Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 28, 1893, Page 3, Image 3

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    THE OMAHA _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ DAILY _ _ _ _ BEE : tflttlUY i- , | , APRIL . _ 28 . v 1893.
Mdsrman Hntliaway's Motor Line POM Still
( Jrcalos Discussion.
M r.r 'Hilnk tlmt the M tnr < 'miivinjr Can
Ha I'loncriitcil on the CluifK" ( ,
Ilrlliery-Tlici Aldrriiiuit Mm
Nollilni ; In Sny.
The announcement thnt Alderman Hatha-
oj Is disregarding the plodtro that. was
Iftolcninly made bj thu convention which
j nominated him a few weeks ape In aeeeptlui ;
i and uslup a pass on thu motor line , hns made
I i | lto stir ntnoiiK the cltl/ens , and repub
licans and democrats alike are discussing
the matter with a tfood of Interest. The
question Is not a political ono , as ll.itlmw.iy
waa not elected because tht'io were more
democratiuotcrs than republican , but bu-
, eausu there were more people in the tlty
v lie believed In regulating the motor com
pany than \\lio bellou-d that the motor com
pany outfht to be allowed to tefiiil lie tlio
city. IIathawa.\ . as nominated and elected
leli on tinnucstlon of whether or not the
company should bo regulated , and us the
Hist eiaclc out of the box has shown him up
in this light H ta n.itutal that the affair
nhntilil bo tlio subject of considerable corner-
Gallon ,
In It llrllicij ?
Tlio < iut'stlou Is now raised whether the
elvhiKof a piss on the motor line does not
coini ) under the headof biibeij as piohlblted
in the statutes of Jo\\a , and It is bvIiiK ln-
\ estimated b > some of the eltl/cns with a
\ lew to ascertain the ex.ict status of
the matter 'I ho motor temp my. so thci
leason is not Rhine passes promiscuously ,
nii'l the members of the city count II do not
lido free because their stjlo of
beauty is oinuriintal to the coiu-
) ) . .in.3 . ' 1 ho comp.iiij must ox-
jiect something In ictuin , and the enl >
thing that the aldui men tan gho In tetuiu
is thc'lr % ole What the law is on the point
has not been dei idwl , but at one of the
Judges on the disti let btnch of I'ott.iwatt.i
mid county is of the opinion that a p iss is In
the iiatuio of a biibe , for ho has ste.ulfasth
rofuseil to travel on or even to accept a pass
fiom any r.iilw.ti tomp.msinco the com-
incniement of bis term of office- Common
sense tit s coins to indii ate the
position taken by the Judire ri'foited tn Is
coned and the nuestion ofhether it Is
right fiom a It iral standpoint is likely to bo
brought into tin * com ts for n derision Tlie
dtl/ens above spoken of aio lotibldcilng tlio
! id\ls ihillty of bcnliuiiiiK an action against
thi ) motor company for billing , and as. a test
r.iso it will attiact attention fiom all over
the count i.\
Aldciniau has not taken thoU
U on hie to deny the statement of the motor
conductor who was quoted in TUB BI.I : a day
or two ugo , niul when .ipptoached bj .1 10-
porter for his statement ho made nil ov.iblve
r nl\ so that the presumption is that the
clnrgols correct.
ATricAi PINO mi : UKOU o < > .
bilk Mimiifiirtmod ll ( lore Viuir I.JCH lit III' '
Itontiin Mori' .
The B iston Stoi-o Inn IIL-OII visited b.\
liundicMlM of people in the last feu ( lavs ,
who \\eio dtiiwn thire by the announce
ment that tliuj would bo shewn the nio-
CUHS of silk manufacture ns ( Mined on
by the NntchmijT Sill : company f Wilii-
imiiiMu. Conn. Tbo process is 11 cm ions
ono , uml Hint it Is us Intui citing as well
us out ions is shown by tlio cio\\ds of
people" who iiuij bo wen watching the
motions of tbo htMo "Jup" vvho boils
the cocoonb and leelhotT tbo gobMiimir-
llke tin end in ono window mid the ma
chinery \\hich weaves the tin cads into
n glosHy fabric in the other. The Nut-
chnngsilki will beolletcdatcostprieoiill
during this week , for the purpose of in
troducing them to the public. The ex
hibit which these enterprising mer
chants arc- making was only bccuicdby
the purehaM ) of W.SOO worth of the
compunj'b Hllks , and The Boston Stoie
Is the only place inehtorn Io\\a
whore they can bo puichiiscd. Kvorj-
thing in the Bilk line , including china ,
fancy hilks and Mitins , will bo sold at
COST PRICE thibcok , and every
piece of bilk in the stoic bus boon espe
cially marked down for this occasion.
Every ludy visiting the stoio will bo
given a silk cocoon as a souvenir to
gether with a pamphlet giving the history -
tory of the cultuio and maiiufiictiuo of
bilk.DO pieces ± Mnch figured chinas , Illlc ,
( luring wile next week. 7i"i pieced
oxti a quality llguied china silk , - \ > , 50
and (17 ( Jc , d'luing next week's sale.
Nntehung faille bilks , OOc , $1.15 , $1.12
and * l.7r > .
Natvhang black rhadiima , fiO , 07) ) , 82Jf ,
$1.15 and $1.)0 , every jaid guarunteod
for bix months.
Council Blulls la.
Mrt Ida 'lostevlu Wnkofiold and Miss ,
Keolo Maj Ogilcu pa\o a musicale last e\cu-
iii ( ; at thp Mueller Music hall. A largo num
ber were piescnt to witness the most
claboiuto porfoiiuancohlch these t\\o
musical f.n 01 lies luu o over attempted. , lloth
tnc ladies sing be.uitifully tlio long and
dilllcuH pi ogram which had been piepaicd
Slis. Ida Wakelleld's s\\eut sopianoo 't
Bhowed on to excellent luuautago. barring !
n slight neivousncss at the starl
which woio oil \vlth the no\eltj of tin
situation Miss OgUcn has a licl :
contralto \ olcohlch she uses with n skir
that promises much for the futuio Thej
weio assisted In Miss raiinj Hates ol
Omaha \\hos > o iccltations called forth 10.
loatod encores Mr Uo > 1 Smith of Pro
inont , Neb , piajed two ot his o "n composl
lions , ovhlhitlng a gicat deal of technlca
skill , and MrV S Maishall of Om.ih.i am
Mr .1 II Simips of this cltj performed i
duet , the latter also acting as accompanist
in his usual capable manner All the uuj
through * ho enteitalnmentwas an uuusuallj
Inteiesting ono , the heart ) applausu show
) i > g the enjoMiient aflordcd the audience bj
the efforts of the musicians
Will 1'lnj ( iiioil I'lnnii.
The redhot Bquabblq into which tin
Now York piano makers and the miuui
got a of the World's fair have beei
plunged on nocount of the dispute abou
the piano exhibits , has attracted world
wide attention , i'adeiew&ki is undei
contract to plaj at the fair , but lefuse
to nplaj unless ho has his NeYorl
piano , and the makers of that iusti u
ment refiibO to lot him hiuo i
the fair nianngeis make tin
ions demanded. Now the question
tion ib , will 1'adetewski plaj his Nov
Yoi k piano at the great opening con
cert ? "No , he will not , " bind a promi
Hunt musician yesterday. "I will tel
\ on why. If the ShubeVt piano is ex
hibltcd nt the fair Padciowski will phi ;
that instt nment and no ether i n iiccomi
of the liquid quality of tone , elusticit ,
of action , and their patent tecliniciihono
You must admit that this piano is th
coming liibtrument for in tists , and tha
it is purehiibcd and pioforrt'd by th
musical public in general. It is alb
worthy of note that itcanonl\ bough
in thin portion of the United' States a
the Swanson Music omipany , Masoni
building. Council Bluffs.
Ittir lnriiril More ,
The store of Ann ! & Sou on South Mai
street was entered bbuielars AVednestla
nlghj. . The thlo\cs bored sixteen holes I
the back door with an inch nuer , so ( tin
they easily punched out the panel niul mad
itHiiii for u liiuul niul arm to bo put In Tli
door was then unlocked and tlio bolt pushe
buck Cutlery valucnl at $ ift was stolei
besides n lot of plug tobacco. What mad
the affair rather strange was that the stoi
was right across the street from a ml
where there is a watchman on ilutv nil
night nndotnoui sound was h sard from
The police furnished D W Tcmploton , n
brother of the rtty nurshil , with a descrip
tion of the goods that wcru stolen , and
J'etnpluton started off for Hlnton station to
capture the thieves , Ho found it store
whcro they hail sold snmo of the stolen stuff
nnd went on. Ho at last located thn men In
1'acillc Junction and arrested thorn , with n
good share of the stolen property on them.
Ho telegraphed his catch to Marshal
'Icmpleton , vho will leave this morning for
I'aclllu Junction to bring the fugitives b.tck
for a trial
How Slik I * Mnile.
The xlda\ulk ( III front of the Boston
Btoro has been almtist contlnuitlly block
aded for the pint few days by pcoplo
w ho have gathered to watch the inuiiii-
faetnro of silk through every stage ,
fiom the hatching of the egg's of tlic
silkworm to the tlnlshed fabric. With
the evcoptlon of the part the wonm do ,
the process is under the charge of Mi1.
O. L MoAvoy , of the Natehang Silk
company of wlllimautic. Conn. , who is
heie for the purpose of showing the people -
ple of the city and vicinity that the Boston -
ton Htoro proprietors buy thuil1 silks di
rect from the manufacturers. The
in ocean IH wonderfully fascinating , and
it ii no wonder that thousands crowd
nround to see all of It they can. In
one of the large show windows is an
assortment of nil It worms from the time
the worm is visible to the naked eye
until he has passed through his four or
llvo ditT'irunt stages , llnlslied his work
und bloomed out for a In iof existence of
a few hours as a big whitish gray
moth. The vai ions pioeosscs of his do-
vt'lopmi'iit have boon anostrd and made
permanent by bottles of alcohol , but the
patient littlofellows don't seem to mitid
it very much. In another window a
eitl/pii of ,1 it pun. equally patient , is mi-
vvtnding tbu little cocoons the worms
have made in thchfoitj days of busy
life , and it IsdiHIcult to tell which is
the most patient or is the handiest/ with
the gossamer threads , lie seems to
know just whole the silkworm litis de
posited the end of his little cable , and
lie never fails to llnd it at the first at
tempt. The pi t cess of unwinding is
very interesting , apparently simple , but
ditlleult. Theio are from SOU to 2,000
jaids in each cocoon , and the Jap spins
four of theo into one thread as he reels
them olT.
In another window is a modern loom ,
driven bj an electric motor , weav ing tbo
tin cads into beautiful dress fabrics. The
operator weaves on an average of eight
jards , 2(1 ( inches wide , a day.
Tlieio ni o thousands of little things
connected with the various processes
that mo intensely intei e.sting , and that
are unfolded before the o.ves of the spectator
tater as the work ptogicssc . Inciden
tally it may be of public inteiest to know
that the price of i aw silk is booming up-
waul at an alarming i ate , the inc'icasc
this spring nearly 10 per
cent. This increase of pi ice will go a
long way toward making the silk eul-
tmo prolituble in this country. At the
pio-ont time all the cocoon unwinding is
done in Buropo and Asia whore the
labor is paid at the rate of a few cents
a day.
The chief object of Mr. McAvoy's visit
is to let the people know just what kind
of silk the Huston stoic people handle ,
and to give them an ide.i of the tedious
and eostlj processc-t that must bo gone
through with befoie the goods are icady
for their counters The exhibition will
continue thiough the wc'iir.
Win el ( Mill ) Kilns.
Tlic follow in ; , ' schedule of tuns has been
adopted bj the Wheel club.
Wednesday , Maj 3 , 7 16 p in , I'ony ercelf.
Siimlav , Mny 7 , H:30 : 11 m , llclloxue
suiiduj , Maj 7 , 3 p. in , , Westoii
Wc-ilni'sd ly , May 10 , 7'15 p. in. , I.aUt
Sunday. May 14 , 8 30 n. in , I'.ipllllou.
Wednesday , M.iy 17 , 7.15 p. m , Soutli
Sunday , May 21 , 8 30 a in. , Gleinvood
\\iMlncsday , M.iy 24 , 7-iO p in . rtnroncc
Sunday , .MayH , 8 .10 a in , Mlssuuil Valley ,
\\iilao5ilay , May 31 , 7.15 | i in , blind run
Ton Hit4 ut tlio VA'orlil'g Pair.
It will coat you less than WO.OO , every
thing necessary included. This means
homes in private cottage , clean , sa'fo ,
close to gioundb and ou the beach ol
Lake Michigan. Write to J. T. Chyno-
vveth , Windsor IJark , III. Refers to H.
W. Tilton of Tin : Bin : , jnr Jacob Sims
of Sims & Bainbric.go , ( Jduncii Bluffs.
Saturday , April 2 ! ) , I permanently
close my jewelry business. People win.
have loft watches and jewelry for icpam
must I'ull and get them , and all bills
must be settled before that date. Gail
Bin horn.
The May day festival to bo held at tin
rii'bt I'i esbj tcrian dim ch on the 1st o
Maj promises to bo a , thoroughly enjoy
able ullair. Everyone should attent
and pass a delightful evening.
TiiNt Out In tint MrrctH. "
Next Sattiul.iv evening at Dohauj' '
theater riicud's Dramatic club will agaii
piescnt the thico act drama of the aixni
title , which was a short time ago piospntoi
with sin 11 ss boloio a l.ugo audience Ii
the Masonic temple hall U uln id men an
especially enthusiastic over the plaj. i
new and cMcutingly luughablo fane wil
conclude the entertainment
Iho ( .land Iliiiul ,
Council Din lid. Most elegant hotel ii
Iowa. Dining loom on seventh iloor
Rates , $3 to $3 per day. U. F. Clark
Pi op.
The Millers , decoiativo artists , wal
paper , paper hanging , plain and orn.
mental painting , signs. No. to Pearl SI
free treatments omly from 2 to 4 ji
in. nt the Council BlulTs Medical tint
Surgical institute , 2ith ( and Broadway
Protect jour homes uguinst dcstrut
live storms. W. C. James 1ms th
strongest companies in the world.
Domestic soap outlasts cheap soap.
Mirrli B l.lri'iiMfi.
The following mat Hugo licenses were i'
sued jostorday
Nniiin and Addioss. Ac
I Meplicn Ij Clifton , "outli Oin ilia d
1 Nellie \Whb fouiifll Illulls . I
l.lami'sl , Mnnspiirger , Council Illuir-i ' -
I l.iu y U. tua ( . ' , ( ouiu'll Illiills . 1
C ( al nnd w ( > ( > ( ' . ; best , and chcapos
Misbditu hard woi.d in the city ; pro
delivery. II. A. CoNo. . 4 Main
Boxes and ban els of Droxol's Bo'
cologne , a delicious perfume , 23e bjttle
for lOc. Davis , tbo druggist.
Do jou want to buy oiej If so , writ
W. B. Oaks , Silvorl'ily , la.
Stop at the Ogden , Council HlulTs , th
best W.OO house in Iowa.
.Ntut XVri'k lit Dohi ij' .
On Monday night next ttio comedlai
Cors > o I'iivtoii , and his merrj compinv vvi
open a week's engagement at Dahaiij'
presenting llrst "My KentucUj Homo , "
great mllitarj unmet j diania Moudi
night will be a fico 0110 fni ladii-s and du
ing the entire wcok the pi Ice will bo with
the teach of all , from HI to " . ( ) cents
Mine. Helen Merrill , ball-dressing ni
manicuring. Uoom 312 , Morrinm blecl
Finest Arlsto cabinet photos , f2 pt
do/en. Ashton'b studio , 18 North Mali
A now Invoice ol Knglish turban
latest and stylish , at the Louis.
Abk jour grocer for Domestic boap.
IVrnoiml r nttriipli .
Miss Druslo Clark , who has been vlslth
her sister. Airs Dlnnchard , on Ninth strci
hat returned to her homo In St. Louis , a
comimnlcd by Miss Anna lllandmrd nnd Mr
Will ninnclmrd
Dan McCoy U In the city In ndvnnco of the
Corse I'nyton Comedy company.
Misses Lulu and Vloln Otto loft yesterday
noon for Chicago to attend the opening of tlio
World's fair.
P . ) Hoaglaud of DCS Molnes has come
homo for a visit of two or three weeks with
his parents , Mr , nnd Mrs P Ii tloagliinti.
Mr P. n Ollliland will leave ou the 10th
of next month for a trip to Toronto , Cnnada ,
to attend n switchmen's convention , Ho will
bo nccomtmilcd by Mrs Qllllland nnd to-
; ether tiiey will take In the World's fair
icforo returning.
Dr. n I. Woodbury has returned from
Outhrlo Center , vvheio ho attended the
noetlngof the Council IllulTs presbitcrj.
lo was chosen commissioner to the t'res-
ivtcrian gcneial assembl.v , which moots In
Washington , D. C. . from Ma.v IT to May 30
Bourloius' music house appears to be
loing a land olllco business in pianos
uid organs at 114 and 110 Stntsman.
See the peerless Dauntless bicycles
uid got our terms. Henry Murphy. 10
. 'earl street.
A. II. Perlgo & Co. , 103 Pearl st. ,
Columbia and other high grade bicjcles.
Cook jour meals this summer on a gas
angc. At cost at the Gus company.
For first-class rooms in Chicago for
vVorld's fair call on Ohio Knox.
W. J. Wallace , building materials.
Use Domestic soap. It is the best
Minor Mention.
N. Y Plumbing Co.
Uoston .Store Natch lug silks.
Mlltonbciger is the Matter , r > QJ Bnndway
A M. Toltcn took out n permit jesteul ly
or the erection of a $1'JOO Uwelllng in
Wilght s addition
I' entertainments , by a popular com-
Mil } , at popul ir prices , u\oij o\enlng ne\t
v\eck at llohanj's
An inteiesting progiam of music , retita-
tlons and oiations will bo gnen this after
noon at the Hiuh school Dohiny's the ropotl-
.ion of "Cast Out In the Sticets" will bo
'ollowed bj a now faice , said to bovorj
The funeril of Mrs D S Spooner will be
icld this uftoinoon at 3 o'clock fiom the
csidenco of lier son , Mr L Ij Spooner , 704
t'ourth sticet
A free sod il will bo given at the Young
Men's Christina association looms this even
ing b\ the city union of the Societies , of
Chiistian Kndoavor Theie will bo music
and a soci il time , and lofieshmcnts will oo
served these vvho wish
Mr. 11 Li Hi own and Miss Jessie Drake
vvcio mittied Wedncsd.iy evening at the
lonioof the bride's mother , l.0i ! Tenth ave
nue , Hov Stephen Phelps oftlclating Only
, he immcdl ite re-Ialives of the familj vveie
nesent They will bo at homo to their
filends after Mav 1 , coiner of Oakland avo-
nuc and Avenue K
Deputv Maish ils Fowler and Huhvto 10-
tuined jesterdayioin Osceola , wbeio they
went to testify against H B Cauler , who
was ariested heie seven months ago for
bieaking into u But lington ficlght car at
Muiraj 'Ihe t'efendant offered to plead
guilty to the t limo of petit larcenj , but the
[ iiosecutlng attoinoy would not let him The
liial pioceodod and at its close he was dls-
Nels Low is' milk team ran away Wednes
day night while the dilvcr was deliveiing
milk on Oakland avenue The ring at the
end of the wagon tongue had been bioken
and its place had been supplied by a leather
thong , which gave vva\ when the tit ; vv as
on the down gt.ido The hoiscs bccamo
fiightcncd and lauaway The wagon was
tipped over and the bov driving was hurled
through the glass window In front , cutting
him badly The wagon was badlj smashed
S lj. Hvaus , formerly a constable of this
cltj , died vcii suddenly jcsteidaj afternoon
all 15 o'clock at the lesldcncc of W II.
Campbell , l.MH Seventh avenue , aged 51 He was trakun with ciamps at his
homo on Wednesday , .mjl was at once moved
to the house of the neighbor , vvheio ho died
The funeral will bo hold Sunuay afternoon
at 'i no o'clock Irom the Fifth nvonuo Meth
odist church. The deceased leaves a wife
and three children He was an old soldier.
Manager Nicoll of the Western Union
Telegraph company denies that there is an\
disciimlnatlon on the part of the company In
rates fiom Omaha and Council Bluffs in favor
of the former. Ho snows a telceram from
the manager at Omaha , which states that
the rates fiom Omaha to Chicago are
85 cents for ten words nnd Scents a woid
for all over that number , and the taiiff as
shown by the official schedule in the Council
BlulTs oflico is the same from this city to
OnSiturday evening the Friend's DIM-
malic club , a purely local oiganlzatlon , com
prising some of the best talent in the citj ,
willptesent a so. end time the fine little
thiecatt diama'Cast Out Into the
Street. " It is a verj line play , and when it
is remembciod th it all of the perfoimers are
Council BlulTs ladies and gentlemen , the
affair will have still moieinterest An after
) icce , a i cw farce , "That Awful Carpet
I ag , " w i 1 add still moi o spice and make an
cvoning of genuine fun 1'opulai prices will
piovaii. y. > and 35 cents all over the house
Williamson & Co. . 100 Main btioot ,
Inigest and best bicycle btock in city.
Another improvement to the popular
SchnLoit piano , bwnnson Music Co
Columbian souvenir silver spoons , 2oc. ,
new and beautiful , at Lund Bros
S. P. Vanatta , attorney , . " > Everett blk ,
Gco. S. Davis , pi Obcripuoa druggist.
Domestic soap best for hard water.
Spcilul Merlin. : ol thu Council tn Conslilei
o Slitut Viiiluit livpilrt.
All the membeis weio present at a specia
meeting of the city council last iii 'ht. Ma\o :
Walker piesidetl The meeting was calloi
for tlio pmposo of taking some action in 10
gaul to tlio iminoliato repaiiing o f the C
stiect viaduct , which was icccntly damagei
ba u ashout.
Clti Kngiueer King stated that ho hai
made an estlmato as to what the icpair
would cost To ropiir the viaduct and placi
It in as good condition as it oilgin.illj w.i
would cost * . > ,4'M ) . In addition to this i
would cost $ .V5) ) to icpavu the sticots tha
weio damaged In thai Immediate vicinity
This amount would not include the cost o
putting in anv now catch basins or the u
moval of am dit t
After some discussion as to the diffcren
methods of making the icpaiis , Bull ,
moved the tepoitof the tits enginee
bo adopted and his plan of biildlng tlno
wings of stone bo cairiel out
Befoio tlio motion was put Clerk Dlt/oi
read a communication from Cltj Attoino ,
Van Duzen The p iper stated that ficimon
inquiry had been made of htm as to whuthc
or not the Union Patillc Hallioad compan
could not bo held icsponslblo for thu o
penso of the lepiiis on Ihoiiduct II
stated tnit for the pioscnt ho was not pu
p.ued to give an opinion on the matter , bu
would do so , if tht to incil so desircnl , nt a
carh daj 'Iho points of law involved in th
matter vvero coinpli ate 1. and ho desiic
moio time for n detlnitti opinion
r Mr Wjinan said he thought the counc
should have the lu al opinion of the city a
Malt is
the lifo
of grain.
Joliann doffs
Extract of Mali
the Malt oi
'all thrj MALTS ,
A Dollcfoua Table Dovorago.
Purchaun are vrrrncd arainst impoi-
Uon and disappointment. lnsi t upon the
" Genuine , " which must have Ihe denature ot
" oottencckUbcl.
tornoj on this mailer OW Hulln wanted
know If It would IntorMra With the city col
lecting the cost of rcpnrrttm | the
cnmpany Into * on In crtHbo ( cltj should go
ahead with the rcpilrs' ' now. Mr Vim
Duzen slid it would not1 ; '
Mr Bulla tlien sugge < Wd that the cltv go
nhead with the repalH'niftl compel the rail
road compinj to foot tin ? bill
UIKJII motion of Mr Wj/fnan / the city at-
toinov vvas Instnic'tftl tfr Vroparo an opinion
at hlscnillcst convenlenOt'ns to whether the
railroad company could l ) made to paj' for
the repair ? ' '
An ordinance was thf'n ' passed authorizing
the nnjor to borrow f.1 ftM lodcfr.ij the cost
of the tepalrs on the vi.tduct
P M Smith rcsigi\i'd ' his position ns
appraiser of the ThlrteUith district mm W
S Ulynnwns appointed to till the vacancj- .
Bids will bo advertised for on the viaduct
repalts at once.
The city clerk was Instructed to notify the
water woiks compinv to fill m the trenches
washed out bj- rain ou Thirtieth street from
Q to Hoffman as they aio now in tulangerous
condition _
luitKO 1'milrr'n ( Irlat.
1'ollcc Judge Fowler's congiegatlon was
small jesterdiiy morning Three vagrants
were oidered to leave the citj , and two plain
dt auks were given a small line and loin-
milled IM Uoblnsan Is a chronic vagrant ,
but a now chargq was lodged against him
vcsteidaj moinlng. Todaj ho will bo taken
bofoio the commissioners on ins inltj , as his
conduct of late would ludicato that the fcl
low lias ono or moie wheels in his head Bo
foio being arrested last night he attempted
to commit suicide bj gouging out the palm of
his loft hand with a veij" dull potketknifo
Dr Solomon messed the wound , which Is a
vcrj painful ono Kobinson's gioat forte
lies lu robbing dinner palls In iho v itlnitj of
the stock jaids
School inturt ilninn it.
The following piogram has been nii.muod
by the High School sot iotj intl w ill
bo rendered at the studj hall this afteinoon sketch .Constance Kimtspn
Abstract Mite I nrllu
Itlo-'iuiiliy .Jessie roigiison
Uccltatlon Ciaci Huge
louiney .lleniv llaidHiu
Mlscellanj 1,111111 Daniels
lioNlew (5r ice Newconibi
Uecltatlon Dais ) Alt \andt i
Moi t oiaiilki i
liof f Kouland smiih
I ami ) ( Kisiitj
News Items . . . ( ) ll\c > Ilioun
Abstract I't ul ( , iu >
' ' . .Dtlosiud
l iy Thomas Ilioun
lloaul of Ijdiuutlon *
At a special session of the. school boat d
held \estordav afteinoon Members Cheek
Jones and Thomas weio appointed as a com
mittee to purch iso another lot adjoining the
Missomi ,1 venue school house site The
pi ice asltcd is J.TUJ At lltst it was thought
tint two lots would bo suflitioiit , but the
bo mi concluded that more play giouiid was
necess.ui for tbo convenience of the chll-
then Cltj HiiKiupor King also gave the
board an Idea of the cost of the excavation
Notes Aluillt tlin I'll ) .
Frank Leo Is down with pneumonia
Police Oflleer Tubbs is ou tlie sick list
The carpenters of South Omaha will meet
at Pivonka's ball next Mondaj night for the
purpose of oigaiil/ini : a union
The Ladies' Missionary society met'jester-
div afteiiioou at the home of Mis Dr Kitk-
pati ick , cot tier Tw cutjsecond and 1C sti eets
The Dcgice of Iloilor will give Its inotn-
bcis and a few iuvi'eil filends , a piogicssivo
hiirh llvo | iaitj Saturd.tJ evening in Masonic
hall t ,
The mcinheis of the school board were In
session jesterdaj aftetiioonin Citv Engineer
King's oOlce , looking over some estimates
What Can Cutioura Do.
As'\ thousands of tortured and disfig
ured lit le babies throughout the land.
Everything that is cleansing , puri'ying
and beautifying for the skin , scalp and
blood of infants and childien , the CTJTI-
CUBA REMEDIES will do. They af
ford instant relief , permit rest and sloop
and point to a speedy euro in the mos > t
ngoni/lng- itching , burning oci'etnue.
They the skin of the most distres
sing bcaly , crusted , pimply and
jlotchj' humors. Thoj' cleanse the
scalp of dandruff , scales and crusts , and
restore the hair. They purify the
blood of simple , scrofulous and heredi
tary humors. Thus from a simple blem
ish to the worst case of scrofula thoj' ara
equally successful. Everything about
those great skin euros , blood puriliors ,
and humor romediosinspiresconfidence.
They are absolutely p.iro ana may be
used on the youngest infant. They arc
agioeiib'.o to the most refined and senai-
ivo. Thoj'aro spoodj' , economical and
unfailing. Cu-os m ido made in child
hood tuo almost invariably permanent ,
1'rlco : OUTICUIU , MCI OimcuiiA &OAI- * > e
I'lupirc-U bj I'orrpu DituoNDCIIEMICAC
Com oiiArios , Boston
"All About tlio SKln. Soilp tina Hair , " Ul
Diseases , mulled fioo.
as usual at the next school election
but for many candidates. They give
a unanimous vote every day m the
week in favor of"
because they kno\ # , has no equal as a
laLw and temper saver on wash-day ,
The "White Russia , is a great soap tc
use in hard or alkali water. Does nol
roughen cr injure'the ' hands is per
fectly safe to use dh the finest fabrics
JAS. S. KIRK & CO. , Chicago.
Dusky Diamond Tar Soap , "
\ \ rll.iiiino luij h o than tu nal l r o lV optl'li
ree of churito , tin I If no otsirr , Ittal with ajmlr .
our'M'Klll'i-.cMluN1 ST | ( vol.Ks or K\ ' ( Jj.VS'
Wh-thobmtln thmvorll Uyuudinot nujl ul < J
wu will icu you BonnlaUlu i u wii n to do. i.
F.'KUrAUI.K1 | or &iu ULAsJ nlJMI ) ) Ol
I'laln , imokc , bluaur wuliu l i , for PM tooling tn
it , < rouijM t p-ilr 4 J
Max Meyer & Bro. C (
Jewelers and Ontlcians.
Imt gc'iitlcnmn tins mnito on oxcavatlons
nil other prcllmliKiri school house work
Imt will bo bopuu soon
The Lndlcs' Sooloti of tlio Rintltt chuieh
> 111 en on missionary tew at tlio homo of
Mrs i ; H O.irlltuf , Twenty-third tintl H
troot-t , this nftvinoon.
A ilologatloii of Oinih.i Musing were
' ' ovc'iilliif the ue'sts of Hue Hlvo
oilue , No I'vl Work M. is ctnifi'rro I in the
lilnl tlcgioo , nfturliloh .1 banquet was
Thomas P Lloyd hus been n\\irJctl the
ontiMc't for tciirlutt tlo\\n the iiilns of tlio
ik'thoillst cliutvli Or.itllnfiitut other pro-
iinlntirv xvorU for the now cdllleo Is now
Hlshop Worthliijtou prosldcd at the e-on-
ccnitlou services at St. Martin's -h.i)2l. |
'wcntjthird untl O streets , Wo inestlay assisted hy W O. Slotn , H U
sluiplc'j and C.uioii Wliltm.irsh. rather
jhiiijtlev Is the priest In e'luirpc , .in it now tlio I'hurc'h Is free from tloht , sitlsfao-
ory progress Is autlutpited. yo\en persons
\eiocotitlniictl List CAcnitig.
Out fir 111 % iiuinnut.
South Omaha huc-ksteisj It Is cl.ilmetl , do
lot alua\s Ueep within the north baiiu 1 ir .
lues of that citi.but make a pr.K'Moo o '
olllnw AOBt't.ibles In tlie south IKU-U.MI of
Onititia uutler their llc'cnse Yi'steull , one
f them , \"A \ Mejersiis lined ? ! niiti costs
or peddling along Yliitou stiout
It Cures Coldi , Coughs Sore Throat , Croup , Influ
enza , Whooplnp Cough Bronchitis and Asthma.
A certain cure for Consumption in first stages ,
and a sure relief in adianced stages TJie at once.
You will see the excellent effect after takinij the
first dose Sold by dealers everywhere. Large
bottled 60 cents and $1.00
. u.wA/ia. .V/JH.
Capital . $100,000
Surplus . $ G5OL > 0
cnicersnnil nir-ctors Henry W Vnte preilllt
U C-Cushlnif Tloo prmliliit , ' S Miifloi / /
Morse John d Oolllni J .S IL I'JtrlJX. UJTII I
lived , cashier.
fVON'T IIFSiTATK. You know the
- old saying , "ho who hesitates Is
lost , " It certainly applies with great
fo co , in sonic thinge' When joit know
pou are right , don't hesitate to nay It ;
when you know what you want , don't
hcaltnto to DllMANl ) Ir. Whonjougo
to buy aboUloofCAlfi'KitV Lli'U.ilLlV- I MM. * , don't hosltiito to say > ou want
"C-A-H-T-L'-K--S1 don't heslt.ito tc\
see llmt von got "I'-A-H-T-lMl--S , "
nnd don't hesitate toouo \ ( unj thing of-
feted to vou as "same as ' ( ' -A'H
T-lMl--S''or " 'U-A-U
- - - "just as good as - -
T-lMl--S' " There Is nothing so good
ns-C-A-H-T-lMt--S. " They never fall.
Don't hesltixto to saj so when imlttitloiiH
nnd frauds are ollerod to you Don't
hcsltutn to demand the gonutno C'AU-
i nil's Li n M : LIVKK I'rn.s.
Small Pill Small Dose Small Prlco
Yea , Verily ,
The World Moves
10 R
o/i//if ( > soyooif
i-iiiuiol ho Itn-
No Dcnlhs
No Flros
It cloos not doponcl on
A Cnlnmlty.
BONDING CO. , Counoll Bluffs , Incor-
corpoiatod under the liws of Iowa for in-
fornuit on , rooms 'It and iu Moirlim blooK
Conned IllulTs , Inmi. _
llnilt < ? fl iflot'lt ol' r/io I'lnv t In tlto
S H Ford lui optncd n nliuloili * liquor Mate nl
No 17 1'cirl sttot't I oiincl ! llliuli unil In' put In
n Innto nnil wall rlccloil stock of Mlno < Lrnndlos
nhliklrn etc HH.'iluct vrortliy of mention thnt
Mr 1 nl l > the fiirtniinlo po i tiiOr of noirlj forty
biirromif thi'llnu't wlil'kj In tlio t'lillvil stntoi
In ISjOlie bouiilit BOVuntv-tlTo linrrLls ol Kuntiiekr
( I ( l.iylor hl < ky niul It wiia not until uMnit
tlirc'ojroirsaim Unit ho iilaocil Hit1 KOOiU on tlio
market Of till * stink ho him left nbout forty linr-
rpln nnil exports nil iiriinuunoi1 It Husoliitoly the
tltic't whlnky In tlio country llu ell It luiihuy
In fmnlltoi for tucilklnal usc.iis Ills too contlx for
the roRiilnr liiuUIt 1 worth o pr J10 per Kill Ion
'llioro l not nnuthor t mini nf ouch whisky In thi > I' '
Ills Blot k of trundles niul w Inpa i OIIIOH fro n the
finnous | I'lMin ) stniiford vltuynril * In ( nllloinln
iinil hiivo n high reputation for excellence niul
0 *
Buy a popular wheel one lliat will sell at sight and make you a living.
Uitaloguc Free. Get agency quick.
I30'i.0-8.10 Main Street , Council Hlufls , Iowa.
TWIij CifejJ Sfceaip Pije Works ,
C. A. SCHOEDSACK , Proprietor.
Dyeing , Cleaning and J cfinishing
Council BlulTa olllco and worus , cor. Avo. A und 20th St. Telephone 310. Sent
for irculnrs mid prlco list.
Financial Reference : Nal'l Ilink of Corampico , O.nalia.
No DETENTION from business. No Oponitlon.
Invustltrato our Motnod , Wrlttun euarnntoii to ribso-
liitoir I tire nil kinds nf U I ! I'T I.'HE of IxitlisuxniMv It li
mit inn lite of Kinfu or syrln o , uu n rittor of liow lonf
etfttidlng ,
307-308 H. Y. LIFE BIDS. , OMAHA , tl'B
for o raulnr.
All Ulnda of Dvulns nn
r n uiiMliiiiH In llm liUlie'
styln of iho nrt l'i loil tin
Mii'iicd ' fnurliH niiido to ion
iiHtiool nsnii.vorx jiroini
ivdrno IIIHI dellvurol In ul
iiji ( of tliu cuuiitry ben
fur prluo Hut
, llrcudwnv nour Nortliwc-s
orn llopoi ,
Counoll Bluffs , In.
John Dohnny , . . . . . MnhORcr ,
Will repent by request ttio pomtlnr p1 j
given at Mnsonlo tomlilu n short tlino
UK < > to ono if the lnr , < 4t nudluiiooi
ever iiisotnblocl tit that big
linll , a betullftil tlirco not
itr.ima entitle 1 ,
To conclude with n n ivr .in
funny fnreo ,
t'UtrK52.HI nnd 3So to all pirta ot thf
| KHIMI'loUutt RO on H itu Wcilnosdny ,
April 2V ( Hullro id men will otpoc-
_ tally npiircclnto lids ulay.
Dohony's Theater
INAIMI-NT : ; : : XT .v > KI > INAKY
Ono Weuk t u
And h s niorrv company Mipportod by tlio
talented joutr ; iu > tre s
Opcnliu Monilny nl lit in thu roitt iii
cuniutlv drain v In fo > u nuts
Newsonisiiiid dancer , linttcr and brl l.tor
tliin O\CT. I'UIOKS lUo. 'do and.Wtf.
Hul pork Ii tins , Inrd anil u 11011 , ivlillo way
up in < t , are clicapur lit Mosclii'iulni f's n\u Uud
tlMin any other pl.ico In tlio city L'lio pl.ico to
pi1 ! your nii'iit Is whuro j ou Kit tlio bunt nnd
the most for your 11101111 } Look at these prloo4
nnd ici ollcitthutovury tiling Is tlio best tint
bulft.Vlo ilaiMhtcr :
Shoulder CloJ , Iroo of bono . 60
Pl.ttoBoll . . 4.0
Honc'le Lorne I Daof . 60
SirlotnlJuttb . Oo
Ho Is of Ht > 2f . Oo
btrlointripi . 80
- irloin Stoalt . lOo to 12'jo
Portnrhouso btoalc . I3liotol6o !
HlbHoist . . . . . . . .BotolOo
Shoulder Hoist . Ooto7o
ShotiltlorStoilc . . 7o
VoalStew . . . . . do
Veil Roist . lOo
Veal Sto.ik . la jo
Mtittoudtow . 5o *
Mutton Lejjs . . lOo
Mutton Chops . . 121Jo
SausiKO . . iB'Jo
Porlc Butts . IB'SO
Porit Loins , whole . 12'jO
Pork Chops . iSo
STltPorlc . . 12'Jo
J'a"on . . . . . 16o
Lard . lOatollo
Hams . . lU'/io ' to 17o
Sliced UO o to25o
Sheep whole . . 80
Poultryand Fibh alwiys o i hanJ.
Noothermirkotoa i dupllCAta th,9)3 prloi
and mind this is for tie bsit Moats in Uu
Wholoanlo and Rotnll
333 BROADWAY. Counoll Bluffs.
The best imjlnu InvcBtnionl for hojucvrlfo U
The Excelsior Home-Ba'ior and Roaster.
Ilnko" brencl laity loivoi It main ; meat will bo
Juloy untl rich sure * onts third ninrltlouaolenionts.
olnlly can do without It after having tried It.
wrllulor circulars
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
Special Notices.
CO'JHim BLUFf ! ,
tJIt IIH.NT lloimo of llvo rooms 2 acrei cordon ,
I 18 nrior. pnHturu , on npjior llrouilvtay 1 , aw , lul *
p > p 1UJ 1'carl Blroct _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
A 1181 \OTH nnil loans Fnrrannl city propaflr
iLoiiLlit anj BO Ul I'uiay A lUoin.n. couall
OU HKN 1' 'Iho 10 room home tornor of Willow
uvonuo and atli slruul , nvrnoJ tiy Mm Hancock ,
Irom Juno I at SVJUJ per uiDiitli Including bnni , or
will Bell properly Diiy & Hats
YirAVriSD A man , nlio liai knowloiUu
niul uxporlonce In the ( rult couimlesloii ,
* luori8 , us 111 nibuor far Council Illulli Fruit ,
jwcrb Hilppcrtf AnauLlatlun lloferontus ru -
quired Aclilrmx J I' HUMS , secretary , JJ 1'eurl.
ilrcot , Cuiiucll Illutts
MAI.TKSK CltDSS 110bl5-l'4.nilo | iaj II listt It )
ycnra coud viiluo und ulwayj In stujk at lilz-
by H Vlc'rrlitin block
\\ML1 < KXe IIiVNGDtlt SKII.-'I wo lour room
'I IIOUMB nnil aluro ruum uiiil oulbulMlnyi , cluar
onnciiiutirnnce A.I Munilel. 70U llruliam Avo.
] .i01l lllSNT-Hloro room JJxW well
Jl grocLry stand tornur 17th M anil Uti Ave $ IJ
per inonih J Mnndol 7JJ Oruham Vve
, ' ( ) bAI.H I ull net of tlnnoH toolj , xoodcuult.
tlon , n bargain Iminlit ) of Umpkle Shuzirl
IlanlwnruCo Lonnclt lUutTji
rumovuil cj spoi < vaults , chlainori
rlc'iinod Well pr.'iiaroa ( or the work Kl
lluiko city bulldlnu
1 1OIJSI ! nnd lot for inlo So Mil Hft'i n aa un
lllnqulro of J 1 * Lhrlitliu C & II. I ,
I.'Oil HAI.H i hiM | ) , to 1111 lil ici ilrlvlru la arm
team inulci , oil wa/on liarnQBS nnd team ; top
rood waaon ( arhoiit'oaM o ID I'unrl
\ \ II. I , cll brlovr cost new 5 room homo , modern
' ' convuilencea. welllocJlud life olllen
. ' HAl.tA : number of nlcii cotlagm , chonp ,
J.'Oll on very cany pnyuiuntii Urvaniulolili ,
Mcholson , i ( jo 021 Droudway _ _
JOll bAI.K Improved property al your own
prltn A 6 room coltuuo un liil Judil'i ub , , ft
Inrko ; itory , 7 room IIOIIKD on loin 15 mid 16 , la
Johiuon h ndd a neat 4 loom coltaco on lot r ) ,
hlockll I lemmlnK.V I'uvlx ' adil n t room cot *
tniioonlot'l block H , I'otter A cnbh'a mil , , u < -
room culliik'o on lot II blocka 'I ulni lijr add 'Inn
nrliiKi I'Onn ami llulldlnK association of ( ouncll
II I u llu la oner the abuvu propi'rllei ( orcaih or on
monthly payments and will rrcolvu bldn ( or th
tame IIM u whole or ilnirly bldn to be submitted to
I tin boanl of illrertoii ntthelr tlrtt nmetlnf In VI ay.
they rcucrvlnit tbo prlvllFKO or rejcttliiK nny or Hit
bldi riirthor Informallon Klvcli by IIV. . OtU ,
ecretary , 102 Main M to whom all uldi ihould b
enl before May H IB'il _ _
110 320 AM ) I < IO ACItV tract of land In northern
l.oHii ut $15 W to t.UOO per aero JohnitouA Van
I'Atten _ _
HUB H yiur barealn Mvc-room hciuto new ,
MiUUciim < r lot , block frum motor , near bu lj
ni t > timtor , i o jil outliiillilliiii , iiroiit bargain i tiO W
or III'JUU down und monlhly paymenti Inijulro at
Iko otllco
17011 HA ! K llleycle , ( heap for caiu or on cn y
X paymtnln AddrinV cllooonjc )
, ) SAI.IC Ihrvu Jersey Mill" a c , one week
1MR yeur unil two ycar , nollil color , reclttcrtd
lock Hi a lit fit
\VA 'I -I'artlei with little Umu and ra4tnl | to
ii maniifactura and Inlrolucv patented novJlllef.
U. J Adani , liS ) I'trlnc avenue louncII blnlTi , I * .
I/OU SAM ! A wood liouio and three loti with
I ttood Improiemeriti one fourth ciu b * paid In
carpenter work. Apply to Itonard Ktvrett , lV rl
treat. \ -