i 2 THK OMAHA DAILY HIU * TIirKSIUY , APRIL 27 , 1HOH. SUNDAY OPENING DISCUSSED At Lost Been Brought Fairly Before the World's ' Iftlr National Oommlttoo. MR ElBttCK OF IOWA STARTS THE BALL lly tlm Introduction of -Motion ruvnrlnu Opening on Iho Siilihatli llo 1'ro- clpltntrn uti Aiilni itnl Arsninont Another Alutti ref Dlilcrrncr. OntcAcio , III , April SO Sunday opening of the World s fair was brought squarely before fore the nition.il commission when It mot today. Commissioner Jo oph Klbtrck of Iowa Introduced the subject , and at once Btarted n wrangle among the commissioners , In which Judge Massev took a leading part us opposed to anj discussion or considera tion of the m ttter There were sixty mem bers of the commission present Commissioner Hlhu ck spuing his sensa tion by a resolution , In which hoicelted that there was u well deilncd sentiment aaiong the peoploof the country In favor of Sundaj opening of the Woild's fill' , and a general feeling that the m liter was not jut definitely Hottled , but only held In abejance. The pro vision for Sunday closing was imposed by congress , subject to pecunl irj assltance , but in giving this assistance It had withhold over { 500,0 H ) It was a seriousl1 , debated proposition whether the withholding of this sum was not a violation of the agreement with the fair fairMr. Mr. iiliucl : < 'i < Motion. "I therefoio move , " continued Mr HI- Ixrck , "that this commission request th it the authorities of the st iteof Illinois and the authorities of the citv of ChU ago , which have ngrjater Interest at stake in this exposition than the United States government , request the local board of directors to take the nec essary stops to teat the legalitj of the Sun- da1 , closing piovisiun in tlio state and fed cral courts " Judge Massey could hardly wait until Mr I'llurok concluded before ho was on his feet to reply " This Sunday closing question has been absolutely and finally settled by the commission ' s lid he ' 'I ho commission I cannot icopen the question An * , attempt to icoDcn it , as suggested by the gentleman ftom Iowa would dPiiation ili/e the exposi tion The resolution , besides , is out of order " "That Is a question , ' i clotted Commis sioner Hlbcrek " 1 move that the question of the resolution being In older or not bo re i ferred to the Jurtli larv committee " Mr ivlassoi opposed this and a number of i commissioners spoke on the subject , hut when It was ilnallj put to a vote It carried The committee s teport will be made tomor- low morning Commissioner Hlbcntlr slid after the meetIng - Ing adjourned " 'Iho Judluirv committee will decide the icsolution out of order in all probabilitj 'Ihon I sh ill inttoduco a reso lution that the tides be amended I have accomplish ! d all that I expected to , and if my resolution to amend the tules goes through the subject will bo again squiroiy bofoio the commission " Another I.lv-Hlj DlH < iMilon. There was a lively discussion at the meet ing over n icsolution calling for an investiga tion of tlio alleged dissentions among the musical exhibitors to bo at the fair The resolution was offcied hj Commissioner J. II. Clendennlng and reads as follows herons , Tlnio Is in evident inliunclor- HtniulliM rpl ? iidliiK the i onlrol of tlio musical department of thuWoild , fall which has bo- coino public In its natuio and thrc.ittms to ntTcct the fair in the linpoi taut mattei , not only of music il exhibition , but to musical Instruments Whereas , It Is Important that himnony should pruvnll In all iloiiurlmunts ind that It Is the duty of tills commission to 'sue tli.it the utmost fairness should bo observed tow ird .ill exhibitors and the public given to understand that It will not countenance any ether treat ment ! tluuoforo , bo It Kesolved , Th it .icoinnilttio of four bo up- pointed by tlm chair to wait upon the director K ncrul nnd obtain from him all thn facts con- ccrnlii ! ! the controversy and othorwlho investi gate the nmttur and teport us soon as possible to this commission. In explaining the resolution , Mr Clou- denning said that several months ago n number of piano manufacturers had at tempted to spoil the piano exhibit because thay had been un iblo to got as much space us they desired. 'Ihcso manufactuters had not only refused to make inhibits , but had endeavored to Induce other rnanufaitutcis tc follow their example. The discontented fellows weie not successful , however , and it was docldcd that no piano should bo used al tlio fair unless the maker was an exhibitor TheoUoie Thomas , the musical diiector , had ) ) een accused of lefuslng to usu the instru incuts of the exhibitors , but peisisted ir using one made by one of the manufacturer who had tried to spoil the musical exhibit This had caused a dissension among the met who had pianos on exhibition MafiAty Aniii Ills * ? * In Oppnnltlnn. Mr. Missey of Delaware , and a number ol othcis opposed the icsolution on the ground that the board of contiol had sent a dolcga tlon to Now Yont to find out if it was trui that Mr. Thomas had contiacted. to use r piano made by ono of the linns not making an exhibit. On the other hand , it was heli ttiat the commission could better afford ti dispense with the services of Theodori Thomas , than to violate its word with mor iv ho had befilended the fair to favor met who sought to In Jut e it Af tor a long discussion , their resolution va.i adopted In this connection , It Is re ported that an amlcablo ariangemont had beun reached by the selection of J W Hilts worth as the head of the now bureau ol music. It is silu that the appointment ol Mr. Ellis woithwould bo equally accoptabli to Theodoio Thomas , Prof Tomlins ami othcis John Bojd ' 1 hatcher , national commls sioncr from the Huckojo state , will open ti | his ofMco l > i the administration building to morrow , Mr Thatcher m ido u vigotoui nttick on the pioposltlon to have the con slileratioii of the meiits of dtsplajs made bj Juries and strongly advocated the substitu lion of expeit Judges insto in of juries Mr ' 1 hatcher tiiumphed and ho is now pioparct to organize the woik "Ihu inspci tion at the Columbian oxposl tlon , " said Tlutcher , "will differ from tha of any ptevious ono and will bo known here after as 'tho Ametican plan ' Under i In iberi will bo Impossible Hxpettson par ttcular lines w ill bo selected and w 111 repor the exhibits In their estimation which war i ants medals or cllpiomas This exper opinion will tlien ho voted upon by all thi other experts on that pirtlcular line , und 1 n majoiitj suppott this view , it will bi adopted If not , and repoits made agr& the same provision wilt bo ordered No see end premiums will bo given The best ox litblt in each Una will receive u medal o diploma and that is all " 3CUMK It'll 1C Dotnvatlc. A. plan to nillovo the U iidln inllroad of It prc-Bont umlmrr.isMuont conti > iiipliitii3 the Ksii 1113 of J30UOO.lHH > in G per cent bonds A largo crowd awaited thu arrival of th liberty boll tit Ktlo , I'u , mid Its mining to tha city wuSKrootud with patiiotlc c'lithiui ism. The vrhlsKy trust will wasii ti war of 01 termination UK ilnst its competitorTor tha purpose n bond Ksuo of troiu 1100,000,000 t tlt > ,000.000 U thoughtof Thocountry In thu vlclnltj of lacUonvllli III , If snlteitng from an nxccss of watai Towns hive been Hooded und suiloiiHdamui ; done to crops on the bottom lands The Jniyln tha cuso of lr Hiiclmnan o Now York , accused ot tiolsonlni ; hU wlfo , uftn out nearly two di\s : , last ovimln a verdict of guilty of murder I the tlrvt dusic'o. The mav or uud prosecutlns attorney of Re trott , Mich , ilcclarn th.it they luvo secure iiuttlrlent ovlilvnca to convict n number ot th aldurman. who are clmrgfd with rooelvln brlb a from the JUcctrlo Light company i that city The Arkansaj ItauUcm association In cor ventlonnt UotfanrlDKs yesterday , passed TOiolutlon upholding fcecrotury of the Treas ury CnrllMo lu his courke , and otTiTlnif all th ( old In thu uottacs lnu of tha Imnka ot tli state to Ulm In exch.iiiKo far treasury uotei. Would- Cb res Crolcr , who Is said to be Insane vro armsted jestorday niomlnp and looke- - up t the rlty Jui 1. Cwl rclttlms to hare been a bartender 1 tb DUmond torn * | bre or four y * ra age tftor whhli ho went to IlufTaln i , hero ho lost 11,000 nn n ronl estate peculation , which titinettleil his mind Ho vas found vramlorlnic about on I tn-lnt treet asking pors by how much ulilonv oriii would Im HIM osmry to kill n mill tr vimers i > xamlned him and pronounpotl him tisane. llu was sent to the county jilt , there his cnso will hn patwod ttpon by the ommlsslonerti for the Ins ino .1 lloitniilntii lit thn Itojil. Tlio Ilostonlans made u heat tliy welcome e.ippearanec1 at the Hojd last evenlnif and v pro greeted hi one of the llnest audiences ever gathered within the theater's walls llobln Hood" was the opeta presented 2very number was enroled or doubly en cored How charming a rendering of tin entirely pleislng woik listening to the ilostonlans sing thosu glees and madiigils , mo savs to the picker out of piralleilsms - ( Jet behind mo , Do Koven miv Iwa plaglir- st , hut don't disturb my piesent pli-isuro In loatlng those dalntj melodies and s'rotig choruses ; I don't eaio u dcml semi quay er who wrote them , [ HUe em The compinv Is In as line form as of old , the ptinclpals the same old favorites and the chorus If anything better than over Mr Uiitn.iheo's Inhnltable Sheriff , Mr. Karl s [ { obln , Mr McDonald s m ml * , and musical Little John , Mr Cowles' magnllkont Will Scarlet ( hear and joucin ncycr for get hU tale of the tailor and thu rum aril Ills still moru imisicall-t ndmirablo Arm- oiers song ) , Mr I'lolhlngliam s Tim * I'ticK and Mr Lang's Olii ill aio ad mirable And the ladles There are Miss IV Arv illo as Maid Mai I in , Miss Josephine Davis as D line Uarden , Miss Wait/inger as Ann ibel , and list and gieatest , Mis Jessie Hattlett Davis us All in i Dale-all artists The i horns has volume and judgment The 01 chestra work iscntiielj ndequito and the whole i > erfoiniatico la beyond uitiiism ' Uobin Hood" u not a greit opera , but it , has a plcasinglj simple Ijtie quality that wins its wav to the heutts of lieaiets whomij- liap could not bo so toui bed with the crea tions of Verdi or Wagnoi or moved to ap- pieciatlon even of the best of Offenbach Orlnln OrLlimlru CiintiTt. The music loving people of the city wcio treated to a feast last night and at the simo time several doll , us weio eontiibuted to the cause of chatlty The occasion was the grand concert of the Oriole 01 chestra , as sisted by the Noiden Singing society for the benefit of the Omaha Associated chat Hies CliamncrV academy was crowded to its full est cap icitj with an audience that listened to the iciidltlon of a piogr un of gteat ex cellence wliiih included some ver * , popular vocal and Instrutncntil selt-i tlons 'Iho orchestra which Is under thedirectlon of Mr O K Pedeisen of the IJo.yrt theater oichtstta , showed a thoroughness that was highly pleismgaim foi an hour the members held their listeneta' close attention A llute quutot was ono of the feitures of the evening Two -vocal selections by the Not- dcn Sinking socletj added to the pleasures of thoenteitainment and taking the piogratn us a whole it was ono of the best that h is been tendered in tins city for a long time Aftei the conclusion of the concert , those piesent pit llcipated in a select diuico which continued until the earl * , houis of the morn ing 'IryhiR to Stli Up Ilin Cranlo. ICvxsis Cnr , Mo , Apul "ib A meeting of western biso ball manigers was held hero to oigani/o a westctn league Theie were ptesent at this moining's session George D the in , representing Denver and Pueblo , Charles EVchhelmor , repiesuuttng Wichita Kan , and L G KrautholT lopies- enting ICans is ( 'ity Deleg iteb from Om ih i , DCS Memos , Sioux Clti , Topeka ana Kt JohPiih will tin ivo this aftetnoon and an orgu Uion will bo perfected M itH llnslirr. nill Doigan came up from Lincoln yester- daj and held a long inteiview at the Millaul hotel with C. W. Moshor His -visit evi dently had to do yvitti the dimculties which now surround this pair , but theio was no anxiotj on the part of either to give pub licity to the com crsatlon Oorgan appeared to be consideiably wor ried , and his movements indicateu his uu- oislncss I'JllltiOA' II. 1'Alt H1K 1 1 * IMS. At the Mercer J. W Hussell , Davenport , In. , II. Gebhart , Dayton , O , J W Derail , Ord , Neb ; J H. Walton , AVestcott , Neb ; H L Uobmson , Hioken Bow , U A Harber , K\otcr , Neb , J IJ Adams , Blair , Neb ; Horace Shaw , Peoria , 111. , A. B Hankey , Alda , Neb ; Gcorgo A Crofutt. Gtanger , Wyo ; J W Love , Tremont , Allied Hint , Lttchlield ; Joseph M Clulsman , Bio'icn Bow , George Simms , Beamar , la : J B Simms , Gates , Neb , W McE. Wheatan , Atwood , Neb , William GUm..n , Chicigo , W F ItinUin. Anselmo CHICVOO , 111 , Aptil 20 [ i-pecial Tele gram to TUB BFU ] Nelnasl a ainvals ( Uiditoilum Dr W J Galbi ith , Oinha ; W S Stiavvn , Omaha Great Norti-nn W I' Bradley , Omaha Grind I'lutlc W. A Kenner , Omaha NEW YOUK , Apill 2(5 ( [ Special Telegram to Tnr BBC I Omaha C C Wright , IIoll- man ; J W Clrifllth. AVindsor. Miss Latham , J W. Petrv and wife , St Denis , A. C. Smith , buj er for M H Smith & Co , Plaza. LOCAL 11HKVL IUV. Chris Speeht has commenced making the repairs upon the roof of the court home. The county commissioners have authored the expenditure ot StXX ) County Judge Elleris again oxpetiencing serious trouble with his eyes They were so Dad jesterdaj that ho was compelled tolcavo the bciuh and adjourn court for the day Selma Ilultman has sued the city for $10,00. ) damages in district court for injuries sustained bv falling on a slippery sidewalk at Sixteenth and Kai mm stieets list winter Mrs Shimanck , who lives in Omaha View , was taken in charge last night for showing signs of insanity while down town Kel i- tives called at headquarters and took her home. K.\11IKH 1IIU ii : I / * > . Another I'roinlKo ot u I'lonsilllt Oity Coinos from VV liHhlnKton. WvsntvaTov , D C , April 20 For Ne braska and the Dakotas Generally fair , light northerly winds , slightly wanner in Nobiasko. For Iowa Generally fair , brisk north- wcsteily winds , colder in eastern portion , probably Using temperatuto In westein poi- tiou Local Kocortl , ov THE WEvrituu BUUIIAU , OMAIH , Apiil i-'O Omaha iccoid of temperature and rainf ill , compated witlicorrespondiag day of past four j ears. 1803 18U3 1891 1890 Sluxlmiim'tempcratilic ' 43 O dtO ) H2O b.rO Minimum tomperiituiu JJ3 uJQ coo 443 Averauu touipurutiuo 383 t > OO 710 643 Precipitation til. Od 00 00 Statement showing the condition of tcm- pctaturo and piecipitation al Omaha for the day and since. March 1 , 1808 Normal temper itiirti BOO Dellelonev for tlio day . ISO hollcluney sliirn Muich 1 . . . 1'JJO Noi mal precipitation . 11 Inch l"\cuss for the day , . . , f > 0 Inch l.MCssMuich 1 . . . . . . . 17 Inch ItrpqrlH from Otluir 1'olntt at 8 | > . m. "T" Indlcntrt trace Q OHOB E. HDXT , Local Forecast Official Th r Want tha Iteit. "The veoplo of this vk-inlty Insist on hay. Ing Chamberlain's cough remedy und do not want any ether , " sa > s John V. lltshr-p of I'ortland Mills , lud. Thai U right. They know It to bo superior to any ether for colds , and a a prortntiva aud cure for croup , aud vrhy shsuld vhey not insist u [ > on httTini/ * Boird of Trailo Members Oritloiso the Action of thd Directors , THEY ASSUMED TOO MUCH AUTHORITY Will Ho Aikail tu Kxphiln TlininmilviM to tliu Stnddinliturn Iti-nl ! J < t ito Owner * .Mout and Consider the ( Juritlou oT C'oniolldiit.o i , At the Imptomptu meeting of the membets of the Boatd of Trade , which took place last evening , there was some oxpiesslon of Indig nation because the bo ml of dlrectois had not advised the membeis of proposed Im provements In the Chamber of Coin- met co building to accommodate the Com- metcial club It was thought by some that even If the dlrectois wote not bound to infotni the membcts of their doings , ttcy ought as a matter of com tes > to do so. This Improvement icqulred the outlay of n 1 irge sum of mono * , and thoj ought at least bo ap prised ol what was Intended to be done ' 1 ho meeting w is not called until S1" ) o clock One of the dltectors had stated tint the Board of Tndo looms would bo lighted up readi for the meeting , but when the penplo aimed this had not been done , , ind this was constitied as an evidence that thodltcetois weto opposed to the meeting ' 1 he metnbeis Un illi took possession of S A \\hoitei s olllcci on the lloor above and there opened the session A U Dufipno was called to the chair and Wallet Breen elected scctet.ii * > , the latter stating the object of the meeting Cvplillnt d bj y. 1' . lllkt'J. A P 'luke.y was p-.lled upin and said that as a member of the Common-ill club ho be lieved that as a business proposition the Board of Tiado members ought to favor the pioposed clnnges I'ho rent of the llfth lloor was now SlMo ) per annum 'Ihe Commeicial club would paj this much for it and would accommodate the icst.iur int and the llo ml of trade ofllcois upon the llfth lloor besides This would en iblc them to rent the rooms now occupied b\ the ie tamatit and the olll- ceis , and would give them a much larger rental ' 1 ho Commercial club was not obliged to t ike the rooms It had already teccived othoi otTcis , but piolcrred the Ch imbor of Commerce building because it was central James Stevenson donned his war paint Ho had opposed manj things the boird of uitcctois h id done in the past and opposed this move Ho didn't want a single boaul loin up or nail dtivcn Those in power had obtained their seats foi ? r > 0 and ho had paid f TOO for his He had slid ho won d never again set foot in tlio building , and ho was thcio now simpli to get his monej out of the concein Ho wanted to stop light there , and would tcsoit to an Injunction if neces- sirj John A 'Wakofleld winted the best re turns obtainable fiom the piopeitv If the Commeicial club took possession the building would become , in all mobibility , a hive ot industij and tents would immediately ad vance 1 his was .i line opportunity for the Board ol Tiade and should bo taken advtin- t ige of The club , by taking the place of the Bond of Ttade , would save to it { J.nOO in cleik hire and large sums annually ex pended upon y isiting delegations A T Hcctoi said the meeting was not rcg- ulaily called and its actions would not bo binding lieu as u member of both oigani- ? itions and wanted to see them both pros per , but thought the most satisfactory solu tion of the whole matter would bo for the Commuicial club to take rooms olsovvhero. Snnifl VVno Did 1'uvor tile Miive. The chihman thought t no proposition to Improve was a good one and lavorod going on with it W H. Homan said the dissatisfaction arose because the boatd of directors had not consulted the membeis In the premises ' 1 hey had been ignored by .tho directots and it was no more than right that they should protest The expenditute might amount to $10,000 , and the membeis should know some thing about the proposed plans V G. Lantrv and Samuel Kecs both do chued themselves In favor of the proposed change , pioviding the Commercial club waste to take up the workof the Boaid of Tiado Thej said the latter ought to be glad to got the matter off Its hands nnd exist only as a building company , drawing big rents and getting good retuins. John A. Horbaclc favored the proposition If the tovenues could bo inci eased , but wanted to see a limit placed to the amount of the expenditures If iiOO or 1,000 persons in addition to these who now como could DO dtawn into the building aailj the tents would bo largelj increased , and the mombcts would undoubtedly fayor an oxpcndituie of oven 510,000 But ho wanted to know all about , the matter first Mr Homan then introduced a icsolution that the board of ditcctois bo asked to call a meeting .ind explain the plan laid out , James Walsh fa voted the appointment of a committee to wait upon the directors , obtain in foi mation from them as to what they in tended to do und toport at a sub sequent meeting It was finally con cluded to adopt the regular method of calling a meeting as provided by the by laws A call was wi itten out , dl- iccted to iho board of directors , asking for a meeting Satuiday evening and a full ex planation of all acts thus farporfotmed by them 'Ibis was signed by the required number and will bo handed to the board tomorrow. iii-Ar. i.si-An : owatuis SHY. They Are Doubtful Almut Joining with the Commercial Lluh. At the real estate owneis meeting yes- tcnlay afternoon it was appatent that con- sidetablo feeling existed at Hrst against the pioposed consolidation of the association w ith the Commercial club Some of the mem bers thought there was a deliberate purpose on vho part of some other members to foi co the consolidation , but when , towatd the close of the meeting , no such determination apneaied , good humor and a generous feel ing towatd the Commercial club seemed to pievail and the merabcis exptessed an inclinition toheattilj coopetato with it in Its efforts to advance Omaha's interests Ptesldent Boggs In opening the meeting said the Heal Ustato Owners association had accomplished much coed in the way of public economj and would certainly do no harm if continued. The propot ty owners of the city ought to have such an organisation While the association had done much , It was capable of much more Man of its members were not as active as thoi should bo and the association had really never had a fall- trial He had heard that it had been some what mixed up in politics , but this was not ttuo when applied to it as a body Any political work that was done was performed solely by members as individ uals and not as mombcra of the usbociation The latter was upon a good financial basis , having $1 , * > 00 in the treasuty , und the proper thing to do In his judgment was to continue its existence From a legal standpoint ho did not think a merger could bo effected To disband and join the Com mercial club was about the only couiso that could bo pursued. Consolidation I'unocenviry. W. J Council was of about the same opinion as the chairman Ho could not see anj necessity for Its disbanding , especially since all members were at liberty to join the Commercial club as individuals Until lately the Keal Kstato Owneis association had shown moro vitality than any other organ ization which purposed the upbuilding of Omaha Of late It had not done much , probably there was not much to bo done It was not a burden to an ) body and he did not know but that It might yet live long after the Commercial club has passed away lie believed Its cxistcnco should bo continued John T Gathers contended that the ar ticles of Incorporation and the charter would not permit the advisory board to consolidate If Its members could all got together it might lawfully disband. Ha couldn't see any necessity for a merger , oven If It were passible. The two organizations did not con- Illct with each other aud each should con tinue to pursue Its own course , A. P Tukoy , chairman pro torn of the Com mercial club , stated that the Keal Estate Owners association trnd merely been Invited to come ID. Ha didn't knovr that there was ntiy t-pcolat renui for It except thrU In union there wa-ti strength , nnd thut the tiss i i-liitlon by hii-Jlnx thn nppoitof llioi'liih might bo iibln to lucomnllsh OM more than It had In the pout Other orKnnlaUloti' * were eomltii ? In and It was thought the Keal IMuto Ownotsai 4oelatum might doslro to dolikevvUe Noooilj was pressing the mat er , however > I Come ni Individual * , George II Pavnaaatd ho was ono of the dltectors of the Ik-M nstnti * exchange and also of iho club and. ho felt that ttio Inter ests of both wor Identical The association had done much hi the wny of pushing reil estate matters , but.lt could still continue to do the simo and at the same time help the club In promotlng"all other Interests of the city , receiving fVbm It n suppott which would help the real estate men It might be well for the nssoi I itlon to tetaln Its Identity and simply i otno Into the club us Imllv Iduals , using ono ol Its committee rooms for the ttansactlon of business Maier Bemts said he was a member of both oriranl/atlons , but favoied a continu ance of the Keal Instate Owners asso.-latlon It was to Omah i an important organization , had done much good for the cltj , and he lie- H-neil there w is still a Held for it He didn't know however , but that , If the club would furnish fieo tent and give the associa tion a b inquet occ isionalb , it might op well enough to met go to tliat extent Henry Pundt thought an expiesslon of all the meinhoisought to bo obtained John F Flick and D C Patteison favoivd using the Commeniil iluh 3 rooms and with tliat end In view the latter moved that a committee bo appointed to see wh.it aicommodatlons the club could offer in this tespect ' 1 he motion was unanimouslj adopted and D C. Patterson , C idet Tav lor and John T rather * mined as the pomniitteo This committee will ippoitgt the- next uvular meeting on Fiidny. hi' IK/IS or s * * < > * * / - . Optmlng GUHIIM of Championship Seii- HIIII ol tin. National I < n.-ur. The championship season of tl-o Nation il league opens this afternoon with Boston at New Yelk , Brooklyn at Philadelphia , Haiti- moie at Washington Chicago at Cincinnati , Cleveland at Pittsbmg and Louisvlllo at St Louis How does New Yotk , Biooklvn , Washington Cincinnati , Pittshtug nnd St Ixjuisstiike you foi an opening combln ition ' 1 here is a healthy lovival of basp bill en thusiasm in all these cities and big ciowds are expected to witness the in mgtiral con tests 'I'ho plajets who have been tinned down by the vailous clubs since th > j beginning of the practice season aio Like , Dirby.Shocli Fields , Pay no , D inlets , Seori , Hoover , Cargo , Aoboi , Schelleiman , Bassott and Barnott. Cincmniti needs Catcher Mutphy and Ins a lather light outfield MiQnaid , the extra New Yoik llelder , would be a better man for the club than either Henrj or Duflee Inter Ocean That's all jou know about it Cin cinnati hasn't a man on her whole list .ib weak as McQuaid The only men now holding out ag unst the new dispensation are Billj Joyce , Ad Gum boil , Billi Shindlo and Cite hot s Mtirphj and Gunson Kelly and Lovett aie in the fold , and the lest will doubtless follow Ch.ullo Bennett and "Kid" Nichols will bo Boston's hattiiy In the opening game with New York ti is afternoon The iccent smiling of .GafTnoj comnloted the league's uinpno staff The umpiies aie Gaffnei , Hurst , Ljnch , Meliuaid , Snjder , Emsllo and Soivard. i The attendance nt the opening games of the Southein loitjuo was as follows Mobile , 1,500 , Biimingham , 2,0)0 ) , Say ami iht.fiOO , Charleston , yMX ) , Memphis , " . ' ,000 , Macon , 3,000 Total , 10,000 , Iho longest game for the piesent jear was plajed a few dajs a p between the Vandci- bilt unucisitj aud. the Unlveisity of Ala bama teams at Birmingham , Ala It 1 isted sixteen innings and cncied in a tie , the scoio stindlng - to' ! Hank O'Dav ' , the old leaguer , also n mem ber of the Columbus teim , champions of last year's Western league , has signed to play with Cue , In the Kistern leicue , this season Dad Clarke has signed w ith Urie. Aestcjdilj'H lia < os. WASIIINOTOV , D 6 , April 20 There was a small attendance nt the Bennings races today The tiack was heavy and a cold wind swept over the giounus rirst lace , throe-fourths milo Iluldamonlo won , IiUctta si.touU , Hos.i H thlid , i'luiu. 1 ! & ' . beeond nco , llvo furlongs : Ilciutlful Hells won. M. 1'alilck second , Nupth i third. Time 1 04. Third race , llvo furlongs : Ann Elizabeth woni Poor Jon ithun second , Lisbon Maid third. Time. 1 OJ'/4. 1 ourtb i ice- , four nnd : i half furlongs' Ap- poiiMttox won , VVlllliimT. second , 1'a Juiovo thud. Time : 57. I'lftli r ice metropolitan steeple chase stilus , full course , iiutiun won , 1'c.uto second end Oikwood third Tlmu-4 23 ST. Luis , Mo. , Apul 20 Eist St. Louis resul.s tod.ij I'lrat r ice , nine-sixteenths mile * Leony won , dcnuial U irdl.'jir second , l'lc < idllly tlilid Time 1 01 + 4 Second race , mile and one-sixteenth Vi niiiru won , Illick Huiiuty second , Avon d'Or third Tlmu 1:1D' : , 'I hlid iaco , nine-sixteenths mile , soiling : I'stbi'i won , I'uiinto second , Jlundy HiooUs third Time 1 Ol"z 1urth race , nine-sixteenths mile. Jerequot von , lluleni second , Hob Miller third I'lmo 1 00' , I'lftli race , five-eighths mile : Ithaca won , Gulllv second , ( Junsor third. Tlmu : 107' ( . MEMI-IIIS , Tonn , Api il 20 AN cathcr pai tly cloudy aud vvaim , tiack slow I'lrst race , six fur Ion as IVKIn (7 ( to 10) ) won , lie itltlr(4 ( to 1) ) isccoml , t rands I'ouu ( lIVi to 1) ) third. Time. 1.20. Second race , seven furlonsjs : Greenwood (8 ( to 5) ) won , VIda (7 ( to 1) ) second , Sam Tanner (5 ( to 2) ) third. Time. 1 J4 . Thlid nice , special purse , Jl.OOO , one-hilt mile : May Thompson (5 ( to 1) ) won , I'hllopluMi v ( Btol ) second , Dait ( 2 to 1) ) third , o tlmo given. roiirth race , ono mile Kxcclslor (3 ( to 1) ) won , VlidemJ to t ) sci end , Miss Mosoly (4 ( to IMhlnl. Time 1 51' . I'lftli r.ice , flvu furlongs- Parapet (2 ( to 1) ) won , Ike h ( b to 11 second , 1'ic-d Houston (5 ( to 1) ) thlid Tlmu. lOG'i NKW YOUK , Apul Jb Kesults at Ulizaboth today I'lrst race , three-fourths mlloHluo Hlood (5 ( to ll won , M DomliiKOtl toI second , Tia- vorse(4 ( to 11 third , rime. 1 liU. ( xjcond i.ice , thiee-fonrths mile Chief Tus- tlco (5 ( to Ifwon , ( . .Hiii.iv ( H to 1) ) second , Long 1'onnco (0 ( to 2) ) thud L'iini ) 1 15'4 Third r ice , onii-luilf mile ( lute in (0 ( to 1) ) won , ( -lane-o (5 to 1 ! ) second , Uertlu (15 ( to 1) third Tlmo 4' ) ' , I'ourth nice , throo-fouiths mlle * -oiimdl , (2 ( to 5) ) won , llobero , (8 ( to i ) second , 1'lmunto , (8 ( to 1 > third. I'lmo 1 17 I'lftli t ace , threo-fonrths mlle Comuneho won , Mcholssucoud , Uold Dollar , (4 ( to 1) ) third , Time 1 15J , . hlxth iao ( , mlle and in oUhth Charide (7 ( to 5) ) non , Ilanquot , ( oven ) second , I.on into , (4 ( to Dtliiul. Time : 1.5b Gi otiCEsTUti , N J , April 20 Kesults I Irst race , llvo furlongs- Tom Ivarl (4 ( to 5) ) won , Irruxular ( JO to 1) ) second , sir L ) ivld ( JO to 1) ) third Time 1 07. S'comi race , four and a half finlongs May II ( T to 5) ) won. Princess Khutti (15 ( to 1) ) ,1'c-ond. Mlndon < 15 tblVthlrd Tlmo * 100 Third iai-e , sin en und a hilf furlongs ] ) uv'O (5 ( (6 ( 1) ) won , UJjiurton (4 ( to 5)86001111 , Notion (15 ( to 1) ) third , Tlmu. 1.4J I'ourth riie-o , six ft'nil ' a half furlongs Klco ( H to 1) ) won , lohn lllnkny (15 ( to 1) ) second , I'crnwood (3 ( to 1) ) tlilnL , Hnu > 1 20 1 Ifth rueo , three timl.u half furlotiKSThe - nwnd to 5) ) won , Dire luvilJ ( to 1) ) second , Despair (30 ( to 1) ) tlllr.t "Tlmo 4 ( > Sixth race , seven fuvUwKs Andrew 1) (4 ( to 1) ) won , Onrwood (20 ( to l > sc-cond rrf , i'lilplnu ( J to ll third Tlmu 1 38 SAN FiuMtsco , Cnl' ' , 'April 2(5. ( Kesults I'lrst race , nine-sixteenths mlle * Hordc-aux won , I'uUssecond , UniH'y 11 ind third. Tlmu. 57 4. Hecond race , flvo-cltSlitlis mile : Ovation won , Clara second , Jonniu i Uuun third. Tlmo : 1.03S. , „ Third race , tbreo-fuilrths mile * 1'c-icador won , Top Gallant bccontt , I.ottlo Mills thlid. Tlmo I ! . ) ' ( i , i , 1'ourtli i.ue , mlle , aijd seventy yards * St t'rolx won , duiclii suciind tot 1'utrlck thlid Tlmo 1 48 I'iftli tacc , six furlongs Huzuunot won , S-olltiidesecond , Orta third Tlmo. 1 10" . H vvmioiiXE , 111. , April 20 Ucsults Tlrst race , tlvo furlongs Mamie H vvnn , Hosuwator sucund , SterlitiB third , fltuc 1 11 Second inee. six furlonss Hob Toombs won , Moose second , l.onion Hlossom third. Tlmu Third race , ono mlle Tarquln won , Hurt second I'lrst Lap third Time * 1 18 I'ourth race , live and a half furlonss 1'arolu won , hmithoru Lady second. Kunkuroo third. Tlmo 1 18 I'lfth race , four and. a half furlong. Morgan won , Tlm atovunn second , Uaylocd thlid ] Time. 1.02U stout nnil O'Uonnoll to Fleht. Sioux CITV , la. , April 20 [ Special Tele gram to TUB BEE. ] Articles have been signed bore by Billy O'Dqiinell of this city and George Stout of South Omaha for a finish light May OS , for $1,000 and all gate money , the fight to take Dlnco here. PAID ATTOriOS TO SILVER Much of the Transmisstsslppi OongrasV Tiino Given to the Whlto MoUil , OTHER IMPORTANT MATTERS CONSIDERED Hotiiimlliir * the Imiiirdhito Coiiilriu tlun ( if the Mc-ii igim Citmil I'IIMOII llpttpr llullro id It ttoi DCIII llllll'll. OIIDUN , U. T , Apul iM The Transmls- slislppi congi-oss beij.in this morning's sci- slou by pissing n resolution calling on the r.iilwijs. . to iniUo late1 * onVotliVs fair ti. ifllc such tint the masses o.ui nttond thee eosltloii | The NlcMiMgn.i canal question vv.is then taken ill ) and dobiti'il at length , both for ana ng.ilnst its i-onsti notion. U'utitH n liny s < > t Apirt lur Sltvi-r 'Jhl tiftpinoon Oovonior 1'rlni-o of Now M-\iio intio lined the lollowtng tosolntlon , which was adopted * Kt soh i-d , Th it this rotiKrois isk the direc tors of tin1orld s ( nlnmhl in exposition to MPtnpirtii (1 1) In tin' mimth of si'iU'inlii'r | m-M to bo Uttnnn us 'Ml vet Dij , ' wlit'ii ml- dti'isi's mi tlm Ktlvi't ipii slloii < MII ho do ll VIM i'cl iiml tindny othciAliicelcurjiud In mi iippioprhilo in inner 'J hi > Hun-man oT the Texas dplejjatlon re id a teU'K'Min fioin C'.iheston .lanoiinc'ln- tli.it a ussel h.id Just uossod the b tr. dr.ivvlin : llfLeou feet , ind iki > u inches of vv.iter 'I he ( h ill man of the commitUo on tusolu tions thpn Intiodueid insolations on trans portatlon r itt > j and the VIP \ r.ifi0111 il On the litter subject opinions were pioitlv divi'indit , n to tlio l-em-llts to bo doiived Ui solutions ete HILII pimcd as follows Ki'-olvul , That tins policiesut ontlv n > - I'tli'sls th it Hit' i lies of fiiru cm tlm viirinns Mm s of mllvv ij bo so ll\iul us to I'lHihlo tlu' in list's of tin1 tiiuisinls < * | sslppl i * shm to , it- tc'iid the \\othl sC'olnmni in ovpa-ullnii lli'solvt'd , I li it i spoi'dy i-miitim tlon of thn NliMi mil i cm il is in nl Itniiort int to tlm in u It line , pommi'tvl it , Indnstiliil : uul polltloal Inti rests of Ihlspoitnti v , ind tli it cioiy rcas- onuhlp PiidM\or should b' m idti hy the I nlttd M UPS loobl.itn fiiiin Me it i tu in il > - scilntc1 tltlu to a sullh-lont tc-riltory to con st nipt sin h i * in il , the a line to Deconstructed and ov. ned liv thu I nltfd M iti's Ki solved , I hut Ills the sunsent this con- 'ic'ss th it tliu 1 iv > refill , it In , ; cMmmoti-D ho- twtc'i tlm stiles should ho so amended tv to I hstt i e to the people of overi st lie and section eijultiiblu fiL'Ulit .mil pasM'ii ' , i i ites unit th it itillmnal Duciuitrd tit de < ijnated to decide questions bc't ween thu people ind tramporta- tlon comp inks HrHolntliitis on MU r. The following resolutions on the silver coining question vvc-io inltodmod UeioUed I'lmtodrin uulth it the contiress of tlu I'tilted Allies liuiiiedl itolv u ipen the minis of out lonntiy to the fieo mid un limited rnlniqi'uf both sllviM , im | cold on ( quil terms il Ilin piesent intlo of 1 ( > to 1 .mil tli.it the iovc i nine-lit use the coins of both met ils vv Ithont disci Imlii itlnn Ittsolvcd I h it we.in - nn ilu'i.ibly opposed to the rcpc il of vvli it Is UIIOH n is the Mii'i m in slhn pun h.i-lns : u to n til It Is lepl iced with a liw pie * . Idltij ; foi such frco and unlimited colnlnii Colonel lush of Cilifomia wintod to know vvhi siherand tfold were selc ted insteid of other motiils and vvlii the latioof 10 to 1 was niPiitiom d C C Cioodvvinof theSalt t-.nko Tribune was called o it and s lid the ratio of 1(1 ( to 1 w is In sisted upon because that tatio existed when Mlver was demonoti/ed ( jov in nor \\.iite of Color ido lejoiced to see the silver question becoming ot interest to men of all p uties .1 A rcct and A C risk of Denver then spoke , the lonnei against the resolution Holtnan of Otciron lolluni.il , ind in his 10- m uKs tutned on the demon Us and icpubli- cans anil tailed at them for their inion- sistenc\ lie icfeired spcciillj to an oi.itor vv ho had been sent to Oregon to w oik for Ulevelind When ho ot through Oregon ( 'avo r.l)00 ) instead of ' . ' .OJO rcpubliein ma- jollt Iribh I suppose lam thoomissiij lefotrod to I went to Oieuoii an 1vent of my own uecoul ind puid tny o\vn expenses , but I iniibt s iv th it 1 did o\eivsli n ite the intelli gence of the people of Oujron [ Applause ] M nl Onu Convert. Uolman sild his eftoits weto not In vain He convened me [ npplatiso | but I do not leprescnt the average intelligence of Ore- pen [ Applause J Wo aio palled the wild and vooly west Wo are wild because wo know no master , we are woolly because our hearts are wanned up on this subject. Wo \ \ illet win Judge Van Waggoner of Sioux City , la , de- c'ared that the iifjiieultural interests of Iowa had sustained a moio tilttci loss through the demonotUation of silver than had the min ing interests of western states He was in fa\orof thefieo coinage of the silver pro duct of the world Whttmoio of Missouri challenged the statement made by ajvoial speakers that silver had been demonetised by a trick That couctess in 1873 haddeinonctbod silver against Us will , and had been twenty jears in finding out the trick , waj too great a tix on his tredulitj Drai of Montana said In 1S7H silver was demonetiyed because it was becoming too valuiblo to coin , and the demand Is matin that bee luso it Is now so cheap th it it should boremonotized. The resolutions will bo voted on tomonow , and the prospects arc that they will pass as presented Colonel John P. Irish of Callfoinla was the Hist speaker in the evening. Ho spoke for anhourontho subject of silver. Ho pre- taced his remarks by sajing that no man ever had enough money. Wo have a resolu tion before us which does not ask , hut de mands the free coin ige of the silver of the world. It is claimed that foreign silver vv ill not conio hoio to bo coined. Then why plvo an invitation to an unwilling guest. ? The silver dollar was practically unknown m the mints of the United States for neatly thirty iears before 1873 Long before silver was legally de- monoti/ed , It had been practically obsolete for a third ot a centuiy Onlj fcb 000,000 of silver weto coined in the Hist eighti-four V oars of this lountri s histoiy Not enough for thq h ibies to cut heir teetli on It is not true that there is an intimate relation be tween silver , cotton and wheit Why is it that often when wheat is high cotton is low , and vice versa ? The , coinage of silver in the past was of such a small amount that it did not affect tinanccs materiilly Theicforo , free coimge now Is an experiment You cannot look to the pist You aio trj ing an untrodpath If silver shall pievail vvo will part company w ith the ciivlizea nations of the vvotld and sink to the level of the silver- using nations of Asia Tne most dangerous enemy of f tee government is the demagogue Ho is the onemj of mankind , the foe of Itee- dom and traitor to fieo government Senator Stewart opened his speech at 0 o'clock and closed a few moments after Up m Ho : ov lowed the history of money fiom the earliest day and declared value was gov erned In the limitation of quantity and de mand Ho then traced the history of money gold and silver to 187.t , the history of the demonetization , and how it was done Ho called it a ciimo and a fraud on the people - plo and gotten through by a trick , and then explained , the modus operandl At the close of his speech a stoim of applause gicoted him. him."Silver "Silver and State-Hood for Tenltoiles" will bo the subject discussed tomoirow Will riulit the l.usllsh Uhnmiiliin. Duncan U Harrison , Jack McAulltfo's man ager , received the following tclogtain from Jack McAullfTo j cstcnlaj afternoon I < l > e'oiJ < , Neb , April 20 To Duncan II Harrison , Omiih.i Ifavo Just heard from New Vork ; match with Abbott will be made Inside forty-elKht hours If they comply with my con ditions , uutsldu but JIO.UOO , pursu the b.une I\CK This contest will bo for the lightweight championship of the world , which McAulflte has held for nlno consecutive jeais and which ho has contested for and won sovcn teen times Stanton Abbott Is the champion of England , and has never yet been defeated Afro-American I.encue. The executive committee of the Afro- American League of the state of Nebraska has Issued a cull for the fourth annual con vention of that organization In this city , to bo held June 1 and 3. The call seta forth that a great number of the members were opposed to having the convention held at Nebraska. Citj , fearing the iusuftlcioucy ot accommodations , and for the f urtlior reason that here the proceedings would receive thu consideration at the handi ot tvro friendly motrcpolltnn dnttloirhlih would go far townril iissurliijj the sttupss of the ton von tlon The iMslsof representation wai fixed at tnic delegate or iiltorn itn for mi'rv twont\ llu * mum hers of a suotmllimto Icuittin or frui tion thcrpof , nnd all tppntiiblo and pormi- nent Afro Ainoili'nn orf-anl/atlnns tire to- qni'stpd to sclei't dulf-ratesand nltcrniltos on tills bills ThopommlttPpnf lUi'itn-eiiienU will meet ApiII .10. at a o clock , at the rosl detico of beciotarv V U Walker , iil'4J Chailes street , In this i'ltv. and the attend ance of nil the inctnbcis Is desired. POLISH CHURCH HOW IN COURT. ,1 u dec llrrUii llr irs I'vlilunrn In n din of Allnunil Criidt > . The c-aso of Stanlsl HIS Swlnlarskl against Tather Jaklmowicz for nlloiroil as- siult upon his li-.v ear-old son was palled In police court \estenlay The ilcraurrcr to the compltlnt tton | vvhleh atguments VVPIO in ido the iliy before vvis overruled by .ludgo Herka and the IMSO pro ceeded to trill. The alleged Injuted joungstpr proved to be an able-bodied lad. v ho occupied the witness chair Ihst Hodesciibed how the punish mcntwas administered , and thu time as January 0 K\ld It was because ho hid rofuspd to thtow a rabbit's foot into the stove when nrlined to for whiih ho was ehastispd hi the father A rubber hnse was used foi the purpose and he said the mirks showed piilnly when he got home The pi lest slid he was "dog blood" He had gone afterwards to lr ) Stout's oflhe vheio ho was examined On press eximiii- atlon the bi\ . denied that ho h id used prolano tind Indecent langutgo toward the slstprs who t tavht the si heel His brother John and hur.splf hid loft HIP pnochi il school once befoic , beciuso his binthet had been whlpprt.l hut thoj hid been In attend atiie aftei wauls lr .1 1C Stout testlllcd that he h id ex amlned the bocaml found some black and blue spots on his logs ind the Dick portion of his bodj but had given him yo medluno for It 'I he next witness was the boy's father most of whoso teulmonj w is stiiiki'ti from the rei oids , bee mso it had nn rela'ion to the case and only icfened to his expulsion fioin the chinch He state 1 tint ho hi I not Hied the complaint until the I itterlnppenpd as IIP did not want to nuke anv trouble for the pt lest be/out Some of his nclghbois he s ild , wanted him to go and sio the doc tot 'llils i oncl'ided the testimony for the fore noon s srssicn , dining which the court loom was ciowded with 1'olish citi/cns who are t iking a lively interest In all the piocccd- ings I.Itlln Coimnliitltiii for the Mule. In the afternoon Mis Swlnlarski , mother of the boy , w is called to the witness stand She slid tliat sue hid coino to the pollio louit liotself to tile a compliint agunst the priest on the thud dav after the whipping was administeied , out did not Iliul anjbodi able to talk hei 1 ing'i ige , so she had gone awaj Iho maiks icsulting fioin the pun ishment u-nnined i week At this point the nttoiuevs in the case cngiged In an altprc i tion soiupwhit pcrsiial Mr ( .5 innoa tbouglit it w'oni1 ; foi a public piobo cutoi to ondoiso matter upon i complaint , sui h as Mr f'oc In in had in this case Witness stated that slip did not Unovv whether them vvoro inv in itks on her bo\'sbodv when this Infoituition was tllid A number of the si lioilui ites of HIP b iv were next ex immpil When asked whethoi * ho undei stood the n ituro ot an o ith the Hi st one answered ves , and informed the intci- logitor th it if he should ho lie would go to h 1 'Iho punishment was minutelv dp sciibedbvthe witmssand he stated th it Prank bad called a sister a b id name , w ncn she ordeicd the tabbit's foot to bo thrown into the stove. The sihool cluldion who seemed to know anv thing at all about ( ho atlair all testilic-d that the bov Tiank hid applied veiy vile names to the teuhcis in cliaigo of the school and theiefoio the state soon icstcd. 1 or thu Delenst. The defense then put on the stand wit nesses toestiblish then ison why the whip ping had been administered and the teatl monv show pd that the lad had called not onl.\ tlio sistei but the pi lost vile na nos Other witnesses for the defense testi lo I tint they had seen the boj citiving sicks of coil home , a dij or so after bis punishment Tlio cotut then wanted some evi deuce to show whether the church people plo had a light to .id inister cor- poial punishment In this connect-on the defense otlctcd in evidence the tules and regulations of the paiooniil school The rulessiythat punishniunt must not bo ad ministeted by teachers , but th it the pastor must bo sent for in cases vv hci e it is deemed that discipline of some kind is needed Ac centing to I'losecutot Cochran this rule do"s not give authoiit5 to the pistor to adminis ter corporal punishment , and ho will light the case on tint giound Mi Gannon held dilTeicnt , and the com t g ivo the two attor uejs one week in which to look up authori ties Miitfff * it : iV t < liiuuii * William Hocslnk and two of his friends who aio the owneis of names containinsr every letter of the alph ibet assaulted lllock Watclumn Josblsneck on South J'hii- teenth stioet last night Joshlsiipck held his own in the fiuo for all light , and landed thn lighting two in jail Tlioy aie charged with distill blng the p aie Is superior to all other prpp.irations claiming to be blood purifiers. First of all , because the priiinpal infjicdi- rnt used in it is the cxtr.ict of gen uine Hnnilm.ts s.trbaii.uill.iloot , the variety ucln'st in medicinal pioper- Cures Catarrh Km low dock , being raised expiesslj for the Company , is always fiesh anil of the very best kind. With equal discrimination and caie , each of the other ingredients are selected and compounded. It is because it is ah\ajs the same in ap pearance , fl.ivor , and effect , and , being - ing highly concentrated , only small doses aiu needed. It is , therefore , the most economical blood-purifier in existence. It makes food nour- ishmg , work picas- ut , , sleep refresh , ing , anil llfo euji jable. It searches out all impurities in the sjstern and expels them harmlessly by the natu ral channels. AVER'S Sarsaparilla gi/es elasticity to the step , and im parts to the aged and infirm , re newed health , strength , and vitality. Sarsaparilla Prepared by Vr J C Ajtt h Co .Lowell , Man. rJoldbyallbruKgliti , I'lleefl , ill bottlei , | 5. Cures others , will cure you DON'T ' FRET ! " > bunt your nervpai don't b pule weuk , uorr oiu fretful , rileaiilcaa , don't have puln In biok riliie , don t be without Ambition for wurltnr pleature. 1'ut n Wooncdgnou life U Nerve Denns , * * > new voftetnulu discnvnrof ro- inarkitb power ovur nil norvoui trouble * In Both i x fc II a box , enough for two wcnta , At druiiRlit * , or by mull , Nrv * Ilo-iti Co , 1,1 1,1u I t. . * \ i II III I Cures Pain Promptly. ? A M U i-A 1 ; M LS N TS--- . BOYD'S r \\olniM my I hiiMilnj I'r day bitimluy ( H irn tlic-p , Iviirl & Mellon ild , I'ropt-lolor * nn i M in i i'M S 'v'Vt ' ' Kobin Hood Thus. Night , The KNICKERBOCKERSn ( w Frjflay Night..Tha OSAL.\LLASnow . \ ( Tltemln of so its up ins TUMI y i i ut Uo iiH'U V IU BENEFIT mm m mmimn m i , I \10 Nltlll I"- Mend ly rvcnliii ; . M iv I -.tlnmni il IlonolU IVniluiL'il to Miniver Iho-nis I llovd l > y MR. JOHN MKI" > ON'h ( COMPANY 01 I'LAVr.US , hnim tlio ( iloho tltiMtur Do ton rrlii u jivosuc'i exrcllciH nitlifui-11 in to Ilia Un ) HIT a icri Oimiliia iliurt line atfo , liirlititlni * the f < > 1 1- rutlM * Mrn Slit on A b I.lpnun llnlin M tw VJrirk I ynoli s lollol vn < in hr in t Hli irr OIlTt-r I'ii7tor lint * I IK * nut otlinrn prtciilliiii i i original vpr luii uf llu fanioua 1 1 1 > tliu iutL9 i fHYOBGR3ST OF SOCIETY Hot sheets npi-ii Siturdiy in irnlni ; at tlu foilowln pi ic-p-i I irt lloor 7 HH 0) ) and il 'iJt b ilcony " 10 nn I ti iii ) Tluusd ly I'r d iv and i itiudiiy i\uiiliici : , Aiu-j.l21a8,29-in I Sfttiu-ilixy Mntlnoo Th t li.nii'i nn of nil Ch u i * > on I , uluuu RbtM , JACK McAHT IFF -Ol It.IC It. " Amorloi'sOwn IteuriMout ito the Here if sixty-four II ittks In the ( Ire it sens itioinl H loinDr IIM i "The King of She Tur ? . " ly ! Ill'M v\ I ! II U.KIsON I'lcsonloil liy i re it romp inof artists "eir 1 ) ids of special st.oiier > inuhidln Ihu re ills- tie111 o so no ind the inti i inrof ihol on v tr im I ( Mill In which Iho i iiiiiniiuin of C'h nn plons I ntiMcu liteOur I icU ( lent o ninii lie- wins tbu eh kiiiplnn-ii o In i tlnla'i ' lontist with the Brooklyn ( \ < lone , JIIIIIPS Nelson , llnisliliu- will the tnui0iuns Mta o piodiKtlon , Ihu liioiiUjn Iliindli ip Itice in uhkh I tniit horsi-s inn nullicntlimuui liit-u" u Ins thu i to on the t-rirk 1-voii t Id , - 1 h" Kini : ot HID Inif" IU ) po iple on tin ) nlue linokni ilic'l I outs * -pi" III tsls , Dun cersnnd the Oie.it I mplre ( Juirtttto. FAKK1AM Sf , THEATER. 1 - i- i > J i nd I'oiiimun Ihu 1 uiiiilesi of Kc-centiu ( . Jinc-diins In his fuunlust of pi fC i OIF * - ipiortttl tt ) a * < pl mllil to upnii } ut r mit-ilmna VOtlllltlH 1111(1 ( ft ] ) till5lH lltCltlMU tlltl ( JllLOII Of tlunu t * t vltl vl 1A tliu fiUintutu ui ecu ntrlo clitit ii-ti i linhLTHOiintur.- \tt ( > \ \ tlm " ctimfr inn in of U tin Hinlhoouil tlittt UIOMI uinuuzln * little Liiji tlio aumlLLdt of como U 1113 i ttlorllnir Dutiii , Into ( if Mnbfs Id thoWuDil Itluubunril Jr , * and tnu tild inuii ut thur-ou of Mnliatl iiuii < - > iwlio \\\\l \ \ Intiu tiuo hl ( tuu nrlKltul Bpoclulturji uiitl htnnley M if/vr tlio M nlrKurtiiHr- ) bth ytnr of thU Iunnlu.it ufplnyi , t > lh > MAI1MSU ASV hhAi * > llIN F . W AND BIJOU THEATER AIJi THIS VVt UK The HIKi | Stock C'onianj | ) In A hu o c Irl.ili iioloilnmi nnil I UK COIlilllllS NOVKl.l'V lOMl'VNV. Ki'iliuo I ) , rno > MiuiiKi a lo all iinrls ol lliolioum .Uc r enhi ff liultoi > .0 jiur qiu > t L WAR SONG CONCERT At Washiiiston Hall riuiAY iviNiNi : , APRIL 28 , lrnd r lusplocs of Unwortli lan no of Hnlis- com I'arli M I' c-hurch. Ailinlssloa. iV. THE ONLY PHOTOGRAPHER IN OMAHA lolni * the Krado of woik ut modcrntn prices. 'I bu very FifiEST GfiOSMETS $3 Comp irlsnnllh pi let d woi < Invited , TO WORLD'S FAIR VISITORS ] < ur pean llutrl , offcri nuict andconvcmrnt quart n , at inoderite pnr C3. All World's 1 jir Lm \ willtm two hloclvit 13 mmutesto cillirr 1 xp ili u irljtlilnrvi center , for flvu cent fire Newly anil li.inU jmi.ly furnuhcj jnil dctoralcd l.lcijlnr , I Iculru ligbu Huitsof rciomtf > r ( jinilics. Ilih | C'laM Restaurant Rates , $1,5010 $2,50 per day Aulrcss , THE GLGffARr \ HOTEL CO. tt. E. Cor. Indiana Ave. & 22d St. Chicago , 111. Refer to A K Serliergcr Irea , Wirld'i Colum * bnn I vpcfintn Mid 1'res , Market National IJank , Chicago. Illiuon. 7 4I 01 Omaha's Newest Hotel COR. 12TH AND HO/MB J IN. < f UootnsnltWO per iliy ( ( I oonil ut ( IIN per tiny iOIti 01111 itli IHtli ntl II nirltr lUKoouis wllli llatb at IJ o ) ti tli ) ur 1 y O1J KN El L ) A.UjVb ST Modern In l.nry : II iirct. | C. S. ERB. Pron. Th * nlr hotal In td n tr with liot and cold wnter and slutm IIDU In OToryroam 'labuanj illnlnz room sar/li-o uu nry ii l KATES $ a.OO TO $4.00. booolal ratal on applloatlan. B. BILLOWAY , Prop.