Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 28, 1893, Page 6, Image 6

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1AL i\t
Bonwtion of the Itty ou ' ( llmnge Was In
Pork ,
Cllijuo llrnkfir * Known to Control tli
Avnllahlo .Supply of the Product t
I'rcmMit-Imllciitloni tlmt Out-
ililcr.4 Will I.onfl Heavily.
CiiiCAfln , 111. . Ajirll 27.-A sensational bulRo
of over II a barrel for pork occurred on
clmmrn hero to < lny. Tlioro wan a general
panic/among the shorts In that coininodlty.
The day was a wearing ono upon brokers and
commission men for , with Jutim * of from lOc
lo 20c per barrel between the fluctuations
now up and now down-the handling of orders
fretiui'iitly Impossi
with specified limits was
ble. It was a lively day In the pit from start
to finish , ixnd Armour's brokers , M. 0. Mitchell
and Wright combined In whooping things tii. |
Several day * ago September dellvory was
about * ! ? per barrel. Hhasgono steadily up
until this last rnl to of fl brought thu price
up nearly to 120. As thoru arc only 20.000
barrels of pork In Chicago , and according to
the rules of the Hoard of Trade , no pork can bo
manufactured between now and October 1 ,
which the speculative jmrchasorcoiild bo com
pelled to take delivery on , It will bo seen just
bow much of a cinch tholmllend has. It did
nil the buying this morning to furco prices tea
a high water mark and It was the only crowd
that had any to sell. No ono flared to sell ex
cept these who had the product In their pos
session , and nobody wanted to put their nose
under tin ; trip-hammer by selling short.
The talk of cliques Is gutting tiresome , but
prices seem to show that the clique has pit
Hold of the September market and It Is a clear
r.asn of como up to the captain's olllco and
On the market people with a bearish ten
dency reason that a bull market In provisions
was enough and that other prices wuro Hound
to follow. Last year It extended fiom March
to September and the culmination was about
Oc higher than the prices for September. I liny
forgot the general bcurelty of ho * products
and that thu name reason that they give HtllT
prices to the product of two months airo would
bo equally applicable to the piesent Instance.
Now the sbort.sellers are probably wondering
how they got In on the wrong side of the mar
ket again , while the somewhat celebrated
Charles Wright Is storing their settlements
away In canvass Hacks. Wright gets credit for
engineering the corner , but it Is said r. I ) .
Armour has bad a linger In the ploundtho
trio of Cnduhys are supposed uNo to be Inter
ested. The market finished steady and strong ,
though ut some reaction. Compared with hist
night's llgutes the oloso showed a net gain of
OOc per lihl. for May and September pork ami
( I per bbl. for July , hard since yesterday Is
20c per 100 Ibs. higher and ribs are 15c up.
It was a case of whlpsaw In the wheat mar
ket. The opening was weaker at iic decline
for May , ami after He advance receded Sic ,
rallied Ic and closed steady. .Inly opened ' 4 < :
lower , declined' ' , < , but rallied Ic and cosed
with a gain of ! fc. September held within a
fair range and closed with a gain of from Uc
to ? c. . . ,
There was good llmildatlon In May and July
during the greater part of the morning , and
Ihero being no special support prices grad
ually declined , and May sold at a lower point
than at any previous time , being within V of
70c. There was good selling by the largest
traders through brokers openly. ' 1 ho sales
overbalanced theelTect of the bullish lallu-
ences until the crowd went short on the break ,
when the arrival of a lot of bad crop reports
from Kansao , one estimating the yield there
ntonly 28,000.000 bu. . started the ciowilto
buying , and prices advanced to the opening
figures , The nourish Influences were the five
selling of longs , tbe failure at Slonv Clly and
the light outside trad.e. The Dullish Inllii-
cnces were the absence of lain In Kansas and
In France , the cold weather and snow In the
northwest , and the bad crop reports from
In corn there was continued selling pressure
of May on the market , a good deal of which
was apparently for country holders. At the
decline there was -i better demand. Shippers ,
It was thought , were picking up the May and
on a'few outside' buying orders coming In , the
prleo reacted , going up from 'Je to 3.Jc. The
market ruled steady and closed with from } { c
.o lie gain. A good deal of changing Is still
going "on soiling May and hnylng July und
fc'eptomher the hitter month being In < | lillo
good request today. The most Important
business In outs was In the way of changing
from the near to the distant futures. Muy was
bought qultu freely by .thu shipping houses ,
and they also absorbed the round lots of No. 2
cafch , paying May prices for 50,000 bu. Prices
hud u lie rungo. the opening being ut the same
pi Ices as yesterday's close , and after a reduc
tion of from ° eC to ' .ic , rallied und closed at ! | c
lower for Muy , > c lower for Juno and un
changed for July und September.
Estimated receipts for tomorrow : Wheat ,
215 cars ; corn , 175 curs ! oats , l'J5 cars , hogs
18.000 head.
The loading futures ranged us follows :
Wheat No'i.
liny 7IK 7IK
July 74 HIt 7Si7IH
fept 75.H 7& 75
Corn Ko.S 7&W 7540H
April W . 40H
May 4Wi
OaU No. y-
MR5- . . .
Juno. . . V8U
Jaly . . . 28M J8K
Bcpt. . . .
Mof 1'orlc. .
May. . . 1320 IWOi 18 20 It ) 0.1 18 20
July. . . . 18 (0 11)674 ) IB 40 19 M 18 52,4
tcpt. . . . Ib TC 11175 1870 1U 72K 18 H )
" ' 10:124 : 10 40 10 30 10 40 10 22H ,
July" ! 10 40 10 63 10 40 10 m 10 40
fept. . . . 10 ( JO 10M ) 10 00 10 SO 10 m
Short lllbs. .
May 10 12V , , 9 M 10 12 ! 9pH
July 10 HTH 1' ' U7W 10 r.'L
fept 10 U 1000 10 K 10 i
Cash ( [ notations wuro us follows :
FI/JUH BluiKly ; u Httlo more doing.
WHEAT No. 2 Niirlnir , 71c ; No. 3 spring ,
CU.aOHc ; No. 2 ml , 71c.
COIIN Hteiulyj No. 2 , U ? c ; No. 3 yellow ,
414MUSC- .
OATS-NO. 2. 28 ia28 ? c ; No. 2 white , f. o ,
1) . . ilOa ; No. 3 wlilto , 3Uiaa4c.
HYE No. 2. & 0c.
llAlll.KY No. 2 , 02c ; No. 3 , f. o. b. , 4&ariOc !
No. 4 , f. o. b. , 34irn > .
KI.A.X Sisr.i No. 1 , * 1.13is.
TIMOTHY SKKK 1'rlinc , ta.OOl.OO. .
1'OllK-Mess , iicr lilil. . JII.Ojl' ! ; Innl
per 100 Ibs. , J10.40rHO.4Q ; short rib KL
lloosu ) , * 10.12 > t10.1& ; dry Milted shouldcn
( boxi-d ) , PJ.7BiclO.00 ; bluirtcluur sides ( boxed )
WHISKY Distillers' llnlshcd goods , pur g : l
(1,13 ,
KudAitH Unchiiiiircdtcutloiif , G
0 ? c ; Hinndard "A , " Q3-lCc.
The foUowliiiC Hurothu receipts und ship
incuts for toihiy :
On thu I'roduco exchange today the hutto :
m.irkut WIIH dull ; civaiuery , 'JlHiUlc ; ; ditlry
232Bc. Eggs , iiilot | ; strictly fre h , 14jc. !
( ir.ilu.
The following prloos are for dollvory nt Mls-
slkKippi rlvnr points :
WIIKAT Jio. Hsprlni ; , BOcbldi No. 3 soring
67o hid ; No. i ! luird , liOcbld ; No. 3 hard , 07i
bid.UYE No. 2 , B2i ; bid.
OATS No. 2 white , 31o bid ; No. 3 while
SOo hid.
ConN No. 2cnsh or May , 37'Jc bid ; Xo. !
2 white. : io ! ) lilu ; No. 3 or buttvr , onsh or May
2B7c bidNo. . 3 white. 3Mc bid.
St. l.oul .ilnrkpiii.
ST. I.oiim , Mo. , Aurll 27. Fi.oim Qnlu
WIIKAT Cash lower. GH'jc. Options derllnei
early , with very active liiiildatton | of May
hut later recovered and .Inly OOMM | | i ( ( > ahovi
ynstcrony : July. O'J'iWOUSe ; August , 70 Vc.
COHN I'ash lower , 3UJif637c ; options huttei
Mny , 37c ; July. 30'4'c.
OATH fash , llrni , 30c ; May , lower , 30Uo.
I'IIOVIRIONH Firm and higher. I'orl.- .
I.urd , J.1U.10. Dry hall meats , loose Hhould
10. 60 ; lonirs nnd ribs , fit ) : shorts , tlO'JS
boxed , l&c more , llacon , shouldurs , fl0.5i (
lonitH and ribs , $11 ; sliortN , fll,37i. ! Kuun
curutl liuina. (13 , 00 ® 14 , 00.
lIUTTKH Firmi creamery. 2H33c ; dalrv
22 30o ; northurn roll. 'J0fc24c.
HECEIITHFlour. . 4.000 hbls. ; wheat. & Oft
tm. ! corn , 45.0OO 1m. i oats , 20,000 l > u. : ryt
1.1HH ) bii , ; barley. 1,000 hu.
Hllli-MitNTS-l-'loiir , H.OOO bbls. ; wheat ° 0
bu. ; corn , U'J.OOO hu. ; outs. 10,000 bu. : rvc
8.000 bu. , barley. 1.000 Im.
Omithn I'rodiii'o .Market.
The change to fair and wanner weather wa
very grateful to the produce trade , which ha
lieou ijulet for somu days owing to the ver
unfavorable weather.
Ther Is very little butter coming to thl
market Unit tolls below IKc. poor as the bes
of It U. rheru are , as n matter of course , oc
c'RMoiml inicktiK'i'K of old and very ( HMIT Mtul
tlmt sells oelow that urlco. Itecolpu contlnii
very light and dealers generally look for
uontlnuunco of tlio sanio condition for th
next week or ton UIIVH , when they antlclpat
tlmt the ruu of DUW butter will set In.
Ifco egg market keeps a ut stcmly with D
qtiotnhlo clmiiKC , but tlio feeling on the mar-
kt't h weak.
The arrival * of chickens are not heavy , but
with the dumnml light tlio weakness notrd In
the market contlnuo.i. H Is a rather difficult
nmttcr toRL't over lie for the test lions. Thorn
were n few spring chlckoii In , which wore hold
At 10 per dozen.
The arrival * of strawberries wore not so
mrgo as on the day before , and the mnrkot was
In a little better sliapo , Sornu sandy and In
ferior stock sold rather low ,
A rrr.KS Choice shipping stock , l3.7Ba4.00
per bbl.
riTUAwiinitiitr.s Arkansas , M.OO.
OIIANIIKS California mountain cirangos ,
12.50 ; Waihlugton navcli , M ; Newcastle ( 'all-
fornla sciMlllnps , $2.70 : Hodland : ) , (2.70 ; Med.
swcots , { 2.70 : Klvorslde seedlings , (2.70.
llANANAs-t'er bunch , Including crates and
packing , I2.00il2.70.
liVMu.vs--Cholce : , J3.03.-I.OO ; fancy , $1.002
O.L'O. '
rKAS-1'nr bu.-box. 12.00.
llKA.NS-t'hnlco navy , I2.30it2.40 ; r.otninon
stock , tl.OO J.OO.
. . - . , .
CUCU.Mlir.IW Choice , ptrdoJ1.70U2.00. .
Swr.KT I'oTATOca I'or bbl. , J5 ; seed sweet
potatoes , J4.00.
UNIONHHomo grown , on orders to country ,
$1 per lilil. Good stock ahlppud In from coun
try , 11.10'cil. 25 per bu. : llermiidu onions , uur
CO-lb. crate , 12.70.
HTMI.VO IlKA.vs-l'er $ Im.-box , 12.5033.00.
HlM.VACil-lVr bbl. , $3.00.
AsrAiiAurs-IIoine grown , per ilutl. .
J.irrucK : IVr doz. , 30IOc.
HAIIIHIIKS I'er do903400. .
I'AIISI.UV1'ur doSOB. . I0e.
Toi- ONIONS -I'er do20a23c. .
I'or.VToiw Uolornuo stock , 11.10 ; Wisconsin
Imrbnnks , OOQOOoi westurn Nebraska. OOoiJ
1.00 ; eastern Nebraska stock , 70a90o ; early
OhliiM-vil. * 1.25.
I'n ; | 'IASTPer OD-lb. boxes , $1.00.
IILTTKII , Wins , ( lA.Mi : , I'OUI.TUY.
IlUTTKit 1'uckliiK stock , K > ai7c ; falrtogood
country roll , l'Jii2Jc : choice to fancy country ,
ICcdS tleneral market , 13'5c ,
ll.\MK--MI.\ed dm-k.s , tl. ; teal , fl.25 ; Jack
snlpi-s , } 1. 23.
I'nuiiTHY Choice lions , llll' c ; mixed
coops , KHiillc ; old roosters. "CJttc ; and
ducks , KXtUlc ; turkeys , IDUlUv ; pigeons , $1.20
ttl.OO pet- dollvo. .
II AY The triurUobon good upland buy , JO. 00
In car lots.
lloNi'.v f holcc to fancy wlilto clover , 18I&
I- ! ) ; fair to irood , ItJUlSi ; .
ViAlr-'holcu ! and small fat veals , 7ffi8c ;
large and thin , 3'i Gc.
Tlio following are reported at Dun's Mercan
tile agency.
llelvldere. Neb. , W. Ti. llalnes , hardware and
furniture , sucreeded by llalnes & Koblnson.
Hustings , Neb. , C. K. Holmes A : ( Jo. , buggies ,
harness , etc. , tiled ccrtlllcate of association ,
Kearney , Neb. , Franklin Morand , hotel ,
gave hill of sale , consideration , tl.
Keoknk , la. , I armursStovo company , stoves ,
mci'ceded byV. . H. Uowers.
Lebanon , S. I ) . , Frank K. Klloy , g3ncral
store , succeeded hy Hlley & Huclios.
l.aramle , Wyo. , Lawrence Coal company ,
Hied dlMioliitlon notice.
Kaim s City Murkcts.
KANSAS OITY , Mo. , April 27. WHEAT
Dull , weak ; No. 2 hard. COc ; No.2 icd , 02i ! .
COHN Dull , easy ; No. l ! mixed , 30c ; No.2
white , SG iaaTc.
OATS Firm ut 28'5c.
lltJTTKU Steady , unchanged ; creamery , 20 ©
30c ; dairy , la24c.
K < HB-steady , unchanged at 12c. !
UKUKIPTS Wliuat , 22,000 bn. ; corn , 3,000
m. ; oats , none.
SMII-JIKNTO Wheat , 17,000 bu. ; corn , 3,000
bu. ; oats , 1,300 bu.
Sun Priinrlscii .Mining QnoMtl ons.
ASOlsco , , April 27. The ofilclal
losing ( imitations for mining stocks today
as follows :
Altn 15 Mexican 170
ilolchiT 110 Ophlr 2iiS
lest A lluloliar ll.'i 1'ytutl 270
loillo CuniollilAtod 40 S.irauu 120
. 'hollar 114 Merra Nevuiln 135
Cona'tt Cal A Va . . . . * 5j Union Consolldnted 120
Crown I'olnt 100 l.'tuh 20
iould , t curry . . . . 80 Yellow Jncltot 125
laic A , .Vorcross . . . 115
IIOHtini Wool .Market.
HOSTON. Mass. , April 27. The demand for
domestic wool Is moderate from manufacturers
nnd tliu only large business Is In territory
wool , which has been moved at lower prices.
' /or line territory OOc Is an outside scoured
irlco and .sales of Him medium are at 02c to
! )3c and medium at40c to 47c. New line
Wyoming sold on a basis of OOc. Texas wool
dull , with .small sales of spring and fall at Itic
to IHc. A sale of 74,000 Ibs. of California was
made at lie for heavy wools and other sales of
spring at I7c to 18c and fall at 14c.
Alllwuukoo Marlu'ts.
MILWAUKEE , WIs. , April 27 , WHEAT Firm ;
July , li'Jc ; No. 2 .soring , 07c.
' COHN Quiet : No. 3 , 4U'ift. '
OATS Kioady ; No. 2 white , 34JiS35c ( ; No. 3 ,
32'i 33iic.
llAlll.KY 03c.
1'ito VISIONS Higher.
Tome May , (10.05.
St. I.nils Mlnlnc Oilntlttlonl.
ST. Louis , Mo. , April 27. The following are
the closing n.lnlng quotations
'Aduint ' . . . . ( .80 ( irnnlto .M. . . 4.75 tiS.IU
AtncrlcnnN .10 fi . < 0 < i llopo 3.50 W4.00
Illtnutalllc. . .0:1 : m , .OS l.vo 05H .U7H
ICIItabutli. $ . 'Mtt .5)
I.lvcr | > ( iiil .Markets.
LIVERPOO , April 27. WIIHAT Steady ; de
mand oih'rato ; holders olTer moderately ; No.
1 , Os 1 I dHiliUd per cental ; No. 2 red , winter ,
OsUilffi Os'Jid.
COIIN Firm ; demand moderate ; mixed
western , 4s 24d per cental.
iiiiTtf 23s Dd per cwt.
MlnnnaimlUVheat .Market.
MINNEAPOLIS , .Minn. , April 27. Trade
heavy today ; cash market easier , No. 1
northern , ( > OH < ( iOic ! ; No. 2 northern , lj'2 > , ' < it
03c. Kocelpts , 202 cars. Close : April , 03c ; !
May. C3ic ; July , 07Jjc ; September. GUUc.
On track : No. 1 hard , 071ic ; No , 1 north
ern , UOiic ; No. 2 northern , G3&G Ic.
Philadelphia ( Jraln .Market.
I'liiLADKi.fiiiA , 1'a. , April 27. WHEAT
Firm ; No. 2 red April , 74'tW4c. {
CoitN Weak , lower ; No. 2 white , April ,
OATS Car lots lower , under light demand ;
Futures dull , without Important change.
( Jottim .MurKut.
NEW ORLEANS , Lit. , April 27. Kasy ; goix
middling. 7Nc ; middling , 7 ic ; low middling
7 0-10c ; good ordinary , 7o ; net and gioss re
ceipts , 4,400 hales ; exports to ( ireal llrltaln
4.2UO bales ; sales , l.OUO bales ; block , 200-
000 bales.
Clneliumtt .MurluttH.
CINCINNATI , O. , April 27. WHEA T easy
No. 2 red , GH c.
CORN Stronger ; No. 2mixed , 44 ! .
OATS I'lrmor ; No. 2 mixed , 31 itfi32c. (
WHISKY Weak , lower at tl. 13.
llnltliiior drain .Mnrkrt.
HALTIMOUK , Md. , April 27. WHEAT Easy
April and May , 40'jc.
COHN Weak : April. 48'ic.
OATS Quiet and lower ; white western , 41Sc !
Toledo ( iriiin .Market.
TOLEDO , O. , April 27 , WHEAT Active
higher ; No. 2 cash and April , 70e. ! ;
CORN Dull , steady ; No. 2 , cash , 42 > ic.
OATS Quiet ; No. 2 mi.xed , 32c.
I.oiulnii ( III .Mitrkt-t.
41s Ud per ( juarter ; April , new crop , 38s Oil.
I'lllitllCl.ll Nl | < > 4.
KANSAS CITY , .Mo , , April 27. Clearlnzs
* 2,184,4bO.
Nuw ORLEANS , Lu. , April 27 , Clearings
HAVANA , April 27. Exchange weak ; on Lou
don , 21'ic pi-emlum. *
OMAHA , April 27. Clearings , $1,048,008
same day last week , 11.00-1.U30.
ll.M.TlMoiiK , Md. , April 27. Clearlnss
( l.'J'JG,824 ' ; balances , I3j'J,303. Money , U pt-i
I'HlLADKLPillA , 1'a. , April 27. Clearings
110,803,1)70 ) ; balances , 41,507,088. Money , 4i :
4'i ' percent.
CINCINNATI , O. , April 27. Money , OS7 pe
cent. Now Vork exchange , 20 i 4Uo premluni
dealings , * 2,1H7.COO.
MEMPHIS , Tenn. , April 27. Now York exchange
change helling ut fl.OO premium. Clearing
(230,1)1(1 ) ( ; balances , IU7.002.
ST. Louis , Mo. . April 27. f learlnws , * 4,152 ,
322 ; balances , (791,1112. Money quiet. ( Xjj8 pe
cent. Exchange on New Vuru , U0o pr ( < mluni
HOSTON , Mass. , April 27. Clearings , (15
2U8.14U ; balances , Jl , 205,574. .Money. I
per cent. Exchange on New Vork , 10al7i
I'ARis , April 27. Three per cent rentes. 90
lOc for the account. The weekly statement o
the llank of Franco shows an Increase o
4,000.000f gold and l,070,000f silver.
flllCAtio , III. , Aurll 27. f leanngs , J10.21G ,
100. Now Vork uxclmngo sold from uar to 15 <
promliim. Sterling exchange , dull ut M.Ui
for sixty-day bills , and (4,88 for demand
Money , tirm ; Gmt7 j > erceut.
LONDON , April 27. Thu bullion In the Hani
of England decreased 3 ( > 7 , ( > oo during th
past week. The proportion of thu Hunk o
England's reserve to liability , which las
week was 48,44 per cent. U iiuw 45.HU per cent
Amount of bullion withdrawn from toe Uuul
ot England ou balauco today , X'4,000 ,
Cuttle Ilecnlpti Light mnit I'rlccs Steady-
ling * Shade OIT Some.
THURSDAY , April 27.
As compared with the first four day * ot lust
week , receipts show nn Increase of about 000
cnttio nnd 3,000 hogs , nhtlo the offerings ot
sheep Imvo fallen off something like GOO head.
For n Thursday the supply of cattle wns un
usually liberal , nearly thrco times us heavy ns
u week ago , but the quality of the offerings
was r&ther bulon Iho recent average. Con
flicting reports from Ohlengo , the ubscnco of
any shipping demand , and more than ample
supplies gave buyers for dressed beef houses
decidedly the best of the situation nnd on the
general run of beef steers prices ruled about u
illtno lower than Wednesday. On some of the
handy light steers that just suited the buyers'
fancy , steady or nearly steady prices were
reiillrod , whllu on the other hand lOc would
hardly cover thu decline on some of the rough
medium weight and heavy grades. ( Jood
1.100 to 1,400)1) ) . beeves solilat from 14.70 to
JO.O& , with fair to good 1,000 to 1,200-lb..steers
at from $4.10 to (1.70 nnd common under
weight stlllT nt from (4 to $4.30. Although
there was comparatively Httlo life to the trade
thu movement was continuous ami a good nnd
reasonably early clearance Was effected , the
feeling rather Improving toward thu close on
account of better eastern reports.
The dozen loads of cows und mixed stock on
sale hardly allowed buyers to fill their orders ,
und as u rule prices were firmer. This wus es
pecially true of the more desirable grades of
cows and heifers. Scarcely any tmprovcmmit
was noted In thu ordinary canning grades.
1'rlces ranged from $1.00 to $4.40 , with the
bulk of the decent butchers' stock at from * 3
to $3.75. ( iood fat bulls and stags were
stronger at from t3 to $4.10 , common to fair
rough sto.k about the sumu ut from $2 to $3.
The supply of culves wus umple to supply the
demands of the local trade , and prices were
very generally In the same old notches , from
{ 3.50 to I3.5O for common to choice stock.
There were quite u few fresh stock cattle In
the yards , but the quality was not such ms to
commend them to buyers. Hegulur dealers re
ported a moderate country demand , but the
general trade was quiet with prices generally
unchanged. Hepresentatlvu sales :
No. Av. I'r. No. Av. I'r.
3 . . . . . G40 $4 00 4. . . . 902 J4 GOne
0. . . . . . 903 10 1tl . 840 no
U. . . . . .1011 10 tl " " 1195 GO
0 . . . . 1113 10 24" ! . 910 4 GO
3'J . . . . . 095 25 13. . . . .1140 CO
n " . . . . 000 20 4. . . . . 457 GO
ni" . . . .1320 20 9 .1087 GO
a . . . . . 008 4 25 20. . . . .1299 GO
4. . . . . . 991 30 1G . . . .108'J 70
21. . . . . . 922 30 19. . . . .1300 70
3(5. ( . . . . 1007 30 21. . . . .1200 4 75
3. . . . . .1187 35 0,1 .1213 4 75
4. . . . . . 800 4 30 23 ! ! ! ! .1200 4 75
1. , . . . . 988 35 20. . . . .11GG 4 75
38. . . . . .1313 40 21. . . . .1429 4 70
4. , . . . . 901 4 40 31. . . . .1300 4 80
9. . . . . 991 4 40 37. . . . .1227 4 80
9.l . . . .1100 4 40 1. . . . , .1240 4 80
l ! ! . . . .1144 4 00 21. . . . .1134 4 80
1. . . . . 030 4 00 20. . . . .1120 4 85
4. , . . . . 098 4 00 40. . . . 1301 4 95
0. . . . . .1078 4 00 37. . 1308 0 00
1 . . . .1070 4 00 18 1403 0 05
901 400 29 981 470
41 001 4 00 17 1074 4 70
21 1083 4 70
27 707 4 20 19 G9H 4 30
40 G45 4 25 23 900 4 GO
20 7G3 4 30 12 1313 4 00
COW ? .
.1000 1 90 1. . . 900 3 00
. 670 1 90 " . 600 3 00
. fiHO 1 90 l" . 020 ! 1 00
. 035 2 00 4. . . 1050 3 00
. 740 2 Ou 5. . . 900 3 00
1000 2 0(1 ( 2 .1010 3 10
735 2 10 21. . .1008 3 20
. 884 2 20 1. . .1140 3 20
i. . DUO 2 25 G. . . 020 3 20
i. .1070 2 25 1. . .1040 3" 20
4. .1012 2 25 8. . . 700 3 25
3. . 970 2 25 1. . .1280 3 25
3. . 870 2 25 1. . .1000 H 25
1. . 880 2 25 1. . . 000 3 25
1. . 870 2 25 1. . .1040 3 40
4. . 900 2 25 12. . .1018 3 45
5. . 834 1 25 1. . . 890 3 00
0. . 8'JO 2 30 3. . . 907 3 00
7o .1017 2 30 15. . .1020 3 50
7o . 835 2 30 8 . .1137 3 50
o ] . 708 2 30 11. . . 002 3 50
1. . 900 2 30 0. . . 090 3 00
27. . 728 2 35 1. . .1210 3 50
27.l .lllIO 2 35 ' . 9(10 ( 3 00
l ! .1000 2 50 12' ! . 080 3 GO
. 830 2 50 13. . .1001 3 70
. 040 2 50 3. . . 853 3 75
. 940 2 50 1. . .1330 3 75
, .1040 2 55 10. . .1003 3 75
. 020 2 GO 1. . .1190 3 75
.1110 2 75 1. . . 920 3 75
. 900 2 75 1. . . 1220 3 80
, . 840 2 75 1. . .1100 3 H5
, . 910 ! 2 75 1. . .1440 3 90
, . 930 2 75 G. . .1041 3 00
, .1130 , 2 75 C. . .1203 4 05
. . .191 1 90 3. . . . . . 387 2 75
070 2 00 ' , ' 305 3 25
1 480 2 00 o ! . . ! ! . 092 3 GO
4 450 2 10 13 . . 010 4 00
3 523 2 10 39 507 4 10
1 030 2 10 20 873 4 40
2 455 2 75
1 cow and calf 435 00
1 cow and calf 32 00
1 cow and calf 30 00
Icowundcalf 2500
1 springer 20 00
2 230 3 00 1 170 4 50
1 320 300 1 170 500
1 80 300 1 130 500
1 90 400 1 110 500
4 102 450 1 100 000
1. . . 1UO 4 50
. 750 2 00 .1400 3 10
.1220 2 40 .1040 3 15
.1300 2 00 .1000 3 20
. 030 2 75 .1500 3 20
.1400 2 75 . 370 3 20
. 000 2 75 .1010. 8 30
.1400 2 70 . 000 3 40
. 700 3 00 .1330 3 40
. 1200 3 00 .1430 3 40
.1330 3 00 .1080 3 00
.1480 3 00 .1700 3 50
.1440 3 00 . 700 3 75
.1005 2 CO 1. .1730 300
.1407 2 25 1. .1530 00
.1010 4 00 1. .1480 10
370 2 50 18. 490 3 40
025 2 50 2. : . 700 3 50
023 2 50 n . 740 3 00
1. . 080 2 GO i ! . 510 3 50
1. . ' 020 2 05 2. , . 800 3 50
3. . 440 2 70 10. . 008 3 00
30 . 470 2 70 4. . 005 3 55
GO. . 021 3 00 10. , . 008 3 05
1. . 020 3 00 on . 700 3 55
28. . G38 3 10 n ! . 743 3 00
24. . 432 3 10 i.o . . 920 3 G5
o 805 3 20 o . 940 3 05
30' ! 51G 8 20 1. . 700 3 70
38. . 710 3 20 10.o. . . 789 3 70
G. . 500 3 20 o. . 8/3 3 70
5 . 450 3 30 0. . 720 3 00
2. . 480 3 30 1. .1100 4 00
Av. I'r.
31 feeders 705 (370
Icow 830 225
4cows 900 300
lOfeeders 788 370
47 feeders 538 300
Icow 1070 300
1 feeder 700 370
llous Hecelpts , wliilo not what would bo
culled liberal , wore nearly 2,000 heavier than
on lust Thursday. Thoquullty us u rule wus
fair , offerings Including a liberal percentage
of good heavy hogs. The shipping demand
was somewhat restricted , und with local
houses upparently not particularly anxious
for the hogs , prices averaged about u nickel
lower ull aiound. tiooil to choice medium
weight und heavy hogs sold largely ut fiom
(7.35 to (7.40 , with u (7.42'i top , whllo thu
light and mixed loads went mostly ut $7.30
und $7.35 , with * 7.27i ! for low mark. The big
bulk of the trading wus at (7.35 today , us
ugulnst $7.40 on Wednesiluy. A week ago the
bulk of the hogs sold ut fiom * 7.10 to $7.20.
Uepre > entatlvo sules :
No. AV. till. I'r. No. Av. Sh. I'r.
4. . . 222 J7 20 72. . . .204 300 $7 30
4. . . ! 200 7 20 81. . . OOO 100 35
4. . . .200 7 25 GO. . . ! 230 100 35
. , ' ' .250 40 7 25 Gl. . . .200 1GO 7 35
88' . ! .213 280 04. . . .249 120 35
120. .210 1GO 30 80. . .245 80 35
04. . . .240 SO 30 71. . , .242 80 7 35
00. . . .203 40 30 51. . . .250 100 7 35
51. . , .220 80 30 34. . . .237 120 7 35
54. . , .230 120 30 74. . , .221 80 7 35
91. . , .207 200 7 32Vi 74. . .214 80 735
29. . .231 40 7 32'4 79. . .230 200 7 35
72. . .230 40 7 32 ! i CO. . .270 100 735
GO. . .230 80 7 32'i 85. . .229 1GO 735
04. . .221 100 - 35 03. . .202 120 7 37i (
04. . .250 240 35 22 ' .210 73714
99. . .210 24 J 30 oo ! . .270 120 7 " 7i
UH. . .231 120 7 35 74. . .229 120 737J
72. . . .200 120 7 35 04. . .230 737'
03. . .241 200 7 35 08. . .273 40 737i
01. . .252 120 7 35 83. . .238 80 7371
GO. . .208 120 7 35 71. . .207 120 737 *
GO. . .241 80 7 35 03. . .205 737ii
01. . .241 280 7 30 70. . .240 40 740
48. . .257 20O 7 30 50. . .239 740
08. . .210 40 7 35 78. . .240 120 740
03. . .248 120 7 30 79. . .229 200 740
70. . .254 240 7 35 70. . .230 120 740
74. . > > > < > 120 7 30 05. . .288 80 740
GO. . ! 255 80 7 30 07. . .274 80 740
05. . .207 40 7 30 02 .288 742'i
09. . .199 120 7 35
nos AND iioucu.
1..310 - 360 1..570 400
1..210 - 400 1..490 450
SHEKP Hecelptu WITH light , two double-
decks , mostly lambs. They met with a rcudv
salehittO.40.Afew fnlrwestem wethers brought
15. The demand Is good from both killers Am !
feeder * and prlco * are quotably strong. 1'alr u
Chicago Livestock Marknt. -T
CIIICAOO , III. , April 27. IHpeclal Telegram
toTlir.llBB.l Iho general market was about
lOc higher than yesterday , that day's loss
being quite recovered. ( . 'ow and bulls showed
great strength , the offerings falling a low way
short of the demand. I'ut lluht and medium
nolghl hteers sold equally well raid the
heavier grades were In better rcunest than
was tbo cane yesterday. Quotations ranged
fiom $1.70lo J-f.35 for cows and belters , from
Jll to J4.76 for Miockers and feeders , fiom
$5.10 to $0.11) ) for dressed beef and shipping
steers and from t2.1U to KI forToxas cattle.
The receipts of hogs were again very liberal
being about the same as for yesterday , but
there wus an active and firm market. It was
"i trifle higher at the opening , but , as Is very
often the case , the later trading was at
steadier prjcos. eveial sales were made
around the opening at from $7.76 to * 7.80 ,
while furthcrnlong equally uooil liogschanged
hands at from $7.70 to { 7.75. I'rom $7.00 to
$7.70 hotuht most of the stun" , light and heavy
selling at practically the same prices. At the
extrenio close Hi-nines * again prevailed.
1'rlces were higher both for sheep and lambs.
Theio was an average gain of about lOc , sheep
being quoted at from f I.7OU ) $0. 0 for poor to
extra qualities , and lambs being In demand at
from J..76 to J7.HD.
Hecelpts : Cattle , 14,000 head ; hogs , 27,000
head ; sheet ) , 10,000 bead.
The Evening Journal reports :
I'ATTi.i : Kccelnts. 13.0UO head ; shlnmnnts ,
4,500 head ! market active , stronger ; top
steers , $5.5O5W > .OO : mediums , t-t.oaiiS.'JA ; cows ,
J4.U5a4.75 : fed Te.xans. M,10Jt5.U5 ; native
cows , } 3.254.20j canners , ifl.IHKit2.H5 ,
Iloas Kocelpt.s , .27,000 bead ; shipments.
8,000 ; market active and a shade' ' stronger ;
mixed and packers , } 7.5oa7.G74 ; nrlme heavy
and butchers' weights , if7.50tt7.75 ; light ,
$7.G051l7.70 ; pigs. J7.25a7.50.
SIIKKI- Receipts , 1,000 head : shipments ,
1.000 bead ; market slightly higher : clipped
To.\ans , J4.GOQ.4.90 ; otliers clipped , * 4.25 ®
5.25 ; westerns , $5.00 0.45 ; lambs and year
lings , J5.HX3G.15. !
Kanias City l.lvu Stock Market.
KANSAS CITY , Mo. , April 27. - -CATTLE- -
celpls , 2,200 head : shipments , 1,000 head ;
market active and strong. Hie higher through
out. Representative sales- Dressed beef and
shipping steers , M.OOQ4.85 ; To.ians and In
dians , J3.5034.20 ; cows and heifers , il.25 ©
4.35 ; stockers and feeders , J3.10S4.00.
HodS-Heceipts , 8,000 head ; shipments ,
2HOOIicad ; market nctlvoand 5c loner ; ex
treme raiiKti of prliv.'S , JG. 5037 , 35 ; bulk of
sales , $7.30S 7.35. .
SiimnUecelpts , 2.GOO head ; shipments ,
none ; market steady and unchanged ; mut
tons , $4.00it5.GO.
St. I. nun l.lx-e Stofk .Market.
ST. Louis , Mo. , i April 27.-CATTlK-Ko-
celplM , J.bOO head : -shipments , 4,300 head ;
no good natives on sale ; fed To.\as steers , lOc
higher , } 3.2.-i3,4.25.
lions Receipts. 7,200 head ; hlpmonts ,
2,000 head : market strong : heavy , * 7.202.7.G5 ;
mixed , * 7.107.55 ; light , $7.25U7.CO.
SiiEEr Hecelpts , 3,000 head ; shipments.
3,000 ; good natives kdld at $5.35 und clipped
Te.\ans attJ.
_ _
D. L ) FlIAZEE , II. D.I ! ) O(1K Fr.AS ItO'MlK.
I'ros. Vlcojl'rus Souy & i'reas
Capital $ iV003 ; Ormilia tin 1 Slour. Olty
Grain and Provisions
Railroad Stocks rmcl Bonds.
Room 212 New M Life Building
REFERENCES : lowaStato National Hank ,
Sioux City ; Co.nmorclal National llank.
Special attention given to ontsldn orderss
Correspondence sollclloj
AVHHT'H MyHtnrloiift Trip.
The friends of W. F. Weber , a clerk in
the register's ofllce , have been considerably
worried about the .young man since Satur
day. On that day Weber rode uway on his
bicycle and intended to bo gone only until
Monday. As he did not return to his desk
and nothing had been heard from him his
friends were naturally anxious.
Yesterday Mr. Webar's roommate re
ceived a telegram from the missing man
which had been sent- from Kichilold , Neb , ,
saying that ho would return the 1st of
May. This message allayed tlie fears of
friends , but they are still puzzled bec'Uiso
more definite Information had not been sent
Is a symptom of disease of the kidneys. It
will certainly bo relieved by 1 'arks' Sure
Cure. That headache , backache and tired
feeling comes from the same cause. Ask for
Parks' Sure Cure for the liver and kidneys ,
prlco $1.00. All druggists.
A sneak thief stole a $14-pair of pants from
a room In the Darker hotel last night , which
belonged to a night clerk at that hostelry.
The residence of Moses Block , a whole
sale liquor dealer , on North Twenty-fifth
street , was entorojajjjy thieves Wednesday
night and jewelry , to > the amount ol $ iO or
moro was taken.j :
William Trumbulj , an ICast Omaha motor
conductor , disappeared from his homo in
East Omaha Tuesday. Wliou last seen ho
wan running north ? from his homo with a re
volver In his haml-und it is feared that ho is
insane. i < t < > _ _
There arc thrt'e'Thlugs worth saving
Time , Trouble aiifl' moncy and lie Witt's
Little Earlv Hisec\vlll save them for you.
These Httlo pills ftfil save you tlmf , as they
act promptly. They will save you trouble as
they cause no pajrc They will save you
inoncv us they eco inilzo doctor's bills.
THI : it K PTY M.Y incur.
INSTRUMENTS placed ' on record April 27
'J3 : ' '
. .
Lena and Martin Quick to J W Redford -
ford , lots 1,2. 3. 1O , 11. 13 , block
430 ; lots 1 lo 10 , block 431 ; lots 10 ,
13 , 14 , block 442 , Urand View . t CO
T It Tiffany and wlfo to M H .Mil-
bourne , lot 1 , block.12. III legs' I'laco 0,000
E II Scot I to A .M Scott , iindlv ! i lot 4 ,
block 1H , E VHmlth'H luld . 3,000
William Dow and wlfu to I It.Iaynes ,
lot 11 , I.uko .t T's add . 4,000
E J Vork and husband to Thomas
Hhuw , lot 12 , block ( i , Saundei-H &
Jt'sadd . 1,600
0 II Cotty and wlfo to J A Unlngcr.
lot 21 , block 3 , Wise X I'arnmleit'h. . . 000
Joseph Cummcnzlnd to W H Nuhler-
meyer.nwso 1-15-12. . * . 0,000
John Dale anil wife to Helen Herd ,
lots 17 and 1H , Vlntpn I'laco . 1,200
E A Henson to E A Hammond , lot 2 ,
block 4 , RrlKBV Place . . i
J U Elcholberger to I. A Reynold , lot
12 In nwho2-16-13 . 0.200
Fame to W J Anderson , lot 0 In samo. 1
llallou Hanking company to (1 A
Wuntworth , lotii 13 und 14 , block t > ,
Omaha Heights . , . l
Total uinouut of transfers . ( 27,703
Trial of a Oaso in Lincoln Involving Half n
IXutnof the I.ato Jnniion ( I. Miller llrilrcil
by the Adopted Untightcr ot the Do-
ccimpd Her Clulin to the
LINCOLN , Neb. , Aprils' . [ Special to THE
Bnn. ] In tlio probate court Judge Iuisliifr
Is engaged In hearing n case the history of
which rends lllto page from a romance.
The case Is ono wherein Mrs. Kvn I cwls.
\vlfo of tlio county cleric of Richardson
county , usks for the allowance of a claim of
$ l5.UOO ! ! from the estate of the Into Hitler
Jason Q. Miller , tit one tlmen resident of
Orcapolts , later of Lincoln and still later of
Pasadena , Gal. , wlioro ho died a year tiRO
leaving an estate worth ( ' .Till.OOO. The story
Is fully and graphically told hi a deposition
read this morning , which was tniulo by Mrs.
Ilayllss , wlfo of the pastor of Trinity Meth
odist church , Chicago.
On the 'JOth of Juno , 1800 , a mun giving his
name as Thomas Cavonger called at the
Homo for the Friendless , lU'JO Waoash uvo-
nue , Chicago , accompanied by two little
children , both irlrls. Ono was a bright Httlo
sprite , while the other was crippled. The
story ho told was a pathetic one. Three
months before he had loft Knglaud with his
wife and little cues for America. On ship
board the wife sickened , und a few weeks
uftrr they arrived in Chicago died. Ho
himself was ill and out of work and hogged
the homo to take the children until ho
recovered , promising to come back again.
They did so , but ho never returned. A search
showed that ho had died fricndlessand alone
In a hospital on Eighteenth street. Among
the friends of Mrs. Hayliss was Elder Mil
ler , then residing : U Oreapolis with his wlfo.
They were a childless couple , and Miller had
often begged the IJiiyllss family to give him
one of their girls , promising to make her his
heiress , but they refused. Ono Sunday ,
while In Chicago , he accompanied. Mrs. Hay-
liss to the home , where she held services ,
nnd was attracted by the little ono who sat
on the front scat smiling and pert. As the
children filed out , the child , who was known
us Eva Cavenger , ran from the ranks and
clasped her arms around the sturdy elder's
legs In an ecstasy ol' delight. It was a case
of love at first sight , and the child accom
panied Miller back to his homo.
He was an ardent believer in missionary
work in foreign lands , and the girl was edu
cated with the especial purpose of lilting
her for that work. At the State university
hero she met D. O. Lewis , and from that
tlmo forward nil desire for self-immolation
in distant lands vanished , and after a court
ship lasting until she graduated she married
Lewis against the protests of Miller. His
blessing was asked for. but instead ho told
her never lo darken his door , that ho had
shut her out of his heart forever.
When ho died it was found that the portion
tion ot Mho estate which would have been
Eva's was bequeathed to the Methodist mis
sions. It was at first supposed that ho had
adopted the girl , and she knew nothing to
the. contrary until after she had begun pro
ceedings to break the will , when it was dis
covered that there was no record to prove
that , the only paper bearing on the case on
file at the Chicago homo being the surrender
by the father to the institution. The deposi
tions read , however , tend to show that it
was on his agreement with the ofllcials of
the homo that she should bo treated as ono
of his own family that he obtained the little
one. The case will occupy several days , and
is probably the starting point of a lengthy
litigation. The bulk of Miller's property Is
lit California , but ho owns about fl,000 (
worth here.
( Scnrral Tlmyer Makes Drnlnl.
LINCOLN , Neb. , April 27. To the Editor of
TUB IIKB : The alleged conversation be
tween Captain Hill , ex-Auditor Hi-nton and
myself In the state house on Tuesday , as re
ported In THE BEE of yesterday , in regard to
what the decision of the ' supreme court
would be on the question of jurisdiction , is
pure fiction. I had no such conversation. I
did not express any opinion us to what the
fiuding of the court would bo. I had not
heard any rumor in regard to It , and of
course , repeated no such rumor. I did not
see Mr , Dcnton during that day ; in fact I
have since learned ho was out of the city at
that time. I was in conversation with Cap
tain Hill when a man came up and spoke to
both of us and immediately passed on.
Not knowing him I asked Hill who he was.
He replied , "his name Is Howell ; THE HEU
man. " He did not hear a word of our con
I have no opinion as to how the court will
decide , preferring to wait for the decision. .
Now Unit the whole matter is beloro the
court it strikes me it would bo better for all
parties , newspapers Included , to leave it
there. Very respectfully ,
Senator Alli'n Itolihcd.
Thiovcs entered the room of Senator Allen
at the Hotel Ltndcll last night by turning
the key with a pair of nippers , and secured
his gold watch. An insurance man named
Limbach from Omaha was also relieved of
his watch. Two other unfortunates were
Messrs. Snow and Ish. The fellows cleaned
up four gold watches and $33 in cash.
City in Ilrlcf.
W. N. Branson brought suit in district
court this morning for $10.01)0 ) damages ,
which ho claims the ROCK Island should pay
him for running their road in front of his
premises and destroying the rental value
John Clinton was arrested last night while
in the act of going tlirough a till in Saundcrs'
saloon. He claims to have been drunk and
lias no recollection of how ho came there.
He hails from Oreapolis.
Phil P. Perry , who resides at M2 South
Eleventh street , was arrested this morning
on the charge of larceny from the person.
A. Anderson is the complainant , and ho
charges that Perry went tlirough him while
ho was sleeping and robbed him of Jits.
Sadie Patrick , a somewhat gaudily
dressed young woman , was arrested at the
Gees hotel , Omaha , yesterday and brought
back to Lincoln to answer the charge of
leaping a $14 board bill at the Capital hotel.
She arrived about two weeks upo from Kan
sas City , and attired in the reddest ol red
dresses set the heart of the Capital City
youth on lire. She managed to pay the
board bill today and was released.
Fremont .Now * Note * .
FIIKMOXT , Nob. , April ST. [ Special to TUB
BEK. ] Tlio Fremont Brewing company
shipped its first carload of beer today.
Attorney Daniel B. Carey and Miss Mattie
Qulnu , a former teacher in tlio public
schools , were married in the Catholic church
this morning.
Mary E. Golf , sister of Mrs. E. II. Rogers ,
was burled today. Kov. George M. Brown ,
pastor of the First Methodist Episcopal
church , conducted the funeral exercises.
Mrs. E. M. Collinswho died in St. Joseph's
hospital in Omaha yesterday , was brought
to this city last evening. Kov. Doherly of
Omaha will conduct the funeral services In
the St. James Episcopal ohureh tomorrow
afternoon. Anna was tlio oldest child of
Dr. and Mrs. L. J. Abbott and come to tills
state with her parents In IhCO. She was
loved and respected by all who knew her.
Turner Bros , started eight men to Colorado
rado today , who will drive 7,01)0 ) sheep of
theirs (100 ( miles to Casper , where they will
bo loaded Into cars and shipped here over
the Elkhorn road and from , hero driven to
tholr ranch u few miles northwest of this
Intrrt'Mml In I hi1 rroreedlacii ,
GIIAND I tANl ) , Neb. , April' ' ? . ( Special to
Tun BBK. ] The parties who filed a protest
before the city council against the applica
tion for liquor license made by Henry Hann ,
proprietor of Hann's park , withdrew their
petition at a mooting of tlio council last
night. The interest In the outcome of the
case was so general that the council foumUt
necessary to adjourn to the city hall. Not
one-fourth of the uudlunco was enabled to
gain entrance to the council chamber.
E. O. McCustlund , whom the mayor had
first appointed chief of pollen , but wtio failed
to bo confirmed , was appointed street com
missioner and tbocpuucil ratified tbo ap-
| K > lntmcnt by a unanimous voto. No chief
of police has not yet been appointed.
WAVEIII.T , Nob. , April 27. [ Special Tolv
gram to THU ] The local postolllco war
waxes hot and candidates arc becoming
more numerous ns the days po by. There
are petitions afloat In favor of men of all
the old parties , fusion candidates , scml-rep. ,
demo-pops , charity scekcr.s , tie-tips nnd
mongrels In nil stages of the game. Hon.
\V. .1. Bryan is sccKinv to dodge the ques
tion and the demands of nil the true blue
democrats , whoso choice is Harry Hendrlx ,
first , last nnd always , by holding off his sup.
port until lie can como and see who has the
biggest pull. What the democrats demand
Is an appointment Unit will represent the
Interests of the democratic citizens , and
Bryin will do well to place his oar close to
the ground and hear an unmistakable
rumbling from this direction.
( Hrrolii lldil I VI I nun.
OCT.OIA , Nob. , April 27. [ Special to TUB
Bui : . ) The Odd Fellows of this town cele
brated the seventy-fourth anniversary of
their order today. David City came licrr on a
special train with all the membcrsof the order
In that direction , besides Odd Fellows from
York and other parts of this district. J. S.
Honglund from North Platte was hero and
delivered a very Hue address. Tlio whole
closed with a banquet In the evening. Miss
Wright of U.ivld City was presented with a
nlco gold watch , and she delivered a very
nice address on Odd Fellowship.
A. I' . A , In StiltCiinvi'iillon ,
Coi.t'Miifs , Neb. , April 27. ( Special Telo-
( jram to Tin : Bur.The ] American Protective
association is holding a state convention
here this evening for tlio election of state
ofllcers for the ensuing year. A largo num
ber of delegates are present.
Tli Stipr < < inu < 'mirt Passes tip in n ( Jiii-n-
tl'in ortcn ItulKPil In Oinaliii ,
A recent decision of the Nebraska supreme
court will greatly affect this city so far as
public Improvements are concerned , and per
petuates the vener.iblo idea that the people
are bigger than those who servo them in
public oftlce. Tlio opinion was given by .Judge
Post , and was concurred in by the other
members of the bench.
Tlio case in question was Von Stccn vs.
the city of Beatrice , wherein tlic plaintiff
had enjoined the city from collecting a
special taking levied against his property to
pay the partial cost of grading , curbing and
paving a street In that city. The council
had ordered the work done , in face of the
fuel that property owners , representing
a majority of the feet frontngo of the abut
ting property , had protested against having
the improvements made. Tlio case dragged
its way through the district courts and found
its way to the supreme court.
The opinion of Judge 1'ost is quite lengthy
and is very comprehensive , covering in detail
all the questions raised. The court holds
that before any action can be taken for the
paving or curbing of any street n petition
must bo presented to the council represent
ing a majority of tbo feet frontage of the
abutting property. U is wholly unnecessary
for tlio property owners to proteot , as the
paving cannot bo done unless a majority of
the property owners petition for the same ,
and tbo council exceeds its jurisdiction when
it orders a street paved for which no peti
tion has been presented. The points in the
case are all covered by the Beatrice charter ,
which , in the iniinupon : the Improvement of
streets is tin * same as that of Omaha , and It
Is in tills manner that Omaha is affected by
the decision of the court.
The council 1ms been fully apprised of the
decision , tbo members Imvo taken the cue
and will proceed very cautiously in ordering
new paving. It is not thought that the de
cision will affect any improvements hereto-
fnrn made , where streets Imvo been paved
without the necessary petition having been
presented. City Attorney Council has
looked tlio matter up pretty thoroughly ,
and thinks that the only effect of the de
cision will bo to compel the council to not IJT
over hasty in ordering the paving of streets ,
and that it is necessary to have a petition
representing a majority of the feet frontage
of the abutting property to have the work
proceed or a protest representing a majority
to have the work slopped. Tlio decision
only affects paving and curbing and tlio re
moval of surplus earth from tlio street in
order to briug It to paving grade.
Tlio World's Tnlr
Cannot remain such without the blooming
look and radiant complexion which health
alone imparts. Parks' lea , by clearinir the
blood of impurities , makes the complexion
regain the hue of youth. All druggists.
Xc.iv I'lr < > Alarm Ilnxc * .
Shortly after 11 o'clock yesterday a lire
alarm was turned In from Thirteenth and
Douglas streets 10 which the department
did not respond. Investigation disclosed the
fact that it was an experiment with the new
lire alarm box at that point. So far only a
few of them have been placed In the center
of the city. No key is required , but the
uerson desiring to turn In an alarm simply
rings the department up by turning the
crank on thu outside. The ring will bo
hoard for two blocks or more , so Unit any
patrolman's attention will bo .called to the
place immediately. It is claimed that H
takes less time to notify the flro uepartmeut
in this way.
REGULATOR& nroTon nn Infallible ! /
( pccfflo for all ileranfo- '
menu peculiar to the
female c , uch aschrflnld
womb and ovarian dl-
oascs. IfUkctitnthna Ik
rcguUtc.s anil rtDinulfs
hralthy action olnll func
tions of the gttieritiiro
P " o.'w tfln < llnlt hcnllng.
The highest recommendations
uum iinmu-
P5 ? , * I'liyMcians nnd thoco who have tried It.
Wtlto for lxx > k"To Wnnif n , " mnlltd free. Bohi
l > y nil ( IrilprRlBtA. IIIIAIIVIELU ItKUtlJUllOIl CO. .
rroprlctors , Atlanta , Cia , , 't |
Arc thosD ignorai1. protaaijpj who
without nny qtmliflcation.3 , any ability ,
any cxporioncn , nny skill , claim tc
possess the power to euro all the Ills o ?
ho huni-i rac3. tliair want of
worth soon bocomoa nppnront to tholt
would-bo dupes , and these conscience-
lossqmicks arj soon con.sis > io.l to tlis
oblivion they so richly morit.
In str.v.ijs aal stroa ? coilmtvlt'i
these miserable boasters is the quiet ,
dignified yet courteous demeanor of
hosu noted loatlorj of their prafoisioa
Who , during the past 27 years , hav
abundantly demonstrated their ability
to effect speedy , perfect and permanent i
euros in all the wornt forms of those delicate -
icato sexual maladies embraced within
the general terms of
i I
Send 4 cents for their illustrated now
book of 120 pages , "Know Thyself. "
Consultation fros. Call upon or ad
dress , with stamp ,
Drs. BslU &
119 S , I4tii Slrs3i ,
Cor. Dou lns St' ,
A7. IT. I'A HKEIt , M. D. , N'o. 4 tliiinnch at-
llif"T ; < j ; , M.'Ea. , tMef coniultina pfiViMan / tlA
was awarded the oni.p MEDAL by the
MBMCJU , As' < 0"ATinn foi IhoIMlIZl ! EHHAYoB
Rxhauittd rUatlly , Atl'df yf > 'irroui and 1'
lability , an , ] all Jltia . .t unil Wtaknot of Man ,
nunro tlio young , thu mitldlt-agtd and oA (
IJUHES I nni'tiltntlon , n person or by littler ,
rroipictuwith tcithnnnluU , FRKR.
r.srjs book , BC1 KNC'E OF 1,1 FK. OU BKMN
rilKSKUVATJOK. SCO pp. . 125 Invaluable
icrlpllonu. fill' * only 21.UO bv mall , ( n'.ilccl
Union Stock Yards Company , ll
South ) Opnaha.
Dost Cnttlo IIo nnd Slisop market la tli3 wait.
. Wood Brothers.
I.lvo Ptoalc Coinmlsslou .Morcli.tnti.
Eo-ith Oiaalia Tclpphanu IIBJ. Ulilc.ija
JOI1NI ) . DAIH4MAN , I , .
WAI.TKIl H. WOOI ) . 'f u * < *
MnrUct roporls liy mall and wlro clicorfullr
iirnl.sliua upon r.iipllo.ition.
Jobbers' Directory
Bemis Omaha BiJ M. 0. Daxon ,
find uinnfM. Illcycloi sold on monthly
Hour itaclcj , burlap * ,
tvrlno. pnyminti 123 N 15th.
Morse COB Shoo Company ,
. llownr.l .
Fnl roum ntnl Oniee-11U7-IIOJ. Ull
l'actory--III'.i-Iial-llil Howard St.
W urn Iho ovi.v Miniirnnurun of Hoots aJ
Shuun In thu alnte of Nebraska.
A Kuncrrtl luvltntlon Uuxiuniljil to all lo Inspect
our nuw fucturjr.
rrni , CDKE. C3RHI3E.
Omaha Coal , Cok ) & Eagle CorniC3 Works
UMK OO. , hur.l umlouft Mfri. vnlvnnliol Irun
c oul , ri i : cur. Itilti liii'l ' comic * . Hlfi'li * cipj.
Douglui riu. mutulllo irl.k'lili , UKJ
llD-im ! liij.U.'HI.
M. E. Smith & Co. , Kilpatrici-Koj'i Dry
( ; ooi > 3 co ,
Dry Ruoili , notion ) , fur- Notloni. ifunti furnliS-
nlihlnv ttunJi. corojr iQXicooiIt , cjr. IH.i aaj
Mill and lluwanlSti. llarnoy . ) ! .
Omaha Upholstering Beelw & Ruayan
CO. , upholitorod furni t'UUNITUIl. 00. , Ur o
ture , I1J11101 Nicholas
6U WilOl l * ! VBlJT.
W.A.L.Gibbjn&Cx Omaha Safe Ml If n' "
\Vholcj.llo WORKS. "
Hnt . rt.pj , tr * iij J li. SafniTaulti , Jml work. (
Klovo. mltteni , 2t.i iron huttor nn.1 llrnoi 1
ami Ilnruuy all. c.i pa ) . An Irajn Is tlir- . '
ell. lit i auJJnokon. | V