Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 02, 1893, Page 5, Image 5

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jfopo of Two OaHfornlans to Escopo Hanging
ou the Gallows.
[ aw fnder Which the CiilprlU Were Sen
tenced llni lleen ICepenlnil mid Tiny
bow Auk to lln flelenictl from
the Now .Statute.
WASIIIVOTOX , 1) G.t May t. The lives of
'wo ' men , convicted of murder In the state of
. 'all fora l.i and sentenced to bo hanged , are
[ lepcndcnton the fate of a motion made
oday In the United States supreme court by
Ivttorney General Hart of that state.
After these men had been sentenced In the
county courts to bo hanged In the
fjounty Jail , by the county sheriff ,
mil while their cases vvero pending
un appeal In the supreme court of the
j f to , the legislature passed a law directing
[ that executions for capital offenses should
[ bo In the state prison by the warden thereof ,
flic Judgment of the lower court being at-
firmed by the nupicmo court of the state ,
Ijounsel for the condemned appealed
[ to the United States supreme court
ran the ground that the law
iliectlng executions to bo hold in county
( alls having been repealed and the new law > ppl > liic to Judgments rendered before
[ Its pissing , thu sentence on the accused
could not bo carried out , except in vlolition
of the fourteenth amendment to the consti
tution Thn court received the appeal nnd
counsel were given until the l.lth Inst
in which to file briefs in support of or In
opposition thereto
HtiltrmrnU from the Treasury Ilepnrl-
munt Show I Heroine In th I'ulilla Debt ,
WVSIII.NOTOX , D. C. , May 1. The opera
tions of the Treasury department during the
month of April , as indicated by Die debt
statement issued today , show a net Increase
in the public debt of * . ) , ? Jf > ,8l'J , The Iwnded
debt decreised fUl.00 % nnd the cash
In the treasury decreised $447S24. the net
result being nn increase of the debt. Ttio
Interest.bcaiing debt increased fT 00 Debt
on which Interest h is ceased since maturity
decreased $73,100. and debt bearing no inter
est K'r > TUor > The aggregate interest and
uoninteicst-bcarlngdobt April 30 was ( OG'J-
407.701 On M irch 31 It was ? W57 833,810
The coin certificates and treasury notes
offset by an equal amount of cash In the
treasury outstanding at the end of the month
was S-Wt ! 0115,031 , a decrease of J1.-1U , 170
Thu total cash In the treisury was 750-
744,110 , npilnst which liabilities wuro out
standing , including ff.Oll.KiO gold reserve ,
amounting to $ rtt : , < > 7'JMleaving an avail
able HIM plus of J'lli71.r > 71
During the month theio was a decrease of
$ t , oy , H7.1 in gold coin The total at the
close ot the month was $2f2'X ( J.ilV.l Of sll-
ver there was $481.788,601 , Inrieaso of $ ! , -
3M.ROO. Of the surplus ? llU' ! > Vtn was in
national bank depositories , against $15,054-
011 the previous month
I.lalillUliH r u Itnllronil.
WASIIINOTOV , O C. , May 1. The question
of the liabilities of a railroad corporation to
OP. cmplojo for Injuilestreceived vvhllo in
the services of the company was the sub
stance of n decision by the supreme couit of
the United States today , the opinion being
road by Justice Brewer The circumstances
briefly nro these : John Baugh. a fireman in
the employ of the Baltimore < fc Ohio Railroad
company at Bellalro , O , was Injured In a col
lision. Buugh claimed that the Injury re
ceived was duo to the negligence of the en
gineer. Ho brought suit against the com
pany and the trial of the cuso resulted in n
verdict and judgment for the plaintiff In the
sum of f < 5.700.
The railroad company appealed to the supreme
premo court.- Justice Brewer reviewed the
principles applicable to the case at great
length.-The Justice sajs : "The opinion
maintains thnt the Injury to Baugh was
dimply one of the risks assumed by. him
I when entering the comp iny's service. The
peril was known , and jot , with this knowl
edge nnd without protest , ho voluntarily rode
[ on thd enginn with the engineer.1'
The Judgment of the circuit court was ro-
j versed nnd the case remanded for a now
[ trial. Justire Field dissented , presenting
Mils views in a lengthy opinion couched in
I most vigorous language. Ho salu that the
rverdlctnnd Judgment in the court below
f vero reached In conformity 1th the law
f as settled by the decision of the supreme
I court of Ohio and that that law was the law
to control. "
| Federal Tnxm J ot Oovornmlby rttulo I.nnra
WASHINGTON , D. C. , May 1. Mr. Justice
I Shlras announced an opinion in the supreme
' court of the United States today in relation
| to the Internal revenue tax laws of the
United States to local statutes of states. A
I bill for the collection ot taxes assessed
i against him as a tobacco munufactmcr was
i filed In 1885 in the circuit court for the
( eastern district of Louisiana by the
k United States against Charles Snyder.
Kxocutton was Issued In ISs'J. In 1831
I Snyder sold certain lots In New Orleans to
the International Compiets company , and
the latter was made defendant w 1th bn > dor
[ on the ground that the United States had a
[ lion for these taxes on tno property sold b\r
[ Snyder. Assessment of taxes constituting
[ the lien was not filed In the mortgage olllco
I at Now Orleans , us required by the laws of
| Louisiana to affect third puties , nnd the
[ Compress company pnrchatod in ignorance
I of said Hon. 'Die circuit court gave Judg
ement against Sn\der , but dismissed the bill
I ns to the Cotton Compress compiny on Us
I claims under the state law quoted This
I action of the court below , Justice Shiras
I said , did not meet thu approval of thn su-
( prcmo court , which bolus that "tho tax svs-
I tern of thu United States Is i emulated by the
I federal statutes , and practice , and is not
[ controlled by state enactments , " The Jndg'
| incut of the clicult coait was , therefore ,
i reversed and thn cause remanded , with in-
i structions to proceed In accordance with this
Sucremful .Armor 1'lati ) Test.
WASHINGTON , D C. . May 1. Another sue-
ccssful armor plate trial took place today al
Indian Head , the naval proving ground !
near Washington. It was the acceptance
test of thu eight-Inch armor tor thu New
York , Montetoy ami Texas While the con
tractors failed to secure a premium ns the
i result uf thu test , the plate filled the term :
; of the contract and about : U)0 tons of tht
minor for the vessels named will bo au
ceptod. Carnegie , Phlpps & Co were tin
makers of thu platu.
I'asa uf the Ann Arbor hitcInvent
WASIUNOTOV , D. C . M.iv 1. The supremi
I court of tlio United States toduv , set fo
I hearing on the second Mon ' .ay of nevt torn
I the Ann Arbor railroad cas. > , an appeal fron
J thn decision of Judnu Kicks , involving tin
I right of omploj es to quit the service of thi
I company at will. The next term of tin
I court will begin In October
I Nil fume for Alarm.
I WASHINGTON , D. C. , May 1. General Scho
I Hold tecelvcd n telegram from Genera
I Crooks , commanding the Department ot Arl
I zonu , last night , stating that ho thought th
I Nuvajo outbreak was exaggerated. Al
I necessary steps have been taken to quell th
I outbreak und quiet thu people.
Unulo Jnrrj ( Inlng lluiuo.
I WAsiiiNfiiov , 1) . C. , May I. foe Sccrotar ,
I Husk will leave tomorrow for hU h&ajo o
I the 1 o'clock Pennsylvania limited. Ho wll
I stop oft for a few ds . in Chicago.
I Itlew HU llruliiH Out.
I ST , Jojcni , Mo , , May 1. Uist night Hlmc
I Hnndall , n young farmer living north of tbl
I city , Invited Ida Brooks to attend churc
I with him The joung lady was escorted b
I another young man Hnnuallwcnttochnrc
I and sat near the door. He evidently brcodc
I over his troubles , fur while thu minister wa
I expounding thu word , hu placed a pistol t
I His temple and blow out i. . * brains ,
Ht. l.ouU Dynamiter * .
I Sr. LOCH , Mo. , Maj 1. dome constant !
I tlon has been created , especially around th
rusensor's office , by the finding ot a bomb on
the court house stops In front of the above
named office. The Infernal machine Is a
copper tube about six Inches long nnd two
Inches In diameter , with holes perforated
near the fuse The head is closely nnd care
fully screwed on and from It project two
strings resembling a fuse , which apparently
had been lighted. It Is not known how the
bomb came to be placed on the steps.
Candidate * Tor the Derhy ItenchlaK I.ouls-
vllle Ye tord 7 * Hi-nultn.
LOUISVILLE , Ify. , May 1. Two prominent
candidates for the Kentucky Derby reached
Churchill Downs this morning. They were
Lookout and Boundless , the Gushing and
Orth pair ami they came from Memphis
Both are In superb condition and up to a
bruising race. Being coupled in the betting ,
they will doubtless bo the favorites In the
betting when the saddling begins on Derby
day There are now over 400 horses at the
track with applications on file for nearly
thirty stalls more. Prom present Indica
tions there will be at least twelve starters
In the Derby.
ST I.OC13 , Mo , May 1. Cast St Louis re
sults today were :
Klrstrnco , flvo-clKhttn mile , spiling : IMca-
dllly won , MttluMtd otierond , Uoll U third.
Tliniv 1M. : ( )
* -ecimd race , elovnu-slxteentlis rnllo , snlllne :
KllUon won , A urn I ) Or tocuml , Poor Atju
third. Tlmo1:10
Third rare Declured off.
1'inirtli rnec , oluven-dxtcentln mlle : Ven
ture vroti.lllncU Ik'.iuty second , Colonel Wheat-
ley third. Tlmo : l.K
Fifth iicuL'lo\L'li-ilxtei'iiIliM ; inHe.hindlcup :
JtiremiPt won. lllllnn NUCOIII ) , 1'loroneu Muiiiks
third I'ltn < > 1-14' <
W\siiiNur < > N , D U , May 1 Results at
Bennings , weather and track flno ; attend
ance good
First nice , ( he furlongs' Appoinatox won ,
Mttlu Mat MVond , TntturHill third. Tlmo :
I 04'4
* -c'coml race , six furlongs Poor Jonathan
won , llollnood second , Indigo third , rime ,
:1H 4.
Third race , six and one-half fiirlongs1 1.1
stittu won , liOJun second , Illtimu third. 1'linu
1:2 : J' <
Pourth rare , ono mllu. Speculation won ,
loxiuur ii'coiid , Luichmont third. Time :
I'lflli rice , handicap stcrploclinsi * ; Can Can
won , Kuturn suconU , Kcarto third. Time.
GiouctsTEii , N , J. , May 1. Results :
1'lrst nco , five furlongs : Nathan Ward (3 (
1) ) won , Cupulln ( H to 1) ) second , Laclgulo (6
to t ) third Time. 1.08.
bccond race , six und onu-half furlongs : Wist
4 toft ) won , John Mctiarliclu ( & to - ) si'cond ,
L'aptuln MuChc" > niy ( U to 1) ) third Time.
Third ace , six und one-half furloiiKs. Tran
sit ( 'JO to ll won. Madden ( U ) to 1) ) second , Juclc
Slur , (7 ( to : > ) third Tlnu ) laiU :
1'ourth race , < tlx und ono-hilf furlongs
-berlln ( oven ) won , Anp ihoo (8 ( to 5) ) second ,
Kollo ( G to ll third Tlmo- -'H ! ,
I'lrth racu , llvu furlonus : Mliuilo J (4 toll
iMin , Crocus (0 ( to Dsicond , Strlngfidlow < 0 to
llthlid , Time. 1 U7' ( .
S\tli | i.ici' , thrc-H nnd one-half furlongs
( Jeortfe ( li nl , Illly , t4 to 1 won , lj i flurllu ( M to
II oeconil , I'OIIICMI v Hullui'JO to lj third Tlmu :
4H' , .
IS'KVV YORK , May 1. Today's results at
1'lrst rieo , one-half nilloIllosom ( oven )
won , Mltlu I'lratn (16tol ( ) second , 01 ira A ,
colt , < 1J to ll third Time u24
Second race , three-fourths mlle : Asral (4 ( to
llwim , Hurlum ( Moll second , Uouljlo Orosa
D toll third llmo1 l'J' ' ( .
Tlilid rurn , mlle und ono-stxteentlr
L'hiirailo (11 ( to 1) ) uon , lllltzen (11 to 1) second ,
l.opintod'J to 1) ) third Tlmut.OQKt *
loiirth rncn , six and nno-hiilf furlongs.
riiattiinooK'iCJ to 10) ) won , Tom f-kldmoro ( H to
ritsicond , f'orrler Jouut(15 ( to 1) ) third , rime :
l:20i : , .
1'lftli race , four and one-half furlongs : Sir
occo (6 ( to2) won , \VhltoNOso (3 ( to0. ) second ,
lioldeii(4 ( to 1) ) third Time : 50 .
Sixth race , three-fuurths mlle : St. Domingo
( I tn'i won , Olvsmlu (6 ( to 1) ) second , Ineot (20 (
toll third. Time : 1:10 : .
ST. Louis , Mo. , May 1. Track heavy and
low :
first ruco , six furlongs : Midway (6 ( to 1) )
won , Vus-htl (3 ( to 1) second , Miss Terry (0 ( to 6) )
third. Tlmo : l:33y.
Second ruco , four f urlones : Miss Hiirol (7 ( to
101 won , Piancesco , ( to to 1) ) second , Hope (12
to 11 third. Tlmo : 55 .
Third race , six furlonits : Onus Widow ( R to
Dvton , Joslu 1 > (4 ( to 1) ) second , The Jewel (0 ( to
5) ) third. Tlmu : 1:23U.
1'ourth ruco. six furloiiKs : Duvosnc (4 ( to 1) )
won , 1'ebulo Ituek (8 ( to 1) ) second , Mean Knoiigh
,8 , to 0) ) third. Tlmn : 1-224. ,
1'lfth fuiloiiKs : Olockner (3 ( to t )
won , lIlKhunyiiiuiHlO to 1)second ) , Wudgollold
7 to 10) ) third. Tlmo : 1:21 .
NASHVILLE , Twin , May 1. Track muddy
at Cumberland paik :
IMrst rnco , f > o\on furlongs : Ilolon (3 to 1)
won , 1'orest Hose ( U to 1) ) second , Jacobin (7 ( to
1) ) third. Tlmo : 1:33.
Second rucu , ono mlle : Tonny , jr. (3 ( to 10) )
won , l.lttlo Gooruo (5 ( to 1) ) second , llrook Trout
50 toll third. Tlmo : 1D1H.
Third race , Thora stake , for maiden 2-yoar-
old Ullles , 11,500 added : value to wlnmr JA270 ,
one-half mile : Vlvnndlor (0 ( to ll won , Miuttlo
( G to 1) ) second , Anna Mayus (2 ( to 1) tlilid ,
Tlmo : f)3
L'ourth raco. selling , sov on furlongs : Ashen
(7 ( to ll won , lluspurla (3 ( to 2) ) second , Ullly
Smith third : Tlmo : 1:83K.
I'lfth rucu , six furlonts : Miss Xunnlu (3 ( to 1) )
won , Denlsett (1 ( to 2) ) second , Bucephalus
third. Tluio : 1:20 : .
HAWTIIOH.NK , 111. , May 1. Results :
First nice , thrco furlongs : ICunsus Girl won ,
Itlalto second , Hynnerua third Tlmo : 4354.
Second race , flvo furlonea : llluu Ilanntirwon ,
Mohican bvcoud , Ooltlc third. Time : 1:13.
Third race , six furlomrs : Siuilameno won.
Pioneer second , Uervvln third. Tlmo : 1:29U. :
I'ourtli nice , ono mile : Gilfordnon , Wau-
tauii second , Moo- third. Time : 2.0Ji. (
I'lfth race , live finlones : Roxetto won. Parole -
ole second , Knterprlso third , Tlmo : 1:134.
LEXINGTON , Ky. , May 1. Track muddy :
I'lrst race , three-fourths mlle : Interior Hit-
ton ( OtoO ) won , Olmrlos S (10 ( to 1) ) second ,
Hook Uatdloy (8 ( to 0) ) third. Tlmo : 1:224.
beeomi race , novon-clghths mlle : Judge
Cudwoll(4 ! ( too ) won. Calc'donla ( J'ttol ' ) seu-
end , Imp llrltlsh HIuo Dlood (8 ( to 1) ) third.
Tlmo : 1:37.
Third ruco , Melbourne stakes , for 2-jear-
olds , tl2r > < ) added , four furlongs : Tu .loyu (8 (
to 1) ) won , Li\7 irene (0 ( to t > ) bocond. Oh No (3 ( 10
1) ) third. Tlmo : 1.07 .
1'ourth nice , nlnu-sKteenths mlle : The
Honk (1.0 to 1) ) won , Ccuar llrook ( oven ) second ,
b 11 uh II (5 ( to 1) ) third. Tlmo : l.UJ' , .
I'lfth ruco ( no distance ) : The Queen won ,
Pnryuar(3 ( to 1) ) second , Judge Hushes (8 ( to 1) )
third Tlmo : 1 50.
R. Ego's Gorman clahsos,220l Douglas.
See the celebrated Sohmer piano at
Ford & Ghnrlton Mitsio Co. , 1303 Dodge
roller Captnro n 'NolorldiMVoinuii. . u Sun-
poet und a Hud ( ilrl.
Ellen FV > ster , who was arrested yestei-aay
afternoon upon the charge of harboring
minors at her b.ignlo In the burnt district ,
and af tci ward bailed out until her trial could
bo had , celebrated the regaining of her free
dom by getting nn a spree , and bofoto mid
night was again behind the bars on a charge
of disorderly conduct She made some re
sistance to arrest , but is nosr languishing
where she can have tlmo to moralize upon
her slnfulness and make now icsolvcs tot
the future
Mike Gavin was pulled In last night as a
vagrant and suspicious character It Is
thought ho Is guilty of having peddled
stolen goods In the Third ward.
Annie Hoagg , a joung girl about U
, v ears of ago , was aricsted lust cvonlm ; by
Officer.Vaughn ui > on thechargoof uiconlg-
iblllti , preferred presumably by hei
mother For some ttmo past , Vaughn saj s
she has been a hkbltuo of the house run hi
Ellen foster The warrant for her nrresl
was sworn out on March ! J1 , but she success
fully evaded the omVers until last evening
Upon her appearance at the Jail her llrst to
quest was for a cigarette.
John L M irshull of Lincoln is In the city
Charles J , Grnblo of Crawford Is in tin
W R Peebles of Ponder visited the citi
Thomas B. Webster came in from Strattoi
James McLeod of Oxford came Into the cit ;
last evening
John Dw.ver of Beat i Ice arrived In tin
cltj last evening
Major G S Urb and family returned fron
Quincy Saturday.
H. C. Bllckoi-sderfer and wife of Nortl
Platte visited Omaha i esterday ,
Mr. and Mrs C. D. Thompson vlsltoi
relatives lu Marshalltown , la. , over Sunday
Mrs Harvey Johnstono of Tncomn. Wash ,
Is the guest of Mr and Mn > . Sam do Nedroj
It. Siiloway , proprietor of the Murra ,
hotel , ioturnod jesterday from a trip t
th it the trial would proceed u | > on Us merits ,
us hu hail no denlro to place n straw In the
wav of the moling out of Justice. Ho also
slated tha , the attorneys for the accused
would nut attack the quo-ulna ot the legisla
tive appropriation.
When the Information yras conveyed to
Jmitfo Do.nie , who represents tno state , ho
said that ho had ex ] > cctcd all alonft tliat the
matter would talto that turn , ns the points
the opposing attorneys had taken were not
well founded. While this is true so far as
the ofllvials in oftlco nro concerned , there H n
possibility that the case nealnst ox-Treas
urer Hill ni.iv bo postponed , hit attorney
churning that as. ho was out of ofilco the leg
islature had no authurlty for tiling the
charges. This is n question to bo passed
upon by the supreme court , and many of the
best lawyers in thoc.iso hold that ho must
stand tilal with the ofllcurs who arc the
present members of the Board of Public
Lands and Buildings.
Might llnva llnil AH Kxtra
The news that the trial would proceed was
good news to the many prominent state pco-
plo who nro In Lincoln tonight. Had the de
murrer been tiled for the purpose of dolav
It is hunt to tell hat the outcome would
have.been , as there was a strong sentiment
In fin or of petitioning Governor Crounse to
call a s ] > ocliU session ot the legislature for
the purpose of prep irlng new articles of Im
peachment. The parties who were back ot
the movement had hesitancy in paying that
if now charges had been tneferred they
uould hive been much stronger than those
now on tllo ( n snylng this they declare thnt
as far us rottenness Is concotnodttho picsent
charges simply skim the surface and do not
go Into the depths of thn real corruption.
In touching upon the appropriation nude
by the legislatuio for the purpose of carry
ing on the trial they declare that ttic amount
Is a mere bagatelle , and In arguing this they
point to the fact that when the state was as
poor as It was ) > ossiblo for any common
wealth to bo § 20,000 was appropriated to
carry on the impeachment preferred against
ex-Governor Butler , while now the state is
wealthy Aside from this they urge that the
people of the state are entitled to know If
their servants have been stealing , and if so
how long it has continued and how much
money has been diverted from the channels
for which it was Intended.
Kflorta uf the Armiinl.
' 1 he efforts of the impeached officials to
have the appropriation for the expenses for
the impeachment trial declared illegal by
re ibon of the mistake in the enrolling of the
bill , took a new bent today Itas confi
dently announced thnt a discovery had been
made to the effect that an item of $15,000 was
never appropriated by the senate at all
Acting Uon | this assumed discovery , Auditor
Moore was again warned by friends of the
accused cfllcials that if ho issued warrants
against the fund ho would involve himself
in soiious complications They also asserted
with equal show of confidence that they had
extracted a promise from Auditor Mooio that
ho would it raw no more warrants against the
fund unless actually compelled to bj an order
from the supreme court
Auditor Alooro said to THE Due tonight
that it was true that the reputed discovery
had been biought to his attention and that
he had been warned not to issue further
wairants But ho asserted emphatically
that he hud given no such promise and that
his position still remains Just exactly where
it did last Wednesday when ho notified the
state treasurer not to register the warrants
until ho could got further legal adv ice upon
the matter.
Mnoro I * Satlnlled.
The auditor takes a complacent view of
the matter. In the first place ho has a cer
tified copy of the proceedings of both the
house and the senate In regard to
the much-disputed appropriation , and
knows exactly what each of the two
houses did In reference to the matter.
The record Is perfectly straight and all the
efforts of the men who are so active In their
attempts to thwart the plainly expressed
wish of the legislature are likely to fail.
The impeached officials uro apparently do
ing nothing in reference to the question , and
if they countenance the efforts of their self-
constituted assistants the public will know
It. Tney will assert thnt they have no in
terest one way or the other and that they
are perfectly indifferent as to the decision of
the auditor.
Scn-ttorft Tuko Liberties with Messrs. IIuil-
< lnck nnd Luvntt.
\VA3iu\aTON , D. C. , May 1. The Washing
ton's outplayed Brooklyn at all points today.
Brooklyn could not touch Maul FarrolPs
catching was the fc ituro. Score :
Washington . B0000104 0 1.1
Hroo ! < lyn . . . 001000100 2
Hits : Washington. 10 ; Ilrooklyn , 8 Errors :
Washington. 2 : Itrnoklyn , G. liuttcrlcs : Maul
nnd Knrrolli HacldocU , I.orett und Klnsfow.
Umpire : McLaughllu.
( junkers Still In Hard I.uclc.
PHILADELPHIA , Pa. , May 1. Hamilton's
two muffs In the fifth inning and Carr's un
steadiness In the seventh Test today's gamete
to Boston. Score :
Philadelphia. . . 300000000 2
iioston o ooooio a * a
Hits : Philadelphia , 5 ; Iioston , 6. Errors :
I'hllndolpliln , 0 : Iioston , 2. Biittorli-i : Curr
und Olcuients ; Nichols and Dennett. Umpire :
Giant ) Gft nn in : y One.
NEW Yonit , May 1. The Now Yorks met
Baltimore the first time this season and beat
them with little effort. Score :
Now York 3 00104100-0
llultlmoro . . . . 020010O11 6
Hits- Now York , 12 ; Baltimore , 9. Errors :
New Vork , 1 : Ilaltlmore , 2. flatteries : Klnn
und Doyle ; Uakorund I/lark. Umpire : Unit-
Cnuldn't lilt Ilrclt.
ST Louis Mo , May 1. The visitors could
not find Broltenstnln today. On the other
hand , the home team batted at will and won
with ridiculous ease. Score :
St. Louis . . . .0 0 1 1 0 0 2 0 2-11
Louisville. . 001000000-1
liltsSt. . I.ouls , 10 ; Louisville , 0. Errors :
bt. I.ouK 3 ; l.oulHVlllo , 1. llntterms : Itrelton-
steln und It re Itfatratton und Grim. Umpire :
Gimet I'oitpnneil.
I'rmiitnto , Pa , May 1. PUtsburg-Chl-
eugo game postponed ; rain.
CINCINNATI , O , May 1 Cleveland-Cincin
nati game postponed ; rain.
PiTTsuuun. Pa . May 1. Captain Anson of
the Chicago club announced that ho had re
leased Cnruthors ami Taylor. The first
named will sign with Cincinnati , to play in
the outfield Taj lor will likely sign witli a
southcin league Ho has received a number
of offers.
stlllidlni ; of the Tcjlim.
. \S4iultril u Clillil.
Yesterday Mrs Broco , who lives at 911\ciuvoitli atreot , called at the police sta
tlou and had \varrant Issued for tlio ariosl
of John \V Clinton , \vho rooms at her house
for an alluirc-d assault upon her 13-ioar-oli :
daughter. Hattlo Acc-ordlng to the mother's
story the assault committed Sunday
ovciiin ulillo she had KOIIO to visit sonu
friends at Florence and had loft the llttli
( jlrl alone. Clinton came to the house durlnj
her absence and thre\v the child on tin
iniRp , but < jho succeeded In breaking a\va\
from his lecherous grasp and ran to taki
tefuso ulth ono of the neiuhbora
Clinton \\asairestod last night by Dotec
lives Hajcs and Hudson , but claimed to bi
innocent of thn brutal crime with \vhlch hi boon charged.
Murrlnc" l.lrrnotii.
The rollowlng marriage lli cnsos r ro isstiei
by County Jiulgo Eller jcaterd.iy
N.imo nnd address. ARC
I MolvInU.11111 , Council IlIufTi 3
I Viola Timipklns , Onmlia 3
I Wllllnin II nmndlnr , S < iulh Omaha 2
I Kiln Wood , fcoiith Omaha l
I John ( ' .r Io.Oinalm 4
I Mrs Kiiillvhcnnar , Omaha , , . 4
I lU-u Itow , Omaha , 3
1 K1U IK'iinliiB , Uinnlm , . . , .3
llntortuiuoil tlin l'ori > liu NUTIOlllcim. .
NKW YonK1 , May 1. The UnUerslty clu
gave a reception , tonight to the oDlcors of th
American and foreign meii-of-unr which nr
haro. All visiting otltccrs were Invited an
nearly all attended. The guests of hone
were Vice Admiral Hopkins , Vice Ad in lit
Kasunakorf , Hour Admlrat Ghcrnnll , near
Admiral do Llbran , HeafA'miilrnlMagnaiilii ,
Mayor Ollroy , Hear Adiplr4l Argeane , Hear
Admiral llenham nnd Captain Arrlem.
Session Mainly Oocnplcil by Hcnring 1'etl-
tlnn * ARnlimt IteiuornU nl Salnoin.
Two protests against'rflillorals of saloons
were read at the session1of the Board of
Fire and Pollco Comrm'Mltmers last night.
Ono was against Ida Wuethrtch removing
her place from 1034 Dodgeto the same num
ber on Douglas street and Frederick Hcuko
appeared ns remonstratorrwhllo the second
case was that of Hculand with KA
Alnseow opposing the , ronioval from 1102
Lcaveinvorth to 724 South Thirteen th street.
\ hearing In the Wuotlirich case was set
or next Thursday ovonlng at7:30 : o'clock.
A transfer was granted on Uculand's up-
F. Uruckor asked for permission to re-
mo 1,0 his saloon from the rear of 1413
larnoy street , in the Third ward , to
J18 South riftccnth street , in the Fourth
ward. Tbo boird considered that
inder thulr former rulings it was
nconsistcnt for them to allow removals from
otio ward to another The nmter was finally
referred to the mayor with a request to ob-
ain a written opinion from City Attorney
In a communication Officer Corey was
charged with spending his tlmo playing
cards nt No 3 engine house A hearing was
ordered on the matter at the next mooting.
Chlof Seavoj's report for April showed 'Jt > 01
neals furnished to prisoners and -01 ! d.vjs
est during tlic month by oniccrs and patrol
men on the police force
Uotcctivo Vaughn asked and cranted
.wcnty . ila\slo.i\o of absence ; Officer P. C.
V > Iev , flvo days , J W Leaverton , ten days ;
B D TIedeman , twoda\s , , nnd 11 A. Hur-
ows ten days Fireman James Holfmin re-
jol\od permission to be absent for ten days
and Captain George S. Cragler ten days
William II iltei man asked to be appointed
special policeman at Hauscom park As ho
lad ahead } been appointed to the position
jy the park board ho was accommodated.
llio resignation of .lames h Dl.xoii as spe
cial policeman at the Silvatlon army meet-
"ngs was accepted.
Several applications for the position of
isststant matron at the police st ttion were
received and filed A. U Heed In a letter to
the board i of erred to what ho considered a
neglect of duty of the flro department In not
responding to a lire alaim und suppressing a
tire at 2.MO Dodge street in tlmo This was
rcfuried to Chief Galllgan fora rejiort at the
next meeting.
The toport of the committee on property ,
recommending the removal of the chief of
pollen's oftlco and that of the operators to
.he rooms set apart for this purpose in the
city hall \ \ as adopted.
In executive session Officer Monroe was
given his choice , live days further suspen
ilon or apologizing to Ofllcer King for his
"auguago toward the latter
II j.l2IlKlt t OKKV.fiTS.
It Will Ho I'ulr mill Manner In Nebrimka
D. C , May ol. Forecasts
'or Tuesdaj . For Nebraska and Iowa
3enerallj fait , wirni ; vailable winds
For North and South Dakota Slightly
winner in South Dakota und eastern North
Dakota ; umablu winds
Ioral Itet nrtl.
May 1 Omaha record of temperature and
rainfall , computed with.cortespondlng day of
; > ast four years
1803 1802 1801 18QO.
aximum temperature. i& ( > = > 050 GOO U7 = >
Minimum touiptruturo 3Gcr JHC 450 410
Avonico tomnoratiue13o 50o nco 540
reclpltatlon . - T.10 .00 .00
Statement showing the , condition of tem-
pcmtuto and precipitation ut Omaha for the
day nnd si nco March 1 , ISUii :
Normal temperature . . .i..i. . 07o
' ) ollclcncy for tlioiluy . . . . , 14O
-loUcIency since Murch 1 1UGO
N'oruuil precipitation. . . , . . , 12 Inch
Dollcluncy for the day t'J Inch
Uollcluncy Murcli 1 . . . . . . . . . .o 20 Inch
Koporta from Other 1'olutH at 8 p. lu
na g ?
Onmlia llaln
North t'latto W I'art cloudr
Kearner. " .1X1 Clear
Chicago .00 Cloudy
St Louis .00 tlouclf.
St 1'aul .UO Cloadr
Davenport . . T Cloudr.
KunnnsUtr . .UO Clear.
"lonver .00 Clear.
Salt Lake City .UO I'art cloudr
"lapldLlty . .00 1'nrt Cloudr
ilultna . .04 Cloudr
Ulamarck .00 I'art Cloudr
. Vincent. .00.ou
Choronno .ou Cloar.
Miles i Itr .00 Dear
OalTOaton . . . .56 Cloudy
"i' iDtllcatoi trace.
Guonof : E. HUNT , Local Forecast Ofllclal.
Chinese Actors Ilefdnoil AdinUnlon.
TACOMA , Wash. , May 1. Examination of
the 300 Chinese actora who came on the
steamship Victoria was continued today and
out of 105 examined , sixty were passed , iud
the other forty-five ordered depot ted.
The attorney for the alleged actors claims
that the Wah Yung company imiwrtcd them
and has a concession from the government ,
allowing them to enter , and that thia will
bo verified by proofs tomorrow.
Klein liuttur Murkct.
111. , May 1 Butter Unsettled ,
"Almost as
Palatable as Milk"
This is a fact with regard
to Scott's Emulsion of Cod
Liver Oil. The difference
between the oil , in its plain
state , is very apparent. In
Scoffs Emulsion
you detect no fish-oil taste.
As it is a help to diges
tion there is no after effect
except good effect. Keep in
mind that Scott's Emulsion
is the best promoter of flesh
and strength ' known to
science. <
In > pnrc < ] by Hcott .t Howm , K V. All dmeemtn.
W. H. IMICKKlt , M. DNo,4 UnlOnOi ft. ,
Hi urnIIJBS. . , chief eonmttifij phutlclan of thf
tra > awarded the aotn rurtuf. ly tlio NATIONAL
! l illicit. A " 'KX-IATIOX fo , tllo I'KI/.K KHSAV on
fihiutttd'UaHliMtVf \ ] ' / , AVrrouf anilMytuiiJ
VtklUtytau\ Ditto t and U'takuut ol J/c-n.
Iho young , the mtJJli-agtd anil oiu.
' 'onuiltatlon in pernon or by Iftier.
l > rot ietu * with tc tlmonlal , FllEE.
irifo book , SCI KNCK OI" I.II'K , OK SKI.F-
llt SKKVATf UN , 300 pp 1 Invaluable pro-
Mor. i. fn ) T > IC onlT 1 tiO by mail. leaU1 * !
A. Full SBrJT
Toctti pxtr.icto'l In niornlnj
l.won9Jllllrl < l r rtjr ooa
tVrfect Ut
3rd Floor ,
Pnxtoii iJlook- Stroots.
KlOTitor on Ittta 81. Telephone tOU.
mm BATHS. '
Tlio Rod Men's Knowledge
of the Laws of Health.
" nn < l "Ilnnlnn" Hath of Clvlll.
tation Known to the Indium. Hon
Thrjr Do It. A I.rtion From Nature
which thn ATlio mill Itroil Klcknpoo
Inillna Sagwo n Grand Remedy.
In thl > w jr a Indian takes a "Turklih" or a
'HtmUn"b.ith ! Iliejr , llg a hole In tin * rtli ,
In wlileh they tar itnnes , and upon which tber
bnllj * nrc , heating the nonet to a red hcatj thejr
then carcfulljr rrmoro Ihe co l < I culling a nam-
beruf | ) llnij ilipr nick one cml In thn ground ,
bend them over aim lilaco the other cml alio In
thu ground , these cxlcnd oter the liot stouei In
the elupo ot n li&lt looi. | Over tlicso polci or
hnop < the Indian * place ( klni ot anlmali or
blanket ! . It the "Huulan" or T per batli l < < lc-
mrrt ] , thejr then tliriinr water upon the lint rocks ,
tlmi ftcncratlne itrani. Tlinio desiring the \inor
balticninl underneath. After tlio | iorea o I lira
ikln are opened anil liter profunrly penplro they
cran I out and another fnillun ilashea buckets of
cold water orer them , or thejr plnngo Into a ncur
by itrmm ITiey are then rubbul thoroughly
with Klckapoo luillaii Oil , ami are given copious
ilratu of KIcLarioo Indian Sauna , after ttlilch
tliejr roll up In blauketi ami have atounil ilccp.
Who ran tench the Indians an } thing
nbouthenltli ? Ills own physlquo answers
tor his superior knowledge.
Ills preparntlons of loots , uark nnrt
herbs , now given to the world for the flut
tlmo In the Klckapoo IndlHii Hcmcdles nro
nncaualled by nny discoveries of tlio mod.
leal world of tlio whites.
Wh on yon f col twinges of pnln In your
Joints , look out , a slight cold might devel
op HhcumnUc Fever. If j ou have pains In
j our back or sides your liver Is congested
or your kidneys me not pcrfotmlng their
woikand poison U gatlierlngln joiirfoody.
I'xpoaure to cold or contagious disease *
would be fatal to you.
I'lmplcJ , blotches , nnd other humors in.
dlcnto thnt the poison Is walking in your
blood. You fool languid , heavy , dull ; you
nnnkc In the morning unicsted. !
Urlv o these symptoms aw ay at once I
Take Klcknpoo Indlnn Sngwiv. It will
cleanse jour system , heal jour diseased
oitfnns , purify nnd en-lch the blood , nnd
di Iv o every taint of poison f lorn v our uodj
Ihcn juuvrlll feel strong , bright , alert
nnd active RS the Indlnn docs.
Klckupoo Indlnn SaKvva U composed of
nature's remodles , gatliciPd nnd prepared
by nutnro'B chlldi en , who depend not upon
book knowlpdgo for their cures , but upon
the leaves , thu llowers , tbo roots und tliu
herbs thnt nro placed In the earth by an
all vvlso 1'iovldence fortliobcncfltof every
living ciLiitnrc.
Why , look at thonnlnmlsl
If jour hniHo lucks his nccnstomcd v Igor
yon nr taught to nun him nut to pasture.
'ton do so. Tuo horse gets well.
Wh > ?
Ilccaitso thcio crows In every field the
tender leaves o ( soinu niLdlunal plunl
which Instinct tells the nnlnmlstoeat , and
does for the poor old hoise precisely whnt
some other , or perhups the umu plantv\ll
do for a human being. Ileitores the wustcd
enorgteal K ( news tno lost stiongthl Ho
vlvos the di ooplng spirits.
Kickapoo Indian Sagwa.
% SoMbystll Drtiggiit } and Dtalei . '
$1.00 per Bottle , 0 Bottles for $5.00.
IElks > Benelt (
Omaha Lodge , No. 39 ,
Uonovoloiit und /'rotoot/i'O
Ortlor of l llcn.
The following Interesting fuiituros will bo
found In the program ot tonight's uoform-
anco :
Supported by bar own compiny. Including
, ! < > C'liwthnrti , .Vltiurlin Iliiri ) , Uorald.
Qrlllln and ethers , lu the second act ot
and the second uct ot
Special turns by the Individual inombora of
the 1'attl ItosuconiDttiiy.
( Lnteof I'rlmroso A West' * Mlnitruls )
In his black face minstrel sooolalty , ontltled
Kindly loaned by Munngor W. U , Day ol
thu llljoti Thoutor
Quito 11 numbur of aurpmos are In itort
for the 1-IUa nnd their frlonds l > r the Intro
duotloii of sorurnl features which will not hi
tnado known until this uronhu.
Ourtnlu will rKe promptly at 8.
Carriages nmy bo ordered for H o'clock.
I'r'cos : Tint floor , T o and tl.OO , balcony
50o mid Ti" .
FARHflH St. THEflTREipop 3
I5c. 25o 35o. 5Oo and 75o.
lu til > f unnlvnt uf pnr !
Supported l > r a oloier company ot comodlan
Carlutta , Uarony , Mauley Macy
ilny matlnco anyat tt cpntf
The sldo-spllttlni ? Comody-Drama
( MHSO.V .V.TI1OM1MON. In rotlnoil Corneilr Drama
Anil I , AVI KU n Marvoloni Clinician
MutlnociTuall part" of tlio liuuie JO rentf
l'.TiMllisi--Ilalcoiir , M risnit , paruuet 2" > CBnM
Light Weight
Overcoats ,
Such asvc \ arc selling' at
Arc never bought for less than
fifteen. $9.75 is a special price
for the special purpose of re
ducing some biglots. .
Samples may be seen in our
show windows. Wednesday
may be the last day they will
be on sale , but while they last
you can have them at $9.75 , at
Special Sale of
Double and
We.arc , going" to put on sale
for a lew days this line of suits
at $7.50. If you want a bar
gain in a suit this is your op.
portunity. You can see them
in the windows , and you can
have one at $7.50 , at
w j 4 jA
I np
rou ALL
Chronic Neryoa
, ? ,
Privats ail
Special Diseasas.
23 years oKnarlonos.
01 ? mm
Treated at $ . " > 03 a mootU
and nil inolloluosi
treated at roiisonablo
OF ALL Kit * PS.
Wo are houdquartors fur any nrtlola
inudo In liiird or soft rulibor.
Rubber Gloves
for protecting the
hands in
J'iij-s/o/im * ' mlns ; > itt7 Snppf/oi.
J14 South 15th. St.
Next to Pobtoiiloo.
! Gompl8teEHIaiiliooI
i A medical work that tells the cauwi describes
itlicttTu.uipointtli < > rtmeil ) . tkltntlllcall } the
( most valuablu , nrllxUmlly Ihv niont Uautlful
moillial book t\ir iiublUhiU , W IMHCK , i M'ry
, . .
rttd litjc ivtlu IC'UMtr I.IVI.C JUI jntai jvill f
ami nmlil futiirf ititfalli , thmtld urtlc fur thit
n o\nntmi , Lirfi.t HOOK.
It " 111 bo nt fne , tiiliUrscal , while the cell
tlon lusts , suite IIKC. and It married or eluglt
ERIE MEDICAL CO. , Buttalo. N. Y.
V. H. ' . OJIAJf.l , .V/ { .
Capital $100,000
Surplus h > 5,000
cmcer ( int Directors Henry W. Vatei , prjiltii
II C.'usulnir rloa proiUinl , 11 S. MiarlQj V /
MorsoJuhnrt Colltui J N IL l'lt'.et , 1. ) til I
Ueud , tathlor
( I riiiHiiltntliin I rex.l
In iinsurpnmeil In the trout-
nient of all
Chroiilo , Private and
NorvoiiM Dlioanos.
Write to or coniult in > nnallr ,
\d < lroi witli itauip for par-
icuUrn wlilch will bu lent la
i > u. iioi tui omc in M isiu-iu ,
Can be supported nnd rendered
loss painful by using a
Write us for measurement
Dealers In Physicians and Hos
pital Supplies.
1513 Dodge St. , Omaha , Neb.
Just In Our Importation of
Exclusive Style J in
Spring Woolons.
Pax ton Hotel Building.
\\o v/lll send you th m rt 1uu
> r > nch Preparation CALTIIOU
f r * . * ud a legal RUaruntei tliaC
( AI.II1US will Itrilorn .your
nicnltti , Slronetli ami V lifoi.
i ' < f it and fa v tftatisjiat.
Address VON MOHL CO. ,
HiU In.riiu A ( U , tl U ill. Ohio.
The Qlenarm
Kiir pein Hotel , ofTers quiet and convenient quarters ,
at moderate prices All World's Fair Lines within
IMO blocks 15 minutes to either Uxp sitinnorhuitncu
center , for fiva cent fare Newly and hand
funmhed and decorated Elevator , Hlectnc lights.
Suits of rooms for fimihei High Cltsl Restaurant
Rute.i , $ l.soto $ per day. Address ,
( T. E. Cor. Indiana Ave. Ic. 22d St. Chlcaeo , 111.
Refer to A. T Seeuerfrcr. Treas. , World' * Colura.
linn r.xi isition and 1'rcs. , Market Naliunal UAuk.
Chicago , Illinois.
The Mercer.
Omaha's Newest Hotel
COR. 12TI1 AND HDWAR3 if ) .
( rltooins ntS..M per illy
Id ooini attlOlper day
lOllromt witli Until ut Jli ) ) psrtir
10 Itooini MlUi Italli Hi II 1 to M 5) ) p ir Mr
Muilnrn In iv : < iry lleipoct
o ly r
C. S. ERQ. ProD.
The Midland Hotel
C or. /l/i null Cic / /i < > hf H.
Opposite Jefferson Square
in every respuot llnlltlliu and
fnniltiiru untlrely now
Ainuik-an pint ) , * . ! HOpordnr.
l.tiropoun plan , fl < > uurduy.
. pculal i ilej Uy tlio week
M .1 l-'UANC'K , Prop.
Tno nly hotel In the u'ty ' with hot anil co'il '
v , liter und sto im no it In every r.u 11
lubl uitJ illuliu roe u son .to uinuruuul
RATES $8.BO TO $1.00.
bueclul rated on upplluiulon.
U. 8ILLOWAY. Pro- ) .