THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : TlttfllSlUY , A1MUL 2 ? , Tltjfl DAILY BEE COIM'IMH-UFFH lOl't V'Ki NO. 1J ! I'HAHJ * STIIKITT l illinrri 1 y rurrlrr to nny pirt of Win city II \ \ III.TON , - MANAOKIl 1 Hu 1w Onir > o . Nn. 43 ITH.1 I'MOM-H - , ( | , K Y PlumbltiR Co. IJoston Stoic NiiichiuiK 4llk . MIItonlicniCTls the tmtti-r , flU3 Hrondwny The Imtclicra or Council HlufTs hiivo on- tercel Into tin iiiriuumemt by which tliuv will nil close lit 7 .JO | i in every tiny , uxcoptltig Kntunl.iy 'I'ho trial of Adolph IJ.iuormclstor on the charge of murder in the first di'gicu will coiiiini'iico this tnoruliiK l > uforu Jucltjo Smith In tlio clMtiic't I'oiittnt Aroc.i Tliocltvilog c.itciicr Is making prcpnra- lions to iniiko war upon the c.inino trlhu , commcnc'liitf May I The taja lii\o arrived nndcvurytiiliiK IHIIOVV In readiness except- Ini ; the date Tlio Aptil mooting of the I'.iroe'lnal Aid Borlct.t of Ht I'.iul's cliurrhlllbo held at Mrs , \V .1 Jamison's , Pirst uvptino. this Thuisday afti'inoon All the ladles arc re quested to conic or send their pledtfi-s There will he a session of liar- moni th.ipter No i" . Order K.istorn Star , at Alasonle temple tlila evening for the pur pose of Initiation All members are requested - quested to be picsi-nt prompt ! } at 7 ! ! 0 Hy order of worth } matron homo complaint Is bt'lng indulged in h > the huslnt'ss men of the i Itv on ac count of tin1 ( llsttimln.ition against Council HlulTs In the Wcstuin Union Tola- Kr.iph c'omp.uii in the m.itter of taiilTs It costs 10 cents more to send the message toC'hic.ipo fiom Council HlulTn than from Omaha , and rules to other jioiiits aio on the same unequal basis. A Child l.iijiiy * ThoplPisant fa\or , ( jentlo action and soothIng - Ing olToi t of S\rup of Figs , \\hcn In nocd of u laxative , and If the father or mother bo costive or bilious , the inostgr.itlhlni { results follow its usu , It is the best family rumcd ) kuouii and every fan ilj should have u botllo _ The opening "f Clint. S. Byors' now shoo store \i-stptday iittrnutoil ii re-nt dual of uiti'fcst. nml notwithit.indiiif , ' tlio stormy vt outlier liundiodi of hid ion visited tlio Htoio. The west HJIOW \vin- I ovv wns the center of continued interest - torost till day and cvenlngr , tind is the most novel nnd original fcaturo of the shoo tmdu in the city. The suceo'-s at tending the HrHt day ( insures Mr. Byors thut he will have u liberal share of the cream of the line trade of ' .ho city , and lit thoMiino time incut the demands of ull other classes of trade. Saturday , April 2 ! ) , I permanently close inj jewelry business. Poopio who have left watches and { uvvelry foriepairs must ' -all and yet tlioin , and all hills must be nettled before that date. Carl lint-horn. _ i. r t Mrs M L. Williams and Mrs. James John son h.ivo re tinned fiom an extended \lsit to Perry , la Mis W H W.ikollcld and Miss Neolo M OdLti ( will Kl\o a niusic.ilo tins ovcnin ; , ' at the Mueller Music hall Mrs H U Harvoi and son of Denver are in the cltj for a few davs Usitini ; the former's parent ; . , Mr and Mis Tostovin , on 1'nrk a von no State Sujierintendent ICnoephller , Superin tendents Mojor , Hodses ami Dunlxvci paid a . 'islt to the If inn school yesterday and tipont tliu afternoon with the toachois and Btudents. O C Sprultt was called away jesteulay to attend the funeral of his wife's mother , Mra. S It IJabb , at Osccola , la Mrs. Sprultt was at the bedside of her mother at tlio time of her death Itlicmimtlsm Oiitum } rnrrd. Thrco da.vs is a very short time In which to cmo > bad easoof ilicumatism ; but it can bo done , If the proper treatment is adopted as will bo seen ny the following fiom James Lambert of New IJrnnswiclc. Ill "I waa badly aflHctcil with iheumatlsin in the hips ami le s , when I bought a bottle of Chamborlaln's Pain Halm It cured mo in thrcodajs I am all light today , and would Insist on incr.v one who -tnilctcd with that ton iblo disease to use Chamberlain's Pain Ualm and got well at once " OflntortMt to tliillilcr ) . \V .T. Walhico has removed from the opera IIOUHO block to liis father's olllix on South Main wtreot. Mr. Wallucu iw the onlv dealer in mantles and tiling ii : Council BlulTn , and builders will do well to tfet his litfiiroi before making eon- tiaetH eKewhoro. lie also lopie-enU the St. L'Uiis and St. Joseph pre > se < : hriek coiupnnius and the Silicon Wai ! Piaster company. In all ho is handling thirteen distinct lines of building ma torlul. _ The Millers , decorative artists , wul paper , paper hanging , plain and ornti mental jiuinting , signs. No. 15 1'earl St See the peerless Dauntless bicycle- nml get our terms. Henry Murphy. K Pearl utreot. _ \V ll > V\.IH It ( inn ) ininli' ? Considerable cuilosity was expressed 01 the streets icstcidaj as to how the name o ' 'Ganymede" was adopted by the now li or ganledheelelub Some people ROI dowi their dust-covered books of ancient loio an < after pcrusini ; the pa es Uained that Gain meito was a cliatactcr In tlio ancient Gieol mythoiogj , repiesenteii to bo tlio eupbearc of 7.0US , one of the most popular and inllu eutlal divinities of that time , and that became attached to him on account of hi ( treat beaut ) and took him aw.ij to Monti Olvmpus to "i ush the can" for him foievo more , Ono of thoiounjr men who Is resixinsibl for the selection of the name was soon abou thu matter jesterday , ami in cxplanatio saidVo read the old story and at one came to conclusion that we couldn't tin any more appioptiato namo. Where wi you find any such fellows for phvsical beaut as In tills oluti ? Then Ganj moiio is said t have been ver > llvelin , goltinp over til Kround , so there's another point of lesom bianco Hut. " and hero the \OUMK ma dropped his voice to a whisper , ' 'if jou' ovtir been with a blcj do club on a long ru and \\atcheJ tlio giuvvlcr navigate , .vou' never have anotlier doubt thut thu nam wo'vo picked out Is all ilht. ( " Piles of p 3 , > lo n H'j puoj , nii D- . \ , ' Witch HuraiSilVJ will cuvj tlu u Williumbon & Co. . 1M1 ( Main strool largest and best bicycle block in city. Frco treatments daily from 2 to 4 j in. at the Council HI nils Medical tin Burglcal Institute. 2tlth and Broad vvtij Mine Helen Merrill , hairdret-stng an uiamcuring. Room 312 , Morritvm blocl Murrlnito The followhiB marriage licenses wei-o ii nucd jesterday Name and address AK t Harry U llronn , Pottawnttamlu county. . ' . IJiissloS Uriko , rottawiittando county I Julius MuiislU'id , Onidlia . ' . 1 Mabel Dd iTlon , Onuilia . . The laiter couple were matried by Juslli Field _ Piles of people nave piles , , but Do Witt Witch Hazel tinlvi ) will cure them Cook your mealh this munmor on a gt range. At cost at the Gas company. A. II. Porigo kt Co. . 103 Pearl si Colnmbiti and other high grade bicycle S. P. Vnimtta , attorney , 6 Eveioitbl Columbian houvenir bih er bpoon , 25 * now and beautiful , at Lund Bros Gco. S. Davis , prescription druggist. Doincbtlo boup best ( or hard wuter. NEWS FIIOJI COUNCIL BLUFFS Profrew of tlia Suit of the Oily Against the Motor Cotnpauy. t ! PROSPECTS FOR AN EARLY SETTLEMENT iiiinit-rnllnvlil : | iVVIilrli llnriilnfnrA 1'rr- vrntrd n ItnirliiK AliuiMt at nn Knil Illnrm ot Attiirnejrn Muiln it Trlnl lettriiliiy liuponllile. The $3,000lamago suit of the city against the motor company was expected to come up in the supoi lor court last Monday , but the city attorney was engaged in a trial in the district court , and as lie could not bo in two places at the same lime It had to go over. Judge McGce was then no tilled that the cltj would bo ready for trill this morning , as it was expected th it the case would bo finished by toJay Bat tlio Illness of some of the attorneys in the district court easa prevented its completion as soon as had been hoped , and whether tlio case will come up tills morning depends principally upon whether or not their Illness proves to beset set ions enough to keep them out of court for another daj' . Attorney Baldwin , who rep resents the motor umipinv , was in tlio city jestcnlay , which indicates to those who ha 10 watched his movements In the past , that ho is icidv for trial. The probiblltty Is that the U lal ull ! not take long , as it is said an agreement has been t niched between tlie attornejs by which the cas shall bo submitted mainlv upon a statement of the facts , the questions of law invoked being the only points on which there will be any light , and on which Iho court will hive to do much hard thinking Whether it comes up todaor not it is piotty certain Until will bo the next tiling on the pingram after the cltj allotnej's enxaccinent is over ATI IA ( , 1 IN < ; rill. ( KMV l . s'lk .Mnnilfiicturi'd lit lorn V iiur ijrn : ill the Moitoii tcire. The II ibton Store Inn been visited by hundicds of people in the last few days , who wore drawn time by the announce ment that thej would ho bhown the pro cess of silk manufacture us carried on by the Natuhaii Silk c'ltnpuny of Willl- mantle , Conn. The process is a curious one , and that it Is us interesting tis well as curious Is shown by the crowds of people who may bo seen watching the motions of tho'lit'lo " .lap'1 who Inils the cocoons and icelsolT tlio gossamar- like tin cad in one window and the ma chinery which weaves the tin cud * into a glossy fabric in the other. The Nat- changsilks will bo offered at cost price all during this week , for the imrpo-e of in- tri ducing them to the public. The ex hibit which thcbO enterprising mer chants are in.ildng was only seemed by the puicha-o of * l"i)0 ! ( ) vvoith of the e impimy's silk * , and The Host in Stoic is the only place in western Iowa wheie they can bo purchased. Kvory- thing in the silk line , including china , fancy hilks nnd satins , will bo sold at COST PRICK this week , and every jiicco of Hilk in the store has been e&po- I'uilly mat ked down for this occasion. FA cry lady visiting the stcno will bo given a silk cocoon as a houvonir , to gether with a pamphlet giving the his tory of the cultuiu and manufactiiro of silk. SO pieces 12-Mnch figured chinas , H-lo , during snlo nc\t week. 75 pieces extra quality iigured china hilk , 13 , CO and 07e , dm ing next week's sale. Natchang faille silks , UOc , & 1.13 , * 1. 2 and $1.75. Natchang black rhadama , 50 , 07 } , 82o } , $1.15 and $1.50 , every yard guaranteed for six months. HObTON STOKE , FOTIIEUINGHAM , Will IIU-AW it CO. , Council BlulTs , la. .Must I'll 1(0 Out 1'orinlH. flavor L'lwrencc made a proclamation to the citi/ens about thieo weeks ago notifying them that all who were intending to builder or who had done any building since January I must take out permits or else suffer the penaltj' of their neglect. May 1 was set as the time by which permits must bo issued. The time is almost heio , but very few permits have been taken out Thereare still four davs left , howe\u , and tlio city clerk is oxpcctitnj to do a l.ugo amount of business in that line The m.u or states that anj who have done building without fulfill ing the necessary loquirements of the city oulinances will bo subject to aticst and lino. Ho desires to keep a stiict account of all public impio\ements made this , and as this has riovcr been done before some little difficult } is looked for in keeping the citizens up to tlie mark. Ten Iliij * at tlio World's I'.ilr. It will cost yon less than $50.00 , every thing necessary included. This means hoine-4 In private cottage , clean , safe , close to giounds and on the buaeh o Lake Michigan. Write to .1. T. Chyno vvoth.Vindsor Park , 111. Hefets to II. W. Tilton of Tin : BII : . or .lucob bims of Sims & Bainbrioge , Council Blulls. Coal and vvooci ; best and cheapest Missouri hind wood In the city ; ptompt delivery. 11. A. Cox % No. 4 Main I'nn at l Tonight the merrymakeis , Pltz ami ster. nnd their mirtli piovolting associates w ill appe ir In "A Breezy Timo' at Dohany'a theater. An opening of fun is juomlsed , tlu entertainment being crisp and catchy. The Philadelphia Star pronoumes it "one of tin best fane comedies now on the stage , and il never falls to attract large audiem es ' Its success this week in Omaha is assurance sulllcient to cause Council Hauls people U pack Dohanj's tonight Satuiilay evening Friend s Diamatic clul will present at Dub mv's , "Cast Out in tin Street " It is tlio same popular plaj rccentlj given at Masonic tempio. and , the repetition next Saturdaj cveiiim : Is in response to tin deslro of those who weieso enthusiastic ovci ilbliist presentation I lin draiiit linn I , Council BlulTs. Most elegant hotel It Iowa. Dining room on seventh iloor Hates , S3 to * 5 per day. E. R ( Jlark Prop. Protect your homox ngaiiint destruc tlvo btorms.V. . ( ' . .lames has th < strongest companio- the world. Boxes and barrels of Drexel's Bel cologne1 , a delicious pcM'fume , lloc bottle , for lUc. Davis , tlio druggist. Ofllrrr < t Klprti'il. The following are the officers of the nowl ; organized Council tlinff.s Academy No. 1 Pilgrims of Anieriia. which is composol o the wives sister * and daughters of tlio Com mercial Pilgrims Senior instructress , Mrs K H Haworth ; Junior instructicss , Mu Ida V. Shcpard , prelcitor , Mis Allc Cooper , scribe , Mrs l iura J McBrulo kc-epor of tlnaiicc , Mrs Annie Patterson guide. Mrs Alice Stork : inner sentinel , Mrs H Colleen , outer sentinel. Mis Hollis 0 1 Another ImprovoniPin , to the popula 1H Schubeit piano. Svvanson Music ( Jo 0 A now invoice of Cngllsh tnrbaiu latest and stylish , at I ho /nils. I . Ask jour grocer for I ) miestie soap. Finest Aristo cabinet photos , $2 pc dozen. AsMon's studio. 18 North Mali lli'.ilh til Vlr . 'j Mrs.'Nancy Wilson Spoonor , wife of D C SlHionor , died at about midnight fnosda night , aged So.vcais , aftci an Illness of abet a week The deceased was born March 1 li-05) ) , at Heath , Mass. , and was married Fel ruary 11. Jb30 Mr and Mrs Sponnermovc to this city In J801 , and have made it the residence ever since. They had lived t t'other for lUty-lhrco jcars , cclebratlr thtlr golden wetlln in l O Tli de i-w < l wan a memhfrof the ! ' m < re M'i mil ihun h She loaves , besides her husinnd fuitr elul dren Mrs Kmma Hoed of Denver 1) W and K A , Siooner | of Boston and L. U this city. Uhrl thui t'hnrcli llnniip | , y vriltton Invitations voro Issued on Monday Inviting several hundred people to bo present at Masonic temple hall last evening for tha purpose of attending a re ception given by the Christian church to Its new and voung members About all who received Invitations ref | K > n led , and a very pleasant surprise greeted them. On the south side of the big hall were sptead two long tables reaching the full length of the room , covered with overj thing necessary for a he.irtj' but temperate feist Nearly WO covers were laid , and after an hour had been pissed In a general social good time , the chairs at the table were occupied and a rojal banquet wasctijojcd. Among those present weie a number of prominent church people fiom Omaha , including Hey Mr Cramblet , . pastor of the First Christian church , and ' Kev Mr Keed of the sime denomination i A dozen or moro toasts were proposed and | responded to Dr Cramblot responded to i the toast "Our Neighbors " His speech was In a verj hapns vein , sparkling with good will and nelt-'hborlv love llo Incidentally j remarked as an Indication of the growth of | the church In this vicinity , that three and a half jeais ago there were .ess ttian ! ! JO members In the three cities of Omaha , Council Bluffs and .South Omaha , and at the present time theio weio over 1,11)0 ) Toasts weio also responded to by Kov. Allen , Mr Keed , Mr Shubert and Miss Hood. 'i ho banquet and reception lasted until nearlj 11 o'clock , and all those 'iresent wentawij with very pleasant lm- ] iresslons , i call/Ing that prolltablo and ilcasant innovations aie possible in church \or ] ( . _ "till' Hill IhirtrMsl" A gtoat man one-c said In spe.ikimr of a le- naikablj fertile spit , "If vou tickle It with hoe. It laughs with a h irvest " This sij ing is indeed true of North Gal- eston. for tlio fruit growing lands of this cgion jield , imesponsj to cultivation which s mere play compiled with the arduous toll f farmers in northern climes , immense eiops f pears , plums , ligs , strawberries , etc , etc. These "ripples of merriment" on tlio part t tlio rich soil are perennial crops were ever known to fail The fortunate fi uit growers laugh , too , at heir good fortunes ; manufacturers who mo irollting by the splen lid rosouiccs and ship- ilng facilities , lineslois who see their dol- tis multiplj an 1 investors who have found icalth In tills mild ami equ ililo clime join 'n ho merry makliv , and it is withal a laugli- ng , happy , piosperous communltj' . if jou are Intcrestcl in Noitli Galvcston s nn investment or a home , or both , apply 01 full p irticulars to D D. Smeaton , Koom Baiker block. A r < illeoinaii that I Idillrs One of the incmbcrb ot the police force has ately acquired a large lot of notoriety hiough his musical ability and his willing- icss to itisplaj th it ability when the right kind of an occasion offers itself At the Joloi.ulo house , kept by Mis Jacob low.utli. on West Uioidwny , dances aio il'iiost nightly occurrences , and while the rowds that go there cannot quite be said to ompose the elite cireles of the citv , there is 'onsidcT.iblo ' doubt as to whether thcie is imj place in Council Bluffs where irately runsanj higher or the convmtion ilities of good society aio much farther below par than at the-so little gather ings Among those who weio attracted to the place was the policeman who is supposed to pitrol that p u t of the city dur- inu'tho night At first lie went merely to Icoop older , but of late he has been oilier i- orchestra , and reels off the tunes upon his llddlo In a wav that would make Strauss' oivhestra go oft and commit suicide The other people who run saloons and dance halls in various darts of the city aio beginning to complain at this discrimination in favor of Mis. Howarth s place , and have servo ! no tice that if thej can't have a policeman to play the fiddle for them , too. they will make noiible It is feaied that an addition will have to bo made to the lorce in order that no pirtiallty may be shown It is roixntcd on the best of authority that a number of the members of the force have been in the habit of attending these dances nightly for other purposes than piescvvlng outer Chief Sranlan denies that ho has ever danced there but once. Plies of people nave , but De Witt's Witch Hazel S live wlllcuro thoin For first-class rooms in Chicago for World's fair call on Ohio Knnx. Alri K Their < ri iincos. Ed Jones , a colored hotel waiter , was ar raigned in police court jester day morning on the charge of threatening to kill Dan Robin son , another colored man. Kobinson claimed that Jones had not only said ho would cut him to pieces , but ho would go still farther and send him to the nether world after ho had done so. Several colored men were sub- pfriiaud , as witnesses , but their stories loimed such a wild and weird chaos of non sense that the court discharged tlio defend ant in sheer desperation. Kobert ami William Limerick nnd Burl Mudgc , who live in the northeastern part of the city , were in court as the outcome of a general neighborhood row , but they were all discharged Bob Scott , for pummeling the two Stack brothers , got a fine of $1 ! ) and costs. Stop at the Ogdcn , Council Bluffs , the lest $2.00 house in Iowa. Domestic soap outlasts cheap soap. Use Domestic snip. It is the best Bourlcius' music house appears to be ilohi" a land olllco business in pianos and organs at 114 and 11U Stutsman. MAY FIGHT YET , lloird ot iclUL.ilt : MI M. > Not Comply with thu Order ot tlui lltmltli Ollli.-i.ils. Notwithstanding its apparent submission as manifested at the last meeting , theio aio indications that the Board of Education is not going to comply with the demands of tlie Boaid of Health bearing upon the business of placing and maintain ing what aio known as dry closets in the public schools Tlio Smoad company Ins instructed its agent hero to stand by the dry closet sjstem , even it the matter has to be can led to the supreme court , and to back up tlie Board of Education in the light. The Fuller & Warren companj is now attempting to con- vince. the Board of Health that Us dry closet sjstem is really not a dry closet at all , and that It has many advantages over the Smead arrangement In the lul ; er , fc Warren sjstem the urinals are Hushed and tlio excrement falls upon an lion grating under w hich a current of water runs con stantly The ventilating stack that draws the offensive odois downward and out of tlio closets is not connected with the stacks that ventilate the recltition rooms and in this the Fuller & Warien p-oplo claim a great advantage And yet some of the members of the boird say tint if tlio Smcad dry closets have to go the Fuller it Warren sjs- tom ot dry closets will also be knocked out. Wanted III Lincoln. Detectives Savage and Dempsey yesterday arrested W. C Klnear. one of the hackmcn wanted at Lincoln for robbing apisscngor. Detectlvo Malone of the Capital Citv left duiing the afternoon w ith Klnear and took long with him Sadlo Patrick , who Is also wanted in Lincoln for juinpins a board bill. AllPIM t MUFv' i' rf1IM 1M111 i TP ODD HiLLUWb IhlhlJHAih Seventy-Fourth Andivmiry of the OrJor y Observol HUNDREDS PARTICIPATE IN NEBRASKA i ( > i M < -mtir > r > of tin Onlcr at Ktmrnry Itntiilo In nil Imitnln.t | Strcrt I'nrulr UIIIT Ncbrniki nml ' ; > Lodges Turnril Out. KEAIINCT. Neb , April 'JO ' [ Special Telegram - gram to * 1 HE Br.KTho ] Nebraska Odd Fellows nssoctitlon mot hero this after noon to celebrate ttio seventy-fourth mini- \ers.itxofthoordcr. There were oer00 i I vcs present from Wood KUcr , Shelton , Gibbon , Iloldrcgc , MinJen , Jnnlata nnd niuood besides a largo number of Daughters of Kobe-kali J. P Gage t Fro- inont , grand sscret.iry of the granu lodge of Nebraska , was present. There was an imposing street parade .it ! 1 o'clock , followed tiy interesting exercises In the oper.i house Tlie address of welcome was adhered by I'.ist Gr.uul Kcpiesentativo G II Cutting and was responded to hv S L Bass of , president of tlio associa tion Tlio address was made by Kev Or George W M.utln , past grand patriarch. After the program was completed tlio Odd Fellows and Keboifalis lepalicd to the old opei.i house -where n bounteous banquet was given The officers elected for the ensuing \ ear ate President. H \ , Ba s , .iunmta ; vice lireslclent , G 11 Cutting Kearney ; sccie- tarx. 1 Temporal , Holdrege ; treasuier , G 1 ] Heath , Curtis The place of meeting next xoar has not jet been determined Cimmov , Neb . April -Special ( [ Telc- giam to TIIK BrrThere | was held tod.ij at this place1 u grand celebration of the se\ent\- fourth annnoisirj of Odd Fellowship in America bv the vai tons lodges of this sec tion of Xobr iskn and those of the noighbor- int ; towns In South Dakot i andV Aomlng After thu stieet parade , in which theio were SOU Odd Fellows in line , nceompamo 1 by Jester s Seventh Kegiment o.ind and the Gordon bind , a public celebtation was hold at the oper.i house , wheie speeches were in dulged in by leading O Id Follows The af fair closes tonight with a grand bill and biiiuet | ut Hotel Jllalne ritEMoxT , Neb , April . > [ Special to Tun Hi.c J Canton Fremont No I , i'atriaichs Militant , Independent Older of Odd Fellows , today celebrated the .sevontv-foarth uiiul vcrsarof Odd Fellowship by tiieir annuil chill this afternoon This e\cnltig the now olllccrs were installed , after which tney en- Joxed a line biiiquot CAMHHIIXIE , Is'eb , April 2ti [ Special Tele gram to TIIK IJrc ] This has been a gala day for Odd Follows , the district s annual meet ing being held in the opera house A special train niought in viol ) people from towns e ist A big binquct was soi'vcd at noon and the nfteinom was given up to speaking Judge Wellv presided and llov Tliomisof Bea\er Citj doll\creel the address of the day Lin nIM L. Neb , April 'JO [ Spec lal Tele gram to Tun Ur.r. ] Tlie Odd Fellows of Ijouis\ille lodge No ISO , celebrated the soventj-fourth annlversarv of its organisa tion in Amorlca. in their Ii ill this evening A ' 1 Howard of Lincoln addressed those present on the subject of "Odd Follow bhip and Hrothorly Love to Alland the Growth of the Order " The hall was , p icked and , i goner er U good time was oiijcAed by all UrsMTT , Neb , April 2(5.1 ( Special Tele gram to Tun HrT | Neinuha ledge No ; Uof Bennett , assisted by the Syracuse and Palmyra lodges nnd the Si incuse and Ben nett binds , celebrated the seventy-fourth nnnivcrsan of tlio order heio todav. A good time was cnjoi cd by the o w ho attended A. D Wait of Sxracuse was chairman ot the meeting and tlio principal speaker Thu in- eleinenc.v of the weather prevented n lingo attendance , but those that did como felt well repaid for the \islt. IN iOUA. Annlrurury ot tlio Order I'lttln ly Ob. gerund In luny TIIUIIH. DfMAi' , la , ApiiiaO [ Spaeial 'lelegram to Tun Bci : ] The sovontj'-fourth anniver sary of tlio birth of Odd Fellowship was fittingly observed in Dunlap today despite the disagreeble weather. Uirpo delega tions w ere in attendance from all the prin cipal towns and cities in this section Coun cil Hluffs sent a largo number , Missouri Val ley , Logan and Woodbine doing the same Kev H H. Harton of Trinity Methodist Episcopal church , Council Hluffs , delivered the annheisarj address A magnificent dinner was served the Visitors in the opera house by the Motnodist chuich Theie woie noailj Am delegates present. CUUSTOV , la , Apiil liii [ Special Telegram to Tin : Bi r 1 The seventy-fourth anniver sary 01 Odd Fellowship in America was celeBrated - Brated by the Afton Odd Fellows bj aigrand banquet Neighboring lodges weio invited to paillupato and the town was crowded with members of the cr.ift The affair was Iho most successful ever given bj the Afton lodge. Omitlm Ol > * ( > r\ntlnn. Several hundred Odd Fellows with their families nml ft lends filled Washington hall last evening and cnjovedan excellent liter- tiry entertainment , after which thej dis posed of a bounteous supper , and to tlio music of tlio Odd Fellows orchestra whiled aw.iy the later hours in the mazes of the dance. It was \\.ijinwhicli they had elected to celebrate the so vent j-fourth an niversary of the oigani/ation ot the Hist lodge of tlio Independent Order of Odd Fel lows at Baltimore , and a verj pleasant oc casion it was to all who were present. All of the local lodges and cantons of the order were well represented , the unifoims of tlio members of the latter adding much to the plcturcsquencsb of the scene on the ball room iloor It was expected that C P Smith would deliver tlio addtcss of the evening , but he was out of the city , and the historj of the organization was given by J II Flanagan , who presented seine Inter- Ostlng information on tlio subject Vocal solos were acceptably rendered by Miss Huiley , Mrs F H Millar and Mr Fra/ier , and a violin solo by Prof. Uworzak was well iccelvcd. Members of the North Omaha Dramatic club appealed In dialogue , and the Swedish singing society , Noulcn , which contiibuted a musical number , was twice recalled. At 11 o'clock the throng passed to the banquet hall on the lower Iloor and then ictuined to enjoy the pleasures of the supplcmentaiy program. - , Piles of people have piles out JJj Witt's Witch Hazel Salvo will oure them. MOUE Commlgiiliiiirr I.ltocy Spcnn to Ho u Murli liull ; ; ilt M.itlioin. ' Tiie desire to tin n t'lipcountj' into a baby faun and make Commissioner Livesey the head clerk of the establishment continues without any abatement , Tuesdaj a woman tiled to make Douglas county become the foster father of her child , and at an caily hour yesterday morniu anothcr woman was on hand w 1th the samu object in view. The doors of the gru t building had hardly swung open when Mrs , Wheaton , who ekes out an existence by operating a small baby farm , located somewll < ; io on ilarnej stieet , cntcicd and demanded that t'ie county should caie for a bright little girl babj tha , she had brought along blio dc- 1-Hgncstoi a i 1,1 Leavening Power. Latest U S. Go\'t Report. y it d ire o- i In rod In it tvvd weeks ago n \OMt\g wiimati clMuu' the nimo of Mrs , l d > tailed at hrr establishment and left the Infant , naj ins that she would call for It In n fewdajs Mrs Wheaton s fees for caring for such chll Iren had been lived at fi per week and condensed milk was the regular diet Tills was told to Mrs Judj , who ap peared to bo sitlsllcd The child was left and with it there was a promise that the weekly Iward bill would como i-lonit when the next visit of Iho mother w is made , which was to have been the next dav. Slneo then Mrs Wheaton declares tlrit she has seen neither mother nor monev Now she thinks that the county should take the baby oft" her hinds The county , through Its com missioners , refuses to do anything of tlio kind. Plies of people have plies , but Do Witt's Witch Hazel Salvo will cure them. VOS3 STILt , IN IT. Public Opinion Itrirtoil n I.title Ycntcrdny In Ills t'UMir. The local democracy is ripped wide open bj1 the war over Henry Voss' appointment as supeilntendcnt of construction of the new gen eminent building nnd the subsequent re- voklngof the appointment. The action of Mr Martin in causing the removal of Mr. Voss Is the topic of the d ly In political cir cles and it Is prellctol that the bitter feel ings cngendeicd w ill not spend their fono for a long time to come Mr. Henry Voss did not start toi" Washing ton jesterdav moinlngns ho intcnde I on a-- count of tlio fact Socictary Carlisle w ill not be at the capital for several days , hav Ing an engagement with the president at Chicago , and Mr Voss desltcs to make an end of tlio light when ho reaches Wash ington Matters in Omaha took a rather favorable turn for Mr Voss ycstorda v Some of the gen tlemcn who have been ensigel in the light ngalnst him luformcd him that thcj would quit it and several telearuns were for warded to Washington wlthdriwimr th" protests th it had been lodged against Mr Voss On the other hand , however , it was sta'ed on goo I authoritj that Mr Mirtlnhad tele graphed to Secretarv Sheehan. of the st ite ccntial committee , th it they must bui kle on the h it ness a little tighter and die if neces- sirj in the last ditch He wanted alllJ ivits bc.iring upon the ] iersjual unlltness of Mr Voss , and Mr Sheehan liustle.l forth to get them. Spe.iklng of the situation Governor Hojdsiid to a Bii : : repot ter that ho would not go to Washington to engage porsonallj in the snap "I do not believe it is neces sary for anv body to go to Washington in this matter 1 bulicvo Mr Voss can send , or h is alrcadj sent , to Secretary Carlisle recom mendations that will convince the so.-retarj that those who have been opposing the ap pointment of Mr Voss h ive misrepresented the facts When it comes to talking about getting allldavlts to prove the Incompetcncy of Mr. Voss I don't see whore these men aie going to get them. I luuo not hoard of a solllaij man who is willing to furnish an aflld.u it against Mr Voss , and Iain some of ihoso who slmplj sent protests against his appointment have since wired the secietarj that thej wished to withdraw them 1 thorouirhlv believe that Mr Voss Is a competent m.u. and I havehcaid nothing that will convince me to the contrarv ' ' Mr. Voss was seen bj a Brr reporter and w hen asked about the situation lie said "I will notgo to Washington until 1 li.ue woid from Seer ctaij Cailisio setting a time fora hearing of all the n attcis beaimg upon my amuintment THE Bri : has slated the situa tion exactlj I am deter mine J to light it to the end and I feel confident that tlio op position will be overcome in the end and I will get the appointment when the secie tary has lieaid the whole business thiough " AT THE NEXT MORNING I FEEL BRIGHT AND NEW AND MY COMPLEXION IS BETTER. ity doctor R&ys U ftcta gently on the stomach , liver and kidneys And l < n plenaant laiatUe This drink la made from herb ? and 1 : prepared for use as _ easily as tea Ir It railed A11 ilrucglMs ell It at Vic. and II a package , I f you cannot cet It. send your addresx for a free sample l.iine'n Fnnilly tlrdlrlna IHOTPH the bonclfl curb dill" In order to IIP hnilthy ttili IH necessary. AddressOllA'lOHF WOOinVAUD If HON N.y. ' \ \ttoriioys- w I'rio- tlcu In the stiio and federal court" . Rooms JOJ-7-a-9 , bhu urt block , Uouncll UlulTd , la. In One Minute Rheumatic Sciatic , liatp and shooting palm , straits nut ucnk- iicvis ntu rvlicucl hy the CtUlClRA AMI I'AIS I'l VS- TrR. Quick , original ntul unfailing , it instntitU teUevcs wcnk | > amul ( kiditc > , Lack ache , utitinc pnins ami wcaknc'sus , touglK , colds nml clicst pain * lltitirfua the nervous forcc , and licncc Is powerful in the treatment ol mr nits pains weakness , numbness nnd parolsts. Price. 150 ; five , $100. At all DnJR.-isU or by tn ll. I'OTTXR t ) tO AND ClIKM. CoXf. , ItOStOn. W. PAMLE . . , Tlie Good SoEftrit.ia. 20 Twin' Experience. DBADKU ov DISICASHS OF MEN AMD womtN. I'ltoiMtitrron ov TUB WOKLD'H IIKH1IAI , nlSl'im- 6AKV OF .UKU1CINU. t treat the following Diseases : Catarrh of the Head Throat , and tunas ; D ! > Cflwaof the Eye and kar Fltsnicl Apopex\ ! Heart Ditcftss , L.vor Unnplnliit l.tdiiev Complaint , Nervous Debility , Mental Doproa- nlon , Loss of Manhood , Somlnnl Weakness , inabcteiiDgiit s ii ) > isc. st vitus1 ftance ftTiJmnntUm , raralBl8. White SnclllnB , Scrofula , Fever Sores , Cnncoro , Tumors end Fistula In nno removed vlthout the knlfo or drawlna a drop of id Woman with hir delicate orpins re- to health Irop y cured wiihout tnpDlng. Spui-liil nttenl'o'i ' uUeii totrjiUin nt nf nil blood taints aililiu bv excesses or vice * burur nnd chunpor tb in u trip to the Hot burin Ts J" 0 to fvn forfo t for unv fiiiuroto curow tbout tnorciiry Tare Worms removed in two or thtco Hours , ot no pay. Hemorrhoids or riles cured THOSE WHO AUK AKFI.ICTKD Wllleme life and hundreds of dollars by calling on or using DP. fi. W. PANGLE'S HERBAL KEDIDIHES. Thoonljrriijslclan wlio cnn toll what nlt | per un nltluiut r\shll ) | ; a quest Ion. Allcomstxttidencentrlotlj conndcntlnL Mocliola sent b > exprc'ss. Address all letters to G. W. PANGLE , M. D 555 BUOVDWAV.C'ouiuil LJluTs , U Send 4u si imps for contlilnntial rue y Many times moro durable thiin sioim on- Inus. more rcllublo for pou rr imrpi es , and much cheiipcr. Can bo put In corner of any room from Riirrot to biiHc-iiiunt. tiKliiK but lit- tlu itiace , maUliiE no nolyu Mnki no AIII or dirt , requires no fuel orcniliiuor to run It ChcMpcr , neater nnd moro ro lablu for eiovn tors and other purposes than water or uaH. Del rolt Motor and iionoriitnr best ot all , a al Ittin invcstlcatlou will show Machines from onn-olht to olehty horse power Klvrnys nn hand and warranted to give complete 8iitKf.ietIoti. Commnnlo ite with us.Vi > will save you time , inonoy and mcon- \nnleiieo , \ \ . T. UAKKIt , iffinnA niOHmgiirt Illoclf. Council HlnrtV Telpphime 2J4. C. D. IJAKElt , Kclilcliin 711 Hontli llth St. . Onraln. Toluphono HI3. Solo iiKents for Counull IIlull8. Umahit and Lincoln. HAVE. YOU SEvEN Made by the Centaur Cycle Co. of Coventry , England , The oldest ana strongest cycle company In the world. y ( Road Kin ? Hustler R cad Queen Athlete Kingman Glideaway Scorchers , ando ther Mermaid Medium Umpire Grade " * * " " ' " * ' " ' , , . > ' * ' ! ' ! Ill" . ITS , * Wheels. l 'tJ i i ,1' - M.i4l ' KINGMAN & CO. , PEORIA , ST. LOUIS , KANSAS CITV , UE = J MOINES AND OMAHA. Manufacturers , importers and jobbers of high and medium grade bicycles ; also vehicles and farm machinery. S. M. WILLIAMSON & CO. , Counc'l Bluffs Ag3n IF YOU WANT A Gasoline Stove , " Bicycle , Refrigerator , Carpet Sweeper , Or , which is of primary importance just now , To have your Stove stored for the Summer , call on Chas. Swaine , - 737 Broadway THE LOOKED FOR BREAK IN PRICES HAS COME. 11 ( ghost Grade tor $10U.OI ( The Kclipso , Wnvorly , King , C Ipper , bcjrchor , nil lOO.OC Sold uvorywhoro for $160.00. K you want u whojl , don't fall ta ECO us. Our $80.00 wheel la ndnndy. COLE & COLE , 41 Main Straot , Counull Uluffi. DOHAM'S THEATER. Council BluTi , la , John Dohnny , Wnnnqor , ONE NIGHT ONLY THURSDAY , APRIL 27. THE K1XGS 01' FUN. N WEB STER And thu rCotn c As iii'lutci , In Crisp , lircczy anl l.ntcitaining. Screamingly Funny Situations Ptingont Dialogues , Clouds of Pretty Girls , Tuneful Music , Newest Vocnl Corns. Skillful A Cyclone of Merriment , I'rlre * 25e , SOi * . 75c. Scats oa sale at Seller' rhariiiacy , Wodnetiilay n uriiuiit Dohany's Theater SATURDAY EVENING , APRIL 29 , \\ill repoit by roijuest tlio popular pay Klrcn at Mavonlo tomplx u snort tlniu n o to ono of the lir.oit iiuilloncca ever assembled In th it big hall , n bo iiitlful thrca act draiun c'titltlot , II CftSTOUTmTHESTuEfTS,1 , To conclude with un w nnd ox funny farce , II THAT AWFUL CARPET I'KICKS-Sk ) and .r o to all inrts of the houso. 'I'loKotf k'o on s.ilo Wo.liioiday , April tl Hallroid IIICMI will uxpec- lally appreclato this piny Dohany's Theater UXCAGKMKNT IJXTKAOUDINAUV Oiiu Week ( oiiin.oiiL'Iiis i. Andhla inorrv company ptipportocl by tlio talented jounv no tress MISS ETTA Opcnlns Monday nl.-ht in the roatmllkarr coinoclv dram i In four nets , LADIES FIinE MONDAY NIGliT. Now Bones and danccB , bolter and brl.l.tor thnn ever. IMlIOKH-IOc. TOu andnOo. M uilic Al. | ( niiMiiltiitliiii I'rtT. ) Is iinsuipiiihod In the treatment - ment of nil Chronic , Private nncl NorvoiiB Disease" . \Vrllo t or ruiMiilt po noiiallr , TltnAI'MKM1 11V MAII. 1 Adilroxs iTltli atninp fur pur. ticiilnri. uhlch will ba aunt Iq lulu ( * iiTGlopt O lloi U5I Ulllculldu nth-it i Umnhii Nub Special Notices * COUN3I' ' ULUFft. lClll ItKNT llounnnf n\i > roiimal ncrcs gnrdon , L118 acre * pasturv , on u | > | > m llruadnar hoW.'lul < cy . 1U1 1'cnrl ntreet AIlSl KAOl'3 luul loam r".irm urn olty propsr'.r bought and null 1'LUjy & lliomii , Coansll lilt.fT. . I70U HUNT 'Ilion ) room limuo corner of Wllloif' 1 uremia and 8th strool OVMKM ! hy Mri HancocK , Irom Juno I at li ) IM pe-r iiiunlli Includliu barn , of will aull property Dajr , V ll s \\rANTKH A rn.n win Inn Lnairlndz * ii anil i'lporlc'in.u In tlio fruit commission t > | 3 > , at nmii Ker fur i D mull lilntt.i Krilll iiwiri > liii iloforencoi ra > : | iilrcJ. AddruiH J I 11 ocrotary , JJ 1'oarl klttut , Council tllufts Al.niSKCIlOSt IIOSI'coplo iay It l st 19 years , itoodvaluu and alwurs In stuuk nl lilt- br , Mcrrlani block \\ I XC UAVJKi U ' KM.-'lwo four root * i > nouyus nnd itoro room and outbulldlntrs , clear u ( liicimibr.mce t. J Maiulol. 71W liruliiim A\o 17OU IlKS'l'-HUire roiiui "Jxl ) well enablUlnrl I Krocery vtand , curnnr t and Ull Are. Ilj pi r nionlii A J Miindet 7/J l.rutinni Arp i . 'OK IlKM' Vour box mius nl barn. ,1 W Mlnlik 1'CIIt SAI.H Full iut of minors tool * KooiloiinH. tlon , a bargain Inquire of Knjpklo Hbuxurl 1 jnrtlwure I o Council lllinM OAHIIAlilC roniovocl , o 'Una 31s , TKiilts clihunjfl cluuneil Wull propiruJ 'or Iho wjru. 114 liiirku cltr bullilln * TIlltlSKaml lolforsilo No HI I Fiftn aril u 1 1 Inquire of J I * l hrlstUn , C. A U. 1 , Irclulit bon _ _ for rUit mnn to collect , iollclt , and dellvor Kooili Wi i > fU a wugk. nnd profits dlTldoil evury 'JJ rtay * In stock coin' paiir. Must liny II Iiir.t stoo'x Aildrjis J vy. Murnu. lluoin 5. hyorell block Council Ulugl I'OK SAI.f. i lionp , loiin lilio't driving IP aroi teuni muloi , oil naion liirnon nnd teami lop bunny , road wagon i arli HI < oal I'D II ) Tuarl slruBt. \v ' 11,1 , sell below roil nnvr 5 room house , modem convi nlonouv nrelllno iloil lieu onion 1/OII SA1.KA number of mod cottaiiun , cbnup , and on rorr n r iinriiioiiln CirconsbUldi , Miuolsoii A I o BJIJUrOBi | nf _ _ _ _ _ _ I/OU SAl.K Improved propiirtr at juur own 1 price A S room collate on lot 2 ludd'stiib a Inning storj , 7 room huuai on lots U and HI , In Johnson add a nml t room cotta.e un lot n , block 11 , l-lriuniln _ A IJUTIS add , a A room lot- tnuuonlotH block 8 , I'otte , V Tubb s adri t a i ruiiiiicottaiittou lot II block I fwln ' Itr mid 'III * uvliJUi Loan and lliil'dlna ' ansoelatlou of I ounl.ll Illulls la , offer ihu ab vo | iroictllm | for caili or on muntlily pnyinenti and will rocvlvo bids fur llm fnniH us & wliulu or , bid * to bo siibmlttid to lliu board ( if dlroc lorn vt tiieir first meotln/ Mnr. lliiijr n si'rrlnK tli I ilvllt-uu ol rejecting nny or nil bids lurcher InronniMjn | ilrt.n br H W ( Hli , tecretury ItrtMMn-l , to wlium all bids shuald b * Hunt before May J IffJl 1l < J. 3JO ANI flU \CltK tnct of land In northern 1 Iowa at tISOU lo l.tlUO t < r acre Jolinslon h Van I'attmi WAN'I'KII-bltuatlon fur talf end wlfn to cur * i * fora housu and prnmlscs fur p-rtles nliMiut for tlio icason ( iund rofrrrnon Klvcn Addreil M 31 llBooDlce , Ipuncll lIlulTs H'HK H jour bsrtialri UTS-room houie new , SSiUU corner lot , block ( rum motor , near bus ) , niiscuntor , ( oed outbulldlnKi. Kroat barttaln I.XIUO or IIUIUO down and monlhlj ( njiiituti Inquire al lleeunice l.'OIl HAI.K-Illcrole , cheap for cnhoron sif JL ( taruiaU. Adilun V B. , IJus qmgt . . -