THE OMAHA DAILY BEE3 SATURDAY , MAY (5 ( , 1803. RATE WAR STILL IN SIGHT Borne Indications that the Present Serenity May Bo Only Temporary , OTHER ROADS MAY MIX IN THE rY.USS Jf the Cnlornilo Trouble It Not Settled Thin Week AVnrltl'd 1'itlr Union Will < > o to I'locen All Alone tlin I.'Ho lUllroucl Nutet. In aplto of the fact that to all appearances an amlcnblo adjustment was In sltfht of the rate differences between thuKio Oratnlo anil Colorado Midland roads , tlioro Is still u pos- Blhlllty that the nj-'recmont u ill full to tun- tcilall7o and that the momentary armistice Is orilj the lull before the storm. Uotli the Burlington and the Union Puclllo are con templating taking a hand In the muss , and unless a compromise is speedily effected the situation will bo still more complicated in another week. The Union Pacific Is not Rettlnp the busi ness from Colorado point ! , that It Is justly en titled to At headquarters oftlcials fr.tnkly ad mit that the situation Is not to their llkuifr , but refuse to ( , 'ivo any intimation of what they Intend to do They are watching the llur- linKton and Hock Island , which l\cs them sunicicnt work these beautiful May days , and quietly planning some startling develop ments for the very near future. lljwtho Iliirlliiztoii Work * It. Wliilo the Ilurllngton continues to sell round tilp tickets from Denver to Chicago for S-'i.'i. $ . " > higher than the other roads. It Is a notoiious fact that ItloOr.mdo tickets with Durllngton coupons attached can bo bought In the Uio Orando olllco for ! 0. Mr. Francis , however , stated this morning that his agent at Denver. Mr. Vallery , was authorised to sell at f-Ci II it without sign of cither cutting or shaving the rate , but Mr. Francis would neither afllrm nor deny the rumor that his tickets were on sale In the Hio Cirando ofllce , across the street from his Denver headquarters , for * : ! fl. "Will vou meet the ? ! ! 0 r.ite should it he- come stable ! " the reporter asked Mr i' rands "Certainly , if the rate becomes stable , " replied the general pisscngcr iigcnt of the Burlington. "Hut I will do notnlng toward mooting the rate until 1 liml it will be main tained. 1 presume- that ! < ) will become the rate fiom Denver , but It m ly go higher when the differences are settled between the rival roads In Colorado. " "Do you think the Durllngton and Kock island made a mistake in permitting this light to get boioml Colorado ; " llcuvj uulghts Miitvlu-il , "Mr Harris , Uio president of the nurling- ton , and Mr.Cablo of the Itock Islund are tak ing a deep Interest in tills light and nothing Is done without their sanction U hatovcr course the Burlington takes you may be sure there Is some logical reason lor it This Is a light between lieavjweights , and neither party is going to give in unless ho has to I am of the opinion that the whole business will bo adjusted amicably before the end of the week ; if not then there will bo the stitf- cst rate war we have over had in this coun try In the passenger business. " At Douur the situation is unchanged , all railroad ofllcials hoping that the conference between Presidents Ui-inhart and Jeff icy will result in an adjustment of present differ ences Itoi'k iHlituil Chanel's. Following the other roads the Kock Island will put In effect a new schedule- train service on Sunday. ISastbouml train No. 0 , now leaving at 4:40 : p. in. , will leave at 8.50 , arriving In Chicago about 7-.TO a. m. No U , to bo known as the "Silver State Limited , " the now train which is put on for the llrst time on Sunday , will lca\n at la. m. and cor responds to train No. "I taken oft last Novem ber. Trains numbers ii and 4 have not been decided upon , but it Is thought possible train No. " will leave hero at 7:10 instead of GrIOp. m. . and arrive in Chit-ago about 3 o'clock. Westbound No IS , Denver and the west , will leave at'J-iO : instead of 1:20 p m. No. 7 , Fairbur.v accommodation , a new train , leaves at 0:10 : p. m. No. ! il , the Kooky mountain limited , w ill leave at . . ' ! U a. m. The Northwestern olllclals have not made up their schedule card as yet , their running tiinu being largely dependent upon the Union Pacific , which It is understood will make few changes In their castbound trains , the burden of lengthening the time In conformity " formity with the"sixteen hour agreement falling upon the Northwestern entirely West of the rl\er there will bo no changes on the Klkhorn and but a few minor changes on the Sioux City & Pacific. The St. Paul train will leave Council Bluffs ten minutes earlier than now , whllo the Chicago train will leave Sioux City forty-llvo minutes earlier , Thrro In Jimmy in It lor You There Is sure profit In North Gnlrcston ; if jou hvo , you make It ; if you die , jour heirs inane It without cost to them or you. D. D. Smcaton , Koom 17 Barker Block , wants to talk with you regarding it. HAYlli.V : IHIOS. Ixfnior < linnry Mioo Sulo Sutimliiy. Greatest bargain In tills sale ever of fered by us on line hlioos. Out1 shoo bfth'H tire popular. Shoos always sold as ndvortihcd. Money refunded "on slices not satisfactory. Over IWO pairs ladies' line button and luco. $ : i.OO mid S3.f)0 shoes go in this stile at $2.28 11 pair. A bargain and will please you. Over 100 pairs ladies' S2.50 dungolii button shoos , to eloso out , at $1.73. Allen on ono table. See them. Over 200 pairs Murrium's make , & 2.2 , " > micHOH1 line spring heel shoes at 11.18. If your daughter wants n nluo nullof shoos tills is a rare opportunity. Over 100 pairs ini-sus' $1.7."i kid spring heel shoes at $1.20 a pair. Over 100 pnlrs child's kid spring heel shoes at $1.OS a pair. Over 10'J infants' 50e shoes at 2"e a pair. MEN'S SHOES. Our extremely low prices are giving us the lead in men's hhoes. Fine t-hoes at cheap prices. Orit BARGAINS SATURDAY will bin-prise you. See them in our base ment. Mon'b $3."iO satin calf congress shoes ntfcUOthis wcok. Men's $ o.OO hand sowed calf shoes at $4.00 tliis week. Men's $ -1.60 hand so-vcd russet calf shoes ut .M.IITi this week. Hoys' $1.75 satin calf button shoes at $1.20 this week. IIAYDEN BROS. , HAYUENS' GREAT 1JUTTER SALE. " You have been paying high prices for poor butter , but wo will toll you some good hnttor at very low prices.Vo will Boll country butter for 12Jc , lee , I7o and Jo ! ) ; creamery , 21c , 2.'lo and 2. " > c ; very ilncst separator creamery , 28e. Uo sure to call and get some of this butter , as wo uro belllny ; it at prices that will suvo you money. Did you try any of our soups ? If not you ought to.Vo are belling half-pint cans of any kind for 10c ; pints for 15e ; quarts for 2'jc. Remember these soups arc put up by Iluckins of Boston and the Armour Funking Co. and are positively the most delicious In the world. Try a can and beconvinced. . are k-adors in elieoio ; any kind you want you can got hero ; full cream , us , PC , 12Jo ; Illicit pure .lernoy orean. choose , Ho ami 1 Go ; club house cheese , 'tOc per ja- ; edam choose. $1.15 ; young America full cream , So : brick cheese , ] 0o > . I2jo , He and NJo ; liinb'irgcr , J6c ; Kwlss , Hie , I8o and 20t * . NVo ( iiiuto you some Kiw jiricos on nient : Hacjn , 12c } ; salt pork , lie ; b.ino- loss niiui ) and plate corned bocf , 7e ; ] > lcnlc hum * , lie ; California hums , I''o ; lincst sugar cured No. 1 hams , Uio ; bologna , headcheese and liver sausage , 5c ; lineal cooked ham , I8c ; ham sausage , 7ic : blood sausage , 5c. UAYDI3N BROS. , GROCERS. IIAYDEN BROS , Still Greater Keductions on Umbrellas , Pnrn- sols , Kid Gloves and Fans. CLOSING OUT THE S. P. MORSE STOCK Urooi ( looili , Clonk * nnil Suit * Note Ilia Special * In Clonk Orpnrtmcnt Men' * nntl lln } * ' Unit hiitiirduy Uvcn * Injf tor Two Hour * Only. Wo purchased this entire btook at a very low figure , whicli will enable us to f-ell It for about one-half S.1J. . Morse & Co.'s ' price. A FEW WORDS ABOUT FANS. In this lot will be found some of the finest tilings in fans eve.- shown in this country , and today this department stands without an equal. Fans from all the best makers in France , England and Germany go on sale Saturday at ubaut one-third S. P. Morse & Co.'s price. IJjn't full to bee our display of umbrel las and parasols In show window on Itith street. Over 0.000 on exhibition. Parasols from l.'io to J.Ti.OO each. The largest stock of any ono retail store in the United States. Our competitors say o are cru/.y , but watch out on Saturday for the commence ment of one of the greatest umbrella and parasol sales ever given in this city to reduce this largo stock. If wo have to take a loss wo might as well do it first as last. last.S. S. P. Morse & Co's. Sl.OO umbrellas reduced to fiOc. S. P. Morse ft Co.'s $1.50 umbrellas reduced to 7. > o. S. P. Morse & Co.'s $1.75 umbrellas reduced to USo. S. P. Morse & CO.'B $2. , " > 0 umbrellas reduced to $1.50. S. P. Morse & Co.'s1.00 umbrellas reduced to $1.08. S. P. Morse & Co.'s $1.00 umbrellas reduced to & 2.)0. S. P. Moroc A : Co.'s $ . " > .00 umbrellas reduced to ft ! 00. S. P. Morse & Co.'s $0.00 umbrellas reduced to $ , ' 1.50. WOOLEN DRESS GOODS Sale- * increasing and our prices bring ing in iinmeiibe crowds. Wool hop sacking that S. P. Morse it Co. asked 73c for , wo will sell you for 41c. 52-inch whipcords that S. P. Morse it Co. asked $1.75 for , wo will sell you for $1.00. Silk and wool bengulincs that S. P. Morse it Co. asked $1.75 for , wo will soli you for $1.00. A beautiful line of novelty dress goods that S. P. Morse it Co. asked 81.25 for , wo will sell you for 7oe , all new shades. Call and see us and buy a dress pat tern at your own price. CLOAKS AND SUITS. Saturday wo make two splendid offer ings. There were shipped us by mistake - take a lot of ladies' suits , which the man ufacturers rfjivo us a big discount on if wo would keep and save them cost of shipment both ways , packing , etc. LADIES' SUITS. There is ono lot of blue llannol suits , till wool , full sleeves to jacket and full skirts ; some tire plain skirts and others with bj.plaits. . Wo oiler them Satur day for $ :5.0. : > . They arc worth fully $0.00. The same thing in tans ; cloth is a little - tlo better. Price $ .2r . LONG CLOAKS. A $3.00 cloak for JSc. There are a mimbor of full length clocks ( accumulation- ] ) which wo will put in one lot at )8c ) for choice. Some of them sold for $5.00 and none less than $2.75. They are just the thing to put on to save your clothes in bad weather. There are all colors , stripes , checks , plaids , etc. Some are not a bit pretty , others are very neat. Any ono of these are worth threa times Saturday's price. Special for SATURDAY EVENING. MEN'S HATS. $2.50 Fedora , black or brown , $1.00. $2.50 still brim hats , black or brown , $1.00. $2.50 soft hats , black or brown , $1.00. BOYS' HATS. $1.25 boys' fancy caps , 50c. $1.00 boys' fancy turbans , 25c. 7."c boys' fancy caps , 2oc. $1.50 boys' Fedora , in black or brown , 73c. CHILDREN'S AND MISSES' HATS. 7oc Oxfords , 47c. This Is for Saturday evening only. IIAYDEN BROS. Selling off the S. P. Morse stock. "Tho Madison , " ( family hotel ) , 21st and Chicago. Transients"$2.00 per day. HiillilliiK : I'nriulti. The following permits to build were Issued yesterday by the inspector of build ings : UKuis Hnnsvn , Tui'iitU'lh and Center , oottago. . . . . . . . . . $ 800 Josopli KriiFskun , DUO North Tweiity- lirili uvuiiuu , duelling lr > 00 MMuninlmn penults TifjO Nine pormlK aggiPKutliiK . . . . $ 'J.H50 A Mlnlitrr'H Wif 'Iiivh I'lcuscil. Kldcr S. S Heaver of McAlllstorvillc , , Tu- I nlnttn Co. , Pa. , sa.\s his \\ifo aul > Joct to j IT.imp in the stomach. Last suinmvr slio tricil Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera anil Dlar- rhiura Homedy for it and wns much pleased with the sncody relief it aftorded. She has since UiCd it whenever necessary ami found that it never falls. FALCONER'S ' MACKINTOSHES 40 Ladies' Olotb Surface $4.00 Mackintoshes Tomorrow in Orcat May Sale at $1)27. $5.00 MACKINTOSHES $2.85 Sin.OO.SIIk.Mncklntotlicfi , I'nrlnmn Pnttcrni. IIcut Kliiilo In Our ( Irrnt Mule To morrow nt 0.7fi , rii ' * c lira liicrp.lon il Vnluoi. LADIES' HANDKERCHIEFS , 28C. A splendid bargain in ladies' handker chiefs , an entire Importation made to sell at 50e , In our great May sale tomor row at 28c each. Limit one do/.en to a customer. MCN"S DRESS SIIIUTS , 08C. , ' ! 0 > ) men's lull dress shirts , ( this lot is slightly toiled ) , il.25 , $1.50 and $1.7J ; all at USc , sixes tire broken. MEN'S SOX , 12JC. 50 men's lisle thread sox , actual value , 2."io and IHo per pair ; in our great bale tjm u-rovv at 12c } per pair. MEN'S SOCKS , 21C. 100 dc/on line lisle thread socks ; these BOX would bo u bargain at . " > 0c ; tomorrow in one great Mile , 21c pur pair. Limit , ono pairs to a customer. LADIES' MACKINTOSHES SATURDAY. Lot 1 , SI.27. Ladies' cloth surface mackintoshes , regular value $1.00 , Saturday only $1.27. Lot 2 at $2.85. Ladies' cloth surface mackintoshes , with deep 211-inch cape , a regular $5.00 garment , Saturday only $2.85. Lot ! t at * ( i.75. Ladies' silk mackintoshes , the best goods made , Parisian patterns , regular value $15.00 , Saturdav ' only ili.75. SPECIAL HARGA'INS IN HAND KERCHIEFS. 100 dozen scolloped embroidered hand kerchiefs , a great variety of patterns and nctualy worth 50c , t''ir > rro\v 28c each. Plain wliito and c jlored hemstitched handkerchiefs worth Sic to lOc , tomor row -Ic each. All linen prints worth 25e , t unorrow 10o each. Plain white and colored bordered all linen handkerchiefs worth 15o to 25C , tomorrow lOc each. Kare ba'-galns ' in books and stationery 15c. ( Special for Saturday. ) A large assortment of bound books , paper novels and line bj.xed stationery at 15c. The following are a few of the titles of the book- , : Guy Mannoring , Handy Andy , 2,000 Leagues Under the Sea , Rob Roy , Dickens' child's history of England , Heroes and Hero-Worship , The Clemcnccuu Case , The Scarlet Letter and many others , also handy guide to Chicago and the World's fair at 15c , for ono dav only. WASH DRESS FABRICS. For two hours after 7'H : ) p. in. will make a special sale of all our remnants of ginghams , sateens , calicos , challios , etc. , etc. , various lengths , suitable for wrappers , waists , gents' shirts and chil dren's dresses. Price from 5c per yard up. N. U. FALCONER. P. S. Just received by express "A Job" at $1.05 children's waterproof gar ments , all sizes , actual value $2.50 ; they go in our sale tomorrow at $1.27 a garment , they are made with an extra deep capo and hood.N. N. C. FA LCONER. N. B. Wo will place on sale Monday a largo purchase of stamped linens , full particulars in Sunday's inipb'1. N. B. FALCONER. See the celebrated Sohmer piano at Ford & CharltonMusic Co. , HJ4 In MMrch ot Pr. o oiti Mft.iln. New and rich finds in gold and silver mines are being made daily in the Rocky Mountains. There are thousands of rich mines in Colorado and Now Mexico ice waiting to be found by some lucky prospector , but it requires time , patience and some money , also a knowledge of mineral , to properly prospect a moun tain range for tiny of the precious metals. The llocky Mountain Prospecting company , incorporated tinder the laws of New Mexico , is going to send out two export prospecting parties in search of gold , silver , or copper. They \ \ ill travel with pack animals and remain in the mountains until snow drives them out late in thoi fall. To raise the money to keep these par ties in the mountains wo have decided to give away a small portion of our stock. The shares tire $500.00 each , and each share is subject to three assessments of one dollar , and if we strike one rich mine this summer ono share which has only cost $ : i.OO in assessments is worth $500.00 or moro.and if we should discover a group of rich mines and establish a big camp , ono share of our stock is worth a small fortune. Send stamp for ono share and full par ticulars. Address Rooky Mountain I' . Co. , Ehptinoln , Now Mexico. Tim Worlil'n Tiilr. A great white city ! Buildings largo enough to scat hundreds of thousands of people at one time ! A park two miles long , varying from a few hundred yards to a mile in width , and fronting the lov- licst inland nea in the world ! Flowers , music , strange people everywhere. That's the Columbian exposition. Don't mi s it. It's the greatest , grand est , mo t unique spectacle this earth of ours over saw. And the Burlington route will take yon there comfortably , quickly , cheaply. Heo the city tickts agent at 1I12I Farnam street , lie will tell yon all about trains. Excursion rates every day. MOST PERFECT MADE. PROF. PETGR COLLIER , late Chemist in Chief of the Department - partment of Agriculture , Washington , D. Cin a recent and elaborate report of his examination of the leading baking powders of the Country , found Dr. Price's not only the highest in strength but the only Cream of Tartar Baking Powder entirely free from Ammonia , Alum or other adulteration. The purity of this ideal powder has never been questioned i1 INDIANI BATHS. * _ _ _ _ _ _ _ m Tlie Red Mbn's Knowledge of the Laws of Health , "TurkUh" i ml "IthuUn" Bath ofClvIll. tat Ion Known ito Ilin Inillnni , Him Tlirjr Io It.-fA < lotion From Nature which the AVlMxirlll Herd Klcknjmo Indian SR.M-mo.Grnnil Itemed- . Jgg INDIANS TAIU.XO Viron BATHS. In this ay 10 Imll.Mi t.ikci n "Turkish" nr "Hinjl-ui" billi ; 'Ihey dip B liole In ilia < Krtli , In nlilrli they lay itoncj , nnd upon which lhc > liiilMaflre , hpallnil the stones to ami hut ; Ilivy llunrirefully rrino\o the coulu ; rutllnn a num ber of uplines lliry silt k one end In tltn grmmil. limit llii'matrranil pl eo I ho tilliir end ulto In thi'yrouutl , IhcH'ixteud over the hot ttuneii In th fthjpo of A half loop. Ovtr these poles or Ii0"p the llulUrn pluce tklui of milmnli or blanket ? . Ktlie' Ku lmi"or apor bntli Is rtc- itlitil , they then tnrnw uutcr upon tlto litit rockn , llnu ffncintlln ; Bit ini. Thou Urilrtnp Ilia apor liilliciunl uniU'rntath. After the purrn of the klti nrr npcr'Ml &nd lliey profii pl ) veisplrr lliry crtwl out anil another IiiUlan ( UHhia of rold nutfroirr them , or llicy plunifB Into a nrtr by stnnm. Thty are then rulibud lliorou hly with Klcknpiio IiiiHnn Oil , nil nrc gltrii copious tlnfls of Klckunoo Indlin H.IKWU , utter i > hlch llj < * ) roll up ta IjUnkela nutl lm\e a touut ] slicp. Who cnn tench the Indians anything nuouthcn til ? Hla own physique unsweis for Ills superior knowledge. Ilia picparntlon ) ot lootJ , liarki nnil herbs , now glvtn to tlio world for the first time In the KIckapoo Imlhin Ucmcdles nro uncqinillcd by nny dlscovurlos of the med ical world of Iho whites , 0 When yon feel twinges of pnln In jour Joints , look out , n slight cold might ( level- o ; > I'heninntlo Focr. If you hate palna In jOJi bnck or sides jour liver la congested or\oui ktdnpyunie not pciformlng thu.r MOik and poison is gathering In ] oui body. Kxposuic to cold or contagious diseases would bo fntnl to you. Pimples blotchcB , mid other humors In- f'lcato thnttlie poison -noil-Ing In jour blood. You feel limgmd , hcsuj .dullj you awnke In the morning nniciteil. Ilewniel Ii Ivo tlicso symptoim anny nt once I Tnko KIckapoo Indinn bagwn. H w'11 ' demise jour sytem , heal jour ilUcateil o-xans , jiniifv nnd en Ich the blood , mil l.i\o CM rj tnlntot poison fiomnir uncH. Then 3011 will foci Mioit ; , blight , uluit ami ni'tn LUH tin ; Indlun lines. KltKapoo Indlun Snxwn , li composed of niilntc's leuiedlps , Katlivicil nnd pri'pnrcil b > nature's clilldi en , who depend notupon book knowH'dcc forlhclv cuies but upon Iliilenvc" , theilowera , HIM loots imd the licibs Hint mo placed In the cnrtli by tin nil \\lso 1'iovldencofoi thebeneiltof evciy lUIng I'mitmc. Why , look nt the nnlmnKI If youi liuiso InckMhlH itccti'tomcd vigor 7011 nrc taught to uuii him out to uaatuie. Yon do so. The horse gets well. tt hj ? liucnutc theio Blows In every field the tcndrr UIIMM of HOIIIO incdicinnl pliml which in-tlnct tolls thu iintninlsto eat , nnil docs for tlio poor old boisu pieclscly wbnl some otbur , or pcilmps HIP MIIIIO plnntwll do for aliuinnn bolnic Itpstorea the wn tec cnniglosl ItcnewH the lost stienythl Uo vlvcstho diooplng spirits. ECickapoo Bndian Sagwa. Solil ly All Urupgista and Dtnleis. ' $1.00 per Botilo , 0 Bottles for $5.00. DH. I. I , . si-AICMs : Cimeultln Sur-eon , Orntluuto of Hush Mo'Hcil I'olloeo. K ON- l'l/r.\ Ml.N ritl.l. ) ror the treatment of 1 AM ) 'Wo euro Catnrrh , All Disuaicu of the Nose , Throat , Clicbt , StoniioU , Bowels nntl Liver , Blood , Shin nnil Kidney Dlsonacs , Female \Vcakuosfces. Lost Manhood CUilJED. 1'II.KS riSIUI-A , ri = SL'UK permanently cured without the uof n knife , llh'uturo or < ausllc All innliilles of n private or delicate nature , of cither BOX. po > Ul\oly cured ( "nil on or nddrcss , with stomp forOlrc ulnrs , Frcu Hook nnd Iteclpcv , fir . SoirlR . \ - Soarlp ' , OMAHA , > 'in. No.\t door to I'ostnillco bout your cifrvt'b ; don't bu pale , wuuk , nervu oils , fretful s uuple'is ; don't hu\u puln In b iclc i el to , don't , bo without ambition for norkor nieiiMiro 1'ut u keen eilgnon life. Use Nerve Bofins- new vcirct.iulo diseo\ory of ro- iniirUiil ) i' power ever all nervou ; troubles In both sexes II u box. enough for two weol.s. At ilrunclits , or by mall , Nerve lloan Ca , Iludalo. N. V. Just In Our Import.itlon of Exclus > ivo Stylut i.t spring Wooluru. Fazton Hotel Bulldlns. niTCMTOTUOMA81' SIMI'dON. Waililnito PA I I tW . I O1'N" " " ? ' i J until pat Isou uino > l Writs fur InventKrs ( luld METAL Furnishes the Best and Cheapest Method at FIRE-PROOFING HOUSES. Write ( or catalogue o < Lathing , Penclngi BtabJo Fliturcs , etc. N. AV. EXPANDED MBTAt , CO. , No.iWXiTentgrSUtUBt. CHICAGO. 10 Cents pur Do/on. SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY : 4Oc Ornngoa nt 20o per Dozon. California Clnrot Wlno , 40c per Gallon. Los Angolas Wino , Liquor mid Cignr Co. , 110 nnil Ilfi South Slxtoonth , trpot. llotwron llayileii llro'mid the lion- ton Store. a /M oi/rforf ii/it' xv/ioii a you /nii'U ycnirp/ici- E3 a ( < > yriii ( n/'c/i nf E3a E3B aur nf iiff/o. MS .voiir m l'r/on ls will In' our B J'r/c'iu/s , iv/ion f7u > . \ ' a a KC > O your ; ) orjtu'f B ///.o/it'ss JII/K/O liy K3 a K3B K3B a B H H m HIGH CLASS PHOTOGRAPHY , H s m AT POPULAR 313-315-317 SotttblStU Stro3b. OMAHA. Or ALL KINDS. WE RETAIL AT WHOLESALE PRICES S ) rinses. /ir / Pillows. i , . lllllz invalid Cushioos. iluLbcr Gloves. \\alcr \ \ Hollies. 1HE ALUE & PEHFOLD CO. DKAMKS : IN TiiHf niiiiorif s. iit'iin < t / / osjf nl .S 114 South latli. St. _ _ Next to Postolllco. PROTECrYOUR EYES Noncliangcable Speelaeles aal Evcslassc3 ; * w EYEGLASSES COMPANY , , . . . . r > EnTE ! > i v..TTOr PRESERVE YP/JR EYE SIGHT tl ! MAX MKYIJR & 1JRO. CO. , ONLY V. oIH send you the nmrrclous Frtucli Pripuratlou CALTIIO5 frr . and n Ircal guarantee Iliil IAI/I11US will Hvalorf your Uaallli , StraucrUi aud Vigor. I'st it anil far i/tatttjied , Addroso VON MOHL CO. . Sll. Intritu i | U , Cliiiinil. 0 > U > . The Omaha nnd Cliicago Short Line of the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul IIy . was opened for freight and pns ou- gcr trufllc. It these ton short years the "Mllwnulcoo" us it is ulTectionntoly termed , oy its patrons , Ima talcon front runic amongst its elder coinpot- itorn , and to-dny stands unrivaled for speed , comfort and safety. Hero is a map showing ltd short line bo- twcon Omiihii , Council HlulTs and Clii- capo , over which runs the lincst Equip ped Electric Lighted Steam Heated vestihulod Train * with Miignlficont Dinlnpr Car service cnrouto , R A. Nash IH the General Agent anil the Omaha City Ticket Ollico Is at No. 1601 Far St. . Omaha's Newest Hotel COR. 12TH AND HOtfASJ III. < r noorat nt 8J.50 per rtr. . HI ooni ) nt M.OO per ( Ur ICIlcoiiu nil'illatlnttin ) pirUr lOHoouii with IlatU at Hi ) to US ) pjr \ \ , OPEN151L ) AUGUST 1st , .MoUcrn 111 Kr.irv Koipnct. Ncivly 1'iirnliliuil ThroiiT'i jilt C. S. ER3. Proa. The Midland Hotel NOW OPEN. Cor. Kttli mill Cfiluiico HI s. Opposite Jefferson Square Irst olasi In every rcMjieot llnllilliu uud ( urulturo unllroly now Aincrlcun Dlun , tl ait per 'lav. Kuroponn plnn , tl.OUnordiiy. bpoclal ralej by tlio wi'ok M J PRANfK , Prop. Tne nly hotel In tdc cur with hot aud cold Whirr nnd kio.uu beat In ovury r jo u dlnlnz roon survlca uniuryasiol RATES $2.60 TO $4.00. Ecocl&l rates on application. B. 8IULOWAY , Prop , THREE THING To think of in iniyin s for boys color style and wear anil the greatest if these Is JV t \ Y m can sometimes liiul a gooil ileal of style In a slio7ui pmiient anil many lianilBotnc ib shades anil colors are foinul where wear is lacUiti ) * : tnit to Z o get style "stay so" colors anil "wear as they should * ' cloths In * r is sometimes i hard thlni ; to do , Two hundred knee pant suits are placed in the boys room today , that fill the bill to a O. They are In solid hard twisted cassiniurc.s-c\cr > thread wool -j-oods Ih it will wear an.l wear , and then ucara little while longer. The style is correct for the season -the color js a shade between a tan and a brown. They are in ages 5 to 14 and every suit has li\e dollars worth of u ear con cealed some\\ lure about It. 1'ora weelt or less as the suits hold out the > Ye $ .1.50 A SI'I P. We will also oiler JOO big boy's and g " in all wool iinlinished cheiots black or blue as yoiir fancy inclines with double breasted coat , vest anil long pants in c& s/e ! to fit boys from 11 to 1 ! ) ycar.s of age. These gST" are the regular six anil seven dollar kinds of suits but \ \ liile < * "dressing down" is what a good many boys itcx-d - ffi there are more that need"dressing , " - - price fora week S 3 and a day is $1.50 forages 11 , 12 and lii-am ! $5.00 for Z ages11 to 1 ! ) . 2cWc ) : 40c 50c 00c-70c-80c ! )0c ) is the w.iy the es prices are on a hundred do/en ncvt "opened todaj" Rheumatism Cured , If you wear ojie of our Franco-Prussian rings n accordngto ! directions. Price , $2. Money refunded at : * f no cure. Thousands of testimonials. It RAYMOND , 3 , FIFTHS' * r.I AND DJUH , H. O.IUII. 1816 notiQlas Street , Omaha , Nob. The eminent apealnllit In narvo M o'irn ila , prly it i , bljjJ i > ilT uu I iifln-xrr .Uio IDIruilxrail ealstcrcit Kra.Iiiilo In in JIclna , ni illplo UK n I oirlUlutiii "rill si ) .r , li still traiilur ritli tha { ruil.itt ucoeai calarrli , lojt mm luol. so nip tl njiliiijH , nU it loiui .ill an I forillot prlriti diilnjl.4o 1V j nurcury used Now trdittniant for Ion of vlul pjitjr I'.trtl3i 111 itilj t < ) vltlt nivnif bj tr itta I nt hi n ijrcorratpaailonco Me llcliuor I ntr i n mti < > it li/ null orati on jj iraljr piotil , nu m rxi u IciJI- ntecontants orion lor Ono porion il Inturrloir preferrs I Con > tHUU < m froj , Ojrrjiiion Ions i ulotlr. rlvnto. Book ( Uyslorlei of Life ) sat Irai. OlUjj liojrj , J u .u 13 j p. m duiliM u u m u U iu.- , nd etiimpfor circular , 3 GOLUMB8A VARMISH CO.-St. Louis , MANUrAOTUnEItB OP 7UU CULEnnATED FLOOR GLOSS < & GOLURIBIA GLOSSBT Tlio most durable nnil hcautlful finish for The Ideal polish for Furniture , Pianos floors and wainscoting. K.-iKlly ni | > ll ( > il. nnd String Instrumonto. i'nncnU | Drirt . Mi.liCH tlri-Niuiio liislnntly. thunrnlhh from cracking und jiuparta a HcrnliUliiK tiiiiiccosmiry. All illrl brilliant finish A few soft cloth drop * on n niiilnliiliiN from ( ; ru o , lull , lobncro la sulllclcnt then rub well o\er the garnished anil hlooil , oa lly rcmoTC'il by clmply ; wiping It with a damp cloth. Made In ten nished surface until dry. Case of 36 bottles , brilliant shades. 51.00 per can. 80.00 , Blnglo bottles 2.1 cents. J8 r FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS.u . " - - " rxAcrsizE COMMEILTAUT THE MERCANTILE CIGAR , BETTER THAN EVER ? laila of the ftucfct iualll | > tif Ha\aiui Tobiirro that cau ho bought. KqunI In cierj * ri' * jM'rt to thf * Wt Imported clifitrc. Mauulacttrtd by r. K. ItlCK MUIICANTILK ClOAUrAC'lOlfi . tit. Luu ) _ J AFullS&T Ol * Crisis Teclli cttractn-1 In inorntnf tarttjil r fur eon Ut t'ur BflJ.Biilej UrdFloop , Paxtoa liiaaU * ItitUnnilFnrnntu Strootsi : iomtor cm IUU si Tvloiiiiuna lUS'i UIIINU TIIid wiru YOU If yoii are To have the small-wing Collars you cannot An better than lo ask ( or our makes. We manufacture a lar e vari ety of them , in both the Cluoll and Coon Brands. ClUetf Coon Dnnd , 25c , Brand , 20 . Have > ou heeded our polnlers and tried The fnonopob Shirt Vet ? Do so the next time } ou buy , and you will thank us for the kujgestton. ' CLOETT , COON & CO , Professional ] Nurse , Troali ull Kinds of disc ise * . nna ox- torniil. Oiiaraiiivos In every C.IHC. Monorra fiiiidul In allc.iscs wlioro pntlont is dismtli flu I , Norojulur fco cliar.oil , 1'aliCnU y\i- wlintavar niuoiint fioy can alTord fur treat ment. n i 16th and Capitol Avc , ' CrnuriBO lUock. 1 looms 0. 7aiil K. Orn WASHBURIHM * A Gullan , Mandolin ! & Zllheo ' In MjluuiokUii fju u > y of luueB * lUe BUST IK inn WOULD , Unr fll ' " ' - ' "ear In iky cllnntr. " , l tillDt'iIeolcti. llf ii- ' " I tlfuli/ Illuitulia touTcidr c iJgl tv wllti portr ll of fiimon * HUH will bo Molted FRCB. LYON & HEALY. CHICAGO.