THE OMAHA DAILY BElfe FRIDAY. MAY 5. 1893. BPEGIHL NOTICES. ' ' COM'MVH IIVKIITHKMRNTH r'Olt TIIK'sT. -k-wlll \ * tnkcn ontll II TO m fur thapranlnii and lull 8 TOpm for tlio miirnln aniliuna f olllloni lAdTirtlmtrs by rmupsttnii n nutnlirrod rhor * cun lire their nn wers addrpin-d lo numbered Inttor I cnro of Timlin : Answers w nd < lroMed wlllbe fllrereil upon presantnllan of the check , SITUATIONS WANTED. IlTntcs. IVJo n word first Insertion lo n word there- rtor Nothing tnken for less than 2 s . ivANTKI ) . IIYKXPKHtKNtBli\ ( > UN ( ) vlndy , position ns sli-nonrnohar. Uood rofer- Iieos. M 20 lloo Council llluITt MHii . "ir/ClUIAIS / CorTAOKTsi ) COItNKH l.or ON K Lblnck from Hluh nrlninl. llnnit location In malm , fS.MO Hicks , S N Y I.lfo Hid * II WANTKIl ro irioN IN OKt'll K. 81 OHM OH f Ywnrehnu'Q by youiiK ( leruinn of 25 Addrrss Jlox 7 l Omnln iln _ _ WAN'IKI ) l'OHITION"liv A HOY OK II 1O _ .enrn linkers trndn llobcrt Jacobs. \ ' ' ' > n Itrcet , between Itthn nd lltli < 3 < " -HITIMIII'V ' ASlOArilMAN ANIIOKNKItAI. kwork ( lye1 * oiperlenco In Omaha references . . . . . . . i K M , Heu \ 420 u * | AA 0001) Itl'I.IIII.K jrilll'HINTKHWHIIKS I'ViiiiUiiKtlun In onmo Kond J.ili or loh nmt news ImpuroUIco tfonthcrn ! < > wn preferred , Imt will ( on-ldcr ether olTurs siito waifu Addrfni II , laraufl'rMTM loux Cltjr In M 40 . ' WANTED-MALE HELP. Itntci. li i i > 'iril Hr l Imc-rtion Ic a word there lifter Knthi'iK tnkon for lum tlmn > fl i' n B neil Imklnit imwilnr Wo | int onr gooiU In ttlaM olllnuiilnn Ml month nnlarj Hrid cjiomni | or 25 ior cent romniiiHl'in spud otninp for ri'plr hlmBO llnklnu 1'owdor Co . 7 7 Van Huron t , ITVOI WANT A ( .001) I'\VINI ( 1011 WII1TK B the Ilnwks Nursery ( o , .Milwaukee , WIs ) _ MAN WANTFK TO f-iil : , AND COI.I.KrT lln country Apply nl Sltikir ollke , 1SH. l-n-WAVII'l ) KNHHII1/11C .MAN TO I.KAIIN FJinur city luiflncm Kxpcrli nco unnccCBBury und ! inlnry to rlKht party Appl ) IMh I ounla HAlrMK.N K > H nl ) lllno pldcrn nnd CIKIUB Liberal lnry Ail eBB Callfornln lidcr company , Llikmo , III 11 3W 6 * TJ-SKl ! IH IKM AUK SKKKINO A IHflll JKrado position We hnvo plnrud hnndrodi In KOoil ponlllonn find cnn aisl t roll \\CBtvrn Him i lie i nKcncy J10 N V I.lfo bnlldlntf M i ji _ 11WAN'IFD 1IK < 7THTMIM > DIIOI ) ri.KKK , J One who ) ip k ( icrman preferred AddrM" U W M care Illnko Ilruco A to JJi 1 } - WANTIM ) 'lltA\riIN ( ! SAI.KSMAN FOIl intato ubrnBka line liilirlCHtlriK iilli Addrpsi with references I'lomo , lock box BO , Clnvolnnd. Dhlo < " 4 f' ' lilAN IN I'itlVAlK IAMII.Y toll ( IKS KIIAIi ; B work lloom 5 Iri'lKhton block .MlUi. 4' 1NTK.D A IIO'I I IKH Al'IM.V AT (1 IMIurrU bottllnu workB l l llrond uy lonnoll llluffs < JI I _ _ IJWANTIil ) ONH ( .OOD 'I XIIXlll Mill I'\VIS J > nnd voiis ( I. IIullliiK Madison N b 4li"- T ) I1A11NPS4 MAKI'IIS \ \ VNTKI ) C D ( > ! ) JiworthAlo 111(1 ( hnrnniu ntroct M 41J ! > WANTED -FEMALE HELP. Hulls iVjp a wmd lli l mrartlon leaword there utter Notlilim talun fur less than Hie /-TWANTIM ) lADII'S ( ) ll ( ltlNJ ( MKS TO Vvtnke Unlit -ileiisant work at their own homos II WJ to H 00 pir d y can be quietly nindn. work rent by mall no cjinvn'ilni : 1 or inrtlculars ad Iress ( iliiljp M f lo llox MI | , lluBinii Mass KB tnbllBhedlSHJ MHU M2I _ _ -iIOI ) ( OOU WAN I'KD , HI ST ( ) ! WAiLS , AT CiIOI 1 Mrs J M 'Ihnrstoii 1SU -WANTKII I i\IAI.K : S I'KDKM' NIJKSK AT W C A hospital , cm nor Dili street uuil ' th ave nno , Connill mutts AUlj ! Mrj I VANTICI ) (1OOD ( .lltL I Oil OltNTHAL housework on n farm seven In family , Kood wanes wood homn to the rlKht pirty Addros V.n John Illckoy , ( Iretnn "arp1 comity Neb 341 4 * fV LADIIW ANDTflTN'lTTKMHS WIC WILL 1'AY V > yon 15.00 to $12 00 per wnek to ilo utrlctly lionin workfor unit your home1" Noennvnsulnirendsclf nddrCBScd divolop d 1" I tiiinoim A I o , llnttory inarch and Water Btroeti llostun Mass MljO tl' .ADY WAS'JKI ) . 1O Al I A481'ATi : AOUNT for the famous Ha/ellne H ponltlvo iurn for nil female dlsmnos 'ie'i days tri'atmenl free Address lr ) DoiiKlas A Lo , bouth llond. Ind u HA M3I4 W _ _ WANTTll ) AToMI'KIKNT C.IIIL lOltfJKN- pral housework at ' . ' 12J California st , small fani My r fflrPnc riqulrpil ,1 1 4 1-11ILFOH ! ( iHNKHAL HOIJSKWOIIK. FAM C 'lly , of three Mrs Lcthem.MI7 North lath. fTO. 305 4 * 1-WANTHD , SECOND 1J2J DODtlK.MSSiJ .MSSiJ 6 * [ -WANTFD , A COMI'KTKNT COOK AT 2I1R Capllojj venue Mrs S II llnrkalow > n71ft " I"- \VANTKI1 OIIH. I Oil ( JKNKHALHOUSIt- C ork In small family 1711 Douglas 088 I / 1-WANTKI ) , A (1(101) ( JIHL IN A I'AMILY OF .1 , iv nuiBt tin good cook and laundress , best nagCB ld. 4W bo 'JJth nv 405 S _ _ ' -aim WANIIID m A FAMILY INUIKAHO , n good , rollablo ulrl for Mineral homework a Rood trusty girl from the cnnntr ) prcterrpd Will pay farofroniOmalm HIII ! HOJ ppr week Wlltnlloir cine day nnd ticket to World s fair i-nrh wcpk ( .Irt mustconio well recommended nnd ngrvo to Btay If found competent Answer at once t 07 , HPOMI070" MI070" - ) , A ( .0(11) ( ( .Illli KOH CiKNKKAb C-WANTKI Inqulro 'il\ \ " > lon s "t. M4U fl I"WAN'1KI ) , liADIKS TO Will IK A I' IIOMK Hncloso ntnmpod euvelopo Kiln \ \ crstPC , houth llend , Ind Mill WANTUD , Olllli FOIl UKNHItAL HOl'fK- C work Apply 1707 N lUth Bt 4.'J& \ ) A VOUN < i.AnYvlOWlllTKS A C\VANTKI Kood plnln hand lorcopylng Call Inimcdlatoly , llrunswlck hole ! M43I ) - ) t.lllli KOH (1KNBHAI. I1OUHH- C-WANTKI work ApplySltli Inss street JU37 7' FOR RENT HOUSES. Hates , lOo a line oaeh Insertion. II 60 n Una per month Nothing tnkon for less than Ma. -FOlT HKNTT HoljSKS IN ALL I'AIll H Of city 'IhoO r' Davis company , 1005 tarnuni st \-hOll HUM TWO 5 IIOOM ( OITAIIKS ON /motor mil at southwest cor 'Jtli and Douulns 503 - * . tOTl'AI.ICS STANI-Olll ) ( IHCI.K , D-iHOO.t now niodein C s Klguttpr 2KHeebldg .11,1 IJND 4 IIOOM Al'Ull.MKMN , VDN DOIIN block , with sleuin rofeiaes reiinlrcd 810 H . ' .M 204 HUNT 0 HOOM CO ! T UiK , ( iOOD HI ! nKOII pnlrflOpermo IncludltiK ell ) niter 117 N JTtli Inko tnrnam cnr t-toetzel , 711 M lltli 105 - KI.A'lM.UW'hl.l.INdSCOlTACiKSAI.I. I'.MtTfi city Kilkenny X lo U I , Continental block. - HUM' 10 ItOOM UOUSK. 2108 DOtdhAF D-IOll stieet 1 nqulio of Morlti Mo > cr. cor loth mu' ' l-nriiaiu , U5 -B HOOM 1IOI1SK , R-IIOOM COTl'AC.K , Al.I modern bcnutlful lawns , shade , etc N K cor Ji'inl and Mltmn alt t > ii - n.A'i's IN NIW : MODKKN nuu.n DT-rooM Ing c-ntrnlir located , filUOnnd$2jtX ) per month Kolkenny \ o room 1 , Co.itlnuntil blk , UJ M7 hOll III. NT MMllUOMllOI SK 'Improvement * Imiulio i.'J North Jlth St MM D8 HOOM UolT-sK. MODKH.N , CON VKMIJN'l fur liiislneBS or wholesale men Apply 111 j Soutt 10lhBlroet _ kl5 _ - ' . lllldM MODKIIN HODsi : ( iOOD LOTA B-ll'.S tlont rent niodcrnle. U K feklnnor , 1DI4 tnrnan street M'.HT -rOt It UCOM CO IT Ml V , lAI SOIH H I7l'l D aveiuu between Jaokjjn undLearennorth 1"VKH HUNT AFTMl MAY HOOM HOI SK J/bath and city water , lllu Dorcas btruet In qulro Koln-rt Hunter llpe oilluo. MMi -FOIt UI.NT MoDKitN 8 ANI ) I ) IKUM houiei near hUh school Inquire Klti C pltu avenue 24 1 5 * D1OU HK.NT NICK ThS HOOM MODKlTi house , past front on S nith 17th utri'et. nra Jackson , fW Inqulro till uuth Uth struct D-7 HOOM IIDI'SK. ' Abl' HIONT. ALL MO1 ornS.'jW , HiU-lltj 'Irust Co , ItOJ rarnani 120 _ _ _ D MoliKUN SKh.N IUMM lloTllKTcKNTuTi ly locatud and now furnlturi ) , for sale at a bai tain ) Mitt .Natliul bunk M ) ; < J8 P-3 Kl IINISHKD lt < OMS I Olt I.IU11T IIOUsl kpoplnu and lint ot 7 roonn , modern liuprovi Dients , 1IU South llth st JJ7 I D -8MS 11 K. CO1.K CO. MiCAdUK IILIHI D -toil UKNT ffOOJ bl. MAIIVS AVltMJK room modurn dwelling nltli turn I ornor It loutli dent putuinlun utter M r 15th hnrtonl , lit ) iu lu room brick rtwellliiif , nil 001 TCIII IU I , < tr i't r'or r ntIIUl t o Uruo brick rtwolllnut , ISroon nrb nltli nlliuQTBiituuce * nrll ndnptBit ( nr Mr ela ( Hiulljr tHnrillnKhouse , coiiTeclent.toonr Un Jor r nt , iRW , .room Uatt with ball : , trli I or runt , fVQOO. G-roJin tint IIU bath Inquire < ttlBrlun Hull , 3ui Soutli Ulli it 3305 rv-HlIt HUNT , M.SK ItOOM HOl'Sr , Al J-'coiivenlnncvi : Inriro uroiinds and k'ond stabli In Rood location nmt onsy nl aci'ts * llent to tlr lus toi.sut will be rra oiiablii. Apply Omsl txiao & Trust Co. , Ifctu lud Dduglat in , > U FOR RENT HOUSES. Conlnii"t. ( D ISIX I MOOM r'l.AT WITH HATH. TOT NOItfll 20th Apply to IT Jonat , Douglai block 3HI 4 DKOi IlcNT TWO NIOK lOUSm NKAU llnnscom park , nil modern conronlencos Illcks , JQj.N V I.lfo Hid * 3tB 6 D-TKN ItOOM IIKirK , tlAVATKH , KIM n M Inundry not heiomcnt nlan , onsl front Keys ndJolnlDKVUjl ( npltol nvenuu _ MUrfD * -rOII UKNT tOTTAriK WITH 1. A HO II grounds on outskirts of cltr I" nlso ten ncres with email cottage. southwest of city Hicks 10) N \ I.lfotildil 12S 7 -K1.AT7 IIHOM * . 11ANGK AM ) AU , OTItKlt convenience1" completely furnished ft ? or un furnished JJ7 ( all nt storti TO I South li.tli street nt 10 o clock tloorKO ( louser. 1U -I Oil ilK.VI. 6"sK 8tIIOOM Hol'HK. AlTf. modern liiiproTunjc'ntfl. Hnlf Howard between nil Hnd rtlh streets Apply to A Kooh , cor lltli liil llnrm-y 4J1 4 _ FOR KENT FUKNISHED KOOMS. Hntes , lOo n line oich Insertion II "iln Una par month t ik n f ir Ion thin 2 > e HMNI s Ki too\t4w i n for tfeiitluuiun only 1511) ) lloir ird jt 2nd tlonr ir-HniNlSUKDA U.NFill.Nl3IIKI > 1M7CAP A V K. IJ M4I7MB * E- HKNT. NICICI.Y 1 Ult.NIsHKK ItOOM , 1'JU lloiluo atrout MfiO _ MCKIiV l-UltNMIIi : ! ) KIIOS'T ItOOM WITH n -o of piano Contrnlly loc.ucd Addreni V Vt llou MJ17 a H'IIM I1KI ) ( ( ) ( ) - , OKN1I.RMKN " -i onlr. 2010 linTcnpurtdrcol > K' ' > . ' If UMK HJHMSHKO IIUOM , 11.13 IUI(115 ( \ l.'i i" E-l'I.KAOAM' , WKU. r-lMMSHKD HOOM ; conveniences 2JO < Dou Iis M < I5 " 1.1-NlU'IV I UIlMsllKI ) UtO.NI' HOOM I OH Ajreat , wltli or nlthout board ( .nil 1107 Douglas ? - I UUMSI1UI ) HIONT UOOM < Jlnss streut M170 MILIA 1 t UNMSIIIil ) AND UNtUUMslIKI ) E rooms 1HI .North IStli T -NKKI.Y ILHMSHKU HODMS , 1915 CAITKIL , 1 Javcnuc M4J7 ! ! FURNISHED BOOMS AND BOARD. Union , lOc n line nnch Innortlon , f I 'M a. llni per month Nollilnn tuLc'ii fur ICBH than 26c 203 ifOUNO \VOMK.N S IIOMK , UMHCH OAIlKOf Woman i Lhrlttlnn nsioclatlou , 111 Ho 17th Btf 1 ? UOOM9 WITH IIOAltl ) , 21)14 ) UOLUIiAS ST -L MfJi MC * I.-I.AIK.K KAVT 1 HUNT ItOUM Wl I'll AtCXVI { ' ] ? - ( HUH It * III IN I' HOOMM , KOHMSHKDOIt UN. furnished with bonrd 1'rlvnto family Modern resldt-nco JIJ7 lltirnuy M4I8 5 * HIMA 1-i.KAHANr HOOM wim I1 board lniUlr | fiJI N .1 th t til FOH RENT-irNFURNISHED ROOMS Ilntett l o n word tlrit liMuritnn Ic n woM there nftor Nothing t iltcn for lottilin Nhi ; UOOA StllKAl * OOi NUItl'lt MI'll sr MUIAI7' RENT STORES AND" OFFICES Hull' " . lUo n lln.i cnch InAorllon , II V ) line i > or month NothlnK tiki > n for lost than IM I Kltlll.NI. SIDltll ON S HIM HI I.A.NOK I block , nultflblu for mont niurkt't hirdnaro or dry K iod nl irc liMUln | jil ! s I ith t JIO 1-I oil III'N I I llh I sr illY HltlCIv 111)11DIMi. ) 1 IM'i ' ! Brnnin nt 'Iho hulMliu hn * n tlruproof cu nmnt luiaeuu'nt eomplutu tilMiiii huitllni ; II\lnro- * , \f ) iti > r on nil the Hours , KIIS , utu Apply at thu onleo of'I ho lien 'IIP T-ioit HKNi' , ONI : nun K si'MIC AND HASH munt 1.M S llth it 1 aloro 1 npltol nvonno ono atory unit hitcim'nt hrltk hL ro hnlhllnir , 415 Hmithllth Btrrct. Hut , 415 South lltli street , ono utoro. Kill ( npltol nvcnun All In tlrnt tlmi ion illtlon for rent on riiisonnbiu turniH. IminlroofA J 1'oiiploton , room U4 1 Irnt National Hank hldtr 211 MID T-OH lLK ) , WIl'll.NiLLi lll.K , WUI < S1IAN9 AfIT JL .fJJ MS r-KOIl UKNT. CIIOICKST KKCOND H.OOU Ihualnoii rornrrln Oinnlii , Clnbo bulldlnz , IIth uncMlocItio l.lnlni I oiin .V lunt ( o Mlif'J ' TONKHAI.IOKilNKOK 11112 IlKhT OltOIND 1 door oflioes on Furnani struct fM pur miintli In- rluiUiii ; Unlit boat nml Jniiltor U. Mcllulland ti Co , I7UJ KHrnn'n mront U4 7 1-KOH ItlSVT , IN A BMAIJi I1LS1NKSS TOWN I tiTOlvn inlldH north of Lincoln , on tha F K A M V U U , a Inrku ntororoom V4xM ) , with n vtood cellar A good uurronndina country , nnd Kood UxMitlon for any KUOI ! Innlnem nmn bor further nfornmtlon aUJn-sj 1' Upp llox UJ , Davcr. Neb 31/JO 5' fOll lll vl % . AN KSTA11M8HKI ) 11KSTAU- -Lrnnt , hn alwnyidone Rood buslnoas. Apply nt JO" 10th trcot. MlJSi * 1 [ ' \\OSIOHK3 IUH 1010 OAbS MJ715 * AGENTS WANTED. Hates the n. ivord llrst Insertion , Ic n word there fter .Nothing taken for liss thnn 25c p-AOLNTs , ufpllKK 8IJX. DO YOu'wlsTTA " KOOII position sulllnuour Hrcnd Inko X. I'arlnit Cnlves , also ' Ciirvor" No capital ncmli'il floods iKht nnd attrnctlvo Profit IW per cent llauss fchenr to Knnsas i Ity , Mo M470 Mil ) ' -WAN rUD AN AC.KNT IN NKIIIIASKA TO BCllanuw nnd mctluin priced Cnsh lluglstur \ildreB I ) K Midcru , Don\cr Cole SI2M IJ' WANTED TO RENT. Hates. Ittc n nerd tlrst Insertion , lo n word there after Nothing taken for leia than 2oe tlon l-amlly of J , grown Address L U H , 05 Now York Life 3 > ,9 5' STORAGE. HntcB , lOo n line each Insertion , II f0 n Hue per month Nothing tnkon for loss than 25c. M'bTolAQK. . MM'OHAGK FOIt HOIJSKIIULI ) GOODS , clean iinJ cheap rates H Wells , 1111 Farnam 313 M-IIKATINSTOVKS ( STOIIKI ) DUIH.NO SUM- mcr ; special storage for household goods 'lei. 'UJ. ' UU7 iJOiitflas. Omaha Move Itepalr works J14IS7 M STOVFSSTOHIII ) AT HltA ONAI1L15 IIATB3 nt HuKhes Store Hepalr Works , IJJ7 S. 1 Ith st 7.14 iu31 WANTED TO BUY. Itatoa me a word tlrst Insertion , lu n word there * after Nothing taken for less than 2 > n TV'-CASH rOlt HIHNI1UUK , HOUSF1IOLD i. * goods , i'tp , or will BP | | for owner In our uuitlon tales H Wells , till tarnnm 2U FOR SALE-FUKN1TURE. Hatoi , men word first Insertion , Ic a word there after Nothing taken for less tlmn 2Jc O-tOUSAI.K , HOIJSKI1OLD 1 < UllNlTlJllK , ALL In good order , party leaving city , 2U3U Spruce btreot.ono bloclt south of Lake Must bo Bold nt onio ; * | FOR SALE -HORSES WAGONS ETC. Hates IM n word first Insertion lo a word there after Nothing taken lor less than 25c ] > -KW SALK , NU I ; ll\\ ( 'AJTiTlAiK : 'IK\M and carriage U \ \ ' 1 ullers , 103 1'earl st , Coun ill llliills 214 p-tOll HAI.K. ( iOOD FAMILY 1IOIIHK. 1'HA- L otoii carriage and lir.riico H.'j cash. George T. I'hi'lps postolllcp. Council Illnl7i .MJI7 0 1 > -KlthALK , 11AV UKLDINO. U THIS Sl'lllNG , well bred , perfect driver , sound , price , f.W00 , AIIIVB 1 7 1-nrliinil M40K7 | ) -1 < OH SALK , F1HSTIL\S HOIfsK ANl : L Burroy Inquire lilJlUrnoy 11 30 a m M41I7' 1ONK ON K HllllSK , TWObKATKD L carriage In good condition one top bupgy , on < onu horse wagon Apply at 214) Wlrt street A Koch 423 4 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. llntes men wont llrsl Insertion , Ie a word there niter Nothing tukcn for less than > c Q -Til B "b'l A N DTlli ) CA-l ri.K COM 1'AN V ( jj. KKI baled hay at 15 CO per ton , on board rears a Amet , Neb This price may ba withdrawn at an ; time 315 Qn . 10 u SAI.I : CHIIA r AT IH ANI Dorcas , J5J Q-VOIl bAI.K. A MAllllMSr.S TLUNIM latlio wurtli H2iOO for ti-500 ( nil on or ail clrun 11 V Klead , llerure IIOUID , Coiucll Itlntli M413 5 Q -A IiADV W110SK 1IUS1MM ) ISTUAVEl.INl ; 111 Nobr.iskn will join him ( or the summer nm would Ilktt | u sell to Indies lomultiliig usuful ti tboni nml prulltablu to UuriolT AilUrcn Mr Krc mn hlk-nor , llrokfii How. A'nb ( ! 5 e * Q - I8W CAM ! Ill VS A HhTT-'FllllKK 1NCI hlk'li wheel roluinbln Mcjclo la good ardor C , U II , 110 Illhillnrnur st. HI C' MISCELLANEOUS. llntus , mo a wont tint Insertion , Ic n word tbortv after. NothlnK t ikon for leu tbaii Uc U-TVl'KWItlTBUaTniiTHKNT" CAN HJli -lVnl li you rlllurn.No 2or .NO 5 Horaliulon type writer , In tlrtlflnss condition , on runtal Ulve u a ( all \ \ ycko9 , ScaoiaDi .V llenojlcl , 1711 ( arnar streetOmaha , Neb , Jli ) 1 > lIKH'hhl' THICK PAID hOH ShCONO-HAN IVjpnn' end Indies' clotbes. Address I-oiiIs. 611 f loth strett. 1'lcase send postal curd and 1 will oal MIW OL AIRVOYA NTS. _ Itntet , mo n word flrnt innartlon , Ie n word tbort- after Nothing tnkon for IOM thnn JSc SnS. < . NANMIK V WAItllK.V , ChAlll vYANT. rollftbl * buslnasi inodlumi tlflli rear at 11V N.lftli 117 C-M1IS nil 11. LKtlHAVK , I'HOI'IIBTKSI.DK AIJ k'trnnco ctnlrrornnt nnJ llfo render tolls your Ufa from rrntlle to urnvc , cnn bo consiilteil on nil alTnlm of life hn the coiubrnted Kiirptlnn brcnnt pinto to unlto tliu ftcparntad nnd cnttao niarrlntfo with ono roil love Co mo ono coma all , nnd ba conYlnciM u ( her renmrknblu poncri Oltlce and rtMlilonin 417 r > lllh t hourt U n m to V p m Strict llfo chnrt nnd photo of your future wlfo or liutbnnd nunt lliroUKli "mil for liUO , clinrt nloiu , DUO All letters contnlnlnif 4 cunts In stamps promptly answered 11 ml' SUIVAI. . KXTIlAOltDINAHV Mlt Ult. K -hernmn , tlio ill'tlnuulsluil world fumed and onlT roil nitturnl trnnco medium In this country \ \ lilln cntranci'd will revunl i-vi-ry hidden mystery In llfo Una lonu licc-n pronouni oil In I'tiropo and ArtiPrlcn thoitrcntcst llUnu wonder of the iiresent a o LnilcrntnnilB the sclonco of the ' I'erMnn nnd Illnduo niaclc or niiclcnt charm working nnd prepares 1 ityptlnn tnllsmnns nhlrh will ovcrcomo your ent'iiile remove11 * family trouble * , restores foil nffcctliini makes mnrrlaiio with the ono you love no fnllnie removes evil Inllilcnct'S , bnd hiiblt : , curm witchery. Ills nml all loni ? standing nml mysterious illsoise * . lll vivo correct Infornm tlon on Ittnsul ! rtckncx , ilvnth , dlrnrip , alsent friends vverylhliu never fnlllncadvlco toyoiinir men on marrlntfo nnd how tn choose n wlfu far happlniss nnd what liusl ness host ndapteil for epcc < ly riches Also Klres Inillsiienslble nclTlco tn young Indleson love eourtshlp unit marrla o and If your lo\or Is true or false anduUe pit turo < if fnttiru husband rilthtmrao HKO nnd ilnto of mnrrlnuo Hours ' .la m to 8 p m strict N II K > r II e hunt lit nf these who are unnhlo to i ill upon Mr * lr I MiiTiimli , Bhu would respi'itfully nnnounii' Unit she ulvos perfei t siitliifnctlon by letter \ our i nllru llfo will bo wrlttiri In uilenr and plain miinnir Letters ivlth stamps nmmptl ) nnsncrcil ' erd for largo lllutruti'il circular Hllh Kperliil terms Mrs lr K Shermnn , Midland Hotel , ill' ' ' M > loth st , parlors r , ami 7 410 t * MASSAGE , BATHS , ETC. Dates IHc a line oi ( h Insertion II W a line per month Nothing taken for ! < ( * s than 4 * > c rp VAHAMiJliriI : , (03 H lll'll 2ND f'MJOIt , 1 Itooni 1 Mnssitf'j , vapor , alcnLoi , stc'iim 91 Iphiir. IniMiii.l i-n bntlis .M.'il 0' fp-MMI' t'\H ON. 1121 IOL'1.A8 ! S I'llKKT , 31) I Moor , room 7 , massiiKC alcohol , sulphur nnd son tnths .MIS35- PERSONAL. Until" . IHc a word llrst Insertion Ic p word there after Nothing tnkon for loss than 2oc -JdAuwUCKc mnl bntht scnlp nud hair trcitment innnlciiro anil chiropodist Mrs I'osUlUH S IJth.Wlthnellhlk JI9 U-iiAVB YOU ANY MOMYI IKSO , ANOU want to put It out on the best llrst inortKago so curltyln .Nebraska In sums o f f KW to $ , UW ( and Kctfllx per cent Interest , como to us There Is absolutely no risk Never bad anythlnit butter HOKKS .1 Hill , HW 1'nrnam st ( > 2UMU U'-IJ CA1I1VI T I'lIOTOS , AHHTO HN1S1I IN any style JIM worth SI 00 , for a short time , at Low un a pUoto studio , JI2I Cumlim street 21(1 ( m 23 U-1'ILHH rr.UMANU.Nll.Y CUllIU ) . MY A SIN Klc inlnless troitmont DIsonHoiof the re < turn anpuclnlt ) Ir A J Cook , ( jrand Hotul Anni't Council llluITs Ml % 1) ) fWMHO , LADY IKACmCIl ' u Klrl In eltthth gradostudles 22 ; N , Mth Bt ABSTRACTS OF TITLES. Itntos lOo n line pith Iniortlun. Jl 'iO a line per month Nothing tnkon for leu than Joe and I rust compuny nbstracters oonvoyanoors Tltli's pi > rfi > cteil an 1 muir uitu.-xl Own thoonly coinpletu nbslinct boolii In liiu'lus count } He mo\odu > room MO Now \ ork I.lfo bnlldlnu M370 MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. llntcj , lOcn linn ech Ins-rtlon $150 n Hue per month Nothliintak in for lust than 2 < ° > c UA1KS FIDKl.ll'Y \ \y panj , 17UJ Farmm street AY / ( J15.NTUAL 1.OAN& , THUaT CO , HKK 1)LO < ] 220 AYV \V -C. 1" . HAllllldO.N' , ' 111 N Y. I.1KIC 221 j \\rMoinri\tJt ! I/JANS LICS3 THAN 7 1'KH * T cent Including nil clinnros ChatletW Hnlni-y , Omnlii Nat bank bldg. 222 \V-WAM1 III ) AT OMCK LOANS ON IMI'hOVKI ) ' Oiunhn property , low rates I Idollty Trust company 170 l-nrnain st 2IJ \\r L < ) AN&oNiMi'itovKi > AND'UNIMI'IIOV m > ' ' city property * J Oil and upwards 5 toii' percent No delays \V tarnniuduiltb & Lo , lith and llarney \\r-OMAHA SAVINGS HANK MAKKS LOANS > > on real estate at lowest innrket raton Loins mailn In small or largo sums for Hliort or loiik' ilnio No commission Is eharKod and the loans are not sold In the east , hutoin nlways b3 found at the bank on the corner of 11th nnd Doutilns sts 224 \V-1 AM ) 2 \ K\U LOA.N8 ON CITY AM ) KAHM "t niortunncs Hecrt A Selby , Jit llonril of 1 ratio T\r MOSKY'lOLOAN ON OMAHA AM ) CliUN vv ell IllulTs real ostalo and Nebraska and Iowa farms nt from 5V $ to bH per cent Interestwith no ad dltlonnl clmrKes for commissions or attornoya fees W.H Melklo 1st Nat I bank bldtf. Onialm 2Jii \\r-MOSKV 1O LOAN AT UWKST HATKS ' ' IhoO 1" Davis Co , iDOSI'nrnam street 227 \NDTHU8rCO. rfI8 N Y I.lfo , lends nt law rules for cliolco security on Nebraska or lovra farm8 or Omaha city pro portjr. -MONKY TO LOAN ON IMI'UOVKI ) CITY W property , low rates A. C trost , Douclasblk \\r-MO.NHYTOLOA.NAT LOWKHT HATBS ON ' Improved nnd unlmproTed real estate , 1 to 5 , years Hdellty 'I rust Cn . I70J barnani ' . ' 13 \V-LOANS , (1 ( J WALLACE , 311 11HOWN HLK 2.10 WOJIAHALOANA. Tlll'ST ( OMI'A.NY , nnd Douglas , loans money on city and farm property at lowest rates of Interest M \ \ TI'HIVA'IK FUNDS toil LON'd AND SHOUT 'i time , real estate nnd comnicrclnl loans Wo buy paper and vrrlto tire tiunianio MtClotid & Connott.lOISN Y Life 27i Mo ' AND SKCO.NI' M } HliAK LOANSi Mlow _ rates Alex .Moore , ( Jl. Hoe bldir M570 W WANTKOTOHUYbOMKiU'KHCKNrNOTKS secured by mortktaRes on Omahn ( It ) or Doug * Us county property Heed A Bolby , JJS Lhamber ofComiuurco MHO W -J W SyUlltK , MOVKDT02I3 II15K 11LIJ MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. Hates , lOo a line , each Insertion , II 50 a Una per month Nothing taken for less than Jia - CALL AT THE ( ) ! ' ) 1CK OF xcCALL OMAHA MOHIC.Adll LOAN CO. I.NCOHl'OHATKD IF YOU WANT MONKY , You can borrow on HOUSEHOLD 1 UKMl UIIIJ AND PIANOS , HOHHKS , WAt.L'.NS AND CAHHIEOKS , SVAIIBHOI'SK HKC1CM-1S , MKKCHArfnlBE , OH ANY Olllllll SKCL'ltirY ' > \ e will lend you nny nmount from JIUUOtti tl ( XX ) ON Till ! llAiOU ASIC hOK IT without publicity or reinoal of property You lan pay the money back In nny amount you wish , and nt nny time nnd each payment BO made will reduce tl.o cost of the loan Hemcmber that vou have the use of both the property und the money , and pay for It only ns lung an yon keep It "here will be no expense or charge kept out of the amount wanted , but you will receive the full amount of the loan Hulore borrowing elsewlinre call and see us , and you will 11 ml It greatly to your advantage OMAHA MOltl'GAGK LOAN C.l ( , JOd hot I'll li'TIl H1HKKT , tlrst Moor above the si reel 1HKOLDKM' . LAKI1K8T AND ONLY INCOIU'OH- ATKD LOAN COMl'AN\ OMAHA. 232 110 YOU WANT MON KYJ X TUB HDKLITVLOAN ( JUnllANTEK CO , ItOOM 4 WITHNELL Ul.OCK , 3I HOl III 15TH , COHNKIl HAItNEY BT , , TOB \ AHTf OS \ 1UA1X ' DOLLAM\ \ VT. WH ! StAKK LOANS ON MJltMTUIlK HOHSF.S , CAHHlAtiKSAHK110USB HKCE1I-1& OH I'Kli- bONAl. I'HOl'KHTV OF ANY KIND / WILL / DOT LLTO / / CALL / oOT raarrl ros / OL'K TKHMt. WILL MUKl'OL It Al'l'HOVAL' You can pn > the money back at any time a d In any amount you wish , and thus reduce the cost of carrying the loan In proportion to amount you pay Ir Y Of owe a balance on your furniture or other personal property of any kind , we will pay Hod for you and carrv It as long IB you desire YOU CAN HAVK YOL'll MONEY IN ONE HOU1I FHOM TIIK T1MK YOU .MAKtt AITI.ICATIO.N. No publicity or removal of property so that you get the use of both mo joj and property 213 V WILL LOAN MONKY ON ANY KIND OF SK- jVciirlty strictly confidential , A K Harrisroom 1 , Continental block. Wlo V-MONKV. 0 , tW. is ) DAYS CHKAlHATKS nnd easy payments , on furniture , pianos , llvi stork , etc , without delay or publicity , cash on hand , DuB Green , room 8 , Barker block 215 A'-l'lllTCHAltD , 51 DOUGLAS llLK,16i DODGK -iV 2JO BTTSINESF HANOES. Hates , lOc a line each Insertion II ' / ) * , line pel month. Nothing taken for less than 2ic 1to Inrost In good clean builness KuaranteetnKl per c nt on ( llThloudi Can oner good position U w ll qu lia > > rt oKc * uia . Addrcn v tt , lieu. BUSINESS OHAN OES. Y FOIl BAI.K , IN A OOol ) TOWN IN NOIITII Nebrnskn , n stock of gpnornl merchandise. , con nlsttng of dry goods , t > ootm n < 1 shoes , nothing nnd groceries 1 will sell tlio stock for cash , half cnsli nnd land or on time lo suit tie ) purchaser If secur ity Is good , i'rlca , $0,500. Address K it , Omnha lice , 610 V-TOH SALH. A STOCKS OK (1KNKHAI , MKIl I chnndlse of about W.OiM to 17,000 , In n good town In Nebraska Apply to Kllp.itrlck Koch Dry lloodi Co , Omnha .Neb UV ) VUoTuL SALK , BOX M SHKNANDOAH , IA 1 M 2 Mlfi" - SALOON KOH SALK 1'IIKAl' AlToHI'SH M. H Dunn. Long I'lnojNeli M < MI M6 Y -l'OH SALK Olt KttilANilF. TIIK r IT 11NI nlture and lease of the Hotel olmn Ashland Neb Mii 13' 1 his location should corrcspoml with room 212 , Mcfagiie bldg , Omnlin \lVJt V A SNA I1 UK A 1.1 II NKCKSS1TATI.N ( ! A I chnngo 1 offpr my grocery sloru and llxturcs for sale oldest cctiibllshod store on to 11 th st . llrst class trade C. t Shaw , 618 So lolhst , Omnhn ' IVJUSAI. ! : . ! . * OOD HAltNISs"lll SINUS'S IN a live town Lock box No 3 Harvard , Neb 4149 * FOR EXCHANGE. UntcilOon line onch Instirtlon ( I O n 11 no per month .NothliiK taken for less tlmnJic r460 A c ItKiToKl'LK AlTlT\ ? 11)T-raMrorTHT : /Jbont winter nlii'nt ill'trlcts In Knnsas to n chniiKO for 10 or M litre ) trnrt ni > nr ( Uunlm cltr limits Will pny rn li dUIcTPiuulf pro.iprtv Ingnod Addrc x Klvllikprlco nud location KIttl'up JUj r/ \ (7/KAN STOCK Ot ( IKSKIIAI. MD-IC /J lll tnko ri'nl osliitonnd uionujllox SJj I rank ftirt , Inil JIS y-100 (100 ( HANI ) MADHfllJAHS I OH l.VM ) AN 0 /-Jcash , Klvo nnrtlculara Hot U Konrnor , Ni'li 2-S M'- _ r/-\ \ OWN 100 I AICNH IN M-IIIIV-KA , KANSAS * Jnnd Ditkotn Wilt soil clionp or exchange for nul&o .hor ns andcnttlo Adit HoxTO.trunkfort Ind -LW -3U1C 11 K COLS CO , MCUAUUK III.DII J M ) Jl' Z MJIl SAI.U Oil TllXDK toil IMl'llOVi : ! ) ICO acrcH of Innd In Nebraska , a aplomlld business Address I1 C. , Jloo , Jrf 11 V WHAT HAVKOU TO S\VO1' 1O11 2-QUAU /J tcr sections of InniroTOd land Dox 1200 cotla Neb JJ1 4- r/-FINIl DOWN TOWN COHNKIt. CAN TAKK /-ipurleash nnd part trade In cleiir rpaldcnco lot or farmland I'rlco S13UJUUO 1 K. DarlliiK , llarkcr block , .I'.rj 10 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE llntps , IDc n line each Insertion fl Ma line per month Nothing taken for lei * than 2" * OT n Lo i o addition rutman Cramer , IlO-j Uod D at 451 ni9 1MIIMS' WK I1AVH TIIK IIKJC.EST 1.181' IN A the t nltPd Matci Wo Imro enonch to 1111 pvory liaiioof the lieu or Wor'd If you want an Io a or Nebraska farm , como to headquarters I'OUKS A Hill , 14UJ Farnam at I20MI4 IT'OUSAI.K ' \ 1.CIW I 1OI UP , (1M Of Till ! J InndiioniPit hou os near llnnseom park Call for price lllck' , dO. > N \ I.lfo lildit 'Mil riMIINK OP IT1 (1K01U.IA AVK I'llOl'KItrT 1 nnd onlr fiOtKJ per foot , liottrccm Maaon anil 1'a ilflt ntrupt1)Iralnli avc enl > fla pur foot iuf jomlnu property held nt ? 70 to $100 per foot , I "ales made In ono week Hdollty 'trust Co 170J riiniiuu " } fOH 8AI.K. HOIJSK AMI LOT CI1KA1' , AS 1 onnpr In nbout to leivirthe city Inquire at tM North SUtli st MiWj MW I OIIHALK , HN'h ! UKSIDKNCK I ACINI. HANS -L com pnrk , call at 31W Woolworth nvo 177 4 * Alibi ACra TIlK Minl.VM ) ( JUAHANTKK andlrubt company iibNttncters , coineyancers , 'lltlos ucrfectett nnd KiiArnnteod Own the onlr complcto abstract booky lu Doutelas ronnty llu- moiedtoroom 111) ) Now \oVk 1 Ifo hnlldlni ; M271 IMIIlinCllANDrioMK ltHSllKNClMONbIlllTLY 1 lots bargains nnd comforjablo hemp , nho an other tins farm only lu miles north , 147 acres , alt Improved , $ < iSOUOO F 1C Darlin/ , BOlo nfont , Ilnrkor block Mllij ! Oll 8ALK - LOT M\lti I'AKF ( I'O ALLI5Y ) only two blocks from imvuil street nnd car line 1'rlcefoOOUO U cash , baluuoo in ono , two and three yonrs Apply IOIJ 1 arnamjitrt'et M752 -\TICKIIIN1DKNCK [ / ) ! ' I Oil SAI IS NKAU 3lbT -I * and Muson three hlouks north of llanscom linrk , onlyli.200 lllcks , , WO .N \ Life lllJu 30S 0 -\0 \ < n A < MtHS LAND IV NK.IIHASKA , KAHT FUONT Jbulldlnc lot , 2 blockn cluit of Ilunstbni I'ark at Kront eucrlflco ( i II 1'cterson , U\l \ South IJth. Shi Jl fOlt SALK , TUN AdltlM WITH COirii , A close lo city , splendid unrJon tract , only 14 WO , lllcks.JOo.V i Life UldK 3M G " 17OH HALF Olt KXCIIAMJK. 1IU ACItKS Oh NICE -L lo\ol land , Jnst J ml lea from county so it town , In BOnthnealprn Nebraska , 70 ttcres broke : ti'nns , IfW ) 0(1 ( when aa'o ' la made , and Jl.IIHO 11 yenrs from May 31 , IS'It , with II per cent Interest , mint neil at once Address ! bl , Omalm Itee MJ74 b * AIIAIIOAIN , NICK ( OHNKU LOT , WITH I IVK- room cottnKoIril nnd ( 'npltol ntonue , only one block wpst of IllKh school. If sold ( jtilck only JS f 00 rJnlsls the cheapest choice piece of Inside residence property In Omaha. Hicks , , > Jj N Y LlfcbhlK JI07 LOST. llntcn. lOo n line each Insertion { I 5J a lice per in.'nth NothlnK taken foi less than J5c . Jat loth nnd 1 eavenworth streets. Howard Khun Return to f.'j bWlh street l.'j 4 * LOST ON IVril , DOUnLASMUNDAY KV PMNO. fcnmlo water iipnnlel lotnrn to 40J N Uth nnd receive rownrd 413 6 * LOST 1TAI IAN ( JUKI HOUND , PAWN LOLOlt , property of May Coleman , on collar Tag number 1547. Liberal rownrd If returned to 117 N' 8th street .MtM 7 * SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING Hates , lOoR line each Insertion , Jl 51 a line per month Nothing taken for less than > c YOITNGLADIKSAND CK.STIiKMKV CAN SOON acquire n working knowloUu of nhorthanl and typewriting nt A C. Yan a ut scluolof B'lort hand.SIlN Y Llfu 1'ypawrlton lo rent. M5V ) PASTUAES FOR HORSES. \\TK HAVK ICO ACllKH OK I1LUK C.HAfeS I'AS T turo for homes Hoard fence Sprlni ; water llarton , v I'nelps , ( lllmoro , Neb , or A W [ 'helps & t-on JI7.N Y 1 Ifn Illilic PAWNBKOKEHS. Hates , lOo a Una each Insertion II W a line per month Nothing tnkon for loss than 2Jc > ' . Douulas Loans money on diamonds watches , etc Uld itold and silver Imiinht Tel 1 'KXS 211 DRESSftlAKINO. Hates , IHc a word llrst Insertion Ic a word there after. Nothing taken for lum than 35i Mi s A M SIIKITS Tiuss lFKiT.'coNTi' neutal block , loom U batlsfactlon Riiaranteod M7li Ulo- SECOND-HAND TYPEWRITERS. BOYLKS A I1AII1I DKALKKS IN TVI'KWUmcTiiT All makes bouuht sold , exchanged , rented G13 N Y l.lfabldtl 'lol M M3U8 UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALMERS Hates , 100 a line each Inso-tlon ft 50 a line per month Nothlnu taken forlcss than ' 'ie sa ( jA- w.cobs , doceaspd , later with M O Maul ) , under taker and embalmcr JI5 S lull t tel lAb 144 SCALES TVTKW A SECOND HANI ) hCALKS ALL KINDS -i.i Addrets llorden A Selleck lo .Lake Bt , Lhlcaito MUSIC , ART AND LANGUAGES. Hates , lOo n line each luiertlon , II U ) a lliiopor month. Nothing taken for lfl s than Aio G F r. , .1811) California street 914 TIIK U1.AI.TYC MAUICKT. INSTRUMENTS placci\ \ on record May 4 , 161)3. . W UUHNTY , DEEnS William Povoko and wlfo to Oscar WlnWIer. lot 14 anil o & 0 feet of s 7 foot lot 13 , bldoU 2. Union 1'lnco. I 80C C I. btralKht und wlfo to C' J llurbur , lot 4 , block'J , I.uko's add . . B.50C D If Uloso niid wlfo to r b lloyd , lot 11 , block 15 , llaiisram 1'lacn . B.OOC J A Mc.shano and wife to J O , wtf lot 7 , block 10 , Omaha 8.00C UKKDS K 0 Taso ( special master ) to n K Thomas , wv ; lota , block 2 , Drexel'i subdlv . ? . 1,221 Total amount of transfers , . I 10,5'Jt I RENT g SALE New and tocond hand Denamorot , Rem IntttoDR. ( y'.illKrapln. HniltlH. VoiU , Hnm inonds Mnnaoni Write for orlocx nml gar monny. MKGKATH bTATlONEUY OO 1JOI Fnrniini street. Largesl Typew.iter House io the Slile. T-VON'T HKS1TATI3.ou l < no\v the * -f old saylnj ' , , "ho who liosltntos la lost. " It cortnlnly nppllos with great force , In some things. When you know you iiro rlpht , don't hosltiito to say it ; when you know wlint you want , don't hosltnlo to liMANi ; ) IT. When you pete to buy ubottloof C'AUTKIt'8 LlTI'MJLlV- KK I'll.LS , don't hesitate losny you want "G-A-IM'-H-U--S' don't hcsltoto to see tlutt you pot "C-A-U-'l'-IMJ--S , " nnd don't hoslttito to rottHo anythitiR ; offered - forod to you ns "snitio ns 'C-A-H- T-lMt--S' " or "justnsBood na 'C-A-U- T-lMl--S' " Thcro is nothiiiL' so peed ns "C'-A-ll-T-K-U--S " They never full. Don't lu'sititto to t-ay so when itnitntiona nnd frittids itro ollorcd to you. Don't hosilutn to doniund the ponuino C'AK- Tint's LiTi'hK Ltvint I'l'ii.s. A I'osrrn'HcuuK FOUSIUIC HIAO. : ACHK Small Pill SiniUl Dose Small I'rlco Will Vote A3 usual at the next school election but for many candidates. They give a unanimous vote every day m the week in favor of because they know it has no equal as a labor and temper saver on wash-day. The "White Russian" is a great soap to use in hard or alkali water. Does not roughen or injure the hands is per fectly safe to use on the finest fabrics. JAS. S. KIRK & CO. . Chicago. Dnsky Diamond Tar Soap. und the Ninoolh. HUln Baft I'l ( HlllHIlt Of S > I- " " ' VI , AM ) MKI.IfM. IIISI'I NsAUV. ( ( oimiili.itlnn I n-i-.l Is uiiHiirp issed lii the treat ment of all Chronic , Prlvixto nml Norvoits Dlsonscs. \Vrll < > to cir < oiKiilt pi ) mil lllr , nciVTMIM' : itv MAIL. Uldress wltli ntuuip for par- tlcnlurs nhlth will bo sunt In plain niTolopt ) . 1 > 0 llor liil OIHcullSS lilh-it , Uuinhii Nub. "Improvement the Order of the Age , " HA. VEX VEXYOU YOU YOUSELE1N SELE1N THE NEW SMITH If you have not , call at tlio Smith Pre mier Typewriter Co.'b olllco , or aona for circulars. As usual , wo have TIIK BEST. The Smith PfemiefTypev/fiter / Co Cor. 17tli and Farnam Sts. , OMAHA , NEB. E , H. MAYHEW , Manager. BUREAU. SUES & CO..Solicitors. Boo Building. Omaha , Neb { years nxnmliiorsU. S. I'at Uluaa. Al/l03 lr > AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA Special Council Session to Consider Applica tions for Liceuso. OCCUPATION TAX SAID TO BE UNJUST Muny Snlnoii lri-prr I'mtrit , lint limy Will lie Compelled to I'ay It Now t'oliiin- Hull rriisinct | < i Miilo | I'lljNotos. . A special session of the i-lty council was hold last nU'ht to tnko notion on the applica tions so far made l y the n tloon iiieu for saloon license * Snino of the B.tloou moil ha\e cntcietl strong ptotests against i > a > ini' the flX ( ) oi'cup.ition lnwhloh they aio now coinpollcd to do by ordln.tiu'o The council U poslthe , liowo\or , in the citfotvonient cf this local law , anil the city clctlc has liccn Instructed not to Issue any llccnso until the ooeupttlou tax has boon paid. At the last regular meetiiiK of the council Member Con- ende.uoted to lia\o the occupation or dinances repealed , but the resolution failed toiecohothoneiessar.v suppoit ' 1 he licenses passed Uion | last niuht weio as follows Till ? ! li < ' \ \ , THentv-sinenlli and l.stieots' lolin Mi'Keon. l' iMil- l\ih nnd o stiei'ts ' , Unt \ \ niilem inI'J4 ! N slieel. .lulni N HiiiKe , ThltO-thlrd and I'sinds , | | IMIIMies , ill I T\M nU-fiiiiltli sliii'l , Ailtfllit It Id-mi 410 I'ttenlfnni Hi nilcct ; 1'it liiiiHliiliiun , Q stiirl , liel\\ien Twcntj-fimith und f ent > - llflh Ktirvts , Henry Mirlln , Hiilii N stivcl , Hull X ( > illnn'J5J7 .N.Ircct. . .lulin Diin lii ity , loii I'wi lit\-fmuth slii'tl. I. O CiiniH' ! , .1.121 Oslieel.elshti MeDon mull , 'JIJ1 N stieel , I .1 I'lanU , 'JO UnuMi sitiot , Henix Kolli , JrilU N mieel ! I. liooU , ir ! > 01 N siieel : A. Iliinli. 'UJ r eiitj-riiiitth stieet ; V I'UonUn , 'J'hls makes fort\-t\\o licenses In all have been granted up to tlatu So far but few lemonstrances lw\e been tiled \\lth the committee Last year them were seventj- out1 saloons and the number Is not . bo less this > ear The other Hi discs have not been tftauted because the necessary amount did not accompinj the application Chief of Police HecUott uas mitt noted to lu\o the buildings on the publlu highway a It Carts Colds. Coughs Sore Throat , Croup , Influ enza , Whooping Cough , Bronchitis and Asthma. A csrtain euro for Consumption in first stages , and a sure relief in advanced stages. Use at once. You will seethe excellent effect after takins ; the first dose. Sold by dealer ! everywhere. Larfi bottles 60 cent * and Sl.OO. Are these Ignoraat prot3til3rs who withoutany qualiflcationa , any ability , nny exporioncn , nny skill , claim to possess tlio power to euro all the ills of ho human rac3. But t\iiit want o worth soon becomes apparent to their would-bo dupes , nnd those conscionco- lessquacks nro sooa consiijna I to the oblivion they so richly merit. In stranja anJ stroi ? co.T.tri3t'vit'a these miserable boasters is the quiet , digniiiod yet courteous demeanor of hose noted leaders of their profession Who , during the past 27 years , hav abundantly demonstrated their ability to effect speedy , perfect and permanent cures in nil the wornt forms of these delicate - icato sexual maladies embraced within the general terras of NERVOUS , GHRONiO AND PRIVATE DISEASES , Bond 4 cents for their illustrated naw book of 120 pages , "Know Thyself. " Consultation froo. Call upon or address - dross , with stamp , Drs , Beits & Bells , 119 S , I4tii Street , Cor. Douglas St' , OMAHA , - NEB. The Keystone Watch Case Co. of Philadelphia , the largest watch case manufactur ing concern in the world , is now putting upon the Jas. Uoss Filled and other cases made by it , a how ( ring ) which cannot be twisted or pulled off the watch. It is a sure protection against the pickpocket and the many accidents that befall watches fitted with the old style bow , which is simply held in by friction and can be twisted off with the fingers. It is called the and CAN ONLY UE HAD with cases bearing their trade mirk tSold only through watch dealers , without extra charge. Ask any jeweler for pamphlet , or send to the Twenu thlnl nml M atroot removed. Tlio building * nrooniiiHl \ > \ , Clmtli Hiimuo. The meeting ndjuiirmvl until next Monday night. Wllli tlio roller. Chief of 1'olleo lleokutt je ierdny opened bliN Immk'il in amoralclothlmj merchants on furnltlilnu the new uniforms for the i > > Ili-o force llarnott Urns , did being eon slder.ibh loner th.m anof tlio otlieu the Hulls \\lll bo iwri li iieil fn > m them "It onl.\ took two classes of boikbeor to kmu'k mt'oiit JmlRo , " sild .Uihu U'ts as ho stood trembling in his UxUs bofoio his honor in the police uinrt jestonlnj Lots Is . tin IMII tinker , with lone hair. ri\ts > clothes nnd a dht.v rii'i > JIo.isallnued to push on with a toprinund Ole Oleson.tsItMs fortun.ito and \\.is .tssctsed fii V ) Klvo tramps \\i > n > il\vn some wholesome mlxico and good luv.tUfimt and left Iho clli fuel Ing \en mueli vcftvshed o\er their lendur fu oat the station house Will llnllil u .NtM. Illill , Thorow.tsa goodattend.tnroat the moot Ing of theColnmhl in Hall .tssoct.ttlon In Th 'mas "VNellPs real est itoolllce Prlctison lies for the proposed now building \\eio Iseussed , but no dennlto itetlonastakcn \nother mooting will bo held at the same laeu Uinlgltt uhen n lot or lots \\ill 10 ( hosen and houchi The Inn will hen begin work on the nmstnu tlon of PIIK f the llnest and must eostlj struetmes in South Omaha I It } Notes , Airs A Schmtdt left \ostorda\ for Mis J U. Krton Is homo from a Msit to Ohio Mrs .losio Rumor is visiting her d.tugitU r it HeatfUo Mr and Mis II I leyman nroisltmsj in JiiHuoUl , la Miss Anna 1 ! Mason of Ulair \Nitmg t lends in the city. Mrs / . I ) Haxensof Atlantio , la , is visit- tig Miss Alice Havens W U Skinner of tlio stock jards company eaves for the east todaj Mis 1'rank Woppnor loft iestetdaj for Wlelutn , ICan , on a Ustt. The festival chorus class meets wltli Mrs A Ciessi this e\ oiling Thomas ( iearv will build a $ ( JH ) cottage at L'wontjsixth and L'stteots Mrs M llobb startoilostonlay for aislt \\ttli friends in Springfield. Ill Horn to Mr and Mis John Michel , a son , and to Mr and Mrs T Uofloy.agirl Cius Ivropman almost severed his left thumb while at wotk at Hammond s jestor- lay J W Sh.imblln has jono to Morovla , In , uid rumor has it that ho will not totutn tlone Misses Ida Moulson , .Maud Charon and Mis D llolT of Oaltlaml , la. , are \islting Miss M > r\ Mann Lnteiptise lodge No. 711 , Knights of \\lhias will gi\o a May festival and ball no\l'lm.sdn > night Scveial mombots of the South Omaha C'hoial nnion attended tlio Apollo club eon cei ' . in Omali t in a b idj last night Another loin : dlstanco telephone was wrought to South Omaha \ i'stenlaIt will be placed in the tXilmngo building Mis Io\l niomlleld , an old colored l.tdj , hod at her homo at Twent\ fourth and Ittown streets jesterday , leading six small child nil l.e\i Piiiii om Is in jail , ehaigcd with stealing - ing a lot or cutlerj from H G Nicholson. who ll\es lu the allo near Twcnti sixth and O .streets Councilman Wood is ono of the delegates to the national coiuonUon of the Onlerof lt.iilu.-u Toiegraphoti , which moots in 'J'oionto this month fiarbigemasterSnlvely is the man who has the dog tax business in ehiirgo and in a few dins hepioposos logo foith among the canines loaded for bear. A case of diphtheria was reported to the polieo jestotdav The victim is n man named lljers , who lives at the Harpy county line Just cast of the Hotk Island traclr Fuo Chief Smith today received the annual report of the National Association of Tire Kngineers The book contains a svnopsis of all important matteis discussed at th" last meeting , as well as naif-tone cuts of all the ofikus of the national association The hoavi rain jesteulay moinlng caused quito a stieam ( if water to run Into the b iso- incut of Mr 1'Uonka's olllco on N street. Thisallciis now being excavated by ttio citi forpavintr ami it is said the Uly will have to reimbuiso Mr. Pivonka for the damage done Hnsy people have no time , and sensible people have no inclination to tiso pills that make them sick a day for o\ery dose thov take Thovbavo learned that tno use o'f Do Witt's Little Karli Ulsois does not in- terfeio with their health by causing nnusea pain orgiiping Tlusolittlo pills arn per , fett in action nnd resulto , rcgiilatlnf the stomach and bowels so that headaches , di/- ziness and lassitudu ate pievuntoit They elo tnso the blood , elc ir the complexion and ono up the systoni Ljts of hjalth In t hose title lellows FOR FIVJ3-OH-NT TARE. ICfToit to Cciinpiil ( hii Krlclxo Company to ItiKliu n ' 1 heir Cli iri ; < . A Joint mooting of committees from the cities of Omaha and Council muffs will beheld held at Major liemis' oillco at 2 o'clock this afternoon , the object bolng to evolve n plan whoiooy the Omaha and Council Illull.i Street Hallway com ] ) tnj will be compelled to accede to the grow ing demand for a 5 cent faro between tno two cities. The committee is composed of Mayor Bemls , City Attorney Council , Councllmen Ulsasser , Wheeler and How ell of this city and Aldermen Smith , Jennings und White of Comic illJlufls. Councilman Saundprs , who has looked Into this matter pretty thoioughly , s\js that the compauj is occnpi ing the streets of Omali.i without being \este.l with any such lights. This opinion ho bases upon the fact tint the Hacks now used by the compuu are the piupcity of the Omaha Motor Uiilwitj com panwhiih was gtum a franchise July 1,1 , 1W , at a special election held for that pur pose The limitations antl conditions of the ftanchlso aru well delined , and the following paragtaph is the ono that Mr Sauudors belio\es mukos trespassers of the bridge company : No assignment or transfer of any of tlio lUhls or prh UCKOH gianttxl by this ordliinncn shall test in tint asslumo nr tiansferne of said conip my any ilglitsiir prlvllo es thn niiil- , unless the s nno bo m ul with the : iipiovnl | nnd consent of the mijor ; and count il The pioMslous of this paragraph WPIO ne\er complied with so far as the securing the consent of the council Is concerned I'lio Omaha Motor compaiu lias gi-cn to the bridge company the light to use thnlnuks as it now docs , but as tlio nui.uir and cnumil have never given such permission the ocon- pamj of Iho stieets bv that company is illegal , and tlio city authorities can nt any time thej feel so inclined prevent It This is the view Mr Saumtcrb entertains of the niattoi Supciliitniiiliinl I'm Trin. Mr Harry OverbecK , who has boon foreman - man of construction on the new federal building for more than a j ear , lias been ap pointed supei IntPiidingarchltect temporality. Ho lias made out the estimate on tlio llrst contract for the basumcnt as the work Is completed. The tonlractor , Mr IClng , will , themfore , soon draw his last estimate on tlio work of putting in the basement and will wait for the losoi vo putcontago uiltil such time as the government scoa lit top py it. Swlnilloil by n hlirmvil I KANSAS ClTV , Mo , May I Hy means of raising small certified cheeks to largo amounts a clover forger has swindled thrco lotal banks out or MCX , ( ) . The victims are the Metropolitan National bank , the Citi zens National uank and the Midland Na tional bank The forger ga\o his name ns Ctoorgo IJ Norton , but his identity U not known ana no trace of him has been discov ered llumn Ililllln ? , NOHTII GAMKSTOX , 1'ox , April 1 All over tlio city handsome , commodious residences are bolng elected , and not half fust enough to keep pace with the constantly Increasing demand ' 1 ho substantial nnturo of structures is an ovlili'uco of North ( lalveston's pnrma- IICIHJ Now blood Is bulngionstantly poured into its M'liiB gl\lng fieah life and energy to Iho nuiiiatrul city ,