tp'gg.MiffBgte f THE OMAfIA DAILY BER TTIUUSDAY , AI'KIL 27 , 1803. FALCONER'S ' 2 I-2C RIBBONS Our Great Ribbon Sale is on Tomorrow , Nos. 6,7 and 9 SATIN/ RIBBONS GO AT 21-2C B'OO ' rtecpn Satin IMfio (1. O. nnil 300 I'lrcen of llenillirul Molro million , All Mcl unit I'rolty Blindon , Pure Silk , ( lo lit Be , Itcgulnr 12 l-ic ! Qimllty. READ PARTICULARS. RIBBONS , 2JC A YARD. Satins In widths , I ) , fi , 7 , 0 , all pretty shades , brocades and striped in all pretty , btlght colors ; legular ptico , lOo. RIBBONS , .1C. . A beautiful silk ribb m. No. 5 , in gros grain , batin edge and moil e , all pietty light shades ; regular price , 12jc. RIBBONS , DC. 2f cartons , assorted colors , all silk , No. 7 , In gios grain , satin edge ; legular price , lee ; for this sale , Do. RIBBONS. 11C. .100 pieces in all silk , light and pretty shades ; in failles , moiies and gios grain satin edges ; icgnlnr DI ice , 2Uc. RIBBONS , 12C. 25 cartons in all new and piotty Bhades ; all silk No. 0 , icgular price , 22je , for this sale only 12Jc. RIBBONS. 15C. 25 cartons in No. 12 , all silk , assorted colors , gios giuin , satin edge , excellent quality. Regular price , 27c. This will bo the grandest sulo of ribbons bens wo luuo jet made. The crowd will be numeious. On the first number at 2e } wo will only koll 20 yauls to any one letall customer and none to the tiado. CHAM BRAY AT fiC. 25 pieces of fancy linen chambiay , regular Jtlc qality , will be sold in dress lengths at Co per jnrd. They will not last long at this price , M > emno caily. OUTING rr.ANNIUj , lOc. 20 pieces of , ' 12-lnch outing Ilannol , now stjlcs , Me quality in limited quail- titv , tomonow at lOc per > aid. CIIKVRONS AT12JC. 110 pieces of fast black chouons , a splendid 2. " > o quality , and no\or sold tit less , tomoitow in limited quantity at 123e per jaid. BLACK GOODS AT 78 CUNTS. Fine Impoited black henriottas , sorgcs , brilliantincs , diagonals , camel's hair , nun's \oilings , poplins , stoini seiges , bengalines etc. , etc. , all now goods that ha\o been soiling from SI.00 to $1.50 per jaid , 10 to 10 inches wide , choice Thursday at 78 CUNTS. The great diess goods sale of the season takes place tomorrow ( Thuisdny ) , when \\o will olTor 2.10 pieces of line wool die s goods , each piece difTcicnt , al one-half the cost of hnpoi tatinn. Priestley's giays that sold at $1.75 ; fine Fiench ci opens , all shades , that were 81.25 and $1.50 ; wool diagonals and high novelty plaids that sold at $1.50 ; fine all wool poplins and bongalinos , all shades , never sold at less than $1.25 and $ l.fiO ; henriottas and soiges , 10 inches wide , our $1.00 quality ; ladies' cloth , 51 inches wide , sold at & .00 ; London cot ds that w et o $1.50 ; Choice tomorrow at 78c. The rush will be enormous. Como early. N. B. FALCONER. As a delicate llavor , delicious and re freshing. Cook's o.\tia dry champagne takes the lead. Millions of bottles arc sold annually. A CultUiitcil Tusto would naturally lead a person possessing ittopiefor the best things obtainable guai d against imperfections. The Gail Boidon euglo brand condensed milk is unequalled in quality , ns a trial will pio\e. Giocors and druggists. H.WIMIX ititos. On Sulo Tomorrow THE S. P. MOUSE & CO. DOMES TIC STOCK. Wo bought from the well known firm of Sam C. D.u is fc Co. , St. Louis , the entiio stock of domestics and wash diess goods which had been sold to S. P. Morse & Co. and i oplovined by Sam C. Davis & Co. at our ow n price , and vv ill offer the entire lot on sale tomorrow. Thcso goods aio all now and perfect , bought to sell to the best people of Omaha. Note a few of the prices : 45-inch bleached pillow casing , S. P. Morse's price 12e } , llaydens' price , "lc. 48-inoh bleached pillow casing , S. P. Morse's price He , Haydons' price , 8c. } 10-4 bleached or unbleached sheeting , S. P. Morse's price , 2lc , llaydens' price , 15c. Bleached choose cloth maikod 5c , now 3c. lOo ticking , now Go. Ifio blenched cotton flannel , now lOc. lOc outing llanncl , now So. S. P. Morse Simpson's prints marked 71c , now at Ilnydoiis' 5e yard. 32-ln. percale nun kcd lOc , now 5o. S. P. Mor&o's best dicss style ging- hiiin marked 12c } , at Haj dens' 5c yard S. P. Morse 32-in. pongco maiked to eoll 15c , at Haydons' now 7jc. 32-ln. wide 15c satino now lOc yard. Tie clmllies now 2Jc. Among this lot were a big lot of towels , 10.\42 huck towels marked to sell 12c } , now at Ilaydons' f > c each. 12jo checked nainsook now 5o yard. $1.00 whlto bed spi cads 5Uo each. No sucli value ever offered by any house in trado. I1AYDEN BROS. AsUod for n Itcroltor. Mr. Henry C Howe of Illinois unfolds a grievance In federal court , In which ho claims that a receiver should bo appointed for the Pouoa Milling company Ho al leges that Mr. S 1C lllttenuonder , the malinger and secretary of the company , has covered the concern with bogus debts and Is now to ing to dis iioso of the pioperty. Having u controling interest In the stock , it is alleged that Mr Ulttcnbendcr has ( xnverto dispose of the property io the detriment ot the other stock huldi'is. Mr , Hovvo has asked that a receiver bo ap pointed for the plant In order to protect the Binull stockholders , of which ho is ono Jinlgo Unndy has sot the case foi tv heating on May 1U ami In the iiuvuuimo Mr Hilton- bender Is enjoined ham disputing of the property. _ Mmldrn llouiiil Orer. John Madden , the Cut Oft lake saloon min , charged with lm\lng sold liquors without first having secured a county license , vvas before the county court icsterday afternoon , whcie ho wnlvcd an examination , giving bonds In the sum of | 500 to appear nt the May term of the district court and stand trial. S , P , MORSE & CO , STOCK The Choicest Stock of Silks , Velvets and Wwh Goods Selected Personally by Mr. Morse FOR THE FINEST RETAIL TRADE Mr. Moren IMirclinril tliu rinrnt ( land * to Ho OhlnliiFtt In Nc\v York unit 1'itrli It Will All do On Sale In Our Store. Now on display in our store. It is impossible for us to give ft de scription of this immurfeo stock of fine goods , probably nothing llko it over been in this city before. Everything that was desirable in this stock MO have pur chased at our tlguros. S. I' . MOUSE fi CO. ( INCOKI'OKATKO. ) GCNTS' FURNISHING GOODS. S. I' . Morse it Co.'a gents' night shirts they sold for $1.00 , our price oOc each. S. I' . Morse & Co.'s negligee shhts , sold by them at GOe , our price , lOe. All the one dollar umbrellas in this stock go at oOc each. S. P. Morse & Co.'s 2'je British Mioso go at DC iior pair. All the FaunUeroy waists for bays in this stock worth $1.00 to bo closed at ( i.c ) each. S. IJ. Morse & Co.'s entire htcck of fine suspc'nders , worth oOc , go at 5e per pair. Included in this great bale ate some rate bargains in draperies : Silkalino , lOc , should bo 20c. l\tra ] line , ISc , should bo ioc ! Di apery silk , U.'jc , should be S.C. Di apery silk , lee , should bo O.c. ) Fine open work borim , lOc , should bo : > 0c. \Voha\o everything pertaining to a first class curtain and drapery stock. CAIU'ETS. Wo have in this sale borne extra qimli- ty of body brussels carpets at l)0c. ) Also a good brusbols at J7c. Tnginln carpets from 20c up. All wool ingrain , oOc to 03c. CHINA MATTING. A gicataiicty of patterns from llije up. Some very fine ones at 18c and 20c. IIAYDEN BROS. The ladies of the Ilanbcom Park M. R. church will serve a Vermont supper this evening from 0 to 8 o'clock at the chinch. p Six of u Kind. The train service on the popular Nickel Plato road is to bo greatly im proved in the near future. Tin co fully equipped passenger trains will run each way in both ditectionb between Bullalo and Chicago , connections being made at intermediate junctions , as well as at those cities , with all important points. The row time Hchedulo will bo issued shortly. Look out for it. o Dr. George Tildon has removed his residence to 523 S. 2.1th avenue. Auction rimiltiira Auction. 1003 Capital a\onue. Friday 10 a. m. , contents of this elegant house at auc tion consisting in part of ono Ilallott & Cumston grand piano an elegant instu- incnt , folding bed , bed looin suites , chairs , carpets , pietuios. curtains , good langc , etc. no limit or reserve on any thing. Sale promply at 10. Kouuiir WELLS , Auctioneer. ir.icTKic CITY or Tin : PLAINS. Spotlil ( inllicnlmrtr Kxciiralon , Gi eon's farmers' excursion on the over land Iljer Thuisday , 27th inst. , at 2:15 : p. in. This special has been arranged for those who do not caie to join bo largo a party as now goes on the tegular bi monthly excursion. The t ate is ono faro for the round trip , good for ten days , but tickets can only bo bought of W. II. Gteen , Kurbauh Block , Omaha. Gothenbui g handles more freight and passengeis than any town in the state four times as large. See the celebrated Sohmer piano at Ford & Charlton Music Co. , 1503 Dodge o Clicnp. A dental olllco in Omaha , Nob. Ad- dies * E 12 , Bcoolllcc. EXPOSITION PLANS. Job I'rintcrs Discuss the A < liability of n I.urco ixitl > lt. The Job pi inters of the City who ixro mom- bois of the Manufacture ! s association hold a mooting jcstuntuy afternoon to consider the advisability of making a Inr e exhibit nt the exposition Mlikh opens in Onnha on MavW. Thoro-ncro some dlltluulties to bo overcome , but the pi inters wcro of the opinion that with the l.irpo number of job printing houses in the city it ought to ho possible to inako a good showing. They talked of moving out some of thulr Inrpo cylinder pi CSSL-S and bhowingtho method of luiniiutr. . oft huso Jobs Thoio was also talk of moving out a Hthogiaphing plant , and so\ oral other s < hemcs weio pniiosed ] The meeting adjouincd without lomlng to nny division as to what kind of an exhibit they would maUt ) , but each ono piomisod to looic o\ei his oftko and ropott at another meet ing to ho held in a few dajs , H lien dcllnlte plans w ill be adopted The subject of liumo patronage came up dm Ing the meeting and the fact came out that a good local linns that hid their printing done in thu cast had transfcircd their business to homo concents At the s imo time a good m.iny linns that depend entirely upon Omnhii business for support still have their printing dune in the cast The names of two Omnhn banks wcro brought up that ha\o their checks julnted out of the stato. The two laigrst hardwaie houses in the tity wete muntioncd as ha\Ing recently gl\cu 01 dor foi catalogues , amount ing to a rood muny hundred dollars , to piintcis outside of the state Ono ot these liardwaio houses paid moio for the job In the east than mi Omaha house would ha\u chaiged for the woik The other llrm did naLovcii give the local prluteis a Umnco to bid on the job Piles of people \M\O \ pncs , but JloWitt's \\ltuhluuel salvo will euro them THE S , P , MORSE STOCK SOLD S. P. Morse's ' Now Douglas Street Dry Goods Stock Sold by Creditors TO BOSTON STORE Moit Hrmnrknli'c , Itnplil OpriilnB nnil Clos- Inir llrj- ( Iodi Drill ol the ARO llimion Stnro SrIU Mnrno'i Now Dry ( Joi l Now , SALE BEGINS TOMORROW. Tomorrow wo place on sale in our basement S. I' . Moiso's linens towels , napkins , damasks , fine tablecloths , tray cloths , etc. S. P. Mof-o's ginghams , novelty Hum mer fabiies , sateens , outing llannols , French llannols. S. P. Moire's percales , pi hits , calicos , sheetings , muslins , white goods , India linens , law us , nainsooks , dotted Swisses , etc. etc.ON ON OUR MAIN FLOOR Wo will sell tomorrow S. P. Mor-o's elegant high grade dre s goods , comprising every known novelty in bllk , tiithis and imported diess goods fabric's. All the best ot imported as well American weuvos. Everything ho had was of the newest , everything the best only. Tomorrow your choice of his best is open to you in fabulous bar gains. Wo will also place on sale on our main floor S. P. Morse's cotton , silk and lisle tin cad fast black and coloied hosiery , plain and fancy hoic , of every inako that is good for ladies , men and children , all jours tomorrow at a fearful sacrifice. S. P. Moiso's underwear stock On sale tomonow On our main floor. An Immense lot of ladles' , children's and mist-os' Swiss libbed gau/e , lisle tin cad and silk underwear at the same gicat i eductions. Bear in mind that the S. P. Moiso fc Co. sti ck is on sale now. The continuation of the marvelous wet sale of Bt own-Din ell stoclc is another lemarkablo incentive to jour eJining. B.ii gains come so thick and fast that jou h.uo to dodge , some aio bound to sti ike jou , some jou must buy , jou can't help it. The Hi own-Din ell stock is all in the basement. The goods fioin the S. P. Morse & Co. stock aie all over the house. BOSTON STORE , N. W. Cor. 10th and Douglas. WAK IN THE BOARD. Thruu MuJorK Ilu n Squnlihlo OUT the I/iircl Sirctit I'aimiiniit. The three majois of the Bo ird of Public Works unsheathed their instiumcnts of war and went at each other pell mull yesterday aftcinoon Their p.irti'iilar and fuvarlto mode of punishment ! > tongue lashing , and in this they can well bo classed in the cate- gori of oxpaits The trouble arose over the icsolutlonof the council instructing the ton- tiaetor to complete the piving on I ard street from TwclftH to rourtccnth stiects , under the supervision of the board. The contiactor was ordeicl to stop work bj the boaid , for the icasjn that the con- trait called for whlto Colorado sandstone , vvhilo he was using the red Tuesday night the council took a hand and ordered the work to proceed. Yesterday Major Birk- hausor detailed an Inspector to look after the work in case it was icsumcd , although nooidcrswcro issued by him to have the conti aetor.procced. During the uftenioou the board got to gether to take action upon the council's res olution. An opinion fiom the city attorney vvas to id , and ho recommended that the best vay out of the difllculty was to require an indomnlfjing bond fiom the contractor , ' and in that manner the .tity would bo pio- tected against anj damages that may arise , and It would not bo loft holding the sick in i case a pioperty owner protested against the ) ) a\ment of the paving tax because red stone had been used when whlto stone should have been Major BalLombo offered a resolution to that effect. Major Biikhauser then told of sending the inspector to look after the woik. This caused Major Furav 's ire to leap forth in profusion , and , In langu ige moro foiclhlo than elegant , ho deniaiuled to know by what right the chairman had dined to detail an inspector for such u purpose Ho didn't llko the B ilcombo resolution cither , and sat down and drew up ono to his liking It vvas I o the cnccl that the contractor bo allowed to proceed as soon as the indemnifying bond vvas futnishcd. "I'll not support any such a resolution , " said Major Biikhauser "Let the contractor go nlu'ad and furnish the bond before wo allow the estimates or uicept the work. " "Well , not bi a d d sieht , " said Major Furay. "Been too much of that kind of woik going on. I think jou ate ciookcd and an old sneak , " "Well , " thundered Major Blrkhauser , "I am not as blit a sneak as jou two. You arc ulvvajs sneaking and nosing around here. I Iwvo taken lots off of jou and have got about enough and don't propose to take anj more " "Glad jou'vo got enough , " ictorted Turay. "You bet I have been tijing to give jou enough , and wilt give jou a lot moio. " "Jji * . fill 4 ill , li i iit combo , cot- ting nn oppoitunitv to slip In a word , "let it go Theio is no need of us pi caching at our own funeral. When he wants to do what ho does it looks to mo as if , the tail wcio gutting bigger than the dog " i'hoy continued to pour hot shot into eich other for suveial minutes The utmosphcio of the loom soon became so heated that both Tur.iv and Balcornbe gathcted up their icso- lutions and departed , the meeting breaking up in confusion , Major Iiilthiuser ! ; taking a train for Denver a few minutes later As the matter now st inds the contractor has aiders fiom ttio council to complete the Izatd stieet tenement , but ho is not com pelled to furnish an indemnifying bond to protect the city > Piles of people have piles , hut Do Witt's Witch Hiucl Salvo will cuio them I'crinitB. The following pei mils to build were issued jesturdaj bj the inspector of buildings. James I ) C'lillahnn , riftcenth and Martini , residence $ G.OOO It V fuslilm ; , li3 ! South Twentv-llfth avimuu , rep ills burned duullfni ; 3,000 W. 1' . L.illahan , 'thirty-second and DodL'o , col tu ne 70 ( r I * \\rlRht , 004 South SUtoenth , re- Ii ilrs . 4.000 Tlueo minor penults . . . JUO Seven penults , aggregating . . .J 13,00 ( Piles of people .ivo piles , but Do Witt's Witch Hazel Salvo will cuio them. Mnrriuge l.keii en. The following m.u riago licenses vv ere issuci by County Judge filler jcstcidaj : Name and address Ago t iluirlos dlft , Oniiiha . 31 I Anna Uliyn , Uniuha . . . U. i Josc'ph C Moore , Omah i . . . 4 H'lurlnduJ i\ans : , Unmlia . 31 Powder The only Pure Crcatu of Tartar Powder.-No Auiuioiiia-No Alum. Used iu Millions of Hoines 49 years tJie Standard , iOSTON STORE SELLS IT NOW S. P , Morse's ' Tiue/Ncw Dress Goods Btook on Sale Tomorrow AT BOSTON STORE llnnlly Ilrniljr to Open for IlualilPM , Cred itor * Titko ThU iii guilt Now Dry ClooiU Htoolc nnil Surrlflco It to HiiKton SloruV Cimh. It is only just to Mr. S. P. Mono to give him credit for buying tw line a stock of die'-s goods as could be found. Ills idea vvas to create a stoi o eari-j ing i line of goods finer than the finest , and jotter than the best to bo found in Omaha loiotofoie , and iiLM-haps ho might ha\o succeeded. But. ho only got so far ; that 10 did Indeed select all Mich goods and liavo them In his jiosbcssion Tor a brief while , and then his dream was reali/cd with this dllTeionce ) . UOSTON STOIU : GOT ins STOCK. In addition to the abavo high class of drobs goods , ho carried a popular line of diess goods , which will bo found very leslrablo. Como to Boston Stoio tomorrow If you want the bargain of your lifo. Boston Store proposes to make this sale n famous success. Strike vvhilo the iron is hot. and when the excitement is at kits .height , Unit's our motto. We bought the stock at the moment when the creditors were anxious and wanted htud cash and wo gave it to them. Wo have a fabulous bargain and we'll ' share It with you. Como tomorrow. Never before has such nn opportunity occurred. Never has there been a time when d stock of di ess goods and dry goods has been sold before the doois of the store woio fairly open to the public. It is almost impot-siblo to rcali/o it. This stock Is so now , BO fresh , MI nice , Lhat it is a delight to look upon , and jot it's going to bo sacrificed. It's all now ; it's an opening stock ; it's the best of overj thing , and the sale will bo ono of the clowning gloiios of the Boston Stoio's enicer. Wo beg j on to come. It's for jour interest. It is the gi eatest money saving sale you'll over attend. Wo say it , wo mean it and wo are. BOSTON STOUi : , N. W. Coi. 10th and Douglas. TfOffEEKSvsJOra YEARS Kickapoo Indian Sagwa Shows Blood Cleansing- Qualities of Roots , Barks and Horbs. MEHIDUN , N. II. , Dec. 3 , i892. I was a con stant sufferer from Blood and Skin Dis eases ( or four years , and em- ploj oil the best physicians iii J3 e w II a m p- Bhlro and con- spited different specialists in Boston without / benefit. ' Findingno lielp , I began Klcka- taking pee Indian J. II Maoie , Merliten , ff. SnpWOi and I certify under oath that it has afford ed mo moro relief in the past two weeks than all the different physi cians In the past four yoare. JOHN II. MOORE , Merlden , N. H. CORNISH , N. II , Dee. 3,1802 Personally appeared JoliuII Moote , vell known to mo to bo reliable nna mi\do oath that Uio foregoing statement by lilmslgnul Is true. Before me , WM. II. SISSON , Notary 1'ub. Kickapoo Indian Sagwa. Jfalure'i RimtJy of floats , liarki anJ Jfcrt' for the JltooJ , Lnir , Stomach and Kidnejfi. Sold by Druggists , $1,00 per Bottle , Six for $5.00. mi. r. i. . sr. ULIS. : Consult , , ! * DUO , . . . . Gruduiito of Hush Medical Cnllpxe ( t ON sumATloN ruii : ) . Tor the troutmontof A NO " BiSEfiSES Wo cure Catarrh , AH DKetxiei of tlii None. Throat. UJloit. Mouiaoii , ilowolt niidLivor. Blood , Slcln ivml Kldnoy Disan oi , Female. Wcalme o , l est Manhooil CURED. Ml-1. 1'ISTLI.A. F1PSUUB , pormsnonttr cural nlli out the use of unlfe lUaturoor caustla All maladies ot a private ot Uellcata n&turj , o ( either BOX posltlrelr mired Oil on or nddreitvrltb itamp for ClrcuUri ffcoi Doolt and Iteclpoi , DR. RflcCREW THB SPECIALIST. Is unsurpassed ia the treatment of all PRIVATE DISEASES and nllWeakntisiirii and Disorder ! of 18 jc'ara oiporionco. Write for clrc.l-U aii < l quoBtlon Hit free. 14th nnd Farnnm BU. , Omnhn. Neb ME YOU GROWING1 TIRED ? Of the iraall winged , narrow pointed collars ? We show jou below an Illustration of collar of much wider points and fuller front , in different widths , which is a > ery ityllsh and populai shape for the current season. You will find It the correct thing and jou nil ! like it. CLUETT BRAND 25c. NATONA , NARROW ; WAUSEKA. MEDIUM ; NE50TA. WIDE , [ COONDRAND20C. CHINOOK , MEDIUM. The " Monarch " Shirt Is the one you ihouVS weir U you want satisfaction. , CLUETT , COON & CO ; mmmmmmmmmmmmmmtmros ni am/ 2 Is , of course , the only correct thing for gentlemen's wear for dress and semi.dress occasions. It's only a matter of where to buy \\hen to buy and what to buy. Well posted fellows who arc wise and keep tab on things will all tell yon that where to buy Is here. We can safely say to yon that when to buy Is this week ; as to what to buy , well , a yood many men say that a asBJ < BJ is about the best thing a man can put money Into nowadays. They are soft look dressy hold their shape hold their color and never grow shiny. Tour hundred of these suits clays In sacks in square cuts in cutaways are placed on sale today in Black ( looJs Headquarters ( that's at the rear end of our first floor ; that were made to coax fifteen dollars out of a man's pocketbook - book -at the remarkable price of ten dollars and fifty cents a suit. These goods are made up in faultless manner with line Italian linings fine mohair binding and so on. Aside from the "clay special" in order to make it an interesting black time , we will offer as a companion to the cl.iyat four hundred genuine English corkscrew worsted suits In either straight cut sacks round corner sacks or cutaways faultless in fit thoroughly made with fine linings flat mo hair binding tailor trimmings- perfect in every detail that goes to make a line suit of clothes attwellve _ _ _ i dollars a suit. Truly a week to dress up in. BISHOP NEWMAN'S HEAD is on all his Souvenir Spoons. For this week only , $1.50. Regular price $3. Mail orders filled at this price. H.AYMOND , AND DOUGLAS , OM UlA. & SONS. ST. J-OSB-PftT , MISSOURI. I leadquarters for FINE LIQUORS. Write us iorprices on Whiskies both in bond and tax paid. WE CARRY THE LARGEST STOCK IN THE WEST. 181G Douglas Street , Omaha , Nob. Thoemlnant ipoclallit In nerroin chroilo nrlTaH blool < kli anl urlDnrrilli9iiii ) Ara nlir nil rPKlsloruil itrtilUfklo In uijjl.'luj 11 illpU tin an I oartltlutui < rlllihir U Hill tra itln < with thu ruitoU BUCCLBH catarrli , lo t mm lee I su nlnil wjuruii nUit limit nil mil for mot prlvita ( lliiioi No mcrt-urr il'O t Noi trattmsit for Ion of vltil pj rjr I'irtlai u l ililj to visit niomir bu trjitn I nl ho nj by corresiionJonco MoJInlna orl lUrjiuiitt u it h/ mill ororp in uj iralir pioxa t , no uurxi to la II cntoconloUsorssndar Una poriotml lnt rrlovr prufjrral Uonialtitlun fros Uurr H'Uii Ijiuj ntrlctly prlvntt ! Hook ( tlystorlosor Ufa ) Bunt fro ] Ottljj Liaurj , J a ui mju m djnli/i U a ui t ) IJ ju nail mumpfor circular. WHHHHHHH HHHHHHHHHfra HAPPY THOUGHTS And jlo-nnnt woathcr co toKOthor These bright sun- slilny ( lavs ulToril excellent opportunities for securing the iidiulrablo llkenossos mudo by HIGH CLASS PHOTOGRAPHER , AT POPULAR PRICES. 31B-315-317 SouthlSth StroDt. OMAHA WHHHHHHHH HHHHHHHHW TJatiopal t. fc. al J'Otsl'lOltY. UMAII.XUIt. . Cnpltiil $100,000 Surplus $05,000 Cfflcer. undDlreotori lUnry W Tatei pranl > 11. aCuihlDK Tlaa proilJiiu , 0. \Uiuo ) , / ' MOMS.Johnrt. Colllui J. M li. l trlci. Lj U I K.ed , ctibl.r. ctibl.r.TUB Your If adorned with wine at all should be adorned with good wine. Good wine generally comes high but not with us , for we buy so much we can sell it very low. California CJr.ind Vin "Sec" 40C pint. Los Angoloi Wiao , Liquor undOltir C 116-118 8. letb St , Omulii. [ D THIS TIME WE All previous efforts ev < . made in Omaha are ovci'i ' shadowed by the prices w' | make at our big bargain salec Silk Ribbons A big lot of all silk good from a manufacturer , "bcinji the balance of this season stock. ' LOT1 1,000 pieces silk ribbons bens , gros grain with satin eclfe [ , gros grain moire , satin edge ; No , 5 and 7 ; worth e very where , IOG and isc ; our record breaking price LOT 2 1,200 pieces silk ribbons bens , gros grain with satin edge , gros grain moire , satin edge ; Nos. 9 and 12 ] worth everywhere 200 and 25c ; our record break ing price pricelOci rnit YAHD. The great advance in all kinds of silk goods makes these ribbons doubly attrac tive to purchasers. . 3 large tables set aside foJ these goods during- this sale. Table No.l. Embraces all piece toilet sej that are worth $ ' $5-75. $6.25 anj $6 79. Take theij tomorrow only $4.00. Table No. 2 , The most artist set you ever savj Large , handsorrj shapes and decor ted in heavy golt They were bougl : to sell at $10. Tak ; them tomorro only at $6.75. Table No. 3. Elegant high clas' decorated set. They comprise sir glc sets of a kiTe To close out an gain much neecle room. we mak them tomorro $13.13. They at worth all the wa , up to $22.50. AT 14C. A good floor broo worth 2oc. AT IOC. A good feather dusti worth 2oc. AT 17c. Cedar water pai worth 4oc. AT 79c , Cedar wash tub worth $1.50. REMEMBER. A purchase of 250 entitli you to a vote for our World Fair Candidates. You may I the means of giving somcboc a royal good time. Don't fr to vote.