion t ilr I n itrltlo nul'iuoat * .
.No I ca i do wltliuut It nfter huviiin IrluJ tk
\ \ llo lur clrciiInrM
Council Bluffs , ( own.
Yea , Verily ,
The World Moves
$1,000 $ , 11 THIS $1 $
It c-iuiuof ho tm
in cn'o < / .
No Don'hs
No Fires
It does not dopant ! on
A Calamity.
BONDING CO. , Council Bluffs , Inoor-
corpor.ttod under the 1 iws of lovviu form *
form i tlon , rooms 2.11 an I -Ii Murrlam block ,
Couno 1 IllulTs , Iowa.
l BLU5 ,
1'Olt SAljKAUIIIUhT Of Ilk' ) tUtlHIflX , C.JXp ,
anil on vc-rr uasr imytiunti tlreoaaulotji ,
Nicholson ft i u 021 llronil ar
1U ) . < U1 AND hid ACIli : tract of lunil In nurlliorrt
1 lo u .it JlolW to J.1IU3 par uoru .luluistouAj Van
A H81II VC I's anil loans fiirin nil I oltjr pripirtr
'VbnuKUt imJ ulj I'usoy t I'buui ) i/ouaall
MAI.l'HSKl IIOSS HOJl'-l'eiiiilo uj It Imli U
Ti-arn , Enoil Talua : m > l l\vif > In sluct nt lilt-
by K , Mvrrlam block
\IMI.U i x < ll VMHOH sr.i.r. ! four room
* < haunt's iintl Mtoro room and outt > itlillnys oluif
oi Incuinbrance A. J M imlnl 7iW tjratititu AT * ,
J."olt SAI.i : Full nut of tlnn ) r < looh , iroiiloon II
tlon , n bartMln lniiibu | of Kiiiklu : | dhuxarl
Ilurilwaru i o CouiiPll llliiiti
"I ToUsK niul lot for ale \ HI ! MTtiarn un
I 1 Inquire of J. 1 * . Uiibtlll U Si IL 1 ,
J-O t SAIjK lioap , tenu lilioc drlrli ( in nrui
tuam innlcs , oil \TAIOII hirnofti nnil toani , top
, roaJ vrajun Carlun I'oal Co 10 Henri itrect.
\\rlll. nail ljulow con nuir > room liomi , inoilora
< coiiYunluncui , walllouitol lleoo'lliu
JOll 3AI.K 1 lirio l r f lnilU , n oi on < j wiHrf
onu 7t > nr nnil two /utir , ullil color , rej
slotk T2.d Ut St
I.Vtll SAI.KMco tnr curilnjfo tun in anJ cnrrluico.
U VV Tulli'/j lai I'eiriSt Coil i 'II illuHj
/ < VltllviiK runoTdl ojafpiula vaiilti i < lilmnij/ (
V Iihitncil Kit llurltJ , nt 'lurlora uroLorr , ll )
I.1 H SAl.i-\VnrllulJ , diit | lai-i ami Ml Vernon
J slruwlicrrr | il uitt VV s Kuillnu , t)7H ) ) Till uve ,
iniini'll HI Ut
1.MU HfcNl 7 rouni h im i , t-r , Kin ami butU )
k'ouil ilnblo 7IU4IU ct , Council lllulti
/ < IHI , wnntoil for eanarnl huu9cw > .rk , 4IJ ( lloa
* aagSetS
CifciJ Biaaip ptje Works.
C. A. SCHOEUSACK , Pronrlotor.
? , C7o1i [ > * nnd
Council BiutTu olllca und \vor > < , cor. Avu. A und lUith UU Telephone 310. Bon/
lor iruularH and prlco tUt.