TIIR OMAHA DAILY B0E'- FRIDAY , APRIL 28. 1893. CLARA ALLEN FREE AT LAST Whether Perjurer or Martyr May Never Do Kuown. CASE NOLLED BY THE COUNTY ATTORNEY Manner of C. 1' . Minor' * Drntli Still n My- tery No j ; plntmtloii Ollt roil by tha Htnto for ItolradliiK thn Womnn the Dockol. Yesterday County Attoraoy ICnlcy cntored a nolle in the case of thu Stuto npalnst Cl.ir.i Allen , who vvns tharfcd with h.ivhif ? per- Jnrcd herself in the preliminary hearing' of Dick Hot lln and Charles Hajcs , who ucro charpod with having murdered ttie late Major Miller of South Omaha In dolnt ; this the county attorney hns ncknovvleilRcd that Miller was murdered and that Clara Allen tola the truth when she testified in the police court that during the afternoon of Decem ber 4 , I8W , she saw the two men \\hilo in the act of Urine the fatal shot , lather this , or else tlio county attoinoj hai ex- pcrleneod a chunpo of he.irt and has decided that ho docs not want the woman put be hind the busof the auto penitentiary for lmIng sworn falselj v > hcn she went upon the witness stand and dcelared that she s iw Hcrlln and H.ivcs In the uot of committiiu , ' the terrible erlnic This was thureguliirdnv fordisposlngofall oftlieold matters in the Liimln.il court that the buslntss of the next tci in might start in with a clean docket , and , as was his duty , the i-ouiiti attorney was on hand to take such action with rcir.ird to the disposi tion of the c.ists as tie might seu lit .Iwljjo Kt'isor presided and called the docket When the e.i o of the state against Clar.v Alien , charged with the ciime of perjury w as i cached , Mr. ICalei without ottering an explanation and without saiintf another word , lem.irked "Idcslio to enter a nolle In that case " The Older w is entcicd and Clara Allen was a fiee woman and in a post tionwheie never at/am can she IM ; piose- ( iitcdontho chaigo of the conimisslon of the sanmciimc OWIIIL' to sickness which cnntlncs her to her bed Chii.i Allrn will tcnialn at the jail for u low d.ijs , after vvhlih shn will go out into the wide world to carve out her future foi - tunes At this time she oxpi esses a deslie to dep ut fiom the sinful w.i\s of hei pas * and Iniqiiilcous lite If she is honest In hcrdcslies to refoim she will bo assisted , as tli(3liulicsnfsiHcnl of the Cluisti.in associ ations of the city ha\e called upon her offer ing to fuinish her with a homo until she can llnd some honoiablo employment wlicic she can provide thu means for suppoi ting heiself and her child. CI.UAICIM. Dl > UUIUUSII. MUM ) Olil ( Ylmliml Cusox Strickfn ( roil ! i ( ho lUtllrt Court Doclict. The moinlng session of the criminal court jcstciday was spent in clem ins off a lot of old cases which lm\o hung lire for j ears and some of mote iccent date as well Most of these werodiopped because the pioseeutinB witnesses had left the state and could not bu secured to testify The case against J. J. Casey , the ex- constable , who was ( .haigcd with having committed forgery , was nolled for tlio rea son that the prosecuting witness had to- mo\cd bo.vond the Jurisdiction of the couit and would not rutuin to piosecutc. One and ono half jears ago there vv as u sensational shooting at the corner of Six teenth and rarnam streets when at midday John , ! Willis , an engineer , drew a icvolver and llred a shot into thu an itomj of Dr Biuiey , a specialist , now residing in Chi cago. Wills was .inestcd. tiled In thu police court and held to the ilistiict com t to an avvortotho charge of shootlnv ; with Intent to kill and muulcr The shooting was brought on by the publication of somcsensa 'tlonal ' stoiles published la a sheet which has ulnco been suppicssed Biinu > hns hinco concluded that ho did not care to prosecute and a nolle was cntcied In the case of the state against Fiank 1' Kitcholl. charged with having swindled the Casey hotel by getting the proprietor to cash a bogus checlt for JiO ( ) , tie ) county attorney cntcted a nolle Kitchell was convicted in the disti let court during the administration of exCount.Atloinci M.ihonoj , but the case went up to the supiemo court , w hero the verdict of the jun waet nsldo and anew now tiial oidcied 'Iho matter was settled outside of the courts and the second trial was never called A nolle was what made Thomas Arnv strong a free man and at the simo time re moved the case fiom the court docket Arm- Btiongwasa Kearney man who came to Omaha and bought a laigo bill of goods from the M 15 Smith DO Goods compiny The goods vveie shipped , but there was no money forthcoming An investigation revealed the fact that there was fiaud lonncctcd with the transaction and an uirest followed , which icsultcd in Armstrong's fiiends ef fecting a settlement. liijillictlon Cimu Sulun ttcil. The case of Otto Deals and some fifteen otl.eiplaintilTs has been argued and sub mitted fqr the consideration of Judge Wal ton. In this case the plaintiffs worn seeking an injunction to rcstiain the city from grad ing Pierce street at the point w hero it inter sects Tn cut-fourth City Attorney Cou ncil holds that if the injunction is granted it cannot amount to anjthlm ; as tlio woik which the plaintiffs seek to have enjoined has already bcct\ | pet formed lie also sajs that there is an ordinance before tlio coun cil to change Iho guide of Pierce stieot and make it conform to the established grade of Twenty-fourth stieet The toims of the now ordinance , ho sajs , aio b.uUfiiutorv to all of the plaintiffs , and nearly all of then have ugtecd to the change Illstrli t Court < ulllnc * . The county commUsloneis went out to the county hospital jcstoulav to examine tin walls of the noi th vv Ing of the building and also todceldu w bother or not they aio stiong enough toeariy the new wing which It 1 proposed to construct. A icport had leached the menibcis of the boatd that the con- Btruetlon of the walls was fault j and that It would not bo safe to use them In the reton structlon of thu wing Yesterday Judge Ferguson gi.intcd new tilal In thoiaseof Ilam.in against the Omaha Street Kallwav tnmp.inv , and the 10- hearing is IKed for tlio Mai tcim of court 'Jhis is the case in which Juror Van Alstlno Was accused of llxlnj , ' the jury and iixm | being tried was convicted and lined On the former trial Ham.in iccoveied \eulict for flUO , but was noc s itUtled with thu amount , claiming that if ho wits entitled to nn\ thing ho should recover $10,000 , the amount foi which ho sued Judge Scott was upqn the bench ycstcrdaj for the purpose of lls'ening to the aigiimenf for a now ttlal In the ca u of Amanda Car lock against Millionaire roinMiuraj.thone Ulal bi-lnft demanded bi the plaintiff , who , at the hist tenn of court , recoveied a Judg incut of H. and tu it at the hands of a Jury Tlio plalntlir alleged that a couple of v ears ago , when she was emploiod as the liouse keeper in the Hainoy street row , Murray ns Baulted her , and that for that reason bho was entitled to it-cover $10,000 of his wealth Unlflii Mop t Iiijiuirtluii. ( 'Ity Attorney Council w.is uuslli engaged jcsterdny In prepatlnc it notlco to bo llled with Hie com ts usUing for an eai Ij date- for the lln.U hearing of the union depot Injmic tmn ease. Ho nntlclpitcs that In about tv > ( weeks the Jinnl lipuiiut : uill take place , urn In case the court decides unfavoiablv to vvluit the council and hlmiulf beltovo to bo in the Intcicst of the city the case v\ill bo immediately carrlcO to the supreme court "U'o will see what the supicine court has to say upon the matter , " said Mr. Council "nnil SIT whether tlio city Is to bo bottled ui forever , as Air Jlowo yajs , with only thu cm < c to prevent m from seclnx the light of day , an.l emerging from llio darkness. " \VosellParks C'ouKh Sj run on a poslllvo ruarantootocui-oall thrxutiindlunt ; troubles Jt has stood the test for many years nnd to any Is the leading lemcdy for the euro of coign , consumption and nil diseases of the throat tmd luugg. l rlc 60 cents aud 9LOO. S. 1 * . MOIlSi : A CO. Hntlre Stock of Kid ( Jlovo * on Probably never In the history of this city wns thcro over shown n-j flno a line of plovcH ; us this. Wo nro now busy narking the stock down and getting ready for this sale for tomorrow. S.1J. . Morse Ai Co.'s entire Block of chamois skin gloves , elegant quality , can bo washed , go nt fiOo pur pair. Do not delay , this can not last always. Ladles' dog skin glove gauntlets , sold jy S. P. MOI-BO for $1.50 per pair , go on Halo today at 70c. S. P. Morse ifc Co.'s entire stock of .adieu' real kid gloves come In nil the atust shades in buttons or lacings. iioh1 price $1.60 , our price 0 ! > c. S. P. Morse & Go's 'J..r > 0 gloves to bo eloped at $1.00 per pair. Wo put chased the filth o stock of the Wiley Pottery estate. Tin : HIGIIST ; : CROCKERY SIIIP- MINTIVIH : : MAUH TO MISSOURI RIVCR. ; tO,000 cups and Mincers at 1 Ic tot. 112,000 plates at 2c , lie and oc each ; worth He to l. > c. 110,000 Imndle cups and saucers , lOc bet. 15,000 milk and water pitchers , Ic , fie , ( ic and I0j. 2)00 ! ) wash bowls and pitchers , 29cpair. 1,500 slop jars 45c , worth $1.25. 2,000 tea pots 12c , vvoithlOc. . 900 line decorated toilet sets , with extra largo slop jar. 12 9S , worth * 0.00. Hed [ inns 49c , worth $1.25. 5,000 cuspidors , 2Jc each. Such values in all kinds of kitchen goods never shown b foto. MILLIXCRY DKPAUTMENT Never had such n complete and extensive - tensive line of line millinery of all kinds. The staled are simplv beyond compare and prices unapproachable SUITS , CLOAKS AND SHAWLS On special sale. HATS AND CAPS. Men's , Iwy.s' and children's fit 00 I'edoi u men's hats at $1 50. $ J 60 J Ydoi a moil's hats at SI.25. " 5c dilution's Oxford at 4"c. J2.00 boys' Fedora hats , OSc. Latest novcltio-5 in clnlitien's hats at less than lialf lint store prices. HAYI5CN BROS. IIAIDI.N ItCOS Hii'lltii ; th S. 1 * . Morse & Co , Stork. We bought from S.im C Diuls & Co. . the largest domestic and wash diess goods house in tlio west , the entiio stock of domestic and vvn li dtess goods which they had sold to S. P Morse & Co. , they leplevined the uiinio and sold all to Harden Htod. The goods aio now being sold. The best bargains in domestic over olTcied hj any hoii u in the trade. The happiest lot of bujors you over saw congiegated in ono place woio at Hay- den's jestei day. Good h > : mor provuiled all over the houo. . smiling faces weio to bo seen everywheie. S. P. Moi-ho & Co. only bought the best of everything , wo got all the domestic and wash dress goods. Simpson's best pi ints 5c. marked 74c ; Amei lean indigo blue prints 5c marked Sic ; ISO-inch wide percale 5e marked lOc ; dicss style gingliam Cc , was 12lc. No tiasli or damaged goods in this lot , all now and pot feet and Ilnydcns" bought them cheap and propose to sell them the same aj to you. $1.00 bed spreads going at 59e , 15c towels now lOc ; 15c IlJ-inch wide pongee now 7ic ; 12c } ItO-inch wide pongee now Gc ; all the funey turkey led prints , Morse's price 8c , now at Haj dens' 5c ; blunchetl and brown cheese cloth 3c : mus lins and sheetings , all the best brands to bo had , at corresponding low prices. lOc ticking now lie yard. lOc outing llannel 5c .vaid. 19x40 huck tow eli going very fast all day at 60 each. Take advantage of this sale and you will bo happy with the rest who had u taste of the pi ices and left smiling. IIAYDEN BROS. Tor snip. Best four-year-old Jack in Missouri , lo hands high , weight 1,000 Ibs. , all O. K. in ovoiy particular ; price SSoO. Also fine black Denmark saddle otallion , 16 } hands price $400. J. A. Jackson , or L. T. Fisher , Kdina , Mo. . < AAOl/AC' < . .W . > TV. The Dostonians present "Tho OgalallaV for the llrst time this evening at the IJojd. It is thu latest of their opoias. Its subject is Amciican and book andscoie are the woik of two joung Americans. , Messrs Waller and Allison. That the Boitonlans accepted It and put It In their ropeitoiie is guaranty suf- llelcnt for Its excellence Tomorrow after noon and ovcnlmr "Uobln Hood" w ill bo i o- piMtod. and for tlneu long j ears its melody and mirth w ill bo heal d not again In Onuha. Jack McAullITi ) in Diuic.ui II Hanisou's " 'i ho King of the TnrJ ' at the Fain.im again tonight and tuiio tomouovv. 'Iho Hist tv\o nlghtb of the coming week the IJod stage v\lll bo occupied bj Stetson's lioston tompm > , picbcntln the Liulish ver sion of Uiim.is' "Lo DemiMonJevhlch was favoiabh icceived at the bame theater two months ago "A Pair of Kids" comes to the rarnam' for the lltst half of next week It Is well known In Omaha and bhould bo well pationUed Next Mondaj evening his been set apart at the Hoj das a testimonial to that theater's most popular manager and will afford a lil ting occasion for the public to glvo expres sion to its appreciation of the universally lecognUca qu illtlcations Manager Bo.\d biings to beat upon his dncctlonof the theater "Tho Crimof bociutv'1 will bo thu bill and , as plajed bj the Stetson company , in iUulf should attract a full house. A I'rult < ! ro\\nr'h NOIITII OAIVE- > TON , Tux , April 17 This J legion Is well worth.v of such a title , for no | whcteis there ft uit grown of the quality * and quantity of thuciops raised heieabouts all the jear through In addition to the i > earand peach , which usually take the lead in fruit eultuie , aio apples , plums , aiirlcots and several vailotlcs of heriics , besides manv tropical fruits , all of which promise a treme.idous j ield The Japanese peislmmon Is being sueecssfullj cultivated and gives a most I'liltclous ' fruit The , aluoof the Texas fruit crop amounts to ? . ' , ( XH,000 ) per j ear and Not th Uul > eston is In the richest and most fertile fruit district in the state THE WHOLE LINE OF IT S. P. Mono & Oo.'s Stock Was Sold to Us All But Ono Lot. IT'S ' ON SALE AT HAYDENS1 Selling Silk * , Velvets , Ill-tin ( loocln , ( Hotel at Onc-ltnir Wholrinle 1'rlceg Tlu-y Arc llrlnc OnililiPil Cp ut n IHoly llntv. We've bought the entire line of pen- cm ! dry goods that was originally shipped to S. I' . MORSE it CO. ( Limited ) , With only ono single exception , and wo bought only what was offered us at prices way below factory quotations. Wo vvoro already loaded tiovui , so wo bought just beoaiibo vvo know wo could gut i id of it all In a few days. VELVETS AND SILKS. Hero Isvhoro we offer seine phenom enal values. All the now silks and vel vets selected by S. P. Morse , now desira ble flrst-clasi fabrics , we will sell at about one-half the prices ho expected to get for them. Pi eve all our statements by a personal visit to every stoic in town first. > VELVETS. Sl.pO velvets. Morse's price $1.00 , our price fiOo yaid. $1.40 velvets. Morse's price $1.40 , our price $1.00. $1 75 vehcts. Moiso's price $1.7. " ) , our price $1.2. " ) . CHINA SILKS. 7 0 china silks 7 c , our price . " > 0c. ! > 5c china silks D5o , our price file. * $1.2 : . ehimi silks $1.2" ) , our pi ice 8Sc. BLACK DRESS SILKS. Including gros grains , failles , satin lu\or , nrmuies tatTetas , bengalincs , ctopos , heavj surahs , , Morse's ji ices' for which weio l(8c ( , $1.25 and $1.75 , our urlcc1' will bo i > 0o , i > c aiut $1.00. PRINTED CHINA SILKS. fi c printed Chinas you can buy for IIOo. 75c printed Chinas you can uuy for 4o. ! ) $1.00 qualitj printed Chinas jou can buj for 7."ie. $ l.r ; > , the best 27-inch goods , you can buy for ! ) Se. Don't delay. Come at once and seouio an elegant diess at half price. COLORED DRESS SILKS. Satin duehesso , Satin rhadiimcs , cry stals , shadow silks , failles , changeable taffetas etc. Morse's prices were 8. > e Obc and $1.25 our prices will lo 7.C 800 and lls'e you had bettor got u dross now. The prices save jou cost of making. FANCY SILKS. I.mpiio , fin do sieclo stjles prcttv choice ellects In , crystals , brocades , shadow silks , plaids In surahs , taffetas and Indias that ai o woi th ! )8o ) $1.25 $1.50 and $2.00 wo arc to sell them at 7. > o U8c and $1.25 wo can match almost any diess goods for you now. WOOL DRESS GOODS. , ' 18-Inch gloria bilks , Morse or any ono else could easily got $1.00 for them. Our price in this sale , O'Jo jiud. 40-inch all wool eaahmere , < J3c goods , our pric'o 45c. . " 50-inch , all wool , French challis for only -10 cents. 10-inch imported English plaids , beau tiful patterns ( notice the width ) , bought at wholesale for about Ofje , our price 45e a yai d. Half wool challis , 12je yard. HAYDEN BROS. ralooncr'H Itlblion * . Our great ribbon sale yesterday was a grand success , many customers going away unscrvcd , the rush was so great. Wo will continue this gieat &ale to day. More help will be added to the rib bon countois. OUR 2C RIBBONS aic almostgone. Wo will only sell 10 j aids to a customer today. AT . " > C PER YARD. No such qualities nnd shades have over been shown boforc at less than 124 per yai d. At DC , at 12c and at 15o j-ou get rib bens worth fully as much again. Don't miss this great sale of ribbons. ON SATURDAY next we will pluee on special sale an other gieat puroluibo of 21-Inch china silks to bo sold Satin day at 02c. } Wait for this splendid sale of 24-inch silk. We bought them at a fraction of their value and vvo ate going to give our friends the full benefit of the low price vvo paid. These silks aie actually worth $1.00. some moichaiits asking $1.25 per yaid for them. Soveial other oxtiaordinary bargains will bo olleicil. Be sure and bean the paper tomorrow night for our ad. N. B. FALCONER. See the celebiuted Sohmor piano nt Foid & Ohm Iton Music Co. , 1508 Dodge Y.itir Choice. Ofcourboyou aio iroing to Chicago this summer. The Nickel Plato road will run three fully equipped passenger trains to the Woi Id's Fair City each day. Or should businchs or pleastue call jou tow aid the rising instead a ( the sottinir sun you can also take your choice of three trains per day. .Murrl-iiu I.lrrnKCK. The follow ing man iago licenses weio Issued by County Judge Eller v.esteulay : Namu and address A J C Imrlc'sK Johnson , Ice , Xclj . if ! I Matilda Johnson , Omulm . i0 ! I Charles. I Wolfe , Onmh i . 27 i Mary rrosiii'MiPl , Oiiiahn . 21 ) James A C'aiey , t'hlca o , 111 . 50 ( Aim.Murj l.luiluy.Uilinlia . . . . ! ( Ilusy people hive no time , and sensible people have no inclination to use pills thai make them sick a ilaj for overi dose they take Tliei have learned that the use o'l Do Witt's Llttlo Fillly Ulseis does not In terfere with their he ilth by causing nausea , pala or griping These little pills are per feet in action and tesulte , legulatlng the stomach and bowels so that headaches , diz- zlncbs and lassitude are prevented They cleanse the blood , clear thu complexion and tone up the system Lots of > hcalth In thuso liltlo fellows Powder : The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powdcr.-No Ammonia ; No Alum. Ued iu Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard , Both tlio method and results whoa Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste , nnd no's Emily yet promptly on tlio Kidneys , iver nnd Bowels , clonuses the sys tem eflectimlly , dispels colds , head * aches and fevcts and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced , pleasing to the tnsto and ac- ceptahlo to the stomach , prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its efTecta , prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances , its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the moat popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in COo and 81 bottlea by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any ono who wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO , SAN FRANOISCO. CAl. LUitlSVtlLE. Kf /V / ( V YORK..If .IS .ISDELICIOUS DELICIOUS ! " "It is delicious. The wonder tome is that the foicign adulterated waters have any succcsful sale in this country when we have so Delicious a Native ll'a/er , which , beside its qualities as a table water , contains so valuable an ingiedient as LITHIA , [ E. C. HlNE , M. D , Philadelphia. "I have had a long experience in the treatment of Ktdnty JJiscasis with LONDONDERRY , and am pleased to add my testimonial , although 1 think it unnecessary from the fact that the Effects of the Water Speak More Elo quently than any Words which I might utter. I pti/e it very highly in all cases of Chronic Rhrumatism or" other mani festations of the condition known as the 'Litlilc Acid Diathesis. ' I have used the vater extensively in my prac tice , and intend to continue the use of it " [ I. N. DANI ORTH , A. M , M. D. , Prof. Pathology and Kenal Diseases , Women's Mod. College , Chicago. Londonderry Lithia Spring Water Co , , NAHIPA. N IF us It 1'crKlns * . Co. , HelllriK Agents , JO Kllby Pt. . Hist on Muss PAXTON & GALLAOIICK , DIs rlhutliu AK "ts Jas. Boss Filled Watch Cases are all gold as far as you can see. They look like solid cases , wear like solid cases , and are solid cases for all practical purposes yet only cost about half as much as an out- and-out solid gold cae. Warranted to wear for 20 years ; many in constant use for thirty years. Better than ever since they are now fitted , at no extra COM , with the great bow ( ring ) which cannot btpulled or twisted off the case tlie Can only bs had on the cates stamped with this trade mar ! : . All others have the old-style pull oufTTow , winch is only held to the case by friction , and can be tuisted off with the fingers. Sold only through watch dealers. Ask to see pamphlet , or send for one to the makers. KeystoneWatch Case Co. ) _ _ PHILADELPHIA , and viccr . . _ LOST VITALITY „ stored Ntrvoiis DcbHUy - etc , iiirolr curpti lij IM > AI'O. the great Hindoo itemedd \ u Uh writ- tfii ( fuornntee of cure. amtil * < n ( Irre. AdilnfB Orlcutul Medical Co. 5S 1'ljnouth lUee. CMcM t I > U KENNEDY'S C AUTION. KENNCOY'3 Arj NICVUU Sal I IK HULK , ONLY IN BOTTLES WIT II Searles ' Searles SPECIALIST im. r. l SIIAUljp. Consulting Snrceon. Oraduato of Hush Median ! Collojfo ( CON- MJ I/TAT I ON 1'HKK ) . For the treatruont of CHRONIC , NEitVOUS rt.NI ) PRIVATE DISEASES Wo euro Catarrh , All DKoaiei of tUs None. Throat. UUost. StouiaoU , rJourol * and Liver. Blood , Skin and Klduor Dlioatei , Female 1VoaUne e > , Lout Mauhooil CURED. l'IIE-i , HSTUI/4 , flHSUUK , pertn.ntallr eur l Trill out tbe uia of knlfa , IlKatura or cauitta All maladltti of prlrnta or U llc la mlurs , ot eltbcr tax. poilllrulr cure.l. Oil oo or ( lilrei , irllb itamp for ClrcoUri , Prei Dock and Iloclpuf , DrSearlcs & Searles , Door 10 1 ouoffle * is , of coin-he , the only correct tlilnx for gentlemen's wear for dress and scnil-tli-css occasions. It's only a matter of where to buy whe n to buy and what to buy. Well posted fellows who are wise and keep tab on things will all tell yon that wluire to buy Is here. We can safely say to yon that when to buy Is this week ; as to what to buy , well , a n < "d many men say that a < & Is about the best thing a man can put money into nowadays. They are soft look dressy hold their shape hold their color and never grow shiny. Four hundred of these snlt.s genuine clays in sacks In square cuts In cutaways are placed on sale today In Black ( iooJs Headquarters ( that's at the rear end of our first lloor ) that were made to coax fifteen dollars out of a man's pocketbook - book at the remarkable price of fen dollars and lifty cents a suit. These goods are made up in faultless manner with fine Italian linings fine mohair binding and so on. Aside from the "clay special" in order to make it an interesting black time , we will oiler as a companion to the clays at four hundred genuine English corkscrew worsted suits in either straight cut sacks round corner sacks or cutaways- faultless in fit thoroughly made with line linings flat mo hair binding tailor trimmings- perfect in every detail that' goes to make a fine suit of clothes at t v elvc an .c\c"tdoycn dollars a suit. Truly a week to dress up in. BISHOP BISHOP NEWMAN NEWMAN NEWMAN $18O NEWMAN 'i his week only. They wuro Jd NEWMAN NEWMAN SOUVENIR NEWMAN SOUVENIR SPOONS SPOONS Mall orders U.lcd this week on receipt of tl 50 RAYMOND , FIFTKEMIt AM ) DOUOIAS. OMAHA. Fcrlinand & SONS. ST. JOSEPH , MISSOURI. I leadquarters for Write us for prices on Whiskies both in bond and tax paid. WE CARRY THE LARGEST STOCK IN THE WEST. 1816 Douo/as Str Oninha , N0b. MHHHHHHH HHHHHHHHH& flI flI I t niton hy IIH / inure I nuro fo/i'oiiHO voiir r rc/iiifos tr/om/H iiHW'oll IIH y inr&lf , i w/io no c/oulif will i IIH M-/IUI1 i your / > or- i intnlo i i i i i i a HIGH CLASS PHOTOGRAPHER , E AT POPULAR PRIDES. 313-315-317 Sou till TitU Stroat. h OMAHA I SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH OR. MCGREW THE 8PBCIALI8T. la unenrjtfiBsoil in tlio treatment of all PRIVATE DISEASES ami nllWeakneiiiiCU and Disorder ! of mbn 16 years experience. i Write for clic-.l-u anil question list free. 14th and Fnrnam 8U , Omaha. Neb. WHEN YOU MAKE A MINCE PIE whose brandy do you use ? If you use ours you will find it pure and as tho. price is quite an induce ment you better investi gate this. Pure California Ilr.uuly OOc quart. Lee Wlno , Liquor anl Cl-ir 2 > 110-IH S. ICth St. , OmiiliT. FRIDAY i THE DAY ! The Bostonians affordc much pleasure to a largo hous last night. I In a dilTcrcnt way we wi | give pleasure to our patron tomorrow at our Friday's salt * of Dry Goods by presenting ] you with a handsome World' ? ; ' Fair Spoon with a $5.00 pur chase. It's the kind of a spoos * ] you would p.iy about 53.00 and think nothing' of it. Sei , | the cut. ttuy your Dry Goodi Friday. SPECIAL SALE OF Boys' Clothing. Hoys' nil noel tloublo and silicic broas two-pleco suits Friday nt $2.87. I3o\8'unluunderul ( vv.vlsts , html to die- tltifruish from thu $1 OOlnundured kind. IViday 50c , I3oys' extra qunhtv all wool i > nnt8i | never rutallod under SI.00 u pair , Friday j 75c , HOVB' IOMJJ nnnts suits , all wool , to bo < closed out Fiiday for $6.00 , l8Ult. Cloak Dep't. at To create a i ush in this department wo will ollor Friday a liiruo lot of ladies' handsomu jackotH , matoiial of line kor * soy , with butterfly cnpos. Wo vvlll present j to each of our pa trons purchasing $5.00 , one of theaoj ] elegant World'rj Fair Sou vonli ] Spoons , mad of U. S. sterling silver and vvortil at a n y jovvolr ; ] sloro J3.00. Onll ll of thcKO spoonj * will onhunco you collection. Fan plaited back and Inrgo alcoves ; t first class , . ' . stylish ( .irmont in every ro- br.cct. They cnnnut bo matched any- , whoi o less than $10.00. Just the garmoal i on want. Si/eg ! I2 to 88. Call early nnd secure first choice. The WHJ peonlo crowd around our ta bles shows they appreciate tlio phiou wo ate { , 'iviu } , ' . Friday \ro \ are KOing tc fritfhtan our conp'tltois liv olTorintf a lot of hijrh urauo English norcoltiln IOC piece dinner huts , beautifully ducoriiteii nnd belong to the 81U.OO class abou town.- town.Wo offer thorn Fi idny at $6.49 fin do/on decorated genuine i-hiim fruit plulos , ruj ulur pi Ice lOc , FOR FRIDAY 5c Knox Kolutlno , worth 15c nt jour grocery - cory stoto , I < Mday hero at 7Jc Pulz Potnndo U noxos for lOc. IJest Shoo Ulnuking o box. fie Sin ic Hi ushoHc oich. * Hie Hui uh Hi uilics oo ouch. Pine Silk Ribbon Going ut fully half priuo See the IT on the bdif'iiln tables. Secure one of our Souveni : Spoons FRIDAY With a $5.00 Purchase. And then vote for your favor ite Minister , Teacher , Fireman , Policeman or Letter Carrier. They will appreciate it. Everybody is voting.