Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 02, 1893, Page 3, Image 3

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f.0 1J ! I'LAItt , STUUKf
1 y conkr to nny part of Mia cltj
ItluslmMOfnVo . No 43
| . , | | tor . Xo.83
N Y. Plumbing Co.
I Boston Store , fs'atclwug '
; Mlltonbc rgcr is tlio hnttur , WW Uroidvvay
A special meeting of Culaiitho assembly
j III bo held this afternoon nt 12 o'clock at
( astlchnll.
John Hood Sberwoo.l's nttoinojs filed a
Jotlco In the district couit jesterdnj that
ids enso would bo appealed to the supu-mo
Mrs nmm.iMeCiP.iry ol Minden turned
liver six wolves to the1 county auditor vrste-r-
llay morning and iec-elvid the usual Ixiuntj
l > f iff caeh
ARcntlemnn fiom the lonlrnl part of the
ount > Is authorltj for the statement that
ho work of grading for the Nebraska Cen-
/ral railway is golti'j ' on In Hnidlii township
| lt wa i begun tboro last Satutdny
Ira I1' Hondiieks epuunonic attiiihmout
liroceedln ; s jesterday against M S HI nnei
lo rolled on a note for fMX ) given b.y Homier
JoM. M Hcndili-ks He ant-god that the
( idfcndant was about to dispose of his prop-
The following cnses of contagious dls-
nscs VMIO reported je-jterdaj Wlllloest ,
McH Avoiiiio C si-arlet fever , Clnuvuo Pres-
on , Illl Plnisant stioet , measles ; two Das-
> acli chlldu-n , 115 btutsm in stu'ot ,
.neaslcs .
Anmniago lleense vvns Issued . .esteiday
to .Tetri C Christiansen and .lohnnnu C Nel-
'noilaged ' il'l and 11 , re | ieotlvolj. both of
Council Hluffs Thoj' had Just armed on
this sldo ot the ocean , and an Intel pieter had
to bo c-allod in to help them take thoh vows
The e-aso of John ( illbert against James
McCabe , whleh has been ou til il most of the
tlmo for the I ist vvi-ok In tbo distilct court ,
v 111 bo completed nnd submitted this morn
ing. Tlio IIOM thing on the-piogram is thu
tiinl of cases ou the law calender , tbo llrst
thing on the list being tun old Ugdcn house
case of Smv the against Stout
A meeting of the' Kpwoith league , nio.ul-
wayihaptot will bo held in tin1 pillois of
liioadwaj Methodist Episcopal ehuieh this
evening at 80 iloik sharp to elect olllccis
lor the ensuing year All membeis of tlio
le-igiie aio le-iincstpd to laj aside all other
i-niMgcmeiits , ns the desiie1 Is to place the
dhectorj ot oflk-cis eutiiclj hi the hands of
the .young people
William Sullivan and EdwardSkeirj weie
hound over to the grand Jurj jpsloidav
morning la police contt on the chaigeof
burglnri/lng William Arnd'sstoio on Lower
Main street a few nights ago ' 1 he defense
they put forward was that thoj- had bought
the goods of a man whom thej didn't know ,
hut the eouit dee-laie-d that that kind of a
clefeiibo vvns too stalls to pass muster thoio
unit thu two men will h-ivu a chanci- think
up som'i other
The local flremcn claim to hnvo lec-eived
in formation of n conspiracy in Yankton S
1) . to cairj off nil the prizes at the state
tournament to bo held this jcnr at Sioux
City. It is stated that n number of piofes-
slonal foot raeers fiom Couni 11 Hluffs have
gone to Yankton and aio now in ti.lining as
a hosu team , intending to legister as aina-
teuisaudln that way defeat the leally
nmnteur hose tennis of the state Council
muffs tiled that scheme onto and it was a
fnlluio , the fact leaking out before the inl/es
weio awaidc-d , and the ones who aio inter
ested in the local team this j car do not in
tend to let Yiinkton do anything thnt Couu
oil Uluffs can't do
I.hlllK UlllHt.
The announcement alicady inmlu that
this city is hoon to ho ( jhcm an oppor
tunity tovitnoss "Llviiifj WhiHt , " or
"Dancing Whlbt , " lias ph-cm ri o to
rnucli Bpeciilatlon as to the chai ac'tcjr of
such an cntoi tainincnt and how it is
conducted. It is nothing 11101 o nor le s
than a { ( aine of whist whuiein eacjh c-aul
of a deck IB designated by a living llguto
drowned to personate the ] ) articilal- ( card
Bought to bo ropiesontcd. The c.irils
nro Hhullied , cut , dealt and played hj
means of graceful evolutions to the
meanmcH of bright and catchy minio :
"Living Whist" will bo piesentcd
Wednehday evening , May II , at Masonic
hall , by Mibs Han iot Harris under tlio
auspices of Unity guild.
Mrs. A. A. Young , supreme chancelor of
thdP.vthian Sisteiliood Is in the city , the
guest of Mis. It Ijuehow.
II. P. Barrett , who almost lost his life 10-
ccutlv by a mlstako In blowing out the gas ,
mane another last evening , which came near
resulting seriously. Ho attempted to light a
Ihu with Kerosene and as a icsult Is musing
n badly binned hand
Tom Clailc rotmncd ycsteiday fioni a
wchtcin tiip and , as usual , brought hick
with him what ho claims Is an Inteicstlnc
iclle. It li the war club of the only original
bitting Hull , and If his woid is to bo be
lieved as it ahva.vs It it took no less than
150 bright , round simoleons to transfer the
ownership to him It Is on exhibition In II ,
A. Uahd's window
Piles of people have puoj , out D.iV 6t'
Witch Ha/oiSalvo will euro them
Stoi o closed today. Will open lit 71C :
p. in. Space being limited children will
.not bo admitted to the concert. Pupil *
of the hohools nro invited toy isit the
store during the week.
Every staple article and novelty in the
china line at Lund Bros. Now patten
\viro framed for IHMIO lamp bhades.
Protect your homes against destrue
tivo storms. W. C , .lames has tin
Bltongesteoinanics ] in the world ,
No lrftfi > NtttnimlH Ililx Tlmo.
Judge lloemermado a move icstcidaj tha1
caused a fcoliugof illssatlsfaetlon among tin
professional Juryman who had been patlcntl :
loafing about the court room for so long
waiting for some regular Jur.yman to die of
and give them his Job l lght of the jnrj
men had l > eeii icleased on account of sick
ness or from other causes , and a spec ! i
MMilio was ontoicd by the court to till theli
places Instead of allowing the bailiff to ill
up the tanks from outside the railing at hi :
ownploasuio The following woio drawn
J. S Jennings , H i : Hitchcock and John Cill
bert of Kane township , Miles Hall of ll.i/o
Dell , John Hi ennui of Neola , It P Jacohsoi
of Norwalk , .lames t'lu ihtlanscit of Doomet
H. A Pilceofllaulin
Piles of peopletin. . - mi . . , DoVltt'
Witch lln/.el Sihi ( 'urn '
Coal and WIMHS ; U'st and chcapos
Wlt-souri hard vvoi l in the city ; promp
dolivery. II. A. t'o.No. . 4 Alain
Mine , llolon Mori ill , liairdrossing ani
inaiiicuring. Umnn J112 , Merriam blocli
NVilliamson * Co. . 10(1 ( Main street
lai gost and host bluyelo ht H-l ; in city.
Cook your meals this Mimmor on ti gu
range. At font at the Gas company.
4 llnllillnc 1'iTiiiitn
The following building pei mils were issue
josterday :
t' H. imudlltiK , luth 1H and 10. block
I. I'll l-CK'h UlllllliOll , ( l\M. > ' ( ) ( t 1,00
J. II. Allen , lots Jl ! anil ai.lilooU 11.
\VrlKUt' uililltlon , il\M > lllng . 1,00
] „ DiiMiiliiK , bJti Ilioiiiluuy , top llrb 1,4(1 (
Tliroo iiormlls , iimny itlng t 3,40
The pure Julco of the giapo naturally fo
nicntwl , that Is what Cook's Uxtra Vi
Champaguo Is. Us boimut is unrivalled.
Hexes and barrels of Dro.xolV Uo !
cologne , a delicious perfume , 2oo bottk
for lOo. U.i\i , the druggist.
A now Invoice > f KngliHh turbani
latest and stylish , nt the Louis.
\V. ,1. Wallace , building matortals.
Domestic boup. It is the best
Proceeding ! of the Oily Council ftt Last
Night's Netting.
Arrangement * Itrlnc Jlmlo to tlic tlin Illock
rrf cnted to the City by Colonel Ad-
itlion Corliran Cuiinldrrable
* 'J rnniactcd.
Thncltj council held Its monthly meeting
last night. 1' O Mlkcscll , c-lty poll tax
collector , reported that ho had collected f 134
and i etui tied M } percent of the amount to
the clti , lotalniiig the other 20 per cent as
compensation He was called down on this
statement , ho having kept just twlco what
he was allowed bi law Ills claim was re-
ferud to the finance committee and ho was
Iiistiuctcd to tum the whole amount over to
the' Ittioasurer
' 1 ho following bills weio allowed City oftl-
rors'saIaiosiWpoll ! < cVC > ; engineer's de-
paitiiKMit , fi-l" ) , sewer depattmetit , $ l" > :
Htiectsamlallojs , SI.HIS , Olobn , * 'il'J , Non-
p.ui'Il , * JII. llu'lits , fSiu'i. llro department ,
81,0IS , Stlmpson A Hubcr. for construction
of Intersection sewer on Washington
avenue , f.Wil
I'otitlon for an eleetiic light at the corner
of Main stieet and Klfunitli avenue was
gianted , and that for a light at the coiner
of Main and Tenth lefused
Sidewalks wcie oideied on A\cnuo A ,
betwi'cn Klghth and Ninth stieots , and on
the west side of Nuttli avenue
A coniiuittee tvas appointed , consisting of
Smith , Keller and Il.ith IU.I.N , to complete
the sale of the lot at the i oilier of Broail-
way and Thliteeiith street to P Wind
'Jho election of a street supeivisor was
next In order , this being thu fonith attempt
made in that direction A H Avei.y , P
! 1 ( hianella and ( ) II LuiasvMno thu can
didates and on the first vote Avei.v received
two votes ( iiMui'lla , lour and Lucas two
I'oui inoi e b illots v\eie taken bofoio a selec
tion was made On the last billet all of
( inanclla's filends foisook him and Ave'O
vias elected by a vote of ( ! to 'J over Lucas
U C Baldi appealed befote the count 11
and asked that an appiopilitlon to assist
in the obscivani'e1 of Oetoiatlon day bo
made 'I ho request \vas lefeircd to tin1
committee of ttio whole
I.mid lor I'aiU I'm | iiisi > .
S B Wadswoith read a communication
railing the attention of the council to the
fact that Addison 1' Cot hi in has given to
tluMitv bloikT of the addition which beais
his name , and that theio aio two lots In the
block to vvhli h ho has not a clear title Ho
asked that the city attoniei bo diiected to
take immediate steps to have the two lots in
question ( ondemiiPd for puiposfs 'Ihe
icquest was gianted Wadswotth also said
that Colonel Cochian hail piesentcd the eltj
with hh pli'tuic It was ouleicd hung in
the council chamber , and a committee was
appointed to dtaft a setnf icsolutions thank
ing Colonel CocIIIMH lor his maguitlceiit gift
The c-ommitteo consists of ' 1 ibbetts , Keller
and ( loiso
A communication was lead fiom the city
conni.ll of Omaha asking that a committee of
thieo bo appointed to act in toujum-tlon with
a slmllirc-on.mltteo fiom the Oinah i coumll
for the puipose of leduclng the faio on the
motor line between the two cities The
major was iustiiicti'd to appoint the com
mittee , which consists of Smith , Jennings
and White
A I'ommittee was appointed to dcstiov
$1)1-J,000 ) HOI th of i-it.y bonds which have
been atcumulating in the vaults bhiee lhss
An oidlnanco was passed ledming thu
icavenger license fiom * " . ( ! lol ( ) per annum.
: Tin1 clerk was Instiiatod to adveitlse for
bids for a sewer on Main stieet fiom Klov-
cnth avenue to Sixteenth avenue , fioiiiMalu
stieot to rouitcenth stieet on rouitccnth
tyvunnc , and on 't'enth avenue ttom Thlid to
"ligh sticets
l oit.v twopiopeitv owiieis living between
Bioadwaj and Kighth avenue fiom Twentj-
Ighth to Thlitj-soventh Rlicots asked that
: v stet ) bo put to the practice of allow ing c-at-
tie to bo healed In that viulullj. The city
ittoine.v VMIS Instilifted to draw an oidi-
.i.inii ) prohibiting the heulingof cattle noith
it Tenth avenuo.
With lufcionco to the vote taken at the
nst uieolliiL' on the question of appointing
two moio men at the Lower Bioadway engine -
gino house Major Livvicuco leported that
the motion to appoint must bo eauledbja
najoiity of the cntuo council , It being a
notion for an aptnopii itlon of monej.
fnj I'olt : I'.irlj.
The chlldicn of the First Piosbytciiau
Suudaj bchoolvvcio given an ontcitainmciit
last evening In tlio c-liuichpailois , in honoi
of the llrst day of May The loom was
crowded to its full capacity , a gieat many
older pcoulo being piesent to watch the en-
Joiinent of the children and listen to the excel >
col lent musical and liteiarv piogiam that
was picsonted Tlio boys of the High sehoo :
gave a Dolsuto oNOivisu icpusentlng the
"Angels of IJuena Vista , " whhh was thor-
oughlj until1stood bi theaudi'-nco althougli
U was all In pantomime Miss Ncula M
Ogden sang sovoial bones and was en-
thusiastleallj encou-d Musio was list
f mulshed hi the Hleh school
oichostia and a stiing quintet Miss AYiighl
read a poem which was well leceived The
crowning point of thu whole piogiaai , however
over , was the Ma > polo dance bj the chil
dren Miss I'dith Thomas was ct owned
queen of the May , and as soon as this Inter
estingoxeielse was was gone thiough will
the children tiooped In and oxccute-d tin
dance , winding the diffoicnt coloted sticam
cis about the tall polo that had been pi o
vidoilfortho occiiblon IJefieshmentb wen
served and theio was a booth of lloweii
w hut o all could puichaso the Hist beautle1
of spring The entertainment wasagioa
success and a great deal of ciedit Is due
those who had the management
Orand musical ontoi tuininont to b (
given at Kifth AvonuoMotliodist Kplseo
pal cliuroh , coiner r.i hteontli btroo1
nnd Fifth uvunuo , for the bonollt of tin
"Homo of tlio FriendloHs. " Some of tin
best tiilont in Council lilulTh and Oniali ;
will take part.
Kvory ono is most c-oullully iiuitod.
TiukotH0 c'unts , liliilclrou under K
yours , 10 ccMitH.
Ton Dnj nt tlin World's Pair
It w ill cost you loss than SriO.OO , o\ cry
thin" ; tie'fe'Sbar.v included , This ineuii
home'H in ] ) t-iviitu enttu o , oloaii , safe
close to grounds and on the beach o
Lake Michigan. Wi ito to .1. T. t'hyno
vvoth. Windsor Park , 111. Refers to II
W. Tiltonof THEJlKK , or Jacob Sim
of Sims & Hainbric.go , Council Ulnlls.
rul.llii M ij 1 al < i. I'art.
The Grand Ainii has decided to take bad
what It slid about having Decoration da ,
oxcrc-ises all by Itself , and tlio general publi
will bo invited to take pal t In the celobi-.i
tlon The action that was taken a wee
ago List baturda.v ni.'lit Is attiibuted b
soiiio of the membeis to the fact that sovoi.
of the Icaderb had just gene to Kcokul. t
attend the state encampment , and while th
cats weio awaj the mlco thojghtlt wouid b
n trooil time to phi ) Whether thochango i :
mind Is duo to thu lotuin of the Keoku
delegation or of the public feeling that wa
amused over the matter is not Known oul
sldo of thu tanks , but the fact re-mains thu
them has been a change , and over ) body wl
bo allowed to help decorate gi.tvcs Th
resolution no' to ask the citizens to coi
tiilmto. how over , stands as it was liu
Piles of people nave piles nut Do Witt' '
Witch Hiuel Salvo will cure1 them.
A I'liiK Itnnil Ilo no.
Do yon want to buy ono ? If so , writ
W. 15. Oaks , .Slhoi-Clty , la.
Fico treatments daily irotn 2 to 4 j
in. at the Council Hlutls McMllcul an
Surgical institnto , 2lth ( and Uroadvvaj
Ask jour giocor for Doincstio soap.
Siiprrmn Court I'Ken.
At the tmu of court which Is about 1
ouea In Dos Molues tlio following e-ases ai
booked for trial. I S. Mueel against Dr 1
W. Houghlou , M. Marcus against Jo ) :
Dohany , .Tnmen I * Pnxton aRiUu t Clmrlcn
U Boss ct al , Wckham Bros , iiKuinst Mary
T Monroe et nl , CltlMiishtato bank against
Council Bluffs I el oompanj. Blotchky Bros
against Caplan k Mathati , UoCJroff , Vrlellug
&Co against O 1' Wlokham , Tim Toley
againstI A Hamilton , tieorgo Bojson , ad
ministrator , against the Chicago , Burlington
fi Qulncy Hallway company , Ixnils Vebcr ft.
Sons against H. Friedman , l.'iko Mainiwn
Ibillnar company against J , W and 11 L
Squire. C M. Witt against II. O. Rl'-e , A.
W. Coffman against I'rank Trimble. All the
above cases aio appealed from the 1'ottawat-
tamlo distiict. 1 ho case of tnostatoagalnst
J. B. Daniels of this city Is also to bo tried
on an appeal from Ilarilson county.
A flood Thing for Couglu nnd Cotdi ,
The more Chamberlain's Cough Uemedy
is used the more It Is liked. Wo know of no
other remedy that alua.\s gives satisfaction ,
It Is good when jou llrst catch cold. It Is
good when jour cough is seated and jour
lungs arc sore. It Is good In anj kind of a
tough We have sold twentj-tlve dozen
bottols of It and every bottle has given
satisfaction Stcdman & frledman , drugg
ists , Minnesota Lake , Minn
Lily camp No. 1 Kojal Neighbors of
America , willglvo apowrh progrestlvi1
highlivo social nt the residence of W.
C. Hover , ILVIo avenue U this Tuesday
evening. All Woodmen , wives and
friends are cordially invited.
The ladies of the Union Veteran Le
gion w ill have a plant wile on Thnmlay
and Friday ; also i-ervo dinner and sup
per nt ! 128 IJroadway.
Another Improvement to the popular
Schubert pltu.o. Swaiibon Musio Co
forun Pa } too.
Corse Paj'toti and Miss Heed , with their
excellent support and a hlghlj realistic
melodrama , "Mj' Old Kentuckj Homo. ' ' de
lighted a theater full of people at Dohanj's
last night U was the opening night of an
engagement that concludes at the cud of the
week The compinj is very stiong , and the
high favor they placed themselves in with
the audleino last night assuies an oxtra-
ordlmullj succcsslul engagement Tonight
the bill will ho a pine coined ) , "Escaped
fiom Sing Sing , " and unless all indications
fail tin1 theatei goers will be delighted that
It has got so far avyaj ab Council BlulTs
Popular pi ices pievill
1'rotcitloii lor I'li'iilUc-H
The tcims of sale of NoichOaheston piop-
crtj aio so airangi'd that if jou died your
lieirsvvlll get back the moiioj y ou hav o in
vested and the propeitj for nothing D D
Smeaton , loom 17. Baikcr block yylli bo glad
to tell jou how it Is done1
Tinli.uiil lloti-t ,
Connc'il UlulTs. lost elegant hotel in
Iowa. Dining loom on boventh lloor.
Kates , W to $5 per clay. E. F. Clark ,
Pi op.
A. II. Perigo & Co. . lO'l Pearl st. ,
Columbia and other high grade bicycles.
Stop at the Ogdcn , Council BlnlTs , the
best $ J.OO house in Iowa.
Domestic soap outlasts cheap soap.
I.o/lrr lloiiiid Over.
Kews from Onawa Citj , Monona county ,
has been iccelved to Uie effect that Leon
yler has been bound over to the giand jury
on the charge of obtaining money under
false pietenbes , and released upon fuinish-
ing bonds in the sum of $ . " > 00 His fi lends
heio saj ho will in all mobabillty suic-ced In
raising the neccbsuy funds to pay back to
his victims the amount ho worked them for ,
when the case against him will bo dismissed.
Piles of people have piles , out Do Witt's ,
Witc'liHa/clbave' | will cut o thorn
Sec the pet1 ! less Dauntless bicycles
and get terms. Henri Murphy. 10 Pearl.
For Ilrst-class loonis in Chicago for
World's fair call on Ohio Knox.
S. P. Vanatta , attoi noy , o Cvei ott blk.
Geo. S. Davis , prescription druggist.
Domestic boap best for hard vvator.
Story of the OIIOPM nnd Infiintn of Spnln
nnd a AVooilonttor.
The queen of Spain is accustomed to
ride in the eonntrj about Madrid , which
is bleak and deserted to ilio last degieo ,
says the Mlnneiipollu Tribune , and on
such occasions she is accompanied by
the Infanta Isabella , the young king's
aunt. Ono day the driver of the royal
can iago became lost in the monotonous
plain and spent two hours vainlj in try
ing to iind the way. The qneon anil the
infanta w ore ftOmcvv hat alai mod.
All at once they came upon an old
woodcnttei , who , with a , hunch of fagotn
upon his back , gathcieil laboriously
fiom the busheto be found hero and
theic , had Mink clown to the ground , evi
dently for a momentV i est.
"Ho , my good man ! " the d'-ivei- the
royal carriage called out. "Will jou
toll ns tlio road to Madrid ? "
"No , " saiil the woodcutter , "I will not ,
oxcoj t on one condition. "
"What'h that/ "
"That you take mo in and carry me
back to the citj. ' '
The coachman declined to do this.
"Voi'i well , then , Iind tlio load your
self. " baid the vyoodouttei
The queen hero intervened. She
ordered the coach man to let the man tie
his fagots at the hack of the coach and
to take him np on the driver's seat and
drive him homo.
The man tied his rough fagots at the
back of tlio fojnl coach , mounted tin
box , and the toad to Madrid was sooi
When the loyal carriage entered tin
city in this queer state there was a gieal
sen-ation , as the people recogni/cd the
equipage. The woodcutter but proudly
on the box. When his quarter was
icached ho got d mn and unfastened hit
fagots. The queen put her head out o
the door.
"Goto the ro.yal palace tomqrrovf , '
she said , "and jour boi vice will bo ro
w aided. "
The old man , suddenly poiceivinf
whoso passenger ho had been , was over
come w 1th humiliation. Ilo stood bow
ing , rubbing his cap between his hand
and uttering exclamations of astonish
ment until the e'lrriago was out of sight
Drill Siuldonl ) I mini.
At a town in ono of the westori
provinces of Canada some private the
atricals weio rc'i-e-ntly being "got np.
During ono of the acts home ladies hut
to go through diill. Wishing to do i
con ectly and according to regulation
they piocuivd a sergeant in the neigh
hoinood to teach them. This worth ,
man , on the Hist occasion of drillinj
them , commenced :
"Now , ladies , pletvv stand ptoporlv t
'Attention , ' Vels together and in line
toes turned bout at an angle of fortj-liv
degrees , knees straight , the aims 'ang
ingeasilj fiom the shoulders , tlio 'am
open , tlniiii to the ft out and lightl ,
touching the beam of the pants "
This ended the drill for that day
% equ a of
fertile Prompt ojjdof
Jity Council Meets hnd Grants a Nnmtor of
Snloon Licensee.
t ' .
'ouncllmnn Conlry IntrodurcK n Itcnolittlou
to That incct : , ba I.nckii Votcn
Atcctlne * 0,1 Cjthor
Iratlon * Note * , itc. ;
1 I
All the members flf the South Oinnha c-lty
council vvcie present at'1 the regular vvcoklj *
meeting lust night. President Woods occu
pied the chair The committee on licenses
reported favoiably on the following appli
( ' ( iiolnuik , 2011 N sttrot.M. Woolcnsteln ,
2dlO N sticotiJ II Kmlu-ns H'JJ U avenue ;
John Hobb.J70) ) Q street ; V .1 l.sisni.uTl
Twenty-eighth slivc t. ( litirlcs Hcirr , Iwentj-
tlilrd nnd llniiiiiiond streets , .Ini-oti Nc-l-on ,
'JUOJ N street , I'r ink lumpert , 1)02 rwetity-
fciu it list reel. Otto Mnurer , 4 JO I'vu-nlj-foiiuli
street ; II.idler , T i nl j-fourth nnd N
streets , Julin Nelson , Hullioail avenue1 , linns
l.oniburK , e } nnd Twoiity-llftli streets , A Ili-l-
nlaveK 001 Twenty-sixth stieet ! I II llrnin-
nrd , i\cimtiKo : Imlldlnn.Mlllnin luihaclicr ,
J2U115 N stieet , unni S Itnmer , I'tiinslt h is ( < ,
Eolith Umnhn HrowliiK company , rwcnly-llfth
nnd \ strec-th , I has .Mekhlors , 1 wc-nty-fouith
and N streets , Snilh Omaha Hrewfng i-om-
tiany , Twenty-sixth nnd Q slut-Is , A MeNs.
N streetsII .letter
nnd Twenty-sixth streets- , ,
rwc-ntj-fonrth nnd M stricts , II Jet lot ,
Twentj-i-lKlith anil y strei-ts , II Mt-lst ,
Twi-ntj-fouttli nnd N streets , lolin MiueiiK-
lle-n , Drown pntli , lames I'nllnhan , Albright ;
Joseph ltoe-sne-i , rwe-nty-thltd and Hammond
Couley Introduced a icsolution to' the
effect that the oe-e-up itlon oulinanco in
reference to saloon kecpcts bo repealed , but
as it did not get a second the matter was
passed bj
1 ho annual repot t of Street Commissioner
Tobias showed a total pxpemlitmo foi labor
and lepairs to be Jl/JSS''O The usual
monthlj bills wcienllowed
Ulds were opened for the paving of n
street fiom Twentieth to Twcmtj fourth
stieet , as follows C 11 Tanning. fJ for
pavement and OS cents for curbing , 7. Cod-
dington , $1 Us for paving and nnd to cents or
curbing , Hggeis & HOCK , $1 JS for
pnvlmr , J II Silver , $1 US110
for pav ing. George Parks & Co. $ ! bli
for p iv Ing and 14) cents for cuibing , J
H Smitl A , Co bid $1 Til for pav Ing but did
not state when the paving vvns to bo done
Upon motion of Conlcj the latter bid was
not considered George PaiIts & Co being
the lowest biddeis weio awaided the eon-
L , H Stanley & Co were awnuled tbo
ontrnet to build a sewer fiom the corner of
Uailroad avenue nnd J stieet to Twentj-
sixth nnd II streets , their bit ! being $ -J in for
nan-holes nnd Jl fill per foot for twcutv-foui-
Inch pipe
Sehult/ moved that the cltj engineer be in
structed to build a temporarj foot biidgo nt
the cast end of the Q stieet vlnduct Cniried.
The pioper committee was instructed to
ndveitibo for bids in paving district 1'J
Conlej agnin biought up the occupntlon
ordinances , this time Including both of them.
His lesolutlon was seconded bj Koutslty
and was lost bj a vote of 5 to 3.
Bruce suggested that the L street viaduct
be cleaned and repalied and the street com
missioner will be instructed to do the work
at once
Livestock Inspector How aid's report for
last month showed that he had condemned
eight head of cattle
The citizens of the Thhd ward petitioned
the council to hurrj up the motor company
and fouc it to complete ! Its line acrobs the Q
stieet viaduct Messts Hulla , Conlej and
Schult ? were made a committee to wait
upon the company ! in ace-oulaneo with the
request in the petition
A sewerdlstiict was oicatcd on N street
fiom Twentieth to Twentj-ftTuitli stieet.
after which tidjouinment was taken until
Thursday night when especinl nttention will
bo giv en to the npjiHcailts for liquor licenses.
I.tve Stuck llxi Imilfjo.
Theio vvcie sixtj members present nt the
regular monthly mooting of tlio Uvo Stock
exchange jesteniaV aftcinoon. Tinal
action was taken "on the lecommcmla-
tions of the meeting held Inst 1'rl-
dajwinch were published in full
in Tun Ben Uhcso recommendations
weie ndonted nnd tbo lules will bo amended
accordinglj' . There was also some discussion
as to what pay commission men should
chnige for sales of mixed cms , but no definite
action vvns taken.
School lloiinl Mt'etlinr.
AV. B Cheek nnd A. N Hognn , the ncwlj-
elected mcmbeis of the school board , took
the oath of oftlcc at the icgular monthly
meeting last night. Bids for plans for two
four-loom school houses to cost not to exceed
$10,000 each , vv ill be ndveitise-d lor at once
fPUV IT I Until the iMpeofa common \l < ltlnir card
JL tolliiesotlialnochniloiuwlll nil ) on ilthtr Bhle :
tin n liolil your nose to lliu t nnl iniil ) ou w ill sir liow
rut ) It U fur UIL mail to owullow out. of Dr. 1'lcrcc'a
I'leasaut 1'cllcti
< mo of Dr. Piorco's Pleasant Pellets 'iheso
little Pellets nio ns elloctho as the best liver
pills , and nro casiei to get down nnd more
agreeable in their action besides
The fact is , Lr. ) 1'ierce'b sugai coateil Pel
lets are better in almost ov ei y respect. They
net hi n mild , easy and ixttutul way. An
iilisoluto iwf for Constipation. Diy/inoss , In-
dlgehtlon , Sour Stomnch , Kick und lidioiis
Ilendaches. For Nervous Disordi'is arising
from weak stomach , nnd all deinngementsof
tbo liver , stomach nnd bowels , they nro
guaranteed to give satisfaction , or money is
returned. Why are they not the
1)111 ) for you to ttij ; f
M i Uu yrui bond rich nnd nuro. tone voi :
w holu y slum , cure every nervous trouble wltl
Nerve Beans , a now vegetable discovery ol
marvnloiis power. Ihov renew youth , restore
visor , give nlou nt healtli. doable capacity foi
work or plciisnre.Vondurfiil for ovorworl
and worry , feold by drueirlsts * 1 n box twi
weeks'supply , or by mull , NKIIYU UKAN to
lIulTalo N. Y
" > t-lrw. . I'ne-
I tloo tn i\\o \ \ stnto and
federal courts. Uoonu JOJ-7-b-fl , blinn'irt
block , Council ltluljr , Jo.
Council Bin ITs , In.
John Dohany , . . . . .
Uno Week fomn.onuln ;
And bis merry company Mii | > orte < l by the
talented young uc-tre-ss
On Tuesday Kvcnlnz Tliey Will Appenr I
New honckiind cline-es , liuttor and
tlinn over. I'UICKS - tOc. 20j und .Wo ,
Otic Is to bo Inillt on MiMoml nrrntic nud
tlio other at Twenty sixth nud PstrcoM
lillli nccreirntliifr J.IUTI Ul vvere- allowed
This Include * tlie silnrles of tlio teiH'liow
The Iwnnl vv 111 meet npilti next Moudny
nlplit , mid In tlio incntitliiiu will rec-elvo nil
opinion fnnn the attorney ni to when the
iievv boinl slmll
HullilltiK I'erinltn.
, Pormlts to hulld were Issued } cstcrdn.v ns
follows :
Tlionm < llonilnfrniiiocottnje , Twenty-
tlftli nnd A streets . . . JCOO
It. Mlttninn , friuiiu cottnitu botwc-en
Twonty-ulk'litli und Twi'iily-nlntli
streets , on O . 4&0
Chnrlis ( loldsniltli , frnmn rottnt.1 ,
Twenty third , between Mllioy nnd
Armour street' . . HOO
Clmrles ( lOliNnilth. fraliu < cottage ,
Twcntithird , lie weeu Mttruy and
Armour streets 400
W. 11 lletry , triune e-ottnci1 , > evcln-
teentli , between Mllroy nnd Armour
streets. SOO
Chin It's 1'nhs , frnmo i-ottnj1 ! , Twenty.
slMli , between 1) ) und K strfets bOO
Henry tiievcs , frnmo rottiiKO"even -
tc-i'iith , between M nnd Missouri uve-
tmu . 1,000
Seven iic'imltiittKieKntlnn } ) , OuO
l.OKt III * Mt.llf } .
Mllto Oninus , who lives nt ! ' > d'i Popplcton
nvenue , Oiiuih.i , was In ttio citj Sunihiv
Ho dinuk fteel > until about 11 o'uloe-k .it
nlpht , when ho was tnlcen to the Leo hotel
bj Oftlcet l > af-on Oainus clihns tint after
falling nsleo ) ) In the hotel ho robbed of
$ . " > ( ) He c-ariled his inoue hi a leather
pocket whle-li he had fustciied mound his
neck ,
Mr. HlaltC. piopnetor of the hotel snvs
Ctiirnus must hav o lost his luone bcfonho
e-anic to his lilac o. but ( iatnus Is ceitatn ho
was lobbed nfter fulling asleep In his loom
Iho e.iso has been put into the hands of
Chief Hec-Kctt , who will endeavor to locate
the thief
1 eli-ilion | linpriivriiic-nt.
Iho Telephone i-omiianv be nn some ex
tensive itiipioveincnts in South Omaha jcs-
teidav. A 100 who cable is beln stiuiiB
from Twentifont th and N streets to the
eential ofile-e , and fiom them the cable will
bo laid undeiKiound to the n\e-haiijo ( build-
hit ; All the slnple wlies will bo taken down
as soou as the cable isietdj for use. The
100 wires aio laid la a lead cable nnt moio
than an Inch nnd a half tluouijli , and will
bo a b'lent Improvement on the old sjstem
Mll lc City Not 01.
Twinbojs wcio bom to Mr and Mrs.
Thomas Connors Snndny night
Mr John C Caiioll loft .vesterdai on a
business tup to Cambridge , Neb.
Mr Mle-baci Cndnhy of Chicago spent a
few boms lu the Magic Citj jesteiday
'Iho deed Templars society pave a nubile
Installation of oftlceis at their hall last
Upchurch Lodge , Ancient Older of United
Workmen , w 111 give a social next Wednesdaj
A chicken pie social will be held next
Thursday night hi Albilght for the benellt
of the Methodist ehuich
MrV W Valentine of Chejcnm1 , W.vo ,
vvns in the city yesterday , thu guest of his
old friend Mr 13. O Majlleld
There has been some quiet talk amoiijr
cei tnln mere-hauls of oiganbin , , ' and oper
ating a small electric light plant on the 10-
opcrativ o pliitv. Cheaper light is the prin
ciple object
\VilllamHuinettoftliiscitvaud Miss
Mnj Held of Omaha were man led yestciday
nndwillmnko South Oinnha tacir homo
Mr Burnett is head salesman for Hurnf-tt
liios nnd is a popular iouug man wheicver
know n
John Skrupn nttendod a Bohemian wed
ding Sunday night and vcsteidaj showed up
atUr Ber\v le-k'b ofllco with his skull caved
in lie said that during tbo icvelry after
the marringo ceremony some person had
: iu-ked him on the head with a hammer.
The licenses of the soveutjone saloons In
South Omaha expued j cstordny.
"t 1ms been the custom in the
past to give the men ten days
giaco to take out n now license or elose ill )
the place Citj Cleik nitron said that ho
did not think the number would be nnj less
next jenr than last.
Ur , n. lj Sigglns took charge of the mic-ro-
.copkal . station bore jostcrdirj. Ho vvns
resented with a ctoen or more boqucts bj'
tlio phis la his emploj' . So far no eh ingcs
hav o bepn made in the emploj es aside from
ths chief mleroscopist Thi-to was some talk
of changing the present jiiarteis of the sta
tion , but Dr Sigirins iceelved a telegram
"nst night Instructing him to r el en so the
luarters now- occupied , which ho did.
- .6.
Piles of people have piles , but DoWitt's
vvitehha/el salvo vv ill euro them
Homo Thlcvi-n llro ik .lull.
CASI-HI , V/jo , May 1 [ Special Telegtnm
to Tin : Bru ] The two notorious liorso
thieves. Diek Curr and William Johnston ,
bioke Jail here last night and nio still at lib
el ty.
Mnnv times moro durable than sto un on-
lues , more reliable for pow er purpi es. nnd
iiuieh cheaper. Cnnbopntln coiner of nny
room from Kiirret to Imminent. tiUInK but little -
tlo spice , inulilne no nolso MnKes no sninkc
or dirt , requires no funloron lnunr to run 11
Choupor , neuter nnd tnoro roilnhlo for eleva
tors nnd other ptiruosos thnn vv.itor or Kns.
Detroit Motor nnd Gc-noritor best of ull , n1
al title invcsttRatlon will show
.Machines from onn-ol.Oit to olchtr horse
power nlwiiyson hnnd nnd warranted to clvi
complete satisfaction roiuninnlo itc with
us. yVo will snvoyou ilmo , money and Inton-
\V. T llAKHIt , HOInndnmsiiujriirt IllofU.
C'ounoll HIiilfM Teleilinni'J2l )
C. D. , Ketrli'litn , 711 fcontli lull St. ,
Omnli.i. Telephone 1J4'J.
Solo iiRonts for Coum-ll Dlults , Uniuli i niu
Special liotices.
' S/M.T A number of nle-o euttnKOi
i'OU un Tory m r purnunta. dreenahlelli
MchuUon A I u fiil llroutl\\ny
AX ) AM ) HO ACHK trnct uf Inntl In niirtliun
Iowa ntJ 15 00 tu l.-OOOimr IICID Johnston X V ni
\\rANIHi Sltimtlon b > dmiteler * 1 yc-nr at
* v jierlunte Al referem e. registered In low
anil outli Dakntn Ailtlrem N . lltuolllcit
cilt Itl.N 1 llonsuuf n\o roonmS itres Kftrilt-r
I 18 ai-nn pmtnre on upjier Uroailwar h U. lu !
ley 1U. ) I'titrl treut
AllSl H VL'IS uiul lonili K.inn mil city prom f
buuuht anj sulJ I'uuy it luojiii eujnill
\\rA.NI bl > A man w it ) hn knowlcUi
ii unit eipcrlenea In thu fruit i nmnilh lm
biiHlnesii * , ni nmnauDr for C oniKll Illiittf Krtill
( iruwtrb Mdpperv .VBSuclntlon ituferunt-eA rii
iiulrod AililrtnH J I1 lleas , fecrulirj , JJ 1'uar
Urtul , Cunnell Illiilln
MAI.l l.rfKUl 1SS UOSiC-I'coplu ny It lasta I
yearn unud vnluo anil ilwayn In mock it I llti
bi > vierrlam bloek
\\'ll.h I \i I1AM.K dll MCI.I. 'Ivro lour ruin
* i liuun'snnil utoro room ml outbullillntr , ilea
uflnt iiinlirnnci' A I MmnlQl TUHirnlmni Ave
I/CH SA1.K rtlll POt of llnnuM luoln
-1 tlon n bargain Imiulro ut Um
Hartlwurnio c HUMPH lllniTa
TTOIISKnml lot fur Bilu .No Hli rlfti irn u
-Illnqulra of J I' UirUtlin , ( . .VII I
f rclulu liu in3
AUI1ANCK for rluit min to collact , nalloll
nnd ilollvnr uaa I * Wuies II. a WDJJ
unit protitiillrliloil rvury ' . ( ) < lar < In "tac'i cox
viutt buy li sturji stuck \iMrdii J IV
Sony ltopnii l.Terett block council Ilium
17OII SAI.t i beap tuatn hlto < drlvli ID art
team raulof , ull waxen lurneni anil team tn
buitur. ruml wo on Carbon i oni eo lUI'earlnlrco
\\r A.N'l Kli-A eumpelent l ur 18 year olil Klrl I
tuko enru uf a ytar old tmby Apply at t ,
Myn Itr itrt-ut Counill Illutln la
w AMKI ) Couil vlrl for fi'ni'ral lioutvwor
Ai'ply toV a , Louper , IU Jlnln ilreel
A Wngo-Worker Testifies Thnt Di-s. Copolnncl and Shepnrcl Cured
Him ofA'Sthnin nnd Bronohltls Mrs. Glbbs Hollovod of Drend-
ful Hcadnc'ios ' nnd Dyspopaln An lown School Tonohor Toatl *
flcs Tw > Noted Slngora Olvo Tholr Exporlonco.
Ill n remit nrtlclcM'iitHIrd "llnvo n Spec-
Inlty , " which linn ntiriirtt-il Ilin intention
mill mlmlrnt Ion ol vlcoroin thlnlu-r tlio cil-
i-ntlllr Aiurrli in , iijmmnil rrooinl i-il in
liMiilcr wlii < iii\c < r the UnulUli IIIIIKUIIBO 1 *
npi > k n , rliMot w till thme1 iicc i-ptt-il trntht !
"It lines nut l-iko tlio win Id prj lout : to
dlncovcr vrhttU tlui ln t niiui for tills r th it
imrpiniMinil vvlirn It llniln out Hint limn ln >
linn nniiln u ( cpiTlnltv ot on tiling , mill nn-
iiii' | tiiiimlilj doe * It lie-ttc-rlliiinnnv iinoi-Ur.
tlio world must imill Itm-ll nt lil < liili r.
< > y\ < lii not me in to arum- tint u nun
should lin 111 - hnrv , r ii ililtol i-iitrrtnln-
Inclint out'Itlfiint n linnfoi tluit VMinltl 1n <
to ndvoc it ' iiiirruu-iiiliuU'cliii "t lint wc-do
ini-iin to niij tluit un iniiiiKlionld lie without
one oMHi'iitlnl nnd pii'Milllnir oliji rl , In ilm
| irosi < rnt Ion nt w lileli lin l clc-l cii inlnc-d to t \ -
cc-l , und It duc- not nmlcruti ) illllcrc-nco v lint
tluit l , wliiitlu-i rli-nnlUK
"All till * mill * weight to our llrst luUhr !
tonnvn iinpcclilltj mill pilsh It. HoBliro jou
nro right lirlorojon < nli i'i It. "
The iiliiMo01 client ml\uo Is qiinlril horn
to ruiliiinUo | lr . t'npi'liinil mill sliopnnr
oliitni tluit the true Kpooliilmt , olio tluit nc-
Irctn Ik ( rrtllln line of dlnrMM H anil iniiUoH
tlitlrHtuil ) anil prnctlii ) III * lifework , can-
iotlirlplint liccomo iiiornprollclont Intliolr
tioiitincnt tliiin tl n mncrul luulsiilo pruc-
tltlonor. 'llio lloltl of inoillrlno Inn liucoino
too oxtonilcil forii niiui to liopo to ninmer It
in nil IIH dutiillii. HIM , ropotiiiul mill bliop-
iril'H cront RIIKOHH In the troiitinont ol till
dlsoiisi'.i < il tlio nun 111 iiioiiiliriino mill tliplr
kluilroil iillic tlons U tlui losull ol M urn ol
npri nil tiiiinlni ; mill pi < lil iippllditliin.
1 ho mil } oliortlon | tluit < nil ho urged ngiiln < vt
thoin If ) that thoj ml\oltHc , but Ifthoy did
not ilo K ! > I lie } ( onltl not liopo to nrtuiii
unoiiKli pitlontK to Instil ) tlioin III triutliiK
tl'ono dLiniipits nt the Ion rules the > oliurio ,
tllo pillillo iHlicin lltti'd li ) tlioli lliUcitls-
Inti mill the ) roiill/i ) It.
After SullorhiK lor Vi'iirn riiini AHlliiini mill
Uroni hltU , Mr. Hi imjli MM H lluit Drs.
Copolmiil anil Chopin il ItoNtoioil
Illin Kiail 'I his.
Mr Tohn ItrmiKli ll\o nt No. llVXl I"lfth ave
nue , Council lllnlTs , ami buon umplnyc'd
Tor 1" > yours In the car-roil ilrlng shoos ot thu
I ) . I' . ronU. llosiss ! "II lioj.ui ulth untnrili
years IIRII , mill for three vcarn onst uaiiKh nnd
ustlima hii\o niiulu mo wrutuliuil. 1 could not
rest at night , but \valUoil tliu lloor or Hut up to
jot inv brcHth , Mj Inius wcro soro. anil the
terrlblo r tcklnz couuh hoomoit to tear mo nil
to pieces. | ralson totiRh , blneU miis os of mu-
CIIH nnd Hllmo that almost choked me U
seemed as If nolliliiK noiihl bu left of mv
lun.'B My chest rattled and wliee/od at
times like a brass band. After two months
with Dr. bhoimrd I um ported I v lelloxed and
ns well us I ever was 1 bollexo this trout-
ninnl foi c itarrh , intlinni anil lung tionbles Is
the best In tlio world. "
And Canned Her rain anil tlltoi ) All 11 or
Lllo Until Dra. Copolmut mill
hlicpnrd Kolloteil Ilor.
Mrs James Olbbs. ulfo of tliooll Knnun
sexton or forest Lawn ccmotory. lives In
I lorence , where she Is Mioun by the whole \ II-
Ineo ns a model ulfoiind mother.
llor story , us told by hrrself , Is ono of tlio
best oxnmplcs of vunU Dru Coiclnnd anil
MioKird ] liavo often nrfroil tlio danger of al-
lotvlnK catarrh to ilovoloo and fustfri on the
system In onrly childhood. Mrs Ulbbssavs :
" 1 hud hiirdly Known what It w b to have tin
ouilrulv well any In my Ufa until very 1 itclv.
1 contracted cut-trrh ttlien 1 \\iis II joirsold ,
and had been a Miflerui from It evei since ,
until I vis rcstoiod to bo iltb by Dra Copeland -
land k Hhu | ) ird. I w as KO norv ous I could not
sleenor rust ; worn out , run doun. and \\oak
and tired all the time My bo id nnd thro it
were nlw.iys chuUcd np , my head nelicd nil tbn
til no and my throat \\.vs sore and diy. I could
positively rctnln hardly anvtlilim I ate on
my stem ich ; It v\iis nas Klxliu mo trouble
nnd Isullcinl all the mls-orv of u uonllrmcd
( lysucptlc. I'or days iind days I could o t
notlilnir , but llvod on llnlds ulonc I'nder
these iihjBlcliina however , I bccmi to Improve ,
nnd tlila linpiovomont kept up until 1 11111 now
miarly Liircd. KveryonooC my svniiitonm Is
one and I feel healthy energetic nnd well ,
? cannot put mv thunkfuincM to these phM
Mr IMUoof ( ho lll on City Quartot.noit
Mim'liu with tbo "Omintv I'nlr" comnny , snldt
"My trouble biv.-nii In.lnno last , vvhtfu slutting
In Clni-lnnntl , 1 wan solioar p tlint my
liu voice loft mt' . nnd I could apeak obly In n
uhlspor. 1 Iind lo Rlvotip my profession torn-
porarlly ,
"I tooU troivtment frma emhipnt phvslchins
and npec-lalNts In llun.ilo , Nou VorKVn li-
Inston nnd 110-ton
1 iirtiirotl lij Ktcrtrlc-lt ) ,
"A Wnshlngton norl il'-t ' , \\lioin 1 pnldfl n
dn > , used iMi'olrlrlty on myool conls , mid 1
Rrerinldly \ \ oriicomplutel ) - losing my
v ok-e. ' 1 he cords beutmo nuraly/ed
After thieo v\eoUs iinilir the ropolnntV
Meatmen ! 1 ii ins ncliiK'us null ns I over e-ould.
Jilt. I11 Ml Mil COOK
The nncorlnlnlj of the tone , loss of volnmo
nnil control h ivo dlsnpnoarod , and I am dn-
llKhleil 'I Mo trn ittmml of these pn > HU'iiu <
Isinlld , "oollilnn and ellli-nclous. in murUi-d
coiitriifitltli the torture I h ivo boon thtoiuh
v\lth others Ihuirtlly lecoinmc'iid them ns
sclentlllc anil M.IIlfnl nit'ii , "
Sir , I'ook'H ( 'nun.
"My ttonblo ' s ilil lion H Cool- , tinsiond
tenoi In tlio Itlimi I'ltj ( Jnurlul of Nell lltu-
KCSS'S "I'ounty I'nlr , ' d itcs hick llvn yens.
1'ot three voirs I had bt en using suit nnd
vvntui is a iinsnl dom ho notli-lni : an obstrno-
tlon In my lite itlilnc Inslo id ot belilnn' | mo
It "remed to .i'ia\ ; i to the dlsc.iHK
"I he obslrni tlon Inteifrrrd suilonslyltlt
mvokc nnd nftiM lieatininl for t\\o yeari
\\llh v nrlons dot-lors Ivns I reooiimciideil by a
professional friend to In I'opulnnd and ii.s-.o-
elnti s
"I'bcy h-ive Rioitlj rnMeved me nnd It elves
mo era it plousuio to luoommond tbcHO pliysi-
clans us masieis of tbulr irt and as coin loom
Rentlomon. No one who In tumble 1 ns I bavn
beim e-nn allord to e\pi < rIiiuMit n Itli doe-tors of
unknown ability , but should m > at once to
tlu : in. nnd I buss ivo valuable time it ml inoni'y
and h ivo thu consciousness ot bclni : In thor
oughly c ip iblu bunds "
An IOHII Iciic-lirr.
Toachlnz school Is a toll omo and ovnctln ?
employminit. I'lio vvorU Is f ir from healthful.
The dust fiom the st-lionl-iooin nnd tlie pliysl-
e il mid nil-lit il strain Induce eatnrrlnl
troubles , lionilni-bo And nut v oils exhaustion
Mitnv te tiburs are nou belli ) ; tiento I by Drs
( . 'opelnnd nnd "brp ird foi tlieso nnd Kindrid
rnmplHlnls Amen tliom Is MNs Alti M.
I'lshcr. a iiopnlnt imbllo school teacher of
llamhniK lunnwho li is beun ticatod unt rely
by mall. Mio si > s.
" 1 snirerod ill the misciy tiiit comes from
cat irrlril dl ° u isu until I tool , tbn mull tro it-
inont of Or" Copi'Innil and * -hop ltd I bis has
intidn a vvnndoi Mil i-lnin o In mo. mid Is eom-
iilololy niiootln | thudlsttnsi' fiom mv system.
To to it hots nnd nil othura I highly commend
thosu nliys'clnns ' "
I OW Itlltl-S.
Oitirih-ind ill curable disc1 isi-s tientcMl nt
low nnd uniform rates-mo lie-mes free. I'.i-
tlcnts nt n dlstancu sueceasfnlly tic-ntcd by
mall bciftl foi 8yiiiiloin | blank.
llotli I'lnsi rioslilontn.
Dr.V. . 11. Copeland w is nicsldont of his
class In llollovno lloapltal Medic-il CollciRo ,
Now York , vvhote hoKrndii itcd , tlio most fa
mous Institution of Its kind In Iho conntiy.
Dr' Slicmnl's cioclonl lull nro no less iihnnrtj ,
nut nncl uniinilltle-il | Ilo was tin1 prominent or
blschtss nt Hush Modli-nl College , ChlcnKo ,
tm tno-it noted modlc-nl si-boot In the went.
Also inumbor of the loivn Stnto.Mcdlonl Socie
ty , nnd of various other inodlc-ul and siirjlcul
llotli Kcntloiiien , nfter thoronch hospital ov-
porlonco nnd ptautic-e , Inivo devoted tholr
liven to Iho piactlco of iholr snuelnltlus , wltli
VThiitBUQCCbS the columns ol thu dully paper *
show. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
1IIJ11,1)INO. ) OMAHA. Ni :
K\ory Curable Disease 'I'rcatcil-
Ofllco Hours 0 to II a mJ to 1 p. m . 7 to S
p. m , bnnday 1U n. m to Cm
; : Om IZcnson.
Still why
Buy n popular wheel ono that will sell at siyht and make you a living
Ca alogtie l-ree. ( Jet agency quicK.
Il'l- ! ? ( ( > -S. | ( ) .Main Street , Council Bluffs Iowa.
Highest Ct ado for SIOO.OT
Thu Kolipso , VV.uorly , Kinjr ,
( J iiMior , Si-ni-fhor , all 10000
Sold every who i-o for $ J51.CO.
If jou want a vvhojl , don't fail to
ECO U" .
Our $80.00 wheel IB a dandy.
41 M ( In Strjot , Counull HliilTi
Special Notices.
\ \ MI.I null lit : low com nuw 6 room lioimv iniiilurii
' ' convinlunces wolllucjletl llct'olllo'
J/OH &AI.H-lmprovetl property in your own
prlcu A & room euimuti un Iot2 , Jiulil i mill , n
luruu i iturjr , 7 room IIUIIHO un lulu IS nnd | i > In
.lolnmun b uild n neat I room tuttaLit on lot II ,
lilock It Hommlnk' & Duvln mill u & room out-
Innu un lot H block X , I'oUrr A e'ubli i ml t ; a 4
ruumcutlHi'u'in lot 11 block J , 1 irlii Itx nilt ) 'Iho
MivliiKt Ixjnn anil llulltlliiK nitudntlun of fuiuicll
Illulli In offer tli | IOTO pruportliii for emili ur on
monthlr jmriiii-Mti und will roc lvo liltli fur tlio
nm u > b whole or tliulr. tJltln tu bo utmiltlitil to
1X1 thu lionrit uf itltvitort mtlulr tint nni tlnv In May ,
they ri servlMK thu prltlltvo or rejedlnx miy ur all
1X1k Mill rurtlier Information nlvinij \ U Vcitli
k tcrttury | w Vloln n to nlium all bld § nhuuld liu
tat liuluru Ma3 , IbVX
rnu'ni' BLUFH.
1'OH HAI.K I lirueJcirnejf hnllis anon ono week
onu yimr nml two ycur , lullil colur , re-Kliti-ruiI
mock 7.'j H Ut M
ITHiU HIK A K < )0 < 1 linilno unit tliron lot. wltli
1 ( , iii"l liiiiruveiuiMU | ono fiiiirtti cun b pulrt In
rurpi'iiler work A | > t > lrto ) l.unuuril UvurtHl , I'aurl
1.VHI HAI.K-Mie Imr rnrrluBu mum anil rnrrlBuu ,
'U W Tulliji 1UI linirlHU. Cuiincll llluHi
I .Hill HAl.h-do > d funllj borne , plmuton enrrlm-tf
anil linrne-im IU ) cunli CJuu T. riielis | , po > t >
unite , ( ciuuull IIlulln.
C < illlMi.U reruutfil cri | > oul > vitulti clilmnoyt
Jilcnnctl I'.il llurku , at 'lurlorn k-rocery , MM