UB OMAHA DAILY flKE : RATl'lUUY , MAY 6 , 1803. nnil more steadiness I'ordago rotnnion opened nt 10 to'Jl Mcanwhllo along the ragged tlrrllvity of alarm were otlicr Interests tumbling and crumbling against the fnco of the situation General Kloctrlo wus unnOicr wouk spot , anil In the first few minutes It broku ft points to 75 The fact Unit certain oftlclab had thought It necessary to Issue u state- munt licit the company WIM nil right was viewed ulth suspicion In so mo qu n tors At 10 15 tha price was ( / ) Sugar was also at tacked , : ind broke to 70. iind Chtcugo Gas dropped to ( X ) Mnnlritttin niovated broke 8'j ' polntH to 1M Coiisiileuiu the p.uilc In lnilustrl.il stocks , the railroad list held fairly well. well.Manhattan Manhattan Hlovated contln'iod to go dow n the toboggan slldo itt n Rio.it r.itn , out all margins on a slump ftom I'M to The downward progi-esn vitis staved itt that IKilnt nnd a t-'ll } to 1'JU followed , but It slid off again to 111) Deiumililln PnriiMl to 1ii pmnl. Soon after the open ng then- worn tenowals of .vestorilav s minors th.it S. V \\hlto was In trouble In connection with Cordage Before three- quarters of an hour after thu opening , the slump in th it , stock bee UUP to ) greit for lilm to stand and he went down before the Htorm Tim fact of the falluto of thogio.it speculator whose going to the wall ,1 juar or .so ago In a grain doil on the Chicago Hoard of Irade < auted such a sans.ilion , was known on tlm street nnil found Its u n Into the Stock i xi haiign room before the lormal announcement was made therein. Accord Ing to His own 'italcmuil the Cordage deal was the chief clement in his failure , but he was also Inter ested In Chicago ( las Cordage strangled him and ( Jas h id suffoe.it'M him. lie u is unr.blo to go on at present , though he might gut up later on. he s ild Soon there came friim Hoston the state ment tlrif I'l.iniis Ilenshaw tt Co , stoik brokers had fulled Xobndv "ccmcd tohnow much about lliein , but it rn.tdo Itttlo dltfer- elite. It was a failuio and th it wasenuugh to add to the fiuy of the tempest , aud so passed the Hist Imur White also sa\s the diop In Sugar was one of the leading causes of his failure Ho was it large seller on privileges and his wesenl troubles aio soilouslv alTei ted byttiisfact , as his puts wcro bought right and left , and , din ing the piesent crisis and severe decline , purchasers ha\o botn enabled to put stock ) to him at pi ices far alums the murkut White s us hi ! Is unable at the pioacnt to give a disunite Idea of his liabilities. ComplltiitliMiK Hi Sugar. Vice President Hivome\erof the Sugar company nays theie is nothing In the condi tion of the tomp.inv to warrant this morning's hin.uc Tlie coinpiny has a vary largo surplus and is a heavy loaner of money A dispitch fiom I'lesident Collln of the ( iener.il l lee- tiio sajs the eompin > has no pressing 11 1- bilities no outstanding tail loins , and has lecentH paid * i 00. ) OM ) of its obligations Collections .ue not slow and the company s faetoties aio eiowded as over When II o'clock chimed from Tunitv htceplo the ictord stood like this The de cline had hi en iiiicoimmmlv he ivv and the uxcltement had reiehed a higher piti h than at aio time since the panic started , with the market still fe\erish National Cordage had fallen 'Si points to ) " Amouc.ui Sugar " 0'4 to O.V , . piefeiied , IT to US : Cot ton Oil , S to ! il Tt.itionii Coid- age common , I1 , to ! " > ' . , Ainerican 'lob ULO , 4 to , "iS , Cleveland , Cincinnati , Chicago cage A , St Louis , 5' ' , to ( ) " > , Uurlmgton & Qilincv , I toSI'j ' , eiiicago Gas. 15 ' .to 5'J. Uock Island. t'f to 77' ' , ( ienerat Kloctiie. , U'J to5S , Minhattan , lO'j ' to 115 , National Lead , ( ! ) j to 'Jii1 ! , . prtfoirod , 10 toOS , Omaha , fi to 11.1 , Uubbir , 0V to III ) ; Western Union , ! l to 84. Took an I'piriiril Slioot. Following the announcement of White's failuio theio wore some shai ) ) rallies Chicago ( Jas rose U'2 ' , ( .lenor.il Clectric 5 , Manhattan 4 , Sugar 'J'4 , Cotton Oil 4 , Hui- Ungton & Qiiincy 'J1 , Cordage Common 13 , ana profcired 5 The rallv did not Hold however , and speculation was fevmish on the circulation of rumors affecting the solvency of other llrnm and individuals. After U o'clock the excitement on the ft.toc.lc exchange abated b < miovvlmtv but the lluctuatlons continued wide and fiequcnt Buying oidcri : appeared and pi ices Jumped thrco or four ) > oints at : v time , but any piessuio to soil vv.is immediately followed by n break. There was a recovery from the lowest of 17 iwints in Genera Kleotric to II if in Sugar. : i > i in preferred ; In Manhattan , 4 In National Lead and 3 m Westoin Union. At noon the market was linn and advanc ing , when two inoro falluies wcro nn- iiounced rerris & Kinib.Ul and W L. Patton - ton Co. Jimt n Trini < irarv Lull. This afternoon the bnttlo slacked off a trlllo In its Intensity , but there vvoro spasms of riotous bidding and stilling , however , and for n tune the action again beeuno more laptd. Uaroly , If over , In the history of the Stock exchange have such wild lluctuatious hcciiItncsscd. . One of the lai gest houses on the street is s.ild to bo In trouble and certain to fall. Whllo this condition existed and the dazed bro'ners wcio tin owing overstock regardless of price foieign houses wcro quietly picking up the dividend pavers It Ls estimated L that up to noon the London pmuhases i aggregated 150,000 shares , mostly of St. Paul , l-otii3villo & Nashville and "Wabash preferred The incieaso in foreign ex change caused a diop In sterling tates fiom f 1.8'J ' to $4 Sti , but money continued close at II and 124 percent The contlucnco displajcd by the foreigners caused some of the operatois to take cour age and a general rally ensued. Manhattan loso.frumflil to $ iH.50 : , General Clcitilc , from ? 53 to $77.50 ; Sugar from $02 to $74 75 ; Chicago Gas from VJ to $72 50. The rail ways recovered from 1 to 5 points The actual i ales for foreign exchange were about $4 bJJi to ? l SI for bankers sixty day bills ; $4 80 to 1 8(5)i ( ) for demand , $4 bl ! to ft b7' ' j for cables It soon became c\ldent thattheio would bo no ( folil shipments tomoirmv , but the monoi men In the meantime had advanced the rate to ! ! 0 per cunt , and then c.imo another thiin- dcrclup In the suspension of W.I. 1'atton , and call loans advanced to 40 per cent , caus ing the stocks to weaken again. Manhattan broke to * IW. Cordage ai.d Electric to $72 , and Sugar to { 7023 At 1 : ) monej had fallen to 18 to 20 per cent , and bi II ) o'clock to i ! Owing to heavj otleiings of tunda by commission houses stocks became p-u'tiilh calm I'p to 'J p m the sales wcro Listed stoiks , 115 IHH ) sh.ues , un listed. ' .WOOO slmies Sto. ks were then someuliat fcnerish , but in some instances alnnolast night's closing Penis , t Kim- bill , when their failuio as announced at t 15 , went down under a loidof industrials No statement has , \et been made. 'Iho fol lowing stocks wore sold presumably for accounts S Y.hito , 2.IIH ) sh.ues of American Sugar , 700 of Atchison , Ml of Cordage , 100 of Lead , 100 of line , 200 of [ Now York .t New England , f > 0 of Western ! Union llomUiium OnullTy. The bondsmen for lid want F C. Young nna ( icoigo W. Leper , the receivers for the Cordage trust , < | iialiHed in. lersoy City this morning The.\ aroGcoigo P [ 'eikins of Perkins , Coition & Co , of Uuane stieot , New York John Mullins , furniture dealer of Jersey Cltv , Uiookljn aud Nowaik , and Wllhird P Whittler of iil/abotti Hach of the bondsmen ( iiuilltled In the sum ofS2CH > , - 0 * ) In the t'nlted Stales court today Judge Wall.uomado an order appointing n P C. Young and ( ieorgo W. Leper receivers for the National Cordage company in the southern - orn district of Now York. 1 ho application for a receiver 1s based upon n petition of August V. H. iihs , a stockholder of Woieester county The same ic.ihons as those gheti lo Chancellor McGUlof Now Jcr- > eiero stated Flojd FciTls , broker , has assigned to Wil liam P Ulxon ; Flo.vd Fen Is an 1 William Kimball , comiwsing the llrni of Ferris Kimball , have assigned to the same assignee. W. U Patton and Henry I , . Saltonstull , composing the ttnn of William I. Patton & Co. , hino assigned to Uarclay U. McCarthy. Air. Motilnlny on ( li Situation. BCFFII.O , N. V. , May -Governor Me- Klnloy , en route to Columbus , O , from Bos ton , stopped in this oily a short time today. In an Interview the governor said "There I * no danger of a paulo or any danger of serious alarm. It is ono of thn Httto Hurries liable to como uK | > n the people and adminis tration at any time. They rome Ilka thn thief In the night. People ple at Unit's create panicky condl. tlons of affali i when thcro Is really no occasion foi It lie most dangerous part of It all Is the o"riit It has on the poorer classes , 'ihey ire Impatlont and take their taanoy from : ho saving * bank * . Them things are nhva\s unfortunate , and espe cially so when there Is no apparent t-eiison for It The country has too uiati.\ resources and ; too much money , besides , the people , Ir- respectl\o of party nfllllatlons , Ima too much conlldcncu In President Clovclantl They would stand by and aid him In every possible way needed 'I he present cabinet Ls In a bettor position to know the causes nml effects of a stringent money mar ket than of Its eritii s It has the means ultliln Its grasp of getting at the tvuo condi tion of affairs If necessary the president could ootivc.no eotigron for the ropeil and enactment of such measures as would glvo an\ needed i eliof 'I hero Is no question about acting when ho and his advisers deem It necessary. In mj Judgment the dutof the people at this time la to continue In the even tenor of tliuirw.ijs aud all will como out well and light " llllADYl ItKI'I'S OIMMO.N. Siiiiini UK Up the r < > : iilltliiit ! thnt Iliuo ( lii\crnr < l tln Mri'rt. Nrw Yciiik , Maj 5 - Uradstrcot's Weekly Wall Street Hovlew sivs : The stock mar ket , after having oifeicd a long aud stout resistance to the Influcuc-o of the unsettled curivncy question , has at length succumbed to the Inevitable , and endured this week a Mqul liitlon appro idling almost to the dignity of a panic. Failures have occuned , prices ha\o in some directions broken down with violence , the demoraliiUlon of the market and stiect being for tno tlmo extrcmo in their charaetur Tl'i > "street , " as the latter is viewed , has simply discounted the evils which the c'M'itinco of the piesent Iliinnclal sjstem is bounil to imviuco In general business throughout the country. 'Iho s'-vetitj of the uiocesshas. however , beii llmltea bi several chiumstances , thief among which is the ovistenco of the sto-jlc clear ing house sjstem , which has militated the foicooftlio unfavoialjlo monev market and cat i led out the business of the street ui'h a minimum of fiictlon and without uu- ncicssary fultmus The second consideia- tion has been heretofore icferred to and u found In tha complete absence of ( " .tended speculative Inflation In the r.ulroid shaio list The latter , it Is tine , has suffeied severely in s.vmpithj with the imtuittial list , but so far as panlclev situitions have appeared , thev were loulincd to the liidustml gioup and tea a very few of the regular list of stocks , the rapidity with which the complete lucalc- down of pi ices was ariestcd on Krida.v being especialli noticeable Tlie susceptlbllltv of the Industiial gtoup to such a process is evident , when it Is con- sideied that not onlv Ins inllateil manipula tion been permitted to inn rife with many of them , but that the business methods of some of the most conspicuous seem to bo still goveincd by "trust" ideas The dis trust of the inonej market would nccessailly Iind oxen ise in such diiection bv thn roec- | tion of colliteral of that class , it being tindetstood that m.iuj lendcis h.ue been cllscnmlnatint ; clo- ely against them. wir.i. NOP AIM UAII. si'itiir. : : I'riiulili'H aiiori ! I ) Not t'onrnni tile OIH- vlilft fit tinI'rLMinnrv. . WASIIINOTON , U C , May 5The pinlcky condition of Wall stieet today , though in teresting the olikials of the Ticasurv do- p irtinent , did not , they said , immediately com cm them , as the department was unable to aid the situation theie That the tioublo was not seriously thought of Ls shown by the fact that Secie- tar > Carlisle oulv icmained at the cabinet meeting about fifteen nihiutes and then went to his home The matter was not even discussed Thcio is a feeling among the ticasury ofllcials , though they do not openly express it , tnat Wall stieet speculators have bioughttho present condition upon themselves , and that the goveinmont is not in anj way responsi ble for it H is s lid at the tre.isurv that the time has passed when the government can aid Wall sti cot Theiovvas a time , when , b > miidr.ising bonds , relief might have been icndoied , hut that condition h.is gone by , as the government is not in u position to take such action. As far as the Troasuiy department was advised at the close of business todaj no gold had been taken fiom the subtieasury at New York for export SaturJav. Smalt otfeis of gold continue to come in aud arc accepted IlosKni lirukei * 1'iUI. BCSTOV , Mass. , May 5.- Francis Henshavv & Co. , stock brokers , suspended this morn ing They say the failure was duo to in ability to collect money duo on maiijlns It is impossible ] to glvo a statement of their affairs. Another AuHlnilmn Hunk ( iitei Up. Mciaiornvir. May 5 The Colouhl bank of Australia , colony of Viotoila , has suspended in consequence of a general feeling of api.no- hcnsion in ieard to tha Australian bank. Unltiiiiurw Uot Onu from tlio Chumps lliroiirli MuMnlKin'M rim * Work. BAI.TIMOKE , Md , May 3 The Baltimore club met the Bostons again today , and , for the tir-ot time in a jear , defeated them. At tendance I.ri77. Score llaltiinoro . 1000 II .000 8 Itoston . . _ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 J lilts : 11 iltlinoit . S ; Huston , _ . I'rrors : II iltlnioui , 1 , Huston , 0 Himed i lint It iltl- moie. o , Honton , 0. IlitturlusMcM ihon and Uobliison ; Nichols mil Ilennett. spldura lirrui 'I'no of tlntlo's Twlrlor * . CIKVTI.AM > , O. , May 5 Cleveland swung the stick todav with success McGinn Is was batted out of the box and Hutchison put In , with but little effect The attendance was ' .100 ; w eather cold Score : CltMelaml . . 2 0 Chicago. . . . - 0-0 Hits ! I luvel.iml , 3 ; Chicago , 0. Uirois. ( leveliinil , 3 ; Chlti ii , 5 turned ruin : level mil , 3 tlilt-ii o. 1 It itterles Clni I'son uml.Imnitr , Medlnnls , Hutchison and S.hrl ot Scnutot-H Mining it Ua y. \VASUIMITOV , D C , M-iy 5 After the third inning the New Vorkeis were not lu the game with the Washingtons today , who outplajed them at overj iwlnt and won oasilj Attendance , \VH \ Score : VS.isliliiRton 0 t _ 0 0 H 0 0 0-11 New York . . I 0 _ 0 1) ) O 0 0 0 J lllls NNitsliln ttui , It , Now VoiU.3. Kirors : \ \ ushln tim , J , No\\ \oilv. 0 Iarncd ! inns. \V i-lilir'lim , rlp NewVoiU. 1 lliticiluj. Par- lull nnd Muni , Doylu and King. Mfi ) ( .itnir lit C'lii'-liinntl. CistiNsiTi. O , May5 St Ixuis was de feated after eleven innings , Henry drove in the winning run Scoio : rindmiitl 0 0 U 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 1-3 I t fjouls t 0 O 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 O 'J lilts Cincinnati , 3 ; St I.ouU. 'J. llrrors ( 'UK liuiatl-J ; SI I.ouU. ( i Ititterles- Darby , Cliiiiiiberlln and Viiiulin , Ole i ion nnd 1'Ivt/ Stuln Duos U Axiilu. nuooM.TS , X Y , May 5-Tho Phillies could not i each their opponents because of Stein's hnndiwoik. llrooklvn . . 3 Philadelphia 010000000-1 lllls : Brooklyn , a- Phil idelphla. 1. Unors : llroiiUIii , 1 , Phllidelplilii , - . K.irni'il runs Ili-ooUljn , 3 ; 1'lillailHlplil.i , o. llutletlfb : bleln and Khislow ; Ciust * ) uml L'lemenL > < . I.oi isv n i u , Ki , May 5. No game today j : PAVING CONTRACTS AWARDED. ImprnvoiinMita runlili.il for by tlio Hoard of PullIn ! Work * \mtrriluy , The Boanl of 1'ublic Works mot jestoiday afternoon and nw iiilol contracts for paving , curbing and giadlng In several districts The j following n wards for paving were made at the prices noted. Hamilton , Twcntv-fourth to Twenty-fifth J i : Hlloy.Sioux nulsKruiilto. class A. fjfts : | class B , f , ' , and clnss C , JStf Colorado s-indstono. i lass A , J3.JB , cluss H , $ , ' 25 ; vitrltloil brick , class A , livi'-jear gmranteo , Jl.W.tenjcar , U12. Hugh Muiphj , Colorado - rado sandstone , class C. $1 90 Twelfth , Izaid to Nichola * 1. 11 HIloy , Sioux Palls granite , class A , fiiB ; class B , ( J.-I5 , and cluss C , tl.Xi. Color ido s inUstouo , class A , il 5 ; class II , PJ ' . ' 5i brick , class A , tlve-AC-r guarantee , $1.02 ; ten-year , t. Vi. Hugh Hurphy , Colorado sandstone , class U , Alley In Jlloclt 21. City -J. U. Illley , Sioux Fal's ' granite , ckm A , & ! UT > , cl.is.tH.7. . " . cla * ( ' . fcM'fi. Colorado sandstone , cla A , $ J IB clnss B , f-JftT. ; clas * C , * * 'J7' brick , class A. llvo-jear gnaruutce. & ! _ ! : ti in Illoek ' "J. Cltv ,1. H Hltoj. Sioux Knlls uranlte. class A. W 1C ) ! class H , 5-J.Tfi ; ( hissC , WI53 , Colorado sinclstotip clnss A , * -Ji . tlass U , SWiTii class C , ft-'UT. brick , i-lnss A , live-year guarantee. fi.Zl : ton-jear , W ' . ' I'or curhlntf Iliuiiliton street fivniTwenty- fourth toTvventy-llfih. .1 11 Hllej , Colorado sandstone 01 cents , Hcrea sindstono 01 cents. Pur curbing Twelfth street from Iwrd to Nlcholiu , llujrh Murphj.COlorndosniHlstono. ( jOi'entJ , J 11 Hlley , Bi'rea siinilHtone , 01 cents No Mi * upon asphalt voro iccolved hy the ho ir.l Mamtiul Katz was awarded the con trie t for pr.idlnK Uouitursttcet from TVontv-fourth to Twent.v nltitti at Sllt ( cents. OMAHA COMMERCIAL CLUB. t'ainiiiltUct Ai i'iliiti'il mill I'rtiKrt'S't ll < > piirtfil ut l.itt Muhl's Mrttini ; . The executive comuttru : of the Comuicr- cJal cluh mot last ovcnlnz ut the Hoard of Trade looms and devoted an hour mid u half to the consUer.ition of mitten pertaining to tlio club After thi > appointment of the various com mittees of the club , the question of selecting n chairman nml secretary of the various bmoaus was consldeied. It was llnallv de cided that the pel sons reproientlng those bureaus should suggest their own oflloTb and submit the n impi for rUiflc.ititm lo the mombPFi of the club at : i general mrctlni ; to ho held next VVWK Upon motion the d.ilo of this tnoetinjr was lolt to the discretion of Ui.iliin-ill A h Cilhhn Thu committee appointcil to select .1 ficltrht commissioner luported profriess. It hud considered a dozen names hut felt that in justice-to the cluh it ought not yet to recommend any ono of thorn Thwr in vestigations h id not been rturicd to the extent - tent deslied and they asked fuithor time. It was gi ante 1. 'Iho standinir co'iimlttecs appointed by the club aio as follows Audit liiB-O U ( leoi e , 13 H Iliiiee , I ! S. \ \ Ill-OS. Ciiiiiiiils-uiv-Din r.iricll , Jr. , ( hrls llart- ni in , Oeni c N Illi-Us rinamfV ( l.yiii-in.A I' Tnkey. W \ I/ , f.llil'on , Johns llriuly , ' \\Vllei , t'harles A. ( . 'ou ludlrlurv Wllll-im W Ki-VHiir. rosrnli H ( liirl.son , I iNon Itlrh. P. . M flirliett , Clinton N l'oHi'll.,1 It Mflldi- L. Wi-lislt-r. Membership W N lliihcofk , ( h irlos A. Coi- , P < ' Aycr , lohn Kni > \ , Itobi'i I ( JowollV. . A L. l.llJbnii , ( . .cmfjell I'.ij no and Dan I'ar- MiMiiorl il A. I1. TuKi-y , f II. Povvlur , John S Knn\ . I'lMliidlcils and supplies A 1' . TuUoy , C. P. Ui'llri , Ci'oiKt ) N Illclcs. I'mpi HjtiioiBH II. Payne , I ) in Piurotl , Jr. , C'ln Is II irinmn , P ( ' Ayi'r. I iiioisi'ticj \ \ II I'liiK , Itohcrt Conoll , lohn ! > . Knot , HomyV. . Vates , ( Jtor u H. l'i > ne. ne."A A o "A ( illdcil 1 on ! " at llujil'H. Henry ( Juy C.ulototi's "A Glided Fool" not only provides Mr Nat Goo Ivvin with an excellent part , in which he shines , but is .1 coined r of which only captious ciiticisni can say anM'ilnir unfavorable Tnlo. the story is not original , but the good old dramatic elements have been combined anew to make a thoroughly interesting play , lltouson How ard's "Tho Henrietta" is reininiscentli sug gested bv "A Gilded Tool ; " so mo u number of other good plavs , but that fact takes nothing fiom the later work of merit or justification for ptaiso The dialogue is very good ; at times biilliant. Mr. Carleton has never befoio done au > thing so good , and it will bo haul for him to impiove on it. The setting of the play as seen at tlio Hovd is p.uticulaily praiseworthy. Three interiois tianio the aitlou , and. the last of those a draw lug room scene is a marvel of sumptuous fuinishlng and realistic ; detail. I'rossuio on space permits only brief uotke of the good things in "A Gilded Tool " Mr Goodwin , in the title part , hab a char acter to interpiet different fiom any ho has heretofore been seen in in Omaha Mi- Goodwin is averse to being permanently identified with any one part or-line of paits Ills Chauucey Smut is mainly notable and especially admtiablo for its entire n.Uuial- ness. Tlio character is icasonahlo and that Is ninth nowadays and the coined ! in works it out in dcmiitu detail and conspicuous consistency. Chauncoy says some serious things at times , and Mr. Goodwin ill these speeches is surprisingly sympathetic nml effective "surprisingly" because ho Is naturally fitted to say funny things with more succobs than most of his mother comedians of the day. Nothing could bo much liner than the simple power that characterized the delivery of his life ator\ speech lu the second act last evening , and his management of the end of the thhd act VMIS informed with emotional qualities of qulto a high oidcr Of comae , the lighter dialogue was perfectly spoken. Mr Goodwin's lompanv is a good one The Bannister Strange of Mr Clarence C. Holt Is a presentation the higher criticism could speak vorj highly of Miss Mabel Amber Is veri sitisf.Ktorv as Maigaiet. and Miss Miunlo Uupreo maUes much of tbo soubrette part MUs Jean Clara Walters , vvellknoun to old Hum Omaha theater-goers , plajs Mrs Uuthven adequately , and Miss Hstello Mortimer is clever in the part of an old maid , who is lend of quoting the anclunt All the other characters of the cast are faithfully piesented A special word Is cat ncd by Mr. .1 11 Amorv in 1'crkins , Short's valet , H dis tinctive pciformance tiuo to life and ait Comedy and comptny are both admirable and the oppoitunlty piesented of seeing them this iiftetnoon mm ovcnlng should be missed bi none who did not "assist in front1' at the Bojd last evening Scotsmen * ! * May Dunce. The annual May sociable and dance given last night at Washington hall bv Clan Gor don was largelj attended , and the evening was delightfully passed by the rnoirj beats and their ladies The dances vvoro inter- spcised with genuine Scotch songs sung by Mr James Gardner and others The cos tumes of the clansmen vvoio pkturcsquo and neat and the music f mulshed b.v the or- chcsti.i was laigcly composed of Scotih airs , vv hit h canted thod.ineeis bu-k in mcm- oi'i to Iho hills and dales o' Scotland. lVt-4oi il Ut lits I I-.IC.H' . The Omaha Poisonal Rights league hold a bi lot session last night at Geruiaiiia hall It was expected bj some of the members , prior to the calling of the mcclin/ that , thcio would bo some lively discussions on the question of making a vigoious light on the teecnt appointment of i > ollto t-omnits- nlonora , but the inoio conservative members of the league seemed to think 'hat it would not bo best to tnKo aggicssivo steps In the matter at present , and the meeting de veloped nothing of anj consequence in that line. line.'i < 'i > liiinbui lliiRiry ( ' " ' Opening. Tno Gentlemen's Koirtsrer club has ac cented an invitation to attend the opening of the now building of the Columbus Buggy Co on Harnoy street this evening A gen eral invitation is also exteudoJ to thu public to visit their now wart-rooms and inspect the now and oilgiual designs in vehicles which the ) huvo in stock JKLIMlt.tl'lllC ItlllKFtl. Thursday nlxht tlitoo men charged with murdei wont uUcn from tlm county Jail nt l.os I.uims , the county sojU ot \ uluicl i county. Now MoKlc.ii , uml han id to a cotion- unod lieu ni'.u tno jail Some ono raUed Iho cry of lire while n nor- formancc VMIS In progress In thu Detroit. Mich , iiju'i i house Per a tlmo the iimlleiii D was panic stricken , but all succeoilod In rtuttlim out safely and unhurt Thu Iho wn oulngufslied without tioublc t'nllUo ( lovernor I'ennover of Oregon Gov ernor MniUhiiiii of California , In answer to Seciutary ( jreslmm'n dispatch , sentds u pollto tule iam. iissiitln Imth him and tlm pn > ldeiit Hint lu > would do everything In his power to protect the Chlneso In that stale , uml to pre vent hostlti ) demonstration : , un.iliul tiiom , Of the 30,000 ChliiCM ) In Sin Priinclsco , C'al , but 1,750 have nvlslurcil Thu books In the olllcoot the collector ot Intern il rovumio nero closed yest.inliiy. The rcglatriitlon , In Ix > s Antilles amounted to 10J. Thura iiro 6,000 Cldnamcn In that city. In Clilr.uo , HI. , thn number v\ai l.OOO out of the 3,000 Celestials In Uml city Serious t rouble U expected by tunny to fol low tlio publication in.ulo In the Memphis I'luiiu. ) Appoal-Avalnnchu yeatorday tnoriilng In whichY. ! : . Carnmck , cdltoi of the Mornlnu Comnifrejul , v > a * dt'iiounccd us u willful nnd nmllclous llur by Colonel W. A. Collier , tlio prlncliml owner of the Appcal-Avulaneho. ' publUuud It nbovu his fctunaluro. IX SEARClInOF INFORMATION j Gladstone's Goyprnment Qucstioiioil Concern ing Uu Homo Rule Bill. HIS ANSWERS , NpT VERY SATISFACTORY Oppuiutnt * of jhy Mpimuro Hold i C ucu < for Hi. ' l'nr | > i > ii > ol Deriding on .SOIMJ ( ymr o ol Vet Ion , ji | l ppoiltlon. LOVDOX , M.i > 5 In the House of Com mons todn.v Ut' Hon. Jackson , who suc ceeded Mr Balfourus secretary for Iieliud In T.ord Sillsbury's late administration , asked vvbother the government would pilnt and tiiouluto forthwith the amendments to the lltmul.il il.iuso of the Iilsh homo rule hill Prime Minister Gladstone replied that when the house contmltto sho-ild rcich that st.ign of the hemo rule bill , the government intended to move to postpone the lln inclal clauses. lit lion Joseph Chimbet'l ilu DJOS the government propose any ch inge ? therein' Mr Gladstone Nouo at present. Mr Chatnbetlaln DJ33 the government adhcro to the flu inclal cl uuos us they stand ? Mr. Gladstone I cannot say. [ I.uighter ] Tor instince , the possible Incro.iso of the e\dso must bo regarded. It Is mctcl.v the asset tlou of : i principle of Ireland's lliblllty to curtain i barges The govei nmeiil has not Intended to deput from the proposil to 10- tiin the customs duties The Ilium lal clauses will remain open in committee Ht. lion A J. B ilfour asked the speaker to stuto his views logirding the thirteen instructions to the committee icg.irding tno homo rule bill which vvore standing on the paper The speaker declired th it the instructions wcio all out of order excepting that ofteioil by Mr Gibson Bowles Churchill Did Most ot tlm The rejection of the instructions was n gloat sutpnso to the house Most of the thirteen had been piopared by the most practiced puliamentariiiis , and there h.id been no general deb ito as to their being In order linmudi itelj after the speaker made his doclirition , the opposition mot in a room to divide upon a united course of action. Colonel Saundersou , the Ulster lovullst , presided and Mr Balfour , Mr. Chamberlain and Lord Handolpn Cliuichill did most of tlio talking As soon as a de cision vv.is icathid , the mombets lotuuied to their Dl ices Mr Chamberlain gave notice that on Moiidav ho would ask Mr Gladstone vvhetheror not the government intended to adhere to clause nine of the homo iiilo bill This chiuso com ems Irish leprescntatlon at Westminster , which is to bo loduced to eighty members bv the bill as it stands , butte to bo left hit ict , or with KM members , at- cording to u Painollito amendment Sir Chillies Uilkc , ladical , moved that the power of appointing county magistrates bo tiansfcrrcd from the lord to the laid lieutenants John Dillon , aiitM'arncllito for Hast Mayo supported tlio motion The piesent sjs- fein of appointing , ho said , was the toot of the Irish discontent and agitation for home iiilo. A man daring to sjmpithi/e vv.tli the politics of the ma- Joiity of Iieland , was deb 11 red from the bench Irishmen ifvoro looking to the gov- cinmcut for redress , aud to piovido a found.itinn on which Iiishmoti tould base respect of the law. CiiTlioItts In the Alnglstrnry. Mr. Asquith. homo seciotary , said tint since the present t government caino into power the number ot Catholics in the liish magistracy had bequ Inoieased There was no giouud for suspecting the Impartiality of the great majo'Ity of the magistrates , jet It was to be hoped that the House would le- spend to the present appeal to elvo the declaration , without which the lord chancel lor believed himself uujustlliocl in setting usido a pinctiee of long st'imlluu' Mr. Balfour , leader of the unionists , said ho Judged fiom the toiio of the home secretary's remarks that the p-overnmcntdid not desiio to improve the admlulstiatlon of Justice , but to increase its pationagc The radical party did not have the courage to attack the in igistracy openly It wished to mnko it ridiculous and thus prepiro for the ultimate destruction ol it. Sir Charles Dllko's motion was carried by a vote of L"JJ to 10 r.ilr nnd Slightly Warmer In Xttbr.islm loilny. WASIIISOTOV , D. C , May 5 Forecasts for Saturday : For Nebraska and Iowa Fair ; slightly wanner ; north winds. For the Dakotas Generally fair ; variable w inda. Local KIM oril. Omen OP- run WrAniEii BUIIEIU , Ovum , May fi Omaha tecard of temperature and. rainfall , comp.iicd vvithtorrespondlng daj of past four i ears- 1803 18U2. 1801 1800 Maximum tomperatnto. COO GOO bOO ( j'23 Minimum toinperiiliiro 4'JO 470 4.0 .no AvuriiKO temporattiro 47O 64 51O 4'jo I'leclpUallon . T .71 .00 .00 Statement show ing the condition of tem perature anil piocipitation at Omaha for the day and since M n-ch 1 , Ib'JJ ' : Noiinnl tornpei iture . 63o Dulli-lencv foi thedav . . . lo Di'Holene } snipn Miucli 1 , U3JO fioiiiinl pieclpltutlon . . . . . 1 I Inch Delieluicy fin the day .13 Inch Delielfucy M ircli 1 4J inch ItouUtcr C ill ) Will Attend. Iho spacious warcrooms of the Columbus Buggy company In their now building on Iltuucy stieet will again be thiown open to Neck Covered With Glandular Swoll- mgs. Scrofula. Ears Huumnfj ; . SulForod Tornbly. All Remedies Fail. Trios Cuticuro , Fiiat Application Rehovos. Com- I ploto Cure in 3 Weeks. Two veirs IIKO -wah I liol ontij In my hiinils. Then I too 'IVltor fl'linn I ryslpnlus went to my heiid. faeu ous.aul nouu My uars wuro swollen and runiiliigiffoin the luslclo and out- hldo. I could lie cjiy ) | on uiv baok. My nock wuscoimod with irluuuiilar swolilius crof- illn 1 MitTorcd lorrlhly. I Lo < nn to use I u- iiirnKKMH > IK . 'fbn first iippllcatmn ro- Ik-vcd mo voiy much.ind In throu weuks my OHM. head , uml finn wcro well. I UTICI UA KKMLiiiBdeiirud mu tfhnn all otliur ruinoillua fulled.and III id deipalruil of vor belns any bnttor. lounnotliu without tlioin now. and hh.ill rucoiiiinand tljcn , to my Hvillorliii ! filondH. for I do VY , tnat they uro thu must plcusint mid belt reinc-dli-s for > Uln dkoasus lover saw. JtHf. l.U/.Ii ; IAII | ( , " " 1'alrnuld , III. CuticuraV Remedies llavo eurod mo otoiUry form of Kcromii. trom which 1 was alllni : . Jminely , KOMI uyi.wunk baeK. slckstoiimt-li iind nervous headachu. I was urimim-tud liu.irablu | hy tlio doctors I doctored for four yearn nnd Kept u'ottlnR wnrse. until I foumi ( no CuncuiiA KKJIKIIIKI , whleb I bulli'vo liuve mived my Ufa 1 highly luconiinenil tbuin to all my friends MISSCAltlUK II WHITE , i. lowu Co , WIs Cimcum KesoLvhsT. tluiuw ( Hood and kln Diirlflor end Humor Uninedv. Inturnally , oluiinst'stlio blood of all Impurities wlnlel'ni- OUii i. tlio reut oUlu ruru.nud C'UTICUHAIIAP ! , an oxrjuliUe Sicln I'urlDorand IlouutlUur , ox- tprnnllv , clear the akin of every trace of dls- Sold everywhere. Price , tJuTicunA.r > Oo : HDAP , ilo. iSKsoi.v I. > T , II I'ruiiatol hy thn I'OTIKII UltUO AM > CllEJlIC'AC'Olll'OIUTUf , HoitOll t "IIow to Uuni Skin Dlseuies " HI PIRCN 'a Illustrations arid tuitliaonlalsmuiiudrruu. Pl.r.S blaoUietids. rod. rouich ohuppod , iindollr _ HUlnjMiredJjyJDuTic'llliA .So\i- MUSCULAR STRAINS ( nml pains , buokaclio.wcak Uldnoys. rhounmtlim , anrt oliest utlim ro- lloved lii" iniuiii.i by the 11111- cnr Aiitl-l'uiu I'lMnicr. Thnllmt _ utl Only ln QVuaaJUt p lu-klillug nliuter the ! puhllc1 this tyeilntt 'Iho OentliMtienS Itoadster chili will bo union ? those , who will be present and look over the attractive stock o'handsome ami st.sll.sli vehicle * . WI1/L START TONIGHT. Oumlm PiHlc'trlnn Chili' * Wiilk ti > rrninont Set Tor linn l\pnlni ! ; . Some time atfo the Omaha I'o.lestH.m club planned a walk to Fremont , which has necessarily been postponed on account of the unfavorable weather. Another date his bpcti set for the start , which wilt be trndo this evening , unless the weather Is very foi bidding. There hive already been about thirty en tries for thu walk and fully a down nutra are e\pected bj tonight. The club will take along u talliho and an extta waKen for the provisions and refreshments , and ptobi- blj an ambulance to eate for the disiblel tontcstants ' 1 he start will bo made from Twenty-fourth and ( Jiunltitf stteets at 11 'W o'clock this ovcnlniT Seven members of the Tourist Wheelmen will accompany the pirty. .1 F C Uuhmor , .lohn il Jones and Theo dore Heuck will o to lYeniont totnonow evening'bv rail and will Judge the result of the contest. Thu walkers \isltorsvvtll bo met at Fremont bv the Turner society of that city and will bj entert ituol until the leturn liain In the evening i yf.sM.V.Ii n tan irns. Mrs nuncait H Hirrisoii of Now York Is In the city. .1 II. Haldem in of Weepliij ? Water visited thecitj jesteiday John D rilutLtcfoC Lincoln visited the me- tropjlis jcsterday. Citv Cnjriuecr Andievv Uosewitur is out J theciLi on business. T. F Martin of Albion Is registered at one ot the leading hotels Councilman H IJ Divis loft last evening for Chicago and Milwaukee. Mrs John Groves has returned fiom a two weeks visit to San Antonio , Tex. 12 I ) Hamilton , cashier of the Commercial bank of Chappi-ll , Neb , is in the city. Chairman Birhhauserof the Board of 1'ub- llc Woiks lutuiued from his Texas trlj : jesteidaj. John T Dell , foimrrly editor and pioptie- tor of the Moicurv of this city , but now of the Oakland , Cal. , Cmiuirei , accompinloil b\ his two sous and a diushtcr , also b.v C L Ma\vvell and daughter of Oakland , ar rived In Omaha'I'liurid ly ovenhiK on tbeii waj to the World's fair. They will resume their Journuy on Monday next. At the Mercer lil W Sajro , Oerim : Neb , W C Clarke , Cincinnati , 'llieodoii Hancock , New York ; U I ! Wilson , Phila delphia ; . ! H Amorv New Yoilc.J W Uus sell , Uavenpoit. J I' Katferty , Canton , 111 II C Hanv , U H Parsons , Silt I.ilte , 13 A Blunok , Hot Stirling , A N Conklln , Ash- ton , J J Putnam , ( iibuun II Hock. Ni > w Yoik.J n Avelino and wife North 1'latt Frank Haines. Chicago Nnvv YOIIK , May 5 [ Sped il Tolepram to TUP HiOinaliii ! | A C Smith , bin or for M F. hrnith X C'o , Hoffman , M L Learned and wife , S.uoj , W 15 'lavlor , We-tmin - ter , Miss V Leisy , Suoj. Sirs. S. A , .Morrow Doud's , Iowa. sves Llko All Other Blood Diseases , Are Cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla. "I have been a sufferer for several jcarmlth hires , and have tried orcrjtliine I could tinr of , from frlemla , or ordered by jiliyslclans , but nothing cured. In fact , I Socmcd to bo Getting Worse finally I read about hives being cured by llootl'i Sanaparllla , ami doi-Ulcd to trv this medicine. Jefoio half a hottlo was KOHO Ir.i3 almost cured , and now , being on the t.ecuuJ bottle tle , t am rnllrclr currd and t'llco great plea.1 ! * uro In recommending Hood's Sai aimrlll.i to all who suffer Iroin uiU dlstieishm allllctlon. Hood's Barviparllla haa also helped me In rmny other waji It H it good medicine. " Mitt * . 3. A. Moiutovv , Doud's , Iowa , Hood's Pillo euro all Mi or Ills , lilllous- ness , Jaundice , Inillgcstleo , Sick Hoadacho. TREATMENT. rouAL _ Chronic , Narvoi ] , PrivatJ ail Special Dise.i53L of both Hen and Women. Illdrocllo Viirlcocolc Mrioturo nnil all other troubles tretUi'd at reisonabla CONbUl CATION TIiLE. Call on or DOUGLAS BLOCK. - OMAHA , KEB Oppoilto Iluyilon llros , STRENGTH , VITALITY , MANHOOD VT , II. I'AHKKIl , ? ! . ! > . , No. 4 IJnlHnrh t , li Tn . _ I. s cftifconsiillinv phvitrlan of thi t'KAnonV MhUl ( Al. INVrilUTK.lowt. . r'i awanlcl tin. QOLII nra I. b\ the N-TI- > t e.ilCii A io-tATliiNfo. llm I'JIIZi : I > Aor. . rlt'initeit ntu'ltiAtfOf * > y. A.r > uiauJ r/tyin ( /ifao'l ail Jlina anil lltdHnni of Jn. . O " ' " VQunlI'1 "it'tittt ayrtl nml out 'eHllPX I u . .ulllon .11 per ou or by Irtur JUIIUU iir , , pitu. with tcttlraonmle , I'llEU. I jrgo tioolt , SU1 KctVB OP fcll'E , OK SKl.F- I U SKltVATiOH. 200 pp Hi invaluable pro H-ripllotU , full U.ILOUU 21 00 U mill. jcilM ) Capital $100,000 Surplus $05,000 Cfflccr ncl < > lrotori-IMnrr VV Vttoi prilln IC.CaiblDf i lee prn > ia tii , O. H MurU ) . V t Mori * Jobad. Colllui J. H U. I'itrUt , l.ifli I Kted , miblor miblorTHE THE IRON BAN 1C. Continental Clothing House. SPECIAL SALE OF Spring Overcoats On Saturday. We have included 2 more line1 ? of fine tnelto'i ' ovrr- coats for this sale , making in all 6 slyles ot icgihar $ i $ > oo garments , at CBCCCW * each. Saturday will be the last day these coats will been on sale. Black Cheviot Suits e Double and single-breasted fine black cheviots at $7.50 , just half price. Sec samples in our show windows. Continental Clothing House. f-srAxro 1 D / T n v i 11 n I" JDOyb lJcUcll LilldlL. J JL Boys' Knee-Pant Suits , . . We will sell , on Saturday , 150 suits of fine all woo cheviots , ages 6 to 14 , double and single-bieasteJ , 'J.t ] each , regular 6.00 goods ; for Saturday only. epartment. Clearance sale on Satur day of the i , AT nc i.ij , , Continental Clothinp ; House. C J PROTECT AND IK SISHT , Spectacles and Eyeglasses Are the Best. EYES TESTED FUSE. S\TISFACr \ 10,1 j , P. PONDER , Hr , QMIHfi OPTIOftL GO. , 221 S. IBtlSt,1V , " , , ; . 5 3 3 E33552i M 1(1.l < \l Illsl'l.\s\llV. II iiiisillniin.il I rni-.l Is uriburp-i. , 1 U in tlio trout- hient of nil i Ghrnnlo , Prlviito 'iiiil I NorvoiiN liicuso < . 1 VVrltptt ir i onatilt pu noiiullf , 1 1C I. VI MI.N I IIV MAIL. \il > liois witu m ujip fur par uhtr nhlc i will b3 none In l-u li.i Oji unimiDS tHii- OUR EMPLOYMENT DEFT wtillo costing tlm empliyor an 1 etiipoyoj nothing , h is enabioU us lu ilraiu-Q tliu inter est * nf both , und also our our i , oy so urui ; better results with tn inauli n.- Wyckoff , Seaman & Senadicl J7iJ. ITU i AltNAM _ _ _ Anil % l thi trnin > f KVIIA W BAK.XK .SBl , UKHI'.m Kl' lu > l no companr Ihuui In mill ) Oil | M.V nil I'MIMA NKN1IA ILIIKH full SlltliNill'II * i > l tune Hlreii tooverr pirtoriho bo Ir I will Jil o our < < lr liai-koJi KIIKK tn nnriuitumr IBJ piaiirlp- lion lhilciiro > l uin of the > trouiiiqi Villrtti u A. UllAlM.fV. U.rtM CumMK'L B O YD 'S 7 , ; , Vf , .GOOD WIN TotSay ( Sa ! r 3ay , ) Nl&y 6 , ' List iw ) JIM i for n un es i f Mr c. Ill llvnrv ( Juy i trloiotis HIM i , o.ly Thoicruatost of Ml i.ocnluln HSU usse * MATIM.i : ' | ui\Y | / \ - | i I'IMOrN riratlloor fl no. ki m m mli us' ' n til II 1st Hour Tu > lusorvnd so its m lit : , , y , , Ktncral idmls-i on lo b ill uny il e I.VKMM1 I'i Ul lilt il \ \ ( I \ I x I'KH'i H ItrsiirvD.I . * v l llr.l II 1.1 I < mil t ] V L-enuril iidiuiasl n lu lr ! > .i 'I. , r > i r siTMtil h its In h . ' ' , e m' ! fl / X''JUi il nilinlsiti n to bilcuny 'lit- THEflTBE1,1,1,1 11 ? , , , , ll)0 , SiiJO , I5i > 0 ftdo , Tijf. 4 jiiGiiT 'vvvy ; ; ; umm II. Miu-itlluiial Mnlu ruin THE PJRE : PATROL. \ pare * tul I trtup rulU nnil irn rtnhHP * ri lurtual i ( > ura i in A KI nulnu IIrt .a it vtnujti uaU AND I3IJOU THEATER \ir. rnii wi.K.u Pha slilo uplitl iu l'ou u < l > l/rv III UN V TIIl > .MIMi/S in rellnul imnnar l/l "i . Mul I.T1 M.U a VUr > l > ui viiKicun MAI INKKH IIAII.V II1U. l Kll 1'IIH KS tlulltixi'i To nil | nrt of tha hou < * lc il > Ivrrnln -Uil : > jaA ) oeuti