DTHE OMAHA DAILY BKEj FRLDAY. MAY 5 , 1893. 3 Ml ? BLUFF ! EWS FROM COUNCIL [ khtmo to Move the Olmutatiqun Amph theater to n Better Location. I.UJCH . INTEREST TAKEN IN THE PROJEC Bwhrro I ho I'mjiofiril Nr\r UrnmxU Ai Kltimti l-Tliu Public ( Iniicnilly IIIK t AmUt In the Motcmnnt - I'lnim for tinI'dturr , A move is IKinif made quietly by ccrtal lwcalth.mni. . of Council BlulTs whleh ; will I rnll probability result in tlio Cliatitauet | | anii1ilthoat | < 'r boitig moved from Its preset [ Bite , three mili'3 cast of tlio city , to a spc I Just southeast of Fairmount park. Tin j sueh a project was being talked of wi [ slated \ty \ Tin : Uii : si-voral weeKs aico , but ! that time thini > was notlilr.i { much but tall [ In tlio last few w ) > ps tlio srliiirno has tie I vanccel far eunuch to praetlcally Insure a tassombh for the summnr of Ib'JI. m a loc ; J tlon wlicri tl/c pi'ople of Council Hluffs an 1 Omaha ran patronize U without heilug HU jre'tcel t" inroiurtili'nro of a long , expoi [ sive ami iiiuilil' , or dust.v ride. Thr rii"inil talUi-d of Is very oloso to tl 1 jiarlt anvl cnflnsito ( Iraham avenue as to I casil.\ ( i.-i'i'ssiiile- It Is near thei propose | cxtriiH.i.n of HIP motor line tlireniKh Fat menini | iin- | { and only about a inilo tiiul a ha 1 nf I'xti'iioinn would be iiecrssary to Join tl twei cinls of the- motor Hues and allow passri pers to reach the ground uitlieir from tli J ewer Main street dejiom or from Sout First stri'pt It is also closeto Maelisi : street .so tliat country patrons could drn into the grounds by having a reiiil inaii tlin < < igli theieloiniiiL' | property for the di taiie'e1 of a few hundred fe-ct. In every wii it Is far superior to theprrsunt location , an there 11 not the shadow of a doubt that the plan as now filUcd of , Is carried to con pletiiin 'lie ( hnntUKiii : | : nssembl. will bo Biire tiling nnd Council HlulTs will have ot of the linist convention halls in the west. The plan is to move the amphitheater I se'ctlons Kxpericnced extractors have bet llgu'lng on the cost of tlio work , rind the are unaiiiinnus In sajiiiR that tin ; sehumo ( ntirul.N practicable. It Is backed by son of the wi-althieit citi/.cns of Cemncil Hluff and will reee-lve the hearty co-oieratlon ] i the public. _ Tim ( inline Hold , Council HlulTH. Most olegvnt : hotel 1 lowu. Dining room on bcventh ilooi Hate * , $3 to $5 per eluy. li. F. Clurl Prop. _ Protect your homes against ( le-sti'in live Htorms.V. . C. .hiiuu.s hits 111 in the world. Bai'giiiiiH in fine tetoth brushes an ( Mlogne. whole."iile price , only I0e JtivlH , the elruggiht , 200 Broadway. TIN : CO.MIMNV. CltlzciiH Miiy Do n Little ( iloiillnj , ' < ) v < luil i ; Di-ciniT's Di-flHlon. Judge Ilecmer handun down a decision yc : tcrday In the district court in the two cusi when in Hpeucer Sirith is plaintllT and tli motor company defendant. Smith , it Is n iiicmlicrcd. bought up claims from the tn : ( layers formoiiej paid In hi thoshaioof ) taxe to assist the motor company in putting in il plant , and is now tr.\ing to recover from tli company about $40,000 of the . .V..OOO whic was so paid in , on the ground that the moti company forfeited Us right to the uioric when it assigned its charter to a Ncbrask corporation and failed to do auj of the wor which was the main condition on which tli bonus was voted. The company Hied an answer , in which : alleged that the tax could not bo recollcctci beeausp It had been paid without any pn test , anil the citizens thus lost the right t bcirin action. The motor e'ompany's atto noys also claimed that the ) suit could not 1. prosecuted by the citizens , hut should 1 Drought by the city eir the county , to whoi they had paid the tax , and that if the cit wins had any right of action whatever it di not He ; against the company , but against th city or tlio county. The third stutcmcr upon which the doleudiiut tried to hnvo th case knocknl out of court was that th claims had outlawed , more than live yoai having elapsed ( .luce the mouev was pal ever. 'iho plaintiff demurred to these claim : rtnel the questions iiivolvcel were argued n Bomo length Yesterday JudgeDeeruer rei dcred his decision. In it he 'held that tli claims of the motor company were not we founded , that the citizens had a right t bring suit for money which had been paid I for taxes If the ono for whom the taxes ha been paid had not lived up to the condition on which ho was to receive it. nnd ho hel also that the claims wore not barred by tli statute eif limitations. Ihe decision , whil it does not dispose of all the eiuestlons Ii volvcd in the case by any means , Is re > garde as a signal victory against the company i the fight that Is now going on between th company and those who believe it should li e'ompelled to reilue'o its passenger rates be twcen Council IJluffs and Omaha. Kvory staple article and novelty in tli ehinii line at Lund Bros. New patter wire frames for tissue lamp shades. Feufirstclass rooms in Chieiige ) fei "World's fait1 eall em Ohie ) Knox. I'lclied it dull llouir. For the past two weeks a committee a ) pointed by the Cianymeilo Wheel club ha been look ing over the city trying to rind suitable club house. Yesterday afternoo the y succeeded in ilnding what they wantei and a contract was signed by which Iho clu Will talto immediate possession. The wcs \lelo of the "Anunx" to the Ciranel hotel wi ! u > the headquarters , and arraiiuemeuts at to bo mailo at once for furnishing tlio room in a suitable manner. The club starts en : with 11 membership of about sixty , ami1 wl have a club house ) that is in every wa worthy the name. A "smoker" is to bo plven tomorrow ovei ing by the Omaha Wheel club in honor e the CJauj incde boj s. Free treatments daily from 2 to1 i in. nt the Council Bluils Medical an Surgical institute , iliith and IJroadwnj Coal and wexxi ; best and cheapen Missouri hard wood in the e-ity ; iiromii delivery. 11. A. Cox , No.I Main. \ \ 111 liny a Lot. A meeting of the Second Prosbyteria church niiil congregation was belli Wednei day night , at which the plan of bulluing new church edillco was talked up. Th present editlco has proved to be le > o sum for the needs of the growing unranluitioi nnd it is thought to ho locati'd too much si ono side of the ilihtrlct from which us men bers are drawn. It was aiTordingiy decide that a now lot should be purchased and now building erected. Three lots are talke of , but which of the three will bo taken I yet a matter uf uncertainty. Duo of them 1 on Kust IMereo street , mm on Washingto avenue and the third on Hroadway. ' See the peerless Iauntle > s bicycle nnd get terms. Henry Murphy. 10 Pear Gco. S. Davis , prcfcriptum druggist. A , II. Porigo \ Co. . Ml Pearl st Columbia and other high grade bicycle : Nnlirp. All members of Council Illiiffs lodge Xe 40 and Hawkeye No. Ih4 are requested t nieet-atthoOilil Fullnus hall Friday , May i 12',1U ) p , in , , to escort the remains of our hit brother , J A. Do Vol of ( iooilrich lougo Ni 144 , Omaha. All visiting brothers are 11 vited to attend , lly order of noble u'rariil John Limit and F Kapp. Cewk your meals this Minimor on n gu range. At cost at Hie ( ins company. Another \ \ lirvl Cluli. Tlio "Light Hrlf-'ailo" is the name odopto by u newly orgiinUcd wheel clube-omposeHl t n seit of youngsters of a smaller sizes tint those wtio belong to the C.iin.vmeeio. Th linkers ureas follow i ; President , Uertli Smith t vice president , Karl Hoist ! seen tary , Iilil Carothcrsi treasurer , Nplllo Well HIT. captain , Henry Hoist. The other men bers are : Flora Juelson , Ij\ura Weavci Mary Weaver , Dori : 1 lines. May Walte Delia Dlcrs. Nellie Haworth , Marlon Ilentot Kolln JiKlson , Perry Heel , Krnest Hlcknmt Oeorgo Dmnicttp , Archie Klrby , Clyel James , Hay Ha/cn , Gconso Haworth. ludgn Dlcrs. Itnllr IriilnV ( nnili'il Knrc. O. K. Mp.vers of the Meiers Furnitut company , rclurne-d ypsterday from a bui Incss trip to ( Jhailron. Neb. , where he stl retains largo business interests. He wt located there for a number of year : and was very popular among the Ii dlans. During the Kloux war two years ap he was the only whlto man whJ coul go where ho nk'ascd In the India county without being obliged to pay to with bis seulp. For several months he ha the solo contract to furnish ghost shirts t the redskhn , and still docs a thriving bus ness when lie goes out there ; selling them I tourists. Daring his last visit one of tl Hloux chiefs walked forty miles to make till a present of the original war head dre ; worn by liig Foot at the battle e Wounded Knee. It is n rcvil live head drcs and Mr. Meiers Is anxious to rlnel somchoel who can appreciate its historic value will out ruthlessly breaking up the numeroi happy families that are supposed to run their abiding places In its numerous gai ! colored folds. Slop at tlui Ogden. Council BlulTs , th lesl $2.00 houto In Iowa. Deiinoxtii * soup outlasts cheap soap. .Minor 'Mention. N. Y. Plumbing Cc. Hostou Store. Natchaug silks. Mlltouberger is the butter , 602 Uroadwa ; Pea'rl of Savoy" is to be given tonight I the Payton company. Tomorrow afternoon "Little Marchioness will be given by the I'aytou company. "Sport" Miller , after on absence of seven . \ears from the city , has returned home. Kcv. W. F. ( Sriy. who has been appoititei a missionary to China , will preach no Sunday evening at the Uerean liaptii oliurch. Unity guild will treet iu regular session i " : 'M this afternoon at the homo of Mr Harris , on 1'lereo street , for election i olllcers. At fie Payton matinee Saturday a fT > go ! pleeo will bo given the school child wli hands in the largest list of words made fro : the letters of the name Corse P.i.\ton. The following new cases of measles wor reported yesterday : Corn Childs , fil'.i So1 cnth avenue ; Kdith Sherraden , tWO Willo avenue ; Nellie Brock , 1601 Seventh uvenui A i-ommittee of the base ball enthusiast of Omaha have been in consultation wit parties owning land In the western part e the ) city with references to securing n has ball ground there for use during the comin ball season. L. A. Casper Is putting out a lot of tree ami ornamental .shrubbery in Fiilrmour park , as the commissioners directed at the last meeting. About $100 Is to be spent i this way and a great Improvement will t made in the appearance of the park. The following olllcers have been elected b the Kpworth league of the Hroadway Motln ellst church : President. Cicorgo K. Mi Million ; vice presidents , Mrs AllieHallinirei Miss Itattie Slead and Miss Kllti Luring secretary , Louis Orcutt ; treasurer , Chark Tulleys. The youngest traveler that over passe through Council Hlult's on its own hook wa in the city yesterday , the guest of tli Adams Express company. It was a Jerse calf , II months old , and had come all the wa from Rochester , N. V. , on its way to Te eumseh , Neb. Mrs. Martha Dewey dieel at 7 o'cloc Wednesday evening at her homo in Ncoh aged 82 years. She had been a resident e Pottawattamie county for more than fort years. She loaves seven children. Th funeral will take place tomorrow afternoo at 1 o'clock from tlio residence. Tlio case of the Uuiteel States I'liblishin ] company of Chicago against Alfred ICgholn C. A. Heebeo and Frank Levin is on tvlt in the district court. The plaintiff allege that Levin anil Heebeo signed guarantee for Kgholm , who acted as agent for th United States Publishing company , and thn by these guarantees they will have to pa something like $2)00. ; ) The defendant deny over having slpw-i the papers. A concert will be given this evening at th Masonic temple under Iho auspices of th Christian church. A line program will b presented , the following well known rnus clans being engaged for the occasion Sopranos , Mrs. W. W. Sherman and Mrs. J M. Treyuor ; alto , Mrs. Olive Smith , a niec of P. P. Hliss ; tenors , I. M. Troyuor and li M. Hlrdsall ; basses , .lulcs Lumbard and I : P. Windsor ; Mrs. H. H. Frary , pianist ; W L. Thlckstun. accompanist ; Miss France Tomlinson will also give a number c readings. Hen Long and Kd Anderson , who keep a Upper Hroadway resort , were to have had trial before Justice Fox yesterday niornin on the charge of keeping a gambling house but L. Martin , who claimed to have lost 'J in their place and was the prosecuting wil ness , had been run elf the scene of action bi forehand. The defendants were all prepare to file au inlorinatioii against him chargln him with the same offense that stood agains them. Ho saw that the hair they had hoi of was rather short , and decided to save bin self the Inconvenience ) of examining Counc ! Bluffs scenery through a set of iron bars and skipped , lloth the criminal charge against Long and Anderson were dismissei as was also the civil action that Martin eon menced to collect the money Unit he clalme to have lost. Ten Days at tin ) World's 1'nlr. It will cost yem less than $ . " > 0.00 , overj thing necessary included. This mean homes in private cottage , clean , safe clohc to ground ! ) and on the beach ei Luke Michigan. Write to J. T. Chyne. woth , Windsor Park , 111. Refers te > II W. Tiltem of TUB HKK. or Jacob Sim of Sims & Bainbriogo , Council Bluffs. Another improvement to the populu Schubert piano. Swansou Musiei Co Ask your grocer for Domestic soap. I'rrvonul I'll r.i trip In. Miss Carolyn , daughter of Uev. and Mrs S. Alexander , is seriously ill. W. C. Hrowu of St. Joseph , Mo. , of th Kansas City road , was in tlio city yesterdaj Hov. John Askin , D. L ) . , went to Neol Wednesday to onleiato at the Wutts-Uilli wedding. Mrs. Charles Swan returned yesterda from the east , where she has been visitin Mrs. Sprague On her return homo she wa accompanied by her daughter. Miss Isabnllc and Mrs. Sprague , who will remain iu Com : cil Hlutfs for some time. H. L. Kendall of Missouri Valley was i , the city yesterday , the guest of J. H. Dries bach. Mr. Kendall is a member of the Sou of Veterans of that place , and was instrt mental in having round ! Hlufl's picked ou us the place of holding the state eneauii ment. Ho says the ledge at Missouri Valle , is very anxious that the necessary arrange nients bo made to keep the encuinpnien hero. Mine. Ilelon Merrill , huh-dressing am manicuring. Room 1112 , Merriam block Williamson & Co. . 10i ( Main street largest and best bleyelo htock in city. Mnrrliign l.l 'i liir . The following marriage licenses were is sued yesterday : Nuino ntnl ueldri'cs. AU-I I llpury Holmes , Omaha f , I : Martini S. Jordan , Umaha 3 j YVIIllum Wlllett , C'ouni-ll Illulfs 'J I Itfllu.Mowciy , t'ouncll lllutl'H i i LucasOviirmi'yer , Countll IllulTh 'J t K\a Van Wormi-r. Council jtlult's 'j A now invoice ( > 1 Hngllsh turban ; latest and stylish , nt tlio Louis. AlltMi-ltou imin. Woodward V. Allen of Omaha ami Mis Helen liowman of Council Bluffs were mtu rleul at the Congregational parsonage In Lli coin , iNeb. . lust Wednesday. Hoth the vouu people are well Known in the social circles e Council Hluffs and Omaha. Use Domestic soap. It is the best Domestic eowj ) best lor hard wutcr. HAD A VERY OUIET SESSIO ! City Council QcU a Grist of Routine Bus cess Off Its Hands. WANTED TO TABLE STICKLER'S BON Si.-tht | .Mullen 11 .Minion to thill KITrct , In I'nlln tu I'lnil ii SiTunil ri tiiB Ailjimtoil lloiitlnc Ono of the first papers presented nt tli council meeting lust iilRlH was tlio oflli-li bond of V. O. Strickler , tlio new member ( the Hoard of Fire nnd Police Cominlssloner ; In the sum of tf.OOO with O. II. 1'aytio , 1 H. Ilibbnnl , AlUin Hoot nnd .lohn K Hell as sureties. The presentation of the bon aroused Mr. Spotlit , who declared that was an Insult to the taxpayers of the city I have ti man ltl < o Strlcltler placed in sueh a Important olllee , and IIP moved that tlie bon bo laid on the tablu. The motion was will drawn , however , and the bond referred t the committee on judiciary. It was supposed tlmt the paving specific ! MOMS agreed upon by the council and tli Hoard of Public Works several weeks ap would stand without change , but therewas , hitch reported to tlio council. The confe : enco agreed upon a flru-lneli concrete has and two Inches Of asphalt for rcpavln streets In live different districts. The ei glnecr niftue a mistake , and In the plat ; on tile. In the Hoard of Public Wort ottlen placed the amount of base at six an one-half Inches Instead of live liuhes. Tli Ixmrd refused to allow the engineer to co rect the error and the asphalt men appealc to the council. A resolution Introduced li Mr. Wheeler was adopted Instructing th Hoard of Public Works to allow thtonglncc to correct his error and to have the plans I the ofllcc of the Hoard of Public Works coi reeled to correspond \\lth the specification adopted by the joint committee of the counc and the board. The city hall will have a Hag pole locate in the vicinity of the Goddess of Libert over tlio main entrance. Paxton it Vlcrlln will do the necessary work at an expense e flW. The original contract was for JiV but was canceled , as the committee cot sldered the original provisions for a ila tower as unsafe and tmicicsslblo. The city treasurer was instructed , on Mi Wheeler's resolution , to have the tax list n vised and to add to it any property In th city that had been omitted by the ascssor : and to report the revised list to the counc on May I'J. The city treasurer was allowed an add tional clerk at an expense of $7. > per niunt to assist in the collection of district spcclii taxes. The request of the stationary engineer that all engineers of heating plants shoul be required to take out a license was r < ferrcd to the committee on judiciary. Protests against the paving of Castella street from Tenth to Thirteenth and c Eighteenth from Leavenworth to Pierc were referred to the committee on pavii guttering and curbing. Judge Herka was given authority to plac his house upon Fourteenth street while cei tain repairs are being made. Taxes on Odd Fellows hall for 1880. 18S and ISMI. amounting to JllK'i.JJl ) , were ordere cancelled. Resolutions of sympathy for Oouncilma Klsas.- . who was recently stricken wit paralysis , were unanimously adopted. Mr. Jaicks. who had the contract forK \ \ \ Ing Seventeenth street and Kt. Mary' avenue , was ordered to complete his coi tract of pay the penalty. The ordlnancu regulating the L'iving o transfers was considered. The commute on viaducts and railways reported the sy ; tern of transfers as published in THE Huu o Wednesday as meeting the wants of the pec pie without the adoption of the ordinanc proposed , and recommended that the ordii : anco be placed on tile. Objections wcr raised by members of the council , and th ordinance was referred to a special committee too of live , consisting of Mel-earle , Wheelot Saunders , Steel and Huscall. The city attorney was instructed to pn pare an ordinance assigning the room no\ held by the superintendent of the city hal to the use of the chief of police and the pc lice alarm operators , and removing th superintendent to the rooms in the nortli west corner on the second floor of the build ing.The The committee on poles reported in favo of rejecting the action of the Hoard of Fir and Police Commissioners in designating th hack stands , tlio board's action being con sidered impracticable and unjust to had owners. The report was adopted. Ordinances were introduced iitithorUin ; the issuance of paving and sewer bonds ; in creasing the police court cleric to Jl"5 pe month ; ordering lights at a number of rail road crossings ; creating sewer district 180 changing the grade of Fifteenth street fror Grace street to south line of Pail dock Place ; extending Rurdotte stree from Kightqcnth to Nineteenth ; extending tending Eleventh street to Ix > cust street setting astdo part of Ilarnoy street , cast o Twenty-eighth street , for park purposes extending Twenty-eighth street tliroug ] Fairmount Place ; extending Phelps stree from Thirteenth to Fourteenth ; oxtemlini Twenty-llrst from Boulevard to Vinton ; extending tending C street from Albert to Thirteenth opening Ninth street from Bancroft t Spring ; changing grade of Indiana streo from Twenty-fourth street to Twcnty-fittl avenue ; ordering paving of Seventeen ! ] street from Farnam to alley north , am ordering paving of Seventeenth street froi : the Union Pa-'ille tracks to Leavcnwortl street. Ordinances were passed locating watc hydrants at Nineteenth and Hurt/J'hirtietl and Grant , Twelfth and Vinton , Marcy nni and and Chicago Thirty-tlrst at Twenty-fourth cage streets ; ordering paving of Davenpor street from Twenty-second to Twenty-fourtl streets ; ordering paving of Seventcer.tl street from alley north of Farnam to Dodg street ; ordering extension of water mains t Gibson school , requiring seven hydrants , am locating three- fire hydrants on Parker stree from Twenty-ninth to Thirty-third. ROOM FOR REFORM. Mr cl leu I rt quptto Klin tu Alnnc A I'a lli'iitB1 WMii-H Count for Nothing. Within the present week In Rostoi occurred an incident that in typical o the extreme to which professional eti riuotto may bo curried. A putiont la/ ill of a nitfintf fever , whose progress apparently , had not been prevented 01 mitigated by the remedies prescribed bj the doctor "in charge" of the case. Tlio doctor was not entirely satis factory to the patient afid was oven ells tasteful to the latter , but had beoi called in because he happened tobonout at hand. Tlio sick man proteste ( strongly against the continuance of tin seemingly useless treatment anil insiste ( that the family physician should bi called , in a hjiirit of courtesy the at tending physician was told of the facts and of the wish of the patient. Tin family doctor was called and was met bj the attending physician. Tlio two electors hud a private consul tntion , and us a result this attending physician announced that ho would "re main in charge , " despite the objection ! of the patient and the family , dospiti the knowledge tnut his every visit so ir ritated and exasperated the patient as ti increase the fever of the ho'.plets bu thoroughly indignant victim. The family then made an almost pit eons appeal to the family physician I visit the patient , whos = o condition wa biich as to occasion grave alarm and th most deitressing fears ; but the reply \va nuulo that no reputable physician i Massachusetts would so imperil hi standing under the rules which gover physicians us to attend a patient so Ion us the "attending physician" refuted hi consent. Huston Advertiser. JERSEY JUSTICE. A rum-aril Cauvitmer linn lilt Up * Hnriii- fur Trj line \tt linn Out * of tlui I.UIVH. .lohn H. Webb , a canvasser , tried t sell a clothes wringer to Mrs. Kmin Hesslngor of Jersey t'lty the other eltti Mrs. Hessingor didn't want the wrlngel "You will give mo a , kiss , thougl won't yon ? " naked \\Mbb , as ho nelvnneei toward Mrs. Hessingcr. "Yea , yon may hnvo u kiss. " rcplUv the woman , and picking up a hntr curie that she had n few minutes before plncei in the kitchen flro touwut , she put it t Webb's lips. Ho bcrcained with pal : and ran from the house. Mrs. Hessingor followed him to th street and , meeting a policeman , eausei his arrest. Webb's lips are bndl , scorched. * .John McCiMVrrt.r Illln ,11m Hooks ut SI l.mil * u Terr i lie Jolt. ST. Lot-is , Mo. . May 4. The track was ! good condition and the best time of th meeting lump up. Iminllda was the oul favorite to win for the talent. John MeCai forty worked one of his famous coups todaj He hacked Tom I lard Ing down frouitito 1 tote to 1 at the post. i He rode the horse himself nin landed Harding first past the post by a saf margin : 1'lrst race , slv furlongs : liumlld.i CJ to 1 won , Vashtl i4 to H second , lloeswlng ( IB to 1 third. Time : 1:10'4'- : Second race , four and a half furlongs : I/ad Cleme'ntlim < 5 to li won , Timothy (7 ( to I ) second end , I.aely Knsu i7 to 1) thlid. Time : 58. Thlid race , seven furlongs : Iloston Hey < to U won , Irene II (5 ( to li seconel , Hurt Joritoi (0 ( to 5) ) third. Time : 1:31. : Fourth race , il.v furlongs : .losle 0 (8 ( to 1 won , I'atlnn ili to ti-i-cemel , Mean Knoiuh ( H t 1) ) third. Time : 1I7 : > < . I'lftli race , selling , live furlongs : Tom Hard Ing ill to 1 1 won , Tim Murphy (0 ( to - > second Hal I'lsher < 30 to Dthliil. Time : 1:01 : "i. e.ooil Sport itt Niislivlllc. NAS-HVII.U : , Tenn. , May 4. Track at Cutr berlaml fast today : the sport llrst class an weather lino. Only one favorite won Mai Marian at the prohibitive odds of 1 to Ifi : I'ltst race , seven furlongs : Malil Maiinn ( to 151 won , riora ( ' toll second , Scottls lli-lli < ( 'JO to t > third. Time : 1:3(1" : ( , . Second race , seven furlongs : I.edranele ( to 1) ) won , .lacotiln i-l to liMvoml , Kciyal Flits CJ toll third. Time : 1'JH' : , . Thlid lace , Merchants handicap , 11,00 added , vnlue fl.HIO , one mlle : lord Willow brook id to 1) won , Uoyal I'ltish do to llscc mid , Tulhi lllackhutn ( even ) third. Thin I ! 1 ' i , I'liurth rare , half a mile : Clara llauor (12 ( t li won , Clmimettc ( H to 1 1 second , Uiichacl Me AllUterCJ'j ' to 1) third. TliI)3 ; . riftlpiaci' , s\ | fill longs : Huh ti I'uyiic (0 ( ti II won , Hob Speed second , ( iranny White (3 ( t li thlid. Time : 1:10. : I'l-ppiT stiUen Almost it Walk-Over. LnxisoToN. K.V. , May -The weathe was clear and cool , with the track a trill heavy. Five favorites won. In the stak race Lajoya frightened out all but two. I'Mrst race , U-year-oIds and up , thu'i'-foiirth mill' : Juilgi Hughes (4 ( to 1) ) uon , Woodsina ( II to 1 -ccond 1 , Mr I'harles (8 ( to 0) ) third. Time 1:20' : , . Second race , selling , live and a half furlongs yahatlon ( II to5l won , The Qut'i'ii (3 ( to 'Ji second end , Mary Alice Lawrence (40 ( to 1) ) thlid. N tlin'j Klven. Third nice , Pepper stakes , 2-ycar-old lilllt" value to winner JiHiO , four and u half fur longs : ha joyal ( to4i won , Oh No (4 ( to Dscc end , ( juern hike | 7 to 11) ) third. Time : GU1 , . I'oui'lh race , nurse , 2-yeiir ohls , four and luilf furlongs : Joiintu Miles (2 ( to 1) ) won ; I'a 120 to l i second , Maryland (7 to 10) thlid. Tlmii Vlfth race , soiling , five-eighths mile : Llew ollln (3 ( to 1) ) wmi , Parrot (3 ( to II second , Hun away ( to 1) ) thlid. Time : 1OH'J. : Titlrnt I'liiori'il ut.Olouci'titiT. Cii.oiTi'.sTr.u , N. .1. , May 4. The talent wa rudely thrown out today , only one favorit winning. 1'lrM race , four a.ud one-half furlonus ItllnK Illnnle (4 ( to li won , l.lltlu charlo 13 to ll second. I'ranUli. ' T ( H to 5) ) thin : Time : 1:02. : Second race , llvu furhings : John Mcurrlgl (3 ( to 1) ) won , Aitilli'ty ( H to G ) second , Magco ( toll thlid. Time : 1UM. : Third race , mile and'iiii olghth : I'ov Ornp (4 ( to 1) ) won , Vendetta ( HI to 1) ) second , Transl ( H to Gi thlid. Time : 2:13. I'ourth nice , six and'a fourth furlongs : Itlc (1O ( to ll won , HuLasarluslO to 1) ) second , I'okln (10 ( to 1) ) third. Tiniil:28's. : . 1'lfth race , live fin longs : U'ulm (3 ( to 1) ) won Uttlo Silver (4 ( to G ) vucond , TartarUG to 1 third. Tlnin ; 1:00' . Sixth race , six and a half furlongs : Mlnnl ClatU (1 ( to2i won. Uadlani i2 to 1) ) second Frank fj (0 ( to 1) ) third. Time : 1:3G. : OutroiiiK nt liiiwtliorne. HAWTIIOUNE , 111. , > Iay , 4. Hesults : First rucu , Ihe furiong * ! : l-'rolllgato won Kosebml second , I'tcadllly third. Time : 1:13 : ! ! Second racu , six furlongs : l'o.\hall won Uutli second , Sull Koss third. Time : l'J-l'i. : Third nice , one mile : Taruiiln won , Guncra Caldwcll second , ( 'raft third. Time : lG7'i. : Tourth race , six furliings : Sterling won I'list Lap sucoml , I'll IVoid third. Tlmu : l:20 : i l-'lfth race , five furlongs : Oriel won , I.cmoi lllossom second , Uray ( jooso third. Tlmu l:00i. : ! ItPSIlltR Itt r.ll71tll < > tll. NEW YOUK , May 4. The follo\ving are to da.Vs results at lilizabeth : First racu , flve-elKhlhs mile : Tormentor ( to 1) ) won by two lengths , Vounp Arlon ( G to 2 second , Whlti ) Hose i3 to G ) third. Hatter1 and Itolrro also ulso run. Time : 1 : ( )5H ) < Si-cond race , tlireu-fourtlis inllu : Uhatta nooga (1 ( to 4) ) won by live lengths , Mary S (4 ( ti li second , 1'errlor Jouct ( IGto 1) third. Time l:2i. : ( ) Third race , live-eighths mile : Astolut ( to&iwonhy three lengths , Kxplorer (20 ( to 1 second , Pirate t'hluf (0 ( to 1) ) third. Tlmo 1:09. : Fourth race , one mile : Undo Pain ( G to 1 won by tbrui * feiiKths , Madrid ( dtoG ) second Vlrglc IH to 1) ) thlid. Klrkover and hepanti also ran. Tlmo : 1:40 : , Fifth race , mlle nnd u furlong : SyUeston ( to 1) ) won , Count ( evum second , St. Dennis ( li toll third. Time : 2:04. : Sixth race , live-eighths mlle : AJux (8 ( ti G ) won , Madstono ( even ) second , hlz/lu ( G to 1 third. Time : l-.O.V , . l.iHt ; SI. J.uuU I'rofrilin. ST. l.oris. Mo. , May 4. Uesults at Eas St. Louis today : First race , live furlongs selling : Maud ; HrooUs won , General Hunting i second , Outrlgli" third. Time : 1U9. : Second race , live furlongs , spiling : hi'iidvllh won , Lilly hochlcl second , Kdun third. Time IsOHU. Third r co , four and a half furlongs , handi cap : I'loitnco S. IliinKs won , Starlight second Shanklu 1) ) third. Time : 1:1)0. : ) Fourth nice , four and a half furlongs , hand ! can : Kd ( iurtlnnd won , lioy Loclilel second Censor third. Tlmo : 1:00. : rifth nice , mile , handicap : O1T. Iliinl Work ut IIiMinliixa. WASHISOIOS , D. O. , Mav 4. The course was heavy at Uennings and the attemlanci was only fair : First nice , soiling , s\- furlongs : May Hire won , Hands Oil' second , Hustler third. Tlmu 1:07. : Second nice , llvu half furlongs : Naphthf won , Deception second , Hosu Washington third Time : l:14'i. : Third race , handicap , ono mlle : Lozan won Hess McDull' second , lllumu third. Tlmu ; l:47'i. : Fourth nice , llvo-ulghlhs mlle : Llttlo Mai won , St. 1'utiluk second , C'larrus thlid. Tlmu 1 :0fi. Fifth race , six furlongs : hlsutta won ' third. Time 1:1'J llchlemonlo second , 1'agan : : Sport mi tlio Count * SAN FHANCISCO , Cal. , May 4. Hesults : I'list nice , four and : t half furlongs : < 'annul won , Tllllu S. second , 'llulton third. Tlmo : G7i , . . ( Second race , six and n.Jmlf furlongs : Croen Hock won. L'luti mer second , Ortu third. Tlmu : 1:21-4. : " J Third race , ono rnllui Steadfast won , Hed C'loud hccond , Almonl tjlilid. Time : 1:4-1. : Fourth ruco , mle ( and one-sixteenth : I ! r < l Cloud won , Manilla st-eond , Wild Kobln tlilid. TimolGl' : : ' , . . Fifth rnco , six fuiUmgs : IiikiTinan won , llroncosocond , HuKiuiiiot third. Time : llVt. : sixth ruco , six furloili ; * : I.ady Green won , Sydney second , Vanity' third. I'miu : 1:10 : ; , . It U'us NoV Vrk lladgrt. Sr. I.ons. Mo. , May-l. It is now asserteil that Twilight , whoso victory at the fair grounds yesterday consummated out of the biirgest cotipii which ever canu otf in the WfBtj : and which ha : caused many sensational rumors , is not 1'oH Uadget or some otlor | ; "ringer" as was bo lioveil last night. Jiulge Hurke , I'residem Wells and Captain. Bcllaires instituted ai investigation , which1 dispels all rumor o fraud. The horse Twilight is a 5-year-old by Hotheration out of Legatee , and was bred by ( iovernor Odeu Howie. AN OMAHA MAN'S ' 1SVENTIOJ Oaptftin Reynolds Has a Sraoko Oonsume in Use nt Florence. IT IS CHEAP , SIMPLE AND EFFECTIV Itodticcn the Siitoko Numnnro to n Mlnlmuii n nil HIIVOD Ciiitl IH'ulilos Untlon ot u Stuck Company. Omaha Is the Mecca to which all of tin agents for smoke consumers are Journeying The ordinance recently passed requiring tin use of smoke consumers in certain classes o buildings has brought up the old question o the best means of abating the smoki nuisance and the number of men in tin Held with anpllanees warranted to eutlrel ; do away with the evil is something uiar velous. New fangled attachments have been mad to the boilers In many of the big buildings o the city , but as yet none of them have givci anything like satisfactory results. Ilu there is n patent smoke consumer nt work n Omaha , the Invention of an Omaha man which has stood the test for live years ii the largest plant In the city and has givei absolute satisfaction. This is the smok consuming steam boiler furnace in USD at th Florence plant of the Water Works compan ; and Is the invention of Captain Frank Key nolds , engineer of the plant. To begin with. Captain Ho.nolds' . paten is very different from any other contrlvunn in a very important respect. All other pat cuts lor this purpose have mow or less ma chinery , devices and gee-gaws that canno help getting out of order freepjontiv am easily. In the Reynolds patent , ordinary IIn brick is the only material used and the plan at Florence has been operated for live voar ; without a single dollar's worth of repairs ti this part of the boiler anatomy. I'lilll D | Citptitlti Iteynoldt * Intention. The plan for the plant and the theory o the patent are very simple. The boilc furnace , constructed of lire brick , comprise : the combustion chamber , the intermediati chamber and the furnace. The combustioi chamber Is provided with grate bars and i : in communication with the Hue , or inter mediate chamber. The walls of the chambci are built in two parts to tirovide an til : pocket comprising an Independent vcrtica flue on each side and a top horizontal llui which connects at the rear with two sidi Hues , descending In front by means of ; narrow vertical Hue leading inti the combustion chamber. The opening from the combustion chamber lnt < the intermediate chamber is oontractot to the size of the line sp.ieo. An arch of Jin nrick , connecting the intermediate cliambei with the furnace , is.really the part of tin patent that docs the work in Captain Hey nolds' consumer. This arch is perforated and the smoke from the combustion chain her is drawn through tlio contracted open ing and thrown against the arch. The hoi brick causes the gases in the smoke to ignite and the last chamber of the furnace is a per feet combustion chamber , the gases of tin smoke burning very brightly ana com pletely , the smoke particles arc practically consumed , the smoke passing off in vapor ; devoid of any floating particles. This much for a meager description of tin invention , which may bo of interest tothosi who are familiar enough with mechanics ti understand such a device from a dcscrip tion. Hut to the uninitiated the merit of the invention is best illustrated by a visit to the plant , where the effectiveness of the furnace may bo seen any day in the year. A reporter porter for Tun Hni : was a member of a partj of interested visitors who thoroughly exam ined the plant in working operation vester day afternoon. Kfloctlvonpss of tlin Device. The Water Works company uses the poor est slack coal that can bo purchased , and in the time of the visit eight ! i" > ( j-borso powei boilers were in use , burning at the rate o : sixty tons of coal a day , and the almost , col orlcss vapor that was leaving the immense smoke stack of the plant was not as large ii volume as that which arises from an ordi nary residence where a good , healthy cooli stove is consuming coal by the scuttlo. A little 50-horso power plant used in opera ting a small saw mill near the water work ; was pufllug out more smoke in an hour thai would pass the water works chimney in n day Three big engines pumping : ! 0K)0KK ( ) ( gallons of water daily were doing their worli with less show of smoke than the heatinp plant of an average three-story business block. In addition to doing away with the smoke the patent funueo , aecorJing to the es timate of Manager Hall of the Watei Works company , effects a saving of fulh one-third in the amount of fuel consumed The invention has been fully tested by the Water Works company , but it was only lasl November that It was patented. Omaln men have taken an interest in the matter and have formed a company to p'isli ' the in troduction of the invention. M. II. Colliii ! has been elected secretary of tlio company and an ofllco has been established nt 21 : South Fourteenth street. Tlio invention i > much cheaper than any of the other con sinners on tlio market , and , if adopted whei the boilers are lirst built , can bo put in at i : very reasonable liguro. sr/ir/f ititoini's i'iiu..i\TiiitoiT. Ho Proposes to I.rnil Diiilirollns to 1'oopli Too Poor to Hide. NK\V YOUK , May I. Hrlilgo .Tiunpoi Steve Hrodio , who acquired eniisidora' bio renown us a pliihinUirojiisi on tin Kust Side IttHt winter by { fivinjj awaj fifty barrels of Hour to iweir nei liborH , and later 1,000 loaves , suusu es and eii- of eoil'eo te > tlio liomolons vatmbondb ol the Bowery , will , if it rains 'tomorrow evening , iniiugurato a now schonio te : iniiko poverty bearable. lie lias pur chased 2(10 ( umbrellas , which bo will loan without charge to the working glrlw ntiel women who pass his salemn at 111 JJow- ery every evening , Kteirm or shine , un able te > niTortl cur faro. Brodie will dis tribute the umbrellas in person in front of his place. Haoli umbrella bears his name and the person whe > receives it in curs an obligation t. ) return it on the lirst fair day. Mr. Hrodio will eontinno to hand oiit his umbrellas on rainy days between ( ! and 7 o'clock in the evening until the entire steielc has been lost eir stolen. He has confidence in the honesty of the working people of New Vork , and has ordered geioel , substantial umbrella- ! , which will bo good for survico years to uomo. ruit.mir.t ii.n't.t i.uon TIMK. The Dnkii inJoyliiK : HuiMiilf No Much in CMilr.igo Hit Cannot Leave. CniCAdO , 111. , May 1. The duke of Veragua , who is enjoying the round * ol Chicago festivitie.s , continues to lie inun dated with invitations from beiciul eniar- topn in every eUrectiein. Ills stay in the' eity is inelelinite. It is his Intention t' ' BOO all that ia to bu seen of the Weu-lelV failHo will inspet every de partment of the exposition in n thorough and systematic manner. His visits te > the grounds will bo dejvold ol any ostentation. Ho will bo escorted daily through the different department ; ol ail in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. by his pxccllonoy , E. Dunuy do Lome , commander general of Spain for tliv World's fair , ll the wcnthot * proves fiworablo , his Initial visit as n sightseer will begin today. In speaking of his future movement ? , the duke said : " 1 nia enjoying myself HO much that I really do not know what to say. In fact , I have not yet given the nubjoot n thought , and I shall make no definite arrangement * to formulate any program for the pro.-iont. Tlio duchess' and her daughter are aNei having their rounds of gaiety and tire daily the recipients ei ( Invitations to luncheon and social enter- tainnienti. " M.nr.s Kt\ i.ii.mn I.CCK. Tliri'ittrnnl lijr llm 1'ronrli nnd Aft u hi ot llli Own Army. SAN'KiSANnsi'O , Cal. , May I. Advices from Singapore received lute last night by Hteamor throw light on cable-grams about. French aggression in Siain. It seems that the French claim the vallev of the Mirkong as belonging to the ces sion of territory made when thetie - - quired Tonqulii. Tills has been rcs'ibted by the king , but now ho is ill in his palaeo anil there are signs that the French will bo allowed to r-ol/.e what comprises fully one-quarter of Shun'- * territory. The king is placed in u worse positiem because of the robbery and burning of a French mission e-hureh. iilvmt sixty miles from Bangkok. This was the work of pirates , but the French have tiseel it us a lever to iMiforco their demands anel a Ft'oiu-h gtinb-iat was at once sent m > In Hangkok and anchored oil' llio I'eiiHuhtte. The Icing's foreign advisor is a Belgian , who does not nho\v any ability. The correspondent says the British u ill nut interfere with the French , as the Siamese ) have alienated them by opposing the development of rich territory. The voting SitiTnosu are organizing to resist tlio French , but the king is more afraid of his own army than of the foreigners , as a war wemld be utilized by tlie-m lor riot anel plunder , and their llrst act would bo to loeit the imperial palace , which is as rie-h in art treasures as the old summer nalaco at I'ckin. . o- They Will Ho uitli IVnry. rmiAi > i-u > uiA , 1'u. . MayI. I.At n meeting of the Geographical club yester day evening , the names e > f the members of the expedition who will go to Green land this summer with Lieutenant Peary were announceel. They are : Or. F. A. Cook , Kdward Asti-up , Matthew Ilensen , Lieutenant Peary's colored servant ; Samuel .1. F.ntrikon , at pre.sent a teacher in the manual school at Aiken. S. C. ; and Mr. Davlson , Lieutenant Peary's manager on his present lecture tour. The lirst three named were mem bers of Peary's former expedition. 9 Patriotic ( liter to Help. Teacher In this Columbus year 1 want everybody to try te ) de > something te ) show his patriotism. Can any eif yem think of any noble , self-sacrificing'act which would bo appropriate ? Bright Hov Ves'iu. I can. Teaehei That is encouraging. Well , U'illie , what would you do ? Bright Heiy Please , ma'am , I'll lick the Columbus stamp- * for you. UNPRECEDENTED SUCCESS. With the unprecedented success of Johann Hoff's Malt Extract , it was naturally to be expected that imitations would soon follow. Johann lioff ac cepts this as the best- compli ment which could be paid to him , as only persons and thing's of sterling value are copied by the third and fourth rate aspir ants to fame and distinction. Envy is at the bottom of all social and commercial animos ity.The The public is therefore warned against substitutes and worthless imitations sold under similar names or under the name of "Hoil's Extract. " Tlio Gcnnlno lifts tlio sliznaturn of "JOHANN IIOKP' on the nock laliol. Kieuer , V Mcndolsnn Co. , Sole Amenta , 162 and I.II Franklin St. , Now York. RARE , RIPE OLD WHISKY. Wor/ . H. IT. Kuril has opened ft wholosilo liquor Htoro at N'n. 17 I'oirl Ktrpot. Council lllulli , and liai put 111 a lame nd well icluclud stock of wtnat. lir.-nclloi , wlil klcs etc. lllituluct worthy of mention Unit Mr. 1'onl Is Iho forlulKlti ! | > ot c Kr of uuirly forty tiarrcis of HIP llnost whtaky til the United Mnlo ) . In IbSU hn bouKlit soventv-llvo barren of Kentucky r. 1r , Tuylor wliliky , mni It wut not until ahoiit tliron yeari ni o tlmt lie idaced th von Ir , on IhJ nnirkot. Of this stock lin imi luft ii'iuut forty liixr- rcli. and ntpcrlH nil pronoiinco It nbiolutnly tlio llni'it whliky In tin ) country : llo 'IU It mainly to f.imllliM for inodl.'lnit : use , as It li too costly for the ri-enlar liudu. It l weirtli over H'l pur K.IIIOII Tlu'ri- not another brand nfmiuh wlilnky In thu II s. HU slock of briindlnt nnd winoi eo.nort from the famous Leland stnnford vineyards In l'ullfornli : and liavii a lilxl" reputation for excellence and purity. 'DISORDERS ' _ . 'Ami all tin irnln of KVII.S. WlCAKNUsSH-i. DUIIII.ITV , KT. ' . that ac- co.niian them In m "i gt'llMll.V mil IV.IIMA- NKSTI.V e.LHKI ) . Full UI'llrlNOI'll un.l . tone Clvon to eve ry pirtoflhu b.idy. I will son ! SD curely pacUoJ ) I'll 0I'J to anyauTarr : t'lo ' preaurlp- llon that cnrod me ot tlieso troiiblji. AUilruu , U A. IIHAUL1C1. llArri.i : CIUKK. MICH. DOHANY'S THEATER. Cutiuoil UlutU. lu. John Dohnny , Mnnn * or HNJ AUK M IvNT'lJXTKAtTmniXAKY Ono \Vcok Coinit.ctuMiijt MorsfpAY MAY i. THE Ci'MKDlAN OORSE PAYTON And ins nvnrr company uitiortcit | liy tuo t.iloulud yotinv m-tri'ss fi * ETfTT ft in B BT ffl SSETTAREED. On Thurs.lny lAen.nir Thuy Will Appear In "PEARL OF SAVOY" New soni-mind ilwi'i. hi-tliT .toil brlithtor tliiui over. IMUl'KS - Mo. iian.I ) .Wo. Yea , Verily , The World Moves YOU $1,000 $ , IN THIS SI'OQO ' YOU no irood it t'linnofin - provo < / . No Deaths No Fires It eloos not el o pond on A Calamity. Wrltotothn PERPETUAL MATURITY BONDING CO. , Council Bluffs , Incor- corponited under the l'iws of Iowa , for in formation , rooms .Ml ami iJi Merriam block , Council Illnll's , Iowa. Thuli.'il pnyliiK Invos ! iiii-nl fur a liojfewlfo la The Excelsior Home-Ba' < er and Roaster. ll.iki > < Ill-rail tu.tr. KMVOS II muli't niMt will b * Juicy nml rli-li. nivut ono tliint iiiitritliiiiHulomeiitt. M > liiily i-nn ( U > wlthoiit It nfU'r liurhiK trleil Ik wrltolorrlrculnrn. AGENTS WANTED. CHARLES SCHULTHE1SS , Council Bluffs. Iowa. Notice. The annual meeting of hteieldioldors of the rremont , Kllihorn .t Missouri Vulluy HiUlromt eompany will he held atthn ollli-oof tlie com pany In unmhii , Neh. , on l-'i-lday , May 10,1B03 , at 2 o'clock p. in. , for the election of ellre-ctors and for llic trai actlon of such other business as may come befoie tlio mint ; . . ! . It. KiiDi'iUM ) , See-re'tarv. Dated May 1 , 1HW. ! J Special ] ( 'OU 8A1U A niiiiilior of iili-o uottiixM' , chou | > . und on very easy pnyiiioiita. Uruoiislilolil * . McliolBUii &ip..il2l llroa vfty. _ 1 m. ; riQ AND CIO-ACKK tract oTIiTnil In nortlicrn J.lowu ntilO.lW to f.UDU per ucro. JoliiistonA Vnn 1'nttL'n. US t It VOTS nml loaiu. Kami nn I olljr prunnrtr A bouKlit ttiiJ ioU. I'uur A Tho.ii.u , Cumuli lllulta AI.Tl-SI'iril.SH IIOSi--i > Hiila | .ay It Innta 10 yonrn ; Kouil vitluo untl ulvvayii Iu mocif ut lllx- by'H , .Morrhini bluctc. A IM. KXrilANriKoU hiiI.Two four room ' ' lioun's nml atoro rouui und outbullitlni , cluur o. ' liiuumbriiMco. A. .1. Munilol , 11TJ llnilmm Avn. il'eill HA1.K l''ull cot of tlnnorn looli , xoodcuull. Hun ; n bnriiuln. liuiuli-o of Kiupklu-Shurfurt Ilnrilwnre e'o. . Ciiunult HhillH 1 lUl'SKaml lot foraalo. No. 1)11 Klfnnrji u * J 1 Inquire of J. I * . Cliristl.lll , U. X It , U fruiKlil IIOIIBO. AUI1ANTIC for rlii it man to collect , nollclt nml ilollvor Kooils. Wnio < JU a woo't ' nml proKtKillvliloil uvi'ry ' .u il.iys. In Htou' < com puny. Must liny 15 8lmr.ii xtouk Aililrjus J. vy Morno. Kooin 0. Kvorolt Ijlock. Council llluiM. /Oil SAI.K i lio.ip ; loim liUo'c ' ilrlvlnjf ia nroi tcMiin niulcsi oil nii dn. hirnuHH anil team : top ; ronil tvuvon. t'nrh in Co Ml Co. . IU I'.inrl strot-U \\MLI , p ( > ll lulow coil nuvv 3 room lioimo , uiodoru ' ruiiviMilunvuH , wulllocj luil. Ik'iiolllaj. OIl MAI.K Thri'O.lerHOy bulls : iiiiua. onu wouk I n no 5 ' r nnd two yunrs ; solid color , rcgtsturuil btock T''i S Iht St. . OIt SAI.K.Miu bay cu rrlniiu tcini : unit currlauo. L. K W. TulU-yi. 10,1 iM.irlHt , Council IlluIIt. ( 1 AltllAI'.IO ruuiovml , cpmiiools. vaiills. clilrmioya V * L-Ii'oiod. : Ld Burke. , ul Taylor a grocery , Ml ) llio a d w n y . _ IlKNT 7-rooin IIOIIHJ , water , Ka anil hatlit Lilllt alablu. 7IU Jlh t. Council llluirs.SS - ' ' n llttlu time ) nnd cnpltnl to nianufnuturoHiid Introiluco putonteil novel- lien. II. J. Ailiuns. 'JI1 1'jrm Avu , s otincll Illullo. Mill , wanted for iioncrul buunowurk , 413 ( ] len J A\0. . - tiottlur. Apply ut llorrli' bottlluu WA.NTKD-A works , 1'22 < tlroudnuy. C. A. SCHOEDSACK , Proprietor. //il - , Olcfinintg and l-tofinisshing OK ( JOOIS OF KVKRY DKS ( 'Uli'TION. Council 13lulTa olllco iind wor. < & , e-or. Ave. A und 2Dth St. Telephone 310. Send for ireuliirs nnd prloo list. ? SSSS& COUNCIL BLUFF3 STE.1M .J \ cfr445 DYE WORKS All kin in ot Dyulni : nnil $ e : o .n in ili no in lint . , „ . . . , . _ JW of thu nrt. Kix lul : mil - uu ifin'd fiibrku nuulo to loolc uuu i coo I as noIY. UUIK proioiib lyi ilcno uni ( lellvcrol In nil u uariH of the country. Bond L. A. MACHAN , Projirlotor. - _ lirtudwav. near Northwoal- urn Depot , Tolovlionu X ,