Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 28, 1893, Page 5, Image 5

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    THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ) .Y , APRIL 28 , 1893.
J lllo Grande Rail road Set * n Rapid POM in
World's Pair Rates.
, B nte To Mm IlnirrtPil tlin III" Orimdnnml
Will 1'ull with tti - Union 1'nrlllc
Union ruclfir Dlrrrtiir *
Within Iho next few days , unless the
lowering clouds art ) dispelled , the transmls-
soiirl country will ho In one of the toughest
rate wars in the history of this territory. It
will bo brought about by the lllo Granao's
determination to control tlio World's fair
business from Colorado , although well ac
quainted with the power the Colorado Mid
land controls In the Centennialstnto.
Following the lead of the Hlo Grande in
announcing n $45 rate from Colorado common
points to Chicago , the Burlington authorized
the same rnto to bo made yesterday and the
Ilock Island will undoubtedly mcbt the rate
this morning. This I the first gun of defi
ance to the roads In. the Western Passenger
association nnd before another week Is over
the demoralization in World's fair rates
promises to bo something prodigious.
The shrinkage of the rate f I by the Bur-
llngton and Hlo Grnndo means u comfortable
ecalp by the men interested in that branch
of railroading.
The Southern Pacific , Santa Fe nnd Union
Pacific , which have been thrown together
1 > y this very warlike movement on the part ot
' the Hlo Grande , were discussing the situation
yesterday , whether to meet the rate or not.
What the outcome will bo no one knows , for
the Interests of these three great systems
uro Identical and they have gone into a corn-
pact to maintain the rates as agreed upon ,
Where Omaliu Is Aflecteil.
Hut what is of still greater Interest to the
people because It vitally concerns the Union
Pacific is the almost complete abandonment
ot the boycott against the "Overland Route"
inaugurated by the Kio Grundo last Novem
ber. This Is duo in a largo part to the with
drawal of the Santa Fo from the combine
and Its espousal of the cnnso of the Union
.Pacific In conjunction with the Southern
Pacific. While not generally Known , the
Santa Fc and Union Pacific have settled all
their differences and have tacitly agreed to
pull together , which means Increased earn
ings for the Union Pacific , its April state
ment showing n decided increase over Feb
ruary and March , when tlie bottom seemed
to have dropped out of the situation.
Hut the Hurllngton's position somewhat
complicates matters , us a still further
shrinkage of the rnto must necessarily bo
borne by Chicago lines as well as these west
of the river and the rate made from Colorado
common points Is delicately near the divid
ing lino.
Talking to General Passenger Agent
Buchanan of the Klkhorn about the situa
tion ha .said : "I admit the situation U pre
carious , but the presidents of the Burlington
nnd Hock Island will undoubtedly take a
hand before the rate , as agreed ui > on in the
Western Passenger association , is lowered or
out in any way. Mr. Cable of the Hock
Island was pronounced In his desire to have
the ngrccd"U | > on rate from the river main
tained and so informed his general passenger
agent , .lohii Sebastian. I nm not personally
acquainted with Mr. Gcorgo Harris' views
regarding the Burlington , mil I do know if
these rouds lend thcmselvs to any reduction
they might as well got ready for receivers ,
for the money market will bo greatly de
pressed In consequence. "
The rumor that the Alton had authorized
a rate of $0.50 from Kansas City to Chlcano
was not confirmed yesterday , although It Is
well known such' a rate has boon agreed
upon by Mr Charlton's road If it becomes
necessary to get business.
Old Union Piiclflo Miinaeoincnt Continued
with but I'ew Kxrpptloim.
At the directors' meeting of the Union
Pacific held yesterday in Boston Alexander
12. OIT was elected chair.nan of the board ,
an ofllco which died with the Into Sidney
Dillon , nnd which was revived yesterday by
tbo stockholders. Just how far this olllco
will go Is not known at headquarters ,
although It Is thought It will only
apply to the financial management
of the system , and in no wise
conflict with the operating department
or general conduct of the road. Mr. S. II.
i II. Clark was elected president. K. F.
Atkins , vlco president , while Oliver W.
Mink got n promotion in being madu second
vlco president as well as comptroller , a
position which ho has won by sheer force of
merit. Joseph G. Harris continues as treas
urer , Alex Millar , secretary , Frank D.
Butrick , assistant treasurer and transfer
The directors elected arc as follows :
Frederick U Ames , Boston ; Edwin F.
Dexter ,
llughitt , Chicago ; Henry H. Hyde , New'
York ; Gardiner M. I ino , Boston : Joseph
II. Mlllard , Omaha : Alexander K. Orr , Now
York ; Sidney Dillon Hiploy , New York ;
Kussell Sage. Now York ; James Sharp , Salt
Lake City
The committees appointed to look after
the varied interests of the company have
undergone nut little change , the only change
occurring In the government directors who
will bo appointed to the several committees
us is customary after their confirmation.
The committees uro as follows :
Executive Committee S. II. II. Clark ,
Frederick Ij. Ames , Kdwin F. Atkins , F.
Gordon Dexter , Alexander K Orr , George J.
Flnunco Committee ' Frederick I. . Ames ,
Gardiner M. U-ino , Marvin llughitt , Hunry
B. Hydo. Alexander E. Orr.
Jjuid Committee Henry II. Cook , F. Gor
don Dexter , George J. Gould , Joseph II. Mil-
Jard , Alexander E. Orr , Hussell Sago.
Bridge Over Missouri Hivor-S. II. H.
Clark , G. M. Dodge , Henry B. Hyde , Joseph
II. Mlllard.
Coal Lands and Coal Department James
Sharp , S. H. II. Clark , Greenville M. Dodge ,
Joseph H. Mlllant.
i Connect lug Itoads-S. H. H.Clark , S. Oil-
[ 'Ion Hiploy , Frederick lj. Ames.
Jlow tliu Croat Triiin Annihilated Tlmo In
Covering Dlstanoo.
DBNVBII , Colo. , April 27. ] Spccial Tolo-
Erun > to TUB BKK. ] The Burlington's Chicago
cage special , which left hero at U o'clock
this morning with the duchess of Bucking
ham and party on board , demonstrated to
lior grace that they could boat thu time of
the famous English train , ttio "Flying
Scotchman , " nnd which was donn with oaso.
The run from Denver to Akron was made on
the regular schedule of fifty miles per hour ;
from Otis to Hyde , eight miles In nlno min
utes ; Hyde to Yuma , six miles in llvo min
utes ; Yunrn to Kckley , thirteen mlles In ten
minutes i Kckley to Wray , fifteen ml 103 Into
fourteen minutes and thirty seconds.
The fastest speed attained was at the to
of seventy miles per hour , which was main il
tained for a distance of thirteen miles. This
is u wonderful performance and Is equal to
the record held by any railroad In thu tou
Coloruda' * IlntaVur. .
CHICAGO , ill. , April 27. Nothing of u
startling nature developed In the Colorado
rate trouble today. U Is understood that
[ "President JeHroyn of the Denver & Hlo
Grande has said his road is willing to com
promise the matter , but as near as can inbo
learned it docs not care to agree to any
compromise reaching back beyond the time
when the Colorado Midland cut the rates.
The Colorado Midland and the Atchison , on
the other hand , are willing to compromise ,
but only on condition that the agreement
i shall reach back to the beginning of the
| trouble. U docs not look promising for an
[ early settlement.
Cut by the McMo Pint.- .
CIIICAUO , III , , April 27. The llrst gun In
the expected battle In World's fair rates :
oust of Chicago was tired today by the
1 ilcVcl Plato. It cuuie In the shape of the
announcement of n cut In round-trip rates
between Cleveland and Chicago from $15 to
118.50. The Baltlmoro & Ohio promptly mot
U and will further reduce them.
Plnn byVlilch tbo Annlm ot tlin Coinpnny
Will lie Tut In ( inod Shnpr.
Piui.AnEi.rnii , Pa. , AprllTT.Official con
firmation was this afternoon given to the
announcement of the rehabilitation of the
Philadelphia k Heading Unllroad company
by the syndicate headed by Drexel ft Brown
Brothers company. The Incorporators of
the scheme are to provide for the liquida
tion of the floating debt , which approximates
$20,000,000 , nnd to furnish now capital for
the future operation of the road by the crea
tion of n collateral trust loan to the amount
of $ 'iOOUO,000. The bonds will bear Interest
at the rate of ( i per cent per annum and at
the Issue price , 193 , will net the company
$ .23,500,000.
It Is proposed that about 120,000,000 of the
bonds shall bo subscribed for by the owners
of the stock , preference , Income and general
mortgage bonds , the remainder to bo taken
by the syndicate. The syndicate will nlso
subscribe for nny part of the llr'st $20,000,000
for which the option of the security holders
Is not oxercisud. The Issue of collateral
trust bond will have priority over the pref
erence income bonds , but will bo preceded
by the general mortgage bonds.
To obvlato the probable objection
of the prefercnco bondholders to this
arrangement , it is proposed that the Interest
on the general mortgage bonds for the next
llvo years , It being about $1,700,000 per an
num , shall bo funded by the syndicate pur
chasing the coupons as they fall due , and
accepting in return therefor an issue of long
time bonds. The Issue of collateral trust
bonds at $ tKi and the funding of the general
mortgage coupons will eventually give the
Heading about SI7.MO.OOO new capital and
the securities now pledged as collateral for
a portion of the floating debt will bo retired ,
including the present $10,000,000 , collateral
trust bonds.
The contract which President McLcod
made with the Finance company of Pcnn-
sylvmila , for the purpose of enabling him to
ilnanco the company's coal trade , will bo
abrogated. The agreement , which Is ns ad-
x'antageous to the Ilnanco committee as It Is
burdensome to the Heading , will bo termin
ated upon the payment to the former concern
of n sum which will compensate It for all the
rights It will surrender. The present Head
ing system , including the Poughkoopsio
Bridge and LcIIigti Valley roads , will bo re
M14T Till ! CUT.
It In Aiiliouiicml that tlin .Santa Fo Will
Son the Km Orumlo'a Ilodiictlon.
DBNVCII , Colo. , April 27. As was antici
pated In railroad circles , the Atchison , To-
pcka .t Santa Fe mot the cut rate of $45 to
Chicago announced by the Denver & Hlo
Grande- Tuesday last. Immediately fol
lowing this the Burlington posted a similar
rate In their ticket windows , with an addi
tional round trip rate of $ i" > to the Missouri
river and return , which had not been antici
pated by any of the roads.
While the Santa Fo local ofllclals are
making merry over the fact that they had
received instructions from Chicago to meet
the Hio Grande cut rate , they wore thrown
Into consternation by the announcement by
the Denver ft Hio Grande of a $40 round trip
rate to Chicago nnd return , a $112 round trip
rate to St. Ixjuls and return , and a $25 round
trip rate to the Missouri river and return.
Although this rate was announced by the
Denver & Hio Grande before 11 o'clock this
morning , up to the close of business hours ,
none of the other roads had as yet mot the
cut. All are awaiting advices from homo
The Hto Grande oftlcials announce their
Intention of golmr fc > lower than any rate the
Santa Fo can make.
Kitllrond Humbling * . .
Mr. S. H. H. Clark loft yesterday for St.
Liouls , where ho will spend a fortnight.
The duchess of Buckingham and suite
went cast last night via the Burlington
cnrouto to Chicago.
Mr. B. T. Dunn has been appointed travel
ing auditor of the Union Pacific , with head
quarters at Ellis , ICan. , vlco J. I. Kennedy
transferred to the territory formerly under
the Jurisdiction of S. B. Heed , with head
quarters at Deivyrr , Colo. The appointment
took effect yesterday.
During the past week the Nebraska Gen
tral engineer corps has Ikeen engaged in
cross-sectioning the ground along the line of
the road from Center street south. A dis
tance of one mlle is now ready for the grad
ing force to begin upon nnd dirt will prob
ably fly Saturday or Monday.
As a result of the freight meeting In Chicago
cage It has been decided to advance grain
rates in Nebraska to a position which the
rates occupied previous to 1889 when for im
perative reasons the corn rate was made
lower than the oat and wheat rate. This is
the first blow at the maximum freight ruto
The attorneys of the several railroads
vitally interested in house roll 83 , the maxi
mum freight rate bill , will soon meet In
this city to determine upon some concerted
plan of procedure looking to the testing of
the legality of the bill In the courts. It is
possible the meeting will bo called for next
week , although it may bo thought best to
wait until the freight men finish the consid
eration of the 1)111 ) In Chicago.
Hood's ( Jure.
In saying that Hood's Sarsapnrllla cures
its proprietors make no idle or extravagant
claim. Statements from thousands of reliable -
liable people of what Hood' * .Sursaparilia
has done for them conclusively provo the
Inct Hood's Sarsapurllln cures.
Hood's pills act especially upon the liver
rousing it from torpidity to its natural duties
oure constipation and assist digestion.
HliU for I' Works.
The Board of Public Works will open bids
this afternoon for paving Hamilton
street from Twenty-fourth to Twenty-fifth ,
Twelfth street from Izard to Nicholas and
the alleys In blocks 21 and 22 , city. Also for
constructing sewers In districts 181,182 and
18.1 , nnd grading Decaturstroot from Twenty-
fourth to Twenty-ninth streets.
The board has readvortlsod for bids for
paving with asphalt the several districts ,
upon which bids for stone and brick have
already been received , nnd the lowest bid
ders designated on these materials. Thu
bids will bo opened Friday. May 12 , and It is
expected that there will bo more bids re
ceived than these submitted by the Barber
company , which was the only bidder three
weeks ago.
It h a shameful confession tl
make that ir.any people ara
willing to use adulterated arti
cles because they are cheaper ,
and in doing so often subject
ing themselves to injurious
effects , for it must not be
supposed that those who are
willing , at the cost of repu
tation and for the purpose of
gain , to impose adulterated
goods upon the public , would
hesitate to use injurious
Dr. Price has an established
reputation for manufacturing
good and pure articles , and
his Delicious Flavoring Ex
tracts of Vanilla , Lemon , etc. ,
ore the most perfect made. *
Administration Officials Not Inclined to Give
Themselves Fu.rtb.or Trouble.
CloreUnd and Cnrllulo Will Moot the Alan-
R r < of the Flnnnolnl Inntltatloni and
Hour Their rlans Thoio Con.
trolllnc AfTulri.
013 FoimiEK.vm STIIEKT.
WASHINGTON , D. C. , April 47. r
"We have a small balance over the gold
reserve nnd offers of more gold nro being
received ; that Is all there Is to the financial
situation today. "
Tills was the statement late this afternoon
of Acting Secretary of the Treasury Hnmlln
and It gives In a nutshell the status of
financial affairs. For the time being the
center of financial activity is moved from the
national capital to Now York , whore Mr.
Cleveland and Mr. Carlisle are within roach
of the rapacious Now York bankers who
will undoubtedly secure the conference they
have so ardently sought.
About the treasury today routine affairs
were moving smoothly and nothing gave
indication that there had boon a "financial
situation. "
Mr. Hutnlln , the acting secretory , Is probably -
bly the youngest man to occupy such a posi
tion since the days of Alexander Hamilton.
Ho his Just entered the thirties. Next to
him In authority Is Assistant Secretary Cur
tis , who is also In the thirties , while Mr.
Kckles , the comptroller of the currency , Is
the third leading ofllcinl of the treasury , not
over Do years of ago. Aside from the youthfulness -
fulness of men at the helm , they have had
little or no previous experience in govern
mental financial affairs. This In Itself Indi
cates the serenity of the administration over
the present aspect of affairs.
Many Offer * of Oolil ,
There have been a number of offers of gold
to the treasury today. One of these came
from a Washington bank with an ofllco just
across the street from the treasury. The
directors of the bank mot last night and had
quite n spirited controversy over whether
they should take their gold from the vaults
and carry it across the street. It was
finally decided in the affirmative nnd $100-
000 of gold was delivered to the treasury
Another offer came from the Second Na
tional bank of Cumberland , Md. The total
amount of gold held by this bank Is about
* 70,0X ( ) and of this it gave to the government
flO.OOO , or more than half. Contributions of
this kind mauo a considerable total and no
reports were received of heavy exports , The
treasury officials are now awaiting the news
from Now York , ns they feel that much de
pends upon the conferences there and those
likely to follow when the presidential party
roach Chicago.
The following pensions granted are reported -
ported :
Nebraska : Original John Buss. In
crease Edwin O. Morgan , John E. Wyatt.
Reissue Thomas Hale , John Blaln. Orig
inal widows , etc. Minor of Willis II. Rob
Iowa : Original Simon B. Dexter. John
N. Goodwin , Arthur Lang , Samuel D.
Thompson. Supplemental Isaac Skinner.
Increase Thomas A. Boll , Henry F. Locke ,
Samuel J. Stokes , Peter Lamb. Reissue
William K Edwards. Original widows , etc.
Mnrlnda Stevens , Julia Smltn , minors of
John S. Taylor , minor of Clinton A , Lott ,
minors of James Struthers , Eliza J. Ormsby.
Widows , Indian wars Phmbe Hayes.
I'ornotml Mention.
E , W. Martin of Fremont has applied for a
place as disbursing agent for public build
ings at Fremont
J. II. Decker has been appointed post
master at Calloway , Custer county , vice
G. H. Mam , removed. P. S. II.
WnnhlliRtnn Xntni.
WASIIINOTON , D. C. , April 27. A cablegram
has been received at tho' Department of
State from the United States minister at
Constantinople reporting the settlement of
the Marsovan Incident. The dispatch gives
no particulars. An American college located
at Marsovau was burned some weeks ago
and a protest was immediately made to the
Turkish authorities by the United States
A telegram was received at the War do-
pirtment today from Captain Guthrle , at
Antlers , stating that the friends of peace In
tie Locke nnd Jones factions had hold meetIngs -
Ings this week and adjourned until next
Monday. Captain Guthrie is confident that
n peaceful settlement of the trouble will now
The government exhibit for the World's
Paine's Celery Compouna
is the
" "
It makes the weak strong.
\Vc sell and recommend it.
J.H.SCHMIDT , Druzglst,24lh and Cumins
Beit Call Shoo In the world lor the prloa.
W. L. DoURlnSBhOBBBtcxoIdoveiyvrtiofa.
Everybody should wear tbem. It la a duty
you ewe you elt to get the beat value lot
your money. Eoonomlzolayourtootwcorbv
purchasing W. L. DoUBlacShooa.whlcb
represent tbo best voluo at tha prices ad-
TorV/ied above , as thousands can to JtUy.
ay Toke Ku Subitltuto.Iff
Tlcvrnro of frnuil. None genulno without W. U
DoucUi auno and price itoioptd on bottom. Look
for u w ben you buy.
W. i " " - . * ' - - BoMbr
Manut Wobboro , Kolley. Stleer i L'o. . O. J
Wilson , Kilns Svumdii , Ignatz Nowimin W. l',0.
"oath Omaha.
fair Is not ready nnd i fTOforo It will not Do
placed In position nt tlin fair until May 15.
Secretary Morton hits appointed M. G ,
Kftftn of Illinois chief n * ! the seed division of
the Agricultural department.
Gold < Situation I.nok ff Morn Favorable
Tlmn for Hume Tlmn I'nut.
AViSitisoTOX , I > . C. , fVprll ST. The gold
situation npparcntly'ljl'ows ' ' easier each day
and the flurry of tha st week has entirely
subsldetl. The Now Vttf-k bankers called fern
n definite statement'.tfrbm ' the administra
tion , on the ground tlifttilt would settle the
atmosphere , and the statomcnt ot President
Cleveland scorns to have had that effect.
Interest In the financial world has now
been diverted to Now York by the presence
there of the president and Secretary Carlisle
and on account of the very Important-
part that the financiers of that city nro now
ntayltifr. The position which the Now York
bankers have occupied Is bolnif severely criti
cised. The ovldcnt desire of the south and
west to assist the treasury Is contrasted ,
with the position of Now York , which can
Immediately relieve the government , but refuses -
fuses to do so unless on terms advantageous
to Its own pockethook. The outcome of the
visit of Mr. Carlisle to Now York is awaited
with considerable interest.
At the Treasury department today every
thing was unusually quiet. The gold ques
tion has lost the concern which It has occa
sioned. Small offers of gold continue to bo
made and nro accepted. Acting Secretary
Hamlin said that the situation was very
Cleveland l&aya Concrcm Will Not llo
Called Together llfifnrn .Snpteinbur.
WASHINGTON , D. C. , April27. Bcforo leav
ing Washington Now York President
Cleveland practically sot at rest the rumors
that he would call an extra session of con
gress to consider the financial situation.
During a conversation with Mr. Cleveland ,
Representative Kllgoro inquired regarding
the intentions of the president as to an extra
session. Mr. Kilgoro explained that ho
wished to bring his family to this city before -
fore the opening of the session , and for this
reason was anxious to learn what would
probably be done , In order that ho could
make his oplans accordingly. In effect the
reply of the president was that ho would not
call at. extra session until September unless
some unforeseen circumstance , which was
not anticipated , made such ia course neces
sary. Ho stated that the call would bo made
for the assembling of congress between the
1st and Ifith of September.
Minister Strvnn1 Kcnlgimtlnn ,
WASHINGTON , D. C. , April 27. The resig
nation of Mr. Stevens as United States min
ister to Hawaii has been on Hlo at the State
department for some tlmo. Therefore the
ofllciuls feel no surprise at his expressed
purpose of coming homo next month , espe
cially ns ho has been practically relieved of
all diplomatic authority and responsibility
on the islands since the arrival there of
Commissioner Blount , with plenary and dis
cretionary power , paramount to that Minis
ter Stevens on all questions affecting the
present delicate relations of the two coun
tries. Mr. Stevens' "successor will bo
selected soon after the president returns
from Chicago , and Mr ; Blount Is prominently
mentioned for the
Will Appoint. * i ; Clmlrman.
Either Major Baleombo or Major lAiray
will oecomo chairman of the Board of Pub
llo Works today. Thlp honor , however , will
bo but temporary , lasting , perhapsten days ,
until Major Blrkhaujw returns from his
jaunt to Texas. Mnybr * ' Bomls , under the
provisions of the charter , will designate ono
of the other members tpf , the board to per
form the duties during the absence or disa
bility of the chairman:1 :
only 25 ccuts to buy n gloss vial
' of Dr. Piert-o's Pleasant Pellets-
hut then-you get n lusting benefit
nnd a pennat'tnt cure of your
Bilious or SicK Headache , Con-
stipiition or Indigestion , loss of
appetite , and all these troubles
which follow a disordered liver.
The tlmo to treat nn inactive
liver is before it becomes n dis
ease. If these tiny Pellets were
in every day use people would bo
germ-proof. The germs of disease
mnko their entrance to the system
j through the liver your health and
I well-being depends on the liver.
If yo' . tuffer from wind and pain
in the voinach , giddiness , costiveness -
ness , disturbed sleep , you get immo-
I diato relief from the use of " Plena-
ant Pellets. "
They're guaranteed to give satisfaction , or
money returned.
Think of the thousands of hopeless coses
which must have been cured by Dr. Sago's
Catarrh Remedy , liefore its proprietors
could be willing to 'say , ns they do : "For
any case of Catarrh , no matter how bad.
which we cannot euro , we'll pay $500 cash. "
.Chronic Neriroiu
. , ,
PrivatJ ail
Special Dlseis33 ,
Treated nt &Y01 a month
uud ull modlolnei
All other troubles treated at roasonnblo
charges. CONSULTATION 1'UEE. Call on or
( Lou.ultiitlMi ( I'roe. )
Is uiisurp'nssed In the treat
ment of nit
Chronic , Private nnd
N * vous Diseases.
Wrltn v r cumuli l > imiilly ,
\rtdrOM with stamp for par
ticulars , which will l ) lent In
I'.O. Uoroir OUIcellSa. lSth- . ,
. . .IJ _ .
Ofl >
IM7T- |
, Ilroiiuliltm. Astli-
mu , Coniumutlon , lleaiiaolio.
Imuk or norvoui' , Norvoui
I'roMtrutlou ,
AWondorfully Suoooas-
ful Troatmont.
Hook" unil trials ritEKI O.tll o
Euito MO ghoolDldi ,
l"Lll UUWAn.l
. all the trala ofc
oainpanr them In men QUIOKI.V ana l KltMA
glTentoerarr part of the bolf. I will tend to
curely packed ) KUKK to anriutlerar tlia prescrip
tion tlutourud u'a of thettt troublei. Aildran , 1
A. UUAllLBt , UATTLtf ClltKIC ! ,
Detalli of the Pirn thitt U ntroypd the Ki-
triinlva Stitlilri ,
ntimto , Wyo. , April 27. [ Special to
TUB UP.K. ] A flro broke out Monday mornIng -
Ing In ono of the stables of Port McKlnnoy.
There are four of these buildings In n row
on the cast aide of the pa ratio ground , stnud
Ing with their gnblo ends to the west and
divided from each other by wide corrals ,
with feed racks for the horses.
Lnst.voar nbout this tlmo an Incendiary
flro nt the post destroyed the quarters of
two cavalry troops , and an appropriation of
$15 was afterwards made for their rubulld *
lug. These are now almost completed , and
it was Intended to turn thorn over to the
troops In a few days , During their building ,
the stnblo nt the north end of the rows was
used as temporary iiuartvrs. and occupied
by the soldiers. Itvns In this building that
the lire , which is suld to huvo been caused
by the overheating of n chimney , first broke
out. A blizzard wns blowing nt the time ,
and the water supply being dellelent. In less
than three minutes the entire roof was n
mass of ( lame. The men worked hard to
save the contents , but some of them were
for a tlmo overpowered by the heat , und the
high wind carried the lire across the cor
rals , and In a short time the whole row of
stable buildings wns destroyed. The latter
were old and dry and sutura'ted with paint.
All the horses were gotten out In tlmo and
none of thorn Injured , but with the excep
tion of ono iiuilo stnblo und corral , which
stands apart on n lower level ; they are
without shelter.
It is satisfactory to know that the llro was
entirely accidental , but it Is a singular coin
cidence that a llro should occur almost on
the anniversary of the disastrous ono last
year. The troop of the Ninth United States
cavalry , which Is cnrouto to this post was
expected to arrive Monday , and It 1 ? In
tended to quarter the men In ono of the now
buildings that nro almost ready.
It is apprehended by some people that the
destruction of the cavalry stables will induce
the authorities to withdraw the cavalry
from this post , hut in view of the largo sum
recently expended on the new quarters and
thu.insuflk'lenc.v of such Alt-
. . Infantry nt a -
tanco from transportation , this seems hardly
likely. The now quarters are extremely
haiulsomo buildings , two stories in height ,
very well built and tlnlshcd both outsldoand
Insido. The cost of erecting new stables ,
for which the native lumber Is perfectly
adapted , would bo trifling in comparison.
Moreover the danger of lire on future oc
casions will be greatly lessened by the con
struction of the Uuffalo water works. These
works , which will take their water from n
point above the post , nro calculated to sup
ply all the requirements of the military
authorities at a very moderate cost and in
the most eftlclent manner.
Move In the Direction of Soullrlni ; Morn
Toleration from tlm I'lillcc.
A few evenings ago a number of Omaha's
citizens met and discussed matters relating
to the onforcementof eortalncity ordinances ,
over which there has been of late many
things written nnd spoken. The meeting
was the outgrowth of the agitation brought
on by the demands of the Ministerial asso
ciation and it was thought that the largo
body of the people should bo given n chance
to express their views upon the question. It
resulted In a call for a meeting this evening
at Henry Osthoft's store , 511) ) North Six
teenth street , at which the following peti
tion wiil bo submitted for consideration , and
for such changes , If any , as may be desired
by the persons present :
1'OMCK UOMMIBSIONKK * : You llllVU UOlll Urged
by extrnmlitH to enforce C.I > HHII | laws mid
ordinances strictly to the lotli-r. Wo , the un
dersigned citizens and taxpayers , request you
to act according to your bust judgment am ]
the best business Interests of thu I'lty , and bo
guided In your actions by a spirit of tolera
tion , modurutlon and leniency.
The Cele
brated Non-
SpceUicl cs
n 11 d K y c
Glasses for
fer/ ;
sale in Oni-
alia by
Bn Co.
Solo Agents forOnialm. .
Of the small winged , narrow pointed collars ?
We show you below an Illustration of collar of
duch wider points and fuller front , in different
widths , which is a very stylish and popular
shape for the current season. You will find U
( he correct thing and you will like it.
The " Monarch " Shirt Is the one you shouU
near . ' ( you want satisfaction ,
Leaves L'lllOAliO , UUIlUNliTON & < ! ArrlTJs
Oinahn Depot lUth an.l Mmon 3H. Oiunbi
4.45 p m Chicago VoUlbulo. 8.0) ) a m
I'.U ) a m Chicago Hxprem. . U.39 a m
i.40n m Clilciu'O Kiprosj 4.25 p m
ti.M p m . . .ClitcnRO Alowftljoca 6.0J pra
UUltUNUTON A MO. lllVKIl. lArrlvei
Umalia Depot lUta ami Mition Ht . I Om h *
10.I5 am Dunrur 4.03 p m
10.15 nm . Uonilirooil Express 405 p m
4.M pm . . . . . . .l > enror Kxpreaa 93 } Bin
4,60 pm . Denver l.lmltoJ 12.SO am
6.60 p m . _ lla tlniji Local t > .3T P ci
fUSttm . . .Lincoln l.ncal ( Biraptflunl 11.30 a m
Omaha I Depot lUlh and ilniun ati. Omaha
Ka t. _ I Union lie p o t'H ) th AJjarbr Ht KasU
J5rc6 ft"in ! Allantlo Kxpro i I 6.W p n.
4.40pm Vettlbulo Uzproit 1.10pm
ia ; : pm I Sight K oren ! 6 M n m
liu. it. I. , V trom
Weat | Union DciioUJtlianil Marcr at . I WJtt
1.20 pmi . Dunror I.lmltol . 4.Uim |
ISA anil. . Kania _ l'ltr _ ( Kxcopt dnnilay ) . . _ Tjli
Omnha I Union Dapot IQtU and Mr\rnr all. I O.ntQa
7.63 am . . . . . . lloairioa . . * , ! * .
P.SO nm Uuurar Krurju
2.15 pm OvorlanJ rlyor
4.15 pm .Uealrlco&trinslu ) Kn * 3uni
O. piii 1'ftoltlo KxproM
Pjajj. " _ . _ jJ > i'ivujl.KjiUII . . . . . .
CSavt-ri clTTcAiTu. .MFfiTA'sr 1'Auu"
Uicahul U. I' , ilupot nml Maroy gti.
T.Oi pib ! Chlca'iu Kipra i . I'J.-IJ a m
) l.0nuj | . . . .L..Chlcaxo l' ' ! prBJ _ . . . . li.Wpm
LeuTe i " 5I ux TrrT" * T"ACI f'lcr" lArrlvoi
Oraabal I'epot. IQlli auil Marcy HK | UinaUi
T.10 a ml aioux CllT ra on or i It-tip . _
5 8j p m I st. l' id _ Kxpro . . . llOOU a in
Learcn I 8IOUXCITV Jt I'ACIKIC. lArrlvoi
Om hal Depot , lith aiUYob tar Hit. | Umalia
"s.4i iTiiri . . . . .St. I'uul l.lniltud I 9.2'i am
LvafOi , IJMA1IA &H1' . UOT5i JArrliM"
Om hatJ. | T. Dopot.lOlb ml Marcy Bt .I Umalia
4.IX ) p in | Bt. l.ouli Cannon liftll . . . | U..Vipm
Loafoj i IJ..8T. I' . , M. A U. lArrlres
Umahal Depot 16th and Wubttor 8t . I Omaha
R.IO am ! . Slouz Cttr Accommodation. . ! 'J.U1 p ra
I.IS pralSlouxOltr ttpre ! ' ( Kr. Sunday ) I IJ.4) pm
S.4jJiul St Paul .tulloil * 5i am
Learea K. , B A MO. VAIiLKY lArclroi
Omcba Depot 15th an J WebitorJBti. I Uinaha
ftUl a in .Hvadirood Kxproi * . 5.2J p m
W.OO a m ( Kx. gat. ) WroKxp. . ( Kx. Men. ) 5.3J p m
6.aO pm Norfolk ( Ki. I'J.'JJ ' au >
6.45 p m , .St. I'anl V.-lt a m
If met ICHIUAtio A NOltf if WKSTKUNI Arrlrei
Omaha IU. I * . Oupot. ! 0th nd Marcr St . | Omaha
7.50 Vm ( Kt , Bun'y r ) Carroll 'r I'aisenter i.W p m
IU.40 a m .1 htcai o Kxpresv. . (10) ( p m
4.05 p m Veitlbula Umlted. .5I a m
7 UO 1) IQ . .Kaetorn Klyer. . . 2.1 } p m
&an p m iun. ) Chin. Pam. IK * . tt JJ a in
uuiabal ll i > ot ISlh inJ Webiter Hti. I Omaha
1.10 p'ral , . .Bt. lx > u : Kzpran 7.W a m
10UU pro ) St. U > ul Ktprmi & & pm
i.0pm ! . . „ .Nebfaika Local | VSJam
Look Around
and sec the women who are using
Pearline , It's easy to pick them
out. They're brighter , fresher , more
cheerful than the women who have
spent twice as much time in the
rub , rub , rub , of the old way. Why
shouldn't they be ? Washing with
Pearline is easy.
And look at the clothes that
are washed with Pearline.
They're brighter , and fresher ,
too. They haven't been
rubbed to pieces on the wash
board. They may be old ,
but they don't show it. For clothes washed with Pearline
last longer.
T Peddlers and come unscrupulous grocers will tell you ,
r C C7t7 * 1 f * - "this is as good as" or "the same as 1'carlinc , " IT'S
AJ\s W CH.s FALSE 1'carline is never peddled , if your grocer sends
you an imitation , be honest itnd it bak. 317 JAMliS 1'YL.K , New York.
la Manufactured on Scientific Principles. Highly Digestible nnd Nutritious ,
known nil over the civilized Globe ns the Poof of nil Goroait. e
Anything about Sartorial art ?
Those long stylish coats , in "cutaways" and "sacks"
" 933" style will prove an object lesson to you !
$ g to $12
will give you selection from several hundred domestic and
foreign trouserings.
$2O to $ BO
will dress you in a suit , from imported fabrics to be found only
at Nicoll's.
$18 to $5O
will put a stylish spring overcoat over last year's suit.
No. 207
South 15th Street.
Our Spectacles and Eyeglasses Are the Bes
999 4fith < U . " Kimlor'a
" Drug Store |
nu. c. CKB
WO , the Inmons-
Chln ceo physi
cian ot Omaha
has over l.OUO
sintomciiti from
IT r a t o f u I p a-
t Ion ts who have
boon curoJ by
hi in.
Omnln. March
a , ISU ! Dr. U doe
Wo : I nave boon
a crent milrorur
slnco n SMI n. 11
Njhlld with chron-
led Inrrhoea. weak
, hack , h'adaaho ,
and crippled with
liud tried m.-uiv
doctors anil upont
: i ereat do u of
money. Out no ro-
Huf. Ahoiilaovon
montln fine 1 hoard of Dr.O. Goo Wo. com-
uoncod luklnz truiitiiient and cheerfully
ocommond him for ho has cured n.o nnd mudo
i now man of me , KHANK Gooi > ALt,3.Omaha
Hours 0 to 0-
No. 610i NorthlOth StI
Tooth oxIraotol In mornlnt
tt vronasln Qrte < lFftjr oou
gatuodajr. I'crfcct at
3rd Floor ,
Pnxtou .Block.
lUthnudFarnam Stroots.
llovatorun : ICtUSt. TulopUono 1033.
mont of the Intt-rlor , ( Joni'rnl Kami Oflloo ,
Washington , April ! i. IH03.Sealed proposals
will bo received at the ( Iciu-ral Land Olllco ,
Washington , I' ' . * ' . . until o'clock p. m. , on
.Saturday , the Dili day of May , Ib'JU , for sur
veying and inurUInt ! by Mittnhlo monuments ,
thiit portion of tlm Imundnry line be-
twueu tlm stuto of Nuhraskii nnd thu
Ht'it" of South DuUolu , which ltu > 4 west of
tlm Missouri rlvtir , us autliorl/.ed by the act
of congrohi. approved Amcuvt 0 , 1UOU. iiiuklni ;
iipproprliitlon for siirviiyinn th nubile I * " ! ; ' '
ipaiiiphlul Htutulc's ut lnrti > . 1H01-OJ , p. . )7ii.
Thuburvuy Is to bo ti\ocuted In coiiipllanco
with upeclllcullons and Instruction * und ox-
Utlnuolllclal rfKUlntlons. The Mono inonii-
iiiontHaro to bo pluoed.Kt half mllu Interval *
on suld bounilary , I'mposaU for oM-cutlni ? thu
survey und ustunllihlnK the inonuinuiitH , an rn-
nulrcd by thu itpeelllentlons , Instnu-tlons und
regulutlons , niuit Includu In ono bid both the
Hold work and the monuments. Copies of tlm
HueelilcntloiiB rolutlvo to the line and uionu-
inonts , und blank proposals will bo fiiriilshod
blddorx on application to I ho cpiiiiiiNsloner
of thoOonerul l.and Olllco , Winhlnzton. D. O.
Kach proposal imwt bo accompanied by a cer-
tllled check for & 00. I'ropoiuU will bo con-
NlUorud only from pracllciil , oxporloiicod hiir-
v yor , wlioio coinpetonce and reliability arc
hutlsfactory to this olllco. The party to
whom the contract may be awarded will ) M > ro-
oulrt-d to execute the work "In his own prouor
porxon. " with Mich assUtunruaH may bo noces-
wiry. l-roposals iiuut bo Inclosed In envelopes
and marked 'Tropoul * for ttio survey ami os-
tublUhmoiit of the boundary line between No-
tiraska und South Dakota 'l and addressed to
Ttio ComiiiNHlonnr of the General I.uml Oltlco.
I'lty of Waoliltiirton , I ) . U. " The rlchtto ri.lpct
any nnd nllbld Ur servcd.S.W. I.AMOllMJX ,
Uoriiinlsilonor. "Sd alt
Omaha's Newast Hotel
COR. 12TH AMD HOWAB3 if i.
it Itoomi nt H , ' > 3 per d IT ,
IGliooiui iittl.OO par ( tur-
lOltnomi nith Hath at 11.0) pjrttr.
lOltooms with llnth to ll.i ) Pr tir
Modern In lOvorr Itunpoct.
Newly fiirnlalioi
C. S. ERB. Proo.
The nly hotel In the o'ty ' with hot and oo'd
water -and Htoam ho it In every rDJ 11
M'ubUuiiJ dliilu ; roo.u sorvlco uniurpasJal
BATES $2.50 TO $4.00.
fc'noclal rntes on xppllcatlon.
Nailer ,
Sealed proposals will be received by tha
Btato Printing Iliiard at the ofllco of Secretary
of Htato at any tlmo buforo Wednesday , May
3. 1HU.1 , at 1 ! o'clock p.m. . for printing and
binding iiOOO copies'of the HOimto journalu ,
lUUUfoplt'H of the hoiiso Journals and GOOD
copies of the session laws of IHiK ) , Including
DUO Noparatuly printed and bound In paper
proof-sheet copies of thti "Newherry Illll. "
Senate and house Journals to bo urlntud on
book paper , two pounds per ( | Ulre , super royal
octavo form , Hlnnilard iirovlor type , leaded
with KIX to plea leads between the lines , and
the pages shall bo twenty-sU pica onu In
width , without unnecessary blanks , broken
pages , or paragraphs , blanks between proceed
ings of each ( IH.v , and but we.on dllTeriMit ses
sions of the btimu day and between heads and
Htiliheads , not tu exceed ono brovlor line.
The binding shall be In tlm same style and
quality as thu hoiiso Journals of IH'Jl.
Session laws to lie printed on two-iouiid |
book paper , xnmll pica typj. pant1 * to bo .saiuii
sl/.e and form as the laws of IHHr. with margi
nal notes wild Index , biiiiml In full sheep.
Proposals will alsu bo received at the HUMID
time and place for printing the kunromo court
luporlHUinl court calendars und for furnish-
In alt blanks , blank hooks and circular * , lu-
cluJIng revenue blanks required by the olll-
cersof the nxocullvo department of the atalo
for n period of two year * from date of con-
Kaii'iptesaiidestlmatpsof kinds nnd quantity
of Kiippllns to be furnished can ho seen lit the
ot1lo of secretary of state.
I'roiiostils muslstatn for what price the bid
der will furnish all books In this clasi per
page , and fur all blanks and circular * pur
inimlrod. , , ,
K-ieh proiKisal must bo accompanied by a
bond In thu mini of ID.OOO.Ou with two or moni
sureties conditional that the bidder will. In
1 CIISB of award , within llvo days after notice ,
enter Into contract to do thu work.
Hid * to bo marked "I'rcjpoiiiU for Publlo
l'rliitliiv'"cHrontcrotary of Btate.
Ualley and pagu proof for laws and Journals
must be furnished to Hi" proper olllcer , and
all work to bo delivered In , iood order , f run of
cost , at tin ) olllcii of the. secretary ot utatii
wlthlu ninety days from the dale of contract.
Itlulit to reject any or ull bids reserved.
J .S. ifAim.KV. l
State Treasurer. I OfKti'to
KIKIKNB MOOIIK , ' I'rlntliiK Hoard
Auditor 1'ubllc Accounts. J